Theory SestoftCorrect
theory SestoftCorrect
imports BalancedTraces Launchbury.Launchbury Sestoft
lemma lemma_2:
assumes "Γ : e ⇓⇘L⇙ Δ : z"
and "fv (Γ, e, S) ⊆ set L ∪ domA Γ"
shows "(Γ, e, S) ⇒⇧* (Δ, z, S)"
using assms
proof(induction arbitrary: S rule:reds.induct)
case (Lambda Γ x e L)
show ?case..
case (Application y Γ e x L Δ Θ z e')
from ‹fv (Γ, App e x, S) ⊆ set L ∪ domA Γ›
have prem1: "fv (Γ, e, Arg x # S) ⊆ set L ∪ domA Γ" by simp
from prem1 reds_pres_closed[OF ‹Γ : e ⇓⇘L⇙ Δ : Lam [y]. e'›] reds_doesnt_forget[OF ‹Γ : e ⇓⇘L⇙ Δ : Lam [y]. e'›]
have prem2: "fv (Δ, e'[y::=x], S) ⊆ set L ∪ domA Δ" by (auto simp add: fv_subst_eq)
have "(Γ, App e x, S) ⇒ (Γ, e, Arg x # S)"..
also have "… ⇒⇧* (Δ, Lam [y]. e', Arg x# S)" by (rule Application.IH(1)[OF prem1])
also have "… ⇒ (Δ, e'[y ::= x], S)"..
also have "… ⇒⇧* (Θ, z, S)" by (rule Application.IH(2)[OF prem2])
finally show ?case.
case (Variable Γ x e L Δ z S)
from Variable(2)
have "isVal z" by (rule result_evaluated)
have "x ∉ domA Δ" by (rule reds_avoids_live[OF Variable(2), where x = x]) simp_all
from ‹fv (Γ, Var x, S) ⊆ set L ∪ domA Γ›
have prem: "fv (delete x Γ, e, Upd x # S) ⊆ set (x#L) ∪ domA (delete x Γ)"
by (auto dest: subsetD[OF fv_delete_subset] subsetD[OF map_of_Some_fv_subset[OF ‹map_of Γ x = Some e›]])
from ‹map_of Γ x = Some e›
have "(Γ, Var x, S) ⇒ (delete x Γ, e, Upd x # S)"..
also have "… ⇒⇧* (Δ, z, Upd x # S)" by (rule Variable.IH[OF prem])
also have "… ⇒ ((x,z)#Δ, z, S)" using ‹x ∉ domA Δ› ‹isVal z› by (rule var⇩2)
finally show ?case.
case (Bool Γ b L S)
show ?case..
case (IfThenElse Γ scrut L Δ b e⇩1 e⇩2 Θ z S)
have "(Γ, scrut ? e⇩1 : e⇩2, S) ⇒ (Γ, scrut, Alts e⇩1 e⇩2 #S)"..
from IfThenElse.prems
have prem1: "fv (Γ, scrut, Alts e⇩1 e⇩2 #S) ⊆ set L ∪ domA Γ" by auto
hence "(Γ, scrut, Alts e⇩1 e⇩2 #S) ⇒⇧* (Δ, Bool b, Alts e⇩1 e⇩2 #S)"
by (rule IfThenElse.IH)
have "(Δ, Bool b, Alts e⇩1 e⇩2 #S) ⇒ (Δ, if b then e⇩1 else e⇩2, S)"..
from prem1 reds_pres_closed[OF IfThenElse(1)] reds_doesnt_forget[OF IfThenElse(1)]
have prem2: "fv (Δ, if b then e⇩1 else e⇩2, S) ⊆ set L ∪ domA Δ" by auto
hence "(Δ, if b then e⇩1 else e⇩2, S) ⇒⇧* (Θ, z, S)" by (rule IfThenElse.IH(2))
show ?case.
case (Let as Γ L body Δ z S)
from Let(4)
have prem: "fv (as @ Γ, body, S) ⊆ set L ∪ domA (as @ Γ)" by auto
from Let(1)
have "atom ` domA as ♯* Γ" by (auto simp add: fresh_star_Pair)
from Let(1)
have "domA as ∩ fv (Γ, L) = {}"
by (rule fresh_distinct_fv)
hence "domA as ∩ (set L ∪ domA Γ) = {}"
by (auto dest: subsetD[OF domA_fv_subset])
with Let(4)
have "domA as ∩ fv S = {}"
by auto
hence "atom ` domA as ♯* S"
by (auto simp add: fresh_star_def fv_def fresh_def)
have "(Γ, Terms.Let as body, S) ⇒ (as@Γ, body, S)"..
also have "… ⇒⇧* (Δ, z, S)"
by (rule Let.IH[OF prem])
finally show ?case.
type_synonym trace = "conf list"
fun stack :: "conf ⇒ stack" where "stack (Γ, e, S) = S"
interpretation traces step.
abbreviation trace_syn ("_ ⇒⇧*⇘_⇙ _" [50,50,50] 50) where "trace_syn ≡ trace"
lemma conf_trace_induct_final[consumes 1, case_names trace_nil trace_cons]:
"(Γ, e, S) ⇒⇧*⇘T⇙ final ⟹ (⋀ Γ e S. final = (Γ, e, S) ⟹ P Γ e S [] (Γ, e, S)) ⟹ (⋀Γ e S T Γ' e' S'. (Γ', e', S') ⇒⇧*⇘T⇙ final ⟹ P Γ' e' S' T final ⟹ (Γ, e, S) ⇒ (Γ', e', S') ⟹ P Γ e S ((Γ', e', S') # T) final) ⟹ P Γ e S T final"
by (induction "(Γ, e, S)" T final arbitrary: Γ e S rule: trace_induct_final) auto
interpretation balance_trace step stack
apply standard
apply (erule step.cases)
apply auto
abbreviation bal_syn ("_ ⇒⇧b⇧*⇘_⇙ _" [50,50,50] 50) where "bal_syn ≡ bal"
lemma isVal_stops:
assumes "isVal e"
assumes "(Γ, e, S) ⇒⇧b⇧*⇘T⇙ (Δ, z, S)"
shows "T=[]"
using assms
apply -
apply (erule balE)
apply (erule trace.cases)
apply simp
apply auto
apply (auto elim!: step.cases)
lemma Ball_subst[simp]:
"(∀p∈set (Γ[y::h=x]). f p) ⟷ (∀p∈set Γ. case p of (z,e) ⇒ f (z, e[y::=x]))"
by (induction Γ) auto
lemma lemma_3:
assumes "(Γ, e, S) ⇒⇧b⇧*⇘T⇙ (Δ, z, S)"
assumes "isVal z"
shows "Γ : e ⇓⇘upds_list S⇙ Δ : z"
using assms
proof(induction T arbitrary: Γ e S Δ z rule: measure_induct_rule[where f = length])
case (less T Γ e S Δ z)
from ‹(Γ, e, S) ⇒⇧b⇧*⇘T⇙ (Δ, z, S)›
have "(Γ, e, S) ⇒⇧*⇘T⇙ (Δ, z, S)" and "∀ c'∈set T. S ≲ stack c'" unfolding bal.simps by auto
from this(1)
show ?case
case trace_nil
from ‹isVal z› trace_nil show ?thesis by (auto intro: reds_isValI)
case (trace_cons conf' T')
from ‹T = conf' # T'› and ‹∀ c'∈set T. S ≲ stack c'› have "S ≲ stack conf'" by auto
from ‹(Γ, e, S) ⇒ conf'›
show ?thesis
case (app⇩1 e x)
obtain T⇩1 c⇩3 c⇩4 T⇩2
where "T' = T⇩1 @ c⇩4 # T⇩2" and prem1: "(Γ, e, Arg x # S) ⇒⇧b⇧*⇘T⇩1⇙ c⇩3" and "c⇩3 ⇒ c⇩4" and prem2: " c⇩4 ⇒⇧b⇧*⇘T⇩2⇙ (Δ, z, S)"
by (rule bal_consE[OF ‹bal _ T _›[unfolded app⇩1 trace_cons]]) (simp, rule)
from ‹T = _› ‹T' = _› have "length T⇩1 < length T" and "length T⇩2 < length T" by auto
from prem1 have "stack c⇩3 = Arg x # S" by (auto dest: bal_stackD)
from prem2 have "stack c⇩4 = S" by (auto dest: bal_stackD)
note ‹c⇩3 ⇒ c⇩4›
obtain Δ' y e' where "c⇩3 = (Δ', Lam [y]. e', Arg x # S)" and "c⇩4 = (Δ', e'[y ::= x], S)"
by (auto elim!: step.cases simp del: exp_assn.eq_iff)
from less(1)[OF ‹length T⇩1 < length T› prem1[unfolded ‹c⇩3 = _› ‹c⇩4 = _›]]
have "Γ : e ⇓⇘upds_list S⇙ Δ' : Lam [y]. e'" by simp
from less(1)[OF ‹length T⇩2 < length T› prem2[unfolded ‹c⇩3 = _› ‹c⇩4 = _›] ‹isVal z›]
have "Δ' : e'[y::=x] ⇓⇘upds_list S⇙ Δ : z" by simp
show ?thesis unfolding app⇩1
by (rule reds_ApplicationI)
case (app⇩2 y e x S')
from ‹conf' =_› ‹S = _ # S'› ‹S ≲ stack conf'›
have False by (auto simp add: extends_def)
thus ?thesis..
case (var⇩1 x e)
obtain T⇩1 c⇩3 c⇩4 T⇩2
where "T' = T⇩1 @ c⇩4 # T⇩2" and prem1: "(delete x Γ, e, Upd x # S) ⇒⇧b⇧*⇘T⇩1⇙ c⇩3" and "c⇩3 ⇒ c⇩4" and prem2: "c⇩4 ⇒⇧b⇧*⇘T⇩2⇙ (Δ, z, S)"
by (rule bal_consE[OF ‹bal _ T _›[unfolded var⇩1 trace_cons]]) (simp, rule)
from ‹T = _› ‹T' = _› have "length T⇩1 < length T" and "length T⇩2 < length T" by auto
from prem1 have "stack c⇩3 = Upd x # S" by (auto dest: bal_stackD)
from prem2 have "stack c⇩4 = S" by (auto dest: bal_stackD)
note ‹c⇩3 ⇒ c⇩4›
obtain Δ' z' where "c⇩3 = (Δ', z', Upd x # S)" and "c⇩4 = ((x,z')#Δ', z', S)" and "isVal z'"
by (auto elim!: step.cases simp del: exp_assn.eq_iff)
from ‹isVal z'› and prem2[unfolded ‹c⇩4 = _›]
have "T⇩2 = []" by (rule isVal_stops)
with prem2 ‹c⇩4 = _›
have "z' = z" and "Δ = (x,z)#Δ'" by auto
from less(1)[OF ‹length T⇩1 < length T› prem1[unfolded ‹c⇩3 = _› ‹c⇩4 = _› ‹z' = _›] ‹isVal z›]
have "delete x Γ : e ⇓⇘x # upds_list S⇙ Δ' : z" by simp
with ‹map_of _ _ = _›
show ?thesis unfolding var⇩1(1) ‹Δ = _› by rule
case (var⇩2 x S')
from ‹conf' = _› ‹S = _ # S'› ‹S ≲ stack conf'›
have False by (auto simp add: extends_def)
thus ?thesis..
case (if⇩1 scrut e⇩1 e⇩2)
obtain T⇩1 c⇩3 c⇩4 T⇩2
where "T' = T⇩1 @ c⇩4 # T⇩2" and prem1: "(Γ, scrut, Alts e⇩1 e⇩2 # S) ⇒⇧b⇧*⇘T⇩1⇙ c⇩3" and "c⇩3 ⇒ c⇩4" and prem2: "c⇩4 ⇒⇧b⇧*⇘T⇩2⇙ (Δ, z, S)"
by (rule bal_consE[OF ‹bal _ T _›[unfolded if⇩1 trace_cons]]) (simp, rule)
from ‹T = _› ‹T' = _› have "length T⇩1 < length T" and "length T⇩2 < length T" by auto
from prem1 have "stack c⇩3 = Alts e⇩1 e⇩2 # S" by (auto dest: bal_stackD)
from prem2 have "stack c⇩4 = S" by (auto dest: bal_stackD)
note ‹c⇩3 ⇒ c⇩4›
obtain Δ' b where "c⇩3 = (Δ', Bool b, Alts e⇩1 e⇩2 # S)" and "c⇩4 = (Δ', (if b then e⇩1 else e⇩2), S)"
by (auto elim!: step.cases simp del: exp_assn.eq_iff)
from less(1)[OF ‹length T⇩1 < length T› prem1[unfolded ‹c⇩3 = _› ‹c⇩4 = _› ] isVal_Bool]
have "Γ : scrut ⇓⇘upds_list S⇙ Δ' : Bool b" by simp
from less(1)[OF ‹length T⇩2 < length T› prem2[unfolded ‹c⇩4 = _›] ‹isVal z›]
have "Δ' : (if b then e⇩1 else e⇩2) ⇓⇘upds_list S⇙ Δ : z".
show ?thesis unfolding if⇩1 by (rule reds.IfThenElse)
case (if⇩2 b e1 e2 S')
from ‹conf' = _› ‹S = _ # S'› ‹S ≲ stack conf'›
have False by (auto simp add: extends_def)
thus ?thesis..
case (let⇩1 as e)
from ‹T = conf' # T'› have "length T' < length T" by auto
have "(as @ Γ, e, S) ⇒⇧b⇧*⇘T'⇙ (Δ, z, S)"
using trace_cons ‹conf' = _› ‹∀ c'∈set T. S ≲ stack c'› by fastforce
note ‹isVal z›
have "as @ Γ : e ⇓⇘upds_list S⇙ Δ : z" by (rule less)
from ‹atom ` domA as ♯* Γ› ‹atom ` domA as ♯* S›
have "atom ` domA as ♯* (Γ, upds_list S)" by (auto simp add: fresh_star_Pair)
show ?thesis unfolding let⇩1 by (rule reds.Let[rotated])
lemma dummy_stack_extended:
"set S ⊆ Dummy ` UNIV ⟹ x ∉ Dummy ` UNIV ⟹ (S ≲ x # S') ⟷ S ≲ S'"
apply (auto simp add: extends_def)
apply (case_tac S'')
apply auto
lemma[simp]: "Arg x ∉ range Dummy" "Upd x ∉ range Dummy" "Alts e⇩1 e⇩2 ∉ range Dummy" by auto
lemma dummy_stack_balanced:
assumes "set S ⊆ Dummy ` UNIV"
assumes "(Γ, e, S) ⇒⇧* (Δ, z, S)"
obtains T where "(Γ, e, S) ⇒⇧b⇧*⇘T⇙ (Δ, z, S)"
from build_trace[OF assms(2)]
obtain T where "(Γ, e, S) ⇒⇧*⇘T⇙ (Δ, z, S)"..
hence "∀ c'∈set T. stack (Γ, e, S) ≲ stack c'"
by (rule conjunct1[OF traces_list_all])
(auto elim: step.cases simp add: dummy_stack_extended[OF ‹set S ⊆ Dummy ` UNIV›])
have "(Γ, e, S) ⇒⇧b⇧*⇘T⇙ (Δ, z, S)"
by (rule balI) simp
thus ?thesis by (rule that)