Theory BalancedTraces
theory BalancedTraces
imports Main
locale traces =
fixes step :: "'c => 'c => bool" (infix "⇒" 50)
abbreviation steps (infix "⇒⇧*" 50) where "steps ≡ step⇧*⇧*"
inductive trace :: "'c ⇒ 'c list ⇒ 'c ⇒ bool" where
trace_nil[iff]: "trace final [] final"
| trace_cons[intro]: "trace conf' T final ⟹ conf ⇒ conf' ⟹ trace conf (conf'#T) final"
inductive_cases trace_consE: "trace conf (conf'#T) final"
lemma trace_induct_final[consumes 1, case_names trace_nil trace_cons]:
"trace x1 x2 final ⟹ P final [] final ⟹ (⋀conf' T conf. trace conf' T final ⟹ P conf' T final ⟹ conf ⇒ conf' ⟹ P conf (conf' # T) final) ⟹ P x1 x2 final"
by (induction rule:trace.induct) auto
lemma build_trace:
"c ⇒⇧* c' ⟹ ∃ T. trace c T c'"
proof(induction rule: converse_rtranclp_induct)
have "trace c' [] c'"..
thus "∃T. trace c' T c'"..
fix y z
assume "y ⇒ z"
assume "∃T. trace z T c'"
then obtain T where "trace z T c'"..
with ‹y ⇒ z›
have "trace y (z#T) c'" by auto
thus "∃T. trace y T c'" by blast
lemma destruct_trace: "trace c T c' ⟹ c ⇒⇧* c'"
by (induction rule:trace.induct) auto
lemma traceWhile:
assumes "trace c⇩1 T c⇩4"
assumes "P c⇩1"
assumes "¬ P c⇩4"
obtains T⇩1 c⇩2 c⇩3 T⇩2
where "T = T⇩1 @ c⇩3 # T⇩2" and "trace c⇩1 T⇩1 c⇩2" and "∀x∈set T⇩1. P x" and "P c⇩2" and "c⇩2 ⇒ c⇩3" and "¬ P c⇩3" and "trace c⇩3 T⇩2 c⇩4"
from assms
have "∃ T⇩1 c⇩2 c⇩3 T⇩2 . (T = T⇩1 @ c⇩3 # T⇩2 ∧ trace c⇩1 T⇩1 c⇩2 ∧ (∀x∈set T⇩1. P x) ∧ P c⇩2 ∧ c⇩2 ⇒ c⇩3 ∧ ¬ P c⇩3 ∧ trace c⇩3 T⇩2 c⇩4)"
case trace_nil thus ?case by auto
case (trace_cons conf' T "end" conf)
thus ?case
proof (cases "P conf'")
case True
from trace_cons.IH[OF True ‹¬ P end›]
obtain T⇩1 c⇩2 c⇩3 T⇩2 where "T = T⇩1 @ c⇩3 # T⇩2 ∧ trace conf' T⇩1 c⇩2 ∧ (∀x∈set T⇩1. P x) ∧ P c⇩2 ∧ c⇩2 ⇒ c⇩3 ∧ ¬ P c⇩3 ∧ trace c⇩3 T⇩2 end" by auto
with True
have "conf' # T = (conf' # T⇩1) @ c⇩3 # T⇩2 ∧ trace conf (conf' # T⇩1) c⇩2 ∧ (∀x∈set (conf' # T⇩1). P x) ∧ P c⇩2 ∧ c⇩2 ⇒ c⇩3 ∧ ¬ P c⇩3 ∧ trace c⇩3 T⇩2 end" by (auto intro: trace_cons)
thus ?thesis by blast
case False with trace_cons
have "conf' # T = [] @ conf' # T ∧ (∀x∈set []. P x) ∧ P conf ∧ conf ⇒ conf' ∧ ¬ P conf' ∧ trace conf' T end" by auto
thus ?thesis by blast
thus ?thesis by (auto intro: that)
lemma traces_list_all:
"trace c T c' ⟹ P c' ⟹ (⋀ c c'. c ⇒ c' ⟹ P c' ⟹ P c) ⟹ (∀ x∈set T. P x) ∧ P c"
by (induction rule:trace.induct) auto
lemma trace_nil[simp]: "trace c [] c' ⟷ c = c'"
by (metis list.distinct(1) trace.cases traces.trace_nil)
definition extends :: "'a list ⇒ 'a list ⇒ bool" (infix "≲" 50) where
"S ≲ S' = (∃ S''. S' = S'' @ S)"
lemma extends_refl[simp]: "S ≲ S" unfolding extends_def by auto
lemma extends_cons[simp]: "S ≲ x # S" unfolding extends_def by auto
lemma extends_append[simp]: "S ≲ L @ S" unfolding extends_def by auto
lemma extends_not_cons[simp]: "¬ (x # S) ≲ S" unfolding extends_def by auto
lemma extends_trans[trans]: "S ≲ S' ⟹ S' ≲ S'' ⟹ S ≲ S''" unfolding extends_def by auto
locale balance_trace = traces +
fixes stack :: "'a ⇒ 's list"
assumes one_step_only: "c ⇒ c' ⟹ (stack c) = (stack c') ∨ (∃ x. stack c' = x # stack c) ∨ (∃ x. stack c = x # stack c')"
inductive bal :: "'a ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool" where
balI[intro]: "trace c T c' ⟹ ∀c'∈ set T. stack c ≲ stack c' ⟹ stack c' = stack c ⟹ bal c T c'"
inductive_cases balE: "bal c T c'"
lemma bal_nil[simp]: "bal c [] c' ⟷ c = c'"
by (auto elim: balE trace.cases)
lemma bal_stackD: "bal c T c' ⟹ stack c' = stack c" by (auto dest: balE)
lemma stack_passes_lower_bound:
assumes "c⇩3 ⇒ c⇩4"
assumes "stack c⇩2 ≲ stack c⇩3"
assumes "¬ stack c⇩2 ≲ stack c⇩4"
shows "stack c⇩3 = stack c⇩2" and "stack c⇩4 = tl (stack c⇩2)"
from one_step_only[OF assms(1)]
have "stack c⇩3 = stack c⇩2 ∧ stack c⇩4 = tl (stack c⇩2)"
proof(elim disjE exE)
assume "stack c⇩3 = stack c⇩4" with assms(2,3)
have False by auto
thus ?thesis..
fix x
note ‹stack c⇩2 ≲ stack c⇩3›
assume "stack c⇩4 = x # stack c⇩3"
hence "stack c⇩3 ≲ stack c⇩4" by simp
have "stack c⇩2 ≲ stack c⇩4".
with assms(3) show ?thesis..
fix x
assume c⇩3: "stack c⇩3 = x # stack c⇩4"
with assms(2)
obtain L where L: "x # stack c⇩4 = L @ stack c⇩2" unfolding extends_def by auto
show ?thesis
proof(cases L)
case Nil with c⇩3 L have "stack c⇩3 = stack c⇩2" by simp
from Nil c⇩3 L have "stack c⇩4 = tl (stack c⇩2)" by (cases "stack c⇩2") auto
show ?thesis..
case (Cons y L')
with L have "stack c⇩4 = L' @ stack c⇩2" by simp
hence "stack c⇩2 ≲ stack c⇩4" by simp
with assms(3) show ?thesis..
thus "stack c⇩3 = stack c⇩2" and "stack c⇩4 = tl (stack c⇩2)" by auto
lemma bal_consE:
assumes "bal c⇩1 (c⇩2 # T) c⇩5"
and c⇩2: "stack c⇩2 = s # stack c⇩1"
obtains T⇩1 c⇩3 c⇩4 T⇩2
where "T = T⇩1 @ c⇩4 # T⇩2" and "bal c⇩2 T⇩1 c⇩3" and "c⇩3 ⇒ c⇩4" "bal c⇩4 T⇩2 c⇩5"
using assms(1)
proof(rule balE)
assume c⇩5: "stack c⇩5 = stack c⇩1"
assume T: "∀ c' ∈ set (c⇩2 # T). stack c⇩1 ≲ stack c'"
assume "trace c⇩1 (c⇩2 # T) c⇩5"
hence "c⇩1 ⇒ c⇩2" and "trace c⇩2 T c⇩5" by (auto elim: trace_consE)
note ‹trace c⇩2 T c⇩5›
have "stack c⇩2 ≲ stack c⇩2" by simp
have "¬ (stack c⇩2 ≲ stack c⇩5)" unfolding c⇩5 c⇩2 by simp
obtain T⇩1 c⇩3 c⇩4 T⇩2
where "T = T⇩1 @ c⇩4 # T⇩2" and "trace c⇩2 T⇩1 c⇩3" and "∀ c' ∈ set T⇩1. stack c⇩2 ≲ stack c'"
and "stack c⇩2 ≲ stack c⇩3" and "c⇩3 ⇒ c⇩4" and "¬ stack c⇩2 ≲ stack c⇩4" and "trace c⇩4 T⇩2 c⇩5"
by (rule traceWhile)
show ?thesis
proof (rule that)
show "T = T⇩1 @ c⇩4 # T⇩2" by fact
from ‹c⇩3 ⇒ c⇩4› ‹stack c⇩2 ≲ stack c⇩3› ‹¬ stack c⇩2 ≲ stack c⇩4›
have "stack c⇩3 = stack c⇩2" and c⇩2': "stack c⇩4 = tl (stack c⇩2)" by (rule stack_passes_lower_bound)+
from ‹trace c⇩2 T⇩1 c⇩3› ‹∀ a ∈ set T⇩1. stack c⇩2 ≲ stack a› this(1)
show "bal c⇩2 T⇩1 c⇩3"..
show "c⇩3 ⇒ c⇩4" by fact
have c⇩4: "stack c⇩4 = stack c⇩1" using c⇩2 c⇩2' by simp
note ‹trace c⇩4 T⇩2 c⇩5›
have "∀ a∈set T⇩2. stack c⇩4 ≲ stack a" using c⇩4 T ‹T = _› by auto
have "stack c⇩5 = stack c⇩4" unfolding c⇩4 c⇩5..
show "bal c⇩4 T⇩2 c⇩5"..