Theory Dependent_Binary_Relations
subsection ‹Dependent Binary Relations›
theory Dependent_Binary_Relations
consts dep_bin_rel :: "'a ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'c) ⇒ 'd"
consts bin_rel :: "'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'c"
open_bundle bin_rel_syntax
syntax "_dep_bin_rel" :: ‹idt ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'c› (‹{∑}_ : _./ _› [51, 50, 50] 51)
notation bin_rel (infixr ‹{×}› 51)
"_dep_bin_rel" ⇌ dep_bin_rel
"{∑}x : A. B" ⇌ "CONST dep_bin_rel A (λx. B)"
definition "dep_bin_rel_pred (A :: 'a ⇒ bool) (B :: 'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ bool) (R :: 'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ bool) ≡
∀x y. R x y ⟶ A x ∧ B x y"
adhoc_overloading dep_bin_rel ⇌ dep_bin_rel_pred
definition "bin_rel_pred (A :: 'a ⇒ bool) (B :: 'b ⇒ bool) :: ('a ⇒ 'b ⇒ bool) ⇒ bool ≡
{∑}(_ :: 'a) : A. B"
adhoc_overloading bin_rel ⇌ bin_rel_pred
lemma bin_rel_pred_eq_dep_bin_rel_pred: "A {×} B = {∑}_ : A. B"
unfolding bin_rel_pred_def by auto
lemma bin_rel_pred_eq_dep_bin_rel_pred_uhint [uhint]:
assumes "A ≡ A'"
and "⋀x. B ≡ B' x"
shows "A {×} B ≡ {∑}x : A'. B' x"
using assms by (simp add: bin_rel_pred_eq_dep_bin_rel_pred)
lemma bin_rel_pred_iff_dep_bin_rel_pred: "(A {×} B) R ⟷ ({∑}_ : A. B) R"
unfolding bin_rel_pred_eq_dep_bin_rel_pred by auto
lemma dep_bin_relI [intro]:
assumes "⋀x y. R x y ⟹ A x"
and "⋀x y. R x y ⟹ A x ⟹ B x y"
shows "({∑}x : A. B x) R"
using assms unfolding dep_bin_rel_pred_def by auto
lemma dep_bin_rel_if_bin_rel_and:
assumes "⋀x y. R x y ⟹ A x ∧ B x y"
shows "({∑}x : A. B x) R"
using assms by auto
lemma dep_bin_relE [elim]:
assumes "({∑}x : A. B x) R"
and "R x y"
obtains "A x" "B x y"
using assms unfolding dep_bin_rel_pred_def by auto
lemma dep_bin_relE':
assumes "({∑}x : A. B x) R"
obtains "⋀x y. R x y ⟹ A x ∧ B x y"
using assms by auto
lemma bin_relI [intro]:
assumes "⋀x y. R x y ⟹ A x"
and "⋀x y. R x y ⟹ A x ⟹ B y"
shows "(A {×} B) R"
using assms by (urule dep_bin_relI where chained = fact)
lemma bin_rel_if_bin_rel_and:
assumes "⋀x y. R x y ⟹ A x ∧ B y"
shows "(A {×} B) R"
using assms by (urule dep_bin_rel_if_bin_rel_and)
lemma bin_relE [elim]:
assumes "(A {×} B) R"
and "R x y"
obtains "A x" "B y"
using assms by (urule (e) dep_bin_relE)
lemma bin_relE':
assumes "(A {×} B) R"
obtains "⋀x y. R x y ⟹ A x ∧ B y"
using assms by (urule (e) dep_bin_relE')
lemma dep_bin_rel_cong [cong]:
"⟦A = A'; ⋀x. A' x ⟹ B x = B' x⟧ ⟹ ({∑}x : A. B x) = {∑}x : A'. B' x"
by (intro ext iffI dep_bin_relI) fastforce+
lemma le_dep_bin_rel_if_le_dom:
assumes "A ≤ A'"
shows "({∑}x : A. B x) ≤ ({∑}x : A'. B x)"
using assms by (intro le_predI dep_bin_relI) auto
lemma dep_bin_rel_covariant_codom:
assumes "({∑}x : A. B x) R"
and "⋀x y. R x y ⟹ A x ⟹ B x y ⟹ B' x y"
shows "({∑}x : A. B' x) R"
using assms by (intro dep_bin_relI) auto
lemma mono_dep_bin_rel: "((≤) ⇒ (≤) ⇛ (≥) ⇛ (≤)) dep_bin_rel"
by (intro mono_wrt_relI Fun_Rel_relI dep_bin_relI) force
lemma mono_bin_rel: "((≤) ⇒ (≤) ⇛ (≥) ⇛ (≤)) ({×})"
by (intro mono_wrt_relI Fun_Rel_relI) auto
lemma in_dom_le_if_dep_bin_rel:
assumes "({∑}x : A. B x) R"
shows "in_dom R ≤ A"
using assms by auto
lemma in_codom_le_in_codom_on_if_dep_bin_rel:
assumes "({∑}x : A. B x) R"
shows "in_codom R ≤ in_codom_on A B"
using assms by fast
lemma rel_restrict_left_eq_self_if_dep_bin_rel [simp]:
assumes "({∑}x : A. B x) R"
shows "R↾⇘A⇙ = R"
using assms rel_restrict_left_eq_self_if_in_dom_le by auto
lemma dep_bin_rel_bottom_dom_iff_eq_bottom [iff]: "({∑}x : ⊥. B x) R ⟷ R = ⊥"
by fastforce
lemma dep_bin_rel_bottom_codom_iff_eq_bottom [iff]: "({∑}x : A. ⊥) R ⟷ R = ⊥"
by fastforce
lemma mono_bin_rel_dep_bin_rel_bin_rel_in_codom_on_rel_comp:
"(A {×} B ⇒ ({∑}x : B. C x) ⇒ A {×} in_codom_on B C) (∘∘)"
by fastforce
lemma mono_bin_rel_bin_rel_bin_rel_rel_comp: "(A {×} B ⇒ B {×} C ⇒ A {×} C) (∘∘)"
by fast
lemma mono_dep_bin_rel_bin_rel_rel_inv: "(({∑}x : A. B x) ⇒ in_codom_on A B {×} A) rel_inv"
by force
lemma mono_bin_rel_rel_inv: "(A {×} B ⇒ B {×} A) rel_inv"
by auto
lemma mono_dep_bin_rel_top_dep_bin_rel_inf_rel_restrict_left:
"(({∑}x : A. B x) ⇒ (P : ⊤) ⇒ ({∑}x : A ⊓ P. B x)) rel_restrict_left"
by fast
lemma mono_dep_bin_rel_top_dep_bin_rel_inf_rel_restrict_right:
"(({∑}x : A. B x) ⇒ (P : ⊤) ⇒ ({∑}x : A. B x ⊓ P)) rel_restrict_right"
by fast
lemma mono_dep_bin_rel_top_dep_bin_rel_inf_rel_restrict:
"(({∑}x : A. B x) ⇒ (P : ⊤) ⇒ ({∑}x : A ⊓ P. B x ⊓ P)) rel_restrict"
by fast
lemma le_if_rel_agree_on_if_dep_bin_relI:
assumes "({∑}x : A. B x) R"
and "rel_agree_on A ℛ"
and "ℛ R" "ℛ R'"
shows "R ≤ R'"
using assms by (intro le_if_in_dom_le_if_rel_agree_onI in_dom_le_if_dep_bin_rel)
lemma eq_if_rel_agree_on_if_dep_bin_relI:
assumes "({∑}x : A. B x) R" "({∑}x : A. B' x) R'"
and "rel_agree_on A ℛ"
and "ℛ R" "ℛ R'"
shows "R = R'"
using assms by (intro eq_if_in_dom_le_if_rel_agree_onI in_dom_le_if_dep_bin_rel)