Theory Strong_Late_Sim
theory Strong_Late_Sim
imports Late_Semantics1 Rel
definition derivative :: "pi ⇒ pi ⇒ subject ⇒ name ⇒ (pi × pi) set ⇒ bool" where
"derivative P Q a x Rel ≡ case a of InputS b ⇒ (∀u. (P[x::=u], Q[x::=u]) ∈ Rel)
| BoundOutputS b ⇒ (P, Q) ∈ Rel"
definition simulation :: "pi ⇒ (pi × pi) set ⇒ pi ⇒ bool" (‹_ ↝[_] _› [80, 80, 80] 80) where
"P ↝[Rel] Q ≡ (∀a x Q'. Q ⟼a«x» ≺ Q' ∧ x ♯ P ⟶ (∃P'. P ⟼a«x» ≺ P' ∧ derivative P' Q' a x Rel)) ∧
(∀α Q'. Q ⟼α ≺ Q' ⟶ (∃P'. P ⟼α ≺ P' ∧ (P', Q') ∈ Rel))"
lemma monotonic:
fixes A :: "(pi × pi) set"
and B :: "(pi × pi) set"
and P :: pi
and P' :: pi
assumes "P ↝[A] P'"
and "A ⊆ B"
shows "P ↝[B] P'"
using assms
apply(auto simp add: simulation_def derivative_def)
by(case_tac a) fastforce+
lemma derivativeMonotonic:
fixes A :: "(pi × pi) set"
and B :: "(pi × pi) set"
and P :: pi
and Q :: pi
and a :: subject
and x :: name
assumes "derivative P Q a x A"
and "A ⊆ B"
shows "derivative P Q a x B"
using assms
by(case_tac a, auto simp add: derivative_def)
lemma derivativeEqvtI:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
and a :: subject
and x :: name
and Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"
and perm :: "name prm"
assumes Der: "derivative P Q a x Rel"
and Eqvt: "eqvt Rel"
shows "derivative (perm ∙ P) (perm ∙ Q) (perm ∙ a) (perm ∙ x) Rel"
using assms
apply(case_tac a, auto simp add: derivative_def)
apply(erule_tac x="rev perm ∙ u" in allE)
apply(drule_tac perm=perm in eqvtRelI)
apply(force simp add: eqvt_subs name_per_rev)
by(force simp add: eqvt_def)
lemma derivativeEqvtI2:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
and a :: subject
and x :: name
and Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"
and perm :: "name prm"
assumes Der: "derivative P Q a x Rel"
and Eqvt: "eqvt Rel"
shows "derivative (perm ∙ P) (perm ∙ Q) a (perm ∙ x) Rel"
using assms
apply(case_tac a, auto simp add: derivative_def)
apply(erule_tac x="rev perm ∙ u" in allE)
apply(drule_tac perm=perm in eqvtRelI)
apply(force simp add: eqvt_subs name_per_rev)
by(force simp add: eqvt_def)
lemma freshUnit[simp]:
fixes y :: name
shows "y ♯ ()"
by(auto simp add: fresh_def supp_unit)
lemma simCasesCont[consumes 1, case_names Bound Free]:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
and Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"
and C :: "'a::fs_name"
assumes Eqvt: "eqvt Rel"
and Bound: "⋀a x Q'. ⟦Q ⟼ a«x» ≺ Q'; x ♯ P; x ♯ Q; x ♯ a; x ♯ C⟧ ⟹ ∃P'. P ⟼ a«x» ≺ P' ∧ derivative P' Q' a x Rel"
and Free: "⋀α Q'. Q ⟼ α ≺ Q' ⟹ ∃P'. P ⟼ α ≺ P' ∧ (P', Q') ∈ Rel"
shows "P ↝[Rel] Q"
using Free
proof(auto simp add: simulation_def)
fix a x Q'
assume "(x::name) ♯ P"
assume Trans: "Q ⟼ a«x» ≺ Q'"
obtain y::name where "y ♯ P" and "y ♯ Q" and "y ♯ a" and "y ♯ C" and "y ♯ Q'" and "y ≠ x"
by(generate_fresh "name") auto
from Trans ‹y ♯ Q'› have "Q ⟼ a«y» ≺ [(x, y)] ∙ Q'" by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
hence "∃P'. P ⟼ a«y» ≺ P' ∧ derivative P' ([(x, y)] ∙ Q') a y Rel"
using ‹y ♯ P› ‹y ♯ Q› ‹y ♯ a› ‹y ♯ C›
by(rule Bound)
then obtain P' where PTrans: "P ⟼ a«y» ≺ P'" and PDer: "derivative P' ([(x, y)] ∙ Q') a y Rel"
by blast
from PTrans ‹x ♯ P› ‹y ≠ x› have "x ♯ P'" by(force intro: freshBoundDerivative)
with PTrans have "P ⟼ a«x» ≺ [(x, y)] ∙ P'" by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual name_swap)
moreover have "derivative ([(x, y)] ∙ P') Q' a x Rel"
proof -
from PDer Eqvt have "derivative ([(x, y)] ∙ P') ([(x, y)] ∙ [(x, y)] ∙ Q') a ([(x, y)] ∙ y) Rel"
by(rule derivativeEqvtI2)
with ‹y ≠ x› show ?thesis by(simp add: name_calc)
ultimately show "∃P'. P ⟼a«x» ≺ P' ∧ derivative P' Q' a x Rel" by blast
lemma simCases[case_names Bound Free]:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
and Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"
assumes Bound: "⋀a y Q'. ⟦Q ⟼ a«y» ≺ Q'; y ♯ P⟧ ⟹ ∃P'. P ⟼ a«y» ≺ P' ∧ derivative P' Q' a y Rel"
and Free: "⋀α Q'. Q ⟼ α ≺ Q' ⟹ ∃P'. P ⟼ α ≺ P' ∧ (P', Q') ∈ Rel"
shows "P ↝[Rel] Q"
using assms
by(auto simp add: simulation_def)
lemma resSimCases[consumes 1, case_names BoundOutput BoundR FreeR]:
fixes x :: name
and P :: pi
and Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"
and Q :: pi
and C :: "'a::fs_name"
assumes Eqvt: "eqvt Rel"
and BoundO: "⋀Q' a. ⟦Q ⟼a[x] ≺ Q'; a ≠ x⟧ ⟹ ∃P'. P ⟼a<νx> ≺ P' ∧ (P', Q') ∈ Rel"
and BR: "⋀Q' a y. ⟦Q ⟼a«y» ≺ Q'; x ♯ a; x ≠ y; y ♯ C⟧ ⟹ ∃P'. P ⟼a«y» ≺ P' ∧ derivative P' (<νx>Q') a y Rel"
and BF: "⋀Q' α. ⟦Q ⟼α ≺ Q'; x ♯ α⟧ ⟹ ∃P'. P ⟼α ≺ P' ∧ (P', <νx>Q') ∈ Rel"
shows "P ↝[Rel] <νx>Q"
using Eqvt
proof(induct rule: simCasesCont[where C="(C, x, Q)"])
case(Bound a y Q')
have "y ♯ (C, x, Q)" by fact
hence yFreshC: "y ♯ C" and yineqx: "y ≠ x" and "y ♯ Q"
by(simp add: fresh_prod)+
have "<νx>Q ⟼a«y» ≺ Q'" by fact
thus ?case using yineqx ‹y ♯ Q›
proof(induct rule: resCasesB)
case(cOpen a' Q')
have "Q ⟼a'[x] ≺ Q'" and "a' ≠ x" by fact+
then obtain P' where PTrans: "P ⟼a'<νx> ≺ P'" and P'RelQ': "(P', Q') ∈ Rel" by(force dest: BoundO)
from PTrans ‹y ♯ P› yineqx have "y ♯ P'" by(force dest: freshBoundDerivative)
with PTrans have "P ⟼a'<νy> ≺ ([(x, y)] ∙ P')" by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
moreover from P'RelQ' Eqvt have "([(x, y)] ∙ P', [(x, y)] ∙ Q') ∈ Rel" by(auto simp add: eqvt_def)
ultimately show ?case by(force simp add: derivative_def name_swap)
case(cRes Q')
have "Q ⟼a«y» ≺ Q'" and "x ♯ a" by fact+
with yineqx yFreshC show ?case by(force dest: BR)
case(Free α Q')
have "<νx>Q ⟼α ≺ Q'" by fact
thus ?case
proof(induct rule: resCasesF)
case(cRes Q')
have "Q ⟼α ≺ Q'" and "x ♯ α" by fact+
thus ?case by(rule BF)
lemma simE:
fixes P :: pi
and Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"
and Q :: pi
and a :: subject
and x :: name
and Q' :: pi
assumes "P ↝[Rel] Q"
shows "Q ⟼ a«x» ≺ Q' ⟹ x ♯ P ⟹ ∃P'. P ⟼ a«x» ≺ P' ∧ (derivative P' Q' a x Rel)"
and "Q ⟼ α ≺ Q' ⟹ ∃P'. P ⟼ α ≺ P' ∧ (P', Q') ∈ Rel"
using assms by(simp add: simulation_def)+
lemma eqvtI:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
and Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"
and perm :: "name prm"
assumes Sim: "P ↝[Rel] Q"
and RelRel': "Rel ⊆ Rel'"
and EqvtRel': "eqvt Rel'"
shows "(perm ∙ P) ↝[Rel'] (perm ∙ Q)"
proof(induct rule: simCases)
case(Bound a y Q')
have QTrans: "(perm ∙ Q) ⟼ a«y» ≺ Q'" and yFreshP: "y ♯ perm ∙ P" by fact+
from QTrans have "(rev perm ∙ (perm ∙ Q)) ⟼ rev perm ∙ (a«y» ≺ Q')"
by(rule transitions.eqvt)
hence "Q ⟼ (rev perm ∙ a)«(rev perm ∙ y)» ≺ (rev perm ∙ Q')"
by(simp add: name_rev_per)
moreover from yFreshP have "(rev perm ∙ y) ♯ P" by(simp add: name_fresh_left)
ultimately have "∃P'. P ⟼ (rev perm ∙ a)«rev perm ∙ y» ≺ P' ∧ derivative P' (rev perm ∙ Q') (rev perm ∙ a) (rev perm ∙ y) Rel" using Sim
by(force intro: simE)
then obtain P' where PTrans: "P ⟼ (rev perm ∙ a)«rev perm ∙ y» ≺ P'" and Pderivative: "derivative P' (rev perm ∙ Q') (rev perm ∙ a) (rev perm ∙ y) Rel" by blast
from PTrans have "(perm ∙ P) ⟼ perm ∙ ((rev perm ∙ a)«rev perm ∙ y» ≺ P')" by(rule transitions.eqvt)
hence L1: "(perm ∙ P) ⟼ a«y» ≺ (perm ∙ P')" by(simp add: name_per_rev)
from Pderivative RelRel' have "derivative P' (rev perm ∙ Q') (rev perm ∙ a) (rev perm ∙ y) Rel'"
by(rule derivativeMonotonic)
hence "derivative (perm ∙ P') (perm ∙ (rev perm ∙ Q')) (perm ∙ (rev perm ∙ a)) (perm ∙ (rev perm ∙ y)) Rel'" using EqvtRel'
by(rule derivativeEqvtI)
hence "derivative (perm ∙ P') Q' a y Rel'" by(simp add: name_per_rev)
with L1 show ?case by blast
case(Free α Q')
have "(perm ∙ Q) ⟼ α ≺ Q'" by fact
hence "(rev perm ∙ (perm ∙ Q)) ⟼ rev perm ∙ (α ≺ Q')"
by(rule transitions.eqvt)
hence "Q ⟼ (rev perm ∙ α) ≺ (rev perm ∙ Q')"
by(simp add: name_rev_per)
with Sim have "∃P'. P ⟼ (rev perm ∙ α) ≺ P' ∧ (P', (rev perm ∙ Q')) ∈ Rel"
by(force intro: simE)
then obtain P' where PTrans: "P ⟼ (rev perm ∙ α) ≺ P'" and PRel: "(P', (rev perm ∙ Q')) ∈ Rel"
by blast
from PTrans have "(perm ∙ P) ⟼ perm ∙ ((rev perm ∙ α)≺ P')" by(rule transitions.eqvt)
hence L1: "(perm ∙ P) ⟼ α ≺ (perm ∙ P')" by(simp add: name_per_rev)
from PRel EqvtRel' RelRel' have "((perm ∙ P'), (perm ∙ (rev perm ∙ Q'))) ∈ Rel'"
by(force intro: eqvtRelI)
hence "((perm ∙ P'), Q') ∈ Rel'" by(simp add: name_per_rev)
with L1 show "∃P'. (perm ∙ P) ⟼α ≺ P' ∧ (P', Q') ∈ Rel'" by blast
lemma derivativeReflexive:
fixes P :: pi
and a :: subject
and x :: name
and Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"
assumes "Id ⊆ Rel"
shows "derivative P P a x Rel"
using assms
apply(cases a)
by(auto simp add: derivative_def)
lemma reflexive:
fixes P :: pi
and Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"
assumes "Id ⊆ Rel"
shows "P ↝[Rel] P"
using assms
by(auto simp add: simulation_def derivativeReflexive)
lemma transitive:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
and R :: pi
and Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"
and Rel' :: "(pi × pi) set"
and Rel'' :: "(pi × pi) set"
assumes PSimQ: "P ↝[Rel] Q"
and QSimR: "Q ↝[Rel'] R"
and Eqvt': "eqvt Rel''"
and Trans: "Rel O Rel' ⊆ Rel''"
shows "P ↝[Rel''] R"
using Eqvt'
proof(induct rule: simCasesCont[where C=Q])
case(Bound a x R')
have RTrans: "R ⟼ a«x» ≺ R'" by fact
from ‹x ♯ Q› QSimR RTrans obtain Q' where QTrans: "Q ⟼ a«x» ≺ Q'"
and QDer: "derivative Q' R' a x Rel'"
by(blast dest: simE)
with QTrans ‹x ♯ P› PSimQ obtain P' where PTrans: "P ⟼ a«x» ≺ P'"
and PDer: "derivative P' Q' a x Rel"
by(blast dest: simE)
moreover from PDer QDer Trans have "derivative P' R' a x Rel''"
by(cases a) (auto simp add: derivative_def)
ultimately show ?case by blast
case(Free α R')
have RTrans: "R ⟼ α ≺ R'" by fact
with QSimR obtain Q' where QTrans: "Q ⟼ α ≺ Q'"
and Q'RelR': "(Q', R') ∈ Rel'"
by(blast dest: simE)
from QTrans PSimQ obtain P' where PTrans: "P ⟼ α ≺ P'"
and P'RelQ': "(P', Q') ∈ Rel"
by(blast dest: simE)
from P'RelQ' Q'RelR' Trans have "(P', R') ∈ Rel''" by blast
with PTrans show ?case by blast