Theory Strongly_Secure_Skip_Assign

Title: Strong-Security
Authors: Sylvia Grewe, Alexander Lux, Heiko Mantel, Jens Sauer
theory Strongly_Secure_Skip_Assign
imports MWLf Parallel_Composition

locale Strongly_Secure_Programs =
L? : MWLf_semantics "E" "BMap" 
+ SS?: Strong_Security "MWLfSteps_det" "DA"
for E :: "('exp, 'id, 'val) Evalfunction"
and BMap :: "'val  bool"
and DA :: "('id, 'd::order) DomainAssignment"

abbreviation USdBname ::"'d  ('exp, 'id) MWLfCom Bisimulation_type"
where "≈⇘d USdB d" 

abbreviation relatedbyUSdB :: "('exp,'id) MWLfCom list  'd
   ('exp,'id) MWLfCom list  bool" (infixr "≈⇘_" 65)
where "V ≈⇘dV'  (V,V')  USdB d"

― ‹define when two expressions are indistinguishable with respect to a domain d›
definition d_indistinguishable :: "'d::order  'exp  'exp  bool"
"d_indistinguishable d e1 e2  
  m m'. ((m =⇘dm')  ((E e1 m) = (E e2 m')))"

abbreviation d_indistinguishable' :: "'exp  'd::order  'exp  bool" 
( "(_ ≡⇘_ _)" )
"e1 ≡⇘de2  d_indistinguishable d e1 e2"

― ‹symmetry of d-indistinguishable›
lemma d_indistinguishable_sym:
"e ≡⇘de'  e' ≡⇘de"
by (simp add: d_indistinguishable_def d_equal_def, metis)

― ‹transitivity of d-indistinguishable›
lemma d_indistinguishable_trans:
" e ≡⇘de'; e' ≡⇘de''   e ≡⇘de''"
by (simp add: d_indistinguishable_def d_equal_def, metis)

theorem Strongly_Secure_Skip:
"[skip] ≈⇘d[skip]"
proof -
  define R0 where "R0 = {(V::('exp,'id) MWLfCom list,V'::('exp,'id) MWLfCom list). 
    V = [skip]  V' = [skip]}"

  have uptoR0: "d_Bisimulation_Up_To_USdB d R0"
    proof (simp add: d_Bisimulation_Up_To_USdB_def, auto)
      show "sym R0" by (simp add: R0_def sym_def)
      fix V V'
      assume "(V,V')  R0"
      thus "length V = length V'"
        by (simp add: R0_def)
      fix V V' i m1 m1' W m2
      assume inR0: "(V,V')  R0"
      assume irange: "i < length V"
      assume step: "V!i,m1  W,m2"
      assume dequal: "m1 =⇘dm1'"
      from inR0 have Vassump:
        "V = [skip]  V' = [skip]"
        by (simp add: R0_def)
      with step irange have step1:
        "W = []  m2 = m1"
        by (simp, metis MWLf_semantics.MWLfSteps_det_cases(1))
      from Vassump irange obtain m2' where step2:
        "V'!i,m1'  [],m2'  m2' = m1'"
         by (simp, metis MWLfSteps_det.skip)

      with step1 dequal trivialpair_in_USdB show "W' m2'.
        V'!i,m1'  W',m2'  
        ((W,W')  R0  W ≈⇘dW')  m2 =⇘dm2'"
        by auto
   hence "R0  ≈⇘d⇙"
     by (rule Up_To_Technique)

   thus ?thesis
     by (simp add: R0_def)


theorem Strongly_Secure_Assign:
  assumes d_indistinguishable_exp: "e ≡⇘DA xe'"
  shows "[x := e] ≈⇘d[x := e']"
proof -
  define R0 where "R0 = {(V,V'). x e e'. V = [x := e]  V' = [x := e'] 
    e ≡⇘DA xe'}"

  from d_indistinguishable_exp have inR0: "([x:=e],[x:=e'])  R0"
    by (simp add: R0_def)

  have "d_Bisimulation_Up_To_USdB d R0"
    proof (simp add: d_Bisimulation_Up_To_USdB_def, auto)
      from d_indistinguishable_sym show "sym R0"
        by (simp add: R0_def sym_def, fastforce)
      fix V V'
      assume "(V,V')  R0"
      thus "length V = length V'" 
        by (simp add: R0_def, auto)
      fix V V' i m1 m1' W m2
      assume inR0: "(V,V')  R0"
      assume irange: "i < length V"
      assume step: "V!i,m1  W,m2"
      assume dequal: "m1 =⇘dm1'"
      from inR0 obtain x e e' where Vassump:
        "V = [x := e]  V' = [x := e'] 
        e ≡⇘DA xe'"
        by (simp add: R0_def, auto)
      with step irange obtain v where step1:
        "E e m1 = v  W = []  m2 = m1(x := v)"
        by (auto, metis MWLf_semantics.MWLfSteps_det_cases(2))
      from Vassump irange obtain m2' v' where step2:
        "E e' m1' = v'  V'!i,m1'  [],m2'  m2' = m1'(x := v')"
        by (auto, metis MWLfSteps_det.assign)

      with Vassump dequal step step1
      have dequalnext: "m1(x := v) =⇘dm1'(x := v')"      
        by (simp add: d_equal_def d_indistinguishable_def, auto)

      with step1 step2 trivialpair_in_USdB show "W' m2'.
        V'!i,m1'  W',m2'  ((W,W')  R0  W ≈⇘dW') 
         m2 =⇘dm2'"
        by auto
   hence "R0  ≈⇘d⇙"
     by (rule Up_To_Technique)

   with inR0 show ?thesis
     by auto


