Theory Strong_Late_Bisim_SC

   Title: The pi-calculus   
   Author/Maintainer: Jesper Bengtson (, 2012
theory Strong_Late_Bisim_SC
  imports Strong_Late_Bisim_Pres Strong_Late_Sim_SC

lemma nilBisim[dest]:
  fixes a :: name
  and   b :: name
  and   x :: name
  and   P :: pi

  shows "τ.(P)  𝟬  False"
  and   "a<x>.P  𝟬  False"
  and   "a{b}.P  𝟬  False"
  and   "𝟬  τ.(P)  False"
  and   "𝟬  a<x>.P  False"
  and   "𝟬  a{b}.P  False"
by(auto dest: bisimE symmetric)

(******** Structural Congruence **********)

lemma matchId:
  fixes a :: name
  and   P :: pi

  shows "[aa]P  P"
proof -
  let ?X = "{([aa]P, P), (P, [aa]P)}"
  have "([aa]P, P)  ?X" by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto intro: matchIdLeft matchIdRight reflexive)

lemma matchNil:
  fixes a :: name
  and   b :: name

  assumes "a  b"

  shows "[ab]P  𝟬"
proof -
  let ?X = "{([ab]P, 𝟬), (𝟬, [ab]P)}"
  have "([ab]P, 𝟬)  ?X" by simp
  thus ?thesis using a  b
    by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto intro: matchNilLeft nilSimRight reflexive)

lemma mismatchId:
  fixes a :: name
  and   b :: name
  and   P :: pi

  assumes "a  b"

  shows "[ab]P  P"
proof -
  let ?X = "{([ab]P, P), (P, [ab]P)}"
  have "([ab]P, P)  ?X" by simp
  thus ?thesis using a  b
    by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto intro: mismatchIdLeft mismatchIdRight reflexive)

lemma mismatchNil:
  fixes a :: name
  and   P :: pi
  shows "[aa]P  𝟬"
proof -
  let ?X = "{([aa]P, 𝟬), (𝟬, [aa]P)}"
  have "([aa]P, 𝟬)  ?X" by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto intro: mismatchNilLeft nilSimRight reflexive)
(******** The ν-operator *****************)

lemma nilRes:
  fixes x :: name

  shows "x>𝟬  𝟬"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(x>𝟬, 𝟬), (𝟬, x>𝟬)}"
  have "(x>𝟬, 𝟬)  ?X" by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto intro: nilSimRight resNilRight)

lemma resComm:
  fixes x :: name
  and   y :: name
  and   P :: pi
  shows "x>y>P  y>x>P"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(x>y>P, y>x>P) | x y P. True}"
  have "(x>y>P, y>x>P)  ?X" by auto
  thus ?thesis
  proof(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct)
    case(cSim xyP yxP)
      fix x y P
      have "x y P. (x>y>P, y>x>P)  ?X  bisim" by auto
      moreover have "Id  ?X  bisim" by(auto intro: reflexive)
      moreover have "eqvt ?X" by(force simp add: eqvt_def)
      hence "eqvt(?X  bisim)" by auto
      ultimately have "x>y>P ↝[(?X  bisim)] y>x>P" by(rule resComm)
    with (xyP, yxP)  ?X show ?case by auto
    case(cSym xyP yxP)
    thus ?case by auto

(******** The +-operator *********)

lemma sumSym:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi
  shows "P  Q  Q  P"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(P  Q, Q  P), (Q  P, P  Q)}"
  have "(P  Q, Q  P)  ?X" by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto intro: reflexive sumSym)

lemma sumIdemp:
  fixes P :: pi
  shows "P  P  P"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(P  P, P), (P, P  P)}"
  have "(P  P, P)  ?X" by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto intro: reflexive sumIdempLeft sumIdempRight)

lemma sumAssoc:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi
  and   R :: pi
  shows "(P  Q)  R  P  (Q  R)"
proof -
  let ?X = "{((P  Q)  R, P  (Q  R)), (P  (Q  R), (P  Q)  R)}"
  have "((P  Q)  R, P  (Q  R))  ?X" by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto intro: reflexive sumAssocLeft sumAssocRight)

lemma sumZero:
  fixes P :: pi
  shows "P  𝟬  P"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(P  𝟬, P), (P, P  𝟬)}"
  have "(P  𝟬, P)  ?X" by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto intro: reflexive sumZeroLeft sumZeroRight)

(******** The |-operator *********)

lemma parZero:
  fixes P :: pi
  shows "P  𝟬  P"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(P  𝟬, P) | P. True}  {(P, P  𝟬) | P . True}"
  have "(P  𝟬, P)  ?X" by blast
  thus ?thesis
    by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct, auto intro: parZeroRight parZeroLeft)

lemma parSym:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi

  shows "P  Q  Q  P"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(resChain lst (P  Q), resChain lst (Q  P)) | lst P Q. True}"
  have "(P  Q, Q  P)  ?X" by(blast intro: resChain.base[THEN sym])
  thus ?thesis
  proof(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct)
    case(cSim PQ QP)
      fix lst P Q
      have "P Q. (P  Q, Q  P)  ?X  bisim" by(blast intro: resChain.base[THEN sym])
      moreover have Res: "x P Q. (P, Q)  ?X  bisim  (x>P, x>Q)  ?X  bisim"
        by(auto intro: resPres resChain.step[THEN sym])
      ultimately have "P  Q ↝[(?X  bisim)] Q  P" by(rule parSym)
      moreover have "eqvt ?X" by(force simp add: eqvt_def) 
      hence "eqvt(?X  bisim)" by auto
      ultimately have "resChain lst (P  Q) ↝[(?X  bisim)] resChain lst (Q  P)" using Res
        by(rule resChainI)
    with (PQ, QP)  ?X show ?case by auto
    case(cSym PQ QP)
    thus ?case by auto

lemma scopeExtPar:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi
  and   x :: name

  assumes "x  P"

  shows "x>(P  Q)  P  x>Q"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(resChain lst (x>(P  Q)), resChain lst (P  x>Q)) | lst x P Q. x  P} 
            {(resChain lst (P  x>Q), resChain lst (x>(P  Q))) | lst x P Q. x  P}"
  let ?Y = "bisim O (?X  bisim) O bisim"

  have Res: "P Q x. (P, Q)  ?X  (x>P, x>Q)  ?X" by(blast intro: resChain.step[THEN sym])

  from x  P have "(x>(P  Q), P  x>Q)  ?X" by(blast intro: resChain.base[THEN sym])
  moreover have EqvtX: "eqvt ?X" by(fastforce simp add: eqvt_def name_fresh_left name_rev_per)
  ultimately show ?thesis
  proof(coinduct rule: bisimTransitiveCoinduct)
    case(cSim P Q)
      fix P Q lst x
      assume "(x::name)  (P::pi)"
      moreover have "Id  ?Y" by(blast intro: reflexive)
      moreover from eqvt ?X bisimEqvt have "eqvt ?Y" by blast
      moreover have "P Q x. x  P  (x>(P  Q), P  x>Q)  ?Y"
        by(blast intro: resChain.base[THEN sym] reflexive)
      moreover {
        fix P Q x y
        have "x>y>(P  Q)  y>x>(P  Q)" by(rule resComm)
        moreover assume "x  P"
        hence "(x>(P  Q), P  x>Q)  ?X" by(fastforce intro: resChain.base[THEN sym])
        hence "(y>x>(P  Q), y>(P  x>Q))  ?X" by(rule Res)
        ultimately have  "(x>y>(P  Q), y>(P  x>Q))  ?Y" by(blast intro: reflexive)
      ultimately have "x>(P  Q) ↝[?Y] (P  x>Q)" by(rule scopeExtParLeft) 
      moreover note eqvt ?Y
      moreover from Res have "P Q x. (P, Q)  ?Y  (x>P, x>Q)  ?Y"
        by(blast intro: resChain.step[THEN sym] dest: resPres)
      ultimately have "resChain lst (x>(P  Q)) ↝[?Y] resChain lst (P  x>Q)" 
        by(rule resChainI)
    moreover {
      fix P Q lst x
      assume "(x::name)  (P::pi)"
      moreover have "Id  ?Y" by(blast intro: reflexive)
      moreover from eqvt ?X bisimEqvt have "eqvt ?Y" by blast
      moreover have "P Q x. x  P  (P  x>Q, x>(P  Q))  ?Y"
        by(blast intro: resChain.base[THEN sym] reflexive)
      moreover {
        fix P Q x y
        have "y>x>(P  Q)  x>y>(P  Q)" by(rule resComm)
        moreover assume "x  P"
        hence "(P  x>Q, x>(P  Q))  ?X" by(fastforce intro: resChain.base[THEN sym])
        hence "(y>(P  x>Q), y>x>(P  Q))  ?X" by(rule Res)
        ultimately have  "(y>(P  x>Q), x>y>(P  Q))  ?Y" by(blast intro: reflexive)
      ultimately have "(P  x>Q) ↝[?Y] x>(P  Q)" 
        by(rule scopeExtParRight) 
      moreover note eqvt ?Y
      moreover from Res have "P Q x. (P, Q)  ?Y  (x>P, x>Q)  ?Y"
        by(blast intro: resChain.step[THEN sym] dest: resPres)
      ultimately have "resChain lst (P  x>Q) ↝[?Y] resChain lst (x>(P  Q))" 
        by(rule resChainI)
    ultimately show ?case using (P, Q)  ?X by auto
    case(cSym P Q)
    thus ?case 
      by auto (blast dest: symmetric transitive intro: resChain.base[THEN sym] reflexive)+

lemma scopeExtPar':
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi
  and   x :: name

  assumes xFreshQ: "x  Q"

  shows "x>(P  Q)  (x>P)  Q"
proof -
  have "x>(P  Q)  x>(Q  P)"
  proof -
    have "P  Q  Q  P" by(rule parSym)
    thus ?thesis by(rule resPres)
  moreover from xFreshQ have "x>(Q  P)  Q  (x>P)" by(rule scopeExtPar)
  moreover have "Q  x>P  (x>P)  Q" by(rule parSym)
  ultimately show ?thesis by(blast intro: transitive)

lemma parAssoc:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi
  and   R :: pi

  shows "(P  Q)  R  P  (Q  R)"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(resChain lst ((P  Q)  R), resChain lst (P  (Q  R))) | lst P Q R. True}"
  let ?Y = "bisim O (?X  bisim) O bisim"

  have ResX: "P Q x. (P, Q)  ?X  (x>P, x>Q)  ?X" 
    by(blast intro: resChain.step[symmetric])
  hence ResY: "P Q x. (P, Q)  ?Y  (x>P, x>Q)  ?Y"
    by(blast intro: resChain.step[symmetric] dest: resPres)

  have "((P  Q)  R, P  (Q  R))  ?X" by(blast intro: resChain.base[symmetric])
  moreover have "eqvt ?X" by(fastforce simp add: eqvt_def) 
  ultimately show ?thesis
  proof(coinduct rule: bisimTransitiveCoinduct)
    case(cSim P Q)
      fix P Q R lst
      have "P Q R. ((P  Q)  R, P  (Q  R))  ?Y" by(blast intro: reflexive resChain.base[symmetric])
      moreover have "P Q x. (P, Q)  ?Y  (x>P, x>Q)  ?Y" by(blast intro: resChain.step[symmetric] resPres)
      moreover {
        fix P Q R x
        have "(x>((P  Q)  R), x>(P  (Q  R)))  ?X" by(rule_tac ResX) (blast intro: resChain.base[symmetric])
        moreover assume "x  P"
        hence "x>(P  (Q  R))  P  x>(Q  R)" by(rule scopeExtPar)
        ultimately have "(x>((P  Q)  R), P  x>(Q  R))  ?Y" by(blast intro: reflexive)
      moreover {
        fix P Q R x
        have "(x>((P  Q)  R), x>(P  (Q  R)))  ?X" by(rule_tac ResX) (blast intro: resChain.base[symmetric])
        moreover assume "x  R"
        hence "x>(P  Q)  R  x>((P  Q)  R)" by(metis scopeExtPar' symmetric)
        ultimately have "(x>(P  Q)  R, x>(P  (Q  R)))  ?Y" by(blast intro: reflexive)
      ultimately have "(P  Q)  R ↝[?Y] P  (Q  R)" by(rule parAssocLeft)
      moreover from eqvt ?X bisimEqvt have "eqvt ?Y" by blast
      ultimately have "resChain lst ((P  Q)  R) ↝[?Y] resChain lst (P  (Q  R))" using ResY
        by(rule resChainI)
    with (P, Q)  ?X show ?case by auto
    case(cSym P Q)
      fix P Q R lst
      have "P  (Q  R)  (R  Q)  P" by(metis parPres parSym transitive)
      moreover have "((R  Q)  P, R  (Q  P))  ?X" by(blast intro: resChain.base[symmetric])
      moreover have "R  (Q  P)  (P  Q)  R" by(metis parPres parSym transitive)
      ultimately have "(P  (Q  R), (P  Q)  R)  ?Y" by blast
      hence "(resChain lst (P  (Q  R)), resChain lst ((P  Q)  R))  ?Y" using ResY
        by(induct lst) auto
    with (P, Q)  ?X show ?case by blast

lemma scopeFresh:
  fixes x :: name
  and   P :: pi

  assumes "x  P"

  shows "x>P  P"
proof -
  have "x>P  x>P  𝟬" by(rule parZero[THEN symmetric])

  moreover have "x>P  𝟬  𝟬  x>P" by(rule parSym)
  moreover have "𝟬  x>P  x>(𝟬  P)" by(rule scopeExtPar[THEN symmetric]) auto
  moreover have "x>(𝟬  P)  x>(P  𝟬)" by(rule resPres[OF parSym])
  moreover from x  P have "x>(P  𝟬)  P  x>𝟬" by(rule scopeExtPar)
  moreover have  "P  x>𝟬  x>𝟬  P" by(rule parSym)
  moreover have "x>𝟬  P  𝟬  P" by(rule parPres[OF nilRes])
  moreover have "𝟬  P  P  𝟬" by(rule parSym)
  moreover have "P  𝟬  P" by(rule parZero)
  ultimately show ?thesis by(metis transitive)

lemma sumRes:
  fixes x :: name
  and   P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi

  shows "x>(P  Q)  (x>P)  (x>Q)"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(x>(P  Q), x>P  x>Q) | x P Q. True} 
            {(x>P  x>Q, x>(P  Q)) | x P Q. True}"
  have "(x>(P  Q), x>P  x>Q)  ?X" by auto
  moreover have "eqvt ?X" by(fastforce simp add: eqvt_def)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (fastforce intro: sumResLeft sumResRight reflexive)+

lemma scopeExtSum:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi
  and   x :: name
  assumes "x  P"

  shows "x>(P  Q)  P  x>Q"
proof -
  have "x>(P  Q)  x>P  x>Q" by(rule sumRes)
  moreover from x  P have "x>P  x>Q  P  x>Q"
    by(rule sumPres[OF scopeFresh])
  ultimately show ?thesis by(rule transitive)

lemma bangSC:
  fixes P :: pi

  shows "!P  P  !P"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(!P, P  !P), (P  !P, !P)}"
  have "(!P, P  !P)  ?X" by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto intro: bangLeftSC bangRightSC reflexive)

lemma resNil:
  fixes x :: name
  and   y :: name
  and   P :: pi
  and   b :: name

  shows "x>x<y>.P  𝟬"
  and   "x>x{b}.P  𝟬"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(x>x<y>.P, 𝟬), (𝟬, x>x<y>.P)}"
  have "(x>x<y>.P, 𝟬)  ?X" by simp
  thus "x>x<y>.P  𝟬"
    by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto simp add: simulation_def)
  let ?X = "{(x>x{b}.P, 𝟬), (𝟬, x>x{b}.P)}"
  have "(x>x{b}.P, 𝟬)  ?X" by simp
  thus "x>x{b}.P  𝟬"
    by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (auto simp add: simulation_def)

lemma resInput:
  fixes x :: name
  and   a :: name
  and   y :: name
  and   P :: pi

  assumes "x  a"
  and     "x  y"

  shows "x>a<y>.P  a<y>.(x>P)"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(x>a<y>.P, a<y>.(x>P)) | x a y P. x  a  x  y} 
            {(a<y>.(x>P), x>a<y>.P) | x a y P. x  a  x  y}"
  from assms have "(x>a<y>.P, a<y>.(x>P))  ?X" by auto
  moreover have "eqvt ?X" by(fastforce simp add: eqvt_def pt_bij[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (fastforce intro: resInputLeft reflexive resInputRight)+

lemma resOutput:
  fixes x :: name
  and   a :: name
  and   b :: name
  and   P :: pi

  assumes "x  a"
  and     "x  b"

  shows "x>a{b}.P  a{b}.(x>P)"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(x>a{b}.P, a{b}.(x>P)) | x a b P. x  a  x  b} 
            {(a{b}.(x>P), x>a{b}.P) | x a b P. x  a  x  b}"
  from assms have "(x>a{b}.P, a{b}.(x>P))  ?X" by blast
  moreover have "eqvt ?X" by(fastforce simp add: eqvt_def pt_bij[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (fastforce intro: resOutputLeft resOutputRight reflexive)+

lemma resTau:
  fixes x :: name
  and   P :: pi

  shows "x>τ.(P)  τ.(x>P)"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(x>τ.(P), τ.(x>P)), (τ.(x>P), x>τ.(P))}"
  have "(x>τ.(P), τ.(x>P))  ?X" by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct) (fastforce intro: resTauLeft resTauRight reflexive)+

inductive structCong :: "pi  pi  bool" (‹_ s _› [70, 70] 70)
  Refl: "P s P"
| Sym:  "P s Q  Q s P"
| Trans: "P s Q; Q s R  P s R"

| SumComm: "P  Q s Q  P"
| SumAssoc: "(P  Q)  R s P  (Q  R)"
| SumId: "P  𝟬 s P"

| ParComm: "P  Q s Q  P"
| ParAssoc: "(P  Q)  R s P  (Q  R)"
| ParId: "P  𝟬 s P"

| MatchId: "[aa]P s P"

| ResNil: "x>𝟬 s 𝟬"
| ResComm: "x>y>P s y>x>P"
| ResSum: "x>(P  Q) s x>P  x>Q"
| ScopeExtPar: "x  P  x>(P  Q) s P  x>Q"
| InputRes: "x  a; x  y  x>a<y>.P s a<y>.(x>P)"
| OutputRes: "x  a; x  b  x>a{b}.P s a{b}.(x>P)"
| TauRes: "x>τ.(P) s τ.(x>P)"

| BangUnfold: "!P s P  !P"

lemma structCongBisim:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi

  assumes "P s Q"

  shows "P  Q"
using assms
by(induct rule: structCong.induct)
  (auto intro: reflexive symmetric transitive sumSym sumAssoc sumZero parSym parAssoc parZero
               nilRes resComm resInput resOutput resTau sumRes scopeExtPar bangSC matchId mismatchId)
