Theory utp_healthy
section ‹ Healthiness Conditions ›
theory utp_healthy
imports utp_pred_laws
subsection ‹ Main Definitions ›
text ‹ We collect closure laws for healthiness conditions in the following theorem attribute. ›
named_theorems closure
type_synonym 'α health = "'α upred ⇒ 'α upred"
text ‹ A predicate $P$ is healthy, under healthiness function $H$, if $P$ is a fixed-point of $H$. ›
definition Healthy :: "'α upred ⇒ 'α health ⇒ bool" (infix "is" 30)
where "P is H ≡ (H P = P)"
lemma Healthy_def': "P is H ⟷ (H P = P)"
unfolding Healthy_def by auto
lemma Healthy_if: "P is H ⟹ (H P = P)"
unfolding Healthy_def by auto
lemma Healthy_intro: "H(P) = P ⟹ P is H"
by (simp add: Healthy_def)
declare Healthy_def' [upred_defs]
abbreviation Healthy_carrier :: "'α health ⇒ 'α upred set" ("⟦_⟧⇩H")
where "⟦H⟧⇩H ≡ {P. P is H}"
lemma Healthy_carrier_image:
"A ⊆ ⟦ℋ⟧⇩H ⟹ ℋ ` A = A"
by (auto simp add: image_def, (metis Healthy_if mem_Collect_eq subsetCE)+)
lemma Healthy_carrier_Collect: "A ⊆ ⟦H⟧⇩H ⟹ A = {H(P) | P. P ∈ A}"
by (simp add: Healthy_carrier_image Setcompr_eq_image)
lemma Healthy_func:
"⟦ F ∈ ⟦ℋ⇩1⟧⇩H → ⟦ℋ⇩2⟧⇩H; P is ℋ⇩1 ⟧ ⟹ ℋ⇩2(F(P)) = F(P)"
using Healthy_if by blast
lemma Healthy_comp:
"⟦ P is ℋ⇩1; P is ℋ⇩2 ⟧ ⟹ P is ℋ⇩1 ∘ ℋ⇩2"
by (simp add: Healthy_def)
lemma Healthy_apply_closed:
assumes "F ∈ ⟦H⟧⇩H → ⟦H⟧⇩H" "P is H"
shows "F(P) is H"
using assms(1) assms(2) by auto
lemma Healthy_set_image_member:
"⟦ P ∈ F ` A; ⋀ x. F x is H ⟧ ⟹ P is H"
by blast
lemma Healthy_case_prod [closure]:
"⟦ ⋀ x y. P x y is H ⟧ ⟹ case_prod P v is H"
by (simp add: prod.case_eq_if)
lemma Healthy_SUPREMUM:
"A ⊆ ⟦H⟧⇩H ⟹ Sup (H ` A) = ⨅ A"
by (drule Healthy_carrier_image, presburger)
lemma Healthy_INFIMUM:
"A ⊆ ⟦H⟧⇩H ⟹ Inf (H ` A) = ⨆ A"
by (drule Healthy_carrier_image, presburger)
lemma Healthy_nu [closure]:
assumes "mono F" "F ∈ ⟦id⟧⇩H → ⟦H⟧⇩H"
shows "ν F is H"
by (metis (mono_tags) Healthy_def Healthy_func assms eq_id_iff lfp_unfold)
lemma Healthy_mu [closure]:
assumes "mono F" "F ∈ ⟦id⟧⇩H → ⟦H⟧⇩H"
shows "μ F is H"
by (metis (mono_tags) Healthy_def Healthy_func assms eq_id_iff gfp_unfold)
lemma Healthy_subset_member: "⟦ A ⊆ ⟦H⟧⇩H; P ∈ A ⟧ ⟹ H(P) = P"
by (meson Ball_Collect Healthy_if)
lemma is_Healthy_subset_member: "⟦ A ⊆ ⟦H⟧⇩H; P ∈ A ⟧ ⟹ P is H"
by blast
subsection ‹ Properties of Healthiness Conditions ›
definition Idempotent :: "'α health ⇒ bool" where
"Idempotent(H) ⟷ (∀ P. H(H(P)) = H(P))"
abbreviation Monotonic :: "'α health ⇒ bool" where
"Monotonic(H) ≡ mono H"
definition IMH :: "'α health ⇒ bool" where
"IMH(H) ⟷ Idempotent(H) ∧ Monotonic(H)"
definition Antitone :: "'α health ⇒ bool" where
"Antitone(H) ⟷ (∀ P Q. Q ⊑ P ⟶ (H(P) ⊑ H(Q)))"
definition Conjunctive :: "'α health ⇒ bool" where
"Conjunctive(H) ⟷ (∃ Q. ∀ P. H(P) = (P ∧ Q))"
definition FunctionalConjunctive :: "'α health ⇒ bool" where
"FunctionalConjunctive(H) ⟷ (∃ F. ∀ P. H(P) = (P ∧ F(P)) ∧ Monotonic(F))"
definition WeakConjunctive :: "'α health ⇒ bool" where
"WeakConjunctive(H) ⟷ (∀ P. ∃ Q. H(P) = (P ∧ Q))"
definition Disjunctuous :: "'α health ⇒ bool" where
[upred_defs]: "Disjunctuous H = (∀ P Q. H(P ⊓ Q) = (H(P) ⊓ H(Q)))"
definition Continuous :: "'α health ⇒ bool" where
[upred_defs]: "Continuous H = (∀ A. A ≠ {} ⟶ H (⨅ A) = ⨅ (H ` A))"
lemma Healthy_Idempotent [closure]:
"Idempotent H ⟹ H(P) is H"
by (simp add: Healthy_def Idempotent_def)
lemma Healthy_range: "Idempotent H ⟹ range H = ⟦H⟧⇩H"
by (auto simp add: image_def Healthy_if Healthy_Idempotent, metis Healthy_if)
lemma Idempotent_id [simp]: "Idempotent id"
by (simp add: Idempotent_def)
lemma Idempotent_comp [intro]:
"⟦ Idempotent f; Idempotent g; f ∘ g = g ∘ f ⟧ ⟹ Idempotent (f ∘ g)"
by (auto simp add: Idempotent_def comp_def, metis)
lemma Idempotent_image: "Idempotent f ⟹ f ` f ` A = f ` A"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Idempotent_def image_cong image_image)
lemma Monotonic_id [simp]: "Monotonic id"
by (simp add: monoI)
lemma Monotonic_id' [closure]:
"mono (λ X. X)"
by (simp add: monoI)
lemma Monotonic_const [closure]:
"Monotonic (λ x. c)"
by (simp add: mono_def)
lemma Monotonic_comp [intro]:
"⟦ Monotonic f; Monotonic g ⟧ ⟹ Monotonic (f ∘ g)"
by (simp add: mono_def)
lemma Monotonic_inf [closure]:
assumes "Monotonic P" "Monotonic Q"
shows "Monotonic (λ X. P(X) ⊓ Q(X))"
using assms by (simp add: mono_def, rel_auto)
lemma Monotonic_cond [closure]:
assumes "Monotonic P" "Monotonic Q"
shows "Monotonic (λ X. P(X) ◃ b ▹ Q(X))"
by (simp add: assms cond_monotonic)
lemma Conjuctive_Idempotent:
"Conjunctive(H) ⟹ Idempotent(H)"
by (auto simp add: Conjunctive_def Idempotent_def)
lemma Conjunctive_Monotonic:
"Conjunctive(H) ⟹ Monotonic(H)"
unfolding Conjunctive_def mono_def
using dual_order.trans by fastforce
lemma Conjunctive_conj:
assumes "Conjunctive(HC)"
shows "HC(P ∧ Q) = (HC(P) ∧ Q)"
using assms unfolding Conjunctive_def
by (metis utp_pred_laws.inf.assoc utp_pred_laws.inf.commute)
lemma Conjunctive_distr_conj:
assumes "Conjunctive(HC)"
shows "HC(P ∧ Q) = (HC(P) ∧ HC(Q))"
using assms unfolding Conjunctive_def
by (metis Conjunctive_conj assms utp_pred_laws.inf.assoc utp_pred_laws.inf_right_idem)
lemma Conjunctive_distr_disj:
assumes "Conjunctive(HC)"
shows "HC(P ∨ Q) = (HC(P) ∨ HC(Q))"
using assms unfolding Conjunctive_def
using utp_pred_laws.inf_sup_distrib2 by fastforce
lemma Conjunctive_distr_cond:
assumes "Conjunctive(HC)"
shows "HC(P ◃ b ▹ Q) = (HC(P) ◃ b ▹ HC(Q))"
using assms unfolding Conjunctive_def
by (metis cond_conj_distr utp_pred_laws.inf_commute)
lemma FunctionalConjunctive_Monotonic:
"FunctionalConjunctive(H) ⟹ Monotonic(H)"
unfolding FunctionalConjunctive_def by (metis mono_def utp_pred_laws.inf_mono)
lemma WeakConjunctive_Refinement:
assumes "WeakConjunctive(HC)"
shows "P ⊑ HC(P)"
using assms unfolding WeakConjunctive_def by (metis utp_pred_laws.inf.cobounded1)
lemma WeakCojunctive_Healthy_Refinement:
assumes "WeakConjunctive(HC)" and "P is HC"
shows "HC(P) ⊑ P"
using assms unfolding WeakConjunctive_def Healthy_def by simp
lemma WeakConjunctive_implies_WeakConjunctive:
"Conjunctive(H) ⟹ WeakConjunctive(H)"
unfolding WeakConjunctive_def Conjunctive_def by pred_auto
declare Conjunctive_def [upred_defs]
declare mono_def [upred_defs]
lemma Disjunctuous_Monotonic: "Disjunctuous H ⟹ Monotonic H"
by (metis Disjunctuous_def mono_def semilattice_sup_class.le_iff_sup)
lemma ContinuousD [dest]: "⟦ Continuous H; A ≠ {} ⟧ ⟹ H (⨅ A) = (⨅ P∈A. H(P))"
by (simp add: Continuous_def)
lemma Continuous_Disjunctous: "Continuous H ⟹ Disjunctuous H"
apply (auto simp add: Continuous_def Disjunctuous_def)
apply (rename_tac P Q)
apply (drule_tac x="{P,Q}" in spec)
apply (simp)
lemma Continuous_Monotonic [closure]: "Continuous H ⟹ Monotonic H"
by (simp add: Continuous_Disjunctous Disjunctuous_Monotonic)
lemma Continuous_comp [intro]:
"⟦ Continuous f; Continuous g ⟧ ⟹ Continuous (f ∘ g)"
by (simp add: Continuous_def)
lemma Continuous_const [closure]: "Continuous (λ X. P)"
by pred_auto
lemma Continuous_cond [closure]:
assumes "Continuous F" "Continuous G"
shows "Continuous (λ X. F(X) ◃ b ▹ G(X))"
using assms by (pred_auto)
text ‹ Closure laws derived from continuity ›
lemma Sup_Continuous_closed [closure]:
"⟦ Continuous H; ⋀ i. i ∈ A ⟹ P(i) is H; A ≠ {} ⟧ ⟹ (⨅ i∈A. P(i)) is H"
by (drule ContinuousD[of H "P ` A"], simp add: UINF_mem_UNIV[THEN sym] UINF_as_Sup[THEN sym])
(metis (no_types, lifting) Healthy_def' SUP_cong image_image)
lemma UINF_mem_Continuous_closed [closure]:
"⟦ Continuous H; ⋀ i. i ∈ A ⟹ P(i) is H; A ≠ {} ⟧ ⟹ (⨅ i∈A ∙ P(i)) is H"
by (simp add: Sup_Continuous_closed UINF_as_Sup_collect)
lemma UINF_mem_Continuous_closed_pair [closure]:
assumes "Continuous H" "⋀ i j. (i, j) ∈ A ⟹ P i j is H" "A ≠ {}"
shows "(⨅ (i,j)∈A ∙ P i j) is H"
proof -
have "(⨅ (i,j)∈A ∙ P i j) = (⨅ x∈A ∙ P (fst x) (snd x))"
by (rel_auto)
also have "... is H"
by (metis (mono_tags) UINF_mem_Continuous_closed assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) prod.collapse)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma UINF_mem_Continuous_closed_triple [closure]:
assumes "Continuous H" "⋀ i j k. (i, j, k) ∈ A ⟹ P i j k is H" "A ≠ {}"
shows "(⨅ (i,j,k)∈A ∙ P i j k) is H"
proof -
have "(⨅ (i,j,k)∈A ∙ P i j k) = (⨅ x∈A ∙ P (fst x) (fst (snd x)) (snd (snd x)))"
by (rel_auto)
also have "... is H"
by (metis (mono_tags) UINF_mem_Continuous_closed assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) prod.collapse)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma UINF_mem_Continuous_closed_quad [closure]:
assumes "Continuous H" "⋀ i j k l. (i, j, k, l) ∈ A ⟹ P i j k l is H" "A ≠ {}"
shows "(⨅ (i,j,k,l)∈A ∙ P i j k l) is H"
proof -
have "(⨅ (i,j,k,l)∈A ∙ P i j k l) = (⨅ x∈A ∙ P (fst x) (fst (snd x)) (fst (snd (snd x))) (snd (snd (snd x))))"
by (rel_auto)
also have "... is H"
by (metis (mono_tags) UINF_mem_Continuous_closed assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) prod.collapse)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma UINF_mem_Continuous_closed_quint [closure]:
assumes "Continuous H" "⋀ i j k l m. (i, j, k, l, m) ∈ A ⟹ P i j k l m is H" "A ≠ {}"
shows "(⨅ (i,j,k,l,m)∈A ∙ P i j k l m) is H"
proof -
have "(⨅ (i,j,k,l,m)∈A ∙ P i j k l m)
= (⨅ x∈A ∙ P (fst x) (fst (snd x)) (fst (snd (snd x))) (fst (snd (snd (snd x)))) (snd (snd (snd (snd x)))))"
by (rel_auto)
also have "... is H"
by (metis (mono_tags) UINF_mem_Continuous_closed assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) prod.collapse)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma UINF_ind_closed [closure]:
assumes "Continuous H" "⋀ i. P i = true" "⋀ i. Q i is H"
shows "UINF P Q is H"
proof -
from assms(2) have "UINF P Q = (⨅ i ∙ Q i)"
by (rel_auto)
also have "... is H"
using UINF_mem_Continuous_closed[of H UNIV P]
by (simp add: Sup_Continuous_closed UINF_as_Sup_collect' assms)
finally show ?thesis .
text ‹ All continuous functions are also Scott-continuous ›
lemma sup_continuous_Continuous [closure]: "Continuous F ⟹ sup_continuous F"
by (simp add: Continuous_def sup_continuous_def)
lemma USUP_healthy: "A ⊆ ⟦H⟧⇩H ⟹ (⨆ P∈A ∙ F(P)) = (⨆ P∈A ∙ F(H(P)))"
by (rule USUP_cong, simp add: Healthy_subset_member)
lemma UINF_healthy: "A ⊆ ⟦H⟧⇩H ⟹ (⨅ P∈A ∙ F(P)) = (⨅ P∈A ∙ F(H(P)))"
by (rule UINF_cong, simp add: Healthy_subset_member)