Theory Eigenvalues

section Eigenvalues› -- Material related to eigenvalues and eigenspaces›

theory Eigenvalues

unbundle cblinfun_syntax

definition normal_op :: ('a::chilbert_space CL 'a)  bool where
  normal_op A    A oCL A* = A* oCL A

definition eigenvalues :: ('a::complex_normed_vector CL 'a)  complex set where
  eigenvalues a = {x. eigenspace x a  0}

definition invariant_subspace :: 'a::complex_inner ccsubspace  ('a CL 'a)  bool where
  invariant_subspace S A  A *S S  S

lemma invariant_subspaceI: A *S S  S  invariant_subspace S A
  by (simp add: invariant_subspace_def)

definition reducing_subspace :: 'a::complex_inner ccsubspace  ('a CL 'a)  bool where
  reducing_subspace S A  invariant_subspace S A  invariant_subspace (-S) A

lemma reducing_subspaceI: A *S S  S  A *S (-S)  -S  reducing_subspace S A
  by (simp add: reducing_subspace_def invariant_subspace_def)

lemma reducing_subspace_ortho[simp]: reducing_subspace (-S) A  reducing_subspace S A
  for S :: 'a::chilbert_space ccsubspace
  by (auto simp: reducing_subspace_def)

lemma invariant_subspace_bot[simp]: invariant_subspace  A
  by (simp add: invariant_subspaceI) 

lemma invariant_subspace_top[simp]: invariant_subspace  A
  by (simp add: invariant_subspaceI) 

lemma reducing_subspace_bot[simp]: reducing_subspace  A
  by (metis cblinfun_image_bot eq_refl orthogonal_bot orthogonal_spaces_leq_compl reducing_subspaceI) 

lemma reducing_subspace_top[simp]: reducing_subspace  A
  by (simp add: reducing_subspace_def)

lemma kernel_uminus[simp]: "kernel (-A) = kernel A"
  for a :: complex and A :: "(_,_) cblinfun"
  by transfer auto

lemma kernel_scaleC': "kernel (a *C A) = (if a = 0 then  else kernel A)"
  for a :: complex and A :: "(_,_) cblinfun"
  by (cases "a = 0") auto

lemma eigenvalues_0[simp]: eigenvalues (0 :: 'a::{not_singleton,complex_normed_vector} CL 'a) = {0}
  by (auto simp: eigenvalues_def eigenspace_def kernel_scaleC')

lemma nonzero_ccsubspace_contains_unit_vector:
  assumes S  0
  shows ψ. ψ  space_as_set S  norm ψ = 1
proof -
  from assms 
  obtain ψ where ψ: ψ  space_as_set S ψ  0
    by transfer (auto simp: complex_vector.subspace_0)
  have sgn ψ  space_as_set S
    using ψ by (simp add: complex_vector.subspace_scale scaleR_scaleC sgn_div_norm)
  moreover have norm (sgn ψ) = 1
    by (simp add: ψ  0 norm_sgn)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by auto

lemma unit_eigenvector_ex: 
  assumes x  eigenvalues a
  shows h. norm h = 1  a h = x *C h
proof -
  from assms have eigenspace x a  0
    by (simp add: eigenvalues_def)
  then obtain ψ where ψ_ev: ψ  space_as_set (eigenspace x a) and ψ  0
    using nonzero_ccsubspace_contains_unit_vector by force
  define h where h = sgn ψ
  with ψ  0 have norm h = 1
    by (simp add: norm_sgn)
  from ψ_ev have h  space_as_set (eigenspace x a)
    by (simp add: h_def sgn_in_spaceI)
  then have a *V h = x *C h
    unfolding eigenspace_def
    by (transfer' fixing: x) simp
  with norm h = 1 show ?thesis
    by auto    

lemma eigenvalue_norm_bound:
  assumes e  eigenvalues a
  shows norm e  norm a
proof -
  from assms obtain h where norm h = 1 and ah_eh: a h = e *C h
    using unit_eigenvector_ex by blast
  have cmod e = norm (e *C h)
    by (simp add: norm h = 1)
  also have  = norm (a h)
    using ah_eh by presburger
  also have   norm a
    by (metis norm h = 1 cblinfun.real.bounded_linear_right mult_cancel_left1 norm_cblinfun.rep_eq onorm)
  finally show cmod e  norm a
    by -

lemma eigenvalue_selfadj_real:
  assumes e  eigenvalues a
  assumes selfadjoint a
  shows e  
proof -
  from assms obtain h where norm h = 1 and ah_eh: a h = e *C h
    using unit_eigenvector_ex by blast
  have e = h C (e *C h)
    by (metis norm h = 1 cinner_simps(6) mult_cancel_left1 norm_one one_cinner_one power2_norm_eq_cinner power2_norm_eq_cinner)
  also have  = h C a h
    by (simp add: ah_eh)
  also from assms(2) have   
    using cinner_selfadjoint_real selfadjoint_def by blast
  finally show e  
    by -

lemma is_Sup_imp_ex_tendsto:
  fixes X :: 'a::{linorder_topology,first_countable_topology} set
  assumes sup: is_Sup X l
  assumes X  {}
  shows f. range f  X  f  l
proof (cases x. x < l)
  case True
  obtain A :: nat  'a set where openA: open (A n) and lA: l  A n
    and fl: (n. f n  A n)  f  l for n f
    by (rule Topological_Spaces.countable_basis[of l]) blast
  obtain f where fAX: f n  A n  X for n
  proof (atomize_elim, intro choice allI)
    fix n :: nat
    from True obtain x where x < l
      by blast
    from open_left[OF openA lA this]
    obtain b where b < l and bl_A: {b<..l}  A n
      by blast
    from sup b < l obtain x where x  X and x > b
      by (meson is_Sup_def leD leI)
    from x  X sup have x  l
      by (simp add: is_Sup_def)
    from x  l and x > b and bl_A
    have x  A n
      by fastforce
    with x  X
    show x. x  A n  X
      by blast
  with fl have f  l
    by auto
  moreover from fAX have range f  X
    by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by blast
  case False
  from X  {} obtain x where x  X
    by blast
  with is_Sup X l have x  l
    by (simp add: is_Sup_def)
  with False have x = l
    using basic_trans_rules(17) by auto
  with x  X have l  X
    by simp
  define f where f n = l for n :: nat
  then have f  l
    by (auto intro!: simp: f_def[abs_def])
  moreover from l  X have range f  X
    by (simp add: f_def)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma eigenvaluesI:
  assumes A *V h = e *C h
  assumes h  0
  shows e  eigenvalues A
proof -
  from assms have h  space_as_set (eigenspace e A)
    by (simp add: eigenspace_def kernel.rep_eq cblinfun.diff_left)
  moreover from h  0 have h  space_as_set 
    by transfer simp
  ultimately have eigenspace e A  
    by fastforce
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: eigenvalues_def)

lemma tendsto_diff_const_left_rewrite:
  fixes c d :: 'a::{topological_group_add, ab_group_add}
  assumes ((λx. f x)  c - d) F
  shows ((λx. c - f x)  d) F
  by (auto intro!: assms tendsto_eq_intros)

lemma not_not_singleton_no_eigenvalues:
  fixes a :: 'a::complex_normed_vector CL 'a
  assumes ¬ class.not_singleton TYPE('a)
  shows eigenvalues a = {}
proof (rule equals0I)
  fix e assume e  eigenvalues a
  then have eigenspace e a  
    by (simp add: eigenvalues_def) 
  then obtain h where norm h = 1 and h  space_as_set (eigenspace e a)
    using nonzero_ccsubspace_contains_unit_vector by auto 
  from assms have h = 0
    by (rule not_not_singleton_zero)
  with norm h = 1
  show False
    by simp

lemma cblinfun_cinner_eq0I:
  fixes a :: 'a::chilbert_space CL 'a
  assumes h. h C a h = 0
  shows a = 0
  by (rule cblinfun_cinner_eqI) (use assms in simp)

lemma normal_op_iff_adj_same_norms:
  ― ‹citeconway2013course, Proposition II.2.16›
  fixes a :: 'a::chilbert_space CL 'a
  shows normal_op a  (h. norm (a h) = norm ((a*) h))
proof -
  have aux: (h. a h = b h) ==> (h. a h = (0::complex))  (h. b h = (0::real)) for a :: 'a  complex and b :: 'a  real
    by simp
  have normal_op a  (a* oCL a) - (a oCL a*) = 0
    using normal_op_def by force
  also have   (h. h C ((a* oCL a) - (a oCL a*)) h = 0)
    by (auto intro!: cblinfun_cinner_eqI simp: cblinfun.diff_left cinner_diff_right
        simp flip: cblinfun_apply_cblinfun_compose)
  also have   (h. (norm (a h))2 - (norm ((a*) h))2 = 0)
  proof (rule aux)
    fix h
    have (norm (a *V h))2 - (norm (a* *V h))2
        = (a *V h) C (a *V h) - (a* *V h) C (a* *V h)
      by (simp add: of_real_diff flip: cdot_square_norm of_real_power)
    also have  = h C ((a* oCL a) - (a oCL a*)) h
      by (simp add: cblinfun.diff_left cinner_diff_right cinner_adj_left
          cinner_adj_right flip: cinner_adj_left)
    finally show h C ((a* oCL a) - (a oCL a*)) h = (norm (a *V h))2 - (norm (a* *V h))2
      by simp
  also have   (h. norm (a h) = norm ((a*) h))
    by simp
  finally show ?thesis.

lemma normal_op_same_eigenspace_as_adj:
  ― ‹Shown inside the proof of cite"Proposition II.5.6" in conway2013course
  assumes normal_op a
  shows eigenspace l a = eigenspace (cnj l) (a* )
proof -
  from normal_op a
  have normal_op (a - l *C id_cblinfun)
    by (auto intro!: simp: normal_op_def cblinfun_compose_minus_left
        cblinfun_compose_minus_right adj_minus scaleC_diff_right)
  then have *: norm ((a - l *C id_cblinfun) h) = norm (((a - l *C id_cblinfun)*) h) for h
    using normal_op_iff_adj_same_norms by blast
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule ccsubspace_eqI)
    fix h
    have h  space_as_set (eigenspace l a)  norm ((a - l *C id_cblinfun) h) = 0
      by (simp add: eigenspace_def kernel_member_iff)
    also have   norm (((a*) - cnj l *C id_cblinfun) h) = 0
      by (simp add: "*" adj_minus)
    also have   h  space_as_set (eigenspace (cnj l) (a*))
      by (simp add: eigenspace_def kernel_member_iff)
    finally show h  space_as_set (eigenspace l a)  h  space_as_set (eigenspace (cnj l) (a*)).

lemma normal_op_adj_eigenvalues: 
  assumes normal_op a
  shows eigenvalues (a*) = cnj ` eigenvalues a
  by (auto intro!: complex_cnj_cnj[symmetric] image_eqI
      simp: eigenvalues_def assms normal_op_same_eigenspace_as_adj)

lemma invariant_subspace_iff_PAP:
  ― ‹citeconway2013course, Proposition II.3.7 (b)›
  invariant_subspace S A  Proj S oCL A oCL Proj S = A oCL Proj S
proof -
  define S' where S' = space_as_set S
  have invariant_subspace S A  (hS'. A h  S')
  proof safe
    fix h assume A: "invariant_subspace S A" and h: "h  S'"
    from h have "A *V h  space_as_set (A *S S)"
      using cblinfun_apply_in_image'[of h S A] unfolding S'_def by auto
    also have "space_as_set (A *S S)  S'"
      using A unfolding S'_def invariant_subspace_def less_eq_ccsubspace_def by auto
    finally show "A *V h  S'" .
    assume *: "hS'. A *V h  S'"
    hence "A *S S  S"
      unfolding S'_def using cblinfun_image_less_eqI by blast
    thus "invariant_subspace S A"
      unfolding invariant_subspace_def less_eq_ccsubspace_def map_fun_def o_def id_def .
  also have   (h. A *V Proj S *V h  S')
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) Proj_fixes_image Proj_range S'_def cblinfun_apply_in_image)
  also have   (h. Proj S *V A *V Proj S *V h = A *V Proj S *V h)
    using Proj_fixes_image S'_def space_as_setI_via_Proj by blast
  also have   Proj S oCL A oCL Proj S = A oCL Proj S
    by (auto intro!: cblinfun_eqI simp: 
        simp flip: cblinfun_apply_cblinfun_compose cblinfun_compose_assoc)
  finally show ?thesis
    by -

lemma reducing_iff_PA:
  ― ‹citeconway2013course, Proposition II.3.7 (e)›
  reducing_subspace S A  Proj S oCL A = A oCL Proj S
proof (rule iffI)
  assume red: reducing_subspace S A
  define P where P = Proj S
  from red have AP: P oCL A oCL P = A oCL P
    by (simp add: invariant_subspace_iff_PAP reducing_subspace_def P_def) 
  from red have reducing_subspace (- S) A
    by simp 
  then have (id_cblinfun - P) oCL A oCL (id_cblinfun - P) = A oCL (id_cblinfun - P)
    using invariant_subspace_iff_PAP[of - S] reducing_subspace_def P_def Proj_ortho_compl
    by metis
  then have P oCL A = P oCL A oCL P
    by (simp add: cblinfun_compose_minus_left cblinfun_compose_minus_right) 
  with AP show P oCL A = A oCL P
    by simp
  define P where P = Proj S
  assume P oCL A = A oCL P
  then have P oCL A oCL P = A oCL P oCL P
    by simp
  then have P oCL A oCL P = A oCL P
    by (metis P_def Proj_idempotent cblinfun_assoc_left(1)) 
  then have invariant_subspace S A
    by (simp add: P_def invariant_subspace_iff_PAP) 
  have (id_cblinfun - P) oCL A oCL (id_cblinfun - P) = A oCL (id_cblinfun - P)
    by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) P_def Proj_idempotent Proj_ortho_compl P oCL A = A oCL P cblinfun_assoc_left(1) cblinfun_compose_id_left cblinfun_compose_minus_left cblinfun_compose_minus_right) 
  then have invariant_subspace (- S) A
    by (simp add: P_def Proj_ortho_compl invariant_subspace_iff_PAP) 
  with invariant_subspace S A
  show reducing_subspace S A
    using reducing_subspace_def by blast 

lemma reducing_iff_also_adj_invariant:
  ― ‹citeconway2013course, Proposition II.3.7 (g)›
  shows reducing_subspace S A  invariant_subspace S A  invariant_subspace S (A*)
proof (intro iffI conjI; (erule conjE)?)
  assume invariant_subspace S A and invariant_subspace S (A*)
  have invariant_subspace (- S) A
  proof (intro invariant_subspaceI cblinfun_image_less_eqI)
    fix h assume h  space_as_set (- S)
    show A *V h  space_as_set (- S)
    proof (unfold uminus_ccsubspace.rep_eq, intro orthogonal_complementI)
      fix g assume g  space_as_set S
      with invariant_subspace S (A*) have (A*) g  space_as_set S
        by (metis Proj_compose_cancelI Proj_range cblinfun_apply_in_image' cblinfun_fixes_range invariant_subspace_def space_as_setI_via_Proj) 
      have A h C g = h C (A*) g
        by (simp add: cinner_adj_right)
      also from (A*) g  space_as_set S and h  space_as_set (- S)
      have  = 0
        using orthogonal_spaces_def orthogonal_spaces_leq_compl by blast 
      finally show A h C g = 0
        by blast
  with invariant_subspace S A
  show reducing_subspace S A
    using reducing_subspace_def by blast 
  assume reducing_subspace S A
  then show invariant_subspace S A
    using reducing_subspace_def by blast 
  show invariant_subspace S (A*)
    by (metis reducing_subspace S A adj_Proj adj_cblinfun_compose reducing_iff_PA reducing_subspace_def) 

lemma eigenspace_is_reducing:
  ― ‹citeconway2013course, Proposition II.5.6›
  assumes normal_op a
  shows reducing_subspace (eigenspace l a) a
proof (unfold reducing_iff_also_adj_invariant invariant_subspace_def,
    intro conjI cblinfun_image_less_eqI subsetI)
  fix h
  assume h_eigen: h  space_as_set (eigenspace l a)
  then have a h = l *C h
    by (simp add: eigenspace_memberD)
  also have   space_as_set (eigenspace l a)
    by (simp add: Proj_fixes_image cblinfun.scaleC_right h_eigen space_as_setI_via_Proj)
  finally show a h  space_as_set (eigenspace l a).
  fix h
  assume h_eigen: h  space_as_set (eigenspace l a)
  then have h  space_as_set (eigenspace (cnj l) (a*))
    by (simp add: assms normal_op_same_eigenspace_as_adj)
  then have (a*) h = cnj l *C h
    by (simp add: eigenspace_memberD)
  also have   space_as_set (eigenspace l a)
    by (simp add: Proj_fixes_image cblinfun.scaleC_right h_eigen space_as_setI_via_Proj)
  finally show (a*) h  space_as_set (eigenspace l a).

lemma invariant_subspace_Inf:
  assumes S. S  M  invariant_subspace S a
  shows invariant_subspace (M) a
proof (rule invariant_subspaceI)
  have a *S  M  (SM. a *S S)
    using cblinfun_image_INF_leq[where U=a and V=id and X=M] by simp
  also have   (SM. S)
    by (rule INF_superset_mono, simp) (use assms in auto simp: invariant_subspace_def)
  also have  = M
    by simp
  finally show a *S  M   M .

lemma invariant_subspace_INF:
  assumes x. x  X  invariant_subspace (S x) a
  shows invariant_subspace (xX. S x) a
  by (smt (verit) assms imageE invariant_subspace_Inf)

lemma invariant_subspace_Sup:
  assumes S. S  M  invariant_subspace S a
  shows invariant_subspace (M) a
proof -
  have *: a ` cspan (SM. space_as_set S)  space_as_set (M)
  proof (rule image_subsetI)
    fix h
    assume h  cspan (SM. space_as_set S)
    then obtain F r where h = (gF. r g *C g) and F_in_union: F  (SM. space_as_set S)
      by (auto intro!: simp: complex_vector.span_explicit)
    then have a h = (gF. r g *C a g)
      by (simp add: cblinfun.scaleC_right cblinfun.sum_right)
    also have   space_as_set (M)
    proof (rule complex_vector.subspace_sum)
      show csubspace (space_as_set ( M))
        by simp
      fix g assume g  F
      then obtain S where S  M and g  space_as_set S
        using F_in_union by auto
      from assms[OF S  M] g  space_as_set S
      have a g  space_as_set S
        by (simp add: Set.basic_monos(7) cblinfun_apply_in_image' invariant_subspace_def less_eq_ccsubspace.rep_eq)
      also from S  Mhave   space_as_set ( M)
        by (meson Sup_upper less_eq_ccsubspace.rep_eq)
      finally show r g *C (a g)  space_as_set ( M)
        by (simp add: complex_vector.subspace_scale)
    finally show a h  space_as_set (M).
  have space_as_set (a *S M) = closure (a ` closure (cspan (SM. space_as_set S)))
    by (metis Sup_ccsubspace.rep_eq cblinfun_image.rep_eq)
  also have  = closure (a ` cspan (SM. space_as_set S))
    by (rule closure_bounded_linear_image_subset_eq)
       (simp add: cblinfun.real.bounded_linear_right)
  also from * have   closure (space_as_set (M))
    by (meson closure_mono)
  also have  = space_as_set (M)
    by force
  finally have a *S M  M
    by (simp add: less_eq_ccsubspace.rep_eq)
  then show ?thesis
    using invariant_subspaceI by blast

lemma invariant_subspace_SUP:
  assumes x. x  X  invariant_subspace (S x) a
  shows invariant_subspace (xX. S x) a
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms imageE invariant_subspace_Sup)

lemma reducing_subspace_Inf:
  fixes a :: 'a::chilbert_space CL 'a
  assumes S. S  M  reducing_subspace S a
  shows reducing_subspace (M) a
  using assms
  by (auto intro!: invariant_subspace_Inf invariant_subspace_SUP
      simp add: reducing_subspace_def uminus_Inf invariant_subspace_Inf)

lemma reducing_subspace_INF:
  fixes a :: 'a::chilbert_space CL 'a
  assumes x. x  X  reducing_subspace (S x) a
  shows reducing_subspace (xX. S x) a
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms imageE reducing_subspace_Inf)

lemma reducing_subspace_Sup:
  fixes a :: 'a::chilbert_space CL 'a
  assumes S. S  M  reducing_subspace S a
  shows reducing_subspace (M) a
  using assms
  by (auto intro!: invariant_subspace_Sup invariant_subspace_INF
      simp add: reducing_subspace_def uminus_Sup invariant_subspace_Inf)

lemma reducing_subspace_SUP:
  fixes a :: 'a::chilbert_space CL 'a
  assumes x. x  X  reducing_subspace (S x) a
  shows reducing_subspace (xX. S x) a
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms imageE reducing_subspace_Sup)

lemma selfadjoint_imp_normal: normal_op a if selfadjoint a
  using that by (simp add: selfadjoint_def normal_op_def)

lemma eigenspaces_orthogonal:
  ― ‹citeconway2013course, Proposition II.5.7›
  assumes e  f
  assumes normal_op a
  shows orthogonal_spaces (eigenspace e a) (eigenspace f a)
proof (intro orthogonal_spaces_def[THEN iffD2] ballI)
  fix g h assume g_eigen: g  space_as_set (eigenspace e a) and h_eigen: h  space_as_set (eigenspace f a)
  with normal_op a have g  space_as_set (eigenspace (cnj e) (a*))
    by (simp add: normal_op_same_eigenspace_as_adj) 
  then have a_adj_g: (a*) g = cnj e *C g
    using eigenspace_memberD by blast 
  from h_eigen have a_h: a h = f *C h
    by (simp add: eigenspace_memberD) 
  have f * (g C h) = g C a h
    by (simp add: a_h) 
  also have  = (a*) g C h
    by (simp add: cinner_adj_left) 
  also have  = e * (g C h)
    using a_adj_g by auto 
  finally have (f - e) * (g C h) = 0
    by (simp add: vector_space_over_itself.scale_left_diff_distrib) 
  with e  f show g C h = 0
    by simp 

definition largest_eigenvalue :: ('a::complex_normed_vector CL 'a)  complex where
  largest_eigenvalue a = 
    (if x. x  eigenvalues a  (y  eigenvalues a. cmod x  cmod y) then
    SOME x. x  eigenvalues a  (y  eigenvalues a. cmod x  cmod y) else 0)

lemma largest_eigenvalue_0_aux: 
  largest_eigenvalue (0 :: 'a::{not_singleton,complex_normed_vector} CL 'a) = 0
proof -
  let ?zero = 0 :: 'a CL 'a
  define e where e = (SOME x. x  eigenvalues ?zero  (y  eigenvalues ?zero. cmod x  cmod y))
  have e. e  eigenvalues ?zero  (yeigenvalues ?zero. cmod y  cmod e) (is e. ?P e)
    by (auto intro!: exI[of _ 0])
  then have ?P e
    unfolding e_def
    by (rule someI_ex)
  then have e = 0
    by simp
  then show largest_eigenvalue ?zero = 0
    by (simp add: largest_eigenvalue_def)

lemma largest_eigenvalue_0[simp]:
  largest_eigenvalue (0 :: 'a::complex_normed_vector CL 'a) = 0
proof (cases class.not_singleton TYPE('a))
  case True
  show ?thesis
    using complex_normed_vector_axioms True
    by (rule largest_eigenvalue_0_aux[internalize_sort' 'a])
  case False
  then have eigenvalues (0 :: 'a::complex_normed_vector CL 'a) = {}
    by (rule not_not_singleton_no_eigenvalues)
  then show ?thesis
    by (auto simp add: largest_eigenvalue_def)

hide_fact largest_eigenvalue_0_aux

lemma eigenvalues_nonneg:
  assumes a  0 and v  eigenvalues a
  shows v  0
proof -
  from assms obtain h where norm h = 1 and ahvh: a *V h = v *C h
    using unit_eigenvector_ex by blast
  have 0  h C a h
    by (simp add: assms(1) cinner_pos_if_pos)
  also have  = v * (h C h)
    by (simp add: ahvh)
  also have  = v
    using norm h = 1 cnorm_eq_1 by auto
  finally show v  0
    by blast

unbundle no cblinfun_syntax
