Theory Transport_Functions_Order_Equivalence

✐‹creator "Kevin Kappelmann"›
subsection ‹Order Equivalence›
theory Transport_Functions_Order_Equivalence

paragraph ‹Dependent Function Relator›

context transport_Dep_Fun_Rel

subparagraph ‹Inflationary›

lemma rel_unit_self_if_rel_selfI:
  assumes inflationary_unit1: "inflationary_on (in_codom (≤L1)) (≤L1) η1"
  and refl_L1: "reflexive_on (in_codom (≤L1)) (≤L1)"
  and trans_L1: "transitive (≤L1)"
  and mono_l2: "x. xL1 x  ((≤⇘L2 x x) m (≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x))) (l2⇘(l1 x) x)"
  and mono_r2: "x. xL1 x  ((≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) m (≤⇘L2 x (η1 x))) (r2⇘x (l1 x))"
  and inflationary_unit2: "x. xL1 x 
    inflationary_on (in_codom (≤⇘L2 x x)) (≤⇘L2 x x) (η⇘2 x (l1 x))"
  and L2_le1: "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 x2 x2)  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and L2_unit_le2: "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 x1 (η1 x2))  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and ge_R2_l2_le2: "x y. xL1 x  in_codom (≤⇘L2 x (η1 x)) y 
    (≥⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) (l2⇘(l1 x) xy)  (≥⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) (l2⇘(l1 x) (η1 x)y)"
  and trans_L2: "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  transitive (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "fL f"
  shows "fL η f"
proof (intro left_relI)
  fix x1 x2 assume [iff]: "x1L1 x2"
  moreover with inflationary_unit1 have "x2L1 η1 x2" by blast
  ultimately have "x1L1 η1 x2" using trans_L1 by blast
  with fL f have "f x1 ≤⇘L2 x1 (η1 x2)f (η1 x2)" by blast
  with L2_unit_le2 have "f x1 ≤⇘L2 x1 x2f (η1 x2)" by blast
  moreover have "... ≤⇘L2 x1 x2η f x2"
  proof -
    from refl_L1 x2L1 η1 x2 have "η1 x2L1 η1 x2" by blast
    with fL f have "f (η1 x2) ≤⇘L2 (η1 x2) (η1 x2)f (η1 x2)" by blast
    with L2_le1 have "f (η1 x2) ≤⇘L2 x2 (η1 x2)f (η1 x2)"
      using x2L1 η1 x2 by blast
    moreover from refl_L1 x1L1 x2 have [iff]: "x2L1 x2" by blast
    ultimately have "f (η1 x2) ≤⇘L2 x2 x2f (η1 x2)" using L2_unit_le2 by blast
    with inflationary_unit2 have "f (η1 x2) ≤⇘L2 x2 x2⇙ η⇘2 x2 (l1 x2)(f (η1 x2))" by blast
    moreover have "... ≤⇘L2 x2 x2η f x2"
    proof -
      from f (η1 x2) ≤⇘L2 x2 x2f (η1 x2) mono_l2
        have "l2⇘(l1 x2) x2(f (η1 x2)) ≤⇘R2 (l1 x2) (l1 x2)⇙ l2⇘(l1 x2) x2(f (η1 x2))"
        by blast
      with ge_R2_l2_le2
        have "l2⇘(l1 x2) x2(f (η1 x2)) ≤⇘R2 (l1 x2) (l1 x2)⇙ l2⇘(l1 x2) (η1 x2)(f (η1 x2))"
        using f (η1 x2) ≤⇘L2 x2 (η1 x2)f (η1 x2) by blast
      with mono_r2 have "η⇘2 x2 (l1 x2)(f (η1 x2)) ≤⇘L2 x2 (η1 x2)η f x2"
        by auto
      with L2_unit_le2 show ?thesis by blast
    ultimately have "f (η1 x2) ≤⇘L2 x2 x2η f x2" using trans_L2 by blast
    with L2_le1 show ?thesis by blast
  ultimately show "f x1 ≤⇘L2 x1 x2η f x2" using trans_L2 by blast

subparagraph ‹Deflationary›

interpretation flip_inv :
  transport_Dep_Fun_Rel "(≥R1)" "(≥L1)" r1 l1 "flip2 R2" "flip2 L2" r2 l2
  rewrites "flip_inv.L  (≥R)" and "flip_inv.R  (≥L)"
  and "flip_inv.unit  ε"
  and "flip_inv.t1.unit  ε1"
  and "x y. flip_inv.t2_unit x y  ε⇘2 y x⇙"
  and "R x y. (flip2 R x y)¯  R y x"
  and "R. in_codom R¯  in_dom R"
  and "R x1 x2. in_codom (flip2 R x1 x2)  in_dom (R x2 x1)"
  and "x1 x2 x1' x2'. (flip2 R2 x1' x2' m flip2 L2 x1 x2)  ((≤⇘R2 x2' x1') m (≤⇘L2 x2 x1))"
  and "x1 x2 x1' x2'. (flip2 L2 x1 x2 m flip2 R2 x1' x2')  ((≤⇘L2 x2 x1) m (≤⇘R2 x2' x1'))"
  and "(R :: 'z  'z  bool) (P :: 'z  bool).
    (inflationary_on P R¯ :: ('z  'z)  bool)  deflationary_on P R"
  and "(P :: 'b2  bool) x.
    (inflationary_on P (flip2 R2 x x) :: ('b2  'b2)  bool)  deflationary_on P (≤⇘R2 x x)"
  and "x1 x2 x3 x4. flip2 R2 x1 x2  flip2 R2 x3 x4  (≤⇘R2 x2 x1)  (≤⇘R2 x4 x3)"
  and "(R :: 'z  'z  bool) (P :: 'z  bool). reflexive_on P R¯  reflexive_on P R"
  and "(R :: 'z  'z  bool). transitive R¯  transitive R"
  and "x1' x2'. transitive (flip2 R2 x1' x2')  transitive (≤⇘R2 x2' x1')"
  by (simp_all add: flip_inv_left_eq_ge_right flip_inv_right_eq_ge_left
    flip_unit_eq_counit t1.flip_unit_eq_counit t2.flip_unit_eq_counit

lemma counit_rel_self_if_rel_selfI:
  assumes "deflationary_on (in_dom (≤R1)) (≤R1) ε1"
  and "reflexive_on (in_dom (≤R1)) (≤R1)"
  and "transitive (≤R1)"
  and "x'. x'R1 x'  ((≤⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x')) m (≤⇘R2 (ε1 x') x')) (l2⇘ x' (r1 x'))"
  and "x' x'. x'R1 x'  ((≤⇘R2 x' x') m (≤⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x'))) (r2⇘(r1 x') x')"
  and "x'. x'R1 x'  deflationary_on (in_dom (≤⇘R2 x' x')) (≤⇘R2 x' x') (ε⇘2 (r1 x') x')"
  and "x1' x2'. x1'R1 x2'  (≤⇘R2 (ε1 x1') x2')  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')"
  and "x1' x2'. x1'R1 x2'  (≤⇘R2 x1' x1')  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')"
  and "x' y'. x'R1 x'  in_dom (≤⇘R2 (ε1 x') x') y' 
    (≤⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x')) (r2⇘(r1 x') x'y')  (≤⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x')) (r2⇘(r1 x') (ε1 x')y')"
  and "x1' x2'. x1'R1 x2'  transitive (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')"
  and "gR g"
  shows "ε gR g"
  using assms by (intro flip_inv.rel_unit_self_if_rel_selfI[simplified rel_inv_iff_rel])

subparagraph ‹Relational Equivalence›

lemma bi_related_unit_self_if_rel_self_aux:
  assumes rel_equiv_unit1: "rel_equivalence_on (in_field (≤L1)) (≤L1) η1"
  and mono_r2: "x. xL1 x  ((≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) m (≤⇘L2 x x)) (r2⇘x (l1 x))"
  and rel_equiv_unit2: "x. xL1 x 
    rel_equivalence_on (in_field (≤⇘L2 x x)) (≤⇘L2 x x) (η⇘2 x (l1 x))"
  and L2_le1: "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 x2 x2)  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and L2_le2: "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 x1 x1)  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and [iff]: "xL1 x"
  shows "((≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) m (≤⇘L2 x (η1 x))) (r2⇘x (l1 x))"
  and "((≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) m (≤⇘L2 (η1 x) x)) (r2⇘x (l1 x))"
  and "deflationary_on (in_dom (≤⇘L2 x x)) (≤⇘L2 x x) η⇘2 x (l1 x)⇙"
  and "inflationary_on (in_codom (≤⇘L2 x x)) (≤⇘L2 x x) η⇘2 x (l1 x)⇙"
proof -
  from rel_equiv_unit1 have "x ≡⇘L1η1 x" by blast
  with mono_r2 show "((≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) m (≤⇘L2 x (η1 x))) (r2⇘x (l1 x))"
    and "((≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) m (≤⇘L2 (η1 x) x)) (r2⇘x (l1 x))"
    using L2_le1 L2_le2 by blast+
qed (insert rel_equiv_unit2, blast+)

interpretation flip : transport_Dep_Fun_Rel R1 L1 r1 l1 R2 L2 r2 l2
  rewrites "flip.counit  η" and "flip.t1.counit  η1"
  and "x y. flip.t2_counit x y  η⇘2 y x⇙"
  by (simp_all add: order_functors.flip_counit_eq_unit)

lemma bi_related_unit_self_if_rel_selfI:
  assumes rel_equiv_unit1: "rel_equivalence_on (in_field (≤L1)) (≤L1) η1"
  and trans_L1: "transitive (≤L1)"
  and "x. xL1 x  ((≤⇘L2 x x) m (≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x))) (l2⇘(l1 x) x)"
  and "x. xL1 x  ((≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) m (≤⇘L2 x x)) (r2⇘x (l1 x))"
  and "x. xL1 x 
    rel_equivalence_on (in_field (≤⇘L2 x x)) (≤⇘L2 x x) (η⇘2 x (l1 x))"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 x2 x2)  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 (η1 x1) x2)  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 x1 x1)  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 x1 (η1 x2))  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "x y. xL1 x  in_dom (≤⇘L2 (η1 x) x) y 
    (≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) (l2⇘(l1 x) xy)  (≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) (l2⇘(l1 x) (η1 x)y)"
  and "x y. xL1 x  in_codom (≤⇘L2 x (η1 x)) y 
    (≥⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) (l2⇘(l1 x) xy)  (≥⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) (l2⇘(l1 x) (η1 x)y)"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  transitive (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "fL f"
  shows "f ≡⇘Lη f"
proof -
  from rel_equiv_unit1 trans_L1 have "reflexive_on (in_field (≤L1)) (≤L1)"
    by (intro reflexive_on_in_field_if_transitive_if_rel_equivalence_on)
  with assms show ?thesis
    by (intro bi_relatedI rel_unit_self_if_rel_selfI
    (auto intro: inflationary_on_if_le_pred_if_inflationary_on
      in_field_if_in_dom in_field_if_in_codom)

subparagraph ‹Lemmas for Monotone Function Relator›

lemma order_equivalence_if_order_equivalence_mono_assms_leftI:
  assumes order_equiv1: "((≤L1) o (≤R1)) l1 r1"
  and refl_R1: "reflexive_on (in_field (≤R1)) (≤R1)"
  and R2_counit_le1: "x1' x2'. x1'R1 x2'  (≤⇘R2 (ε1 x1') x2')  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')"
  and mono_l2: "((x1' x2'  (≤R1)) m (x1 x2  (≤L1) | x2 L1x1') 
    in_field (≤⇘L2 x1 (r1 x2'))  (≤⇘R2 (l1 x1) x2')) l2"
  and [iff]: "x1'R1 x2'"
  shows "((in_dom (≤⇘L2 (r1 x1') (r1 x2')))  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')) (l2⇘x1' (r1 x1')) (l2⇘x2' (r1 x1'))"
  and "((in_codom (≤⇘L2 (r1 x1') (r1 x2')))  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')) (l2⇘x2' (r1 x1')) (l2⇘x2' (r1 x2'))"
proof -
  from refl_R1 have "x1'R1 x1'" "x2'R1 x2'" by auto
  moreover with order_equiv1
    have "r1 x1'L1 r1 x2'" "r1 x1'L1 r1 x1'" "r1 x2'L1 r1 x2'" by auto
  ultimately have "r1 x1' L1x1'" "r1 x2' L1x2'" by blast+
  note Dep_Fun_Rel_relD[OF dep_mono_wrt_relD[OF mono_l2 x1'R1 x2']
    r1 x1'L1 r1 x1']
  with r1 x1' L1x1' R2_counit_le1
    show "((in_dom (≤⇘L2 (r1 x1') (r1 x2')))  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')) (l2⇘x1' (r1 x1')) (l2⇘x2' (r1 x1'))"
    by (intro Fun_Rel_predI) (auto dest!: in_field_if_in_dom)
  note Dep_Fun_Rel_relD[OF dep_mono_wrt_relD[OF mono_l2 x2'R1 x2']
    r1 x1'L1 r1 x2']
  with r1 x2' L1x2' R2_counit_le1
    show "((in_codom (≤⇘L2 (r1 x1') (r1 x2')))  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')) (l2⇘x2' (r1 x1')) (l2⇘x2' (r1 x2'))"
    by (intro Fun_Rel_predI) (auto dest!: in_field_if_in_codom)

lemma order_equivalence_if_order_equivalence_mono_assms_rightI:
  assumes order_equiv1: "((≤L1) o (≤R1)) l1 r1"
  and refl_L1: "reflexive_on (in_field (≤L1)) (≤L1)"
  and L2_unit_le2: "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 x1 (η1 x2))  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and mono_r2: "((x1 x2  (≤L1)) m (x1' x2'  (≤R1) | x2 L1x1') 
    in_field (≤⇘R2 (l1 x1) x2')  (≤⇘L2 x1 (r1 x2'))) r2"
  and [iff]: "x1L1 x2"
  shows "((in_codom (≤⇘R2 (l1 x1) (l1 x2)))  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)) (r2⇘x1 (l1 x2)) (r2⇘x2 (l1 x2))"
  and "((in_dom (≤⇘R2 (l1 x1) (l1 x2)))  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)) (r2⇘x1 (l1 x1)) (r2⇘x1 (l1 x2))"
proof -
  from refl_L1 have "x1L1 x1" "x2L1 x2" by auto
  moreover with order_equiv1
    have "l1 x1R1 l1 x2" "l1 x1R1 l1 x1" "l1 x2R1 l1 x2" by auto
  ultimately have "x1 L1l1 x1" "x2 L1l1 x2" using order_equiv1
    by (auto intro!: t1.left_Galois_left_if_in_codom_if_inflationary_onI)
  note Dep_Fun_Rel_relD[OF dep_mono_wrt_relD[OF mono_r2 x1L1 x2]
    l1 x2R1 l1 x2]
  with x2 L1l1 x2 L2_unit_le2
    show "((in_codom (≤⇘R2 (l1 x1) (l1 x2)))  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)) (r2⇘x1 (l1 x2)) (r2⇘x2 (l1 x2))"
    by (intro Fun_Rel_predI) (auto dest!: in_field_if_in_codom)
  note Dep_Fun_Rel_relD[OF dep_mono_wrt_relD[OF mono_r2 x1L1 x1]
    l1 x1R1 l1 x2]
  with x1 L1l1 x1 L2_unit_le2
    show "((in_dom (≤⇘R2 (l1 x1) (l1 x2)))  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)) (r2⇘x1 (l1 x1)) (r2⇘x1 (l1 x2))"
    by (intro Fun_Rel_predI) (auto dest!: in_field_if_in_dom)

lemma l2_unit_bi_rel_selfI:
  assumes pre_equiv1: "((≤L1) ≡pre (≤R1)) l1 r1"
  and mono_L2:
    "((x1 x2  (≤L1)) m (x3 x4  (≤L1) | (x2L1 x3  x4L1 η1 x3))  (≥)) L2"
  and mono_R2:
    "((x1' x2'  (≤R1)) m (x3' x4'  (≤R1) | (x2'R1 x3'  x4'R1 ε1 x3'))  (≥)) R2"
  and mono_l2: "((x1' x2'  (≤R1)) m (x1 x2  (≤L1) | x2 L1x1') 
    in_field (≤⇘L2 x1 (r1 x2'))  (≤⇘R2 (l1 x1) x2')) l2"
  and "xL1 x"
  and "in_field (≤⇘L2 x x) y"
  shows "l2⇘(l1 x) (η1 x)y ≡⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)⇙ l2⇘(l1 x) xy"
proof (rule bi_relatedI)
  note t1.preorder_equivalence_order_equivalenceE[elim!]
  from xL1 x pre_equiv1 have "l1 xR1 l1 x" "xL1 η1 x" "η1 xL1 x" by blast+
  with pre_equiv1 have "x L1l1 x" "η1 x L1l1 x" by (auto 4 3)
  from pre_equiv1 xL1 η1 x have "xL1 η1 (η1 x)" by fastforce
  moreover note in_field (≤⇘L2 x x) y
    Dep_Fun_Rel_relD[OF dep_mono_wrt_relD[OF mono_L2 η1 xL1 x] η1 xL1 x]
    Dep_Fun_Rel_relD[OF dep_mono_wrt_relD[OF mono_L2 xL1 x] η1 xL1 x]
  ultimately have "in_field (≤⇘L2 (η1 x) (η1 x)) y" "in_field (≤⇘L2 x (η1 x)) y"
    using xL1 η1 x by blast+
  moreover note x L1l1 x
    Dep_Fun_Rel_relD[OF dep_mono_wrt_relD[OF mono_l2 l1 xR1 l1 x] η1 xL1 x]
  ultimately have "l2⇘(l1 x) (η1 x)y ≤⇘R2 (ε1 (l1 x)) (l1 x)⇙ l2⇘(l1 x) xy" by auto
  moreover from pre_equiv1 l1 xR1 l1 x
    have "ε1 (l1 x)R1 l1 x" "l1 xR1 ε1 (l1 x)" by fastforce+
  moreover note Dep_Fun_Rel_relD[OF dep_mono_wrt_relD
    [OF mono_R2 l1 xR1 ε1 (l1 x)] l1 xR1 l1 x]
  ultimately show "l2⇘(l1 x) (η1 x)y ≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)⇙ l2⇘(l1 x) xy" by blast
  note η1 x L1l1 x in_field (≤⇘L2 x (η1 x)) y
    Dep_Fun_Rel_relD[OF dep_mono_wrt_relD[OF mono_l2 l1 xR1 l1 x] xL1 η1 x]
  then show "l2⇘(l1 x) xy ≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)⇙ l2⇘(l1 x) (η1 x)y" by auto

lemma r2_counit_bi_rel_selfI:
  assumes pre_equiv1: "((≤L1) ≡pre (≤R1)) l1 r1"
  and mono_L2:
    "((x1 x2  (≤L1)) m (x3 x4  (≤L1) | (x2L1 x3  x4L1 η1 x3))  (≥)) L2"
  and mono_R2:
    "((x1' x2'  (≤R1)) m (x3' x4'  (≤R1) | (x2'R1 x3'  x4'R1 ε1 x3'))  (≥)) R2"
  and mono_r2: "((x1 x2  (≤L1)) m (x1' x2'  (≤R1) | x2 L1x1') 
    in_field (≤⇘R2 (l1 x1) x2')  (≤⇘L2 x1 (r1 x2'))) r2"
  and "x'R1 x'"
  and "in_field (≤⇘R2 x' x') y'"
  shows "r2⇘(r1 x') (ε1 x')y' ≡⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x')⇙ r2⇘(r1 x') x'y'"
proof (rule bi_relatedI)
  note t1.preorder_equivalence_order_equivalenceE[elim!]
  from x'R1 x' pre_equiv1 have "r1 x'L1 r1 x'" "x'R1 ε1 x'" "ε1 x'R1 x'" by blast+
  with pre_equiv1 have "r1 x' L1x'" "r1 x' L1ε1 x'" by fastforce+
  from pre_equiv1 x'R1 ε1 x' have "x'R1 ε1 (ε1 x')" by fastforce
  moreover note in_field (≤⇘R2 x' x') y'
    Dep_Fun_Rel_relD[OF dep_mono_wrt_relD[OF mono_R2 ε1 x'R1 x'] ε1 x'R1 x']
    Dep_Fun_Rel_relD[OF dep_mono_wrt_relD[OF mono_R2 ε1 x'R1 x'] x'R1 x']
  ultimately have "in_field (≤⇘R2 (ε1 x') (ε1 x')) y'" "in_field (≤⇘R2 (ε1 x') x') y'"
    using x'R1 ε1 x' x'R1 x' by blast+
  moreover note r1 x' L1ε1 x'
    Dep_Fun_Rel_relD[OF dep_mono_wrt_relD[OF mono_r2 r1 x'L1 r1 x'] ε1 x'R1 x']
  ultimately show "r2⇘(r1 x') (ε1 x')y' ≤⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x')⇙ r2⇘(r1 x') x'y'" by auto
  note r1 x' L1x' in_field (≤⇘R2 (ε1 x') (ε1 x')) y'
    Dep_Fun_Rel_relD[OF dep_mono_wrt_relD[OF mono_r2 r1 x'L1 r1 x'] x'R1 ε1 x']
  then have "r2⇘(r1 x') x'y' ≤⇘L2 (r1 x') (η1 (r1 x'))⇙ r2⇘(r1 x') (ε1 x')y'" by auto
  moreover from pre_equiv1 r1 x'L1 r1 x'
    have "η1 (r1 x')L1 r1 x'" "r1 x'L1 η1 (r1 x')" by fastforce+
  moreover note Dep_Fun_Rel_relD[OF dep_mono_wrt_relD
    [OF mono_L2 r1 x'L1 r1 x'] r1 x'L1 η1 (r1 x')]
  ultimately show "r2⇘(r1 x') x'y' ≤⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x')⇙ r2⇘(r1 x') (ε1 x')y'"
    using pre_equiv1 by blast


paragraph ‹Function Relator›

context transport_Fun_Rel

corollary rel_unit_self_if_rel_selfI:
  assumes "inflationary_on (in_codom (≤L1)) (≤L1) η1"
  and "reflexive_on (in_codom (≤L1)) (≤L1)"
  and "transitive (≤L1)"
  and "((≤L2) m (≤R2)) l2"
  and "((≤R2) m (≤L2)) r2"
  and "inflationary_on (in_codom (≤L2)) (≤L2) η2"
  and "transitive (≤L2)"
  and "fL f"
  shows "fL η f"
  using assms by (intro tdfr.rel_unit_self_if_rel_selfI) simp_all

corollary counit_rel_self_if_rel_selfI:
  assumes "deflationary_on (in_dom (≤R1)) (≤R1) ε1"
  and "reflexive_on (in_dom (≤R1)) (≤R1)"
  and "transitive (≤R1)"
  and "((≤L2) m (≤R2)) l2"
  and "((≤R2) m (≤L2)) r2"
  and "deflationary_on (in_dom (≤R2)) (≤R2) ε2"
  and "transitive (≤R2)"
  and "gR g"
  shows "ε gR g"
  using assms by (intro tdfr.counit_rel_self_if_rel_selfI) simp_all

lemma bi_related_unit_self_if_rel_selfI:
  assumes "rel_equivalence_on (in_field (≤L1)) (≤L1) η1"
  and "transitive (≤L1)"
  and "((≤L2) m (≤R2)) l2"
  and "((≤R2) m (≤L2)) r2"
  and "rel_equivalence_on (in_field (≤L2)) (≤L2) η2"
  and "transitive (≤L2)"
  and "fL f"
  shows "f ≡⇘Lη f"
  using assms by (intro tdfr.bi_related_unit_self_if_rel_selfI) simp_all


paragraph ‹Monotone Dependent Function Relator›

context transport_Mono_Dep_Fun_Rel

subparagraph ‹Inflationary›

lemma inflationary_on_unitI:
  assumes "(tdfr.L m tdfr.R) l" and "(tdfr.R m tdfr.L) r"
  and "inflationary_on (in_codom (≤L1)) (≤L1) η1"
  and "reflexive_on (in_codom (≤L1)) (≤L1)"
  and "transitive (≤L1)"
  and "x. xL1 x  ((≤⇘L2 x x) m (≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x))) (l2⇘(l1 x) x)"
  and "x. xL1 x  ((≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) m (≤⇘L2 x (η1 x))) (r2⇘x (l1 x))"
  and "x. xL1 x  inflationary_on (in_codom (≤⇘L2 x x)) (≤⇘L2 x x) (η⇘2 x (l1 x))"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 x2 x2)  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 x1 (η1 x2))  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "x y. xL1 x  in_codom (≤⇘L2 x (η1 x)) y 
    (≥⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) (l2⇘(l1 x) xy)  (≥⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) (l2⇘(l1 x) (η1 x)y)"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  transitive (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  shows "inflationary_on (in_field (≤L)) (≤L) η"
  unfolding left_rel_eq_tdfr_left_Refl_Rel using assms
  by (intro inflationary_onI Refl_RelI)
  (auto 6 2 intro: tdfr.rel_unit_self_if_rel_selfI[simplified unit_eq]
    elim!: Refl_RelE in_fieldE)

subparagraph ‹Deflationary›

lemma deflationary_on_counitI:
  assumes "(tdfr.L m tdfr.R) l" and "(tdfr.R m tdfr.L) r"
  and "deflationary_on (in_dom (≤R1)) (≤R1) ε1"
  and "reflexive_on (in_dom (≤R1)) (≤R1)"
  and "transitive (≤R1)"
  and "x'. x'R1 x'  ((≤⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x')) m (≤⇘R2 (ε1 x') x')) (l2⇘ x' (r1 x'))"
  and "x'. x'R1 x' 
    ((≤⇘R2 x' x') m (≤⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x'))) (r2⇘(r1 x') x')"
  and "x'. x'R1 x'  deflationary_on (in_dom (≤⇘R2 x' x')) (≤⇘R2 x' x') (ε⇘2 (r1 x') x')"
  and "x1' x2'. x1'R1 x2'  (≤⇘R2 (ε1 x1') x2')  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')"
  and "x1' x2'. x1'R1 x2'  (≤⇘R2 x1' x1')  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')"
  and "x' y'. x'R1 x'  in_dom (≤⇘R2 (ε1 x') x') y' 
    (≤⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x')) (r2⇘(r1 x') x'y')  (≤⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x')) (r2⇘(r1 x') (ε1 x')y')"
  and "x1' x2'. x1'R1 x2'  transitive (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')"
  shows "deflationary_on (in_field (≤R)) (≤R) ε"
  unfolding right_rel_eq_tdfr_right_Refl_Rel using assms
  by (intro deflationary_onI Refl_RelI)
  (auto 6 2 intro: tdfr.counit_rel_self_if_rel_selfI[simplified counit_eq]
    elim!: Refl_RelE in_fieldE)

subparagraph ‹Relational Equivalence›


interpretation flip : transport_Mono_Dep_Fun_Rel R1 L1 r1 l1 R2 L2 r2 l2
  rewrites "flip.counit  η" and "flip.t1.counit  η1"
  and "x y. flip.t2_counit x y  η⇘2 y x⇙"
  by (simp_all add: order_functors.flip_counit_eq_unit)

lemma rel_equivalence_on_unitI:
  assumes "(tdfr.L m tdfr.R) l" and "(tdfr.R m tdfr.L) r"
  and rel_equiv_unit1: "rel_equivalence_on (in_field (≤L1)) (≤L1) η1"
  and trans_L1: "transitive (≤L1)"
  and "x. xL1 x  ((≤⇘L2 x x) m (≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x))) (l2⇘(l1 x) x)"
  and "x. xL1 x  ((≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) m (≤⇘L2 x x)) (r2⇘x (l1 x))"
  and "x. xL1 x  rel_equivalence_on (in_field (≤⇘L2 x x)) (≤⇘L2 x x) (η⇘2 x (l1 x))"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 x2 x2)  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 (η1 x1) x2)  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 x1 x1)  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 x1 (η1 x2))  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "x y. xL1 x  in_dom (≤⇘L2 (η1 x) x) y 
    (≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) (l2⇘(l1 x) xy)  (≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) (l2⇘(l1 x) (η1 x)y)"
  and "x y. xL1 x  in_codom (≤⇘L2 x (η1 x)) y 
    (≥⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) (l2⇘(l1 x) xy)  (≥⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) (l2⇘(l1 x) (η1 x)y)"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  transitive (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  shows "rel_equivalence_on (in_field (≤L)) (≤L) η"
proof -
  from rel_equiv_unit1 trans_L1 have "reflexive_on (in_field (≤L1)) (≤L1)"
    by (intro reflexive_on_in_field_if_transitive_if_rel_equivalence_on)
  with assms show ?thesis
    by (intro rel_equivalence_onI inflationary_on_unitI
    (auto intro!: tdfr.bi_related_unit_self_if_rel_self_aux
      intro: inflationary_on_if_le_pred_if_inflationary_on
        in_field_if_in_dom in_field_if_in_codom
      elim!: rel_equivalence_onE
      simp only:)


subparagraph ‹Order Equivalence›

interpretation flip : transport_Mono_Dep_Fun_Rel R1 L1 r1 l1 R2 L2 r2 l2
  rewrites "flip.unit  ε" and "flip.t1.unit  ε1"
  and "flip.counit  η" and "flip.t1.counit  η1"
  and "x y. flip.t2_unit x y  ε⇘2 y x⇙"
  by (simp_all add: order_functors.flip_counit_eq_unit)

lemma order_equivalenceI:
  assumes "(tdfr.L m tdfr.R) l" and "(tdfr.R m tdfr.L) r"
  and "rel_equivalence_on (in_field (≤L1)) (≤L1) η1"
  and "rel_equivalence_on (in_field (≤R1)) (≤R1) ε1"
  and "transitive (≤L1)" and "transitive (≤R1)"
  and "x. xL1 x  ((≤⇘L2 x x) m (≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x))) (l2⇘(l1 x) x)"
  and "x'. x'R1 x'  ((≤⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x')) m (≤⇘R2 x' x')) (l2⇘x' (r1 x'))"
  and "x'. x'R1 x'  ((≤⇘R2 x' x') m (≤⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x'))) (r2⇘(r1 x') x')"
  and "x. xL1 x  ((≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) m (≤⇘L2 x x)) (r2⇘x (l1 x))"
  and "x. xL1 x  rel_equivalence_on (in_field (≤⇘L2 x x)) (≤⇘L2 x x) (η⇘2 x (l1 x))"
  and "x'. x'R1 x' 
    rel_equivalence_on (in_field (≤⇘R2 x' x')) (≤⇘R2 x' x') (ε⇘2 (r1 x') x')"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 x2 x2)  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 (η1 x1) x2)  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 x1 x1)  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 x1 (η1 x2))  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "x1' x2'. x1'R1 x2'  (≤⇘R2 x2' x2')  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')"
  and "x1' x2'. x1'R1 x2'  (≤⇘R2 (ε1 x1') x2')  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')"
  and "x1' x2'. x1'R1 x2'  (≤⇘R2 x1' x1')  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')"
  and "x1' x2'. x1'R1 x2'  (≤⇘R2 x1' (ε1 x2'))  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')"
  and "x y. xL1 x  in_dom (≤⇘L2 (η1 x) x) y 
    (≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) (l2⇘(l1 x) xy)  (≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) (l2⇘(l1 x) (η1 x)y)"
  and "x y. xL1 x  in_codom (≤⇘L2 x (η1 x)) y 
    (≥⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) (l2⇘(l1 x) xy)  (≥⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) (l2⇘(l1 x) (η1 x)y)"
  and "x' y'. x'R1 x'  in_dom (≤⇘R2 (ε1 x') x') y' 
    (≤⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x')) (r2⇘(r1 x') x'y')  (≤⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x')) (r2⇘(r1 x') (ε1 x')y')"
  and "x' y'. x'R1 x'  in_codom (≤⇘R2 x' (ε1 x')) y' 
    (≥⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x')) (r2⇘(r1 x') x'y')  (≥⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x')) (r2⇘(r1 x') (ε1 x')y')"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  transitive (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "x1 x2. x1R1 x2  transitive (≤⇘R2 x1 x2)"
  shows "((≤L) o (≤R)) l r"
  using assms
  by (intro order_equivalenceI rel_equivalence_on_unitI flip.rel_equivalence_on_unitI
    mono_wrt_rel_leftI flip.mono_wrt_rel_leftI)

lemma order_equivalence_if_preorder_equivalenceI:
  assumes pre_equiv1: "((≤L1) ≡pre (≤R1)) l1 r1"
  and order_equiv2: "x x'. x L1x' 
    ((≤⇘L2 x (r1 x')) o (≤⇘R2 (l1 x) x')) (l2⇘x' x) (r2⇘x x')"
  and L2_les: "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 x2 x2)  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
    "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 (η1 x1) x2)  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
    "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 x1 x1)  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
    "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 x1 (η1 x2))  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and R2_les: "x1' x2'. x1'R1 x2'  (≤⇘R2 x2' x2')  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')"
    "x1' x2'. x1'R1 x2'  (≤⇘R2 (ε1 x1') x2')  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')"
    "x1' x2'. x1'R1 x2'  (≤⇘R2 x1' x1')  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')"
    "x1' x2'. x1'R1 x2'  (≤⇘R2 x1' (ε1 x2'))  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')"
  and "x1' x2'. x1'R1 x2' 
    ((in_dom (≤⇘L2 (r1 x1') (r1 x2')))  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')) (l2⇘x1' (r1 x1')) (l2⇘x2' (r1 x1'))"
  and "x1' x2'. x1'R1 x2' 
    ((in_codom (≤⇘L2 (r1 x1') (r1 x2')))  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')) (l2⇘x2' (r1 x1')) (l2⇘x2' (r1 x2'))"
  and l2_bi_rel: "x y. xL1 x  in_field (≤⇘L2 x x) y 
    l2⇘(l1 x) (η1 x)y ≡⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)⇙ l2⇘(l1 x) xy"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2 
    ((in_codom (≤⇘R2 (l1 x1) (l1 x2)))  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)) (r2⇘x1 (l1 x2)) (r2⇘x2 (l1 x2))"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2 
    ((in_dom (≤⇘R2 (l1 x1) (l1 x2)))  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)) (r2⇘x1 (l1 x1)) (r2⇘x1 (l1 x2))"
  and r2_bi_rel: "x' y'. x'R1 x'  in_field (≤⇘R2 x' x') y' 
    r2⇘(r1 x') (ε1 x')y' ≡⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x')⇙ r2⇘(r1 x') x'y'"
  and trans_L2: "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  transitive (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and trans_R2: "x1 x2. x1R1 x2  transitive (≤⇘R2 x1 x2)"
  shows "((≤L) o (≤R)) l r"
proof -
  from pre_equiv1 L2_les have L2_unit_eq1: "(≤⇘L2 (η1 x) x) = (≤⇘L2 x x)"
    and L2_unit_eq2: "(≤⇘L2 x (η1 x)) = (≤⇘L2 x x)"
    if "xL1 x" for x using xL1 x
    by (auto elim!: t1.preorder_equivalence_order_equivalenceE
      intro!: tdfr.left_rel2_unit_eqs_left_rel2I bi_related_if_rel_equivalence_on
      simp del: t1.unit_eq)
  from pre_equiv1 R2_les have R2_counit_eq1: "(≤⇘R2 (ε1 x') x') = (≤⇘R2 x' x')"
    and R2_counit_eq2: "(≤⇘R2 x' (ε1 x')) = (≤⇘R2 x' x')" (is ?goal2)
    if "x'R1 x'" for x' using x'R1 x'
    by (auto elim!: t1.preorder_equivalence_order_equivalenceE
      intro!: flip.tdfr.left_rel2_unit_eqs_left_rel2I bi_related_if_rel_equivalence_on
      simp del: t1.counit_eq)
  from order_equiv2 have
    mono_l2: "x x'. x L1x'  ((≤⇘L2 x (r1 x')) m (≤⇘R2 (l1 x) x')) (l2⇘x' x)"
    and mono_r2: "x x'. x L1x'  ((≤⇘R2 (l1 x) x') m (≤⇘L2 x (r1 x'))) (r2⇘x x')"
    by auto
  moreover have "rel_equivalence_on (in_field (≤⇘L2 x x)) (≤⇘L2 x x) (η⇘2 x (l1 x))" (is ?goal1)
    and "((≤⇘L2 x x) m (≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x))) (l2⇘(l1 x) x)" (is ?goal2)
    if [iff]: "xL1 x" for x
  proof -
    from pre_equiv1 have "x L1l1 x" by (intro t1.left_GaloisI)
      (auto elim!: t1.preorder_equivalence_order_equivalenceE t1.order_equivalenceE bi_relatedE)
    with order_equiv2 have "((≤⇘L2 x x) o (≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x))) (l2⇘(l1 x) x) (r2⇘x (l1 x))"
      by (auto simp flip: L2_unit_eq2)
    then show ?goal1 ?goal2 by (auto elim: order_functors.order_equivalenceE)
  moreover have
    "rel_equivalence_on (in_field (≤⇘R2 x' x')) (≤⇘R2 x' x') (ε⇘2 (r1 x') x')" (is ?goal1)
    and "((≤⇘R2 x' x') m (≤⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x'))) (r2⇘(r1 x') x')" (is ?goal2)
    if [iff]: "x'R1 x'" for x'
  proof -
    from pre_equiv1 have "r1 x' L1x'" by blast
    with order_equiv2 have "((≤⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x')) o (≤⇘R2 x' x')) (l2⇘x' (r1 x')) (r2⇘(r1 x') x')"
      by (auto simp flip: R2_counit_eq1)
    then show ?goal1 ?goal2 by (auto elim: order_functors.order_equivalenceE)
  moreover from mono_l2 tdfr.mono_wrt_rel_left2_if_mono_wrt_rel_left2_if_left_GaloisI
    have "x1' x2'. x1'R1 x2'  ((≤⇘L2 (r1 x1') (r1 x2')) m (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')) (l2⇘x2' (r1 x1'))"
    using pre_equiv1 R2_les(2) by (blast elim!: le_relE)
  moreover from pre_equiv1 have "((≤L1) h (≤R1)) l1 r1"
    by (intro t1.half_galois_prop_right_left_right_if_transitive_if_order_equivalence)
    (auto elim!: t1.preorder_equivalence_order_equivalenceE)
  moreover with mono_r2 tdfr.mono_wrt_rel_right2_if_mono_wrt_rel_right2_if_left_GaloisI
    have "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  ((≤⇘R2 (l1 x1) (l1 x2)) m (≤⇘L2 x1 (η1 x2))) (r2⇘x1 (l1 x2))"
    using pre_equiv1 by blast
  moreover with L2_les
    have "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  ((≤⇘R2 (l1 x1) (l1 x2)) m (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)) (r2⇘x1 (l1 x2))"
    by blast
  moreover have "in_dom (≤⇘L2 (η1 x) x) y 
      (≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) (l2⇘(l1 x) xy)  (≤⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) (l2⇘(l1 x) (η1 x)y)"
      (is "_  ?goal1")
    and "in_codom (≤⇘L2 x (η1 x)) y 
      (≥⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) (l2⇘(l1 x) xy)  (≥⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)) (l2⇘(l1 x) (η1 x)y)"
      (is "_  ?goal2")
    if [iff]: "xL1 x" for x y
  proof -
    presume "in_dom (≤⇘L2 (η1 x) x) y  in_codom (≤⇘L2 x (η1 x)) y"
    then have "in_field (≤⇘L2 x x) y" using L2_unit_eq1 L2_unit_eq2 by auto
    with l2_bi_rel have "l2⇘(l1 x) (η1 x)y ≡⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)⇙ l2⇘(l1 x) xy" by blast
    moreover from pre_equiv1 have l1 xR1 l1 x by blast
    ultimately show ?goal1 ?goal2 using trans_R2 by blast+
  qed auto
  moreover have "in_dom (≤⇘R2 (ε1 x') x') y' 
      (≤⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x')) (r2⇘(r1 x') x'y')  (≤⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x')) (r2⇘(r1 x') (ε1 x')y')"
      (is "_  ?goal1")
    and "in_codom (≤⇘R2 x' (ε1 x')) y' 
      (≥⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x')) (r2⇘(r1 x') x'y')  (≥⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x')) (r2⇘(r1 x') (ε1 x')y')"
      (is "_  ?goal2")
    if [iff]: "x'R1 x'" for x' y'
  proof -
    presume "in_dom (≤⇘R2 (ε1 x') x') y'  in_codom (≤⇘R2 x' (ε1 x')) y'"
    then have "in_field (≤⇘R2 x' x') y'" using R2_counit_eq1 R2_counit_eq2 by auto
    with r2_bi_rel have "r2⇘(r1 x') (ε1 x')y' ≡⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x')⇙ r2⇘(r1 x') x'y'"
      by blast
    moreover from pre_equiv1 have r1 x'L1 r1 x' by blast
    ultimately show ?goal1 ?goal2 using trans_L2 by blast+
  qed auto
  ultimately show ?thesis using assms
    by (intro order_equivalenceI
    (auto elim!: t1.preorder_equivalence_order_equivalenceE)

lemma order_equivalence_if_preorder_equivalenceI':
  assumes "((≤L1) ≡pre (≤R1)) l1 r1"
  and "x x'. x L1x'  ((≤⇘L2 x (r1 x')) o (≤⇘R2 (l1 x) x')) (l2⇘x' x) (r2⇘x x')"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 x2 x2)  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 (η1 x1) x2)  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 x1 x1)  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  (≤⇘L2 x1 (η1 x2))  (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "x1' x2'. x1'R1 x2'  (≤⇘R2 x2' x2')  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')"
  and "x1' x2'. x1'R1 x2'  (≤⇘R2 (ε1 x1') x2')  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')"
  and "x1' x2'. x1'R1 x2'  (≤⇘R2 x1' x1')  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')"
  and "x1' x2'. x1'R1 x2'  (≤⇘R2 x1' (ε1 x2'))  (≤⇘R2 x1' x2')"
  and "((x1' x2'  (≤R1)) m (x1 x2  (≤L1) | x2 L1x1') 
    in_field (≤⇘L2 x1 (r1 x2'))  (≤⇘R2 (l1 x1) x2')) l2"
  and "x y. xL1 x  in_field (≤⇘L2 x x) y 
    l2⇘(l1 x) (η1 x)y ≡⇘R2 (l1 x) (l1 x)⇙ l2⇘(l1 x) xy"
  and "((x1 x2  (≤L1)) m (x1' x2'  (≤R1) | x2 L1x1') 
    in_field (≤⇘R2 (l1 x1) x2')  (≤⇘L2 x1 (r1 x2'))) r2"
  and "x' y'. x'R1 x'  in_field (≤⇘R2 x' x') y' 
    r2⇘(r1 x') (ε1 x')y' ≡⇘L2 (r1 x') (r1 x')⇙ r2⇘(r1 x') x'y'"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  transitive (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "x1 x2. x1R1 x2  transitive (≤⇘R2 x1 x2)"
  shows "((≤L) o (≤R)) l r"
  using assms by (intro order_equivalence_if_preorder_equivalenceI
  (auto elim!: t1.preorder_equivalence_order_equivalenceE)

lemma order_equivalence_if_mono_if_preorder_equivalenceI:
  assumes "((≤L1) ≡pre (≤R1)) l1 r1"
  and "x x'. x L1x'  ((≤⇘L2 x (r1 x')) o (≤⇘R2 (l1 x) x')) (l2⇘x' x) (r2⇘x x')"
  and "((x1 x2  (≤L1) | η1 x2L1 x1) m (x3 x4  (≤L1) | x2L1 x3)  (≤)) L2"
  and "((x1 x2  (≤L1)) m (x3 x4  (≤L1) | (x2L1 x3  x4L1 η1 x3))  (≥)) L2"
  and "((x1' x2'  (≤R1) | ε1 x2'R1 x1') m (x3' x4'  (≤R1) | x2'R1 x3')  (≤)) R2"
  and "((x1' x2'  (≤R1)) m (x3' x4'  (≤R1) | (x2'R1 x3'  x4'R1 ε1 x3'))  (≥)) R2"
  and "((x1' x2'  (≤R1)) m (x1 x2  (≤L1) | x2 L1x1') 
    in_field (≤⇘L2 x1 (r1 x2'))  (≤⇘R2 (l1 x1) x2')) l2"
  and "((x1 x2  (≤L1)) m (x1' x2'  (≤R1) | x2 L1x1') 
    in_field (≤⇘R2 (l1 x1) x2')  (≤⇘L2 x1 (r1 x2'))) r2"
  and "x1 x2. x1L1 x2  transitive (≤⇘L2 x1 x2)"
  and "x1 x2. x1R1 x2  transitive (≤⇘R2 x1 x2)"
  shows "((≤L) o (≤R)) l r"
  using assms by (intro order_equivalence_if_preorder_equivalenceI'
    tdfr.l2_unit_bi_rel_selfI tdfr.r2_counit_bi_rel_selfI
  (auto elim!: t1.preorder_equivalence_order_equivalenceE)

theorem order_equivalence_if_mono_if_preorder_equivalenceI':
  assumes "((≤L1) ≡pre (≤R1)) l1 r1"
  and "x x'. x L1x'  ((≤⇘L2 x (r1 x'))pre (≤⇘R2 (l1 x) x')) (l2⇘x' x) (r2⇘x x')"
  and "((x1 x2  (≥L1)) m (x3 x4  (≤L1) | x1L1 x3)  (≤)) L2"
  and "((x1' x2'  (≥R1)) m (x3' x4'  (≤R1) | x1'R1 x3')  (≤)) R2"
  and "((x1' x2'  (≤R1)) m (x1 x2  (≤L1) | x2 L1x1') 
    in_field (≤⇘L2 x1 (r1 x2'))  (≤⇘R2 (l1 x1) x2')) l2"
  and "((x1 x2  (≤L1)) m (x1' x2'  (≤R1) | x2 L1x1') 
    in_field (≤⇘R2 (l1 x1) x2')  (≤⇘L2 x1 (r1 x2'))) r2"
  shows "((≤L) o (≤R)) l r"
  using assms by (intro order_equivalence_if_mono_if_preorder_equivalenceI
  (auto elim!: t1.preorder_equivalence_order_equivalenceE


paragraph ‹Monotone Function Relator›

context transport_Mono_Fun_Rel

interpretation flip : transport_Mono_Fun_Rel R1 L1 r1 l1 R2 L2 r2 l2 .

lemma inflationary_on_unitI:
  assumes "((≤L1) m (≤R1)) l1"
  and "((≤R1) m (≤L1)) r1"
  and "inflationary_on (in_codom (≤L1)) (≤L1) η1"
  and "reflexive_on (in_codom (≤L1)) (≤L1)"
  and "transitive (≤L1)"
  and "((≤L2) m (≤R2)) l2"
  and "((≤R2) m (≤L2)) r2"
  and "inflationary_on (in_codom (≤L2)) (≤L2) η2"
  and "transitive (≤L2)"
  shows "inflationary_on (in_field (≤L)) (≤L) η"
  using assms by (intro tpdfr.inflationary_on_unitI
    tfr.mono_wrt_rel_leftI flip.tfr.mono_wrt_rel_leftI)

lemma deflationary_on_counitI:
  assumes "((≤L1) m (≤R1)) l1"
  and "((≤R1) m (≤L1)) r1"
  and "deflationary_on (in_dom (≤R1)) (≤R1) ε1"
  and "reflexive_on (in_dom (≤R1)) (≤R1)"
  and "transitive (≤R1)"
  and "((≤L2) m (≤R2)) l2"
  and "((≤R2) m (≤L2)) r2"
  and "deflationary_on (in_dom (≤R2)) (≤R2) ε2"
  and "transitive (≤R2)"
  shows "deflationary_on (in_field (≤R)) (≤R) ε"
  using assms by (intro tpdfr.deflationary_on_counitI
    tfr.mono_wrt_rel_leftI flip.tfr.mono_wrt_rel_leftI)

lemma rel_equivalence_on_unitI:
  assumes "((≤L1) m (≤R1)) l1"
  and "((≤R1) m (≤L1)) r1"
  and "rel_equivalence_on (in_field (≤L1)) (≤L1) η1"
  and "transitive (≤L1)"
  and "((≤L2) m (≤R2)) l2"
  and "((≤R2) m (≤L2)) r2"
  and "rel_equivalence_on (in_field (≤L2)) (≤L2) η2"
  and "transitive (≤L2)"
  shows "rel_equivalence_on (in_field (≤L)) (≤L) η"
  using assms by (intro tpdfr.rel_equivalence_on_unitI
    tfr.mono_wrt_rel_leftI flip.tfr.mono_wrt_rel_leftI)

lemma order_equivalenceI:
  assumes "((≤L1) ≡pre (≤R1)) l1 r1"
  and "((≤L2) ≡pre (≤R2)) l2 r2"
  shows "((≤L) o (≤R)) l r"
  using assms by (intro tpdfr.order_equivalenceI
    tfr.mono_wrt_rel_leftI flip.tfr.mono_wrt_rel_leftI)
  (auto elim!: tdfrs.t1.preorder_equivalence_order_equivalenceE

