Theory CImperativeHOL
theory CImperativeHOL
section ‹ A concurrent variant of Imperative HOL\label{sec:CImperativeHOL} ›
We model programs operating on sequentially-consistent memory with the type \<^typ>‹(heap.t, 'v) prog›.
Source materials:
▪ 🗏‹$ISABELLE_HOME/src/HOL/Imperative_HOL/Heap_Monad.thy›
▪ 🗏‹$ISABELLE_HOME/src/HOL/Imperative_HOL/Array.thy›
▪ 🗏‹$ISABELLE_HOME/src/HOL/Imperative_HOL/Ref.thy›
▪ note that ImperativeHOL is deterministic and sequential
type_synonym 'v imp = "(heap.t, 'v) prog"
setup ‹Sign.mandatory_path "prog"›
definition raise :: "String.literal ⇒ 'a imp" where
"raise s = ⊥"
definition assert :: "bool ⇒ unit imp" where
"assert P = (if P then prog.return () else prog.raise STR ''assert'')"
setup ‹Sign.mandatory_path "Ref"›
definition ref :: "'a::heap.rep ⇒ 'a ref imp" where
"ref v = prog.action {(r, s, s'). (r, s') ∈ Ref.alloc v s}"
definition lookup :: "'a::heap.rep ref ⇒ 'a imp" (‹!_› 61) where
"lookup r = (Ref.get r)"
definition update :: "'a ref ⇒ 'a::heap.rep ⇒ unit imp" (‹_ := _› 62) where
"update r v = prog.write (Ref.set r v)"
setup ‹Sign.parent_path›
setup ‹Sign.mandatory_path "Array"›
definition new :: "('i × 'i) ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('i::Ix, 'a::heap.rep) array imp" where
"new b v = prog.action {(Array b a, s, s') |a s s'. (a, s') ∈ ODArray.alloc (replicate (length (Ix.interval b)) v) s}"
definition make :: "('i × 'i) ⇒ ('i ⇒ 'a) ⇒ ('i::Ix, 'a::heap.rep) array imp" where
"make b f = prog.action {(Array b a, s, s') |a s s'. (a, s') ∈ ODArray.alloc (map f (Ix.interval b)) s}"
definition of_list :: "('i × 'i) ⇒ 'a list ⇒ ('i::Ix, 'a::heap.rep) array imp" where
"of_list b xs = prog.action {(Array b a, s, s') |a s s'. length (Ix.interval b) ≤ length xs ∧ (a, s') ∈ ODArray.alloc xs s}"
definition nth :: "('i::Ix, 'a::heap.rep) array ⇒ 'i ⇒ 'a imp" where
"nth a i = (λs. Array.get a i s)"
definition upd :: "('i::Ix, 'a::heap.rep) array ⇒ 'i ⇒ 'a ⇒ unit imp" where
"upd a i v = prog.write (Array.set a i v)"
definition freeze :: "('i::Ix, 'a::heap.rep) array ⇒ 'a list imp" where
"freeze a = prog.fold_mapM (prog.Array.nth a) (Array.interval a)"
definition swap :: "('i::Ix, 'a::heap.rep) array ⇒ 'i ⇒ 'i ⇒ unit imp"
"swap a i j =
do {
x ← prog.Array.nth a i;
y ← prog.Array.nth a j;
prog.Array.upd a i y;
prog.Array.upd a j x;
prog.return ()
declare prog.raise_def[code del]
declare prog.Ref.ref_def[code del]
declare prog.Ref.lookup_def[code del]
declare prog.Ref.update_def[code del]
declare prog.Array.new_def[code del]
declare prog.Array.make_def[code del]
declare prog.Array.of_list_def[code del]
declare prog.Array.nth_def[code del]
declare prog.Array.upd_def[code del]
declare prog.Array.freeze_def[code del]
paragraph‹ Operations on two-dimensional arrays ›
definition fst_app_chaotic :: "('a::Ix, 'b::Ix) two_dim ⇒ ('a ⇒ ('s, unit) prog) ⇒ ('s, unit) prog" where
"fst_app_chaotic b f = prog.set_app f (set (Ix.interval (fst_bounds b)))"
definition fst_app :: "('a::Ix, 'b::Ix) two_dim ⇒ ('a ⇒ ('s, unit) prog) ⇒ ('s, unit) prog" where
"fst_app b f = f (Ix.interval (fst_bounds b))"
lemma fst_app_fst_app_chaotic_le:
shows "prog.Array.fst_app b f ≤ prog.Array.fst_app_chaotic b f"
unfolding prog.Array.fst_app_chaotic_def prog.Array.fst_app_def
by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF]) (auto simp: distinct_interval)
setup ‹Sign.parent_path›
setup ‹Sign.parent_path›
setup ‹Sign.mandatory_path "ag.prog"›
lemmas fst_app_chaotic =
ag.prog.app_set[where X="set (Ix.interval (fst_bounds b))" for b, folded prog.Array.fst_app_chaotic_def]
lemmas fst_app =[where xs="Ix.interval (fst_bounds b)" for b, folded prog.Array.fst_app_def]
setup ‹Sign.parent_path›
subsection ‹Code generator setup›
subsubsection ‹Haskell›
code_printing code_module "Heap" ⇀ (Haskell)
-- Sequentially-consistent primitives
-- Arrays:
module Heap (
, Ref, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef
, Array, newArray, newListArray, newFunArray, readArray, writeArray
, parallel
) where
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as MVar
import qualified Data.Array.IO as Array
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, atomicWriteIORef)
import Data.List (genericLength)
type Prog a b = IO b
type Array a = Array.IOArray Integer a
type Ref a = Data.IORef.IORef a
writeIORef :: IORef a -> a -> IO ()
writeIORef = atomicWriteIORef -- could use the strict variant
newArray :: Integer -> a -> IO (Array a)
newArray k = Array.newArray (0, k - 1)
newFunArray :: Integer -> (Integer -> a) -> IO (Array a)
newFunArray k f = Array.newListArray (0, k - 1) (map f [0..k-1])
newListArray :: Integer -> [a] -> IO (Array a)
newListArray k xs = Array.newListArray (0, k) xs
readArray :: Array a -> Integer -> IO a
readArray = Array.readArray
writeArray :: Array a -> Integer -> a -> IO ()
writeArray = Array.writeArray -- probably should be the WMM atomic op
-- `forkIO` is reputedly cheap, but other papers imply the use of worker threads, perhaps for other reasons
-- note we don't want "forkFinally" as we don't model exceptions
parallel' :: IO a -> IO b -> IO (a, b)
parallel' p q = do
mvar <- MVar.newEmptyMVar
forkIO (p >>= MVar.putMVar mvar) -- note putMVar is lazy
b <- q
a <- MVar.takeMVar mvar
return (a, b)
parallel :: IO () -> IO () -> IO ()
parallel p q = do
mvar <- MVar.newEmptyMVar
forkIO (p >> MVar.putMVar mvar ()) -- note putMVar is lazy
b <- q
a <- MVar.takeMVar mvar
return ()
code_reserved (Haskell) Ix
code_printing type_constructor prog ⇀ (Haskell) "Heap.Prog _ _"
code_monad prog.bind Haskell
code_printing constant prog.return ⇀ (Haskell) "return"
code_printing constant prog.raise ⇀ (Haskell) "error"
code_printing constant prog.parallel ⇀ (Haskell) "Heap.parallel"
text‹ Intermediate operation avoids invariance problem in ‹Scala› (similar to value restriction) ›
setup ‹Sign.mandatory_path "Ref"›
definition ref' where
[code del]: "ref' = prog.Ref.ref"
lemma [code]:
"prog.Ref.ref x = Ref.ref' x"
by (simp add: Ref.ref'_def)
setup ‹Sign.parent_path›
code_printing type_constructor ref ⇀ (Haskell) "Heap.Ref _"
code_printing constant Ref ⇀ (Haskell) "error/ \"bare Ref\""
code_printing constant Ref.ref' ⇀ (Haskell) "Heap.newIORef"
code_printing constant prog.Ref.lookup ⇀ (Haskell) "Heap.readIORef"
code_printing constant prog.Ref.update ⇀ (Haskell) "Heap.writeIORef"
code_printing constant "HOL.equal :: 'a ref ⇒ 'a ref ⇒ bool" ⇀ (Haskell) infix 4 "=="
code_printing class_instance ref :: HOL.equal ⇀ (Haskell) -
text‹ The target language only has to provide one-dimensional arrays indexed by \<^typ>‹integer›. ›
setup ‹Sign.mandatory_path "prog.Array"›
definition new' :: "integer ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a::heap.rep one_dim_array imp" where
"new' k v = prog.action {(a, s, s') |a s s'. (a, s') ∈ ODArray.alloc (replicate (nat_of_integer k) v) s}"
declare'_def[code del]
lemma new_new'[code]:
shows " b v =' (of_nat (length (Ix.interval b))) v ⤜ prog.return ∘ Array b"
by (force simp: prog.Array.new_def'_def prog.vmap.action
simp flip: prog.vmap.eq_return
intro: arg_cong[where f=prog.action])
definition make' :: "integer ⇒ (integer ⇒ 'a) ⇒ 'a::heap.rep one_dim_array imp" where
"make' k f = prog.action {(a, s, s') |a s s'. (a, s') ∈ ODArray.alloc (map (f ∘ of_nat) [0..<nat_of_integer k]) s}"
declare prog.Array.make'_def[code del]
lemma make_make'[code]:
shows "prog.Array.make b f
= prog.Array.make' (of_nat (length (Ix.interval b))) (λi. f (Ix.interval b ! nat_of_integer i))
⤜ prog.return ∘ Array b"
by (force simp: interval_map prog.Array.make_def prog.Array.make'_def prog.vmap.action comp_def
simp flip: prog.vmap.eq_return
intro: arg_cong[where f=prog.action])
definition of_list' :: "integer ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a::heap.rep one_dim_array imp" where
"of_list' k xs = prog.action {(a, s, s') |a s s'. nat_of_integer k ≤ length xs ∧ (a, s') ∈ ODArray.alloc xs s}"
declare prog.Array.of_list'_def[code del]
lemma of_list_of_list'[code]:
shows "prog.Array.of_list b xs
= prog.Array.of_list' (of_nat (length (Ix.interval b))) xs ⤜ prog.return ∘ Array b"
by (force simp: prog.Array.of_list_def prog.Array.of_list'_def prog.vmap.action
simp flip: prog.vmap.eq_return
intro: arg_cong[where f=prog.action])
definition nth' :: "'a::heap.rep one_dim_array ⇒ integer ⇒ 'a imp" where
"nth' a i = (ODArray.get a (nat_of_integer i))"
declare prog.Array.nth'_def[code del]
lemma nth_nth'[code]:
shows "prog.Array.nth a i = prog.Array.nth' (array.arr a) (of_nat (Array.index a i))"
by (simp add: prog.Array.nth_def prog.Array.nth'_def Array.get_def)
definition upd' :: "'a::heap.rep one_dim_array ⇒ integer ⇒ 'a::heap.rep ⇒ unit imp" where
"upd' a i v = prog.write (ODArray.set a (nat_of_integer i) v)"
declare prog.Array.upd'_def[code del]
lemma upd_upd'[code]:
shows "prog.Array.upd a i v = prog.Array.upd' (array.arr a) (of_nat (Array.index a i)) v"
by (simp add: prog.Array.upd_def prog.Array.upd'_def Array.set_def)
setup ‹Sign.parent_path›
code_printing type_constructor one_dim_array ⇀ (Haskell) "Heap.Array/ _"
code_printing constant one_dim_array.Array ⇀ (Haskell) "error/ \"bare Array\""
code_printing constant' ⇀ (Haskell) "Heap.newArray"
code_printing constant prog.Array.make' ⇀ (Haskell) "Heap.newFunArray"
code_printing constant prog.Array.of_list' ⇀ (Haskell) "Heap.newListArray"
code_printing constant prog.Array.nth' ⇀ (Haskell) "Heap.readArray"
code_printing constant prog.Array.upd' ⇀ (Haskell) "Heap.writeArray"
code_printing constant "HOL.equal :: ('i, 'a) array ⇒ ('i, 'a) array ⇒ bool" ⇀ (Haskell) infix 4 "=="
code_printing class_instance array :: HOL.equal ⇀ (Haskell) -
subsection‹ Value-returning parallel\label{sec:CImperativeHOL-parallel} ›
definition parallelP' :: "'a::heap.rep imp ⇒ 'b::heap.rep imp ⇒ ('a × 'b) imp" where
"parallelP' P⇩1 P⇩2 = do {
r⇩1 ← prog.Ref.ref undefined
; r⇩2 ← prog.Ref.ref undefined
; ((P⇩1 ⤜ prog.Ref.update r⇩1) ∥ (P⇩2 ⤜ prog.Ref.update r⇩2))
; v⇩1 ← prog.Ref.lookup r⇩1
; v⇩2 ← prog.Ref.lookup r⇩2
; prog.return (v⇩1, v⇩2)