Theory BasicAlgorithms

subsection ‹Basic Algorithms›

theory BasicAlgorithms
  imports Data ErrorMonad

text ‹
  In this section, we introduce preliminary definitions and functions, required by the
  integration and edit algorithms in the following sections.

definition ext_ids :: "('ℐ, ) woot_character list  'ℐ extended list"
  where "ext_ids s = #(map (λx.  I x ) s)@[]"

text ‹
  The function @{term ext_ids} returns the set of extended identifiers in a string @{term s},
  including the beginning and end markers @{term ""} and @{term ""}.

fun idx :: "('ℐ, ) woot_character list  'ℐ extended  error + nat"
    "idx s i = fromSingleton (filter (λj. (ext_ids s ! j = i)) [0..<(length (ext_ids s))])"

text ‹
  The function @{term idx} returns the index in @{term w} of a W-character with a given identifier
   @{term i}:
  \item If the identifier @{term i} occurs exactly once in the string then
        @{term "idx s i = return (j+1)"} where @{term "I (s ! j) = i"}, otherwise
        @{term "idx s i"} will be an error.
  \item @{term "idx s  = Inr 0"} and @{term "idx s  = return (length w + 1)"}.

fun nth :: "('ℐ, ) woot_character list  nat  error + ('ℐ, ) woot_character"
    "nth s 0 = error (STR ''Index has to be >= 1.'')" |
    "nth s (Suc k) = (
      if k < (length s) then
        return (s ! k)
        error (STR ''Index has to be <= length s''))"

text ‹
  The function @{text nth} returns the W-character at a given index in @{term s}.
  The first character has the index 1.

fun list_update ::
  "('ℐ, ) woot_character list  nat  ('ℐ, ) woot_character  
  error + ('ℐ, ) woot_character list"
    "list_update s (Suc k) v = (
        if k < length s then
          return (List.list_update s k v)
          error (STR ''Illegal arguments.''))" |
    "list_update _ 0 _ = error (STR ''Illegal arguments.'')"

text ‹
  The function @{text list_update} substitutes the W-character at the index @{term "k"} in
  @{term s} with the W-character @{term v}. As before, we use the convention of using the index 1
  for the first character.
