Theory WellForm

(*  Title:      JinjaThreads/Common/WellForm.thy
    Author:     Tobias Nipkow, Andreas Lochbihler

    Based on the Jinja theory Common/WellForm.thy by Tobias Nipkow

section ‹Generic Well-formedness of programs›

theory WellForm

text ‹\noindent This theory defines global well-formedness conditions
for programs but does not look inside method bodies.  Hence it works
for both Jinja and JVM programs. Well-typing of expressions is defined
elsewhere (in theory WellType›).

Because JinjaThreads does not have method overloading, its policy for method
overriding is the classical one: \emph{covariant in the result type
but contravariant in the argument types.} This means the result type
of the overriding method becomes more specific, the argument types
become more general.

type_synonym 'm wf_mdecl_test = "'m prog  cname  'm mdecl  bool"

definition wf_fdecl :: "'m prog  fdecl  bool"
where "wf_fdecl P  λ(F,T,fm). is_type P T"

definition wf_mdecl :: "'m wf_mdecl_test  'm prog  cname  'm mdecl'  bool" where 
  "wf_mdecl wf_md P C  
  λ(M,Ts,T,m). (Tset Ts. is_type P T)  is_type P T  
    (case m of Native  CM(Ts) :: T | mb  wf_md P C (M,Ts,T,mb))"

fun wf_overriding :: "'m prog  cname  'm mdecl'  bool"
  "wf_overriding P D (M,Ts,T,m) =
  (D' Ts' T' m'. P  D sees M:Ts'  T' = m' in D'  P  Ts' [≤] Ts  P  T  T')"

definition wf_cdecl :: "'m wf_mdecl_test  'm prog  'm cdecl  bool"
  "wf_cdecl wf_md P    λ(C,(D,fs,ms)).
  (fset fs. wf_fdecl P f)  distinct_fst fs 
  (mset ms. wf_mdecl wf_md P C m) 
  distinct_fst ms 
  (C  Object 
   is_class P D  ¬ P  D * C 
   (mset ms. wf_overriding P D m)) 
  (C = Thread  (m. (run, [], Void, m)  set ms))"

definition wf_prog :: "'m wf_mdecl_test  'm prog  bool"
  "wf_prog wf_md P  wf_syscls P  distinct_fst (classes P)  (c  set (classes P). wf_cdecl wf_md P c)"

lemma wf_prog_def2:
  "wf_prog wf_md P  wf_syscls P  (C rest. class P C = rest  wf_cdecl wf_md P (C, rest))  distinct_fst (classes P)"
by(cases P)(auto simp add: wf_prog_def dest: map_of_SomeD map_of_SomeI)

subsection‹Well-formedness lemmas›

lemma wf_prog_wf_syscls: "wf_prog wf_md P  wf_syscls P"
by(simp add: wf_prog_def)

lemma class_wf: 
  "class P C = Some c; wf_prog wf_md P  wf_cdecl wf_md P (C,c)"
by (cases P) (fastforce dest: map_of_SomeD simp add: wf_prog_def)

lemma [simp]:
  assumes "wf_prog wf_md P"
  shows class_Object: "C fs ms. class P Object = Some (C,fs,ms)"
  and class_Thread:  "C fs ms. class P Thread = Some (C,fs,ms)"
using wf_prog_wf_syscls[OF assms]
by(rule wf_syscls_class_Object wf_syscls_class_Thread)+

lemma [simp]:
  assumes "wf_prog wf_md P"
  shows is_class_Object: "is_class P Object"
  and is_class_Thread: "is_class P Thread"
using wf_prog_wf_syscls[OF assms] by simp_all

lemma xcpt_subcls_Throwable:
  " C  sys_xcpts; wf_prog wf_md P   P  C * Throwable"
by(simp add: wf_prog_wf_syscls wf_syscls_xcpt_subcls_Throwable)

lemma is_class_Throwable:
  "wf_prog wf_md P  is_class P Throwable"
by(rule wf_prog_wf_syscls wf_syscls_is_class_Throwable)+

lemma is_class_sub_Throwable:
  " wf_prog wf_md P; P  C * Throwable   is_class P C"
by(rule wf_syscls_is_class_sub_Throwable[OF wf_prog_wf_syscls])

lemma is_class_xcpt:
  " C  sys_xcpts; wf_prog wf_md P   is_class P C"
by(rule wf_syscls_is_class_xcpt[OF _ wf_prog_wf_syscls])

context heap_base begin
lemma wf_preallocatedE:
  assumes "wf_prog wf_md P"
  and "preallocated h"
  and "C  sys_xcpts"
  obtains "typeof_addr h (addr_of_sys_xcpt C) = Class_type C" "P  C * Throwable"
proof -
  from preallocated h C  sys_xcpts have "typeof_addr h (addr_of_sys_xcpt C) = Class_type C" 
    by(rule typeof_addr_sys_xcp)
  moreover from C  sys_xcpts wf_prog wf_md P have "P  C * Throwable" by(rule xcpt_subcls_Throwable)
  ultimately show thesis by(rule that)

lemma wf_preallocatedD:
  assumes "wf_prog wf_md P"
  and "preallocated h"
  and "C  sys_xcpts"
  shows "typeof_addr h (addr_of_sys_xcpt C) = Class_type C  P  C * Throwable"
using assms
by(rule wf_preallocatedE) blast


lemma (in heap_conf) hconf_start_heap:
  "wf_prog wf_md P  hconf start_heap"
unfolding start_heap_def start_heap_data_def initialization_list_def sys_xcpts_list_def
using hconf_empty
by -(simp add: create_initial_object_simps del: hconf_empty, clarsimp split: prod.split elim!: not_empty_pairE simp del: hconf_empty, drule (1) allocate_Eps, drule (1) hconf_allocate_mono, simp add: is_class_xcpt)+

lemma subcls1_wfD:
  " P  C 1 D; wf_prog wf_md P   D  C  ¬ (subcls1 P)++ D C"
apply( frule tranclp.r_into_trancl[where r="subcls1 P"])
apply( drule subcls1D)
apply( drule (1) class_wf)
apply( unfold wf_cdecl_def)
apply(rule conjI)
apply(unfold reflclp_tranclp[symmetric, where r="subcls1 P"])

lemma wf_cdecl_supD: 
  "wf_cdecl wf_md P (C,D,r); C  Object  is_class P D"
(*<*)by (auto simp: wf_cdecl_def)(*>*)

lemma subcls_asym:
  " wf_prog wf_md P; (subcls1 P)++ C D   ¬ (subcls1 P)++ D C"
apply(erule tranclp.cases)
apply(fast dest!: subcls1_wfD )
apply(fast dest!: subcls1_wfD intro: tranclp_trans)

lemma subcls_irrefl:
  " wf_prog wf_md P; (subcls1 P)++ C D  C  D"
apply (erule tranclp_trans_induct)
apply  (auto dest: subcls1_wfD subcls_asym)

lemma acyclicP_def:
  "acyclicP r  (x. ¬ r^++ x x)"
  unfolding acyclic_def trancl_def

lemma acyclic_subcls1:
  "wf_prog wf_md P  acyclicP (subcls1 P)"
by(unfold acyclicP_def)(fast dest: subcls_irrefl)

lemma finite_conversep: "finite {(x, y). r¯¯ x y} = finite {(x, y). r x y}"
by(subst finite_converse[unfolded converse_unfold, symmetric]) simp

lemma acyclicP_wf_subcls1:
  "acyclicP (subcls1 P)  wfP ((subcls1 P)¯¯)"
unfolding wfP_def
by(rule finite_acyclic_wf)(simp_all only: finite_conversep finite_subcls1 acyclicP_converse)

lemma wf_subcls1:
  "wf_prog wf_md P  wfP ((subcls1 P)¯¯)"
by(rule acyclicP_wf_subcls1)(rule acyclic_subcls1)

lemma single_valued_subcls1:
  "wf_prog wf_md G  single_valuedp (subcls1 G)"
by(auto simp:wf_prog_def distinct_fst_def single_valuedp_def dest!:subcls1D)

lemma subcls_induct: 
  " wf_prog wf_md P; C. D. (subcls1 P)++ C D  Q D  Q C   Q C"
  (is "?A  PROP ?P  _")
proof -
  assume p: "PROP ?P"
  assume ?A thus ?thesis apply -
apply(drule wf_subcls1)
apply(drule wfP_trancl)
apply(simp only: tranclp_converse)
apply(erule_tac a = C in wfP_induct)
apply(rule p)

lemma subcls1_induct_aux:
  " is_class P C; wf_prog wf_md P; Q Object;
    C D fs ms.
     C  Object; is_class P C; class P C = Some (D,fs,ms) 
      wf_cdecl wf_md P (C,D,fs,ms)  P  C 1 D  is_class P D  Q D  Q C 
   Q C"
  (is "?A  ?B  ?C  PROP ?P  _")
proof -
  assume p: "PROP ?P"
  assume ?A ?B ?C thus ?thesis apply -
apply(unfold is_class_def)
apply( rule impE)
prefer 2
apply(   assumption)
prefer 2
apply(  assumption)
apply( erule thin_rl)
apply( rule subcls_induct)
apply(  assumption)
apply( rule impI)
apply( case_tac "C = Object")
apply(  fast)
apply safe
apply( frule (1) class_wf)
apply( frule (1) wf_cdecl_supD)

apply( subgoal_tac "P  C 1 a")
apply( erule_tac [2] subcls1I)
apply(  rule p)
apply (unfold is_class_def)
apply auto

lemma subcls1_induct [consumes 2, case_names Object Subcls]:
  " wf_prog wf_md P; is_class P C; Q Object;
    C D. C  Object; P  C 1 D; is_class P D; Q D  Q C 
   Q C"
  apply (erule subcls1_induct_aux, assumption, assumption)
  apply blast

lemma subcls_C_Object:
  " is_class P C; wf_prog wf_md P   P  C * Object"
apply(erule (1) subcls1_induct)
 apply( fast)
apply(erule (1) converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)

lemma converse_subcls_is_class:
  assumes wf: "wf_prog wf_md P"
  shows " P  C * D; is_class P C   is_class P D"
proof(induct rule: rtranclp_induct)
  assume "is_class P C"
  thus "is_class P C" .
  fix D E
  assume PDE: "P  D 1 E"
    and IH: "is_class P C  is_class P D"
    and iPC: "is_class P C"
  have "is_class P D" by (rule IH[OF iPC])
  with PDE obtain fsD MsD where classD: "class P D = (E, fsD, MsD)"
    by(auto simp add: is_class_def elim!: subcls1.cases)
  thus "is_class P E" using wf PDE
    by(auto elim!: subcls1.cases dest: class_wf simp: wf_cdecl_def)

lemma is_class_is_subcls:
  "wf_prog m P  is_class P C = P  C * Object"
(*<*)by (fastforce simp:is_class_def
                  elim: subcls_C_Object converse_rtranclpE subcls1I
                  dest: subcls1D)

lemma subcls_antisym:
  "wf_prog m P; P  C * D; P  D * C  C = D"
apply(drule acyclic_subcls1)
apply(drule acyclic_impl_antisym_rtrancl)
apply(drule antisymD)
apply(unfold Transitive_Closure.rtrancl_def)

lemma is_type_pTs:
  " wf_prog wf_md P; class P C = (S,fs,ms); (M,Ts,T,m)  set ms   set Ts  types P"
by(fastforce dest: class_wf simp add: wf_cdecl_def wf_mdecl_def)

lemma widen_asym_1: 
  assumes wfP: "wf_prog wf_md P"
  shows "P  C  D  C = D  ¬ (P  D  C)"
proof (erule widen.induct)
  fix T
  show "T = T  ¬ (P  T  T)" by simp
  fix C D
  assume CscD: "P  C * D"
  then have CpscD: "C = D  (C  D  (subcls1 P)++ C D)" by (simp add: rtranclpD)
  { assume "P  D * C"
    then have DpscC: "D = C  (D  C  (subcls1 P)++ D C)" by (simp add: rtranclpD)
    { assume "(subcls1 P)++ D C"
      with wfP have CnscD: "¬ (subcls1 P)++ C D" by (rule subcls_asym)
      with CpscD have "C = D" by simp
    with DpscC have "C = D" by blast
  hence "Class C = Class D  ¬ (P  D * C)" by blast
  thus "Class C = Class D  ¬ P  Class D  Class C" by simp
  fix C
  show "NT = Class C  ¬ P  Class C  NT" by simp
  fix A
  { assume "P  A⌊⌉  NT"
    hence "A⌊⌉ = NT" by fastforce
    hence "False" by simp }
  hence "¬ (P  A⌊⌉  NT)" by blast
  thus "NT = A⌊⌉  ¬ P  A⌊⌉  NT" by simp
  fix A
  show "A⌊⌉ = Class Object  ¬ P  Class Object  A⌊⌉"
    by(auto dest: Object_widen)
  fix A B
  assume AsU: "P  A  B" and BnpscA: "A = B  ¬ P  B  A"
  { assume "P  B⌊⌉  A⌊⌉"
    hence "P  B  A" by (auto dest: Array_Array_widen)
    with BnpscA have "A = B" by blast
    hence "A⌊⌉ = B⌊⌉" by simp }
  thus "A⌊⌉ = B⌊⌉  ¬ P  B⌊⌉  A⌊⌉" by blast

lemma widen_asym: " wf_prog wf_md P; P  C  D; C  D   ¬ (P  D  C)"
proof -
  assume wfP: "wf_prog wf_md P" and CsD: "P  C  D" and CneqD: "C  D"
  from wfP CsD have "C = D  ¬ (P  D  C)" by (rule widen_asym_1)
  with CneqD show ?thesis by simp

lemma widen_antisym:
  " wf_prog m P; P  T  U; P  U  T   T = U"
by(auto dest: widen_asym)

lemma widen_C_Object: " wf_prog wf_md P; is_class P C   P  Class C  Class Object"
by(simp add: subcls_C_Object)

lemma is_refType_widen_Object:
  assumes wfP: "wf_prog wfmc P"
  shows " is_type P A; is_refT A   P  A  Class Object"
by(induct A)(auto elim: refTE intro: subcls_C_Object[OF _ wfP] widen_array_object)

lemma is_lub_unique:
  assumes wf: "wf_prog wf_md P"
  shows " P  lub(U, V) = T; P  lub(U, V) = T'   T = T'"
by(auto elim!: is_lub.cases intro: widen_antisym[OF wf])

subsection‹Well-formedness and method lookup›

lemma sees_wf_mdecl:
  " wf_prog wf_md P; P  C sees M:TsT = m in D   wf_mdecl wf_md P D (M,Ts,T,m)"
apply(drule visible_method_exists)
apply(drule class_wf, assumption)
apply(drule map_of_SomeD)
apply(auto simp add: wf_cdecl_def)

lemma sees_method_mono [rule_format (no_asm)]: 
  " P  C' * C; wf_prog wf_md P  
  D Ts T m. P  C sees M:TsT = m in D 
     (D' Ts' T' m'. P  C' sees M:Ts'T' = m' in D'  P  Ts [≤] Ts'  P  T'  T)"
apply( drule rtranclpD)
apply( erule disjE)
apply(  fastforce intro: widen_refl widens_refl)
apply( erule conjE)
apply( erule tranclp_trans_induct)
prefer 2
apply(  clarify)
apply(  drule spec, drule spec, drule spec, drule spec, erule (1) impE)
apply clarify
apply(  fast elim: widen_trans widens_trans)
apply( clarify)
apply( drule subcls1D)
apply( clarify)
apply(clarsimp simp:Method_def)
apply(frule (2) sees_methods_rec)
apply(rule refl)
apply(case_tac "map_of ms M")
apply(rule_tac x = D in exI)
apply(rule_tac x = Ts in exI)
apply(rule_tac x = T in exI)
apply(clarsimp simp add: widens_refl)
apply(rule_tac x = m in exI)
apply(fastforce simp add:map_add_def split:option.split)
apply clarsimp
apply(rename_tac Ts' T' m')
apply( drule (1) class_wf)
apply( unfold wf_cdecl_def Method_def)
apply( frule map_of_SomeD)
apply(drule (1) bspec)+
apply clarsimp
apply(erule_tac x=D in allE)
apply(erule_tac x=Ts in allE)
apply(rotate_tac -1)
apply(erule_tac x=T in allE)
apply(fastforce simp:map_add_def Method_def split:option.split)

lemma sees_method_mono2:
  " P  C' * C; wf_prog wf_md P;
     P  C sees M:TsT = m in D; P  C' sees M:Ts'T' = m' in D' 
   P  Ts [≤] Ts'  P  T'  T"
(*<*)by(blast dest:sees_method_mono sees_method_fun)(*>*)

lemma mdecls_visible:
  assumes wf: "wf_prog wf_md P" and "class": "is_class P C"
  shows "D fs ms. class P C = Some(D,fs,ms)
          Mm. P  C sees_methods Mm  ((M,Ts,T,m)  set ms. Mm M = Some((Ts,T,m),C))"
using wf "class"
proof (induct rule:subcls1_induct)
  case Object
  with wf have "distinct_fst ms"
    by(auto dest: class_wf simp add: wf_cdecl_def)
  with Object show ?case by(fastforce intro!: sees_methods_Object map_of_SomeI)
  case Subcls
  with wf have "distinct_fst ms"
    by(auto dest: class_wf simp add: wf_cdecl_def)
  with Subcls show ?case
    by(fastforce elim:sees_methods_rec dest:subcls1D map_of_SomeI

lemma mdecl_visible:
  assumes wf: "wf_prog wf_md P" and C: "class P C = (S,fs,ms)" and  m: "(M,Ts,T,m)  set ms"
  shows "P  C sees M:TsT = m in C"
proof -
  from C have "is_class P C" by(auto simp:is_class_def)
  with assms show ?thesis
    by(bestsimp simp:Method_def dest:mdecls_visible)

lemma sees_wf_native:
  " wf_prog wf_md P; P  C sees M:TsT=Native in D   DM(Ts) :: T"
apply(drule (1) sees_wf_mdecl)
apply(simp add: wf_mdecl_def)

lemma Call_lemma:
  " P  C sees M:TsT = m in D; P  C' * C; wf_prog wf_md P 
   D' Ts' T' m'.
       P  C' sees M:Ts'T' = m' in D'  P  Ts [≤] Ts'  P  T'  T  P  C' * D'
        is_type P T'  (Tset Ts'. is_type P T)  (m'  Native  wf_md P D' (M,Ts',T',the m'))"
apply(frule (2) sees_method_mono)
apply(fastforce intro:sees_method_decl_above dest:sees_wf_mdecl
               simp: wf_mdecl_def)

lemma sub_Thread_sees_run:
  assumes wf: "wf_prog wf_md P"
  and PCThread: "P  C * Thread"
  shows "D mthd. P  C sees run: []Void = mthd in D"
proof -
  from class_Thread[OF wf] obtain T' fsT MsT
    where classT: "class P Thread = (T', fsT, MsT)" by blast
  hence wfcThread: "wf_cdecl wf_md P (Thread, T', fsT, MsT)" using wf by(rule class_wf)
  then obtain mrunT where runThread: "(run, [], Void, mrunT)  set MsT"
    by(auto simp add: wf_cdecl_def)
  moreover have "MmT. P  Thread sees_methods MmT 
                       ((M,Ts,T,m)  set MsT. MmT M = Some((Ts,T,m),Thread))"
    by(rule mdecls_visible[OF wf is_class_Thread[OF wf] classT])
  then obtain MmT where ThreadMmT: "P  Thread sees_methods MmT"
    and MmT: "(M,Ts,T,m)  set MsT. MmT M = Some((Ts,T,m),Thread)"
    by blast
  ultimately obtain mthd
    where "MmT run = (([], Void, mthd), Thread)"
  with ThreadMmT have Tseesrun: "P  Thread sees run: []Void = mthd in Thread"
    by(auto simp add: Method_def)
  from sees_method_mono[OF PCThread wf Tseesrun]
  obtain D' m' where "P  C sees run: []Void = m' in D'" by auto
  moreover have "m'  None"
    assume "m' = None"
    with wf P  C sees run: []Void = m' in D' have "D'run([]) :: Void"
      by(auto intro: sees_wf_native)
    thus False by cases auto
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto

lemma wf_prog_lift:
  assumes wf: "wf_prog (λP C bd. A P C bd) P"
  and rule:
  "wf_md C M Ts C T m.
    wf_prog wf_md P; P  C sees M:TsT = m in C; is_class P C; set Ts  types P; A P C (M,Ts,T,m) 
    B P C (M,Ts,T,m)"
  shows "wf_prog (λP C bd. B P C bd) P"
proof(cases P)
  case (Program P')
  thus ?thesis using wf
    apply(clarsimp simp add: wf_prog_def wf_cdecl_def)
    apply(drule (1) bspec)
    apply(rename_tac C D fs ms)
    apply(subgoal_tac "is_class P C")
     prefer 2
     apply(simp add: is_class_def)
     apply(drule weak_map_of_SomeI)
     apply(simp add: Program)
    apply(clarsimp simp add: Program wf_mdecl_def split del: option.split)
    apply(drule (1) bspec)
    apply clarsimp
    apply(rule conjI)
     apply clarsimp
    apply clarsimp
    apply(frule (1) map_of_SomeI)
    apply(rule rule[OF wf, unfolded Program])
    apply(clarsimp simp add: is_class_def)
    apply(rule mdecl_visible[OF wf[unfolded Program]])
    apply(fastforce intro: is_type_pTs [OF wf, unfolded Program])+
subsection‹Well-formedness and field lookup›

lemma wf_Fields_Ex:
  " wf_prog wf_md P; is_class P C   FDTs. P  C has_fields FDTs"
apply(frule class_Object)
apply(erule (1) subcls1_induct)
 apply(blast intro:has_fields_Object)
apply(blast intro:has_fields_rec dest:subcls1D)

lemma has_fields_types:
  " P  C has_fields FDTs; (FD, T, fm)  set FDTs; wf_prog wf_md P   is_type P T"
apply(induct rule:Fields.induct)
 apply(fastforce dest!: class_wf simp: wf_cdecl_def wf_fdecl_def)
apply(fastforce dest!: class_wf simp: wf_cdecl_def wf_fdecl_def)

lemma sees_field_is_type:
  " P  C sees F:T (fm) in D; wf_prog wf_md P   is_type P T"
by(fastforce simp: sees_field_def
            elim: has_fields_types map_of_SomeD[OF map_of_remap_SomeD])

lemma wf_has_field_mono2:
  assumes wf: "wf_prog wf_md P"
  and has: "P  C has F:T (fm) in E"
  shows " P  C * D; P  D * E   P  D has F:T (fm) in E"
proof(induct rule: rtranclp_induct)
  case base show ?case using has .
  case (step D D')
  note DsubD' = P  D 1 D'
  from DsubD' obtain rest where classD: "class P D = (D', rest)"
    and DObj: "D  Object" by(auto elim!: subcls1.cases)
  from DsubD' P  D' * E have DsubE: "P  D * E" and DsubE2: "(subcls1 P)^++ D E"
    by(rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp rtranclp_into_tranclp2)+
  from wf DsubE2 have DnE: "D  E" by(rule subcls_irrefl)
  from DsubE have hasD: "P  D has F:T (fm) in E" by(rule P  D * E  P  D has F:T (fm) in E)
  then obtain FDTs where hasf: "P  D has_fields FDTs" and FE: "map_of FDTs (F, E) = (T, fm)"
    unfolding has_field_def by blast
  from hasf show ?case
  proof cases
    case has_fields_Object with DObj show ?thesis by simp
    case (has_fields_rec DD' fs ms FDTs')
    with classD have [simp]: "DD' = D'" "rest = (fs, ms)"
      and hasf': "P  D' has_fields FDTs'"
      and FDTs: "FDTs = map (λ(F, Tm). ((F, D), Tm)) fs @ FDTs'" by auto
    from FDTs FE DnE hasf' show ?thesis by(auto dest: map_of_SomeD simp add: has_field_def)

lemma wf_has_field_idemp:
  " wf_prog wf_md P; P  C has F:T (fm) in D   P  D has F:T (fm) in D"
apply(frule has_field_decl_above)
apply(erule (2) wf_has_field_mono2)
apply(rule rtranclp.rtrancl_refl)

lemma map_of_remap_conv:
  " distinct_fst fs; map_of (map (λ(F, y). ((F, D), y)) fs) (F, D) = T 
   map_of (map (λ((F, D), T). (F, D, T)) (map (λ(F, y). ((F, D), y)) fs)) F = (D, T)"
apply(induct fs)
apply auto

lemma has_field_idemp_sees_field:
  assumes wf: "wf_prog wf_md P"
  and has: "P  D has F:T (fm) in D"
  shows "P  D sees F:T (fm) in D"
proof -
  from has obtain FDTs where hasf: "P  D has_fields FDTs"
    and FD: "map_of FDTs (F, D) = (T, fm)" unfolding has_field_def by blast
  from hasf have "map_of (map (λ((F, D), T). (F, D, T)) FDTs) F = (D, T, fm)"
  proof cases
    case (has_fields_Object D' fs ms)
    from class P Object = (D', fs, ms) wf
    have "wf_cdecl wf_md P (Object, D', fs, ms)" by(rule class_wf)
    hence "distinct_fst fs" by(simp add: wf_cdecl_def)
    with FD has_fields_Object show ?thesis by(auto intro: map_of_remap_conv simp del: map_map)
    case (has_fields_rec D' fs ms FDTs')
    hence [simp]: "FDTs = map (λ(F, Tm). ((F, D), Tm)) fs @ FDTs'"
      and classD: "class P D = (D', fs, ms)" and DnObj: "D  Object"
      and hasf': "P  D' has_fields FDTs'" by auto
    from class P D = (D', fs, ms) wf
    have "wf_cdecl wf_md P (D, D', fs, ms)" by(rule class_wf)
    hence "distinct_fst fs" by(simp add: wf_cdecl_def)
    moreover have "map_of FDTs' (F, D) = None"
    proof(rule ccontr)
      assume "map_of FDTs' (F, D)  None"
      then obtain T' fm' where "map_of FDTs' (F, D) = (T', fm')" by(auto)
      with hasf' have "P  D' * D" by(auto dest!: map_of_SomeD intro: has_fields_decl_above)
      with classD DnObj have "(subcls1 P)^++ D D"
        by(auto intro: subcls1.intros rtranclp_into_tranclp2)
      with wf show False by(auto dest: subcls_irrefl)
    ultimately show ?thesis using FD hasf'
      by(auto simp add: map_add_Some_iff intro: map_of_remap_conv simp del: map_map)
  with hasf show ?thesis unfolding sees_field_def by blast

lemma has_fields_distinct:
  assumes wf: "wf_prog wf_md P"
  and "P  C has_fields FDTs"
  shows "distinct (map fst FDTs)"
using P  C has_fields FDTs
  case (has_fields_Object D fs ms FDTs)
  have eq: "map (fst  (λ(F, y). ((F, Object), y))) fs = map ((λF. (F, Object))  fst) fs" by(auto)
  from class P Object = (D, fs, ms) wf
  have "wf_cdecl wf_md P (Object, D, fs, ms)" by(rule class_wf)
  hence "distinct (map fst fs)" by(simp add: wf_cdecl_def distinct_fst_def)
  hence "distinct (map (fst  (λ(F, y). ((F, Object), y))) fs)" 
    unfolding eq distinct_map by(auto intro: comp_inj_on inj_onI)
  thus ?case using FDTs = map (λ(F, T). ((F, Object), T)) fs by(simp)
  case (has_fields_rec C D fs ms FDTs FDTs')
  have eq: "map (fst  (λ(F, y). ((F, C), y))) fs = map ((λF. (F, C))  fst) fs" by(auto)
  from class P C = (D, fs, ms) wf
  have "wf_cdecl wf_md P (C, D, fs, ms)" by(rule class_wf)
  hence "distinct (map fst fs)" by(simp add: wf_cdecl_def distinct_fst_def)
  hence "distinct (map (fst  (λ(F, y). ((F, C), y))) fs)"
    unfolding eq distinct_map by(auto intro: comp_inj_on inj_onI)
  moreover from class P C = (D, fs, ms) C  Object
  have "P  C 1 D" by(rule subcls1.intros)
  with P  D has_fields FDTs
  have "(fst  (λ(F, y). ((F, C), y))) ` set fs  fst ` set FDTs = {}"
    by(auto dest: subcls_notin_has_fields)
  ultimately show ?case using FDTs' = map (λ(F, T). ((F, C), T)) fs @ FDTs distinct (map fst FDTs) by simp

subsection ‹Code generation›

  (modes: i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ bool)

text ‹
  Separate subclass acycilicity from class declaration check.
  Otherwise, cyclic class hierarchies might lead to non-termination
  as @{term "Methods"} recurses over the class hierarchy.

definition acyclic_class_hierarchy :: "'m prog  bool"
  "acyclic_class_hierarchy P  
  ((C, D, fs, ml)  set (classes P). C  Object  ¬ P  D * C)"

definition wf_cdecl' :: "'m wf_mdecl_test  'm prog  'm cdecl  bool"
  "wf_cdecl' wf_md P = (λ(C,(D,fs,ms)).
  (fset fs. wf_fdecl P f)  distinct_fst fs 
  (mset ms. wf_mdecl wf_md P C m) 
  distinct_fst ms 
  (C  Object  is_class P D  (mset ms. wf_overriding P D m)) 
  (C = Thread  (m. (run, [], Void, m)  set ms)))"

lemma acyclic_class_hierarchy_code [code]:
  "acyclic_class_hierarchy P  ((C, D, fs, ml)  set (classes P). C  Object  ¬ subcls' P D C)"
by(simp add: acyclic_class_hierarchy_def subcls'_def)

lemma wf_cdecl'_code [code]:
  "wf_cdecl' wf_md P = (λ(C,(D,fs,ms)).
  (fset fs. wf_fdecl P f)   distinct_fst fs 
  (mset ms. wf_mdecl wf_md P C m) 
  distinct_fst ms 
  (C  Object  is_class P D  (mset ms. wf_overriding P D m)) 
  (C = Thread  ((run, [], Void)  set (map (λ(M, Ts, T, b). (M, Ts, T)) ms))))"
by(auto simp add: wf_cdecl'_def intro!: ext intro: rev_image_eqI)

declare set_append [symmetric, code_unfold]

lemma wf_prog_code [code]:
  "wf_prog wf_md P 
   acyclic_class_hierarchy P 
   wf_syscls P  distinct_fst (classes P) 
   (c  set (classes P). wf_cdecl' wf_md P c)"
unfolding wf_prog_def wf_cdecl_def wf_cdecl'_def acyclic_class_hierarchy_def split_def
by blast
