Theory utp_theory

section ‹ UTP Theories ›

theory utp_theory
imports utp_rel_laws

text ‹ Here, we mechanise a representation of UTP theories using locales~cite"Ballarin06". We also
  link them to the HOL-Algebra library~cite"Ballarin17", which allows us to import properties from 
  complete lattices and Galois connections. ›

subsection ‹ Complete lattice of predicates ›

definition upred_lattice :: "( upred) gorder" ("𝒫") where
"upred_lattice =  carrier = UNIV, eq = (=), le = (⊑) "

text @{term "𝒫"} is the complete lattice of alphabetised predicates. All other theories will
  be defined relative to it. ›

interpretation upred_lattice: complete_lattice 𝒫
proof (unfold_locales, simp_all add: upred_lattice_def)
  fix A :: " upred set"
  show "s. is_lub carrier = UNIV, eq = (=), le = (⊑) s A"
    apply (rule_tac x=" A" in exI)
    apply (rule least_UpperI)
       apply (auto intro: Inf_greatest simp add: Inf_lower Upper_def)
  show "i. is_glb carrier = UNIV, eq = (=), le = (⊑) i A"
    apply (rule_tac x=" A" in exI)
    apply (rule greatest_LowerI)
       apply (auto intro: Sup_least simp add: Sup_upper Lower_def)

lemma upred_weak_complete_lattice [simp]: "weak_complete_lattice 𝒫"
  by (simp add: upred_lattice.weak.weak_complete_lattice_axioms)

lemma upred_lattice_eq [simp]:
  "(.=𝒫) = (=)"
  by (simp add: upred_lattice_def)

lemma upred_lattice_le [simp]:
  "le 𝒫 P Q = (P  Q)"
  by (simp add: upred_lattice_def)

lemma upred_lattice_carrier [simp]:
  "carrier 𝒫 = UNIV"
  by (simp add: upred_lattice_def)

lemma Healthy_fixed_points [simp]: "fps 𝒫 H = HH"
  by (simp add: fps_def upred_lattice_def Healthy_def)
lemma upred_lattice_Idempotent [simp]: "Idem𝒫H = Idempotent H"
  using upred_lattice.weak_partial_order_axioms by (auto simp add: idempotent_def Idempotent_def)

lemma upred_lattice_Monotonic [simp]: "Mono𝒫H = Monotonic H"
  using upred_lattice.weak_partial_order_axioms by (auto simp add: isotone_def mono_def)
subsection ‹ UTP theories hierarchy ›

definition utp_order :: "( × ) health   hrel gorder" where
"utp_order H =  carrier = {P. P is H}, eq = (=), le = (⊑) "

text ‹ Constant @{term utp_order} obtains the order structure associated with a UTP theory.
  Its carrier is the set of healthy predicates, equality is HOL equality, and the order is
  refinement. ›

lemma utp_order_carrier [simp]:
  "carrier (utp_order H) = HH"
  by (simp add: utp_order_def)

lemma utp_order_eq [simp]:
  "eq (utp_order T) = (=)"
  by (simp add: utp_order_def)

lemma utp_order_le [simp]:
  "le (utp_order T) = (⊑)"
  by (simp add: utp_order_def)

lemma utp_partial_order: "partial_order (utp_order T)"
  by (unfold_locales, simp_all add: utp_order_def)

lemma utp_weak_partial_order: "weak_partial_order (utp_order T)"
  by (unfold_locales, simp_all add: utp_order_def)

lemma mono_Monotone_utp_order:
  "mono f  Monotone (utp_order T) f"
  apply (auto simp add: isotone_def)
   apply (metis partial_order_def utp_partial_order)
  apply (metis monoD)

lemma isotone_utp_orderI: "Monotonic H  isotone (utp_order X) (utp_order Y) H"
  by (auto simp add: mono_def isotone_def utp_weak_partial_order)

lemma Mono_utp_orderI:
  "  P Q.  P  Q; P is H; Q is H   F(P)  F(Q)   Monoutp_order HF"
  by (auto simp add: isotone_def utp_weak_partial_order)

text ‹ The UTP order can equivalently be characterised as the fixed point lattice, @{const fpl}. ›

lemma utp_order_fpl: "utp_order H = fpl 𝒫 H"
  by (auto simp add: utp_order_def upred_lattice_def fps_def Healthy_def)

subsection ‹ UTP theory hierarchy ›

text ‹ We next define a hierarchy of locales that characterise different classes of UTP theory.
  Minimally we require that a UTP theory's healthiness condition is idempotent. ›

locale utp_theory =
  fixes hcond :: " hrel   hrel" ("")
  assumes HCond_Idem: "((P)) = (P)"

  abbreviation thy_order :: " hrel gorder" where
  "thy_order  utp_order "

  lemma HCond_Idempotent [closure,intro]: "Idempotent "
    by (simp add: Idempotent_def HCond_Idem)

  sublocale utp_po: partial_order "utp_order "
    by (unfold_locales, simp_all add: utp_order_def)

  text ‹ We need to remove some transitivity rules to stop them being applied in calculations ›

  declare utp_po.trans [trans del]


locale utp_theory_lattice = utp_theory + 
  assumes uthy_lattice: "complete_lattice (utp_order )"

sublocale complete_lattice "utp_order "
  by (simp add: uthy_lattice)

declare top_closed [simp del]
declare bottom_closed [simp del]

text ‹ The healthiness conditions of a UTP theory lattice form a complete lattice, and allows us to make
  use of complete lattice results from HOL-Algebra~cite"Ballarin17", such as the Knaster-Tarski theorem. We can also
  retrieve lattice operators as below. ›

abbreviation utp_top ("")
where "utp_top  top (utp_order )"

abbreviation utp_bottom ("")
where "utp_bottom  bottom (utp_order )"

abbreviation utp_join (infixl "" 65) where
"utp_join  join (utp_order )"

abbreviation utp_meet (infixl "" 70) where
"utp_meet  meet (utp_order )"

abbreviation utp_sup ("_" [90] 90) where
"utp_sup  Lattice.sup (utp_order )"

abbreviation utp_inf ("_" [90] 90) where
"utp_inf  Lattice.inf (utp_order )"

abbreviation utp_gfp ("ν") where
"utp_gfp  GREATEST_FP (utp_order )"

abbreviation utp_lfp ("μ") where
"utp_lfp  LEAST_FP (utp_order )"


  "_tmu" :: "logic  pttrn  logic  logic" ("μı _  _" [0, 10] 10)
  "_tnu" :: "logic  pttrn  logic  logic" ("νı _  _" [0, 10] 10)

notation gfp ("μ")
notation lfp ("ν")

  "μHX  P" == "CONST LEAST_FP (CONST utp_order H) (λ X. P)"  
  "νHX  P" == "CONST GREATEST_FP (CONST utp_order H) (λ X. P)"

lemma upred_lattice_inf:
  "Lattice.inf 𝒫 A =  A"
  by (metis Sup_least Sup_upper UNIV_I antisym_conv subsetI upred_lattice.weak.inf_greatest upred_lattice.weak.inf_lower upred_lattice_carrier upred_lattice_le)

text ‹ We can then derive a number of properties about these operators, as below. ›

context utp_theory_lattice

  lemma LFP_healthy_comp: "μ F = μ (F  )"
  proof -
    have "{P. (P is )  F P  P} = {P. (P is )  F ( P)  P}"
      by (auto simp add: Healthy_def)
    thus ?thesis
      by (simp add: LEAST_FP_def)

  lemma GFP_healthy_comp: "ν F = ν (F  )"
  proof -
    have "{P. (P is )  P  F P} = {P. (P is )  P  F ( P)}"
      by (auto simp add: Healthy_def)
    thus ?thesis
      by (simp add: GREATEST_FP_def)

  lemma top_healthy [closure]: " is "
    using weak.top_closed by auto

  lemma bottom_healthy [closure]: " is "
    using weak.bottom_closed by auto

  lemma utp_top: "P is   P  "
    using weak.top_higher by auto

  lemma utp_bottom: "P is     P"
    using weak.bottom_lower by auto


lemma upred_top: "𝒫= false"
  using ball_UNIV greatest_def by fastforce

lemma upred_bottom: "𝒫= true"
  by fastforce

text ‹ One way of obtaining a complete lattice is showing that the healthiness conditions
  are monotone, which the below locale characterises. ›

locale utp_theory_mono = utp_theory +
  assumes HCond_Mono [closure,intro]: "Monotonic "

sublocale utp_theory_mono  utp_theory_lattice
proof -
  interpret weak_complete_lattice "fpl 𝒫 "
    by (rule Knaster_Tarski, auto)

  have "complete_lattice (fpl 𝒫 )"
    by (unfold_locales, simp add: fps_def sup_exists, (blast intro: sup_exists inf_exists)+)

  hence "complete_lattice (utp_order )"
    by (simp add: utp_order_def, simp add: upred_lattice_def)

  thus "utp_theory_lattice "
    by (simp add: utp_theory_axioms utp_theory_lattice.intro utp_theory_lattice_axioms.intro)

text ‹ In a monotone theory, the top and bottom can always be obtained by applying the healthiness
  condition to the predicate top and bottom, respectively. ›

context utp_theory_mono

lemma healthy_top: " = (false)"
proof -
  have " = fpl 𝒫 ⇙"
    by (simp add: utp_order_fpl)
  also have "... =  𝒫⇙"
    using Knaster_Tarski_idem_extremes(1)[of 𝒫 ]
    by (simp add: HCond_Idempotent HCond_Mono)
  also have "... =  false"
    by (simp add: upred_top)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma healthy_bottom: " = (true)"
proof -
  have " = fpl 𝒫 ⇙"
    by (simp add: utp_order_fpl)
  also have "... =  𝒫⇙"
    using Knaster_Tarski_idem_extremes(2)[of 𝒫 ]
    by (simp add: HCond_Idempotent HCond_Mono)
  also have "... =  true"
    by (simp add: upred_bottom)
   finally show ?thesis .

lemma healthy_inf:
  assumes "A  H"
  shows " A =  ( A)"
  using Knaster_Tarski_idem_inf_eq[OF upred_weak_complete_lattice, of ""]
  by (simp, metis HCond_Idempotent HCond_Mono assms partial_object.simps(3) upred_lattice_def upred_lattice_inf utp_order_def)


locale utp_theory_continuous = utp_theory +
  assumes HCond_Cont [closure,intro]: "Continuous "

sublocale utp_theory_continuous  utp_theory_mono
  show "Monotonic "
    by (simp add: Continuous_Monotonic HCond_Cont)

context utp_theory_continuous

  lemma healthy_inf_cont:
    assumes "A  H" "A  {}"
    shows " A =  A"
  proof -
    have " A =  (`A)"
      using Continuous_def HCond_Cont assms(1) assms(2) healthy_inf by auto
    also have "... =  A"
      by (unfold Healthy_carrier_image[OF assms(1)], simp)
    finally show ?thesis .

  lemma healthy_inf_def:
    assumes "A  H"
    shows " A = (if (A = {}) then  else ( A))"
    using assms healthy_inf_cont weak.weak_inf_empty by auto

  lemma healthy_meet_cont:
    assumes "P is " "Q is "
    shows "P  Q = P  Q"
    using healthy_inf_cont[of "{P, Q}"] assms
    by (simp add: Healthy_if meet_def)

  lemma meet_is_healthy [closure]:
    assumes "P is " "Q is "
    shows "P  Q is "
    by (metis Continuous_Disjunctous Disjunctuous_def HCond_Cont Healthy_def' assms(1) assms(2))

  lemma meet_bottom [simp]:
    assumes "P is "
    shows "P   = "
      by (simp add: assms semilattice_sup_class.sup_absorb2 utp_bottom)

  lemma meet_top [simp]:
    assumes "P is "
    shows "P   = P"
      by (simp add: assms semilattice_sup_class.sup_absorb1 utp_top)

  text ‹ The UTP theory lfp operator can be rewritten to the alphabetised predicate lfp when
    in a continuous context. ›

  theorem utp_lfp_def:
    assumes "Monotonic F" "F  H  H"
    shows "μ F = (μ X  F((X)))"
  proof (rule antisym)
    have ne: "{P. (P is )  F P  P}  {}"
    proof -
      have "F   "
        using assms(2) utp_top weak.top_closed by force
      thus ?thesis
        by (auto, rule_tac x="" in exI, auto simp add: top_healthy)
    show "μ F  (μ X  F ( X))"
    proof -
      have "{P. (P is )  F(P)  P}  {P. F((P))  P}"
      proof -
        have 1: " P. F((P)) = (F((P)))"
          by (metis HCond_Idem Healthy_def assms(2) funcset_mem mem_Collect_eq)
        show ?thesis
        proof (rule Sup_least, auto)
          fix P
          assume a: "F ( P)  P"
          hence F: "(F ( P))  ( P)"
            by (metis 1 HCond_Mono mono_def)
          show "{P. (P is )  F P  P}  P"
          proof (rule Sup_upper2[of "F ( P)"])
            show "F ( P)  {P. (P is )  F P  P}"
            proof (auto)
              show "F ( P) is "
                by (metis 1 Healthy_def)
              show "F (F ( P))  F ( P)"
                using F mono_def assms(1) by blast
            show "F ( P)  P"
              by (simp add: a)

      with ne show ?thesis
        by (simp add: LEAST_FP_def gfp_def, subst healthy_inf_cont, auto simp add: lfp_def)
    from ne show "(μ X  F ( X))  μ F"
      apply (simp add: LEAST_FP_def gfp_def, subst healthy_inf_cont, auto simp add: lfp_def)
      apply (rule Sup_least)
      apply (auto simp add: Healthy_def Sup_upper)

  lemma UINF_ind_Healthy [closure]:
    assumes " i. P(i) is "
    shows "( i  P(i)) is "
    by (simp add: closure assms)


text ‹ In another direction, we can also characterise UTP theories that are relational. Minimally
  this requires that the healthiness condition is closed under sequential composition. ›

locale utp_theory_rel =
  utp_theory +
  assumes Healthy_Sequence [closure]: " P is ; Q is    (P ;; Q) is "

lemma upower_Suc_Healthy [closure]:
  assumes "P is "
  shows "P ^ Suc n is "
  by (induct n, simp_all add: closure assms upred_semiring.power_Suc)


locale utp_theory_cont_rel = utp_theory_rel + utp_theory_continuous

  lemma seq_cont_Sup_distl:
    assumes "P is " "A  H" "A  {}"
    shows "P ;; ( A) =  {P ;; Q | Q. Q  A }"
  proof -
    have "{P ;; Q | Q. Q  A }  H"
      using Healthy_Sequence assms(1) assms(2) by (auto)
    thus ?thesis
      by (simp add: healthy_inf_cont seq_Sup_distl setcompr_eq_image assms)

  lemma seq_cont_Sup_distr:
    assumes "Q is " "A  H" "A  {}"
    shows "( A) ;; Q =  {P ;; Q | P. P  A }"
  proof -
    have "{P ;; Q | P. P  A }  H"
      using Healthy_Sequence assms(1) assms(2) by (auto)
    thus ?thesis
      by (simp add: healthy_inf_cont seq_Sup_distr setcompr_eq_image assms)

  lemma uplus_healthy [closure]:
    assumes "P is "  
    shows "P+ is "
    by (simp add: uplus_power_def closure assms)


text ‹ There also exist UTP theories with units. Not all theories have both a left and a right unit 
  (e.g. H1-H2 designs) and so we split up the locale into two cases. ›

locale utp_theory_units =
  utp_theory_rel +
  fixes utp_unit ("ℐℐ")
  assumes Healthy_Unit [closure]: "ℐℐ is "

text ‹ We can characterise the theory Kleene star by lifting the relational one. ›

definition utp_star ("_" [999] 999) where
[upred_defs]: "utp_star P = (P ;; ℐℐ)"

text ‹ We can then characterise tests as refinements of units. ›

definition utp_test :: "'a hrel  bool" where
[upred_defs]: "utp_test b = (ℐℐ  b)"


locale utp_theory_left_unital =
  utp_theory_units +
  assumes Unit_Left: "P is   (ℐℐ ;; P) = P"

locale utp_theory_right_unital =
  utp_theory_units +
  assumes Unit_Right: "P is   (P ;; ℐℐ) = P"

locale utp_theory_unital =
  utp_theory_left_unital + utp_theory_right_unital

lemma Unit_self [simp]:
  "ℐℐ ;; ℐℐ = ℐℐ"
  by (simp add: Healthy_Unit Unit_Right)

lemma utest_intro:
  "ℐℐ  P  utp_test P"
  by (simp add: utp_test_def)

lemma utest_Unit [closure]:
  "utp_test ℐℐ"
  by (simp add: utp_test_def)


locale utp_theory_mono_unital = utp_theory_unital + utp_theory_mono

lemma utest_Top [closure]: "utp_test "
  by (simp add: Healthy_Unit utp_test_def utp_top)


locale utp_theory_cont_unital = utp_theory_cont_rel + utp_theory_unital

sublocale utp_theory_cont_unital  utp_theory_mono_unital
  by (simp add: utp_theory_mono_axioms utp_theory_mono_unital_def utp_theory_unital_axioms)

locale utp_theory_unital_zerol =
  utp_theory_unital +
  utp_theory_lattice +
  assumes Top_Left_Zero: "P is    ;; P = "

locale utp_theory_cont_unital_zerol =
  utp_theory_cont_unital + utp_theory_unital_zerol
lemma Top_test_Right_Zero:
  assumes "b is " "utp_test b"
  shows "b ;;  = "
proof -
  have "b  ℐℐ = ℐℐ"
    by (meson assms(2) semilattice_sup_class.le_iff_sup utp_test_def)
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis (no_types) Top_Left_Zero Unit_Left assms(1) meet_top top_healthy upred_semiring.distrib_right)


subsection ‹ Theory of relations ›

interpretation rel_theory: utp_theory_mono_unital id skip_r
  rewrites "rel_theory.utp_top = false"
  and "rel_theory.utp_bottom = true"
  and "carrier (utp_order id) = UNIV"
  and "(P is id) = True"
proof -
  show "utp_theory_mono_unital id II"
    by (unfold_locales, simp_all add: Healthy_def)
  then interpret utp_theory_mono_unital id skip_r
    by simp
  show "utp_top = false" "utp_bottom = true"
    by (simp_all add: healthy_top healthy_bottom)
  show "carrier (utp_order id) = UNIV" "(P is id) = True"
    by (auto simp add: utp_order_def Healthy_def)

thm rel_theory.GFP_unfold

subsection ‹ Theory links ›

text ‹ We can also describe links between theories, such a Galois connections and retractions,
  using the following notation. ›

definition mk_conn ("_ ⇐⟨_,_⟩⇒ _" [90,0,0,91] 91) where
"H1 ⇐⟨1,2⟩⇒ H2   orderA = utp_order H1, orderB = utp_order H2, lower = 2, upper = 1 "

lemma mk_conn_orderA [simp]: "𝒳H1 ⇐⟨1,2⟩⇒ H2= utp_order H1"
  by (simp add:mk_conn_def)

lemma mk_conn_orderB [simp]: "𝒴H1 ⇐⟨1,2⟩⇒ H2= utp_order H2"
  by (simp add:mk_conn_def)

lemma mk_conn_lower [simp]:  "π*H1 ⇐⟨1,2⟩⇒ H2= 1"
  by (simp add: mk_conn_def)

lemma mk_conn_upper [simp]:  "π*H1 ⇐⟨1,2⟩⇒ H2= 2"
  by (simp add: mk_conn_def)

lemma galois_comp: "(H2 ⇐⟨3,4⟩⇒ H3) g (H1 ⇐⟨1,2⟩⇒ H2) = H1 ⇐⟨13,42⟩⇒ H3"
  by (simp add: comp_galcon_def mk_conn_def)

text ‹ Example Galois connection / retract: Existential quantification ›

lemma Idempotent_ex: "mwb_lens x  Idempotent (ex x)"
  by (simp add: Idempotent_def exists_twice)

lemma Monotonic_ex: "mwb_lens x  Monotonic (ex x)"
  by (simp add: mono_def ex_mono)

lemma ex_closed_unrest:
  "vwb_lens x  ex xH = {P. x  P}"
  by (simp add: Healthy_def unrest_as_exists)

text ‹ Any theory can be composed with an existential quantification to produce a Galois connection ›

theorem ex_retract:
  assumes "vwb_lens x" "Idempotent H" "ex x  H = H  ex x"
  shows "retract ((ex x  H) ⇐⟨ex x, H⟩⇒ H)"
proof (unfold_locales, simp_all)
  show "H  ex x  HH  HH"
    using Healthy_Idempotent assms by blast
  from assms(1) assms(3)[THEN sym] show "ex x  HH  ex x  HH"
    by (simp add: Pi_iff Healthy_def fun_eq_iff exists_twice)
  fix P Q
  assume "P is (ex x  H)" "Q is H"
  thus "(H P  Q) = (P  ( x  Q))"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) Healthy_Idempotent Healthy_if assms comp_apply dual_order.trans ex_weakens utp_pred_laws.ex_mono vwb_lens_wb)
  fix P
  assume "P is (ex x  H)"
  thus "( x  H P)  P"
    by (simp add: Healthy_def)

corollary ex_retract_id:
  assumes "vwb_lens x"
  shows "retract (ex x ⇐⟨ex x, id⟩⇒ id)"
  using assms ex_retract[where H="id"] by (auto)