Theory IntegrateInsertCommute

subsection ‹Termination Proof for @{term integrate_insert}\label{sec:integrate_term}›

theory IntegrateInsertCommute
  imports IntegrateAlgorithm Consistency CreateConsistent

text ‹In the following we show that @{term integrate_insert} terminates. Note that, this does not
  yet imply that the return value will not be an error state.›

lemma substr_simp [simp]: "substr s l u = nths s {k. l < Suc k  Suc k < u}"
proof (cases "l  length s")
  case True
  have "set (nths (take l s) {k. l < Suc k  Suc k < u}) = {}" 
    by (simp add:set_nths)
  hence "nths (take l s) {k. l < Suc k  Suc k < u} = []" by blast
  moreover have "{j. Suc (j + l) < u} = {..<(u-Suc l)}" by auto
  moreover have "min (length s) l = l" using True by auto
    have "nths (take l s @ drop l s) {k. l < Suc k  Suc k < u} = substr s l u"
    by (simp add:nths_append del:append_take_drop_id)
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case False
  hence "set (nths s {k. l < Suc k  Suc k < u}) = {}"
    by (simp add:set_nths)
  hence "nths s {k. l < Suc k  Suc k < u} = []" by blast
  thus ?thesis using False by simp

declare substr.simps [simp del]

text ‹Instead of simplifying @{term substr} with its definition we use @{thm [source] substr_simp}
  as a simplification rule. The right hand side of @{thm [source] substr_simp} is a better
  representation within proofs. However, we cannot directly define @{term substr} using the right
  hand side as it is not constructible term for Isabelle.›

lemma int_ins_loop_term_1:
  assumes "isOK (mapM (concurrent w l u) t)"
  assumes "x  set (concat (projr (mapM (concurrent w l u) t)))"
  shows "x  (InString  I) ` (set t)"
  using assms
  by (induction t, simp, simp add: bind_simp del:idx.simps set_concat, blast)

lemma fromSingleton_simp: "(fromSingleton xs = Inr x) = ([x] = xs)"
  by (cases xs rule: fromSingleton.cases, auto)

lemma filt_simp: "([b] = filter p [0..<n]) =
   (p b  b < n  (y < n. p y  b = y))" 
  apply (induction n, simp, simp) 
  by (metis atLeast_upt cancel_comm_monoid_add_class.diff_cancel 
      filter_empty_conv lessThan_iff less_Suc_eq neq0_conv zero_less_diff)

lemma substr_eff: 
  assumes "x  (InString  I) ` set (substr w l u)"
  assumes "isOK (idx w x)"
  shows "l < (projr (idx w x))  (projr (idx w x)) < u"
proof -
  obtain i where i_def: "idx w x = Inr i" using assms(2) by blast
  then have "l < i  i < u" using assms(1) 
    apply (simp add: set_nths image_iff fromSingleton_simp filt_simp)
    apply (simp add:ext_ids_def) 
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) Suc_mono length_map less_SucI list_update_id
        list_update_same_conv map_update nth_Cons_Suc nth_append)
  thus ?thesis using i_def by auto

lemma find_zip:
  assumes "find (cond  snd) (zip (p#v) (v@[s])) = Some (x,y)" 
  assumes "v  []"
    "cond y"
    "x  set v  y  set v"
    "x = p  (x  set v  ¬(cond x))"
    "y = s  (y  set v)"
proof -
  obtain i where i_def:
    "i < Suc (length v)"
    "(zip (p#v) (v@[s])) ! i = (x,y)"
    "cond y"
    "j. j < i  ¬(cond ((v@[s])!j))"
    using assms apply (simp add:find_Some_iff) by force
  show "cond y" using i_def by auto
  show "x  set v  y  set v" using assms(2) i_def(1,2)
    by (metis fst_conv in_set_conv_nth length_0_conv length_Cons length_append_singleton
        less_Suc_eq less_Suc_eq_0_disj nth_Cons_Suc nth_append nth_zip snd_conv)
  show "x = p  (x  set v  (¬(cond x)))"
    apply (cases i)
    using i_def(2) apply auto[1]
    by (metis Suc_less_eq fst_conv i_def(1,2,4) length_Cons
        length_append_singleton lessI nth_Cons_Suc nth_append nth_mem nth_zip)
  show "y = s  y  set v"
    by (metis diff_is_0_eq' i_def(1,2) in_set_conv_nth length_Cons
        length_append_singleton less_Suc_eq_le nth_Cons_0 nth_append nth_zip snd_conv)

fun int_ins_measure'
    "int_ins_measure' (m,w,p,s) = (
      do {
        l  idx w p;
        u  idx w s;
        assert (l < u);
        return (u - l)

fun int_ins_measure
    "int_ins_measure (m,w,p,s) = case_sum (λe. 0) id (int_ins_measure' (m,w,p,s))"

text ‹We show that during the iteration of @{term integrate_insert}, the arguments are decreasing
  with respect to @{term int_ins_measure}. Note, this means that the distance between the
  W-characters with identifiers @{term p} (resp. @{term s}) is decreasing.›

lemma int_ins_loop_term:
  assumes "idx w p = Inr l"
  assumes "idx w s = Inr u"
  assumes "mapM (concurrent w l u) (substr w l u) = Inr d" 
  assumes "concat d  []"
  assumes "find ((λx.I m < x  x = s)  snd) 
    (zip (p#concat d) (concat d@[s])) = Some r"
  shows "int_ins_measure (m, w, r) < u - l"
proof -
  have a: "x y. x  set (concat d)  idx w x = Inr y  l < y  y < u"
    using int_ins_loop_term_1 substr_eff assms(3) by (metis isOK_I sum.sel(2))
  hence b: "l < u" using assms
    by (metis concat.simps(1) diff_is_0_eq less_imp_le_nat
        mapM.simps(1) not_less_eq substr.simps sum.sel(2) take0)
  obtain p' s' where ps_def: "r = (p', s')" by (cases r, simp+)
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "int_ins_measure' (m, w, r)")
    case (Inl a)
    then show ?thesis using b by (simp add:ps_def)
    case (Inr b)
    then obtain l' u' where ps'_def: "idx w p' = Inr l'" "idx w s' = Inr u'"
      using ps_def apply (simp add:bind_simp del:idx.simps) by blast
    then have "l'  l  l' < u  u' > l  u'  u  (l' > l  u' < u)"
      using a b ps_def find_zip(2,3,4) assms(1,2,4,5)
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) Inr_inject order.order_iff_strict)
    thus ?thesis using ps_def ps'_def apply (simp add:bind_simp del:idx.simps)
      by (cases "l' < u'", simp del:idx.simps, linarith, simp del:idx.simps)

lemma assert_ok_simp [simp]: "(assert p = Inr z) = p" by (cases p, simp+)

termination integrate_insert
  apply (relation "measure int_ins_measure", simp)
  using int_ins_loop_term by (simp del:idx.simps, blast)

subsection ‹Integrate Commutes›

locale integrate_insert_commute =
  fixes M :: "('ℐ :: linorder, ) message set"
  fixes a :: "'ℐ extended  'ℐ position"
  fixes s :: "('ℐ, ) woot_character list"
  assumes associated_string_assm: "is_associated_string M s"
  assumes a_conditions_assm: "a_conditions (insert_messages M) a"

lemma dist_ext_ids: "distinct (ext_ids s)"
  using associated_string_assm a_conditions_assm
  apply (simp add:is_associated_string_def sorted_wrt_map)
  by (metis (mono_tags) irreflp_def le_less not_le sorted_wrt_irrefl_distinct)

lemma I_inj_on_S:
  "l < length s  u < length s  I(s ! l) = I(s ! u)  l = u"
  using dist_ext_ids apply (simp add:ext_ids_def)
  using nth_eq_iff_index_eq by fastforce

lemma idx_find: 
  assumes "x < length (ext_ids s)"
  assumes "ext_ids s ! x = i"
  shows "idx s i = Inr x"
  using assms dist_ext_ids nth_eq_iff_index_eq
  by (simp add:filt_simp fromSingleton_simp, blast)

lemma obtain_idx:
  assumes "x  set (ext_ids s)" 
  shows "i. idx s x = Inr i" 
  using idx_find assms by (metis in_set_conv_nth)

lemma sorted_a:
  assumes "idx s x = Inr l"
  assumes "idx s y = Inr u"
  shows "(l  u) = (a x  a y)"
proof -
  have "sorted_wrt (<) (map a (ext_ids s))" 
    using associated_string_assm a_conditions_assm is_associated_string_def by blast
  then show ?thesis
  using assms apply (simp add:filt_simp fromSingleton_simp)
  by (metis leD leI le_less length_map nth_map sorted_wrt_nth_less)

lemma sorted_a_le: "idx s x = Inr l  idx s y = Inr u  (l < u) = (a x < a y)"
  by (meson sorted_a not_le)

lemma idx_intro_ext: "i < length (ext_ids s)  idx s (ext_ids s ! i) = Inr i"
  using dist_ext_ids by (simp add:fromSingleton_simp filt_simp  nth_eq_iff_index_eq)

lemma idx_intro:
  assumes "i < length s"
  shows "idx s I (s ! i) = Inr (Suc i)"
proof -
  have "ext_ids s  ! (Suc i) = I (s ! i)  Suc i < length (ext_ids s)"
    using assms by (simp add:ext_ids_def nth_append)
  thus ?thesis using idx_intro_ext by force


locale integrate_insert_commute_insert = integrate_insert_commute +
  fixes m
  assumes consistent_assm: "consistent (M  {Insert m})"
  assumes insert_assm: "Insert m  M"
  assumes a_conditions_assm_2: 
    "a_conditions (insert_messages (M  {Insert m})) a"

definition invariant where 
  "invariant pm sm = (pm  set (ext_ids s)  sm  set (ext_ids s) 
   subset (a pm, a sm) (a (P m), a (S m))  
   elem (a I m) (a pm, a sm))"

fun is_concurrent where 
  "is_concurrent pm sm x = (x  set s  
   subset (a pm, a sm) (a (P x), a (S x))  
   elem (a I x) (a pm, a sm))"

lemma no_id_collision: "I m  I ` insert_messages M"
proof -
  have "inj_on I (insert_messages (M  {Insert m}))"
    using consistent_def consistent_assm by fastforce
  hence "I m  I ` insert_messages M  Insert m  M"
    by (simp add: image_iff inj_on_eq_iff insert_messages_def)
  thus ?thesis using insert_assm by blast
lemma not_deleted: "to_woot_char m = to_woot_character M m"
proof -
  have "Delete (DeleteMessage (I m))  M"
    assume "Delete (DeleteMessage (I m))  M"
    hence "deps (Delete (DeleteMessage (I m)))  I ` insert_messages M"
      using consistent_assm associated_string_assm
      apply (simp add:consistent_def is_associated_string_def)
      using image_subset_iff by fastforce
    thus "False" using no_id_collision by simp
  thus "to_woot_char m = to_woot_character M m"
    by (cases m, simp add:to_woot_character_def delete_maybe_def)

lemma invariant_imp_sorted:
  assumes "Suc l < length (ext_ids s)"
  assumes "a(ext_ids s ! l) < a I m  a I m < a(ext_ids s ! (l+1))"
  shows "sorted_wrt (<) (map a (ext_ids ((take l s)@to_woot_char m#drop l s)))"
proof -
  have "l  length s" using assms(1) by (simp add:ext_ids_def)
  hence "ext_ids (take l s@to_woot_char m#drop l s) = 
        (take (Suc l) (ext_ids s))@I m#(drop (Suc l) (ext_ids s))"
    by (cases m, simp add:ext_ids_def take_map drop_map)
  thus ?thesis
    using assms associated_string_assm is_associated_string_def a_conditions_assm
    apply (simp flip:take_map drop_map)
    by (rule insort, simp+, blast)

lemma no_self_dep: "¬ depends_on (insert_messages M  {m}) m m"
proof -
  have "wfP (depends_on (insert_messages M  {m}))"
    using consistent_assm
    apply (simp add:consistent_def)
    by (metis Un_insert_right insert_insert_message sup_bot.right_neutral)
  thus ?thesis 
    by (metis mem_Collect_eq wfP_eq_minimal)

lemma pred_succ_order:
  "m'  (insert_messages M  {m})  a(P m') < a I m'  a(S m') > a I m'"
  by (metis elem.simps is_interval.simps psi_elem a_conditions_def 
      a_conditions_assm_2 insert_insert_message)

lemma find_dep:
  assumes "Insert m'  (M  {Insert m})"
  assumes "i  deps (Insert m')"
  shows "i  set (ext_ids s)"
proof -
  have "i  I ` insert_messages M"
  proof (cases "m' = m")
    case True
    hence "i  I ` insert_messages (M  {Insert m})"
      using assms consistent_assm
      by (simp add:consistent_def, blast)
    moreover have "i  I m" using assms True no_self_dep by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) UnE image_Un image_empty image_insert 
          insert_insert_message singletonD)
    case False
    hence "Insert m'  M" using assms by simp
    then show "i  I ` insert_messages M"
      using assms is_associated_string_def associated_string_assm consistent_def
      by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Union_iff contra_subsetD image_iff)
  hence "i  I ` (set s)"
    using associated_string_assm by (simp add:is_associated_string_def)
  thus "i  set (ext_ids s)"
    by (simp add:ext_ids_def image_iff) 

lemma find_pred:
  "m'  (insert_messages M  {m})  P m'  set (ext_ids s)"
  using find_dep by (cases "P m'", (simp add:ext_ids_def insert_messages_def pred_is_dep)+)

lemma find_succ:
  "m'  (insert_messages M  {m})  S m'  set (ext_ids s)"
  using find_dep by (cases "S m'", (simp add:ext_ids_def insert_messages_def succ_is_dep)+)

fun is_certified_associated_string' where
  "is_certified_associated_string' (Inr v) = (
    set v = to_woot_character (M  {Insert m}) ` 
      (insert_messages (M  {Insert m})) 
    sorted_wrt (<) (map a (ext_ids v)))" |
  "is_certified_associated_string' (Inl _) = False" 

lemma integrate_insert_final_step:
  assumes "invariant pm sm"
  assumes "idx s pm = Inr l"
  assumes "idx s sm = Inr (Suc l)" 
  shows "is_certified_associated_string' (Inr (take l s@(to_woot_char m)#drop l s))"
proof -
  define t where "t = (take l s@(to_woot_char m)#drop l s)"
  hence "set t = set s  {to_woot_char m}"
    by (metis Un_insert_right append_take_drop_id list.simps(15) 
        set_append sup_bot.right_neutral)
    "set t = to_woot_character M ` insert_messages M  {to_woot_character M m}"
    using not_deleted by (metis associated_string_assm is_associated_string_def)
    "set t = to_woot_character (M  {Insert m}) ` insert_messages (M  {Insert m})"
    apply (simp add: to_woot_character_insert_no_eff) 
    using insert_insert_message by fastforce
  moreover have "sorted_wrt (<) (map a (ext_ids t))" using assms invariant_imp_sorted
    by (simp add:invariant_def fromSingleton_simp filt_simp t_def)
  ultimately show ?thesis 
    using t_def associated_string_assm by (simp add:is_associated_string_def)

lemma concurrent_eff:
  assumes "idx s pm = Inr l"
  assumes "idx s sm = Inr u"
  obtains d where "mapM (concurrent s l u) (substr s l u) = Inr d  
    set (concat d) = InString ` I ` {x. is_concurrent pm sm x}"
proof -
  define t where "t = substr s l u"
  have "set t  set s  (isOK (mapM (concurrent s l u) t) 
    set (concat (projr (mapM (concurrent s l u) t))) = 
    InString ` I ` {x. x  set t  a (P x)  a pm  a (S x)  a sm})"
  proof (induction t)
    case Nil
    then show ?case by simp
    case (Cons th tt)
    hence "th  to_woot_character M ` insert_messages M" 
      using associated_string_assm by (simp add: is_associated_string_def)
    then obtain th' where th'_def: 
      "th'  insert_messages M  P th' = P th  S th' = S th"
      by (metis image_iff to_woot_character_keeps_P to_woot_character_keeps_S)
    obtain l' where l'_def: "idx s (P th) = Inr l'"
      using th'_def find_pred obtain_idx by fastforce
    obtain u' where u'_def: "idx s (S th) = Inr u'"
      using th'_def find_succ obtain_idx by fastforce
    have "{x. x = I th  l'  l  u  u'} = 
      InString ` I ` {x. x = th  a (P x)  a pm  a sm  a (S x)}"
      using sorted_a l'_def u'_def assms 
      by (rule_tac set_eqI, simp add:image_iff, blast)
    then show ?case 
      using Cons 
      by (simp add:bind_simp l'_def u'_def 
          concurrent.simps[where w=th] del:idx.simps, auto)
  moreover have 
    "x. (x  set (substr s l u)) = (x  set s  a pm < a I x  a I x < a sm)"
    apply (simp add:set_nths in_set_conv_nth)
    using sorted_a_le idx_intro assms by blast
  ultimately have "
    isOK (mapM (concurrent s l u) (substr s l u))  
    set (concat (projr (mapM (concurrent s l u) (substr s l u)))) = 
      InString ` I ` {x. is_concurrent pm sm x}"
    by (simp only:t_def, fastforce)
  thus ?thesis using that by auto

lemma concurrent_eff_2:
  assumes "invariant pm sm" 
  assumes "is_concurrent pm sm x"
  shows "preserve_order I x I m (a I x) (a I m)"
proof -
  have "x  to_woot_character M ` insert_messages M" 
    using assms(2) associated_string_assm is_associated_string_def 
      is_concurrent.elims(2) by blast
  then obtain x' where x'_def: "I x = I x'  P x = P x'  S x = S x'  x'  insert_messages M"
    using to_woot_character_keeps_P to_woot_character_keeps_S 
      to_woot_character_keeps_i by fastforce
  have "elem (a I x) (a (P m), a (S m))"
    using assms by (simp add: invariant_def, auto) 
  moreover have "elem (a I m) (a (P x), a (S x))" 
    using assms by (simp add: invariant_def, auto)
  moreover have "a_conditions (insert_messages M  {m}) a"
    by (metis insert_insert_message a_conditions_assm_2)
  ultimately have "preserve_order (I x) (I m) (a I x) (a I m)" 
    by (simp add: a_conditions_def psi_preserve_order x'_def)
  thus ?thesis by (simp add: preserve_order_def)

lemma concurrent_eff_3:
  assumes "idx s pm = Inr l"
  assumes "idx s sm = Inr u"
  assumes "Suc l < u"
  shows "{x. is_concurrent pm sm x}  {}"
proof -
  define H where
    "H = {x. x  insert_messages M  a pm < a I x  a I x < a sm}"
  have "wfP (depends_on (insert_messages M))"
    using associated_string_assm by (simp add: consistent_def is_associated_string_def)
  moreover have f:"H  insert_messages M" using H_def by blast
  hence "depends_on H  depends_on (insert_messages M)" by auto
  ultimately have "wfP (depends_on H)" using wf_subset [to_pred] by blast
  have u: "l < length s" using assms(2) assms(3) 
    by (simp add:fromSingleton_simp filt_simp, simp add:ext_ids_def)
  hence v:"a pm < a I(s ! l)  a I(s ! l) < a sm" 
    using sorted_a_le assms u idx_intro by blast
  have "I (s ! l)  I ` insert_messages M"
    by (metis image_eqI associated_string_assm is_associated_string_def nth_mem 
        to_woot_character_keeps_i_lifted u)
  hence "x. x  H" using v H_def by auto
  ultimately obtain z where z_def: "z  H" " y. depends_on H y z  y  H"
    by (metis wfP_eq_minimal)
  have a:"x. x  deps (Insert z)  ¬(a pm < a x  a x < a sm)"
  proof -
    fix x
    assume a:"x  deps (Insert z)"
    hence "x  I ` insert_messages M" 
      using insert_messages_def associated_string_assm 
      apply (simp add:consistent_def is_associated_string_def)
      using H_def z_def(1) by blast
    then obtain x' where x'_def: "x'  insert_messages M  x = I x'" by blast
    hence "x'  H" using z_def 
      using a depends_on.simps by blast
    thus "¬(a pm < a x  a x < a sm)" using H_def x'_def by blast
  have "ext_ids s ! 0 =   0 < length (ext_ids s)" by (simp add:ext_ids_def)
  hence b:"¬(a pm < a )"
    by (metis not_less_zero  sorted_a_le assms(1) idx_intro_ext)
  have "ext_ids s ! (Suc (length s)) =   Suc (length s) < length (ext_ids s)"
    by (simp add:nth_append ext_ids_def)
  moreover have "¬(Suc (length s) < u)" using assms(2)
    by (simp add:fromSingleton_simp filt_simp, simp add:ext_ids_def)
  ultimately have c:"¬(a  < a sm)" by (metis sorted_a_le assms(2) idx_intro_ext)
  have d:"a (P z)  a pm"
    using a b c pred_is_dep pred_succ_order H_def z_def(1) by (cases "P z", fastforce+)
  have e:"a (S z)  a sm"
    using a b c succ_is_dep pred_succ_order H_def z_def(1) by (cases "S z", fastforce+)
  have "to_woot_character M z  set s" 
    using f associated_string_assm is_associated_string_def z_def(1) by fastforce
  hence "is_concurrent pm sm (to_woot_character M z)"
    using H_def z_def(1) d e by simp
  thus ?thesis by blast

lemma integrate_insert_result_helper:
  "invariant pm sm  m' = m  s' = s  
  is_certified_associated_string' (integrate_insert m' s' pm sm)"
proof (induction m' s' pm sm rule:integrate_insert.induct)
  case (1 m' s' pm sm)
  obtain l where l_def: "idx s pm = Inr l" 
    using "1"(2) invariant_def obtain_idx by blast
  obtain u where u_def: "idx s sm = Inr u"
    using "1"(2) invariant_def obtain_idx by blast
  show ?case
  proof (cases "Suc l = u")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
      apply (simp add:l_def u_def 1 del:idx.simps is_certified_associated_string'.simps)
      using "1"(2) l_def u_def integrate_insert_final_step by blast
    case False
    have "a pm < a sm" using invariant_def "1"(2) by auto
    hence a:"l < u" using sorted_a_le  l_def u_def by blast
    obtain d where d_def: "mapM (concurrent s l u) (substr s l u) = Inr d   
      set (concat d) = InString ` I ` {x. is_concurrent pm sm x}" 
      by (metis concurrent_eff l_def u_def)
    have b:"concat d  []" 
      by (metis Suc_lessI concurrent_eff_3 False l_def u_def 
          a d_def empty_set image_is_empty)
    have c:"x. x  set (concat d)  
      preserve_order x I m (a x) (a I m)  x  set (ext_ids s) 
       a pm < a x  a x < a sm"
      using 1(2) d_def concurrent_eff_2 
      by (simp del:set_concat add:ext_ids_def, blast)
    obtain pm' sm' where ps'_def: "find ((λx.I m < x  x = sm)  snd)
         (zip (pm # concat d) (concat d @ [sm])) = Some (pm',sm')"
      (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
      apply (cases "?lhs")
      apply (simp add:find_None_iff) 
       apply (metis in_set_conv_decomp in_set_impl_in_set_zip2 length_Cons 
      by fastforce
    have d:"pm' = pm  pm'  set (concat d)" using ps'_def b
      by (metis (full_types) find_zip(3))
    hence "pm'  set (ext_ids s)" using c 1(2) invariant_def by auto
    hence "pm'  InString ` I ` insert_messages M  pm' =   pm' = "
      apply (simp add:ext_ids_def)
      by (metis image_image associated_string_assm is_associated_string_def 
    hence "pm'  I m" using no_id_collision by blast
    hence "(pm' = pm  pm' < I m)  (sm' = sm  sm' > I m  sm'  set (concat d))" 
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ps'_def b find_zip(1) find_zip(3) find_zip(4) less_linear)
    hence e:"invariant pm' sm'"
      using 1(2) c d apply (simp add:invariant_def del:set_concat) 
      by (meson dual_order.strict_trans leD leI preserve_order_def)
    show ?thesis apply (subst integrate_insert.simps)
      using a b e ps'_def 1 d_def False l_def u_def
      by (simp add:1 del:idx.simps integrate_insert.simps)

lemma integrate_insert_result:
  "is_certified_associated_string' (integrate_insert m s (P m) (S m))"
proof -
  have "invariant (P m) (S m)" 
    using find_pred find_succ pred_succ_order by (simp add:invariant_def)
  thus ?thesis using integrate_insert_result_helper by blast

lemma integrate_insert_result:
  assumes "consistent (M  {Insert m})"
  assumes "Insert m  M"
  assumes "is_associated_string M s"
  shows "is_certified_associated_string (M  {Insert m}) (integrate_insert m s (P m) (S m))"
proof -
  obtain t where t_def: "(integrate_insert m s (P m) (S m)) = Inr t 
    set t = to_woot_character (M  {Insert m}) ` (insert_messages (M  {Insert m}))"
  proof -
    fix tt
    assume a:"(t. (integrate_insert m s (P m) (S m)) = Inr t 
          set t = to_woot_character (M  {Insert m}) ` insert_messages (M  {Insert m}) 
    obtain a where a_def: "a_conditions (insert_messages (M  {Insert m})) a"
      using consistent_def assms by blast
    moreover have "a_conditions (insert_messages M) a"
      using assms a_subset is_associated_string_def a_def by blast
    ultimately interpret integrate_insert_commute_insert "M" "a" "s" "m"
      using assms by (simp add: integrate_insert_commute_insert_def integrate_insert_commute_def (*
                *) integrate_insert_commute_insert_axioms.intro)
    show tt using a integrate_insert_result
      apply (cases "integrate_insert m s (P m) (S m)") by auto 
  have b:"a. a_conditions (insert_messages (M  {Insert m})) a  
    sorted_wrt (<) (map a (ext_ids t))"
  proof -
    fix a
    assume c:"a_conditions (insert_messages (M  {Insert m})) a"
    moreover have "a_conditions (insert_messages M) a"
      using assms a_subset is_associated_string_def c by blast
    ultimately interpret integrate_insert_commute_insert "M" "a" "s" "m"
      using assms by (simp add: integrate_insert_commute_insert_def integrate_insert_commute_def (*
                *) integrate_insert_commute_insert_axioms.intro)
    show "sorted_wrt (<) (map a (ext_ids t))" 
      using integrate_insert_result t_def by simp
  show "?thesis" using b t_def assms(1) by (simp add:is_associated_string_def)

locale integrate_insert_commute_delete = integrate_insert_commute +
  fixes m :: "('ℐ :: linorder) delete_message"
  assumes consistent_assm: "consistent (M  {Delete m})"

fun delete :: "('ℐ, ) woot_character  ('ℐ, ) woot_character"
  where "delete (InsertMessage p i u _) = InsertMessage p i u None"

definition delete_only_m :: "('ℐ, ) woot_character  ('ℐ, ) woot_character"
  where "delete_only_m x = (if DeleteMessage (I x) = m then delete x else x)"

lemma set_s: "set s = to_woot_character M ` insert_messages M"
  using associated_string_assm by (simp add:is_associated_string_def)

lemma delete_only_m_effect:
  "delete_only_m (to_woot_character M x) = to_woot_character (M  {Delete m}) x"
  apply (cases x, simp add:to_woot_character_def delete_maybe_def)
  by (metis delete_only_m_def insert_message.sel(2) delete.simps)

lemma integrate_delete_result:
  "is_certified_associated_string (M  {Delete m}) (integrate_delete m s)"
proof (cases m)
  case (DeleteMessage i)
  have "deps (Delete m)  I ` insert_messages (M  {Delete m})"
    using consistent_assm by (simp add:consistent_def DeleteMessage)
  hence "i  I ` insert_messages (M  {Delete m})" using DeleteMessage by auto
  hence "i  I ` set s" using set_s by (simp add:insert_messages_def)
  then obtain k where k_def: "I (s ! k) = i  k < length s" 
    by (metis imageE in_set_conv_nth)
  hence "ext_ids s ! (Suc k) = i  Suc k < length (ext_ids s)" 
    by (simp add:ext_ids_def nth_append)
  hence g:"idx s i = Inr (Suc k)" apply (simp add:fromSingleton_simp filt_simp)
     using dist_ext_ids nth_eq_iff_index_eq by fastforce
  moreover define t where "t = List.list_update s k (delete (s ! k))"
  ultimately have a: "integrate_delete m s = Inr t"
    using k_def DeleteMessage by (cases "s ! k", simp)
  have "j. j < length s  (DeleteMessage (I(s ! j)) = m) = (j = k)" 
    apply (simp add: DeleteMessage) using I_inj_on_S k_def by blast
  hence "List.list_update s k (delete (s ! k)) = map delete_only_m s"
    by (rule_tac nth_equalityI, (simp add:k_def delete_only_m_def)+)
  hence "set t = delete_only_m ` set s" using t_def by auto
  also have "... = to_woot_character (M  {Delete m}) ` (insert_messages M)"
    using set_s delete_only_m_effect image_cong by (metis (no_types, lifting) image_image)
  finally have b:
    "set t = to_woot_character (M  {Delete m}) ` (insert_messages (M  {Delete m}))"
    by (simp add: insert_messages_def)
  have "ext_ids s = ext_ids t"
    apply (cases "s ! k", simp add:t_def ext_ids_def) 
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) insert_message.sel(2) list_update_id map_update)
  moreover have "a. a_conditions (insert_messages M) a  sorted_wrt (<) (map a (ext_ids s))"
    using associated_string_assm is_associated_string_def by blast
  ultimately have c: "a. a_conditions (insert_messages (M  {Delete m})) a
                   sorted_wrt (<) (map a (ext_ids t))" 
    by (simp add:insert_messages_def)
  show ?thesis
    apply (simp add:a is_associated_string_def b c)
    using consistent_assm by fastforce

lemma integrate_delete_result:
  assumes "consistent (M  {Delete m})"
  assumes "is_associated_string M s"
  shows "is_certified_associated_string (M  {Delete m}) (integrate_delete m s)"
proof -
  obtain a where a_def: "a_conditions (insert_messages (M  {Delete m})) a" 
    using consistent_def assms by blast
  moreover have "a_conditions (insert_messages M) a"
    using assms a_subset is_associated_string_def a_def by blast
  ultimately interpret integrate_insert_commute_delete "M" "a" "s" "m"
    using assms by (simp add: integrate_insert_commute_def integrate_insert_commute_delete.intro
  show "?thesis" using integrate_delete_result by blast

fun is_delete :: "('ℐ, ) message  bool" 
    "is_delete (Insert m) = False" |
    "is_delete (Delete m) = True"

proposition integrate_insert_commute:
  assumes "consistent (M  {m})"
  assumes "is_delete m  m  M"
  assumes "is_associated_string M s"
  shows "is_certified_associated_string (M  {m}) (integrate s m)"
  using assms integrate_insert_result integrate_delete_result by (cases m, fastforce+)
