Theory Strong_Late_Bisim_SC
theory Strong_Late_Bisim_SC
imports Strong_Late_Bisim_Pres Strong_Late_Sim_SC
lemma nilBisim[dest]:
fixes a :: name
and b :: name
and x :: name
and P :: pi
shows "τ.(P) ∼ 𝟬 ⟹ False"
and "a<x>.P ∼ 𝟬 ⟹ False"
and "a{b}.P ∼ 𝟬 ⟹ False"
and "𝟬 ∼ τ.(P) ⟹ False"
and "𝟬 ∼ a<x>.P ⟹ False"
and "𝟬 ∼ a{b}.P ⟹ False"
by(auto dest: bisimE symmetric)
lemma matchId:
fixes a :: name
and P :: pi
shows "[a⌢a]P ∼ P"
proof -
let ?X = "{([a⌢a]P, P), (P, [a⌢a]P)}"
have "([a⌢a]P, P) ∈ ?X" by simp
thus ?thesis
by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto intro: matchIdLeft matchIdRight reflexive)
lemma matchNil:
fixes a :: name
and b :: name
assumes "a ≠ b"
shows "[a⌢b]P ∼ 𝟬"
proof -
let ?X = "{([a⌢b]P, 𝟬), (𝟬, [a⌢b]P)}"
have "([a⌢b]P, 𝟬) ∈ ?X" by simp
thus ?thesis using ‹a ≠ b›
by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto intro: matchNilLeft nilSimRight reflexive)
lemma mismatchId:
fixes a :: name
and b :: name
and P :: pi
assumes "a ≠ b"
shows "[a≠b]P ∼ P"
proof -
let ?X = "{([a≠b]P, P), (P, [a≠b]P)}"
have "([a≠b]P, P) ∈ ?X" by simp
thus ?thesis using ‹a ≠ b›
by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto intro: mismatchIdLeft mismatchIdRight reflexive)
lemma mismatchNil:
fixes a :: name
and P :: pi
shows "[a≠a]P ∼ 𝟬"
proof -
let ?X = "{([a≠a]P, 𝟬), (𝟬, [a≠a]P)}"
have "([a≠a]P, 𝟬) ∈ ?X" by simp
thus ?thesis
by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto intro: mismatchNilLeft nilSimRight reflexive)
lemma nilRes:
fixes x :: name
shows "<νx>𝟬 ∼ 𝟬"
proof -
let ?X = "{(<νx>𝟬, 𝟬), (𝟬, <νx>𝟬)}"
have "(<νx>𝟬, 𝟬) ∈ ?X" by simp
thus ?thesis
by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto intro: nilSimRight resNilRight)
lemma resComm:
fixes x :: name
and y :: name
and P :: pi
shows "<νx><νy>P ∼ <νy><νx>P"
proof -
let ?X = "{(<νx><νy>P, <νy><νx>P) | x y P. True}"
have "(<νx><νy>P, <νy><νx>P) ∈ ?X" by auto
thus ?thesis
proof(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct)
case(cSim xyP yxP)
fix x y P
have "⋀x y P. (<νx><νy>P, <νy><νx>P) ∈ ?X ∪ bisim" by auto
moreover have "Id ⊆ ?X ∪ bisim" by(auto intro: reflexive)
moreover have "eqvt ?X" by(force simp add: eqvt_def)
hence "eqvt(?X ∪ bisim)" by auto
ultimately have "<νx><νy>P ↝[(?X ∪ bisim)] <νy><νx>P" by(rule resComm)
with ‹(xyP, yxP) ∈ ?X› show ?case by auto
case(cSym xyP yxP)
thus ?case by auto
lemma sumSym:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
shows "P ⊕ Q ∼ Q ⊕ P"
proof -
let ?X = "{(P ⊕ Q, Q ⊕ P), (Q ⊕ P, P ⊕ Q)}"
have "(P ⊕ Q, Q ⊕ P) ∈ ?X" by simp
thus ?thesis
by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto intro: reflexive sumSym)
lemma sumIdemp:
fixes P :: pi
shows "P ⊕ P ∼ P"
proof -
let ?X = "{(P ⊕ P, P), (P, P ⊕ P)}"
have "(P ⊕ P, P) ∈ ?X" by simp
thus ?thesis
by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto intro: reflexive sumIdempLeft sumIdempRight)
lemma sumAssoc:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
and R :: pi
shows "(P ⊕ Q) ⊕ R ∼ P ⊕ (Q ⊕ R)"
proof -
let ?X = "{((P ⊕ Q) ⊕ R, P ⊕ (Q ⊕ R)), (P ⊕ (Q ⊕ R), (P ⊕ Q) ⊕ R)}"
have "((P ⊕ Q) ⊕ R, P ⊕ (Q ⊕ R)) ∈ ?X" by simp
thus ?thesis
by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto intro: reflexive sumAssocLeft sumAssocRight)
lemma sumZero:
fixes P :: pi
shows "P ⊕ 𝟬 ∼ P"
proof -
let ?X = "{(P ⊕ 𝟬, P), (P, P ⊕ 𝟬)}"
have "(P ⊕ 𝟬, P) ∈ ?X" by simp
thus ?thesis
by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto intro: reflexive sumZeroLeft sumZeroRight)
lemma parZero:
fixes P :: pi
shows "P ∥ 𝟬 ∼ P"
proof -
let ?X = "{(P ∥ 𝟬, P) | P. True} ∪ {(P, P ∥ 𝟬) | P . True}"
have "(P ∥ 𝟬, P) ∈ ?X" by blast
thus ?thesis
by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct, auto intro: parZeroRight parZeroLeft)
lemma parSym:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
shows "P ∥ Q ∼ Q ∥ P"
proof -
let ?X = "{(resChain lst (P ∥ Q), resChain lst (Q ∥ P)) | lst P Q. True}"
have "(P ∥ Q, Q ∥ P) ∈ ?X" by(blast intro: resChain.base[THEN sym])
thus ?thesis
proof(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct)
case(cSim PQ QP)
fix lst P Q
have "⋀P Q. (P ∥ Q, Q ∥ P) ∈ ?X ∪ bisim" by(blast intro: resChain.base[THEN sym])
moreover have Res: "⋀x P Q. (P, Q) ∈ ?X ∪ bisim ⟹ (<νx>P, <νx>Q) ∈ ?X ∪ bisim"
by(auto intro: resPres resChain.step[THEN sym])
ultimately have "P ∥ Q ↝[(?X ∪ bisim)] Q ∥ P" by(rule parSym)
moreover have "eqvt ?X" by(force simp add: eqvt_def)
hence "eqvt(?X ∪ bisim)" by auto
ultimately have "resChain lst (P ∥ Q) ↝[(?X ∪ bisim)] resChain lst (Q ∥ P)" using Res
by(rule resChainI)
with ‹(PQ, QP) ∈ ?X› show ?case by auto
case(cSym PQ QP)
thus ?case by auto
lemma scopeExtPar:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
and x :: name
assumes "x ♯ P"
shows "<νx>(P ∥ Q) ∼ P ∥ <νx>Q"
proof -
let ?X = "{(resChain lst (<νx>(P ∥ Q)), resChain lst (P ∥ <νx>Q)) | lst x P Q. x ♯ P} ∪
{(resChain lst (P ∥ <νx>Q), resChain lst (<νx>(P ∥ Q))) | lst x P Q. x ♯ P}"
let ?Y = "bisim O (?X ∪ bisim) O bisim"
have Res: "⋀P Q x. (P, Q) ∈ ?X ⟹ (<νx>P, <νx>Q) ∈ ?X" by(blast intro: resChain.step[THEN sym])
from ‹x ♯ P› have "(<νx>(P ∥ Q), P ∥ <νx>Q) ∈ ?X" by(blast intro: resChain.base[THEN sym])
moreover have EqvtX: "eqvt ?X" by(fastforce simp add: eqvt_def name_fresh_left name_rev_per)
ultimately show ?thesis
proof(coinduct rule: bisimTransitiveCoinduct)
case(cSim P Q)
fix P Q lst x
assume "(x::name) ♯ (P::pi)"
moreover have "Id ⊆ ?Y" by(blast intro: reflexive)
moreover from ‹eqvt ?X› bisimEqvt have "eqvt ?Y" by blast
moreover have "⋀P Q x. x ♯ P ⟹ (<νx>(P ∥ Q), P ∥ <νx>Q) ∈ ?Y"
by(blast intro: resChain.base[THEN sym] reflexive)
moreover {
fix P Q x y
have "<νx><νy>(P ∥ Q) ∼ <νy><νx>(P ∥ Q)" by(rule resComm)
moreover assume "x ♯ P"
hence "(<νx>(P ∥ Q), P ∥ <νx>Q) ∈ ?X" by(fastforce intro: resChain.base[THEN sym])
hence "(<νy><νx>(P ∥ Q), <νy>(P ∥ <νx>Q)) ∈ ?X" by(rule Res)
ultimately have "(<νx><νy>(P ∥ Q), <νy>(P ∥ <νx>Q)) ∈ ?Y" by(blast intro: reflexive)
ultimately have "<νx>(P ∥ Q) ↝[?Y] (P ∥ <νx>Q)" by(rule scopeExtParLeft)
moreover note ‹eqvt ?Y›
moreover from Res have "⋀P Q x. (P, Q) ∈ ?Y ⟹ (<νx>P, <νx>Q) ∈ ?Y"
by(blast intro: resChain.step[THEN sym] dest: resPres)
ultimately have "resChain lst (<νx>(P ∥ Q)) ↝[?Y] resChain lst (P ∥ <νx>Q)"
by(rule resChainI)
moreover {
fix P Q lst x
assume "(x::name) ♯ (P::pi)"
moreover have "Id ⊆ ?Y" by(blast intro: reflexive)
moreover from ‹eqvt ?X› bisimEqvt have "eqvt ?Y" by blast
moreover have "⋀P Q x. x ♯ P ⟹ (P ∥ <νx>Q, <νx>(P ∥ Q)) ∈ ?Y"
by(blast intro: resChain.base[THEN sym] reflexive)
moreover {
fix P Q x y
have "<νy><νx>(P ∥ Q) ∼ <νx><νy>(P ∥ Q)" by(rule resComm)
moreover assume "x ♯ P"
hence "(P ∥ <νx>Q, <νx>(P ∥ Q)) ∈ ?X" by(fastforce intro: resChain.base[THEN sym])
hence "(<νy>(P ∥ <νx>Q), <νy><νx>(P ∥ Q)) ∈ ?X" by(rule Res)
ultimately have "(<νy>(P ∥ <νx>Q), <νx><νy>(P ∥ Q)) ∈ ?Y" by(blast intro: reflexive)
ultimately have "(P ∥ <νx>Q) ↝[?Y] <νx>(P ∥ Q)"
by(rule scopeExtParRight)
moreover note ‹eqvt ?Y›
moreover from Res have "⋀P Q x. (P, Q) ∈ ?Y ⟹ (<νx>P, <νx>Q) ∈ ?Y"
by(blast intro: resChain.step[THEN sym] dest: resPres)
ultimately have "resChain lst (P ∥ <νx>Q) ↝[?Y] resChain lst (<νx>(P ∥ Q))"
by(rule resChainI)
ultimately show ?case using ‹(P, Q) ∈ ?X› by auto
case(cSym P Q)
thus ?case
by auto (blast dest: symmetric transitive intro: resChain.base[THEN sym] reflexive)+
lemma scopeExtPar':
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
and x :: name
assumes xFreshQ: "x ♯ Q"
shows "<νx>(P ∥ Q) ∼ (<νx>P) ∥ Q"
proof -
have "<νx>(P ∥ Q) ∼ <νx>(Q ∥ P)"
proof -
have "P ∥ Q ∼ Q ∥ P" by(rule parSym)
thus ?thesis by(rule resPres)
moreover from xFreshQ have "<νx>(Q ∥ P) ∼ Q ∥ (<νx>P)" by(rule scopeExtPar)
moreover have "Q ∥ <νx>P ∼ (<νx>P) ∥ Q" by(rule parSym)
ultimately show ?thesis by(blast intro: transitive)
lemma parAssoc:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
and R :: pi
shows "(P ∥ Q) ∥ R ∼ P ∥ (Q ∥ R)"
proof -
let ?X = "{(resChain lst ((P ∥ Q) ∥ R), resChain lst (P ∥ (Q ∥ R))) | lst P Q R. True}"
let ?Y = "bisim O (?X ∪ bisim) O bisim"
have ResX: "⋀P Q x. (P, Q) ∈ ?X ⟹ (<νx>P, <νx>Q) ∈ ?X"
by(blast intro: resChain.step[symmetric])
hence ResY: "⋀P Q x. (P, Q) ∈ ?Y ⟹ (<νx>P, <νx>Q) ∈ ?Y"
by(blast intro: resChain.step[symmetric] dest: resPres)
have "((P ∥ Q) ∥ R, P ∥ (Q ∥ R)) ∈ ?X" by(blast intro: resChain.base[symmetric])
moreover have "eqvt ?X" by(fastforce simp add: eqvt_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
proof(coinduct rule: bisimTransitiveCoinduct)
case(cSim P Q)
fix P Q R lst
have "⋀P Q R. ((P ∥ Q) ∥ R, P ∥ (Q ∥ R)) ∈ ?Y" by(blast intro: reflexive resChain.base[symmetric])
moreover have "⋀P Q x. (P, Q) ∈ ?Y ⟹ (<νx>P, <νx>Q) ∈ ?Y" by(blast intro: resChain.step[symmetric] resPres)
moreover {
fix P Q R x
have "(<νx>((P ∥ Q) ∥ R), <νx>(P ∥ (Q ∥ R))) ∈ ?X" by(rule_tac ResX) (blast intro: resChain.base[symmetric])
moreover assume "x ♯ P"
hence "<νx>(P ∥ (Q ∥ R)) ∼ P ∥ <νx>(Q ∥ R)" by(rule scopeExtPar)
ultimately have "(<νx>((P ∥ Q) ∥ R), P ∥ <νx>(Q ∥ R)) ∈ ?Y" by(blast intro: reflexive)
moreover {
fix P Q R x
have "(<νx>((P ∥ Q) ∥ R), <νx>(P ∥ (Q ∥ R))) ∈ ?X" by(rule_tac ResX) (blast intro: resChain.base[symmetric])
moreover assume "x ♯ R"
hence "<νx>(P ∥ Q) ∥ R ∼ <νx>((P ∥ Q) ∥ R)" by(metis scopeExtPar' symmetric)
ultimately have "(<νx>(P ∥ Q) ∥ R, <νx>(P ∥ (Q ∥ R))) ∈ ?Y" by(blast intro: reflexive)
ultimately have "(P ∥ Q) ∥ R ↝[?Y] P ∥ (Q ∥ R)" by(rule parAssocLeft)
moreover from ‹eqvt ?X› bisimEqvt have "eqvt ?Y" by blast
ultimately have "resChain lst ((P ∥ Q) ∥ R) ↝[?Y] resChain lst (P ∥ (Q ∥ R))" using ResY
by(rule resChainI)
with ‹(P, Q) ∈ ?X› show ?case by auto
case(cSym P Q)
fix P Q R lst
have "P ∥ (Q ∥ R) ∼ (R ∥ Q) ∥ P" by(metis parPres parSym transitive)
moreover have "((R ∥ Q) ∥ P, R ∥ (Q ∥ P)) ∈ ?X" by(blast intro: resChain.base[symmetric])
moreover have "R ∥ (Q ∥ P) ∼ (P ∥ Q) ∥ R" by(metis parPres parSym transitive)
ultimately have "(P ∥ (Q ∥ R), (P ∥ Q) ∥ R) ∈ ?Y" by blast
hence "(resChain lst (P ∥ (Q ∥ R)), resChain lst ((P ∥ Q) ∥ R)) ∈ ?Y" using ResY
by(induct lst) auto
with ‹(P, Q) ∈ ?X› show ?case by blast
lemma scopeFresh:
fixes x :: name
and P :: pi
assumes "x ♯ P"
shows "<νx>P ∼ P"
proof -
have "<νx>P ∼ <νx>P ∥ 𝟬" by(rule parZero[THEN symmetric])
moreover have "<νx>P ∥ 𝟬 ∼ 𝟬 ∥ <νx>P" by(rule parSym)
moreover have "𝟬 ∥ <νx>P ∼ <νx>(𝟬 ∥ P)" by(rule scopeExtPar[THEN symmetric]) auto
moreover have "<νx>(𝟬 ∥ P) ∼ <νx>(P ∥ 𝟬)" by(rule resPres[OF parSym])
moreover from ‹x ♯ P› have "<νx>(P ∥ 𝟬) ∼ P ∥ <νx>𝟬" by(rule scopeExtPar)
moreover have "P ∥ <νx>𝟬 ∼ <νx>𝟬 ∥ P" by(rule parSym)
moreover have "<νx>𝟬 ∥ P ∼ 𝟬 ∥ P" by(rule parPres[OF nilRes])
moreover have "𝟬 ∥ P ∼ P ∥ 𝟬" by(rule parSym)
moreover have "P ∥ 𝟬 ∼ P" by(rule parZero)
ultimately show ?thesis by(metis transitive)
lemma sumRes:
fixes x :: name
and P :: pi
and Q :: pi
shows "<νx>(P ⊕ Q) ∼ (<νx>P) ⊕ (<νx>Q)"
proof -
let ?X = "{(<νx>(P ⊕ Q), <νx>P ⊕ <νx>Q) | x P Q. True} ∪
{(<νx>P ⊕ <νx>Q, <νx>(P ⊕ Q)) | x P Q. True}"
have "(<νx>(P ⊕ Q), <νx>P ⊕ <νx>Q) ∈ ?X" by auto
moreover have "eqvt ?X" by(fastforce simp add: eqvt_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (fastforce intro: sumResLeft sumResRight reflexive)+
lemma scopeExtSum:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
and x :: name
assumes "x ♯ P"
shows "<νx>(P ⊕ Q) ∼ P ⊕ <νx>Q"
proof -
have "<νx>(P ⊕ Q) ∼ <νx>P ⊕ <νx>Q" by(rule sumRes)
moreover from ‹x ♯ P› have "<νx>P ⊕ <νx>Q ∼ P ⊕ <νx>Q"
by(rule sumPres[OF scopeFresh])
ultimately show ?thesis by(rule transitive)
lemma bangSC:
fixes P :: pi
shows "!P ∼ P ∥ !P"
proof -
let ?X = "{(!P, P ∥ !P), (P ∥ !P, !P)}"
have "(!P, P ∥ !P) ∈ ?X" by simp
thus ?thesis
by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto intro: bangLeftSC bangRightSC reflexive)
lemma resNil:
fixes x :: name
and y :: name
and P :: pi
and b :: name
shows "<νx>x<y>.P ∼ 𝟬"
and "<νx>x{b}.P ∼ 𝟬"
proof -
let ?X = "{(<νx>x<y>.P, 𝟬), (𝟬, <νx>x<y>.P)}"
have "(<νx>x<y>.P, 𝟬) ∈ ?X" by simp
thus "<νx>x<y>.P ∼ 𝟬"
by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto simp add: simulation_def)
let ?X = "{(<νx>x{b}.P, 𝟬), (𝟬, <νx>x{b}.P)}"
have "(<νx>x{b}.P, 𝟬) ∈ ?X" by simp
thus "<νx>x{b}.P ∼ 𝟬"
by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto simp add: simulation_def)
lemma resInput:
fixes x :: name
and a :: name
and y :: name
and P :: pi
assumes "x ≠ a"
and "x ≠ y"
shows "<νx>a<y>.P ∼ a<y>.(<νx>P)"
proof -
let ?X = "{(<νx>a<y>.P, a<y>.(<νx>P)) | x a y P. x ≠ a ∧ x ≠ y} ∪
{(a<y>.(<νx>P), <νx>a<y>.P) | x a y P. x ≠ a ∧ x ≠ y}"
from assms have "(<νx>a<y>.P, a<y>.(<νx>P)) ∈ ?X" by auto
moreover have "eqvt ?X" by(fastforce simp add: eqvt_def pt_bij[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])
ultimately show ?thesis
by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (fastforce intro: resInputLeft reflexive resInputRight)+
lemma resOutput:
fixes x :: name
and a :: name
and b :: name
and P :: pi
assumes "x ≠ a"
and "x ≠ b"
shows "<νx>a{b}.P ∼ a{b}.(<νx>P)"
proof -
let ?X = "{(<νx>a{b}.P, a{b}.(<νx>P)) | x a b P. x ≠ a ∧ x ≠ b} ∪
{(a{b}.(<νx>P), <νx>a{b}.P) | x a b P. x ≠ a ∧ x ≠ b}"
from assms have "(<νx>a{b}.P, a{b}.(<νx>P)) ∈ ?X" by blast
moreover have "eqvt ?X" by(fastforce simp add: eqvt_def pt_bij[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])
ultimately show ?thesis
by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (fastforce intro: resOutputLeft resOutputRight reflexive)+
lemma resTau:
fixes x :: name
and P :: pi
shows "<νx>τ.(P) ∼ τ.(<νx>P)"
proof -
let ?X = "{(<νx>τ.(P), τ.(<νx>P)), (τ.(<νx>P), <νx>τ.(P))}"
have "(<νx>τ.(P), τ.(<νx>P)) ∈ ?X" by auto
thus ?thesis
by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (fastforce intro: resTauLeft resTauRight reflexive)+
inductive structCong :: "pi ⇒ pi ⇒ bool" (‹_ ≡⇩s _› [70, 70] 70)
Refl: "P ≡⇩s P"
| Sym: "P ≡⇩s Q ⟹ Q ≡⇩s P"
| Trans: "⟦P ≡⇩s Q; Q ≡⇩s R⟧ ⟹ P ≡⇩s R"
| SumComm: "P ⊕ Q ≡⇩s Q ⊕ P"
| SumAssoc: "(P ⊕ Q) ⊕ R ≡⇩s P ⊕ (Q ⊕ R)"
| SumId: "P ⊕ 𝟬 ≡⇩s P"
| ParComm: "P ∥ Q ≡⇩s Q ∥ P"
| ParAssoc: "(P ∥ Q) ∥ R ≡⇩s P ∥ (Q ∥ R)"
| ParId: "P ∥ 𝟬 ≡⇩s P"
| MatchId: "[a⌢a]P ≡⇩s P"
| ResNil: "<νx>𝟬 ≡⇩s 𝟬"
| ResComm: "<νx><νy>P ≡⇩s <νy><νx>P"
| ResSum: "<νx>(P ⊕ Q) ≡⇩s <νx>P ⊕ <νx>Q"
| ScopeExtPar: "x ♯ P ⟹ <νx>(P ∥ Q) ≡⇩s P ∥ <νx>Q"
| InputRes: "⟦x ≠ a; x ≠ y⟧ ⟹ <νx>a<y>.P ≡⇩s a<y>.(<νx>P)"
| OutputRes: "⟦x ≠ a; x ≠ b⟧ ⟹ <νx>a{b}.P ≡⇩s a{b}.(<νx>P)"
| TauRes: "<νx>τ.(P) ≡⇩s τ.(<νx>P)"
| BangUnfold: "!P ≡⇩s P ∥ !P"
lemma structCongBisim:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
assumes "P ≡⇩s Q"
shows "P ∼ Q"
using assms
by(induct rule: structCong.induct)
(auto intro: reflexive symmetric transitive sumSym sumAssoc sumZero parSym parAssoc parZero
nilRes resComm resInput resOutput resTau sumRes scopeExtPar bangSC matchId mismatchId)