Theory EventSystems
theory EventSystems
imports "../Basics/Prefix" "../Basics/Projection"
record 'e ES_rec =
E_ES :: "'e set"
I_ES :: "'e set"
O_ES :: "'e set"
Tr_ES :: "('e list) set"
abbreviation ESrecEES :: "'e ES_rec ⇒ 'e set"
("E⇘_⇙" [1000] 1000)
"E⇘ES⇙ ≡ (E_ES ES)"
abbreviation ESrecIES :: "'e ES_rec ⇒ 'e set"
("I⇘_⇙" [1000] 1000)
"I⇘ES⇙ ≡ (I_ES ES)"
abbreviation ESrecOES :: "'e ES_rec ⇒ 'e set"
("O⇘_⇙" [1000] 1000)
"O⇘ES⇙ ≡ (O_ES ES)"
abbreviation ESrecTrES :: "'e ES_rec ⇒ ('e list) set"
("Tr⇘_⇙" [1000] 1000)
"Tr⇘ES⇙ ≡ (Tr_ES ES)"
definition es_inputs_are_events :: "'e ES_rec ⇒ bool"
"es_inputs_are_events ES ≡ I⇘ES⇙ ⊆ E⇘ES⇙"
definition es_outputs_are_events :: "'e ES_rec ⇒ bool"
"es_outputs_are_events ES ≡ O⇘ES⇙ ⊆ E⇘ES⇙"
definition es_inputs_outputs_disjoint :: "'e ES_rec ⇒ bool"
"es_inputs_outputs_disjoint ES ≡ I⇘ES⇙ ∩ O⇘ES⇙ = {}"
definition traces_contain_events :: "'e ES_rec ⇒ bool"
"traces_contain_events ES ≡ ∀l ∈ Tr⇘ES⇙. ∀e ∈ (set l). e ∈ E⇘ES⇙"
definition traces_prefixclosed :: "'e ES_rec ⇒ bool"
"traces_prefixclosed ES ≡ prefixclosed Tr⇘ES⇙"
definition ES_valid :: "'e ES_rec ⇒ bool"
"ES_valid ES ≡
es_inputs_are_events ES ∧ es_outputs_are_events ES
∧ es_inputs_outputs_disjoint ES ∧ traces_contain_events ES
∧ traces_prefixclosed ES"
definition total :: "'e ES_rec ⇒ 'e set ⇒ bool"
"total ES E ≡ E ⊆ E⇘ES⇙ ∧ (∀τ ∈ Tr⇘ES⇙. ∀e ∈ E. τ @ [e] ∈ Tr⇘ES⇙)"
lemma totality: "⟦ total ES E; t ∈ Tr⇘ES⇙; set t' ⊆ E ⟧ ⟹ t @ t' ∈ Tr⇘ES⇙"
by (induct t' rule: rev_induct, force, simp only: total_def, auto)
definition composeES :: "'e ES_rec ⇒ 'e ES_rec ⇒ 'e ES_rec"
"composeES ES1 ES2 ≡
E_ES = E⇘ES1⇙ ∪ E⇘ES2⇙,
I_ES = (I⇘ES1⇙ - O⇘ES2⇙) ∪ (I⇘ES2⇙ - O⇘ES1⇙),
O_ES = (O⇘ES1⇙ - I⇘ES2⇙) ∪ (O⇘ES2⇙ - I⇘ES1⇙),
Tr_ES = {τ . (τ ↿ E⇘ES1⇙) ∈ Tr⇘ES1⇙ ∧ (τ ↿ E⇘ES2⇙) ∈ Tr⇘ES2⇙
∧ (set τ ⊆ E⇘ES1⇙ ∪ E⇘ES2⇙)}
abbreviation composeESAbbrv :: "'e ES_rec ⇒ 'e ES_rec ⇒ 'e ES_rec"
("_ ∥ _"[1000] 1000)
"ES1 ∥ ES2 ≡ (composeES ES1 ES2)"
definition composable :: "'e ES_rec ⇒ 'e ES_rec ⇒ bool"
"composable ES1 ES2 ≡ (E⇘ES1⇙ ∩ E⇘ES2⇙) ⊆ ((O⇘ES1⇙ ∩ I⇘ES2⇙) ∪ (O⇘ES2⇙ ∩ I⇘ES1⇙))"
lemma composeES_yields_ES:
"⟦ ES_valid ES1; ES_valid ES2 ⟧ ⟹ ES_valid (ES1 ∥ ES2)"
unfolding ES_valid_def
proof (auto)
assume ES1_inputs_are_events: "es_inputs_are_events ES1"
assume ES2_inputs_are_events: "es_inputs_are_events ES2"
show "es_inputs_are_events (ES1 ∥ ES2)" unfolding composeES_def es_inputs_are_events_def
proof (simp)
have subgoal11: "I⇘ES1⇙ - O⇘ES2⇙ ⊆ E⇘ES1⇙ ∪ E⇘ES2⇙"
proof (auto)
fix x
assume "x ∈ I⇘ES1⇙"
with ES1_inputs_are_events show "x ∈ E⇘ES1⇙"
by (auto simp add: es_inputs_are_events_def)
have subgoal12: "I⇘ES2⇙ - O⇘ES1⇙ ⊆ E⇘ES1⇙ ∪ E⇘ES2⇙"
proof (rule subsetI, rule UnI2, auto)
fix x
assume "x ∈ I⇘ES2⇙"
with ES2_inputs_are_events show "x ∈ E⇘ES2⇙"
by (auto simp add: es_inputs_are_events_def)
from subgoal11 subgoal12
show "I⇘ES1⇙ - O⇘ES2⇙ ⊆ E⇘ES1⇙ ∪ E⇘ES2⇙ ∧ I⇘ES2⇙ - O⇘ES1⇙ ⊆ E⇘ES1⇙ ∪ E⇘ES2⇙" ..
assume ES1_outputs_are_events: "es_outputs_are_events ES1"
assume ES2_outputs_are_events: "es_outputs_are_events ES2"
show "es_outputs_are_events (ES1 ∥ ES2)"
unfolding composeES_def es_outputs_are_events_def
proof (simp)
have subgoal21: "O⇘ES1⇙ - I⇘ES2⇙ ⊆ E⇘ES1⇙ ∪ E⇘ES2⇙"
proof (auto)
fix x
assume "x ∈ O⇘ES1⇙"
with ES1_outputs_are_events show "x ∈ E⇘ES1⇙"
by (auto simp add: es_outputs_are_events_def)
have subgoal22: "O⇘ES2⇙ - I⇘ES1⇙ ⊆ E⇘ES1⇙ ∪ E⇘ES2⇙"
proof (rule subsetI, rule UnI2, auto)
fix x
assume "x ∈ O⇘ES2⇙"
with ES2_outputs_are_events show "x ∈ E⇘ES2⇙"
by (auto simp add: es_outputs_are_events_def)
from subgoal21 subgoal22
show "O⇘ES1⇙ - I⇘ES2⇙ ⊆ E⇘ES1⇙ ∪ E⇘ES2⇙ ∧ O⇘ES2⇙ - I⇘ES1⇙ ⊆ E⇘ES1⇙ ∪ E⇘ES2⇙" ..
assume ES1_inputs_outputs_disjoint: "es_inputs_outputs_disjoint ES1"
assume ES2_inputs_outputs_disjoint: "es_inputs_outputs_disjoint ES2"
show "es_inputs_outputs_disjoint (ES1 ∥ ES2)"
unfolding composeES_def es_inputs_outputs_disjoint_def
proof (simp)
have subgoal31:
"{} ⊆ (I⇘ES1⇙ - O⇘ES2⇙ ∪ (I⇘ES2⇙ - O⇘ES1⇙)) ∩ (O⇘ES1⇙ - I⇘ES2⇙ ∪ (O⇘ES2⇙ - I⇘ES1⇙))"
by auto
have subgoal32:
"(I⇘ES1⇙ - O⇘ES2⇙ ∪ (I⇘ES2⇙ - O⇘ES1⇙)) ∩ (O⇘ES1⇙ - I⇘ES2⇙ ∪ (O⇘ES2⇙ - I⇘ES1⇙)) ⊆ {}"
proof (rule subsetI, erule IntE)
fix x
assume ass1: "x ∈ I⇘ES1⇙ - O⇘ES2⇙ ∪ (I⇘ES2⇙ - O⇘ES1⇙)"
then have ass1': "x ∈ I⇘ES1⇙ - O⇘ES2⇙ ∨ x ∈ (I⇘ES2⇙ - O⇘ES1⇙)"
by auto
assume ass2: "x ∈ O⇘ES1⇙ - I⇘ES2⇙ ∪ (O⇘ES2⇙ - I⇘ES1⇙)"
then have ass2':"x ∈ O⇘ES1⇙ - I⇘ES2⇙ ∨ x ∈ (O⇘ES2⇙ - I⇘ES1⇙)"
by auto
note ass1'
moreover {
assume left1: "x ∈ I⇘ES1⇙ - O⇘ES2⇙"
note ass2'
moreover {
assume left2: "x ∈ O⇘ES1⇙ - I⇘ES2⇙"
with left1 have "x∈ (I⇘ES1⇙) ∩ (O⇘ES1⇙)"
by (auto)
with ES1_inputs_outputs_disjoint have "x∈{}"
by (auto simp add: es_inputs_outputs_disjoint_def)
moreover {
assume right2: "x ∈ (O⇘ES2⇙ - I⇘ES1⇙)"
with left1 have "x∈ (I⇘ES1⇙ - I⇘ES1⇙)"
by auto
hence "x∈{}"
by auto
ultimately have "x∈{}" ..
moreover {
assume right1: "x ∈ I⇘ES2⇙ - O⇘ES1⇙"
note ass2'
moreover {
assume left2: "x ∈ O⇘ES1⇙ - I⇘ES2⇙"
with right1 have "x∈ (I⇘ES2⇙ - I⇘ES2⇙)"
by auto
hence "x∈{}"
by auto
moreover {
assume right2: "x ∈ (O⇘ES2⇙ - I⇘ES1⇙)"
with right1 have "x ∈ (I⇘ES2⇙ ∩ O⇘ES2⇙)"
by auto
with ES2_inputs_outputs_disjoint have "x∈{}"
by (auto simp add: es_inputs_outputs_disjoint_def)
ultimately have "x∈{}" ..
ultimately show "x∈{}" ..
from subgoal31 subgoal32
show "(I⇘ES1⇙ - O⇘ES2⇙ ∪ (I⇘ES2⇙ - O⇘ES1⇙)) ∩ (O⇘ES1⇙ - I⇘ES2⇙ ∪ (O⇘ES2⇙ - I⇘ES1⇙)) = {}"
by auto
show "traces_contain_events (ES1 ∥ ES2)" unfolding composeES_def traces_contain_events_def
proof (clarsimp)
fix l e
assume "e ∈ set l"
and "set l ⊆ E⇘ES1⇙ ∪ E⇘ES2⇙"
then have e_in_union: "e ∈ E⇘ES1⇙ ∪ E⇘ES2⇙"
by auto
assume "e ∉ E⇘ES2⇙"
with e_in_union show "e ∈ E⇘ES1⇙"
by auto
assume ES1_traces_prefixclosed: "traces_prefixclosed ES1"
assume ES2_traces_prefixclosed: "traces_prefixclosed ES2"
show "traces_prefixclosed (ES1 ∥ ES2)"
unfolding composeES_def traces_prefixclosed_def prefixclosed_def prefix_def
proof (clarsimp)
fix l2 l3
have l2l3split: "(l2 @ l3) ↿ E⇘ES1⇙ = (l2 ↿ E⇘ES1⇙) @ (l3 ↿ E⇘ES1⇙)"
by (rule projection_concatenation_commute)
assume "(l2 @ l3) ↿ E⇘ES1⇙ ∈ Tr⇘ES1⇙"
with l2l3split have l2l3cattrace: "(l2 ↿ E⇘ES1⇙) @ (l3 ↿ E⇘ES1⇙) ∈ Tr⇘ES1⇙"
by auto
have theprefix: "(l2 ↿ E⇘ES1⇙) ≼ ((l2 ↿ E⇘ES1⇙) @ (l3 ↿ E⇘ES1⇙))"
by (simp add: prefix_def)
have prefixclosure: "∀ es1 ∈ (Tr⇘ES1⇙). ∀ es2. es2 ≼ es1 ⟶ es2 ∈ (Tr⇘ES1⇙)"
by (clarsimp, insert ES1_traces_prefixclosed, unfold traces_prefixclosed_def prefixclosed_def,
erule_tac x="es1" in ballE, erule_tac x="es2" in allE, erule impE, auto)
" ((l2 ↿ E⇘ES1⇙) @ (l3 ↿ E⇘ES1⇙)) ∈ Tr⇘ES1⇙ ⟹ ∀ es2. es2 ≼ ((l2 ↿ E⇘ES1⇙) @ (l3 ↿ E⇘ES1⇙))
⟶ es2 ∈ Tr⇘ES1⇙" ..
with l2l3cattrace have "∀ es2. es2 ≼ ((l2 ↿ E⇘ES1⇙) @ (l3 ↿ E⇘ES1⇙)) ⟶ es2 ∈ Tr⇘ES1⇙"
by auto
hence "(l2 ↿ E⇘ES1⇙) ≼ ((l2 ↿ E⇘ES1⇙) @ (l3 ↿ E⇘ES1⇙)) ⟶ (l2 ↿ E⇘ES1⇙) ∈ Tr⇘ES1⇙" ..
with theprefix have goal51: "(l2 ↿ E⇘ES1⇙) ∈ Tr⇘ES1⇙"
by simp
have l2l3split: "(l2 @ l3) ↿ E⇘ES2⇙ = (l2 ↿ E⇘ES2⇙) @ (l3 ↿ E⇘ES2⇙)"
by (rule projection_concatenation_commute)
assume "(l2 @ l3) ↿ E⇘ES2⇙ ∈ Tr⇘ES2⇙"
with l2l3split have l2l3cattrace: "(l2 ↿ E⇘ES2⇙) @ (l3 ↿ E⇘ES2⇙) ∈ Tr⇘ES2⇙"
by auto
have theprefix: "(l2 ↿ E⇘ES2⇙) ≼ ((l2 ↿ E⇘ES2⇙) @ (l3 ↿ E⇘ES2⇙))"
by (simp add: prefix_def)
have prefixclosure: "∀ es1 ∈ Tr⇘ES2⇙. ∀es2. es2 ≼ es1 ⟶ es2 ∈ Tr⇘ES2⇙"
by (clarsimp, insert ES2_traces_prefixclosed,
unfold traces_prefixclosed_def prefixclosed_def,
erule_tac x="es1" in ballE, erule_tac x="es2" in allE, erule impE, auto)
hence " ((l2 ↿ E⇘ES2⇙) @ (l3 ↿ E⇘ES2⇙)) ∈ Tr⇘ES2⇙
⟹ ∀ es2. es2 ≼ ((l2 ↿ E⇘ES2⇙) @ (l3 ↿ E⇘ES2⇙)) ⟶ es2 ∈ Tr⇘ES2⇙" ..
with l2l3cattrace have "∀ es2. es2 ≼ ((l2 ↿ E⇘ES2⇙) @ (l3 ↿ E⇘ES2⇙)) ⟶ es2 ∈ Tr⇘ES2⇙"
by auto
hence "(l2 ↿ E⇘ES2⇙) ≼ ((l2 ↿ E⇘ES2⇙) @ (l3 ↿ E⇘ES2⇙)) ⟶ (l2 ↿ E⇘ES2⇙) ∈ Tr⇘ES2⇙" ..
with theprefix have goal52: "(l2 ↿ E⇘ES2⇙) ∈ Tr⇘ES2⇙"
by simp
from goal51 goal52 show goal5: "l2 ↿ E⇘ES1⇙ ∈ Tr⇘ES1⇙ ∧ l2 ↿ E⇘ES2⇙ ∈ Tr⇘ES2⇙" ..