Theory BFS_2
theory BFS_2
imports Pair_Graph_Specs Dist Set2_Addons More_Lists
section ‹Breadth-First Search›
subsection ‹The Program State›
record ('parents, 'vset) BFS_state = parents:: "'parents" current:: "'vset" visited:: "'vset"
subsection ‹Setup for Automation›
named_theorems call_cond_elims
named_theorems call_cond_intros
named_theorems ret_holds_intros
named_theorems invar_props_intros
named_theorems invar_props_elims
named_theorems invar_holds_intros
named_theorems state_rel_intros
named_theorems state_rel_holds_intros
subsection ‹A \emph{locale} for fixing data structures and their implemenations›
locale BFS =
Graph: Pair_Graph_Specs
where lookup = lookup +
set_ops: Set2 vset_empty vset_delete _ t_set vset_inv insert
for lookup :: "'adjmap ⇒ 'ver ⇒ 'vset option" +
srcs::"'vset" and
G::"'adjmap" and expand_tree::"'adjmap ⇒ 'vset ⇒ 'vset ⇒ 'adjmap" and
next_frontier::"'vset ⇒ 'vset ⇒ 'vset"
"⟦Graph.graph_inv BFS_tree; vset_inv frontier; vset_inv vis; Graph.graph_inv G⟧ ⟹
Graph.graph_inv (expand_tree BFS_tree frontier vis)"
"⟦Graph.graph_inv BFS_tree; vset_inv frontier; vset_inv vis; Graph.graph_inv G⟧ ⟹
Graph.digraph_abs (expand_tree BFS_tree frontier vis) =
(Graph.digraph_abs BFS_tree) ∪
{(u,v) | u v. u ∈ t_set (frontier) ∧
v ∈ (Pair_Graph.neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs G) u -
t_set vis)}" and
"⟦vset_inv frontier; vset_inv vis; Graph.graph_inv G⟧ ⟹ vset_inv (next_frontier frontier vis)"
"⟦vset_inv frontier; vset_inv vis; Graph.graph_inv G⟧ ⟹
t_set (next_frontier frontier vis) =
(⋃ {Pair_Graph.neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs G) u | u . u ∈ t_set frontier}) - t_set vis"
definition "BFS_axiom ⟷
Graph.graph_inv G ∧ Graph.finite_graph G ∧ Graph.finite_vsets ∧
t_set srcs ⊆ dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G) ∧
(∀u. finite (Pair_Graph.neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs G) u)) ∧
t_set srcs ≠ {} ∧ vset_inv srcs"
abbreviation "neighb' ≡ Graph.neighb G"
notation "neighb'" ("𝒩⇩G _" 100)
subsection ‹The Algorithm Definition›
function (domintros) BFS::"('adjmap, 'vset) BFS_state ⇒ ('adjmap, 'vset) BFS_state" where
"BFS BFS_state =
if current BFS_state ≠ ∅⇩V then
visited' = visited BFS_state ∪⇩G current BFS_state;
parents' = expand_tree (parents BFS_state) (current BFS_state) visited';
current' = next_frontier (current BFS_state) visited'
BFS (BFS_state ⦇parents:= parents', visited := visited', current := current'⦈)
by pat_completeness auto
subsection ‹Setup for Reasoning About the Algorithm›
definition "BFS_call_1_conds bfs_state = ( (current bfs_state) ≠ ∅⇩V)"
definition "BFS_upd1 BFS_state =
( let
visited' = visited BFS_state ∪⇩G current BFS_state;
parents' = expand_tree (parents BFS_state) (current BFS_state) visited';
current' = next_frontier (current BFS_state) visited'
BFS_state ⦇parents:= parents', visited := visited', current := current'⦈
definition "BFS_ret_1_conds bfs_state = ((current bfs_state) = ∅⇩V)"
abbreviation "BFS_ret1 bfs_state ≡ bfs_state"
lemma DFS_call_1_conds[call_cond_elims]:
"BFS_call_1_conds bfs_state ⟹
⟦(current bfs_state) ≠ ∅⇩V ⟹ P⟧
⟹ P"
by(auto simp: BFS_call_1_conds_def split: list.splits option.splits if_splits)
lemma BFS_ret_1_conds[call_cond_elims]:
"BFS_ret_1_conds bfs_state ⟹
⟦(current bfs_state) = ∅⇩V ⟹ P⟧
⟹ P"
by(auto simp: BFS_ret_1_conds_def split: list.splits option.splits if_splits)
lemma BFS_ret_1_condsI[call_cond_intros]:
"⟦(current bfs_state) = ∅⇩V⟧ ⟹ BFS_ret_1_conds bfs_state"
by(auto simp: BFS_ret_1_conds_def split: list.splits option.splits if_splits)
lemma BFS_cases:
assumes "BFS_call_1_conds bfs_state ⟹ P"
"BFS_ret_1_conds bfs_state ⟹ P"
shows "P"
have "BFS_call_1_conds bfs_state ∨
BFS_ret_1_conds bfs_state"
by (auto simp add: BFS_call_1_conds_def
split: list.split_asm option.split_asm if_splits)
then show ?thesis
using assms
by auto
lemma BFS_simps:
assumes "BFS_dom BFS_state"
shows"BFS_call_1_conds BFS_state ⟹ BFS BFS_state = BFS (BFS_upd1 BFS_state)"
"BFS_ret_1_conds BFS_state ⟹ BFS BFS_state = BFS_ret1 BFS_state"
by (auto simp add: BFS.psimps[OF assms]
BFS_call_1_conds_def BFS_upd1_def
BFS_ret_1_conds_def Let_def
split: list.splits option.splits if_splits)
lemma BFS_induct:
assumes "BFS_dom bfs_state"
assumes "⋀bfs_state. ⟦BFS_dom bfs_state;
(BFS_call_1_conds bfs_state ⟹ P (BFS_upd1 bfs_state))⟧
⟹ P bfs_state"
shows "P bfs_state"
apply(rule BFS.pinduct)
subgoal using assms(1) .
apply(rule assms(2))
by (auto simp add: BFS_call_1_conds_def BFS_upd1_def Let_def
split: list.splits option.splits if_splits)
lemma BFS_domintros:
assumes "BFS_call_1_conds BFS_state ⟹ BFS_dom (BFS_upd1 BFS_state)"
shows "BFS_dom BFS_state"
proof(rule BFS.domintros, goal_cases)
case (1)
then show ?case
using assms(1)[simplified BFS_call_1_conds_def BFS_upd1_def]
by (force simp: Let_def split: list.splits option.splits if_splits)
subsection ‹The Loop Invariants›
definition invar_well_formed::"('adjmap, 'vset) BFS_state ⇒ bool" where
"invar_well_formed bfs_state = (
vset_inv (visited bfs_state) ∧ vset_inv (current bfs_state) ∧
Graph.graph_inv (parents bfs_state) ∧
finite (t_set (current bfs_state)) ∧ finite (t_set (visited bfs_state)))"
definition invar_subsets::"('adjmap, 'vset) BFS_state ⇒ bool" where
"invar_subsets bfs_state = (
Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state) ⊆ Graph.digraph_abs G ∧
t_set (visited bfs_state) ⊆ dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G) ∧
t_set (current bfs_state) ⊆ dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G) ∧
dVs (Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state)) ⊆ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state) ∧
t_set srcs ⊆ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state))"
definition "invar_3_1 bfs_state =
(∀v∈t_set (current bfs_state). ∀u. u ∈ t_set (current bfs_state) ⟷
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v =
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) u)"
definition "invar_3_2 bfs_state =
(∀v∈t_set (current bfs_state). ∀u ∈ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state).
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) u ≤
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v)"
definition "invar_3_3 bfs_state =
(∀v∈t_set (visited bfs_state).
neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs G) v ⊆ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state))"
definition invar_dist_bounded::"('adjmap, 'vset) BFS_state ⇒ bool" where
"invar_dist_bounded bfs_state =
(∀v∈ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state).
∀u. distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) u ≤
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v
⟶ u ∈ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state))"
definition invar_goes_through_current::"('adjmap, 'vset) BFS_state ⇒ bool" where
"invar_goes_through_current bfs_state =
(∀u∈t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state).
∀v. v ∉ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state) ⟶
(∀p. Vwalk.vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs G) u p v ⟶
set p ∩ t_set (current bfs_state) ≠ {}))"
definition invar_dist::"('adjmap, 'vset) BFS_state ⇒ bool" where
"invar_dist bfs_state =
(∀v ∈ dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G) - t_set srcs.
(v ∈ (t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)) ⟶ distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v =
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state)) (t_set srcs) v))"
definition invar_parents_shortest_paths::"('adjmap, 'vset) BFS_state ⇒ bool" where
"invar_parents_shortest_paths bfs_state =
(∀u∈t_set srcs.
∀ p v. Vwalk.vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state)) u p v ⟶
length p - 1 = distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v)"
subsection ‹Termination Measures and Relation›
definition call_1_measure_1::"('adjmap, 'vset) BFS_state ⇒ nat" where
"call_1_measure_1 bfs_state=
card (dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G) - ((t_set (visited bfs_state)) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)))"
definition call_1_measure_2::"('adjmap, 'vset) BFS_state ⇒ nat" where
"call_1_measure_2 bfs_state =
card (t_set (current bfs_state))"
definition BFS_term_rel::"(('adjmap, 'vset) BFS_state × ('adjmap, 'vset) BFS_state) set" where
"BFS_term_rel = call_1_measure_1 <*mlex*> call_1_measure_2 <*mlex*> {}"
definition "initial_state = ⦇parents = empty, current = srcs, visited = ∅⇩V⦈"
lemmas[code] = initial_state_def
includes Graph.adjmap.automation and Graph.vset.set.automation and set_ops.automation
assumes BFS_axiom
lemma graph_inv[simp]:
"Graph.graph_inv G"
"Graph.finite_graph G"
"Graph.finite_vsets" and
"t_set srcs ⊆ dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G)" and
"finite (Pair_Graph.neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs G) u)" and
"t_set srcs ≠ {}"
"vset_inv srcs"
using ‹BFS_axiom›
by (auto simp: BFS_axiom_def)
lemma invar_well_formed_props[invar_props_elims]:
"invar_well_formed bfs_state ⟹
(⟦vset_inv (visited bfs_state) ; vset_inv (current bfs_state) ;
Graph.graph_inv (parents bfs_state);
finite (t_set (current bfs_state)); finite (t_set (visited bfs_state))⟧ ⟹ P)
⟹ P"
by (auto simp: invar_well_formed_def)
lemma invar_well_formed_intro[invar_props_intros]:
"⟦vset_inv (visited bfs_state); vset_inv (current bfs_state);
Graph.graph_inv (parents bfs_state);
finite (t_set (current bfs_state)); finite (t_set (visited bfs_state))⟧
⟹ invar_well_formed bfs_state"
by (auto simp: invar_well_formed_def)
lemma finite_simp:
"{(u,v). u ∈ front ∧ v ∈ (Pair_Graph.neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs G) u) ∧ v ∉ vis} =
{(u,v). u ∈ front} ∩ {(u,v). v ∈ (Pair_Graph.neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs G) u)} - {(u,v) . v ∈ vis}"
"finite {(u, v)| v . v ∈ (s u)} = finite (s u)"
using finite_image_iff[where f = snd and A = "{(u, v) |v. v ∈ s u}"]
by (auto simp: inj_on_def image_def)
lemma invar_well_formed_holds_upd1[invar_holds_intros]:
"⟦BFS_call_1_conds bfs_state; invar_well_formed bfs_state⟧ ⟹ invar_well_formed (BFS_upd1 bfs_state)"
using finite_vset
by(auto elim!: invar_well_formed_props call_cond_elims simp: Let_def BFS_upd1_def BFS_call_1_conds_def intro!: invar_props_intros)+
lemma invar_well_formed_holds_ret_1[invar_holds_intros]:
"⟦BFS_ret_1_conds bfs_state; invar_well_formed bfs_state⟧ ⟹ invar_well_formed (BFS_ret1 bfs_state)"
by (auto simp: intro: invar_props_intros)
lemma invar_well_formed_holds[invar_holds_intros]:
assumes "BFS_dom bfs_state" "invar_well_formed bfs_state"
shows "invar_well_formed (BFS bfs_state)"
using assms(2-)
proof(induction rule: BFS_induct[OF assms(1)])
case IH: (1 bfs_state)
show ?case
apply(rule BFS_cases[where bfs_state = bfs_state])
by (auto intro!: IH(2-) intro: invar_holds_intros simp: BFS_simps[OF IH(1)])
lemma invar_subsets_props[invar_props_elims]:
"invar_subsets bfs_state ⟹
(⟦Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state) ⊆ Graph.digraph_abs G;
t_set (visited bfs_state) ⊆ dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G);
t_set (current bfs_state) ⊆ dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G);
dVs (Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state)) ⊆ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state);
t_set srcs ⊆ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)⟧ ⟹ P)
⟹ P"
by (auto simp: invar_subsets_def)
lemma invar_subsets_intro[invar_props_intros]:
"⟦Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state) ⊆ Graph.digraph_abs G;
t_set (visited bfs_state) ⊆ dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G);
t_set (current bfs_state) ⊆ dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G);
dVs (Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state)) ⊆ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state);
t_set srcs ⊆ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)⟧
⟹ invar_subsets bfs_state"
by (auto simp: invar_subsets_def)
lemma invar_subsets_holds_upd1[invar_holds_intros]:
"⟦BFS_call_1_conds bfs_state; invar_well_formed bfs_state; invar_subsets bfs_state⟧ ⟹ invar_subsets (BFS_upd1 bfs_state)"
apply(auto elim!: call_cond_elims invar_well_formed_props invar_subsets_props intro!: invar_props_intros simp: BFS_upd1_def Let_def)
apply(auto simp: dVs_def)
apply (metis Un_iff dVsI(1) dVs_def in_mono)
by (metis Un_iff dVsI(2) dVs_def in_mono)
lemma invar_subsets_holds_ret_1[invar_holds_intros]:
"⟦BFS_ret_1_conds bfs_state; invar_subsets bfs_state⟧ ⟹ invar_subsets (BFS_ret1 bfs_state)"
by (auto simp: intro: invar_props_intros)
lemma invar_subsets_holds[invar_holds_intros]:
assumes "BFS_dom bfs_state" "invar_well_formed bfs_state" "invar_subsets bfs_state"
shows "invar_subsets (BFS bfs_state)"
using assms(2-)
proof(induction rule: BFS_induct[OF assms(1)])
case IH: (1 bfs_state)
show ?case
apply(rule BFS_cases[where bfs_state = bfs_state])
by (auto intro!: IH(2-) intro: invar_holds_intros simp: BFS_simps[OF IH(1)])
lemma invar_3_1_props[invar_props_elims]:
"invar_3_1 bfs_state ⟹
(⟦⟦v ∈ t_set (current bfs_state); u ∈ t_set (current bfs_state)⟧ ⟹
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v =
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) u;
⟦v ∈ t_set (current bfs_state);
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v =
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) u⟧ ⟹
u ∈ t_set (current bfs_state)⟧ ⟹ P)
⟹ P"
unfolding invar_3_1_def
by blast
lemma invar_3_1_intro[invar_props_intros]:
"⟦⋀u v. ⟦v ∈ t_set (current bfs_state); u ∈ t_set (current bfs_state)⟧ ⟹
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v =
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) u;
⋀u v. ⟦v ∈ t_set (current bfs_state); distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v =
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) u⟧ ⟹
u ∈ t_set (current bfs_state)⟧
⟹ invar_3_1 bfs_state"
unfolding invar_3_1_def
by blast
lemma invar_3_2_props[elim]:
"invar_3_2 bfs_state ⟹
(⟦⋀v u. ⟦v∈t_set (current bfs_state); u ∈ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)⟧ ⟹
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) u ≤
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v⟧ ⟹ P)
⟹ P"
unfolding invar_3_2_def
by blast
lemma invar_3_2_intro[invar_props_intros]:
"⟦⋀v u. ⟦v∈t_set (current bfs_state); u ∈ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)⟧ ⟹
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) u ≤
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v⟧
⟹ invar_3_2 bfs_state"
unfolding invar_3_2_def
by blast
lemma invar_3_3_props[invar_props_elims]:
"invar_3_3 bfs_state ⟹
(⟦⋀v. ⟦v ∈ t_set (visited bfs_state)⟧ ⟹
neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs G) v ⊆ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)⟧ ⟹ P)
⟹ P"
unfolding invar_3_3_def
by blast
lemma invar_3_3_intro[invar_props_intros]:
"⟦⋀v. ⟦v ∈ t_set (visited bfs_state)⟧ ⟹
neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs G) v ⊆ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)⟧
⟹ invar_3_3 bfs_state"
unfolding invar_3_3_def
by blast
lemma invar_dist_bounded_props[invar_props_elims]:
"invar_dist_bounded bfs_state ⟹
(⟦⋀u v. ⟦v∈ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state);
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) u ≤ distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v⟧ ⟹
u ∈ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)⟧ ⟹ P)
⟹ P"
unfolding invar_dist_bounded_def
by blast
lemma invar_dist_bounded_intro[invar_props_intros]:
"⟦⋀u v. ⟦v∈ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state);
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) u ≤ distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v⟧ ⟹
u ∈ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)⟧
⟹ invar_dist_bounded bfs_state"
unfolding invar_dist_bounded_def
by blast
definition "invar_current_reachable bfs_state =
(∀v∈ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state).
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v < ∞)"
lemma invar_current_reachable_props[invar_props_elims]:
"invar_current_reachable bfs_state ⟹
(⟦⋀v. ⟦v ∈ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)⟧ ⟹
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v < ∞⟧ ⟹ P)
⟹ P"
by(auto simp: invar_current_reachable_def)
lemma invar_current_reachable_intro[invar_props_intros]:
"⟦⋀v. ⟦v ∈ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)⟧ ⟹
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v < ∞⟧
⟹ invar_current_reachable bfs_state"
by(auto simp add: invar_current_reachable_def)
subsection ‹Proofs that the Invariants Hold›
lemma invar_current_reachable_holds_upd1[invar_holds_intros]:
"⟦BFS_call_1_conds bfs_state; invar_well_formed bfs_state; invar_subsets bfs_state; invar_current_reachable bfs_state⟧
⟹ invar_current_reachable (BFS_upd1 bfs_state)"
proof(rule invar_props_intros, goal_cases)
case assms: (1 v)
have ?case (is "?dist v < ∞") if "v ∉ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)"
have "v ∈ t_set (current (BFS_upd1 bfs_state))"
using that assms
by (auto simp: BFS_upd1_def Let_def elim: invar_props_elims)
then obtain u where "v ∈ t_set (𝒩⇩G u)" "u ∈ t_set (current bfs_state)"
using assms
by (auto simp: BFS_upd1_def Let_def elim!: invar_props_elims)
hence "?dist u < ∞"
using ‹invar_subsets bfs_state› ‹invar_current_reachable bfs_state›
by (auto elim!: invar_props_elims)
hence "?dist v ≤ ?dist u + 1"
using ‹v ∈ t_set (𝒩⇩G u)›
by (auto intro!: distance_set_neighbourhood)
thus ?thesis
using add_mono1[OF ‹?dist u < ∞›] linorder_not_less
by fastforce
thus ?case
using assms
by(force elim!: call_cond_elims invar_props_elims intro!: invar_props_intros simp: BFS_upd1_def Let_def)
lemma invar_current_reachable_holds_ret_1[invar_holds_intros]:
"⟦BFS_ret_1_conds bfs_state; invar_current_reachable bfs_state⟧ ⟹ invar_current_reachable (BFS_ret1 bfs_state)"
by (auto simp: intro: invar_props_intros)
lemma dist_current_plus_1_new:
"invar_well_formed bfs_state" "invar_subsets bfs_state" "invar_dist_bounded bfs_state"
"v ∈ neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs G) v'"
"v' ∈ t_set (current bfs_state)"
"v ∈ t_set (current (BFS_upd1 bfs_state))"
shows "distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v =
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v' + 1" (is "?dv = ?dv' + 1")
have False if "?dv > ?dv' + 1"
using distance_set_neighbourhood[OF ‹v ∈ neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs G) v'›] that
by (simp add: leD)
moreover have False if "?dv < ?dv' + 1"
have "?dv ≤ ?dv'"
using that eSuc_plus_1 ileI1
by force
moreover have "?dv ≠ ∞"
using that enat_ord_simps(4)
by fastforce
moreover have "v ∉ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)"
using assms
by (auto simp: BFS_upd1_def Let_def elim!: invar_well_formed_props invar_subsets_props)
moreover have "v' ∈ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)"
using ‹v' ∈ t_set (current bfs_state)› ‹invar_subsets bfs_state›
by (auto elim!: invar_subsets_props)
ultimately show False
using ‹invar_dist_bounded bfs_state›
apply(elim invar_props_elims)
apply(drule dist_set_not_inf)
using dual_order.trans dist_set_mem
by (smt (verit, best))
ultimately show ?thesis
by force
lemma plus_lt_enat: "⟦(a::enat) ≠ ∞; b < c⟧ ⟹ a + b < a + c"
using enat_add_left_cancel_less
by presburger
lemma plus_one_side_lt_enat: "⟦(a::enat) ≠ ∞; 0 < b⟧ ⟹ a < a + b"
using plus_lt_enat
by auto
lemma invar_3_1_holds_upd1_new[invar_holds_intros]:
"⟦BFS_call_1_conds bfs_state; invar_well_formed bfs_state; invar_subsets bfs_state ; invar_3_1 bfs_state;
invar_3_2 bfs_state; invar_dist_bounded bfs_state; invar_current_reachable bfs_state⟧
⟹ invar_3_1 (BFS_upd1 bfs_state)"
proof(intro invar_props_intros, goal_cases)
case assms: (1 u v)
obtain u' v' where
uv'[intro]: "u ∈ neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs G) u'" "u' ∈ t_set (current bfs_state)"
"v ∈ neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs G) v'" "v' ∈ t_set (current bfs_state)"
using assms(1,2,8,9)
by (auto simp: BFS_upd1_def Let_def elim!: invar_well_formed_props)
moreover hence "distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v' =
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) u'" (is "?d v' = ?d u'")
using ‹invar_3_1 bfs_state›
by (auto elim: invar_props_elims)
moreover have "distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v = ?d v' + 1"
using assms
by (auto intro!: dist_current_plus_1_new)
moreover have "distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) u = ?d u' + 1"
using assms
by (auto intro!: dist_current_plus_1_new)
ultimately show ?case
by auto
case (2 u v)
then obtain v' where uv'[intro]:
"v ∈ neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs G) v'" "v' ∈ t_set (current bfs_state)"
by (auto simp: BFS_upd1_def Let_def elim!: invar_well_formed_props invar_subsets_props)
hence "distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v =
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v' + 1" (is "?d v = ?d v' + _")
using 2
by(fastforce intro!: dist_current_plus_1_new)
show ?case
proof(cases "0 < ?d u")
case in_srcs: True
moreover have "?d v' < ∞"
using ‹?d v = ?d u› ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state› ‹invar_subsets bfs_state› ‹v' ∈ t_set (current bfs_state)›
‹invar_current_reachable bfs_state›
by (auto elim!: invar_well_formed_props invar_subsets_props invar_current_reachable_props)
hence "?d v < ∞"
using ‹?d v = ?d v' + 1›
by (simp add: plus_eq_infty_iff_enat)
hence "?d u < ∞"
using ‹?d v = ?d u›
by auto
ultimately obtain u' where "?d u' + 1 = ?d u" "u ∈ neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs G) u'"
using distance_set_parent'
by (metis srcs_invar(1))
hence "?d u' = ?d v'"
using ‹?d v = ?d v' + 1› ‹?d v = ?d u›
by auto
hence "u' ∈ t_set (current bfs_state)"
using ‹invar_3_1 bfs_state›
‹v' ∈ t_set (current bfs_state)›
by (auto elim!: invar_3_1_props)
moreover have "?d u' < ?d u"
using ‹?d u < ∞›
using zero_less_one not_infinity_eq
by (fastforce intro!: plus_one_side_lt_enat simp: ‹?d u' + 1 = ?d u›[symmetric])
hence "u ∉ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)"
using ‹invar_3_2 bfs_state› ‹u' ∈ t_set (current bfs_state)›
by (auto elim!: invar_3_2_props dest: leD)
ultimately show ?thesis
using ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state› ‹invar_subsets bfs_state› ‹u ∈ neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs G) u'›
apply(auto simp: BFS_upd1_def Let_def elim!: invar_well_formed_props invar_subsets_props)
by blast
case not_in_srcs: False
text ‹Contradiction because if ‹u ∈ srcs› then distance srcs to a vertex in srcs is > 0. This is
because the distance from srcs to ‹u› is the same as that to ‹v›.›
then show ?thesis
using ‹?d v = ?d u› ‹?d v = ?d v' + 1›
by auto
lemma invar_3_1_holds_ret_1[invar_holds_intros]:
"⟦BFS_ret_1_conds bfs_state; invar_3_3 bfs_state⟧ ⟹ invar_3_3 (BFS_ret1 bfs_state)"
by (auto simp: intro: invar_props_intros)
lemma invar_3_2_holds_upd1_new[invar_holds_intros]:
"⟦BFS_call_1_conds bfs_state; invar_well_formed bfs_state; invar_subsets bfs_state ; invar_3_1 bfs_state;
invar_3_2 bfs_state; invar_dist_bounded bfs_state; invar_current_reachable bfs_state⟧
⟹ invar_3_2 (BFS_upd1 bfs_state)"
proof(intro invar_props_intros, goal_cases)
case assms: (1 u v)
show ?case
proof(cases "v ∈ t_set (current (BFS_upd1 bfs_state))")
case v_in_current: True
moreover have "invar_3_1 (BFS_upd1 bfs_state)"
using assms
by (auto intro: invar_holds_intros)
ultimately show ?thesis
using ‹u ∈ t_set (current (BFS_upd1 bfs_state))›
by (fastforce elim: invar_props_elims)
case v_not_in_current: False
hence "v ∈ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)"
using assms(1,2,9)
by (fastforce simp: BFS_upd1_def Let_def elim!: invar_well_formed_props)
moreover obtain u' where uv'[intro]: "u ∈ neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs G) u'" "u' ∈ t_set (current bfs_state)"
using assms(1,2,8,9)
by (auto simp: BFS_upd1_def Let_def elim!: invar_well_formed_props)
ultimately have "distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v ≤
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) u'"
using ‹invar_3_2 bfs_state›
by (auto elim!: invar_3_2_props)
moreover have "distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) u =
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) u' + 1" (is "?d u = ?d u' + _")
using assms
by(fastforce intro!: dist_current_plus_1_new)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis le_iff_add order.trans)
lemma invar_3_2_holds_ret_1[invar_holds_intros]:
"⟦BFS_ret_1_conds bfs_state; invar_3_3 bfs_state⟧ ⟹ invar_3_3 (BFS_ret1 bfs_state)"
by (auto simp: intro: invar_props_intros)
lemma invar_3_3_holds_upd1[invar_holds_intros]:
"⟦BFS_call_1_conds bfs_state; invar_well_formed bfs_state; invar_subsets bfs_state; invar_3_3 bfs_state⟧ ⟹ invar_3_3 (BFS_upd1 bfs_state)"
by(fastforce elim!: call_cond_elims invar_well_formed_props invar_subsets_props invar_3_3_props intro!: invar_props_intros simp: BFS_upd1_def Let_def)
lemma invar_3_3_holds_ret_1[invar_holds_intros]:
"⟦BFS_ret_1_conds bfs_state; invar_3_3 bfs_state⟧ ⟹ invar_3_3 (BFS_ret1 bfs_state)"
by (auto simp: intro: invar_props_intros)
lemma invar_dist_bounded_holds_upd1[invar_holds_intros]:
"⟦BFS_call_1_conds bfs_state; invar_well_formed bfs_state; invar_subsets bfs_state;
invar_3_1 bfs_state; invar_3_2 bfs_state; invar_3_3 bfs_state; invar_dist_bounded bfs_state;
invar_current_reachable bfs_state⟧ ⟹
invar_dist_bounded (BFS_upd1 bfs_state)"
proof(intro invar_props_intros, goal_cases)
case assms: (1 u v)
show ?case
proof(cases ‹v ∈ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)›)
case v_visited: True
hence "u ∈ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)"
using ‹invar_dist_bounded bfs_state› assms
by (auto elim!: invar_dist_bounded_props)
then show ?thesis
using ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state› ‹v ∈ t_set (visited (BFS_upd1 bfs_state)) ∪ t_set (current (BFS_upd1 bfs_state))›
by (auto simp: BFS_upd1_def Let_def elim: invar_props_elims)
case v_not_visited: False
hence "v ∈ t_set (current (BFS_upd1 bfs_state))"
using ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state› ‹v ∈ t_set (visited (BFS_upd1 bfs_state)) ∪ t_set (current (BFS_upd1 bfs_state))›
by (auto simp: BFS_upd1_def Let_def elim: invar_props_elims)
then obtain v' where v'[intro]:
"v ∈ neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs G) v'" "v' ∈ t_set (current bfs_state)"
using ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state›
by (auto simp: BFS_upd1_def Let_def elim!: invar_well_formed_props)
have "distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v =
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v' + 1" (is "?dv = ?dv' + 1")
using assms ‹v ∈ t_set (current (BFS_upd1 bfs_state))›
by (auto intro!: dist_current_plus_1_new)
moreover have "u ∈ t_set (visited (BFS_upd1 bfs_state)) ∪ t_set (current (BFS_upd1 bfs_state))"
if "distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) u ≤ ?dv'" (is "?du ≤ ?dv'")
using that ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state› ‹invar_subsets bfs_state› ‹invar_dist_bounded bfs_state›
by (fastforce simp: BFS_upd1_def Let_def elim!: invar_well_formed_props invar_subsets_props invar_dist_bounded_props)
moreover have "u ∈ t_set (visited (BFS_upd1 bfs_state)) ∪ t_set (current (BFS_upd1 bfs_state))"
if "distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) u = ?dv"
have "invar_3_1 (BFS_upd1 bfs_state)"
by (auto intro: assms invar_holds_intros)
hence "u ∈ t_set (current (BFS_upd1 bfs_state))"
using that ‹invar_3_1 bfs_state› ‹v ∈ t_set (current (BFS_upd1 bfs_state))›
by (auto elim!: invar_3_1_props)
moreover have "invar_well_formed (BFS_upd1 bfs_state)" "invar_subsets (BFS_upd1 bfs_state)"
using ‹BFS_call_1_conds bfs_state› ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state› ‹invar_subsets bfs_state›
by(auto intro!: invar_well_formed_holds_upd1 invar_subsets_holds_upd1)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (auto elim!: invar_props_elims)
ultimately show ?thesis
using ‹?du ≤ ?dv› ileI1 linorder_not_less plus_1_eSuc(2)
by fastforce
lemma invar_dist_bounded_holds_ret_1[invar_holds_intros]:
"⟦BFS_ret_1_conds bfs_state; invar_dist_bounded bfs_state⟧ ⟹ invar_dist_bounded (BFS_ret1 bfs_state)"
by (auto simp: intro: invar_props_intros)
lemma invar_dist_props[invar_props_elims]:
"invar_dist bfs_state ⟹ v ∈ dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G) - t_set srcs ⟹
⟦v ∈ (t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)) ⟹ distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v =
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state)) (t_set srcs) v⟧ ⟹ P
⟹ P"
unfolding invar_dist_def
by auto
lemma invar_dist_intro[invar_props_intros]:
"⟦⋀v. ⟦v ∈ dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G) - t_set srcs; v ∈ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)⟧ ⟹
(distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v =
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state)) (t_set srcs) v)⟧
⟹ invar_dist bfs_state"
unfolding invar_dist_def
by auto
lemma invar_goes_through_current_props[invar_props_elims]:
"invar_goes_through_current bfs_state ⟹
⟦⟦⋀u v p. ⟦u ∈t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state);
v ∉ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state);
Vwalk.vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs G) u p v⟧
⟹ set p ∩ t_set (current bfs_state) ≠ {}⟧
⟹ P⟧
⟹ P"
unfolding invar_goes_through_current_def
by auto
lemma invar_goes_through_current_intro[invar_props_intros]:
"⟦⋀u v p. ⟦u ∈t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state);
v ∉ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state);
Vwalk.vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs G) u p v⟧
⟹ set p ∩ t_set (current bfs_state) ≠ {}⟧
⟹ invar_goes_through_current bfs_state"
unfolding invar_goes_through_current_def
by auto
lemma invar_goes_through_active_holds_upd1[invar_holds_intros]:
"⟦BFS_call_1_conds bfs_state; invar_well_formed bfs_state; invar_subsets bfs_state;
invar_goes_through_current bfs_state⟧
⟹ invar_goes_through_current (BFS_upd1 bfs_state)"
proof(intro invar_props_intros, goal_cases)
case (1 u v p)
hence "v ∉ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)"
by (auto simp: Let_def BFS_upd1_def elim!: invar_well_formed_props invar_subsets_props)
show ?case
proof(cases "u ∈ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)")
case u_in_visited: True
have "Vwalk.vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs G) u p v" "set p ∩ t_set (current bfs_state) ≠ {}"
using ‹invar_goes_through_current bfs_state›
‹v ∉ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)›
‹vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs G) u p v› u_in_visited
by (auto elim!: invar_goes_through_current_props)
moreover have "u ∈ set p"
using ‹Vwalk.vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs G) u p v›
by(auto intro: hd_of_vwalk_bet'')
ultimately have "∃ p1 x p2. p = p1 @ [x] @ p2 ∧
x ∈ t_set (current bfs_state) ∧
(∀y∈set p2. y ∉ (t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)) ∧
y ∉ (t_set (current bfs_state)))"
using ‹invar_goes_through_current bfs_state› u_in_visited
‹v ∉ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)›
‹invar_well_formed bfs_state› ‹invar_subsets bfs_state›
apply (intro list_2_preds[where ?P2.0 = "(λx. x ∈ t_set (current bfs_state))",
simplified list_inter_mem_iff[symmetric]])
by (fastforce elim!: invar_goes_through_current_props dest!: vwalk_bet_suff split_vwalk)+
then obtain p1 x p2 where "p = p1 @ x # p2" and
"x ∈ t_set (current bfs_state)" and
"(⋀y. y∈set p2 ⟹ y ∉ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state))"
by auto
moreover have "last p = v"
using ‹vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs G) u p v›
by auto
ultimately have "v ∈ set p2"
using ‹v ∉ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)›
‹invar_well_formed bfs_state› ‹invar_subsets bfs_state›
by (auto elim: invar_props_elims)
then obtain v' p2' where "p2 = v' # p2'"
by (cases p2) auto
hence "v' ∈ neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs G) x"
using ‹p = p1 @ x # p2› ‹Vwalk.vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs G) u p v›
by fastforce
moreover have "v' ∈ set p2"
using ‹p2 = v' # p2'›
by auto
ultimately have "v' ∈ t_set (current (BFS_upd1 bfs_state))"
using ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state› ‹invar_subsets bfs_state› ‹x ∈ t_set (current bfs_state)›
by(fastforce simp: BFS_upd1_def Let_def elim!: invar_well_formed_props invar_subsets_props dest!: unvisited)
then show ?thesis
by(auto intro!: invar_goes_through_current_intro simp: ‹p = p1 @ x # p2› ‹p2 = v' # p2'›)
case u_not_in_visited: False
hence "u ∈ t_set (current (BFS_upd1 bfs_state))"
using ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state›
‹u ∈ t_set (visited (BFS_upd1 bfs_state)) ∪ t_set (current (BFS_upd1 bfs_state))›
by (auto simp: BFS_upd1_def Let_def elim: invar_props_elims)
moreover have "u ∈ set p"
using ‹Vwalk.vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs G) u p v›
by (auto intro: hd_of_vwalk_bet'')
ultimately show ?thesis
by(auto intro!: invar_goes_through_current_intro)
lemma invar_goes_through_current_holds_ret_1[invar_holds_intros]:
"⟦BFS_ret_1_conds bfs_state; invar_goes_through_current bfs_state⟧ ⟹ invar_goes_through_current (BFS_ret1 bfs_state)"
by (auto simp: intro: invar_props_intros)
lemma invar_goes_through_current_holds[invar_holds_intros]:
assumes "BFS_dom bfs_state" "invar_well_formed bfs_state" "invar_subsets bfs_state"
"invar_goes_through_current bfs_state"
shows "invar_goes_through_current (BFS bfs_state)"
using assms(2-)
proof(induction rule: BFS_induct[OF assms(1)])
case IH: (1 bfs_state)
show ?case
apply(rule BFS_cases[where bfs_state = bfs_state])
by (auto intro!: IH(2-) intro: invar_holds_intros simp: BFS_simps[OF IH(1)])
lemma invar_dist_holds_upd1_new[invar_holds_intros]:
"⟦BFS_call_1_conds bfs_state; invar_well_formed bfs_state; invar_subsets bfs_state;
invar_dist_bounded bfs_state; invar_dist bfs_state⟧
⟹ invar_dist (BFS_upd1 bfs_state)"
proof(intro invar_props_intros, goal_cases)
define bfs_state' where "bfs_state' = BFS_upd1 bfs_state"
let ?dSrcsG = "distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs)"
let ?dSrcsT = "distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state)) (t_set srcs)"
let ?dSrcsT' = "distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state')) (t_set srcs)"
let ?dCurrG = "distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set (current bfs_state))"
case (1 v)
then show ?case
proof(cases "distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v = ∞")
case infinite: True
moreover have "?dSrcsG v ≤ ?dSrcsT' v"
using ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state› ‹invar_subsets bfs_state›
by(fastforce simp: bfs_state'_def BFS_upd1_def Let_def intro: distance_set_subset
elim: invar_props_elims)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (simp add: bfs_state'_def)
case finite: False
show ?thesis
proof(cases "v ∈ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)")
case v_in_tree: True
hence "?dSrcsT v = ?dSrcsG v"
using ‹invar_dist bfs_state› ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state› ‹invar_subsets bfs_state›
‹v ∈ dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G) - t_set srcs›
by (auto elim!: invar_dist_props invar_well_formed_props invar_subsets_props)
moreover have "?dSrcsT v = ?dSrcsT' v"
have "?dSrcsT' v ≤ ?dSrcsT v"
using ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state›
by(fastforce simp: bfs_state'_def BFS_upd1_def Let_def
intro: distance_set_subset elim: invar_props_elims)
moreover have "?dSrcsG v ≤ ?dSrcsT' v"
using ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state› ‹invar_subsets bfs_state›
by(fastforce simp: bfs_state'_def BFS_upd1_def Let_def intro: distance_set_subset
elim: invar_props_elims)
ultimately show ?thesis
using ‹?dSrcsT v = ?dSrcsG v›
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
by (auto simp: bfs_state'_def)
case v_not_in_tree: False
show ?thesis
proof(rule ccontr, goal_cases)
case 1
moreover have ‹invar_subsets bfs_state'›
using ‹BFS_call_1_conds bfs_state› ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state› ‹invar_subsets bfs_state›
by (auto intro!: invar_subsets_holds_upd1 simp: bfs_state'_def)
hence ‹Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state') ⊆ Graph.digraph_abs G›
by (auto elim: invar_props_elims)
ultimately have "?dSrcsG v < ?dSrcsT' v"
by (simp add: distance_set_subset order_less_le bfs_state'_def)
hence "?dSrcsG v < ?dSrcsT' v"
text ‹because the tree is a subset of the Graph, which invar?›
by (simp add: distance_set_subset order_less_le bfs_state'_def)
have "v ∈ t_set (current (BFS_upd1 bfs_state))"
using ‹v ∈ t_set (visited (BFS_upd1 bfs_state)) ∪ t_set (current (BFS_upd1 bfs_state))›
v_not_in_tree ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state›
by (auto simp: BFS_upd1_def Let_def elim: invar_props_elims)
moreover then obtain v' where v'[intro]:
"v ∈ neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs G) v'"
"v' ∈ t_set (current bfs_state)"
"v ∈ neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state')) v'"
using v_not_in_tree ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state›
by (auto simp: neighbourhoodD BFS_upd1_def Let_def bfs_state'_def elim!: invar_well_formed_props)
ultimately have "?dSrcsG v = ?dSrcsG v' + 1"
using ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state› ‹invar_dist_bounded bfs_state› ‹invar_subsets bfs_state›
by (auto intro!: dist_current_plus_1_new)
show False
proof(cases "v' ∈ t_set srcs")
case v'_in_srcs: True
hence "?dSrcsT' v' = 0"
by (meson dVsI(1) distance_set_0 neighbourhoodI v'(3))
moreover have "?dSrcsG v' = 0"
using v'_in_srcs
by (metis ‹distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v = distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v' + 1› add.commute add.right_neutral dist_set_inf dist_set_mem distance_0 enat_add_left_cancel le_iff_add local.finite order_antisym)
then show ?thesis
by (metis ‹distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v < distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state')) (t_set srcs) v› ‹distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v = distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v' + 1› calculation distance_set_neighbourhood leD srcs_invar(1) v'(3))
case v'_not_in_srcs: False
have "?dSrcsG v = ?dSrcsG v' + 1"
using ‹?dSrcsG v = ?dSrcsG v' + 1› .
also have "... = ?dSrcsT v' + 1"
text ‹From this current invariant›
using ‹invar_dist bfs_state› ‹v' ∈ t_set (current bfs_state)› ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state›
‹invar_subsets bfs_state› v'_not_in_srcs
by (force elim!: invar_well_formed_props invar_subsets_props invar_dist_props)
also have "... = ?dSrcsT' v' + 1"
have "?dSrcsT v' = ?dSrcsT' v'"
have "?dSrcsT' v' ≤ ?dSrcsT v'"
using ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state›
by(fastforce simp: bfs_state'_def BFS_upd1_def Let_def
intro: distance_set_subset elim: invar_props_elims)
moreover have "?dSrcsG v' ≤ ?dSrcsT' v'"
using ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state› ‹invar_subsets bfs_state›
by(fastforce simp: bfs_state'_def BFS_upd1_def Let_def intro: distance_set_subset
elim: invar_props_elims)
moreover have ‹?dSrcsT v' = ?dSrcsG v'›
using ‹invar_dist bfs_state› ‹v' ∈ t_set (current bfs_state)› ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state›
‹invar_subsets bfs_state› v'_not_in_srcs
by (force elim!: invar_well_formed_props invar_subsets_props invar_dist_props)
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
then show ?thesis
by auto
finally have "?dSrcsG v = ?dSrcsT' v' + 1"
by auto
hence "?dSrcsT' v' + 1 < ?dSrcsT' v"
using ‹?dSrcsG v < ?dSrcsT' v›
by auto
moreover have "v ∈ neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state')) v'"
using ‹v ∈ neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state')) v'› .
hence "?dSrcsT' v ≤ ?dSrcsT' v' + 1"
by (auto intro!: distance_set_neighbourhood)
ultimately show False
text ‹From the triangle ineq›
by auto
lemma invar_dist_holds_ret_1[invar_holds_intros]:
"⟦BFS_ret_1_conds bfs_state; invar_dist bfs_state⟧ ⟹ invar_dist (BFS_ret1 bfs_state)"
by (auto simp: intro: invar_props_intros)
lemma invar_dist_holds[invar_holds_intros]:
assumes "BFS_dom bfs_state" "invar_well_formed bfs_state" "invar_subsets bfs_state"
"invar_3_1 bfs_state" "invar_3_2 bfs_state" "invar_3_3 bfs_state" "invar_dist_bounded bfs_state"
"invar_dist bfs_state" "invar_current_reachable bfs_state"
shows "invar_dist (BFS bfs_state)"
using assms(2-)
proof(induction rule: BFS_induct[OF assms(1)])
case IH: (1 bfs_state)
show ?case
apply(rule BFS_cases[where bfs_state = bfs_state])
by (auto intro!: IH(2-) intro: invar_holds_intros simp: BFS_simps[OF IH(1)])
definition "invar_current_no_out bfs_state =
(∀u∈t_set(current bfs_state).
∀v. (u,v) ∉ Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state))"
lemma invar_current_no_out_props[invar_props_elims]:
"invar_current_no_out bfs_state ⟹
(⟦⋀u v. u∈t_set(current bfs_state) ⟹ (u,v) ∉ Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state)⟧ ⟹ P)
⟹ P"
by (auto simp: invar_current_no_out_def)
lemma invar_current_no_out_intro[invar_props_intros]:
"⟦⋀u v. u∈t_set(current bfs_state) ⟹ (u,v) ∉ Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state)⟧
⟹ invar_current_no_out bfs_state"
by (auto simp: invar_current_no_out_def)
lemma invar_current_no_out_holds_upd1[invar_holds_intros]:
"⟦BFS_call_1_conds bfs_state; invar_well_formed bfs_state; invar_subsets bfs_state; invar_current_no_out bfs_state⟧
⟹ invar_current_no_out (BFS_upd1 bfs_state)"
apply(auto elim!: call_cond_elims invar_well_formed_props invar_subsets_props intro!: invar_props_intros simp: BFS_upd1_def Let_def)
apply blast+
lemma invar_current_no_out_holds_ret_1[invar_holds_intros]:
"⟦BFS_ret_1_conds bfs_state; invar_current_no_out bfs_state⟧ ⟹ invar_current_no_out (BFS_ret1 bfs_state)"
by (auto simp: intro: invar_props_intros)
lemma invar_current_no_out_holds[invar_holds_intros]:
assumes "BFS_dom bfs_state" "invar_well_formed bfs_state" "invar_subsets bfs_state" "invar_current_no_out bfs_state"
shows "invar_current_no_out (BFS bfs_state)"
using assms(2-)
proof(induction rule: BFS_induct[OF assms(1)])
case IH: (1 bfs_state)
show ?case
apply(rule BFS_cases[where bfs_state = bfs_state])
by (auto intro!: IH(2-) intro: invar_holds_intros simp: BFS_simps[OF IH(1)])
lemma invar_parents_shortest_paths_props[invar_props_elims]:
"invar_parents_shortest_paths bfs_state ⟹
(⟦⋀u p v. ⟦u ∈ t_set srcs; Vwalk.vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state)) u p v⟧ ⟹
length p - 1 = distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v⟧ ⟹ P)
⟹ P"
by (auto simp: invar_parents_shortest_paths_def)
lemma invar_parents_shortest_paths_intro[invar_props_intros]:
"⟦⋀u p v. ⟦u ∈ t_set srcs; Vwalk.vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state)) u p v⟧ ⟹
length p - 1 = distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v⟧
⟹ invar_parents_shortest_paths bfs_state"
by (auto simp: invar_parents_shortest_paths_def)
lemma invar_parents_shortest_paths_holds_upd1[invar_holds_intros]:
"⟦BFS_call_1_conds bfs_state; invar_well_formed bfs_state; invar_subsets bfs_state; invar_current_no_out bfs_state;
invar_dist_bounded bfs_state; invar_parents_shortest_paths bfs_state⟧
⟹ invar_parents_shortest_paths (BFS_upd1 bfs_state)"
proof(intro invar_props_intros, goal_cases)
case assms: (1 u p v)
define bfs_state' where "bfs_state' = BFS_upd1 bfs_state"
have "invar_subsets bfs_state'"
using assms
by (auto intro: invar_holds_intros simp: bfs_state'_def)
hence ?case if "length p ≤ 1"
using ‹length p ≤ 1› assms(7,8) ‹invar_subsets bfs_state›
by(cases p) (auto elim!: Vwalk.vwalk_bet_props invar_props_elims dest!: dVs_subset
simp: bfs_state'_def[symmetric] zero_enat_def[symmetric])
have "invar_current_no_out bfs_state'"
using assms
by(auto intro: invar_holds_intros simp: bfs_state'_def)
have **: "u ∈ t_set (current bfs_state') ∨ v ∈ t_set (current bfs_state')"
if "(u,v) ∈ (Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state')) -
(Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state))" for u v
using ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state› ‹invar_subsets bfs_state› dVsI that
by(fastforce dest: dVsI simp: bfs_state'_def dVs_def BFS_upd1_def Let_def
elim!: invar_well_formed_props invar_subsets_props)
have ?case if "length p > 1"
have "u ∈ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)"
proof(rule ccontr, goal_cases)
have "u ∈ dVs (Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state'))"
using assms(8)
by (auto simp: bfs_state'_def)
hence "u ∈ t_set (visited bfs_state') ∪ t_set (current bfs_state')"
using ‹invar_subsets bfs_state'›
by (auto elim: invar_props_elims)
moreover case 1
ultimately have "u ∈ t_set (current bfs_state')"
using assms
by(auto simp: Let_def bfs_state'_def BFS_upd1_def elim!: invar_well_formed_props invar_subsets_props)
moreover obtain u' where "(u,u') ∈ Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state')"
using ‹length p > 1› assms(8) ‹invar_subsets bfs_state›
by (auto elim!: Vwalk.vwalk_bet_props
simp: eval_nat_numeral Suc_le_length_iff Suc_le_eq[symmetric] bfs_state'_def
split: if_splits)
ultimately show ?case
using ‹invar_current_no_out bfs_state'›
by (auto elim!: invar_current_no_out_props)
show ?thesis
proof(cases "v ∉ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state)")
case v_not_visited: True
show ?thesis
proof(rule ccontr, goal_cases)
case 1
moreover have "vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs G) u p v"
by (metis ‹invar_subsets bfs_state'› assms(8) bfs_state'_def invar_subsets_props vwalk_bet_subset)
ultimately have "length p - 1 > distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v"
using ‹u ∈ t_set srcs› 1
apply auto
by (metis One_nat_def order_neq_le_trans vwalk_bet_dist_set)
hence "length p - 2 ≥ distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v"
using ‹length p > 1›
apply (auto simp: eval_nat_numeral)
by (metis leD leI Suc_diff_Suc Suc_ile_eq)
moreover obtain p' v' where "p = p' @ [v', v]"
using ‹length p > 1›
apply (clarsimp
simp: eval_nat_numeral Suc_le_length_iff Suc_le_eq[symmetric]
split: if_splits)
by (metis append.right_neutral append_butlast_last_cancel assms(8) length_Cons
length_butlast length_tl list.sel(3) list.size(3) nat.simps(3) vwalk_bet_def)
have "vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state)) u (p' @ [v']) v'"
proof(rule ccontr, goal_cases)
case 1
moreover have "vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs (parents (BFS_upd1 bfs_state))) u (p' @ [v']) v'"
using assms(8) ‹p = p' @ [v', v]›
by (simp add: vwalk_bet_pref)
ultimately show ?case
proof(elim vwalk_bet_not_vwalk_bet_elim_2[OF _ "1"], goal_cases)
case 1
then show ?case
by (metis ‹distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v ≤ enat (length p - 2)›
‹p = p' @ [v', v]› ‹vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs G) u p v› assms(3)
diff_is_0_eq distance_set_0 invar_subsets_def le_zero_eq length_append_singleton
list.sel(3) not_less_eq_eq subset_eq v_not_visited vwalk_bet_endpoints(2)
vwalk_bet_vertex_decompE zero_enat_def)
case (2 u'' v'')
moreover hence "u'' ∉ t_set (current bfs_state')"
using ‹invar_current_no_out bfs_state'› ‹invar_subsets bfs_state'›
by (auto simp: bfs_state'_def[symmetric] elim: invar_props_elims)
ultimately have "v'' ∈ t_set (current bfs_state')"
using ** ‹invar_subsets bfs_state'›
by (auto simp: bfs_state'_def[symmetric])
moreover hence no_outgoing_v'': "(v'',u'') ∉ Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state')"
for u''
using ‹invar_current_no_out bfs_state'› that
by (auto elim: invar_props_elims)
hence "last (p @ [v']) = v''"
using that ‹vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs (parents (BFS_upd1 bfs_state))) u (p' @ [v']) v'›[simplified bfs_state'_def[symmetric]]
apply (clarsimp dest: v_in_edge_in_vwalk elim!: vwalk_bet_props intro!: no_outgoing_last)
by (metis "2"(2) last_snoc no_outgoing_last v_in_edge_in_vwalk(2))
hence "v' = v''"
using that
by auto
moreover have "(v',v) ∈ Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state')"
using ‹p = p' @ [v', v]› assms(8)
by (fastforce simp: bfs_state'_def [symmetric] dest: split_vwalk)
ultimately show ?case
using that no_outgoing_v''
by auto
hence "length (p' @ [v']) - 1 = distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v'"
using ‹invar_parents_shortest_paths bfs_state› ‹u ∈ t_set srcs›
by (force elim!: invar_props_elims)
hence "length p - 2 = distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v'" (is "_ = ?dist v'")
by (auto simp: ‹p = p' @ [v', v]›)
hence "?dist v ≤ ?dist v'"
using ‹?dist v ≤ length p - 2› dual_order.trans
by presburger
hence "v ∈ t_set (visited bfs_state) ∪ t_set (current bfs_state) "
using ‹invar_subsets bfs_state› ‹invar_dist_bounded bfs_state› ‹u ∈ t_set srcs›
‹vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state)) u (p' @ [v']) v'›
by(blast elim!: invar_props_elims dest!: vwalk_bet_endpoints(2))
thus ?case
using v_not_visited
by auto
case v_visited: False
have "Vwalk.vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state)) u p v"
proof(rule ccontr, goal_cases)
case 1
thus ?case
proof(elim vwalk_bet_not_vwalk_bet_elim_2[OF assms(8)], goal_cases)
case 1
then show ?case
using that by auto
case (2 u' v')
moreover hence "u' ∉ t_set (current bfs_state')"
using ‹invar_current_no_out bfs_state'› ‹invar_subsets bfs_state'›
by (auto simp: bfs_state'_def[symmetric] elim: invar_props_elims)
ultimately have "v' ∈ t_set (current bfs_state')"
using ** ‹invar_subsets bfs_state'›
by (auto simp: bfs_state'_def[symmetric])
moreover hence "(v',u') ∉ Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state')" for u'
using ‹invar_current_no_out bfs_state'›
by (auto elim: invar_props_elims)
hence "last p = v'"
using ‹vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs (parents (BFS_upd1 bfs_state))) u p v›[simplified bfs_state'_def[symmetric]]
‹(u',v') ∈ set (edges_of_vwalk p)›
by (auto dest: v_in_edge_in_vwalk elim!: vwalk_bet_props intro!: no_outgoing_last)
hence "v' = v"
using ‹vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs (parents (BFS_upd1 bfs_state))) u p v›
by auto
ultimately show ?case
using v_visited ‹invar_well_formed bfs_state›
by (auto simp: bfs_state'_def BFS_upd1_def Let_def elim: invar_props_elims)
then show ?thesis
using ‹invar_parents_shortest_paths bfs_state› ‹u ∈ t_set srcs›
by (auto elim!: invar_props_elims)
show ?case
using ‹1 < length p ⟹ length p - 1 = distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v›
‹length p ≤ 1 ⟹ length p - 1 = distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v›
by fastforce
lemma invar_parents_shortest_paths_holds_ret_1[invar_holds_intros]:
"⟦BFS_ret_1_conds bfs_state; invar_parents_shortest_paths bfs_state⟧ ⟹
invar_parents_shortest_paths (BFS_ret1 bfs_state)"
by (auto simp: intro: invar_props_intros)
lemma invar_parents_shortest_paths_holds[invar_holds_intros]:
assumes "BFS_dom bfs_state" "invar_well_formed bfs_state" "invar_subsets bfs_state"
"invar_current_no_out bfs_state" "invar_3_1 bfs_state"
"invar_3_2 bfs_state" "invar_3_3 bfs_state"
"invar_dist_bounded bfs_state" "invar_current_reachable bfs_state"
"invar_parents_shortest_paths bfs_state"
shows "invar_parents_shortest_paths (BFS bfs_state)"
using assms(2-)
proof(induction rule: BFS_induct[OF assms(1)])
case IH: (1 bfs_state)
show ?case
apply(rule BFS_cases[where bfs_state = bfs_state])
by (auto intro!: IH(2-) intro: invar_holds_intros simp: BFS_simps[OF IH(1)])
lemma BFS_ret_1[ret_holds_intros]:
"BFS_ret_1_conds (bfs_state) ⟹ BFS_ret_1_conds (BFS_ret1 bfs_state)"
by (auto simp: elim!: call_cond_elims intro!: call_cond_intros)
lemma ret1_holds[ret_holds_intros]:
assumes "BFS_dom bfs_state"
shows "BFS_ret_1_conds (BFS bfs_state)"
proof(induction rule: BFS_induct[OF assms(1)])
case IH: (1 bfs_state)
show ?case
apply(rule BFS_cases[where bfs_state = bfs_state])
by (auto intro: ret_holds_intros intro!: IH(2-)
simp: BFS_simps[OF IH(1)])
lemma BFS_correct_1_ret_1:
"⟦invar_subsets bfs_state; invar_goes_through_current bfs_state; BFS_ret_1_conds bfs_state;
u ∈ t_set srcs; t ∉ t_set (visited bfs_state)⟧
⟹ ∄p. vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs G) u p t"
by (force elim!: call_cond_elims invar_props_elims)
lemma BFS_correct_2_ret_1:
"⟦invar_well_formed bfs_state; invar_subsets bfs_state; invar_dist bfs_state; BFS_ret_1_conds bfs_state;
t ∈ t_set (visited bfs_state) - t_set srcs⟧
⟹ distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) t =
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state)) (t_set srcs) t"
apply(erule invar_props_elims)+
by (auto elim!: call_cond_elims invar_props_elims)
lemma BFS_correct_3_ret_1:
"⟦invar_parents_shortest_paths bfs_state; BFS_ret_1_conds bfs_state;
u ∈ t_set srcs; Vwalk.vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs (parents bfs_state)) u p v⟧
⟹ length p - 1 = distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v"
apply(erule invar_props_elims)+
by (auto elim!: call_cond_elims invar_props_elims)
subsection ‹Termination›
named_theorems termination_intros
declare termination_intros[intro!]
lemma in_prod_relI[intro!,termination_intros]:
"⟦f1 a = f1 a'; (a, a') ∈ f2 <*mlex*> r⟧ ⟹ (a,a') ∈ (f1 <*mlex*> f2 <*mlex*> r)"
by (simp add: mlex_iff)+
definition "less_rel = {(x::nat, y::nat). x < y}"
lemma wf_less_rel[intro!]: "wf less_rel"
by(auto simp: less_rel_def wf_less)
definition "state_measure_rel call_measure = inv_image less_rel call_measure"
lemma call_1_measure_nonsym[simp]:
"(call_1_measure_1 BFS_state, call_1_measure_1 BFS_state) ∉ less_rel"
by (auto simp: less_rel_def)
lemma call_1_terminates[termination_intros]:
assumes "BFS_call_1_conds BFS_state" "invar_well_formed BFS_state" "invar_subsets BFS_state"
"invar_current_no_out BFS_state"
shows "(BFS_upd1 BFS_state, BFS_state) ∈
call_1_measure_1 <*mlex*> call_1_measure_2 <*mlex*> r"
proof(cases "t_set (next_frontier (current BFS_state) (visited BFS_state ∪⇩G current BFS_state)) = {}")
case True
hence "t_set (visited (BFS_upd1 BFS_state)) ∪ t_set (current (BFS_upd1 BFS_state)) =
t_set (visited BFS_state) ∪ t_set (current BFS_state)"
using ‹invar_well_formed BFS_state›
by (fastforce simp: BFS_upd1_def Let_def elim!: invar_props_elims)
hence "call_1_measure_1 (BFS_upd1 BFS_state) = call_1_measure_1 BFS_state"
by (auto simp: call_1_measure_1_def)
moreover have "t_set (current (BFS_upd1 BFS_state)) = {}"
using True
by (auto simp: BFS_upd1_def Let_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
using assms
by(fastforce elim!: invar_props_elims call_cond_elims
simp add: call_1_measure_2_def
intro!: psubset_card_mono
intro: mlex_less)
case False
have *: "{{v1, v2} |v1 v2. (v1, v2) ∈ [G]⇩G}
⊆ (λ(x,y). {x,y} ) ` ({v. ∃y. lookup G v = Some y} ×
(⋃ {t_set N | v N. lookup G v = Some N}))"
including Graph.adjmap.automation and Graph.vset.set.automation
apply (clarsimp simp: Graph.digraph_abs_def Graph.neighb_def image_def
split: option.splits)
by (metis Graph.graph_invE Graph.vset.set.set_isin graph_inv(1))
moreover have "{uu. ∃v N. uu = t_set N ∧ lookup G v = Some N} =
((t_set o the o (lookup G)) ` {v | N v. lookup G v = Some N})"
by (force simp: image_def)
hence "finite (⋃ {t_set N | v N. lookup G v = Some N})"
using graph_inv(1,2,3)
apply(subst (asm) Graph.finite_vsets_def )
by (auto simp: Graph.finite_graph_def Graph.graph_inv_def
split: option.splits)
ultimately have "finite {{v1, v2} |v1 v2. (v1,v2) ∈ [G]⇩G}"
using graph_inv(2)
by (auto simp: Graph.finite_graph_def intro!: finite_subset[OF *])
moreover have "finite {neighbourhood (Graph.digraph_abs G) u |u. u ∈ t_set (current BFS_state)}"
using Graph.finite_vsets_def
by (fastforce simp: )
moreover have "t_set (visited (BFS_upd1 BFS_state)) ∪ t_set (current (BFS_upd1 BFS_state)) ⊆ dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G)"
using ‹invar_well_formed BFS_state› ‹invar_subsets BFS_state›
by(auto elim!: invar_props_elims call_cond_elims
simp add: BFS_upd1_def Let_def dVs_def
intro!: mlex_less psubset_card_mono)+
moreover have "t_set (visited (BFS_upd1 BFS_state)) ∪ t_set (current (BFS_upd1 BFS_state)) ≠
t_set (visited BFS_state) ∪ t_set (current BFS_state)"
using ‹BFS_call_1_conds BFS_state› ‹invar_well_formed BFS_state› ‹invar_subsets BFS_state›
‹invar_current_no_out BFS_state› False
by(fastforce elim!: invar_props_elims call_cond_elims
simp add: BFS_upd1_def Let_def dVs_def
intro!: mlex_less psubset_card_mono)
ultimately have **: "dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G) - (t_set (visited (BFS_upd1 BFS_state)) ∪
t_set (current (BFS_upd1 BFS_state)))≠
dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G) - (t_set (visited BFS_state) ∪ t_set (current BFS_state))"
using ‹BFS_call_1_conds BFS_state› ‹invar_well_formed BFS_state› ‹invar_subsets BFS_state›
by(auto elim!: invar_props_elims call_cond_elims
simp add: BFS_upd1_def Let_def dVs_def
intro!: mlex_less psubset_card_mono)
hence "call_1_measure_1 (BFS_upd1 BFS_state) < call_1_measure_1 BFS_state"
using assms
by(auto elim!: invar_props_elims call_cond_elims
simp add: call_1_measure_1_def BFS_upd1_def Let_def
intro!: psubset_card_mono)
thus ?thesis
by(auto intro!: mlex_less psubset_card_mono)
lemma wf_term_rel: "wf BFS_term_rel"
by(auto simp: wf_mlex BFS_term_rel_def)
lemma in_BFS_term_rel[termination_intros]:
"⟦BFS_call_1_conds BFS_state; invar_well_formed BFS_state; invar_subsets BFS_state; invar_current_no_out BFS_state⟧ ⟹
(BFS_upd1 BFS_state, BFS_state) ∈ BFS_term_rel"
by (simp add: BFS_term_rel_def termination_intros)+
lemma BFS_terminates[termination_intros]:
assumes "invar_well_formed BFS_state" "invar_subsets BFS_state" "invar_current_no_out BFS_state"
shows "BFS_dom BFS_state"
using wf_term_rel assms
proof(induction rule: wf_induct_rule)
case (less x)
show ?case
apply (rule BFS_domintros)
by (auto intro: invar_holds_intros intro!: termination_intros less)
lemma not_vwalk_bet_empty[simp]: "¬ Vwalk.vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs empty) u p v"
using not_vwalk_bet_empty
by (force simp add: Graph.digraph_abs_def Graph.neighb_def)+
lemma not_edge_in_empty[simp]: "(u,v) ∉ (Graph.digraph_abs empty)"
by (force simp add: Graph.digraph_abs_def Graph.neighb_def)+
subsection ‹Final Correctness Theorems›
lemma initial_state_props[invar_holds_intros, termination_intros, simp]:
"invar_well_formed (initial_state)" (is ?g1)
"invar_subsets (initial_state)" (is ?g2)
"invar_current_no_out (initial_state)" (is ?g3)
"BFS_dom initial_state" (is ?g4)
"invar_dist initial_state" (is ?g5)
"invar_3_1 initial_state"
"invar_3_2 initial_state"
"invar_3_3 initial_state"
"invar_dist_bounded initial_state"
"invar_current_reachable initial_state"
"invar_goes_through_current initial_state"
"invar_current_no_out initial_state"
"invar_parents_shortest_paths initial_state"
show ?g1
using graph_inv(3)
by (fastforce simp: initial_state_def dVs_def Graph.finite_vsets_def
intro!: invar_props_intros)
have "t_set (visited initial_state)∪ t_set (current initial_state) ⊆ dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G)"
using srcs_in_G
by(simp add: initial_state_def)
thus ?g2 ?g3
by(force simp: initial_state_def dVs_def Graph.digraph_abs_def Graph.neighb_def
intro!: invar_props_intros)+
show ?g4
using ‹?g1› ‹?g2› ‹?g3›
by (auto intro!: termination_intros)
show ?g5 "invar_3_3 initial_state" "invar_parents_shortest_paths initial_state"
"invar_current_no_out initial_state"
by (auto simp add: initial_state_def intro!: invar_props_intros)
have *: "distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v = 0" if "v ∈ t_set srcs" for v
using that srcs_in_G
by (fastforce intro: iffD2[OF distance_set_0[ where G = "(Graph.digraph_abs G)"]])
moreover have **: "v ∈ t_set srcs" if "distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v = 0" for v
using dist_set_inf i0_ne_infinity that
by (force intro: iffD1[OF distance_set_0[ where G = "(Graph.digraph_abs G)"]])
ultimately show "invar_3_1 initial_state" "invar_3_2 initial_state" "invar_dist_bounded initial_state"
"invar_current_reachable initial_state"
using dist_set_inf
by(auto dest: dest: simp add: initial_state_def intro!: invar_props_intros dest!:)
show "invar_goes_through_current initial_state"
by (auto simp add: initial_state_def dest: hd_of_vwalk_bet'' intro!: invar_props_intros)
lemma BFS_correct_1:
"⟦u ∈ t_set srcs; t ∉ t_set (visited (BFS initial_state))⟧
⟹ ∄p. vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs G) u p t"
apply(intro BFS_correct_1_ret_1[where bfs_state = "BFS initial_state"])
by(auto intro: invar_holds_intros ret_holds_intros)
lemma BFS_correct_2:
"⟦t ∈ t_set (visited (BFS initial_state)) - t_set srcs⟧
⟹ distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) t =
distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs (parents (BFS initial_state))) (t_set srcs) t"
apply(intro BFS_correct_2_ret_1[where bfs_state = "BFS initial_state"])
by(auto intro: invar_holds_intros ret_holds_intros)
lemma BFS_correct_3:
"⟦u ∈ t_set srcs; Vwalk.vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs (parents (BFS initial_state))) u p v⟧
⟹ length p - 1 = distance_set (Graph.digraph_abs G) (t_set srcs) v"
apply(intro BFS_correct_3_ret_1[where bfs_state = "BFS initial_state"])
by(auto intro: invar_holds_intros ret_holds_intros)
end text ‹context›
end text ‹locale @{const BFS}›