Theory CompositionSupport

theory CompositionSupport
imports CompositionBase

locale CompositionSupport =
fixes ESi :: "'e ES_rec"
and 𝒱 :: "'e V_rec"
and 𝒱i :: "'e V_rec"

(* assumption about the component event system *)
assumes validESi: "ES_valid ESi"

(* assumption about the views (part of proper separation) *)
and validVi: "isViewOn 𝒱i E⇘ESi⇙"
and Vv_inter_Ei_is_Vvi: "V⇘𝒱 E⇘ESi= V⇘𝒱i⇙"
and Cv_inter_Ei_subsetof_Cvi: "C⇘𝒱 E⇘ESi C⇘𝒱i⇙"

(* sublocale relations for CompositionSupport *)

(* body of CompositionSupport *)
context CompositionSupport

(* This lemma is used in the compositionality proof for BSD.
  Assuming that BSD holds for a subsystem ESi and given a trace β @ [c] @ α of the composed system,
  we can obtain a trace (β ↿ EESi) @ α_i' of ESi where α_i' contains no 
  events that are confidential in ESi and (α_i' ↿ V𝒱i) = (α ↿ V𝒱i) holds.
 𝒱 and 𝒱i denote views on the composition and subsystem respectively.
  We assume that 𝒱 and 𝒱i are properly separated. *)
lemma BSD_in_subsystem:
" c  C⇘𝒱; ((β @ [c] @ α)  E⇘ESi)  Tr⇘ESi; BSD 𝒱i Tr⇘ESi 
   α_i'. ( ((β  E⇘ESi) @ α_i')  Tr⇘ESi (α_i'  V⇘𝒱i) = (α  V⇘𝒱i)  α_i'  C⇘𝒱i= [] )"
proof (induct "length (([c] @ α)  C⇘𝒱i)" arbitrary: β c α)
  case 0
  (* show that ([c] @ α) ↿ EESi is a suitable choice for α_i' *)
  let ?L = "([c] @ α)  E⇘ESi⇙"
  from 0(3) have β_E1_cα_E1_in_Tr1: "((β  E⇘ESi) @ (([c] @ α)  E⇘ESi))  Tr⇘ESi⇙"
    by (simp only: projection_concatenation_commute)
  have "(?L  V⇘𝒱i) = (α  V⇘𝒱i)"
  proof -
    have "(?L  V⇘𝒱i) = ([c] @ α)  V⇘𝒱i⇙"
    proof -
      from validVi have "E⇘ESi V⇘𝒱i= V⇘𝒱i⇙"
        by (simp add: isViewOn_def V_valid_def VN_disjoint_def VC_disjoint_def NC_disjoint_def 
          , auto)
      have "(?L  V⇘𝒱i) = ([c] @ α)  (E⇘ESi V⇘𝒱i)"
        by (simp add: projection_def)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by auto
    have "([c] @ α)  V⇘𝒱i= α  V⇘𝒱i⇙"
    proof -
      have "([c] @ α)  V⇘𝒱i= ([c]  V⇘𝒱i) @ (α  V⇘𝒱i)"
        by (rule projection_concatenation_commute)
      have "([c]  V⇘𝒱i) = []"
      proof -
        from 0(2) have "[c]  C⇘𝒱= [c]"
          by (simp add: projection_def)
        have "[c]  C⇘𝒱 V⇘𝒱i= []"
        proof -
          from validVi Cv_inter_Ei_subsetof_Cvi have "C⇘𝒱 V⇘𝒱i C⇘𝒱i⇙"
            by (simp add: isViewOn_def  V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def, auto)
          from 0(1) have "[c]  C⇘𝒱i= []"
            by (simp only: projection_concatenation_commute, auto)
          ultimately have "[c]  (C⇘𝒱 V⇘𝒱i) = []"
            by (rule projection_on_subset)
          thus ?thesis
            by (simp only: projection_def, auto)
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by auto
  have "?L  C⇘𝒱i= []"
  proof -
    from 0(1) have "([c] @ α)  C⇘𝒱i= []"
      by auto
    hence "([c] @ α)  (C⇘𝒱i E⇘ESi) = []"
      by (rule projection_on_intersection)
    hence "([c] @ α)  (E⇘ESi C⇘𝒱i) = []"
      by (simp only: Int_commute)
    thus ?thesis
      by (simp only: projection_def, auto)                
  ultimately show ?case
    by auto
  case (Suc n)
  from projection_split_last[OF Suc(2)] obtain γ c_i δ
    where c_i_in_C𝒱i: "c_i  C⇘𝒱i⇙"
    and   cα_is_γc_iδ: "[c] @ α = γ @ [c_i] @ δ"
    and   δ_no_C𝒱i:  "δ  C⇘𝒱i= []"
    and   n_is_len_γδ_C𝒱i: "n = length ((γ @ δ)  C⇘𝒱i)"
    by auto
  let ?L1 = "((β @ γ)  E⇘ESi)"
  let ?L2 = "(δ  E⇘ESi)"

  note c_i_in_C𝒱i
  have list_with_c_i_in_Tr1: "(?L1 @ [c_i] @ ?L2)  Tr⇘ESi⇙"
  proof -
    from c_i_in_C𝒱i validVi have "[c_i]  E⇘ESi= [c_i]"
      by (simp only: isViewOn_def V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def
        VN_disjoint_def NC_disjoint_def projection_def, auto)
    from Suc(4) cα_is_γc_iδ have "((β @ γ @ [c_i] @ δ)  E⇘ESi)  Tr⇘ESi⇙"
      by auto
    hence "(?L1 @ ([c_i]  E⇘ESi) @ ?L2)  Tr⇘ESi⇙"
      by (simp only: projection_def, auto)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by auto
  have "?L2  C⇘𝒱i= []"
  proof -
    from validVi have "x. (x  E⇘ESi x  C⇘𝒱i) = (x  C⇘𝒱i)"
      by (simp add: isViewOn_def V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def
        VN_disjoint_def NC_disjoint_def, auto)
    with δ_no_C𝒱i show ?thesis
      by (simp add: projection_def)
  moreover note Suc(5)
  ultimately obtain δ'
    where δ'_1: "(?L1 @ δ')  Tr⇘ESi⇙"
    and δ'_2: "δ'  V⇘𝒱i= ?L2  V⇘𝒱i⇙"
    and δ'_3: "δ'  C⇘𝒱i= []"
    unfolding BSD_def
    by blast
  hence δ'_2': "δ'  V⇘𝒱i= δ  V⇘𝒱i⇙"
  proof -
    have "?L2  V⇘𝒱i= δ  V⇘𝒱i⇙"
    proof -
      from validVi have "x. (x  E⇘ESi x  V⇘𝒱i) = (x  V⇘𝒱i)"
        by (simp add: isViewOn_def V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def
        VN_disjoint_def NC_disjoint_def, auto)
      thus ?thesis
        by (simp add: projection_def)
    with δ'_2 show ?thesis
      by auto
  show ?case
  proof (cases γ) (* need to distinguish between these cases as the inductive 
      hypothesis can only be applied to one case. *)
    case Nil
    with cα_is_γc_iδ have "[c] @ α = [c_i] @ δ"
      by auto
    hence δ_is_α: "δ = α"
      by auto
    from δ'_1 have δ'_1': "((β  E⇘ESi) @ δ')  Tr⇘ESi⇙"
      by (simp only: Nil, auto)
    note δ'_2'
    moreover note δ'_3
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (simp only: δ_is_α, auto)
    case (Cons x γ')
    with cα_is_γc_iδ have γ_is_cγ': "γ = [c] @ γ'"
      by simp
    with n_is_len_γδ_C𝒱i have "n = length (([c] @ γ' @ δ)  C⇘𝒱i)"
      by auto
    with δ_no_C𝒱i δ'_3 have "n = length (([c] @ γ' @ δ')  C⇘𝒱i)"
      by (simp only: projection_concatenation_commute)
    note Suc(3)
    have "((β @ [c] @ (γ' @ δ'))  E⇘ESi)  Tr⇘ESi⇙"
    proof -
      from δ'_1 validESi have "δ' = δ'  E⇘ESi⇙"
      proof -
        let ?L = "(β @ γ)  E⇘ESi@ δ'"
        from δ'_1 validESi have "e  set ?L. e  E⇘ESi⇙"
          by (simp add: ES_valid_def traces_contain_events_def)
        hence "set δ'  E⇘ESi⇙"
          by auto
        thus ?thesis
          by (simp add: list_subset_iff_projection_neutral)
      with δ'_1  have "?L1 @ δ' = (β @ γ @ δ')  E⇘ESi⇙"
        by (simp only: projection_concatenation_commute, auto)
      with γ_is_cγ' δ'_1  show ?thesis
        by auto
    note Suc(5)
    moreover note Suc(1)[of c "γ' @ δ'" β]
    ultimately obtain α_i'
      where α_i'_1: "β  E⇘ESi@ α_i'  Tr⇘ESi⇙"
      and α_i'_2: "α_i'  V⇘𝒱i= (γ' @ δ')  V⇘𝒱i⇙"
      and α_i'_3: "α_i'  C⇘𝒱i= []"
      by auto
    have "α_i'  V⇘𝒱i= α  V⇘𝒱i⇙"
    proof -
      have "α  V⇘𝒱i= (γ' @ δ)  V⇘𝒱i⇙"
      proof -
        from cα_is_γc_iδ γ_is_cγ' have "α  V⇘𝒱i= (γ' @ [c_i] @ δ)  V⇘𝒱i⇙"
          by simp
        with validVi c_i_in_C𝒱i show ?thesis
          by (simp only: isViewOn_def V_valid_def  VC_disjoint_def
            VN_disjoint_def NC_disjoint_def projection_concatenation_commute 
            projection_def, auto)
      from α_i'_2 δ'_2' have "α_i'  V⇘𝒱i= (γ' @ δ)  V⇘𝒱i⇙"
        by (simp only: projection_concatenation_commute)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by auto

    Variant of the previous lemma with different propositions (note the lack of a confidential event c).
lemma BSD_in_subsystem2:
" ((β @ α)  E⇘ESi)  Tr⇘ESi; BSD 𝒱i Tr⇘ESi 
    α_i'. ( ((β  E⇘ESi) @ α_i')  Tr⇘ESi (α_i'  V⇘𝒱i) = (α  V⇘𝒱i)  α_i'  C⇘𝒱i= [] )"
proof (induct "length (α  C⇘𝒱i)" arbitrary: β α)
  case 0
  (* show that α ↿ EESi  is a suitable choice for α_i' *)
  let ?L = "α  E⇘ESi⇙"
  from 0(2) have β_E1_α_E1_in_Tr1: "((β  E⇘ESi) @ ?L)  Tr⇘ESi⇙"
    by (simp only: projection_concatenation_commute)
  have "(?L  V⇘𝒱i) = (α  V⇘𝒱i)"
    proof -
      from validVi have "E⇘ESi V⇘𝒱i= V⇘𝒱i⇙"
        by (simp add: isViewOn_def V_valid_def  VC_disjoint_def
        VN_disjoint_def NC_disjoint_def, auto)
      have "(?L  V⇘𝒱i) = α  (E⇘ESi V⇘𝒱i)"
        by (simp add: projection_def)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by auto
  have "?L  C⇘𝒱i= []"
  proof -
    from 0(1) have "α  C⇘𝒱i= []"
      by auto
    hence "α  (C⇘𝒱i E⇘ESi) = []"
      by (rule projection_on_intersection)
    hence "α  (E⇘ESi C⇘𝒱i) = []"
      by (simp only: Int_commute)
    thus ?thesis
      by (simp only: projection_def, auto)                
  ultimately show ?case
    by auto
  case (Suc n)
  from projection_split_last[OF Suc(2)] obtain γ c_i δ
    where c_i_in_C𝒱i: "c_i  C⇘𝒱i⇙"
    and   α_is_γc_iδ: "α = γ @ [c_i] @ δ"
    and   δ_no_C𝒱i:  "δ  C⇘𝒱i= []"
    and   n_is_len_γδ_C𝒱i: "n = length ((γ @ δ)  C⇘𝒱i)"
    by auto
  let ?L1 = "((β @ γ)  E⇘ESi)"
  let ?L2 = "(δ  E⇘ESi)"

  (* first apply BSD to get rid of c_i in α *)
  note c_i_in_C𝒱i
  have list_with_c_i_in_Tr1: "(?L1 @ [c_i] @ ?L2)  Tr⇘ESi⇙"
  proof -
    from c_i_in_C𝒱i validVi have "[c_i]  E⇘ESi= [c_i]"
      by (simp only: isViewOn_def V_valid_def  VC_disjoint_def
        VN_disjoint_def NC_disjoint_def projection_def, auto)
    from Suc(3) α_is_γc_iδ have "((β @ γ @ [c_i] @ δ)  E⇘ESi)  Tr⇘ESi⇙"
      by auto
    hence "(?L1 @ ([c_i]  E⇘ESi) @ ?L2)  Tr⇘ESi⇙"
      by (simp only: projection_def, auto)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by auto
  have "?L2  C⇘𝒱i= []"
  proof -
    from validVi have "x. (x  E⇘ESi x  C⇘𝒱i) = (x  C⇘𝒱i)"
      by (simp add: isViewOn_def V_valid_def  VC_disjoint_def
        VN_disjoint_def NC_disjoint_def, auto)
    with δ_no_C𝒱i show ?thesis
      by (simp add: projection_def)
  moreover note Suc(4)
  ultimately obtain δ'
    where δ'_1: "(?L1 @ δ')  Tr⇘ESi⇙"
    and δ'_2: "δ'  V⇘𝒱i= ?L2  V⇘𝒱i⇙"
    and δ'_3: "δ'  C⇘𝒱i= []"
    unfolding BSD_def
    by blast
  hence δ'_2': "δ'  V⇘𝒱i= δ  V⇘𝒱i⇙"
  proof -
    have "?L2  V⇘𝒱i= δ  V⇘𝒱i⇙"
    proof -
      from validVi have "x. (x  E⇘ESi x  V⇘𝒱i) = (x  V⇘𝒱i)"
        by (simp add: isViewOn_def V_valid_def  VC_disjoint_def
        VN_disjoint_def NC_disjoint_def, auto)
      thus ?thesis
        by (simp add: projection_def)
    with δ'_2 show ?thesis
      by auto

  (* now that we eliminated c_i, we can apply the inductive hypothesis for ?β = β and ?α = γ @ δ' *)
  from n_is_len_γδ_C𝒱i δ_no_C𝒱i δ'_3 have "n = length ((γ @ δ')  C⇘𝒱i)"
    by (simp add: projection_concatenation_commute)
  have "(β @ (γ @ δ'))  E⇘ESi Tr⇘ESi⇙"
    proof -
      have "δ' = δ'  E⇘ESi⇙"
        proof -
          let ?L = "(β @ γ)  E⇘ESi@ δ'"
          from δ'_1 validESi have "e  set ?L. e  E⇘ESi⇙"
            by (simp add: ES_valid_def traces_contain_events_def)
          hence "set δ'  E⇘ESi⇙"
            by auto
          thus ?thesis
            by (simp add: list_subset_iff_projection_neutral)
      with δ'_1  have "?L1 @ δ' = (β @ γ @ δ')  E⇘ESi⇙"
        by (simp only: projection_concatenation_commute, auto)
      with δ'_1  show ?thesis
        by auto
  note Suc(4) Suc(1)[of "γ @ δ'" β] 
  ultimately obtain α_i' 
    where res1: "β  E⇘ESi@ α_i'  Tr⇘ESi⇙" 
    and res2: "α_i'  V⇘𝒱i= (γ @ δ')  V⇘𝒱i⇙"
    and res3: "α_i'  C⇘𝒱i= []"
    by auto

  (* Show that the resulting α_i' is suitable *)
  have "α_i'  V⇘𝒱i= α  V⇘𝒱i⇙"
    proof -
      from c_i_in_C𝒱i validVi have "[c_i]  V⇘𝒱i= []"
        by (simp add: isViewOn_def V_valid_def  VC_disjoint_def
        VN_disjoint_def NC_disjoint_def projection_def, auto)
      with α_is_γc_iδ δ'_2' have "α  V⇘𝒱i= (γ @ δ')  V⇘𝒱i⇙"
        by (simp only: projection_concatenation_commute, auto)
      with res2 show ?thesis
        by auto
  with res1 res3 show ?case
    by auto

