Theory Pattern_Completeness_Set

section ‹Pattern Completeness›

text ‹Pattern-completeness is the question whether in a given program all terms
  of the form f(c1,..,cn) are matched by some lhs of the program,
  where here each ci is a constructor ground term and f is a defined symbol.
  This will be represented as a pattern problem of the shape 
  (f(x1,...xn), {lhs1, ..., lhsn}) where the xi will represent arbitrary constructor terms.›

section ‹A Set-Based Inference System to Decide Pattern Completeness›

text ‹This theory contains an algorithm to decide whether pattern problems are complete.
  It represents the inference rules of the paper on the set-based level.

  On this level we prove partial correctness and preservation of well-formed inputs,
  but not termination.›

theory Pattern_Completeness_Set

subsection ‹Definition of Algorithm -- Inference Rules›

text ‹We first consider matching problems which are sets of term pairs.
  Note that in the term pairs the type of variables differ: 
  Each left term has natural numbers (with sorts) as variables, 
  so that it is easy to generate new variables,
  whereas each right term has arbitrary variables of type 'v› without any further information.
  Then pattern problems are sets of matching problems, and we also have sets of pattern problems.

  The suffix _set› is used to indicate that here these problems are modeled via sets.›

type_synonym ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_set = "(('f,nat × 's)term × ('f,'v)term) set" 
type_synonym ('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_set = "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_set set" 
type_synonym ('f,'v,'s)pats_problem_set = "('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_set set" 

abbreviation (input) bottom :: "('f,'v,'s)pats_problem_set" where "bottom  {{}}"

definition subst_left :: "('f,nat × 's)subst  (('f,nat × 's)term × ('f,'v)term)  (('f,nat × 's)term × ('f,'v)term)" where
  "subst_left τ = (λ(t,r). (t  τ, r))"

text ‹A function to compute for a variable $x$ all substitution that instantiate
  $x$ by $c(x_n, ..., x_{n+a})$ where $c$ is an constructor of arity $a$ and $n$ is a parameter that
  determines from where to start the numbering of variables.›

definition τc :: "nat  nat × 's  'f × 's list  ('f,nat × 's)subst" where 
  "τc n x = (λ(f,ss). subst x (Fun f (map Var (zip [n ..< n + length ss] ss))))"

text ‹Compute the list of conflicting variables (Some list), or detect a clash (None)›
fun conflicts :: "('f,'v)term  ('f,'v)term  'v list option" where 
  "conflicts (Var x) (Var y) = (if x = y then Some [] else Some [x,y])" 
| "conflicts (Var x) (Fun _ _) = (Some [x])"
| "conflicts (Fun _ _) (Var x) = (Some [x])" 
| "conflicts (Fun f ss) (Fun g ts) = (if (f,length ss) = (g,length ts)
     then map_option concat (those (map2 conflicts ss ts))
    else None)" 
abbreviation "Conflict_Var s t x  conflicts s t  None  x  set (the (conflicts s t))" 
abbreviation "Conflict_Clash s t  conflicts s t = None" 

locale pattern_completeness_context =
  fixes S :: "'s set" ― ‹set of sort-names›
    and C :: "('f,'s)ssig" ― ‹sorted signature›
    and m :: nat ― ‹upper bound on arities of constructors›
    and Cl :: "'s  ('f × 's list)list" ― ‹a function to compute all constructors of given sort as list› 
    and inf_sort :: "'s  bool" ― ‹a function to indicate whether a sort is infinite›
    and ty :: "'v itself" (* just fix the type-variable 'v for variables *)

definition tvars_disj_pp :: "nat set  ('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_set  bool" where
  "tvars_disj_pp V p = ( mp  p.  (ti,pi)  mp. fst ` vars ti  V = {})" 

definition inf_var_conflict :: "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_set  bool" where
  "inf_var_conflict mp = ( s t x y. 
    (s,Var x)  mp  (t,Var x)  mp  Conflict_Var s t y  inf_sort (snd y))" 

definition tvars_mp :: "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_set  (nat × 's) set" where
  "tvars_mp mp = ((t,l)  mp. vars t)"

definition tvars_pp :: "('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_set  (nat × 's) set" where
  "tvars_pp pp = (mp  pp. tvars_mp mp)"

definition subst_match_problem_set :: "('f,nat × 's)subst  ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_set  ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_set" where
  "subst_match_problem_set τ pp = subst_left τ ` pp" 

definition subst_pat_problem_set :: "('f,nat × 's)subst  ('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_set  ('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_set" where
  "subst_pat_problem_set τ P = subst_match_problem_set τ ` P"

definition τs :: "nat  nat × 's  ('f,nat × 's)subst set" where 
  "τs n x = {τc n x (f,ss) | f ss. f : ss  snd x in C}" 

text ‹The transformation rules of the paper.

The formal definition contains two deviations from the rules in the paper: first, the instantiate-rule
can always be applied; and second there is an identity rule, which will simplify later refinement 
proofs. Both of the deviations cause non-termination.

The formal inference rules further separate those rules that deliver a bottom- or top-element from
the ones that deliver a transformed problem.›

inductive mp_step :: "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_set  ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_set  bool"
(infix "s" 50) where
  mp_decompose: "length ts = length ls  insert (Fun f ts, Fun f ls) mp s set (zip ts ls)  mp"
| mp_match: "x   (vars ` snd ` mp)  insert (t, Var x) mp s mp" 
| mp_identity: "mp s mp"

inductive mp_fail :: "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_set  bool" where
  mp_clash: "(f,length ts)  (g,length ls)  mp_fail (insert (Fun f ts, Fun g ls) mp)" 
| mp_clash': "Conflict_Clash s t  mp_fail ({(s,Var x),(t, Var x)}  mp)"

inductive pp_step :: "('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_set  ('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_set  bool"
(infix "s" 50) where
  pp_simp_mp: "mp s mp'  insert mp pp s insert mp' pp" 
| pp_remove_mp: "mp_fail mp  insert mp pp s pp"

inductive pp_success :: "('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_set  bool" where
  "pp_success (insert {} pp)" 

inductive P_step_set :: "('f,'v,'s)pats_problem_set  ('f,'v,'s)pats_problem_set  bool"
(infix "s" 50) where
  P_fail: "insert {} P s bottom"
| P_simp: "pp s pp'  insert pp P s insert pp' P"
| P_remove_pp: "pp_success pp  insert pp P s P"
| P_instantiate: "tvars_disj_pp {n ..< n+m} pp  x  tvars_pp pp 
    insert pp P s {subst_pat_problem_set τ pp |. τ  τs n x}  P"
| P_failure': "mp  pp. inf_var_conflict mp  finite pp  insert pp P s {{}}"

text ‹Note that in @{thm[source] P_failure'} the conflicts have to be simultaneously occurring. 
  If just some matching problem has such a conflict, then this cannot be deleted immediately!

  Example-program: f(x,x) = ..., f(s(x),y) = ..., f(x,s(y)) = ... cover all cases of natural numbers,
    i.e., f(x1,x2), but if one would immediately delete the matching problem of the first lhs
    because of the resulting @{const inf_var_conflict} in {(x1,x),(x2,x)} then it is no longer complete.›

subsection ‹Soundness of the inference rules›

text ‹The empty set of variables›
definition EMPTY :: "'v  's option" where "EMPTY x = None" 
definition EMPTYn :: "nat × 's  's option" where "EMPTYn x = None" 

text ‹A constructor-ground substitution for the fixed set of constructors and set of sorts. 
  Note that variables to instantiate are represented as pairs of (number, sort).›
definition cg_subst :: "('f,nat × 's,'v)gsubst  bool" where
  "cg_subst σ = ( x. snd x  S  (σ x : snd x in 𝒯(C,EMPTY)))" 

text ‹A definition of pattern completeness for pattern problems.›

definition match_complete_wrt :: "('f,nat × 's,'v)gsubst  ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_set  bool" where
  "match_complete_wrt σ mp = ( μ.  (t,l)  mp. t  σ = l  μ)" 

definition pat_complete :: "('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_set  bool" where
  "pat_complete pp = (σ. cg_subst σ  ( mp  pp. match_complete_wrt σ mp))"

abbreviation "pats_complete P  pp  P. pat_complete pp"

text ‹Well-formed matching and pattern problems: all occurring variables 
  (in left-hand sides of matching problems) have a known sort.›
definition wf_match :: "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_set  bool" where
  "wf_match mp = (snd ` tvars_mp mp  S)" 

definition wf_pat :: "('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_set  bool" where
  "wf_pat pp = (mp  pp. wf_match mp)" 

definition wf_pats :: "('f,'v,'s)pats_problem_set  bool" where
  "wf_pats P = (pp  P. wf_pat pp)" 

lemma type_conversion: "t : s in 𝒯(C,)  t  σ : s in 𝒯(C,)" 
proof (induct t s rule: hastype_in_Term_induct)
  case (Fun f ss σs τ)
  then show ?case unfolding eval_term.simps
    by (smt (verit, best) Fun_hastype list_all2_map1 list_all2_mono)
qed auto

lemma ball_insert_un_cong: "f y = Ball zs f  Ball (insert y A) f = Ball (zs  A) f"
  by auto

lemma bex_insert_cong: "f y = f z  Bex (insert y A) f = Bex (insert z A) f"
  by auto

lemma not_bdd_above_natD: 
  assumes "¬ bdd_above (A :: nat set)"
  shows " x  A. x > n" 
  using assms by (meson bdd_above.unfold linorder_le_cases order.strict_iff)

lemma list_eq_nth_eq: "xs = ys  length xs = length ys  ( i < length ys. xs ! i = ys ! i)"
  using nth_equalityI by metis

lemma subt_size: "p  poss t  size (t |_ p)  size t"
proof (induct p arbitrary: t)
  case (Cons i p t)
  thus ?case 
  proof (cases t)
    case (Fun f ss)
    from Cons Fun have i: "i < length ss" and sub: "t |_ (i # p) = (ss ! i) |_ p" 
      and "p  poss (ss ! i)" by auto
    with Cons(1)[OF this(3)]
    have "size (t |_ (i # p))  size (ss ! i)" by auto
    also have "  size t" using i unfolding Fun by (simp add: termination_simp)
    finally show ?thesis .
  qed auto
qed auto

lemma conflicts_sym: "rel_option (λ xs ys. set xs = set ys) (conflicts s t) (conflicts t s)" (is "rel_option _ (?c s t) _")
proof (induct s t rule: conflicts.induct)
  case (4 f ss g ts)
  define c where "c = ?c" 
  show ?case
  proof (cases "(f,length ss) = (g,length ts)")
    case True
    hence len: "length ss = length ts" 
      "((f, length ss) = (g, length ts)) = True"
      "((g, length ts) = (f, length ss)) = True" by auto
    show ?thesis using len(1) 4[OF True _ refl]
      unfolding conflicts.simps len(2,3) if_True
      unfolding option.rel_map c_def[symmetric] set_concat
    proof (induct ss ts rule: list_induct2, goal_cases)
      case (2 s ss t ts)
      hence IH: "rel_option (λx y.  (set ` set x) =  (set ` set y)) (those (map2 c ss ts)) (those (map2 c ts ss))" by auto
      from 2 have st: "rel_option (λxs ys. set xs = set ys) (c s t) (c t s)" by auto
      from IH st show ?case by (cases "c s t"; cases "c t s"; auto simp: option.rel_map)
        (simp add: option.rel_sel)
    qed simp
  qed auto
qed auto

lemma conflicts: fixes x :: 'v
  shows "Conflict_Clash s t   p. p  poss s  p  poss t  is_Fun (s |_p)  is_Fun (t |_p)  root (s |_p)  root (t |_ p)" (is "?B1  ?B2")
    and "Conflict_Var s t x 
          p . p  poss s  p  poss t  s |_p  t |_p  (s |_p = Var x  t |_p = Var x)" (is "?C1 x  ?C2 x")
    and "s  t   x. Conflict_Clash s t  Conflict_Var s t x" 
    and "Conflict_Var s t x  x  vars s  vars t" 
    and "conflicts s t = Some []  s = t" (is ?A)
proof -
  let ?B = "?B1  ?B2" 
  let ?C = "λ x. ?C1 x  ?C2 x" 
    fix x :: 'v
    have "(conflicts s t = Some []  s = t)  ?B  ?C x"
    proof (induction s arbitrary: t)
      case (Var y t)
      thus ?case by (cases t, auto)
      case (Fun f ss t)
      show ?case 
      proof (cases t)
        case t: (Fun g ts)
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "(f,length ss) = (g,length ts)")
          case False
          hence res: "conflicts (Fun f ss) t = None" unfolding t by auto
          show ?thesis unfolding res unfolding t using False
            by (auto intro!: exI[of _ Nil])
          case f: True
          let ?s = "Fun f ss" 
          show ?thesis 
          proof (cases "those (map2 conflicts ss ts)")
            case None
            hence res: "conflicts ?s t = None" unfolding t by auto
            from None[unfolded those_eq_None] obtain i where i: "i < length ss" "i < length ts" and 
              confl: "conflicts (ss ! i) (ts ! i) = None"
              using f unfolding set_conv_nth set_zip by auto
            from i have "ss ! i  set ss" by auto
            from Fun.IH[OF this, of "ts ! i"] confl obtain p 
              where p: "p  poss (ss ! i)  p  poss (ts ! i)  is_Fun (ss ! i |_ p)  is_Fun (ts ! i |_ p)  root (ss ! i |_ p)  root (ts ! i |_ p)" 
              by auto
            from p have p: " p. p  poss ?s  p  poss t  is_Fun (?s |_ p)  is_Fun (t |_ p)  root (?s |_ p)  root (t |_ p)" 
              by (intro exI[of _ "i # p"], unfold t, insert i f, auto)
            from p res show ?thesis by auto
            case (Some xss)
            hence res: "conflicts ?s t = Some (concat xss)" unfolding t using f by auto
            from Some have map2: "map2 conflicts ss ts = map Some xss" by auto
            from arg_cong[OF this, of length] have len: "length xss = length ss" using f by auto
            have rec: "i < length ss  conflicts (ss ! i) (ts ! i) = Some (xss ! i)" for i 
              using arg_cong[OF map2, of "λ xs. xs ! i"] len f by auto
              assume "x  set (the (conflicts ?s t))" 
              hence "x  set (concat xss)" unfolding res by auto
              then obtain xs where xs: "xs  set xss" and x: "x  set xs" by auto
              from xs len obtain i where i: "i < length ss" and xs: "xs = xss ! i" by (auto simp: set_conv_nth)
              from i have "ss ! i  set ss" by auto
              from Fun.IH[OF this, of "ts ! i", unfolded rec[OF i, folded xs]] x
              obtain p where "p  poss (ss ! i)  p  poss (ts ! i)  ss ! i |_ p  ts ! i |_ p  (ss ! i |_ p = Var x  ts ! i |_ p = Var x)" 
                by auto
              hence " p. p  poss ?s  p  poss t  ?s |_ p  t |_ p  (?s |_ p = Var x  t |_ p = Var x)" 
                by (intro exI[of _ "i # p"], insert i f, auto simp: t)
              assume "conflicts ?s t = Some []" 
              with res have empty: "concat xss = []" by auto
                fix i
                assume i: "i < length ss" 
                from rec[OF i] have "conflicts (ss ! i) (ts ! i) = Some (xss ! i)" .
                moreover from empty i len have "xss ! i = []" by auto
                ultimately have res: "conflicts (ss ! i) (ts ! i) = Some []" by simp
                from i have "ss ! i  set ss" by auto
                from Fun.IH[OF this, of "ts ! i", unfolded res] have "ss ! i = ts ! i" by auto
              with f have "?s = t" unfolding t by (auto intro: nth_equalityI)
            ultimately show ?thesis unfolding res by auto
      qed auto
  } note main = this
  from main show B: "?B1  ?B2" and C: "?C1 x  ?C2 x" by blast+
  show ?A
    assume "s = t" 
    with B have "conflicts s t  None" by blast
    then obtain xs where res: "conflicts s t = Some xs" by auto     
    show "conflicts s t = Some []" 
    proof (cases xs)
      case Nil 
      thus ?thesis using res by auto
      case (Cons x xs)
      with main[of x] res s = t show ?thesis by auto
  qed (insert main, blast)
    assume diff: "s  t" 
    show " x. Conflict_Clash s t  Conflict_Var s t x" 
    proof (cases "conflicts s t")
      case (Some xs)
      with ?A diff obtain x where "x  set xs" by (cases xs, auto)
      thus ?thesis unfolding Some by auto
    qed auto
  assume "Conflict_Var s t x" 
  with C obtain p where "p  poss s" "p  poss t" "(s |_ p = Var x  t |_ p = Var x)" 
    by blast
  thus "x  vars s  vars t" 
    by (metis UnCI subt_at_imp_supteq' subteq_Var_imp_in_vars_term)

declare conflicts.simps[simp del] 

lemma conflicts_refl[simp]: "conflicts t t = Some []" 
  using conflicts(5)[of t t] by auto

text ‹For proving partial correctness we need further properties of the fixed parameters:
   We assume that m› is sufficiently large and that there exists some constructor ground terms.
   Moreover inf_sort› really computes whether a sort has terms of arbitrary size.
   Further all symbols in C› must have sorts of S›.
   Finally, Cl› should precisely compute the constructors of a sort.›

locale pattern_completeness_context_with_assms = pattern_completeness_context S C m Cl inf_sort ty
  for S and C :: "('f,'s)ssig" 
    and m Cl inf_sort  
    and ty :: "'v itself" +
  assumes sorts_non_empty: " s. s  S   t. t : s in 𝒯(C, EMPTY)"  
    and C_sub_S: " f ss s. f : ss  s in C  insert s (set ss)  S" 
    and m: " f ss s. f : ss  s in C  length ss  m"
    and inf_sort_def: "s  S  inf_sort s  = (¬ bdd_above (size ` {t . t : s in 𝒯(C,EMPTYn)}))" 
    and Cl: " s. set (Cl s) = {(f,ss). f : ss  s in C}" 
    and Cl_len: " σ. Ball (length ` snd ` set (Cl σ)) (λ a. a  m)" 

lemmas subst_defs_set = 

text ‹Preservation of well-formedness›

lemma mp_step_wf: "mp s mp'  wf_match mp  wf_match mp'" 
  unfolding wf_match_def tvars_mp_def
proof (induct mp mp' rule: mp_step.induct)
  case (mp_decompose f ts ls mp)
  then show ?case by (auto dest!: set_zip_leftD)
qed auto

lemma pp_step_wf: "pp s pp'  wf_pat pp  wf_pat pp'" 
  unfolding wf_pat_def
proof (induct pp pp' rule: pp_step.induct)
  case (pp_simp_mp mp mp' pp)
  then show ?case using mp_step_wf[of mp mp'] by auto
qed auto

theorem P_step_set_wf: "P s P'  wf_pats P  wf_pats P'" 
  unfolding wf_pats_def
proof (induct P P' rule: P_step_set.induct)
  case (P_simp pp pp' P)
  then show ?case using pp_step_wf[of pp pp'] by auto
  case *: (P_instantiate n p x P)
  let ?s = "snd x" 
  from * have sS: "?s  S" and p: "wf_pat p" unfolding wf_pat_def wf_match_def tvars_pp_def by auto
    fix τ
    assume tau: "τ  τs n x" 
    from tau[unfolded τs_def τc_def, simplified]
    obtain f sorts where f: "f : sorts  snd x in C" and τ: "τ = subst x (Fun f (map Var (zip [n..<n + length sorts] sorts)))" by auto
    let ?i = "length sorts" 
    let ?xs = "zip [n..<n + length sorts] sorts" 
    from C_sub_S[OF f] have sS: "?s  S" and xs: "snd ` set ?xs  S" 
      unfolding set_conv_nth set_zip by auto
      fix mp y
      assume mp: "mp  p"  and "y  tvars_mp (subst_left τ ` mp)"
      then obtain s t where y: "y  vars (s  τ)" and st: "(s,t)  mp" 
        unfolding tvars_mp_def subst_left_def by auto
      from y have "y  vars s  set ?xs" unfolding vars_term_subst τ
        by (auto simp: subst_def split: if_splits)
      hence "snd y  snd ` vars s  snd ` set ?xs" by auto
      also have "  snd ` vars s  S" using xs by auto
      also have "  S" using p mp st
        unfolding wf_pat_def wf_match_def tvars_mp_def by force
      finally have "snd y  S" .
    hence "wf_pat (subst_pat_problem_set τ p)" 
      unfolding wf_pat_def wf_match_def subst_defs_set by auto
  with * show ?case by auto
qed (auto simp: wf_pat_def)

text ‹Soundness requires some preparations›

lemma cg_exists: " σg. cg_subst σg" 
  show "cg_subst (λ x. SOME t. t : snd x in 𝒯(C, EMPTY))" 
    unfolding cg_subst_def
  proof (intro allI impI, goal_cases)
    case (1 x)
    from someI_ex[OF sorts_non_empty[OF 1]] show ?case by simp
definition σg :: "('f,nat × 's,'v)gsubst" where "σg = (SOME σ. cg_subst σ)" 

lemma σg: "cg_subst σg" unfolding σg_def using cg_exists by (metis someI_ex)

lemma pat_complete_empty[simp]: "pat_complete {} = False" 
  unfolding pat_complete_def using σg by auto

lemma inf_var_conflictD: assumes "inf_var_conflict mp" 
  shows " p s t x y. 
    (s,Var x)  mp  (t,Var x)  mp  s |_p = Var y  s |_ p  t |_p   p  poss s  p  poss t  inf_sort (snd y)" 
proof -
  from assms[unfolded inf_var_conflict_def]
  obtain s t x y where "(s, Var x)  mp  (t, Var x)  mp" and conf: "Conflict_Var s t y" and y: "inf_sort (snd y)" by blast
  with conflicts(2)[OF conf] show ?thesis by metis

lemma cg_term_vars: "t : s in 𝒯(C,EMPTYn)  vars t = {}" 
proof (induct t s rule: hastype_in_Term_induct)
  case (Var v σ)
  then show ?case by (auto simp: EMPTYn_def)
  case (Fun f ss σs τ)
  then show ?case unfolding term.simps unfolding set_conv_nth list_all2_conv_all_nth by auto

lemma type_conversion1: "t : s in 𝒯(C,EMPTYn)  t  σ' : s in 𝒯(C,EMPTY)" 
  unfolding EMPTYn_def EMPTY_def by (rule type_conversion)

lemma type_conversion2: "t : s in 𝒯(C,EMPTY)  t  σ' : s in 𝒯(C,EMPTYn)" 
  unfolding EMPTYn_def EMPTY_def by (rule type_conversion)

lemma term_of_sort: assumes "s  S"
  shows " t. t : s in 𝒯(C,EMPTYn)" 
proof -
  from σg[unfolded cg_subst_def] assms
  have " t. t : s in 𝒯(C,EMPTY)" by force
  with type_conversion2[of _ s]
  show ?thesis by auto

text ‹Main partial correctness theorems on well-formed problems: the transformation rules do
  not change the semantics of a problem›

lemma mp_step_pcorrect: "mp s mp'  match_complete_wrt σ mp = match_complete_wrt σ mp'" 
proof (induct mp mp' rule: mp_step.induct)
  case *: (mp_decompose f ts ls mp)
  show ?case unfolding match_complete_wrt_def
    apply (rule ex_cong1)
    apply (rule ball_insert_un_cong)
    apply (unfold split) using * by (auto simp add: set_zip list_eq_nth_eq)
  case *: (mp_match x mp t)
  show ?case unfolding match_complete_wrt_def
    assume "μ. (ti, li)mp. ti  σ = li  μ" 
    then obtain μ where eq: " ti li. (ti, li)mp   ti  σ = li  μ" by auto
    let  = "μ(x := t  σ)" 
    have "(ti, li)  mp  ti  σ = li  " for ti li using * eq[of ti li]
      by (auto intro!: term_subst_eq)
    thus "μ. (ti, li)insert (t, Var x) mp. ti  σ = li  μ" by (intro exI[of _ ], auto)
  qed auto
qed auto

lemma mp_fail_pcorrect: "mp_fail mp  ¬ match_complete_wrt σ mp" 
proof (induct mp rule: mp_fail.induct)
  case *: (mp_clash f ts g ls mp)
    assume "length ts  length ls" 
    hence "(map (λt. t  μ) ls = map (λt. t  σ) ts) = False" for σ :: "('f,nat × 's,'a)gsubst" and μ
      by (metis length_map)
  } note len = this
  from * show ?case unfolding match_complete_wrt_def 
    by (auto simp: len) 
  case *: (mp_clash' s t x mp)
  from conflicts(1)[OF *(1)]
  obtain po where *: "po  poss s" "po  poss t" "is_Fun (s |_ po)" "is_Fun (t |_ po)" "root (s |_ po)  root (t |_ po)" 
    by auto
  show ?case 
    assume "match_complete_wrt σ ({(s, Var x), (t, Var x)}  mp)" 
    from this[unfolded match_complete_wrt_def]
    have "s  σ = t  σ" by auto
    hence "root (s  σ |_po) = root (t  σ |_po)" by auto
    also have "root (s  σ |_po) = root (s |_po  σ)" using * by auto
    also have " = root (s |_po)" using * by (cases "s |_ po", auto)
    also have "root (t  σ |_po) = root (t |_po  σ)" using * by (cases "t |_ po", auto)
    also have " = root (t |_po)" using * by (cases "t |_ po", auto)
    finally show False using * by auto

lemma pp_step_pcorrect: "pp s pp'  pat_complete pp = pat_complete pp'" 
proof (induct pp pp' rule: pp_step.induct)
  case (pp_simp_mp mp mp' pp)
  then show ?case using mp_step_pcorrect[of mp mp'] unfolding pat_complete_def by auto
  case (pp_remove_mp mp pp)
  then show ?case using mp_fail_pcorrect[of mp] unfolding pat_complete_def by auto

lemma pp_success_pcorrect: "pp_success pp  pat_complete pp" 
  by (induct pp rule: pp_success.induct, auto simp: pat_complete_def match_complete_wrt_def)

theorem P_step_set_pcorrect: "P s P'  wf_pats P 
  pats_complete P  pats_complete P'"
proof (induct P P' rule: P_step_set.induct)
  case (P_fail P)
  then show ?case by (auto simp: pat_complete_def)
  case (P_simp pp pp' P)
  then show ?case using pp_step_pcorrect[of pp pp'] by auto
  case (P_remove_pp pp P)
  then show ?case using pp_success_pcorrect[of pp] by auto
  case *: (P_instantiate n pp x P)
  note def = pat_complete_def[unfolded match_complete_wrt_def]
  show ?case
  proof (rule ball_insert_un_cong, standard)
    assume complete: "pats_complete {subst_pat_problem_set τ pp |. τ  τs n x}" 
    show "pat_complete pp" unfolding def
    proof (intro allI impI)
      fix σ :: "('f,nat × 's,'v)gsubst" 
      (* This is the step where well-formedness is essential *)
      from * have "wf_pat pp" unfolding wf_pats_def by auto
      with *(2) have x: "snd x  S" unfolding tvars_pp_def tvars_mp_def wf_pat_def wf_match_def by force

      assume cg: "cg_subst σ" 
      from this[unfolded cg_subst_def] x 
      have "σ x : snd x in 𝒯(C,EMPTY)" by blast
      then obtain f ts σs where f: "f : σs  snd x in C" 
        and args: "ts :l σs in 𝒯(C,EMPTY)" 
        and σx: "σ x = Fun f ts" 
        by (induct, auto simp: EMPTY_def)
      from f have f: "f : σs  snd x in C" 
        by (meson hastype_in_ssig_def)
      let ?l = "length ts" 
      from args have len: "length σs = ?l"
        by (simp add: list_all2_lengthD)
      have l: "?l  m" using m[OF f] len by auto
      define σ' where "σ' = (λ ys. let y = fst ys in if n  y  y < n + ?l  σs ! (y - n) = snd ys then ts ! (y - n) else σ ys)" 
      have cg: "cg_subst σ'" unfolding cg_subst_def 
      proof (intro allI impI)
        fix ys :: "nat × 's" 
        assume ysS: "snd ys  S" 
        show "σ' ys : snd ys in 𝒯(C,EMPTY)" 
        proof (cases "σ' ys = σ ys")
          case True
          thus ?thesis using cg ysS unfolding cg_subst_def by metis
          case False
          obtain y s where ys: "ys = (y,s)" by force
          with False have y: "y - n < ?l" "n  y" "y < n + ?l" and arg: "σs ! (y - n) = s" and σ': "σ' ys = ts ! (y - n)" 
            unfolding σ'_def Let_def by (auto split: if_splits)
          show ?thesis unfolding σ' unfolding ys snd_conv arg[symmetric] using y(1) len args 
            by (metis list_all2_nthD)
      define τ where "τ = subst x (Fun f (map Var (zip [n..<n + ?l] σs)))" 
      from f have "τ  τs n x" unfolding τs_def τ_def τc_def using len[symmetric] by auto
      hence "pat_complete (subst_pat_problem_set τ pp)" using complete by auto
      from this[unfolded def, rule_format, OF cg]
      obtain tl μ where tl: "tl  subst_pat_problem_set τ pp" 
        and match: " ti li. (ti, li)  tl  ti  σ' = li  μ" by force          
      from tl[unfolded subst_defs_set subst_left_def set_map]
      obtain tl' where tl': "tl'  pp" and tl: "tl = {(t'  τ, l) |. (t',l)  tl'}" by auto 
      show "tl pp. μ. (ti, li) tl. ti  σ = li  μ" 
      proof (intro bexI[OF _  tl'] exI[of _ μ], clarify)
        fix ti li
        assume tli: "(ti, li)  tl'" 
        hence tlit: "(ti  τ, li)  tl" unfolding tl by force
        from match[OF this] have match: "ti  τ  σ' = li  μ" by auto
        from *(1)[unfolded tvars_disj_pp_def, rule_format, OF tl' tli]
        have vti: "fst ` vars_term ti  {n..<n + m} = {}" by auto
        have "ti  σ = ti  (τ s σ')" 
        proof (rule term_subst_eq, unfold subst_compose_def)
          fix y
          assume "y  vars_term ti" 
          with vti have y: "fst y  {n..<n + m}" by auto
          show "σ y = τ y  σ'" 
          proof (cases "y = x")
            case False
            hence "τ y  σ' = σ' y" unfolding τ_def subst_def by auto
            also have " = σ y" 
              unfolding σ'_def using y l by auto
            finally show ?thesis by simp
            case True
            show ?thesis unfolding True τ_def subst_simps σx eval_term.simps map_map o_def term.simps
              by (intro conjI refl nth_equalityI, auto simp: len σ'_def)
        also have " = li  μ" using match by simp
        finally show "ti  σ = li  μ" by blast
    assume complete: "pat_complete pp" 
      fix τ
      assume "τ  τs n x"
      from this[unfolded τs_def τc_def, simplified]
      obtain f sorts where f: "f : sorts  snd x in C" and τ: "τ = subst x (Fun f (map Var (zip [n..<n + length sorts] sorts)))" by auto
      let ?i = "length sorts" 
      let ?xs = "zip [n..<n + length sorts] sorts" 
      have i: "?i  m" by (rule m[OF f])
      have "pat_complete (subst_pat_problem_set τ pp)" unfolding def
      proof (intro allI impI)
        fix σ :: "('f,nat × 's,'v)gsubst" 
        assume cg: "cg_subst σ"
        define σ' where "σ' = σ(x := Fun f (map σ ?xs))" 
        from C_sub_S[OF f] have sortsS: "set sorts  S" by auto
        from f have f: "f : sorts  snd x in C" by (simp add: hastype_in_ssig_def)
        hence "Fun f (map σ ?xs) : snd x in 𝒯(C,EMPTY)" 
        proof (rule Fun_hastypeI)
          show "map σ ?xs :l sorts in 𝒯(C,EMPTY)" 
            using cg[unfolded cg_subst_def, rule_format, OF set_mp[OF sortsS]]
            by (smt (verit) add_diff_cancel_left' length_map length_upt length_zip list_all2_conv_all_nth min.idem nth_map nth_mem nth_zip prod.sel(2))
        hence cg: "cg_subst σ'" using cg f unfolding cg_subst_def σ'_def by auto
        from complete[unfolded def, rule_format, OF this] 
        obtain tl μ where tl: "tl  pp" and tli: " ti li. (ti, li) tl  ti  σ' = li  μ" by force
        from tl have tlm: "{(t  τ, l) |. (t,l)  tl}  subst_pat_problem_set τ pp" 
          unfolding subst_defs_set subst_left_def by auto
          fix ti li
          assume mem: "(ti, li)  tl"
          from *[unfolded tvars_disj_pp_def] tl mem have vti: "fst ` vars_term ti  {n..<n + m} = {}" by force
          from tli[OF mem] have "li  μ = ti  σ'" by auto
          also have " = ti  (τ s σ)" 
          proof (intro term_subst_eq, unfold subst_compose_def)
            fix y
            assume "y  vars_term ti" 
            with vti have y: "fst y   {n..<n + m}" by auto
            show "σ' y = τ y  σ" 
            proof (cases "y = x")
              case False
              hence "τ y  σ = σ y" unfolding τ subst_def by auto
              also have " = σ' y" 
                unfolding σ'_def using False by auto
              finally show ?thesis by simp
              case True
              show ?thesis unfolding True τ
                by (simp add: o_def σ'_def)
          finally have "ti  τ  σ = li  μ" by auto
        thus "tl  subst_pat_problem_set τ pp. μ. (ti, li)tl. ti  σ = li  μ" 
          by (intro bexI[OF _ tlm], auto)
    thus "pats_complete {subst_pat_problem_set τ pp |. τ  τs n x}"  by auto
  case *: (P_failure' pp P)
    assume pp: "pat_complete pp" 
    with *(3) have wf: "wf_pat pp" by (auto simp: wf_pats_def)
    define confl' :: "('f, nat × 's) term  ('f, nat × 's)term  nat × 's  bool" where "confl' = (λ sp tp y. 
           sp = Var y  inf_sort (snd y)  sp  tp)" 
    define P1 where "P1 = (λ mp s t x y p. mp  pp  (s, Var x)  mp  (t, Var x)  mp  p  poss s  p  poss t  confl' (s |_ p) (t |_ p) y)" 
      fix mp
      assume "mp  pp" 
      hence "inf_var_conflict mp" using * by auto
      from inf_var_conflictD[OF this] 
      have " s t x y p. P1 mp s t x y p" unfolding P1_def confl'_def by force
    hence " mp.  s t x y p. P1 mp s t x y p" unfolding P1_def by blast
    from choice[OF this] obtain s where " mp.  t x y p. P1 mp (s mp) t x y p" by blast
    from choice[OF this] obtain t where " mp.  x y p. P1 mp (s mp) (t mp) x y p" by blast
    from choice[OF this] obtain x where " mp.  y p. P1 mp (s mp) (t mp) (x mp) y p" by blast
    from choice[OF this] obtain y where " mp.  p. P1 mp (s mp) (t mp) (x mp) (y mp) p" by blast
    from choice[OF this] obtain p where " mp. P1 mp (s mp) (t mp) (x mp) (y mp) (p mp)" by blast
    note P1 = this[unfolded P1_def, rule_format]
    from *(2) have "finite (y ` pp)" by blast
    from ex_bij_betw_finite_nat[OF this] obtain index and n :: nat where 
      bij: "bij_betw index (y ` pp) {..<n}" 
      by (auto simp add: atLeast0LessThan)
    define var_ind :: "nat  nat × 's  bool" where
      "var_ind i x = (x  y ` pp  index x  {..<n} - {..<i})" for i x
    have [simp]: "var_ind n x = False" for x
      unfolding var_ind_def by auto  
    define cg_subst_ind :: "nat  ('f,nat × 's)subst  bool" where
      "cg_subst_ind i σ = ( x. (var_ind i x  σ x = Var x)
             (¬ var_ind i x  (vars_term (σ x) = {}  (snd x  S  σ x : snd x in 𝒯(C,EMPTYn)))))" for i σ
    define confl :: "nat  ('f, nat × 's) term  ('f, nat × 's)term  bool" where "confl = (λ i sp tp. 
           (case (sp,tp) of (Var x, Var y)  x  y  var_ind i x  var_ind i y
           | (Var x, Fun _ _)  var_ind i x
           | (Fun _ _, Var x)  var_ind i x
           | (Fun f ss, Fun g ts)  (f,length ss)  (g,length ts)))"
    have confl_n: "confl n s t   f g ss ts. s = Fun f ss  t = Fun g ts  (f,length ss)  (g,length ts)" for s t
      by (cases s; cases t; auto simp: confl_def)
      fix i
      assume "i  n"
      hence " σ. cg_subst_ind i σ  ( mp  pp.  p. p  poss (s mp  σ)  p  poss (t mp  σ)  confl i (s mp  σ |_ p) (t mp  σ |_ p))" 
      proof (induction i)
        case 0
        define σ where "σ x = (if var_ind 0 x then Var x else if snd x  S then map_vars undefined (σg x) else Fun undefined [])" for x
          fix x :: "nat × 's" 
          define t where "t = σg x"
          define s where "s = snd x" 
          assume "snd x  S" 
          hence "σg x : snd x in 𝒯(C,EMPTY)" using σg unfolding cg_subst_def by blast
          hence "map_vars undefined (σg x) : snd x in 𝒯(C,EMPTYn)" (is "?m : _ in _")
            unfolding t_def[symmetric] s_def[symmetric]
          proof (induct t s rule: hastype_in_Term_induct)
            case (Var v σ)
            then show ?case by (auto simp: EMPTY_def)
            case (Fun f ss σs τ)
            then show ?case unfolding term.simps
              by (smt (verit, best) Fun_hastype list_all2_map1 list_all2_mono)
        from this cg_term_vars[OF this] have σ: "cg_subst_ind 0 σ" unfolding cg_subst_ind_def σ_def by auto
        show ?case
        proof (rule exI, rule conjI[OF σ], intro ballI exI conjI)
          fix mp
          assume mp: "mp  pp" 
          note P1 = P1[OF this]
          from mp have mem: "y mp  y ` pp" by auto
          with bij have y: "index (y mp)  {..<n}" by (metis bij_betw_apply)
          hence y0: "var_ind 0 (y mp)" using mem unfolding var_ind_def by auto
          show "p mp  poss (s mp  σ)" using P1 by auto
          show "p mp  poss (t mp  σ)" using P1 by auto
          let ?t = "t mp |_ p mp" 
          define c where "c = confl 0 (s mp  σ |_ p mp) (t mp  σ |_ p mp)" 
          have "c = confl 0 (s mp |_ p mp  σ) (?t  σ)" 
            using P1 unfolding c_def by auto
          also have s: "s mp |_ p mp = Var (y mp)" using P1 unfolding confl'_def by auto
          also have "  σ = Var (y mp)" using y0 unfolding σ_def by auto
          also have "confl 0 (Var (y mp)) (?t  σ)" 
          proof (cases "?t  σ")
            case Fun
            thus ?thesis using y0 unfolding confl_def by auto
            case (Var z)
            then obtain u where t: "?t = Var u" and ssig: "σ u = Var z" 
              by (cases ?t, auto)
            from P1[unfolded s] have "confl' (Var (y mp)) ?t (y mp)" by auto
            from this[unfolded confl'_def t] have uy: "y mp  u" by auto
            show ?thesis
            proof (cases "var_ind 0 u")
              case True
              with y0 uy show ?thesis unfolding t σ_def confl_def by auto
              case False
              with ssig[unfolded σ_def] have uS: "snd u  S" and contra: "map_vars undefined (σg u) = Var z" 
                by (auto split: if_splits)
              from σg[unfolded cg_subst_def, rule_format, OF uS] contra
              have False by (cases "σg u", auto simp: EMPTY_def)
              thus ?thesis ..
          finally show "confl 0 (s mp  σ |_ p mp) (t mp  σ |_ p mp)" unfolding c_def .
        case (Suc i)
        then obtain σ where σ: "cg_subst_ind i σ" and confl: "(mppp. p. p  poss (s mp  σ)  p  poss (t mp  σ)  confl i (s mp  σ |_ p) (t mp  σ |_ p))" 
          by auto
        from Suc have "i  {..< n}" and i: "i < n" by auto
        with bij obtain z where z: "z  y ` pp" "index z = i" unfolding bij_betw_def by (metis imageE)
          from z obtain mp where "mp  pp" and "index (y mp) = i" and "z = y mp" by auto
          with P1[OF this(1), unfolded confl'_def] have inf: "inf_sort (snd z)" 
            and *: "p mp  poss (s mp)" "s mp |_ p mp = Var z" "(s mp, Var (x mp))  mp"
            by auto
          from *(1,2) have "z  vars (s mp)" using vars_term_subt_at by fastforce
          with *(3) have "z  tvars_mp mp" unfolding tvars_mp_def by force
          with mp  pp wf have "snd z  S" unfolding wf_pat_def wf_match_def by auto
          from not_bdd_above_natD[OF inf[unfolded inf_sort_def[OF this]]] term_of_sort[OF this]
          have " n.  t. t : snd z in 𝒯(C,EMPTYn)  n < size t" by auto
        } note z_inf = this
        (* define d as 1 + maximal size of all s- and t-terms in pp σ *)
        define all_st where "all_st = (λ mp. s mp  σ) ` pp  (λ mp. t mp  σ) ` pp" 
        have fin_all_st: "finite all_st" unfolding all_st_def using *(2) by simp
        define d :: nat where "d = Suc (Max (size ` all_st))" 
        from z_inf[of d]
        obtain u where u: "u : snd z in 𝒯(C,EMPTYn)" and du: "d  size u" by auto
        have vars_u: "vars u = {}" by (rule cg_term_vars[OF u])

        define σ' where "σ' x = (if x = z then u else σ x)" for x
        have σ'_def': "σ' x = (if x  y ` pp  index x = i then u else σ x)" for x
          unfolding σ'_def by (rule if_cong, insert bij z, auto simp: bij_betw_def inj_on_def) 
        have var_ind_conv: "var_ind i x = (x = z  var_ind (Suc i) x)" for x
          assume "x = z  var_ind (Suc i) x" 
          thus "var_ind i x" using z i unfolding var_ind_def by auto
          assume "var_ind i x" 
          hence x: "x  y ` pp" "index x  {..<n} - {..<i}" unfolding var_ind_def by auto
          with i have "index x = i  index x  {..<n} - {..<Suc i}" by auto
          thus "x = z  var_ind (Suc i) x"
            assume "index x = i" 
            with x(1) z bij have "x = z" by (auto simp: bij_betw_def inj_on_def)
            thus ?thesis by auto
          qed (insert x, auto simp: var_ind_def)
        have [simp]: "var_ind i z" unfolding var_ind_conv by auto
        have [simp]: "var_ind (Suc i) z = False" unfolding var_ind_def using z by auto
        have σz[simp]: "σ z = Var z" using σ[unfolded cg_subst_ind_def, rule_format, of z] by auto
        have σ'_upd: "σ' = σ(z := u)" unfolding σ'_def by (intro ext, auto)
        have σ'_comp: "σ' = σ s Var(z := u)" unfolding subst_compose_def σ'_upd
        proof (intro ext)
          fix x
          show "(σ(z := u)) x = σ x  Var(z := u)" 
          proof (cases "x = z")
            case False
            hence "σ x  (Var(z := u)) = σ x  Var" 
            proof (intro term_subst_eq)
              fix y
              assume y: "y  vars (σ x)" 
              show "(Var(z := u)) y = Var y" 
              proof (cases "var_ind i x")
                case True
                with σ[unfolded cg_subst_ind_def, rule_format, of x]
                have "σ x = Var x" by auto
                with False y show ?thesis by auto
                case False
                with σ[unfolded cg_subst_ind_def, rule_format, of x]
                have "vars (σ x) = {}" by auto
                with y show ?thesis by auto
            thus ?thesis by auto
          qed simp
        have σ': "cg_subst_ind (Suc i) σ'" unfolding cg_subst_ind_def
        proof (intro allI conjI impI)
          fix x
          assume "var_ind (Suc i) x" 
          hence "var_ind i x" and diff: "index x  i" unfolding var_ind_def by auto
          hence "σ x = Var x" using σ[unfolded cg_subst_ind_def] by blast
          thus "σ' x = Var x" unfolding σ'_def' using diff by auto
          fix x
          assume "¬ var_ind (Suc i) x" and "snd x  S" 
          thus "σ' x : snd x in 𝒯(C,EMPTYn)" 
            using σ[unfolded cg_subst_ind_def, rule_format, of x] u
            unfolding σ'_def var_ind_conv by auto
          fix x
          assume "¬ var_ind (Suc i) x"  
          hence "x = z  ¬ var_ind i x" unfolding var_ind_conv by auto
          thus "vars (σ' x) = {}" unfolding σ'_upd using σ[unfolded cg_subst_ind_def, rule_format, of x] vars_u by auto
        show ?case
        proof (intro exI[of _ σ'] conjI σ' ballI)
          fix mp
          assume mp: "mp  pp" 
          define s' where "s' = s mp  σ" 
          define t' where "t' = t mp  σ" 
          from confl[rule_format, OF mp]
          obtain p where p: "p  poss s'" "p  poss t'" and confl: "confl i (s' |_ p) (t' |_ p)" by (auto simp: s'_def t'_def)
            fix s' t' :: "('f, nat × 's) term" and p f ss x
            assume *: "(s' |_ p, t' |_p) = (Fun f ss, Var x)" "var_ind i x" and p: "p  poss s'" "p  poss t'" 
              and range_all_st: "s'  all_st" 
            hence s': "s'  Var(z := u) |_ p = Fun f ss  Var(z := u)" (is "_ = ?s")
              and t': "t'  Var(z := u) |_ p = (if x = z then u else Var x)" using p by auto
            from range_all_st[unfolded all_st_def] 
            have rangeσ: " S. s' = S  σ" by auto
            define s where "s = ?s"
            have "p. p  poss (s'  Var(z := u))  p  poss (t'  Var(z := u))  confl (Suc i) (s'  Var(z := u) |_ p) (t'  Var(z := u) |_ p)" 
            proof (cases "x = z")
              case False
              thus ?thesis using * p unfolding s' t' by (intro exI[of _ p], auto simp: confl_def var_ind_conv)
              case True
              hence t': "t'  Var(z := u) |_ p = u" unfolding t' by auto
              have " p'. p'  poss u  p'  poss s  confl (Suc i) (s |_ p') (u |_ p')" 
              proof (cases " x. x  vars s  var_ind (Suc i) x")
                case True
                then obtain x where xs: "x  vars s" and x: "var_ind (Suc i) x" by auto
                from xs obtain p' where p': "p'  poss s" and sp: "s |_ p' = Var x" by (metis vars_term_poss_subt_at)
                from p' sp vars_u show ?thesis 
                proof (induct u arbitrary: p' s) 
                  case (Fun f us p' s)
                  show ?case
                  proof (cases s)
                    case (Var y)
                    with Fun have s: "s = Var x" by auto
                    with x show ?thesis by (intro exI[of _ Nil], auto simp: confl_def)
                    case s: (Fun g ss)
                    with Fun obtain j p where p: "p' = j # p" "j < length ss" "p  poss (ss ! j)" "(ss ! j) |_ p = Var x" by auto
                    show ?thesis
                    proof (cases "(f,length us) = (g,length ss)")
                      case False
                      thus ?thesis by (intro exI[of _ Nil], auto simp: s confl_def)
                      case True
                      with p have j: "j < length us" by auto
                      hence usj: "us ! j  set us" by auto
                      with Fun have "vars (us ! j) = {}" by auto
                      from Fun(1)[OF usj p(3,4) this] obtain p' where 
                        "p'  poss (us ! j)  p'  poss (ss ! j)  confl (Suc i) (ss ! j |_ p') (us ! j |_ p')" by auto
                      thus ?thesis using j p by (intro exI[of _ "j # p'"], auto simp: s)
                qed auto
                case False
                from * have fss: "Fun f ss = s' |_ p" by auto 
                from rangeσ obtain S where sS: "s' = S  σ" by auto
                from p have "vars (s' |_ p)  vars s'" by (metis vars_term_subt_at)
                also have " = (yvars S. vars (σ y))" unfolding sS by (simp add: vars_term_subst)
                also have "  (yvars S. Collect (var_ind i))" 
                proof -
                    fix x y
                    assume "x  vars (σ y)" 
                    hence "var_ind i x" 
                      using σ[unfolded cg_subst_ind_def, rule_format, of y] by auto
                  thus ?thesis by auto
                finally have sub: "vars (s' |_ p)  Collect (var_ind i)" by blast
                have "vars s = vars (s' |_ p  Var(z := u))" unfolding s_def s' fss by auto 
                also have " =  (vars ` Var(z := u) ` vars (s' |_ p))" by (simp add: vars_term_subst) 
                also have "   (vars ` Var(z := u) ` Collect (var_ind i))" using sub by auto
                also have "  Collect (var_ind (Suc i))" 
                  by (auto simp: vars_u var_ind_conv)
                finally have vars_s: "vars s = {}" using False by auto
                (* so u and s are ground terms; we will show that they differ and hence a 
                   clash must exist *)
                  assume "s = u" 
                  from this[unfolded s_def fss]
                  have eq: "s' |_ p  Var(z := u) = u" by auto
                  have False
                  proof (cases "z  vars (s' |_ p)")
                    case True
                    have diff: "s' |_ p  Var z" using * by auto 
                    from True obtain C where id: "s' |_ p = C  Var z " 
                      by (metis ctxt_supt_id vars_term_poss_subt_at)
                    with diff have diff: "C  Hole" by (cases C, auto)
                    from eq[unfolded id, simplified] diff
                    obtain C where "Cu = u" and "C  Hole" by (cases C; force)
                    from arg_cong[OF this(1), of size] this(2) show False 
                      by (simp add: less_not_refl2 size_ne_ctxt)
                    case False
                    have size: "size s'  size ` all_st" using range_all_st by auto
                    from False have "s' |_ p  Var(z := u) = s' |_ p  Var" 
                      by (intro term_subst_eq, auto)
                    with eq have eq: "s' |_ p = u" by auto
                    hence "size u = size (s' |_ p)" by auto
                    also have "  size s'" using p(1) 
                      by (rule subt_size)
                    also have "  Max (size ` all_st)" 
                      using size fin_all_st by simp
                    also have " < d" unfolding d_def by simp
                    also have "  size u" using du .
                    finally show False by simp
                hence "s  u" by auto
                with vars_s vars_u
                show ?thesis 
                proof (induct s arbitrary: u)
                  case s: (Fun f ss u)
                  then obtain g us where u: "u = Fun g us" by (cases u, auto)
                  show ?case
                  proof (cases "(f,length ss) = (g,length us)")
                    case False
                    thus ?thesis unfolding u by (intro exI[of _ Nil], auto simp: confl_def)
                    case True
                    with s(4)[unfolded u] have " j < length us. ss ! j  us ! j" 
                      by (auto simp: list_eq_nth_eq)
                    then obtain j where j: "j < length us" and diff: "ss ! j  us ! j" by auto
                    from j True have mem: "ss ! j  set ss" "us ! j  set us" by auto
                    with s(2-) u have "vars (ss ! j) = {}" "vars (us ! j) = {}" by auto
                    from s(1)[OF mem(1) this diff] obtain p' where
                      "p'  poss (us ! j)  p'  poss (ss ! j)  confl (Suc i) (ss ! j |_ p') (us ! j |_ p')" 
                      by blast
                    thus ?thesis unfolding u using True j by (intro exI[of _ "j # p'"], auto)
                qed auto
              then obtain p' where p': "p'  poss u" "p'  poss s" and confl: "confl (Suc i) (s |_ p') (u |_ p')" by auto
              have s'': "s'  Var(z := u) |_ (p @ p') = s |_ p'" unfolding s_def s'[symmetric] using p p' by auto
              have t'': "t'  Var(z := u) |_ (p @ p') = u |_ p'" using t' p p' by auto
              show ?thesis 
              proof (intro exI[of _ "p @ p'"], unfold s'' t'', intro conjI confl)
                have "p  poss (s'  Var(z := u))" using p by auto
                moreover have "p'  poss ((s'  Var(z := u)) |_ p)" using s' p' p unfolding s_def by auto
                ultimately show "p @ p'  poss (s'  Var(z := u))" by simp
                have "p  poss (t'  Var(z := u))" using p by auto
                moreover have "p'  poss ((t'  Var(z := u)) |_ p)" using t' p' p by auto
                ultimately show "p @ p'  poss (t'  Var(z := u))" by simp
          } note main = this
          consider (FF) f g ss ts where "(s' |_ p, t' |_ p) = (Fun f ss, Fun g ts)" "(f,length ss)  (g,length ts)" 
            | (FV) f ss x where "(s' |_ p, t' |_ p) = (Fun f ss, Var x)" "var_ind i x"
            | (VF) f ss x where "(s' |_ p, t' |_ p) = (Var x, Fun f ss)" "var_ind i x" 
            | (VV) x x' where "(s' |_ p, t' |_ p) = (Var x, Var x')" "x  x'" "var_ind i x" "var_ind i x'" 
            using confl by (auto simp: confl_def split: term.splits)
          hence "p. p  poss (s'  Var(z := u))  p  poss (t'  Var(z := u))  confl (Suc i) (s'  Var(z := u) |_ p) (t'  Var(z := u) |_ p)" 
          proof cases
            case (FF f g ss ts)
            thus ?thesis using p by (intro exI[of _ p], auto simp: confl_def)
            case (FV f ss x)
            have "s'  all_st" unfolding s'_def using mp all_st_def by auto
            from main[OF FV p this] show ?thesis by auto
            case (VF f ss x)
            have t': "t'  all_st" unfolding t'_def using mp all_st_def by auto
            from VF have "(t' |_ p, s' |_ p) = (Fun f ss, Var x)" "var_ind i x" by auto
            from main[OF this p(2,1) t'] 
            obtain p where "p  poss (t'  Var(z := u))" "p  poss (s'  Var(z := u))" "confl (Suc i) (t'  Var(z := u) |_ p) (s'  Var(z := u) |_ p)"
              by auto
            thus ?thesis by (intro exI[of _ p], auto simp: confl_def split: term.splits)
            case (VV x x')
            thus ?thesis using p vars_u by (intro exI[of _ p], cases u, auto simp: confl_def var_ind_conv)
          thus "p. p  poss (s mp  σ')  p  poss (t mp  σ')  confl (Suc i) (s mp  σ' |_ p) (t mp  σ' |_ p)" 
            unfolding σ'_comp subst_subst_compose s'_def t'_def by auto
    from this[of n]
    obtain σ where σ: "cg_subst_ind n σ" and confl: " mp. mp  pp  p. p  poss (s mp  σ)  p  poss (t mp  σ)  confl n (s mp  σ |_ p) (t mp  σ |_ p)" 
      by blast
    define σ' :: "('f,nat × 's,'v)gsubst" where "σ' x = Var undefined" for x
    let  = "σ s σ'" 
    have "cg_subst " unfolding cg_subst_def subst_compose_def
    proof (intro allI impI)
      fix x :: "nat × 's" 
      assume "snd x  S" 
      with σ[unfolded cg_subst_ind_def, rule_format, of x]
      have "σ x : snd x in 𝒯(C,EMPTYn)" by auto
      thus "σ x  σ' : snd x in 𝒯(C,EMPTY)" by (rule type_conversion1)
    from pp[unfolded pat_complete_def match_complete_wrt_def, rule_format, OF this]
    obtain mp μ where mp: "mp  pp" and match: " ti li. (ti, li) mp  ti   = li  μ" by force 
    from P1[OF this(1)] 
    have "(s mp, Var (x mp))  mp" "(t mp, Var (x mp))  mp" by auto
    from match[OF this(1)] match[OF this(2)] have ident: "s mp   = t mp  " by auto
    from confl[OF mp] obtain p 
      where p: "p  poss (s mp  σ)" "p  poss (t mp  σ)" and confl: "confl n (s mp  σ |_ p) (t mp  σ |_ p)" 
      by auto
    let ?s = "s mp  σ" let ?t = "t mp  σ" 
    from confl_n[OF confl] obtain f g ss ts where 
      confl: "?s |_p = Fun f ss" "?t |_p = Fun g ts" and diff: "(f,length ss)  (g,length ts)" by auto
    define s' where "s' = s mp  σ" 
    define t' where "t' = t mp  σ" 
    from confl p ident 
    have False 
      unfolding subst_subst_compose s'_def[symmetric] t'_def[symmetric]
    proof (induction p arbitrary: s' t')
      case Nil
      then show ?case using diff by (auto simp: list_eq_nth_eq)
      case (Cons i p s t)
      from Cons obtain h1 us1 where s: "s = Fun h1 us1" by (cases s, auto)
      from Cons obtain h2 us2 where t: "t = Fun h2 us2" by (cases t, auto)
      from Cons(2,4)[unfolded s] have si: "(us1 ! i) |_ p = Fun f ss" "p  poss (us1 ! i)" and i1: "i < length us1" by auto
      from Cons(3,5)[unfolded t] have ti: "(us2 ! i) |_ p = Fun g ts" "p  poss (us2 ! i)" and i2: "i < length us2" by auto
      from Cons(6)[unfolded s t] i1 i2 have " us1 ! i  σ' = us2 ! i  σ'" by (auto simp: list_eq_nth_eq)
      from Cons.IH[OF si(1) ti(1) si(2) ti(2) this]
      show False .
  thus ?case by auto