Theory Reflexive_Relator

✐‹creator "Kevin Kappelmann"›
section ‹Reflexive Relator›
theory Reflexive_Relator

definition "Refl_Rel R x y  R x x  R y y  R x y"

bundle Refl_Rel_syntax begin notation Refl_Rel ("(_)" [1000]) end
bundle no_Refl_Rel_syntax begin no_notation Refl_Rel ("(_)" [1000]) end
unbundle Refl_Rel_syntax

lemma Refl_RelI [intro]:
  assumes "R x x"
  and "R y y"
  and "R x y"
  shows "R x y"
  using assms unfolding Refl_Rel_def by blast

lemma Refl_Rel_selfI [intro]:
  assumes "R x x"
  shows "R x x"
  using assms by blast

lemma Refl_RelE [elim]:
  assumes "R x y"
  obtains "R x x" "R y y" "R x y"
  using assms unfolding Refl_Rel_def by blast

lemma Refl_Rel_reflexive_on_in_field [iff]:
  "reflexive_on (in_field R) R"
  by (rule reflexive_onI) auto

lemma Refl_Rel_le_self [iff]: "R  R" by blast

lemma Refl_Rel_eq_self_if_reflexive_on [simp]:
  assumes "reflexive_on (in_field R) R"
  shows "R = R"
  using assms by blast

lemma reflexive_on_in_field_if_Refl_Rel_eq_self:
  assumes "R = R"
  shows "reflexive_on (in_field R) R"
  by (fact Refl_Rel_reflexive_on_in_field[of R, simplified assms])

corollary Refl_Rel_eq_self_iff_reflexive_on:
  "R = R  reflexive_on (in_field R) R"
  using Refl_Rel_eq_self_if_reflexive_on reflexive_on_in_field_if_Refl_Rel_eq_self
  by blast

lemma Refl_Rel_Refl_Rel_eq [simp]: "(R) = R"
  by (intro ext) auto

lemma rel_inv_Refl_Rel_eq [simp]: "(R)¯ = (R¯)"
  by (intro ext iffI Refl_RelI rel_invI) auto

lemma Refl_Rel_transitive_onI [intro]:
  assumes "transitive_on (P :: 'a  bool) (R :: 'a  _)"
  shows "transitive_on P R"
  using assms by (intro transitive_onI) (blast dest: transitive_onD)

corollary Refl_Rel_transitiveI [intro]:
  assumes "transitive R"
  shows "transitive R"
  using assms by blast

corollary Refl_Rel_preorder_onI:
  assumes "transitive_on P R"
  and "P  in_field R"
  shows "preorder_on P R"
  using assms by (intro preorder_onI
    reflexive_on_if_le_pred_if_reflexive_on[where ?P="in_field R" and ?P'=P])

corollary Refl_Rel_preorder_on_in_fieldI [intro]:
  assumes "transitive R"
  shows "preorder_on (in_field R) R"
  using assms by (intro Refl_Rel_preorder_onI) auto

lemma Refl_Rel_symmetric_onI [intro]:
  assumes "symmetric_on (P :: 'a  bool) (R :: 'a  _)"
  shows "symmetric_on P R"
  using assms by (intro symmetric_onI) (auto dest: symmetric_onD)

lemma Refl_Rel_symmetricI [intro]:
  assumes "symmetric R"
  shows "symmetric R"
  by (urule symmetric_on_if_le_pred_if_symmetric_on)
  (use assms in urule Refl_Rel_symmetric_onI, simp)

lemma Refl_Rel_partial_equivalence_rel_onI [intro]:
  assumes "partial_equivalence_rel_on (P :: 'a  bool) (R :: 'a  _)"
  shows "partial_equivalence_rel_on P R"
  using assms by (intro partial_equivalence_rel_onI Refl_Rel_transitive_onI
    Refl_Rel_symmetric_onI) auto

lemma Refl_Rel_partial_equivalence_relI [intro]:
  assumes "partial_equivalence_rel R"
  shows "partial_equivalence_rel R"
  using assms
  by (intro partial_equivalence_relI Refl_Rel_transitiveI Refl_Rel_symmetricI) auto

lemma Refl_Rel_app_leftI:
  assumes "R (f x) y"
  and "in_field S x"
  and "in_field R y"
  and "(S m R) f"
  shows "R (f x) y"
proof (rule Refl_RelI)
  from in_field R y show "R y y" by blast
  from in_field S x have "S x x" by blast
  with (S m R) f show "R (f x) (f x)" by blast
qed fact

corollary Refl_Rel_app_rightI:
  assumes "R x (f y)"
  and "in_field S y"
  and "in_field R x"
  and "(S m R) f"
  shows "R x (f y)"
proof -
  from assms have "(R¯) (f y) x" by (intro Refl_Rel_app_leftI[where ?S="S¯"])
    (auto 5 0 simp flip: rel_inv_Refl_Rel_eq)
  then show ?thesis by blast

lemma mono_wrt_rel_Refl_Rel_Refl_Rel_if_mono_wrt_rel [intro]:
  assumes "(R m S) f"
  shows "(R m S) f"
  using assms by (intro mono_wrt_relI) blast

context galois

interpretation gR : galois "(≤L)" "(≤R)" l r .

lemma Galois_Refl_RelI:
  assumes "((≤R) m (≤L)) r"
  and "in_field (≤L) x"
  and "in_field (≤R) y"
  and "in_codom (≤R) y  x Ly"
  shows "(galois_rel.Galois ((≤L)) ((≤R)) r) x y"
  using assms by (intro gR.left_GaloisI in_codomI Refl_Rel_app_rightI[where ?f=r])

lemma half_galois_prop_left_Refl_Rel_left_rightI:
  assumes "((≤L) m (≤R)) l"
  and "((≤L) h (≤R)) l r"
  shows "((≤L) h (≤R)) l r"
  using assms by (intro gR.half_galois_prop_leftI Refl_RelI)
  (auto elim!: in_codomE gR.left_GaloisE Refl_RelE)

interpretation flip_inv : galois "(≥R)" "(≥L)" r l
  rewrites "((≥R) m (≥L))  ((≤R) m (≤L))"
  and "R. (R¯)  (R)¯"
  and "R S f g. (R¯ h S¯) f g  (S h R) g f"
  by (simp_all add: galois_prop.half_galois_prop_left_rel_inv_iff_half_galois_prop_right

lemma half_galois_prop_right_Refl_Rel_right_leftI:
  assumes "((≤R) m (≤L)) r"
  and "((≤L) h (≤R)) l r"
  shows "((≤L) h (≤R)) l r"
  using assms by (fact flip_inv.half_galois_prop_left_Refl_Rel_left_rightI)

corollary galois_prop_Refl_Rel_left_rightI:
  assumes "((≤L)  (≤R)) l r"
  shows "((≤L)  (≤R)) l r"
  using assms
  by (intro gR.galois_propI half_galois_prop_left_Refl_Rel_left_rightI
    half_galois_prop_right_Refl_Rel_right_leftI) auto

lemma galois_connection_Refl_Rel_left_rightI:
  assumes "((≤L)  (≤R)) l r"
  shows "((≤L)  (≤R)) l r"
  using assms
  by (intro gR.galois_connectionI galois_prop_Refl_Rel_left_rightI) auto

lemma galois_equivalence_Refl_RelI:
  assumes "((≤L) G (≤R)) l r"
  shows "((≤L) G (≤R)) l r"
proof -
  interpret flip : galois R L r l .
  show ?thesis using assms by (intro gR.galois_equivalenceI
    galois_connection_Refl_Rel_left_rightI flip.galois_prop_Refl_Rel_left_rightI)


context order_functors

lemma inflationary_on_in_field_Refl_Rel_left:
  assumes "((≤L) m (≤R)) l"
  and "((≤R) m (≤L)) r"
  and "inflationary_on (in_dom (≤L)) (≤L) η"
  shows "inflationary_on (in_field (≤L)) (≤L) η"
  using assms
  by (intro inflationary_onI Refl_RelI) (auto 0 3 elim!: in_fieldE Refl_RelE)

lemma inflationary_on_in_field_Refl_Rel_left':
  assumes "((≤L) m (≤R)) l"
  and "((≤R) m (≤L)) r"
  and "inflationary_on (in_codom (≤L)) (≤L) η"
  shows "inflationary_on (in_field (≤L)) (≤L) η"
  using assms
  by (intro inflationary_onI Refl_RelI) (auto 0 3 elim!: in_fieldE Refl_RelE)

interpretation inv : galois "(≥L)" "(≥R)" l r
  rewrites "((≥L) m (≥R))  ((≤L) m (≤R))"
  and "((≥R) m (≥L))  ((≤R) m (≤L))"
  and "R. (R¯)  (R)¯"
  and "R. in_dom R¯  in_codom R"
  and "R. in_codom R¯  in_dom R"
  and "R. in_field R¯  in_field R"
  and "(P :: 'c  bool) (R :: 'd  'c  bool).
    (inflationary_on P R¯ :: ('c  'd)  bool)  deflationary_on P R"
  by (simp_all add: mono_wrt_rel_eq_dep_mono_wrt_rel)

lemma deflationary_on_in_field_Refl_Rel_leftI:
  assumes "((≤L) m (≤R)) l"
  and "((≤R) m (≤L)) r"
  and "deflationary_on (in_dom (≤L)) (≤L) η"
  shows "deflationary_on (in_field (≤L)) (≤L) η"
  using assms by (fact inv.inflationary_on_in_field_Refl_Rel_left')

lemma deflationary_on_in_field_Refl_RelI_left':
  assumes "((≤L) m (≤R)) l"
  and "((≤R) m (≤L)) r"
  and "deflationary_on (in_codom (≤L)) (≤L) η"
  shows "deflationary_on (in_field (≤L)) (≤L) η"
  using assms by (fact inv.inflationary_on_in_field_Refl_Rel_left)

lemma rel_equivalence_on_in_field_Refl_Rel_leftI:
  assumes "((≤L) m (≤R)) l"
  and "((≤R) m (≤L)) r"
  and "rel_equivalence_on (in_dom (≤L)) (≤L) η"
  shows "rel_equivalence_on (in_field (≤L)) (≤L) η"
  using assms by (intro rel_equivalence_onI

lemma rel_equivalence_on_in_field_Refl_Rel_leftI':
  assumes "((≤L) m (≤R)) l"
  and "((≤R) m (≤L)) r"
  and "rel_equivalence_on (in_codom (≤L)) (≤L) η"
  shows "rel_equivalence_on (in_field (≤L)) (≤L) η"
  using assms by (intro rel_equivalence_onI

interpretation oR : order_functors "(≤L)" "(≤R)" l r .

lemma order_equivalence_Refl_RelI:
  assumes "((≤L) o (≤R)) l r"
  shows "((≤L) o (≤R)) l r"
proof -
  interpret flip : galois R L r l
    rewrites "flip.unit  ε"
    by (simp only: flip_unit_eq_counit)
  show ?thesis using assms by (intro oR.order_equivalenceI
    (auto intro: rel_equivalence_on_if_le_pred_if_rel_equivalence_on

