Theory Binary_Relations_Extend

✐‹creator "Kevin Kappelmann"›
subsection ‹Extensions›
theory Binary_Relations_Extend

consts extend :: "'a  'b  'c  'c"

definition "extend_rel x y R x' y'  (x = x'  y = y')  R x' y'"
adhoc_overloading extend  extend_rel

lemma extend_leftI [iff]: "(extend x y R) x y"
  unfolding extend_rel_def by blast

lemma extend_rightI [intro]:
  assumes "R x' y'"
  shows "(extend x y R) x' y'"
  unfolding extend_rel_def using assms by blast

lemma extendE [elim]:
  assumes "(extend x y R) x' y'"
  obtains "x = x'" "y = y'" | "x  x'  y  y'" "R x' y'"
  using assms unfolding extend_rel_def by blast

lemma extend_eq_self_if_rel [simp]: "R x y  extend x y R = R"
  by auto

  fixes x :: 'a and y :: 'b and R :: "'a  'b  bool"

lemma in_dom_extend_eq: "in_dom (extend x y R) = in_dom R  (=) x"
  by (intro ext) auto

lemma in_dom_extend_iff: "in_dom (extend x y R) x'  in_dom R x'  x = x'"
  by (auto simp: in_dom_extend_eq)

lemma codom_extend_eq: "in_codom (extend x y R) = in_codom R  (=) y"
  by (intro ext) auto

lemma in_codom_extend_iff: "in_codom (extend x y R) y'  in_codom R y'  y = y'"
  by (auto simp: codom_extend_eq)


lemma in_field_extend_eq: "in_field (extend x y R) = in_field R  (=) x  (=) y"
  by (intro ext) auto

lemma in_field_extend_iff: "in_field (extend x y R) z  in_field R z  z = x  z = y"
  by (auto simp: in_field_extend_eq)

lemma mono_extend: "mono (extend x y :: ('a  'b  bool)  'a  'b  bool)"
  by (intro monoI) force

lemma dep_mono_dep_bin_rel_extend:
  "((x : A)  B x  ({∑}x : A'. B' x)  ({∑}x : A  A'. (B  B') x)) extend"
  by fastforce

consts glue :: "'a  'b"

definition "glue_rel ( :: ('a  'b  bool)  bool) x  in_codom_on  (λR. R x)"
adhoc_overloading glue  glue_rel

lemma glue_rel_eq_in_codom_on: "glue  x = in_codom_on  (λR. R x)"
  unfolding glue_rel_def by simp

lemma glueI [intro]:
  assumes " R"
  and "R x y"
  shows "glue  x y"
  using assms unfolding glue_rel_def by blast

lemma glueE [elim!]:
  assumes "glue  x y"
  obtains R where " R" "R x y"
  using assms unfolding glue_rel_def by blast

lemma glue_bottom_eq [simp]: "glue ( :: ('a  'b  bool)  bool) = "
  by (intro ext) auto

lemma glue_eq_rel_eq_self [simp]: "glue ((=) R) = (R :: 'a  'b  bool)"
  by (intro ext) auto

lemma glue_sup_eq_glue_sup_glue [simp]: "glue (A  B) = glue A  glue B"
  supply glue_rel_eq_in_codom_on[simp]
  by (rule ext) (urule in_codom_on_sup_pred_eq_in_codom_on_sup_in_codom_on)

lemma mono_glue: "mono (glue :: (('a  'b  bool)  bool)  ('a  'b  bool))"
  by auto

lemma dep_bin_rel_glueI:
  fixes  defines [simp]: "D  in_codom_on  in_dom"
  assumes "R.  R  A. ({∑}x : A. B x) R"
  shows "({∑}x : D. B x) (glue )"
  using assms by (intro dep_bin_relI) auto
