Theory Dist
theory Dist
imports Enat_Misc Vwalk
section ‹Distances›
subsection ‹Distance from a vertex›
definition distance::"('v × 'v) set ⇒ 'v ⇒ 'v ⇒ enat" where
"distance G u v = ( INF p. if Vwalk.vwalk_bet G u p v then length p - 1 else ∞)"
lemma vwalk_bet_dist:
"Vwalk.vwalk_bet G u p v ⟹ distance G u v ≤ length p - 1"
by (auto simp: distance_def image_def intro!: complete_lattice_class.Inf_lower enat_ile)
lemma reachable_dist:
"reachable G u v ⟹ distance G u v < ∞"
apply(clarsimp simp add: reachable_vwalk_bet_iff)
by (auto simp: distance_def image_def intro!: complete_lattice_class.Inf_lower enat_ile)
lemma unreachable_dist:
"¬reachable G u v ⟹ distance G u v = ∞"
apply(clarsimp simp add: reachable_vwalk_bet_iff)
by (auto simp: distance_def image_def intro!: complete_lattice_class.Inf_lower enat_ile)
lemma dist_reachable:
"distance G u v < ∞ ⟹ reachable G u v"
using wellorder_InfI
by(fastforce simp: distance_def image_def reachable_vwalk_bet_iff)
lemma reachable_dist_2:
assumes "reachable G u v"
obtains p where "Vwalk.vwalk_bet G u p v" "distance G u v = length p - 1"
using assms
apply(clarsimp simp add: reachable_vwalk_bet_iff distance_def image_def)
by (smt (verit, del_insts) Collect_disj_eq Inf_lower enat_ile mem_Collect_eq not_infinity_eq wellorder_InfI)
lemma triangle_ineq_reachable:
assumes "reachable G u v" "reachable G v w"
shows "distance G u w ≤ distance G u v + distance G v w"
obtain p q
where p_q: "vwalk_bet G u p v" "distance G u v = length p - 1"
"vwalk_bet G v q w" "distance G v w = length q - 1"
using assms
by (auto elim!: reachable_dist_2)
hence "vwalk_bet G u (p @ tl q) w"
by(auto intro!: vwalk_bet_transitive)
hence "distance G u w ≤ length (p @ tl q) - 1"
by (auto dest!: vwalk_bet_dist)
moreover have "length (p @ tl q) = length p + (length q - 1)"
using ‹vwalk_bet G v q w›
by (cases q; auto)
ultimately have "distance G u w ≤ length p + (length q - 1) - 1"
by (auto simp: eval_nat_numeral)
thus ?thesis
using p_q(1)
by(cases p; auto simp add: p_q(2,4) eval_nat_numeral)
lemma triangle_ineq:
"distance G u w ≤ distance G u v + distance G v w"
proof(cases "reachable G u v")
case reach_u_v: True
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "reachable G v w")
case reach_v_w: True
then show ?thesis
using triangle_ineq_reachable reach_u_v reach_v_w
by auto
case not_reach_v_w: False
hence "distance G v w = ∞"
by (simp add: unreachable_dist)
then show ?thesis
by simp
case not_reach_u_v: False
hence "distance G u v = ∞"
by (simp add: unreachable_dist)
then show ?thesis
by simp
lemma distance_split:
"⟦distance G u v ≠ ∞; distance G u v = distance G u w + distance G w v ⟧ ⟹
∃w'. reachable G u w' ∧ distance G u w' = distance G u w ∧
reachable G w' v ∧ distance G w' v = distance G w' v"
by (metis dist_reachable enat_ord_simps(4) plus_eq_infty_iff_enat)
lemma dist_inf: "v ∉ dVs G ⟹ distance G u v = ∞"
proof(rule ccontr, goal_cases)
case 1
hence "reachable G u v"
by(auto intro!: dist_reachable)
hence "v ∈dVs G"
by (simp add: reachable_in_dVs(2))
then show ?case
using 1
by auto
lemma dist_inf_2: "v ∉ dVs G ⟹ distance G v u = ∞"
proof(rule ccontr, goal_cases)
case 1
hence "reachable G v u"
by(auto intro!: dist_reachable)
hence "v ∈dVs G"
by (simp add: reachable_in_dVs(1))
then show ?case
using 1
by auto
lemma dist_eq: "⟦⋀p. Vwalk.vwalk_bet G' u p v ⟹ Vwalk.vwalk_bet G u (map f p) v⟧ ⟹
distance G u v ≤ distance G' u v"
apply(auto simp: distance_def image_def intro!: Inf_lower)
apply (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Un_iff length_map mem_Collect_eq wellorder_InfI)
by (meson vwalk_bet_nonempty')
lemma distance_subset: "G ⊆ G' ⟹ distance G' u v ≤ distance G u v"
by (metis enat_ord_simps(3) reachable_dist_2 unreachable_dist vwalk_bet_dist vwalk_bet_subset)
lemma distance_neighbourhood:
"⟦v ∈ neighbourhood G u⟧ ⟹ distance G u v ≤ 1"
case 1
hence "vwalk_bet G u [u,v] v"
by auto
moreover have "length [u,v] = 2"
by auto
ultimately show ?case
by(force dest!: vwalk_bet_dist simp: one_enat_def)
subsection ‹Shortest Paths›
definition shortest_path::"('v × 'v) set ⇒ 'v ⇒ 'v list ⇒ 'v ⇒ bool" where
"shortest_path G u p v = (distance G u v = length p -1 ∧ vwalk_bet G u p v)"
lemma shortest_path_props[elim]:
"shortest_path G u p v ⟹ (⟦distance G u v = length p -1; vwalk_bet G u p v⟧ ⟹ P) ⟹ P"
by (auto simp: shortest_path_def)
lemma shortest_path_intro:
"⟦distance G u v = length p -1; vwalk_bet G u p v⟧ ⟹ shortest_path G u p v"
by (auto simp: shortest_path_def)
lemma shortest_path_vwalk: "shortest_path G u p v ⟹ vwalk_bet G u p v"
by(auto simp: shortest_path_def)
lemma shortest_path_dist: "shortest_path G u p v ⟹ distance G u v = length p - 1"
by(auto simp: shortest_path_def)
lemma shortest_path_split_1:
"⟦shortest_path G u (p1 @ x # p2) v⟧ ⟹ shortest_path G x (x # p2) v"
case 1
hence "vwalk_bet G u (p1 @ [x]) x" "vwalk_bet G x (x # p2) v"
by (auto dest!: shortest_path_vwalk simp: split_vwalk vwalk_bet_pref)
hence "reachable G x v" "reachable G u x"
by (auto dest: reachable_vwalk_betD)
have "distance G x v ≥ length (x # p2) - 1"
proof(rule ccontr, goal_cases)
case 1
moreover from ‹reachable G x v›
obtain p where "vwalk_bet G x p v" "distance G x v = enat (length p - 1)"
by (rule reachable_dist_2)
ultimately have "length p - 1 < length (x # p2) - 1"
by auto
hence "length (p1 @ p) - 1 < length (p1 @ x # p2) - 1"
by auto
have "vwalk_bet G u ((p1 @ [x]) @ (tl p)) v"
using ‹vwalk_bet G u (p1 @ [x]) x› ‹vwalk_bet G x p v›
by (fastforce intro: vwalk_bet_transitive)
moreover have "p = x # (tl p)"
using ‹vwalk_bet G x p v›
by (fastforce dest: hd_of_vwalk_bet)
ultimately have "distance G u v ≤ length (p1 @ p) -1"
using vwalk_bet_dist
by fastforce
moreover have "distance G u v = length (p1 @ x # p2) - 1"
using ‹shortest_path G u (p1 @ x # p2) v›
by (rule shortest_path_dist)
ultimately show ?case
using ‹length (p1 @ p) - 1 < length (p1 @ x # p2) - 1›
by auto
moreover have "distance G x v ≤ length (x # p2) - 1"
using ‹vwalk_bet G x (x # p2) v›
by (force intro!: vwalk_bet_dist)
ultimately show ?case
using ‹vwalk_bet G x (x # p2) v›
by (auto simp: shortest_path_def)
lemma shortest_path_split_2:
"⟦shortest_path G u (p1 @ x # p2) v⟧ ⟹ shortest_path G u (p1 @ [x]) x"
case 1
hence "vwalk_bet G u (p1 @ [x]) x" "vwalk_bet G x (x # p2) v"
by (auto dest!: shortest_path_vwalk simp: split_vwalk vwalk_bet_pref)
hence "reachable G x v" "reachable G u x"
by (auto dest: reachable_vwalk_betD)
have "distance G u x ≥ length (p1 @ [x]) - 1"
proof(rule ccontr, goal_cases)
case 1
moreover from ‹reachable G u x›
obtain p where "vwalk_bet G u p x" "distance G u x = enat (length p - 1)"
by (rule reachable_dist_2)
ultimately have "length p - 1 < length (p1 @ [x]) - 1"
by auto
hence "length (p @ p2) - 1 < length (p1 @ x # p2) - 1"
by auto
have "vwalk_bet G u (butlast p @ x # p2) v"
using ‹vwalk_bet G u p x› ‹vwalk_bet G x (x # p2) v›
by (simp add: vwalk_bet_transitive_2)
moreover have "p = (butlast p) @ [x]"
using ‹vwalk_bet G u p x›
by (fastforce dest: last_of_vwalk_bet')
moreover have "length p > 0"
using ‹vwalk_bet G u p x›
by force
ultimately have "distance G u v ≤ length (p @ p2) -1"
by (auto dest!: vwalk_bet_dist simp: neq_Nil_conv)
moreover have "distance G u v = length (p1 @ x # p2) - 1"
using ‹shortest_path G u (p1 @ x # p2) v›
by (rule shortest_path_dist)
ultimately show ?case
using ‹length (p @ p2) - 1 < length (p1 @ x # p2) - 1›
by auto
moreover have "distance G u x ≤ length (p1 @ [x]) - 1"
using ‹vwalk_bet G u (p1 @ [x]) x›
by (force intro!: vwalk_bet_dist)
ultimately show ?case
using ‹vwalk_bet G u (p1 @ [x]) x›
by (auto simp: shortest_path_def)
lemma shortest_path_split_distance:
"⟦shortest_path G u (p1 @ x # p2) v⟧ ⟹ distance G u x ≤ distance G u v"
using shortest_path_split_2[where G = G and u = u and ?p1.0 = p1 and x = x] shortest_path_dist
by force
lemma shortest_path_split_distance':
"⟦x ∈ set p; shortest_path G u p v⟧ ⟹ distance G u x ≤ distance G u v"
apply(subst (asm) in_set_conv_decomp_last)
using shortest_path_split_distance
by auto
lemma shortest_path_exists:
assumes "reachable G u v"
obtains p where "shortest_path G u p v"
using assms
by (force elim!: reachable_dist_2 simp: shortest_path_def)
lemma shortest_path_exists_2:
assumes "distance G u v < ∞"
obtains p where "shortest_path G u p v"
using assms
by (force dest!: dist_reachable elim!: shortest_path_exists simp: shortest_path_def)
lemma not_distinct_props:
"¬distinct xs ⟹ (⋀x1 x2 xs1 xs2 xs3. ⟦xs = xs1 @ x1# xs2 @ x2 # xs3; x1 = x2⟧ ⟹ P) ⟹ P"
using not_distinct_decomp
by fastforce
lemma shortest_path_distinct:
"shortest_path G u p v ⟹ distinct p"
apply(erule shortest_path_props)
apply(rule ccontr)
apply(erule not_distinct_props)
case (1 x1 x2 xs1 xs2 xs3)
hence "Vwalk.vwalk_bet G u (xs1 @ x2 # xs3) v"
using vwalk_bet_transitive_2 closed_vwalk_bet_decompE
by (smt (verit, best) butlast_snoc)
hence "distance G u v ≤ length (xs1 @ x2 # xs3) - 1"
using vwalk_bet_dist
by force
moreover have "length (xs1 @ x2 # xs3) < length p"
by(auto simp: ‹ p = xs1 @ x1 # xs2 @ x2 # xs3›)
ultimately show ?case
using ‹distance G u v = enat (length p - 1)›
by auto
lemma diet_eq': "⟦⋀p. shortest_path G' u p v ⟹ shortest_path G u (map f p) v⟧ ⟹
distance G u v ≤ distance G' u v"
apply(auto simp: shortest_path_def)
by (metis One_nat_def Orderings.order_eq_iff order.strict_implies_order reachable_dist
reachable_dist_2 unreachable_dist)
lemma distance_0:
"(u = v ∧ v ∈ dVs G) ⟷ distance G u v = 0"
proof(safe, goal_cases)
case 1
hence "vwalk_bet G v [v] v"
by auto
moreover have "length [v] = 1"
by auto
ultimately show ?case
using zero_enat_def
by(auto dest!: vwalk_bet_dist simp: )
case 2
hence "distance G u v < ∞"
by auto
then obtain p where "shortest_path G u p v"
by(erule shortest_path_exists_2)
hence "length p = 1" "vwalk_bet G u p v"
using ‹distance G u v = 0›
apply (auto simp: shortest_path_def)
by (metis diff_Suc_Suc diff_zero enat_0_iff(2) hd_of_vwalk_bet length_Cons)
then obtain x where "p = [x]"
by (auto simp: length_Suc_conv)
then have "x = u" "x = v" "x ∈ dVs G"
using ‹vwalk_bet G u p v› hd_of_vwalk_bet last_of_vwalk_bet
by (fastforce simp: vwalk_bet_in_vertices)+
then show "u = v" "v ∈ dVs G"
by auto
lemma distance_neighbourhood':
"⟦v ∈ neighbourhood G u⟧ ⟹ distance G x v ≤ distance G x u + 1"
using triangle_ineq distance_neighbourhood
by (metis add.commute add_mono_thms_linordered_semiring(3) order_trans)
lemma Suc_le_length_iff_2:
"(Suc n ≤ length xs) = (∃x ys. xs = ys @ [x] ∧ n ≤ length ys)"
by (metis Suc_le_D Suc_le_mono length_Suc_conv_rev)
lemma distance_parent:
"⟦distance G u v < ∞; u ≠ v⟧ ⟹
∃w. distance G u w + 1 = distance G u v ∧ v ∈ neighbourhood G w"
case 1
then obtain p where "shortest_path G u p v"
by(force dest!: dist_reachable elim!: shortest_path_exists)
hence "length p ≥ 2"
using ‹u≠v›
by(auto dest!: shortest_path_vwalk simp: Suc_le_length_iff eval_nat_numeral elim: vwalk_betE)
then obtain p' x y where "p = p' @ [x, y]"
by(auto simp: Suc_le_length_iff_2 eval_nat_numeral)
hence "shortest_path G u (p' @ [x]) x"
using ‹shortest_path G u p v›
by (fastforce dest: shortest_path_split_2)
hence "distance G u x + 1 = distance G u v"
using ‹shortest_path G u p v› ‹p = p' @ [x,y]›
by (auto dest!: shortest_path_dist simp: eSuc_plus_1)
moreover have "y = v"
using ‹shortest_path G u p v› ‹p = p' @ [x,y]›
by(force simp: ‹p = p' @ [x,y]› dest!: shortest_path_vwalk intro!: vwalk_bet_snoc[where p = "p' @ [x]"])
moreover have "y ∈ neighbourhood G x"
using ‹shortest_path G u p v› ‹p = p' @ [x,y]› vwalk_bet_suffix_is_vwalk_bet
by(fastforce simp: ‹p = p' @ [x,y]› dest!: shortest_path_vwalk)
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
subsection ‹Distance from a set of vertices›
definition distance_set::"('v × 'v) set ⇒ 'v set ⇒ 'v ⇒ enat" where
"distance_set G U v = ( INF u∈U. distance G u v)"
lemma dist_set_inf: "v ∉ dVs G ⟹ distance_set G U v = ∞"
by(auto simp: distance_set_def INF_eqI dist_inf)
lemma dist_set_mem[intro]: "u ∈ U ⟹ distance_set G U v ≤ distance G u v"
by (auto simp: distance_set_def wellorder_Inf_le1)
lemma dist_not_inf'': "⟦distance_set G U v ≠ ∞; u∈U; distance G u v = distance_set G U v⟧
⟹ ∃p. vwalk_bet G u (u#p) v ∧ length p = distance G u v ∧
set p ∩ U = {}"
case main: 1
then obtain p where "vwalk_bet G u (u#p) v" "length p = distance G u v"
by (metis dist_reachable enat_ord_simps(4) hd_of_vwalk_bet length_tl list.sel(3) reachable_dist_2)
moreover have "set p ∩ U = {}"
proof(rule ccontr, goal_cases)
case 1
then obtain p1 w p2 where "p = p1 @ w # p2" "w ∈ U"
by (auto dest!: split_list)
hence "length (w#p2) < length (u#p)"
by auto
moreover have "vwalk_bet G w (w#p2) v"
using ‹p = p1 @ w # p2› ‹vwalk_bet G u (u # p) v›
split_vwalk vwalk_bet_cons
by fastforce
hence "distance G w v ≤ length p2"
by(auto dest!: vwalk_bet_dist)
ultimately have "distance_set G U v ≤ length p2"
using ‹w ∈ U›
by(auto dest!: dist_set_mem dest: order.trans)
moreover have "length p ≤ distance_set G U v"
by (simp add: ‹enat (length p) = distance G u v› main(3))
moreover have " enat (length p2) < eSuc (enat (length p1 + length p2))"
by auto
ultimately have False
using leD
apply -
apply(drule dual_order.trans[where c = "enat (length p)"])
by (fastforce simp: ‹p = p1 @ w # p2› dest: )+
then show ?case
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
lemma dist_not_inf''':
"⟦distance_set G U v ≠ ∞; u∈U; distance G u v = distance_set G U v⟧
⟹ ∃p. shortest_path G u (u#p) v ∧ set p ∩ U = {}"
apply (simp add: shortest_path_def)
by (metis dist_not_inf'' enat.distinct(1))
lemma distance_set_union:
"distance_set G (U ∪ V) v ≤ distance_set G U v"
by (simp add: distance_set_def INF_superset_mono)
lemma lt_lt_infnty: "x < (y::enat) ⟹ x < ∞"
using enat_ord_code(3) order_less_le_trans
by blast
lemma finite_dist_nempty:
"distance_set G V v ≠ ∞ ⟹ V ≠ {}"
by (auto simp: distance_set_def top_enat_def)
lemma distance_set_wit:
assumes "v ∈ V"
obtains v' where "v' ∈ V" "distance_set G V x = distance G v' x"
using assms wellorder_InfI[of "distance G v x" "(%v. distance G v x) ` V"]
by (auto simp: distance_set_def image_def dest!: )
lemma distance_set_wit':
assumes "distance_set G V v ≠ ∞"
obtains v' where "v' ∈ V" "distance_set G V x = distance G v' x"
using finite_dist_nempty[OF assms]
by (auto elim: distance_set_wit)
lemma dist_set_not_inf: "distance_set G U v ≠ ∞ ⟹ ∃u∈U. distance G u v = distance_set G U v"
using distance_set_wit'
by metis
lemma dist_not_inf': "distance_set G U v ≠ ∞ ⟹
∃u∈U. distance G u v = distance_set G U v ∧ reachable G u v"
by (metis dist_reachable dist_set_not_inf enat_ord_simps(4))
lemma distance_on_vwalk:
"⟦distance_set G U v = distance G u v; u ∈ U; shortest_path G u p v; w ∈ set p⟧
⟹ distance_set G U w = distance G u w"
case assms: 1
hence "distance_set G U w ≤ distance G u w"
by (auto intro: dist_set_mem)
moreover have "distance G u w ≤ distance_set G U w"
proof(rule ccontr, goal_cases)
case dist_gt: 1
hence "distance_set G U w ≠ ∞"
using lt_lt_infnty
by (auto simp: linorder_class.not_le)
then obtain u' where "u' ∈ U" "distance G u' w < distance G u w"
using dist_gt
by (fastforce dest!: dist_set_not_inf)
moreover then obtain p' where "shortest_path G u' p' w"
by (fastforce dest: lt_lt_infnty elim!: shortest_path_exists_2)
moreover obtain p1 p2 where "p = p1 @ [w] @ p2"
using ‹w ∈ set p›
by(fastforce dest: iffD1[OF in_set_conv_decomp_first])
ultimately have "vwalk_bet G u' (p' @ tl ([w] @ p2)) v"
using ‹shortest_path G u p v›
apply -
apply (rule vwalk_bet_transitive)
by(auto dest!: shortest_path_vwalk shortest_path_split_1)+
moreover have "shortest_path G u (p1 @[w]) w"
using ‹shortest_path G u p v›
by(auto dest!: shortest_path_split_2 simp: ‹p = p1 @ [w] @ p2›)
hence "length (p' @ tl ([w] @ p2)) - 1 < length p - 1"
using ‹shortest_path G u' p' w› ‹distance G u' w < distance G u w›
by(auto dest!: shortest_path_dist simp: ‹p = p1 @ [w] @ p2›)
hence "length (p' @ tl ([w] @ p2)) - 1 < distance_set G U v"
using assms(1,3) shortest_path_dist
by force
ultimately show False
using dist_set_mem [OF ‹u' ∈ U›]
apply -
apply(drule vwalk_bet_dist)
by (meson leD order_le_less_trans)
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
lemma diff_le_self_enat: "m - n ≤ (m::enat)"
by (metis diff_le_self enat.exhaust enat_ord_code(1) idiff_enat_enat idiff_infinity idiff_infinity_right order_refl zero_le)
lemma shortest_path_dist_set_union:
"⟦distance_set G U v = distance G u v; u ∈ U; shortest_path G u (p1 @ x # p2) v;
x ∈ V; ⋀v'. v' ∈ V ⟹ distance_set G U v' = distance G u x⟧
⟹ distance_set G (U ∪ V) v = distance_set G U v - distance G u x"
case assms: 1
define k where "k = distance G u x"
have "distance_set G (U ∪ V) v ≤ distance_set G U v - k"
have "vwalk_bet G x (x#p2) v"
using ‹shortest_path G u (p1 @ x # p2) v›
by(auto dest: shortest_path_vwalk split_vwalk)
moreover have ‹x ∈ U ∪ V›
using ‹x ∈ V›
by auto
ultimately have "distance_set G (U ∪ V) v ≤ length (x # p2) - 1"
by(auto simp only: dest!: vwalk_bet_dist dist_set_mem dest: order_trans)
moreover have "length p1 = k"
have "shortest_path G u (p1 @ [x]) x"
using ‹shortest_path G u (p1 @ x # p2) v›
by(auto intro: shortest_path_split_2)
moreover have "distance_set G U x = k"
using assms
by (auto simp: k_def)
ultimately have "length (p1 @ [x]) - 1 = k"
using assms(1,2,3) distance_on_vwalk shortest_path_dist
by fastforce
thus ?thesis
by auto
hence "(distance_set G U v) - k = length (x#p2) - 1"
using ‹shortest_path G u (p1 @ x # p2) v›
by(auto dest!: shortest_path_dist simp: ‹distance_set G U v = distance G u v›)
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
moreover have "distance_set G (U ∪ V) v ≥ distance_set G U v - k"
proof(rule ccontr, goal_cases)
case dist_lt: 1
hence "distance_set G (U ∪ V) v ≠ ∞"
using lt_lt_infnty
by (auto simp: linorder_class.not_le)
then obtain u' where "u' ∈ U ∪ V" "distance G u' v < distance_set G U v - k"
using dist_lt
by (fastforce dest!: dist_set_not_inf)
then consider "u' ∈ U" | "u' ∈ V"
by auto
then show ?case
case 1
moreover from ‹distance G u' v < distance_set G U v - k›
have ‹distance G u' v < distance_set G U v›
using diff_le_self_enat order_less_le_trans
by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
by(auto simp: dist_set_mem leD)
case 2
moreover from ‹distance G u' v < distance_set G U v - k›
obtain p2 where "shortest_path G u' p2 v"
by(auto elim!: shortest_path_exists_2 dest: lt_lt_infnty)
have "distance_set G U u' = k"
using assms 2
by (auto simp: k_def)
moreover have ‹k ≠ ∞›
using assms
by (fastforce simp: k_def dest: shortest_path_split_2 shortest_path_dist )
ultimately obtain u where "u ∈ U" "distance G u u' = k"
by(fastforce dest!: dist_set_not_inf)
moreover have "distance G u v ≤ distance G u u' + distance G u' v"
using ‹k ≠ ∞› lt_lt_infnty[OF ‹distance G u' v < distance_set G U v - k›] ‹distance G u u' = k›
by(auto intro!: triangle_ineq simp: dist_reachable)
ultimately have "distance G u v ≤ k + distance G u' v"
by auto
hence "distance G u v < k + (distance_set G U v - k)"
using ‹distance G u' v < distance_set G U v - k›
by (meson ‹k ≠ ∞› dual_order.strict_trans2 enat_add_left_cancel_less)
moreover have "k ≤ distance_set G U v"
using assms(1,3) shortest_path_split_distance
by (fastforce simp: k_def)
hence "k + (distance_set G U v - k) ≤ distance_set G U v"
by (simp add: ‹k ≠ ∞› add_diff_assoc_enat)
ultimately have "distance G u v < distance_set G U v "
by auto
then show ?thesis
using ‹u ∈ U›
by (simp add: dist_set_mem leD)
ultimately show ?case
by (auto simp: k_def)
lemma Inf_enat_def1:
fixes K::"enat set"
assumes "K ≠ {}"
shows "Inf K ∈ K"
using assms
by (auto simp add: Min_def Inf_enat_def) (meson LeastI)
lemma INF_plus_enat:
"V ≠ {} ⟹ (INF v∈V. (f::'a ⇒ enat) v) + (x::enat) = (INF v∈V. f v + x)"
case assms: 1
have "(INF v∈V. (f::'a ⇒ enat) v) + (x::enat) ≤ f_v" if "f_v ∈ {f v + x | v . v∈V}" for f_v
using that
apply(auto simp: image_def)
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Inf_lower mem_Collect_eq)
moreover have "(INF v∈V. (f::'a ⇒ enat) v) + (x::enat) ∈ {f v + x | v . v∈V}"
have "Inf {f v | v. v ∈ V} ∈ {f v | v. v ∈ V}"
apply (rule Inf_enat_def1)
using assms
by simp
then obtain v where "v ∈ V" "Inf {f v | v. v ∈ V} = f v"
using assms
by auto
hence "f v + 1 ∈ {f v + 1 | v. v ∈ V}"
by auto
hence "Inf {f v | v. v ∈ V} + x ∈ {f v + x | v. v ∈ V}"
apply(subst ‹Inf {f v | v. v ∈ V} = f v›)
by auto
thus ?thesis
by (simp add: Setcompr_eq_image)
ultimately show ?case
by (simp add: Inf_lower Setcompr_eq_image order_antisym wellorder_InfI)
lemma distance_set_neighbourhood:
"⟦v ∈ neighbourhood G u; Vs ≠ {}⟧ ⟹ distance_set G Vs v ≤ distance_set G Vs u + 1"
case assms: 1
hence "(INF w∈ Vs. distance G w v) ≤ (INF w∈ Vs. distance G w u + 1)"
by (auto simp add: distance_neighbourhood' intro!: INF_mono')
also have "... = (INF w∈ Vs. distance G w u) + (1::enat)"
using ‹Vs ≠ {}›
by (auto simp: INF_plus_enat)
finally show ?case
by(simp only: distance_set_def)
lemma distance_set_parent:
"⟦distance_set G Vs v < ∞; Vs ≠ {}; v ∉ Vs⟧ ⟹
∃w. distance_set G Vs w + 1 = distance_set G Vs v ∧ v ∈ neighbourhood G w"
case 1
moreover hence "distance_set G Vs v ≠ ∞"
by auto
ultimately obtain u where ‹u ∈ Vs› ‹distance_set G Vs v = distance G u v › ‹u ≠ v›
by(fastforce elim!: distance_set_wit')
then obtain w where "distance G u w + 1 = distance G u v" "v ∈ neighbourhood G w"
using 1 distance_parent
by fastforce
thus ?thesis
by (metis "1"(2) ‹distance_set G Vs v = distance G u v› ‹u ∈ Vs›
add_mono_thms_linordered_semiring(3) dist_set_mem
distance_set_neighbourhood nle_le)
lemma distance_set_parent':
"⟦0 < distance_set G Vs v; distance_set G Vs v < ∞; Vs ≠ {}⟧ ⟹
∃w. distance_set G Vs w + 1 = distance_set G Vs v ∧ v ∈ neighbourhood G w"
using distance_set_parent
by (metis antisym_conv2 dist_set_inf distance_0 distance_set_def less_INF_D order.strict_implies_order)
lemma distance_set_0[simp]: "⟦v ∈ dVs G⟧ ⟹ distance_set G Vs v = 0 ⟷ v ∈ Vs"
proof(safe, goal_cases)
case 2
moreover have "distance G v v = 0"
by (meson calculation(1) distance_0)
ultimately show ?case
by (metis dist_set_mem le_zero_eq)
case 1
thus ?case
by (metis dist_set_not_inf distance_0 infinity_ne_i0)
lemma dist_set_leq:
"⟦⋀u. u ∈ Vs ⟹ distance G u v ≤ distance G' u v⟧ ⟹ distance_set G Vs v ≤ distance_set G' Vs v"
by(auto simp: distance_set_def INF_superset_mono)
lemma dist_set_eq:
"⟦⋀u. u ∈ Vs ⟹ distance G u v = distance G' u v⟧ ⟹ distance_set G Vs v = distance_set G' Vs v"
using dist_set_leq
by (metis nle_le)
lemma distance_set_subset: "G ⊆ G' ⟹ distance_set G' Vs v ≤ distance_set G Vs v"
by (simp add: dist_set_leq distance_subset)
lemma vwalk_bet_dist_set:
"⟦Vwalk.vwalk_bet G u p v; u ∈ U⟧ ⟹ distance_set G U v ≤ length p - 1"
apply (auto simp: distance_set_def image_def intro!:)
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Inf_lower One_nat_def dual_order.trans mem_Collect_eq vwalk_bet_dist)