Theory Pattern_Completeness_Multiset

section ‹A Multiset-Based Inference System to Decide Pattern Completeness›

theory Pattern_Completeness_Multiset
    Polynomial_Factorization.Missing_List (* list_all2_map_map *)

subsection ‹Definition of the Inference Rules›

text ‹We next switch to a multiset based implementation of the inference rules.
  At this level, termination is proven and further, that the evaluation cannot get stuck.
  The inference rules closely mimic the ones in the paper, though there is one additional
  inference rule for getting rid of duplicates (which are automatically removed when working
  on sets).›

type_synonym ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_mset = "(('f,nat × 's)term × ('f,'v)term) multiset" 
type_synonym ('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_mset = "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_mset multiset" 
type_synonym ('f,'v,'s)pats_problem_mset = "('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_mset multiset"

abbreviation mp_mset :: "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_mset  ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_set" 
  where "mp_mset  set_mset" 

abbreviation pat_mset :: "('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_mset  ('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_set"
  where "pat_mset  image mp_mset o set_mset" 

abbreviation pats_mset :: "('f,'v,'s)pats_problem_mset  ('f,'v,'s)pats_problem_set" 
  where "pats_mset  image pat_mset o set_mset" 

abbreviation (input) bottom_mset :: "('f,'v,'s)pats_problem_mset" where "bottom_mset  {# {#} #}" 

context pattern_completeness_context
text ‹A terminating version of @{const P_step_set} working on multisets 
  that also treats the transformation on a more modular basis.›

definition subst_match_problem_mset :: "('f,nat × 's)subst  ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_mset  ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_mset" where
  "subst_match_problem_mset τ = image_mset (subst_left τ)" 

definition subst_pat_problem_mset :: "('f,nat × 's)subst  ('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_mset  ('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_mset" where
  "subst_pat_problem_mset τ = image_mset (subst_match_problem_mset τ)" 

definition τs_list :: "nat  nat × 's  ('f,nat × 's)subst list" where 
  "τs_list n x = map (τc n x) (Cl (snd x))" 
inductive mp_step_mset :: "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_mset  ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_mset  bool" (infix m 50)where
  match_decompose: "(f,length ts) = (g,length ls)
     add_mset (Fun f ts, Fun g ls) mp m mp + mset (zip ts ls)" 
| match_match: "x   (vars ` snd ` set_mset mp)
     add_mset (t, Var x) mp m mp" 
| match_duplicate: "add_mset pair (add_mset pair mp) m add_mset pair mp"
| match_decompose': "mp + mp' m ((t, l) ∈# mp. mset (zip (args t) (map Var ys))) + mp'"
  if " t l. (t,l) ∈# mp  l = Var y  root t = Some (f,n)" 
     " t l. (t,l) ∈# mp'  y  vars l"
     "lvars_disj_mp ys (mp_mset (mp + mp'))" "length ys = n"
     "size mp  2" (* for size = 0, get non-termination, for size = 1, use match_match instead *)

inductive match_fail :: "('f,'v,'s)match_problem_mset  bool" where
  match_clash: "(f,length ts)  (g,length ls)  
     match_fail (add_mset (Fun f ts, Fun g ls) mp)" 
| match_clash': "Conflict_Clash s t  match_fail (add_mset (s, Var x) (add_mset (t, Var x) mp))"       
| match_clash_sort: "𝒯(C,𝒱) s  𝒯(C,𝒱) t  match_fail (add_mset (s, Var x) (add_mset (t, Var x) mp))"       

inductive pp_step_mset :: "('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_mset  ('f,'v,'s)pats_problem_mset  bool"
  (infix m 50) where
  pat_remove_pp: "add_mset {#} pp m {#}" 
| pat_simp_mp: "mp_step_mset mp mp'  add_mset mp pp m {# (add_mset mp' pp) #}" 
| pat_remove_mp: "match_fail mp  add_mset mp pp m {# pp #}"
| pat_instantiate: "tvars_disj_pp {n ..< n+m} (pat_mset (add_mset mp pp)) 
   (Var x, l)  mp_mset mp  is_Fun l 
   (s,Var y)  mp_mset mp  (t,Var y)  mp_mset mp  Conflict_Var s t x  ¬ inf_sort (snd x)
    (improved  s = Var x  is_Fun t) 
  add_mset mp pp m mset (map (λ τ. subst_pat_problem_mset τ (add_mset mp pp)) (τs_list n x))"
| pat_inf_var_conflict: "Ball (pat_mset pp) inf_var_conflict  pp  {#}
     Ball (tvars_pat (pat_mset pp')) (λ x. ¬ inf_sort (snd x))  
    (¬ improved  pp' = {#})
     pp + pp' m {# pp' #}" 

inductive pat_fail :: "('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_mset  bool" where
  pat_empty: "pat_fail {#}" 

inductive P_step_mset :: "('f,'v,'s)pats_problem_mset  ('f,'v,'s)pats_problem_mset  bool"
  (infix m 50)where
  P_failure: "pat_fail pp  add_mset pp P  bottom_mset  add_mset pp P m bottom_mset" 
| P_simp_pp: "pp m pp'  add_mset pp P m pp' + P"

text ‹The relation (encoded as predicate) is finally wrapped in a set›
definition P_step :: "(('f,'v,'s)pats_problem_mset × ('f,'v,'s)pats_problem_mset)set" () where
  " = {(P,P'). P m P'}" 

subsection ‹The evaluation cannot get stuck›

lemmas subst_defs = 

lemma pat_mset_fresh_vars: 
  " n. tvars_disj_pp {n..<n + m} (pat_mset p)" 
proof -  
  define p' where "p' = pat_mset p" 
  define V where "V = fst `  (vars ` (fst `  p'))" 
  have "finite V" unfolding V_def p'_def by auto
  define n where "n = Suc (Max V)" 
    fix mp t l
    assume "mp  p'" "(t,l)  mp" 
    hence sub: "fst ` vars t  V" unfolding V_def by force
      fix x
      assume "x  fst ` vars t" 
      with sub have "x  V" by auto
      with finite V have "x  Max V" by simp
      also have " < n" unfolding n_def by simp
      finally have "x < n" .
    hence "fst ` vars t  {n..<n + m} = {}" by force
  thus ?thesis unfolding tvars_disj_pp_def p'_def[symmetric]
    by (intro exI[of _ n] ballI, force)

lemma mp_mset_in_pat_mset: "mp ∈# pp  mp_mset mp  pat_mset pp"
  by auto
lemma mp_step_mset_cong: 
  assumes "(→m)** mp mp'"
  shows "(add_mset (add_mset mp p) P, add_mset (add_mset mp' p) P)  *" 
  using assms
proof induct
  case (step mp' mp'')
  from P_simp_pp[OF pat_simp_mp[OF step(2), of p], of P]
  have "(add_mset (add_mset mp' p) P, add_mset (add_mset mp'' p) P)  P_step" 
    unfolding P_step_def by auto
  with step(3)
  show ?case by simp
qed auto

lemma mp_step_mset_vars: assumes "mp m mp'"
  shows "tvars_match (mp_mset mp)  tvars_match (mp_mset mp')" 
  using assms 
proof induct 
  case *: (match_decompose' mp y f n mp' ys)
    let ?mset = "mset :: _  ('f,'v,'s)match_problem_mset"
    fix x
    assume "x  tvars_match (mp_mset (((t, l)∈#mp. ?mset (zip (args t) (map Var ys)))))" 
    from this[unfolded tvars_match_def, simplified]
    obtain t l ti yi where tl: "(t,l) ∈# mp" and tiyi: "(ti,yi) ∈# ?mset (zip (args t) (map Var ys))" 
      and x: "x  vars ti" 
      by auto
    from *(1)[OF tl] obtain ts where l: "l = Var y" and t: "t = Fun f ts" and lts: "length ts = n"
      by (cases t, auto)
    from tiyi[unfolded t] have "ti  set ts"
      using set_zip_leftD by fastforce
    with x t have "x  vars t" by auto
    hence "x  tvars_match (mp_mset mp)" using tl unfolding tvars_match_def by auto
  thus ?case unfolding tvars_match_def by force
qed (auto simp: tvars_match_def set_zip)

lemma mp_step_mset_steps_vars: assumes "(→m)** mp mp'"
  shows "tvars_match (mp_mset mp)  tvars_match (mp_mset mp')" 
  using assms by (induct, insert mp_step_mset_vars, auto)


context pattern_completeness_context_with_assms begin

lemma pat_fail_or_trans_or_finite_var_form:
  fixes p :: "('f,'v,'s) pat_problem_mset"
  assumes "improved  infinite (UNIV :: 'v set)" and wf: "wf_pat (pat_mset p)"
  shows "pat_fail p  ( ps. p m ps)  (improved  finite_var_form_pat C (pat_mset p))" 
proof (cases "p = {#}")
  case True
  with pat_empty show ?thesis by auto
  case pne: False
  from pat_mset_fresh_vars obtain n where fresh: "tvars_disj_pp {n..<n + m} (pat_mset p)" by blast
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "{#} ∈# p")
    case True
    then obtain p' where "p = add_mset {#} p'" by (rule mset_add)
    with pat_remove_pp show ?thesis by auto
    case empty_p: False
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases " mp s t. mp ∈# p  (s,t) ∈# mp  is_Fun t")
      case True
      then obtain mp s t where mp: "mp ∈# p" and "(s,t) ∈# mp" and "is_Fun t" by auto
      then obtain g ts where mem: "(s,Fun g ts) ∈# mp" by (cases t, auto)
      from mp obtain p' where p: "p = add_mset mp p'" by (rule mset_add)
      from mem obtain mp' where mp: "mp = add_mset (s, Fun g ts) mp'" by (rule mset_add)
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases s)
        case s: (Fun f ss)
        from pat_simp_mp[OF match_decompose, of f ss] pat_remove_mp[OF match_clash, of f ss]
        show ?thesis unfolding p mp s by blast
        case (Var x)
        from Var mem obtain l where "(Var x, l) ∈# mp  is_Fun l" by auto
        from pat_instantiate[OF fresh[unfolded p] disjI1[OF this]]
        show ?thesis unfolding p by auto
      case False
      hence rhs_vars: " mp s l. mp ∈# p  (s,l) ∈# mp  is_Var l" by auto
      let ?single_var = "( mp t x. add_mset (t,Var x) mp ∈# p  x   (vars ` snd ` set_mset mp))"
      let ?duplicate = "( mp pair. add_mset pair (add_mset pair mp) ∈# p)" 
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "?single_var  ?duplicate")
        case True
        thus ?thesis
          assume ?single_var
          then obtain mp t x where mp: "add_mset (t,Var x) mp ∈# p" and x: "x   (vars ` snd ` set_mset mp)" 
            by auto
          from mp obtain p' where "p = add_mset (add_mset (t,Var x) mp) p'" by (rule mset_add)
          with pat_simp_mp[OF match_match[OF x]] show ?thesis by auto
          assume ?duplicate
          then obtain mp pair where "add_mset pair (add_mset pair mp) ∈# p" (is "?dup ∈# p") by auto
          from mset_add[OF this] obtain p' where
            p: "p = add_mset ?dup p'" . 
          from pat_simp_mp[OF match_duplicate[of pair]] show ?thesis unfolding p by auto
        case False
        hence ndup: "¬ ?duplicate" and nsvar: "¬ ?single_var" by auto
          fix mp
          assume mpp: "mp ∈# p" 
          with empty_p have mp_e: "mp  {#}" by auto
          obtain s l where sl: "(s,l) ∈# mp" using mp_e by auto
          from rhs_vars[OF mpp sl] sl obtain x where sx: "(s, Var x) ∈# mp" by (cases l, auto)
          from mpp obtain p' where p: "p = add_mset mp p'" by (rule mset_add)
          from sx obtain mp' where mp: "mp = add_mset (s, Var x) mp'" by (rule mset_add)
          from nsvar[simplified, rule_format, OF mpp[unfolded mp]] 
          obtain t l where "(t,l) ∈# mp'" and "x  vars (snd (t,l))" by force
          with rhs_vars[OF mpp, of t l] have tx: "(t,Var x) ∈# mp'" unfolding mp by auto
          then obtain mp'' where mp': "mp' = add_mset (t, Var x) mp''" by (rule mset_add)
          from ndup[simplified, rule_format] mpp have "s  t" unfolding mp mp' by auto 
          hence " s t x mp'. mp = add_mset (s, Var x) (add_mset (t, Var x) mp')  s  t" unfolding mp mp' by auto
        } note two = this
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases " mp s t x. add_mset (s, Var x) (add_mset (t, Var x) mp) ∈# p  Conflict_Clash s t")
          case True
          then obtain mp s t x where 
            mp: "add_mset (s, Var x) (add_mset (t, Var x) mp) ∈# p" (is "?mp ∈# _") and conf: "Conflict_Clash s t" 
            by blast
          from pat_remove_mp[OF match_clash'[OF conf, of x mp]] 
          show ?thesis using mset_add[OF mp] by metis
          case no_clash: False
          show ?thesis
          proof (cases " mp s t x y. add_mset (s, Var x) (add_mset (t, Var x) mp) ∈# p  Conflict_Var s t y  ¬ inf_sort (snd y)") 
            case True
            show ?thesis 
            proof (cases improved)
              case not_impr: False
              from True obtain mp s t x y where 
                mp: "add_mset (s, Var x) (add_mset (t, Var x) mp) ∈# p" (is "?mp ∈# _") and conf: "Conflict_Var s t y" and y: "¬ inf_sort (snd y)" 
                by blast
              from mp obtain p' where p: "p = add_mset ?mp p'" by (rule mset_add)
              let ?mp = "add_mset (s, Var x) (add_mset (t, Var x) mp)" 
              from pat_instantiate[OF _ disjI2, of n ?mp p' s x t y, folded p, OF fresh]
              show ?thesis using y conf not_impr by auto
              case impr: True
              (* we first prove that we can reach weak-finite-var-form and switch to finite-var-form later *)
              (* TODO: one might clean up this two-way proof and directly go to finite-var-form *)
              have "(pat_fail p  (ps. p m ps))  weak_finite_var_form_pat (pat_mset p)" 
              proof (cases "weak_finite_var_form_pat (pat_mset p)")
                case False
                from this[unfolded weak_finite_var_form_pat_def] obtain mp 
                  where mp: "mp ∈# p" and nmp: "¬ weak_finite_var_form_match (mp_mset mp)" by auto
                from mset_add[OF mp] obtain p' where p': "p = add_mset mp p'" by auto
                from rhs_vars[OF mp] have "(((t, l)∈#mp. y. l = Var y)  b) = b" for b
                  by force
                note nmp = nmp[unfolded weak_finite_var_form_match_def this]
                from this[simplified] obtain f ss y where
                  s: "(Fun f ss, Var y) ∈# mp" and
                  violation: "((x. (Var x, Var y) ∈# mp  ¬ inf_sort (snd x)) 
                    (t g n. (t, Var y) ∈# mp  root t = Some (g, n)  root t  Some (f, length ss)))" 
                   (is "?A  ?B")
                  by force
                let ?s = "Fun f ss" 
                let ?n = "length ss" 
                show ?thesis
                proof (cases ?B)
                  case True
                  then obtain t g n where t: "(t, Var y) ∈# mp" "root t = Some (g, n)" "root t  Some (f, ?n)" 
                    by auto  
                  from t have st: "(?s, Var y)  (t, Var y)" by (cases t, auto)
                  define mp' where "mp' = mp - {#(?s, Var y),(t, Var y)#}" 
                  from s t(1) st have "mp = add_mset (?s, Var y) (add_mset (t, Var y) mp')" 
                    unfolding mp'_def
                    by (metis Multiset.diff_add add_mset_add_single diff_union_swap insert_DiffM)
                  with no_clash mp have "¬ Conflict_Clash ?s t" by metis
                  moreover have "Conflict_Clash ?s t" 
                    using t by (cases t, auto simp: conflicts.simps)
                  ultimately show ?thesis ..
                  case no_clash': False
                  with violation have finsort: " x. (Var x, Var y) ∈# mp  ¬ inf_sort (snd x)" by blast                  
                  show ?thesis 
                  proof (cases " x. (Var x, Var y) ∈# mp")
                    case True
                    then obtain x where t: "(Var x, Var y) ∈# mp" (is "(?t,_) ∈# _") by auto
                    from finsort[OF t] have fin: "¬ inf_sort (snd x)" .
                    from s t fin pat_instantiate[OF _ disjI2, of _ mp p' ?t y ?s x, folded p', OF fresh]
                    show ?thesis by (auto simp: conflicts.simps)
                    case False
                    define test_y where "test_y tl = (snd tl = Var y)" for tl :: "('f, nat × 's) term × ('f,'v)term" 
                    define mpy where "mpy = filter_mset test_y mp" 
                    have size: "size mpy  2" 
                    proof -                      
                      from mset_add[OF s] obtain mp' where mp': "mp = add_mset (?s, Var y) mp'" by blast
                      have "y   (vars ` snd ` mp_mset mp')" 
                        using nsvar[rule_format] mp' mp by blast
                      then obtain t' l' where tl': "(t',l') ∈# mp'" and "y  vars l'" by auto
                      with rhs_vars[OF mp, of t' l'] mp' have "is_Var l'" by auto
                      with y  vars l' have l': "l' = Var y" by auto
                      hence "(t',Var y) ∈# mp'" using tl' by auto
                      from mset_add[OF this] obtain mp'' where mp'': "mp' = add_mset (t', Var y) mp''" 
                        by auto
                      have mpy: "mpy = add_mset (?s, Var y) (add_mset (t', Var y) (filter_mset test_y mp''))" 
                        unfolding mpy_def mp' mp'' by (simp add: test_y_def)
                      thus ?thesis by simp
                    define mpny where "mpny = filter_mset (Not o test_y) mp" 
                    have id: "mp = mpy + mpny" by (simp add: mpy_def mpny_def)
                      fix t l
                      assume "(t, l) ∈# mpny" 
                      hence "l  Var y" "(t,l) ∈# mp" unfolding mpny_def test_y_def o_def by auto
                      with rhs_vars[OF mp, of t l] have "y  vars l" by (cases l, auto)
                    } note mpny = this
                      fix t l
                      assume "(t, l) ∈# mpy" 
                      hence l: "l = Var y" and pair: "(t,Var y) ∈# mp" unfolding mpy_def test_y_def o_def by auto
                      with False obtain g ts where t: "t = Fun g ts" by (cases t, auto)
                      from no_clash' pair t have "root t = Some (f,?n)" by auto
                      with l have "l = Var y  root t = Some (f,?n)" by auto
                    } note mpy = this  
                    define VV where "VV =  (vars ` snd ` mp_mset mp)" 
                    have "finite VV" by (auto simp: VV_def)
                    with assms(1)[OF impr] have "infinite (UNIV - VV)" by auto
                    then obtain Ys where Ys: "Ys  UNIV - VV" "card Ys = ?n" "finite Ys"
                      by (meson infinite_arbitrarily_large)
                    from Ys(2-3) obtain ys where ys: "distinct ys" "length ys = ?n" "set ys = Ys"
                      by (metis distinct_card finite_distinct_list)
                    with Ys have dist: "VV  set ys = {}" by auto
                    have "lvars_disj_mp ys (mp_mset mp)" "length ys = ?n" 
                      unfolding lvars_disj_mp_def using ys dist unfolding VV_def by auto
                    from match_decompose'[of mpy y f ?n mpny, folded id, OF mpy mpny this size impr]
                    obtain mp' where "mp m mp'" by force
                    from pat_simp_mp[OF this, of p'] p' show ?thesis by auto
              qed auto
              (* and continue to switch from weak-finite-var-form to full finite-var-form *)
              thus ?thesis
              proof (elim context_disjE)
                assume no_step: "¬ (pat_fail p  (ps. p m ps))" 
                assume "weak_finite_var_form_pat (pat_mset p)" 
                note wfvf = this[unfolded weak_finite_var_form_pat_def weak_finite_var_form_match_def, rule_format]
                note get_var = wfvf[THEN conjunct1, rule_format]
                note fun_case = wfvf[THEN conjunct2, rule_format]
                (* fin-predicate: all variables in mp are of finite sort *)
                define fin where "fin mp = Ball (tvars_match (mp_mset mp)) (λ x. ¬ inf_sort (snd x))" for mp :: "('f,'v,'s) match_problem_mset"
                define p_fin where "p_fin = filter_mset fin p" 
                define p_inf where "p_inf = filter_mset (Not o fin) p" 
                have p_split: "p = p_inf + p_fin" unfolding p_fin_def p_inf_def by auto
                show ?thesis
                proof (cases "p_inf = {#}")
                  case True
                  have fin: " mp. mp ∈# p  fin mp" unfolding p_split True unfolding p_fin_def by auto
                  have "finite_var_form_pat C (pat_mset p)"
                    unfolding finite_var_form_pat_def finite_var_form_match_def var_form_match_def
                  proof (intro ballI conjI subsetI allI impI, clarify)
                    fix mp l
                    assume mp: "mp  pat_mset p"
                    { fix t assume tl: "(t,l)  mp"
                      from get_var[OF mp tl] tl obtain y where 
                        ty: "(t, Var y)  mp" and ly: "l = Var y" by (cases l, auto)
                      have "is_Var t"
                      proof (cases t)
                        case (Fun f ts)
                        with ty have "(Fun f ts, Var y)  mp" by auto
                        from fun_case[OF _ this] mp obtain x where "(Var x, Var y)  mp" "inf_sort (snd x)" by auto
                        with fin[unfolded fin_def tvars_match_def] mp tl have False by auto
                        thus ?thesis by auto
                      qed auto
                      with ly show "(t,l)  range (map_prod Var Var)" by auto
                    } note var_var = this
                    fix x assume xl: "(Var x, l)  mp"
                    then have xmp: "x  tvars_match mp" by (force simp: tvars_match_def)
                    with wf[unfolded wf_pat_def wf_match_def, rule_format, OF mp]
                    have sxS: "snd x  S" by auto
                    from mp xmp fin fin_def have "¬inf_sort (snd x)" by auto
                    with inf_sort[OF sxS]
                    show fint: "finite_sort C (snd x)" by auto
                    fix y assume yl: "(Var y, l)  mp"
                    from yl var_var obtain z where l: "l = Var z" by force
                    show "snd x = snd y" 
                    proof (cases "x = y")
                      case False
                      from mp obtain mp' where mp': "mp' ∈# p" and mp: "mp = mp_mset mp'" by auto
                      from False xl yl obtain mp'' 
                        where "mp' = add_mset (Var x, Var z) (add_mset (Var y, Var z) mp'')" 
                        unfolding l mp by (metis insert_DiffM insert_noteq_member prod.inject term.inject(1))
                      with no_clash mp' have "¬ Conflict_Clash (Var x) (Var y)" 
                        by (metis conflicts.simps(1))
                      thus "snd x = snd y" by (simp add: conflicts.simps split: if_splits)
                    qed auto
                  with impr show ?thesis by auto
                  case False
                  have "xtvars_pat (pat_mset p_fin). ¬ inf_sort (snd x)" unfolding p_fin_def fin_def
                    by (auto simp: tvars_pat_def)
                  from pat_inf_var_conflict[OF _ False this, folded p_split] no_step
                  obtain mp where mp: "mp ∈# p" and inf: "¬ fin mp" and no_confl: "¬ inf_var_conflict (mp_mset mp)" 
                    unfolding p_inf_def using impr by fastforce
                  from inf[unfolded fin_def tvars_match_def]
                  obtain t l x where tl: "(t,l) ∈# mp" and x: "x  vars t" and inf: "inf_sort (snd x)" by auto
                  from get_var[OF _ tl] mp tl obtain y where ty: "(t, Var y) ∈# mp" by auto
                  have " x. (Var x, Var y) ∈# mp  inf_sort (snd x)" 
                  proof (cases t)
                    case (Var z)
                    with ty inf x show ?thesis by (intro exI[of _ z], auto)
                    case (Fun f ts)
                    from fun_case[OF _ ty[unfolded Fun]] mp show ?thesis by auto
                  then obtain x where xy: "(Var x, Var y) ∈# mp" and inf: "inf_sort (snd x)" by auto
                  from mset_add[OF xy] obtain mp' where mp': "mp = add_mset (Var x, Var y) mp'" by auto
                  from nsvar[simplified, rule_format, OF mp[unfolded mp']] obtain s y' where 
                    sy': "(s,y') ∈# mp'" and y': "y  vars y'" by force
                  from mset_add[OF sy'] mp' obtain mp'' where 
                    mp'': "mp = add_mset (s,y') (add_mset (Var x, Var y) mp'')" 
                    by auto
                  from get_var[OF mp_mset_in_pat_mset[OF mp[unfolded mp'']]] y'
                  have mp'': "mp = add_mset (s, Var y) (add_mset (Var x, Var y) mp'')" 
                    unfolding mp'' by (cases y', auto)
                  from ndup mp'' mp have sx: "s  Var x" by auto
                  from no_clash mp'' mp have no_clash: "¬ Conflict_Clash s (Var x)" by metis
                  from no_confl[unfolded inf_var_conflict_def not_ex, rule_format, of s y "Var x" x] mp'' inf                     
                  have "¬ Conflict_Var s (Var x) x" by auto
                  with sx no_clash have False by (cases s, auto simp: conflicts.simps split: if_splits)
                  thus ?thesis by auto
              qed auto
            case no_non_inf: False
            have " ps. p + {#} m ps"
            proof (intro exI, rule pat_inf_var_conflict[OF _ pne], intro ballI)
              fix mp
              assume mp: "mp  pat_mset p"
              then obtain mp' where mp': "mp' ∈# p" and mp: "mp = mp_mset mp'" by auto 
              from two[OF mp']
              obtain s t x mp''
                where mp'': "mp' = add_mset (s, Var x) (add_mset (t, Var x) mp'')" and diff: "s  t" by auto
              from conflicts(3)[OF diff] obtain y where "Conflict_Clash s t  Conflict_Var s t y" by auto
              with no_clash mp'' mp' have conf: "Conflict_Var s t y" by force
              with no_non_inf mp'[unfolded mp''] have inf: "inf_sort (snd y)" by blast
              show "inf_var_conflict mp" unfolding inf_var_conflict_def mp mp'' 
                apply (rule exI[of _ s], rule exI[of _ t])
                apply (intro exI[of _ x] exI[of _ y])
                using insert inf conf by auto
            qed (auto simp: tvars_pat_def)
            thus ?thesis by auto

  assumes non_improved: "¬ improved"
lemma pat_fail_or_trans: "wf_pat (pat_mset p)  pat_fail p  ( ps. p m ps)" 
  using pat_fail_or_trans_or_finite_var_form[of p] non_improved by auto

text ‹Pattern problems just have two normal forms: 
  empty set (solvable) or bottom (not solvable)›
theorem P_step_NF: 
  assumes wf: "wf_pats (pats_mset P)" and NF: "P  NF " 
  shows "P  {{#}, bottom_mset}" 
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume nNF: "P  {{#}, bottom_mset}"
  from NF have NF: "¬ ( Q. P m Q)" unfolding P_step_def by blast
  from nNF obtain p P' where P: "P = add_mset p P'"
    using multiset_cases by auto
  with wf have "wf_pat (pat_mset p)" by (auto simp: wf_pats_def)
  with pat_fail_or_trans
  obtain ps where "pat_fail p  p m ps" by auto
  with P_simp_pp[of p ps] NF
  have "pat_fail p" unfolding P by auto
  from P_failure[OF this, of P', folded P] nNF NF show False by auto

  assumes improved: "improved"
    and inf: "infinite (UNIV :: 'v set)" 
lemma pat_fail_or_trans_or_fvf:
  fixes p :: "('f,'v,'s) pat_problem_mset"
  assumes "wf_pat (pat_mset p)"
  shows "pat_fail p  ( ps. p m ps)  finite_var_form_pat C (pat_mset p)"
  using assms pat_fail_or_trans_or_finite_var_form[of p, OF inf] by auto

text ‹Normal forms only consist of finite-var-form pattern problems›
theorem P_step_NF_fvf: 
  assumes wf: "wf_pats (pats_mset P)"
    and NF: "(P::('f,'v,'s) pats_problem_mset)  NF " 
    and p: "p ∈# P"
  shows "finite_var_form_pat C (pat_mset p)"  
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume nfvf: "¬ ?thesis"
  from wf p have wfp: "wf_pat (pat_mset p)" by (auto simp: wf_pats_def)
  from mset_add[OF p] obtain P' where P: "P = add_mset p P'" by auto
  from NF have NF: "¬ ( Q. P m Q)" unfolding P_step_def by blast
  from pat_fail_or_trans_or_fvf[OF wfp] nfvf
  obtain ps where "pat_fail p  p m ps" by auto
  with P_simp_pp[of p ps] NF
  have "pat_fail p" unfolding P by auto
  from P_failure[OF this, of P', folded P] NF have "P = {# {#} #}" by auto
  with P have "p = {#}" by auto
  with nfvf show False unfolding finite_var_form_pat_def by auto



subsection ‹Termination›

text ‹A measure to count the number of function symbols of the first argument that don't
  occur in the second argument›
fun fun_diff :: "('f,'v)term  ('f,'w)term  nat" where
  "fun_diff l (Var x) = num_funs l" 
| "fun_diff (Fun g ls) (Fun f ts) = (if f = g  length ts = length ls then
     sum_list (map2 fun_diff ls ts) else 0)" 
| "fun_diff l t = 0" 

lemma fun_diff_Var[simp]: "fun_diff (Var x) t = 0" 
  by (cases t, auto)

lemma add_many_mult: "( y. y ∈# N  (y,x)  R)  (N + M, add_mset x M)  mult R"
  by (metis add.commute add_mset_add_single multi_member_last multi_self_add_other_not_self one_step_implies_mult)

lemma fun_diff_num_funs: "fun_diff l t  num_funs l" 
proof (induct l t rule: fun_diff.induct)
  case (2 f ls g ts)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "f = g  length ts = length ls")
    case True
    have "sum_list (map2 fun_diff ls ts)  sum_list (map num_funs ls)"
      by (intro sum_list_mono2, insert True 2, (force simp: set_zip)+)
    with 2 show ?thesis by auto
  qed auto
qed auto

lemma fun_diff_subst: "fun_diff l (t  σ)  fun_diff l t" 
proof (induct l arbitrary: t)
  case l: (Fun f ls)
  show ?case
  proof (cases t)
    case t: (Fun g ts)
    show ?thesis unfolding t using l by (auto intro: sum_list_mono2)
    case t: (Var x)
    show ?thesis unfolding t using fun_diff_num_funs[of "Fun f ls"] by auto
qed auto

lemma fun_diff_num_funs_lt: assumes t': "t' = Fun c cs" 
  and "is_Fun l" 
shows "fun_diff l t' < num_funs l"
proof -
  from assms obtain g ls where l: "l = Fun g ls" by (cases l, auto)
  show ?thesis 
  proof (cases "c = g  length cs = length ls")
    case False 
    thus ?thesis unfolding t' l by auto
    case True
    have "sum_list (map2 fun_diff ls cs)  sum_list (map num_funs ls)" 
      apply (rule sum_list_mono2; (intro impI)?)
      subgoal using True by auto
      subgoal for i using True by (auto intro: fun_diff_num_funs)
    thus ?thesis unfolding t' l using True by auto

lemma sum_union_le_nat: "sum (f :: 'a  nat) (A  B)  sum f A + sum f B" 
  by (metis finite_Un le_iff_add sum.infinite sum.union_inter zero_le)

lemma sum_le_sum_list_nat: "sum f (set xs)  (sum_list (map f xs) :: nat)" 
proof (induct xs)
  case (Cons x xs)
  thus ?case 
    by (cases "x  set xs", auto simp: insert_absorb)
qed auto

lemma bdd_above_has_Maximum_nat: "bdd_above (A :: nat set)  A  {}  has_Maximum A" 
  unfolding has_Maximum_def
  by (meson Max_ge Max_in bdd_above_nat)

context pattern_completeness_context_with_assms

lemma τs_list: "set (τs_list n x) = τs n x" 
  unfolding τs_list_def τs_def using Cl by auto

abbreviation (input) sum_ms :: "('a  nat)  'a multiset  nat" where
  "sum_ms f ms  sum_mset (image_mset f ms)" 

definition meas_diff :: "('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_mset  nat" where
  "meas_diff = sum_ms (sum_ms (λ (t,l). fun_diff l t))" 

definition max_size :: "'s  nat" where
  "max_size s = (if s  S  ¬ inf_sort s then Maximum (size ` {t. t : s in 𝒯(C)}) else 0)" 

definition meas_finvars :: "('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_mset  nat" where
  "meas_finvars = sum_ms (λ mp. sum (max_size o snd) (tvars_match (mp_mset mp)))" 

definition meas_symbols :: "('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_mset  nat" where
  "meas_symbols = sum_ms (sum_ms (λ (t,l). num_funs t))" 

definition meas_setsize :: "('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_mset  nat" where
  "meas_setsize p = sum_ms (sum_ms (λ _. 1)) p + size p" 

definition rel_pat :: "(('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_mset × ('f,'v,'s)pat_problem_mset)set" () where
  "() = inv_image ({(x, y). x < y} <*lex*> {(x, y). x < y} <*lex*> {(x, y). x < y} <*lex*> {(x, y). x < y}) 
  (λ mp. (meas_diff mp, meas_finvars mp, meas_symbols mp, meas_setsize mp))" 
abbreviation gt_rel_pat (infix  50) where
  "pp  pp'  (pp',pp)  " 

definition rel_pats :: "(('f,'v,'s)pats_problem_mset × ('f,'v,'s)pats_problem_mset)set" (≺mul) where
  "≺mul = mult ()" 

abbreviation gt_rel_pats (infix ≻mul 50) where
  "P ≻mul P'  (P',P)  ≺mul" 

lemma wf_rel_pat: "wf " 
  unfolding rel_pat_def
  by (intro wf_inv_image wf_lex_prod wf_less)

lemma wf_rel_pats: "wf ≺mul" 
  unfolding rel_pats_def
  by (intro wf_inv_image wf_mult wf_rel_pat)

lemma tvars_match_fin: 
  "finite (tvars_match (mp_mset mp))"  
  unfolding tvars_match_def by auto

lemmas meas_def = meas_finvars_def meas_diff_def meas_symbols_def meas_setsize_def

lemma tvars_match_mono: "mp ⊆# mp'  tvars_match (mp_mset mp)  tvars_match (mp_mset mp')" 
  unfolding tvars_match_def 
  by (intro image_mono subset_refl set_mset_mono UN_mono)

lemma meas_finvars_mono: assumes "tvars_match (mp_mset mp)  tvars_match (mp_mset mp')" 
  shows "meas_finvars {#mp#}  meas_finvars {#mp'#}" 
  using tvars_match_fin[of mp'] assms
  unfolding meas_def by (auto intro: sum_mono2)

lemma rel_mp_sub: "{# add_mset p mp#}  {# mp #}"
proof - 
  let ?mp' = "add_mset p mp" 
  have "mp ⊆# ?mp'" by auto
  from meas_finvars_mono[OF tvars_match_mono[OF this]]
  show ?thesis unfolding meas_def rel_pat_def by auto

lemma rel_mp_mp_step_mset:
  fixes mp :: "('f,'v,'s) match_problem_mset"
  assumes "mp m mp'"
  shows "{#mp#}  {#mp'#}"  
  using assms
proof cases
  case *: (match_decompose f ts g ls mp'')
  have "meas_finvars {#mp'#}  meas_finvars {#mp#}" 
  proof (rule meas_finvars_mono)
    show "tvars_match (mp_mset mp')  tvars_match (mp_mset mp)" 
      unfolding tvars_match_def * using *(3) by (auto simp: set_zip set_conv_nth)
  have id: "(case case x of (x, y)  (y, x) of (t, l)  f t l) = (case x of (a,b)  f b a)" for 
    x :: "('f, 'v) Term.term × ('f, nat × 's) Term.term" and f :: "_  _  nat" 
    by (cases x, auto)
  have "meas_diff {#mp'#}  meas_diff {#mp#}" 
    unfolding meas_def * using *(3) 
    by (auto simp: sum_mset_sum_list[symmetric] zip_commute[of ts ls] image_mset.compositionality o_def id)
  moreover have "length ts = length ls  ((t, l)∈#mset (zip ts ls). num_funs t)  sum_list (map num_funs ts)" 
    by (induct ts ls rule: list_induct2, auto)
  hence "meas_symbols {#mp'#} < meas_symbols {#mp#}" 
    unfolding meas_def * using *(3)
    by (auto simp: sum_mset_sum_list)
  ultimately show ?thesis unfolding rel_pat_def by auto
  case *: (match_decompose' mp1 y f n mp2 ys)
  let ?Var = "Var :: 'v  ('f, 'v) term" 
  have "meas_diff {#mp'#}  meas_diff {#mp#}
     ((ti, yi)∈#((t, l)∈#mp1. mset (zip (args t) (map ?Var ys))). fun_diff yi ti)
     ((t, l)∈#mp1. fun_diff l t)" (is "_  ?sum  _")
    unfolding * meas_diff_def by simp
  also have "?sum = 0" 
    by (intro sum_mset.neutral ballI, auto simp: set_zip)
  finally have "meas_diff {#mp'#}  meas_diff {#mp#}" by simp
  have "meas_finvars {#mp'#}  meas_finvars {#mp#}" 
  proof (rule meas_finvars_mono)
    show "tvars_match (mp_mset mp')  tvars_match (mp_mset mp)" 
      unfolding tvars_match_def * using *(3,6) 
      by (auto simp: set_zip set_conv_nth) 
        (metis case_prod_conv nth_mem option.simps(3) root.elims term.sel(4) term.set_intros(4))
  have "meas_symbols {#mp'#} < meas_symbols {#mp#}"
  proof -
    from 2  size mp1 obtain T L MP where mp1: "mp1 = add_mset (T,L) MP" 
      by (cases mp1; force)
    from *(3)[of T L] mp1 obtain TS where id: "T = Fun f TS" "L = Var y" and lTS: "length TS = n" 
      by (cases T, auto)
    have aux: "length ts = length ls  
      ((t, l)∈#mset (zip ts ls). num_funs t)  sum_list (map num_funs ts)" 
      for ts :: "('f, nat × 's)term list" and ls :: "('f,'v)term list" 
      by (induct ts ls rule: list_induct2, auto)
    have "meas_symbols {#mp'#} < meas_symbols {#mp#}  
    (((t, l)∈#mset (zip TS (map ?Var ys)). num_funs t) +
     ((ti, yi)∈#((t, l)∈#MP. mset (zip (args t) (map ?Var ys))). num_funs ti)
      (sum_list (map num_funs TS) + ((t, l)∈#MP. num_funs t)))" 
      (is "_  (?a + ?b  ?c + ?d)")
      unfolding meas_symbols_def * mp1 id by (simp add: sum_mset_sum_list less_Suc_eq_le) 
    also have 
    proof (rule add_le_mono)
      show "?a  ?c" using aux lTS length ys = n by auto
      from *(3) mp1 have "(t, l) ∈# MP  l = Var y  root t = Some (f, n)" for l t by auto
      thus "?b  ?d" 
      proof (induct MP)
        case (add pair MP)
        obtain t l where pair: "pair = (t,l)" by force
        from add(2)[of t l] obtain ts where id: "l = Var y" "t = Fun f ts" and lts: "length ts = n" 
          by (cases t, auto simp: pair)
        from add(1)[OF add(2)]
        have IH: "((ti, yi)∈#((t, l)∈#MP. mset (zip (args t) (map ?Var ys))). num_funs ti)
           ((t, l)∈#MP. num_funs t)" by auto
        from IH aux[of ts, unfolded lts, of "map ?Var ys"] length ys = n
        show ?case unfolding pair id by auto
      qed auto
    finally show "meas_symbols {#mp'#} < meas_symbols {#mp#}" .
  ultimately show ?thesis unfolding rel_pat_def by auto
  case *: (match_match x t)
  show ?thesis unfolding *
    by (rule rel_mp_sub)
  case *: (match_duplicate pair mp)
  show ?thesis unfolding *
    by (rule rel_mp_sub)

lemma sum_ms_image: "sum_ms f (image_mset g ms) = sum_ms (f o g) ms"
  by (simp add: multiset.map_comp)

lemma meas_diff_subst_le: "meas_diff (subst_pat_problem_mset τ p)  meas_diff p"
  unfolding meas_def subst_match_problem_set_def subst_defs subst_left_def
  unfolding sum_ms_image o_def
  apply (rule sum_mset_mono, rule sum_mset_mono)
  apply clarify
  unfolding map_prod_def split id_apply
  by (rule fun_diff_subst)

lemma meas_sub: assumes sub: "p' ⊆# p" 
shows "meas_diff p'  meas_diff p"
  "meas_finvars p'  meas_finvars p"
  "meas_symbols p'  meas_symbols p"
proof -
  from sub obtain p'' where p: "p = p' + p''" by (metis subset_mset.less_eqE)
  show "meas_diff p'  meas_diff p" "meas_finvars p'  meas_finvars p" "meas_symbols p'  meas_symbols p" 
    unfolding meas_def p by auto

lemma meas_sub_rel_pat: assumes sub: "p' ⊂# p" 
  shows "p  p'" 
proof -
  from sub obtain x p'' where p: "p = add_mset x p' + p''"
    by (metis multi_nonempty_split subset_mset.lessE union_mset_add_mset_left union_mset_add_mset_right)
  hence lt: "meas_setsize p' < meas_setsize p" unfolding meas_def by auto
  from sub have "p' ⊆# p" by auto
  from lt meas_sub[OF this]
  show ?thesis unfolding rel_pat_def by auto

lemma max_size_term_of_sort: assumes sS: "s  S" and inf: "¬ inf_sort s" 
  shows " t. t : s in 𝒯(C)  max_size s = size t  ( t'. t' : s in 𝒯(C)  size t'  size t)" 
proof -
  let ?set = "λ s. size ` {t. t : s in 𝒯(C)}" 
  have m: "max_size s = Maximum (?set s)" unfolding o_def max_size_def using inf sS by auto
  from inf inf_sort_not_bdd[OF sS] have "bdd_above (?set s)" by auto
  moreover have "?set s  {}" by (auto intro!: sorts_non_empty sS) 
  ultimately have "has_Maximum (?set s)" by (rule bdd_above_has_Maximum_nat) 
  from has_MaximumD[OF this, folded m] show ?thesis by auto

lemma max_size_max: assumes sS: "s  S" 
  and inf: "¬ inf_sort s" 
  and sort: "t : s in 𝒯(C)" 
shows "size t  max_size s"  
  using max_size_term_of_sort[OF sS inf] sort by auto
lemma finite_sort_size: assumes c: "c : map snd vs  s in C"
  and inf: "¬ inf_sort s"  
shows "sum (max_size o snd) (set vs) < max_size s" 
proof -
  from c have vsS: "insert s (set (map snd vs))  S" using C_sub_S
    by (metis (mono_tags))
  hence sS: "s  S" by auto
  let ?m = "max_size s" 
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases " v  set vs. inf_sort (snd v)")
    case True
      fix v
      assume "v  set vs" 
      with vsS have v: "snd v  S" by auto
      note sorts_non_empty[OF this]
    hence " v.  t. v  set vs  t : snd v in 𝒯(C)" by auto
    from choice[OF this] obtain t where 
      t: " v. v  set vs  t v : snd v in 𝒯(C)" by blast
    from True vsS obtain vl where vl: "vl  set vs" and vlS: "snd vl  S" and inf_vl: "inf_sort (snd vl)" by auto
    note nbdd = inf_sort_not_bdd[OF vlS, THEN iffD2, OF inf_vl]
    from not_bdd_above_natD[OF nbdd, of ?m] t[OF vl]
     obtain tl where 
      tl: "tl : snd vl in 𝒯(C)" and large: "?m  size tl" by fastforce
    let ?t = "Fun c (map (λ v. if v = vl then tl else t v) vs)" 
    have "?t : s in 𝒯(C)" 
      by (intro Fun_hastypeI[OF c] list_all2_map_map, insert tl t, auto)
    from max_size_max[OF sS inf this] 
    have False using large split_list[OF vl] by auto
    thus ?thesis ..
    case False
      fix v
      assume v: "v  set vs" 
      with False have inf: "¬ inf_sort (snd v)" by auto
      from vsS v have "snd v  S" by auto
      from max_size_term_of_sort[OF this inf]
      have " t. t : snd v in 𝒯(C)  size t = max_size (snd v)" by auto
    hence " v.  t. v  set vs  t : snd v in 𝒯(C)  size t = max_size (snd v)" by auto
    from choice[OF this] obtain t where 
      t: "v  set vs  t v : snd v in 𝒯(C)  size (t v) = max_size (snd v)" for v by blast
    let ?t = "Fun c (map t vs)" 
    have "?t : s in 𝒯(C)" 
      by (intro Fun_hastypeI[OF c] list_all2_map_map, insert t, auto)
    from max_size_max[OF sS inf this]
    have "size ?t  max_size s" . (* the important step *)

    have "sum (max_size  snd) (set vs) = sum (size o t) (set vs)" 
      by (rule sum.cong[OF refl], unfold o_def, insert t, auto)
    also have "  sum_list (map (size o t) vs)" 
      by (rule sum_le_sum_list_nat)
    also have "  size_list (size o t) vs" by (induct vs, auto)
    also have " < size ?t" by simp
    also have "  max_size s" by fact
    finally show ?thesis .

lemma rel_pp_step_mset:
  fixes p :: "('f,'v,'s) pat_problem_mset"
  assumes "p m ps"
  and "p' ∈# ps"
shows "p  p'" 
  using assms
proof induct
  case *: (pat_simp_mp mp mp' p)
  hence p': "p' = add_mset mp' p" by auto
  from rel_mp_mp_step_mset[OF *(1)]
  show ?case unfolding p' rel_pat_def meas_def by auto
  case (pat_remove_mp mp p)
  hence p': "p' = p" by auto 
  show ?case unfolding p' 
    by (rule meas_sub_rel_pat, auto)
  case *: (pat_instantiate n mp p x l s y t)
  from *(2) have " s t. (s,t) ∈# mp   (s = Var x  is_Fun t
           (x  vars s  ¬ inf_sort (snd x)))"
    assume *: "(s, Var y) ∈# mp  (t, Var y) ∈# mp  Conflict_Var s t x  ¬ inf_sort (snd x)
      (improved  s = Var x  is_Fun t)" 
    hence "Conflict_Var s t x" and "¬ inf_sort (snd x)" by auto
    from conflicts(4)[OF this(1)] this(2) *
    show ?thesis by auto
  qed auto
  then obtain s t where st: "(s,t) ∈# mp" and choice: "s = Var x  is_Fun t  x  vars s  ¬ inf_sort (snd x)" 
    by auto
  let ?p = "add_mset mp p" 
  let ?s = "snd x" 
  from *(3) τs_list
  obtain τ where τ: "τ  τs n x" and p': "p' = subst_pat_problem_mset τ ?p" by auto
  let ?tau_mset = "subst_pat_problem_mset τ :: ('f,'v,'s) pat_problem_mset  _"
  let ?tau = "subst_match_problem_mset τ :: ('f,'v,'s) match_problem_mset  _"
  from τ[unfolded τs_def τc_def List.maps_def]
  obtain c sorts where c: "c : sorts  ?s in C" and tau: "τ = subst x (Fun c (map Var (zip [n..<n + length sorts] sorts)))" 
    by auto
  with C_sub_S have sS: "?s  S" and sorts: "set sorts  S" by auto
  define vs where "vs = zip [n..<n + length sorts] sorts" 
  have τ: "τ = subst x (Fun c (map Var vs))" unfolding tau vs_def by auto
  have "snd ` vars (τ y)  insert (snd y) S" for y
    using sorts unfolding tau by (auto simp: subst_def set_zip set_conv_nth)
  hence vars_sort: "(a,b)  vars (τ y)  b  insert (snd y) S" for a b y by fastforce 
  from st obtain mp' where mp: "mp = add_mset (s,t) mp'" by (rule mset_add)
  from choice have "?p  ?tau_mset ?p" 
    assume "s = Var x  is_Fun t" 
    then obtain f ts where s: "s = Var x" and t: "t = Fun f ts" by (cases t, auto)
    have "meas_diff (?tau_mset ?p) = 
      meas_diff (?tau_mset (add_mset mp' p)) + fun_diff t (s  τ)" 
      unfolding meas_def subst_defs subst_left_def mp by simp
    also have "  meas_diff (add_mset mp' p) + fun_diff t (τ x)" using meas_diff_subst_le[of τ] s by auto
    also have " < meas_diff (add_mset mp' p) + fun_diff t s"
    proof (rule add_strict_left_mono)
      have "fun_diff t (τ x) < num_funs t" 
        unfolding tau subst_simps fun_diff.simps
        by (rule fun_diff_num_funs_lt[OF refl], auto simp: t)
      thus "fun_diff t (τ x) < fun_diff t s" by (auto simp: s t)
    also have " = meas_diff ?p" unfolding mp meas_def by auto
    finally show ?thesis unfolding rel_pat_def by auto
    assume "x  vars s  ¬ inf_sort (snd x)" 
    hence x: "x  vars s" and inf: "¬ inf_sort (snd x)" by auto
    from meas_diff_subst_le[of τ]  
    have fd: "meas_diff p'  meas_diff ?p" unfolding p' .
    have "meas_finvars (?tau_mset ?p) = meas_finvars (?tau_mset {#mp#}) + meas_finvars (?tau_mset p)" 
      unfolding subst_defs meas_def by auto
    also have " < meas_finvars {#mp#} + meas_finvars p"
    proof (rule add_less_le_mono)
      have vars_τ_var: "vars (τ y) = (if x = y then set vs else {y})" for y unfolding τ subst_def by auto
      have vars_τ: "vars (t  τ) = vars t - {x}  (if x  vars t then set vs else {})" for t
        unfolding vars_term_subst image_comp o_def vars_τ_var by auto
      have tvars_match_subst: "tvars_match (mp_mset (?tau mp)) = 
          tvars_match (mp_mset mp) - {x}  (if x  tvars_match (mp_mset mp) then set vs else {})" for mp
        unfolding subst_defs subst_left_def tvars_match_def
        by (auto simp:vars_τ split: if_splits prod.split)
      have id1: "meas_finvars (?tau_mset {#mp#}) = (x tvars_match (mp_mset (?tau mp)). max_size (snd x))"  for mp
        unfolding meas_def subst_defs by auto
      have id2: "meas_finvars {#mp#} = (xtvars_match (mp_mset mp). max_size (snd x))"
        for mp :: "('f,'v,'s) match_problem_mset"
        unfolding meas_def subst_defs by simp
      have eq: "x  tvars_match (mp_mset mp)  meas_finvars (?tau_mset {# mp #}) = meas_finvars {#mp#}" for mp
        unfolding id1 id2 by (rule sum.cong[OF _ refl], auto simp: tvars_match_subst)
        fix mp :: "('f,'v,'s) match_problem_mset"
        (* if x occurs in the matching problem, then we get a strict decrease *)
        assume xmp: "x  tvars_match (mp_mset mp)" 
        let ?mp = "(mp_mset mp)" 
        have fin: "finite (tvars_match ?mp)" by (rule tvars_match_fin)
        define Mp where "Mp = tvars_match ?mp - {x}" 
        from xmp have 1: "tvars_match (mp_mset (?tau mp)) = set vs  Mp" 
          unfolding tvars_match_subst Mp_def by auto
        from xmp have 2: "tvars_match ?mp = insert x Mp" and xMp: "x  Mp" unfolding Mp_def by auto
        from fin have fin: "finite Mp" unfolding Mp_def by auto
        have "meas_finvars (?tau_mset {# mp #}) = sum (max_size  snd) (set vs  Mp)" (is "_ = sum ?size _")
          unfolding id1 id2 using 1 by auto
        also have "  sum ?size (set vs) + sum ?size Mp" by (rule sum_union_le_nat)
        also have " < ?size x + sum ?size Mp"
        proof -
          have sS: "?s  S" by fact
          have sorts: "sorts = map snd vs" unfolding vs_def by (intro nth_equalityI, auto)
          have "sum ?size (set vs) < ?size x" 
            using finite_sort_size[OF c[unfolded sorts] inf] by auto
          thus ?thesis by auto
        also have " = meas_finvars {#mp#}" unfolding id2 2 using fin xMp by auto
        finally have "meas_finvars (?tau_mset {# mp #}) < meas_finvars {#mp#}" .
      } note less = this
      have le: "meas_finvars (?tau_mset {# mp #})  meas_finvars {#mp#}" for mp 
        using eq[of mp] less[of mp] by linarith

      show "meas_finvars (?tau_mset {#mp#}) < meas_finvars {#mp#}" using x
        by (intro less, unfold mp, force simp: tvars_match_def)

      show "meas_finvars (?tau_mset p)  meas_finvars p" 
        unfolding subst_pat_problem_mset_def meas_finvars_def sum_ms_image o_def
        apply (rule sum_mset_mono)
        subgoal for mp using le[of mp] unfolding meas_finvars_def o_def subst_defs by auto
    also have " = meas_finvars ?p" unfolding p' meas_def by simp
    finally show ?thesis using fd unfolding rel_pat_def p' by auto
  thus ?case unfolding p' .
  case *: (pat_remove_pp p)
  thus ?case by (intro meas_sub_rel_pat, auto)
  case *: (pat_inf_var_conflict p)
  thus ?case by (intro meas_sub_rel_pat, cases p, auto)

text ‹finally: the transformation is terminating w.r.t. @{term "(≻mul)"}
lemma rel_P_trans: 
  assumes "P m P'" 
  shows "P ≻mul P'" 
  using assms
proof induct
  case *: (P_failure p P)
  from * have "p  {#}  p = {#}  P  {#}" by auto
  thus ?case
    assume "p  {#}" 
    then obtain mp p' where p: "p = add_mset mp p'" by (cases p, auto)
    have "p  {#}" unfolding p by (intro meas_sub_rel_pat, auto)
    thus ?thesis unfolding rel_pats_def using 
        one_step_implies_mult[of "add_mset p P" "{#{#}#}" _ "{#}"]
      by auto
    assume *: "p = {#}  P  {#}" then obtain p' P' where p: "p = {#}" and P: "P = add_mset p' P'" by (cases P, auto)
    show ?thesis unfolding P p unfolding rel_pats_def 
      by (simp add: subset_implies_mult)
  case *: (P_simp_pp p ps P)
  from rel_pp_step_mset[OF *]
  show ?case unfolding rel_pats_def by (metis add_many_mult)

text ‹termination of the multiset based implementation›
theorem SN_P_step: "SN " 
proof -
  have sub: "  ≺mul^-1"
    using rel_P_trans unfolding P_step_def by auto
  show ?thesis
    apply (rule SN_subset[OF _ sub])
    apply (rule wf_imp_SN)
    using wf_rel_pats by simp

subsection ‹Partial Correctness via Refinement›

text ‹Obtain partial correctness via a simulation property, that the multiset-based 
  implementation is a refinement of the set-based implementation.›

lemma mp_step_cong: "mp1 s mp2  mp1 = mp1'  mp2 = mp2'  mp1' s mp2'" by auto

lemma mp_step_mset_mp_trans: "mp m mp'  mp_mset mp s mp_mset mp'" 
proof (induct mp mp' rule: mp_step_mset.induct)
  case *: (match_decompose f ts g ls mp)
  show ?case by (rule mp_step_cong[OF mp_decompose], insert *, auto)
  case *: (match_match x mp t)
  show ?case by (rule mp_step_cong[OF mp_match], insert *, auto)
  case (match_duplicate pair mp)
  show ?case by (rule mp_step_cong[OF mp_identity], auto)
  case *: (match_decompose' mp y f n mp' ys) 
  show ?case by (rule mp_step_cong[OF mp_decompose'[OF *(1,2) *(3)[unfolded set_mset_union] *(4,6)]], auto)

lemma mp_fail_cong: "mp_fail mp  mp = mp'  mp_fail mp'" by auto

lemma match_fail_mp_fail: "match_fail mp  mp_fail (mp_mset mp)" 
proof (induct mp rule: match_fail.induct)
  case *: (match_clash f ts g ls mp)
  show ?case by (rule mp_fail_cong[OF mp_clash], insert *, auto)
  case *: (match_clash' s t x mp)
  show ?case by (rule mp_fail_cong[OF mp_clash'], insert *, auto)
  case *: (match_clash_sort s t x mp)
  show ?case by (rule mp_fail_cong[OF mp_clash_sort], insert *, auto)

lemma P_step_set_cong: "P s Q  P = P'  Q = Q'  P' s Q'" by auto

lemma P_step_mset_imp_set: assumes "P m Q"
  shows "pats_mset P s pats_mset Q" 
  using assms
proof (induct)
  case *: (P_failure p P)
  let ?P = "insert (pat_mset p) (pats_mset P)" 
  from *(1)
  have "?P s bottom"
  proof induct
    case pat_empty
    show ?case using P_fail by auto
  thus ?case by auto
  case *: (P_simp_pp p ps P)  
  note conv = o_def image_mset_union image_empty image_mset_add_mset Un_empty_left
    set_mset_add_mset_insert set_mset_union image_Un image_insert set_mset_empty
    set_mset_mset set_image_mset
    set_map image_comp insert_is_Un[symmetric]
  define P' where "P' = {mp_mset ` set_mset x |. x  set_mset P}" 
  from *(1)
  have "insert (pat_mset p) (pats_mset P) s pats_mset ps  pats_mset P"
    unfolding conv P'_def[symmetric]
  proof induction
    case (pat_remove_pp p)
    show ?case unfolding conv
      by (intro P_remove_pp pp_success.intros)
    case *: (pat_simp_mp mp mp' p)
    from P_simp[OF pp_simp_mp[OF mp_step_mset_mp_trans[OF *]]]
    show ?case by auto
    case *: (pat_remove_mp mp p)
    from P_simp[OF pp_remove_mp[OF match_fail_mp_fail[OF *]]]
    show ?case by simp
    case *: (pat_instantiate n mp p x l s y t)
    from *(2) have "x  tvars_match (mp_mset mp)" 
      using conflicts(4)[of s t x] unfolding tvars_match_def
      by (auto intro!:term.set_intros(3))
    hence x: "x  tvars_pat (pat_mset (add_mset mp p))" unfolding tvars_pat_def 
      using *(2) by auto
    show ?case unfolding conv τs_list
      apply (rule P_step_set_cong[OF P_instantiate[OF *(1) x]])
      by (unfold conv subst_defs set_map image_comp, auto)
    case *: (pat_inf_var_conflict pp pp')
    from pp_inf_var_conflict[OF *(1), of "pat_mset pp'"] 
    have "pat_mset (pp + pp') s pat_mset pp'" 
      using * by (auto simp: tvars_pat_def image_Un)
    from P_simp[OF this]
    show ?case by auto
  thus ?case unfolding conv .

lemma P_step_pp_trans: assumes "(P,Q)  "
  shows "pats_mset P s pats_mset Q" 
  by (rule P_step_mset_imp_set, insert assms, unfold P_step_def, auto)

theorem P_step_pcorrect: assumes wf: "wf_pats (pats_mset P)" and step: "(P,Q)  P_step"
shows "wf_pats (pats_mset Q)  (pats_complete C (pats_mset P) = pats_complete C (pats_mset Q))" 
proof -
  note step = P_step_pp_trans[OF step]
  from P_step_set_pcorrect[OF step] P_step_set_wf[OF step] wf
  show ?thesis by auto

corollary P_steps_pcorrect: assumes wf: "wf_pats (pats_mset P)" 
  and step: "(P,Q)  *" 
shows "wf_pats (pats_mset Q)  (pats_complete C (pats_mset P)  pats_complete C (pats_mset Q))"
  using step by induct (insert wf P_step_pcorrect, auto)

text ‹Gather all results for the multiset-based implementation: 
    decision procedure on well-formed inputs (termination was proven before)›

theorem P_step:
  assumes non_improved: "¬ improved" 
    and wf: "wf_pats (pats_mset P)" and NF: "(P,Q)  !"
  shows "Q = {#}  pats_complete C (pats_mset P) ― ‹either the result is {} and input P is complete›
   Q = bottom_mset  ¬ pats_complete C (pats_mset P) ― ‹or the result = bot and P is not complete›" 
proof -
  from NF have steps: "(P,Q)  ^*" and NF: "Q  NF P_step" by auto
  from P_steps_pcorrect[OF wf steps]
  have wf: "wf_pats (pats_mset Q)" and 
    sound: "pats_complete C (pats_mset P) = pats_complete C (pats_mset Q)" 
    by blast+
  from P_step_NF[OF non_improved wf NF] have "Q  {{#},bottom_mset}" .
  thus ?thesis unfolding sound by auto

theorem P_step_improved:
  fixes P :: "('f,'v,'s) pats_problem_mset"
  assumes improved 
    and inf: "infinite (UNIV :: 'v set)" 
    and wf: "wf_pats (pats_mset P)" and NF: "(P,Q)  !"
  shows "pats_complete C (pats_mset P)  pats_complete C (pats_mset Q)" ― ‹equivalence›
    "p ∈# Q  finite_var_form_pat C (pat_mset p)" ― ‹all remaining problems are in finite-var-form›
proof -
  from NF have steps: "(P,Q)  ^*" and NF: "Q  NF P_step" by auto
  note * = P_steps_pcorrect[OF wf steps]
  from *
  show "pats_complete C (pats_mset P) = pats_complete C (pats_mset Q)" ..
  from * have wfQ: "wf_pats (pats_mset Q)" by auto
  from P_step_NF_fvf[OF improved inf this NF]
  show "p ∈# Q  finite_var_form_pat C (pat_mset p)" .
