Theory utp_expr_funcs

theory utp_expr_funcs
  imports utp_expr_insts

syntax ― ‹ Polymorphic constructs ›
  "_uceil"      :: "logic  logic" ("_u")
  "_ufloor"     :: "logic  logic" ("_u")
  "_umin"       :: "logic  logic  logic" ("minu'(_, _')")
  "_umax"       :: "logic  logic  logic" ("maxu'(_, _')")
  "_ugcd"       :: "logic  logic  logic" ("gcdu'(_, _')")

  ― ‹ Type-class polymorphic constructs ›
  "minu(x, y)"  == "CONST bop (CONST min) x y"
  "maxu(x, y)"  == "CONST bop (CONST max) x y"
  "gcdu(x, y)"  == "CONST bop (CONST gcd) x y"
  "xu" == "CONST uop CONST ceiling x"
  "xu" == "CONST uop CONST floor x"

syntax ― ‹ Lists / Sequences ›
  "_ucons"      :: "logic  logic  logic" (infixr "#u" 65)
  "_unil"       :: "('a list, ) uexpr" ("⟨⟩")
  "_ulist"      :: "args => ('a list, ) uexpr"    ("(_)")
  "_uappend"    :: "('a list, ) uexpr  ('a list, ) uexpr  ('a list, ) uexpr" (infixr "^u" 80)
  "_udconcat"   :: "logic  logic  logic" (infixr "u" 90)
  "_ulast"      :: "('a list, ) uexpr  ('a, ) uexpr" ("lastu'(_')")
  "_ufront"     :: "('a list, ) uexpr  ('a list, ) uexpr" ("frontu'(_')")
  "_uhead"      :: "('a list, ) uexpr  ('a, ) uexpr" ("headu'(_')")
  "_utail"      :: "('a list, ) uexpr  ('a list, ) uexpr" ("tailu'(_')")
  "_utake"      :: "(nat, ) uexpr  ('a list, ) uexpr  ('a list, ) uexpr" ("takeu'(_,/ _')")
  "_udrop"      :: "(nat, ) uexpr  ('a list, ) uexpr  ('a list, ) uexpr" ("dropu'(_,/ _')")
  "_ufilter"    :: "('a list, ) uexpr  ('a set, ) uexpr  ('a list, ) uexpr" (infixl "u" 75)
  "_uextract"   :: "('a set, ) uexpr  ('a list, ) uexpr  ('a list, ) uexpr" (infixl "u" 75)
  "_uelems"     :: "('a list, ) uexpr  ('a set, ) uexpr" ("elemsu'(_')")
  "_usorted"    :: "('a list, ) uexpr  (bool, ) uexpr" ("sortedu'(_')")
  "_udistinct"  :: "('a list, ) uexpr  (bool, ) uexpr" ("distinctu'(_')")
  "_uupto"      :: "logic  logic  logic" ("_.._")
  "_uupt"       :: "logic  logic  logic" ("_..<_")
  "_umap"       :: "logic  logic  logic" ("mapu")
  "_uzip"       :: "logic  logic  logic" ("zipu")

  "x #u ys" == "CONST bop (#) x ys"
  "⟨⟩"       == "«[]»"
  "x, xs"  == "x #u xs"
  "x"      == "x #u «[]»"
  "x ^u y"   == "CONST bop (@) x y"
  "A u B" == "CONST bop () A B"
  "lastu(xs)" == "CONST uop CONST last xs"
  "frontu(xs)" == "CONST uop CONST butlast xs"
  "headu(xs)" == "CONST uop CONST hd xs"
  "tailu(xs)" == "CONST uop CONST tl xs"
  "dropu(n,xs)" == "CONST bop CONST drop n xs"
  "takeu(n,xs)" == "CONST bop CONST take n xs"
  "elemsu(xs)" == "CONST uop CONST set xs"
  "sortedu(xs)" == "CONST uop CONST sorted xs"
  "distinctu(xs)" == "CONST uop CONST distinct xs"
  "xs u A"   == "CONST bop CONST seq_filter xs A"
  "A u xs"   == "CONST bop (↿l) A xs"
  "n..k" == "CONST bop CONST upto n k"
  "n..<k" == "CONST bop CONST upt n k"
  "mapu f xs" == "CONST bop CONST map f xs"
  "zipu xs ys" == "CONST bop CONST zip xs ys"

syntax ― ‹ Sets ›
  "_ufinite"    :: "logic  logic" ("finiteu'(_')")
  "_uempset"    :: "('a set, ) uexpr" ("{}u")
  "_uset"       :: "args => ('a set, ) uexpr" ("{(_)}u")
  "_uunion"     :: "('a set, ) uexpr  ('a set, ) uexpr  ('a set, ) uexpr" (infixl "u" 65)
  "_uinter"     :: "('a set, ) uexpr  ('a set, ) uexpr  ('a set, ) uexpr" (infixl "u" 70)
  "_uinsert"    :: "logic  logic  logic" ("insertu")
  "_uimage"     :: "logic  logic  logic" ("__u" [10,0] 10)
  "_usubset"    :: "('a set, ) uexpr  ('a set, ) uexpr  (bool, ) uexpr" (infix "u" 50)
  "_usubseteq"  :: "('a set, ) uexpr  ('a set, ) uexpr  (bool, ) uexpr" (infix "u" 50)
  "_uconverse"  :: "logic  logic" ("(_~)" [1000] 999)
  "_ucarrier"   :: "type  logic" ("[_]T")
  "_uid"        :: "type  logic" ("id[_]")
  "_uproduct"   :: "logic  logic  logic" (infixr "×u" 80)
  "_urelcomp"   :: "logic  logic  logic" (infixr ";u" 75)

  "finiteu(x)" == "CONST uop (CONST finite) x"
  "{}u"      == "«{}»"
  "insertu x xs" == "CONST bop CONST insert x xs"
  "{x, xs}u" == "insertu x {xs}u"
  "{x}u"     == "insertu x «{}»"
  "A u B"   == "CONST bop (∪) A B"
  "A u B"   == "CONST bop (∩) A B"
  "fAu"     == "CONST bop CONST image f A"
  "A u B"   == "CONST bop (⊂) A B"
  "f u g"   <= "CONST bop (⊂p) f g"
  "f u g"   <= "CONST bop (⊂f) f g"
  "A u B"   == "CONST bop (⊆) A B"
  "f u g"   <= "CONST bop (⊆p) f g"
  "f u g"   <= "CONST bop (⊆f) f g"
  "P~"        == "CONST uop CONST converse P"
  "['a]T"     == "«CONST set_of TYPE('a)»"
  "id['a]"    == "«CONST Id_on (CONST set_of TYPE('a))»"
  "A ×u B"    == "CONST bop CONST Product_Type.Times A B"
  "A ;u B"    == "CONST bop CONST relcomp A B"

syntax ― ‹ Partial functions ›
  "_umap_plus"  :: "logic  logic  logic" (infixl "u" 85)
  "_umap_minus" :: "logic  logic  logic" (infixl "u" 85)

  "f u g"   => "(f :: ((_, _) pfun, _) uexpr) + g"
  "f u g"   => "(f :: ((_, _) pfun, _) uexpr) - g"
syntax ― ‹ Sum types ›
  "_uinl"       :: "logic  logic" ("inlu'(_')")
  "_uinr"       :: "logic  logic" ("inru'(_')")
  "inlu(x)" == "CONST uop CONST Inl x"
  "inru(x)" == "CONST uop CONST Inr x"

subsection ‹ Lifting set collectors ›

text ‹ We provide syntax for various types of set collectors, including intervals and the Z-style
  set comprehension which is purpose built as a new lifted definition. ›
  "_uset_atLeastAtMost" :: "('a, ) uexpr  ('a, ) uexpr  ('a set, ) uexpr" ("(1{_.._}u)")
  "_uset_atLeastLessThan" :: "('a, ) uexpr  ('a, ) uexpr  ('a set, ) uexpr" ("(1{_..<_}u)")
  "_uset_compr" :: "pttrn  ('a set, ) uexpr  (bool, ) uexpr  ('b, ) uexpr  ('b set, ) uexpr" ("(1{_ :/ _ |/ _ / _}u)")
  "_uset_compr_nset" :: "pttrn  (bool, ) uexpr  ('b, ) uexpr  ('b set, ) uexpr" ("(1{_ |/ _ / _}u)")

lift_definition ZedSetCompr ::
  "('a set, ) uexpr  ('a  (bool, ) uexpr × ('b, ) uexpr)  ('b set, ) uexpr"
is "λ A PF b. { snd (PF x) b | x. x  A b  fst (PF x) b}" .

  "{x..y}u" == "CONST bop CONST atLeastAtMost x y"
  "{x..<y}u" == "CONST bop CONST atLeastLessThan x y"
  "{x | P  F}u" == "CONST ZedSetCompr (CONST lit CONST UNIV) (λ x. (P, F))"
  "{x : A | P  F}u" == "CONST ZedSetCompr A (λ x. (P, F))"

subsection ‹ Lifting limits ›
text ‹ We also lift the following functions on topological spaces for taking function limits,
  and describing continuity. ›

definition ulim_left :: "'a::order_topology  ('a  'b)  'b::t2_space" where
[uexpr_defs]: "ulim_left = (λ p f. Lim (at_left p) f)"

definition ulim_right :: "'a::order_topology  ('a  'b)  'b::t2_space" where
[uexpr_defs]: "ulim_right = (λ p f. Lim (at_right p) f)"

definition ucont_on :: "('a::topological_space  'b::topological_space)  'a set  bool" where
[uexpr_defs]: "ucont_on = (λ f A. continuous_on A f)"

  "_ulim_left"  :: "id  logic  logic  logic" ("limu'(_  _-')'(_')")
  "_ulim_right" :: "id  logic  logic  logic" ("limu'(_  _+')'(_')")
  "_ucont_on"   :: "logic  logic  logic" (infix "cont-onu" 90)

  "limu(x  p-)(e)" == "CONST bop CONST ulim_left p (λ x  e)"
  "limu(x  p+)(e)" == "CONST bop CONST ulim_right p (λ x  e)"
  "f cont-onu A"     == "CONST bop CONST continuous_on A f"

lemma uset_minus_empty [simp]: "x - {}u = x"
  by (simp add: uexpr_defs, transfer, simp)

lemma uinter_empty_1 [simp]: "x u {}u = {}u"
  by (transfer, simp)

lemma uinter_empty_2 [simp]: "{}u u x = {}u"
  by (transfer, simp)

lemma uunion_empty_1 [simp]: "{}u u x = x"
  by (transfer, simp)

lemma uunion_insert [simp]: "(bop insert x A) u B = bop insert x (A u B)"
  by (transfer, simp)

lemma ulist_filter_empty [simp]: "x u {}u = ⟨⟩"
  by (transfer, simp)

lemma tail_cons [simp]: "tailu(x ^u xs) = xs"
  by (transfer, simp)

lemma uconcat_units [simp]: "⟨⟩ ^u xs = xs" "xs ^u ⟨⟩ = xs"
  by (transfer, simp)+
