Theory MWLf

Title: Strong-Security
Authors: Sylvia Grewe, Alexander Lux, Heiko Mantel, Jens Sauer
theory MWLf
imports Types


― ‹Commands for the multi-threaded while language with fork (to instantiate 'com)›
datatype ('exp, 'id) MWLfCom 
  = Skip ("skip")
  | Assign "'id" "'exp" 
       ("_:=_" [70,70] 70)

  | Seq "('exp, 'id) MWLfCom" "('exp, 'id) MWLfCom" 
       ("_;_" [61,60] 60)
  | If_Else "'exp" "('exp, 'id) MWLfCom" "('exp, 'id) MWLfCom"
       ("if _ then _ else _ fi" [80,79,79] 70)

  | While_Do "'exp" "('exp, 'id) MWLfCom" 
       ("while _ do _ od" [80,79] 70)

  | Fork "('exp, 'id) MWLfCom" "(('exp, 'id) MWLfCom) list"
       ("fork _ _" [70,70] 70)


locale MWLf_semantics =
fixes E :: "('exp, 'id, 'val) Evalfunction"
and BMap :: "'val  bool"

― ‹steps semantics, set of deterministic steps from single threads to either single threads or thread pools›
MWLfSteps_det :: "('exp, 'id, 'val, ('exp, 'id) MWLfCom) TSteps"
and MWLfSteps_det' :: "('exp, 'id, 'val, ('exp, 'id) MWLfCom) TSteps_curry"
  ("(1_,/_) / (1_,/_)" [0,0,0,0] 81)
"c1,m1  c2,m2  ((c1,m1),(c2,m2))  MWLfSteps_det" |
skip: "skip,m  [],m" |
assign: "(E e m) = v  x := e,m  [],m(x := v)" |
seq1: "c1,m  [],m'  c1;c2,m  [c2],m'" |
seq2: "c1,m  c1'#V,m'  c1;c2,m  (c1';c2)#V,m'" |
iftrue: "BMap (E b m) = True  
    if b then c1 else c2 fi,m  [c1],m" |
iffalse: "BMap (E b m) = False  
    if b then c1 else c2 fi,m  [c2],m" |
whiletrue: "BMap (E b m) = True  
    while b do c od,m  [c;(while b do c od)],m" |
whilefalse: "BMap (E b m) = False  
    while b do c od,m  [],m" |
fork: "fork c V,m  c#V,m"

inductive_cases MWLfSteps_det_cases:
"skip,m  W,m'"
"x := e,m  W,m'"
"c1;c2,m  W,m'"
"if b then c1 else c2 fi,m  W,m'"
"while b do c od,m  W,m'"
"fork c V,m  W,m'"

― ‹non-deterministic, possibilistic system step (added for intuition, not used in the proofs)›
MWLfSteps_ndet :: "('exp, 'id, 'val, ('exp,'id) MWLfCom) TPSteps"
and MWLfSteps_ndet' :: "('exp, 'id, 'val, ('exp,'id) MWLfCom) TPSteps_curry"
("(1_,/_) / (1_,/_)" [0,0,0,0] 81)
"V1,m1  V2,m2  ((V1,m1),(V2,m2))  MWLfSteps_ndet" |
"ci,m  c,m'  Vf @ [ci] @ Va,m  Vf @ c @ Va,m'"

