Theory Spectral_Theorem

section Spectral_Theorem› -- The spectral theorem for compact operators›

theory Spectral_Theorem
  imports Compact_Operators Positive_Operators Eigenvalues

unbundle cblinfun_syntax

subsection ‹Spectral decomp, compact op›

fun spectral_dec_val :: ('a::chilbert_space CL 'a)  nat  complex
  ― ‹The eigenvalues in the spectral decomposition›
  and spectral_dec_space :: ('a CL 'a)  nat  'a ccsubspace
  ― ‹The eigenspaces in the spectral decomposition›
  and spectral_dec_op :: ('a CL 'a)  nat  ('a CL 'a)
  ― ‹A sequence of operators mostly for the proof of spectral composition. But see also spectral_dec_op_spectral_dec_proj› below.›
  where spectral_dec_val a n = largest_eigenvalue (spectral_dec_op a n)
  | spectral_dec_space a n = (if spectral_dec_val a n = 0 then 0 else eigenspace (spectral_dec_val a n) (spectral_dec_op a n))
  | spectral_dec_op a (Suc n) = spectral_dec_op a n oCL Proj (- spectral_dec_space a n)
  | spectral_dec_op a 0 = a

definition spectral_dec_proj :: ('a::chilbert_space CL 'a)  nat  ('a CL 'a) where
  ― ‹Projectors in the spectral decomposition›
  spectral_dec_proj a n = Proj (spectral_dec_space a n)

declare spectral_dec_val.simps[simp del]
declare spectral_dec_space.simps[simp del]

lemmas spectral_dec_def = spectral_dec_val.simps
lemmas spectral_dec_space_def = spectral_dec_space.simps

lemma spectral_dec_op_selfadj:
  assumes selfadjoint a
  shows selfadjoint (spectral_dec_op a n)
proof (induction n)
  case 0
  with assms show ?case
    by simp
  case (Suc n)
  define E T where E = spectral_dec_space a n and T = spectral_dec_op a n
  from Suc have normal_op T
    by (auto intro!: selfadjoint_imp_normal simp: T_def)
  then have reducing_subspace E T
    by (auto intro!: eigenspace_is_reducing simp: spectral_dec_space_def E_def T_def)
  then have reducing_subspace (- E) T
    by simp
  then have *: Proj (- E) oCL T oCL Proj (- E) = T oCL Proj (- E)
    by (simp add: invariant_subspace_iff_PAP reducing_subspace_def)
  show ?case
    using Suc
    apply (simp add: flip: T_def E_def * )
    by (simp add: selfadjoint_def adj_Proj cblinfun_compose_assoc)

lemma spectral_dec_op_compact:
  assumes compact_op a
  shows compact_op (spectral_dec_op a n)
  apply (induction n)
  by (auto intro!: compact_op_comp_left assms)

lemma spectral_dec_val_eigenvalue_of_spectral_dec_op:
  fixes a :: 'a::{chilbert_space, not_singleton} CL 'a
  assumes compact_op a
  assumes selfadjoint a
  shows spectral_dec_val a n  eigenvalues (spectral_dec_op a n)
  by (auto intro!: largest_eigenvalue_ex spectral_dec_op_compact spectral_dec_op_selfadj assms
      simp: spectral_dec_def)

lemma spectral_dec_proj_finite_rank: 
  assumes compact_op a
  shows finite_rank (spectral_dec_proj a n)
  apply (cases spectral_dec_val a n = 0)
  by (auto intro!: finite_rank_Proj_finite_dim compact_op_eigenspace_finite_dim spectral_dec_op_compact assms
      simp: spectral_dec_proj_def spectral_dec_space_def)

lemma norm_spectral_dec_op:
  assumes compact_op a
  assumes selfadjoint a
  shows norm (spectral_dec_op a n) = cmod (spectral_dec_val a n)
  by (simp add: spectral_dec_def cmod_largest_eigenvalue spectral_dec_op_compact spectral_dec_op_selfadj assms)

lemma spectral_dec_op_decreasing_eigenspaces:
  assumes n  m and e  0
  assumes selfadjoint a
  shows eigenspace e (spectral_dec_op a n)  eigenspace e (spectral_dec_op a m)
proof -
  have *: eigenspace e (spectral_dec_op a (Suc n))  eigenspace e (spectral_dec_op a n) for n
  proof (intro ccsubspace_leI subsetI)
    fix h
    assume asm: h  space_as_set (eigenspace e (spectral_dec_op a (Suc n)))
    have orthogonal_spaces (eigenspace e (spectral_dec_op a (Suc n))) (kernel (spectral_dec_op a (Suc n)))
      using spectral_dec_op_selfadj[of a Suc n] e  0 selfadjoint a
      by (auto intro!: eigenspaces_orthogonal selfadjoint_imp_normal spectral_dec_op_selfadj
          simp: spectral_dec_space_def simp flip: eigenspace_0)
    then have eigenspace e (spectral_dec_op a (Suc n))  - kernel (spectral_dec_op a (Suc n))
      using orthogonal_spaces_leq_compl by blast 
    also have   - spectral_dec_space a n
      by (auto intro!: ccsubspace_leI kernel_memberI simp: Proj_0_compl)
    finally have h  space_as_set (- spectral_dec_space a n)
      using asm by (simp add: Set.basic_monos(7) less_eq_ccsubspace.rep_eq)
    then have spectral_dec_op a n h = spectral_dec_op a (Suc n) h
      by (simp add: Proj_fixes_image) 
    also have  = e *C h
      using asm eigenspace_memberD by blast 
    finally show h  space_as_set (eigenspace e (spectral_dec_op a n))
      by (simp add: eigenspace_memberI) 
  define k where k = n - m
  from * have eigenspace e (spectral_dec_op a (m + k))  eigenspace e (spectral_dec_op a m)
    by (induction k) (auto simp del: spectral_dec_op.simps intro: order.trans)
  then show ?thesis
    using n  m by (simp add: k_def)

lemma spectral_dec_val_not_not_singleton:
  fixes a :: 'a::chilbert_space CL 'a
  assumes ¬ class.not_singleton TYPE('a)
  shows spectral_dec_val a n = 0
proof -
  from assms have spectral_dec_op a n = 0
    by (rule not_not_singleton_cblinfun_zero)
  then have largest_eigenvalue (spectral_dec_op a n) = 0
    by simp
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: spectral_dec_def)

lemma spectral_dec_val_eigenvalue_aux:
  ― ‹citeconway2013course, Theorem II.5.1›
  fixes a :: 'a::{chilbert_space, not_singleton} CL 'a
  assumes compact_op a
  assumes selfadjoint a
  assumes eigen_neq0: spectral_dec_val a n  0
  shows spectral_dec_val a n  eigenvalues a
proof -
  define e where e = spectral_dec_val a n
  with assms have e  0
    by fastforce

  from spectral_dec_op_decreasing_eigenspaces[where m=0 and a=a and n=n, OF _ e  0 selfadjoint a]
  have 1: eigenspace e (spectral_dec_op a n)  eigenspace e a
    by simp
  have 2: spectral_dec_space a n  
  proof -
    have spectral_dec_val a n  eigenvalues (spectral_dec_op a n)
      by (simp add: assms(1) assms(2) spectral_dec_val.simps spectral_dec_op_compact spectral_dec_op_selfadj largest_eigenvalue_ex) 
    then show ?thesis
      using e  0 by (simp add: eigenvalues_def spectral_dec_space.simps e_def)
  from 1 2 have eigenspace e a  
    by (auto simp: spectral_dec_space_def bot_unique simp flip: e_def simp: e  0)
  then show e  eigenvalues a
    by (simp add: eigenvalues_def)

lemma spectral_dec_val_eigenvalue:
  ― ‹citeconway2013course, Theorem II.5.1›
  fixes a :: ('a::chilbert_space CL 'a)
  assumes compact_op a
  assumes selfadjoint a
  assumes eigen_neq0: spectral_dec_val a n  0
  shows spectral_dec_val a n  eigenvalues a
proof (cases class.not_singleton TYPE('a))
  case True
  show ?thesis
    using chilbert_space_axioms True assms
    by (rule spectral_dec_val_eigenvalue_aux[internalize_sort' 'a])
  case False
  then have spectral_dec_val a n = 0
    by (rule spectral_dec_val_not_not_singleton)
  with assms show ?thesis
    by simp

hide_fact spectral_dec_val_eigenvalue_aux

lemma spectral_dec_val_decreasing:
  assumes compact_op a
  assumes selfadjoint a
  assumes n  m
  shows cmod (spectral_dec_val a n)  cmod (spectral_dec_val a m)
proof -
  have norm (spectral_dec_op a (Suc n))  norm (spectral_dec_op a n) for n
    apply simp
    by (smt (verit) Proj_partial_isometry cblinfun_compose_zero_right mult_cancel_left2 norm_cblinfun_compose norm_le_zero_iff norm_partial_isometry) 
  then have *: cmod (spectral_dec_val a (Suc n))  cmod (spectral_dec_val a n) for n
    by (simp add: cmod_largest_eigenvalue spectral_dec_op_compact assms spectral_dec_op_selfadj spectral_dec_def
        del: spectral_dec_op.simps)
  define k where k = n - m
  have cmod (spectral_dec_val a (m + k))  cmod (spectral_dec_val a m)
    apply (induction k arbitrary: m)
     apply simp
    by (metis "*" add_Suc_right order_trans_rules(23)) 
  with n  m show ?thesis
    by (simp add: k_def)

lemma spectral_dec_val_distinct_aux:
  fixes a :: ('a::{chilbert_space, not_singleton} CL 'a)
  assumes n  m
  assumes compact_op a
  assumes selfadjoint a
  assumes neq0: spectral_dec_val a n  0
  shows spectral_dec_val a n  spectral_dec_val a m
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume ¬ spectral_dec_val a n  spectral_dec_val a m
  then have eq: spectral_dec_val a n = spectral_dec_val a m
    by blast
  wlog nm: n > m goal False generalizing n m keeping eq neq0
    using hypothesis[of n m] negation assms eq neq0
    by auto
  define e where e = spectral_dec_val a n
  with neq0 have e  0
    by simp

  have spectral_dec_space a n  
  proof -
    have e  eigenvalues (spectral_dec_op a n)
      by (auto intro!: spectral_dec_val_eigenvalue_of_spectral_dec_op assms simp: e_def)
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: spectral_dec_space_def eigenvalues_def e_def neq0)
  then obtain h where norm h = 1 and h_En: h  space_as_set (spectral_dec_space a n)
    using ccsubspace_contains_unit by blast 
  have T_Sucm_h: spectral_dec_op a (Suc m) h = 0
  proof -
    have spectral_dec_space a n = eigenspace e (spectral_dec_op a n)
      by (simp add: spectral_dec_space_def e_def neq0)
    also have   eigenspace e (spectral_dec_op a m)
      using n > m e  0 assms
      by (auto intro!: spectral_dec_op_decreasing_eigenspaces simp: )
    also have  = spectral_dec_space a m
      using neq0 by (simp add: spectral_dec_space_def e_def eq)
    finally have h  space_as_set (spectral_dec_space a m)
      using h_En
      by (simp add: basic_trans_rules(31) less_eq_ccsubspace.rep_eq) 
    then show spectral_dec_op a (Suc m) h = 0
      by (simp add: Proj_0_compl)
  have spectral_dec_op a (Suc m + k) h = 0 if k  n - m - 1 for k
  proof (insert that, induction k)
    case 0
    from T_Sucm_h show ?case
      by simp
    case (Suc k)
    define mk1 where mk1 = Suc (m + k)
    from Suc.prems have mk1  n
      using mk1_def by linarith 
    have eigenspace e (spectral_dec_op a n)  eigenspace e (spectral_dec_op a mk1)
      using mk1  n e  0 selfadjoint a
      by (rule spectral_dec_op_decreasing_eigenspaces)
    with h_En have h_mk1: h  space_as_set (eigenspace e (spectral_dec_op a mk1))
      by (auto simp: e_def spectral_dec_space_def less_eq_ccsubspace.rep_eq neq0)
    have Proj (- spectral_dec_space a mk1) *V h = 0  Proj (- spectral_dec_space a mk1) *V h = h
    proof (cases e = spectral_dec_val a mk1)
      case True
      from h_mk1 have Proj (- spectral_dec_space a mk1) h = 0
        using e  0 by (simp add: Proj_0_compl True spectral_dec_space_def)
      then show ?thesis 
        by simp
      case False
      have orthogonal_spaces (eigenspace e (spectral_dec_op a mk1)) (spectral_dec_space a mk1)
        by (simp add: False assms eigenspaces_orthogonal spectral_dec_space.simps spectral_dec_op_selfadj selfadjoint_imp_normal) 
      with h_mk1 have h  space_as_set (- spectral_dec_space a mk1)
        using less_eq_ccsubspace.rep_eq orthogonal_spaces_leq_compl by blast 
      then have Proj (- spectral_dec_space a mk1) h = h
        by (rule Proj_fixes_image)
      then show ?thesis 
        by simp
    with Suc show ?case
      by (auto simp: mk1_def)
  from this[where k=n - m - 1]
  have spectral_dec_op a n h = 0
    using n > m
    by (simp del: spectral_dec_op.simps)
  moreover from h_En have spectral_dec_op a n h = e *C h
    by (simp add: neq0 e_def eigenspace_memberD spectral_dec_space_def)
  ultimately show False
    using norm h = 1 e  0
    by force

lemma spectral_dec_val_distinct:
  fixes a :: 'a::chilbert_space CL 'a
  assumes n  m
  assumes compact_op a
  assumes selfadjoint a
  assumes neq0: spectral_dec_val a n  0
  shows spectral_dec_val a n  spectral_dec_val a m
proof (cases class.not_singleton TYPE('a))
  case True
  show ?thesis
    using chilbert_space_axioms True assms
    by (rule spectral_dec_val_distinct_aux[internalize_sort' 'a])
  case False
  then have spectral_dec_val a n = 0
    by (rule spectral_dec_val_not_not_singleton)
  with assms show ?thesis
    by simp

hide_fact spectral_dec_val_distinct_aux

lemma spectral_dec_val_tendsto_0:
  (* In the proof of Conway, Functional, Theorem II.5.1 *)
  assumes compact_op a
  assumes selfadjoint a
  shows spectral_dec_val a  0
proof (cases n. spectral_dec_val a n = 0)
  case True
  then obtain n where spectral_dec_val a n = 0
    by auto
  then have spectral_dec_val a m = 0 if m  n for m
    using spectral_dec_val_decreasing[OF assms that]
    by simp
  then show spectral_dec_val a  0
    by (auto intro!: tendsto_eventually eventually_sequentiallyI)
  case False
  define E where E = spectral_dec_val a
  from False have E n  eigenvalues a for n
    by (simp add: spectral_dec_val_eigenvalue assms E_def)
  then have eigenspace (E n) a  0 for n
    by (simp add: eigenvalues_def)
  then obtain e where e_E: e n  space_as_set (eigenspace (E n) a)
    and norm_e: norm (e n) = 1 for n
    apply atomize_elim
    using ccsubspace_contains_unit 
    by (auto intro!: choice2)
  then obtain h n where strict_mono n and aen_lim: (λj. a (e (n j)))  h
  proof atomize_elim
    from compact_op a
    have compact:compact (closure (a ` cball 0 1))
      by (simp add: compact_op_def2)
    from norm_e have a (e n)  closure (a ` cball 0 1) for n
      using closure_subset[of a ` cball 0 1] by auto
    with compact[unfolded compact_def, rule_format, of λn. a (e n)]
    show n h. strict_mono n  (λj. a (e (n j)))  h
      by (auto simp: o_def)
  have ortho_en: is_orthogonal (e (n j)) (e (n k)) if j  k for j k
  proof -
    have n j  n k
      by (simp add: strict_mono n strict_mono_eq that)
    then have E (n j)  E (n k)
      unfolding E_def
      apply (rule spectral_dec_val_distinct)
      using False assms by auto
    then have orthogonal_spaces (eigenspace (E (n j)) a) (eigenspace (E (n k)) a)
      apply (rule eigenspaces_orthogonal)
      by (simp add: assms(2) selfadjoint_imp_normal) 
    with e_E show ?thesis
      using orthogonal_spaces_def by blast
  have aEe: a (e n) = E n *C e n for n
    by (simp add: e_E eigenspace_memberD)
  obtain α where E_lim: (λn. norm (E n))  α
    by (rule decseq_convergent[where X=λn. cmod (E n) and B=0])
       (use spectral_dec_val_decreasing[OF assms] in auto intro!: simp: decseq_def E_def)
  then have α  0
    apply (rule LIMSEQ_le_const)
    by simp
  have aen_diff: norm (a (e (n j)) - a (e (n k)))  α * sqrt 2 if j  k for j k
  proof -
    from E_lim and spectral_dec_val_decreasing[OF assms, folded E_def]
    have E_geq_α: cmod (E n)  α for n
      apply (rule_tac decseq_ge[unfolded decseq_def, rotated])
      by auto
    have (norm (a (e (n j)) - a (e (n k))))2 = (cmod (E (n j)))2 + (cmod (E (n k)))2
      by (simp add: polar_identity_minus aEe that ortho_en norm_e)
    also have   α2 + α2 (is _  )
      apply (rule add_mono)
      using E_geq_α α  0 by auto
    also have  = (α * sqrt 2)2
      by (simp add: algebra_simps)
    finally show ?thesis
      apply (rule power2_le_imp_le)
      by simp
  have α = 0
  proof -
    have α * sqrt 2 < ε if ε > 0 for ε
    proof -
      from strict_mono n have cauchy: Cauchy (λk. a (e (n k)))
        using LIMSEQ_imp_Cauchy aen_lim by blast
      obtain k where k: mk. nak. dist (a *V e (n m)) (a *V e (n na)) < ε
        apply atomize_elim
        using cauchy[unfolded Cauchy_def, rule_format, OF ε > 0]
        by simp
      define j where j = Suc k
      then have j  k
        by simp
      from k have dist (a (e (n j))) (a (e (n k))) < ε
        by (simp add: j_def)
      with aen_diff[OF j  k] show α * sqrt 2 < ε
        by (simp add: Cauchy_def dist_norm)
    with α  0 show α = 0
      by (smt (verit) linordered_semiring_strict_class.mult_pos_pos real_sqrt_le_0_iff)
  with E_lim show ?thesis
    by (auto intro!: tendsto_norm_zero_cancel simp: E_def)

lemma spectral_dec_op_tendsto:
  assumes compact_op a
  assumes selfadjoint a
  shows spectral_dec_op a  0
  apply (rule tendsto_norm_zero_cancel)
  using spectral_dec_val_tendsto_0[OF assms]
  apply (simp add: norm_spectral_dec_op assms)
  using tendsto_norm_zero by blast 

lemma spectral_dec_op_spectral_dec_proj:
  spectral_dec_op a n = a - (i<n. spectral_dec_val a i *C spectral_dec_proj a i)
proof (induction n)
  case 0
  show ?case
    by simp
  case (Suc n)
  have spectral_dec_op a (Suc n) = spectral_dec_op a n oCL Proj (- spectral_dec_space a n)
    by simp
  also have  = spectral_dec_op a n - spectral_dec_val a n *C spectral_dec_proj a n (is ?lhs = ?rhs)
  proof -
    have ?lhs h = ?rhs h if h  space_as_set (spectral_dec_space a n) for h
    proof -
      have ?lhs h = 0
        by (simp add: Proj_0_compl that) 
      have spectral_dec_op a n *V h = spectral_dec_val a n *C h
        by (smt (verit, best) Proj_fixes_image (spectral_dec_op a n oCL Proj (- spectral_dec_space a n)) *V h = 0 cblinfun_apply_cblinfun_compose complex_vector.scale_eq_0_iff eigenspace_memberD spectral_dec_space.elims kernel_Proj kernel_cblinfun_compose kernel_memberD kernel_memberI ortho_involution that) 
      also have  = spectral_dec_val a n *C (spectral_dec_proj a n *V h)
        by (simp add: Proj_fixes_image spectral_dec_proj_def that) 
      have ?rhs h = 0
        by (simp add: cblinfun.diff_left)
      with ?lhs h = 0 show ?thesis
        by simp
    moreover have ?lhs h = ?rhs h if h  space_as_set (- spectral_dec_space a n) for h
      by (simp add: Proj_0_compl Proj_fixes_image cblinfun.diff_left spectral_dec_proj_def that) 
    ultimately have ?lhs h = ?rhs h 
      if h  space_as_set (spectral_dec_space a n  - spectral_dec_space a n) for h
      using that by (rule eq_on_ccsubspaces_sup)
    then show ?lhs = ?rhs
      by (auto intro!: cblinfun_eqI simp add: )
  also have  = a - (i<Suc n. spectral_dec_val a i *C spectral_dec_proj a i)
    by (simp add: Suc.IH) 
  finally show ?case
    by -

lemma sequential_tendsto_reorder:
  assumes inj g
  assumes f  l
  shows (f o g)  l
proof (intro lim_explicit[THEN iffD2] impI allI)
  fix S assume open S and l  S
  with f  l
  obtain M where M: f m  S if m  M for m
    using tendsto_obtains_N by blast 
  define N where N = Max (g -` {..<M}) + 1
  have N: g n  M if n  N for n
  proof -
    from inj g have finite (g -` {..<M})
      using finite_vimageI by blast 
    then have N > n if n  g -` {..<M} for n
      using N_def that
      by (simp add: less_Suc_eq_le) 
    then have N > n if g n < M for n
      by (simp add: that) 
    with that show g n  M
      using linorder_not_less by blast 
  from N M show N. nN. (f  g) n  S
    by auto

lemma spectral_dec_sums:
  assumes compact_op a
  assumes selfadjoint a
  shows (λn. spectral_dec_val a n *C spectral_dec_proj a n)  sums  a
proof -
  from spectral_dec_op_tendsto[OF assms]
  have (λn. a - spectral_dec_op a n)  a
    by (simp add: tendsto_diff_const_left_rewrite)
  moreover from spectral_dec_op_spectral_dec_proj[of a]
  have a - spectral_dec_op a n = (i<n. spectral_dec_val a i *C spectral_dec_proj a i) for n
    by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (simp add: sums_def)

lemma spectral_dec_val_real:
  assumes compact_op a
  assumes selfadjoint a
  shows spectral_dec_val a n  
  by (metis Reals_0 assms(1) assms(2) eigenvalue_selfadj_real spectral_dec_val_eigenvalue) 

lemma spectral_dec_space_orthogonal:
  assumes compact_op a
  assumes selfadjoint a
  assumes n  m
  shows orthogonal_spaces (spectral_dec_space a n) (spectral_dec_space a m)
proof (cases spectral_dec_val a n = 0  spectral_dec_val a m = 0)
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    by (auto intro!: simp: spectral_dec_space_def)
  case False
  have spectral_dec_space a n  eigenspace (spectral_dec_val a n) a
    using selfadjoint a
    by (metis False spectral_dec_space.elims spectral_dec_op.simps(2) spectral_dec_op_decreasing_eigenspaces zero_le) 
  moreover have spectral_dec_space a m  eigenspace (spectral_dec_val a m) a
    using selfadjoint a
    by (metis False spectral_dec_space.elims spectral_dec_op.simps(2) spectral_dec_op_decreasing_eigenspaces zero_le) 
  moreover have orthogonal_spaces (eigenspace (spectral_dec_val a n) a) (eigenspace (spectral_dec_val a m) a)
    apply (intro eigenspaces_orthogonal selfadjoint_imp_normal assms
    using False by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (meson order.trans orthocomplemented_lattice_class.compl_mono orthogonal_spaces_leq_compl) 

lemma spectral_dec_proj_pos: spectral_dec_proj a n  0
  by (auto intro!: simp: spectral_dec_proj_def)

  assumes compact_op a
  assumes selfadjoint a
  shows spectral_dec_tendsto_pos_op: (λn. max 0 (spectral_dec_val a n) *C spectral_dec_proj a n)  sums  pos_op a  (is ?thesis1)
    and spectral_dec_tendsto_neg_op: (λn. - min (spectral_dec_val a n) 0 *C spectral_dec_proj a n)  sums  neg_op a  (is ?thesis2)
proof -
  define I J where I = {n. spectral_dec_val a n  0}
    and J = {n. spectral_dec_val a n  0}
  define R S where R = (nI. spectral_dec_space a n)
    and S = (nJ. spectral_dec_space a n)
  define aR aS where aR = a oCL Proj R and aS = - a oCL Proj S
  have spectral_dec_cases: (0 < spectral_dec_val a n  P) 
    (spectral_dec_val a n < 0  P) 
    (spectral_dec_val a n = 0  P)  P for n P
    apply atomize_elim
    using reals_zero_comparable[OF spectral_dec_val_real[OF assms, of n]]
    by auto
  have PRP: spectral_dec_proj a n oCL Proj R = spectral_dec_proj a n if n  I for n
    by (auto intro!: Proj_o_Proj_subspace_left
        simp add: R_def SUP_upper that spectral_dec_proj_def)
  have PR0: spectral_dec_proj a n oCL Proj R = 0 if n  I for n
    apply (cases rule: spectral_dec_cases[of n])
    using that
    by (auto intro!: orthogonal_spaces_SUP_right spectral_dec_space_orthogonal assms
        simp: spectral_dec_proj_def R_def I_def
        simp flip: orthogonal_projectors_orthogonal_spaces)
  have PSP: spectral_dec_proj a n oCL Proj S = spectral_dec_proj a n if n  J for n
    by (auto intro!: Proj_o_Proj_subspace_left
        simp add: S_def SUP_upper that spectral_dec_proj_def)
  have PS0: spectral_dec_proj a n oCL Proj S = 0 if n  J for n
    apply (cases rule: spectral_dec_cases[of n])
    using that
    by (auto intro!: orthogonal_spaces_SUP_right spectral_dec_space_orthogonal assms
        simp: spectral_dec_proj_def S_def J_def
        simp flip: orthogonal_projectors_orthogonal_spaces)
  from spectral_dec_sums[OF assms]
  have (λn. (spectral_dec_val a n *C spectral_dec_proj a n) oCL Proj R) sums aR
    unfolding aR_def
    apply (rule bounded_linear.sums[rotated])
    by (intro bounded_clinear.bounded_linear bounded_clinear_cblinfun_compose_left)
  then have sum_aR: (λn. max 0 (spectral_dec_val a n) *C spectral_dec_proj a n)  sums  aR
    apply (rule sums_cong[THEN iffD1, rotated])
    by (simp add: I_def PR0 PRP max_def)
  from sum_aR have aR  0
    apply (rule sums_pos_cblinfun)
    by (auto intro!: spectral_dec_proj_pos scaleC_nonneg_nonneg simp: max_def)
  from spectral_dec_sums[OF assms]
  have (λn. spectral_dec_val a n *C spectral_dec_proj a n oCL Proj S) sums - aS
    unfolding aS_def minus_minus cblinfun_compose_uminus_left
    apply (rule bounded_linear.sums[rotated])
    by (intro bounded_clinear.bounded_linear bounded_clinear_cblinfun_compose_left)
  then have sum_aS': (λn. min (spectral_dec_val a n) 0 *C spectral_dec_proj a n)  sums  - aS
    apply (rule sums_cong[THEN iffD1, rotated])
    by (simp add: J_def PS0 PSP min_def)
  then have sum_aS: (λn. - min (spectral_dec_val a n) 0 *C spectral_dec_proj a n)  sums  aS
    using sums_minus by fastforce 
  from sum_aS have aS  0
    by (rule sums_pos_cblinfun)
       (auto intro!: spectral_dec_proj_pos scaleC_nonpos_nonneg simp: max_def min_def)
  from sum_aR sum_aS'
  have (λn. max 0 (spectral_dec_val a n) *C spectral_dec_proj a n
           + min (spectral_dec_val a n) 0 *C spectral_dec_proj a n) sums (aR - aS)
    using sums_add by fastforce
  then have (λn. spectral_dec_val a n *C spectral_dec_proj a n) sums (aR - aS)
  proof (rule sums_cong[THEN iffD1, rotated])
    fix n
    have max 0 (spectral_dec_val a n) + min (spectral_dec_val a n) 0
          = spectral_dec_val a n
      apply (cases rule: spectral_dec_cases[of n])
      by (auto intro!: simp: max_def min_def)
    show max 0 (spectral_dec_val a n) *C spectral_dec_proj a n +
          min (spectral_dec_val a n) 0 *C spectral_dec_proj a n =
          spectral_dec_val a n *C spectral_dec_proj a n
      by (metis scaleC_left.add) 
  with spectral_dec_sums[OF assms]
  have aR - aS = a
    using sums_unique2 by blast 
  have aR oCL aS = 0
    by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Proj_idempotent 0  aR aR - aS = a aR_def add_cancel_left_left add_minus_cancel adj_0 adj_Proj adj_cblinfun_compose assms(2) cblinfun_compose_minus_right comparable_selfadjoint lift_cblinfun_comp(2) selfadjoint_def uminus_add_conv_diff) 
  have aR = pos_op a and aS = neg_op a
    by (intro pos_op_neg_op_unique[where b=aR and c=aS]
        aR - aS = a 0  aR 0  aS aR oCL aS = 0)+
  with sum_aR and sum_aS
  show ?thesis1 and ?thesis2
    by auto

lemma  spectral_dec_tendsto_abs_op:
  assumes compact_op a
  assumes selfadjoint a
  shows (λn. cmod (spectral_dec_val a n) *R spectral_dec_proj a n)  sums  abs_op a
proof -
  from spectral_dec_tendsto_pos_op[OF assms] spectral_dec_tendsto_neg_op[OF assms]
  have (λn. max 0 (spectral_dec_val a n) *C spectral_dec_proj a n
           + - min (spectral_dec_val a n) 0 *C spectral_dec_proj a n) sums (pos_op a + neg_op a)
    using sums_add by blast
  then have (λn. cmod (spectral_dec_val a n) *R spectral_dec_proj a n)  sums  (pos_op a + neg_op a)
    apply (rule sums_cong[THEN iffD1, rotated])
    using spectral_dec_val_real[OF assms]
    apply (simp add: complex_is_Real_iff cmod_def max_def min_def less_eq_complex_def scaleR_scaleC
        flip: scaleC_add_right)
    by (metis complex_surj zero_complex.code) 
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: pos_op_plus_neg_op) 

definition spectral_dec_vecs :: ('a CL 'a)  'a::chilbert_space set where
  spectral_dec_vecs a = (n. scaleC (csqrt (spectral_dec_val a n)) ` some_onb_of (spectral_dec_space a n))

lemma spectral_dec_vecs_ortho:
  assumes selfadjoint a and compact_op a
  shows is_ortho_set (spectral_dec_vecs a)
proof (unfold is_ortho_set_def, intro conjI ballI impI)
  show 0  spectral_dec_vecs a
  proof (rule notI)
    assume 0  spectral_dec_vecs a
    then obtain n v where v0: 0 = csqrt (spectral_dec_val a n) *C v and v_in: v  some_onb_of (spectral_dec_space a n)
      by (auto simp: spectral_dec_vecs_def)
    from v_in have v  0
      using some_onb_of_norm1 by fastforce
    from v_in have spectral_dec_space a n  0
      using some_onb_of_0 by force
    then have spectral_dec_val a n  0
      by (meson spectral_dec_space.elims)
    with v0 v  0 show False
      by force
  fix g h assume g: g  spectral_dec_vecs a and h: h  spectral_dec_vecs a and g  h
  from g obtain ng g' where gg': g = csqrt (spectral_dec_val a ng) *C g' and g'_in: g'  some_onb_of (spectral_dec_space a ng)
    by (auto simp: spectral_dec_vecs_def)
  from h obtain nh h' where hh': h = csqrt (spectral_dec_val a nh) *C h' and h'_in: h'  some_onb_of (spectral_dec_space a nh)
    by (auto simp: spectral_dec_vecs_def)
  have is_orthogonal g' h'
  proof (cases ng = nh)
    case True
    with h'_in have h'  some_onb_of (spectral_dec_space a nh)
      by simp
    with g'_in True g  h gg' hh'
    show ?thesis
      using  is_ortho_set_def by fastforce
    case False
    then have orthogonal_spaces (spectral_dec_space a ng) (spectral_dec_space a nh)
      by (auto intro!: spectral_dec_space_orthogonal assms simp: )
    with h'_in g'_in show is_orthogonal g' h'
      using orthogonal_spaces_ccspan by force
  then show is_orthogonal g h
    by (simp add: gg' hh')

lemma spectral_dec_val_nonneg:
  assumes a  0
  assumes compact_op a
  shows spectral_dec_val a n  0
proof -
  define v where v = spectral_dec_val a n
  wlog non0: spectral_dec_val a n  0 generalizing v keeping v_def
    using negation by force
  have [simp]: selfadjoint a
    using adj_0 assms(1) comparable_selfadjoint selfadjoint_def by blast
  have v  eigenvalues a
    by (auto intro!: non0 spectral_dec_val_eigenvalue assms simp: v_def)
  then show spectral_dec_val a n  0
    using assms(1) eigenvalues_nonneg v_def by blast

lemma spectral_dec_space_finite_dim[intro]:
  assumes compact_op a
  shows finite_dim_ccsubspace (spectral_dec_space a n)
  by (auto intro!: compact_op_eigenspace_finite_dim spectral_dec_op_compact assms simp: spectral_dec_space_def)

lemma spectral_dec_space_0:
  assumes spectral_dec_val a n = 0
  shows spectral_dec_space a n = 0
  by (simp add: assms spectral_dec_space_def)

unbundle no cblinfun_syntax
