Theory Pattern_Completeness_List
section ‹A List-Based Implementation to Decide Pattern Completeness›
theory Pattern_Completeness_List
subsection ‹Definition of Algorithm›
text ‹We refine the non-deterministic multiset based implementation
to a deterministic one which uses lists as underlying data-structure.
For matching problems we distinguish several different shapes.›
type_synonym ('a,'b)alist = "('a × 'b)list"
type_synonym ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_list = "(('f,nat × 's)term × ('f,'v)term) list"
type_synonym ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_lx = "((nat × 's) × ('f,'v)term) list"
type_synonym ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_rx = "('v,('f,nat × 's)term list) alist × bool"
type_synonym ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_fvf = "('v,(nat × 's) list) alist"
type_synonym ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_lr = "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_lx × ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_rx"
type_synonym ('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_list = "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_list list"
type_synonym ('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_lr = "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_lr list"
type_synonym ('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_lx = "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_lx list"
type_synonym ('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_fvf = "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_fvf list"
type_synonym ('f,'v,'s)pats_problem_list = "('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_list list"
type_synonym ('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_set_impl = "(('f,nat × 's)term × ('f,'v)term) list list"
definition lvars_mp :: "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_mset ⇒ 'v set" where
"lvars_mp mp = (⋃ (vars ` snd ` mp_mset mp))"
definition vars_mp_mset :: "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_mset ⇒ 'v multiset" where
"vars_mp_mset mp = sum_mset (image_mset (vars_term_ms o snd) mp)"
definition ll_mp :: "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_mset ⇒ bool" where
"ll_mp mp = (∀ x. count (vars_mp_mset mp) x ≤ 1)"
definition ll_pp :: "('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_list ⇒ bool" where
"ll_pp p = (∀ mp ∈ set p. ll_mp (mset mp))"
definition lvars_pp :: "('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_mset ⇒ 'v set" where
"lvars_pp pp = (⋃ (lvars_mp ` set_mset pp))"
abbreviation mp_list :: "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_list ⇒ ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_mset"
where "mp_list ≡ mset"
abbreviation mp_lx :: "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_lx ⇒ ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_list"
where "mp_lx ≡ map (map_prod Var id)"
definition mp_rx :: "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_rx ⇒ ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_mset"
where "mp_rx mp = mset (List.maps (λ (x,ts). map (λ t. (t,Var x)) ts) (fst mp))"
definition mp_rx_list :: "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_rx ⇒ ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_list"
where "mp_rx_list mp = List.maps (λ (x,ts). map (λ t. (t,Var x)) ts) (fst mp)"
definition mp_lr :: "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_lr ⇒ ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_mset"
where "mp_lr pair = (case pair of (lx,rx) ⇒ mp_list (mp_lx lx) + mp_rx rx)"
definition mp_lr_list :: "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_lr ⇒ ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_list"
where "mp_lr_list pair = (case pair of (lx,rx) ⇒ mp_lx lx @ mp_rx_list rx)"
definition pat_lr :: "('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_lr ⇒ ('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_mset"
where "pat_lr ps = mset (map mp_lr ps)"
definition pat_lx :: "('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_lx ⇒ ('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_mset"
where "pat_lx ps = mset (map (mp_list o mp_lx) ps)"
definition pat_mset_list :: "('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_list ⇒ ('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_mset"
where "pat_mset_list ps = mset (map mp_list ps)"
definition pat_list :: "('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_list ⇒ ('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_set"
where "pat_list ps = set ` set ps"
abbreviation pats_mset_list :: "('f,'v,'s)pats_problem_list ⇒ ('f,'v,'s)pats_problem_mset"
where "pats_mset_list ≡ mset o map pat_mset_list"
definition subst_match_problem_list :: "('f,nat × 's)subst ⇒ ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_list ⇒ ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_list" where
"subst_match_problem_list τ = map (subst_left τ)"
definition subst_pat_problem_list :: "('f,nat × 's)subst ⇒ ('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_list ⇒ ('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_list" where
"subst_pat_problem_list τ = map (subst_match_problem_list τ)"
definition match_var_impl :: "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_lr ⇒ 'v list × ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_lr" where
"match_var_impl mp = (case mp of (xl,(rx,b)) ⇒
let xs = remdups (List.maps (vars_term_list o snd) xl)
in (xs,(xl,(filter (λ (x,ts). tl ts ≠ [] ∨ x ∈ set xs) rx),b)))"
definition find_var :: "bool ⇒ ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_lr list ⇒ _" where
"find_var improved p = (case List.maps (λ (lx,_). lx) p of
(x,t) # _ ⇒ Some x
| [] ⇒ if improved then (let flat_mps = List.maps (fst o snd) p in
(map_option (λ (x,ts). case find is_Var ts of Some (Var x) ⇒ x)
(find (λ rx. ∃ t ∈ set (snd rx). is_Fun t) flat_mps)))
else Some (let (_,rx,b) = hd p
in case hd rx of (x, s # t # _) ⇒ hd (the (conflicts s t))))"
definition empty_lr :: "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_lr ⇒ bool" where
"empty_lr mp = (case mp of (lx,rx,_) ⇒ lx = [] ∧ rx = [])"
fun zipAll :: "'a list ⇒ 'b list list ⇒ ('a × 'b list) list" where
"zipAll [] _ = []"
| "zipAll (x # xs) yss = (x, map hd yss) # zipAll xs (map tl yss)"