Theory CompositionBase
theory CompositionBase
imports "../Basics/BSPTaxonomy"
properSeparationOfViews ::
"'e ES_rec ⇒ 'e ES_rec ⇒ 'e V_rec ⇒ 'e V_rec ⇒ 'e V_rec ⇒ bool"
"properSeparationOfViews ES1 ES2 𝒱 𝒱1 𝒱2 ≡
V⇘𝒱⇙ ∩ E⇘ES1⇙ = V⇘𝒱1⇙
∧ V⇘𝒱⇙ ∩ E⇘ES2⇙ = V⇘𝒱2⇙
∧ C⇘𝒱⇙ ∩ E⇘ES1⇙ ⊆ C⇘𝒱1⇙
∧ C⇘𝒱⇙ ∩ E⇘ES2⇙ ⊆ C⇘𝒱2⇙
∧ N⇘𝒱1⇙ ∩ N⇘𝒱2⇙ = {}"
wellBehavedComposition ::
"'e ES_rec ⇒ 'e ES_rec ⇒ 'e V_rec ⇒ 'e V_rec ⇒ 'e V_rec ⇒ bool"
"wellBehavedComposition ES1 ES2 𝒱 𝒱1 𝒱2 ≡
( N⇘𝒱1⇙ ∩ E⇘ES2⇙ = {} ∧ N⇘𝒱2⇙ ∩ E⇘ES1⇙ = {} )
∨ (∃ρ1. ( N⇘𝒱1⇙ ∩ E⇘ES2⇙ = {} ∧ total ES1 (C⇘𝒱1⇙ ∩ N⇘𝒱2⇙)
∧ BSIA ρ1 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES1⇙ ))
∨ (∃ρ2. ( N⇘𝒱2⇙ ∩ E⇘ES1⇙ = {} ∧ total ES2 (C⇘𝒱2⇙ ∩ N⇘𝒱1⇙)
∧ BSIA ρ2 𝒱2 Tr⇘ES2⇙ ))
∨ (∃ρ1 ρ2 Γ1 Γ2. (
∇⇘Γ1⇙ ⊆ E⇘ES1⇙ ∧ Δ⇘Γ1⇙ ⊆ E⇘ES1⇙ ∧ Υ⇘Γ1⇙ ⊆ E⇘ES1⇙
∧ ∇⇘Γ2⇙ ⊆ E⇘ES2⇙ ∧ Δ⇘Γ2⇙ ⊆ E⇘ES2⇙ ∧ Υ⇘Γ2⇙ ⊆ E⇘ES2⇙
∧ BSIA ρ1 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES1⇙ ∧ BSIA ρ2 𝒱2 Tr⇘ES2⇙
∧ total ES1 (C⇘𝒱1⇙ ∩ N⇘𝒱2⇙) ∧ total ES2 (C⇘𝒱2⇙ ∩ N⇘𝒱1⇙)
∧ FCIA ρ1 Γ1 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES1⇙ ∧ FCIA ρ2 Γ2 𝒱2 Tr⇘ES2⇙
∧ V⇘𝒱1⇙ ∩ V⇘𝒱2⇙ ⊆ ∇⇘Γ1⇙ ∪ ∇⇘Γ2⇙
∧ C⇘𝒱1⇙ ∩ N⇘𝒱2⇙ ⊆ Υ⇘Γ1⇙ ∧ C⇘𝒱2⇙ ∩ N⇘𝒱1⇙ ⊆ Υ⇘Γ2⇙
∧ N⇘𝒱1⇙ ∩ Δ⇘Γ1⇙ ∩ E⇘ES2⇙ = {} ∧ N⇘𝒱2⇙ ∩ Δ⇘Γ2⇙ ∩ E⇘ES1⇙ = {} ))"
locale Compositionality =
fixes ES1 :: "'e ES_rec"
and ES2 :: "'e ES_rec"
and 𝒱 :: "'e V_rec"
and 𝒱1 :: "'e V_rec"
and 𝒱2 :: "'e V_rec"
assumes validES1: "ES_valid ES1"
and validES2: "ES_valid ES2"
and composableES1ES2: "composable ES1 ES2"
and validVC: "isViewOn 𝒱 (E⇘(ES1 ∥ ES2)⇙)"
and validV1: "isViewOn 𝒱1 E⇘ES1⇙"
and validV2: "isViewOn 𝒱2 E⇘ES2⇙"
and propSepViews: "properSeparationOfViews ES1 ES2 𝒱 𝒱1 𝒱2"
and well_behaved_composition: "wellBehavedComposition ES1 ES2 𝒱 𝒱1 𝒱2"
sublocale Compositionality ⊆ BSPTaxonomyDifferentCorrections "ES1 ∥ ES2" "𝒱"
by (unfold_locales, rule composeES_yields_ES, rule validES1,
rule validES2, rule validVC)
context Compositionality
lemma Vv_is_Vv1_union_Vv2: "V⇘𝒱⇙ = V⇘𝒱1⇙ ∪ V⇘𝒱2⇙"
proof -
from propSepViews have "V⇘𝒱⇙ ∩ E⇘ES1⇙ ∪ V⇘𝒱⇙ ∩ E⇘ES2⇙ = V⇘𝒱1⇙ ∪ V⇘𝒱2⇙"
unfolding properSeparationOfViews_def by auto
hence "V⇘𝒱⇙ ∩ (E⇘ES1⇙ ∪ E⇘ES2⇙) = V⇘𝒱1⇙ ∪ V⇘𝒱2⇙"
by auto
hence "V⇘𝒱⇙ ∩ E⇘(ES1 ∥ ES2)⇙ = V⇘𝒱1⇙ ∪ V⇘𝒱2⇙"
by (simp add: composeES_def)
with validVC show ?thesis
by (simp add: isViewOn_def, auto)
lemma disjoint_Nv1_Vv2: "N⇘𝒱1⇙ ∩ V⇘𝒱2⇙ = {}"
proof -
from validV1 have "N⇘𝒱1⇙ ⊆ E⇘ES1⇙"
by (simp add: isViewOn_def, auto)
with propSepViews have "N⇘𝒱1⇙ ∩ V⇘𝒱2⇙ = (N⇘𝒱1⇙ ∩ E⇘ES1⇙ ∩ V⇘𝒱⇙) ∩ E⇘ES2⇙"
unfolding properSeparationOfViews_def by auto
hence "N⇘𝒱1⇙ ∩ V⇘𝒱2⇙ = (N⇘𝒱1⇙ ∩ V⇘𝒱⇙ ∩ E⇘ES1⇙) ∩ E⇘ES2⇙"
by auto
from validV1 have "N⇘𝒱1⇙ ∩ V⇘𝒱⇙ ∩ E⇘ES1⇙ = {}"
using propSepViews unfolding properSeparationOfViews_def
by (metis VN_disjoint_def V_valid_def inf_assoc inf_commute isViewOn_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
lemma disjoint_Nv2_Vv1: "N⇘𝒱2⇙ ∩ V⇘𝒱1⇙ = {}"
proof -
from validV2 have "N⇘𝒱2⇙ ⊆ E⇘ES2⇙"
by (simp add:isViewOn_def, auto)
with propSepViews have "N⇘𝒱2⇙ ∩ V⇘𝒱1⇙ = (N⇘𝒱2⇙ ∩ E⇘ES2⇙ ∩ V⇘𝒱⇙) ∩ E⇘ES1⇙"
unfolding properSeparationOfViews_def by auto
hence "N⇘𝒱2⇙ ∩ V⇘𝒱1⇙ = (N⇘𝒱2⇙ ∩ V⇘𝒱⇙ ∩ E⇘ES2⇙) ∩ E⇘ES1⇙"
by auto
from validV2 have "N⇘𝒱2⇙ ∩ V⇘𝒱⇙ ∩ E⇘ES2⇙ = {}"
using propSepViews unfolding properSeparationOfViews_def
by (metis VN_disjoint_def V_valid_def inf_assoc inf_commute isViewOn_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
lemma merge_property': " ⟦ set t1 ⊆ E⇘ES1⇙; set t2 ⊆ E⇘ES2⇙;
t1 ↿ E⇘ES2⇙ = t2 ↿ E⇘ES1⇙; t1 ↿ V⇘𝒱⇙ = []; t2 ↿ V⇘𝒱⇙ = [];
t1 ↿ C⇘𝒱⇙ = []; t2 ↿ C⇘𝒱⇙ = [] ⟧
⟹ ∃ t. (t ↿ E⇘ES1⇙ = t1 ∧ t ↿ E⇘ES2⇙ = t2 ∧ t ↿ V⇘𝒱⇙ = [] ∧ t ↿ C⇘𝒱⇙ = [] ∧ set t ⊆ (E⇘ES1⇙ ∪ E⇘ES2⇙))"
proof -
assume t1_in_E1star: "set t1 ⊆ E⇘ES1⇙"
and t2_in_E2star: "set t2 ⊆ E⇘ES2⇙"
and t1_t2_synchronized: "t1 ↿ E⇘ES2⇙ = t2 ↿ E⇘ES1⇙"
and t1Vv_empty: "t1 ↿ V⇘𝒱⇙ = []"
and t2Vv_empty: "t2 ↿ V⇘𝒱⇙ = []"
and t1Cv_empty: "t1 ↿ C⇘𝒱⇙ = []"
and t2Cv_empty: "t2 ↿ C⇘𝒱⇙ = []"
from merge_property[OF t1_in_E1star t2_in_E2star t1_t2_synchronized] obtain t
where t_is_interleaving: "t ↿ E⇘ES1⇙ = t1 ∧ t ↿ E⇘ES2⇙ = t2"
and t_contains_only_events_from_t1_t2: "set t ⊆ set t1 ∪ set t2"
unfolding Let_def
by auto
from t1Vv_empty t2Vv_empty t_contains_only_events_from_t1_t2
have "t ↿ V⇘𝒱⇙ = []"
using propSepViews unfolding properSeparationOfViews_def
by (metis Int_commute Vv_is_Vv1_union_Vv2 projection_on_union projection_sequence t_is_interleaving)
have "t ↿ C⇘𝒱⇙ = []"
proof -
from t1Cv_empty have "∀c ∈ C⇘𝒱⇙. c ∉ set t1"
by (simp add: projection_def filter_empty_conv, fast)
from t2Cv_empty have "∀c ∈ C⇘𝒱⇙. c ∉ set t2"
by (simp add: projection_def filter_empty_conv, fast)
ultimately have
"∀c ∈ C⇘𝒱⇙. c ∉ (set t1 ∪ set t2)"
by auto
with t_contains_only_events_from_t1_t2 have "∀c ∈ C⇘𝒱⇙. c ∉ set t"
by auto
thus ?thesis
by (simp add: projection_def, metis filter_empty_conv)
from t1_in_E1star t2_in_E2star t_contains_only_events_from_t1_t2
have "set t ⊆ (E⇘ES1⇙ ∪ E⇘ES2⇙)"
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
by blast
lemma Nv1_union_Nv2_subsetof_Nv: "N⇘𝒱1⇙ ∪ N⇘𝒱2⇙ ⊆ N⇘𝒱⇙"
proof -
fix e
assume e_in_N1: "e ∈ N⇘𝒱1⇙"
with validV1 have
e_in_E1: "e ∈ E⇘ES1⇙"
and e_notin_V1: "e ∉ V⇘𝒱1⇙"
and e_notin_C1: "e ∉ C⇘𝒱1⇙"
by (simp only: isViewOn_def V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def NC_disjoint_def
VN_disjoint_def, auto)+
from e_in_E1 e_notin_V1 propSepViews have "e ∉ V⇘𝒱⇙"
unfolding properSeparationOfViews_def by auto
from e_in_E1 e_notin_C1 propSepViews have "e ∉ C⇘𝒱⇙"
unfolding properSeparationOfViews_def by auto
note e_in_E1 validVC
ultimately have "e ∈ N⇘𝒱⇙"
by (simp add: isViewOn_def V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def NC_disjoint_def VN_disjoint_def
composeES_def, auto)
moreover {
fix e
assume e_in_N2: "e ∈ N⇘𝒱2⇙"
with validV2 have
e_in_E2: "e ∈ E_ES ES2"
and e_notin_V2: "e ∉ V⇘𝒱2⇙"
and e_notin_C2: "e ∉ C⇘𝒱2⇙"
by (simp only: isViewOn_def V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def NC_disjoint_def VN_disjoint_def
, auto)+
from e_in_E2 e_notin_V2 propSepViews have "e ∉ V⇘𝒱⇙"
unfolding properSeparationOfViews_def by auto
from e_in_E2 e_notin_C2 propSepViews have "e ∉ C⇘𝒱⇙"
unfolding properSeparationOfViews_def by auto
note e_in_E2 validVC
ultimately have "e ∈ N⇘𝒱⇙"
by (simp add: isViewOn_def V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def VN_disjoint_def NC_disjoint_def
composeES_def, auto)
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto