Theory Variants
theory Variants
imports Abbrevs
lemma restrict_map_inverse: "m |` (dom m - X) = m |`(-X)"
apply (rule ext)
apply (auto simp add: restrict_map_def)
lemma conj_assoc: "((P ∧ Q) ∧ X) = (P ∧ Q ∧ X)"
by simp
notation (latex output)
Read ("\<^latex>‹\\constructor{Read}›")
notation (latex output)
Write ("\<^latex>‹\\constructor{Write}›")
notation (latex output)
RMW ("\<^latex>‹\\constructor{RMW}›")
notation (latex output)
Fence ("\<^latex>‹\\constructor{Fence}›")
notation (latex output)
Ghost ("\<^latex>‹\\constructor{Ghost}›")
notation (latex output)
Write⇩s⇩b ("\<^latex>‹\\constructor{Write}›⇩s⇩b")
notation (latex output)
Read⇩s⇩b ("\<^latex>‹\\constructor{Read}›⇩s⇩b")
notation (latex output)
Prog⇩s⇩b ("\<^latex>‹\\constructor{Prog}›⇩s⇩b")
notation (latex output)
Ghost⇩s⇩b ("\<^latex>‹\\constructor{Ghost}›⇩s⇩b")
notation (latex output)
Const ("\<^latex>‹\\constructor{Const}›")
notation (latex output)
Mem ("\<^latex>‹\\constructor{Mem}›")
notation (latex output)
Tmp ("\<^latex>‹\\constructor{Tmp}›")
notation (latex output)
Unop ("\<^latex>‹\\constructor{Unop}›")
notation (latex output)
Binop ("\<^latex>‹\\constructor{Binop}›")
notation (latex output)
Skip ("\<^latex>‹\\constructor{Skip}›")
notation (latex output)
Assign ("\<^latex>‹\\constructor{Assign}›")
notation (latex output)
CAS ("\<^latex>‹\\constructor{CAS}›")
notation (latex output)
Seq ("\<^latex>‹\\constructor{Seq}›")
notation (latex output)
Cond ("\<^latex>‹\\constructor{Cond}›")
notation (latex output)
While ("\<^latex>‹\\constructor{While}›")
notation (latex output)
SGhost ("\<^latex>‹\\constructor{SGhost}›")
notation (latex output)
SFence ("\<^latex>‹\\constructor{SFence}›")
lemma sim_direct_config_def': "ts⇩s⇩b ∼⇩d ts ≡
(ts⇩s⇩b = (map (λ(p,is, θ,sb::unit,𝒟, 𝒪,ℛ). (p,is,θ,[],(),(),())) ts))"
apply (rule HOL.eq_reflection)
apply rule
apply (erule sim_direct_config.cases)
apply (clarsimp)
apply (rule nth_equalityI)
apply simp
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac "ts!i")
apply fastforce
apply (rule sim_direct_config.intros)
apply auto
ML ‹@{term "(λ(p,is, θ,sb::unit,𝒟, 𝒪,ℛ). (p,is,θ,[],(),(),()))"}›
lemma DRead: "(Read volatile a t # is,θ, x, m,ghst) →
(is, θ (t↦m a), x, m, ghst)"
apply (cases ghst)
apply (simp add: direct_memop_step.Read)
lemma DWriteNonVolatile:"
(Write False a (D,f) A L R W#is, θ, x, m, ghst) → (is, θ, x, m(a := f θ), ghst)"
apply (cases ghst)
apply (simp add: direct_memop_step.WriteNonVolatile)
lemma DWriteVolatile:
"ghst = (𝒟, 𝒪, ℛ, 𝒮) ⟹ ghst' = (True, 𝒪 ∪ A - R, Map.empty, 𝒮 ⊕⇘W⇙ R ⊖⇘A⇙ L)
⟹ (Write True a (D,f) A L R W# is, θ, x, m, ghst) → (is, θ, x, m(a:=f θ), ghst')"
by (simp add: direct_memop_step.WriteVolatile)
lemma DGhost:
"ghst = (𝒟, 𝒪, ℛ, 𝒮) ⟹ ghst' = (𝒟, 𝒪 ∪ A - R, augment_rels (dom 𝒮) R ℛ, 𝒮 ⊕⇘W⇙ R ⊖⇘A⇙ L)
⟹ (Ghost A L R W# is, θ, x, m, ghst) → (is, θ, x, m, ghst')"
by (simp add: direct_memop_step.Ghost)
lemma DRMWReadOnly:
"⟦¬ cond (θ(t↦m a)); ghst = (𝒟, 𝒪, ℛ, 𝒮); ghst'=(False, 𝒪, Map.empty,𝒮)⟧ ⟹
(RMW a t (D,f) cond ret A L R W # is, θ, x, m, ghst) → (is, θ(t↦m a),x,m, ghst')"
apply (simp add: direct_memop_step.RMWReadOnly)
lemma DRMWWrite:
"⟦cond (θ(t↦m a));
θ' = θ(t↦ret (m a) (f(θ(t↦m a))));
m' = m(a:= f(θ(t↦m a)));
ghst = (𝒟, 𝒪, ℛ, 𝒮);
ghst' = (False,𝒪 ∪ A - R, Map.empty, 𝒮 ⊕⇘W⇙ R ⊖⇘A⇙ L)⟧
(RMW a t (D,f) cond ret A L R W# is, θ, x, m, ghst) → (is, θ',x, m' , ghst')"
apply (simp add: direct_memop_step.RMWWrite)
lemma VRead: "(Read volatile a t # is,θ, x, m,ghst) →⇩v
(is, θ (t↦m a), x, m, ghst)"
apply (cases ghst)
apply (simp add: virtual_memop_step.Read)
lemma VWriteNonVolatile:"
(Write False a (D,f) A L R W#is, θ, x, m, ghst) →⇩v (is, θ, x, m(a := f θ), ghst)"
apply (cases ghst)
apply (simp add: virtual_memop_step.WriteNonVolatile)
lemma VWriteVolatile:
"ghst = (𝒟, 𝒪, ℛ, 𝒮) ⟹ ghst' = (True, 𝒪 ∪ A - R, ℛ, 𝒮 ⊕⇘W⇙ R ⊖⇘A⇙ L)
⟹ (Write True a (D,f) A L R W# is, θ, x, m, ghst) →⇩v (is, θ, x, m(a:=f θ), ghst')"
by (simp add: virtual_memop_step.WriteVolatile)
lemma VRMWReadOnly:
"⟦¬ cond (θ(t↦m a)); ghst = (𝒟, 𝒪, ℛ, 𝒮); ghst'=(False, 𝒪,ℛ,𝒮)⟧ ⟹
(RMW a t (D,f) cond ret A L R W # is, θ, x, m, ghst) →⇩v (is, θ(t↦m a),x,m, ghst')"
apply (simp add: virtual_memop_step.RMWReadOnly)
lemma VFence:
"ghst = (𝒟, 𝒪, ℛ, 𝒮) ⟹ ghst' = (False, 𝒪, ℛ, 𝒮)
⟹ (Fence# is, θ, x, m, ghst) →⇩v (is, θ, x, m, ghst')"
by (simp add: virtual_memop_step.Fence)
lemma VGhost:
"ghst = (𝒟, 𝒪, ℛ, 𝒮) ⟹ ghst' = (𝒟, 𝒪 ∪ A - R, ℛ, 𝒮 ⊕⇘W⇙ R ⊖⇘A⇙ L)
⟹ (Ghost A L R W# is, θ, x, m, ghst) →⇩v (is, θ, x, m, ghst')"
by (simp add: virtual_memop_step.Ghost)
lemma VRMWWrite:
"⟦cond (θ(t↦m a));
θ' = θ(t↦ret (m a) (f(θ(t↦m a))));
m' = m(a:= f(θ(t↦m a)));
ghst = (𝒟, 𝒪, ℛ, 𝒮);
ghst' = (False,𝒪 ∪ A - R, ℛ, 𝒮 ⊕⇘W⇙ R ⊖⇘A⇙ L)⟧
(RMW a t (D,f) cond ret A L R W# is, θ, x, m, ghst) →⇩v (is, θ',x, m' , ghst')"
apply (simp add: virtual_memop_step.RMWWrite)
lemma SafeWriteVolatile:
"⟦∀j < length 𝒪s. i≠j ⟶ a ∉ 𝒪s!j; a ∉ read_only 𝒮;
∀j < length 𝒪s. i≠j ⟶ A ∩ 𝒪s!j = {};
A ⊆ 𝒪 ∪ dom 𝒮; L ⊆ A; R ⊆ 𝒪; A ∩ R = {}
𝒪s,i⊢(Write True a (D,f) A L R W# is, θ, m, 𝒟, 𝒪, 𝒮)√"
apply (rule safe_direct_memop_state.WriteVolatile)
apply auto
lemma SafeDelayedWriteVolatile:
"⟦∀j < length 𝒪s. i≠j ⟶ a ∉ (𝒪s!j ∪ dom (ℛs!j)); a ∉ read_only 𝒮;
∀j < length 𝒪s. i≠j ⟶ A ∩ (𝒪s!j ∪ dom (ℛs!j)) = {};
A ⊆ dom 𝒮 ∪ 𝒪; L ⊆ A; R ⊆ 𝒪; A ∩ R = {}
𝒪s,ℛs,i⊢(Write True a (D,f) A L R W# is, θ, m, 𝒟, 𝒪, 𝒮)√"
apply (rule safe_delayed_direct_memop_state.WriteVolatile)
apply auto
lemma SafeRMWReadOnly:
"⟦¬ cond (θ(t↦m a)); a ∈ dom 𝒮 ∪ 𝒪⟧ ⟹
𝒪s,i⊢ (RMW a t (D,f) cond ret A L R W# is, θ, m, 𝒟, 𝒪, 𝒮)√"
apply (rule safe_direct_memop_state.RMWReadOnly)
apply auto
lemma SafeDelayedRMWReadOnly:
"⟦¬ cond (θ(t↦m a)); a ∈ dom 𝒮 ∪ 𝒪;
∀j < length 𝒪s. i≠j ⟶ (ℛs!j) a ≠ Some False ⟧
𝒪s,ℛs,i⊢(RMW a t (D,f) cond ret A L R W# is, θ, m, 𝒟, 𝒪, 𝒮)√"
apply (rule safe_delayed_direct_memop_state.RMWReadOnly)
apply auto
lemma SafeRMWWrite:
"⟦cond (θ(t↦m a));
∀j < length 𝒪s. i≠j ⟶ a ∉ 𝒪s!j; a ∉ read_only 𝒮;
∀j < length 𝒪s. i≠j ⟶ A ∩ 𝒪s!j = {};
A ⊆ 𝒪 ∪ dom 𝒮; L ⊆ A; R ⊆ 𝒪; A ∩ R = {}
𝒪s,i⊢ (RMW a t (D,f) cond ret A L R W# is, θ, m, 𝒟, 𝒪, 𝒮)√"
apply (rule safe_direct_memop_state.RMWWrite)
apply auto
lemma SafeDelayedRMWWrite:
"⟦cond (θ(t↦m a)); a ∈ dom 𝒮 ∪ 𝒪;
∀j < length 𝒪s. i≠j ⟶ a ∉ (𝒪s!j ∪ dom (ℛs!j));a ∉ read_only 𝒮;
∀j < length 𝒪s. i≠j ⟶ A ∩ (𝒪s!j ∪ dom (ℛs!j)) = {};
A ⊆ dom 𝒮 ∪ 𝒪; L ⊆ A; R ⊆ 𝒪; A ∩ R = {}
𝒪s,ℛs,i⊢(RMW a t (D,f) cond ret A L R W# is, θ, m, 𝒟, 𝒪, 𝒮)√"
apply (rule safe_delayed_direct_memop_state.RMWWrite)
apply auto
lemma Write⇩s⇩bNonVolatile:
"(m, Write⇩s⇩b False a sop v A L R W# rs,𝒪,ℛ,𝒮) →⇩f (m(a := v), rs,𝒪,ℛ,𝒮)"
apply (rule flush_step.Write⇩s⇩b)
apply auto
lemma Write⇩s⇩bVolatile:
"⟦𝒪'= 𝒪 ∪ A - R; 𝒮'=(𝒮 ⊕⇘W⇙ R ⊖⇘A⇙ L)⟧ ⟹
(m, Write⇩s⇩b True a sop v A L R W# rs,𝒪,ℛ,𝒮) →⇩f (m(a := v), rs,𝒪',Map.empty,𝒮')"
apply (rule flush_step.Write⇩s⇩b)
apply auto
lemma Ghost⇩s⇩b: "⟦𝒪'= 𝒪 ∪ A - R; ℛ'= augment_rels (dom 𝒮) R ℛ; 𝒮'=𝒮 ⊕⇘W⇙ R ⊖⇘A⇙ L⟧ ⟹
(m, Ghost⇩s⇩b A L R W# rs,𝒪,ℛ,𝒮) →⇩f (m, rs,𝒪',ℛ',𝒮')"
by (simp add: flush_step.Ghost)
lemma SBHRead:
"⟦v = (case (buffered_val sb a) of Some v' ⇒ v' | None ⇒ m a);
sb' = sb@[Read⇩s⇩b volatile a t v] ⟧
(Read volatile a t # is, θ, sb, m,ghst) →⇩s⇩b⇩h
(is, θ (t↦v), sb', m,ghst)"
apply (cases ghst)
apply (cases "buffered_val sb a")
apply (auto simp add: SBHReadBuffered SBHReadUnbuffered)
lemma SBRead:
"⟦v = (case (buffered_val sb a) of Some v' ⇒ v' | None ⇒ m a)⟧
(Read volatile a t # is, θ, sb, m,ghst) →⇩s⇩b
(is, θ (t↦v), sb, m,ghst)"
apply (cases ghst)
apply (cases "buffered_val sb a")
apply (auto simp add: SBReadBuffered SBReadUnbuffered)
lemma SBHReadBuffered':
"⟦buffered_val sb a = Some v;
sb' = sb@[Read⇩s⇩b volatile a t v] ⟧
(Read volatile a t # is, θ, sb, m, 𝒟, 𝒪,ℛ, 𝒮) →⇩s⇩b⇩h
(is, θ (t↦v), sb', m, 𝒟, 𝒪,ℛ, 𝒮)"
by (simp add: SBHReadBuffered)
lemma SBHReadUnbuffered':
"⟦buffered_val sb a = None;
sb' = sb@[Read⇩s⇩b volatile a t (m a)]⟧
(Read volatile a t # is,θ, sb, m, 𝒟, 𝒪,ℛ, 𝒮) →⇩s⇩b⇩h
(is,θ (t↦m a), sb', m, 𝒟, 𝒪,ℛ, 𝒮)"
by (simp add: SBHReadUnbuffered)
lemma SBHWriteNonVolatile':
"⟦ sb'= sb@ [Write⇩s⇩b False a (D,f) (f θ) A L R W]⟧
(Write False a (D,f) A L R W#is,θ, sb, m, ghst) →⇩s⇩b⇩h
(is, θ, sb', m, ghst)"
by (cases ghst) (simp add: SBHWriteNonVolatile)
lemma SBWriteNonVolatile':
"⟦ sb'= sb@ [Write⇩s⇩b False a (D,f) (f θ) A L R W]⟧
(Write False a (D,f) A L R W#is,θ, sb, m, ghst) →⇩s⇩b
(is, θ, sb', m, ghst)"
by (cases ghst) (simp add: SBWriteNonVolatile)
lemma SBHWriteVolatile':
"⟦sb'= sb@[Write⇩s⇩b True a (D,f) (f θ) A L R W]; ghst = (𝒟, 𝒪, ℛ, 𝒮); ghst' = (True, 𝒪,ℛ, 𝒮)⟧
(Write True a (D,f) A L R W# is,θ, sb, m,ghst) →⇩s⇩b⇩h
(is,θ, sb', m,ghst')"
by (simp add: SBHWriteVolatile)
lemma SBHGhost':
"(Ghost A L R W# is, θ, sb, m, G) →⇩s⇩b⇩h
(is, θ, sb@[Ghost⇩s⇩b A L R W], m, G)"
by (cases G) (simp add: SBHGhost)
lemma SBWriteVolatile':
"⟦sb'= sb@[Write⇩s⇩b True a (D,f) (f θ) A L R W]⟧
(Write True a (D,f) A L R W# is,θ, sb, m,ghst) →⇩s⇩b
(is,θ, sb', m,ghst)"
by (cases ghst) (simp add: SBWriteVolatile)
lemma SBWrite':
"⟦sb'= sb@[Write⇩s⇩b volatile a (D,f) (f θ) A L R W]⟧
(Write volatile a (D,f) A L R W# is,θ, sb, m,ghst) →⇩s⇩b
(is,θ, sb', m,ghst)"
apply (cases volatile)
apply (auto intro: SBWriteVolatile' SBWriteNonVolatile')
lemma SBHRMWReadOnly':
"⟦¬ cond (θ(t↦m a)); ghst = (𝒟, 𝒪, ℛ, 𝒮); ghst' = (False, 𝒪, Map.empty,𝒮)⟧ ⟹
(RMW a t (D,f) cond ret A L R W# is, θ, [], m, ghst) →⇩s⇩b⇩h (is, θ(t↦m a),[], m, ghst')"
by (simp add: SBHRMWReadOnly)
lemma SBHRMWWrite':
"⟦cond (θ(t↦m a)); θ'=θ(t↦ret (m a) (f(θ(t↦m a))));m'=m(a:= f(θ(t↦m a)));
ghst = (𝒟, 𝒪,ℛ, 𝒮); ghst'=(False, 𝒪 ∪ A - R, Map.empty,𝒮 ⊕⇘W⇙ R ⊖⇘A⇙ L)⟧ ⟹
(RMW a t (D,f) cond ret A L R W# is, θ, [], m, ghst) →⇩s⇩b⇩h
(is, θ',[], m', ghst')"
by (simp add: SBHRMWWrite)
lemma SBRMWReadOnly':
"⟦¬ cond (θ(t↦m a)); θ'=θ(t↦m a)⟧ ⟹
(RMW a t (D,f) cond ret A L R W# is, θ, [], m, ghst) →⇩s⇩b (is, θ',[], m, ghst)"
by (cases ghst) (simp add: SBRMWReadOnly)
lemma SBRMWWrite':
"⟦cond (θ(t↦m a)); θ'=θ(t↦ret (m a) (f(θ(t↦m a))));m'=m(a:= f(θ(t↦m a)))⟧
(RMW a t (D,f) cond ret A L R W# is, θ, [], m, ghst) →⇩s⇩b
(is, θ',[], m', ghst)"
by (cases ghst) (simp add: SBRMWWrite)
lemma sim_config':
"⟦m = flush_all_until_volatile_write ts⇩s⇩b⇩h m⇩s⇩b⇩h;
𝒮 = share_all_until_volatile_write ts⇩s⇩b⇩h 𝒮⇩s⇩b⇩h;
length ts⇩s⇩b⇩h = length ts;
∀i < length ts⇩s⇩b⇩h.
let (p⇩s⇩b⇩h, is⇩s⇩b⇩h, θ⇩s⇩b⇩h, sb, 𝒟⇩s⇩b⇩h, 𝒪⇩s⇩b⇩h,ℛ⇩s⇩b⇩h) = ts⇩s⇩b⇩h!i;
execs = takeWhile (Not ∘ is_volatile_Write⇩s⇩b) sb;
suspends = dropWhile (Not ∘ is_volatile_Write⇩s⇩b) sb
in ∃is 𝒟. instrs suspends @ is⇩s⇩b⇩h = is @ prog_instrs suspends ∧
𝒟⇩s⇩b⇩h = (𝒟 ∨ outstanding_refs is_volatile_Write⇩s⇩b sb ≠ {}) ∧
ts!i = (hd_prog p⇩s⇩b⇩h suspends,
θ⇩s⇩b⇩h |` (dom θ⇩s⇩b⇩h - read_tmps suspends),(),
acquired True execs 𝒪⇩s⇩b⇩h,
release execs (dom 𝒮⇩s⇩b⇩h) ℛ⇩s⇩b⇩h)
(ts⇩s⇩b⇩h,m⇩s⇩b⇩h,𝒮⇩s⇩b⇩h) ∼ (ts,m,𝒮)"
apply (rule sim_config.intros)
apply (simp_all add: Let_def)
lemma AssignAddr':
"⟦∀sop. a ≠ Tmp sop; a'=Tmp (eval_expr t a); t'= t + used_tmps a; is=issue_expr t a ⟧ ⟹
θ⊢ (Assign volatile a e A L R W, t) →⇩s
((Assign volatile a' e A L R W, t'),is)"
by (simp add: AssignAddr)
lemma Assign':
"⟦D ⊆ dom θ; is= issue_expr t e@[Write volatile (a θ) (eval_expr t e) (A θ) (L θ) (R θ) (W θ)]⟧ ⟹
θ⊢ (Assign volatile (Tmp (D,a)) e A L R W, t) →⇩s
((Skip, t + used_tmps e), is)"
by (simp add: Assign)
lemma CASAddr':
"⟦∀sop. a ≠ Tmp sop; a'=(Tmp (eval_expr t a));t'=t + used_tmps a; is=issue_expr t a ⟧ ⟹
θ⊢ (CAS a c⇩e s⇩e A L R W, t) →⇩s
((CAS a' c⇩e s⇩e A L R W, t'), is)"
by (simp add: CASAddr)
lemma CASComp':
"⟦∀sop. c⇩e ≠ Tmp sop;c⇩e'=(Tmp (eval_expr t c⇩e));t'=t + used_tmps c⇩e; is= issue_expr t c⇩e ⟧ ⟹
θ⊢ (CAS (Tmp a) c⇩e s⇩e A L R W, t) →⇩s
((CAS (Tmp a) c⇩e' s⇩e A L R W, t'), is)"
by (cases a) (simp add: CASComp)
lemma CAS':
"⟦D⇩a ⊆ dom θ; D⇩c ⊆ dom θ; eval_expr t s⇩e = (D,f);t'=(t + used_tmps s⇩e);
cond = (λθ. the (θ t') = c θ);
ret = (λv⇩1 v⇩2. v⇩1);
is = issue_expr t s⇩e@
[RMW (a θ) t' (D,f) cond ret
(A θ) (L θ) (R θ) (W θ) ]⟧
θ⊢ (CAS (Tmp (D⇩a,a)) (Tmp (D⇩c,c)) s⇩e A L R W, t) →⇩s
((Skip, Suc t'),is )"
by (simp add: CAS)
lemma SCond':
"∀sop. e ≠ Tmp sop ⟹ e'= (Tmp (eval_expr t e)) ⟹ t'=t + used_tmps e ⟹ is=issue_expr t e
θ⊢ (Cond e s⇩1 s⇩2, t) →⇩s
((Cond e' s⇩1 s⇩2, t'), is)"
by (simp add: Cond)
lemma SWhile':
"s'= (Cond e (Seq s (While e s)) Skip) ⟹
θ⊢ (While e s, t) →⇩s ((s', t),[])"
by (simp add: stmt_step.While)
theorem (in xvalid_program) simulation_hol:
"(ts⇩s⇩b⇩h,m⇩s⇩b⇩h,𝒮⇩s⇩b⇩h) ⇒⇩s⇩b⇩h (ts⇩s⇩b⇩h',m⇩s⇩b⇩h',𝒮⇩s⇩b⇩h') ∧
(ts⇩s⇩b⇩h,m⇩s⇩b⇩h,𝒮⇩s⇩b⇩h) ∼ (ts,m,𝒮) ∧ safe_reach_direct safe_delayed (ts, m, 𝒮) ∧
invariant ts⇩s⇩b⇩h 𝒮⇩s⇩b⇩h m⇩s⇩b⇩h ⟶
invariant ts⇩s⇩b⇩h' 𝒮⇩s⇩b⇩h' m⇩s⇩b⇩h' ∧
(∃ts' 𝒮' m'. (ts,m,𝒮) ⇒⇩d⇧* (ts',m',𝒮') ∧ (ts⇩s⇩b⇩h',m⇩s⇩b⇩h',𝒮⇩s⇩b⇩h') ∼ (ts',m',𝒮'))"
apply clarify
apply (drule simulation')
by auto
theorem (in xvalid_program_progress) store_buffer_execution_result_sequential_consistent'_hol:
"(ts⇩s⇩b,m,x) ⇒⇩s⇩b⇧* (ts⇩s⇩b',m',x') ∧
empty_store_buffers ts⇩s⇩b' ∧
ts⇩s⇩b ∼⇩d ts ∧
initial⇩v ts 𝒮 valid ∧
safe_reach_virtual safe_free_flowing (ts,m,𝒮)
(∃ts' 𝒮'.
(ts,m,𝒮) ⇒⇩v⇧* (ts',m',𝒮') ∧ ts⇩s⇩b' ∼⇩d ts')"
apply clarify
apply (drule store_buffer_execution_result_sequential_consistent')
apply auto