Theory Combinators

theory Combinators

section‹ More combinators\label{sec:combinators} ›


Extra combinators:› shows how we can handle arbitrary choice
  prog.while› combinator expresses all tail-recursive computations. Its condition is a pure value.


setup Sign.mandatory_path "prog"

definition select :: "'v set  ('s, 'v) prog" where
  "select X = (xX. prog.return x)"

  notes [[function_internals]]

partial_function (lfp) while :: "('k  ('s, 'k + 'v) prog)  'k  ('s, 'v) prog" where
  "while c k = c k  (λrv. case rv of Inl k'  while c k' | Inr v  prog.return v)"


abbreviation loop :: "('s, unit) prog  ('s, 'w) prog" where
  "loop P  prog.while (λ(). P  prog.return (Inl ())) ()"

abbreviation guardM :: "bool  ('s, unit) prog" where
  "guardM b  if b then  else prog.return ()"

abbreviation unlessM :: "bool  ('s, unit) prog  ('s, unit) prog" where
  "unlessM b c  if b then prog.return () else c"

abbreviation whenM :: "bool  ('s, unit) prog  ('s, unit) prog" where
  "whenM b c  if b then c else prog.return ()"

definition app :: "('a  ('s, unit) prog)  'a list  ('s, unit) prog" where ―‹ Haskell's mapM_›
  "app f xs = foldr (λx m. f x  m) xs (prog.return ())"

definition set_app :: "('a  ('s, unit) prog)  'a set  ('s, unit) prog" where
  "set_app f =
    prog.while (λX. if X = {} then prog.return (Inr ())
                              else X  (λx. f x  prog.return (Inl (X - {x}))))"

primrec foldM :: "('b  'a  ('s, 'b) prog)  'b  'a list  ('s, 'b) prog" where
  "foldM f b [] = prog.return b"
| "foldM f b (x # xs) = do {
     b'  f b x;
     foldM f b' xs

primrec fold_mapM :: "('a  ('s, 'b) prog)  'a list  ('s, 'b list) prog" where
  "fold_mapM f [] = prog.return []"
| "fold_mapM f (x # xs) = do {
     y  f x;
     ys  fold_mapM f xs;
     prog.return (y # ys)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "select"

lemma empty:
  shows " {} = "
by (simp add: prog.select_def)

lemma singleton:
  shows " {x} = prog.return x"
by (simp add: prog.select_def)

lemma monotone:
  shows "mono"
by (simp add: monoI prog.select_def SUP_subset_mono)

lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF]
lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF, of P Q for P Q]
lemmas mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono] = monotone2monotone[OF, simplified, of orda P for orda P]

lemma Sup:
  shows " (X) = (xX. x)"
by (simp add: prog.select_def flip: SUP_UNION)

lemma mcont:
  shows "mcont  (⊆) Sup (≤)"
by (simp add: mcontI contI

lemmas mcont2mcont[cont_intro] = mcont2mcont[OF, of supa orda P for supa orda P]

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "return"

lemma select_le:
  assumes "x  X"
  shows "prog.return x X"
by (simp add: assms prog.select_def SUP_upper)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "bind"

lemma selectL:
  shows " X  g = (xX. g x)"
by (simp add: prog.select_def prog.bind.SUPL prog.bind.returnL)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "while"

lemma bot:
  shows "prog.while  = "
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff prog.while.simps prog.bind.botL)

lemma monotone: ―‹ could hope to prove this with a strengthen› rule for constlfp.fixp_fun
  shows "mono (λP. prog.while P s)"
by (rule monoI)
   (induct arbitrary: s rule: prog.while.fixp_induct; simp add: prog.bind.mono le_funD split: sum.split)

lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF prog.while.monotone]
lemmas mono' = monotoneD[OF prog.while.monotone, of P Q for P Q] ―‹ compare with @{thm [source] "prog.while.mono"}
lemmas mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono] = monotone2monotone[OF prog.while.monotone, simplified, of orda P for orda P]

lemma Sup_le:
  shows "(PX. prog.while P s)  prog.while (X) s"
by (simp add: SUP_le_iff SupI prog.while.mono')

lemma Inf_le:
  shows "prog.while (X) s  (PX. prog.while P s)"
by (simp add: le_INF_iff Inf_lower prog.while.mono')

lemma True_skip_eq_bot:
  shows "prog.while prog.return (Inl x) s = "
by (induct arbitrary: s rule: prog.while.fixp_induct) (simp_all add: prog.bind.returnL)

lemma Inr_eq_return:
  shows "prog.while prog.return (Inr v) s = prog.return v"
by (subst prog.while.simps) (simp add: prog.bind.returnL)

lemma kleene_star:
  shows " P
       = prog.while (λ_. (P  prog.return (Inl ()))  prog.return (Inr ())) ()" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
  proof(induct rule:[case_names adm bot step])
    case (step P) then show ?case
      by (subst prog.while.simps) (simp add: prog.bind.supL prog.bind.bind prog.bind.mono sup.coboundedI1 prog.bind.returnL)
  qed simp_all
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
  proof(induct rule: prog.while.fixp_induct[case_names adm bot step])
    case (step k) then show ?case
      by (subst (simp add: prog.bind.supL prog.bind.bind prog.bind.mono prog.bind.returnL le_supI1)
  qed simp_all

lemma invmap_le:
  fixes sf :: "'s  't"
  fixes vf :: "'v  'w"
  shows "prog.while (λk. prog.invmap sf (map_sum id vf) (c k)) k
       prog.invmap sf vf (prog.while c k)" (is "?lhs prog.while k  ?rhs k")
proof(rule spec[where x=k],
      induct rule: prog.while.fixp_induct[where P="λR. k. ?lhs R k  ?rhs k", case_names adm bot step])
  case (step k) show ?case
    apply (subst prog.while.simps)
    apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF step[rule_format]])
    apply (auto intro!: SUPE prog.bind.mono[OF order.refl]
                 split: sum.splits
                  simp: prog.invmap.bind prog.invmap.return
                        prog.invmap.split_vinvmap[where sf=sf and vf="map_sum id vf"]
                        prog.bind.bind prog.bind.return prog.bind.SUPL
                        order.trans[OF _ prog.bind.mono[OF prog.return.rel_le order.refl]])
qed (simp_all add:

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "loop"

lemma bindL:
  fixes P :: "('s, unit) prog"
  fixes Q :: "('s, 'w) prog"
  shows "prog.loop P  Q = prog.loop P" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by (rule prog.while.fixp_induct[where P="λR. R (λ(). P  prog.return (Inl ())) ()  Q  ?rhs"]; simp add: prog.bind.botL)
       (subst prog.while.simps; simp add: prog.bind.bind prog.bind.mono lambda_unit_futzery prog.bind.returnL)
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (rule prog.while.fixp_induct[where P="λR. R (λ(). P  prog.return (Inl ())) ()  ?lhs"]; simp)
       (subst prog.while.simps; simp add: prog.bind.bind prog.bind.mono lambda_unit_futzery prog.bind.returnL)

lemma parallel_le:
  shows "prog.loop P  lfp (λR. P  R)"
proof(induct rule: prog.while.fixp_induct[case_names adm bot step])
  case (step k) show ?case
    apply (subst lfp_unfold, simp)
    apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen[OF prog.bind.parallel_le])
    apply (simp add: prog.bind.bind prog.bind.mono prog.bind.returnL step)
qed simp_all

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "foldM"

lemma append:
  shows "prog.foldM f b (xs @ ys) = prog.foldM f b xs  (λb'. prog.foldM f b' ys)"
by (induct xs arbitrary: b) (simp_all add: prog.bind.returnL prog.bind.bind)

setup Sign.parent_path

lemma foldM_alt_def:
  shows "prog.foldM f b xs = foldr (λx m. prog.bind m (λb. f b x)) (rev xs) (prog.return b)"
by (induct xs arbitrary: b rule: rev_induct) (simp_all add: prog.foldM.append prog.bind.returnR)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "fold_mapM"

lemma bot:
  shows "prog.fold_mapM  = (λxs. case xs of []  prog.return [] | _  )"
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff prog.bind.botL split: list.split)

lemma append:
  shows "prog.fold_mapM f (xs @ ys)
       = prog.fold_mapM f xs  (λxs. prog.fold_mapM f ys  (λys. prog.return (xs @ ys)))"
by (induct xs) (simp_all add: prog.bind.bind prog.bind.returnL prog.bind.returnR)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "app"

lemma bot:
  shows "  = (λxs. case xs of []  prog.return () | _  )"
    and " (λ_. ) = (λxs. case xs of []  prog.return () | _  )"
by (simp_all add: fun_eq_iff prog.app_def prog.bind.botL split: list.split)

lemma Nil:
  shows " f [] = prog.return ()"
by (simp add: prog.app_def)

lemma Cons:
  shows " f (x # xs) = f x f xs"
by (simp add: prog.app_def)

lemmas simps =

lemma append:
  shows " f (xs @ ys) = f xs f ys"
by (induct xs arbitrary: ys) (simp_all add: prog.bind.returnL prog.bind.bind)

lemma monotone:
  shows "mono (λf. f xs)"
by (induct xs) (simp_all add: le_fun_def monotone_on_def prog.bind.mono)

lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF]
lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF]
lemmas mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono] = monotone2monotone[OF, simplified, of orda P for orda P]

lemma Sup_le:
  shows "(fX. f xs) (X) xs"
by (simp add: SUP_le_iff SupI

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "invmap"

lemma app:
  fixes sf :: "'s  't"
  fixes vf :: "'v  unit"
  shows "prog.invmap sf vf ( f xs)
       = (λx. prog.sinvmap sf (f x)) xs  prog.invmap sf vf (prog.return ())"
by (induct xs)
   (simp_all add: prog.bind.return prog.invmap.bind prog.bind.bind id_def)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "sinvmap"

lemma app_le:
  fixes sf :: "'s  't"
  fixes vf :: "'v  unit"
  shows " (λx. prog.sinvmap sf (f x)) xs  prog.sinvmap sf ( f xs)"
by (simp add: prog.invmap.return prog.bind.return
              order.trans[OF _ prog.bind.mono[OF order.refl prog.return.rel_le]])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "set_app"

lemma bot:
  shows "X  {}  prog.set_app  X = "
    and "X  {}  prog.set_app (λ_. ) X = "
by (simp_all add: prog.set_app_def prog.while.simps prog.bind.bind prog.bind.botL prog.bind.selectL)

lemma empty:
  shows "prog.set_app f {} = prog.return ()"
by (simp add: prog.set_app_def prog.while.simps prog.bind.returnL)

lemma not_empty:
  assumes "X  {}"
  shows "prog.set_app f X = X  (λx. f x  prog.set_app f (X - {x}))"
using assms by (simp add: prog.set_app_def prog.while.simps prog.bind.returnL prog.bind.bind)

lemmas simps =

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "app"

lemma set_app_le:
  assumes "X = set xs"
  assumes "distinct xs"
  shows " f xs  prog.set_app f X"
using assms
proof(induct xs arbitrary: X)
  case (Cons x xs) then show ?case
    apply (simp add: prog.set_app.simps
    apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(2)[OF prog.return.select_le[of x]], blast)
    apply (simp add: prog.bind.returnL prog.bind.mono)
qed (simp add: prog.set_app.simps)

setup Sign.parent_path

lemma set_app_alt_def:
  assumes "finite X"
  shows "prog.set_app f X = (xs{ys. set ys = X  distinct ys}. f xs)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  from assms show "?lhs  ?rhs"
  proof(induct rule: finite_remove_induct)
    case (remove X)
    from finite X X  {} have *: "{ys. set ys = X - {x}  distinct ys}  {}" for x
      by (simp add: finite_distinct_list)
    from X  {} show ?case
      apply (clarsimp simp: prog.set_app.simps prog.bind.selectL)
      apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen[OF remove.hyps(4)], blast)
      apply (fastforce simp: prog.bind.SUPR_not_empty[OF *] Sup_le_iff
                      intro: rev_SUPI[where x="x # xs" for x xs])
  qed (simp add: prog.set_app.simps
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (simp add: Sup_le_iff

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "ag.prog"

lemma select_sp:
  assumes "s x. P s; x  X  Q x s"
  assumes "v. stable A (P  Q v)"
  shows "prog.p2s ( X)  P⦄, A  G, λv. P  Q v"
by (clarsimp simp: prog.select_def prog.p2s.Sup ag.spec.term.none_inteference)
   (rule ag.pre[OF ag.prog.return[OF assms(2)]]; blast intro: assms(1))

lemma while:
  fixes c :: "'k  ('s, 'k + 'v) prog"
  assumes c: "k. prog.p2s (c k)  P k⦄, A  G, case_sum I Q"
  assumes IP: "s v. I v s  P v s"
  assumes sQ: "v. stable A (Q v)"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.while c k)  I k⦄, A  G, Q"
proof -
  have "prog.p2s (prog.while c k)  P k⦄, A  G, Q"
  proof(induct arbitrary: k rule: prog.while.fixp_induct[case_names adm bot step])
    case (step k) show ?case
      apply (rule ag.prog.bind[OF _ c])
      apply (rule ag.pre_pre[OF ag.prog.case_sum[OF step ag.prog.return[OF sQ]]])
      apply (simp add: IP split: sum.splits)
  qed (simp_all add: ag.prog.galois)
  then show ?thesis
    by (meson IP ag.pre_pre)

lemma app:
  fixes xs :: "'a list"
  fixes f :: "'a  ('s, unit) prog"
  fixes P :: "'a list  's pred"
  assumes "x ys zs. xs = ys @ x # zs  prog.p2s (f x)  P ys⦄, A  G, λ_. P (ys @ [x])"
  assumes "ys. prefix ys xs  stable A (P ys)"
  shows "prog.p2s ( f xs)  P []⦄, A  G, λ_. P xs"
using assms
by (induct xs rule: rev_induct;
    fastforce intro: ag.prog.bind ag.prog.return
               simp: prog.bind.returnR

lemma app_set:
  fixes X :: "'a set"
  fixes f :: "'a  ('s, unit) prog"
  fixes P :: "'a set  's pred"
  assumes "Y x. Y  X; x  X - Y  prog.p2s (f x)  P Y⦄, A  G, λ_. P (insert x Y)"
  assumes "Y. Y  X  Stability.stable A (P Y)"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.set_app f X)  P {}⦄, A  G, λ_. P X"
proof -
  have *: "X - (Y - {x}) = insert x (X - Y)" if "Y  X" and "x  Y" for x and X Y :: "'a set"
    using that by blast
  show ?thesis
    unfolding prog.set_app_def
    apply (rule ag.prog.while[where I="λY s. Y  X  P (X - Y) s" and Q="P X" and k="X", simplified])
      apply (rename_tac k)
      apply (rule ag.prog.if)
       apply (rule ag.prog.return)
       apply (simp add: assms; fail)
      apply (rule_tac P="λs. k  X  P (X - k) s" in ag.prog.bind[rotated])
       apply (rule_tac Q="λx s. x  k" in ag.prog.select_sp, assumption)
       apply (simp add: assms(2) stable.conjI stable.const; fail)
      apply (intro ag.gen_asm)
      apply (rule ag.prog.bind[rotated])
       apply (rule assms(1); force)
      apply (rule ag.pre_pre[OF ag.prog.return])
       apply (simp add: assms(2) stable.conjI stable.const; fail)
      using * apply fastforce
     apply force
    apply (simp add: assms(2))

lemma foldM:
  fixes xs :: "'a list"
  fixes f :: "'b  'a  ('s, 'b) prog"
  fixes I :: "'b  'a  's pred"
  fixes P :: "'b  's pred"
  assumes f: "b x. x  set xs  prog.p2s (f b x)  I b x⦄, A  G, P"
  assumes P: "b x s. P b s; x  set xs  I b x s"
  assumes sP: "b. stable A (P b)"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.foldM f b xs)  P b⦄, A  G, P"
using f P by (induct xs arbitrary: b) (fastforce intro!: ag.prog.bind intro: ag.pre_pre ag.prog.return[OF sP])+

setup Sign.parent_path
