Theory JMM_Typesafe2

(*  Title:      JinjaThreads/MM/JMM_Typesafe2.thy
    Author:     Andreas Lochbihler

section ‹Specialize type safety for JMM heap implementation 2›

theory JMM_Typesafe2

interpretation jmm: heap'
  addr2thread_id thread_id2addr
  jmm_empty jmm_allocate "jmm_typeof_addr' P" jmm_heap_read jmm_heap_write
  for P
by(rule heap'.intro)(unfold jmm_typeof_addr'_conv_jmm_typeof_addr, unfold_locales)

abbreviation jmm_addr_loc_type' :: "'m prog  addr  addr_loc  ty  bool" ("_ ⊢jmm _@_ : _" [50, 50, 50, 50] 51)
  where "jmm_addr_loc_type' P  jmm.addr_loc_type TYPE('m) P P"

lemma jmm_addr_loc_type_conv_jmm_addr_loc_type' [simp, heap_independent]:
  "jmm_addr_loc_type P h = jmm_addr_loc_type' P"
by(metis jmm_typeof_addr'_conv_jmm_typeof_addr heap_base'.addr_loc_type_conv_addr_loc_type)

abbreviation jmm_conf' :: "'m prog  addr val  ty  bool" ("_ ⊢jmm _ :≤ _"  [51,51,51] 50)
  where "jmm_conf' P  jmm.conf TYPE('m) P P"

lemma jmm_conf_conv_jmm_conf' [simp, heap_independent]:
  "jmm_conf P h = jmm_conf' P"
by (metis jmm_typeof_addr'_conv_jmm_typeof_addr heap_base'.conf_conv_conf)

lemma jmm_heap'': "heap'' addr2thread_id thread_id2addr jmm_allocate (jmm_typeof_addr' P) jmm_heap_write P"
by(unfold_locales)(auto simp add: jmm_typeof_addr'_def jmm_allocate_def split: if_split_asm)

interpretation jmm: heap''
  addr2thread_id thread_id2addr
  jmm_empty jmm_allocate "jmm_typeof_addr' P" jmm_heap_read jmm_heap_write
  for P
by(rule jmm_heap'')

interpretation jmm': heap''
  addr2thread_id thread_id2addr
  jmm_empty jmm_allocate "jmm_typeof_addr' P" "jmm_heap_read_typed P" jmm_heap_write
  for P
by(rule jmm_heap'')

abbreviation jmm_wf_start_state :: "'m prog  cname  mname  addr val list  bool"
  where "jmm_wf_start_state P  jmm.wf_start_state TYPE('m) P P"

abbreviation if_heap_read_typed ::
  "('x  bool)  ('l, 't, 'x, 'heap, 'w, ('addr :: addr, 'thread_id) obs_event) semantics
    ('addr  htype option)
    'm prog  ('l, 't, status × 'x, 'heap, 'w, ('addr, 'thread_id) obs_event action) semantics"
  "final. if_heap_read_typed final r typeof_addr P t xh ta x'h' 
   multithreaded_base.init_fin final r t xh ta x'h' 
  (ad al v T. NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v)  set tao  heap_base'.addr_loc_type TYPE('heap) typeof_addr P ad al T  heap_base'.conf TYPE('heap) typeof_addr P v T)"

lemma if_mthr_Runs_heap_read_typedI:
  fixes final and r :: "('addr, 't, 'x, 'heap, 'w, ('addr :: addr, 'thread_id) obs_event) semantics"
  assumes "trsys.Runs (multithreaded_base.redT (final_thread.init_fin_final final) (multithreaded_base.init_fin final r) (map NormalAction  convert_RA)) s ξ"
  (is "trsys.Runs ?redT _ _")
  and "ad al v T.  NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v)  lset (lconcat (lmap (llist_of  obs_a  snd) ξ)); heap_base'.addr_loc_type TYPE('heap) typeof_addr P ad al T   heap_base'.conf TYPE('heap) typeof_addr P v T"
  (is "ad al v T.  ?obs ξ ad al v; ?adal ad al T   ?conf v T")
  shows "trsys.Runs (multithreaded_base.redT (final_thread.init_fin_final final) (if_heap_read_typed final r typeof_addr P) (map NormalAction  convert_RA)) s ξ"
  (is "trsys.Runs ?redT' _ _")
using assms
proof(coinduction arbitrary: s ξ rule: trsys.Runs.coinduct[consumes 1, case_names Runs, case_conclusion Runs Stuck Step])
  case (Runs s ξ)
  let ?read = "λξ. (ad al v T. ?obs ξ ad al v  ?adal ad al T  ?conf v T)"
  note read = Runs(2)
  from Runs(1) show ?case
  proof(cases rule: trsys.Runs.cases[consumes 1, case_names Stuck Step])
    case (Stuck S)
    { fix tta s'
      from ¬ ?redT S tta s' have "¬ ?redT' S tta s'"
        by(rule contrapos_nn)(fastforce simp add: multithreaded_base.redT.simps) }
    hence ?Stuck using ξ = LNil unfolding s = S by blast
    thus ?thesis ..
    case (Step S s' ttas tta)
    from ξ = LCons tta ttas read
    have read1: "ad al v T.  NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v)  set snd ttao; ?adal ad al T   ?conf v T"
      and read2: "?read ttas" by(auto simp add: o_def)
    from ?redT S tta s' read1
    have "?redT' S tta s'" by(fastforce simp add: multithreaded_base.redT.simps)
    hence ?Step using Step read2 s = S by blast
    thus ?thesis ..

lemma if_mthr_Runs_heap_read_typedD:
  fixes final and r :: "('addr, 't, 'x, 'heap, 'w, ('addr :: addr, 'thread_id) obs_event) semantics"
  assumes Runs': "trsys.Runs (multithreaded_base.redT (final_thread.init_fin_final final) (if_heap_read_typed final r typeof_addr P) (map NormalAction  convert_RA)) s ξ"
  (is "?Runs' s ξ")
  and stuck: "ttas s' tta s''. 
    multithreaded_base.RedT (final_thread.init_fin_final final) (if_heap_read_typed final r typeof_addr P) (map NormalAction  convert_RA) s ttas s';
    multithreaded_base.redT (final_thread.init_fin_final final) (multithreaded_base.init_fin final r) (map NormalAction  convert_RA) s' tta s'' 
   tta s''. multithreaded_base.redT (final_thread.init_fin_final final) (if_heap_read_typed final r typeof_addr P) (map NormalAction  convert_RA) s' tta s''"
  (is "ttas s' tta s''.  ?RedT' s ttas s'; ?redT s' tta s''   tta s''. ?redT' s' tta s''")
  shows "trsys.Runs (multithreaded_base.redT (final_thread.init_fin_final final) (multithreaded_base.init_fin final r) (map NormalAction  convert_RA)) s ξ"
  (is "?Runs s ξ")
proof -
  define s' where "s' = s"
  with Runs' have "ttas. ?RedT' s ttas s'  ?Runs' s' ξ"
    by(auto simp add: multithreaded_base.RedT_def o_def)
  thus "?Runs s' ξ"
  proof(coinduct rule: trsys.Runs.coinduct[consumes 1, case_names Runs, case_conclusion Runs Stuck Step])
    case (Runs s' ξ)
    then obtain ttas where RedT': "?RedT' s ttas s'"
      and Runs': "?Runs' s' ξ" by blast
    from Runs' show ?case
    proof(cases rule: trsys.Runs.cases[consumes 1, case_names Stuck Step])
      case (Stuck S)
      have "tta s''. ¬ ?redT s' tta s''"
        fix tta s''
        assume "?redT s' tta s''"
        from stuck[OF RedT' this] 
        obtain tta s'' where "?redT' s' tta s''" by blast
        with Stuck(3)[of tta s''] show False
          unfolding s' = S by contradiction
      with Stuck(1-2) have ?Stuck by simp
      thus ?thesis by(rule disjI1)
      case (Step S s'' ξ' tta)
      note Step = Step(2-)[folded s' = S]
      from ?redT' s' tta s'' have "?redT s' tta s''"
        by(fastforce simp add: multithreaded_base.redT.simps)
      moreover from RedT' ?redT' s' tta s''
      have "?RedT' s (ttas @ [tta]) s''"
        unfolding multithreaded_base.RedT_def by(rule rtrancl3p_step)
      ultimately have ?Step using ξ = LCons tta ξ' ?Runs' s'' ξ' by blast
      thus ?thesis by(rule disjI2)

lemma heap_copy_loc_heap_read_typed:
  "heap_base.heap_copy_loc (heap_base.heap_read_typed (λ_ :: 'heap. typeof_addr) heap_read P) heap_write a a' al h obs h' 
  heap_base.heap_copy_loc heap_read heap_write a a' al h obs h' 
  (ad al v T. ReadMem ad al v  set obs  heap_base'.addr_loc_type TYPE('heap) typeof_addr P ad al T  heap_base'.conf TYPE('heap) typeof_addr P v T)"
by(auto elim!: heap_base.heap_copy_loc.cases intro!: heap_base.heap_copy_loc.intros dest: heap_base.heap_read_typed_into_heap_read heap_base.heap_read_typed_typed intro: heap_base.heap_read_typedI simp add: heap_base'.addr_loc_type_conv_addr_loc_type heap_base'.conf_conv_conf)

lemma heap_copies_heap_read_typed:
  "heap_base.heap_copies (heap_base.heap_read_typed (λ_ :: 'heap. typeof_addr) heap_read P) heap_write a a' als h obs h' 
  heap_base.heap_copies heap_read heap_write a a' als h obs h' 
  (ad al v T. ReadMem ad al v  set obs  heap_base'.addr_loc_type TYPE('heap) typeof_addr P ad al T  heap_base'.conf TYPE('heap) typeof_addr P v T)"
  (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
  assume ?lhs thus ?rhs
    by(induct rule: heap_base.heap_copies.induct[consumes 1])(auto intro!: heap_base.heap_copies.intros simp add: heap_copy_loc_heap_read_typed)
  assume ?rhs thus ?lhs
    by(rule conjE)(induct rule: heap_base.heap_copies.induct[consumes 1], auto intro!: heap_base.heap_copies.intros simp add: heap_copy_loc_heap_read_typed)

lemma heap_clone_heap_read_typed:
  "heap_base.heap_clone allocate (λ_ :: 'heap. typeof_addr) (heap_base.heap_read_typed (λ_ :: 'heap. typeof_addr) heap_read P) heap_write P a h h' obs 
  heap_base.heap_clone allocate (λ_ :: 'heap. typeof_addr) heap_read heap_write P a h h' obs 
  (ad al v T obs' a'. obs = (obs', a')  ReadMem ad al v  set obs'  heap_base'.addr_loc_type TYPE('heap) typeof_addr P ad al T  heap_base'.conf TYPE('heap) typeof_addr P v T)"
by(auto elim!: heap_base.heap_clone.cases intro: heap_base.heap_clone.intros simp add: heap_copies_heap_read_typed)

lemma red_external_heap_read_typed:
  "heap_base.red_external addr2thread_id thread_id2addr spurious_wakeups empty_heap allocate (λ_ :: 'heap. typeof_addr) (heap_base.heap_read_typed (λ_ :: 'heap. typeof_addr) heap_read P) heap_write P t h a M vs ta va h' 
   heap_base.red_external addr2thread_id thread_id2addr spurious_wakeups empty_heap allocate (λ_ :: 'heap. typeof_addr) heap_read heap_write P t h a M vs ta va h' 
  (ad al v T obs' a'. ReadMem ad al v  set tao  heap_base'.addr_loc_type TYPE('heap) typeof_addr P ad al T  heap_base'.conf TYPE('heap) typeof_addr P v T)"
by(auto elim!: heap_base.red_external.cases intro: heap_base.red_external.intros simp add: heap_clone_heap_read_typed)

lemma red_external_aggr_heap_read_typed:
  "(ta, va, h')  heap_base.red_external_aggr addr2thread_id thread_id2addr spurious_wakeups empty_heap allocate (λ_ :: 'heap. typeof_addr) (heap_base.heap_read_typed (λ_ :: 'heap. typeof_addr) heap_read P) heap_write P t h a M vs 
   (ta, va, h')  heap_base.red_external_aggr addr2thread_id thread_id2addr spurious_wakeups empty_heap allocate (λ_ :: 'heap. typeof_addr) heap_read heap_write P t h a M vs 
  (ad al v T obs' a'. ReadMem ad al v  set tao  heap_base'.addr_loc_type TYPE('heap) typeof_addr P ad al T  heap_base'.conf TYPE('heap) typeof_addr P v T)"
by(auto simp add: heap_base.red_external_aggr_def heap_clone_heap_read_typed split del: if_split split: if_split_asm)

lemma jmm'_heap_copy_locI: 
  "obs h'. heap_base.heap_copy_loc (heap_base.heap_read_typed typeof_addr jmm_heap_read P) jmm_heap_write a a' al h obs h'"
by(auto intro!: heap_base.heap_copy_loc.intros jmm_heap_read_typed_default_val intro: jmm_heap_write.intros)

lemma jmm'_heap_copiesI:
  "obs :: (addr, 'thread_id) obs_event list.
   h'. heap_base.heap_copies (heap_base.heap_read_typed typeof_addr jmm_heap_read P) jmm_heap_write a a' als h obs h'"
proof(induction als arbitrary: h)
  case Nil
  thus ?case by(blast intro: heap_base.heap_copies.intros)
  case (Cons al als)
  from jmm'_heap_copy_locI[of typeof_addr P a a' al h]
  obtain ob :: "(addr, 'thread_id) obs_event list" and h'
    where "heap_base.heap_copy_loc (heap_base.heap_read_typed typeof_addr jmm_heap_read P) jmm_heap_write a a' al h ob h'" 
    by blast
  with Cons.IH[of h'] show ?case
    by(auto 4 4 intro: heap_base.heap_copies.intros)

lemma jmm'_heap_cloneI:
  fixes obsa :: "((addr, 'thread_id) obs_event list × addr) option"
  assumes "heap_base.heap_clone allocate typeof_addr jmm_heap_read jmm_heap_write P h a h' obsa"
  shows "h'. obsa :: ((addr, 'thread_id) obs_event list × addr) option. 
       heap_base.heap_clone allocate typeof_addr (heap_base.heap_read_typed typeof_addr jmm_heap_read P) jmm_heap_write P h a h' obsa"
using assms
proof(cases rule: heap_base.heap_clone.cases[consumes 1, case_names Fail Obj Arr])
  case Fail
  thus ?thesis by(blast intro: heap_base.heap_clone.intros)
  case (Obj C h' a' FDTs obs h'')
  with jmm'_heap_copiesI[of typeof_addr P a a' "map (λ((F, D), Tfm). CField D F) FDTs" h']
  show ?thesis by(blast intro: heap_base.heap_clone.intros)
  case (Arr T n h' a' FDTs obs h'')
  with jmm'_heap_copiesI[of typeof_addr P a a' "map (λ((F, D), Tfm). CField D F) FDTs @ map ACell [0..<n]"]
  show ?thesis by(blast intro: heap_base.heap_clone.intros)

lemma jmm'_red_externalI:
   heap_base.red_external addr2thread_id thread_id2addr spurious_wakeups empty_heap allocate typeof_addr jmm_heap_read jmm_heap_write P t h a M vs ta va h';
     final_thread.actions_ok final s t ta 
   ta va h'. heap_base.red_external addr2thread_id thread_id2addr spurious_wakeups empty_heap allocate typeof_addr (heap_base.heap_read_typed typeof_addr jmm_heap_read P) jmm_heap_write P t h a M vs ta va h'  final_thread.actions_ok final s t ta"
proof(erule heap_base.red_external.cases, goal_cases)
  case 19 (* RedClone *)
  thus ?case apply -
    apply(drule jmm'_heap_cloneI, clarify)
    apply(rename_tac obsa', case_tac obsa')
    by(auto 4 4 intro: heap_base.red_external.intros simp add: final_thread.actions_ok_iff simp del: split_paired_Ex)
  case 20 (* RedCloneFail *)
  thus ?case apply -
    apply(drule jmm'_heap_cloneI, clarify)
    apply(rename_tac obsa', case_tac obsa')
    by(auto 4 4 intro: heap_base.red_external.intros simp add: final_thread.actions_ok_iff simp del: split_paired_Ex)
qed(blast intro: heap_base.red_external.intros)+

lemma red_external_aggr_heap_read_typedI:
   (ta, vah')  heap_base.red_external_aggr addr2thread_id thread_id2addr spurious_wakeups empty_heap allocate typeof_addr jmm_heap_read jmm_heap_write P t h a M vs;
    final_thread.actions_ok final s t ta
   ta vah'. (ta, vah')  heap_base.red_external_aggr addr2thread_id thread_id2addr spurious_wakeups empty_heap allocate typeof_addr (heap_base.heap_read_typed typeof_addr jmm_heap_read P) jmm_heap_write P t h a M vs  final_thread.actions_ok final s t ta"
apply(simp add: heap_base.red_external_aggr_def split_beta split del: if_split split: if_split_asm del: split_paired_Ex)
apply(auto simp del: split_paired_Ex)
 apply(drule jmm'_heap_cloneI)
 apply(rename_tac obsa, case_tac obsa)
  apply(force simp add: final_thread.actions_ok_iff del: disjCI intro: disjI1 disjI2 simp del: split_paired_Ex)
 apply(force simp add: final_thread.actions_ok_iff del: disjCI intro: disjI1 disjI2 simp del: split_paired_Ex)
apply(drule jmm'_heap_cloneI)
apply clarify
apply(rename_tac obsa, case_tac obsa)
 apply(force simp add: final_thread.actions_ok_iff del: disjCI intro: disjI1 disjI2 simp del: split_paired_Ex)
apply(force simp add: final_thread.actions_ok_iff del: disjCI intro: disjI1 disjI2 simp del: split_paired_Ex)
