Theory Auxiliary

(*  Title:      JinjaThreads/Basic/Aux.thy
    Author:     Andreas Lochbihler, David von Oheimb, Tobias Nipkow

    Based on the Jinja theory Common/Aux.thy by David von Oheimb and Tobias Nipkow

section ‹Auxiliary Definitions and Lemmata›

theory Auxiliary

unbundle finfun_syntax

(* FIXME move and possibly turn into a general simproc *)
lemma nat_add_max_le[simp]:
  "((n::nat) + max i j  m) = (n + i  m  n + j  m)"
 (*<*)by arith(*>*)

lemma Suc_add_max_le[simp]:
  "(Suc(n + max i j)  m) = (Suc(n + i)  m  Suc(n + j)  m)"
(*<*)by arith(*>*)

lemma less_min_eq1:
  "(a :: 'a :: order) < b  min a b = a"
by(auto simp add: min_def order_less_imp_le)

lemma less_min_eq2:
  "(a :: 'a :: order) > b  min a b = b"
by(auto simp add: min_def order_less_imp_le)

no_notation floor ("_")
notation Some ("(_)")

 subset_insertI2 [simp]

declare not_Cons_self [no_atp] 

lemma Option_bind_eq_None_conv:
  "x  y = None  x = None  (x'. x = Some x'  y x' = None)"
by(cases x) simp_all

lemma map_upds_xchg_snd:
  " length xs  length ys; length xs  length zs; i. i < length xs  ys ! i = zs ! i 
   f(xs [↦] ys) = f(xs [↦] zs)"
proof(induct xs arbitrary: ys zs f)
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons x xs)
  note IH = f ys zs.  length xs  length ys; length xs  length zs; i<length xs. ys ! i = zs ! i
              f(xs [↦] ys) = f(xs [↦] zs)
  note leny = length (x # xs)  length ys
  note lenz = length (x # xs)  length zs
  note nth = i<length (x # xs). ys ! i = zs ! i
  from lenz obtain z zs' where zs [simp]: "zs = z # zs'" by(cases zs, auto)
  from leny obtain y ys' where ys [simp]: "ys = y # ys'" by(cases ys, auto)
  from lenz leny nth have "(f(x  y))(xs [↦] ys') = (f(x  y))(xs [↦] zs')"
    by-(rule IH, auto)
  moreover from nth have "y = z" by auto
  ultimately show ?case by(simp add: map_upds_def)

subsection distinct_fst›
  distinct_fst  :: "('a × 'b) list  bool"
  "distinct_fst    distinct  map fst"

lemma distinct_fst_Nil [simp]:
  "distinct_fst []"
apply (unfold distinct_fst_def)
apply (simp (no_asm))

lemma distinct_fst_Cons [simp]:
  "distinct_fst ((k,x)#kxs) = (distinct_fst kxs  (y. (k,y)  set kxs))"
apply (unfold distinct_fst_def)
apply (auto simp:image_def)

lemma distinct_fstD: " distinct_fst xs; (x, y)  set xs; (x, z)  set xs   y = z"
by(induct xs) auto

lemma map_of_SomeI:
  " distinct_fst kxs; (k,x)  set kxs   map_of kxs k = Some x"
(*<*)by (induct kxs) (auto)(*>*)

subsection ‹Using @{term list_all2} for relations›

  fun_of :: "('a × 'b) set  'a  'b  bool"
  "fun_of S  λx y. (x,y)  S"

text ‹Convenience lemmas›
declare fun_of_def [simp]
lemma rel_list_all2_Cons [iff]:
  "list_all2 (fun_of S) (x#xs) (y#ys) = 
   ((x,y)  S  list_all2 (fun_of S) xs ys)"
  (*<*)by simp(*>*)

lemma rel_list_all2_Cons1:
  "list_all2 (fun_of S) (x#xs) ys = 
  (z zs. ys = z#zs  (x,z)  S  list_all2 (fun_of S) xs zs)"
  (*<*)by (cases ys) auto(*>*)

lemma rel_list_all2_Cons2:
  "list_all2 (fun_of S) xs (y#ys) = 
  (z zs. xs = z#zs  (z,y)  S  list_all2 (fun_of S) zs ys)"
  (*<*)by (cases xs) auto(*>*)

lemma rel_list_all2_refl:
  "(x. (x,x)  S)  list_all2 (fun_of S) xs xs"
  (*<*)by (simp add: list_all2_refl)(*>*)

lemma rel_list_all2_antisym:
  " (x y. (x,y)  S; (y,x)  T  x = y); 
     list_all2 (fun_of S) xs ys; list_all2 (fun_of T) ys xs   xs = ys"
  (*<*)by (rule list_all2_antisym) auto(*>*)

lemma rel_list_all2_trans: 
  " a b c. (a,b)  R; (b,c)  S  (a,c)  T;
    list_all2 (fun_of R) as bs; list_all2 (fun_of S) bs cs 
   list_all2 (fun_of T) as cs"
  (*<*)by (rule list_all2_trans) auto(*>*)

lemma rel_list_all2_update_cong:
  " i<size xs; list_all2 (fun_of S) xs ys; (x,y)  S  
   list_all2 (fun_of S) (xs[i:=x]) (ys[i:=y])"
  (*<*)by (simp add: list_all2_update_cong)(*>*)

lemma rel_list_all2_nthD:
  " list_all2 (fun_of S) xs ys; p < size xs   (xs!p,ys!p)  S"
  (*<*)by (drule list_all2_nthD) auto(*>*)

lemma rel_list_all2I:
  " length a = length b; n. n < length a  (a!n,b!n)  S   list_all2 (fun_of S) a b"
  (*<*)by (erule list_all2_all_nthI) simp(*>*)

(*<*)declare fun_of_def [simp del](*>*)

lemma list_all2_split:
  assumes major: "list_all2 P xs ys"
  and split: "x y. P x y  z. Q x z  R z y"
  shows "zs. list_all2 Q xs zs  list_all2 R zs ys"
using major
by(induct rule: list_all2_induct)(auto dest: split)

lemma list_all2_op_eq [simp]:
  "list_all2 (=) xs ys  xs = ys"
by(induct xs arbitrary: ys)(auto simp add: list_all2_Cons1)

lemmas filter_replicate_conv = filter_replicate

lemma length_greater_Suc_0_conv: "Suc 0 < length xs  (x x' xs'. xs = x # x' # xs')"
by(cases xs, auto simp add: neq_Nil_conv)

lemmas zip_same_conv = zip_same_conv_map

lemma f_nth_set:
  " f (xs ! n) = v; n < length xs   v  f ` set xs"
unfolding set_conv_nth by auto

lemma nth_concat_eqI:
  " n = sum_list (map length (take i xss)) + k; i < length xss; k < length (xss ! i); x = xss ! i ! k 
   concat xss ! n = x"
apply(induct xss arbitrary: n i k)
 apply simp
apply simp
apply(case_tac i)
 apply(simp add: nth_append)
apply(simp add: nth_append)

lemma replicate_eq_append_conv: 
  "(replicate n x = xs @ ys) = (mn. xs = replicate m x  ys = replicate (n-m) x)"
proof(induct n arbitrary: xs ys)
  case 0 thus ?case by simp
  case (Suc n xs ys)
  have IH: "xs ys. (replicate n x = xs @ ys) = (mn. xs = replicate m x  ys = replicate (n - m) x)" by fact
  show ?case
  proof(unfold replicate_Suc, rule iffI)
    assume a: "x # replicate n x = xs @ ys"
    show "mSuc n. xs = replicate m x  ys = replicate (Suc n - m) x"
    proof(cases xs)
      case Nil
      thus ?thesis using a
      case (Cons X XS)
      with a have x: "x = X" and "replicate n x = XS @ ys" by auto
      hence "mn. XS = replicate m x  ys = replicate (n - m) x"
        by -(rule IH[THEN iffD1])
      then obtain m where "m  n" and XS: "XS = replicate m x" and ys: "ys = replicate (n - m) x" by blast
      with x Cons show ?thesis
    assume "mSuc n. xs = replicate m x  ys = replicate (Suc n - m) x"
    then obtain m where m: "m  Suc n" and xs: "xs = replicate m x" and ys: "ys = replicate (Suc n - m) x" by blast
    thus "x # replicate n x = xs @ ys"
      by(simp add: replicate_add[THEN sym])

lemma replicate_Suc_snoc:
  "replicate (Suc n) x = replicate n x @ [x]"
by (metis replicate_Suc replicate_append_same)

lemma map_eq_append_conv:
  "map f xs = ys @ zs  (ys' zs'. map f ys' = ys  map f zs' = zs  xs = ys' @ zs')"
apply(rule iffI)
 apply(metis append_eq_conv_conj append_take_drop_id drop_map take_map)

lemma append_eq_map_conv:
  "ys @ zs = map f xs  (ys' zs'. map f ys' = ys  map f zs' = zs  xs = ys' @ zs')"
unfolding map_eq_append_conv[symmetric]
by auto

lemma map_eq_map_conv:
  "map f xs = map g ys  list_all2 (λx y. f x = g y) xs ys"
apply(induct xs arbitrary: ys)
apply(auto simp add: list_all2_Cons1 Cons_eq_map_conv)

lemma map_eq_all_nth_conv:
  "map f xs = ys  length xs = length ys  (n < length xs. f (xs ! n) = ys ! n)"
apply(induct xs arbitrary: ys)
apply(fastforce simp add: nth_Cons Suc_length_conv split: nat.splits)+

lemma take_eq_take_le_eq:
  " take n xs = take n ys; m  n   take m xs = take m ys"
by(metis min.absorb_iff1 take_take)

lemma set_tl_subset: "set (tl xs)  set xs"
by(cases xs) auto

lemma tl_conv_drop: "tl xs = drop 1 xs"
by(cases xs) simp_all

lemma takeWhile_eq_Nil_dropWhile_eq_Nil_imp_Nil:
  " takeWhile P xs = []; dropWhile P xs = []   xs = []"
by (metis dropWhile_eq_drop drop_0 list.size(3))

lemma dropWhile_append1': "dropWhile P xs  []  dropWhile P (xs @ ys) = dropWhile P xs @ ys"
by(cases xs) auto

lemma dropWhile_append2': "dropWhile P xs = []  dropWhile P (xs @ ys) = dropWhile P ys"

lemma takeWhile_append1': "dropWhile P xs  []  takeWhile P (xs @ ys) = takeWhile P xs"
by auto

lemma dropWhile_eq_ConsD:
  "dropWhile P xs = y # ys  y  set xs  ¬ P y"
by(induct xs)(auto split: if_split_asm)

lemma dropWhile_eq_hd_conv: "dropWhile P xs = hd xs # rest  xs  []  rest = tl xs  ¬ P (hd xs)"
by (metis append_Nil dropWhile_eq_Cons_conv list.sel(1) neq_Nil_conv takeWhile_dropWhile_id takeWhile_eq_Nil_iff list.sel(3))

lemma subset_code [code_unfold]:
  "set xs  set ys  (x  set xs. x  set ys)"
by(rule Set.subset_eq)

lemma eval_bot [simp]:
  "Predicate.eval bot = (λ_. False)"
by(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)

lemma not_is_emptyE:
  assumes "¬ Predicate.is_empty P"
  obtains x where "Predicate.eval P x"
using assms
by(fastforce simp add: Predicate.is_empty_def bot_pred_def intro!: pred_iffI)

lemma is_emptyD:
  assumes "Predicate.is_empty P"
  shows "Predicate.eval P x  False"
using assms
by(simp add: Predicate.is_empty_def bot_pred_def bot_apply Set.empty_def)

lemma eval_bind_conv:
  "Predicate.eval (P  R) y = (x. Predicate.eval P x  Predicate.eval (R x) y)"
by(blast elim: bindE intro: bindI)

lemma eval_single_conv: "Predicate.eval (Predicate.single a) b  a = b"
by(blast intro: singleI elim: singleE)

lemma conj_asm_conv_imp:
  "(A  B  PROP C)  (A  B  PROP C)" 
apply(rule equal_intr_rule)
 apply(erule meta_mp)
 apply(erule (1) conjI)
apply(erule meta_impE)
 apply(erule conjunct1)
apply(erule meta_mp)
apply(erule conjunct2)

lemma meta_all_eq_conv: "(a. a = b  PROP P a)  PROP P b"
apply(rule equal_intr_rule)
 apply(erule meta_allE)
 apply(erule meta_mp)
 apply(rule refl)
apply assumption

lemma meta_all_eq_conv2: "(a. b = a  PROP P a)  PROP P b"
apply(rule equal_intr_rule)
 apply(erule meta_allE)
 apply(erule meta_mp)
 apply(rule refl)
apply assumption

lemma disj_split:
  "P (a  b)  (a  P True)  (b  P True)  (¬ a  ¬ b  P False)"
apply(cases a)
apply(case_tac [!] b)
apply auto

lemma disj_split_asm:
  "P (a  b)  ¬ (a  ¬ P True  b  ¬ P True  ¬ a  ¬ b  ¬ P False)"
apply(auto simp add: disj_split[of P])

lemma disjCE:
  assumes "P  Q"
  obtains P | "Q" "¬ P"
using assms by blast

lemma case_option_conv_if:
  "(case v of None  f | Some x  g x) = (if a. v = Some a then g (the v) else f)"

lemma LetI: "(x. x = t  P x)  let x = t in P x"

(* rearrange parameters and premises to allow application of one-point-rules *)
(* adapted from Tools/induct.ML and Isabelle Developer Workshop 2010 *)

simproc_setup rearrange_eqs ("Pure.all t") = let
  fun swap_params_conv ctxt i j cv =
      fun conv1 0 ctxt = Conv.forall_conv (cv o snd) ctxt
        | conv1 k ctxt =
            Conv.rewr_conv @{thm swap_params} then_conv
            Conv.forall_conv (conv1 (k - 1) o snd) ctxt
      fun conv2 0 ctxt = conv1 j ctxt
        | conv2 k ctxt = Conv.forall_conv (conv2 (k - 1) o snd) ctxt
    in conv2 i ctxt end;

  fun swap_prems_conv 0 = Conv.all_conv
    | swap_prems_conv i =
        Conv.implies_concl_conv (swap_prems_conv (i - 1)) then_conv
        Conv.rewr_conv Drule.swap_prems_eq;

  fun find_eq ctxt t =
      val l = length (Logic.strip_params t);
      val Hs = Logic.strip_assums_hyp t;
      fun find (i, (_ $ (Const ("HOL.eq", _) $ Bound j $ _))) = SOME (i, j)
        | find (i, (_ $ (Const ("HOL.eq", _) $ _ $ Bound j))) = SOME (i, j)
        | find _ = NONE
      (case get_first find (map_index I Hs) of
        NONE => NONE
      | SOME (0, 0) => NONE
      | SOME (i, j) => SOME (i, l - j - 1, j))

  fun mk_swap_rrule ctxt ct =
    (case find_eq ctxt (Thm.term_of ct) of
      NONE => NONE
    | SOME (i, k, j) => SOME (swap_params_conv ctxt k j (K (swap_prems_conv i)) ct))
  fn _ => mk_swap_rrule
declare [[simproc del: rearrange_eqs]]
lemmas meta_onepoint = meta_all_eq_conv meta_all_eq_conv2

lemma meta_all2_eq_conv: "(a b. a = c  PROP P a b)  (b. PROP P c b)"
apply(rule equal_intr_rule)
 apply(erule meta_allE)+
 apply(erule meta_mp)
 apply(rule refl)
apply(erule meta_allE)
apply simp

lemma meta_all3_eq_conv: "(a b c. a = d  PROP P a b c)  (b c. PROP P d b c)"
apply(rule equal_intr_rule)
 apply(erule meta_allE)+
 apply(erule meta_mp)
 apply(rule refl)
apply(erule meta_allE)+
apply simp

lemma meta_all4_eq_conv: "(a b c d. a = e  PROP P a b c d)  (b c d. PROP P e b c d)"
apply(rule equal_intr_rule)
 apply(erule meta_allE)+
 apply(erule meta_mp)
 apply(rule refl)
apply(erule meta_allE)+
apply simp

lemma meta_all5_eq_conv: "(a b c d e. a = f  PROP P a b c d e)  (b c d e. PROP P f b c d e)"
apply(rule equal_intr_rule)
 apply(erule meta_allE)+
 apply(erule meta_mp)
 apply(rule refl)
apply(erule meta_allE)+
apply simp

lemma sum_upto_add_nat:
  "a  b  sum f {..<(a :: nat)} + sum f {a..<b} = sum f {..<b}"
by (metis atLeast0LessThan le0 sum.atLeastLessThan_concat)

lemma nat_fun_sum_eq_conv:
  fixes f :: "'a  nat"
  shows "(λa. f a + g a) = (λa. 0)  f = (λa .0)  g = (λa. 0)"
by(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)

lemma in_ran_conv: "v  ran m  (k. m k = Some v)"
by(simp add: ran_def)

lemma map_le_dom_eq_conv_eq:
  " m m m'; dom m = dom m'   m = m'"
by (metis map_le_antisym map_le_def)

lemma map_leI:
  "(k v. f k = Some v  g k = Some v)  f m g"
unfolding map_le_def by auto

lemma map_le_SomeD: " m m m'; m x = y   m' x = y"
by(auto simp add: map_le_def dest: bspec)

lemma map_le_same_upd:
  "f x = None  f m f(x  y)"
by(auto simp add: map_le_def)

lemma map_upd_map_add: "X(V  v) = (X ++ [V  v])"

lemma foldr_filter_conv:
  "foldr f (filter P xs) = foldr (λx s. if P x then f x s else s) xs"
by(induct xs)(auto intro: ext)

lemma foldr_insert_conv_set:
  "foldr insert xs A = A  set xs"
by(induct xs arbitrary: A) auto

lemma snd_o_Pair_conv_id: "snd o Pair a = id"
by(simp add: o_def id_def)

lemma if_intro:
  " P  A; ¬ P  B   if P then A else B"

lemma ex_set_conv: "(x. x  set xs)  xs  []"
apply(auto simp add: neq_Nil_conv)

lemma subset_Un1: "A  B  A  B  C" by blast
lemma subset_Un2: "A  C  A  B  C" by blast
lemma subset_insert: "A  B  A  insert a B" by blast
lemma UNION_subsetD: " (xA. f x)  B; a  A   f a  B" by blast

lemma Collect_eq_singleton_conv:
  "{a. P a} = {a}  P a  (a'. P a'  a = a')"

lemma Collect_conv_UN_singleton: "{f x|x. x  P} = (xP. {f x})"
by blast

lemma if_else_if_else_eq_if_else [simp]:
  "(if b then x else if b then y else z) = (if b then x else z)"

lemma rec_prod_split [simp]: "old.rec_prod = case_prod"
by(simp add: fun_eq_iff)

lemma inj_Pair_snd [simp]: "inj (Pair x)"
by(rule injI) auto

lemma rtranclp_False [simp]: "(λa b. False)** = (=)"
by(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff elim: rtranclp_induct)

lemmas rtranclp_induct3 =
  rtranclp_induct[where a="(ax, ay, az)" and b="(bx, by, bz)", split_rule, consumes 1, case_names refl step]

lemmas tranclp_induct3 =
  tranclp_induct[where a="(ax, ay, az)" and b="(bx, by, bz)", split_rule, consumes 1, case_names refl step]

lemmas rtranclp_induct4 =
  rtranclp_induct[where a="(ax, ay, az, aw)" and b="(bx, by, bz, bw)", split_rule, consumes 1, case_names refl step]

lemmas tranclp_induct4 =
  tranclp_induct[where a="(ax, ay, az, aw)" and b="(bx, by, bz, bw)", split_rule, consumes 1, case_names refl step]

lemmas converse_tranclp_induct2 =
  converse_tranclp_induct [of _ "(ax,ay)" "(bx,by)", split_rule,
                 consumes 1, case_names base step]

lemma wfP_induct' [consumes 1, case_names wfP]:
  "wfP r; x. (y. r y x  P y)  P x  P a"
by(blast intro: wfP_induct)

lemma wfP_induct2 [consumes 1, case_names wfP]:
  "wfP r; x x'. (y y'. r (y, y') (x, x')  P y y')  P x x'   P x x'"
by(drule wfP_induct'[where P="λ(x, y). P x y"]) blast+

lemma wfP_minimalE:
  assumes "wfP r"
  and "P x"
  obtains z where "P z" "r^** z x" "y. r y z  ¬ P y"
proof -
  let ?Q = "λx'. P x'  r^** x' x"
  from P x have "?Q x" by blast
  from wfP r have "Q. x  Q  (zQ. y. r y z  y  Q)"
    unfolding wfP_eq_minimal by blast
  from this[rule_format, of "Collect ?Q"] ?Q x
  obtain z where "?Q z" and min: "y. r y z  ¬ ?Q y" by auto
  from ?Q z have "P z" "r^** z x" by auto
  { fix y
    assume "r y z"
    hence "¬ ?Q y" by(rule min)
    moreover from r y z r^** z x have "r^** y x"
      by(rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
    ultimately have "¬ P y" by blast }
  ultimately show thesis ..

lemma coinduct_set_wf [consumes 3, case_names coinduct, case_conclusion coinduct wait step]: 
  assumes "mono f" "wf r" "(a, b)  X"
  and step: "x b. (x, b)  X  (b'. (b', b)  r  (x, b')  X)  (x  f (fst ` X  gfp f))"
  shows "a  gfp f"
proof -
  from (a, b)  X have "a  fst ` X" by(auto intro: rev_image_eqI)
  { fix a b
    assume "(a, b)  X"
    with wf r have "a  f (fst ` X  gfp f)"
      by(induct)(blast dest: step) }
  hence "fst ` X  f (fst ` X  gfp f)" by(auto)
  ultimately show ?thesis by(rule coinduct_set[OF mono f])

subsection ‹reflexive transitive closure for label relations›

inductive converse3p :: "('a  'b  'c  bool)  'c  'b  'a  bool"
  for r :: "'a  'b  'c  bool"
  converse3pI: "r a b c  converse3p r c b a"

lemma converse3p_converse3p: "converse3p (converse3p r) = r"
by(auto intro: converse3pI intro!: ext elim: converse3p.cases)

lemma converse3pD: "converse3p r c b a  r a b c"
by(auto elim: converse3p.cases)

inductive rtrancl3p :: "('a  'b  'a  bool)  'a  'b list  'a  bool"
  for r :: "'a  'b  'a  bool"
  rtrancl3p_refl [intro!, simp]: "rtrancl3p r a [] a"
| rtrancl3p_step: " rtrancl3p r a bs a'; r a' b a''   rtrancl3p r a (bs @ [b]) a''"

lemmas rtrancl3p_induct3 =
  rtrancl3p.induct[of _ "(ax,ay,az)" _ "(cx,cy,cz)", split_format (complete),
                 consumes 1, case_names refl step]

lemmas rtrancl3p_induct4 = 
  rtrancl3p.induct[of _ "(ax,ay,az,aw)" _ "(cx,cy,cz,cw)", split_format (complete),
                 consumes 1, case_names refl step]

lemma rtrancl3p_induct4' [consumes 1, case_names refl step]:
  assumes major: "rtrancl3p r (ax, (ay, az), aw) bs (cx, (cy, cz), cw)"
  and refl: "a aa b ba. P a aa b ba [] a aa b ba"
  and step: "a aa b ba bs ab ac bb bc bd ad ae be bf.
        rtrancl3p r (a, (aa, b), ba) bs (ab, (ac, bb), bc);
         P a aa b ba bs ab ac bb bc; r (ab, (ac, bb), bc) bd (ad, (ae, be), bf) 
        P a aa b ba (bs @ [bd]) ad ae be bf"
  shows "P ax ay az aw bs cx cy cz cw"
using major
apply -
apply(drule_tac P="λ(a, (aa, b), ba) bs (cx, (cy, cz), cw). P a aa b ba bs cx cy cz cw" in rtrancl3p.induct)
by(auto intro: refl step)

lemma rtrancl3p_induct1:
  " rtrancl3p r a bs c; P a; bs c b d.  rtrancl3p r a bs c; r c b d; P c   P d   P c"
apply(induct rule: rtrancl3p.induct)

inductive_cases rtrancl3p_cases:
  "rtrancl3p r x [] y"
  "rtrancl3p r x (b # bs) y"

lemma rtrancl3p_trans [trans]:
  assumes one: "rtrancl3p r a bs a'"
  and two: "rtrancl3p r a' bs' a''"
  shows "rtrancl3p r a (bs @ bs') a''"
using two one
proof(induct rule: rtrancl3p.induct)
  case rtrancl3p_refl thus ?case by simp
  case rtrancl3p_step thus ?case
    by(auto simp only: append_assoc[symmetric] intro: rtrancl3p.rtrancl3p_step)

lemma rtrancl3p_step_converse:
  assumes step: "r a b a'"
  and stepify: "rtrancl3p r a' bs a''"
  shows "rtrancl3p r a (b # bs) a''"
using stepify step
proof(induct rule: rtrancl3p.induct)
  case rtrancl3p_refl 
  with rtrancl3p.rtrancl3p_refl[where r=r and a=a] show ?case 
    by(auto dest: rtrancl3p.rtrancl3p_step simp del: rtrancl3p.rtrancl3p_refl)
  case rtrancl3p_step thus ?case
    unfolding append_Cons[symmetric]
    by -(rule rtrancl3p.rtrancl3p_step)

lemma converse_rtrancl3p_step:
  "rtrancl3p r a (b # bs) a''  a'. r a b a'  rtrancl3p r a' bs a''"
apply(induct bs arbitrary: a'' rule: rev_induct)
 apply(erule rtrancl3p.cases)
 apply(erule rtrancl3p.cases)
  apply(rule_tac x="a''a" in exI)
apply(erule rtrancl3p.cases)
by(fastforce intro: rtrancl3p_step)

lemma converse_rtrancl3pD:
  "rtrancl3p (converse3p r) a' bs a  rtrancl3p r a (rev bs) a'"
apply(induct rule: rtrancl3p.induct)
 apply(fastforce intro: rtrancl3p.intros)
apply(auto dest: converse3pD intro: rtrancl3p_step_converse)

lemma rtrancl3p_converseD:
  "rtrancl3p r a bs a'  rtrancl3p (converse3p r) a' (rev bs) a"
proof(induct rule: rtrancl3p.induct)
  case rtrancl3p_refl thus ?case
    by(auto intro: rtrancl3p.intros)
  case rtrancl3p_step thus ?case
    by(auto intro: rtrancl3p_step_converse converse3p.intros)

lemma rtrancl3p_converse_induct [consumes 1, case_names refl step]:
  assumes ih: "rtrancl3p r a bs a''"
  and refl: "a. P a [] a"
  and step: "a b a' bs a''.  rtrancl3p r a' bs a''; r a b a'; P a' bs a''   P a (b # bs) a''"
  shows "P a bs a''"
  using ih
proof(induct bs arbitrary: a a'')
  case Nil thus ?case
    by(auto elim: rtrancl3p.cases intro: refl)
  case Cons thus ?case
    by(auto dest!: converse_rtrancl3p_step intro: step)

lemma rtrancl3p_converse_induct' [consumes 1, case_names refl step]:
  assumes ih: "rtrancl3p r a bs a''"
  and refl: "P a'' []"
  and step: "a b a' bs.  rtrancl3p r a' bs a''; r a b a'; P a' bs   P a (b # bs)"
  shows "P a bs"
using rtrancl3p_converse_induct[OF ih, where P="λa bs a'. a' = a''  P a bs"]
by(auto intro: refl step)

lemma rtrancl3p_converseE[consumes 1, case_names refl step]:
  " rtrancl3p r a bs a'';
      a = a''; bs = []   thesis;
     bs' b a'.  bs = b # bs'; r a b a'; rtrancl3p r a' bs' a''   thesis 
by(induct rule: rtrancl3p_converse_induct)(auto)

lemma rtrancl3p_induct' [consumes 1, case_names refl step]:
  assumes major: "rtrancl3p r a bs c"
  and refl: "P a [] a"
  and step: "bs a' b a''.  rtrancl3p r a bs a'; P a bs a'; r a' b a'' 
              P a (bs @ [b]) a''"
  shows "P a bs c"
proof -
  from major have "(P a [] a  (bs a' b a''. rtrancl3p r a bs a'  P a bs a'  r a' b a''  P a (bs @ [b]) a''))  P a bs c"
    by-(erule rtrancl3p.induct, blast+)
  with refl step show ?thesis by blast

lemma r_into_rtrancl3p:
  "r a b a'  rtrancl3p r a [b] a'"
by(rule rtrancl3p_step_converse) auto

lemma rtrancl3p_appendE:
  assumes "rtrancl3p r a (bs @ bs') a''"
  obtains a' where "rtrancl3p r a bs a'" "rtrancl3p r a' bs' a''"
using assms
apply(induct a "bs @ bs'" arbitrary: bs rule: rtrancl3p_converse_induct')
apply(fastforce intro: rtrancl3p_step_converse simp add: Cons_eq_append_conv)+

lemma rtrancl3p_Cons:
  "rtrancl3p r a (b # bs) a'  (a''. r a b a''  rtrancl3p r a'' bs a')"
by(auto intro: rtrancl3p_step_converse converse_rtrancl3p_step)

lemma rtrancl3p_Nil:
  "rtrancl3p r a [] a'  a = a'"
by(auto elim: rtrancl3p_cases)

definition invariant3p :: "('a  'b  'a  bool)  'a set  bool"
where "invariant3p r I  (s tl s'. s  I  r s tl s'  s'  I)"

lemma invariant3pI: "(s tl s'.  s  I; r s tl s'   s'  I)  invariant3p r I"
unfolding invariant3p_def by blast

lemma invariant3pD: "tl.  invariant3p r I; r s tl s'; s  I   s'  I"
unfolding invariant3p_def by(blast)

lemma invariant3p_rtrancl3p: 
  assumes inv: "invariant3p r I"
  and rtrancl: "rtrancl3p r a bs a'"
  and start: "a  I"
  shows "a'  I"
using rtrancl start by(induct)(auto dest: invariant3pD[OF inv])

lemma invariant3p_UNIV [simp, intro!]:
  "invariant3p r UNIV"
by(blast intro: invariant3pI)

lemma invarinat3p_empty [simp, intro!]:
  "invariant3p r {}"
by(blast intro: invariant3pI)

lemma invariant3p_IntI [simp, intro]:
  " invariant3p r I; invariant3p r J   invariant3p r (I  J)"
by(blast dest: invariant3pD intro: invariant3pI)

subsection ‹Concatenation for @{typ String.literal}

definition concat :: "String.literal list  String.literal"
  where [code_abbrev, code del]: "concat = sum_list"

lemma explode_add [simp]:
  "String.explode (s + t) = String.explode s @ String.explode t"
  by (fact plus_literal.rep_eq)

  constant concat 
    (SML) "String.concat"
    and (Haskell) "concat"
    and (OCaml) "String.concat \"\""

hide_const (open) concat
