Theory Pair_Graph

theory Pair_Graph

section ‹A Basic Representation of Diraphs›

type_synonym 'v dgraph = "('v × 'v) set"

definition dVs::"('v × 'v) set  'v set" where
  "dVs G =  {{v1,v2} | v1 v2. (v1, v2)  G}"

lemma induct_pcpl:
  "P []; x. P [x]; x y zs. P zs  P (x # y # zs)  P xs"
  by induction_schema (pat_completeness, lexicographic_order)

lemma induct_pcpl_2:
  "P []; x. P [x]; x y. P [x,y]; x y z. P [x,y,z]; w x y z zs. P zs  P (w # x # y # z # zs)  P xs"
  by induction_schema (pat_completeness, lexicographic_order)

lemma dVs_empty[simp]: "dVs {} = {}"
  by (simp add: dVs_def)

lemma dVs_empty_iff[simp]: "dVs E = {}  E = {}"
  unfolding dVs_def by auto

lemma dVsI[intro]:
  assumes "(a, v)  dG" shows "a  dVs dG" and "v  dVs dG"
  using assms unfolding dVs_def by auto

lemma dVsI':
  assumes "e  dG" shows "fst e  dVs dG" and "snd e  dVs dG"
  using assms
  by (auto intro: dVsI[of "fst e" "snd e"])

lemma dVs_union_distr[simp]: "dVs (G  H) = dVs G  dVs H"
  unfolding dVs_def by blast

lemma dVs_union_big_distr: "dVs (G) = (dVs ` G)"
  apply (induction G rule: infinite_finite_induct)
  apply simp_all
  by (auto simp add: dVs_def)

lemma dVs_eq: "dVs E = fst ` E  snd ` E"
  by (induction E rule: infinite_finite_induct)
     (auto simp: dVs_def intro!: image_eqI, blast+)

lemma finite_vertices_iff: "finite (dVs E)  finite E" (is "?L  ?R")
  show "?R  ?L"
    by (induction E rule: finite_induct)
       (auto simp: dVs_eq)
  show "?L  ?R"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    show "?L  ¬?R  False"
      unfolding dVs_eq
      using finite_subset subset_fst_snd by fastforce

abbreviation reachable1 :: "('v × 'v) set  'v  'v  bool" ("_ +ı _" [100,100] 40) where
  "reachable1 E u v  (u,v)  E+"

definition reachable :: "('v × 'v) set  'v  'v  bool" ("_ *ı _" [100,100] 40) where
  "reachable E u v = ( (u,v)  rtrancl_on (dVs E) E)"

lemma reachableE[elim?]:
  assumes "(u,v)  E"
  obtains e where "e  E" "e = (u, v)"
  using assms by auto

lemma reachable_refl[intro!, Pure.intro!, simp]: "v  dVs E  v *Ev"
  unfolding reachable_def by auto

lemma reachable_trans[trans,intro]:
  assumes "u *Ev" "v *Ew" shows "u *Ew"
  using assms unfolding reachable_def by (rule rtrancl_on_trans)

lemma reachable_edge[dest,intro]: "(u,v)  E  u *Ev"
  unfolding reachable_def
  by (auto intro!: rtrancl_consistent_rtrancl_on)

lemma reachable_induct[consumes 1, case_names base step]:
  assumes major: "u *Ev"
    and cases: "u  dVs E  P u"
      "x y. u *Ex; (x,y)  E; P x  P y"
  shows "P v"
  using assms unfolding reachable_def by (rule rtrancl_on_induct)

lemma converse_reachable_induct[consumes 1, case_names base step, induct pred: reachable]:
  assumes major: "u *Ev"
    and cases: "v  dVs E  P v"
      "x y. (x,y)  E; y *Ev; P y  P x"
    shows "P u"
  using assms unfolding reachable_def by (rule converse_rtrancl_on_induct)

lemma reachable_in_dVs:
  assumes "u *Ev"
  shows "u  dVs E" "v  dVs E"
  using assms by (induct) (simp_all add: dVsI)

lemma reachable1_in_dVs:
  assumes "u +Ev"
  shows "u  dVs E" "v  dVs E"
  using assms by (induct) (simp_all add: dVsI)

lemma reachable1_reachable[intro]:
  "v +Ew  v *Ew"
  unfolding reachable_def
  by (auto intro: rtrancl_consistent_rtrancl_on simp: dVsI reachable1_in_dVs)

lemmas reachable1_reachableE[elim] = reachable1_reachable[elim_format]

lemma reachable_neq_reachable1[intro]:
  assumes reach: "v *Ew"
    and neq: "v  w"
  shows "v +Ew" 
  using assms
  unfolding reachable_def
  by (auto dest: rtrancl_on_rtranclI rtranclD)

lemmas reachable_neq_reachable1E[elim] = reachable_neq_reachable1[elim_format]

lemma arc_implies_dominates: "e  E  (fst e, snd e)  E" by auto

definition neighbourhood::"('v × 'v) set  'v  'v set" where
  "neighbourhood G u = {v. (u,v)  G}"

  neighbourhoodI[intro]: "v  (neighbourhood G u)  (u,v)  G" and
  neighbourhoodD[dest]: "(u,v)  G  v  (neighbourhood G u)"
  by (auto simp: neighbourhood_def)

definition "sources G = {u | u v . (u,v)  G}"

definition "sinks G = {v | u v . (u,v)  G}"

lemma dVs_subset: "G  G'  dVs G  dVs G'"
  by (auto simp: dVs_def)

lemma dVs_insert[elim]:
  "v dVs (insert (x,y) G)  v = x  P; v = y  P; v  dVs G  P  P"
  by (auto simp: dVs_def)

lemma in_neighbourhood_dVs[simp, intro]:
  "v  neighbourhood G u  v  dVs G"
  by auto

lemma subset_neighbourhood_dVs[simp, intro]:
  "neighbourhood G u  dVs G"
  by auto

lemma in_dVsE: "v  dVs G  (u. (u, v)  G  P); (u. (v, u)  G  P)  P"
               "v  dVs G  ((u. (u, v)  G); (u. (v, u)  G)  P)  P"
  by (auto simp: dVs_def)

lemma neighoubrhood_union[simp]: "neighbourhood (G  G') u = neighbourhood G u  neighbourhood G' u"
  by (auto simp: neighbourhood_def)

lemma vs_are_gen: "dVs (set E_impl) = set (map prod.fst E_impl)  set (map prod.snd E_impl)"
  by(induction E_impl) auto

lemma dVs_swap: "dVs (prod.swap ` E) = dVs E"
  by(auto simp add: dVs_def)
