Theory ArityAnalysisAbinds

theory ArityAnalysisAbinds
imports ArityAnalysisSig

context ArityAnalysis

subsubsection ‹Lifting arity analysis to recursive groups›

definition ABind :: "var  exp  (AEnv  AEnv)"
  where "ABind v e = (Λ ae. fup(Aexp e)(ae v))"

lemma ABind_eq[simp]: "ABind v e  ae = 𝒜ae ve"
  unfolding ABind_def by (simp add: cont_fun)

fun ABinds :: "heap  (AEnv  AEnv)"
  where "ABinds [] = "
     |  "ABinds ((v,e)#binds) = ABind v e  ABinds (delete v binds)"

lemma ABinds_strict[simp]: "ABinds Γ="
  by (induct Γ rule: ABinds.induct) auto

lemma Abinds_reorder1: "map_of Γ v = Some e  ABinds Γ = ABind v e  ABinds (delete v Γ)"
  by (induction Γ rule: ABinds.induct) (auto simp add: delete_twist)

lemma ABind_below_ABinds: "map_of Γ v = Some e  ABind v e  ABinds Γ"
  by (metis "HOLCF-Join-Classes.join_above1" ArityAnalysis.Abinds_reorder1)

lemma Abinds_reorder: "map_of Γ = map_of Δ  ABinds Γ = ABinds Δ"
proof (induction  Γ arbitrary: Δ rule: ABinds.induct)
  case 1 thus ?case by simp
  case (2 v e Γ Δ)
  from map_of ((v, e) # Γ) = map_of Δ
  have "(map_of ((v, e) # Γ))(v := None) = (map_of Δ)(v := None)" by simp
  hence "map_of (delete v Γ) = map_of (delete v Δ)" unfolding delete_set_none by simp
  hence "ABinds (delete v Γ) = ABinds (delete v Δ)" by (rule 2)
  from map_of ((v, e) # Γ) = map_of Δ
  have "map_of Δ v = Some e" by (metis map_of_Cons_code(2))
  hence "ABinds Δ = ABind v e  ABinds (delete v Δ)" by (rule Abinds_reorder1)
  show ?case by auto

lemma ABinds_above_arg: "ae ⊑ ABinds Γ ⋅ ae"
proof (induction rule:ABinds.induct)
  show "⊥ ⊑ ABinds []⋅ae" by auto
  fix v e Γ
  assume assm: "ae ⊑ ABinds (delete v Γ)⋅ae"
  also have "… ⊑ ABinds ((v, e) # Γ)⋅ae"  by auto
  finally show "ae ⊑ ABinds ((v, e) # Γ)⋅ae" by this simp

lemma Abinds_env_cong: "( x. xdomA Δ  ae x = ae' x)    ABinds Δae = ABinds Δae'"
  by (induct Δ rule: ABinds.induct) auto

lemma Abinds_env_restr_cong: " ae f|` domA Δ = ae' f|` domA Δ   ABinds Δae = ABinds Δae'"
  by (rule Abinds_env_cong) (metis env_restr_eqD)

lemma ABinds_env_restr[simp]: "ABinds Δ(ae f|` domA Δ) = ABinds Δae"
  by (rule Abinds_env_restr_cong) simp

lemma Abinds_join_fresh: "ae' ` (domA Δ)  {}   ABinds Δ(ae  ae') = (ABinds Δae)"
  by (rule Abinds_env_cong) auto

lemma ABinds_delete_bot: "ae x =   ABinds (delete x Γ)ae = ABinds Γae"
  by (induction Γ rule: ABinds.induct) (auto simp add: delete_twist)

lemma ABinds_restr_fresh:
  assumes "atom ` S ♯* Γ"
  shows "ABinds Γae f|` (- S) = ABinds Γ(ae  f|` (- S)) f|` (- S)"
  using assms
  apply (induction Γ rule:ABinds.induct)
  apply simp
  apply (auto simp del: fun_meet_simp simp add: env_restr_join fresh_star_Pair fresh_star_Cons fresh_star_delete)
  apply (subst lookup_env_restr)
  apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) ComplI fresh_at_base(2) fresh_star_def imageI)
  apply simp

lemma ABinds_restr:
  assumes "domA Γ  S"
  shows "ABinds Γae f|` S = ABinds Γ(ae  f|` S) f|` S"
  using assms
  by (induction Γ rule:ABinds.induct) (fastforce simp del: fun_meet_simp simp add: env_restr_join)+

lemma ABinds_restr_subst:
  assumes " x' e a. (x',e)  set Γ  Aexp e[x::=y]a f|` S = Aexp ea f|` S"
  assumes "x  S"
  assumes "y  S"
  assumes "domA Γ  S"
  shows "ABinds Γ[x::h=y]ae f|` S = ABinds Γ(ae  f|` S) f|` S"
  using assms
  apply (induction Γ rule:ABinds.induct)
  apply (auto simp del: fun_meet_simp join_comm simp add: env_restr_join)
  apply (rule arg_cong2[where f = join])
  apply (case_tac "ae v")
  apply (auto dest:  subsetD[OF set_delete_subset])

lemma Abinds_append_disjoint: "domA Δ  domA Γ = {}   ABinds (Δ @ Γ)ae = ABinds Δae  ABinds Γae"
proof (induct Δ rule: ABinds.induct)
  case 1 thus ?case by simp
  case (2 v e Δ)
  from 2(2)
  have "v  domA Γ" and  "domA (delete v Δ)  domA Γ = {}" by auto
  from 2(1)[OF this(2)]
  have "ABinds (delete v Δ @ Γ)ae = ABinds (delete v Δ)ae  ABinds Γae".
  have "delete v Γ = Γ" by (metis v  domA Γ delete_not_domA)
  show " ABinds (((v, e) # Δ) @ Γ)ae = ABinds ((v, e) # Δ)ae  ABinds Γae"
    by auto

lemma ABinds_restr_subset: "S  S'  ABinds (restrictA S Γ)ae  ABinds (restrictA S' Γ)ae"
  by (induct Γ rule: ABinds.induct)
     (auto simp add: join_below_iff  restr_delete_twist intro: below_trans[OF _ join_above2])

lemma ABinds_restrict_edom: "ABinds (restrictA (edom ae) Γ)ae = ABinds Γae"
  by (induct Γ rule: ABinds.induct) (auto simp add: edom_def restr_delete_twist)
lemma ABinds_restrict_below: "ABinds (restrictA S Γ)ae  ABinds Γae"
  by (induct Γ rule: ABinds.induct)
     (auto simp add: join_below_iff  restr_delete_twist intro: below_trans[OF _ join_above2] simp del: fun_meet_simp join_comm)

lemma ABinds_delete_below: "ABinds (delete x Γ)ae  ABinds Γae"
  by (induct Γ rule: ABinds.induct)
     (auto simp add: join_below_iff   delete_twist[where x = x] elim: below_trans simp del: fun_meet_simp)

lemma ABind_eqvt[eqvt]: "π  (ArityAnalysis.ABind Aexp v e) = ArityAnalysis.ABind (π  Aexp) (π  v) (π  e)"
  apply (rule cfun_eqvtI)
  unfolding ArityAnalysis.ABind_eq
  by perm_simp rule

lemma ABinds_eqvt[eqvt]: "π  (ArityAnalysis.ABinds Aexp Γ) = ArityAnalysis.ABinds (π  Aexp) (π  Γ)"
  apply (rule cfun_eqvtI)
  apply (induction Γ rule: ArityAnalysis.ABinds.induct)
  apply (simp add: ArityAnalysis.ABinds.simps)
  apply (simp add: ArityAnalysis.ABinds.simps)
  apply perm_simp
  apply simp

lemma Abinds_cong[fundef_cong]:
  " ( e. e  snd ` set heap2  aexp1 e = aexp2 e) ; heap1 = heap2 
       ArityAnalysis.ABinds aexp1 heap1 = ArityAnalysis.ABinds aexp2 heap2"    
proof (induction heap1 arbitrary:heap2 rule:ArityAnalysis.ABinds.induct)
  case 1
  thus ?case by (auto simp add: ArityAnalysis.ABinds.simps)
  case prems: (2 v e as heap2)
  have "snd ` set (delete v as)  snd ` set as" by (rule dom_delete_subset)
  also have "  snd `set ((v, e) # as)" by auto
  also note prems(3)
  have "(e. e  snd ` set (delete v as)  aexp1 e = aexp2 e)" by -(rule prems, auto)
  from prems prems(1)[OF this refl] show ?case
    by (auto simp add: ArityAnalysis.ABinds.simps ArityAnalysis.ABind_def)

context EdomArityAnalysis
  lemma fup_Aexp_lookup_fresh: "atom v  e  (fup(Aexp e)a) v = "
    by (cases a) auto
  lemma edom_AnalBinds: "edom (ABinds Γae)  fv Γ"
    by (induction Γ rule: ABinds.induct)
       (auto simp del: fun_meet_simp dest: subsetD[OF fup_Aexp_edom] dest: subsetD[OF fv_delete_subset])
