Theory ExternalCall

(*  Title:      JinjaThreads/Common/ExternalCall.thy
    Author:     Andreas Lochbihler

section ‹Semantics of method calls that cannot be defined inside JinjaThreads›

theory ExternalCall

  ('addr,'thread_id,'heap) external_thread_action = "('addr, 'thread_id, cname × mname × 'addr,'heap) Jinja_thread_action"

(* pretty printing for external_thread_action type *)
print_translation let
    fun tr'
       [a1, t
       , Const (@{type_syntax "prod"}, _) $ Const (@{type_syntax "String.literal"}, _) $
           (Const (@{type_syntax "prod"}, _) $ Const (@{type_syntax "String.literal"}, _) $ a2)
       , h] =
      if a1 = a2 then Syntax.const @{type_syntax "external_thread_action"} $ a1 $ t $ h
      else raise Match;
    in [(@{type_syntax "Jinja_thread_action"}, K tr')]
typ "('addr,'thread_id,'heap) external_thread_action"

subsection ‹Typing of external calls›

inductive external_WT_defs :: "cname  mname  ty list  ty  bool" ("(__'(_')) :: _" [50, 0, 0, 50] 60)
  "Threadstart([]) :: Void"
| "Threadjoin([]) :: Void"
| "Threadinterrupt([]) :: Void"
| "ThreadisInterrupted([]) :: Boolean"
| "Objectwait([]) :: Void"
| "Objectnotify([]) :: Void"
| "ObjectnotifyAll([]) :: Void"
| "Objectclone([]) :: Class Object"
| "Objecthashcode([]) :: Integer"
| "Objectprint([Integer]) :: Void"
| "ObjectcurrentThread([]) :: Class Thread"
| "Objectinterrupted([]) :: Boolean"
| "Objectyield([]) :: Void"

inductive_cases external_WT_defs_cases:
  "astart(vs) :: T"
  "ajoin(vs) :: T"
  "ainterrupt(vs) :: T"
  "aisInterrupted(vs) :: T"
  "await(vs) :: T"
  "anotify(vs) :: T"
  "anotifyAll(vs) :: T"
  "aclone(vs) :: T"
  "ahashcode(vs) :: T"
  "aprint(vs) :: T"
  "acurrentThread(vs) :: T"
  "ainterrupted([]) :: T"
  "ayield(vs) :: T"

inductive is_native :: "'m prog  htype  mname  bool"
  for P :: "'m prog" and hT :: htype and M :: mname
where " P  class_type_of hT sees M:TsT = Native in D; DM(Ts) :: T   is_native P hT M"

lemma is_nativeD: "is_native P hT M  Ts T D. P  class_type_of hT sees M:TsT = Native in D  DM(Ts)::T"
by(simp add: is_native.simps)

inductive (in heap_base) external_WT' :: "'m prog  'heap  'addr  mname  'addr val list  ty  bool"
  ("_,_  (__'(_')) : _" [50,0,0,0,50] 60)
for P :: "'m prog" and h :: 'heap and a :: 'addr and M :: mname and vs :: "'addr val list" and U :: ty
  " typeof_addr h a = hT; map typeof⇘hvs = map Some Ts; P  class_type_of hT sees M:Ts'U = Native in D; 
     P  Ts [≤] Ts'  
   P,h  aM(vs) : U"

context heap_base begin

lemma external_WT'_iff:
  "P,h  aM(vs) : U  
  (hT Ts Ts' D. typeof_addr h a = hT  map typeof⇘hvs = map Some Ts  P  class_type_of hT sees M:Ts'U=Native in D  P  Ts [≤] Ts')"
by(simp add: external_WT'.simps)


context heap begin

lemma external_WT'_hext_mono:
  " P,h  aM(vs) : T; h  h'   P,h'  aM(vs) : T"
by(auto 5 2 simp add: external_WT'_iff dest: typeof_addr_hext_mono map_typeof_hext_mono)


subsection ‹Semantics of external calls›

datatype 'addr extCallRet = 
    RetVal "'addr val"
  | RetExc 'addr
  | RetStaySame

lemma rec_extCallRet [simp]: "rec_extCallRet = case_extCallRet"
by(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff split: extCallRet.split)

context heap_base begin

abbreviation RetEXC :: "cname  'addr extCallRet"
where "RetEXC C  RetExc (addr_of_sys_xcpt C)"

inductive heap_copy_loc :: "'addr  'addr  addr_loc  'heap  ('addr, 'thread_id) obs_event list  'heap  bool"
for a :: 'addr and a' :: 'addr and al :: addr_loc and h :: 'heap
  " heap_read h a al v; heap_write h a' al v h' 
   heap_copy_loc a a' al h ([ReadMem a al v, WriteMem a' al v]) h'"

inductive heap_copies :: "'addr  'addr  addr_loc list  'heap  ('addr, 'thread_id) obs_event list  'heap  bool"
for a :: 'addr and a' :: 'addr
  Nil: "heap_copies a a' [] h [] h"
| Cons:
  " heap_copy_loc a a' al h ob h'; heap_copies a a' als h' obs h'' 
   heap_copies a a' (al # als) h (ob @ obs) h''"

inductive_cases heap_copies_cases:
  "heap_copies a a' [] h ops h'"
  "heap_copies a a' (al#als) h ops h'"

text ‹
  Contrary to Sun's JVM 1.6.0\_07, cloning an interrupted thread does not yield an interrupted thread,
  because the interrupt flag is not stored inside the thread object.
  Starting a clone of a started thread with Sun JVM 1.6.0\_07 raises an illegal thread state exception,
  we just start another thread.
  The thread at @{url ""} discusses
  the general problem of thread cloning and argues against that.
  The bug report @{url ""}
  changes the Thread class implementation
  such that \texttt{Object.clone()} can no longer be accessed for Thread and subclasses in Java 7.

  Array cells are never volatile themselves.

inductive heap_clone :: "'m prog  'heap  'addr  'heap  (('addr, 'thread_id) obs_event list × 'addr) option  bool"
for P :: "'m prog" and h :: 'heap and a :: 'addr 
  " typeof_addr h a = hT; allocate h hT = {} 
   heap_clone P h a h None"
| ObjClone:
  " typeof_addr h a = Class_type C; (h', a')  allocate h (Class_type C);
     P  C has_fields FDTs; heap_copies a a' (map (λ((F, D), Tfm). CField D F) FDTs) h' obs h'' 
   heap_clone P h a h'' (NewHeapElem a' (Class_type C) # obs, a')"
| ArrClone:
  " typeof_addr h a = Array_type T n; (h', a')  allocate h (Array_type T n); P  Object has_fields FDTs;
     heap_copies a a' (map (λ((F, D), Tfm). CField D F) FDTs @ map ACell [0..<n]) h' obs  h'' 
   heap_clone P h a h'' (NewHeapElem a' (Array_type T n) # obs, a')"

inductive red_external ::
  "'m prog  'thread_id  'heap  'addr  mname  'addr val list 
   ('addr, 'thread_id, 'heap) external_thread_action  'addr extCallRet  'heap  bool"
  and red_external_syntax :: 
  "'m prog  'thread_id  'addr  mname  'addr val list  'heap 
   ('addr, 'thread_id, 'heap) external_thread_action  'addr extCallRet  'heap  bool"
  ("_,_  ((__'(_')),/_) -_→ext ((_),/(_))" [50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 51)
for P :: "'m prog" and t :: 'thread_id and h :: 'heap and a :: 'addr
  "P,t  aM(vs), h -ta→ext va, h'  red_external P t h a M vs ta va h'"

| RedNewThread:
  " typeof_addr h a = Class_type C; P  C * Thread 
   P,t  astart([]), h -NewThread (addr2thread_id a) (C, run, a) h, ThreadStart (addr2thread_id a) →ext RetVal Unit, h"

| RedNewThreadFail:
  " typeof_addr h a = Class_type C; P  C * Thread 
   P,t  astart([]), h -ThreadExists (addr2thread_id a) True→ext RetEXC IllegalThreadState, h"

| RedJoin:
  " typeof_addr h a = Class_type C; P  C * Thread 
   P,t  ajoin([]), h -Join (addr2thread_id a), IsInterrupted t False, ThreadJoin (addr2thread_id a)→ext RetVal Unit, h"

| RedJoinInterrupt:
  " typeof_addr h a = Class_type C; P  C * Thread 
   P,t  ajoin([]), h -IsInterrupted t True, ClearInterrupt t, ObsInterrupted t→ext RetEXC InterruptedException, h"

    ― ‹Interruption should produce inter-thread actions (JLS 17.4.4) for the synchronizes-with order.
    They should synchronize with the inter-thread actions that determine whether a thread has been interrupted.
    Hence, interruption generates an @{term "ObsInterrupt"} action.

    Although @{term WakeUp} causes the interrupted thread to raise an @{term InterruptedException}
    independent of the interrupt status, the interrupt flag must be set with @{term "Interrupt"} 
    such that other threads observe the interrupted thread as interrupted
    while it competes for the monitor lock again.

    Interrupting a thread which has not yet been started does not set the interrupt flag 
    (tested with Sun HotSpot JVM 1.6.0\_07).›
| RedInterrupt:
  " typeof_addr h a = Class_type C; P  C * Thread 
   P,t  ainterrupt([]), h 
            -ThreadExists (addr2thread_id a) True, WakeUp (addr2thread_id a), 
              Interrupt (addr2thread_id a), ObsInterrupt (addr2thread_id a)→ext
            RetVal Unit, h"

| RedInterruptInexist:
  " typeof_addr h a = Class_type C; P  C * Thread 
   P,t  ainterrupt([]), h 
            -ThreadExists (addr2thread_id a) False→ext
            RetVal Unit, h"

| RedIsInterruptedTrue:
  " typeof_addr h a = Class_type C; P  C * Thread 
   P,t  aisInterrupted([]), h - IsInterrupted (addr2thread_id a) True, ObsInterrupted (addr2thread_id a)→ext
           RetVal (Bool True), h"

| RedIsInterruptedFalse:
  " typeof_addr h a = Class_type C; P  C * Thread 
   P,t  aisInterrupted([]), h -IsInterrupted (addr2thread_id a) False→ext RetVal (Bool False), h"

    ― ‹The JLS leaves unspecified whether @{term wait} first checks for the monitor state
    (whether the thread holds a lock on the monitor) or for the interrupt flag of the current thread.
    Sun Hotspot JVM 1.6.0\_07 seems to check for the monitor state first, so we do it here, too.›
| RedWaitInterrupt:
  "P,t  await([]), h -Unlocka, Locka, IsInterrupted t True, ClearInterrupt t, ObsInterrupted t →ext 
         RetEXC InterruptedException, h"

| RedWait:
  "P,t  await([]), h -Suspend a, Unlocka, Locka, ReleaseAcquirea, IsInterrupted t False, SyncUnlock a →ext 
         RetStaySame, h"

| RedWaitFail:
  "P,t  await([]), h -UnlockFaila→ext RetEXC IllegalMonitorState, h"

| RedWaitNotified:
  "P,t  await([]), h -Notified→ext RetVal Unit, h"

    ― ‹This rule does NOT check that the interrupted flag is set, but still clears it.
    The semantics will be that only the executing thread clears its interrupt.›
| RedWaitInterrupted:
  "P,t  await([]), h -WokenUp, ClearInterrupt t, ObsInterrupted t→ext RetEXC InterruptedException, h"

    ― ‹Calls to wait may decide to immediately wake up spuriously. This is 
    indistinguishable from waking up spuriously any time before being 
    notified or interrupted. Spurious wakeups are configured by the
    @{term spurious_wakeup} parameter of the @{term heap_base} locale.›
| RedWaitSpurious:
    P,t  await([]), h -Unlocka, Locka, ReleaseAcquirea, IsInterrupted t False, SyncUnlock a →ext
          RetVal Unit, h"

    ― ‹@{term notify} and @{term notifyAll} do not perform synchronization inter-thread actions
    because they only tests whether the thread holds a lock, but do not change the lock state.›

| RedNotify:
  "P,t  anotify([]), h -Notify a, Unlocka, Locka→ext RetVal Unit, h"

| RedNotifyFail:
  "P,t  anotify([]), h -UnlockFaila→ext RetEXC IllegalMonitorState, h"

| RedNotifyAll:
  "P,t  anotifyAll([]), h -NotifyAll a, Unlocka, Locka→ext RetVal Unit, h"

| RedNotifyAllFail:
  "P,t  anotifyAll([]), h -UnlockFaila→ext RetEXC IllegalMonitorState, h"

| RedClone:
  "heap_clone P h a h' (obs, a') 
     P,t  aclone([]), h -(K$ [], [], [], [], [], obs)→ext RetVal (Addr a'), h'"

| RedCloneFail:
  "heap_clone P h a h' None  P,t  aclone([]), h -ε→ext RetEXC OutOfMemory, h'"

| RedHashcode:
  "P,t  ahashcode([]), h -→ext RetVal (Intg (word_of_int (hash_addr a))), h"

| RedPrint:
  "P,t  aprint(vs), h -ExternalCall a print vs Unit→ext RetVal Unit, h"

| RedCurrentThread:
  "P,t  acurrentThread([]), h -→ext RetVal (Addr (thread_id2addr t)), h"

| RedInterruptedTrue:
  "P,t  ainterrupted([]), h -IsInterrupted t True, ClearInterrupt t, ObsInterrupted t→ext RetVal (Bool True), h"

| RedInterruptedFalse:
  "P,t  ainterrupted([]), h -IsInterrupted t False→ext RetVal (Bool False), h"

| RedYield:
  "P,t  ayield([]), h -Yield→ext RetVal Unit, h"

subsection ‹Aggressive formulation for external cals›

definition red_external_aggr :: 
  "'m prog  'thread_id  'addr  mname  'addr val list  'heap  
  (('addr, 'thread_id, 'heap) external_thread_action × 'addr extCallRet × 'heap) set"
  "red_external_aggr P t a M vs h =
   (if M = wait then
      let ad_t = thread_id2addr t
      in {(Unlocka, Locka, IsInterrupted t True, ClearInterrupt t, ObsInterrupted t, RetEXC InterruptedException, h),
          (Suspend a, Unlocka, Locka, ReleaseAcquirea, IsInterrupted t False, SyncUnlock a, RetStaySame, h),
          (UnlockFaila, RetEXC IllegalMonitorState, h),
          (Notified, RetVal Unit, h),
          (WokenUp, ClearInterrupt t, ObsInterrupted t, RetEXC InterruptedException, h)} 
         (if spurious_wakeups then {(Unlocka, Locka, ReleaseAcquirea, IsInterrupted t False, SyncUnlock a, RetVal Unit, h)} else {})
    else if M = notify then {(Notify a, Unlocka, Locka, RetVal Unit, h),
                             (UnlockFaila, RetEXC IllegalMonitorState, h)}
    else if M = notifyAll then {(NotifyAll a, Unlocka, Locka , RetVal Unit, h),
                                (UnlockFaila, RetEXC IllegalMonitorState, h)}
    else if M = clone then
       {((K$ [], [], [], [], [], obs), RetVal (Addr a'), h')|obs a' h'. heap_clone P h a h' (obs, a')}
        {(, RetEXC OutOfMemory, h')|h'. heap_clone P h a h' None}
    else if M = hashcode then {(, RetVal (Intg (word_of_int (hash_addr a))), h)}
    else if M = print then {(ExternalCall a M vs Unit, RetVal Unit, h)}
    else if M = currentThread then {(, RetVal (Addr (thread_id2addr t)), h)}
    else if M = interrupted then {(IsInterrupted t True, ClearInterrupt t, ObsInterrupted t, RetVal (Bool True), h),
                                  (IsInterrupted t False, RetVal (Bool False), h)}
    else if M = yield then {(Yield, RetVal Unit, h)}
      let hT = the (typeof_addr h a)
      in if P  ty_of_htype hT  Class Thread then
        let t_a = addr2thread_id a 
        in if M = start then 
             {(NewThread t_a (the_Class (ty_of_htype hT), run, a) h, ThreadStart t_a, RetVal Unit, h), 
              (ThreadExists t_a True, RetEXC IllegalThreadState, h)}
           else if M = join then 
             {(Join t_a, IsInterrupted t False, ThreadJoin t_a, RetVal Unit, h),
              (IsInterrupted t True, ClearInterrupt t, ObsInterrupted t, RetEXC InterruptedException, h)}
           else if M = interrupt then 
             {(ThreadExists t_a True, WakeUp t_a, Interrupt t_a, ObsInterrupt t_a, RetVal Unit, h), 
              (ThreadExists t_a False, RetVal Unit, h)}
           else if M = isInterrupted then
             {(IsInterrupted t_a False, RetVal (Bool False), h),
              (IsInterrupted t_a True, ObsInterrupted t_a, RetVal (Bool True), h)}
         else {(, undefined)}
      else {(, undefined)})"

lemma red_external_imp_red_external_aggr:
  "P,t  aM(vs), h -ta→ext va, h'  (ta, va, h')  red_external_aggr P t a M vs h"
unfolding red_external_aggr_def
by(auto elim!: red_external.cases split del: if_split simp add: split_beta)


context heap begin

lemma hext_heap_copy_loc:
  "heap_copy_loc a a' al h obs h'  h  h'"
by(blast elim: heap_copy_loc.cases dest: hext_heap_ops)

lemma hext_heap_copies:
  assumes "heap_copies a a' als h obs h'"
  shows "h  h'"
using assms by induct(blast intro: hext_heap_copy_loc hext_trans)+

lemma hext_heap_clone:
  assumes "heap_clone P h a h' res"
  shows "h  h'"
using assms by(blast elim: heap_clone.cases dest: hext_heap_ops hext_heap_copies intro: hext_trans)

theorem red_external_hext: 
  assumes "P,t  aM(vs), h -ta→ext va, h'"
  shows "hext h h'"
using assms
by(cases)(blast intro: hext_heap_ops hext_heap_clone)+

lemma red_external_preserves_tconf:
  " P,t  aM(vs), h -ta→ext va, h'; P,h  t' √t   P,h'  t' √t"
by(drule red_external_hext)(rule tconf_hext_mono)


context heap_conf begin

lemma typeof_addr_heap_clone:
  assumes "heap_clone P h a h' (obs, a')"
  and "hconf h"
  shows "typeof_addr h' a' = typeof_addr h a"
using assms
by cases (auto dest!: allocate_SomeD hext_heap_copies dest: typeof_addr_hext_mono typeof_addr_is_type is_type_ArrayD)


context heap_base begin 

lemma red_ext_new_thread_heap:
  " P,t  aM(vs), h -ta→ext va, h'; NewThread t' ex h''  set tat   h'' = h'"
by(auto elim: red_external.cases simp add: ta_upd_simps)

lemma red_ext_aggr_new_thread_heap:
  " (ta, va, h')  red_external_aggr P t a M vs h; NewThread t' ex h''  set tat   h'' = h'"
by(auto simp add: red_external_aggr_def is_native.simps split_beta ta_upd_simps split: if_split_asm)


context addr_conv begin

lemma red_external_new_thread_exists_thread_object:
  " P,t  aM(vs), h -ta→ext va, h'; NewThread t' x h''  set tat 
   C. typeof_addr h' (thread_id2addr t') = Class_type C  P  C * Thread"
by(auto elim!: red_external.cases dest!: Array_widen simp add: ta_upd_simps)

lemma red_external_aggr_new_thread_exists_thread_object:
  " (ta, va, h')  red_external_aggr P t a M vs h; typeof_addr h a  None;
     NewThread t' x h''  set tat 
   C. typeof_addr h' (thread_id2addr t') = Class_type C  P  C * Thread"
by(auto simp add: red_external_aggr_def is_native.simps split_beta ta_upd_simps widen_Class split: if_split_asm dest!: Array_widen)


context heap begin

lemma red_external_aggr_hext: 
  " (ta, va, h')  red_external_aggr P t a M vs h; is_native P (the (typeof_addr h a)) M   h  h'"
apply(auto simp add: red_external_aggr_def split_beta is_native.simps elim!: external_WT_defs_cases hext_heap_clone split: if_split_asm)
apply(auto elim!: external_WT_defs.cases dest!: sees_method_decl_above intro: widen_trans simp add: class_type_of_eq split: htype.split_asm)

lemma red_external_aggr_preserves_tconf:
  " (ta, va, h')  red_external_aggr P t a M vs h; is_native P (the (typeof_addr h a)) M; P,h  t' √t 
   P,h'  t' √t"
by(blast dest: red_external_aggr_hext intro: tconf_hext_mono)


context heap_base begin

lemma red_external_Wakeup_no_Join_no_Lock_no_Interrupt:
  " P,t  aM(vs), h -ta→ext va, h'; Notified  set taw  WokenUp  set taw  
  collect_locks tal = {}  collect_cond_actions tac = {}  collect_interrupts tai = {}"
by(auto elim!: red_external.cases simp add: ta_upd_simps collect_locks_def collect_interrupts_def)

lemma red_external_aggr_Wakeup_no_Join:
  " (ta, va, h')  red_external_aggr P t a M vs h;
     Notified  set taw  WokenUp  set taw 
   collect_locks tal = {}  collect_cond_actions tac = {}  collect_interrupts tai = {}"
by(auto simp add: red_external_aggr_def split_beta ta_upd_simps collect_locks_def collect_interrupts_def split: if_split_asm)

lemma red_external_Suspend_StaySame:
  " P,t  aM(vs), h -ta→ext va, h'; Suspend w  set taw   va = RetStaySame"
by(auto elim!: red_external.cases simp add: ta_upd_simps)

lemma red_external_aggr_Suspend_StaySame:
  " (ta, va, h')  red_external_aggr P t a M vs h; Suspend w  set taw   va = RetStaySame"
by(auto simp add: red_external_aggr_def split_beta ta_upd_simps split: if_split_asm)

lemma red_external_Suspend_waitD:
  " P,t  aM(vs), h -ta→ext va, h'; Suspend w  set taw   M = wait"
by(auto elim!: red_external.cases simp add: ta_upd_simps)

lemma red_external_aggr_Suspend_waitD:
  " (ta, va, h')  red_external_aggr P t a M vs h; Suspend w  set taw   M = wait"
by(auto simp add: red_external_aggr_def split_beta ta_upd_simps split: if_split_asm)

lemma red_external_new_thread_sub_thread:
  " P,t  aM(vs), h -ta→ext va, h'; NewThread t' (C, M', a') h''  set tat 
   typeof_addr h' a' = Class_type C  P  C * Thread  M' = run"
by(auto elim!: red_external.cases simp add: widen_Class ta_upd_simps)

lemma red_external_aggr_new_thread_sub_thread:
  " (ta, va, h')  red_external_aggr P t a M vs h; typeof_addr h a  None;
     NewThread t' (C, M', a') h''  set tat 
   typeof_addr h' a' = Class_type C  P  C * Thread  M' = run"
by(auto simp add: red_external_aggr_def split_beta ta_upd_simps widen_Class split: if_split_asm dest!: Array_widen)

lemma heap_copy_loc_length:
  assumes "heap_copy_loc a a' al h obs h'"
  shows "length obs = 2"
using assms by(cases) simp

lemma heap_copies_length:
  assumes "heap_copies a a' als h obs h'"
  shows "length obs = 2 * length als"
using assms by(induct)(auto dest!: heap_copy_loc_length)


subsection τ›-moves›

inductive τexternal_defs :: "cname  mname  bool"
  "τexternal_defs Object hashcode"
| "τexternal_defs Object currentThread"

definition τexternal :: "'m prog  htype  mname  bool"
where "τexternal P hT M  (Ts Tr D. P  class_type_of hT sees M:TsTr = Native in D  τexternal_defs D M)"

context heap_base begin

definition τexternal' :: "'m prog  'heap  'addr  mname  bool"
where "τexternal' P h a M  (hT. typeof_addr h a = Some hT  τexternal P hT M)"

lemma τexternal'_red_external_heap_unchanged:
  " P,t  aM(vs), h -ta→ext va, h'; τexternal' P h a M   h' = h"
by(auto elim!: red_external.cases τexternal_defs.cases simp add: τexternal_def τexternal'_def)

lemma τexternal'_red_external_aggr_heap_unchanged:
  " (ta, va, h')  red_external_aggr P t a M vs h; τexternal' P h a M   h' = h"
by(auto elim!: τexternal_defs.cases simp add: τexternal_def τexternal'_def red_external_aggr_def)

lemma τexternal'_red_external_TA_empty:
  " P,t  aM(vs), h -ta→ext va, h'; τexternal' P h a M   ta = ε"
by(auto elim!: red_external.cases τexternal_defs.cases simp add: τexternal_def τexternal'_def)

lemma τexternal'_red_external_aggr_TA_empty:
  " (ta, va, h')  red_external_aggr P t a M vs h; τexternal' P h a M   ta = ε"
by(auto elim!: τexternal_defs.cases simp add: τexternal_def τexternal'_def red_external_aggr_def)

lemma red_external_new_thread_addr_conf:
  " P,t  aM(vs),h -ta→ext va,h'; NewThread t (C, M, a') h''  set tat 
   P,h'  Addr a :≤ Class Thread"
by(auto elim!: red_external.cases simp add: conf_def ta_upd_simps)

lemma τexternal_red_external_aggr_heap_unchanged:
  " (ta, va, h')  red_external_aggr P t a M vs h; τexternal P (the (typeof_addr h a)) M   h' = h"
by(auto elim!: τexternal_defs.cases simp add: τexternal_def red_external_aggr_def)

lemma τexternal_red_external_aggr_TA_empty:
  " (ta, va, h')  red_external_aggr P t a M vs h; τexternal P (the (typeof_addr h a)) M   ta = ε"
by(auto elim!: τexternal_defs.cases simp add: τexternal_def red_external_aggr_def)


subsection ‹Code generation›

    i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ bool,
    i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ o ⇒ bool,
    i ⇒ i ⇒ o ⇒ o ⇒ bool,
    o ⇒ i ⇒ o ⇒ o ⇒ bool)

  (modes: i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ bool)
  [inductify, skip_proof]

declare heap_base.heap_copy_loc.intros[code_pred_intro]

  (modes: (i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ o ⇒ bool)(i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ o ⇒ bool) ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ o ⇒ o ⇒ bool) 
proof -
  case heap_copy_loc
  from heap_copy_loc.prems show thesis
    by(rule heap_base.heap_copy_loc.cases)(rule heap_copy_loc.that[OF refl refl refl refl refl refl])

declare heap_base.heap_copies.intros [code_pred_intro]

  (modes: (i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ o ⇒ bool) => (i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ o ⇒ bool) ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ o ⇒ o ⇒ bool)
proof -
  case heap_copies
  from heap_copies.prems show thesis
    by(rule heap_base.heap_copies.cases)(erule (3) heap_copies.that[OF refl refl refl refl]|assumption)+

declare heap_base.heap_clone.intros [folded Predicate_Compile.contains_def, code_pred_intro]

  (modes: i ⇒ i ⇒ (i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ o ⇒ bool)(i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ o ⇒ bool) ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ o ⇒ o ⇒ bool)
proof -
  case heap_clone
  from heap_clone.prems show thesis
    by(rule heap_base.heap_clone.cases[folded Predicate_Compile.contains_def])(erule (3) heap_clone.that[OF refl refl refl refl refl refl refl]|assumption)+

text ‹
  code\_pred in Isabelle2012 cannot handle boolean parameters as premises properly, 
  so this replacement rule explicitly tests for @{term "True"}

lemma (in heap_base) RedWaitSpurious_Code:
  "spurious_wakeups = True  
   P,t  await([]),h -Unlocka, Locka, ReleaseAcquirea, IsInterrupted t False, SyncUnlock a→ext RetVal Unit,h"
by(rule RedWaitSpurious) simp

lemmas [code_pred_intro] =
  heap_base.RedNewThread heap_base.RedNewThreadFail 
  heap_base.RedJoin heap_base.RedJoinInterrupt
  heap_base.RedInterrupt heap_base.RedInterruptInexist heap_base.RedIsInterruptedTrue heap_base.RedIsInterruptedFalse
  heap_base.RedWaitInterrupt heap_base.RedWait heap_base.RedWaitFail heap_base.RedWaitNotified heap_base.RedWaitInterrupted
declare heap_base.RedWaitSpurious_Code [code_pred_intro RedWaitSpurious]
lemmas [code_pred_intro] =
  heap_base.RedNotify heap_base.RedNotifyFail heap_base.RedNotifyAll heap_base.RedNotifyAllFail 
  heap_base.RedClone heap_base.RedCloneFail
  heap_base.RedHashcode heap_base.RedPrint heap_base.RedCurrentThread 
  heap_base.RedInterruptedTrue heap_base.RedInterruptedFalse

  (modes: i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ (i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ o ⇒ bool)(i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ o ⇒ bool) ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ o ⇒ o ⇒ o ⇒ bool)
proof -
  case red_external
  from red_external.prems show ?thesis
    apply(rule heap_base.red_external.cases)
    apply(erule (4) red_external.that[OF refl refl refl refl refl refl refl refl refl refl refl refl]|assumption|erule eqTrueI)+
