Theory CZH_UCAT_Pointed
section‹Pointed arrows and natural transformations›
theory CZH_UCAT_Pointed
subsection‹Pointed arrow›
The terminology that is used in this section deviates from convention: a
pointed arrow is merely an arrow in ‹Set› from a singleton set to another set.
subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›
text‹See Chapter III-2 in \<^cite>‹"mac_lane_categories_2010"›.›
definition ntcf_paa :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V"
where "ntcf_paa 𝔞 B b = [(λa∈⇩∘set {𝔞}. b), set {𝔞}, B]⇩∘"
lemma ntcf_paa_components:
shows "ntcf_paa 𝔞 B b⦇ArrVal⦈ = (λa∈⇩∘set {𝔞}. b)"
and [cat_cs_simps]: "ntcf_paa 𝔞 B b⦇ArrDom⦈ = set {𝔞}"
and [cat_cs_simps]: "ntcf_paa 𝔞 B b⦇ArrCod⦈ = B"
unfolding ntcf_paa_def arr_field_simps by (simp_all add: nat_omega_simps)
subsubsection‹Arrow value›
mk_VLambda ntcf_paa_components(1)
|vsv ntcf_paa_ArrVal_vsv[cat_cs_intros]|
|vdomain ntcf_paa_ArrVal_vdomain[cat_cs_simps]|
|app ntcf_paa_ArrVal_app[unfolded vsingleton_iff, cat_cs_simps]|
subsubsection‹Pointed arrow is an arrow in ‹Set››
lemma (in 𝒵) ntcf_paa_is_arr:
assumes "𝔞 ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈" and "A ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈" and "a ∈⇩∘ A"
shows "ntcf_paa 𝔞 A a : set {𝔞} ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ A"
proof(intro cat_Set_is_arrI arr_SetI cat_cs_intros, unfold cat_cs_simps)
show "vfsequence (ntcf_paa 𝔞 A a)" unfolding ntcf_paa_def by simp
show "vcard (ntcf_paa 𝔞 A a) = 3⇩ℕ"
unfolding ntcf_paa_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
show "ℛ⇩∘ (ntcf_paa 𝔞 A a⦇ArrVal⦈) ⊆⇩∘ A"
unfolding ntcf_paa_components by (intro vrange_VLambda_vsubset assms)
qed (use assms in ‹auto simp: cat_Set_components(1) Limit_vsingleton_in_VsetI›)
lemma (in 𝒵) ntcf_paa_is_arr'[cat_cs_intros]:
assumes "𝔞 ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈"
and "A ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈"
and "a ∈⇩∘ A"
and "A' = set {𝔞}"
and "B' = A"
and "ℭ' = cat_Set α"
shows "ntcf_paa 𝔞 A a : A' ↦⇘ℭ'⇙ B'"
using assms(1-3) unfolding assms(4-6) by (rule ntcf_paa_is_arr)
lemmas [cat_cs_intros] = 𝒵.ntcf_paa_is_arr'
subsubsection‹Further properties›
lemma ntcf_paa_injective[cat_cs_simps]:
"ntcf_paa 𝔞 A b = ntcf_paa 𝔞 A c ⟷ b = c"
assume "ntcf_paa 𝔞 A b = ntcf_paa 𝔞 A c"
then have "ntcf_paa 𝔞 A b⦇ArrVal⦈⦇𝔞⦈ = ntcf_paa 𝔞 A c⦇ArrVal⦈⦇𝔞⦈" by simp
then show "b = c" by (cs_prems cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
qed simp
lemma (in 𝒵) ntcf_paa_ArrVal:
assumes "F : set {𝔞} ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ X"
shows "ntcf_paa 𝔞 X (F⦇ArrVal⦈⦇𝔞⦈) = F"
interpret F: arr_Set α F
rewrites [cat_cs_simps]: "F⦇ArrDom⦈ = set {𝔞}"
and [cat_cs_simps]: "F⦇ArrCod⦈ = X"
by (auto simp: cat_Set_is_arrD[OF assms])
from F.arr_Par_ArrDom_in_Vset have 𝔞: "𝔞 ∈⇩∘ Vset α" by auto
from assms 𝔞 F.arr_Par_ArrCod_in_Vset have lhs_is_arr:
"ntcf_paa 𝔞 X (F⦇ArrVal⦈⦇𝔞⦈) : set {𝔞} ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ X"
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_Set_components(1)
cs_intro: V_cs_intros cat_Set_cs_intros cat_cs_intros
then have dom_lhs: "𝒟⇩∘ (ntcf_paa 𝔞 X (F⦇ArrVal⦈⦇𝔞⦈)⦇ArrVal⦈) = set {𝔞}"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
from assms have dom_rhs: "𝒟⇩∘ (F⦇ArrVal⦈) = set {𝔞}"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
show ?thesis
proof(rule arr_Set_eqI)
from lhs_is_arr assms
show arr_Set_lhs: "arr_Set α (ntcf_paa 𝔞 X (F⦇ArrVal⦈⦇𝔞⦈))"
and arr_Set_rhs: "arr_Set α F"
by (auto dest: cat_Set_is_arrD)
show "ntcf_paa 𝔞 X (F⦇ArrVal⦈⦇𝔞⦈)⦇ArrVal⦈ = F⦇ArrVal⦈"
proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold dom_lhs dom_rhs vsingleton_iff; (simp only:)?)
show "ntcf_paa 𝔞 X (F⦇ArrVal⦈⦇𝔞⦈)⦇ArrVal⦈⦇𝔞⦈ = F⦇ArrVal⦈⦇𝔞⦈"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
qed (use arr_Set_lhs arr_Set_rhs in auto)
qed (use assms in ‹cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps›)+
lemma (in 𝒵) ntcf_paa_ArrVal':
assumes "F : set {𝔞} ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ X" and "a = 𝔞"
shows "ntcf_paa 𝔞 X (F⦇ArrVal⦈⦇a⦈) = F"
using assms(1) unfolding assms(2) by (rule ntcf_paa_ArrVal)
lemma (in 𝒵) ntcf_paa_Comp_right[cat_cs_simps]:
assumes "F : A ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ B"
and "𝔞 ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈"
and "a ∈⇩∘ A"
shows "F ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ntcf_paa 𝔞 A a = ntcf_paa 𝔞 B (F⦇ArrVal⦈⦇a⦈)"
from assms have F_paa:
"F ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ntcf_paa 𝔞 A a : set {𝔞} ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ B"
by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
then have dom_lhs: "𝒟⇩∘ ((F ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ntcf_paa 𝔞 A a)⦇ArrVal⦈) = set {𝔞}"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
from assms have paa: "ntcf_paa 𝔞 B (F⦇ArrVal⦈⦇a⦈) : set {𝔞} ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ B"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_Set_cs_intros cat_cs_intros)
then have dom_rhs: "𝒟⇩∘ ((ntcf_paa 𝔞 B (F⦇ArrVal⦈⦇a⦈))⦇ArrVal⦈) = set {𝔞}"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
show ?thesis
proof(rule arr_Set_eqI)
from F_paa paa assms
show arr_Set_lhs: "arr_Set α (F ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ntcf_paa 𝔞 A a)"
and arr_Set_rhs: "arr_Set α (ntcf_paa 𝔞 B (F⦇ArrVal⦈⦇a⦈))"
by (auto dest: cat_Set_is_arrD)
"(F ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ntcf_paa 𝔞 A a)⦇ArrVal⦈ =
ntcf_paa 𝔞 B (F⦇ArrVal⦈⦇a⦈)⦇ArrVal⦈"
proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold dom_lhs dom_rhs vsingleton_iff; (simp only:)?)
from assms show
"(F ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ntcf_paa 𝔞 A a)⦇ArrVal⦈⦇𝔞⦈ =
ntcf_paa 𝔞 B (F⦇ArrVal⦈⦇a⦈)⦇ArrVal⦈⦇𝔞⦈"
by (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: V_cs_intros cat_cs_intros)
qed (use arr_Set_lhs arr_Set_rhs in auto)
qed (use F_paa paa in ‹cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps›)+
lemmas [cat_cs_simps] = 𝒵.ntcf_paa_Comp_right
subsection‹Pointed natural transformation›
subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›
text‹See Chapter III-2 in \<^cite>‹"mac_lane_categories_2010"›.›
definition ntcf_pointed :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V"
where "ntcf_pointed α 𝔞 =
λx∈⇩∘cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈.
(λf∈⇩∘Hom (cat_Set α) (set {𝔞}) x. f⦇ArrVal⦈⦇𝔞⦈),
Hom (cat_Set α) (set {𝔞}) x,
Hom⇩O⇩.⇩C⇘α⇙cat_Set α(set {𝔞},-),
cf_id (cat_Set α),
cat_Set α,
cat_Set α
lemma ntcf_pointed_components:
shows "ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈ =
λx∈⇩∘cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈.
(λf∈⇩∘Hom (cat_Set α) (set {𝔞}) x. f⦇ArrVal⦈⦇𝔞⦈),
Hom (cat_Set α) (set {𝔞}) x,
and [cat_cs_simps]: "ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTDom⦈ = Hom⇩O⇩.⇩C⇘α⇙cat_Set α(set {𝔞},-)"
and [cat_cs_simps]: "ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTCod⦈ = cf_id (cat_Set α)"
and [cat_cs_simps]: "ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTDGDom⦈ = cat_Set α"
and [cat_cs_simps]: "ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTDGCod⦈ = cat_Set α"
unfolding ntcf_pointed_def nt_field_simps by (simp_all add: nat_omega_simps)
subsubsection‹Natural transformation map›
mk_VLambda ntcf_pointed_components(1)
|vsv ntcf_pointed_NTMap_vsv[cat_cs_intros]|
|vdomain ntcf_pointed_NTMap_vdomain[cat_cs_simps]|
|app ntcf_pointed_NTMap_app'|
lemma (in 𝒵) ntcf_pointed_NTMap_app_ArrVal_app[cat_cs_simps]:
assumes "X ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈" and "F : set {𝔞} ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ X"
shows "ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrVal⦈⦇F⦈ = F⦇ArrVal⦈⦇𝔞⦈"
by (simp add: assms(2) ntcf_pointed_NTMap_app'[OF assms(1)] arr_Rel_components)
lemma (in 𝒵) ntcf_pointed_NTMap_app_is_iso_arr:
assumes "𝔞 ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈" and "X ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈"
shows "ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈ :
Hom (cat_Set α) (set {𝔞}) X ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘cat_Set α⇙ X"
interpret Set: category α ‹cat_Set α› by (rule category_cat_Set)
note app_X = ntcf_pointed_NTMap_app'[OF assms(2)]
show ?thesis
proof(intro cat_Set_is_iso_arrI cat_Set_is_arrI arr_SetI)
show ArrVal_vsv: "vsv (ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrVal⦈)"
unfolding app_X arr_Rel_components by simp
show "vcard (ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈) = 3⇩ℕ"
unfolding app_X arr_Rel_components by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
show ArrVal_vdomain:
"𝒟⇩∘ (ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrVal⦈) = Hom (cat_Set α) (set {𝔞}) X"
unfolding app_X arr_Rel_components by simp
show vrange_left:
"ℛ⇩∘ (ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrVal⦈) ⊆⇩∘
ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrCod⦈"
unfolding app_X arr_Rel_components
simp: in_Hom_iff
intro: cat_Set_cs_intros
intro!: vrange_VLambda_vsubset
show "ℛ⇩∘ (ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrVal⦈) = X"
proof(intro vsubset_antisym)
show "X ⊆⇩∘ ℛ⇩∘ (ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrVal⦈)"
proof(intro vsubsetI)
fix x assume prems: "x ∈⇩∘ X"
from assms prems have F_in_vdomain:
"ntcf_paa 𝔞 X x ∈⇩∘ 𝒟⇩∘ ((ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrVal⦈))"
unfolding app_X arr_Rel_components vdomain_VLambda in_Hom_iff
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
from assms prems have x_def:
"x = ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrVal⦈⦇ntcf_paa 𝔞 X x⦈"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
show "x ∈⇩∘ ℛ⇩∘ (ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrVal⦈)"
by (subst x_def) (intro vsv.vsv_vimageI2 F_in_vdomain ArrVal_vsv)
qed (use vrange_left in ‹simp add: app_X arr_Rel_components›)
from assms show "ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrDom⦈ ∈⇩∘ Vset α"
unfolding app_X arr_Rel_components cat_Set_components(1)
by (intro Set.cat_Hom_in_Vset[OF _ assms(2)])
(auto simp: cat_Set_components(1))
show "v11 (ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrVal⦈)"
proof(intro vsv.vsv_valeq_v11I ArrVal_vsv, unfold ArrVal_vdomain in_Hom_iff)
fix F G assume prems:
"F : set {𝔞} ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ X"
"G : set {𝔞} ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ X"
"ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrVal⦈⦇F⦈ =
ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrVal⦈⦇G⦈"
note F = cat_Set_is_arrD[OF prems(1)] and G = cat_Set_is_arrD[OF prems(2)]
from prems(3,1,2) assms have F_ArrVal_G_ArrVal: "F⦇ArrVal⦈⦇𝔞⦈ = G⦇ArrVal⦈⦇𝔞⦈"
by (cs_prems cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
interpret F: arr_Set α F + G: arr_Set α G by (simp_all add: F G)
show "F = G"
proof(rule arr_Set_eqI)
show "arr_Set α F" "arr_Set α G"
by (intro F.arr_Set_axioms G.arr_Set_axioms)+
show "F⦇ArrVal⦈ = G⦇ArrVal⦈"
rule vsv_eqI,
unfold F.arr_Set_ArrVal_vdomain G.arr_Set_ArrVal_vdomain F(2) G(2)
(auto simp: F_ArrVal_G_ArrVal)
qed (simp_all add: F G)
qed (use assms in ‹auto simp: app_X arr_Rel_components cat_Set_components(1)›)
lemma (in 𝒵) ntcf_pointed_NTMap_app_is_iso_arr'[cat_cs_intros]:
assumes "𝔞 ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈"
and "X ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈"
and "A' = Hom (cat_Set α) (set {𝔞}) X"
and "B' = X"
and "ℭ' = cat_Set α"
shows "ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈ : A' ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘ℭ'⇙ B'"
using assms(1,2)
unfolding assms(3-5)
by (rule ntcf_pointed_NTMap_app_is_iso_arr)
lemmas [cat_cs_intros] = 𝒵.ntcf_pointed_NTMap_app_is_iso_arr'
lemmas (in 𝒵) ntcf_pointed_NTMap_app_is_arr'[cat_cs_intros] =
is_iso_arrD(1)[OF 𝒵.ntcf_pointed_NTMap_app_is_iso_arr']
lemmas [cat_cs_intros] = 𝒵.ntcf_pointed_NTMap_app_is_arr'
subsubsection‹Pointed natural transformation is a natural isomorphism›
lemma (in 𝒵) ntcf_pointed_is_iso_ntcf:
assumes "𝔞 ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈"
shows "ntcf_pointed α 𝔞 :
Hom⇩O⇩.⇩C⇘α⇙cat_Set α(set {𝔞},-) ↦⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩i⇩s⇩o cf_id (cat_Set α) :
cat_Set α ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ cat_Set α"
proof(intro is_iso_ntcfI is_ntcfI')
note 𝔞 = assms[unfolded cat_Set_components(1)]
from assms have set_𝔞: "set {𝔞} ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈"
unfolding cat_Set_components by auto
show "vfsequence (ntcf_pointed α 𝔞)" unfolding ntcf_pointed_def by auto
show "vcard (ntcf_pointed α 𝔞) = 5⇩ℕ"
unfolding ntcf_pointed_def by (auto simp: nat_omega_simps)
from assms set_𝔞 show
"Hom⇩O⇩.⇩C⇘α⇙cat_Set α(set {𝔞},-) : cat_Set α ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ cat_Set α"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
show "ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇a⦈ :
Hom⇩O⇩.⇩C⇘α⇙cat_Set α(set {𝔞},-)⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙
cf_id (cat_Set α)⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈"
if "a ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈" for a
using assms that set_𝔞
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_op_intros
"ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇b⦈ ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙
Hom⇩O⇩.⇩C⇘α⇙cat_Set α (set {𝔞},-)⦇ArrMap⦈⦇f⦈ =
cf_id (cat_Set α)⦇ArrMap⦈⦇f⦈ ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇a⦈"
if "f : a ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ b" for a b f
let ?pb = ‹ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇b⦈›
and ?pa = ‹ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇a⦈›
and ?hom = ‹cf_hom (cat_Set α) [cat_Set α⦇CId⦈⦇set {𝔞}⦈, f]⇩∘›
from assms set_𝔞 that have pb_hom:
"?pb ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?hom : Hom (cat_Set α) (set {𝔞}) a ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ b"
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_op_intros cat_prod_cs_intros
then have dom_lhs:
"𝒟⇩∘ ((?pb ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?hom)⦇ArrVal⦈) = Hom (cat_Set α) (set {𝔞}) a"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
from assms set_𝔞 that have f_pa:
"f ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?pa : Hom (cat_Set α) (set {𝔞}) a ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ b"
by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
then have dom_rhs:
"𝒟⇩∘ ((f ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?pa)⦇ArrVal⦈) = Hom (cat_Set α) (set {𝔞}) a"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
have [cat_cs_simps]: "?pb ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?hom = f ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?pa"
proof(rule arr_Set_eqI)
from pb_hom show arr_Set_pb_hom: "arr_Set α (?pb ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?hom)"
by (auto dest: cat_Set_is_arrD(1))
from f_pa show arr_Set_f_pa: "arr_Set α (f ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?pa)"
by (auto dest: cat_Set_is_arrD(1))
show "(?pb ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?hom)⦇ArrVal⦈ = (f ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?pa)⦇ArrVal⦈"
proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold dom_lhs dom_rhs in_Hom_iff)
fix g assume "g : set {𝔞} ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ a"
with assms 𝔞 set_𝔞 that show
"(?pb ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?hom)⦇ArrVal⦈⦇g⦈ = (f ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?pa)⦇ArrVal⦈⦇g⦈"
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: V_cs_simps cat_cs_simps
V_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_op_intros cat_prod_cs_intros
qed (use arr_Set_pb_hom arr_Set_f_pa in auto)
qed (use pb_hom f_pa in ‹cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps›)+
from assms that set_𝔞 show ?thesis
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_op_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
show "ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇a⦈ :
Hom⇩O⇩.⇩C⇘α⇙cat_Set α(set {𝔞},-)⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘cat_Set α⇙
cf_id (cat_Set α)⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈"
if "a ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈" for a
using assms 𝔞 set_𝔞 that
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_op_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
qed (auto simp: ntcf_pointed_components intro: cat_cs_intros)
lemma (in 𝒵) ntcf_pointed_is_iso_ntcf'[cat_cs_intros]:
assumes "𝔞 ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈"
and "𝔉' = Hom⇩O⇩.⇩C⇘α⇙cat_Set α(set {𝔞},-)"
and "𝔊' = cf_id (cat_Set α)"
and "𝔄' = cat_Set α"
and "𝔅' = cat_Set α"
and "α' = α"
shows "ntcf_pointed α 𝔞 : 𝔉' ↦⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩i⇩s⇩o 𝔊' : 𝔄' ↦↦⇩C⇘α'⇙ 𝔅'"
using assms(1) unfolding assms(2-6) by (rule ntcf_pointed_is_iso_ntcf)
lemmas [cat_cs_intros] = 𝒵.ntcf_pointed_is_iso_ntcf'
subsection‹Inverse pointed natural transformation›
subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›
text‹See Chapter III-2 in \<^cite>‹"mac_lane_categories_2010"›.›
definition ntcf_pointed_inv :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V"
where "ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞 =
λX∈⇩∘cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈.
[(λx∈⇩∘X. ntcf_paa 𝔞 X x), X, Hom (cat_Set α) (set {𝔞}) X]⇩∘
cf_id (cat_Set α),
Hom⇩O⇩.⇩C⇘α⇙cat_Set α(set {𝔞},-),
cat_Set α,
cat_Set α
lemma ntcf_pointed_inv_components:
shows "ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈ =
λX∈⇩∘cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈.
[(λx∈⇩∘X. ntcf_paa 𝔞 X x), X, Hom (cat_Set α) (set {𝔞}) X]⇩∘
and [cat_cs_simps]: "ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞⦇NTDom⦈ = cf_id (cat_Set α)"
and [cat_cs_simps]:
"ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞⦇NTCod⦈ = Hom⇩O⇩.⇩C⇘α⇙cat_Set α(set {𝔞},-)"
and [cat_cs_simps]: "ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞⦇NTDGDom⦈ = cat_Set α"
and [cat_cs_simps]: "ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞⦇NTDGCod⦈ = cat_Set α"
unfolding ntcf_pointed_inv_def nt_field_simps
by (simp_all add: nat_omega_simps)
subsubsection‹Natural transformation map›
mk_VLambda ntcf_pointed_inv_components(1)
|vsv ntcf_pointed_inv_NTMap_vsv[cat_cs_intros]|
|vdomain ntcf_pointed_inv_NTMap_vdomain[cat_cs_simps]|
|app ntcf_pointed_inv_NTMap_app'|
lemma (in 𝒵) ntcf_pointed_inv_NTMap_app_ArrVal_app[cat_cs_simps]:
assumes "X ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈" and "x ∈⇩∘ X"
shows "ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrVal⦈⦇x⦈ = ntcf_paa 𝔞 X x"
simp add:
assms(2) ntcf_pointed_inv_NTMap_app'[OF assms(1)] arr_Rel_components
lemma (in 𝒵) ntcf_pointed_inv_NTMap_app_is_arr:
assumes "𝔞 ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈" and "X ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈"
shows "ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈ :
X ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ Hom (cat_Set α) (set {𝔞}) X"
interpret Set: category α ‹cat_Set α› by (rule category_cat_Set)
note app_X = ntcf_pointed_inv_NTMap_app'[OF assms(2)]
show ?thesis
proof(intro cat_Set_is_arrI arr_SetI)
show ArrVal_vsv: "vsv (ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrVal⦈)"
unfolding app_X arr_Rel_components by simp
show "vcard (ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈) = 3⇩ℕ"
unfolding app_X arr_Rel_components by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
show ArrVal_vdomain:
"𝒟⇩∘ (ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrVal⦈) =
ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrDom⦈"
unfolding app_X arr_Rel_components by simp
from assms show vrange_left:
"ℛ⇩∘ (ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrVal⦈) ⊆⇩∘
ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrCod⦈"
unfolding app_X arr_Rel_components by (auto intro: cat_cs_intros)
from assms show "ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrCod⦈ ∈⇩∘ Vset α"
unfolding app_X arr_Rel_components cat_Set_components(1)
by (intro Set.cat_Hom_in_Vset[OF _ assms(2)])
(auto simp: cat_Set_components(1))
qed (use assms in ‹auto simp: app_X arr_Rel_components cat_Set_components(1)›)
lemma (in 𝒵) ntcf_pointed_inv_NTMap_app_is_arr'[cat_cs_intros]:
assumes "𝔞 ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈"
and "X ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈"
and "A' = X"
and "B' = Hom (cat_Set α) (set {𝔞}) X"
and "ℭ' = cat_Set α"
shows "ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈ : A' ↦⇘ℭ'⇙ B'"
using assms(1,2)
unfolding assms(3-5)
by (rule ntcf_pointed_inv_NTMap_app_is_arr)
lemmas [cat_cs_intros] = 𝒵.ntcf_pointed_inv_NTMap_app_is_arr'
lemma (in 𝒵) is_inverse_ntcf_pointed_inv_NTMap_app:
assumes "𝔞 ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈" and "X ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈"
(cat_Set α)
(ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈)
(ntcf_pointed α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇X⦈)"
(is ‹is_inverse (cat_Set α) ?bwd ?fwd›)
proof(intro is_inverseI)
let ?Hom = ‹Hom (cat_Set α) (set {𝔞}) X›
interpret Set: category α ‹cat_Set α› by (rule category_cat_Set)
from assms(1) have set_𝔞: "set {𝔞} ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈"
unfolding cat_Set_components(1) by blast
have Hom_𝔞X: "?Hom ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈"
simp: cat_Set_components(1)
intro!: Set.cat_Hom_in_Vset set_𝔞 assms(2)
from assms show "?bwd : X ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?Hom"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
from assms show "?fwd : ?Hom ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ X"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
from assms set_𝔞 Hom_𝔞X have lhs_is_arr:
"?bwd ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?fwd : ?Hom ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?Hom"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
then have dom_lhs: "𝒟⇩∘ ((?bwd ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?fwd)⦇ArrVal⦈) = ?Hom"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
from Hom_𝔞X have rhs_is_arr: "cat_Set α⦇CId⦈⦇?Hom⦈ : ?Hom ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?Hom"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
then have dom_rhs: "𝒟⇩∘ ((cat_Set α⦇CId⦈⦇?Hom⦈)⦇ArrVal⦈) = ?Hom"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
show "?bwd ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?fwd = cat_Set α⦇CId⦈⦇?Hom⦈"
proof(rule arr_Set_eqI)
from lhs_is_arr show arr_Set_lhs: "arr_Set α (?bwd ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?fwd)"
by (auto dest: cat_Set_is_arrD)
from rhs_is_arr show arr_Set_rhs: "arr_Set α (cat_Set α⦇CId⦈⦇?Hom⦈)"
by (auto dest: cat_Set_is_arrD)
show "(?bwd ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?fwd)⦇ArrVal⦈ = cat_Set α⦇CId⦈⦇?Hom⦈⦇ArrVal⦈"
proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold dom_lhs dom_rhs in_Hom_iff)
fix F assume "F : set {𝔞} ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ X"
with assms Hom_𝔞X show
"(?bwd ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?fwd)⦇ArrVal⦈⦇F⦈ = cat_Set α⦇CId⦈⦇?Hom⦈⦇ArrVal⦈⦇F⦈"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps ntcf_paa_ArrVal
cs_intro: V_cs_intros cat_Set_cs_intros cat_cs_intros
qed (use arr_Set_lhs arr_Set_rhs in auto)
qed (use lhs_is_arr rhs_is_arr in ‹cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps›)+
from assms have lhs_is_arr: "?fwd ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?bwd : X ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ X"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
then have dom_lhs: "𝒟⇩∘ ((?fwd ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?bwd)⦇ArrVal⦈) = X"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
from assms have rhs_is_arr: "cat_Set α⦇CId⦈⦇X⦈ : X ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ X"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
then have dom_rhs: "𝒟⇩∘ ((cat_Set α⦇CId⦈⦇X⦈)⦇ArrVal⦈) = X"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
show "?fwd ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?bwd = cat_Set α⦇CId⦈⦇X⦈"
proof(rule arr_Set_eqI)
from lhs_is_arr show arr_Set_lhs: "arr_Set α (?fwd ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?bwd)"
by (auto dest: cat_Set_is_arrD)
from rhs_is_arr show arr_Set_rhs: "arr_Set α (cat_Set α⦇CId⦈⦇X⦈)"
by (auto dest: cat_Set_is_arrD)
show "(?fwd ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?bwd)⦇ArrVal⦈ = cat_Set α⦇CId⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrVal⦈"
proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold dom_lhs dom_rhs)
fix x assume "x ∈⇩∘ X"
with assms show
"(?fwd ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?bwd)⦇ArrVal⦈⦇x⦈ = cat_Set α⦇CId⦈⦇X⦈⦇ArrVal⦈⦇x⦈"
by (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
qed (use arr_Set_lhs arr_Set_rhs in auto)
qed (use lhs_is_arr rhs_is_arr in ‹cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps›)+
subsubsection‹Inverse pointed natural transformation is a natural isomorphism›
lemma (in 𝒵) ntcf_pointed_inv_is_ntcf:
assumes "𝔞 ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈"
shows "ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞 :
cf_id (cat_Set α) ↦⇩C⇩F Hom⇩O⇩.⇩C⇘α⇙cat_Set α(set {𝔞},-) :
cat_Set α ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ cat_Set α"
proof(intro is_ntcfI')
interpret Set: category α ‹cat_Set α› by (rule category_cat_Set)
note 𝔞 = assms[unfolded cat_Set_components(1)]
from assms have set_𝔞: "set {𝔞} ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈"
unfolding cat_Set_components by auto
show "vfsequence (ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞)"
unfolding ntcf_pointed_inv_def by simp
show "vcard (ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞) = 5⇩ℕ"
unfolding ntcf_pointed_inv_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
from set_𝔞 show "Hom⇩O⇩.⇩C⇘α⇙cat_Set α(set {𝔞},-) : cat_Set α ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ cat_Set α"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
show "ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇a⦈ :
cf_id (cat_Set α)⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙
Hom⇩O⇩.⇩C⇘α⇙cat_Set α(set {𝔞},-)⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈"
if "a ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈" for a
using that assms set_𝔞
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_op_intros
"ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇B⦈ ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ cf_id (cat_Set α)⦇ArrMap⦈⦇F⦈ =
Hom⇩O⇩.⇩C⇘α⇙cat_Set α(set {𝔞},-)⦇ArrMap⦈⦇F⦈ ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙
ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇A⦈"
if "F : A ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ B" for A B F
let ?pb = ‹ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇B⦈›
and ?pa = ‹ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞⦇NTMap⦈⦇A⦈›
and ?hom = ‹cf_hom (cat_Set α) [cat_Set α⦇CId⦈⦇set {𝔞}⦈, F]⇩∘›
from assms set_𝔞 that have pb_F:
"?pb ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ F : A ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ Hom (cat_Set α) (set {𝔞}) B"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_prod_cs_intros)
then have dom_lhs: "𝒟⇩∘ ((?pb ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ F)⦇ArrVal⦈) = A"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
from that assms set_𝔞 that have hom_pa:
"?hom ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?pa : A ↦⇘cat_Set α⇙ Hom (cat_Set α) (set {𝔞}) B"
by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_prod_cs_intros cat_op_intros)
then have dom_rhs: "𝒟⇩∘ ((?hom ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?pa)⦇ArrVal⦈) = A"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
have [cat_cs_simps]: "?pb ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ F = ?hom ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?pa"
proof(rule arr_Set_eqI)
from pb_F show arr_Set_pb_F: "arr_Set α (?pb ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ F)"
by (auto dest: cat_Set_is_arrD(1))
from hom_pa show arr_Set_hom_pa: "arr_Set α (?hom ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?pa)"
by (auto dest: cat_Set_is_arrD(1))
show "(?pb ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ F)⦇ArrVal⦈ = (?hom ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?pa)⦇ArrVal⦈"
proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold dom_lhs dom_rhs)
fix a assume "a ∈⇩∘ A"
with assms 𝔞 set_𝔞 that show
"(?pb ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ F)⦇ArrVal⦈⦇a⦈ = (?hom ∘⇩A⇘cat_Set α⇙ ?pa)⦇ArrVal⦈⦇a⦈"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps
qed (use arr_Set_pb_F arr_Set_hom_pa in auto)
qed (use pb_F hom_pa in ‹cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps›)+
from assms that set_𝔞 show ?thesis
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_op_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
qed (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)+
lemma (in 𝒵) ntcf_pointed_inv_is_ntcf'[cat_cs_intros]:
assumes "𝔞 ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈"
and "𝔉' = cf_id (cat_Set α)"
and "𝔊' = Hom⇩O⇩.⇩C⇘α⇙cat_Set α(set {𝔞},-)"
and "𝔄' = cat_Set α"
and "𝔅' = cat_Set α"
and "α' = α"
shows "ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞 : 𝔉' ↦⇩C⇩F 𝔊' : 𝔄' ↦↦⇩C⇘α'⇙ 𝔅'"
using assms(1) unfolding assms(2-6) by (rule ntcf_pointed_inv_is_ntcf)
lemmas [cat_cs_intros] = 𝒵.ntcf_pointed_inv_is_ntcf'
lemma (in 𝒵) inv_ntcf_ntcf_pointed[cat_cs_simps]:
assumes "𝔞 ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈"
shows "inv_ntcf (ntcf_pointed α 𝔞) = ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞"
rule iso_ntcf_if_is_inverse(3)[symmetric],
rule is_iso_ntcfD(1)[OF ntcf_pointed_is_iso_ntcf[OF assms]],
rule ntcf_pointed_inv_is_ntcf[OF assms],
rule is_inverse_ntcf_pointed_inv_NTMap_app[OF assms]
lemma (in 𝒵) inv_ntcf_ntcf_pointed_inv[cat_cs_simps]:
assumes "𝔞 ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈"
shows "inv_ntcf (ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞) = ntcf_pointed α 𝔞"
rule iso_ntcf_if_is_inverse(4)[symmetric],
rule is_iso_ntcfD(1)[OF ntcf_pointed_is_iso_ntcf[OF assms]],
rule ntcf_pointed_inv_is_ntcf[OF assms],
rule is_inverse_ntcf_pointed_inv_NTMap_app[OF assms]
lemma (in 𝒵) ntcf_pointed_inv_is_iso_ntcf:
assumes "𝔞 ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈"
shows "ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞 :
cf_id (cat_Set α) ↦⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩i⇩s⇩o Hom⇩O⇩.⇩C⇘α⇙cat_Set α(set {𝔞},-) :
cat_Set α ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ cat_Set α"
rule iso_ntcf_if_is_inverse(2),
rule is_iso_ntcfD(1)[OF ntcf_pointed_is_iso_ntcf[OF assms]],
rule ntcf_pointed_inv_is_ntcf[OF assms],
rule is_inverse_ntcf_pointed_inv_NTMap_app[OF assms]
lemma (in 𝒵) ntcf_pointed_inv_is_iso_ntcf'[cat_cs_intros]:
assumes "𝔞 ∈⇩∘ cat_Set α⦇Obj⦈"
and "𝔉' = cf_id (cat_Set α)"
and "𝔊' = Hom⇩O⇩.⇩C⇘α⇙cat_Set α(set {𝔞},-)"
and "𝔄' = cat_Set α"
and "𝔅' = cat_Set α"
and "α' = α"
shows "ntcf_pointed_inv α 𝔞 : 𝔉' ↦⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩i⇩s⇩o 𝔊' : 𝔄' ↦↦⇩C⇘α'⇙ 𝔅'"
using assms(1) unfolding assms(2-6) by (rule ntcf_pointed_inv_is_iso_ntcf)
lemmas [cat_cs_intros] = 𝒵.ntcf_pointed_inv_is_iso_ntcf'