Theory ReduceStoreBufferSimulation

(* Copyright (C) 2007--2010 Norbert Schirmer
 * All rights reserved, DFKI GmbH 
theory ReduceStoreBufferSimulation
imports ReduceStoreBuffer

(* FIXME: a lot of theorems that now have sharing_consistent as precondition, may as well work with weak_sharing_consistent

locale initialsb = simple_ownership_distinct + read_only_unowned + unowned_shared +
constrains ts::"('p,'p store_buffer,bool,owns,rels) thread_config list"
assumes empty_sb: "i < length ts; ts!i=(p,is,xs,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)  sb=[]"
assumes empty_is: "i < length ts; ts!i=(p,is,xs,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)  is=[]"
assumes empty_rels: "i < length ts; ts!i=(p,is,xs,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)  =Map.empty"

sublocale initialsb  outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only
   fix i "is" 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb p
   assume i_bound: "i < length ts"
   assume ts_i: "ts!i = (p,is,θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)"
   show "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮 𝒪 sb"
   using empty_sb [OF i_bound ts_i] by auto

sublocale initialsb  outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others
  fix i j pi isi 𝒪i i 𝒟i θi sbi pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj
  assume i_bound: "i < length ts" and 
    j_bound: "j < length ts" and
    neq_i_j: "i  j" and
    ts_i: "ts ! i = (pi, isi, θi, sbi, 𝒟i, 𝒪i, i)" and
    ts_j: "ts ! j = (pj, isj, θj, sbj, 𝒟j, 𝒪j, j)" 
  show "(𝒪j  all_acquired sbj)  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbi = {}"
  using empty_sb [OF i_bound ts_i] empty_sb [OF j_bound ts_j] by auto

sublocale initialsb  read_only_reads_unowned
  fix i j pi isi 𝒪i i 𝒟i θi sbi pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj
  assume i_bound: "i < length ts" and 
    j_bound: "j < length ts" and
    neq_i_j: "i  j" and
    ts_i: "ts ! i = (pi, isi, θi, sbi, 𝒟i, 𝒪i, i)" and
    ts_j: "ts ! j = (pj, isj, θj, sbj, 𝒟j, 𝒪j, j)" 
  show "(𝒪j  all_acquired sbj)  
     read_only_reads (acquired True 
                          (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbi) 𝒪i) 
                          (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbi) = {}"
  using empty_sb [OF i_bound ts_i] empty_sb [OF j_bound ts_j] by auto

sublocale initialsb  ownership_distinct
  fix i j pi isi 𝒪i i 𝒟i θi sbi pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj
  assume i_bound: "i < length ts" and 
    j_bound: "j < length ts" and
    neq_i_j: "i  j" and
    ts_i: "ts ! i = (pi, isi, θi, sbi, 𝒟i, 𝒪i, i)" and
    ts_j: "ts ! j = (pj, isj, θj, sbj, 𝒟j, 𝒪j, j)" 
  show "(𝒪i  all_acquired sbi)  (𝒪j  all_acquired sbj) = {}"
  using simple_ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j ts_i ts_j] empty_sb [OF i_bound ts_i] empty_sb [OF j_bound ts_j]
  by auto

sublocale initialsb  valid_ownership ..

sublocale initialsb  outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared
   fix i "is" 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb p
   assume i_bound: "i < length ts"
   assume ts_i: "ts!i = (p,is,θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)"
   show "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮 sb"
   using empty_sb [OF i_bound ts_i] by auto

sublocale initialsb  sharing_consis
   fix i "is" 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb p
   assume i_bound: "i < length ts"
   assume ts_i: "ts!i = (p,is,θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)"
   show "sharing_consistent 𝒮 𝒪 sb"
   using empty_sb [OF i_bound ts_i] by auto

sublocale initialsb  no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory
   fix i "is" 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb p
   assume i_bound: "i < length ts"
   assume ts_i: "ts!i = (p,is,θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)"
   show "no_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮 sb"
   using empty_sb [OF i_bound ts_i] by auto

sublocale initialsb  valid_sharing ..
sublocale initialsb  valid_ownership_and_sharing ..

sublocale initialsb  load_tmps_distinct
   fix i "is" 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb p
   assume i_bound: "i < length ts"
   assume ts_i: "ts!i = (p,is,θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)"
   show "distinct_load_tmps is"
   using empty_is [OF i_bound ts_i] by auto

sublocale initialsb  read_tmps_distinct
   fix i "is" 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb p
   assume i_bound: "i < length ts"
   assume ts_i: "ts!i = (p,is,θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)"
   show "distinct_read_tmps sb"
   using empty_sb [OF i_bound ts_i] by auto

sublocale initialsb  load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct
   fix i "is" 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb p
   assume i_bound: "i < length ts"
   assume ts_i: "ts!i = (p,is,θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)"
   show "load_tmps is  read_tmps sb = {}"
   using empty_sb [OF i_bound ts_i] empty_is [OF i_bound ts_i] by auto

sublocale initialsb  load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct ..

sublocale initialsb  valid_write_sops
   fix i "is" 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb p
   assume i_bound: "i < length ts"
   assume ts_i: "ts!i = (p,is,θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)"
   show "sop  write_sops sb. valid_sop sop"
   using empty_sb [OF i_bound ts_i] by auto

sublocale initialsb  valid_store_sops
   fix i "is" 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb p
   assume i_bound: "i < length ts"
   assume ts_i: "ts!i = (p,is,θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)"
   show "sop  store_sops is. valid_sop sop"
   using empty_is [OF i_bound ts_i] by auto

sublocale initialsb  valid_sops ..

sublocale initialsb  valid_reads
   fix i "is" 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb p
   assume i_bound: "i < length ts"
   assume ts_i: "ts!i = (p,is,θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)"
   show "reads_consistent False 𝒪 m sb"
   using empty_sb [OF i_bound ts_i] by auto

sublocale initialsb  valid_history
   fix i "is" 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb p
   assume i_bound: "i < length ts"
   assume ts_i: "ts!i = (p,is,θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)"
   show "program.history_consistent program_step θ (hd_prog p sb) sb"
   using empty_sb [OF i_bound ts_i] by (auto simp add: program.history_consistent.simps)

sublocale initialsb  valid_data_dependency
   fix i "is" 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb p
   assume i_bound: "i < length ts"
   assume ts_i: "ts!i = (p,is,θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)"
   show "data_dependency_consistent_instrs (dom θ) is"
   using empty_is [OF i_bound ts_i] by auto
   fix i "is" 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb p
   assume i_bound: "i < length ts"
   assume ts_i: "ts!i = (p,is,θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)"
   show "load_tmps is  (fst ` write_sops sb) = {}"
   using empty_is [OF i_bound ts_i] empty_sb [OF i_bound ts_i] by auto

sublocale initialsb  load_tmps_fresh
   fix i "is" 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb p
   assume i_bound: "i < length ts"
   assume ts_i: "ts!i = (p,is,θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)"
   show "load_tmps is  dom θ = {}"
   using empty_is [OF i_bound ts_i] by auto

sublocale initialsb  enough_flushs
   fix i "is" 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb p
   assume i_bound: "i < length ts"
   assume ts_i: "ts!i = (p,is,θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)"
   show "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb = {}"
   using empty_sb [OF i_bound ts_i] by auto

sublocale initialsb  valid_program_history
   fix i "is" 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb p sb1 sb2
   assume i_bound: "i < length ts"
   assume ts_i: "ts!i = (p,is,θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)"
   assume sb: "sb=sb1@sb2"
   show "isa. instrs sb2 @ is = isa @ prog_instrs sb2"
   using empty_sb [OF i_bound ts_i] empty_is [OF i_bound ts_i] sb by auto
   fix i "is" 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb p
   assume i_bound: "i < length ts"
   assume ts_i: "ts!i = (p,is,θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)"
   show "last_prog p sb = p"
   using empty_sb [OF i_bound ts_i] by auto

  sim_config:: "('p,'p store_buffer,bool,owns,rels) thread_config list × memory × shared  
                ('p, unit,bool,owns,rels) thread_config list × memory × shared   bool" 
 ("_  _" [60,60] 100)
  "m = flush_all_until_volatile_write tssb msb;
    𝒮 = share_all_until_volatile_write tssb 𝒮sb;
    length tssb = length ts; 
    i < length tssb. 
           let (p, issb, θ, sb, 𝒟sb, 𝒪, ) = tssb!i;
               suspends = dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb
            in  is 𝒟. instrs suspends @ issb = is @ prog_instrs suspends 
                    𝒟sb = (𝒟  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb  {}) 
                ts!i = (hd_prog p suspends, 
                        θ |` (dom θ - read_tmps suspends),(),
                        acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) 𝒪,
                        release (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) (dom 𝒮sb)  )
     (tssb,msb,𝒮sb)  (ts,m,𝒮)"

text ‹The machine without
history only stores writes in the store-buffer.›
inductive sim_history_config:: 
 "('p,'p store_buffer,'dirty,'owns,'rels) thread_config list  ('p,'p store_buffer,bool,owns,rels) thread_config list  bool" 
  ("_ h _ " [60,60] 100)
  "length ts = length tsh; 
    i < length ts. 
         (𝒪' 𝒟' ℛ'.
           let (p,is, θ, sb,𝒟, 𝒪,) = tsh!i in 
                ts!i=(p,is, θ, filter is_Writesb sb,𝒟',𝒪',ℛ') 
                (filter is_Writesb sb = []  sb=[]))
     ts h tsh"

lemma (in initialsb) history_refl:"ts h ts"
apply -
apply (rule sim_history_config.intros)
apply  simp 
apply clarsimp
subgoal for i
apply (case_tac "ts!i")
apply (drule_tac  i=i in empty_sb)
apply  assumption
apply auto

lemma share_all_empty: "i p is xs sb 𝒟 𝒪 . i < length ts  ts!i=(p,is,xs,sb,𝒟,𝒪,) sb=[]
   share_all_until_volatile_write ts 𝒮 = 𝒮"
apply (induct ts)
apply  clarsimp
apply clarsimp
apply (frule_tac x=0 in spec)
apply clarsimp
apply force

lemma flush_all_empty: "i p is xs sb 𝒟 𝒪 . i < length ts  ts!i=(p,is,xs,sb,𝒟,𝒪,) sb=[]
   flush_all_until_volatile_write ts m = m"
apply (induct ts)
apply  clarsimp
apply clarsimp
apply (frule_tac x=0 in spec)
apply clarsimp
apply force

lemma sim_config_emptyE: 
  assumes empty:
  "i p is xs sb 𝒟 𝒪 . i < length tssb  tssb!i=(p,is,xs,sb,𝒟,𝒪,) sb=[]"
  assumes sim: "(tssb,msb,𝒮sb)  (ts,m,𝒮)"
  shows "𝒮 = 𝒮sb  m = msb  length ts = length tssb 
         (i < length tssb. 
           let (p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪, ) = tssb!i
            in ts!i = (p, is, θ, (), 𝒟, 𝒪, ))"
proof -
  from sim
  show ?thesis
  apply cases
  apply (clarsimp simp add: flush_all_empty [OF empty] share_all_empty [OF empty])
  subgoal for i
  apply (drule_tac x=i in spec)
  apply (cut_tac i=i in empty [rule_format])
  apply clarsimp
  apply assumption
  apply (auto simp add: Let_def)

lemma sim_config_emptyI:
  assumes empty:
  "i p is xs sb 𝒟 𝒪 . i < length tssb  tssb!i=(p,is,xs,sb,𝒟,𝒪,) sb=[]"
  assumes leq: "length ts = length tssb"
  assumes ts: "(i < length tssb. 
           let (p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪, ) = tssb!i
            in ts!i = (p, is, θ, (), 𝒟, 𝒪, ))"
  shows "(tssb,msb,𝒮sb)  (ts,msb,𝒮sb)"
apply (rule sim_config.intros) 
apply    (simp add: flush_all_empty [OF empty])
apply   (simp add: share_all_empty [OF empty])
apply  (simp add: leq)
apply (clarsimp)
apply (frule (1) empty [rule_format])
using ts
apply (auto simp add: Let_def)
lemma mem_eq_un_eq: "length ts'=length ts; i< length ts'. P (ts'!i) = Q (ts!i)   (xset ts'. P x) = (xset ts. Q x)"
apply (auto simp add: in_set_conv_nth )
apply  (force dest!: nth_mem)
apply (frule nth_mem)
subgoal for x i
apply (drule_tac x=i in spec)
apply auto

(* FIXME: move up *)
lemma (in program) trace_to_steps: 
assumes trace: "trace c 0 k" 
shows steps: "c 0 d* c k"
using trace
proof (induct k)
  case 0
  show "c 0 d* c 0"
    by auto
  case (Suc k)
  have prem: "trace c 0 (Suc k)" by fact
  hence "trace c 0 k" 
    by (auto simp add: program_trace_def)
  from Suc.hyps [OF this]
  have "c 0 d* c k" .
  term program_trace
  from prem interpret program_trace program_step  c 0 "Suc k" .
  from step [of k] have "c (k) d c (Suc k)"
    by auto
  finally show ?case .

lemma (in program) safe_reach_to_safe_reach_upto:
  assumes safe_reach: "safe_reach_direct safe c0"
  shows "safe_reach_upto n safe c0"
  fix k c l
  assume k_n: "k  n"
  assume trace: "trace c 0 k"
  assume c_0: "c 0 = c0"
  assume l_k: "l  k"
  show "safe (c l)"
  proof -
    from trace k_n l_k have trace': "trace c 0 l"
      by (auto simp add: program_trace_def)
    from trace_to_steps [OF trace']
    have "c 0 d* c l".
    with safe_reach c_0 show "safe (c l)"
    by (cases "c l") (auto simp add: safe_reach_def)

lemma (in program_progress) safe_free_flowing_implies_safe_delayed':
  assumes init: "initialsb tssb 𝒮sb"
  assumes sim: "(tssb,msb,𝒮sb)  (ts,m,𝒮)"
  assumes safe_reach_ff: "safe_reach_direct safe_free_flowing (ts,m,𝒮)"
  shows "safe_reach_direct safe_delayed (ts,m,𝒮)"
proof - 
  from init
  interpret ini: initialsb tssb 𝒮sb .
  from sim obtain
   m: "m = flush_all_until_volatile_write tssb msb" and
   𝒮: "𝒮 = share_all_until_volatile_write tssb 𝒮sb" and
   leq: "length tssb = length ts" and
   t_sim: "i < length tssb. 
           let (p, issb, θ, sb, 𝒟sb, 𝒪, ) = tssb!i;
               suspends = dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb
            in  is 𝒟. instrs suspends @ issb = is @ prog_instrs suspends 
                    𝒟sb = (𝒟  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb  {}) 
                ts!i = (hd_prog p suspends, 
                        θ |` (dom θ - read_tmps suspends),(),
                        acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) 𝒪,
                        release (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) (dom 𝒮sb)  )"
    by cases auto

  from ini.empty_sb  
  have shared_eq: "𝒮 = 𝒮sb"
    apply (simp only: 𝒮)
    apply (rule share_all_empty)
    apply force
  have sd: "simple_ownership_distinct ts"
    fix i j pi isi 𝒪i i 𝒟i θi sbi pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj
    assume i_bound: "i < length ts" and 
      j_bound: "j < length ts" and
      neq_i_j: "i  j" and
      ts_i: "ts ! i = (pi, isi, θi, sbi, 𝒟i, 𝒪i, i)" and
      ts_j: "ts ! j = (pj, isj, θj, sbj, 𝒟j, 𝒪j, j)" 
    show "(𝒪i)  (𝒪j ) = {}"
    proof -
      from t_sim [simplified leq, rule_format, OF i_bound] ini.empty_sb [simplified leq, OF i_bound]
      have ts_i: "tssb!i = (pi,isi,θi,[],𝒟i,𝒪i,i)"
      using ts_i
        by (force simp add: Let_def)
      from t_sim [simplified leq, rule_format, OF j_bound] ini.empty_sb [simplified leq, OF j_bound]
      have ts_j: "tssb!j = (pj,isj,θj,[],𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
      using ts_j
        by (force simp add: Let_def)
      from ini.simple_ownership_distinct [simplified leq, OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j ts_i ts_j]
      show ?thesis .
  have ro: "read_only_unowned 𝒮 ts"
    fix i "is" 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb p
    assume i_bound: "i < length ts"
    assume ts_i: "ts!i = (p,is,θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)"
    show "𝒪  read_only 𝒮 = {}"
    proof -
      from t_sim [simplified leq, rule_format, OF i_bound] ini.empty_sb [simplified leq, OF i_bound]
      have ts_i: "tssb!i = (p,is,θ,[],𝒟,𝒪,)"
      using ts_i
        by (force simp add: Let_def)
      from ini.read_only_unowned [simplified leq, OF i_bound ts_i] shared_eq
      show ?thesis by simp
  have us: "unowned_shared 𝒮 ts"
    show "- (((λ(_, _, _, _, _, 𝒪, _). 𝒪) ` set ts))  dom 𝒮"
    proof -
      have "(((λ(_, _, _, _, _, 𝒪, _). 𝒪) ` set tssb)) = (((λ(_, _, _, _, _, 𝒪, _). 𝒪) ` set ts))"
        apply clarsimp
        apply (rule mem_eq_un_eq)
        apply (simp add: leq)
        apply clarsimp
        apply (frule t_sim [rule_format])
        apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def)
        apply (drule (1) ini.empty_sb)
        apply auto
      with ini.unowned_shared show ?thesis by (simp only: shared_eq)
    fix i "is" 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb p
    assume i_bound: "i < length ts"
    assume ts_i: "ts!i = (p,is,θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)"
    have " = Map.empty"
    proof -
      from t_sim [simplified leq, rule_format, OF i_bound] ini.empty_sb [simplified leq, OF i_bound]
      have ts_i: "tssb!i = (p,is,θ,[],𝒟,𝒪,)"
      using ts_i
        by (force simp add: Let_def)
      from ini.empty_rels [simplified leq, OF i_bound ts_i]
      show ?thesis .
  with us have initial: "initial (ts, m, 𝒮)"
    by (fastforce simp add: initial_def)
    fix ts' 𝒮' m'
    assume steps: "(ts,m,𝒮) d* (ts',m',𝒮')"
    have "safe_delayed (ts',m',𝒮')"
    proof -
      from steps_to_trace [OF steps] obtain c k
      where trace: "trace c 0 k" and c_0: "c 0 = (ts,m,𝒮)" and c_k: "c k = (ts',m',𝒮')"
        by auto
      from safe_reach_to_safe_reach_upto [OF safe_reach_ff]
      have safe_upto_k: "safe_reach_upto k safe_free_flowing (ts, m, 𝒮)".
      from safe_free_flowing_implies_safe_delayed [OF _ _ _ _ safe_upto_k, simplified, OF initial sd ro us]
      have "safe_reach_upto k safe_delayed (ts, m, 𝒮)".
      then interpret program_safe_reach_upto program_step k safe_delayed "(ts,m,𝒮)" .
      from safe_config [where c=c and k=k and l=k, OF _ trace c_0] c_k show ?thesis by simp
  then show ?thesis
    by (clarsimp simp add: safe_reach_def)

(* FIXME: move up *)
lemma map_onws_sb_owned:"j. j < length ts  map 𝒪_sb ts ! j = (𝒪j,sbj)  map owned ts ! j = 𝒪j"
apply (induct ts)
apply  simp 
subgoal for t ts j
apply (case_tac j)
apply  (case_tac t)
apply  auto

lemma map_onws_sb_owned':"j. j < length ts  𝒪_sb (ts ! j) = (𝒪j,sbj)  owned (ts ! j) = 𝒪j"
apply (induct ts)
apply  simp
subgoal for t ts j
apply (case_tac j)
apply  (case_tac t)
apply  auto

(* FIXME: substitutes in application below: read_only_read_acquired_unforwarded_witness*)
lemma read_only_read_acquired_unforwarded_acquire_witness:
  "𝒮 𝒪 X.non_volatile_owned_or_read_only True 𝒮 𝒪 sb;
 sharing_consistent 𝒮 𝒪 sb; a  read_only 𝒮; a  𝒪;
 a  unforwarded_non_volatile_reads sb X
(sop a' v ys zs A L R W. 
     sb = ys @ Writesb True a' sop v A L R W # zs  
     a  A  a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys  a'  a) 
(A L R W ys zs. sb = ys @ Ghostsb A L R W# zs  a  A  a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys)"
proof (induct sb)
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons x sb)
  show ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Writesb volatile a' sop v A L R W)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases volatile)
      case True
      note volatile=this
      from Cons.prems obtain 
	nvo': "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only True (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) (𝒪  A - R) sb" and
	a_nro: "a  read_only 𝒮" and
	a_unowned: "a  𝒪" and
	A_shared_owns: "A  dom 𝒮  𝒪" and L_A: "L  A" and A_R: "A  R = {}" and
	R_owns: "R  𝒪" and
	consis': "sharing_consistent (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) (𝒪  A - R) sb" and 
	a_unforw: "a  unforwarded_non_volatile_reads sb (insert a' X)" 
	by (clarsimp simp add: Writesb True)
      from unforwarded_not_written [OF a_unforw]
      have a_notin: "a  insert a' X".
      hence a'_a: "a'  a"
        by simp
      from R_owns a_unowned
      have a_R: "a  R"
	by auto
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "a  A")
	case True
	then show ?thesis
	  apply -
	  apply (rule disjI1)
	  apply (rule_tac x=sop in exI)
	  apply (rule_tac x=a' in exI)	
	  apply (rule_tac x=v in exI)	
	  apply (rule_tac x="[]" in exI)	
	  apply (rule_tac x=sb in exI)	
	  apply (simp add: Writesb volatile True a'_a)
	case False
	with a_unowned R_owns a_nro L_A A_R
	obtain a_nro': "a  read_only (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)" and a_unowned': "a  𝒪  A - R"
	  by (force simp add: in_read_only_convs)

	from Cons.hyps [OF nvo' consis' a_nro' a_unowned' a_unforw]
	have "(sop a' v ys zs A L R W.
                 sb = ys @ Writesb True a' sop v A L R W # zs 
                 a  A  a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys  a'  a) 
              (A L R W ys zs. sb = ys @ Ghostsb A L R W# zs  a  A  a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys)"
              (is "?write  ?ghst")
	  by simp
	then show ?thesis
	  assume ?write

	  then obtain sop' a'' v' ys zs A' L' R' W' where 
            sb: "sb = ys @ Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W' # zs" and
            props: "a  A'" "a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys  a''  a"
	    by auto
	  show ?thesis
	  using props False a_notin sb
	    apply -
	    apply (rule disjI1)
	    apply (rule_tac x=sop' in exI)
	    apply (rule_tac x=a'' in exI)	
	    apply (rule_tac x=v' in exI)	
	    apply (rule_tac x="(x#ys)" in exI)	
	    apply (rule_tac x=zs in exI)	
	    apply (simp add: Writesb volatile False a'_a)
	  assume ?ghst
	  then obtain ys zs A' L' R' W'  where 
            sb: "sb = ys @ Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs" and
            props: "a  A'" "a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys"
	    by auto
	  show ?thesis
	  using props False a_notin sb
	    apply -
	    apply (rule disjI2)
	    apply (rule_tac x=A' in exI)
	    apply (rule_tac x=L' in exI)	
	    apply (rule_tac x=R' in exI)
	    apply (rule_tac x=W' in exI)	
	    apply (rule_tac x="(x#ys)" in exI)	
	    apply (rule_tac x=zs in exI)	
	    apply (simp add: Writesb volatile False a'_a)
      case False
      from Cons.prems obtain 
	consis': "sharing_consistent 𝒮 𝒪 sb" and
	a_nro': "a  read_only 𝒮" and
	a_unowned: "a  𝒪" and
	a_ro': "a'  𝒪" and
	nvo': "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only True 𝒮 𝒪 sb" and
	a_unforw': "a  unforwarded_non_volatile_reads sb (insert a' X)"
	by (auto simp add: Writesb False split: if_split_asm)
      from unforwarded_not_written [OF a_unforw']
      have a_notin: "a  insert a' X".

      from Cons.hyps [OF nvo' consis' a_nro' a_unowned a_unforw']
      have "(sop a' v ys zs A L R W.
                 sb = ys @ Writesb True a' sop v A L R W # zs 
                 a  A  a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys  a'  a) 
              (A L R W ys zs. sb = ys @ Ghostsb A L R W# zs  a  A  a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys)"
        (is "?write  ?ghst")
	by simp
	then show ?thesis
	  assume ?write

	  then obtain sop' a'' v' ys zs A' L' R' W' where 
            sb: "sb = ys @ Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W' # zs" and
            props: "a  A'" "a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys  a''  a"
	    by auto
	  show ?thesis
	  using props False a_notin sb
	    apply -
	    apply (rule disjI1)
	    apply (rule_tac x=sop' in exI)
	    apply (rule_tac x=a'' in exI)	
	    apply (rule_tac x=v' in exI)	
	    apply (rule_tac x="(x#ys)" in exI)	
	    apply (rule_tac x=zs in exI)	
	    apply (simp add: Writesb False )
	  assume ?ghst
	  then obtain ys zs A' L' R' W'  where 
            sb: "sb = ys @ Ghostsb A' L' R' W' # zs" and
            props: "a  A'" "a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys"
	    by auto
	  show ?thesis
	  using props False a_notin sb
	    apply -
	    apply (rule disjI2)
	    apply (rule_tac x=A' in exI)
	    apply (rule_tac x=L' in exI)
	    apply (rule_tac x=R' in exI)
	    apply (rule_tac x=W' in exI)
	    apply (rule_tac x="(x#ys)" in exI)	
	    apply (rule_tac x=zs in exI)	
	    apply (simp add: Writesb False )
    case (Readsb volatile a' t v)
    from Cons.prems
      consis': "sharing_consistent 𝒮 𝒪 sb" and
      a_nro': "a  read_only 𝒮" and
      a_unowned: "a  𝒪" and
      nvo': "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only True 𝒮 𝒪 sb" and 
      a_unforw: "a  unforwarded_non_volatile_reads sb X"
      by (auto simp add: Readsb split: if_split_asm)
    from Cons.hyps [OF nvo' consis' a_nro' a_unowned a_unforw]
    have "(sop a' v ys zs A L R W.
                 sb = ys @ Writesb True a' sop v A L R W # zs 
                 a  A  a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys  a'  a) 
              (A L R W ys zs. sb = ys @ Ghostsb A L R W# zs  a  A  a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys)"
      (is "?write  ?ghst")
      by simp
    then show ?thesis
      assume ?write

      then obtain sop' a'' v' ys zs A' L' R' W' where 
        sb: "sb = ys @ Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W' # zs" and
        props: "a  A'" "a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys  a''  a"
        by auto
      show ?thesis
      using props sb
        apply -
	apply (rule disjI1)
	apply (rule_tac x=sop' in exI)
	apply (rule_tac x=a'' in exI)	
	apply (rule_tac x=v' in exI)	
	apply (rule_tac x="(x#ys)" in exI)	
	apply (rule_tac x=zs in exI)	
	apply (simp add: Readsb)
      assume ?ghst
      then obtain ys zs A' L' R' W' where 
        sb: "sb = ys @ Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs" and
        props: "a  A'" "a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys"
        by auto
      show ?thesis
      using props sb
      apply -
      apply (rule disjI2)
      apply (rule_tac x=A' in exI)
      apply (rule_tac x=L' in exI)	
      apply (rule_tac x=R' in exI)
      apply (rule_tac x=W' in exI)	
      apply (rule_tac x="(x#ys)" in exI)	
      apply (rule_tac x=zs in exI)	
      apply (simp add: Readsb )
    case Progsb
    from Cons.prems
      consis': "sharing_consistent 𝒮 𝒪 sb" and
      a_nro': "a  read_only 𝒮" and
      a_unowned: "a  𝒪" and
      nvo': "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only True 𝒮 𝒪 sb" and 
      a_unforw: "a  unforwarded_non_volatile_reads sb X"
      by (auto simp add: Progsb)
    from Cons.hyps [OF nvo' consis' a_nro' a_unowned a_unforw]
    have "(sop a' v ys zs A L R W.
                 sb = ys @ Writesb True a' sop v A L R W # zs 
                 a  A  a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys  a'  a) 
              (A L R W ys zs. sb = ys @ Ghostsb A L R W# zs  a  A  a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys)"
      (is "?write  ?ghst")
      by simp
    then show ?thesis
      assume ?write

      then obtain sop' a'' v' ys zs A' L' R' W' where 
        sb: "sb = ys @ Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W' # zs" and
        props: "a  A'" "a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys  a''  a"
        by auto
      show ?thesis
      using props sb
        apply -
	apply (rule disjI1)
	apply (rule_tac x=sop' in exI)
	apply (rule_tac x=a'' in exI)	
	apply (rule_tac x=v' in exI)	
	apply (rule_tac x="(x#ys)" in exI)	
	apply (rule_tac x=zs in exI)	
	apply (simp add: Progsb)
      assume ?ghst
      then obtain ys zs A' L' R' W' where 
        sb: "sb = ys @ Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs" and
        props: "a  A'" "a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys"
        by auto
      show ?thesis
      using props sb
      apply -
      apply (rule disjI2)
      apply (rule_tac x=A' in exI)
      apply (rule_tac x=L' in exI)	
      apply (rule_tac x=R' in exI)
      apply (rule_tac x=W' in exI)	
      apply (rule_tac x="(x#ys)" in exI)	
      apply (rule_tac x=zs in exI)	
      apply (simp add: Progsb )
    case (Ghostsb A L R W)
    from Cons.prems obtain 
      nvo': "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only True (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) (𝒪  A - R) sb" and
      a_nro: "a  read_only 𝒮" and
      a_unowned: "a  𝒪" and
      A_shared_owns: "A  dom 𝒮  𝒪" and L_A: "L  A" and A_R: "A  R = {}" and
      R_owns: "R  𝒪" and
      consis': "sharing_consistent (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) (𝒪  A - R) sb" and 
      a_unforw: "a  unforwarded_non_volatile_reads sb X"
      by (clarsimp simp add: Ghostsb)

    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "a  A")
      case True
      then show ?thesis
        apply -
	apply (rule disjI2)
	apply (rule_tac x=A in exI)
	apply (rule_tac x=L in exI)	
	apply (rule_tac x=R in exI)
	apply (rule_tac x=W in exI)
	apply (rule_tac x="[]" in exI)	
	apply (rule_tac x=sb in exI)	
	apply (simp add: Ghostsb True)
      case False

      with a_unowned a_nro L_A R_owns a_nro L_A A_R
      obtain a_nro': "a  read_only (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)" and a_unowned': "a  𝒪  A - R"
	by (force simp add: in_read_only_convs)
      from Cons.hyps [OF nvo' consis' a_nro' a_unowned' a_unforw]
      have "(sop a' v ys zs A L R W.
                 sb = ys @ Writesb True a' sop v A L R W # zs 
                 a  A  a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys  a'  a) 
              (A L R W ys zs. sb = ys @ Ghostsb A L R W# zs  a  A  a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys)"
        (is "?write  ?ghst")
	by simp
      then show ?thesis
	assume ?write

	then obtain sop' a'' v' ys zs A' L' R' W' where 
          sb: "sb = ys @ Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W' # zs" and
          props: "a  A'" "a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys  a''  a"
	  by auto
	show ?thesis
	using props sb
	  apply -
	  apply (rule disjI1)
	  apply (rule_tac x=sop' in exI)
	  apply (rule_tac x=a'' in exI)	
	  apply (rule_tac x=v' in exI)	
	  apply (rule_tac x="(x#ys)" in exI)	
	  apply (rule_tac x=zs in exI)	
	  apply (simp add: Ghostsb False )
	assume ?ghst
	then obtain ys zs A' L' R' W'  where 
          sb: "sb = ys @ Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs" and
          props: "a  A'" "a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys"
	  by auto
	show ?thesis
	using props sb
	  apply -
	  apply (rule disjI2)
	  apply (rule_tac x=A' in exI)
	  apply (rule_tac x=L' in exI)	
	  apply (rule_tac x=R' in exI)
	  apply (rule_tac x=W' in exI)	
	  apply (rule_tac x="(x#ys)" in exI)	
	  apply (rule_tac x=zs in exI)	
	  apply (simp add: Ghostsb False )
  qed (* FIXME: indentation*)

lemma release_take_drop:
"⋀ℛ S. release (dropWhile (Not ∘ is_volatile_Writesb) sb) S (release (takeWhile (Not ∘ is_volatile_Writesb) sb) S ℛ) =
           release sb S ℛ"
apply (induct sb)
apply clarsimp
apply (auto split:memref.splits)
apply fastforce*)

lemma release_shared_exchange_weak: 
assumes shared_eq: "a  𝒪  all_acquired sb. (𝒮'::shared) a = 𝒮 a"
assumes consis: "weak_sharing_consistent 𝒪 sb" 
shows "release sb (dom 𝒮')  = release sb (dom 𝒮) "
using shared_eq consis 
proof (induct sb arbitrary: 𝒮 𝒮' 𝒪 )
  case Nil thus ?case by auto
  case (Cons x sb)
  show ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Writesb volatile a sop v A L R W)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases volatile)
      case True

      from Cons.prems obtain 
	L_A: "L  A" and A_R: "A  R = {}" and R_owns: "R  𝒪" and
	consis': "weak_sharing_consistent (𝒪  A - R) sb" and
        shared_eq: "a  𝒪  A  all_acquired sb. 𝒮' a = 𝒮 a"
	by (clarsimp simp add: Writesb True )
      from shared_eq
      have shared_eq': "a𝒪  A - R  all_acquired sb. (𝒮' ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) a = (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) a"
        by (auto simp add: augment_shared_def restrict_shared_def)
      from Cons.hyps [OF shared_eq' consis']
      have "release sb (dom (𝒮' ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)) Map.empty = release sb (dom (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)) Map.empty" .
      then show ?thesis
        by (auto  simp add: Writesb True domIff) 
      case False with Cons show ?thesis
	by (auto simp add: Writesb)
    case Readsb with Cons show ?thesis
      by auto
    case Progsb with Cons show ?thesis
      by auto
    case (Ghostsb A L R W) 
    from Cons.prems obtain 
      L_A: "L  A" and A_R: "A  R = {}" and R_owns: "R  𝒪" and
      consis': "weak_sharing_consistent (𝒪  A - R) sb" and
      shared_eq: "a  𝒪  A  all_acquired sb. 𝒮' a = 𝒮 a"
      by (clarsimp simp add: Ghostsb )
    from shared_eq
    have shared_eq': "a𝒪  A - R  all_acquired sb. (𝒮' ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) a = (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) a"
      by (auto simp add: augment_shared_def restrict_shared_def)
    from shared_eq R_owns have "aR. (a  dom 𝒮) = (a  dom 𝒮')"
      by (auto simp add: domIff)
    from augment_rels_shared_exchange [OF this]
    have "(augment_rels (dom 𝒮') R ) = (augment_rels (dom 𝒮) R )".
    with Cons.hyps [OF shared_eq' consis']
    have "release sb (dom (𝒮' ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)) (augment_rels (dom 𝒮') R ) = 
            release sb (dom (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)) (augment_rels (dom 𝒮) R )" by simp
    then show ?thesis
      by (clarsimp  simp add: Ghostsb domIff) 

lemma read_only_share_all_shared: "𝒮.  a  read_only (share sb 𝒮)
 a  read_only 𝒮  all_shared sb"
proof (induct sb)
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons x sb)
  show ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Writesb volatile a sop v A L R W)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases volatile)
      case True
      with Writesb Cons.hyps [of "(𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"] Cons.prems
      show ?thesis
        by (auto simp add: read_only_def augment_shared_def restrict_shared_def 
          split: if_split_asm option.splits)
      case False with Writesb Cons show ?thesis by auto
    case Readsb with Cons show ?thesis by auto
    case Progsb with Cons show ?thesis by auto
    case (Ghostsb A L R W)
    with Cons.hyps [of "(𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"] Cons.prems
    show ?thesis
      by (auto simp add: read_only_def augment_shared_def restrict_shared_def 
          split: if_split_asm option.splits)

lemma read_only_shared_all_until_volatile_write_subset':
read_only (share_all_until_volatile_write ts 𝒮)  
  read_only 𝒮  (((λ(_, _, _, sb, _, _ ,_). all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)) ` set ts))"
proof (induct ts)
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons t ts)
  obtain p "is" 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb where
    t: "t = (p,is,θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)"
    by (cases t)

  have aargh: "(Not  is_volatile_Writesb) = (λa. ¬ is_volatile_Writesb a)"
    by (rule ext) auto

  let ?take_sb = "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)"
  let ?drop_sb = "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)"

    fix a
    assume a_in: "a  read_only
              (share_all_until_volatile_write ts
                 (share ?take_sb 𝒮))" and
    a_notin_shared: "a  read_only 𝒮" and
    a_notin_rest: "a  (((λ(_, _, _, sb, _, _ ,_). all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)) ` set ts))"
    have "a  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)"
    proof -
      from Cons.hyps [of "(share ?take_sb 𝒮)"] a_in a_notin_rest
      have "a  read_only (share ?take_sb 𝒮)"
        by (auto simp add: aargh)
      from read_only_share_all_shared [OF this] a_notin_shared
      show ?thesis by auto
  then show ?case
    by (auto simp add: t aargh)

lemma read_only_share_acquired_all_shared: 
  "𝒪 𝒮. weak_sharing_consistent 𝒪 sb  𝒪  read_only 𝒮 = {} 
  a  read_only (share sb 𝒮)  a  𝒪  all_acquired sb  a  all_shared sb"
proof (induct sb)
  case Nil thus ?case by auto
  case (Cons x sb)
  show ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Writesb volatile a' sop v A L R W)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases volatile)
      case True
      note volatile=this
      from Cons.prems obtain
	owns_ro: "𝒪  read_only 𝒮 = {}" and L_A: " L  A" and A_R: "A  R = {}" and
	R_owns: "R  𝒪" and consis': "weak_sharing_consistent  (𝒪  A - R)  sb" and 
        a_share: "a  read_only (share sb (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL))" and
        a_A_all: "a  𝒪  A  all_acquired sb"
	by (clarsimp simp add: Writesb True)

      from owns_ro A_R R_owns have owns_ro': "(𝒪  A - R)  read_only (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) = {}"
        by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs)
      from Cons.hyps [OF consis' owns_ro' a_share]
      show ?thesis
      using L_A A_R R_owns owns_ro  a_A_all 
        by (auto simp add: Writesb volatile augment_shared_def restrict_shared_def read_only_def domIff
           split: if_split_asm)
      case False
      with Cons Writesb show ?thesis by (auto)
    case Readsb with Cons show ?thesis by auto
    case Progsb with Cons show ?thesis by auto
    case (Ghostsb A L R W)
    from Cons.prems obtain
      owns_ro: "𝒪  read_only 𝒮 = {}" and L_A: " L  A" and A_R: "A  R = {}" and
      R_owns: "R  𝒪" and consis': "weak_sharing_consistent (𝒪  A - R)  sb" and 
      a_share: "a  read_only (share sb (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL))" and
      a_A_all: "a  𝒪  A  all_acquired sb"
      by (clarsimp simp add: Ghostsb)

    from owns_ro A_R R_owns have owns_ro': "(𝒪  A - R)  read_only (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) = {}"
      by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs)
    from Cons.hyps [OF consis' owns_ro' a_share]
    show ?thesis
    using L_A A_R R_owns owns_ro a_A_all 
      by (auto simp add: Ghostsb augment_shared_def restrict_shared_def read_only_def domIff
         split: if_split_asm)

lemma read_only_share_unowned': "𝒪 𝒮.
  weak_sharing_consistent 𝒪 sb; 𝒪  read_only 𝒮 = {}; a  𝒪  all_acquired sb; a  read_only 𝒮 
   a  read_only (share sb 𝒮)"
proof (induct sb)
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons x sb)
  show ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Writesb volatile a' sop v A L R W)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases volatile)
      case False
      with Cons Writesb show ?thesis by auto
      case True
      from Cons.prems obtain
	owns_ro: "𝒪  read_only 𝒮 = {}" and L_A: " L  A" and A_R: "A  R = {}" and
	R_owns: "R  𝒪" and consis': "weak_sharing_consistent  (𝒪  A - R)  sb" and 
        a_share: "a  read_only 𝒮" and
        a_notin: "a  𝒪" "a  A" "a  all_acquired sb"
	by (clarsimp simp add: Writesb True)
      from owns_ro A_R R_owns have owns_ro': "(𝒪  A - R)  read_only (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) = {}"
        by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs)
      from a_notin have a_notin': "a  𝒪  A - R  all_acquired sb"
         by auto
       from a_share  a_notin L_A A_R R_owns  have a_ro': "a  read_only (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
         by (auto simp add: read_only_def restrict_shared_def augment_shared_def)
       from Cons.hyps [OF consis' owns_ro' a_notin' a_ro']
       have "a  read_only (share sb (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL))"
         by auto
       then show ?thesis
         by (auto simp add: Writesb True)
    case Readsb with Cons show ?thesis by auto
    case Progsb with Cons show ?thesis by auto
    case (Ghostsb A L R W)
    from Cons.prems obtain
      owns_ro: "𝒪  read_only 𝒮 = {}" and L_A: " L  A" and A_R: "A  R = {}" and
      R_owns: "R  𝒪" and consis': "weak_sharing_consistent  (𝒪  A - R)  sb" and 
      a_share: "a  read_only 𝒮" and
      a_notin: "a  𝒪" "a  A" "a  all_acquired sb"
      by (clarsimp simp add: Ghostsb)
    from owns_ro A_R R_owns have owns_ro': "(𝒪  A - R)  read_only (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) = {}"
      by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs)
    from a_notin have a_notin': "a  𝒪  A - R  all_acquired sb"
      by auto
    from a_share  a_notin L_A A_R R_owns  have a_ro': "a  read_only (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
      by (auto simp add: read_only_def restrict_shared_def augment_shared_def)
    from Cons.hyps [OF consis' owns_ro' a_notin' a_ro']
    have "a  read_only (share sb (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL))"
      by auto
    then show ?thesis
      by (auto simp add: Ghostsb)

lemma release_False_mono:
  "⋀S ℛ. ℛ a = Some False ⟹ release sb S ℛ a = Some False "
proof (induct sb)
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons x sb)
  show ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Ghostsb A L R W)
    have rels_a: "ℛ a = Some False" by fact
    then have "(augment_rels S R ℛ) a = Some False"
      by (auto simp add: augment_rels_def)
    from Cons.hyps [where ℛ = "(augment_rels S R ℛ)", OF this]    
    show ?thesis
      by (clarsimp simp add: Ghostsb)
    case Writesb with Cons show ?thesis apply auto
    case Readsb with Cons show ?thesis by auto
    case Progsb with Cons show ?thesis by auto

lemma release_False_mono:
  "S .  a = Some False  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb = {}  
  release sb S  a = Some False "
proof (induct sb)
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons x sb)
  show ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Ghostsb A L R W)
    have rels_a: " a = Some False" by fact
    then have "(augment_rels S R ) a = Some False"
      by (auto simp add: augment_rels_def)
    from Cons.hyps [where= "(augment_rels S R )", OF this] Cons.prems
    show ?thesis
      by (clarsimp simp add: Ghostsb)
    case Writesb with Cons show ?thesis by auto
    case Readsb with Cons show ?thesis by auto
    case Progsb with Cons show ?thesis by auto

lemma release_False_mono_take:
  "S .  a = Some False  release (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) S  a = Some False "
proof (induct sb)
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons x sb)
  show ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Ghostsb A L R W)
    have rels_a: " a = Some False" by fact
    then have "(augment_rels S R ) a = Some False"
      by (auto simp add: augment_rels_def)
    from Cons.hyps [where= "(augment_rels S R )", OF this]    
    show ?thesis
      by (clarsimp simp add: Ghostsb)
    case Writesb with Cons show ?thesis by auto
    case Readsb with Cons show ?thesis by auto
    case Progsb with Cons show ?thesis by auto

lemma shared_switch: 
  "𝒮 𝒪. weak_sharing_consistent 𝒪 sb; read_only 𝒮  𝒪 = {}; 
    𝒮 a  Some False; share sb 𝒮 a = Some False 
   a  𝒪  all_acquired sb "
proof (induct sb)
  case Nil thus ?case by (auto simp add: read_only_def)
  case (Cons x sb)
  have aargh: "(Not  is_volatile_Writesb) = (λa. ¬ is_volatile_Writesb a)"
    by (rule ext) auto
  show ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Ghostsb A L R W)
    from Cons.prems obtain 
      dist: "read_only 𝒮  𝒪 = {}" and
      share: "𝒮 a  Some False" and
      share': "share sb (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) a = Some False" and
      L_A: "L  A" and A_R: "A  R = {}" and R_owns: "R  𝒪" and
      consis': "weak_sharing_consistent (𝒪  A - R) sb" by (clarsimp simp add: Ghostsb aargh)
    from dist L_A A_R R_owns have dist':  "read_only (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)  (𝒪  A - R)= {}"
      by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs)

    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "(𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) a = Some False")
      case False
      from Cons.hyps [OF consis' dist' this share']
      show ?thesis by (auto simp add: Ghostsb)
      case True
      with share L_A A_R R_owns dist
      have "a  𝒪  A"
        by (cases "𝒮 a")      
           (auto simp add: augment_shared_def restrict_shared_def read_only_def split: if_split_asm )
      thus ?thesis by (auto simp add: Ghostsb)
   case (Writesb volatile a' sop v A L R W)
   show ?thesis
   proof (cases volatile)
     case True
     note volatile=this
     from Cons.prems obtain 
       dist: "read_only 𝒮  𝒪 = {}" and
       share: "𝒮 a  Some False" and
       share': "share sb (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) a = Some False" and
       L_A: "L  A" and A_R: "A  R = {}" and R_owns: "R  𝒪" and
       consis': "weak_sharing_consistent (𝒪  A - R) sb" by (clarsimp simp add: Writesb True aargh)
     from dist L_A A_R R_owns have dist':  "read_only (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)  (𝒪  A - R)= {}"
       by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs)

     show ?thesis
     proof (cases "(𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) a = Some False")
       case False
       from Cons.hyps [OF consis' dist' this share']
       show ?thesis by (auto simp add: Writesb True)
       case True
       with share L_A A_R R_owns dist
       have "a  𝒪  A"
         by (cases "𝒮 a")      
           (auto simp add: augment_shared_def restrict_shared_def read_only_def split: if_split_asm )
       thus ?thesis by (auto simp add: Writesb volatile)
     case False
     with Cons show ?thesis by (auto simp add: Writesb)
   case Readsb with Cons show ?thesis by (auto)
   case Progsb with Cons show ?thesis by (auto)

lemma shared_switch_release_False: 
  "𝒮 . 
     outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb = {};
     a  dom 𝒮; 
     a  dom (share sb 𝒮)
      release sb (dom 𝒮)  a =  Some False" 
proof (induct sb)
  case Nil thus ?case by (auto simp add: read_only_def)
  case (Cons x sb)
  have aargh: "(Not  is_volatile_Writesb) = (λa. ¬ is_volatile_Writesb a)"
    by (rule ext) auto
  show ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Ghostsb A L R W)
    from Cons.prems obtain 
      a_notin: "a  dom 𝒮" and
      share: "a  dom (share sb (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL))" and
      out': "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb = {}"
      by (clarsimp simp add: Ghostsb aargh)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "a  R")
      case False
      with a_notin have "a  dom (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
        by auto
      from Cons.hyps [OF out' this share]
      show ?thesis
        by (auto simp add: Ghostsb)
      case True
      with a_notin have "augment_rels (dom 𝒮) R  a = Some False"
        by (auto simp add: augment_rels_def split: option.splits)
      from release_False_mono [of "augment_rels (dom 𝒮) R ", OF this out'] 
      show ?thesis
        by (auto simp add: Ghostsb)
    case Writesb with Cons show ?thesis by (clarsimp split: if_split_asm)
    case Readsb with Cons show ?thesis by auto
    case Progsb with Cons show ?thesis by auto

lemma release_not_unshared_no_write:  
  "𝒮 . 
     outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb = {};     
  non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮 sb;
  release sb (dom 𝒮)  a   Some False;
  a  dom (share sb 𝒮)
    a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb sb" 
proof (induct sb)
  case Nil thus ?case by (auto simp add: read_only_def)
  case (Cons x sb)
  have aargh: "(Not  is_volatile_Writesb) = (λa. ¬ is_volatile_Writesb a)"
    by (rule ext) auto
  show ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Ghostsb A L R W)
    from Cons.prems obtain 
      share: "a  dom (share sb (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL))" and
      rel: "release sb 
                (dom (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)) (augment_rels (dom 𝒮) R ) a   Some False" and
      out': "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb = {}" and
      nvu: "non_volatile_writes_unshared (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) sb" 
      by (clarsimp simp add: Ghostsb )
    from Cons.hyps [OF out' nvu rel share]
    show ?thesis by (auto simp add: Ghostsb)
    case (Writesb volatile a' sop v A L R W)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases volatile)
      case True with Writesb Cons.prems have False by auto
      thus ?thesis ..
      case False
      note not_vol = this
      from Cons.prems obtain 
        rel: "release sb (dom 𝒮)  a   Some False" and
        out': "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb = {}" and
        nvo: "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮 sb" and
        a'_not_dom: "a'  dom 𝒮" and
        a_dom: "a  dom (share sb 𝒮)"
        by (auto simp add: Writesb False)
      from Cons.hyps [OF out' nvo rel a_dom]
      have a_notin_rest: "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb sb".
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "a'=a")
        case False with a_notin_rest
        show ?thesis by (clarsimp simp add: Writesb  not_vol )
        case True
        from shared_switch_release_False [OF out' a'_not_dom [simplified True] a_dom]
        have "release sb (dom 𝒮)  a =  Some False".
        with rel have False by simp
        thus ?thesis ..
    case Readsb with Cons show ?thesis by auto
    case Progsb with Cons show ?thesis by auto

corollary release_not_unshared_no_write_take:  
 assumes nvw: "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮 (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)"
 assumes rel: "release (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) (dom 𝒮)  a   Some False"
 assumes a_in: "a  dom (share (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) 𝒮)"
    "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)" 
using release_not_unshared_no_write[OF takeWhile_not_vol_write_outstanding_refs [of sb] nvw rel a_in]
by simp

(* FIXME: may replace the un-primed variants, similar for the following lemmas *)
lemma read_only_unacquired_share':
  "S 𝒪. 𝒪  read_only S = {}; weak_sharing_consistent 𝒪 sb; a  read_only S; 
  a  all_shared sb; a  acquired True sb 𝒪 
 a  read_only (share sb S)"
proof (induct sb)
    case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons x sb)
  show ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Writesb volatile a' sop v A L R W)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases volatile)
      case True
      note volatile=this
      from Cons.prems
      obtain a_ro: "a  read_only S" and a_R: "a  R" and a_unsh: "a  all_shared sb" and 
	owns_ro: "𝒪  read_only S = {}" and 
	L_A: "L  A" and A_R:  "A  R = {}" and R_owns: "R  𝒪" and
	consis': "weak_sharing_consistent (𝒪  A - R) sb" and
        a_notin: "a  acquired True sb (𝒪  A - R)" 
	by (clarsimp simp add: Writesb True)
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "a  A")
        case True
        with a_R have "a  𝒪  A - R" by auto
        from all_shared_acquired_in [OF this a_unsh]
        have "a   acquired True sb (𝒪  A - R)" by auto
        with a_notin have False by auto
        thus ?thesis ..
        case False
        from owns_ro A_R R_owns have owns_ro': "(𝒪  A - R)  read_only (S ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) = {}"
	  by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs)

        from a_ro False owns_ro R_owns L_A have a_ro': "a  read_only (S ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
	  by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs)
        from Cons.hyps [OF owns_ro' consis' a_ro' a_unsh a_notin]
        show ?thesis
	  by (clarsimp simp add: Writesb True)
      case False
      with Cons show ?thesis
	by (clarsimp simp add: Writesb False)
    case Readsb with Cons show ?thesis by (clarsimp)
    case Progsb with Cons show ?thesis by (clarsimp)
    case (Ghostsb A L R W)
    from Cons.prems
    obtain a_ro: "a  read_only S" and a_R: "a  R" and a_unsh: "a  all_shared sb" and 
      owns_ro: "𝒪  read_only S = {}" and 
      L_A: "L  A" and A_R:  "A  R = {}" and R_owns: "R  𝒪" and
      consis': "weak_sharing_consistent (𝒪  A - R) sb" and
      a_notin: "a  acquired True sb (𝒪  A - R)" 
      by (clarsimp simp add: Ghostsb)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "a  A")
      case True
      with a_R have "a  𝒪  A - R" by auto
      from all_shared_acquired_in [OF this a_unsh]
      have "a   acquired True sb (𝒪  A - R)" by auto
      with a_notin have False by auto
      thus ?thesis ..
      case False
      from owns_ro A_R R_owns have owns_ro': "(𝒪  A - R)  read_only (S ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) = {}"
        by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs)

      from a_ro False owns_ro R_owns L_A have a_ro': "a  read_only (S ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
        by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs)
      from Cons.hyps [OF owns_ro' consis' a_ro' a_unsh a_notin]
      show ?thesis
        by (clarsimp simp add: Ghostsb)

lemma read_only_share_all_until_volatile_write_unacquired':
  "𝒮. ownership_distinct ts; read_only_unowned 𝒮 ts; weak_sharing_consis ts; 
  i < length ts. (let (_,_,_,sb,_,𝒪,) = ts!i in 
            a  acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) 𝒪 
            a  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb
  a  read_only 𝒮 
   a  read_only (share_all_until_volatile_write ts 𝒮)"
proof (induct ts)
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons t ts)
  obtain p "is" 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb where
    t: "t = (p,is,θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)"
    by (cases t)

  have dist: "ownership_distinct (t#ts)" by fact
  then interpret ownership_distinct "t#ts" .
  from ownership_distinct_tl [OF dist]
  have dist': "ownership_distinct ts".

  have aargh: "(Not  is_volatile_Writesb) = (λa. ¬ is_volatile_Writesb a)"
    by (rule ext) auto

  have a_ro: "a  read_only 𝒮" by fact
  have ro_unowned: "read_only_unowned 𝒮 (t#ts)" by fact
  then interpret read_only_unowned 𝒮 "t#ts" .
  have consis: "weak_sharing_consis (t#ts)" by fact
  then interpret weak_sharing_consis "t#ts" .

  note consis' = weak_sharing_consis_tl [OF consis]

  let ?take_sb = "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)"
  let ?drop_sb = "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)"

  from weak_sharing_consis [of 0] t
  have consis_sb: "weak_sharing_consistent 𝒪 sb"
    by force
  with weak_sharing_consistent_append [of 𝒪 ?take_sb ?drop_sb]
  have consis_take: "weak_sharing_consistent 𝒪 ?take_sb"
    by auto

  have ro_unowned': "read_only_unowned (share ?take_sb 𝒮) ts"
    fix j
    fix pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj
    assume j_bound: "j < length ts"
    assume jth: "ts!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
    show "𝒪j  read_only (share ?take_sb 𝒮) = {}"
    proof -
        fix a
        assume a_owns: "a  𝒪j" 
        assume a_ro: "a  read_only (share ?take_sb 𝒮)"
        have False
        proof -
          from ownership_distinct [of 0 "Suc j"] j_bound jth t
          have dist: "(𝒪  all_acquired sb)  (𝒪j  all_acquired sbj) = {}"
            by fastforce
          from read_only_unowned [of "Suc j"] j_bound jth
          have dist_ro: "𝒪j  read_only 𝒮 = {}" by force
          show ?thesis
          proof (cases "a  (𝒪  all_acquired sb)")
            case True
            with dist a_owns show False by auto
            case False
            hence "a   (𝒪  all_acquired ?take_sb)"
            using all_acquired_append [of ?take_sb ?drop_sb]
              by auto
            from read_only_share_unowned [OF consis_take this a_ro]
            have "a  read_only 𝒮".
            with dist_ro a_owns show False by auto
      thus ?thesis by auto

  from Cons.prems
  obtain unacq_ts: "i < length ts. (let (_,_,_,sb,_,𝒪,_) = ts!i in 
           a  acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) 𝒪 
            a  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)) " and
    unacq_sb: "a  acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) 𝒪" and
    unsh_sb: "a  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) "

   apply clarsimp
   apply (rule that)
   apply (auto simp add: t aargh)

  from read_only_unowned [of 0] t
  have owns_ro: "𝒪  read_only 𝒮 = {}"
    by force

  from read_only_unacquired_share' [OF owns_ro consis_take a_ro unsh_sb unacq_sb]
  have "a  read_only (share (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) 𝒮)".
  from Cons.hyps [OF dist' ro_unowned' consis' unacq_ts this]
  show ?case
    by (simp add: t)


lemma not_shared_not_acquired_switch:
  "X Y. a  all_shared sb; a  X; a  acquired True sb X; a  Y   a  acquired True sb Y"
proof (induct sb)
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons x sb)
  show ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Writesb volatile a' sop v A L R W)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases volatile)
      case True
      from Cons.prems obtain 
        a_X: "a  X"  and a_acq: "a  acquired True sb (X  A - R)" and 
        a_Y: "a  Y" and a_R: "a  R" and 
        a_shared: "a  all_shared sb"
        by (clarsimp simp add: Writesb True)
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "a  A")
        case True
        with a_X a_R 
        have "a  X  A - R" by auto
        from all_shared_acquired_in [OF this a_shared]
        have "a  acquired True sb (X  A - R)".
        with a_acq have False by simp 
        thus ?thesis ..
       case False
       with a_X a_Y obtain a_X': "a  X  A - R" and a_Y': "a  Y  A - R"
         by auto
       from Cons.hyps [OF a_shared a_X' a_acq a_Y']
       show ?thesis
         by (auto simp add: Writesb True)
     case False with Cons.hyps [of X Y] Cons.prems show ?thesis by (auto simp add: Writesb)
   case Readsb with Cons.hyps [of X Y] Cons.prems show ?thesis by (auto)
   case Progsb with Cons.hyps [of X Y] Cons.prems show ?thesis by (auto)
   case (Ghostsb A L R W)
   from Cons.prems obtain 
     a_X: "a  X"  and a_acq: "a  acquired True sb (X  A - R)" and 
     a_Y: "a  Y" and a_R: "a  R" and 
     a_shared: "a  all_shared sb"
     by (clarsimp simp add: Ghostsb)
   show ?thesis
   proof (cases "a  A")
     case True
     with a_X a_R 
     have "a  X  A - R" by auto
     from all_shared_acquired_in [OF this a_shared]
     have "a  acquired True sb (X  A - R)".
     with a_acq have False by simp 
     thus ?thesis ..
     case False
     with a_X a_Y obtain a_X': "a  X  A - R" and a_Y': "a  Y  A - R"
       by auto
     from Cons.hyps [OF a_shared a_X' a_acq a_Y']
     show ?thesis
       by (auto simp add: Ghostsb)

(* FIXME: could be strengthened to acquired True sb empty I suppose *)
lemma read_only_share_all_acquired_in': 
  "S 𝒪. 𝒪  read_only S = {}; weak_sharing_consistent 𝒪 sb; a  read_only (share sb S) 
   a  read_only (share sb Map.empty)  (a  read_only S  a  acquired True sb 𝒪  a  all_shared sb )"
proof (induct sb)
    case Nil thus ?case by auto
  case (Cons x sb)
  show ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Writesb volatile a' sop v A L R W)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases volatile)
      case True
      note volatile=this
      from Cons.prems
      obtain a_in: "a  read_only (share sb (S ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL))" and
	owns_ro: "𝒪  read_only S = {}" and 
	L_A: "L  A" and A_R:  "A  R = {}" and R_owns: "R  𝒪" and
	consis': "weak_sharing_consistent (𝒪  A - R) sb"
	by (clarsimp simp add: Writesb True)

      from owns_ro A_R R_owns have owns_ro': "(𝒪  A - R)  read_only (S ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) = {}"
	by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs)

      from Cons.hyps [OF owns_ro' consis' a_in]
      have hyp: "a  read_only (share sb Map.empty)  
                 (a  read_only (S ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)  a  acquired True sb (𝒪  A - R)  a  all_shared sb)".

      have "a  read_only (share sb (Map.empty ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL))  
           (a  read_only S  a  R  a  acquired True sb (𝒪  A - R)  a  all_shared sb)"
      proof -
	  assume a_emp: "a  read_only (share sb Map.empty)"
	  have "read_only Map.empty  read_only (Map.empty ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
	    by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs)
	  from share_read_only_mono_in [OF a_emp this]
	  have "a  read_only (share sb (Map.empty ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL))".
	  assume a_ro: "a  read_only (S ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)" and
            a_not_acq: "a  acquired True sb (𝒪  A - R)" and  
            a_unsh: "a  all_shared sb" 
          have ?thesis
	  proof (cases "a  read_only S")
	    case True
	    with a_ro obtain a_A: "a  A"
	      by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs)
            with True a_not_acq a_unsh R_owns owns_ro
            show ?thesis
               by auto
            case False
	    with a_ro have a_ro_empty: "a  read_only (Map.empty ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
	      by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs split: if_split_asm)
	    have "read_only (Map.empty ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)  read_only (S ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
	      by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs)
	    with owns_ro'
	    have owns_ro_empty: "(𝒪  A - R)  read_only (Map.empty ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) = {}"
	      by blast

	    from read_only_unacquired_share' [OF owns_ro_empty consis' a_ro_empty a_unsh a_not_acq]
	    have "a  read_only (share sb (Map.empty ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL))".
	    thus ?thesis
	      by simp
	moreover note hyp
	ultimately show ?thesis by blast

      then show ?thesis
	by (clarsimp simp add: Writesb True)
      case False with Cons show ?thesis
	by (auto simp add: Writesb)
    case Readsb with Cons show ?thesis by auto
    case Progsb with Cons show ?thesis by auto
    case (Ghostsb A L R W)
    from Cons.prems
    obtain a_in: "a  read_only (share sb (S ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL))" and
      owns_ro: "𝒪  read_only S = {}" and 
      L_A: "L  A" and A_R:  "A  R = {}" and R_owns: "R  𝒪" and
      consis': "weak_sharing_consistent (𝒪  A - R) sb"
      by (clarsimp simp add: Ghostsb)
    from owns_ro A_R R_owns have owns_ro': "(𝒪  A - R)  read_only (S ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) = {}"
      by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs)

    from Cons.hyps [OF owns_ro' consis' a_in]
    have hyp: "a  read_only (share sb Map.empty)  
                 (a  read_only (S ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)  a  acquired True sb (𝒪  A - R)  a  all_shared sb)".

    have "a  read_only (share sb (Map.empty ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL))  
           (a  read_only S  a  R  a  acquired True sb (𝒪  A - R)  a  all_shared sb)"
    proof -
	assume a_emp: "a  read_only (share sb Map.empty)"
	have "read_only Map.empty  read_only (Map.empty ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
	  by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs)
	from share_read_only_mono_in [OF a_emp this]
	have "a  read_only (share sb (Map.empty ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL))".
	assume a_ro: "a  read_only (S ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)" and
          a_not_acq: "a  acquired True sb (𝒪  A - R)" and  
          a_unsh: "a  all_shared sb" 
        have ?thesis
        proof (cases "a  read_only S")
	  case True
	  with a_ro obtain a_A: "a  A"
	    by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs)
          with True a_not_acq a_unsh R_owns owns_ro
          show ?thesis
            by auto
          case False
	  with a_ro have a_ro_empty: "a  read_only (Map.empty ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
	    by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs split: if_split_asm)
	  have "read_only (Map.empty ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)  read_only (S ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
	    by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs)
	  with owns_ro'
	  have owns_ro_empty: "(𝒪  A - R)  read_only (Map.empty ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) = {}"
	    by blast

	  from read_only_unacquired_share' [OF owns_ro_empty consis' a_ro_empty a_unsh a_not_acq]
	  have "a  read_only (share sb (Map.empty ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL))".
	  thus ?thesis
	    by simp
      moreover note hyp
      ultimately show ?thesis by blast
    then show ?thesis
      by (clarsimp simp add: Ghostsb)

lemma in_read_only_share_all_until_volatile_write':
  assumes dist: "ownership_distinct ts"
  assumes consis: "sharing_consis 𝒮 ts"
  assumes ro_unowned: "read_only_unowned 𝒮 ts"
  assumes i_bound: "i < length ts"
  assumes ts_i: "ts!i = (p,is,θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)"
  assumes a_unacquired_others: "j < length ts. ij  
            (let (_,_,_,sbj,_,𝒪,_) = ts!j in
            a  acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪 
            a  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj ))"
  assumes a_ro_share: "a  read_only (share sb 𝒮)"
  shows "a  read_only (share (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) 
                    (share_all_until_volatile_write ts 𝒮))"
proof -
  from consis
  interpret sharing_consis 𝒮 ts .
  interpret read_only_unowned 𝒮 ts by fact

  from sharing_consis [OF i_bound ts_i]
  have consis_sb: "sharing_consistent 𝒮 𝒪 sb".
  from sharing_consistent_weak_sharing_consistent [OF this] 
  have weak_consis: "weak_sharing_consistent 𝒪 sb".
  from read_only_unowned [OF i_bound ts_i]
  have owns_ro: "𝒪  read_only 𝒮 = {}".
  from read_only_share_all_acquired_in' [OF owns_ro weak_consis a_ro_share]
  (* make similar version with acquired and all_shared instead of all_acquired *)
  have "a  read_only (share sb Map.empty)  a  read_only 𝒮  a  acquired True sb 𝒪  a  all_shared sb".
  let ?take_sb = "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)"
  let ?drop_sb = "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)"

  from weak_consis weak_sharing_consistent_append [of 𝒪 ?take_sb ?drop_sb]
  obtain weak_consis': "weak_sharing_consistent (acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪) ?drop_sb" and
    weak_consis_take: "weak_sharing_consistent 𝒪 ?take_sb" 
    by auto
    assume "a  read_only (share sb Map.empty)"
    with share_append [of ?take_sb ?drop_sb]
    have a_in': "a  read_only (share ?drop_sb (share ?take_sb Map.empty))"
      by auto

    have owns_empty: "𝒪  read_only Map.empty = {}"
      by auto

    from weak_sharing_consistent_preserves_distinct [OF weak_consis_take owns_empty]
    have "acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪  read_only (share ?take_sb Map.empty) = {}".

    from read_only_share_all_acquired_in [OF this weak_consis' a_in']
    have "a  read_only (share ?drop_sb Map.empty)  a  read_only (share ?take_sb Map.empty)  a  all_acquired ?drop_sb".
      assume a_ro_drop: "a  read_only (share ?drop_sb Map.empty)"
      have "read_only Map.empty  read_only (share_all_until_volatile_write ts 𝒮)"
	by auto
      from share_read_only_mono_in [OF a_ro_drop this]
      have ?thesis .
      assume a_ro_take: "a  read_only (share ?take_sb Map.empty)" 
      assume a_unacq_drop: "a  all_acquired ?drop_sb"
      from read_only_share_unowned_in [OF weak_consis_take a_ro_take] 
      have "a  𝒪  all_acquired ?take_sb" by auto
      hence "a  𝒪  all_acquired sb" using all_acquired_append [of ?take_sb ?drop_sb]
        by auto
      from  share_all_until_volatile_write_thread_local' [OF dist consis i_bound ts_i this] a_ro_share
      have ?thesis by (auto simp add: read_only_def)
    ultimately have ?thesis by blast


    assume a_ro: "a  read_only 𝒮" 
    assume a_unacq: "a  acquired True sb 𝒪"
    assume a_unsh: "a  all_shared sb"
    with all_shared_append [of ?take_sb ?drop_sb]
    obtain a_notin_take: "a  all_shared ?take_sb" and a_notin_drop: "a  all_shared ?drop_sb"
      by auto
    have ?thesis
    proof (cases "a  acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪")
      case True
      from all_shared_acquired_in [OF this a_notin_drop] acquired_append [of True ?take_sb ?drop_sb 𝒪] a_unacq
      have False
        by auto
      thus ?thesis ..
      case False
      with a_unacquired_others i_bound ts_i a_notin_take
      have a_unacq': "j < length ts.  
            (let (_,_,_,sbj,_,𝒪,_) = ts!j in
            a  acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪 
            a  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj ))"
        by (auto simp add: Let_def)

      from local.weak_sharing_consis_axioms have "weak_sharing_consis ts" .
      from read_only_share_all_until_volatile_write_unacquired' [OF dist ro_unowned 
       weak_sharing_consis ts a_unacq' a_ro] 
      have a_ro_all: "a  read_only (share_all_until_volatile_write ts 𝒮)" .

      from weak_consis weak_sharing_consistent_append [of 𝒪 ?take_sb ?drop_sb]
      have weak_consis_drop: "weak_sharing_consistent (acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪) ?drop_sb"
        by auto

      from weak_sharing_consistent_preserves_distinct_share_all_until_volatile_write [OF dist 
        ro_unowned weak_sharing_consis ts i_bound ts_i]
      have "acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪 
         read_only (share_all_until_volatile_write ts 𝒮) = {}".

      from read_only_unacquired_share' [OF this weak_consis_drop a_ro_all a_notin_drop]
        acquired_append [of True ?take_sb ?drop_sb 𝒪] a_unacq
      show ?thesis by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast

lemma all_acquired_unshared_acquired:
  "𝒪. a  all_acquired sb ==> a  all_shared sb ==> a  acquired True sb 𝒪"
apply (induct sb)
apply (auto split: memref.split intro: all_shared_acquired_in)

lemma  safe_RMW_common:
  assumes safe: "𝒪s,ℛs,i (RMW a t (D,f) cond ret A L R W# is, θ, m, 𝒟, 𝒪, 𝒮)"
  shows "(a  𝒪  a  dom 𝒮)  (j < length 𝒪s. ij  (ℛs!j) a  Some False)"
using safe 
apply (cases)
apply (auto simp add: domIff)

lemma acquired_reads_all_acquired': "𝒪.
  acquired_reads True sb 𝒪  acquired True sb 𝒪  all_shared sb"
apply (induct sb)
apply  clarsimp
apply (auto split: memref.splits dest: all_shared_acquired_in)

lemma release_all_shared_exchange: 
  " S' S. a  all_shared sb. (a  S') = (a  S)  release sb S'  = release sb S "
proof (induct sb)
  case Nil thus ?case by auto
  case (Cons x sb)
  show ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Writesb volatile a' sop v A L R W)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases volatile)
      case True
      note volatile=this
      from Cons.hyps [of "(S'  R - L)" "(S  R - L)" Map.empty] Cons.prems
      show ?thesis
        by (auto simp add: Writesb volatile)
      case False with Cons Writesb show ?thesis by auto
    case Readsb with Cons show ?thesis by auto
    case Progsb with Cons show ?thesis by auto
    case (Ghostsb A L R W)  
    from augment_rels_shared_exchange [of R S S' ] Cons.prems
    have "augment_rels S' R  = augment_rels S R "
      by (auto simp add: Ghostsb)

    with Cons.hyps [of "(S'  R - L)" "(S  R - L)" "augment_rels S R "] Cons.prems
    show ?thesis
      by (auto simp add: Ghostsb)

lemma release_append_Progsb:
"S . (release (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) (sb @ [Progsb p1 p2 mis])) S ) = 
       (release  (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) S ) "
  by (induct sb) (auto split: memref.splits)

subsection ‹Simulation of Store Buffer Machine with History by Virtual Machine with Delayed Releases›

theorem (in xvalid_program) concurrent_direct_steps_simulates_store_buffer_history_step:
  assumes step_sb: "(tssb,msb,𝒮sb) sbh (tssb',msb',𝒮sb')"
  assumes valid_own: "valid_ownership 𝒮sb tssb"
  assumes valid_sb_reads: "valid_reads msb tssb"
  assumes valid_hist: "valid_history program_step tssb"
  assumes valid_sharing: "valid_sharing 𝒮sb tssb"
  assumes tmps_distinct: "tmps_distinct tssb"
  assumes valid_sops: "valid_sops tssb"
  assumes valid_dd: "valid_data_dependency tssb"
  assumes load_tmps_fresh: "load_tmps_fresh tssb"
  assumes enough_flushs: "enough_flushs tssb"
  assumes valid_program_history: "valid_program_history tssb"
  assumes valid: "valid tssb"
  assumes sim: "(tssb,msb,𝒮sb)  (ts,m,𝒮)"
  assumes safe_reach: "safe_reach_direct safe_delayed (ts,m,𝒮)"
  shows "valid_ownership 𝒮sb' tssb'  valid_reads msb' tssb'  valid_history program_step tssb' 
         valid_sharing 𝒮sb' tssb'  tmps_distinct tssb'  valid_data_dependency tssb' 
         valid_sops tssb'  load_tmps_fresh tssb'  enough_flushs tssb' 
         valid_program_history tssb'  valid tssb' 
           (ts' 𝒮' m'. (ts,m,𝒮) d* (ts',m',𝒮')  
                     (tssb',msb',𝒮sb')  (ts',m',𝒮'))"
proof -

  interpret direct_computation:
    computation direct_memop_step empty_storebuffer_step program_step "λp p' is sb. sb" .
  interpret sbh_computation: 
    computation sbh_memop_step flush_step program_step 
       "λp p' is sb. sb @ [Progsb p p' is]" .
  interpret valid_ownership 𝒮sb tssb by fact
  interpret valid_reads msb tssb by fact
  interpret valid_history program_step tssb by fact
  interpret valid_sharing 𝒮sb tssb by fact
  interpret tmps_distinct tssb by fact
  interpret valid_sops tssb by fact
  interpret valid_data_dependency tssb by fact
  interpret load_tmps_fresh tssb by fact
  interpret enough_flushs tssb by fact
  interpret valid_program_history tssb by fact
  from valid_own valid_sharing
  have valid_own_sharing: "valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb"
    by (simp add: valid_sharing_def valid_ownership_and_sharing_def)
  interpret valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb .

  from safe_reach_safe_refl [OF safe_reach]
  have safe: "safe_delayed (ts,m,𝒮)".

  from step_sb
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases)
    case (Memop i psb "issb" θsb sb  𝒟sb 𝒪sb sb  "issb'" θsb' sb'  𝒟sb' 𝒪sb' sb')
    then obtain 
      tssb': "tssb' = tssb[i := (psb, issb',θsb', sb', 𝒟sb', 𝒪sb',sb')]" and
      i_bound: "i < length tssb" and
      tssb_i: "tssb ! i = (psb, issb,θsb,sb, 𝒟sb, 𝒪sb,sb)" and
      sbh_step: "(issb, θsb, sb, msb, 𝒟sb, 𝒪sb, sb,𝒮sb) sbh 
                  (issb', θsb', sb', msb', 𝒟sb', 𝒪sb', sb', 𝒮sb')"
      by auto

    from sim obtain 
      m: "m = flush_all_until_volatile_write tssb msb" and
      𝒮: "𝒮 = share_all_until_volatile_write tssb 𝒮sb" and
      leq: "length tssb = length ts" and
      ts_sim: "i<length tssb.
           let (p, issb, θ, sb, 𝒟sb, 𝒪sb,) = tssb ! i;
               suspends = dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb
           in  is 𝒟. instrs suspends @ issb = is @ prog_instrs suspends 
                    𝒟sb = (𝒟  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb  {}) 
                    ts ! i =
                   (hd_prog p suspends, 
                    θ |` (dom θ - read_tmps suspends), (),
                    acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) 𝒪sb,
                    release (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) (dom 𝒮sb) )"
      by cases blast

    from i_bound leq have i_bound': "i < length ts"
      by auto

    have split_sb: "sb = takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb @ dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb"
      (is "sb = ?take_sb@?drop_sb")
      by simp

    from ts_sim [rule_format, OF i_bound] tssb_i obtain suspends "is" 𝒟 where
      suspends: "suspends = dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb" and
      is_sim: "instrs suspends @ issb = is @ prog_instrs suspends" and
      𝒟: "𝒟sb = (𝒟  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb  {})" and
      ts_i: "ts ! i =
          (hd_prog psb suspends, is,
           θsb |` (dom θsb - read_tmps suspends), (), 𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb,
            release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"
      by (auto simp add: Let_def)

    from sbh_step_preserves_valid [OF i_bound tssb_i sbh_step valid]
    have valid': "valid tssb'"
      by (simp add: tssb')

    from 𝒟 have 𝒟sb: "𝒟sb = (𝒟  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ?drop_sb  {})"
      apply -
      apply (case_tac "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb = {}")
      apply  (fastforce simp add: outstanding_refs_conv dest: set_dropWhileD)
      apply (clarsimp)
      apply (drule outstanding_refs_non_empty_dropWhile)
      apply blast

    let ?ts' = "ts[i := (psb, issb, θsb, (), 𝒟sb, acquired True sb 𝒪sb,
                         release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)]"
    have i_bound_ts': "i < length ?ts'"
      using i_bound'
      by auto
    hence ts'_i: "?ts'!i = (psb, issb, θsb, (), 
                     𝒟sb, acquired True sb 𝒪sb, release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"
      by simp 

    from local.sharing_consis_axioms
    have sharing_consis_tssb: "sharing_consis 𝒮sb tssb" .
    from sharing_consis [OF i_bound tssb_i]
    have sharing_consis_sb: "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪sb sb".
    from sharing_consistent_weak_sharing_consistent [OF this]
    have weak_consis_sb: "weak_sharing_consistent 𝒪sb sb".
    from this weak_sharing_consistent_append [of 𝒪sb ?take_sb ?drop_sb]
    have weak_consis_drop:"weak_sharing_consistent (acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb) ?drop_sb"
      by auto
    from local.ownership_distinct_axioms
    have ownership_distinct_tssb: "ownership_distinct tssb" .
    have steps_flush_sb: "(ts,m,𝒮) d* (?ts', flush ?drop_sb m, share ?drop_sb 𝒮)"
    proof -
      from valid_reads [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have reads_consis: "reads_consistent False 𝒪sb msb sb".
      from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads [OF this]
      have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb ?drop_sb = {}".
      from valid_program_history [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have "causal_program_history issb sb".
      then have cph: "causal_program_history issb ?drop_sb"
	apply -
	apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sb"] )
	apply (simp)
      from valid_last_prog [OF i_bound tssb_i] have last_prog: "last_prog psb sb = psb".
      have lp: "last_prog psb ?drop_sb = psb"
	apply -
	apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sb"])
	apply simp

      from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF valid_own_sharing i_bound 
	tssb_i reads_consis]
      have reads_consis_m: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb) m ?drop_sb"
	by (simp add: m)
      from valid_history [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have h_consis: "history_consistent θsb (hd_prog psb (?take_sb@?drop_sb)) (?take_sb@?drop_sb)"
	by (simp)
      have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog psb sb) ?take_sb = (hd_prog psb ?drop_sb)"
      proof -
	from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] last_prog
	have "last_prog (hd_prog psb ?drop_sb) ?take_sb = hd_prog psb ?drop_sb"
	  by (simp)
	have "last_prog (hd_prog psb (?take_sb @ ?drop_sb)) ?take_sb = 
          last_prog (hd_prog psb ?drop_sb) ?take_sb"
	  by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
	ultimately show ?thesis
	  by (simp)
      from valid_write_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sb@?drop_sb). valid_sop sop"
	by (simp)
      then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sb. valid_sop sop" and
	valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops ?drop_sb. valid_sop sop"
	apply (simp only: write_sops_append)
	apply auto
      from read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sb@?drop_sb)"
	by (simp)
      then obtain 
	read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sb  read_tmps ?drop_sb = {}" and
	distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps ?drop_sb"
	by (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)
      from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop h_consis]	  
      have hist_consis': "history_consistent θsb (hd_prog psb ?drop_sb) ?drop_sb"
	by (simp add: last_prog_hd_prog)

      have rel_eq: "release ?drop_sb (dom 𝒮) (release  ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb) = 
                       release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb"
      proof -
        from release_append [of ?take_sb ?drop_sb]
        have "release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb =
                release ?drop_sb (dom (share ?take_sb 𝒮sb)) (release  ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"
          by simp
        have dist: "ownership_distinct tssb" by fact
        have consis: "sharing_consis 𝒮sb tssb" by fact

        have "release ?drop_sb (dom (share ?take_sb 𝒮sb)) (release  ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb) =
              release ?drop_sb (dom 𝒮) (release  ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb) "
          apply (simp only: 𝒮)
          apply (rule release_shared_exchange_weak [rule_format, OF _ weak_consis_drop])
          apply (rule share_all_until_volatile_write_thread_local [OF dist consis i_bound tssb_i, symmetric])
          using acquired_all_acquired [of True ?take_sb 𝒪sb] all_acquired_append [of ?take_sb ?drop_sb]
          by auto
        show ?thesis by simp
      from flush_store_buffer [OF i_bound' is_sim [simplified suspends]
	cph ts_i [simplified suspends] refl lp reads_consis_m hist_consis' 
	valid_sops_drop distinct_read_tmps_drop no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], of 𝒮]
      show ?thesis by (simp add: acquired_take_drop [where pending_write=True, simplified] 𝒟sb rel_eq)

    from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach steps_flush_sb]
    have safe_ts': "safe_delayed (?ts', flush ?drop_sb m, share ?drop_sb 𝒮)".
    from safe_delayedE [OF safe_ts' i_bound_ts' ts'_i] 
    have safe_memop_flush_sb: "map owned ?ts',map released ?ts',i 
      (issb, θsb, flush ?drop_sb m, 𝒟sb,acquired True sb 𝒪sb,
        share ?drop_sb 𝒮) ".

    from acquired_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb 
    have acquired_take_sb: "acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb  𝒪sb  all_acquired ?take_sb ".

(* FIXME delete
    from share_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb
    have share_take_sb: "share ?take_sb 𝒮sb = 
      𝒮sb(all_acquired ?take_sb) all_unshared ?take_sb".

    from sharing_consis [OF i_bound tssb_i]
    have "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪sb sb".

    with sharing_consistent_append [where xs="?take_sb" and ys="?drop_sb", of 𝒮sb 𝒪sb]
    have sharing_consis_drop_sb: 
      "sharing_consistent (share ?take_sb 𝒮sb) (acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb) ?drop_sb"
      by (simp add: acquired_take_sb share_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb)

    from read_only_takeWhile_dropWhile_share_all_until_volatile_write [OF i_bound tssb_i]
    have read_only_drop:
      "read_only (share ?drop_sb 𝒮) ⊆ read_only (share sb 𝒮sb)"
      by (simp add: 𝒮)
    from sbh_step 
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases)
      case (SBHReadBuffered a v volatile t)
      then obtain 
	"issb": "issb = Read volatile a t # issb'" and
	𝒪sb': "𝒪sb'=𝒪sb" and 
	𝒟sb': "𝒟sb'=𝒟sb" and
	θsb': "θsb' = θsb(tv)" and
	sb': "sb'=sb@[Readsb volatile a t v]" and
	msb': "msb' = msb" and
	𝒮sb': "𝒮sb'=𝒮sb" and
        sb': "sb'=sb" and
	buf_v: "buffered_val sb a = Some v" 
	by auto

      from safe_memop_flush_sb [simplified issb]  
      obtain access_cond': "a  acquired True sb 𝒪sb  
	a  read_only (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  
	(volatile  a  dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮))" and
	volatile_clean: "volatile  ¬ 𝒟sb" and
        rels_cond: "j < length ts. ij  released (ts!j) a  Some False" and
        rels_nv_cond: "¬volatile  (j < length ts. ij  a  dom (released (ts!j)))"
	by cases auto

      from clean_no_outstanding_volatile_Writesb [OF i_bound tssb_i] volatile_clean
      have volatile_cond: "volatile  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb ={}"
	by auto
      from buffered_val_witness [OF buf_v] obtain volatile' sop' A' L' R' W'
	witness: "Writesb volatile' a sop' v A' L' R' W'  set sb"
	by auto

      (* FIXME: since this is the buffered-val case, there should be a simpler proof not involving simulation to an
         unsafe state. Then we would not have to repeat the proof.*)

	fix j pj "issbj" 𝒪j j 𝒟sbj θsbj sbj
	assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	assume neq_i_j: "i  j"
	assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,issbj, θsbj, sbj, 𝒟sbj, 𝒪j,j)"
	assume non_vol: "¬ volatile"
	have "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
	  assume a_j: "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
	  let ?take_sbj = "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	  let ?drop_sbj = "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"

          from ts_sim [rule_format, OF j_bound] jth
	  obtain suspendsj "isj" 𝒟j where
	    suspendsj: "suspendsj = ?drop_sbj" and
	    isj: "instrs suspendsj @ issbj = isj @ prog_instrs suspendsj" and
	    𝒟j: "𝒟sbj = (𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj  {})" and
	    tsj: "ts!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj, 
	    θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps suspendsj),(), 
	    𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
	    by (auto simp add: Let_def)

	  from a_j ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i jth]
	  have a_notin_sb: "a  𝒪sb  all_acquired sb"
	    by auto
	  with acquired_all_acquired [of True sb 𝒪sb]
	  have a_not_acq: "a  acquired True sb 𝒪sb" by blast
	  with access_cond' non_vol
	  have a_ro: "a  read_only (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)"
	    by auto
          from read_only_share_unowned_in [OF weak_consis_drop a_ro] a_notin_sb
            acquired_all_acquired [of True ?take_sb 𝒪sb]
            all_acquired_append [of ?take_sb ?drop_sb]
          have a_ro_shared: "a  read_only 𝒮"
            by auto

          from rels_nv_cond [rule_format, OF non_vol j_bound [simplified leq] neq_i_j] tsj
          have "a  dom (release ?take_sbj (dom (𝒮sb)) j)"
            by auto
          with dom_release_takeWhile [of sbj "(dom (𝒮sb))" j]
            a_relsj: "a  dom j" and
            a_sharedj: "a  all_shared ?take_sbj"
            by auto
          have "a  ((λ(_, _, _, sb, _, _, _). all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)) `
                 set tssb)"
          proof -
              fix k pk "isk" θk sbk 𝒟k 𝒪k k 
              assume k_bound: "k < length tssb" 
              assume ts_k: "tssb ! k = (pk,isk,θk,sbk,𝒟k,𝒪k,k)" 
              assume a_in: "a  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbk)"
              have False
              proof (cases "k=j")
                case True with a_sharedj jth ts_k a_in show False by auto
                case False
                from ownership_distinct [OF j_bound k_bound False [symmetric] jth ts_k] a_j
                have "a  (𝒪k  all_acquired sbk)" by auto
                with all_shared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF k_bound ts_k]] a_in
                show False 
                using all_acquired_append [of "takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbk" 
                  "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbk"] 
                  all_shared_append [of "takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbk" 
                  "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbk"] by auto 
            thus ?thesis by (fastforce simp add: in_set_conv_nth)
          with a_ro_shared
            read_only_shared_all_until_volatile_write_subset' [of tssb 𝒮sb]
          have a_ro_sharedsb: "a  read_only 𝒮sb"
            by (auto simp add: 𝒮)
	  with read_only_unowned [OF j_bound jth]
	  have a_notin_owns_j: "a  𝒪j"
	    by auto

	  have own_dist: "ownership_distinct tssb" by fact
	  have share_consis: "sharing_consis 𝒮sb tssb" by fact
	  from sharing_consistent_share_all_until_volatile_write [OF own_dist share_consis i_bound tssb_i]
	  have consis': "sharing_consistent 𝒮 (acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb) ?drop_sb"
	    by (simp add: 𝒮)
          from  share_all_until_volatile_write_thread_local [OF own_dist share_consis j_bound jth a_j] a_ro_shared
          have a_ro_take: "a  read_only (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)"
            by (auto simp add: domIff 𝒮 read_only_def)
          from sharing_consis [OF j_bound jth]
          have "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪j sbj".
          from sharing_consistent_weak_sharing_consistent [OF this] weak_sharing_consistent_append [of 𝒪j ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
          have weak_consis_drop:"weak_sharing_consistent 𝒪j ?take_sbj"
            by auto
          from read_only_share_acquired_all_shared [OF this read_only_unowned [OF j_bound jth] a_ro_take ] a_notin_owns_j a_sharedj
          have "a  all_acquired ?take_sbj"
            by auto
	  with a_j a_notin_owns_j
	  have a_drop: "a  all_acquired ?drop_sbj"
	    using all_acquired_append [of ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
	    by simp

	  from i_bound j_bound leq have j_bound_ts': "j < length ?ts'"
	    by auto

	  note conflict_drop = a_drop [simplified suspendsj [symmetric]]
	  from split_all_acquired_in [OF conflict_drop]
	    (* FIXME: exract common parts *)
	  show False
	    assume "sop a' v ys zs A L R W. 
              (suspendsj = ys @ Writesb True a' sop v A L R W# zs)  a  A"
	    obtain a' sop' v' ys zs A' L' R' W' where
	      split_suspendsj: "suspendsj = ys @ Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# zs" 
	      (is "suspendsj = ?suspends") and
		a_A': "a  A'"
	      by blast

	    from sharing_consis [OF j_bound jth]
	    have "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪j sbj".
	    then have A'_R': "A'  R' = {}" 
	      by (simp add: sharing_consistent_append [of _ _ ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj, simplified] 
		suspendsj [symmetric] split_suspendsj sharing_consistent_append)
	    from valid_program_history [OF j_bound jth] 
	    have "causal_program_history issbj sbj".
	    then have cph: "causal_program_history issbj ?suspends"
	      apply -
	      apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sbj"] )
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      apply (simp add: split_suspendsj)

	    from tsj neq_i_j j_bound 
	    have ts'_j: "?ts'!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj,
	      θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps suspendsj),(), 
	      𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j, release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
	      by auto
	    from valid_last_prog [OF j_bound jth] have last_prog: "last_prog pj sbj = pj".
	    have lp: "last_prog pj suspendsj = pj"
	      apply -
	      apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sbj"])
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      apply simp
	    from valid_reads [OF j_bound jth]
	    have reads_consis_j: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj".
	    from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb j_bound 
	      jth reads_consis_j]
	    have reads_consis_m_j: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) m suspendsj"
	      by (simp add: m suspendsj)

	    from outstanding_non_write_non_vol_reads_drop_disj [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i jth]
	    have "outstanding_refs is_Writesb ?drop_sb  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb suspendsj = {}"
	      by (simp add: suspendsj)
	    from reads_consistent_flush_independent [OF this reads_consis_m_j]
	    have reads_consis_flush_suspend: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) 
	      (flush ?drop_sb m) suspendsj".
	    hence reads_consis_ys: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) 
	      (flush ?drop_sb m) (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'])"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj reads_consistent_append)

	    from valid_write_sops [OF j_bound jth]
	    have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sbj@?suspends). valid_sop sop"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	    then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sbj. valid_sop sop" and
	      valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']). valid_sop sop"
	      apply (simp only: write_sops_append)
	      apply auto

	    from read_tmps_distinct [OF j_bound jth]
	    have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	    then obtain 
	      read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sbj  read_tmps suspendsj = {}" and
	      distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps suspendsj"
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	      apply (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)

	    from valid_history [OF j_bound jth]
	    have h_consis: 
	      "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj@suspendsj)) (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      apply simp
	    have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog pj sbj) ?take_sbj = (hd_prog pj suspendsj)"
	    proof -
	      from last_prog have "last_prog pj (?take_sbj@?drop_sbj) = pj"
		by simp
	      from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] this
	      have "last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj = hd_prog pj suspendsj"
		by (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	      have "last_prog (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj @ suspendsj)) ?take_sbj = 
		last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj"
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
	      ultimately show ?thesis
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 

	    from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop 
	      h_consis] last_prog_hd_prog
	    have hist_consis': "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj suspendsj) suspendsj"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	    from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads  
	    [OF reads_consis_j] 
	    have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb 
	      (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) = {}"
	      by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj [symmetric] 
		split_suspendsj )

	    have acq_simp:
	      "acquired True (ys @ [Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) 
              (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) = 
              acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  A' - R'"
	      by (simp add: acquired_append)

	    from flush_store_buffer_append [where sb="ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']" and sb'="zs", simplified,
	      OF j_bound_ts' isj [simplified split_suspendsj] cph [simplified suspendsj]
	      ts'_j [simplified split_suspendsj] refl lp [simplified split_suspendsj] reads_consis_ys 
	      hist_consis' [simplified split_suspendsj] valid_sops_drop 
	      distinct_read_tmps_drop [simplified split_suspendsj] 
	      no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], where
	      𝒮="share ?drop_sb 𝒮"]

	    obtain isj' j' where
	      isj': "instrs zs @ issbj = isj' @ prog_instrs zs" and
	      steps_ys: "(?ts', flush ?drop_sb m, share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  d* 
              (hd_prog pj (Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# zs)) (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']),
              θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps zs),
              (), True, acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  A' - R',j')],
              flush (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) (flush ?drop_sb m),
              share (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) (share ?drop_sb 𝒮))"
	      (is "(_,_,_) d* (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)")

              by (auto simp add: acquired_append outstanding_refs_append)

	    from i_bound' have i_bound_ys: "i < length ?ts_ys"
	      by auto

	    from i_bound' neq_i_j 
	    have ts_ys_i: "?ts_ys!i = (psb, issb, θsb,(), 
	      𝒟sb, acquired True sb 𝒪sb, release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"
	      by simp
	    note conflict_computation = rtranclp_trans [OF steps_flush_sb steps_ys]
	    from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach conflict_computation]
	    have "safe_delayed (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)".
	    from safe_delayedE [OF this i_bound_ys ts_ys_i, simplified issb] non_vol a_not_acq
	    have "a  read_only (share (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) (share ?drop_sb 𝒮))"
	      apply cases
	      apply (auto simp add: Let_def issb)

	    with a_A'
	    show False
	      by (simp add: share_append in_read_only_convs)
	    assume "A L R W ys zs. suspendsj = ys @ Ghostsb A L R W # zs  a  A"
	    obtain A' L' R' W' ys zs where
	      split_suspendsj: "suspendsj = ys @ Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs" 
	      (is "suspendsj = ?suspends") and
		a_A': "a  A'"
	      by blast

	    from valid_program_history [OF j_bound jth] 
	    have "causal_program_history issbj sbj".
	    then have cph: "causal_program_history issbj ?suspends"
	      apply -
	      apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sbj"] )
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      apply (simp add: split_suspendsj)

	    from tsj neq_i_j j_bound 
	    have ts'_j: "?ts'!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj,
	      θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps suspendsj),(), 
	      𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j, release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
	      by auto
	    from valid_last_prog [OF j_bound jth] have last_prog: "last_prog pj sbj = pj".
	    have lp: "last_prog pj suspendsj = pj"
	      apply -
	      apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sbj"])
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      apply simp

	    from valid_reads [OF j_bound jth]
	    have reads_consis_j: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj".
	    from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb j_bound 
	      jth reads_consis_j]
	    have reads_consis_m_j: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) m suspendsj"
	      by (simp add: m suspendsj)

	    from outstanding_non_write_non_vol_reads_drop_disj [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i jth]
	    have "outstanding_refs is_Writesb ?drop_sb  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb suspendsj = {}"
	      by (simp add: suspendsj)
	    from reads_consistent_flush_independent [OF this reads_consis_m_j]
	    have reads_consis_flush_suspend: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) 
	      (flush ?drop_sb m) suspendsj".

	    hence reads_consis_ys: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  
	      (flush ?drop_sb m) (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W'])"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj reads_consistent_append)
	    from valid_write_sops [OF j_bound jth]
	    have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sbj@?suspends). valid_sop sop"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	    then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sbj. valid_sop sop" and
	      valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']). valid_sop sop"
	      apply (simp only: write_sops_append)
	      apply auto

	    from read_tmps_distinct [OF j_bound jth]
	    have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	    then obtain 
	      read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sbj  read_tmps suspendsj = {}" and
	      distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps suspendsj"
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	      apply (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)

	    from valid_history [OF j_bound jth]
	    have h_consis: 
	      "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj@suspendsj)) (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      apply simp
	    have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog pj sbj) ?take_sbj = (hd_prog pj suspendsj)"
	    proof -
	      from last_prog have "last_prog pj (?take_sbj@?drop_sbj) = pj"
		by simp
	      from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] this
	      have "last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj = hd_prog pj suspendsj"
		by (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	      have "last_prog (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj @ suspendsj)) ?take_sbj = 
		last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj"
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
	      ultimately show ?thesis
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 

	    from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop 
	      h_consis] last_prog_hd_prog
	    have hist_consis': "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj suspendsj) suspendsj"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	    from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads  
	    [OF reads_consis_j] 
	    have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb 
	      (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) = {}"
	      by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj [symmetric] 
		split_suspendsj )

	    have acq_simp:
	      "acquired True (ys @ [Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) 
              (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) = 
              acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  A' - R'"
	      by (simp add: acquired_append)

	    from flush_store_buffer_append [where sb="ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']" and sb'="zs", simplified,
	      OF j_bound_ts' isj [simplified split_suspendsj] cph [simplified suspendsj]
	      ts'_j [simplified split_suspendsj] refl lp [simplified split_suspendsj] reads_consis_ys 
	      hist_consis' [simplified split_suspendsj] valid_sops_drop 
	      distinct_read_tmps_drop [simplified split_suspendsj] 
	      no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], where
	      𝒮="share ?drop_sb 𝒮"]
	    obtain isj' j' where
	      isj': "instrs zs @ issbj = isj' @ prog_instrs zs" and
	      steps_ys: "(?ts', flush ?drop_sb m, share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  d* 
              (hd_prog pj (Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs)) (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']),
              θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps zs),
              𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (ys @ [Ghostsb A' L' R' W'])  {}, acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  A' - R',j')],
              flush (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) (flush ?drop_sb m),
              share (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) (share ?drop_sb 𝒮))"
	      (is "(_,_,_) d* (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)")
              by (auto simp add: acquired_append)

	    from i_bound' have i_bound_ys: "i < length ?ts_ys"
	      by auto

	    from i_bound' neq_i_j 
	    have ts_ys_i: "?ts_ys!i = (psb, issb,θsb,(), 
	      𝒟sb, acquired True sb 𝒪sb, release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"
	      by simp
	    note conflict_computation = rtranclp_trans [OF steps_flush_sb steps_ys]
	    from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach conflict_computation]
	    have "safe_delayed (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)".
	    from safe_delayedE [OF this i_bound_ys ts_ys_i, simplified issb] non_vol a_not_acq
	    have "a  read_only (share (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) (share ?drop_sb 𝒮))"
	      apply cases
	      apply (auto simp add: Let_def issb)

	    with a_A'
	    show False
	      by (simp add: share_append in_read_only_convs)
      note non_volatile_unowned_others = this

        assume a_in: "a  read_only (share (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) 𝒮)"
        assume nv: "¬ volatile"
        have "a  read_only (share sb 𝒮sb)"
        proof (cases "a  𝒪sb  all_acquired sb")
          case True
          from share_all_until_volatile_write_thread_local' [OF ownership_distinct_tssb 
            sharing_consis_tssb i_bound tssb_i True] True a_in
          show ?thesis
            by (simp add: 𝒮 read_only_def)
          case False
          from read_only_share_unowned [OF weak_consis_drop _ a_in] False 
            acquired_all_acquired [of True ?take_sb 𝒪sb] all_acquired_append [of ?take_sb ?drop_sb]
          have a_ro_shared: "a  read_only 𝒮"
            by auto
          have "a  ((λ(_, _, _, sb, _, _, _).
               all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)) ` set tssb)"
          proof -
              fix k pk "isk" θk sbk 𝒟k 𝒪k k 
              assume k_bound: "k < length tssb" 
              assume ts_k: "tssb ! k = (pk,isk,θk,sbk,𝒟k,𝒪k,k)" 
              assume a_in: "a  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbk)"
              have False
              proof (cases "k=i")
                case True with False tssb_i ts_k a_in 
                  all_shared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF k_bound ts_k]]     
                  all_shared_append [of "takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbk" 
                  "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbk"] show False by auto
                case False
                from rels_nv_cond [rule_format, OF nv k_bound [simplified leq] False [symmetric] ] 
                ts_sim [rule_format, OF k_bound] ts_k
                have "a  dom (release (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbk) (dom (𝒮sb)) k)"
                  by (auto simp add: Let_def)
                with dom_release_takeWhile [of sbk "(dom (𝒮sb))" k]
                  a_relsj: "a  dom k" and
                  a_sharedj: "a  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbk)"
                  by auto
                with False a_in show ?thesis 
                  by auto
           thus ?thesis by (fastforce simp add: in_set_conv_nth)
          with read_only_shared_all_until_volatile_write_subset' [of tssb 𝒮sb] a_ro_shared
          have "a  read_only 𝒮sb"
            by (auto simp add: 𝒮)
          from read_only_share_unowned' [OF weak_consis_sb read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i] False  this]
          show ?thesis .
      } note non_vol_ro_reduction = this

      have valid_own': "valid_ownership 𝒮sb' tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)
	show "outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	proof (cases volatile)
	  case False
	  from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	  have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪sb sb".

	  have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪sb (sb@[Readsb False a t v])"
	    using  access_cond' False non_vol_ro_reduction
	    by (auto simp add: non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_append)
	  from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	  show ?thesis by (auto simp add: False tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	  case True
	  from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF i_bound tssb_i]  
	  have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪sb sb".
	  have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪sb (sb@[Readsb True a t v])"
	    using True
	    by (simp add: non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_append)
	  from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	  show ?thesis by (auto simp add: True tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	show "outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others tssb'"
	proof -
	  have out: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t v])  
            outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb"
	    by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append)
	  have "all_acquired (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t v])  all_acquired sb"
	    by (auto simp add: all_acquired_append)
	  from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others_store_buffer 
	  [OF i_bound tssb_i out this]
	  show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒪sb')
	show "read_only_reads_unowned tssb'"
	proof (cases volatile)
	  case True
	  have r: "read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t v])) 𝒪sb)
                    (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t v]))
                 read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) 𝒪sb)
                    (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)"
	    apply (case_tac "outstanding_refs (is_volatile_Writesb) sb = {}")
	    apply (simp_all add: outstanding_vol_write_take_drop_appends
	    acquired_append read_only_reads_append True)

	  have "𝒪sb  all_acquired (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t v])  𝒪sb  all_acquired sb"
	    by (simp add: all_acquired_append)

	  from  read_only_reads_unowned_nth_update [OF i_bound tssb_i r this]
	  show ?thesis
	    by (simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' sb')
	  case False
	  show ?thesis
	  proof (unfold_locales)
	    fix n m
	    fix pn "isn" 𝒪n n 𝒟n θn sbn pm "ism" 𝒪m m 𝒟m θm sbm
	    assume n_bound: "n < length tssb'"
	    and m_bound: "m < length tssb'"
	    and neq_n_m: "nm"
	    and nth: "tssb'!n = (pn, isn, θn, sbn, 𝒟n, 𝒪n, n)"
	    and mth: "tssb'!m =(pm, ism, θm, sbm, 𝒟m, 𝒪m, m)"
	    from n_bound have n_bound': "n < length tssb" by (simp add: tssb')
	    from m_bound have m_bound': "m < length tssb" by (simp add: tssb')

	    have acq_eq: "(𝒪sb'  all_acquired sb') = (𝒪sb  all_acquired sb)"
	      by (simp add: all_acquired_append sb' 𝒪sb')	      

	    show "(𝒪m  all_acquired sbm) 
              read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn) 𝒪n)
              (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn) =
	    proof (cases "m=i")
	      case True
	      with neq_n_m have neq_n_i: "ni"
		by auto
	      with n_bound nth i_bound have nth': "tssb!n =(pn, isn, θn, sbn, 𝒟n, 𝒪n, n)"
		by (auto simp add: tssb')
	      note read_only_reads_unowned [OF n_bound' i_bound  neq_n_i nth' tssb_i]
	      note acq_eq
	      ultimately show ?thesis
		using True tssb_i nth mth n_bound' m_bound'
		by (simp add: tssb')
	      case False
	      note neq_m_i = this
	      with m_bound mth i_bound have mth': "tssb!m = (pm, ism, θm, sbm, 𝒟m, 𝒪m,m)"
		by (auto simp add: tssb')
	      show ?thesis
	      proof (cases "n=i")
		case True
		note read_only_reads_unowned [OF i_bound m_bound' neq_m_i [symmetric] tssb_i mth']
		note acq_eq
		note non_volatile_unowned_others [OF m_bound' neq_m_i [symmetric] mth']
		ultimately show ?thesis
		  using True tssb_i nth mth n_bound' m_bound' neq_m_i
		  apply (case_tac "outstanding_refs (is_volatile_Writesb) sb = {}")
		  apply (clarsimp simp add: outstanding_vol_write_take_drop_appends
		    acquired_append read_only_reads_append tssb' sb' 𝒪sb')+
		case False
		with n_bound nth i_bound have nth': "tssb!n =(pn, isn, θn, sbn, 𝒟n, 𝒪n, n)"
		  by (auto simp add: tssb')
		from read_only_reads_unowned [OF n_bound' m_bound' neq_n_m  nth' mth'] False neq_m_i
		show ?thesis 
		  by (clarsimp)
	show "ownership_distinct tssb'"
	proof -
	  have "all_acquired (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t v])  all_acquired sb"
	    by (auto simp add: all_acquired_append)
	  from ownership_distinct_instructions_read_value_store_buffer_independent 
	  [OF i_bound tssb_i this]
	  show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒪sb')

      have valid_hist': "valid_history program_step tssb'"
      proof -
	from valid_history [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have hcons: "history_consistent θsb (hd_prog psb sb) sb".
	from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have t_notin_reads: "t  read_tmps sb"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb")
	from load_tmps_write_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have t_notin_writes: "t  (fst ` write_sops sb)"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb")

	from valid_write_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have valid_sops: "sop  write_sops sb. valid_sop sop"
	  by auto
	from load_tmps_fresh [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have t_fresh: "t  dom θsb"
	  using "issb"
	  by simp
	have "history_consistent (θsb(tv)) 
	       (hd_prog psb (sb@ [Readsb volatile a t v])) (sb@ [Readsb volatile a t v])"
	  using t_notin_writes valid_sops t_fresh hcons
	  valid_implies_valid_prog_hd [OF i_bound tssb_i valid]
	  apply -
	  apply (rule history_consistent_appendI)
	  apply (auto simp add: hd_prog_append_Readsb)
	from valid_history_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis
	  by (auto simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' θsb')

      from reads_consistent_buffered_snoc [OF buf_v valid_reads [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
      have reads_consis': "reads_consistent False 𝒪sb msb (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t v])"
	by (simp split: if_split_asm)

      from valid_reads_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
      have valid_reads': "valid_reads msb tssb'" by (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒪sb')

      have valid_sharing': "valid_sharing 𝒮sb' tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)	
	from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t v])"
	  by (auto simp add: non_volatile_writes_unshared_append)
	from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒮sb')
	from sharing_consis [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪sb sb".
	have "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪sb (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t v])"
	  by (simp add:  sharing_consistent_append)
	from sharing_consis_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "sharing_consis 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' 𝒮sb')
	note read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	from read_only_unowned_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "read_only_unowned 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: 𝒮sb' tssb' sb' 𝒪sb')
	from unowned_shared_nth_update [OF i_bound tssb_i subset_refl]
	show "unowned_shared 𝒮sb' tssb'" by (simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	from no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "no_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb sb".
	hence "no_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb (sb@[Readsb volatile a t v])"
	  by (simp add: no_write_to_read_only_memory_append)
	from no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' 𝒮sb' sb')

      have tmps_distinct': "tmps_distinct tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)
	from load_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "distinct_load_tmps issb'"
	  by (auto split: instr.splits simp add: issb)
	from load_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "load_tmps_distinct tssb'" by (simp add: tssb')
	from read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "distinct_read_tmps sb".
	from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "t  read_tmps sb"
	  by (auto simp add: issb)
	ultimately have "distinct_read_tmps (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t v])"
	  by (auto simp add: distinct_read_tmps_append)
	from read_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "read_tmps_distinct tssb'" by (simp add: tssb' sb')
	from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
          load_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "load_tmps issb'  read_tmps (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t v]) = {}"
	  by (clarsimp simp add: read_tmps_append "issb")
	from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct tssb'" by (simp add: tssb' sb')

      have valid_sops': "valid_sops tssb'"
      proof -
	from valid_store_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have valid_store_sops': "sopstore_sops issb'. valid_sop sop"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb")
	from valid_write_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have valid_write_sops': "sopwrite_sops (sb@ [Readsb volatile a t v]). valid_sop sop"
	  by (auto simp add: write_sops_append)
	from valid_sops_nth_update [OF i_bound  valid_write_sops' valid_store_sops']
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb')

      have valid_dd': "valid_data_dependency tssb'"
      proof -
	from data_dependency_consistent_instrs [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have dd_is: "data_dependency_consistent_instrs (dom θsb') issb'"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb" θsb')
	from load_tmps_write_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "load_tmps issb'  (fst ` write_sops (sb@ [Readsb volatile a t v])) = {}"
	  by (auto simp add: write_sops_append "issb")
	from valid_data_dependency_nth_update [OF i_bound dd_is this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb')

      have load_tmps_fresh': "load_tmps_fresh tssb'"
      proof -
	from load_tmps_fresh [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "load_tmps (Read volatile a t # issb')  dom θsb = {}"
	  by (simp add: "issb")
	from load_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i] have "t  load_tmps issb'"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb")
	ultimately have "load_tmps issb'  dom (θsb(t  v)) = {}"
	  by auto
	from load_tmps_fresh_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' θsb')

      have enough_flushs': "enough_flushs tssb'"
      proof -
	from clean_no_outstanding_volatile_Writesb [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "¬ 𝒟sb  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (sb@[Readsb volatile a t v]) = {}"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append )
	from enough_flushs_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒟sb')
      have valid_program_history': "valid_program_history tssb'"
      proof -	
	from valid_program_history [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "causal_program_history issb sb" .
	then have causal': "causal_program_history issb' (sb@[Readsb volatile a t v])"
	  by (auto simp: causal_program_history_Read  "issb")
	from valid_last_prog [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "last_prog psb sb = psb".
	hence "last_prog psb (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t v]) = psb"
	  by (simp add: last_prog_append_Readsb)

	from valid_program_history_nth_update [OF i_bound causal' this]
	show ?thesis
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb')
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb = {}")
	case True 

	from True have flush_all: "takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb = sb"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv )

	from True have suspend_nothing: "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb = []"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv)

	hence suspends_empty: "suspends = []"
	  by (simp add: suspends)
	from suspends_empty is_sim have "is": "is = Read volatile a t # issb'"
	  by (simp add: "issb")
	with suspends_empty ts_i 
	have ts_i: "ts!i = (psb, Read volatile a t # issb', θsb,(), 𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb, release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"
	  by simp

	from direct_memop_step.Read 
	have "(Read volatile a t # issb', θsb, (), m, 𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb,
                release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb, 𝒮)  
          (issb', θsb(t  m a), (), m, 𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb,release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb, 𝒮)".
	from direct_computation.concurrent_step.Memop [OF i_bound' ts_i this]
	have "(ts, m, 𝒮) d (ts[i := (psb, issb',  θsb(t  m a), (),
               𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb, release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)], m, 𝒮)" . 

	from flush_all_until_volatile_write_Read_commute [OF i_bound tssb_i [simplified "issb"] ]
	have flush_commute: "flush_all_until_volatile_write
          (tssb[i := (psb,issb', 
               θsb(tv), sb @ [Readsb volatile a t v], 𝒟sb, 𝒪sb, sb)]) msb =
          flush_all_until_volatile_write tssb msb".

	from True witness have not_volatile': "volatile' = False"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv)

	from witness not_volatile' have a_out_sb: "a  outstanding_refs (Not  is_volatile) sb"
	  apply (cases sop')
	  apply (fastforce simp add: outstanding_refs_conv is_volatile_def split: memref.splits)

	with  non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_outstanding_refs 
	[OF outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF i_bound tssb_i]]
	have a_owned: "a  𝒪sb  all_acquired sb  read_only_reads 𝒪sb sb"
	  by auto

	have "flush_all_until_volatile_write tssb msb a = v"
	proof - (* FIXME: Same proof as in Unbuffered case *)
          have "j < length tssb. i  j 
                  (let (_,_,_,sbj,_,_,_) = tssb!j 
                  in a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj))"
	  proof -
	      fix j pj "isj" 𝒪j j 𝒟j xsj sbj
	      assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	      assume neq_i_j: "i  j"
	      assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,isj, xsj, sbj, 𝒟j, 𝒪j, j)"
	      have "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
		let ?take_sbj = "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
		let ?drop_sbj = "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
		assume a_in: "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb ?take_sbj"
		with outstanding_refs_takeWhile [where P'= "Not  is_volatile_Writesb"]
		have a_in': "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb sbj"
		  by auto
		with non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_outstanding_non_volatile_writes 
		[OF outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound jth]]
		have j_owns: "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
		  by auto
		with ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i jth]
		have a_not_owns: "a  𝒪sb  all_acquired sb"
		  by blast

		from non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_append [of False 𝒮sb 𝒪j ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
		  outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound jth]
		have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪j ?take_sbj"
		  by simp
		from non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_outstanding_non_volatile_writes [OF this] a_in
		have j_owns_drop: "a  𝒪j  all_acquired ?take_sbj"
		  by auto
                from rels_cond [rule_format, OF j_bound [simplified leq] neq_i_j] ts_sim [rule_format, OF j_bound] jth
                have no_unsharing:"release ?take_sbj (dom (𝒮sb)) j  a  Some False"
                  by (auto simp add: Let_def)

		  assume "a  acquired True sb 𝒪sb"
		  with acquired_all_acquired_in [OF this] ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i jth] 
		  have False
		    by auto
		  assume a_ro: "a  read_only (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)"
                  from read_only_share_unowned_in [OF weak_consis_drop a_ro] a_not_owns
                  acquired_all_acquired [of True ?take_sb 𝒪sb]
                  all_acquired_append [of ?take_sb ?drop_sb]
                  have "a  read_only 𝒮"
                    by auto
                  with share_all_until_volatile_write_thread_local [OF ownership_distinct_tssb sharing_consis_tssb j_bound jth j_owns]
                  have "a  read_only (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)"
                    by (auto simp add: read_only_def 𝒮)
                  hence a_dom: "a  dom  (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)"
                    by (auto simp add: read_only_def domIff)
                  from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared [OF j_bound jth]
                  non_volatile_writes_unshared_append [of 𝒮sb ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
                  have nvw: "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb ?take_sbj" by auto
                  from release_not_unshared_no_write_take [OF this no_unsharing a_dom] a_in
                  have False by auto
		  assume a_share: "volatile  a  dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)"
		  from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared [OF j_bound jth]
		  have "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb sbj".
		  with non_volatile_writes_unshared_append [of 𝒮sb "?take_sbj"
		  have unshared_take: "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" 
		    by clarsimp
		  from valid_own have own_dist: "ownership_distinct tssb"
		    by (simp add: valid_ownership_def)
		  from valid_sharing have "sharing_consis 𝒮sb tssb"
		    by (simp add: valid_sharing_def)
		  from sharing_consistent_share_all_until_volatile_write [OF own_dist this i_bound tssb_i]
		  have sc: "sharing_consistent 𝒮 (acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb) ?drop_sb"
		    by (simp add: 𝒮)
		  from sharing_consistent_share_all_shared 
		  have "dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  dom 𝒮  all_shared ?drop_sb"
		    by auto
		  also from sharing_consistent_all_shared [OF sc]
		  have "  dom 𝒮  acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb" by auto
		  also from acquired_all_acquired all_acquired_takeWhile 
		  have "  dom 𝒮  (𝒪sb  all_acquired sb)" by force
		  have a_shared: "a  dom 𝒮"
		    using a_share a_not_owns
		    by auto

                  with share_all_until_volatile_write_thread_local [OF ownership_distinct_tssb sharing_consis_tssb j_bound jth j_owns]
                  have a_dom: "a  dom  (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)"
                    by (auto simp add: 𝒮 domIff)
                  from release_not_unshared_no_write_take [OF  unshared_take no_unsharing a_dom] a_in
                  have False by auto

		ultimately show False
		  using access_cond'
		  by auto
	    thus ?thesis
	      by (fastforce simp add: Let_def)
	  from flush_all_until_volatile_write_buffered_val_conv 
	  [OF True i_bound tssb_i this]
	  show ?thesis
	    by (simp add: buf_v)

	hence m_a_v: "m a = v"
	  by (simp add: m)
	have tmps_commute: "θsb(t  v) = (θsb |` (dom θsb - {t}))(t  v)"
	  apply (rule ext)
	  apply (auto simp add: restrict_map_def domIff)

	from suspend_nothing
	have suspend_nothing': "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') = []"
	  by (simp add: sb')

	from 𝒟
	have 𝒟': "𝒟sb = (𝒟  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (sb@[Readsb volatile a t v])   {})"
	  by (auto simp: outstanding_refs_append)

	have "(tssb',msb,𝒮sb')  (ts[i := (psb,issb',
                θsb(tm a),(),𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb,
                release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)],m,𝒮)"
	  apply (rule sim_config.intros) 
	  apply    (simp add: m flush_commute tssb' 𝒪sb' θsb' sb' 𝒟sb' sb')
	  using   share_all_until_volatile_write_Read_commute [OF i_bound tssb_i [simplified issb]]
	  apply   (simp add: 𝒮 𝒮sb' tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' θsb' sb')
	  using  leq
	  apply  (simp add: tssb')
	  using i_bound i_bound' ts_sim ts_i True 𝒟' 
	  apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def nth_list_update 
	    outstanding_refs_conv m_a_v  tssb' 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb' θsb' sb' sb' suspend_nothing' 
	    𝒟sb' flush_all acquired_append release_append
	    split: if_split_asm )
	  apply (rule tmps_commute)

	ultimately show ?thesis
	  using valid_own' valid_hist' valid_reads' valid_sharing' tmps_distinct'
	    valid_sops' valid_dd' load_tmps_fresh' enough_flushs' 
            valid_program_history' valid'
	    msb' 𝒮sb' 𝒪sb'
	  by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply )
	case False

	then obtain r where r_in: "r  set sb" and volatile_r: "is_volatile_Writesb r"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv)
	from takeWhile_dropWhile_real_prefix 
	[OF r_in, of  "(Not  is_volatile_Writesb)", simplified, OF volatile_r] 
	obtain a' v' sb'' sop' A' L' R' W' where
	  sb_split: "sb = takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb @ Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# sb''" 
	  drop: "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb = Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# sb''"
	  apply (auto)
    subgoal for y ys
	  apply (case_tac y)
	  apply auto
	from drop suspends have suspends: "suspends = Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# sb''"
	  by simp

	have "(ts, m, 𝒮) d* (ts, m, 𝒮)" by auto


	from flush_all_until_volatile_write_Read_commute [OF i_bound tssb_i 
	  [simplified "issb"] ]

	have flush_commute: "flush_all_until_volatile_write
             (tssb[i := (psb,issb', θsb(t  v), sb @ [Readsb volatile a t v], 𝒟sb, 𝒪sb, sb)]) msb =
             flush_all_until_volatile_write tssb msb".

	have "Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W' set sb"
	  by (subst sb_split) auto
	from dropWhile_append1 [OF this, of "(Not  is_volatile_Writesb)"]
	have drop_app_comm:
	  "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t v])) =
                dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb @ [Readsb volatile a t v]"
	  by simp

	from load_tmps_fresh [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "t  dom θsb"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb")
	then have tmps_commute: 
	  "θsb |` (dom θsb - read_tmps sb'') =
          θsb |` (dom θsb - insert t (read_tmps sb''))"
	  apply -
	  apply (rule ext)
	  apply auto

	from 𝒟
	have 𝒟': "𝒟sb = (𝒟  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (sb@[Readsb volatile a t v])   {})"
	  by (auto simp: outstanding_refs_append)

	have "(tssb',msb,𝒮sb)  (ts,m,𝒮)"
	  apply (rule sim_config.intros) 
	  apply    (simp add: m flush_commute tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' θsb' sb' 𝒟sb' )
	  using   share_all_until_volatile_write_Read_commute [OF i_bound tssb_i [simplified issb]]
	  apply   (simp add: 𝒮 𝒮sb' tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' sb' θsb')
	  using  leq
	  apply  (simp add: tssb')
	  using i_bound i_bound' ts_sim ts_i is_sim 𝒟' 
	  apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def nth_list_update is_sim drop_app_comm 
	    read_tmps_append suspends prog_instrs_append_Readsb instrs_append_Readsb 
	    drop "issb" tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' sb' θsb' 𝒟sb' acquired_append takeWhile_append1 [OF r_in] volatile_r 
	    split: if_split_asm)
	  apply (simp add: drop tmps_commute)+

	ultimately show ?thesis
	  using valid_own' valid_hist' valid_reads' valid_sharing' tmps_distinct' valid_dd'
	    valid_sops' load_tmps_fresh' enough_flushs' 
	    valid_program_history' valid' msb' 𝒮sb' 
	  by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply )
      case (SBHReadUnbuffered a volatile t)
      then obtain 
	"issb": "issb = Read volatile a t # issb'" and
	𝒪sb': "𝒪sb'=𝒪sb" and
        sb': "sb'=sb" and
	θsb': "θsb' = θsb(t(msb a))" and
	sb': "sb'=sb@[Readsb volatile a t (msb a)]" and
	msb': "msb' = msb" and
	𝒮sb': "𝒮sb'=𝒮sb" and 
	𝒟sb': "𝒟sb'=𝒟sb" and
	buf_None: "buffered_val sb a = None" 

	by auto

      from safe_memop_flush_sb [simplified issb]
      obtain access_cond': "a  acquired True sb 𝒪sb  
	a  read_only (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  (volatile  a  dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮))" and
	volatile_clean: "volatile  ¬ 𝒟sb" and
        rels_cond: "j < length ts. ij  released (ts!j) a  Some False" and
        rels_nv_cond: "¬volatile  (j < length ts. ij  a  dom (released (ts!j)))"
	by cases auto

      from clean_no_outstanding_volatile_Writesb [OF i_bound tssb_i] volatile_clean
      have volatile_cond: "volatile  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb ={}"
	by auto

	fix j pj "issbj" 𝒪j j 𝒟sbj θsbj sbj
	assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	assume neq_i_j: "i  j"
	assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,issbj, θsbj, sbj, 𝒟sbj, 𝒪j,j)"
	assume non_vol: "¬ volatile"
	have "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
	  assume a_j: "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
	  let ?take_sbj = "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	  let ?drop_sbj = "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"

          from ts_sim [rule_format, OF j_bound] jth
	  obtain suspendsj "isj" 𝒟j where
	    suspendsj: "suspendsj = ?drop_sbj" and
	    isj: "instrs suspendsj @ issbj = isj @ prog_instrs suspendsj" and
	    𝒟j: "𝒟sbj = (𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj  {})" and
	    tsj: "ts!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj, 
	    θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps suspendsj),(), 
	    𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
	    by (auto simp add: Let_def)

	  from a_j ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i jth]
	  have a_notin_sb: "a  𝒪sb  all_acquired sb"
	    by auto
	  with acquired_all_acquired [of True sb 𝒪sb]
	  have a_not_acq: "a  acquired True sb 𝒪sb" by blast
	  with access_cond' non_vol
	  have a_ro: "a  read_only (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)"
	    by auto
          from read_only_share_unowned_in [OF weak_consis_drop a_ro] a_notin_sb
            acquired_all_acquired [of True ?take_sb 𝒪sb]
            all_acquired_append [of ?take_sb ?drop_sb]
          have a_ro_shared: "a  read_only 𝒮"
            by auto

          from rels_nv_cond [rule_format, OF non_vol j_bound [simplified leq] neq_i_j] tsj
          have "a  dom (release ?take_sbj (dom (𝒮sb)) j)"
            by auto
          with dom_release_takeWhile [of sbj "(dom (𝒮sb))" j]
            a_relsj: "a  dom j" and
            a_sharedj: "a  all_shared ?take_sbj"
            by auto
          have "a  ((λ(_, _, _, sb, _, _, _). all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)) `
                 set tssb)"
          proof -
              fix k pk "isk" θk sbk 𝒟k 𝒪k k 
              assume k_bound: "k < length tssb" 
              assume ts_k: "tssb ! k = (pk,isk,θk,sbk,𝒟k,𝒪k,k)" 
              assume a_in: "a  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbk)"
              have False
              proof (cases "k=j")
                case True with a_sharedj jth ts_k a_in show False by auto
                case False
                from ownership_distinct [OF j_bound k_bound False [symmetric] jth ts_k] a_j
                have "a  (𝒪k  all_acquired sbk)" by auto
                with all_shared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF k_bound ts_k]] a_in
                show False 
                using all_acquired_append [of "takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbk" 
                  "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbk"] 
                  all_shared_append [of "takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbk" 
                  "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbk"] by auto 
            thus ?thesis by (fastforce simp add: in_set_conv_nth)
          with a_ro_shared
            read_only_shared_all_until_volatile_write_subset' [of tssb 𝒮sb]
          have a_ro_sharedsb: "a  read_only 𝒮sb"
            by (auto simp add: 𝒮)
	  with read_only_unowned [OF j_bound jth]
	  have a_notin_owns_j: "a  𝒪j"
	    by auto

	  have own_dist: "ownership_distinct tssb" by fact
	  have share_consis: "sharing_consis 𝒮sb tssb" by fact
	  from sharing_consistent_share_all_until_volatile_write [OF own_dist share_consis i_bound tssb_i]
	  have consis': "sharing_consistent 𝒮 (acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb) ?drop_sb"
	    by (simp add: 𝒮)
          from  share_all_until_volatile_write_thread_local [OF own_dist share_consis j_bound jth a_j] a_ro_shared
          have a_ro_take: "a  read_only (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)"
            by (auto simp add: domIff 𝒮 read_only_def)
          from sharing_consis [OF j_bound jth]
          have "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪j sbj".
          from sharing_consistent_weak_sharing_consistent [OF this] weak_sharing_consistent_append [of 𝒪j ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
          have weak_consis_drop:"weak_sharing_consistent 𝒪j ?take_sbj"
            by auto
          from read_only_share_acquired_all_shared [OF this read_only_unowned [OF j_bound jth] a_ro_take ] a_notin_owns_j a_sharedj
          have "a  all_acquired ?take_sbj"
            by auto
	  with a_j a_notin_owns_j
	  have a_drop: "a  all_acquired ?drop_sbj"
	    using all_acquired_append [of ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
	    by simp

	  from i_bound j_bound leq have j_bound_ts': "j < length ?ts'"
	    by auto

	  note conflict_drop = a_drop [simplified suspendsj [symmetric]]
	  from split_all_acquired_in [OF conflict_drop]
	    (* FIXME: exract common parts *)
	  show False
	    assume "sop a' v ys zs A L R W. 
              (suspendsj = ys @ Writesb True a' sop v A L R W# zs)  a  A"
	    obtain a' sop' v' ys zs A' L' R' W' where
	      split_suspendsj: "suspendsj = ys @ Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# zs" 
	      (is "suspendsj = ?suspends") and
		a_A': "a  A'"
	      by blast

	    from sharing_consis [OF j_bound jth]
	    have "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪j sbj".
	    then have A'_R': "A'  R' = {}" 
	      by (simp add: sharing_consistent_append [of _ _ ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj, simplified] 
		suspendsj [symmetric] split_suspendsj sharing_consistent_append)
	    from valid_program_history [OF j_bound jth] 
	    have "causal_program_history issbj sbj".
	    then have cph: "causal_program_history issbj ?suspends"
	      apply -
	      apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sbj"] )
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      apply (simp add: split_suspendsj)

	    from tsj neq_i_j j_bound 
	    have ts'_j: "?ts'!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj,
	      θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps suspendsj),(), 
	      𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j, release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
	      by auto
	    from valid_last_prog [OF j_bound jth] have last_prog: "last_prog pj sbj = pj".
	    have lp: "last_prog pj suspendsj = pj"
	      apply -
	      apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sbj"])
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      apply simp
	    from valid_reads [OF j_bound jth]
	    have reads_consis_j: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj".
	    from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb j_bound 
	      jth reads_consis_j]
	    have reads_consis_m_j: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) m suspendsj"
	      by (simp add: m suspendsj)

	    from outstanding_non_write_non_vol_reads_drop_disj [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i jth]
	    have "outstanding_refs is_Writesb ?drop_sb  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb suspendsj = {}"
	      by (simp add: suspendsj)
	    from reads_consistent_flush_independent [OF this reads_consis_m_j]
	    have reads_consis_flush_suspend: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) 
	      (flush ?drop_sb m) suspendsj".
	    hence reads_consis_ys: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) 
	      (flush ?drop_sb m) (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'])"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj reads_consistent_append)

	    from valid_write_sops [OF j_bound jth]
	    have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sbj@?suspends). valid_sop sop"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	    then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sbj. valid_sop sop" and
	      valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']). valid_sop sop"
	      apply (simp only: write_sops_append)
	      apply auto

	    from read_tmps_distinct [OF j_bound jth]
	    have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	    then obtain 
	      read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sbj  read_tmps suspendsj = {}" and
	      distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps suspendsj"
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	      apply (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)

	    from valid_history [OF j_bound jth]
	    have h_consis: 
	      "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj@suspendsj)) (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      apply simp
	    have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog pj sbj) ?take_sbj = (hd_prog pj suspendsj)"
	    proof -
	      from last_prog have "last_prog pj (?take_sbj@?drop_sbj) = pj"
		by simp
	      from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] this
	      have "last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj = hd_prog pj suspendsj"
		by (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	      have "last_prog (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj @ suspendsj)) ?take_sbj = 
		last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj"
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
	      ultimately show ?thesis
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 

	    from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop 
	      h_consis] last_prog_hd_prog
	    have hist_consis': "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj suspendsj) suspendsj"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	    from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads  
	    [OF reads_consis_j] 
	    have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb 
	      (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) = {}"
	      by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj [symmetric] 
		split_suspendsj )

	    have acq_simp:
	      "acquired True (ys @ [Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) 
              (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) = 
              acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  A' - R'"
	      by (simp add: acquired_append)

	    from flush_store_buffer_append [where sb="ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']" and sb'="zs", simplified,
	      OF j_bound_ts' isj [simplified split_suspendsj] cph [simplified suspendsj]
	      ts'_j [simplified split_suspendsj] refl lp [simplified split_suspendsj] reads_consis_ys 
	      hist_consis' [simplified split_suspendsj] valid_sops_drop 
	      distinct_read_tmps_drop [simplified split_suspendsj] 
	      no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], where
	      𝒮="share ?drop_sb 𝒮"]

	    obtain isj' j' where
	      isj': "instrs zs @ issbj = isj' @ prog_instrs zs" and
	      steps_ys: "(?ts', flush ?drop_sb m, share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  d* 
              (hd_prog pj (Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# zs)) (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']),
              θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps zs),
              (), True, acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  A' - R',j')],
              flush (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) (flush ?drop_sb m),
              share (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) (share ?drop_sb 𝒮))"
	      (is "(_,_,_) d* (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)")
              by (auto simp add: acquired_append outstanding_refs_append)

	    from i_bound' have i_bound_ys: "i < length ?ts_ys"
	      by auto

	    from i_bound' neq_i_j 
	    have ts_ys_i: "?ts_ys!i = (psb, issb, θsb,(), 
	      𝒟sb, acquired True sb 𝒪sb, release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"
	      by simp
	    note conflict_computation = rtranclp_trans [OF steps_flush_sb steps_ys]
	    from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach conflict_computation]
	    have "safe_delayed (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)".
	    from safe_delayedE [OF this i_bound_ys ts_ys_i, simplified issb] non_vol a_not_acq
	    have "a  read_only (share (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) (share ?drop_sb 𝒮))"
	      apply cases
	      apply (auto simp add: Let_def issb)

	    with a_A'
	    show False
	      by (simp add: share_append in_read_only_convs)
	    assume "A L R W ys zs. suspendsj = ys @ Ghostsb A L R W # zs  a  A"
	    obtain A' L' R' W' ys zs where
	      split_suspendsj: "suspendsj = ys @ Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs" 
	      (is "suspendsj = ?suspends") and
		a_A': "a  A'"
	      by blast

	    from valid_program_history [OF j_bound jth] 
	    have "causal_program_history issbj sbj".
	    then have cph: "causal_program_history issbj ?suspends"
	      apply -
	      apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sbj"] )
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      apply (simp add: split_suspendsj)

	    from tsj neq_i_j j_bound 
	    have ts'_j: "?ts'!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj,
	      θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps suspendsj),(), 
	      𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j, release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
	      by auto
	    from valid_last_prog [OF j_bound jth] have last_prog: "last_prog pj sbj = pj".
	    have lp: "last_prog pj suspendsj = pj"
	      apply -
	      apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sbj"])
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      apply simp

	    from valid_reads [OF j_bound jth]
	    have reads_consis_j: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj".
	    from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb j_bound 
	      jth reads_consis_j]
	    have reads_consis_m_j: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) m suspendsj"
	      by (simp add: m suspendsj)

	    from outstanding_non_write_non_vol_reads_drop_disj [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i jth]
	    have "outstanding_refs is_Writesb ?drop_sb  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb suspendsj = {}"
	      by (simp add: suspendsj)
	    from reads_consistent_flush_independent [OF this reads_consis_m_j]
	    have reads_consis_flush_suspend: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) 
	      (flush ?drop_sb m) suspendsj".

	    hence reads_consis_ys: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  
	      (flush ?drop_sb m) (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W'])"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj reads_consistent_append)
	    from valid_write_sops [OF j_bound jth]
	    have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sbj@?suspends). valid_sop sop"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	    then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sbj. valid_sop sop" and
	      valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']). valid_sop sop"
	      apply (simp only: write_sops_append)
	      apply auto

	    from read_tmps_distinct [OF j_bound jth]
	    have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	    then obtain 
	      read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sbj  read_tmps suspendsj = {}" and
	      distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps suspendsj"
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	      apply (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)

	    from valid_history [OF j_bound jth]
	    have h_consis: 
	      "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj@suspendsj)) (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      apply simp
	    have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog pj sbj) ?take_sbj = (hd_prog pj suspendsj)"
	    proof -
	      from last_prog have "last_prog pj (?take_sbj@?drop_sbj) = pj"
		by simp
	      from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] this
	      have "last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj = hd_prog pj suspendsj"
		by (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	      have "last_prog (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj @ suspendsj)) ?take_sbj = 
		last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj"
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
	      ultimately show ?thesis
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 

	    from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop 
	      h_consis] last_prog_hd_prog
	    have hist_consis': "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj suspendsj) suspendsj"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	    from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads  
	    [OF reads_consis_j] 
	    have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb 
	      (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) = {}"
	      by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj [symmetric] 
		split_suspendsj )

	    have acq_simp:
	      "acquired True (ys @ [Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) 
              (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) = 
              acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  A' - R'"
	      by (simp add: acquired_append)

	    from flush_store_buffer_append [where sb="ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']" and sb'="zs", simplified,
	      OF j_bound_ts' isj [simplified split_suspendsj] cph [simplified suspendsj]
	      ts'_j [simplified split_suspendsj] refl lp [simplified split_suspendsj] reads_consis_ys 
	      hist_consis' [simplified split_suspendsj] valid_sops_drop 
	      distinct_read_tmps_drop [simplified split_suspendsj] 
	      no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], where
	      𝒮="share ?drop_sb 𝒮"]
	    obtain isj' j' where
	      isj': "instrs zs @ issbj = isj' @ prog_instrs zs" and
	      steps_ys: "(?ts', flush ?drop_sb m, share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  d* 
              (hd_prog pj (Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs)) (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']),
              θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps zs),
              𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (ys @ [Ghostsb A' L' R' W'])  {}, acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  A' - R',j')],
              flush (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) (flush ?drop_sb m),
              share (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) (share ?drop_sb 𝒮))"
	      (is "(_,_,_) d* (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)")
              by (auto simp add: acquired_append)

	    from i_bound' have i_bound_ys: "i < length ?ts_ys"
	      by auto

	    from i_bound' neq_i_j 
	    have ts_ys_i: "?ts_ys!i = (psb, issb,θsb,(), 
	      𝒟sb, acquired True sb 𝒪sb, release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"
	      by simp
	    note conflict_computation = rtranclp_trans [OF steps_flush_sb steps_ys]
	    from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach conflict_computation]
	    have "safe_delayed (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)".
	    from safe_delayedE [OF this i_bound_ys ts_ys_i, simplified issb] non_vol a_not_acq
	    have "a  read_only (share (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) (share ?drop_sb 𝒮))"
	      apply cases
	      apply (auto simp add: Let_def issb)

	    with a_A'
	    show False
	      by (simp add: share_append in_read_only_convs)
      note non_volatile_unowned_others = this

        assume a_in: "a  read_only (share (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) 𝒮)"
        assume nv: "¬ volatile"
        have "a  read_only (share sb 𝒮sb)"
        proof (cases "a  𝒪sb  all_acquired sb")
          case True
          from share_all_until_volatile_write_thread_local' [OF ownership_distinct_tssb 
            sharing_consis_tssb i_bound tssb_i True] True a_in
          show ?thesis
            by (simp add: 𝒮 read_only_def)
          case False
          from read_only_share_unowned [OF weak_consis_drop _ a_in] False 
            acquired_all_acquired [of True ?take_sb 𝒪sb] all_acquired_append [of ?take_sb ?drop_sb]
          have a_ro_shared: "a  read_only 𝒮"
            by auto
          have "a  ((λ(_, _, _, sb, _, _, _).
               all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)) ` set tssb)"
          proof -
              fix k pk "isk" θk sbk 𝒟k 𝒪k k 
              assume k_bound: "k < length tssb" 
              assume ts_k: "tssb ! k = (pk,isk,θk,sbk,𝒟k,𝒪k,k)" 
              assume a_in: "a  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbk)"
              have False
              proof (cases "k=i")
                case True with False tssb_i ts_k a_in 
                  all_shared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF k_bound ts_k]]     
                  all_shared_append [of "takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbk" 
                  "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbk"] show False by auto
                case False
                from rels_nv_cond [rule_format, OF nv k_bound [simplified leq] False [symmetric] ] 
                ts_sim [rule_format, OF k_bound] ts_k
                have "a  dom (release (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbk) (dom (𝒮sb)) k)"
                  by (auto simp add: Let_def)
                with dom_release_takeWhile [of sbk "(dom (𝒮sb))" k]
                  a_relsj: "a  dom k" and
                  a_sharedj: "a  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbk)"
                  by auto
                with False a_in show ?thesis 
                  by auto
           thus ?thesis 
             by (auto simp add: in_set_conv_nth)
          with read_only_shared_all_until_volatile_write_subset' [of tssb 𝒮sb] a_ro_shared
          have "a  read_only 𝒮sb"
            by (auto simp add: 𝒮)

          from read_only_share_unowned' [OF weak_consis_sb read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i] False  this]
          show ?thesis .
      } note non_vol_ro_reduction = this

      have valid_own': "valid_ownership 𝒮sb' tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)
	show "outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	proof (cases volatile)
	  case False
	  from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	  have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪sb sb".

	  have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪sb (sb@[Readsb False a t (msb a)])"
	    using access_cond' False non_vol_ro_reduction
	    by (auto simp add: non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_append)

	  from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	  show ?thesis by (auto simp add: False tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	  case True
	  from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF i_bound tssb_i]  
	  have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪sb sb".
	  have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪sb (sb@[Readsb True a t (msb a)])"
	    using True
	    by (simp add: non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_append)
	  from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	  show ?thesis by (auto simp add: True tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	show "outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others tssb'"
	proof -
	  have out: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t (msb a)])  
            outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb"
	    by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append)
	  have "all_acquired (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t (msb a)])  all_acquired sb"
	    by (auto simp add: all_acquired_append)
	  from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others_store_buffer 
	  [OF i_bound tssb_i out this]
	  show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒪sb')
	show "read_only_reads_unowned tssb'"
	proof (cases volatile)
	  case True
	  have r: "read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) 
	            (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t (msb a)])) 𝒪sb)
                    (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t (msb a)]))
                 read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) 𝒪sb)
                    (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)"
	    apply (case_tac "outstanding_refs (is_volatile_Writesb) sb = {}")
	    apply (simp_all add: outstanding_vol_write_take_drop_appends
	    acquired_append read_only_reads_append True)

	  have "𝒪sb  all_acquired (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t (msb a)])  𝒪sb  all_acquired sb"
	    by (simp add: all_acquired_append)

	  from  read_only_reads_unowned_nth_update [OF i_bound tssb_i r this]
	  show ?thesis
	    by (simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' sb')
	  case False
	  show ?thesis
	  proof (unfold_locales)
	    fix n m
	    fix pn "isn" 𝒪n n 𝒟n θn sbn pm "ism" 𝒪m m 𝒟m θm sbm
	    assume n_bound: "n < length tssb'"
	    and m_bound: "m < length tssb'"
	    and neq_n_m: "nm"
	    and nth: "tssb'!n = (pn, isn, θn, sbn, 𝒟n, 𝒪n,n)"
	    and mth: "tssb'!m =(pm, ism, θm, sbm, 𝒟m, 𝒪m,m)"
	    from n_bound have n_bound': "n < length tssb" by (simp add: tssb')
	    from m_bound have m_bound': "m < length tssb" by (simp add: tssb')

	    have acq_eq: "(𝒪sb'  all_acquired sb') = (𝒪sb  all_acquired sb)"
	      by (simp add: all_acquired_append sb' 𝒪sb')	      

	    show "(𝒪m  all_acquired sbm) 
              read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn) 𝒪n)
              (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn) =
	    proof (cases "m=i")
	      case True
	      with neq_n_m have neq_n_i: "ni"
		by auto
	      with n_bound nth i_bound have nth': "tssb!n =(pn, isn, θn, sbn, 𝒟n, 𝒪n,n)"
		by (auto simp add: tssb')
	      note read_only_reads_unowned [OF n_bound' i_bound  neq_n_i nth' tssb_i]
	      note acq_eq
	      ultimately show ?thesis
		using True tssb_i nth mth n_bound' m_bound'
		by (simp add: tssb')
	      case False
	      note neq_m_i = this
	      with m_bound mth i_bound have mth': "tssb!m = (pm, ism, θm, sbm, 𝒟m, 𝒪m,m)"
		by (auto simp add: tssb')
	      show ?thesis
	      proof (cases "n=i")
		case True
		note read_only_reads_unowned [OF i_bound m_bound' neq_m_i [symmetric] tssb_i mth']
		note acq_eq
		note non_volatile_unowned_others [OF m_bound' neq_m_i [symmetric] mth']
		ultimately show ?thesis
		  using True tssb_i nth mth n_bound' m_bound' neq_m_i
		  apply (case_tac "outstanding_refs (is_volatile_Writesb) sb = {}")
		  apply (clarsimp simp add: outstanding_vol_write_take_drop_appends
		    acquired_append read_only_reads_append tssb' sb' 𝒪sb')+
		case False
		with n_bound nth i_bound have nth': "tssb!n =(pn, isn, θn, sbn, 𝒟n, 𝒪n,n)"
		  by (auto simp add: tssb')
		from read_only_reads_unowned [OF n_bound' m_bound' neq_n_m  nth' mth'] False neq_m_i
		show ?thesis 
		  by (clarsimp)
	show "ownership_distinct tssb'"
	proof -
	  have "all_acquired (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t (msb a)])  all_acquired sb"
	    by (auto simp add: all_acquired_append)
	  from ownership_distinct_instructions_read_value_store_buffer_independent 
	  [OF i_bound tssb_i this]
	  show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒪sb')

      have valid_hist': "valid_history program_step tssb'"
      proof -
	from valid_history [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have hcons: "history_consistent θsb (hd_prog psb sb) sb".
	from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have t_notin_reads: "t  read_tmps sb"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb")
	from load_tmps_write_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have t_notin_writes: "t  (fst ` write_sops sb )"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb")

	from valid_write_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have valid_sops: "sop  write_sops sb. valid_sop sop"
	  by auto
	from load_tmps_fresh [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have t_fresh: "t  dom θsb"
	  using "issb"
	  by simp

	from valid_implies_valid_prog_hd [OF i_bound tssb_i valid]
	have "history_consistent (θsb(tmsb a)) 
	       (hd_prog psb (sb@ [Readsb volatile a t (msb a)])) 
               (sb@ [Readsb volatile a t (msb a)])"
	  using t_notin_writes valid_sops t_fresh hcons
	  apply -
	  apply (rule history_consistent_appendI)
	  apply (auto simp add: hd_prog_append_Readsb)

	from valid_history_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis
	  by (auto simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' θsb')

	reads_consistent_unbuffered_snoc [OF buf_None refl valid_reads [OF i_bound tssb_i] volatile_cond ]    
      have reads_consis': "reads_consistent False 𝒪sb msb (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t (msb a)])"
	by (simp split: if_split_asm)

      from valid_reads_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
      have valid_reads': "valid_reads msb tssb'" by (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒪sb')

      have valid_sharing': "valid_sharing 𝒮sb' tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)	
	from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t (msb a)])"
	  by (auto simp add: non_volatile_writes_unshared_append)
	from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒮sb')
	from sharing_consis [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪sb sb".
	have "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪sb (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t (msb a)])"
	  by (simp add:  sharing_consistent_append)
	from sharing_consis_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "sharing_consis 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' 𝒮sb')
	note read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	from read_only_unowned_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "read_only_unowned 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: 𝒮sb' tssb' sb' 𝒪sb')
	from unowned_shared_nth_update [OF i_bound tssb_i subset_refl]
	show "unowned_shared 𝒮sb' tssb'" by (simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	from no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "no_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb sb".
	hence "no_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb (sb@[Readsb volatile a t (msb a)])"
	  by (simp add: no_write_to_read_only_memory_append)
	from no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' 𝒮sb' sb')

      have tmps_distinct': "tmps_distinct tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)
	from load_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "distinct_load_tmps issb'"
	  by (auto split: instr.splits simp add: issb)
	from load_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "load_tmps_distinct tssb'" by (simp add: tssb')
	from read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "distinct_read_tmps sb".
	from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "t  read_tmps sb"
	  by (auto simp add: issb)
	ultimately have "distinct_read_tmps (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t (msb a)])"
	  by (auto simp add: distinct_read_tmps_append)
	from read_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "read_tmps_distinct tssb'" by (simp add: tssb' sb')
	from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
          load_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "load_tmps issb'  read_tmps (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t (msb a)]) = {}"
	  by (clarsimp simp add: read_tmps_append "issb")
	from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct tssb'" by (simp add: tssb' sb')

      have valid_sops': "valid_sops tssb'"
      proof -
	from valid_store_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have valid_store_sops': "sopstore_sops issb'. valid_sop sop"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb")
	from valid_write_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have valid_write_sops': "sopwrite_sops (sb@ [Readsb volatile a t (msb a)]). 
	      valid_sop sop"
	  by (auto simp add: write_sops_append)
	from valid_sops_nth_update [OF i_bound  valid_write_sops' valid_store_sops']
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb')

      have valid_dd': "valid_data_dependency tssb'"
      proof -
	from data_dependency_consistent_instrs [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have dd_is: "data_dependency_consistent_instrs (dom θsb') issb'"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb" θsb')
	from load_tmps_write_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "load_tmps issb'  (fst ` write_sops (sb@ [Readsb volatile a t (msb a)])) = {}"
	  by (auto simp add: write_sops_append "issb")
	from valid_data_dependency_nth_update [OF i_bound dd_is this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb')

      have load_tmps_fresh': "load_tmps_fresh tssb'"
      proof -
	from load_tmps_fresh [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "load_tmps (Read volatile a t # issb')  dom θsb = {}"
	  by (simp add: "issb")
	from load_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i] have "t  load_tmps issb'"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb")
	ultimately have "load_tmps issb'  dom (θsb(t  (msb a))) = {}"
	  by auto
	from load_tmps_fresh_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' θsb')

      have enough_flushs': "enough_flushs tssb'"
      proof -
	from clean_no_outstanding_volatile_Writesb [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "¬ 𝒟sb  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (sb@[Readsb volatile a t (msb a)]) = {}"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append )
	from enough_flushs_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒟sb')

      have valid_program_history': "valid_program_history tssb'"
      proof -	
	from valid_program_history [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "causal_program_history issb sb" .
	then have causal': "causal_program_history issb' (sb@[Readsb volatile a t (msb a)])"
	  by (auto simp: causal_program_history_Read  "issb")
	from valid_last_prog [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "last_prog psb sb = psb".
	hence "last_prog psb (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t (msb a)]) = psb"
	  by (simp add: last_prog_append_Readsb)
	from valid_program_history_nth_update [OF i_bound causal' this]
	show ?thesis
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb')

      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb = {}")
	case True 

	from True have flush_all: "takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb = sb"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv )

	from True have suspend_nothing: "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb = []"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv)

	hence suspends_empty: "suspends = []"
	  by (simp add: suspends)
	from suspends_empty is_sim have "is": "is = Read volatile a t # issb'"
	  by (simp add: "issb")
	with suspends_empty ts_i 
	have ts_i: "ts!i = (psb, Read volatile a t # issb', θsb,(), 
          𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb, release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"
	  by simp

	from direct_memop_step.Read
	have "(Read volatile a t # issb',θsb, (), m, 
            𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb,release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb,𝒮)  
          (issb', θsb(t  m a), (), m, 𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb,
           release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb, 𝒮)".
	from direct_computation.concurrent_step.Memop [OF i_bound' ts_i this]
	have "(ts, m, 𝒮) d (ts[i := (psb, issb', θsb(t  m a), (), 
	   𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb,release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)], m, 𝒮)".

	from flush_all_until_volatile_write_Read_commute [OF i_bound tssb_i [simplified "issb"] ]
	have flush_commute: "flush_all_until_volatile_write
          (tssb[i := (psb,issb', θsb(tmsb a), sb @ [Readsb volatile a t (msb a)], 𝒟sb, 𝒪sb,sb)]) 
           msb =
          flush_all_until_volatile_write tssb msb".
	have "flush_all_until_volatile_write tssb msb a = msb a"
	proof -
          have "j < length tssb. i  j 
                  (let (_,_,_,sbj,_,_,_) = tssb!j 
                  in a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj))"
	  proof -
	      fix j pj "isj" 𝒪j j 𝒟j acqj xsj sbj
	      assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	      assume neq_i_j: "i  j"
	      assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,isj, xsj, sbj, 𝒟j, 𝒪j, j)"
	      have "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
		let ?take_sbj = "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
		let ?drop_sbj = "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
		assume a_in: "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb ?take_sbj"
		with outstanding_refs_takeWhile [where P'= "Not  is_volatile_Writesb"]
		have a_in': "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb sbj"
		  by auto
		with non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_outstanding_non_volatile_writes 
		[OF outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound jth]]
		have j_owns: "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
		  by auto
		with ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i jth]
		have a_not_owns: "a  𝒪sb  all_acquired sb"
		  by blast
		from non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_append [of False 𝒮sb 𝒪j ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
		  outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound jth]
		have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪j ?take_sbj"
		  by simp
		from non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_outstanding_non_volatile_writes [OF this] a_in
		have j_owns_drop: "a  𝒪j  all_acquired ?take_sbj"
		  by auto
                from rels_cond [rule_format, OF j_bound [simplified leq] neq_i_j] ts_sim [rule_format, OF j_bound] jth
                have no_unsharing:"release ?take_sbj (dom (𝒮sb)) j  a  Some False"
                  by (auto simp add: Let_def)
		  assume "a  acquired True sb 𝒪sb"
		  with acquired_all_acquired_in [OF this] ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i jth] 
		  have False
		    by auto
		  assume a_ro: "a  read_only (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)"
                  from read_only_share_unowned_in [OF weak_consis_drop a_ro] a_not_owns
                  acquired_all_acquired [of True ?take_sb 𝒪sb]
                  all_acquired_append [of ?take_sb ?drop_sb]
                  have "a  read_only 𝒮"
                    by auto
                  with share_all_until_volatile_write_thread_local [OF ownership_distinct_tssb sharing_consis_tssb j_bound jth j_owns]
                  have "a  read_only (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)"
                    by (auto simp add: read_only_def 𝒮)
                  hence a_dom: "a  dom  (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)"
                    by (auto simp add: read_only_def domIff)
                  from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared [OF j_bound jth]
                  non_volatile_writes_unshared_append [of 𝒮sb ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
                  have nvw: "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb ?take_sbj" by auto
                  from release_not_unshared_no_write_take [OF this no_unsharing a_dom] a_in
                  have False by auto
		  assume a_share: "volatile  a  dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)"
		  from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared [OF j_bound jth]
		  have "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb sbj".
		  with non_volatile_writes_unshared_append [of 𝒮sb "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
		  "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"]
		  have unshared_take: "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" 
		    by clarsimp
		  from valid_own have own_dist: "ownership_distinct tssb"
		    by (simp add: valid_ownership_def)
		  from valid_sharing have "sharing_consis 𝒮sb tssb"
		    by (simp add: valid_sharing_def)
		  from sharing_consistent_share_all_until_volatile_write [OF own_dist this i_bound tssb_i]
		  have sc: "sharing_consistent 𝒮 (acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb) ?drop_sb"
		    by (simp add: 𝒮)
		  from sharing_consistent_share_all_shared 
		  have "dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  dom 𝒮  all_shared ?drop_sb"
		    by auto
		  also from sharing_consistent_all_shared [OF sc]
		  have "  dom 𝒮  acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb" by auto
		  also from acquired_all_acquired all_acquired_takeWhile 
		  have "  dom 𝒮  (𝒪sb  all_acquired sb)" by force
		  have a_shared: "a  dom 𝒮"
		    using a_share a_not_owns
		    by auto

                  with share_all_until_volatile_write_thread_local [OF ownership_distinct_tssb sharing_consis_tssb j_bound jth j_owns]
                  have a_dom: "a  dom  (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)"
                    by (auto simp add: 𝒮 domIff)
                  from release_not_unshared_no_write_take [OF  unshared_take no_unsharing a_dom] a_in
                  have False by auto
		ultimately show False
		  using access_cond'
		  by auto
	    thus ?thesis
	      by (fastforce simp add: Let_def)
	  from flush_all_until_volatile_write_buffered_val_conv 
	  [OF True i_bound tssb_i this]
	  show ?thesis
	    by (simp add: buf_None)
	hence m_a: "m a = msb a"
	  by (simp add: m)
	have tmps_commute: "θsb(t  (msb a)) = 
	  (θsb |` (dom θsb - {t}))(t  (msb a))"
	  apply (rule ext)
	  apply (auto simp add: restrict_map_def domIff)

	from suspend_nothing
	have suspend_nothing': "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') = []"
	  by (simp add: sb')

	from 𝒟
	have 𝒟': "𝒟sb = (𝒟  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (sb@[Readsb volatile a t (msb a)])   {})"
	  by (auto simp: outstanding_refs_append)

	have "(tssb',msb,𝒮sb')  (ts[i := (psb,issb', θsb(tm a),(), 𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb,release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)], m,𝒮)"
	  apply (rule sim_config.intros) 
	  apply    (simp add: m flush_commute tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' θsb' sb' 𝒟sb' )
	  using   share_all_until_volatile_write_Read_commute [OF i_bound tssb_i [simplified issb]]
	  apply   (simp add: 𝒮 𝒮sb' tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' sb' θsb')
	  using  leq
	  apply  (simp add: tssb')
	  using i_bound i_bound' ts_sim ts_i True 𝒟'
	  apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def nth_list_update 
	    outstanding_refs_conv m_a  tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' 𝒮sb' θsb' sb' 𝒟sb' suspend_nothing' 
	    flush_all acquired_append release_append
	    split: if_split_asm )
	  apply (rule tmps_commute)

	ultimately show ?thesis
	  using valid_own' valid_hist' valid_reads' valid_sharing' tmps_distinct'
	    valid_sops' valid_dd' load_tmps_fresh' enough_flushs' 
	    valid_program_history' valid'
	    msb' 𝒮sb' 
	  by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply )
	case False

	then obtain r where r_in: "r  set sb" and volatile_r: "is_volatile_Writesb r"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv)
	from takeWhile_dropWhile_real_prefix 
	[OF r_in, of  "(Not  is_volatile_Writesb)", simplified, OF volatile_r] 
	obtain a' v' sb'' sop' A' L' R' W' where
	  sb_split: "sb = takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb @ Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# sb''" 
	  drop: "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb = Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# sb''"
	  apply (auto)
    subgoal for y ys
	  apply (case_tac y)
	  apply auto
	from drop suspends have suspends: "suspends = Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# sb''"
	  by simp

	have "(ts, m, 𝒮) d* (ts, m, 𝒮)" by auto


	note flush_commute = flush_all_until_volatile_write_Read_commute [OF i_bound tssb_i 
	  [simplified "issb"] ]

	have "Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W' set sb"
	  by (subst sb_split) auto
	from dropWhile_append1 [OF this, of "(Not  is_volatile_Writesb)"]
	have drop_app_comm:
	  "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) (sb @ [Readsb volatile a t (msb a)])) =
                dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb @ [Readsb volatile a t (msb a)]"
	  by simp

	from load_tmps_fresh [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "t  dom θsb"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb")
	then have tmps_commute: 
	  "θsb |` (dom θsb - read_tmps sb'') =
          θsb |` (dom θsb - insert t (read_tmps sb''))"
	  apply -
	  apply (rule ext)
	  apply auto

	from 𝒟
	have 𝒟': "𝒟sb = (𝒟  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (sb@[Readsb volatile a t (msb a)])   {})"
	  by (auto simp: outstanding_refs_append)

	have "(tssb',msb,𝒮sb)  (ts,m,𝒮)"
	  apply (rule sim_config.intros) 
	  apply    (simp add: m flush_commute tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' θsb' sb')
	  using   share_all_until_volatile_write_Read_commute [OF i_bound tssb_i [simplified issb]]
	  apply   (simp add: 𝒮 𝒮sb' tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' sb' θsb')
	  using  leq
	  apply  (simp add: tssb')
	  using i_bound i_bound' ts_sim ts_i is_sim 𝒟'
	  apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def nth_list_update is_sim drop_app_comm 
	    read_tmps_append suspends prog_instrs_append_Readsb instrs_append_Readsb 
	    drop "issb" tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' sb' θsb' 𝒟sb' acquired_append takeWhile_append1 [OF r_in] volatile_r  split: if_split_asm)
	  apply (simp add: drop tmps_commute)+

	ultimately show ?thesis
	  using valid_own' valid_hist' valid_reads' valid_sharing' tmps_distinct' valid_dd'
	    valid_sops' load_tmps_fresh' enough_flushs' 
	    valid_program_history' valid'
	    msb' 𝒮sb' 
	  by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply )
      case (SBHWriteNonVolatile a D f A L R W)
      then obtain 
	"issb": "issb = Write False a (D, f) A L R W# issb'" and
	𝒪sb': "𝒪sb'=𝒪sb" and
        sb': "sb'=sb" and
	θsb': "θsb' = θsb" and
	𝒟sb': "𝒟sb'=𝒟sb" and
	sb': "sb'=sb@[Writesb False a (D, f) (f θsb) A L R W]" and
	msb': "msb' = msb" and
	𝒮sb': "𝒮sb'=𝒮sb" 
	by auto

      from data_dependency_consistent_instrs [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have D_tmps: "D  dom θsb" 
	by (simp add: issb)

      from safe_memop_flush_sb [simplified issb]
      obtain a_owned': "a  acquired True sb 𝒪sb" and a_unshared': "a  dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)" and
        rels_cond: "j < length ts. ij  a  dom (released (ts!j))"
      (* FIXME: rels_cond unused; maybe remove from safe_delayed *) 
	by cases auto

      from a_owned' acquired_all_acquired
      have a_owned'': "a  𝒪sb  all_acquired sb"
	by auto

	fix j
	fix pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj
	assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	assume tssb_j: "tssb!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	assume neq_i_j: "i  j"
	have "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
	proof -
	  from ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i tssb_j] a_owned''
	  show ?thesis
	    by auto
      } note a_unowned_others = this
      have a_unshared: "a  dom (share sb 𝒮sb)"
	assume a_share: "a  dom (share sb 𝒮sb)"
	from valid_sharing have "sharing_consis 𝒮sb tssb"
	  by (simp add: valid_sharing_def)
	from in_shared_sb_share_all_until_volatile_write [OF this i_bound tssb_i a_owned'' a_share]
	have "a  dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)"
	  by (simp add: 𝒮)
	with a_unshared'
	show False
	  by auto

      from acquired_owns_shared [OF sharing_consis_drop_sb]
      have "acquired True ?drop_sb 𝒪 ⊆ 𝒪 ∪ 𝒮".
      from share_owns_shared [OF sharing_consis_drop_sb]
      have "share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊆ 𝒪 ∪ 𝒮".
      obtain a_owned: "a ∈ 𝒪" and a_unshared: "a ∉ 𝒮" 
	by cases auto
      have valid_own': "valid_ownership 𝒮sb' tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)
	show "outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	proof -
	  from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF i_bound tssb_i]  
	  have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪sb sb".
	  with a_owned' 
	  have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪sb (sb @ [Writesb False a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W])"
	    by (simp add: non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_append)
	  from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	  show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' "issb" sb' 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	show "outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others tssb'"
	proof -
	  have "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (sb @ [Writesb False a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W])  
	    outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb"
	    by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append)
	  from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others_store_buffer 
	  [OF i_bound tssb_i this]
	  show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' "issb" sb' 𝒪sb' all_acquired_append)
	show "read_only_reads_unowned tssb'"
	proof -
	  have r: "read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) 
	    (sb @ [Writesb False a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W])) 𝒪sb)
            (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) (sb @ [Writesb False a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W]))
	    read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) 𝒪sb)
            (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)"
	    apply (case_tac "outstanding_refs (is_volatile_Writesb) sb = {}")
	    apply (simp_all add: outstanding_vol_write_take_drop_appends
	    acquired_append read_only_reads_append )
	  have "𝒪sb  all_acquired (sb @ [Writesb False a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W])  𝒪sb  all_acquired sb"
	    by (simp add: all_acquired_append)

	  from read_only_reads_unowned_nth_update [OF i_bound tssb_i r this]
	  show ?thesis
	    by (simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' sb')
	show "ownership_distinct tssb'"
	proof -
	  from ownership_distinct_instructions_read_value_store_buffer_independent 
	  [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	  show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' "issb" sb' 𝒪sb' all_acquired_append)

      have valid_hist': "valid_history program_step tssb'"
      proof -
	from valid_history [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "history_consistent θsb (hd_prog psb sb) sb".
	with valid_write_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i] D_tmps 
	  valid_implies_valid_prog_hd [OF i_bound tssb_i valid]
	have "history_consistent θsb (hd_prog psb (sb@[Writesb False a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W])) 
	       (sb@ [Writesb False a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W])"
	  apply -
	  apply (rule history_consistent_appendI)
	  apply (auto simp add: hd_prog_append_Writesb)
	from valid_history_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' "issb" sb' 𝒪sb' θsb')

      have valid_reads': "valid_reads msb tssb'"
      proof -
	from valid_reads [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "reads_consistent False 𝒪sb msb sb" .
	from reads_consistent_snoc_Writesb [OF this]
	have "reads_consistent False 𝒪sb msb (sb @ [Writesb False a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W])".
	from valid_reads_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' "issb" sb' 𝒪sb' θsb')

      have valid_sharing': "valid_sharing 𝒮sb' tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)	
	from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared [OF i_bound tssb_i] a_unshared
	have "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb
	      (sb @ [Writesb False a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W])"
	  by (auto simp add: non_volatile_writes_unshared_append)
	from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' "issb" sb' 𝒪sb' θsb' 𝒮sb')
	from sharing_consis [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪sb sb".
	have "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪sb (sb @ [Writesb False a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W])"
	  by (simp add:  sharing_consistent_append)
	from sharing_consis_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "sharing_consis 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' 𝒮sb')
	from read_only_unowned_nth_update [OF i_bound read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i] ]
	show "read_only_unowned 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: 𝒮sb' tssb' 𝒪sb')
	from unowned_shared_nth_update [OF i_bound tssb_i subset_refl]
	show "unowned_shared 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' "issb" sb' 𝒪sb' θsb' 𝒮sb')
	from a_unshared
	have "a  read_only (share sb 𝒮sb)"
	  by (auto simp add: read_only_def dom_def)
	with no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory [OF i_bound tssb_i] 

	have "no_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb (sb @ [Writesb False a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W])"
	  by (simp add: no_write_to_read_only_memory_append)
	from no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: 𝒮sb' tssb' sb')

      have tmps_distinct': "tmps_distinct tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)
	from load_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "distinct_load_tmps issb'" 
	  by (auto split: instr.splits simp add: "issb")
	from load_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "load_tmps_distinct tssb'"	  
	  by (simp add: tssb' "issb" sb' 𝒪sb' θsb')      
	from read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "distinct_read_tmps sb".
	hence "distinct_read_tmps (sb @ [Writesb False a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W])" 
	  by (simp add: distinct_read_tmps_append)
	from read_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "read_tmps_distinct tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' "issb" sb' 𝒪sb' θsb')      
	from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
          load_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "load_tmps issb'  read_tmps (sb @ [Writesb False a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W]) = {}"
	  by (clarsimp simp add: read_tmps_append "issb")
	from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct tssb'" 
	  by (simp add: tssb' "issb" sb' 𝒪sb' θsb')      

      have valid_sops': "valid_sops tssb'"
      proof -
	from valid_store_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	obtain valid_Df: "valid_sop (D,f)" and  
	  valid_store_sops': "sopstore_sops issb'. valid_sop sop"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb")
	from valid_Df valid_write_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have valid_write_sops': "sopwrite_sops (sb@ [Writesb False a (D, f) (f θsb) A L R W]). 
	  valid_sop sop"
	  by (auto simp add: write_sops_append)
	from valid_sops_nth_update [OF i_bound  valid_write_sops' valid_store_sops']
	show ?thesis 	  
	  by (simp add: tssb' "issb" sb' 𝒪sb' θsb')      

      have valid_dd': "valid_data_dependency tssb'"
      proof -
	from data_dependency_consistent_instrs [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	obtain D_indep: "D  load_tmps issb' = {}" and 
	  dd_is: "data_dependency_consistent_instrs (dom θsb') issb'"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb" θsb')
	from load_tmps_write_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i] D_indep
	have "load_tmps issb'  
	      (fst ` write_sops (sb@ [Writesb False a (D, f) (f θsb) A L R W])) = {}"
	  by (auto simp add: write_sops_append "issb")
	from valid_data_dependency_nth_update [OF i_bound dd_is this]
	show ?thesis 	  
	  by (simp add: tssb' "issb" sb' 𝒪sb' θsb')      

      have load_tmps_fresh': "load_tmps_fresh tssb'"
      proof -
	from load_tmps_fresh [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "load_tmps issb'  dom θsb = {}"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb")
	from load_tmps_fresh_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis 	  
	  by (simp add: tssb' "issb" sb' 𝒪sb' θsb')      

      have enough_flushs': "enough_flushs tssb'"
      proof -
	from clean_no_outstanding_volatile_Writesb [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "¬ 𝒟sb  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (sb@[Writesb False a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W]) = {}"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append )
	from enough_flushs_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒟sb')

      have valid_program_history': "valid_program_history tssb'"
      proof -	
	from valid_program_history [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "causal_program_history issb sb" .
	then have causal': "causal_program_history issb' (sb@[Writesb False a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W])"
	  by (auto simp: causal_program_history_Write  "issb")
	from valid_last_prog [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "last_prog psb sb = psb".
	hence "last_prog psb (sb @ [Writesb False a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W]) = psb"
	  by (simp add: last_prog_append_Writesb)
	from valid_program_history_nth_update [OF i_bound causal' this]
	show ?thesis
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb')

      from valid_store_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i, rule_format]
      have "valid_sop (D,f)" by (auto simp add: "issb")
      then interpret valid_sop "(D,f)" .

      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb = {}")
	case True
	from True have flush_all: "takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb = sb"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv)
	from True have suspend_nothing: "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb = []"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv)

	hence suspends_empty: "suspends = []"
	  by (simp add: suspends)

	from suspends_empty is_sim have "is": "is = Write False a (D,f) A L R W# issb'"
	  by (simp add: "issb")
	with suspends_empty ts_i 
	have ts_i: "ts!i = (psb, Write False a (D,f) A L R W# issb',
                     𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb,release ?take_sb (dom (𝒮sb)) sb)"
	  by simp

	from direct_memop_step.WriteNonVolatile [OF ]
	have "(Write False a (D, f) A L R W# issb', 
	  θsb, (),m,𝒟,acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb ,release ?take_sb (dom (𝒮sb)) sb, 𝒮)  
                  θsb, (), m(a := f θsb), 𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb,
                  release ?take_sb (dom (𝒮sb)) sb, 𝒮)".
	from direct_computation.concurrent_step.Memop [OF i_bound' ts_i this]
	have "(ts, m, 𝒮) d 
              (ts[i := (psb, issb', θsb, (),𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb,
                  release ?take_sb (dom (𝒮sb)) sb)], 
	       m(a := f θsb),𝒮)".


	have "j<length tssb. i  j 
          (let (_,_, _, sbj,_,_,_) = tssb ! j
          in a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj))"
	proof -
	    fix j pj "isj" 𝒪j j 𝒟j acqj xsj sbj
	    assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	    assume neq_i_j: "i  j"
	    assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,isj, xsj, sbj, 𝒟j, 𝒪j,j)"
	    have "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	      assume a_in: "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	      hence "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb sbj"
		using outstanding_refs_append [of is_non_volatile_Writesb "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
		"(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"]
		by auto
	      with non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_outstanding_non_volatile_writes 
	      [OF outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound jth]]
	      have j_owns: "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
		by auto

	      from j_owns a_owned'' ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i jth]
	      show False
		by auto
	  thus ?thesis by (fastforce simp add: Let_def)

	note flush_commute = flush_all_until_volatile_write_append_non_volatile_write_commute
        [OF True i_bound tssb_i this]

	from suspend_nothing
	have suspend_nothing': "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') = []"
	  by (simp add: sb')

	from 𝒟
	have 𝒟': "𝒟sb = (𝒟  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb 
	  (sb@[Writesb False a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W])   {})"
	  by (auto simp: outstanding_refs_append)

	have "(tssb',msb,𝒮sb')  
	   (ts[i := (psb,issb', θsb,(),𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb,
                     release ?take_sb (dom (𝒮sb)) sb)], 
                m(a:=f θsb),𝒮)"
	  apply (rule sim_config.intros) 
	  apply    (simp add: m flush_commute tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' sb' θsb' 𝒟sb' )
	  using  share_all_until_volatile_write_Write_commute 
	          [OF i_bound tssb_i [simplified issb]]
	  apply   (clarsimp simp add: 𝒮 𝒮sb' tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' sb' θsb')
	  using  leq
	  apply  (simp add: tssb')
	  using i_bound i_bound' ts_sim ts_i True 𝒟'
	  apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def nth_list_update 
	    outstanding_refs_conv tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' 𝒮sb' θsb' sb' 𝒟sb' suspend_nothing' flush_all 
	    acquired_append release_append split: if_split_asm)

	show ?thesis
	  using valid_own' valid_hist' valid_reads' valid_sharing' tmps_distinct' valid_sops'
	    valid_dd' load_tmps_fresh' enough_flushs' 
	    valid_program_history' valid' msb' 𝒮sb' 
	  by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply)

	case False

	then obtain r where r_in: "r  set sb" and volatile_r: "is_volatile_Writesb r"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv)
	from takeWhile_dropWhile_real_prefix 
	[OF r_in, of  "(Not  is_volatile_Writesb)", simplified, OF volatile_r] 
	obtain a' v' sb'' sop' A' L' R' W' where
	  sb_split: "sb = takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb @ Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# sb''" 
	  drop: "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb = Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# sb''"
	  apply (auto)
    subgoal for y ys
	  apply (case_tac y)
	  apply auto
	from drop suspends have suspends: "suspends = Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# sb''"
	  by simp

	have "(ts, m, 𝒮) d* (ts, m, 𝒮)" by auto


	note flush_commute =
	  flush_all_until_volatile_write_append_unflushed [OF False i_bound tssb_i]

	have "Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'  set sb"
	  by (subst sb_split) auto
	note drop_app = dropWhile_append1 [OF this, of "(Not  is_volatile_Writesb)", simplified]

	from 𝒟
	have 𝒟': "𝒟sb = (𝒟  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (sb@[Writesb False a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W])   {})"
	  by (auto simp: outstanding_refs_append)

	have "(tssb',msb,𝒮sb')  (ts,m,𝒮)"
	  apply (rule sim_config.intros) 
	  apply    (simp add: m flush_commute tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' θsb' sb')
	  using   share_all_until_volatile_write_Write_commute 
	           [OF i_bound tssb_i [simplified issb]]
	  apply   (clarsimp simp add: 𝒮 𝒮sb' tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' sb' θsb')
	  using  leq
	  apply  (simp add: tssb')
	  using i_bound i_bound' ts_sim ts_i is_sim 𝒟'
	  apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def nth_list_update is_sim drop_app
	    read_tmps_append suspends 
	    prog_instrs_append_Writesb instrs_append_Writesb hd_prog_append_Writesb
	    drop "issb" tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' sb' 𝒮sb' 
            θsb' 𝒟sb' acquired_append takeWhile_append1 [OF r_in]
	    split: if_split_asm)
	ultimately show ?thesis
	  using valid_own' valid_hist' valid_reads' valid_sharing' tmps_distinct' valid_dd'
	    valid_sops' load_tmps_fresh' enough_flushs' 
	    valid_program_history' valid' msb' 𝒮sb' 
	  by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply )
      case (SBHWriteVolatile a D f A L R W)
      then obtain 
	"issb": "issb = Write True a (D, f) A L R W# issb'" and
	𝒪sb': "𝒪sb'=𝒪sb" and
        sb': "sb'=sb" and
	θsb': "θsb' = θsb" and
	𝒟sb': "𝒟sb'=True" and
	sb': "sb'=sb@[Writesb True a (D, f) (f θsb) A L R W]" and
	msb': "msb' = msb" and
	𝒮sb': "𝒮sb'=𝒮sb" 
	by auto

      from data_dependency_consistent_instrs [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have D_subset: "D  dom θsb" 
	by (simp add: issb)

      from safe_memop_flush_sb [simplified issb] obtain      
          "j<length (map owned ts). i  j  (a  owned (ts!j)  dom (released (ts!j)))" and
        L_subset: "L  A" and
	A_shared_owned: "A  dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  acquired True sb 𝒪sb" and
	R_acq: "R  acquired True sb 𝒪sb" and
	A_R: "A  R = {}" and
	"j<length (map owned ts). ij  (A  (owned (ts!j)  dom (released (ts!j))) = {})" and
	a_not_ro': "a  read_only (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)"
	by cases auto

      from a_unowned_others_ts ts_sim leq
      have a_unowned_others:
        "j<length tssb. i  j  
          (let (_,_,_,sbj,_,𝒪j,_) = tssb!j in 
	    a  acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪j 
            a  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj))" 
  apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def)
  subgoal for j
	apply (drule_tac x=j in spec)
	apply (auto simp add: dom_release_takeWhile)
      from a_unowned_others_ts ts_sim leq
      have a_unowned_others:
        "∀j<length (map owns_sb tssb). i ≠ j ⟶ 
          (let (𝒪j,sbj) = (map owns_sb tssb)!j in 
	    a ∉ acquired True (takeWhile (Not ∘ is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪j ∧
            a ∉ all_shared (takeWhile (Not ∘ is_volatile_Writesb) sbj))" 
	apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def)
	apply (drule_tac x=j in spec)
	apply (auto simp add: dom_release_takeWhile)
      from a_unowned_others
      have a_unacquired_others:
        "∀j<length tssb. i ≠ j ⟶ 
          (let (_,_,_,sbj,_,_) = tssb!j in 
	    a ∉ all_acquired (takeWhile (Not ∘ is_volatile_Writesb) sbj))" 
	by (auto simp add: acquired_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb)
      have a_not_ro: "a  read_only (share sb 𝒮sb)"
	assume a: "a  read_only (share sb 𝒮sb)"
	from local.read_only_unowned_axioms have "read_only_unowned 𝒮sb tssb".
        from in_read_only_share_all_until_volatile_write' [OF ownership_distinct_tssb sharing_consis_tssb
          read_only_unowned 𝒮sb tssb i_bound tssb_i a_unowned_others a] 
	have "a  read_only (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)"
	  by (simp add: 𝒮)
	with a_not_ro' show False by simp
      from A_unowned_by_others_ts ts_sim leq
      have A_unowned_by_others:  
	"j<length tssb. ij  (let (_,_,_,sbj,_,𝒪j,_) = tssb!j 
	  in A  (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪j 
                  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)) = {})" 
  apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def)
  subgoal for j
	apply (drule_tac x=j in spec)
	apply (force simp add: dom_release_takeWhile)
      have a_not_acquired_others: "j<length (map 𝒪_sb tssb). i  j  
        (let (𝒪j,sbj) = (map 𝒪_sb tssb)!j in a  all_acquired sbj)" 
      proof -
	  fix j 𝒪j sbj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length (map owned tssb)"
	  assume neq_i_j: "ij"
	  assume tssb_j: "(map 𝒪_sb tssb)!j = (𝒪j,sbj)"
	  assume conflict: "a  all_acquired sbj"
	  have False
	  proof -
	    from j_bound leq
	    have j_bound': "j < length (map owned ts)"
	      by auto
	    from j_bound have j_bound'': "j < length tssb"
	      by auto
	    from j_bound' have j_bound''': "j < length ts"
	      by simp

	    let ?take_sbj = "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	    let ?drop_sbj = "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"

	    from ts_sim [rule_format, OF  j_bound''] tssb_j j_bound''
	    obtain pj suspendsj "issbj" j 𝒟sbj 𝒟j θsbj "isj" where
		  tssb_j: "tssb ! j = (pj,issbj, θsbj, sbj, 𝒟sbj,𝒪j,j)"  and
		  suspendsj: "suspendsj = dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj" and
		  isj: "instrs suspendsj @ issbj = isj @ prog_instrs suspendsj" and
	          𝒟j: "𝒟sbj = (𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj  {})" and
		  tsj: "ts!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj,
                               θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps suspendsj),(), 
                               acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,
                               release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
	      apply (cases "tssb!j")
	      apply (force simp add: Let_def)

	    from a_unowned_others [rule_format,OF _ neq_i_j] tssb_j j_bound
	    obtain a_unacq: "a  acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j" and a_not_shared: "a  all_shared ?take_sbj"
	      by auto
            have conflict_drop: "a  all_acquired suspendsj"
            proof (rule ccontr)
              assume "a  all_acquired suspendsj"
              with all_acquired_append [of ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj] conflict
              have "a  all_acquired ?take_sbj"
                by (auto simp add: suspendsj)
              from all_acquired_unshared_acquired [OF this a_not_shared] a_unacq
              show False by auto

	    from j_bound''' i_bound' have j_bound_ts': "j < length ?ts'"
	      by simp

	    (* FIXME: extract common intermediate steps of both cases*)
	    from split_all_acquired_in [OF conflict_drop]
	    show ?thesis
	      assume "sop a' v ys zs A L R W. 
                suspendsj = ys @ Writesb True a' sop v A L R W# zs  a  A"
	      obtain a' sop' v' ys zs A' L' R' W' where
		split_suspendsj: "suspendsj = ys @ Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# zs" 
		(is "suspendsj = ?suspends") and
		a_A': "a  A'"
		by blast

	      from sharing_consis [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	      have sharing_consis_j: "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪j sbj".
	      then have A'_R': "A'  R' = {}" 
		by (simp add: sharing_consistent_append [of _ _ ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj, simplified] 
		  suspendsj [symmetric] split_suspendsj sharing_consistent_append)
	      from valid_program_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] 
	      have "causal_program_history issbj sbj".
	      then have cph: "causal_program_history issbj ?suspends"
		apply -
		apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sbj"] )
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		apply (simp add: split_suspendsj)

	      from tsj neq_i_j j_bound 
	      have ts'_j: "?ts'!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj,
		θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps suspendsj),(), 
		𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
		by auto
	      from valid_last_prog [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] have last_prog: "last_prog pj sbj = pj".
	      have lp: "last_prog pj suspendsj = pj"
		apply -
		apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sbj"])
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		apply simp

	      from valid_reads [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	      have reads_consis_j: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj".

	      from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb 
		j_bound'' tssb_j this]
	      have reads_consis_m_j: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) m suspendsj"
		by (simp add: m suspendsj)

	      from outstanding_non_write_non_vol_reads_drop_disj [OF i_bound j_bound'' neq_i_j tssb_i tssb_j]
	      have "outstanding_refs is_Writesb ?drop_sb  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb suspendsj = {}"
		by (simp add: suspendsj)
	      from reads_consistent_flush_independent [OF this reads_consis_m_j]
	      have reads_consis_flush_suspend: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) 
		(flush ?drop_sb m) suspendsj".

	      hence reads_consis_ys: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  
		(flush ?drop_sb m) (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'])"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj reads_consistent_append)

	      from valid_write_sops [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	      have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sbj@?suspends). valid_sop sop"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sbj. valid_sop sop" and
		valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']). valid_sop sop"
		apply (simp only: write_sops_append)
		apply auto

	      from read_tmps_distinct [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	      have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      then obtain 
		read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sbj  read_tmps suspendsj = {}" and
		distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps suspendsj"
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		apply (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)

	      from valid_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	      have h_consis: 
		"history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj@suspendsj)) (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		apply simp
	      have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog pj sbj) ?take_sbj = (hd_prog pj suspendsj)"
	      proof -
		from last_prog have "last_prog pj (?take_sbj@?drop_sbj) = pj"
		  by simp
		from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] this
		have "last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj = hd_prog pj suspendsj"
		  by (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		have "last_prog (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj @ suspendsj)) ?take_sbj = 
		  last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj"
		  apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		  by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
		ultimately show ?thesis
		  by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 

	      from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop 
		h_consis] last_prog_hd_prog
	      have hist_consis': "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj suspendsj) suspendsj"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads  
	      [OF reads_consis_j] 
	      have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb 
		(ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) = {}"
		by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj [symmetric] 
		  split_suspendsj )

	      have acq_simp:
		"acquired True (ys @ [Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) 
                    (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) = 
                 acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  A' - R'"
		by (simp add: acquired_append)

	      from flush_store_buffer_append [where sb="ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']" and sb'="zs", simplified,
	      OF j_bound_ts' isj [simplified split_suspendsj] cph [simplified suspendsj]
	      ts'_j [simplified split_suspendsj] refl lp [simplified split_suspendsj] reads_consis_ys 
	      hist_consis' [simplified split_suspendsj] valid_sops_drop 
	      distinct_read_tmps_drop [simplified split_suspendsj] 
		no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], where
	      𝒮="share ?drop_sb 𝒮"]
	      obtain isj' j' where
		isj': "instrs zs @ issbj = isj' @ prog_instrs zs" and
		steps_ys: "(?ts', flush ?drop_sb m, share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  d* 
                              (hd_prog pj (Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# zs)) (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']),
                             θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps zs),
                              (), True, acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  A' - R',j')],
                    flush (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) (flush ?drop_sb m),
                    share (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) (share ?drop_sb 𝒮))"
		   (is "(_,_,_) d* (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)")
                by (auto simp add: acquired_append outstanding_refs_append)

	      from i_bound' have i_bound_ys: "i < length ?ts_ys"
		by auto

	      from i_bound' neq_i_j 
	      have ts_ys_i: "?ts_ys!i = (psb, issb, θsb,(), 
		𝒟sb, acquired True sb 𝒪sb, release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"
		by simp
	      note conflict_computation = rtranclp_trans [OF steps_flush_sb steps_ys]
	      from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach conflict_computation]
	      have "safe_delayed (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)".
	      from safe_delayedE [OF this i_bound_ys ts_ys_i, simplified issb] 
	      have a_unowned: 
		"j < length ?ts_ys. ij  (let (𝒪j) = map owned ?ts_ys!j in a  𝒪j)"
		apply cases
		apply (auto simp add: Let_def issb)
	      from a_A' a_unowned [rule_format, of j] neq_i_j j_bound' A'_R'
	      show False
		by (auto simp add: Let_def)
	      assume "A L R W ys zs. suspendsj = ys @ Ghostsb A L R W# zs  a  A"
	      obtain A' L' R' W' ys zs where
		split_suspendsj: "suspendsj = ys @ Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs" 
		(is "suspendsj = ?suspends") and
		  a_A': "a  A'"
		by blast

	      from sharing_consis [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	      have sharing_consis_j: "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪j sbj".
	      then have A'_R': "A'  R' = {}" 
		by (simp add: sharing_consistent_append [of _ _ ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj, simplified] 
		  suspendsj [symmetric] split_suspendsj sharing_consistent_append)
	      from valid_program_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] 
	      have "causal_program_history issbj sbj".
	      then have cph: "causal_program_history issbj ?suspends"
		apply -
		apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sbj"] )
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		apply (simp add: split_suspendsj)

	      from tsj neq_i_j j_bound 
	      have ts'_j: "?ts'!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj,
		θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps suspendsj),(), 
		𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j, release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
		by auto
	      from valid_last_prog [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] have last_prog: "last_prog pj sbj = pj".
	      have lp: "last_prog pj suspendsj = pj"
		apply -
		apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sbj"])
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		apply simp

	      from valid_reads [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	      have reads_consis_j: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj".
	      from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb 
		j_bound'' tssb_j this]
	      have reads_consis_m_j: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) m suspendsj"
		by (simp add: m suspendsj)

	      from outstanding_non_write_non_vol_reads_drop_disj [OF i_bound j_bound'' neq_i_j tssb_i tssb_j]
	      have "outstanding_refs is_Writesb ?drop_sb  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb suspendsj = {}"
		by (simp add: suspendsj)
	      from reads_consistent_flush_independent [OF this reads_consis_m_j]
	      have reads_consis_flush_suspend: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) 
		(flush ?drop_sb m) suspendsj".

	      hence reads_consis_ys: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  
		(flush ?drop_sb m) (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W'])"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj reads_consistent_append)

	      from valid_write_sops [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	      have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sbj@?suspends). valid_sop sop"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sbj. valid_sop sop" and
		valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']). valid_sop sop"
		apply (simp only: write_sops_append)
		apply auto

	      from read_tmps_distinct [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	      have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      then obtain 
		read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sbj  read_tmps suspendsj = {}" and
		distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps suspendsj"
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		apply (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)

	      from valid_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	      have h_consis: 
		"history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj@suspendsj)) (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		apply simp
	      have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog pj sbj) ?take_sbj = (hd_prog pj suspendsj)"
	      proof -
		from last_prog have "last_prog pj (?take_sbj@?drop_sbj) = pj"
		  by simp
		from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] this
		have "last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj = hd_prog pj suspendsj"
		  by (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		have "last_prog (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj @ suspendsj)) ?take_sbj = 
		  last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj"
		  apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		  by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
		ultimately show ?thesis
		  by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 

	      from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop 
		h_consis] last_prog_hd_prog
	      have hist_consis': "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj suspendsj) suspendsj"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads  
	      [OF reads_consis_j] 
	      have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb 
		(ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) = {}"
		by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj [symmetric] 
		  split_suspendsj )

	      have acq_simp:
		"acquired True (ys @ [Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) 
                    (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) = 
                 acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  A' - R'"
		by (simp add: acquired_append)

	      from flush_store_buffer_append [where sb="ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']" and sb'="zs", simplified,
	      OF j_bound_ts' isj [simplified split_suspendsj] cph [simplified suspendsj]
	      ts'_j [simplified split_suspendsj] refl lp [simplified split_suspendsj] reads_consis_ys 
	      hist_consis' [simplified split_suspendsj] valid_sops_drop 
	      distinct_read_tmps_drop [simplified split_suspendsj] 
	      no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], where
	      𝒮="share ?drop_sb 𝒮"]
	      obtain isj' j'  where
		isj': "instrs zs @ issbj = isj' @ prog_instrs zs" and
		steps_ys: "(?ts', flush ?drop_sb m, share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  d* 
                              (hd_prog pj (Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs)) (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']),
                             θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps zs),
                             𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (ys @ [Ghostsb A' L' R' W'])  {}, acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  A' - R',j')],
                    flush (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) (flush ?drop_sb m),
                    share (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) (share ?drop_sb 𝒮))"
		   (is "(_,_,_) d* (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)")
                by (auto simp add: acquired_append)

	      from i_bound' have i_bound_ys: "i < length ?ts_ys"
		by auto

	      from i_bound' neq_i_j 
	      have ts_ys_i: "?ts_ys!i = (psb, issb,θsb,(), 
		𝒟sb, acquired True sb 𝒪sb, release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"
		by simp
	      note conflict_computation = rtranclp_trans [OF steps_flush_sb steps_ys]
	      from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach conflict_computation]
	      have "safe_delayed (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)".
	      from safe_delayedE [OF this i_bound_ys ts_ys_i, simplified issb] 
	      have a_unowned: 
		"j < length ?ts_ys. ij  (let (𝒪j) = map owned ?ts_ys!j in a  𝒪j)"
		apply cases
		apply (auto simp add: Let_def issb)
	      from a_A' a_unowned [rule_format, of j] neq_i_j j_bound' A'_R'
	      show False
		by (auto simp add: Let_def)
	thus ?thesis
	  by (auto simp add: Let_def)

      have A_unused_by_others:
	  "j<length (map 𝒪_sb tssb). i  j 
             (let (𝒪j, sbj) = map 𝒪_sb tssb! j
             in A  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj = {})"
      proof -
	  fix j 𝒪j sbj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length (map owned tssb)"
	  assume neq_i_j: "ij"
	  assume tssb_j: "(map 𝒪_sb tssb)!j = (𝒪j,sbj)"
	  assume conflict: "A  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj  {}"
	  have False
	  proof -
	    from j_bound leq
	    have j_bound': "j < length (map owned ts)"
	      by auto
	    from j_bound have j_bound'': "j < length tssb"
	      by auto
	    from j_bound' have j_bound''': "j < length ts"
	      by simp
	    from conflict obtain a' where
	      a'_in: "a'  A" and
              a'_in_j: "a'  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj"
	      by auto

	    let ?take_sbj = "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	    let ?drop_sbj = "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"

	    from ts_sim [rule_format, OF  j_bound''] tssb_j j_bound''
	    obtain pj suspendsj "issbj" 𝒟sbj 𝒟j j θsbj "isj" where
	      tssb_j: "tssb ! j = (pj,issbj, θsbj, sbj,𝒟sbj,𝒪j,j)" and
	      suspendsj: "suspendsj = ?drop_sbj" and
	      isj: "instrs suspendsj @ issbj = isj @ prog_instrs suspendsj" and
	      𝒟j: "𝒟sbj = (𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj  {})" and
	      tsj: "ts!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj,
	             θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps suspendsj),(), 𝒟j, 
                     acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,
                     release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
	      apply (cases "tssb!j")
	      apply (force simp add: Let_def)
	    have "a'  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb suspendsj"
	    proof -	
	      from a'_in_j 
	      have "a'  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (?take_sbj @ ?drop_sbj)"
		by simp
	      thus ?thesis
		apply (simp only: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj)
		apply (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv dest: set_takeWhileD)
	    from split_volatile_Writesb_in_outstanding_refs [OF this]
	    obtain sop v ys zs A' L' R' W' where
	      split_suspendsj: "suspendsj = ys @ Writesb True a' sop v A' L' R' W'# zs" (is "suspendsj = ?suspends")
	      by blast
	    from direct_memop_step.WriteVolatile [where  θ=θsb and m="flush ?drop_sb m"]
	    have "(Write True a (D, f) A L R W# issb', 
                       θsb, (), flush ?drop_sb m,𝒟sb,acquired True sb 𝒪sb,
                        release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb, 
                        share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  
                    (issb', θsb, (), (flush ?drop_sb m)(a := f θsb), True, acquired True sb 𝒪sb  A - R, Map.empty,
                      share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)".

	    from direct_computation.concurrent_step.Memop [OF 
	      i_bound_ts' [simplified issb] ts'_i [simplified issb] this [simplified issb]] 
	    have store_step: "(?ts', flush ?drop_sb m,share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ) d 
                    (?ts'[i := (psb, issb', θsb, (), 
                         True, acquired True sb 𝒪sb  A - R,Map.empty)], 
                         (flush ?drop_sb m)(a := f θsb), share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL )"
		  (is " _ d (?ts_A, ?m_A, ?share_A)")
	     by (simp add: issb)
	   from i_bound' have i_bound'': "i < length ?ts_A"
	     by simp

	   from valid_program_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] 
	   have "causal_program_history issbj sbj".
	   then have cph: "causal_program_history issbj ?suspends"
	     apply -
	     apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sbj"] )
	     apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	     apply (simp add: split_suspendsj)
	   from tsj neq_i_j j_bound 
	   have ts_A_j: "?ts_A!j = (hd_prog pj (ys @ Writesb True a' sop v A' L' R' W'# zs), isj,
	     θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (ys @ Writesb True a' sop v A' L' R' W'# zs)), (), 𝒟j, 
	     acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
	     by (simp add: split_suspendsj)

	   from j_bound''' i_bound' neq_i_j have j_bound'''': "j < length ?ts_A"
	     by simp

	   from valid_last_prog [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] have last_prog: "last_prog pj sbj = pj".
	   have lp: "last_prog pj ?suspends = pj"
	     apply -
	     apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sbj"])
	     apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	     apply simp

	   from valid_reads [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	   have reads_consis: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj".

	   from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb j_bound''
	     tssb_j reads_consis]
	   have reads_consis_m: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) m suspendsj"
	     by (simp add: m suspendsj)

	   from outstanding_non_write_non_vol_reads_drop_disj [OF i_bound j_bound'' neq_i_j tssb_i tssb_j]
	   have "outstanding_refs is_Writesb ?drop_sb  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb suspendsj = {}"
	     by (simp add: suspendsj)
	   from reads_consistent_flush_independent [OF this reads_consis_m]
	   have reads_consis_flush_m: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) 
	     (flush ?drop_sb m) suspendsj".

	   from a_unowned_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] j_bound tssb_j
	   obtain a_notin_owns_j: "a  acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j" and a_unshared: "a  all_shared ?take_sbj"
	     by auto
	   from a_not_acquired_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] j_bound tssb_j
	   have a_not_acquired_j: "a  all_acquired sbj"
	     by auto
	   from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	   have nvo_j: "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪j sbj".
	   (* FIXME: make this a lemma, duplicated some times below *)
	   have a_no_non_vol_read: "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb ?drop_sbj"
	     assume a_in_nvr:"a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb ?drop_sbj"

	     from reads_consistent_drop [OF reads_consis]
	     have rc: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) (flush ?take_sbj msb) ?drop_sbj".

	     from non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_drop [OF nvo_j]
	     have nvo_j_drop: "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only True (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)
	       (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)
	       by simp

	     from outstanding_refs_non_volatile_Readsb_all_acquired [OF rc this a_in_nvr]

	     have a_owns_acq_ror: 
	       "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj  read_only_reads (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj"
	       by (auto dest!: acquired_all_acquired_in all_acquired_takeWhile_dropWhile_in
		 simp add: acquired_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb)

	     have a_unowned_j: "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
             proof (cases "a  𝒪j")
               case False with a_not_acquired_j show ?thesis by auto
               case True
               from all_shared_acquired_in [OF True a_unshared] a_notin_owns_j
               have False by auto thus ?thesis ..
	     with a_owns_acq_ror 
	     have a_ror: "a  read_only_reads (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj"
	       by auto

	     with read_only_reads_unowned [OF j_bound'' i_bound neq_i_j [symmetric] tssb_j tssb_i]
	     have a_unowned_sb: "a  𝒪sb  all_acquired sb"
	       by auto
	     from sharing_consis [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] sharing_consistent_append [of 𝒮sb 𝒪j ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
	     have consis_j_drop: "sharing_consistent (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb) (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj"
	       by auto
	     from read_only_reads_read_only [OF nvo_j_drop consis_j_drop] a_ror a_unowned_j
	       all_acquired_append [of ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj] acquired_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb [of sbj 𝒪j]
	     have "a  read_only (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)"
	       by (auto simp add: )
             from read_only_share_all_shared [OF this] a_unshared
	     have "a  read_only 𝒮sb"
	       by fastforce
	     from read_only_unacquired_share [OF read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	       weak_sharing_consis [OF i_bound tssb_i] this] a_unowned_sb
	     have "a  read_only (share sb 𝒮sb)"
	       by auto
	     with a_not_ro show False
	       by simp
	   with reads_consistent_mem_eq_on_non_volatile_reads  [OF _ subset_refl reads_consis_flush_m]
	   have "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?m_A suspendsj"
	     by (auto simp add: suspendsj)

	   hence reads_consis_m_A_ys: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?m_A ys"
	     by (simp add: split_suspendsj reads_consistent_append)

	   from valid_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	   have h_consis: 
	     "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj@suspendsj)) (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
	     apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	     apply simp

	   have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog pj sbj) ?take_sbj = (hd_prog pj suspendsj)"
	   proof -
	     from last_prog have "last_prog pj (?take_sbj@?drop_sbj) = pj"
	       by simp
	     from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] this
	     have "last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj = hd_prog pj suspendsj"
	       by (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	     have "last_prog (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj @ suspendsj)) ?take_sbj = 
		  last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj"
	       apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	       by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
	     ultimately show ?thesis
	       by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 

	   from valid_write_sops [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	   have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sbj@?suspends). valid_sop sop"
	     by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	   then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sbj. valid_sop sop" and
	     valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops ys. valid_sop sop"
	     apply (simp only: write_sops_append )
	     apply auto

	   from read_tmps_distinct [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	   have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
	     by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	   then obtain 
	     read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sbj  read_tmps suspendsj = {}" and
	     distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps suspendsj"
	     apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	     apply (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)
	   from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop h_consis]	  
	   have hist_consis': "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj suspendsj) suspendsj"
	     by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	    from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads  
	    [OF reads_consis] 
	    have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb ys = {}"
	      by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj [symmetric] 
		split_suspendsj )
	    from flush_store_buffer_append [
	      OF j_bound''''  isj [simplified split_suspendsj] cph [simplified suspendsj]
	      ts_A_j [simplified split_suspendsj] refl lp [simplified split_suspendsj] reads_consis_m_A_ys
	      hist_consis' [simplified split_suspendsj] valid_sops_drop distinct_read_tmps_drop [simplified split_suspendsj] 
	      no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], where
	    obtain isj' j' where
	      isj': "instrs (Writesb True a' sop v A' L' R' W'# zs) @ issbj = 
	            isj' @ prog_instrs (Writesb True a' sop v A' L' R' W'# zs)" and
	      steps_ys: "(?ts_A, ?m_A, ?share_A)  d* 
		(?ts_A[j:= (last_prog (hd_prog pj (Writesb True a' sop v A' L' R' W'# zs)) ys,
                           θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (Writesb True a' sop v A' L' R' W' # zs)),(),
                           𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {}, acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j') ],
                  flush ys ?m_A,
                  share ys ?share_A)"
		 (is "(_,_,_) d* (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)")
              by (auto)

	    note conflict_computation = rtranclp_trans [OF rtranclp_r_rtranclp [OF steps_flush_sb, OF store_step] steps_ys]
	    from cph
	    have "causal_program_history issbj ((ys @ [Writesb True a' sop v A' L' R' W']) @ zs)"
	      by simp
	    from causal_program_history_suffix [OF this]
	    have cph': "causal_program_history issbj zs".	      
	    interpret causalj: causal_program_history "issbj" "zs" by (rule cph')

	    from causalj.causal_program_history [of "[]", simplified, OF refl] isj'   
	    obtain isj''
	      where isj': "isj' = Write True a' sop A' L' R' W'#isj''" and
	      isj'': "instrs zs @ issbj = isj'' @ prog_instrs zs"
	      by clarsimp

	    from j_bound'''
	    have j_bound_ys: "j < length ?ts_ys"
	      by auto

	    from j_bound_ys neq_i_j
	    have ts_ys_j: "?ts_ys!j=(last_prog (hd_prog pj (Writesb True a' sop v A' L' R' W'# zs)) ys, isj',
                 θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (Writesb True a' sop v A' L' R' W'# zs)),(),
	         𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {},
                 acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j')"
	      by auto

	    from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach conflict_computation]
	    have "safe_delayed (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)".
	    from safe_delayedE [OF this j_bound_ys ts_ys_j, simplified isj']
	    have a_unowned: 
		"i < length ?ts_ys. ji  (let (𝒪i) = map owned ?ts_ys!i in a'  𝒪i)"
	      apply cases
	      apply (auto simp add: Let_def issb)
	    from a'_in a_unowned [rule_format, of i] neq_i_j i_bound' A_R
	    show False
	      by (auto simp add: Let_def)
	thus ?thesis
	  by (auto simp add: Let_def)
      have A_unaquired_by_others:
	  "j<length (map 𝒪_sb tssb). i  j 
             (let (𝒪j, sbj) = map 𝒪_sb tssb! j
             in A  all_acquired sbj = {})"
      proof -
	  fix j 𝒪j sbj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length (map owned tssb)"
	  assume neq_i_j: "ij"
	  assume tssb_j: "(map 𝒪_sb tssb)!j = (𝒪j,sbj)"
	  assume conflict: "A  all_acquired sbj  {}"
	  have False
	  proof -
	    from j_bound leq
	    have j_bound': "j < length (map owned ts)"
	      by auto
	    from j_bound have j_bound'': "j < length tssb"
	      by auto
	    from j_bound' have j_bound''': "j < length ts"
	      by simp
	    from conflict obtain a' where
	      a'_in: "a'  A" and
              a'_in_j: "a'  all_acquired sbj"
	      by auto

	    let ?take_sbj = "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	    let ?drop_sbj = "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"

	    from ts_sim [rule_format, OF  j_bound''] tssb_j j_bound''
	    obtain pj suspendsj "issbj" 𝒟sbj 𝒟j j θsbj "isj" where
	      tssb_j: "tssb ! j = (pj,issbj, θsbj, sbj,𝒟sbj,𝒪j,j)" and
	      suspendsj: "suspendsj = ?drop_sbj" and
	      isj: "instrs suspendsj @ issbj = isj @ prog_instrs suspendsj" and
	      𝒟j: "𝒟sbj = (𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj  {})" and
	      tsj: "ts!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj, 
	                   θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps suspendsj),(), 
	                   𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
	      apply (cases "tssb!j")
	      apply (force simp add: Let_def)

	    from a'_in_j all_acquired_append [of ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
	    have "a'  all_acquired ?take_sbj  a'  all_acquired suspendsj"
	      by (auto simp add: suspendsj)
	    thus False
	      assume "a'  all_acquired ?take_sbj"
	      with A_unowned_by_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] tssb_j j_bound a'_in
	      show False
		by (auto dest: all_acquired_unshared_acquired)
	      assume conflict_drop: "a'  all_acquired suspendsj"
	      from split_all_acquired_in [OF conflict_drop]
	      (* FIXME: exract common parts *)
	      show False
		assume "sop a'' v ys zs A L R W. 
                         suspendsj = ys @ Writesb True a'' sop v A L R W# zs  a'  A" 
		obtain a'' sop' v' ys zs A' L' R' W' where
		  split_suspendsj: "suspendsj = ys @ Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# zs" 
		    (is "suspendsj = ?suspends") and
		  a'_A': "a'  A'"
		 by auto
	       from direct_memop_step.WriteVolatile [where  θ=θsb and m="flush ?drop_sb m"]
	       have "(Write True a (D, f) A L R W # issb', 
                         θsb, (), flush ?drop_sb m ,𝒟sb, acquired True sb 𝒪sb,
                         release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb, 
                         share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  
                    (issb', θsb, (), (flush ?drop_sb m)(a := f θsb), True, acquired True sb 𝒪sb  A - R,Map.empty, 
                      share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)".

	       from direct_computation.concurrent_step.Memop [OF 
		 i_bound_ts' [simplified issb] ts'_i [simplified issb] this [simplified issb]] 

	       have store_step: "(?ts', flush ?drop_sb m, share ?drop_sb 𝒮) d 
                   (?ts'[i := (psb, issb',
		        θsb, (),True, acquired True sb 𝒪sb  A - R,Map.empty)], 
                         (flush ?drop_sb m)(a := f θsb),share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
		   (is " _ d (?ts_A, ?m_A, ?share_A)")
		 by (simp add: issb)
	       from i_bound' have i_bound'': "i < length ?ts_A"
		 by simp

	       from valid_program_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] 
	       have "causal_program_history issbj sbj".
	       then have cph: "causal_program_history issbj ?suspends"
		 apply -
		 apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sbj"] )
		 apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		 apply (simp add: split_suspendsj)
	       from tsj neq_i_j j_bound 
	       have ts_A_j: "?ts_A!j = (hd_prog pj (ys @ Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# zs), isj, 
		   θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (ys @ Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# zs)), (), 𝒟j, 
		   acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
		 by (simp add: split_suspendsj)

	       from j_bound''' i_bound' neq_i_j have j_bound'''': "j < length ?ts_A"
		 by simp

	       from valid_last_prog [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] have last_prog: "last_prog pj sbj = pj".
	       have lp: "last_prog pj ?suspends = pj"
		 apply -
		 apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sbj"])
		 apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		 apply simp
	       from valid_reads [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	       have reads_consis: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj".
	       from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb 
		 tssb_j reads_consis]
	       have reads_consis_m: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) m suspendsj"
		 by (simp add: m suspendsj)

	       from outstanding_non_write_non_vol_reads_drop_disj [OF i_bound j_bound'' neq_i_j tssb_i tssb_j]
	       have "outstanding_refs is_Writesb ?drop_sb  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb suspendsj = {}"
		 by (simp add: suspendsj)
	       from reads_consistent_flush_independent [OF this reads_consis_m]
	       have reads_consis_flush_m: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) 
		 (flush ?drop_sb m) suspendsj".
	       from a_unowned_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] j_bound tssb_j
	       obtain a_notin_owns_j: "a  acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j" and a_unshared: "a  all_shared ?take_sbj"
	         by auto
	       from a_not_acquired_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] j_bound tssb_j
	       have a_not_acquired_j: "a  all_acquired sbj"
		 by auto
	       from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	       have nvo_j: "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪j sbj".

	       have a_no_non_vol_read: "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb ?drop_sbj"
		 assume a_in_nvr:"a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb ?drop_sbj"
		 from reads_consistent_drop [OF reads_consis]
		 have rc: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) (flush ?take_sbj msb) ?drop_sbj".
		 from non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_drop [OF nvo_j]
		 have nvo_j_drop: "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only True (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)
		   (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)
		   by simp
		 from outstanding_refs_non_volatile_Readsb_all_acquired [OF rc this a_in_nvr]

		 have a_owns_acq_ror: 
		   "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj  read_only_reads (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj"
		   by (auto dest!: acquired_all_acquired_in all_acquired_takeWhile_dropWhile_in
		     simp add: acquired_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb)
		 have a_unowned_j: "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
                 proof (cases "a  𝒪j")
                   case False with a_not_acquired_j show ?thesis by auto
                   case True
                   from all_shared_acquired_in [OF True a_unshared] a_notin_owns_j
                   have False by auto thus ?thesis ..

		 with a_owns_acq_ror 
		 have a_ror: "a  read_only_reads (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj"
		   by auto
		 with read_only_reads_unowned [OF j_bound'' i_bound neq_i_j [symmetric] tssb_j tssb_i]
		 have a_unowned_sb: "a  𝒪sb  all_acquired sb"
		   by auto
		 from sharing_consis [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] sharing_consistent_append [of 𝒮sb 𝒪j ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
		 have consis_j_drop: "sharing_consistent (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb) (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj"
		   by auto
		 from read_only_reads_read_only [OF nvo_j_drop consis_j_drop] a_ror a_unowned_j
		   all_acquired_append [of ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj] acquired_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb [of sbj 𝒪j]
		 have "a  read_only (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)"
		   by (auto)
		 from read_only_share_all_shared [OF this] a_unshared
		 have "a  read_only 𝒮sb"
		   by fastforce
		 from read_only_unacquired_share [OF read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
		   weak_sharing_consis [OF i_bound tssb_i] this] a_unowned_sb
		 have "a  read_only (share sb 𝒮sb)"
		   by auto
		 with a_not_ro show False
		   by simp
	       with reads_consistent_mem_eq_on_non_volatile_reads  [OF _ subset_refl reads_consis_flush_m]
	       have "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?m_A suspendsj"
		 by (auto simp add: suspendsj)
	       hence reads_consis_m_A_ys: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?m_A ys"
		 by (simp add: split_suspendsj reads_consistent_append)

	       from valid_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	       have h_consis: 
		 "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj@suspendsj)) (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		 apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		 apply simp
	       have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog pj sbj) ?take_sbj = (hd_prog pj suspendsj)"
	       proof -
		 from last_prog have "last_prog pj (?take_sbj@?drop_sbj) = pj"
		   by simp
		 from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] this
		 have "last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj = hd_prog pj suspendsj"
		   by (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		 have "last_prog (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj @ suspendsj)) ?take_sbj = 
		   last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj"
		   apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		   by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
		 ultimately show ?thesis
		   by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	       from valid_write_sops [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	       have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sbj@?suspends). valid_sop sop"
		 by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	       then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sbj. valid_sop sop" and
		 valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops ys. valid_sop sop"
		 apply (simp only: write_sops_append )
		 apply auto
	       from read_tmps_distinct [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	       have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		 by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	       then obtain 
		 read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sbj  read_tmps suspendsj = {}" and
		 distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps suspendsj"
		 apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		 apply (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)
	       from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop h_consis]	  
	       have hist_consis': "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj suspendsj) suspendsj"
		 by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	       from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads  
	       [OF reads_consis] 
	       have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb ys = {}"
		 by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj [symmetric] 
		   split_suspendsj )
	       from flush_store_buffer_append [
		 OF j_bound''''  isj [simplified split_suspendsj] cph [simplified suspendsj]
		 ts_A_j [simplified split_suspendsj] refl lp [simplified split_suspendsj] reads_consis_m_A_ys
		 hist_consis' [simplified split_suspendsj] valid_sops_drop distinct_read_tmps_drop [simplified split_suspendsj] 
		 no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], where
	       obtain isj' j' where
		 isj': "instrs (Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W' # zs) @ issbj = 
	            isj' @ prog_instrs (Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W' # zs)" and
		 steps_ys: "(?ts_A, ?m_A, ?share_A)  d* 
		(?ts_A[j:= (last_prog (hd_prog pj (Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W' # zs)) ys,
                           θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W' # zs)),(),
		           𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {}, acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j') ],
                  flush ys ?m_A, share ys ?share_A)"
		 (is "(_,_,_) d* (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)")
		 by (auto)

	       note conflict_computation = rtranclp_trans [OF rtranclp_r_rtranclp [OF steps_flush_sb, OF store_step] steps_ys]
	       from cph
	       have "causal_program_history issbj ((ys @ [Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) @ zs)"
		 by simp
	       from causal_program_history_suffix [OF this]
	       have cph': "causal_program_history issbj zs".	      
	       interpret causalj: causal_program_history "issbj" "zs" by (rule cph')

	       from causalj.causal_program_history [of "[]", simplified, OF refl] isj'   
	       obtain isj''
		 where isj': "isj' = Write True a'' sop' A' L' R' W'#isj''" and
		 isj'': "instrs zs @ issbj = isj'' @ prog_instrs zs"
		 by clarsimp
	       from j_bound'''
	       have j_bound_ys: "j < length ?ts_ys"
		 by auto

	       from j_bound_ys neq_i_j
	       have ts_ys_j: "?ts_ys!j=(last_prog (hd_prog pj (Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# zs)) ys, isj',
                 θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# zs)),(),𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {},
                 acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j')"
		 by auto

	       from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach conflict_computation]
	       have "safe_delayed (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)".
	       from safe_delayedE [OF this j_bound_ys ts_ys_j, simplified isj']
	       have A'_unowned: 
		 "i < length ?ts_ys. ji  (let (𝒪i) = map owned ?ts_ys!i in A'   𝒪i = {})"
		 apply cases
		 apply (fastforce simp add: Let_def issb)+
	       from a'_in a'_A' A'_unowned [rule_format, of i] neq_i_j i_bound' A_R
	       show False
		 by (auto simp add: Let_def)
	       assume "A L R W ys zs. 
                 suspendsj = ys @ Ghostsb A L R W # zs  a'  A" 
	       obtain ys zs A' L' R' W' where
		  split_suspendsj: "suspendsj = ys @ Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs" (is "suspendsj = ?suspends") and
		 a'_A': "a'  A'"
		 by auto
	       from direct_memop_step.WriteVolatile [where  θ=θsb and m="flush ?drop_sb m"]
	       have "(Write True a (D, f) A L R W# issb', 
                          θsb, (), flush ?drop_sb m,𝒟sb,acquired True sb 𝒪sb, 
                          release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb,
                         share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  
                    (issb', θsb, (), (flush ?drop_sb m)(a := f θsb), True, acquired True sb 𝒪sb  A - R, Map.empty, 
                      share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)".

	       from direct_computation.concurrent_step.Memop [OF 
		 i_bound_ts' [simplified issb] ts'_i [simplified issb] this [simplified issb]] 
	       have store_step: "(?ts', flush ?drop_sb m, share ?drop_sb 𝒮) d 
                   (?ts'[i := (psb, issb', 
		         θsb, (), True, acquired True sb 𝒪sb  A - R,Map.empty)], 
                         (flush ?drop_sb m)(a := f θsb),share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
		   (is " _ d (?ts_A, ?m_A, ?share_A)")
		 by (simp add: issb)
	       from i_bound' have i_bound'': "i < length ?ts_A"
		 by simp

	       from valid_program_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] 
	       have "causal_program_history issbj sbj".
	       then have cph: "causal_program_history issbj ?suspends"
		 apply -
		 apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sbj"] )
		 apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		 apply (simp add: split_suspendsj)
	       from tsj neq_i_j j_bound 
	       have ts_A_j: "?ts_A!j = (hd_prog pj (ys @ Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs), isj, 
		 θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (ys @ Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs)), (),𝒟j, 
		 acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
		 by (simp add: split_suspendsj)

	       from j_bound''' i_bound' neq_i_j have j_bound'''': "j < length ?ts_A"
		 by simp
	       from valid_last_prog [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] have last_prog: "last_prog pj sbj = pj".
	       have lp: "last_prog pj ?suspends = pj"
		 apply -
		 apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sbj"])
		 apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		 apply simp
	       from valid_reads [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	       have reads_consis: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj".
	       from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb 
		 tssb_j reads_consis]
	       have reads_consis_m: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) m suspendsj"
		 by (simp add: m suspendsj)
	       from outstanding_non_write_non_vol_reads_drop_disj [OF i_bound j_bound'' neq_i_j tssb_i tssb_j]
	       have "outstanding_refs is_Writesb ?drop_sb  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb suspendsj = {}"
		 by (simp add: suspendsj)
	       from reads_consistent_flush_independent [OF this reads_consis_m]
	       have reads_consis_flush_m: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) 
		 (flush ?drop_sb m) suspendsj".       

	       from a_unowned_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] j_bound tssb_j
	       obtain a_notin_owns_j: "a  acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j" and a_unshared: "a  all_shared ?take_sbj"
	         by auto
	       from a_not_acquired_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] j_bound tssb_j
	       have a_not_acquired_j: "a  all_acquired sbj"
		 by auto
	       from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	       have nvo_j: "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪j sbj".

	       have a_no_non_vol_read: "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb ?drop_sbj"
		 assume a_in_nvr:"a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb ?drop_sbj"
		 from reads_consistent_drop [OF reads_consis]
		 have rc: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) (flush ?take_sbj msb) ?drop_sbj".

		 from non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_drop [OF nvo_j]
		 have nvo_j_drop: "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only True (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)
		   (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)
		   by simp
		 from outstanding_refs_non_volatile_Readsb_all_acquired [OF rc this a_in_nvr]
		 have a_owns_acq_ror: 
		   "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj  read_only_reads (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj"
		   by (auto dest!: acquired_all_acquired_in all_acquired_takeWhile_dropWhile_in
		     simp add: acquired_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb)
		 have a_unowned_j: "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
                 proof (cases "a  𝒪j")
                   case False with a_not_acquired_j show ?thesis by auto
                   case True
                   from all_shared_acquired_in [OF True a_unshared] a_notin_owns_j
                   have False by auto thus ?thesis ..
		 with a_owns_acq_ror 
		 have a_ror: "a  read_only_reads (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj"
		   by auto
		 with read_only_reads_unowned [OF j_bound'' i_bound neq_i_j [symmetric] tssb_j tssb_i]
		 have a_unowned_sb: "a  𝒪sb  all_acquired sb"
		   by auto
		 from sharing_consis [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] sharing_consistent_append [of 𝒮sb 𝒪j ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
		 have consis_j_drop: "sharing_consistent (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb) (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj"
		   by auto
		 from read_only_reads_read_only [OF nvo_j_drop consis_j_drop] a_ror a_unowned_j
		   all_acquired_append [of ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj] acquired_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb [of sbj 𝒪j]
		 have "a  read_only (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)"
		   by (auto)
		 from read_only_share_all_shared [OF this] a_unshared
		 have "a  read_only 𝒮sb"
		   by fastforce
		 from read_only_unacquired_share [OF read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
		   weak_sharing_consis [OF i_bound tssb_i] this] a_unowned_sb
		 have "a  read_only (share sb 𝒮sb)"
		   by auto
		 with a_not_ro show False
		   by simp
	       with reads_consistent_mem_eq_on_non_volatile_reads  [OF _ subset_refl reads_consis_flush_m]
	       have "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?m_A suspendsj"
		 by (auto simp add: suspendsj)

	       hence reads_consis_m_A_ys: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?m_A ys"
		 by (simp add: split_suspendsj reads_consistent_append)       

	       from valid_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	       have h_consis: 
		 "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj@suspendsj)) (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		 apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		 apply simp
	       have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog pj sbj) ?take_sbj = (hd_prog pj suspendsj)"
	       proof -
		 from last_prog have "last_prog pj (?take_sbj@?drop_sbj) = pj"
		   by simp
		 from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] this
		 have "last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj = hd_prog pj suspendsj"
		   by (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		 have "last_prog (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj @ suspendsj)) ?take_sbj = 
		   last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj"
		   apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		   by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
		 ultimately show ?thesis
		   by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	       from valid_write_sops [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	       have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sbj@?suspends). valid_sop sop"
		 by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	       then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sbj. valid_sop sop" and
		   valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops ys. valid_sop sop"
		 apply (simp only: write_sops_append )
		 apply auto
	       from read_tmps_distinct [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	       have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		 by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	       then obtain 
		 read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sbj  read_tmps suspendsj = {}" and
		 distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps suspendsj"
		 apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		 apply (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)
	       from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop h_consis]	  
	       have hist_consis': "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj suspendsj) suspendsj"
		 by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	       from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads  
	       [OF reads_consis] 
	       have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb ys = {}"
		 by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj [symmetric] 
		   split_suspendsj )
	       from flush_store_buffer_append [
		 OF j_bound''''  isj [simplified split_suspendsj] cph [simplified suspendsj]
		 ts_A_j [simplified split_suspendsj] refl lp [simplified split_suspendsj] reads_consis_m_A_ys
		 hist_consis' [simplified split_suspendsj] valid_sops_drop distinct_read_tmps_drop [simplified split_suspendsj] 
		 no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], where
	       obtain isj' j' where
		 isj': "instrs (Ghostsb A' L' R' W' # zs) @ issbj = 
	            isj' @ prog_instrs (Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs)" and
		 steps_ys: "(?ts_A, ?m_A, ?share_A)  d* 
		(?ts_A[j:= (last_prog (hd_prog pj (Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs)) ys,
                           θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs)),(),
		           𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {}, acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j') ],
                  flush ys ?m_A,
                  share ys ?share_A)"
		 (is "(_,_,_) d* (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)")
		 by (auto)

	       note conflict_computation = rtranclp_trans [OF rtranclp_r_rtranclp [OF steps_flush_sb, OF store_step] steps_ys]
	       from cph
	       have "causal_program_history issbj ((ys @ [Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) @ zs)"
		 by simp
	       from causal_program_history_suffix [OF this]
	       have cph': "causal_program_history issbj zs".	      
	       interpret causalj: causal_program_history "issbj" "zs" by (rule cph')

	       from causalj.causal_program_history [of "[]", simplified, OF refl] isj'   
	       obtain isj''
		 where isj': "isj' = Ghost A' L' R' W'#isj''" and
		 isj'': "instrs zs @ issbj = isj'' @ prog_instrs zs"
		 by clarsimp
	       from j_bound'''
	       have j_bound_ys: "j < length ?ts_ys"
		 by auto

	       from j_bound_ys neq_i_j
	       have ts_ys_j: "?ts_ys!j=(last_prog (hd_prog pj (Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs)) ys, isj',
                 θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# zs)),(),𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {},
                 acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j')"
		 by auto

	       from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach conflict_computation]
	       have "safe_delayed (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)".
	       from safe_delayedE [OF this j_bound_ys ts_ys_j, simplified isj']
	       have A'_unowned: 
		 "i < length ?ts_ys. ji  (let (𝒪i) = map owned ?ts_ys!i in A'   𝒪i = {})"
		 apply cases
		 apply (fastforce simp add: Let_def issb)+
	       from a'_in a'_A' A'_unowned [rule_format, of i] neq_i_j i_bound' A_R
	       show False
		 by (auto simp add: Let_def)
       thus ?thesis
	 by (auto simp add: Let_def)

      have A_no_read_only_reads_by_others:
	  "j<length (map 𝒪_sb tssb). i  j 
             (let (𝒪j, sbj) = map 𝒪_sb tssb! j
             in A  read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪j)
	             (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) = {})"
      proof -
	  fix j 𝒪j sbj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length (map 𝒪_sb tssb)"
	  assume neq_i_j: "ij"
	  assume tssb_j: "(map 𝒪_sb tssb)!j = (𝒪j,sbj)"
	  let ?take_sbj = "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	  let ?drop_sbj = "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"

	  assume conflict: "A  read_only_reads (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj   {}"
	  have False
	  proof -
	    from j_bound leq
	    have j_bound': "j < length (map owned ts)"
	      by auto
	    from j_bound have j_bound'': "j < length tssb"
	      by auto
	    from j_bound' have j_bound''': "j < length ts"
	      by simp
	    from conflict obtain a' where
	      a'_in: "a'  A" and
              a'_in_j: "a'  read_only_reads (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj"
	      by auto

	    from ts_sim [rule_format, OF  j_bound''] tssb_j j_bound''
	    obtain pj suspendsj "issbj" 𝒟sbj 𝒟j j θsbj "isj" where
	      tssb_j: "tssb ! j = (pj,issbj, θsbj, sbj,𝒟sbj,𝒪j,j)" and
	      suspendsj: "suspendsj = ?drop_sbj" and
	      isj: "instrs suspendsj @ issbj = isj @ prog_instrs suspendsj" and
	      𝒟j: "𝒟sbj = (𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj  {})" and
	      tsj: "ts!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj,
	             θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps suspendsj),(), 𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
	      apply (cases "tssb!j")
	      apply (force simp add: Let_def)

	    from split_in_read_only_reads [OF a'_in_j [simplified suspendsj [symmetric]]]
	    obtain t v ys zs where
	      split_suspendsj: "suspendsj = ys @ Readsb False a' t v# zs" (is "suspendsj = ?suspends") and
	      a'_unacq: "a'  acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)"
	      by blast
	    from direct_memop_step.WriteVolatile [where  θ=θsb and m="flush ?drop_sb m"]
	    have "(Write True a (D, f) A L R W# issb', 
                  θsb, (), flush ?drop_sb m, 𝒟sb,acquired True sb 𝒪sb, 
                  release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb, share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  
                    (issb', θsb, (), (flush ?drop_sb m)(a := f θsb), True, acquired True sb 𝒪sb  A - R,Map.empty, 
                      share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)".

	    from direct_computation.concurrent_step.Memop [OF 
	      i_bound_ts' [simplified issb] ts'_i [simplified issb] this [simplified issb]] 
	    have store_step: "(?ts', flush ?drop_sb m, share ?drop_sb 𝒮) d 
                    (?ts'[i := (psb, issb', θsb, (), 
                         True, acquired True sb 𝒪sb  A - R,Map.empty)], 
                         (flush ?drop_sb m)(a := f θsb),share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
		  (is " _ d (?ts_A, ?m_A, ?share_A)")
	     by (simp add: issb)
	   from i_bound' have i_bound'': "i < length ?ts_A"
	     by simp

	   from valid_program_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] 
	   have "causal_program_history issbj sbj".
	   then have cph: "causal_program_history issbj ?suspends"
	     apply -
	     apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sbj"] )
	     apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	     apply (simp add: split_suspendsj)
	   from tsj neq_i_j j_bound 
	   have ts_A_j: "?ts_A!j = (hd_prog pj (ys @ Readsb False a' t v# zs), isj,
	     θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (ys @ Readsb False a' t v# zs)), (), 𝒟j, 
	     acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
	     by (simp add: split_suspendsj)

	   from j_bound''' i_bound' neq_i_j have j_bound'''': "j < length ?ts_A"
	     by simp

	   from valid_last_prog [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] have last_prog: "last_prog pj sbj = pj".
	   have lp: "last_prog pj ?suspends = pj"
	     apply -
	     apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sbj"])
	     apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	     apply simp

	   from valid_reads [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	   have reads_consis: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj".

	   from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb j_bound''
	     tssb_j reads_consis]
	   have reads_consis_m: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) m suspendsj"
	     by (simp add: m suspendsj)

	   from outstanding_non_write_non_vol_reads_drop_disj [OF i_bound j_bound'' neq_i_j tssb_i tssb_j]
	   have "outstanding_refs is_Writesb ?drop_sb  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb suspendsj = {}"
	     by (simp add: suspendsj)
	   from reads_consistent_flush_independent [OF this reads_consis_m]
	   have reads_consis_flush_m: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) 
	     (flush ?drop_sb m) suspendsj".

	   from a_unowned_others [rule_format, OF j_bound'' neq_i_j ] j_bound tssb_j
	   obtain a_notin_owns_j: "a  acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j" and a_unshared: "a  all_shared ?take_sbj"
	     by auto
	   from a_not_acquired_others [rule_format, OF j_bound neq_i_j] j_bound tssb_j
	   have a_not_acquired_j: "a  all_acquired sbj"
	     by auto
	   from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	   have nvo_j: "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪j sbj".
	   have a_no_non_vol_read: "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb ?drop_sbj"
	     assume a_in_nvr:"a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb ?drop_sbj"

	     from reads_consistent_drop [OF reads_consis]
	     have rc: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) (flush ?take_sbj msb) ?drop_sbj".

	     from non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_drop [OF nvo_j]
	     have nvo_j_drop: "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only True (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)
	       (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)
	       by simp

	     from outstanding_refs_non_volatile_Readsb_all_acquired [OF rc this a_in_nvr]

	     have a_owns_acq_ror: 
	       "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj  read_only_reads (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj"
	       by (auto dest!: acquired_all_acquired_in all_acquired_takeWhile_dropWhile_in
		 simp add: acquired_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb)
	     have a_unowned_j: "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
             proof (cases "a  𝒪j")
               case False with a_not_acquired_j show ?thesis by auto
               case True
               from all_shared_acquired_in [OF True a_unshared] a_notin_owns_j
               have False by auto thus ?thesis ..
	     with a_owns_acq_ror 
	     have a_ror: "a  read_only_reads (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj"
	       by auto

	     with read_only_reads_unowned [OF j_bound'' i_bound neq_i_j [symmetric] tssb_j tssb_i]
	     have a_unowned_sb: "a  𝒪sb  all_acquired sb"
	       by auto
	     from sharing_consis [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] sharing_consistent_append [of 𝒮sb 𝒪j ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
	     have consis_j_drop: "sharing_consistent (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb) (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj"
	       by auto

	     from read_only_reads_read_only [OF nvo_j_drop consis_j_drop] a_ror a_unowned_j
	       all_acquired_append [of ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj] acquired_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb [of sbj 𝒪j]
	     have "a  read_only (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)"
	       by (auto)
	     from read_only_share_all_shared [OF this] a_unshared
	     have "a  read_only 𝒮sb"
	       by fastforce
	     from read_only_unacquired_share [OF read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	       weak_sharing_consis [OF i_bound tssb_i] this] a_unowned_sb
	     have "a  read_only (share sb 𝒮sb)"
	       by auto
	     with a_not_ro show False
	       by simp
	   with reads_consistent_mem_eq_on_non_volatile_reads  [OF _ subset_refl reads_consis_flush_m]
	   have "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?m_A suspendsj"
	     by (auto simp add: suspendsj)

	   hence reads_consis_m_A_ys: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?m_A ys"
	     by (simp add: split_suspendsj reads_consistent_append)

	   from valid_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	   have h_consis: 
	     "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj@suspendsj)) (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
	     apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	     apply simp

	   have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog pj sbj) ?take_sbj = (hd_prog pj suspendsj)"
	   proof -
	     from last_prog have "last_prog pj (?take_sbj@?drop_sbj) = pj"
	       by simp
	     from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] this
	     have "last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj = hd_prog pj suspendsj"
	       by (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	     have "last_prog (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj @ suspendsj)) ?take_sbj = 
		  last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj"
	       apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	       by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
	     ultimately show ?thesis
	       by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 

	   from valid_write_sops [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	   have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sbj@?suspends). valid_sop sop"
	     by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	   then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sbj. valid_sop sop" and
	     valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops ys. valid_sop sop"
	     apply (simp only: write_sops_append )
	     apply auto

	   from read_tmps_distinct [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	   have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
	     by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	   then obtain 
	     read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sbj  read_tmps suspendsj = {}" and
	     distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps suspendsj"
	     apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	     apply (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)
	   from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop h_consis]	  
	   have hist_consis': "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj suspendsj) suspendsj"
	     by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	    from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads  
	    [OF reads_consis] 
	    have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb ys = {}"
	      by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj [symmetric] 
		split_suspendsj )
	    from flush_store_buffer_append [
	      OF j_bound''''  isj [simplified split_suspendsj] cph [simplified suspendsj]
	      ts_A_j [simplified split_suspendsj] refl lp [simplified split_suspendsj] reads_consis_m_A_ys
	      hist_consis' [simplified split_suspendsj] valid_sops_drop distinct_read_tmps_drop [simplified split_suspendsj] 
	      no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], where
	    obtain isj' j' where
	      isj': "instrs (Readsb False a' t v# zs) @ issbj = 
	            isj' @ prog_instrs (Readsb False a' t v# zs)" and
	      steps_ys: "(?ts_A, ?m_A, ?share_A)  d* 
		(?ts_A[j:= (last_prog (hd_prog pj (Readsb False a' t v# zs)) ys,
                           θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (Readsb False a' t v# zs)),(),
                           𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {}, acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j') ],
                  flush ys ?m_A,
                  share ys ?share_A)"
		 (is "(_,_,_) d* (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)")
              by (auto)

	    note conflict_computation = rtranclp_trans [OF rtranclp_r_rtranclp [OF steps_flush_sb, OF store_step] steps_ys]
	    from cph
	    have "causal_program_history issbj ((ys @ [Readsb False a' t v]) @ zs)"
	      by simp
	    from causal_program_history_suffix [OF this]
	    have cph': "causal_program_history issbj zs".	      
	    interpret causalj: causal_program_history "issbj" "zs" by (rule cph')

	    from causalj.causal_program_history [of "[]", simplified, OF refl] isj'   
	    obtain isj''
	      where isj': "isj' = Read False a' t#isj''" and
	      isj'': "instrs zs @ issbj = isj'' @ prog_instrs zs"
	      by clarsimp

	    from j_bound'''
	    have j_bound_ys: "j < length ?ts_ys"
	      by auto

	    from j_bound_ys neq_i_j
	    have ts_ys_j: "?ts_ys!j=(last_prog (hd_prog pj (Readsb False a' t v# zs)) ys, isj',
                 θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (Readsb False a' t v# zs)),(),
	         𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {},
                 acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j')"
	      by auto

	    from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach conflict_computation]
	    have "safe_delayed (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)".
	    from safe_delayedE [OF this j_bound_ys ts_ys_j, simplified isj']
	    have "a'  acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) 
                  a'  read_only (share ys (share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL))"
	      apply cases
	      apply (auto simp add: Let_def issb)
	    with a'_unacq
	    have a'_ro: "a'  read_only (share ys (share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL))"
	      by auto
	    from a'_in
	    have a'_not_ro: "a'  read_only (share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
	      by (auto simp add:  in_read_only_convs)

	    have "a'  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
	    proof -
		assume a_notin: "a'  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
		from weak_sharing_consis [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
		have "weak_sharing_consistent 𝒪j sbj".
		with weak_sharing_consistent_append [of 𝒪j ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
		have "weak_sharing_consistent (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) suspendsj"
		  by (auto simp add: suspendsj)
		with split_suspendsj
		have weak_consis: "weak_sharing_consistent (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ys"
		  by (simp add: weak_sharing_consistent_append)
		from all_acquired_append [of ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
		have "all_acquired ys  all_acquired sbj"
		  apply (clarsimp)
		  apply (clarsimp simp add: suspendsj [symmetric] split_suspendsj all_acquired_append)

                with a_notin acquired_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb [of sbj 𝒪j]
                  all_acquired_append [of ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
		have "a'  acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪j  all_acquired ys"
                  by auto
		from read_only_share_unowned [OF weak_consis this a'_ro] 
		have "a'  read_only (share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)" .
		with a'_not_ro have False
		  by auto
	      thus ?thesis by blast
	    from A_unaquired_by_others [rule_format, OF j_bound neq_i_j] tssb_j j_bound
	    have "A  all_acquired sbj = {}"
	      by (auto simp add: Let_def)
	    from A_unowned_by_others [rule_format, OF j_bound'' neq_i_j] tssb_j j_bound
	    have "A  𝒪j = {}"
	      by (auto simp add: Let_def dest: all_shared_acquired_in)
	    moreover note a'_in
	    show False
	      by auto
	thus ?thesis
	  by (auto simp add: Let_def)

      have valid_own': "valid_ownership 𝒮sb' tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)
	show "outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	proof -
	  from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	  have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪sb (sb @ [Writesb True a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W]) "
	    by (auto simp add: non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_append)
	  from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	  show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	show "outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others tssb'"
	proof (unfold_locales)
	  fix i1 j p1 "is1" 𝒪1 1 𝒟1 xs1 sb1 pj "isj" "𝒪j" j 𝒟j xsj sbj
	  assume i1_bound: "i1 < length tssb'"
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	  assume i1_j: "i1  j"
	  assume ts_i1: "tssb'!i1 = (p1,is1,xs1,sb1,𝒟1,𝒪1,1)"
	  assume ts_j: "tssb'!j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  show "(𝒪j  all_acquired sbj)  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb1 = {}"
	  proof (cases "i1=i")
	    case True
	    with i1_j have i_j: "ij" 
	      by simp
	    from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
	      by (simp add: tssb')
	    hence j_bound'': "j < length (map owned tssb)"
	      by simp
	    from ts_j i_j have ts_j': "tssb!j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	      by (simp add: tssb')
	    from a_unowned_others [rule_format, OF _ i_j] i_j ts_j j_bound
	    obtain a_notin_j: "a  acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪j" and
              a_unshared: "a  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	      by (auto simp add: Let_def tssb')
	    from a_not_acquired_others [rule_format, OF _ i_j] i_j ts_j j_bound
	    have a_notin_acq: "a  all_acquired sbj"
	      by (auto simp add: Let_def tssb')
	    from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others 
	    [OF i_bound j_bound' i_j tssb_i ts_j']
	    have "(𝒪j  all_acquired sbj)  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb = {}".
	    with ts_i1 a_notin_j a_unshared a_notin_acq True i_bound show ?thesis
	      by (auto simp add: tssb' sb' outstanding_refs_append 
		acquired_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb dest: all_shared_acquired_in)
	    case False
	    note i1_i = this
	    from i1_bound have i1_bound': "i1 < length tssb"
	      by (simp add: tssb')
	    from ts_i1 False have ts_i1': "tssb!i1 = (p1,is1,xs1,sb1,𝒟1,𝒪1,1)"
	      by (simp add: tssb')
	    show ?thesis
	    proof (cases "j=i")
	      case True

	      from i1_bound'
	      have i1_bound'': "i1 < length (map owned tssb)"
		by simp

	      from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others 
	      [OF i1_bound' i_bound i1_i ts_i1' tssb_i]
	      have "(𝒪sb  all_acquired sb)  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb1 = {}".
	      from A_unused_by_others [rule_format, OF _ False [symmetric]] False ts_i1 i1_bound
	      have "A  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb1 = {}"
		by (auto simp add: Let_def tssb')
	      show ?thesis
		using ts_j True tssb' 
		by (auto simp add: i_bound tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' all_acquired_append)
	      case False
	      from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
		by (simp add: tssb')
	      from ts_j False have ts_j': "tssb!j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
		by (simp add: tssb')
	      from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others 
              [OF i1_bound' j_bound' i1_j ts_i1' ts_j']
	      show "(𝒪j  all_acquired sbj)  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb1 = {}" .
	show "ownership_distinct tssb'"
	proof -
	  have "j<length tssb. i  j 
	    (let (pj, isj, θj, sbj, 𝒟j, 𝒪j,j) = tssb ! j
	      in (𝒪sb  all_acquired sb')  (𝒪j  all_acquired sbj) = {})"
	  proof -
	      fix j pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j acqj θj sbj
	      assume neq_i_j: "i  j"
	      assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	      assume tssb_j: "tssb ! j = (pj, isj, θj, sbj, 𝒟j, 𝒪j,j)"
	      have "(𝒪sb  all_acquired sb')  (𝒪j  all_acquired sbj) = {}"
	      proof -
		  fix a'
		  assume a'_in_i: "a'  (𝒪sb  all_acquired sb')"
		  assume a'_in_j: "a'  (𝒪j  all_acquired sbj)"
		  have False
		  proof -
		    from a'_in_i have "a'  (𝒪sb  all_acquired sb)  a'  A"
		      by (simp add: sb' all_acquired_append)
		    then show False
		      assume "a'  (𝒪sb  all_acquired sb)"
		      with ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i tssb_j] a'_in_j
		      show ?thesis
			by auto
		      assume "a'  A"
		      have j_bound': "j < length (map owned tssb)"
			using j_bound by auto
		      from A_unowned_by_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] tssb_j j_bound
		      obtain "A  acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪j = {}" and
                             "A  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) = {}"
			by (auto simp add: Let_def)
		      from A_unaquired_by_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] tssb_j j_bound
		      have "A  all_acquired sbj = {}"
			by auto
		      show ?thesis
			using a'_in_j
			by (auto dest: all_shared_acquired_in)
		then show ?thesis by auto
	    then show ?thesis by (fastforce simp add: Let_def)
	  from ownership_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound tssb_i this]
	  show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' sb')
	show "read_only_reads_unowned tssb'"
	  fix n m
	  fix pn "isn" 𝒪n n 𝒟n θn sbn pm "ism" 𝒪m m 𝒟m θm sbm
	  assume n_bound: "n < length tssb'"
	    and m_bound: "m < length tssb'"
	    and neq_n_m: "nm"
	    and nth: "tssb'!n = (pn, isn, θn, sbn, 𝒟n, 𝒪n,n)"
	    and mth: "tssb'!m =(pm, ism, θm, sbm, 𝒟m, 𝒪m,m)"
	  from n_bound have n_bound': "n < length tssb" by (simp add: tssb')
	  from m_bound have m_bound': "m < length tssb" by (simp add: tssb')
	  show "(𝒪m  all_acquired sbm) 
            read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn) 𝒪n)
            (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn) =
	  proof (cases "m=i")
	    case True
	    with neq_n_m have neq_n_i: "ni"
	      by auto
	    with n_bound nth i_bound have nth': "tssb!n =(pn, isn, θn, sbn, 𝒟n, 𝒪n,n)"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    note read_only_reads_unowned [OF n_bound' i_bound  neq_n_i nth' tssb_i]
	    from A_no_read_only_reads_by_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_n_i [symmetric]] n_bound' nth'
	    have "A  read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn) 𝒪n)
              (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn) =
	      by auto
	    show ?thesis
	      using True tssb_i nth' mth n_bound' m_bound'
	      by (auto simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' all_acquired_append)
	    case False
	    note neq_m_i = this
	    with m_bound mth i_bound have mth': "tssb!m = (pm, ism, θm, sbm, 𝒟m, 𝒪m,m)"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    show ?thesis
	    proof (cases "n=i")
	      case True
	      note read_only_reads_unowned [OF i_bound m_bound' neq_m_i [symmetric] tssb_i mth']
	      then show ?thesis
		using True neq_m_i tssb_i nth mth n_bound' m_bound'
		apply (case_tac "outstanding_refs (is_volatile_Writesb) sb = {}")
		apply (clarsimp simp add: outstanding_vol_write_take_drop_appends
		  acquired_append read_only_reads_append tssb' sb' 𝒪sb')+
	      case False
	      with n_bound nth i_bound have nth': "tssb!n =(pn, isn, θn, sbn, 𝒟n, 𝒪n,n)"
		by (auto simp add: tssb')
	      from read_only_reads_unowned [OF n_bound' m_bound' neq_n_m  nth' mth'] False neq_m_i
	      show ?thesis 
		by (clarsimp)

      have valid_hist': "valid_history program_step tssb'"
      proof -
	from valid_history [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "history_consistent θsb (hd_prog psb sb) sb".
	with valid_write_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i] D_subset 
	  valid_implies_valid_prog_hd [OF i_bound tssb_i valid]
	have "history_consistent θsb (hd_prog psb (sb@[Writesb True a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W])) 
	         (sb@ [Writesb True a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W])"
	  apply -
	  apply (rule history_consistent_appendI)
	  apply (auto simp add: hd_prog_append_Writesb)
	from valid_history_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' θsb')

      have valid_reads': "valid_reads msb tssb'"
      proof -
	from valid_reads [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "reads_consistent False 𝒪sb msb sb" .
	from reads_consistent_snoc_Writesb [OF this]
	have "reads_consistent False 𝒪sb msb (sb @ [Writesb True a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W])".
	from valid_reads_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒪sb')

      have valid_sharing': "valid_sharing 𝒮sb' tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)	
	from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb (sb @ [Writesb True a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W])"
	  by (auto simp add: non_volatile_writes_unshared_append)
	from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒮sb')
	from sharing_consis [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have consis': "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪sb sb".
	from  A_shared_owned
	have "A  dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  acquired True sb 𝒪sb"
	  by (simp add:  sharing_consistent_append  acquired_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb)
	moreover have "dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  dom 𝒮  dom (share sb 𝒮sb)"
	  fix a'
	  assume a'_in: "a'  dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)" 
	  from share_unshared_in [OF a'_in]
	  show "a'  dom 𝒮  dom (share sb 𝒮sb)"
	    assume "a'  dom (share ?drop_sb Map.empty)" 
	    from share_mono_in [OF this] share_append [of ?take_sb ?drop_sb]
	    have "a'  dom (share sb 𝒮sb)"
	      by auto
	    thus ?thesis
	      by simp
	    assume "a'  dom 𝒮  a'  all_unshared ?drop_sb"
	    thus ?thesis by auto
	have A_subset: "A  dom 𝒮  dom (share sb 𝒮sb)  acquired True sb 𝒪sb"
	  by auto

        with A_unowned_by_others 
        have "A  dom (share sb 𝒮sb)  acquired True sb 𝒪sb"
        proof -
            fix x
            assume x_A: "x  A"
            have "x  dom (share sb 𝒮sb)  acquired True sb 𝒪sb"
            proof -
                assume "x  dom 𝒮"
                from share_all_until_volatile_write_share_acquired [OF sharing_consis 𝒮sb tssb 
                  i_bound tssb_i this [simplified 𝒮]]
                  A_unowned_by_others x_A
                have ?thesis
                by (fastforce simp add: Let_def)
             with A_subset show ?thesis using x_A by auto
         thus ?thesis by blast
	with consis' L_subset A_R R_acq
	have "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪sb (sb @ [Writesb True a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W])"
	  by (simp add:  sharing_consistent_append  acquired_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb)
	from sharing_consis_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "sharing_consis 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' 𝒮sb')
	from read_only_unowned_nth_update [OF i_bound read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i] ]
	show "read_only_unowned 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: 𝒮sb' tssb' 𝒪sb')
	from unowned_shared_nth_update [OF i_bound tssb_i subset_refl]
	show "unowned_shared 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	from a_not_ro no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "no_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb (sb @ [Writesb True a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W])"
	  by (simp add: no_write_to_read_only_memory_append)
	from no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: 𝒮sb' tssb' sb')

      have tmps_distinct': "tmps_distinct tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)
	from load_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "distinct_load_tmps issb'" by (simp add: "issb")
	from load_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "load_tmps_distinct tssb'" by (simp add: tssb')
	from read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "distinct_read_tmps (sb @ [Writesb True a (D, f) (f θsb) A L R W])"
	  by (auto simp add: distinct_read_tmps_append)
	from read_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "read_tmps_distinct tssb'" by (simp add: tssb' sb')
	from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "load_tmps issb'  read_tmps (sb @ [Writesb True a (D, f) (f θsb) A L R W]) ={}"
	  by (auto simp add: read_tmps_append "issb")
	from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct tssb'" by (simp add: tssb' sb')
      have valid_sops': "valid_sops tssb'"
      proof -
	from valid_store_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	obtain valid_Df: "valid_sop (D,f)" and  
	  valid_store_sops': "sopstore_sops issb'. valid_sop sop"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb")
	from valid_Df valid_write_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have valid_write_sops': "sopwrite_sops (sb@ [Writesb True a (D, f) (f θsb) A L R W]). 
	  valid_sop sop"
	  by (auto simp add: write_sops_append)
	from valid_sops_nth_update [OF i_bound  valid_write_sops' valid_store_sops']
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb')

      have valid_dd': "valid_data_dependency tssb'"
      proof -
	from data_dependency_consistent_instrs [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	obtain D_indep: "D  load_tmps issb' = {}" and 
	  dd_is: "data_dependency_consistent_instrs (dom θsb') issb'"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb" θsb')
	from load_tmps_write_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i] D_indep
	have "load_tmps issb'  (fst ` write_sops (sb@ [Writesb True a (D, f) (f θsb) A L R W])) ={}"
	  by (auto simp add: write_sops_append "issb")
	from valid_data_dependency_nth_update [OF i_bound dd_is this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb')

      have load_tmps_fresh': "load_tmps_fresh tssb'"
      proof -
	from load_tmps_fresh [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "load_tmps issb'  dom θsb = {}"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb")
	from load_tmps_fresh_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' θsb')

      have enough_flushs': "enough_flushs tssb'"
      proof -
	from clean_no_outstanding_volatile_Writesb [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "¬ True  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (sb@[Writesb True a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W]) = {}"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append )
	from enough_flushs_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒟sb')

      have valid_program_history': "valid_program_history tssb'"
      proof -	
	from valid_program_history [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "causal_program_history issb sb" .
	then have causal': "causal_program_history issb' (sb@[Writesb True a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W])"
	  by (auto simp: causal_program_history_Write  "issb")
	from valid_last_prog [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "last_prog psb sb = psb".
	hence "last_prog psb (sb @ [Writesb True a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W]) = psb"
	  by (simp add: last_prog_append_Writesb)
	from valid_program_history_nth_update [OF i_bound causal' this]
	show ?thesis
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb')

      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb = {}")
	case True
	from True have flush_all: "takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb = sb"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv)
	from True have suspend_nothing: "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb = []"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv)

	hence suspends_empty: "suspends = []"
	  by (simp add: suspends)

	from suspends_empty is_sim have "is": "is = Write True a (D,f) A L R W# issb'"
	  by (simp add: "issb")
	with suspends_empty ts_i 
	have ts_i: "ts!i = (psb, Write True a (D,f) A L R W# issb', θsb,(),𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb, release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"
	  by simp

	have "(ts, m, 𝒮) d* (ts, m, 𝒮)" by auto

	note flush_commute =
	[OF True i_bound tssb_i]

	from True 
	have drop_app: "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) 
	  (sb@[Writesb True a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W]) =
          [Writesb True a (D,f) (f θsb) A L R W]"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv)

	have "(tssb',msb,𝒮sb')  (ts,m,𝒮)"
	  apply (rule sim_config.intros) 
	  apply    (simp add: m flush_commute tssb' θsb' 𝒪sb' sb' sb') 	  
	  using  share_all_until_volatile_write_Write_commute 
	          [OF i_bound tssb_i [simplified issb]]
	  apply   (clarsimp simp add: 𝒮 𝒮sb' tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' sb' θsb')
	  using  leq
	  apply  (simp add: tssb')
	  using i_bound i_bound' ts_sim ts_i 
	  apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def nth_list_update drop_app (* drop*) 
	    tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' sb' 𝒮sb' θsb' 𝒟sb'  outstanding_refs_append takeWhile_tail flush_all
	    split: if_split_asm )

	ultimately show ?thesis
	  using valid_own' valid_hist' valid_reads' valid_sharing' tmps_distinct' 
            valid_dd' load_tmps_fresh' enough_flushs' 
	    valid_program_history' valid' msb' 𝒮sb'
	  by auto
	case False

	then obtain r where r_in: "r  set sb" and volatile_r: "is_volatile_Writesb r"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv)
	from takeWhile_dropWhile_real_prefix 
	[OF r_in, of  "(Not  is_volatile_Writesb)", simplified, OF volatile_r] 
	obtain a' v' sb'' A'' L'' R'' W'' sop' where
	  sb_split: "sb = takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb @ Writesb True a' sop' v' A'' L'' R'' W''# sb''" 
	  drop: "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb = Writesb True a' sop' v' A'' L'' R'' W''# sb''"
	  apply (auto)
    subgoal for y ys
	  apply (case_tac y)
	  apply auto
	from drop suspends have suspends: "suspends = Writesb True a' sop' v' A'' L'' R'' W''# sb''"
	  by simp

	have "(ts, m, 𝒮) d* (ts, m, 𝒮)" by auto

	note flush_commute =
	  flush_all_until_volatile_write_append_unflushed [OF False i_bound tssb_i]

	have "Writesb True a' sop' v' A'' L'' R'' W''  set sb"
	  by (subst sb_split) auto
	note drop_app = dropWhile_append1 
	[OF this, of "(Not  is_volatile_Writesb)", simplified]

	have "(tssb',msb,𝒮sb')  (ts,m,𝒮)"
	  apply (rule sim_config.intros) 
	  apply    (simp add: m flush_commute tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' θsb' sb')
	  using  share_all_until_volatile_write_Write_commute 
	          [OF i_bound tssb_i [simplified issb]]
	  apply   (clarsimp simp add: 𝒮 𝒮sb' tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' sb' θsb')
	  using  leq
	  apply  (simp add: tssb')
	  using i_bound i_bound' ts_sim ts_i is_sim 
	  apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def nth_list_update is_sim drop_app
	    read_tmps_append suspends 
	    prog_instrs_append_Writesb instrs_append_Writesb hd_prog_append_Writesb
	    drop "issb" tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb' sb' θsb' 𝒟sb' outstanding_refs_append takeWhile_tail release_append split: if_split_asm)
	ultimately show ?thesis
	  using valid_own' valid_hist' valid_reads' valid_sharing' tmps_distinct' valid_dd'
	    valid_sops' load_tmps_fresh' enough_flushs' 
	    valid_program_history' valid' msb' 𝒮sb' 
	  by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply )
      case SBHFence
      then obtain 
	"issb": "issb = Fence # issb'" and
	sb: "sb=[]" and
	𝒪sb': "𝒪sb'=𝒪sb" and
        sb': "sb'=Map.empty" and
	θsb': "θsb' = θsb" and
	𝒟sb': "¬ 𝒟sb'" and
	sb': "sb'=sb" and
	msb': "msb' = msb" and
	𝒮sb': "𝒮sb'=𝒮sb" 
	by auto

      have valid_own': "valid_ownership 𝒮sb' tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)
	show "outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	proof -
	  have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪sb []"
	    by simp
	  from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	  show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others_store_buffer 
	[OF i_bound tssb_i subset_refl]
	show "outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others tssb'" 
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')
	from read_only_reads_unowned_nth_update [OF i_bound tssb_i, of "[]" 𝒪sb]
	show "read_only_reads_unowned tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')
	from ownership_distinct_instructions_read_value_store_buffer_independent 
	[OF i_bound tssb_i]
	show "ownership_distinct tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')

      have valid_hist': "valid_history program_step tssb'"
      proof -
	from valid_history [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "history_consistent θsb (hd_prog psb []) []" by simp
	from valid_history_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb' θsb')
      have valid_reads': "valid_reads msb tssb'"
      proof -
	have "reads_consistent False 𝒪sb msb []" by simp
	from valid_reads_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')

      have valid_sharing': "valid_sharing 𝒮sb' tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)
	have "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb []" 
	  by (simp add: sb)
	from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb sb' 𝒮sb')
	have "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪sb []" by simp
	from sharing_consis_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "sharing_consis 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' sb 𝒮sb')
	from read_only_unowned_nth_update [OF i_bound read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i] ]
	show "read_only_unowned 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: 𝒮sb' tssb' 𝒪sb')
	from unowned_shared_nth_update [OF i_bound tssb_i subset_refl]
	show "unowned_shared 𝒮sb' tssb'" by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb') 
	from no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory_nth_update [OF i_bound, of "[]"]
	show "no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: 𝒮sb' tssb' sb' sb)

      have tmps_distinct': "tmps_distinct tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)
	from load_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "distinct_load_tmps issb'" 
	  by (auto simp add: "issb" split: instr.splits)
	from load_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "load_tmps_distinct tssb'" by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb' "issb")
	from read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "distinct_read_tmps []" by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')
	from read_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "read_tmps_distinct tssb'" by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')
	from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
          load_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "load_tmps issb'  read_tmps [] = {}"
	  by (clarsimp)
	from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct tssb'"  by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')

      have valid_sops': "valid_sops tssb'"
      proof -
	from valid_store_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	  valid_store_sops': "sopstore_sops issb'. valid_sop sop"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb" tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')

	from valid_sops_nth_update [OF i_bound  _ valid_store_sops', where sb= "[]" ]
	show ?thesis by (auto simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')

      have valid_dd': "valid_data_dependency tssb'"
      proof -
	from data_dependency_consistent_instrs [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	  dd_is: "data_dependency_consistent_instrs (dom θsb') issb'"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb" θsb')
	from load_tmps_write_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "load_tmps issb'  (fst ` write_sops [])  = {}"
	  by (auto simp add: write_sops_append)
	from valid_data_dependency_nth_update [OF i_bound dd_is this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')

      have load_tmps_fresh': "load_tmps_fresh tssb'"
      proof -
	from load_tmps_fresh [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "load_tmps issb'  dom θsb = {}"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb")
	from load_tmps_fresh_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: "issb" tssb' sb' sb θsb')

      from enough_flushs_nth_update [OF i_bound, where sb="[]" ]
      have enough_flushs': "enough_flushs tssb'"
	by (auto simp add: tssb' sb' sb)

      have valid_program_history': "valid_program_history tssb'"
      proof -	
	have causal': "causal_program_history issb' sb'"
	  by (simp add: "issb" sb sb')
	have "last_prog psb sb' = psb"
	  by (simp add: sb' sb)
	from valid_program_history_nth_update [OF i_bound causal' this]
	show ?thesis
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb')

      from is_sim have "is": "is = Fence # issb'"
	by (simp add: suspends sb "issb")
      with ts_i 
      have ts_i: "ts!i = (psb, Fence # issb', θsb,(), 𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb, release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"
	by (simp add: suspends sb)

      from direct_memop_step.Fence 
      have "(Fence # issb',
	    θsb, (),m,𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb, release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb, 𝒮)  
        (issb', θsb, (), m, False, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb, Map.empty, 𝒮)".
      from direct_computation.concurrent_step.Memop [OF i_bound' ts_i this] 
      have "(ts, m, 𝒮) d 
        (ts[i := (psb, issb', θsb, (), False, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb,Map.empty)], m, 𝒮)".


      have "(tssb',msb,𝒮sb')  (ts[i := (psb,issb', θsb,(), False,acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb,Map.empty)],m,𝒮)"
	apply (rule sim_config.intros) 
	apply    (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' sb' 𝒮sb' m 
	  flush_all_until_volatile_nth_update_unused [OF i_bound tssb_i])
	using   share_all_until_volatile_write_Fence_commute 
	           [OF i_bound tssb_i [simplified issb sb]]
	apply  (clarsimp simp add: 𝒮 tssb' 𝒮sb' issb 𝒪sb' sb' θsb' sb' sb)
	using  leq
	apply  (simp add: tssb')
	using i_bound i_bound' ts_sim 
	apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def nth_list_update 
	  tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb' sb' 𝒮sb' 𝒟sb' ex_not  θsb'
	  split: if_split_asm ) 
      show ?thesis
	using valid_own' valid_hist' valid_reads' valid_sharing' tmps_distinct' valid_sops'
	  valid_dd' load_tmps_fresh' enough_flushs' 
	  valid_program_history' valid' msb' 𝒮sb' 
	by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply)
      case (SBHRMWReadOnly cond t a D f ret A L R W)
      then obtain 
	"issb": "issb = RMW a t (D,f) cond ret A L R W # issb'" and
	cond: "¬ (cond (θsb(tmsb a)))" and
	𝒪sb': "𝒪sb'=𝒪sb" and
        sb': "sb'=Map.empty" and
	θsb': "θsb' = θsb(tmsb a)" and
	𝒟sb': "¬ 𝒟sb'" and
	sb: "sb=[]" and
	sb': "sb'=[]" and
	msb': "msb' = msb" and
	𝒮sb': "𝒮sb'=𝒮sb" 
	by auto

      from safe_RMW_common  [OF safe_memop_flush_sb [simplified issb]]
      obtain access_cond: "a  𝒪sb  a  dom 𝒮" and
      rels_cond: " j < length ts. ij  released (ts!j) a  Some False"
        by (auto simp add: 𝒮 sb)

      have valid_own': "valid_ownership 𝒮sb' tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)
	show "outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	proof -
	  have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪sb []"
	    by simp
	  from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	  show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others_store_buffer 
	[OF i_bound tssb_i subset_refl]
	show "outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others tssb'" 
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	from read_only_reads_unowned_nth_update [OF i_bound tssb_i, of "[]" 𝒪sb]
	show "read_only_reads_unowned tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')
	from ownership_distinct_instructions_read_value_store_buffer_independent 
	[OF i_bound tssb_i]
	show "ownership_distinct tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')

      have valid_hist': "valid_history program_step tssb'"
      proof -
	from valid_history [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "history_consistent (θsb(tmsb a)) (hd_prog psb []) []" by simp
	from valid_history_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb' θsb')
      have valid_reads': "valid_reads msb tssb'"
      proof -
	have "reads_consistent False 𝒪sb msb []" by simp
	from valid_reads_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')

      have valid_sharing': "valid_sharing 𝒮sb' tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)
	from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb []" 
	  by (simp add: sb)
	from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb sb' 𝒮sb')
	have "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪sb []" by simp
	from sharing_consis_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "sharing_consis 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' sb 𝒮sb')
	from read_only_unowned_nth_update [OF i_bound read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i] ]
	show "read_only_unowned 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: 𝒮sb' tssb' 𝒪sb')
	from unowned_shared_nth_update [OF i_bound tssb_i subset_refl]
	show "unowned_shared 𝒮sb' tssb'" by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	from no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory_nth_update [OF i_bound, of "[]"]
	show "no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: 𝒮sb' tssb' sb' sb)

      have tmps_distinct': "tmps_distinct tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)
	from load_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "distinct_load_tmps issb'" 
	  by (auto simp add: "issb" split: instr.splits)
	from load_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "load_tmps_distinct tssb'" by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb' "issb")
	from read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "distinct_read_tmps []" by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')
	from read_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "read_tmps_distinct tssb'" by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')
	from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
          load_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "load_tmps issb'  read_tmps [] = {}"
	  by (clarsimp)
	from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct tssb'"  by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')

      have valid_sops': "valid_sops tssb'"
      proof -
	from valid_store_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	  valid_store_sops': "sopstore_sops issb'. valid_sop sop"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb" tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')

	from valid_sops_nth_update [OF i_bound  _ valid_store_sops', where sb= "[]" ]
	show ?thesis by (auto simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')

      have valid_dd': "valid_data_dependency tssb'"
      proof -
	from data_dependency_consistent_instrs [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	  dd_is: "data_dependency_consistent_instrs (dom θsb') issb'"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb" θsb')
	from load_tmps_write_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "load_tmps issb'  (fst ` write_sops [])  = {}"
	  by (auto simp add: write_sops_append)
	from valid_data_dependency_nth_update [OF i_bound dd_is this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')

      have load_tmps_fresh': "load_tmps_fresh tssb'"
      proof -
	from load_tmps_fresh [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "load_tmps (RMW a t (D,f) cond ret A L R W# issb')  dom θsb = {}"
	  by (simp add: "issb")
	from load_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i] have "t  load_tmps issb'"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb")
	ultimately have "load_tmps issb'  dom (θsb(t  msb a)) = {}"
	  by auto
	from load_tmps_fresh_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' θsb')

      from enough_flushs_nth_update [OF i_bound, where sb="[]" ]
      have enough_flushs': "enough_flushs tssb'"
	by (auto simp add: tssb' sb' sb)

      have valid_program_history': "valid_program_history tssb'"
      proof -	
	have causal': "causal_program_history issb' sb'"
	  by (simp add: "issb" sb sb')
	have "last_prog psb sb' = psb"
	  by (simp add: sb' sb)
	from valid_program_history_nth_update [OF i_bound causal' this]
	show ?thesis
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb')

      from is_sim have "is": "is = RMW a t (D,f) cond ret A L R W# issb'"
	by (simp add: suspends sb "issb")
      with ts_i 
      have ts_i: "ts!i = (psb, RMW a t (D,f) cond ret A L R W# issb', θsb,(), 
	𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb, release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"
	by (simp add: suspends sb)
      have "flush_all_until_volatile_write tssb msb a = msb a"
      proof -
        have "j < length tssb. i  j 
          (let (_,_,_,sbj,_,_,_) = tssb!j 
          in a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj))"
	proof -
	    fix j pj "isj" 𝒪j j 𝒟j xsj sbj
	    assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	    assume neq_i_j: "i  j"
	    assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,isj, xsj, sbj, 𝒟j, 𝒪j,j)"
	    have "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	      let ?take_sbj = "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	      let ?drop_sbj = "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	      assume a_in: "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb ?take_sbj"
	      with outstanding_refs_takeWhile [where P'= "Not  is_volatile_Writesb"]
	      have a_in': "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb sbj"
		by auto
	      with non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_outstanding_non_volatile_writes 
	      [OF outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound jth]]
	      have j_owns: "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
		by auto
              from rels_cond [rule_format, OF j_bound [simplified leq] neq_i_j] ts_sim [rule_format, OF j_bound] jth
              have no_unsharing:"release ?take_sbj (dom (𝒮sb)) j  a  Some False"
                by (auto simp add: Let_def)
	      from access_cond
	      show False
		assume "a  𝒪sb"
		with ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i jth] 
		show False
		  by auto
		assume a_shared: "a  dom 𝒮"
                with share_all_until_volatile_write_thread_local [OF ownership_distinct_tssb sharing_consis_tssb j_bound jth j_owns]
                have a_dom: "a  dom  (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)"
                  by (auto simp add: 𝒮 domIff)
		from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared [OF j_bound jth]
		have "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb sbj".
		with non_volatile_writes_unshared_append [of 𝒮sb "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
		  "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"]
		have unshared_take: "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" 
		  by clarsimp

                from release_not_unshared_no_write_take [OF  unshared_take no_unsharing a_dom] a_in
                show False by auto
	  thus ?thesis
	    by (fastforce simp add: Let_def)

	from flush_all_until_volatile_write_buffered_val_conv 
	[OF _ i_bound tssb_i this]
	show ?thesis
	  by (simp add: sb)
      hence m_a: "m a = msb a"
	by (simp add: m)

      from cond have cond': "¬ cond (θsb(t  m a))"
	by (simp add: m_a)

      from direct_memop_step.RMWReadOnly [where cond=cond and θ=θsb and m=m, OF cond']
      have "(RMW a t (D, f) cond ret A L R W # issb',
             θsb, (),m, 𝒟, 𝒪sb, sb, 𝒮)  
            (issb', θsb(t  m a), (), m, False, 𝒪sb, Map.empty, 𝒮)".

      from direct_computation.concurrent_step.Memop [OF i_bound' ts_i [simplified sb, simplified] this]
      have "(ts, m, 𝒮) d (ts[i := (psb, issb',
	       θsb(t  m a), (), False, 𝒪sb,Map.empty)], m, 𝒮)".

      have tmps_commute: "θsb(t  (msb a)) = 
	(θsb |` (dom θsb - {t}))(t  (msb a))"
	apply (rule ext)
	apply (auto simp add: restrict_map_def domIff)

      have "(tssb',msb,𝒮sb')  (ts[i := (psb,issb', θsb(t  m a),(), False,𝒪sb,Map.empty)],m,𝒮)"
	apply (rule sim_config.intros)
	apply    (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' sb' m 
	  flush_all_until_volatile_nth_update_unused [OF i_bound tssb_i, simplified sb])
	using  share_all_until_volatile_write_RMW_commute [OF i_bound tssb_i [simplified issb sb]]
	apply  (clarsimp simp add: 𝒮 tssb' 𝒮sb' issb 𝒪sb' θsb' sb' sb)
	using  leq
	apply  (simp add: tssb')
	using i_bound i_bound' ts_sim
	apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def nth_list_update 
	  tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb' sb' 𝒮sb' θsb' 𝒟sb' ex_not m_a
	  split: if_split_asm)
	apply (rule tmps_commute)
      show ?thesis
	using valid_own' valid_hist' valid_reads' valid_sharing' tmps_distinct' valid_sops'
	  valid_dd' load_tmps_fresh' enough_flushs' 
	  valid_program_history' valid' msb' 𝒮sb' 
	by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply)
      case (SBHRMWWrite cond t a D f ret A L R W) 
      then obtain 
	"issb": "issb = RMW a t (D,f) cond ret A L R W # issb'" and
	cond: "(cond (θsb(tmsb a)))" and
	𝒪sb': "𝒪sb'=𝒪sb  A - R" and
        sb': "sb'=Map.empty" and
	𝒟sb': "¬ 𝒟sb'" and
	θsb': "θsb' = θsb(tret (msb a) (f (θsb(tmsb a))))" and
	sb: "sb=[]" and
	sb': "sb'=[]" and
	msb': "msb' = msb(a := f (θsb(tmsb a)))" and
	𝒮sb': "𝒮sb'=𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL" 
	by auto

      from data_dependency_consistent_instrs [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have D_subset: "D  dom θsb" 
	by (simp add: issb)

      from is_sim have "is": "is = RMW a t (D,f) cond ret A L R W # issb'"
	by (simp add: suspends sb "issb")
      with ts_i 
      have ts_i: "ts!i = (psb, RMW a t (D,f) cond ret A L R W # issb', θsb,(), 𝒟, 𝒪sb,sb)"
	by (simp add: suspends sb)
      from safe_RMW_common  [OF safe_memop_flush_sb [simplified issb]]
      obtain access_cond: "a  𝒪sb  a  dom 𝒮" and
      rels_cond: " j < length ts. ij  released (ts!j) a  Some False"
        by (auto simp add: 𝒮 sb)

      have a_unflushed: 
	"j < length tssb. i  j 
                  (let (_,_,_,sbj,_,_,_) = tssb!j 
                  in a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj))"
      proof -
	  fix j pj "isj" 𝒪j j 𝒟j xsj sbj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	  assume neq_i_j: "i  j"
	  assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,isj, xsj, sbj, 𝒟j, 𝒪j, j)"
	  have "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	    let ?take_sbj = "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	    let ?drop_sbj = "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	    assume a_in: "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb ?take_sbj"
	    with outstanding_refs_takeWhile [where P'= "Not  is_volatile_Writesb"]
	    have a_in': "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb sbj"
	      by auto
	    with non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_outstanding_non_volatile_writes 
	    [OF outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound jth]]
	    have j_owns: "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
	      by auto
	    with ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i jth]
	    have a_not_owns: "a  𝒪sb  all_acquired sb"
	      by blast
	    assume a_in: "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb 
		(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	    with outstanding_refs_takeWhile [where P'= "Not  is_volatile_Writesb"]
	    have a_in': "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb sbj"
	      by auto
            from rels_cond [rule_format, OF j_bound [simplified leq] neq_i_j] ts_sim [rule_format, OF j_bound] jth
            have no_unsharing:"release ?take_sbj (dom (𝒮sb)) j  a  Some False"
              by (auto simp add: Let_def)
	    from access_cond
	    show False
	      assume "a  𝒪sb"
	      with ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i jth] 
	      show False
		by auto
	      assume a_shared: "a  dom 𝒮"
              with share_all_until_volatile_write_thread_local [OF ownership_distinct_tssb sharing_consis_tssb j_bound jth j_owns]
              have a_dom: "a  dom  (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)"
                by (auto simp add: 𝒮 domIff)
	      from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared [OF j_bound jth]
	      have "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb sbj".
	      with non_volatile_writes_unshared_append [of 𝒮sb "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
		"(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"]
	      have unshared_take: "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" 
	        by clarsimp
              from release_not_unshared_no_write_take [OF  unshared_take no_unsharing a_dom] a_in
              show False by auto
	thus ?thesis
	  by (fastforce simp add: Let_def)

      have "flush_all_until_volatile_write tssb msb a = msb a"
      proof -
	from flush_all_until_volatile_write_buffered_val_conv 
	[OF _ i_bound tssb_i a_unflushed]
	show ?thesis
	  by (simp add: sb)
      hence m_a: "m a = msb a"
	by (simp add: m)

      from cond have cond': "cond (θsb(t  m a))"
	by (simp add: m_a)

      from safe_memop_flush_sb [simplified issb] cond'
	L_subset: "L  A" and
	A_shared_owned: "A  dom 𝒮  𝒪sb" and
	R_owned: "R  𝒪sb" and
        A_R: "A  R = {}" and
	  "j<length ts. i  j  (a  owned (ts!j)  dom (released (ts!j)))" and
	  "j<length ts. i  j  (A  (owned (ts!j)  dom (released (ts!j))) = {})" and
	a_not_ro: "a  read_only 𝒮"
	by cases (auto simp add: sb)

      from a_unowned_others_ts ts_sim leq
      have a_unowned_others:
        "j<length tssb. i  j  
          (let (_,_,_,sbj,_,𝒪j,_) = tssb!j in 
	    a  acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪j 
            a  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj))" 
  apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def)
  subgoal for j
	apply (drule_tac x=j in spec)
	apply (auto simp add: dom_release_takeWhile)

      from A_unowned_by_others_ts ts_sim leq
      have A_unowned_by_others:  
	"j<length tssb. ij  (let (_,_,_,sbj,_,𝒪j,_) = tssb!j 
	  in A  (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪j 
                  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)) = {})" 
  apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def)
  subgoal for j
	apply (drule_tac x=j in spec)
	apply (force simp add: dom_release_takeWhile)

      have a_not_ro': "a  read_only 𝒮sb"
	assume a: "a  read_only (𝒮sb)"
	  from local.read_only_unowned_axioms have "read_only_unowned 𝒮sb tssb". 
        from in_read_only_share_all_until_volatile_write' [OF ownership_distinct_tssb sharing_consis_tssb
          read_only_unowned 𝒮sb tssb i_bound tssb_i a_unowned_others, simplified sb, simplified, 
          OF a] 
	have "a  read_only (𝒮)"
	  by (simp add: 𝒮)
	with a_not_ro show False by simp

	fix j 
	fix pj issbj 𝒪j j 𝒟sbj θj sbj
	assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	assume tssb_j: "tssb!j=(pj,issbj,θj,sbj,𝒟sbj,𝒪j,j)"
	assume neq_i_j: "ij"
	have "a  unforwarded_non_volatile_reads (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) {}"
	  let ?take_sbj = "takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj"
	  let ?drop_sbj = "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj"
	  assume a_in: "a   unforwarded_non_volatile_reads ?drop_sbj {}"

	  from a_unowned_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] tssb_j j_bound
	  obtain a_unacq_take: "a  acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j" and a_not_shared: "a  all_shared ?take_sbj"
	    by auto
	  then obtain
	    a_unowned: "a ∉ 𝒪j" and a_unacq_take': "a ∉ all_acquired ?take_sbj"
	    by (auto simp add: acquired_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb)
	  note nvo_j = outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	  from non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_drop [OF nvo_j]
	  have nvo_drop_j: "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only True (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)
	                    (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj" .

	  note consis_j = sharing_consis [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	  with sharing_consistent_append [of 𝒮sb 𝒪j ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
	  obtain consis_take_j: "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪j ?take_sbj" and
	    consis_drop_j: "sharing_consistent (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)
	      (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj"
	    by auto

	  from in_unforwarded_non_volatile_reads_non_volatile_Readsb [OF a_in]
	  have a_in': "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb ?drop_sbj".

	  note reads_consis_j = valid_reads [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	  from reads_consistent_drop [OF this]
	  have reads_consis_drop_j:
	    "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) (flush ?take_sbj msb) ?drop_sbj".

          from read_only_share_all_shared [of a ?take_sbj 𝒮sb] a_not_ro' a_not_shared
          have a_not_ro_j: "a  read_only (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)"
            by auto

	  from ts_sim [rule_format, OF j_bound] tssb_j j_bound
	  obtain suspendsj "isj" 𝒟j where
	    suspendsj: "suspendsj = ?drop_sbj" and
	    isj: "instrs suspendsj @ issbj = isj @ prog_instrs suspendsj" and
	    𝒟j: "𝒟sbj = (𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj  {})" and
	    tsj: "ts!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj, 
	    θj |` (dom θj - read_tmps suspendsj),(),   
	    𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
	    by (auto simp: Let_def)

	  from tsj neq_i_j j_bound 
	  have ts'_j: "?ts'!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj,
	    θj |` (dom θj - read_tmps suspendsj),(), 
	    𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
	    by auto

	  from valid_last_prog [OF j_bound tssb_j] have last_prog: "last_prog pj sbj = pj".

	  from j_bound i_bound' leq have j_bound_ts': "j < length ?ts'"
	    by simp

	  from read_only_read_acquired_unforwarded_acquire_witness [OF nvo_drop_j consis_drop_j
	  a_not_ro_j a_unacq_take a_in]
	  have False
	    assume "sop a' v ys zs A L R W. 
		?drop_sbj= ys @ Writesb True a' sop v A L R W # zs  a  A  
                a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys  a'a"
	    with suspendsj
	    obtain a' sop' v' ys zs' A' L' R' W' where
		split_suspendsj: "suspendsj = ys @ Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# zs'" (is "suspendsj=?suspends") and
		a_A': "a  A'" and
		no_write: "a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb (ys @ [Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'])"
	        by(auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append )
	    from last_prog
	    have lp: "last_prog pj suspendsj = pj"
	      apply -
	      apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sbj"])
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      apply simp
	    from sharing_consis [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	    have sharing_consis_j: "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪j sbj".
	    then have A'_R': "A'  R' = {}" 
	      by (simp add: sharing_consistent_append [of _ _ ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj, simplified] 
		  suspendsj [symmetric] split_suspendsj sharing_consistent_append)	  

	    from valid_program_history [OF j_bound tssb_j] 
	    have "causal_program_history issbj sbj".
	    then have cph: "causal_program_history issbj ?suspends"
	      apply -
	      apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sbj"] )
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      apply (simp add: split_suspendsj)
	    from valid_reads [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	    have reads_consis_j: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj".
	   from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb 
	      j_bound tssb_j this]
	   have reads_consis_m_j: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) m suspendsj"
	    by (simp add: m suspendsj)
	   from outstanding_non_write_non_vol_reads_drop_disj [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i tssb_j]
	   have "outstanding_refs is_Writesb ?drop_sb  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb suspendsj = {}"
	     by (simp add: suspendsj)
	   from reads_consistent_flush_independent [OF this reads_consis_m_j]
	   have reads_consis_flush_suspend: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) 
	        (flush ?drop_sb m) suspendsj".

	   hence reads_consis_ys: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  
	        (flush ?drop_sb m) (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'])"
	     by (simp add: split_suspendsj reads_consistent_append)

  	   from valid_write_sops [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	   have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sbj@?suspends). valid_sop sop"
	     by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	   then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sbj. valid_sop sop" and
		valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']). valid_sop sop"
	     apply (simp only: write_sops_append)
	     apply auto
	   from read_tmps_distinct [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	   have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
	     by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	   then obtain 
	     read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sbj  read_tmps suspendsj = {}" and
	     distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps suspendsj"
	     apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	     apply (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)
	   from valid_history [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	   have h_consis: 
	      "history_consistent θj (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj@suspendsj)) (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      apply simp
	   have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog pj sbj) ?take_sbj = (hd_prog pj suspendsj)"
	   proof -
	     from last_prog have "last_prog pj (?take_sbj@?drop_sbj) = pj"
	       by simp
	     from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] this
	     have "last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj = hd_prog pj suspendsj"
	       by (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	     have "last_prog (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj @ suspendsj)) ?take_sbj = 
	       last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj"
	       apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	       by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
	     ultimately show ?thesis
	       by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 

	   from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop 
	      h_consis] last_prog_hd_prog
	   have hist_consis': "history_consistent θj (hd_prog pj suspendsj) suspendsj"
	     by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	   from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads  
	   [OF reads_consis_j] 
	   have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb 
	      (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) = {}"
	     by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj [symmetric] 
		split_suspendsj )
	   have acq_simp:
	      "acquired True (ys @ [Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) 
              (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) = 
              acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  A' - R'"
	     by (simp add: acquired_append)

	   from flush_store_buffer_append [where sb="ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']" and sb'="zs'", simplified,
	      OF j_bound_ts' isj [simplified split_suspendsj] cph [simplified suspendsj]
	      ts'_j [simplified split_suspendsj] refl lp [simplified split_suspendsj] reads_consis_ys 
	      hist_consis' [simplified split_suspendsj] valid_sops_drop 
	      distinct_read_tmps_drop [simplified split_suspendsj] 
	      no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], where
	      𝒮="share ?drop_sb 𝒮"]
	   obtain isj' j' where
	      isj': "instrs zs' @ issbj = isj' @ prog_instrs zs'" and
	      steps_ys: "(?ts', flush ?drop_sb m, share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  d* 
                              (hd_prog pj (Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# zs')) (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']),
                             θj |` (dom θj - read_tmps zs'),
                              (), True, acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  A' - R',j')],
                    flush (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) (flush ?drop_sb m),
                    share (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) (share ?drop_sb 𝒮))"
		   (is "(_,_,_) d* (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)")
             by (auto simp add: acquired_append outstanding_refs_append)

	   from i_bound' have i_bound_ys: "i < length ?ts_ys"
	     by auto
	   from i_bound' neq_i_j 
	   have ts_ys_i: "?ts_ys!i = (psb, issb, θsb,(), 
	      𝒟sb, acquired True sb 𝒪sb, release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"
	     by simp
	   note conflict_computation = rtranclp_trans [OF steps_flush_sb steps_ys]
	   from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach conflict_computation]
	   have safe: "safe_delayed (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)".
	   from flush_unchanged_addresses [OF no_write] 
	   have "flush (ys @ [Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) m a = m a".
	   with safe_delayedE [OF safe i_bound_ys ts_ys_i, simplified issb] cond'
	   have a_unowned: 
	      "j < length ?ts_ys. ij  (let (𝒪j) = map owned ?ts_ys!j in a  𝒪j)"
	     apply cases
	     apply (auto simp add: Let_def issb sb)
	   from a_A' a_unowned [rule_format, of j] neq_i_j j_bound leq A'_R'
	    show False
	      by (auto simp add: Let_def)
	    assume "A L R W ys zs. ?drop_sbj = ys @ Ghostsb A L R W# zs  a  A  a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys"
	    with  suspendsj 
	    obtain ys zs' A' L' R' W' where
	      split_suspendsj: "suspendsj = ys @ Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs'" (is "suspendsj=?suspends") and
	      a_A': "a  A'" and
	      no_write: "a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb (ys @ [Ghostsb A' L' R' W'])"
	      by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append)

	    from last_prog
	    have lp: "last_prog pj suspendsj = pj"
	      apply -
	      apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sbj"])
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      apply simp
	    from sharing_consis [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	    have sharing_consis_j: "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪j sbj".
	    then have A'_R': "A'  R' = {}" 
	      by (simp add: sharing_consistent_append [of _ _ ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj, simplified] 
		  suspendsj [symmetric] split_suspendsj sharing_consistent_append)	  

	    from valid_program_history [OF j_bound tssb_j] 
	    have "causal_program_history issbj sbj".
	    then have cph: "causal_program_history issbj ?suspends"
	      apply -
	      apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sbj"] )
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      apply (simp add: split_suspendsj)
	    from valid_reads [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	    have reads_consis_j: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj".
	    from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb 
	      j_bound tssb_j this]
	    have reads_consis_m_j: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) m suspendsj"
	      by (simp add: m suspendsj)
	    from outstanding_non_write_non_vol_reads_drop_disj [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i tssb_j]
	    have "outstanding_refs is_Writesb ?drop_sb  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb suspendsj = {}"
	      by (simp add: suspendsj)
	    from reads_consistent_flush_independent [OF this reads_consis_m_j]
	    have reads_consis_flush_suspend: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) 
	      (flush ?drop_sb m) suspendsj".

	    hence reads_consis_ys: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  
	      (flush ?drop_sb m) (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W'])"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj reads_consistent_append)

	    from valid_write_sops [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	    have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sbj@?suspends). valid_sop sop"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	    then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sbj. valid_sop sop" and
	      valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']). valid_sop sop"
	      apply (simp only: write_sops_append)
	      apply auto
	    from read_tmps_distinct [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	    have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	    then obtain 
	      read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sbj  read_tmps suspendsj = {}" and
	      distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps suspendsj"
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	      apply (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)
	    from valid_history [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	    have h_consis: 
	      "history_consistent θj (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj@suspendsj)) (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      apply simp
	    have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog pj sbj) ?take_sbj = (hd_prog pj suspendsj)"
	    proof -
	      from last_prog have "last_prog pj (?take_sbj@?drop_sbj) = pj"
		by simp
	      from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] this
	      have "last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj = hd_prog pj suspendsj"
		by (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	      have "last_prog (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj @ suspendsj)) ?take_sbj = 
		last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj"
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
	      ultimately show ?thesis
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 

	    from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop 
	      h_consis] last_prog_hd_prog
	    have hist_consis': "history_consistent θj (hd_prog pj suspendsj) suspendsj"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	    from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads  
	    [OF reads_consis_j] 
	    have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb 
	      (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) = {}"
	      by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj [symmetric] 
		split_suspendsj )
	    have acq_simp:
	      "acquired True (ys @ [Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) 
              (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) = 
              acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  A' - R'"
	      by (simp add: acquired_append)

	    from flush_store_buffer_append [where sb="ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']" and sb'="zs'", simplified,
	      OF j_bound_ts' isj [simplified split_suspendsj] cph [simplified suspendsj]
	      ts'_j [simplified split_suspendsj] refl lp [simplified split_suspendsj] reads_consis_ys 
	      hist_consis' [simplified split_suspendsj] valid_sops_drop 
	      distinct_read_tmps_drop [simplified split_suspendsj] 
	      no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], where
	      𝒮="share ?drop_sb 𝒮"]
	    obtain isj' j' where
	      isj': "instrs zs' @ issbj = isj' @ prog_instrs zs'" and
	      steps_ys: "(?ts', flush ?drop_sb m, share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  d* 
                              (hd_prog pj (Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs')) (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']),
                             θj |` (dom θj - read_tmps zs'),
	                     𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {}, acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  A' - R',j')],
                    flush (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) (flush ?drop_sb m),
                    share (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) (share ?drop_sb 𝒮))"
		   (is "(_,_,_) d* (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)")
              by (auto simp add: acquired_append outstanding_refs_append)

	    from i_bound' have i_bound_ys: "i < length ?ts_ys"
	      by auto
	    from i_bound' neq_i_j 
	    have ts_ys_i: "?ts_ys!i = (psb, issb, θsb,(), 
	      𝒟sb, acquired True sb 𝒪sb, release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"
	      by simp
	    note conflict_computation = rtranclp_trans [OF steps_flush_sb steps_ys]
	    from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach conflict_computation]
	    have safe: "safe_delayed (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)".
	    from flush_unchanged_addresses [OF no_write] 
	    have "flush (ys @ [Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) m a = m a".
	    with safe_delayedE [OF safe i_bound_ys ts_ys_i, simplified issb] cond'
	    have a_unowned: 
	      "j < length ?ts_ys. ij  (let (𝒪j) = map owned ?ts_ys!j in a  𝒪j)"
	      apply cases
	      apply (auto simp add: Let_def issb sb)
	    from a_A' a_unowned [rule_format, of j] neq_i_j j_bound leq A'_R'

	    show False
	      by (auto simp add: Let_def)
	  then show False
	    by simp
      note a_notin_unforwarded_non_volatile_reads_drop = this

      (* FIXME: split in to theorems, one for A ∩ 𝒪j and  one for
	 A ∩ outstanding_refs…    *) 
      have A_unused_by_others:
	  "j<length (map 𝒪_sb tssb). i  j 
             (let (𝒪j, sbj) = map 𝒪_sb tssb! j
             in A   (𝒪j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj) = {})"
      proof -
	  fix j 𝒪j sbj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length (map owned tssb)"
	  assume neq_i_j: "ij"
	  assume tssb_j: "(map 𝒪_sb tssb)!j = (𝒪j,sbj)"
	  assume conflict: "A  (𝒪j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj)  {}"
	  have False
	  proof -
	    from j_bound leq
	    have j_bound': "j < length (map owned ts)"
	      by auto
	    from j_bound have j_bound'': "j < length tssb"
	      by auto
	    from j_bound' have j_bound''': "j < length ts"
	      by simp
	    from conflict obtain a' where
	      a_in: "a'  A" and
              conflict: "a'  𝒪j  a'  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj"
	      by auto
            from A_unowned_by_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] j_bound  tssb_j
            have A_unshared_j: "A  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) = {}"
              by (auto simp add: Let_def)
	    from conflict
	    show ?thesis

 	      assume "a'  𝒪j"

              from all_shared_acquired_in [OF this] A_unshared_j a_in
	      have conflict: "a'  acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪j"
	        by (auto)
              with A_unowned_by_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] j_bound  tssb_j a_in
              show False by auto
	      assume a_in_j: "a'  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj"

	      let ?take_sbj = "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	      let ?drop_sbj = "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"

	      from ts_sim [rule_format, OF  j_bound''] tssb_j j_bound''
	      obtain pj suspendsj "issbj" 𝒟sbj 𝒟j j θsbj "isj" where
		  tssb_j: "tssb ! j = (pj,issbj, θsbj, sbj,𝒟sbj,𝒪j,j)" and
		  suspendsj: "suspendsj = ?drop_sbj" and
		  𝒟j: "𝒟sbj = (𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj  {})" and
		  isj: "instrs suspendsj @ issbj = isj @ prog_instrs suspendsj" and
		  tsj: "ts!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj,
		       θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps suspendsj),(), 𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
		apply (cases "tssb!j")
		apply (force simp add: Let_def)

	      have "a'  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb suspendsj"
	      proof -	
		from a_in_j 
		have "a'  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (?take_sbj @ ?drop_sbj)"
		  by simp
		thus ?thesis
		  apply (simp only: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj)
		  apply (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv dest: set_takeWhileD)
	      from split_volatile_Writesb_in_outstanding_refs [OF this]
	      obtain sop' v' ys zs A' L' R' W' where
		split_suspendsj: "suspendsj = ys @ Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# zs" (is "suspendsj = ?suspends")
		by blast

	      from valid_program_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] 
	      have "causal_program_history issbj sbj".
	      then have cph: "causal_program_history issbj ?suspends"
		apply -
		apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sbj"] )
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		apply (simp add: split_suspendsj)

	      from valid_last_prog [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] have last_prog: "last_prog pj sbj = pj".
	      have lp: "last_prog pj ?suspends = pj"
		apply -
		apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sbj"])
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		apply simp

	      from valid_reads [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	      have reads_consis: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj".
	      from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb 
		tssb_j this]
	      have reads_consis_m_j: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) m suspendsj"
		by (simp add: m suspendsj)

	      from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	      have nvo_j: "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪j sbj".
	      with non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_append [of False 𝒮sb 𝒪j ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
	      have nvo_take_j: "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪j ?take_sbj"
		by auto

	      from a_unowned_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] tssb_j j_bound
	      have a_not_acq: "a  acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j"
		by auto

	      from a_notin_unforwarded_non_volatile_reads_drop[OF j_bound'' tssb_j neq_i_j]
	      have a_notin_unforwarded_reads: "a  unforwarded_non_volatile_reads suspendsj {}"
		by (simp add: suspendsj)
	      let ?ma="(m(a := f (θsb(tm a))))"

	      from reads_consistent_mem_eq_on_unforwarded_non_volatile_reads [where W="{}" 
		and m'="?ma",simplified, OF _ subset_refl reads_consis_m_j] 
	      have reads_consis_ma_j: 
		"reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?ma suspendsj"
		by auto

	      from reads_consis_ma_j 
	      have reads_consis_ys: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?ma (ys)"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj reads_consistent_append)

	      from direct_memop_step.RMWWrite [where cond=cond and θ=θsb and m=m, OF cond' ]
	      have "(RMW a t (D, f) cond ret A L R W# issb',  θsb, (), m,𝒟, 𝒪sb, sb, 𝒮)  
                    (issb', θsb(t  ret (m a) (f (θsb(t  m a)))), (), ?ma, False, 𝒪sb  A - R, Map.empty,𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)".
	      from direct_computation.concurrent_step.Memop [OF i_bound' ts_i  this] 
	      have step_a: "(ts, m, 𝒮) d 
                    (ts[i := (psb, issb', θsb(t  ret (m a) (f (θsb(t  m a)))), (), False, 𝒪sb  A - R,Map.empty)], 
                      ?ma,𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
		(is " _ d (?ts_a, _, ?shared_a)").

	      from tsj neq_i_j j_bound 

	      have ts_a_j: "?ts_a!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj,
		θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps suspendsj),(), 𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom (𝒮sb)) j)"
		by auto

	      from valid_write_sops [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	      have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sbj@?suspends). valid_sop sop"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sbj. valid_sop sop" and
		valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops (ys). valid_sop sop"
		apply (simp only: write_sops_append)
		apply auto

	      from read_tmps_distinct [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	      have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      then obtain 
		read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sbj  read_tmps suspendsj = {}" and
	      distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps suspendsj"
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		apply (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)
	      from valid_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	      have h_consis: 
		"history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj@suspendsj)) (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		apply simp
	      have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog pj sbj) ?take_sbj = (hd_prog pj suspendsj)"
	      proof -
		from last_prog have "last_prog pj (?take_sbj@?drop_sbj) = pj"
		  by simp
	      from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] this
	      have "last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj = hd_prog pj suspendsj"
		by (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	      have "last_prog (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj @ suspendsj)) ?take_sbj = 
		last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj"
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
	      ultimately show ?thesis
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 

	    from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop 
	      h_consis] last_prog_hd_prog
	    have hist_consis': "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj suspendsj) suspendsj"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	    from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads  
	    [OF reads_consis] 
	    have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb (ys) = {}"
	      by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj [symmetric] 
		split_suspendsj )
	    from j_bound' have j_bound_ts_a: "j < length ?ts_a" by auto

	    from flush_store_buffer_append [where sb="ys" and sb'="Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'#zs", simplified,
	    OF j_bound_ts_a isj [simplified split_suspendsj] cph [simplified suspendsj]
ts_a_j [simplified split_suspendsj] refl lp [simplified split_suspendsj] reads_consis_ys
 	      hist_consis' [simplified split_suspendsj] valid_sops_drop 
	      distinct_read_tmps_drop [simplified split_suspendsj] 
              no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], where

	    obtain isj' j' where
	      isj': "Write True a' sop' A' L' R' W'# instrs zs @ issbj = isj' @ prog_instrs zs" and
	      steps_ys: "(?ts_a, ?ma, ?shared_a)  d* 
                            (hd_prog pj zs) ys,
                           θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps zs),
                            (), 𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {}, acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j')],
                  flush ys (?ma),    share ys (?shared_a))"
		 (is "(_,_,_) d* (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)")
              by (auto simp add: acquired_append)

	    from cph
	    have "causal_program_history issbj ((ys @ [Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) @ zs)"
	      by simp
	    from causal_program_history_suffix [OF this]
	    have cph': "causal_program_history issbj zs".	      
	    interpret causalj: causal_program_history "issbj" "zs" by (rule cph')

	    from causalj.causal_program_history [of "[]", simplified, OF refl] isj'   
	    obtain isj''
	      where isj': "isj' = Write True a' sop' A' L' R' W'#isj''" and
	      isj'': "instrs zs @ issbj = isj'' @ prog_instrs zs"
	      by clarsimp
	    from i_bound' have i_bound_ys: "i < length ?ts_ys"
	      by auto

	    from i_bound' neq_i_j 
	    have ts_ys_i: "?ts_ys!i = (psb, issb', 
	      θsb(t  ret (m a) (f (θsb(t  m a)))),(), False, 𝒪sb  A - R,Map.empty)"
	      by simp

	    from j_bound_ts_a have j_bound_ys: "j < length ?ts_ys"
	      by auto
	    then have ts_ys_j: "?ts_ys!j = (last_prog (hd_prog pj zs) ys, Write True a' sop' A' L' R' W'#isj'', θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps zs), (), 𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {}, 
	      acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j')"
	      by (clarsimp simp add: isj')
	    note conflict_computation = r_rtranclp_rtranclp [OF step_a steps_ys]
	    from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach conflict_computation]
	    have "safe_delayed (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)".

	      from safe_delayedE [OF this j_bound_ys ts_ys_j]
	      have a_unowned: 
		"i < length ts. ji  (let (𝒪i) = map owned ?ts_ys!i in a'  𝒪i)"
		apply cases
		apply (auto simp add: Let_def)
	      from a_in a_unowned [rule_format, of i] neq_i_j i_bound' A_R 
	      show False
		by (auto simp add: Let_def)
	thus ?thesis
	  by (auto simp add: Let_def)

      have A_unacquired_by_others:
	  "j<length (map 𝒪_sb tssb). i  j 
             (let (𝒪j, sbj) = map 𝒪_sb tssb! j
             in A  all_acquired sbj = {})"
      proof -
	  fix j 𝒪j sbj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length (map owned tssb)"
	  assume neq_i_j: "ij"
	  assume tssb_j: "(map 𝒪_sb tssb)!j = (𝒪j,sbj)"
	  assume conflict: "A  all_acquired sbj  {}"
	  have False
	  proof -
	    from j_bound leq
	    have j_bound': "j < length (map owned ts)"
	      by auto
	    from j_bound have j_bound'': "j < length tssb"
	      by auto
	    from j_bound' have j_bound''': "j < length ts"
	      by simp
	    from conflict obtain a' where
	      a'_in: "a'  A" and
              a'_in_j: "a'  all_acquired sbj"
	      by auto

	    let ?take_sbj = "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	    let ?drop_sbj = "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"

	    from ts_sim [rule_format, OF  j_bound''] tssb_j j_bound''
	    obtain pj suspendsj "issbj" θsbj 𝒟sbj j 𝒟j "isj" where
	      tssb_j: "tssb ! j = (pj,issbj,θsbj, sbj,𝒟sbj,𝒪j,j)" and
	      suspendsj: "suspendsj = ?drop_sbj" and
	      isj: "instrs suspendsj @ issbj = isj @ prog_instrs suspendsj" and
	      𝒟j: "𝒟sbj = (𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj  {})" and
	      tsj: "ts!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj, 
	             θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps suspendsj),(),   
	             𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
	      apply (cases "tssb!j")
	      apply (force simp add: Let_def)

	    from a'_in_j all_acquired_append [of ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
	    have "a'  all_acquired ?take_sbj  a'  all_acquired suspendsj"
	      by (auto simp add: suspendsj)
	    thus False
	      assume "a'  all_acquired ?take_sbj"
	      with A_unowned_by_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] tssb_j j_bound a'_in
	      show False
		by (auto dest: all_acquired_unshared_acquired)
	      assume conflict_drop: "a'  all_acquired suspendsj"
	      from split_all_acquired_in [OF conflict_drop]
	      show ?thesis
		assume "sop a'' v ys zs A L R W. 
                  suspendsj = ys @ Writesb True a'' sop v A L R W# zs  a'  A"
		obtain a'' sop' v' ys zs A' L' R' W' where
		  split_suspendsj: "suspendsj = ys @ Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# zs" (is "suspendsj = ?suspends") and
		  a'_A': "a'  A'"
		  by blast

		from valid_program_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] 
		have "causal_program_history issbj sbj".
		then have cph: "causal_program_history issbj ?suspends"
		  apply -
		  apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sbj"] )
		  apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		  apply (simp add: split_suspendsj)
		from valid_last_prog [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] have last_prog: "last_prog pj sbj = pj".
		have lp: "last_prog pj ?suspends = pj"
		  apply -
		  apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sbj"])
		  apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		  apply simp
		from valid_reads [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
		have reads_consis: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj".
		from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF 
		  valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb  j_bound''
		  tssb_j this]
		have reads_consis_m_j: 
		  "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) m suspendsj"
		  by (simp add: m suspendsj)
		from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
		have nvo_j: "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪j sbj".
		with non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_append [of False 𝒮sb 𝒪j ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
		have nvo_take_j: "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪j ?take_sbj"
		  by auto
		from a_unowned_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] tssb_j j_bound
		have a_not_acq: "a  acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j"
		  by auto
		from a_notin_unforwarded_non_volatile_reads_drop[OF j_bound'' tssb_j neq_i_j]
		have a_notin_unforwarded_reads: "a  unforwarded_non_volatile_reads suspendsj {}"
		  by (simp add: suspendsj)    

		let ?ma="(m(a := f (θsb(tm a))))"

		from reads_consistent_mem_eq_on_unforwarded_non_volatile_reads [where W="{}" 
		  and m'="?ma",simplified, OF _ subset_refl reads_consis_m_j] 
		have reads_consis_ma_j: 
		  "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?ma suspendsj"
		  by auto

		from reads_consis_ma_j 
		have reads_consis_ys: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?ma (ys)"
		  by (simp add: split_suspendsj reads_consistent_append)

		from direct_memop_step.RMWWrite [where cond=cond and θ=θsb and m=m, OF cond']
		have "(RMW a t (D, f) cond ret A L R W# issb',
		        θsb, (), m, 𝒟, 𝒪sb, sb, 𝒮)  
		       θsb(t  ret (m a) (f (θsb(t  m a)))), (), ?ma, False, 𝒪sb  A - R,Map.empty, 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)".
		from direct_computation.concurrent_step.Memop [OF i_bound' ts_i [simplified sb, simplified] this]
		have step_a: "(ts, m, 𝒮) d 
                    (ts[i := (psb, issb', θsb(t  ret (m a) (f (θsb(t  m a)))), (), False, 𝒪sb  A - R,Map.empty)], 
                       ?ma,𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
		  (is " _ d (?ts_a, _, ?shared_a)").

		from tsj neq_i_j j_bound 

		have ts_a_j: "?ts_a!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj,
		  θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps suspendsj),(), 
		  𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
		  by auto
		from valid_write_sops [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
		have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sbj@?suspends). valid_sop sop"
		  by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sbj. valid_sop sop" and
		  valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops (ys). valid_sop sop"
		  apply (simp only: write_sops_append)
		  apply auto
		from read_tmps_distinct [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
		have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		  by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		then obtain 
		  read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sbj  read_tmps suspendsj = {}" and
		  distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps suspendsj"
		  apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		  apply (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)
		from valid_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
		have h_consis: 
		  "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj@suspendsj)) (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		  apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		  apply simp
		have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog pj sbj) ?take_sbj = (hd_prog pj suspendsj)"
		proof -
		  from last_prog have "last_prog pj (?take_sbj@?drop_sbj) = pj"
		    by simp
		  from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] this
		  have "last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj = hd_prog pj suspendsj"
		    by (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		  have "last_prog (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj @ suspendsj)) ?take_sbj = 
		    last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj"
		    apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		    by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
		  ultimately show ?thesis
		    by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop 
		  h_consis] last_prog_hd_prog
		have hist_consis': "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj suspendsj) suspendsj"
		  by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads  
		[OF reads_consis] 
		have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb (ys) = {}"
		  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj [symmetric] 
		    split_suspendsj )
		from j_bound' have j_bound_ts_a: "j < length ?ts_a" by auto
		from flush_store_buffer_append [where sb="ys" and sb'="Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W'#zs", simplified,
		  OF j_bound_ts_a isj [simplified split_suspendsj] cph [simplified suspendsj]
		  ts_a_j [simplified split_suspendsj] refl lp [simplified split_suspendsj] reads_consis_ys
 		  hist_consis' [simplified split_suspendsj] valid_sops_drop 
		  distinct_read_tmps_drop [simplified split_suspendsj] 
		  no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], where
		obtain isj' j' where
		  isj': "Write True a'' sop' A' L' R' W'# instrs zs @ issbj = isj' @ prog_instrs zs" and
		  steps_ys: "(?ts_a, ?ma, ?shared_a)  d* 
                            (hd_prog pj zs) ys,
                             θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps zs),
		             𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {}, acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j')],
                  flush ys (?ma),
                  share ys (?shared_a))"
		 (is "(_,_,_) d* (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)")
		  by (auto simp add: acquired_append)

		from cph
		have "causal_program_history issbj ((ys @ [Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) @ zs)"
		  by simp
		from causal_program_history_suffix [OF this]
		have cph': "causal_program_history issbj zs".	      
		interpret causalj: causal_program_history "issbj" "zs" by (rule cph')

		from causalj.causal_program_history [of "[]", simplified, OF refl] isj'   
		obtain isj''
		  where isj': "isj' = Write True a'' sop' A' L' R' W'#isj''" and
		  isj'': "instrs zs @ issbj = isj'' @ prog_instrs zs"
		  by clarsimp
		from i_bound' have i_bound_ys: "i < length ?ts_ys"
		  by auto
		from i_bound' neq_i_j 
		have ts_ys_i: "?ts_ys!i = (psb, issb',
		  θsb(t  ret (m a) (f (θsb(t  m a)))),(), False, 𝒪sb  A - R,Map.empty)"
		  by simp
		from j_bound_ts_a have j_bound_ys: "j < length ?ts_ys"
		  by auto
		then have ts_ys_j: "?ts_ys!j = (last_prog (hd_prog pj zs) ys, Write True a'' sop' A' L' R' W'#isj'',
		  θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps zs), (), 
		  𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {}, 
		  acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j')"
		  by (clarsimp simp add: isj')
		note conflict_computation = r_rtranclp_rtranclp [OF step_a steps_ys]
		from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach conflict_computation]
		have "safe_delayed (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)".
		from safe_delayedE [OF this j_bound_ys ts_ys_j]
		have A'_unowned: 
		  "i < length ?ts_ys. ji  (let (𝒪i) = map owned ?ts_ys!i in A'   𝒪i = {})"
		  apply cases
		  apply (fastforce simp add: Let_def issb)+
		from a'_in a'_A' A'_unowned [rule_format, of i] neq_i_j i_bound' A_R
		show False
		  by (auto simp add: Let_def)
		assume "A L R W ys zs. suspendsj = ys @ Ghostsb A L R W# zs  a'  A"
		obtain ys zs A' L' R' W' where
		  split_suspendsj: "suspendsj = ys @ Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs" (is "suspendsj = ?suspends") and
		  a'_A': "a'  A'"
		  by blast

		from valid_program_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] 
		have "causal_program_history issbj sbj".
		then have cph: "causal_program_history issbj ?suspends"
		  apply -
		  apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sbj"] )
		  apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		  apply (simp add: split_suspendsj)
		from valid_last_prog [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] have last_prog: "last_prog pj sbj = pj".
		have lp: "last_prog pj ?suspends = pj"
		  apply -
		  apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sbj"])
		  apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		  apply simp
		from valid_reads [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
		have reads_consis: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj".
		from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF 
		  valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb  j_bound''
		  tssb_j this]
		have reads_consis_m_j: 
		  "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) m suspendsj"
		  by (simp add: m suspendsj)
		from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
		have nvo_j: "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪j sbj".
		with non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_append [of False 𝒮sb 𝒪j ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
		have nvo_take_j: "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪j ?take_sbj"
		  by auto
		from a_unowned_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] tssb_j j_bound
		have a_not_acq: "a  acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j"
		  by auto
		from a_notin_unforwarded_non_volatile_reads_drop[OF j_bound'' tssb_j neq_i_j]
		have a_notin_unforwarded_reads: "a  unforwarded_non_volatile_reads suspendsj {}"
		  by (simp add: suspendsj)    

		let ?ma="(m(a := f (θsb(tm a))))"

		from reads_consistent_mem_eq_on_unforwarded_non_volatile_reads [where W="{}" 
		  and m'="?ma",simplified, OF _ subset_refl reads_consis_m_j] 
		have reads_consis_ma_j: 
		  "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?ma suspendsj"
		  by auto

		from reads_consis_ma_j 
		have reads_consis_ys: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?ma (ys)"
		  by (simp add: split_suspendsj reads_consistent_append)
		from direct_memop_step.RMWWrite [where cond=cond and θ=θsb and m=m, OF cond']
		have "(RMW a t (D, f) cond ret A L R W# issb', 
		        θsb, (), m, 𝒟,𝒪sb,  sb, 𝒮)  
                        θsb(t  ret (m a) (f (θsb(t  m a)))), (), ?ma, False, 𝒪sb  A - R,Map.empty,𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)".
		from direct_computation.concurrent_step.Memop [OF i_bound' ts_i [simplified sb, simplified] this]
		have step_a: "(ts, m, 𝒮) d 
                    (ts[i := (psb, issb', θsb(t  ret (m a) (f (θsb(t  m a)))), (), False, 𝒪sb  A - R,Map.empty)], 
                      ?ma,𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
		  (is " _ d (?ts_a, _, ?shared_a)").

		from tsj neq_i_j j_bound 

		have ts_a_j: "?ts_a!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj,
		  θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps suspendsj),(), 𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
		  by auto
		from valid_write_sops [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
		have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sbj@?suspends). valid_sop sop"
		  by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sbj. valid_sop sop" and
		  valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops (ys). valid_sop sop"
		  apply (simp only: write_sops_append)
		  apply auto
		from read_tmps_distinct [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
		have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		  by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		then obtain 
		  read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sbj  read_tmps suspendsj = {}" and
		  distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps suspendsj"
		  apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		  apply (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)
		from valid_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
		have h_consis: 
		  "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj@suspendsj)) (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		  apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		  apply simp
		have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog pj sbj) ?take_sbj = (hd_prog pj suspendsj)"
		proof -
		  from last_prog have "last_prog pj (?take_sbj@?drop_sbj) = pj"
		    by simp
		  from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] this
		  have "last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj = hd_prog pj suspendsj"
		    by (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		  have "last_prog (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj @ suspendsj)) ?take_sbj = 
		    last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj"
		    apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		    by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
		  ultimately show ?thesis
		    by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop 
		  h_consis] last_prog_hd_prog
		have hist_consis': "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj suspendsj) suspendsj"
		  by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads  
		[OF reads_consis] 
		have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb (ys) = {}"
		  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj [symmetric] 
		    split_suspendsj )
		from j_bound' have j_bound_ts_a: "j < length ?ts_a" by auto
		from flush_store_buffer_append [where sb="ys" and sb'="Ghostsb A' L' R' W'#zs", simplified,
		  OF j_bound_ts_a isj [simplified split_suspendsj] cph [simplified suspendsj]
		  ts_a_j [simplified split_suspendsj] refl lp [simplified split_suspendsj] reads_consis_ys
 		  hist_consis' [simplified split_suspendsj] valid_sops_drop 
		  distinct_read_tmps_drop [simplified split_suspendsj] 
		  no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], where
		obtain isj' j' where
		  isj': "Ghost A' L' R' W'# instrs zs @ issbj = isj' @ prog_instrs zs" and
		  steps_ys: "(?ts_a, ?ma, ?shared_a)  d* 
                            (hd_prog pj zs) ys,
                             θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps zs),
		             𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {}, acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j')],
                  flush ys (?ma),
                  share ys (?shared_a))"
		 (is "(_,_,_) d* (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)")
		 by (auto simp add: acquired_append)

	       from cph
	       have "causal_program_history issbj ((ys @ [Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) @ zs)"
		 by simp
	       from causal_program_history_suffix [OF this]
	       have cph': "causal_program_history issbj zs".	      
	       interpret causalj: causal_program_history "issbj" "zs" by (rule cph')

	       from causalj.causal_program_history [of "[]", simplified, OF refl] isj'   
	       obtain isj''
		 where isj': "isj' = Ghost A' L' R' W'#isj''" and
		 isj'': "instrs zs @ issbj = isj'' @ prog_instrs zs"
		 by clarsimp
	       from i_bound' have i_bound_ys: "i < length ?ts_ys"
		 by auto
	       from i_bound' neq_i_j 
	       have ts_ys_i: "?ts_ys!i = (psb, issb',
		 θsb(t  ret (m a) (f (θsb(t  m a)))),(), False, 𝒪sb  A - R,Map.empty)"
		 by simp
	       from j_bound_ts_a have j_bound_ys: "j < length ?ts_ys"
		 by auto
	       then have ts_ys_j: "?ts_ys!j = (last_prog (hd_prog pj zs) ys, Ghost A' L' R' W'#isj'',
		 θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps zs), (), 
		 𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {}, 
		 acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j')"
		 by (clarsimp simp add: isj')
	       note conflict_computation = r_rtranclp_rtranclp [OF step_a steps_ys]
	       from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach conflict_computation]
	       have "safe_delayed (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)".

	       from safe_delayedE [OF this j_bound_ys ts_ys_j]
	       have A'_unowned: 
		 "i < length ?ts_ys. ji  (let (𝒪i) = map owned ?ts_ys!i in A'   𝒪i = {})"
		 apply cases
		 apply (fastforce simp add: Let_def issb)+
	       from a'_in a'_A' A'_unowned [rule_format, of i] neq_i_j i_bound' A_R
	       show False
		 by (auto simp add: Let_def)
	thus ?thesis
	  by (auto simp add: Let_def)

	fix j 
	fix pj issbj 𝒪j j 𝒟sbj θj sbj
	assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	assume tssb_j: "tssb!j=(pj,issbj,θj,sbj,𝒟sbj,𝒪j,j)"
	assume neq_i_j: "ij"
	have "A  read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪j) 
	           (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) = {}"
	proof -
	    let ?take_sbj = "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	    let ?drop_sbj = "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	    assume conflict: "A  read_only_reads (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj  {}"
	    have False
	    proof -
	      from conflict obtain a' where
		a'_in: "a'  A" and
		a'_in_j: "a'  read_only_reads (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj"
		by auto
	      from ts_sim [rule_format, OF  j_bound] tssb_j j_bound
	      obtain pj suspendsj "issbj" 𝒟sbj 𝒟j θsbj "isj" where
		tssb_j: "tssb ! j = (pj,issbj, θsbj, sbj,𝒟sbj,𝒪j,j)" and
		suspendsj: "suspendsj = ?drop_sbj" and
		isj: "instrs suspendsj @ issbj = isj @ prog_instrs suspendsj" and
		𝒟j: "𝒟sbj = (𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj  {})" and
		tsj: "ts!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj,
	        θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps suspendsj),(), 𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
		apply (cases "tssb!j")
		apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def)
	      from split_in_read_only_reads [OF a'_in_j [simplified suspendsj [symmetric]]]
	      obtain t' v' ys zs where
		split_suspendsj: "suspendsj = ys @ Readsb False a' t' v'# zs" (is "suspendsj = ?suspends") and
		a'_unacq: "a'  acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)"
		by blast

	      from valid_program_history [OF j_bound tssb_j] 
	      have "causal_program_history issbj sbj".
	      then have cph: "causal_program_history issbj ?suspends"
		apply -
		apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sbj"] )
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		apply (simp add: split_suspendsj)

	      from valid_last_prog [OF j_bound tssb_j] have last_prog: "last_prog pj sbj = pj".
	      have lp: "last_prog pj ?suspends = pj"
		apply -
		apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sbj"])
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		apply simp

	      from valid_reads [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	      have reads_consis: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj".
	      from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb 
		tssb_j this]
	      have reads_consis_m_j: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) m suspendsj"
		by (simp add: m suspendsj)

	      from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	      have nvo_j: "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪j sbj".
	      with non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_append [of False 𝒮sb 𝒪j ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
	      have nvo_take_j: "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪j ?take_sbj"
		by auto

	      from a_unowned_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] tssb_j j_bound
	      have a_not_acq: "a  acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j"
		by auto

	      from a_notin_unforwarded_non_volatile_reads_drop[OF j_bound tssb_j neq_i_j]
	      have a_notin_unforwarded_reads: "a  unforwarded_non_volatile_reads suspendsj {}"
		by (simp add: suspendsj)
	      let ?ma="(m(a := f (θsb(tm a))))"

	      from reads_consistent_mem_eq_on_unforwarded_non_volatile_reads [where W="{}" 
		and m'="?ma",simplified, OF _ subset_refl reads_consis_m_j] 
	      have reads_consis_ma_j: 
		"reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?ma suspendsj"
		by auto

	      from reads_consis_ma_j 
	      have reads_consis_ys: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?ma (ys)"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj reads_consistent_append)

	      from direct_memop_step.RMWWrite [where cond=cond and θ=θsb and m=m, OF cond' ]
	      have "(RMW a t (D, f) cond ret A L R W# issb', θsb, (), m, 𝒟,𝒪sb,sb,𝒮)  
                (issb', θsb(t  ret (m a) (f (θsb(t  m a)))), (), ?ma, False, 𝒪sb  A - R,Map.empty, 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)".
	      from direct_computation.concurrent_step.Memop [OF i_bound' ts_i  this] 
	      have step_a: "(ts, m, 𝒮) d 
                (ts[i := (psb, issb', θsb(t  ret (m a) (f (θsb(t  m a)))), (), False, 𝒪sb  A - R,Map.empty)], 
                ?ma,𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
		(is " _ d (?ts_a, _, ?shared_a)").

	      from tsj neq_i_j j_bound 

	      have ts_a_j: "?ts_a!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj,
		θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps suspendsj),(), 𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
		by auto

	      from valid_write_sops [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	      have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sbj@?suspends). valid_sop sop"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sbj. valid_sop sop" and
		valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops (ys). valid_sop sop"
		apply (simp only: write_sops_append)
		apply auto

	      from read_tmps_distinct [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	      have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      then obtain 
		read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sbj  read_tmps suspendsj = {}" and
		distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps suspendsj"
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		apply (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)
	      from valid_history [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	      have h_consis: 
		"history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj@suspendsj)) (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		apply simp
	      have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog pj sbj) ?take_sbj = (hd_prog pj suspendsj)"
	      proof -
		from last_prog have "last_prog pj (?take_sbj@?drop_sbj) = pj"
		  by simp
		from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] this
		have "last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj = hd_prog pj suspendsj"
		  by (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		have "last_prog (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj @ suspendsj)) ?take_sbj = 
		  last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj"
		  apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		  by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
		ultimately show ?thesis
		  by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 

	      from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop 
		h_consis] last_prog_hd_prog
	      have hist_consis': "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj suspendsj) suspendsj"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads  
	      [OF reads_consis] 
	      have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb (ys) = {}"
		by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj [symmetric] 
		  split_suspendsj )

	      from j_bound leq have j_bound_ts_a: "j < length ?ts_a" by auto

	      from flush_store_buffer_append [where sb="ys" and sb'="Readsb False a' t' v'#zs", simplified,
		OF j_bound_ts_a isj [simplified split_suspendsj] cph [simplified suspendsj]
		ts_a_j [simplified split_suspendsj] refl lp [simplified split_suspendsj] reads_consis_ys
 		hist_consis' [simplified split_suspendsj] valid_sops_drop 
		distinct_read_tmps_drop [simplified split_suspendsj] 
		no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], where

	      obtain isj' j' where
		isj': "Read False a' t'# instrs zs @ issbj = isj' @ prog_instrs zs" and
		steps_ys: "(?ts_a, ?ma, ?shared_a)  d* 
                (hd_prog pj zs) ys,
                θsbj |` (dom θsbj - insert t' (read_tmps zs)),
                (), 𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {}, acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j')],
                flush ys (?ma),
                share ys (?shared_a))"
		(is "(_,_,_) d* (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)")
		by (auto simp add: acquired_append)

	      from cph
	      have "causal_program_history issbj ((ys @ [Readsb False a' t' v']) @ zs)"
		by simp
	      from causal_program_history_suffix [OF this]
	      have cph': "causal_program_history issbj zs".	      
	      interpret causalj: causal_program_history "issbj" "zs" by (rule cph')

	      from causalj.causal_program_history [of "[]", simplified, OF refl] isj'   
	      obtain isj''
		where isj': "isj' = Read False a' t'#isj''" and
		isj'': "instrs zs @ issbj = isj'' @ prog_instrs zs"
		by clarsimp
	      from i_bound' have i_bound_ys: "i < length ?ts_ys"
		by auto

	      from i_bound' neq_i_j 
	      have ts_ys_i: "?ts_ys!i = (psb, issb', 
		θsb(t  ret (m a) (f (θsb(t  m a)))),(), False, 𝒪sb  A - R,Map.empty)"
		by simp

	      from j_bound_ts_a have j_bound_ys: "j < length ?ts_ys"
		by auto
	      then have ts_ys_j: "?ts_ys!j = (last_prog (hd_prog pj zs) ys, Read False a' t'#isj'', θsbj |` (dom θsbj - insert t' (read_tmps zs)), (), 𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {}, 
		acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j')"
		by (clarsimp simp add: isj')
	      note conflict_computation = r_rtranclp_rtranclp [OF step_a steps_ys]
	      from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach conflict_computation]
	      have "safe_delayed (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)".

	      from safe_delayedE [OF this j_bound_ys ts_ys_j]
	      have "a'  acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) 
		a'  read_only (share ys (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL))"
		apply cases
		apply (auto simp add: Let_def issb)

	      with a'_unacq
	      have a'_ro: "a'  read_only (share ys (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL))"
		by auto
	      from a'_in
	      have a'_not_ro: "a'  read_only (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
		by (auto simp add:  in_read_only_convs)

	      have "a'  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
	      proof -
		  assume a_notin: "a'  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
		  from weak_sharing_consis [OF j_bound tssb_j]
		  have "weak_sharing_consistent 𝒪j sbj".
		  with weak_sharing_consistent_append [of 𝒪j ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
		  have "weak_sharing_consistent (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) suspendsj"
		    by (auto simp add: suspendsj)
		  with split_suspendsj
		  have weak_consis: "weak_sharing_consistent (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ys"
		    by (simp add: weak_sharing_consistent_append)
		  from all_acquired_append [of ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
		  have "all_acquired ys  all_acquired sbj"
		    apply (clarsimp)
		    apply (clarsimp simp add: suspendsj [symmetric] split_suspendsj all_acquired_append)
	          with a_notin acquired_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb [of sbj 𝒪j]
                    all_acquired_append [of ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
		  have "a'  acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪j  all_acquired ys"
                    by auto
		  from read_only_share_unowned [OF weak_consis this a'_ro] 
		  have "a'  read_only (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)" .
		  with a'_not_ro have False
		    by auto	  
		  with a_notin read_only_share_unowned [OF weak_consis _ a'_ro] 
		    all_acquired_takeWhile [of "(Not  is_volatile_Writesb)" sbj]

		  have "a'  read_only (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
		    by (auto simp add: acquired_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb)
		  with a'_not_ro have False
		    by auto
		thus ?thesis by blast
	      from A_unacquired_by_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] tssb_j j_bound
	      have "A  all_acquired sbj = {}"
		by (auto simp add: Let_def)
	      from A_unowned_by_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] tssb_j j_bound
	      have "A  𝒪j = {}"
	        by (auto simp add: Let_def dest: all_shared_acquired_in)
	      moreover note a'_in
	      show False
		by auto
	  thus ?thesis
	    by (auto simp add: Let_def)
      } note A_no_read_only_reads = this	      
      have valid_own': "valid_ownership 𝒮sb' tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)
	show "outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  fix j isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj pj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	  assume tssb'_j: "tssb'!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  show "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb' 𝒪j sbj"
	  proof (cases "j=i")
	    case True
	    have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 
	      (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) (𝒪sb  A - R) []"
	      by simp
	    then show ?thesis
	      using True i_bound tssb'_j
	      by (auto simp add: tssb' 𝒮sb' sb sb')
	    case False
	    from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    with tssb'_j False i_bound 
	    have tssb_j: "tssb!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')

	    note nvo = outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound' tssb_j]

	    from read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i] R_owned
	    have "R  read_only 𝒮sb = {}"
	      by auto
	    with A_no_read_only_reads [OF j_bound' tssb_j False [symmetric]] L_subset
	    have "aread_only_reads
	      (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪j)
	      (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj).
		a  read_only 𝒮sb  a  read_only (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
	      by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs)
	    from non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_read_only_reads_eq' [OF nvo this]
	    have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) 𝒪j sbj".
	    thus ?thesis by (simp add: 𝒮sb')
	show "outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others tssb'"
	proof (unfold_locales)
	  fix i1 j p1 "is1" 𝒪1 1 𝒟1 xs1 sb1 pj "isj" "𝒪j" j 𝒟j xsj sbj
	  assume i1_bound: "i1 < length tssb'"
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	  assume i1_j: "i1  j"
	  assume ts_i1: "tssb'!i1 = (p1,is1,xs1,sb1,𝒟1,𝒪1,1)"
	  assume ts_j: "tssb'!j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  show "(𝒪j  all_acquired sbj)  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb1 = {}"
	  proof (cases "i1=i")
	    case True
	    with ts_i1 i_bound show ?thesis
	      by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb)
	    case False
	    note i1_i = this
	    from i1_bound have i1_bound': "i1 < length tssb"
	      by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb)
	    hence i1_bound'': "i1 < length (map owned tssb)"
	      by auto
	    from ts_i1 False have ts_i1': "tssb!i1 = (p1,is1,xs1,sb1,𝒟1,𝒪1,1)"
	      by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb)
	    show ?thesis
	    proof (cases "j=i")
	      case True

	      from i_bound ts_j tssb' True have sbj: "sbj=[]"
		by (simp add: tssb' sb')
	      from A_unused_by_others [rule_format, OF _ False [symmetric]] ts_i1 i1_bound''
		False i1_bound'
	      have "A  (𝒪1  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb1) = {}"
		by (auto simp add: Let_def tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' owned_def)
	      from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others 
	      [OF i1_bound' i_bound i1_i ts_i1' tssb_i]
	      have "𝒪sb  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb1 = {}" by (simp add: sb)
	      ultimately show ?thesis using ts_j True 
		by (auto simp add: i_bound tssb' 𝒪sb' sbj)
	      case False
	      from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
		by (simp add: tssb')
	      from ts_j False have ts_j': "tssb!j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
		by (simp add: tssb')
	      from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others 
              [OF i1_bound' j_bound' i1_j ts_i1' ts_j']
	      show "(𝒪j  all_acquired sbj)  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb1 = {}" .
	show "read_only_reads_unowned tssb'"
	  fix n m
	  fix pn "isn" 𝒪n n 𝒟n θn sbn pm "ism" 𝒪m m 𝒟m θm sbm
	  assume n_bound: "n < length tssb'"
	    and m_bound: "m < length tssb'"
	    and neq_n_m: "nm"
	    and nth: "tssb'!n = (pn, isn, θn, sbn, 𝒟n, 𝒪n,n)"
	    and mth: "tssb'!m =(pm, ism, θm, sbm, 𝒟m, 𝒪m,m)"
	  from n_bound have n_bound': "n < length tssb" by (simp add: tssb')
	  from m_bound have m_bound': "m < length tssb" by (simp add: tssb')
	  show "(𝒪m  all_acquired sbm) 
            read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn) 𝒪n)
            (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn) =
	  proof (cases "m=i")
	    case True
	    with neq_n_m have neq_n_i: "ni"
	      by auto
	    with n_bound nth i_bound have nth': "tssb!n =(pn, isn, θn, sbn, 𝒟n, 𝒪n,n)"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    note read_only_reads_unowned [OF n_bound' i_bound  neq_n_i nth' tssb_i]
	    note A_no_read_only_reads [OF n_bound' nth']
	    show ?thesis
	      using True tssb_i neq_n_i nth mth n_bound' m_bound'
	      by (auto simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' sb sb')
	    case False
	    note neq_m_i = this
	    with m_bound mth i_bound have mth': "tssb!m = (pm, ism, θm, sbm, 𝒟m, 𝒪m,m)"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    show ?thesis
	    proof (cases "n=i")
	      case True
	      with tssb_i nth mth neq_m_i n_bound' 
	      show ?thesis
		by (auto simp add: tssb'  sb')
	      case False
	      with n_bound nth i_bound have nth': "tssb!n =(pn, isn, θn, sbn, 𝒟n, 𝒪n,n)"
		by (auto simp add: tssb')
	      from read_only_reads_unowned [OF n_bound' m_bound' neq_n_m  nth' mth'] False neq_m_i
	      show ?thesis 
		by (clarsimp)
	show "ownership_distinct tssb'"
	proof (unfold_locales)
	  fix i1 j p1 "is1" 𝒪1 1 𝒟1 xs1 sb1 pj "isj" "𝒪j" j 𝒟j xsj sbj
	  assume i1_bound: "i1 < length tssb'"
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	  assume i1_j: "i1  j"
	  assume ts_i1: "tssb'!i1 = (p1,is1,xs1,sb1,𝒟1,𝒪1,1)"
	  assume ts_j: "tssb'!j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  show "(𝒪1  all_acquired sb1)  (𝒪j  all_acquired sbj)= {}"
	  proof (cases "i1=i")
	    case True
	    with i1_j have i_j: "ij" 
	      by simp
	    from i_bound ts_i1 tssb' True have sb1: "sb1=[]"
	      by (simp add: tssb' sb')
	    from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
	      by (simp add: tssb')
	    hence j_bound'': "j < length (map owned tssb)"
	      by simp	    
	    from ts_j i_j have ts_j': "tssb!j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	      by (simp add: tssb')
	    from A_unused_by_others [rule_format, OF _ i_j] ts_j i_j j_bound'
	    have "A  (𝒪j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj) = {}"
	      by (auto simp add: Let_def tssb' owned_def)
	    from A_unacquired_by_others [rule_format, OF _ i_j] ts_j i_j j_bound'
	    have "A  all_acquired sbj = {}"
	      by (auto simp add: Let_def tssb')
	    from a_not_acquired_others [rule_format, OF j_bound'' i_j] ts_j i_j j_bound'
	    have "a ∉ all_acquired sbj"
	      by (auto simp add: Let_def tssb')
	    from ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound' i_j tssb_i ts_j']
	    have "𝒪sb  (𝒪j  all_acquired sbj)= {}" by (simp add: sb)
	    ultimately show ?thesis using ts_i1 True
	      by (auto simp add: i_bound tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' sb1)
	    case False
	    note i1_i = this
	    from i1_bound have i1_bound': "i1 < length tssb"
	      by (simp add: tssb')
	    hence i1_bound'': "i1 < length (map owned tssb)"
	      by simp	    
	    from ts_i1 False have ts_i1': "tssb!i1 = (p1,is1,xs1,sb1,𝒟1,𝒪1,1)"
	      by (simp add: tssb')
	    show ?thesis
	    proof (cases "j=i")
	      case True
	      from A_unused_by_others [rule_format, OF _ False [symmetric]] ts_i1  
		False i1_bound'
	      have "A  (𝒪1  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb1) = {}"
		by (auto simp add: Let_def tssb' owned_def)
	      from A_unacquired_by_others [rule_format, OF _ False [symmetric]] ts_i1  False i1_bound'
	      have "A  all_acquired sb1 = {}"
		by (auto simp add: Let_def tssb' owned_def)
	      from ownership_distinct [OF i1_bound' i_bound i1_i ts_i1' tssb_i]
	      have "(𝒪1  all_acquired sb1)  𝒪sb = {}" by (simp add: sb)
	      ultimately show ?thesis
		using ts_j True
		by (auto simp add: i_bound tssb' 𝒪sb' sb')
	      case False
	      from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
		by (simp add: tssb')
	      from ts_j False have ts_j': "tssb!j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
		by (simp add: tssb')
	      from ownership_distinct [OF i1_bound' j_bound' i1_j ts_i1' ts_j']
	      show "(𝒪1  all_acquired sb1)  (𝒪j  all_acquired sbj) = {}" .

      have valid_hist': "valid_history program_step tssb'"
      proof -
	from valid_history [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "history_consistent (θsb(tret (msb a) (f (θsb(tmsb a))))) (hd_prog psb []) []" by simp
	from valid_history_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' θsb' sb' sb)

      from valid_reads [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have reads_consis: "reads_consistent False 𝒪sb msb sb" .

      have valid_reads': "valid_reads msb' tssb'"
      proof (unfold_locales)
	fix j pj "isj" 𝒪j j 𝒟j acqj θj sbj
	assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	assume ts_j: "tssb'!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	show "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb' sbj"
	proof (cases "i=j")
	  case True
	  from reads_consis ts_j j_bound sb show ?thesis
	    by (clarsimp simp add: True  msb' Writesb tssb' sb')
	  case False
	  from j_bound have j_bound':  "j < length tssb"
	    by (simp add: tssb')
	  moreover from ts_j False have ts_j': "tssb ! j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	    using j_bound by (simp add: tssb')
	  ultimately have consis_m: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj"
	    by (rule valid_reads)
	  let ?m' = "(msb(a := f (θsb(t  msb a))))"
	  from a_unowned_others [rule_format, OF _ False] j_bound' ts_j'
          obtain a_acq: "a  acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪j" and
          a_unsh: "a  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
            by auto
          with a_notin_unforwarded_non_volatile_reads_drop [OF j_bound' ts_j' False]
	  have "aacquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪j  
                   all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)  
	           unforwarded_non_volatile_reads (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) {}. 
	    ?m' a = msb a"
	    by auto
	  from reads_consistent_mem_eq_on_unforwarded_non_volatile_reads_drop 
	  [where W="{}",simplified, OF this _ _ consis_m] 
	    acquired_reads_all_acquired' [of "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" 𝒪j]
	  have "reads_consistent False 𝒪j (msb(a := f (θsb(t  msb a)))) sbj"
	    by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply)
	  thus ?thesis 
	    by (simp add: msb')

      have valid_sharing': "valid_sharing (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)	
	show "outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) tssb'"
	proof (unfold_locales)
	  fix j pj "isj" "𝒪j" j 𝒟j acqj xsj sbj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	  assume jth: "tssb' ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  show "non_volatile_writes_unshared (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)  sbj"
	  proof (cases "i=j")
	    case True
	    with i_bound jth show ?thesis
	      by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb)
	    case False
	    from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    from jth False have jth': "tssb ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared [OF j_bound' jth']
	    have unshared: "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb sbj".
	    have "adom (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) - dom 𝒮sb. a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb sbj"
	    proof -
		fix a 
		assume a_in: "a  dom (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) - dom 𝒮sb"
		hence a_R: "a  R"
		  by clarsimp
		assume a_in_j: "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb sbj"
		have False
		proof -
		  from non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_outstanding_non_volatile_writes [OF
		  outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound' jth']]
		  have "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
		    by auto
		  with ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound' False tssb_i jth'] a_R R_owned
		  show False
		    by blast
	      thus ?thesis by blast
	    from non_volatile_writes_unshared_no_outstanding_non_volatile_Writesb 
	    [OF unshared this]
	    show ?thesis .
	show "sharing_consis (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) tssb'"
	proof (unfold_locales)  
	  fix j pj "isj" "𝒪j" j 𝒟j acqj xsj sbj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	  assume jth: "tssb' ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  show "sharing_consistent (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) 𝒪j sbj"
	  proof (cases "i=j")
	    case True
	    with i_bound jth show ?thesis
	      by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb)
	    case False
	    from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    from jth False have jth': "tssb ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    from sharing_consis [OF j_bound' jth']
	    have consis: "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪j sbj".

	    have acq_cond: "all_acquired sbj  dom 𝒮sb - dom (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) = {}"
	    proof -
		fix a
		assume a_acq: "a  all_acquired sbj" 
		assume "a  dom 𝒮sb" 
		assume a_L: "a  L"
		have False
		proof -
		  from A_unacquired_by_others [rule_format, of j,OF _ False] j_bound' jth'
		  have "A  all_acquired sbj = {}"
		    by auto
		  with a_acq a_L L_subset
		  show False
		    by blast
	      thus ?thesis
		by auto
	    have uns_cond: "all_unshared sbj  dom (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) - dom 𝒮sb = {}"
	    proof -
		fix a
		assume a_uns: "a  all_unshared sbj" 
		assume "a  L" 
		assume a_R:  "a  R"
		have False
		proof -
		  from unshared_acquired_or_owned [OF consis] a_uns
		  have "a  all_acquired sbj  𝒪j" by auto
		  with ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound' False tssb_i jth']  R_owned a_R
		  show False
		    by blast
	      thus ?thesis
		by auto

	    from sharing_consistent_preservation [OF consis acq_cond uns_cond]
	    show ?thesis
	      by (simp add: tssb')
	show "unowned_shared (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) tssb'"
	proof (unfold_locales)
	  show "- ((λ(_,_, _, _,_, 𝒪,_). 𝒪) ` set tssb')  dom (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
	  proof -

	    have s: "((λ(_,_, _, _,_, 𝒪,_). 𝒪) ` set tssb') =
              ((λ(_,_, _, _,_, 𝒪,_). 𝒪) ` set tssb)  A - R"
	      apply (unfold tssb' 𝒪sb') 
	      apply (rule acquire_release_ownership_nth_update [OF R_owned i_bound tssb_i])
	      apply fact

	    note unowned_shared L_subset A_R
	    show ?thesis
	      apply (simp only: s)
	      apply auto
	show "read_only_unowned (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) tssb'"
	  fix j pj "isj" "𝒪j" j 𝒟j acqj xsj sbj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	  assume jth: "tssb' ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  show "𝒪j  read_only (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) = {}"
	  proof (cases "i=j")
	    case True
	    from read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i] R_owned  A_R 
	    have "(𝒪sb  A - R)  read_only (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) = {}"
	      by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs )
	    with jth tssb_i i_bound True
	    show ?thesis
	      by (auto simp add: 𝒪sb' tssb')
	    case False
	    from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    with False jth have jth': "tssb ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    from read_only_unowned [OF j_bound' jth']
	    have "𝒪j  read_only 𝒮sb = {}".
	    from A_unowned_by_others [rule_format, OF _ False] j_bound' jth'
	    have "A  𝒪j = {}"
	      by (auto dest: all_shared_acquired_in )
	    from ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound' False tssb_i jth']
	    have "𝒪sb  𝒪j = {}"
	      by auto
	    moreover note R_owned A_R
	    ultimately show ?thesis
	      by (fastforce simp add: in_read_only_convs split: if_split_asm)
	show "no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) tssb'"
	  fix j pj "isj" "𝒪j" j 𝒟j acqj xsj sbj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	  assume jth: "tssb' ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  show "no_write_to_read_only_memory (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) sbj"
	  proof (cases "i=j")
	    case True
	    with jth tssb_i i_bound 
	    show ?thesis
	      by (auto simp add: sb sb' tssb')
	    case False
	    from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    with False jth have jth': "tssb ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    from no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory [OF j_bound' jth']
	    have nw: "no_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb sbj".
	    have "R  outstanding_refs is_Writesb sbj = {}"
	    proof -
	      note dist = ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound' False tssb_i jth']
	      from non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_outstanding_non_volatile_writes 
	      [OF outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound' jth']]
	      have "outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb sbj  𝒪sb = {}"
		by auto
	      from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others [OF j_bound'  i_bound 
		False [symmetric] jth' tssb_i ]
	      have "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj  𝒪sb = {}" 
		by auto
	      ultimately have "outstanding_refs is_Writesb sbj  𝒪sb = {}" 
		by (auto simp add: misc_outstanding_refs_convs)
	      with R_owned
	      show ?thesis by blast
	    have "aoutstanding_refs is_Writesb sbj.
	      a  read_only (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)  a  read_only 𝒮sb"
	      by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs) 

	    from no_write_to_read_only_memory_read_only_reads_eq [OF nw this]
	    show ?thesis .

      have tmps_distinct': "tmps_distinct tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)
	from load_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "distinct_load_tmps issb'" 
	  by (auto simp add: "issb" split: instr.splits)
	from load_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "load_tmps_distinct tssb'" by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb' "issb")
	from read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "distinct_read_tmps []" by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')
	from read_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "read_tmps_distinct tssb'" by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')
	from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
          load_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "load_tmps issb'  read_tmps [] = {}"
	  by (clarsimp)
	from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct tssb'"  by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')

      have valid_sops': "valid_sops tssb'"
      proof -
	from valid_store_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	  valid_store_sops': "sopstore_sops issb'. valid_sop sop"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb" tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')

	from valid_sops_nth_update [OF i_bound  _ valid_store_sops', where sb= "[]" ]
	show ?thesis by (auto simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')

      have valid_dd': "valid_data_dependency tssb'"
      proof -
	from data_dependency_consistent_instrs [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	  dd_is: "data_dependency_consistent_instrs (dom θsb')  issb'"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb" θsb')
	from load_tmps_write_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "load_tmps issb'  (fst ` write_sops [])  = {}"
	  by (auto simp add: write_sops_append)
	from valid_data_dependency_nth_update [OF i_bound dd_is this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb')

      have load_tmps_fresh': "load_tmps_fresh tssb'"
      proof -
	from load_tmps_fresh [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "load_tmps (RMW a t (D,f) cond ret A L R W # issb')  dom θsb = {}"
	  by (simp add: "issb")
	from load_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i] have "t  load_tmps issb'"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb")
	ultimately have "load_tmps issb'  dom (θsb(t  ret (msb a) (f (θsb(tmsb a))))) = {}"
	  by auto
	from load_tmps_fresh_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' θsb')

      from enough_flushs_nth_update [OF i_bound, where sb="[]" ]
      have enough_flushs': "enough_flushs tssb'"
	by (auto simp: tssb' sb' sb)

      have valid_program_history': "valid_program_history tssb'"
      proof -	
	have causal': "causal_program_history issb' sb'"
	  by (simp add: "issb" sb sb')
	have "last_prog psb sb' = psb"
	  by (simp add: sb' sb)
	from valid_program_history_nth_update [OF i_bound causal' this]
	show ?thesis
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb')

      from is_sim have "is": "is = RMW a t (D,f) cond ret A L R W # issb'"
	by (simp add: suspends sb "issb")

      from direct_memop_step.RMWWrite [where cond=cond and θ=θsb and m=m, OF cond']
      have "(RMW a t (D, f) cond ret A L R W # issb', θsb, (),m, 𝒟, 𝒪sb,sb, 𝒮)  
            (issb',θsb(t  ret (m a) (f (θsb(tm a)))), (), 
             m(a := f (θsb(t  m a))), False, 𝒪sb  A - R, Map.empty, 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)".

      from direct_computation.concurrent_step.Memop [OF i_bound' ts_i this]
      have "(ts, m, 𝒮) d (ts[i := (psb, issb',θsb(t  ret (m a) (f (θsb(tm a)))), (), False, 𝒪sb  A - R,Map.empty)], 
             m(a := f (θsb(t  m a))),𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)".


      have tmps_commute: "θsb(t  ret (msb a) (f (θsb(tmsb a)))) = 
	(θsb |` (dom θsb - {t}))(t  ret (msb a) (f (θsb(tmsb a))))"
	apply (rule ext)
	apply (auto simp add: restrict_map_def domIff)

      from a_unflushed tssb_i sb
      have a_unflushed':
	"j < length tssb. 
                  (let (_,_,_,sbj,_,_,_) = tssb!j 
                  in a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj))"
	by auto

      have all_shared_L: "i p is 𝒪  𝒟 acq θ sb. i < length tssb 
            tssb ! i = (p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪,) 
            all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)  L = {}"
      proof -
	  fix j pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj x
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	  assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  assume x_shared: "x  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	  assume x_L: "x  L"
	  have False
	  proof (cases "i=j")
	    case True with x_shared tssb_i jth show False by (simp add: sb)
	    case False
	    show False
	    proof -
	      from all_shared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF j_bound jth]]
	      have "all_shared sbj  all_acquired sbj  𝒪j".

	      moreover have "all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)  all_shared sbj"
		using all_shared_append [of "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" 
		  "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"]
		by auto
	      from A_unacquired_by_others [rule_format, OF _ False] jth j_bound
	      have "A  all_acquired sbj = {}" by auto

	      from A_unowned_by_others [rule_format, OF _ False] jth j_bound
	      have "A  𝒪j = {}"
	        by (auto dest: all_shared_acquired_in)

	      show False
		using L_subset x_L x_shared
		by blast
	thus ?thesis by blast

      have all_shared_A: "i p is 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb. i < length tssb 
            tssb ! i = (p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪,) 
            all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)  A = {}"
      proof -
	  fix j pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj x
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	  assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  assume x_shared: "x  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	  assume x_A: "x  A"
	  have False
	  proof (cases "i=j")
	    case True with x_shared tssb_i jth show False by (simp add: sb)
	    case False
	    show False
	    proof -
	      from all_shared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF j_bound jth]]
	      have "all_shared sbj  all_acquired sbj  𝒪j".

	      moreover have "all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)  all_shared sbj"
		using all_shared_append [of "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" 
		  "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"]
		by auto
	      from A_unacquired_by_others [rule_format, OF _ False] jth j_bound
	      have "A  all_acquired sbj = {}" by auto

	      from A_unowned_by_others [rule_format, OF _ False] jth j_bound
	      have "A  𝒪j = {}"
	        by (auto dest: all_shared_acquired_in)

	      show False
		using x_A x_shared 
		by blast
	thus ?thesis by blast
      hence all_shared_L: "i p is 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb. i < length tssb 
            tssb ! i = (p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪,) 
            all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)  L = {}"
	using L_subset by blast

     have all_unshared_R: "i p is 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb. i < length tssb 
            tssb ! i = (p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪,) 
            all_unshared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)  R = {}"
      proof -
	  fix j pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj x
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	  assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  assume x_unshared: "x  all_unshared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	  assume x_R: "x  R"
	  have False
	  proof (cases "i=j")
	    case True with x_unshared tssb_i jth show False by (simp add: sb)
	    case False
	    show False
	    proof -
	      from unshared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF j_bound jth]]
	      have "all_unshared sbj  all_acquired sbj  𝒪j".

	      moreover have "all_unshared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)  all_unshared sbj"
		using all_unshared_append [of "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" 
		  "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"]
		by auto

	      note ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound False tssb_i jth]

	      show False
		using  R_owned x_R x_unshared
		by blast
	thus ?thesis by blast

     have all_acquired_R: "i p is 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb. i < length tssb 
            tssb ! i = (p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪,) 
            all_acquired (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)  R = {}"
      proof -
	  fix j pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj x
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	  assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  assume x_acq: "x  all_acquired (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	  assume x_R: "x  R"
	  have False
	  proof (cases "i=j")
	    case True with x_acq tssb_i jth show False by (simp add: sb)
	    case False
	    show False
	    proof -

	      from x_acq have "x  all_acquired sbj"
		using all_acquired_append [of "takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj" 
		  "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj"]
		by auto
	      note ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound False tssb_i jth]
	      show False
		using  R_owned x_R 
		by blast
	thus ?thesis by blast

      have all_shared_R: "i p is 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb. i < length tssb 
            tssb ! i = (p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪,) 
            all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)  R = {}"
      proof -
	  fix j pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj x
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	  assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  assume x_shared: "x  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	  assume x_R: "x  R"
	  have False
	  proof (cases "i=j")
	    case True with x_shared tssb_i jth show False by (simp add: sb)
	    case False
	    show False
	    proof -
	      from all_shared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF j_bound jth]]
	      have "all_shared sbj  all_acquired sbj  𝒪j".

	      moreover have "all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)  all_shared sbj"
		using all_shared_append [of "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" 
		  "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"]
		by auto
	      note ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound False tssb_i jth]
	      show False
		using R_owned x_R x_shared
		by blast
	thus ?thesis by blast

      from share_all_until_volatile_write_commute [OF ownership_distinct tssb sharing_consis 𝒮sb tssb 
	all_shared_L all_shared_A all_acquired_R all_unshared_R all_shared_R]
      have share_commute: "share_all_until_volatile_write tssb 𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL =
        share_all_until_volatile_write tssb (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)".

	fix j pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj x
	assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
        assume neq: "i  j" 

        have "release (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)
                            (dom 𝒮sb  R - L) j
              = release (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)
                            (dom 𝒮sb) j"
        proof -
            fix a
            assume a_in: "a  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
            have "(a  (dom 𝒮sb  R - L)) = (a  dom 𝒮sb)"
            proof -
              from A_unowned_by_others [rule_format, OF j_bound neq ] jth
              A_unacquired_by_others [rule_format, OF _ neq] j_bound
              have A_dist: "A  (𝒪j  all_acquired sbj) = {}"
                by (auto dest: all_shared_acquired_in)
              from  all_shared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF j_bound jth]] a_in
              all_shared_append [of "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" 
                "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"]
              have a_in: "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
                by auto
              with ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq  tssb_i jth]
              have "a  (𝒪sb  all_acquired sb)" by auto

              with A_dist R_owned A_R A_shared_owned L_subset a_in
              obtain "a  R" and "a  L"
                by fastforce
              then show ?thesis by auto
          show ?thesis 
            apply -
            apply (rule release_all_shared_exchange)
            apply auto
      note release_commute = this
      have "(tssb',msb(a := f (θsb(t  msb a))),𝒮sb')  (ts[i := (psb,issb',
            θsb(t  ret (m a) (f (θsb(tm a)))),(), False,𝒪sb  A - R,Map.empty)],m(a := f (θsb(t  m a))),𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
	apply (rule sim_config.intros)
	apply    (simp only: m_a )
	apply    (simp only: m)
	apply    (simp only: flush_all_until_volatile_write_update_other [OF a_unflushed', symmetric] tssb')
	apply    (simp add: flush_all_until_volatile_nth_update_unused [OF i_bound tssb_i, simplified sb] sb')
	apply    (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' m 
	  flush_all_until_volatile_nth_update_unused [OF i_bound tssb_i, simplified sb])
	using  share_all_until_volatile_write_RMW_commute [OF i_bound tssb_i [simplified issb sb]]
	apply  (clarsimp simp add: 𝒮 tssb' 𝒮sb' issb 𝒪sb' sb' θsb' sb' sb share_commute)
	using  leq
	apply  (simp add: tssb')
	using i_bound i_bound' ts_sim
	apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def nth_list_update 
	  tssb' sb' sb 𝒪sb' sb' 𝒮sb' θsb' 𝒟sb'  ex_not m_a  
	  split: if_split_asm)
        apply (rule conjI)
        apply  clarsimp
        apply  (rule tmps_commute)
        apply clarsimp
        apply (frule (2) release_commute)
        apply clarsimp
        apply fastforce
      show ?thesis
	using valid_own' valid_hist' valid_reads' valid_sharing' tmps_distinct' valid_sops'
	  valid_dd' load_tmps_fresh' enough_flushs' 
	  valid_program_history' valid' msb' 𝒮sb' 
	by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply)	
      case (SBHGhost A L R W)
      then obtain 
	"issb": "issb = Ghost A L R W# issb'" and
	𝒪sb': "𝒪sb'=𝒪sb" and
        sb': "sb'=sb" and
	θsb': "θsb' = θsb" and
	𝒟sb': "𝒟sb'=𝒟sb" and
	sb': "sb'=sb@[Ghostsb A L R W]" and
	msb': "msb' = msb" and
	𝒮sb': "𝒮sb'=𝒮sb" 
	by auto

      from safe_memop_flush_sb [simplified issb] obtain      
        L_subset: "L  A" and
	A_shared_owned: "A  dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  acquired True sb 𝒪sb" and
	R_acq: "R  acquired True sb 𝒪sb" and
	A_R: "A  R = {}" and
	"j<length (map owned ts). ij  (A  (owned (ts!j)  dom (released (ts!j))) = {})" 
	by cases auto

      from A_unowned_by_others_ts ts_sim leq
      have A_unowned_by_others:  
	"j<length tssb. ij  (let (_,_,_,sbj,_,𝒪j,_) = tssb!j 
	  in A  (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪j 
                  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)) = {})" 
  apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def)
  subgoal for j
	apply (drule_tac x=j in spec)
	apply (force simp add: dom_release_takeWhile)
      have A_unused_by_others:
	  "j<length (map 𝒪_sb tssb). i  j 
             (let (𝒪j, sbj) = map 𝒪_sb tssb! j
             in A  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj = {})"
      proof -
	  fix j 𝒪j sbj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length (map owned tssb)"
	  assume neq_i_j: "ij"
	  assume tssb_j: "(map 𝒪_sb tssb)!j = (𝒪j,sbj)"
	  assume conflict: "A  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj  {}"
	  have False
	  proof -
	    from j_bound leq
	    have j_bound': "j < length (map owned ts)"
	      by auto
	    from j_bound have j_bound'': "j < length tssb"
	      by auto
	    from j_bound' have j_bound''': "j < length ts"
	      by simp
	    from conflict obtain a' where
	      a'_in: "a'  A" and
              a'_in_j: "a'  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj"
	      by auto

	    let ?take_sbj = "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	    let ?drop_sbj = "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"

	    from ts_sim [rule_format, OF  j_bound''] tssb_j j_bound''
	    obtain pj suspendsj "issbj" θsbj 𝒟sbj 𝒟j j "isj" where
	      tssb_j: "tssb ! j = (pj,issbj,θsbj, sbj,𝒟sbj,𝒪j,j)" and
	      suspendsj: "suspendsj = ?drop_sbj" and
	      𝒟j: "𝒟sbj = (𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj  {})" and
	      isj: "instrs suspendsj @ issbj = isj @ prog_instrs suspendsj" and
	      tsj: "ts!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj,
	             θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps suspendsj),(), 
	             𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j, release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
	      apply (cases "tssb!j")
	      apply (force simp add: Let_def)
	    have "a'  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb suspendsj"
	    proof -	
	      from a'_in_j 
	      have "a'  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (?take_sbj @ ?drop_sbj)"
		by simp
	      thus ?thesis
		apply (simp only: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj)
		apply (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv dest: set_takeWhileD)
	    from split_volatile_Writesb_in_outstanding_refs [OF this]
	    obtain sop v ys zs A' L' R' W' where
	      split_suspendsj: "suspendsj = ys @ Writesb True a' sop v A' L' R' W' # zs" (is "suspendsj = ?suspends")
	      by blast
	    from direct_memop_step.Ghost [where  θ=θsb and m="flush ?drop_sb m"]
	    have "(Ghost A L R W# issb', 
                       θsb, (), flush ?drop_sb m, 𝒟sb, 
                       acquired True sb 𝒪sb, release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb, share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  
                    (issb', θsb, (), flush ?drop_sb m, 𝒟sb, 
                      acquired True sb 𝒪sb  A - R, 
                      augment_rels (dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)) R (release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb),
                      share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)".
	    from direct_computation.concurrent_step.Memop [OF 
	      i_bound_ts' [simplified issb] ts'_i [simplified issb] this [simplified issb]] 
	    have store_step: "(?ts', flush ?drop_sb m, share ?drop_sb 𝒮) d 
                    (?ts'[i := (psb, issb', θsb, (),𝒟sb, acquired True sb 𝒪sb  A - R,augment_rels (dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)) R (release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb))], 
                         flush ?drop_sb m,share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
		  (is " _ d (?ts_A, ?m_A, ?share_A)")
	     by (simp add: issb)
	   from i_bound' have i_bound'': "i < length ?ts_A"
	     by simp

	   from valid_program_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] 
	   have "causal_program_history issbj sbj".
	   then have cph: "causal_program_history issbj ?suspends"
	     apply -
	     apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sbj"] )
	     apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	     apply (simp add: split_suspendsj)
	   from tsj neq_i_j j_bound 
	   have ts_A_j: "?ts_A!j = (hd_prog pj (ys @ Writesb True a' sop v A' L' R' W' # zs), isj,
	     θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (ys @ Writesb True a' sop v A' L' R' W' # zs)), (), 𝒟j, 
	     acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
	     by (simp add: split_suspendsj)

	   from j_bound''' i_bound' neq_i_j have j_bound'''': "j < length ?ts_A"
	     by simp

	   from valid_last_prog [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] have last_prog: "last_prog pj sbj = pj".
	   have lp: "last_prog pj ?suspends = pj"
	     apply -
	     apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sbj"])
	     apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	     apply simp

	   from valid_reads [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	   have reads_consis: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj".

	   from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb j_bound''
	     tssb_j reads_consis]
	   have reads_consis_m: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) m suspendsj"
	     by (simp add: m suspendsj)

	   from outstanding_non_write_non_vol_reads_drop_disj [OF i_bound j_bound'' neq_i_j tssb_i tssb_j]
	   have "outstanding_refs is_Writesb ?drop_sb  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb suspendsj = {}"
	     by (simp add: suspendsj)
	   from reads_consistent_flush_independent [OF this reads_consis_m]
	   have reads_consis_flush_m: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) 
	     ?m_A suspendsj".
	   hence reads_consis_m_A_ys: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  ?m_A ys"
	     by (simp add: split_suspendsj reads_consistent_append)

	   from valid_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	   have h_consis: 
	     "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj@suspendsj)) (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
	     apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	     apply simp

	   have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog pj sbj) ?take_sbj = (hd_prog pj suspendsj)"
	   proof -
	     from last_prog have "last_prog pj (?take_sbj@?drop_sbj) = pj"
	       by simp
	     from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] this
	     have "last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj = hd_prog pj suspendsj"
	       by (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	     have "last_prog (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj @ suspendsj)) ?take_sbj = 
		  last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj"
	       apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	       by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
	     ultimately show ?thesis
	       by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 

	   from valid_write_sops [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	   have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sbj@?suspends). valid_sop sop"
	     by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	   then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sbj. valid_sop sop" and
	     valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops ys. valid_sop sop"
	     apply (simp only: write_sops_append )
	     apply auto

	   from read_tmps_distinct [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	   have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
	     by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	   then obtain 
	     read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sbj  read_tmps suspendsj = {}" and
	     distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps suspendsj"
	     apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	     apply (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)
	   from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop h_consis]	  
	   have hist_consis': "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj suspendsj) suspendsj"
	     by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	    from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads  
	    [OF reads_consis] 
	    have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb ys = {}"
	      by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj [symmetric] 
		split_suspendsj )
	    from flush_store_buffer_append [
	      OF j_bound''''  isj [simplified split_suspendsj] cph [simplified suspendsj]
	      ts_A_j [simplified split_suspendsj] refl lp [simplified split_suspendsj] reads_consis_m_A_ys
	      hist_consis' [simplified split_suspendsj] valid_sops_drop distinct_read_tmps_drop [simplified split_suspendsj] 
	      no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], where
	    obtain isj' j' where
	      isj': "instrs (Writesb True a' sop v A' L' R' W' # zs) @ issbj = 
	            isj' @ prog_instrs (Writesb True a' sop v A' L' R' W' # zs)" and
	      steps_ys: "(?ts_A, ?m_A, ?share_A)  d* 
		(?ts_A[j:= (last_prog (hd_prog pj (Writesb True a' sop v A' L' R' W' # zs)) ys,
                           θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (Writesb True a' sop v A' L' R' W' # zs)),(),
                           𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {}, acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j') ],
                  flush ys ?m_A,
                  share ys ?share_A)"
		 (is "(_,_,_) d* (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)")
              by (auto)

	    note conflict_computation = rtranclp_trans [OF rtranclp_r_rtranclp [OF steps_flush_sb, OF store_step] steps_ys]
	    from cph
	    have "causal_program_history issbj ((ys @ [Writesb True a' sop v A' L' R' W']) @ zs)"
	      by simp
	    from causal_program_history_suffix [OF this]
	    have cph': "causal_program_history issbj zs".	      
	    interpret causalj: causal_program_history "issbj" "zs" by (rule cph')

	    from causalj.causal_program_history [of "[]", simplified, OF refl] isj'   
	    obtain isj''
	      where isj': "isj' = Write True a' sop A' L' R' W' #isj''" and
	      isj'': "instrs zs @ issbj = isj'' @ prog_instrs zs"
	      by clarsimp

	    from j_bound'''
	    have j_bound_ys: "j < length ?ts_ys"
	      by auto

	    from j_bound_ys neq_i_j
	    have ts_ys_j: "?ts_ys!j=(last_prog (hd_prog pj (Writesb True a' sop v A' L' R' W'# zs)) ys, isj',
                 θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (Writesb True a' sop v A' L' R' W'# zs)),(),
                 𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {},
                 acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j')"
	      by auto

	    from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach conflict_computation]
	    have "safe_delayed (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)".
	    from safe_delayedE [OF this j_bound_ys ts_ys_j, simplified isj']
	    have a_unowned: 
		"i < length ?ts_ys. ji  (let (𝒪i) = map owned ?ts_ys!i in a'  𝒪i)"
	      apply cases
	      apply (auto simp add: Let_def issb)
	    from a'_in a_unowned [rule_format, of i] neq_i_j i_bound' A_R
	    show False
	      by (auto simp add: Let_def)
	thus ?thesis
	  by (auto simp add: Let_def)

      have A_unaquired_by_others:
	  "j<length (map 𝒪_sb tssb). i  j 
             (let (𝒪j, sbj) = map 𝒪_sb tssb! j
             in A  all_acquired sbj = {})"
      proof -
	  fix j 𝒪j sbj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length (map owned tssb)"
	  assume neq_i_j: "ij"
	  assume tssb_j: "(map 𝒪_sb tssb)!j = (𝒪j,sbj)"
	  assume conflict: "A  all_acquired sbj  {}"
	  have False
	  proof -
	    from j_bound leq
	    have j_bound': "j < length (map owned ts)"
	      by auto
	    from j_bound have j_bound'': "j < length tssb"
	      by auto
	    from j_bound' have j_bound''': "j < length ts"
	      by simp
	    from conflict obtain a' where
	      a'_in: "a'  A" and
              a'_in_j: "a'  all_acquired sbj"
	      by auto

	    let ?take_sbj = "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	    let ?drop_sbj = "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"

	    from ts_sim [rule_format, OF  j_bound''] tssb_j j_bound''
	    obtain pj suspendsj "issbj" θsbj 𝒟sbj 𝒟j j "isj" where
	      tssb_j: "tssb ! j = (pj,issbj, θsbj, sbj,𝒟sbj,𝒪j,j)" and
	      suspendsj: "suspendsj = ?drop_sbj" and
	      𝒟j: "𝒟sbj = (𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj  {})" and
	      isj: "instrs suspendsj @ issbj = isj @ prog_instrs suspendsj" and
	      tsj: "ts!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj,
	                   θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps suspendsj),(), 
                           𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
	      apply (cases "tssb!j")
	      apply (force simp add: Let_def)

	    from a'_in_j all_acquired_append [of ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
	    have "a'  all_acquired ?take_sbj  a'  all_acquired suspendsj"
	      by (auto simp add: suspendsj)
	    thus False
	      assume "a'  all_acquired ?take_sbj"
	      with A_unowned_by_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] tssb_j j_bound a'_in
	      show False
		by (auto dest: all_acquired_unshared_acquired)
	      assume conflict_drop: "a'  all_acquired suspendsj"
	      from split_all_acquired_in [OF conflict_drop]
	      (* FIXME: exract common parts *)
	      show False
		assume "sop a'' v ys zs A L R W. 
                         suspendsj = ys @ Writesb True a'' sop v A L R W# zs  a'  A" 
		obtain a'' sop' v' ys zs A' L' R' W' where
		  split_suspendsj: "suspendsj = ys @ Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W' # zs" 
		    (is "suspendsj = ?suspends") and
		  a'_A': "a'  A'"
		 by auto
	       from direct_memop_step.Ghost [where  θ=θsb and m="flush ?drop_sb m"]
	       have "(Ghost A L R W# issb', 
                         θsb, (), flush ?drop_sb m,𝒟sb, 
                         acquired True sb 𝒪sb, release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb,share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  
                    (issb', θsb, (), flush ?drop_sb m, 𝒟sb, 
                      acquired True sb 𝒪sb  A - R, 
                      augment_rels (dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)) R (release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb),
                      share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)".

	       from direct_computation.concurrent_step.Memop [OF 
		 i_bound_ts' [simplified issb] ts'_i [simplified issb] this [simplified issb]] 
	       have store_step: "(?ts', flush ?drop_sb m, share ?drop_sb 𝒮) d 
                   (?ts'[i := (psb, issb',θsb, (),𝒟sb, 
                         acquired True sb 𝒪sb  A - R,
                         augment_rels (dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)) R (release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb))], 
                         flush ?drop_sb m,share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
		   (is " _ d (?ts_A, ?m_A, ?share_A)")
		 by (simp add: issb)
	       from i_bound' have i_bound'': "i < length ?ts_A"
		 by simp

	       from valid_program_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] 
	       have "causal_program_history issbj sbj".
	       then have cph: "causal_program_history issbj ?suspends"
		 apply -
		 apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sbj"] )
		 apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		 apply (simp add: split_suspendsj)
	       from tsj neq_i_j j_bound 
	       have ts_A_j: "?ts_A!j = (hd_prog pj (ys @ Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W' # zs), isj,
		   θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (ys @ Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W' # zs)), (), 𝒟j, 
		   acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j, release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
		 by (simp add: split_suspendsj)

	       from j_bound''' i_bound' neq_i_j have j_bound'''': "j < length ?ts_A"
		 by simp

	       from valid_last_prog [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] have last_prog: "last_prog pj sbj = pj".
	       have lp: "last_prog pj ?suspends = pj"
		 apply -
		 apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sbj"])
		 apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		 apply simp

	       from valid_reads [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	       have reads_consis: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj".
	       from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb j_bound''
		 tssb_j reads_consis]
	       have reads_consis_m: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) m suspendsj"
		 by (simp add: m suspendsj)

	       from outstanding_non_write_non_vol_reads_drop_disj [OF i_bound j_bound'' neq_i_j tssb_i tssb_j]
	       have "outstanding_refs is_Writesb ?drop_sb  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb suspendsj = {}"
		 by (simp add: suspendsj)
	       from reads_consistent_flush_independent [OF this reads_consis_m]
	       have reads_consis_flush_m: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) 
		 ?m_A suspendsj".
	       hence reads_consis_m_A_ys: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  ?m_A ys"
		 by (simp add: split_suspendsj reads_consistent_append)       
	       from valid_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	       have h_consis: 
		 "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj@suspendsj)) (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		 apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		 apply simp
	       have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog pj sbj) ?take_sbj = (hd_prog pj suspendsj)"
	       proof -
		 from last_prog have "last_prog pj (?take_sbj@?drop_sbj) = pj"
		   by simp
		 from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] this
		 have "last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj = hd_prog pj suspendsj"
		   by (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		 have "last_prog (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj @ suspendsj)) ?take_sbj = 
		   last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj"
		   apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		   by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
		 ultimately show ?thesis
		   by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	       from valid_write_sops [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	       have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sbj@?suspends). valid_sop sop"
		 by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	       then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sbj. valid_sop sop" and
		 valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops ys. valid_sop sop"
		 apply (simp only: write_sops_append )
		 apply auto
	       from read_tmps_distinct [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	       have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		 by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	       then obtain 
		 read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sbj  read_tmps suspendsj = {}" and
		 distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps suspendsj"
		 apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		 apply (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)
	       from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop h_consis]	  
	       have hist_consis': "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj suspendsj) suspendsj"
		 by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	       from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads  
	       [OF reads_consis] 
	       have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb ys = {}"
		 by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj [symmetric] 
		   split_suspendsj )
	       from flush_store_buffer_append [
		 OF j_bound''''  isj [simplified split_suspendsj] cph [simplified suspendsj]
		 ts_A_j [simplified split_suspendsj] refl lp [simplified split_suspendsj] reads_consis_m_A_ys
		 hist_consis' [simplified split_suspendsj] valid_sops_drop distinct_read_tmps_drop [simplified split_suspendsj] 
		 no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], where
	       obtain isj' j' where
		 isj': "instrs (Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W' # zs) @ issbj = 
	            isj' @ prog_instrs (Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W' # zs)" and
		 steps_ys: "(?ts_A, ?m_A, ?share_A)  d* 
		(?ts_A[j:= (last_prog (hd_prog pj (Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W' # zs)) ys,
                           θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W' # zs)),(),
                           𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {}, acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j') ],
                  flush ys ?m_A,share ys ?share_A)"
		 (is "(_,_,_) d* (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)")
		 by (auto)

	       note conflict_computation = rtranclp_trans [OF rtranclp_r_rtranclp [OF steps_flush_sb, OF store_step] steps_ys]
	       from cph
	       have "causal_program_history issbj ((ys @ [Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) @ zs)"
		 by simp
	       from causal_program_history_suffix [OF this]
	       have cph': "causal_program_history issbj zs".	      
	       interpret causalj: causal_program_history "issbj" "zs" by (rule cph')

	       from causalj.causal_program_history [of "[]", simplified, OF refl] isj'   
	       obtain isj''
		 where isj': "isj' = Write True a'' sop' A' L' R' W'#isj''" and
		 isj'': "instrs zs @ issbj = isj'' @ prog_instrs zs"
		 by clarsimp
	       from j_bound'''
	       have j_bound_ys: "j < length ?ts_ys"
		 by auto

	       from j_bound_ys neq_i_j
	       have ts_ys_j: "?ts_ys!j=(last_prog (hd_prog pj (Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# zs)) ys, isj',
                 θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# zs)),(), 
		 𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {},
                 acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j')"
		 by auto

	       from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach conflict_computation]
	       have "safe_delayed (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)".
	       from safe_delayedE [OF this j_bound_ys ts_ys_j, simplified isj']
	       have A'_unowned: 
		 "i < length ?ts_ys. ji  (let (𝒪i) = map owned ?ts_ys!i in A'   𝒪i = {})"
		 apply cases
		 apply (fastforce simp add: Let_def issb)+
	       from a'_in a'_A' A'_unowned [rule_format, of i] neq_i_j i_bound' A_R 
	       show False
		 by (auto simp add: Let_def)
	       assume "A L R W ys zs. 
                 suspendsj = ys @ Ghostsb A L R W # zs  a'  A" 
	       obtain ys zs A' L' R' W' where
		  split_suspendsj: "suspendsj = ys @ Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs" (is "suspendsj = ?suspends") and
		 a'_A': "a'  A'"
		 by auto
	       from direct_memop_step.Ghost [where  θ=θsb and m="flush ?drop_sb m"]
	       have "(Ghost A L R W# issb', 
                       θsb, (), flush ?drop_sb m, 𝒟sb, 
                       acquired True sb 𝒪sb, release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb, share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  
                    (issb', θsb, (), flush ?drop_sb m, 𝒟sb, 
                      acquired True sb 𝒪sb  A - R, 
                      augment_rels (dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)) R (release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb),
                      share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)".

	       from direct_computation.concurrent_step.Memop [OF 
		 i_bound_ts' [simplified issb] ts'_i [simplified issb] this [simplified issb]] 
	       have store_step: "(?ts', flush ?drop_sb m, share ?drop_sb 𝒮) d 
                   (?ts'[i := (psb, issb', θsb, (), 𝒟sb, acquired True sb 𝒪sb  A - R,augment_rels (dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)) R (release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb))], 
                         flush ?drop_sb m,share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
		   (is " _ d (?ts_A, ?m_A, ?share_A)")
		 by (simp add: issb)
	       from i_bound' have i_bound'': "i < length ?ts_A"
		 by simp

	       from valid_program_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] 
	       have "causal_program_history issbj sbj".
	       then have cph: "causal_program_history issbj ?suspends"
		 apply -
		 apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sbj"] )
		 apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		 apply (simp add: split_suspendsj)
	       from tsj neq_i_j j_bound 
	       have ts_A_j: "?ts_A!j = (hd_prog pj (ys @ Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs), isj,
		 θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (ys @ Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs)), (),𝒟j, 
		 acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
		 by (simp add: split_suspendsj)

	       from j_bound''' i_bound' neq_i_j have j_bound'''': "j < length ?ts_A"
		 by simp
	       from valid_last_prog [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] have last_prog: "last_prog pj sbj = pj".
	       have lp: "last_prog pj ?suspends = pj"
		 apply -
		 apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sbj"])
		 apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		 apply simp
	       from valid_reads [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	       have reads_consis: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj".
	       from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb j_bound''
		 tssb_j reads_consis]
	       have reads_consis_m: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) m suspendsj"
		 by (simp add: m suspendsj)

	       from outstanding_non_write_non_vol_reads_drop_disj [OF i_bound j_bound'' neq_i_j tssb_i tssb_j]
	       have "outstanding_refs is_Writesb ?drop_sb  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb suspendsj = {}"
		 by (simp add: suspendsj)
	       from reads_consistent_flush_independent [OF this reads_consis_m]
	       have reads_consis_flush_m: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) 
		 ?m_A suspendsj".
	       hence reads_consis_m_A_ys: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  ?m_A ys"
		 by (simp add: split_suspendsj reads_consistent_append)

	       from valid_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	       have h_consis: 
		 "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj@suspendsj)) (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		 apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		 apply simp
	       have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog pj sbj) ?take_sbj = (hd_prog pj suspendsj)"
	       proof -
		 from last_prog have "last_prog pj (?take_sbj@?drop_sbj) = pj"
		   by simp
		 from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] this
		 have "last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj = hd_prog pj suspendsj"
		   by (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		 have "last_prog (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj @ suspendsj)) ?take_sbj = 
		   last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj"
		   apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		   by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
		 ultimately show ?thesis
		   by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	       from valid_write_sops [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	       have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sbj@?suspends). valid_sop sop"
		 by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	       then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sbj. valid_sop sop" and
		   valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops ys. valid_sop sop"
		 apply (simp only: write_sops_append )
		 apply auto
	       from read_tmps_distinct [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	       have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		 by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	       then obtain 
		 read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sbj  read_tmps suspendsj = {}" and
		 distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps suspendsj"
		 apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		 apply (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)
	       from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop h_consis]	  
	       have hist_consis': "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj suspendsj) suspendsj"
		 by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	       from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads  
	       [OF reads_consis] 
	       have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb ys = {}"
		 by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj [symmetric] 
		   split_suspendsj )
	       from flush_store_buffer_append [
		 OF j_bound''''  isj [simplified split_suspendsj] cph [simplified suspendsj]
		 ts_A_j [simplified split_suspendsj] refl lp [simplified split_suspendsj] reads_consis_m_A_ys
		 hist_consis' [simplified split_suspendsj] valid_sops_drop distinct_read_tmps_drop [simplified split_suspendsj] 
		 no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], where
	       obtain isj' j' where
		 isj': "instrs (Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs) @ issbj = 
	            isj' @ prog_instrs (Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs)" and
		 steps_ys: "(?ts_A, ?m_A, ?share_A)  d* 
		(?ts_A[j:= (last_prog (hd_prog pj (Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs)) ys,
                           θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs)),(),
		           𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {}, acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j') ],
                  flush ys ?m_A,                  share ys ?share_A)"
		 (is "(_,_,_) d* (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)")
		 by (auto)

	       note conflict_computation = rtranclp_trans [OF rtranclp_r_rtranclp [OF steps_flush_sb, OF store_step] steps_ys]
	       from cph
	       have "causal_program_history issbj ((ys @ [Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) @ zs)"
		 by simp
	       from causal_program_history_suffix [OF this]
	       have cph': "causal_program_history issbj zs".	      
	       interpret causalj: causal_program_history "issbj" "zs" by (rule cph')

	       from causalj.causal_program_history [of "[]", simplified, OF refl] isj'   
	       obtain isj''
		 where isj': "isj' = Ghost A' L' R' W'#isj''" and
		 isj'': "instrs zs @ issbj = isj'' @ prog_instrs zs"
		 by clarsimp
	       from j_bound'''
	       have j_bound_ys: "j < length ?ts_ys"
		 by auto

	       from j_bound_ys neq_i_j
	       have ts_ys_j: "?ts_ys!j=(last_prog (hd_prog pj (Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs)) ys, isj',
                 θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (Writesb True a'' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# zs)),(),
		 𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {},
                 acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j')"
		 by auto

	       from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach conflict_computation]
	       have "safe_delayed (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)".
	       from safe_delayedE [OF this j_bound_ys ts_ys_j, simplified isj']
	       have A'_unowned: 
		 "i < length ?ts_ys. ji  (let (𝒪i) = map owned ?ts_ys!i in A'   𝒪i = {})"
		 apply cases
		 apply (fastforce simp add: Let_def issb)+
	       from a'_in a'_A' A'_unowned [rule_format, of i] neq_i_j i_bound' A_R 
	       show False
		 by (auto simp add: Let_def)
       thus ?thesis
	 by (auto simp add: Let_def)

      have A_no_read_only_reads_by_others:
	  "j<length (map 𝒪_sb tssb). i  j 
             (let (𝒪j, sbj) = map 𝒪_sb tssb! j
             in A  read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪j)
	             (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) = {})"
      proof -
	  fix j 𝒪j sbj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length (map owned tssb)"
	  assume neq_i_j: "ij"
	  assume tssb_j: "(map 𝒪_sb tssb)!j = (𝒪j,sbj)"
	  let ?take_sbj = "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	  let ?drop_sbj = "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"

	  assume conflict: "A  read_only_reads (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj   {}"
	  have False
	  proof -
	    from j_bound leq
	    have j_bound': "j < length (map owned ts)"
	      by auto
	    from j_bound have j_bound'': "j < length tssb"
	      by auto
	    from j_bound' have j_bound''': "j < length ts"
	      by simp
	    from conflict obtain a' where
	      a'_in: "a'  A" and
              a'_in_j: "a'  read_only_reads (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj"
	      by auto

	    from ts_sim [rule_format, OF  j_bound''] tssb_j j_bound''
	    obtain pj suspendsj "issbj" 𝒟sbj 𝒟j j θsbj "isj" where
	      tssb_j: "tssb ! j = (pj,issbj, θsbj, sbj,𝒟sbj,𝒪j,j)" and
	      suspendsj: "suspendsj = ?drop_sbj" and
	      isj: "instrs suspendsj @ issbj = isj @ prog_instrs suspendsj" and
	      𝒟j: "𝒟sbj = (𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj  {})" and
	      tsj: "ts!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj,
	             θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps suspendsj),(), 𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
	      apply (cases "tssb!j")
	      apply (force simp add: Let_def)

	    from split_in_read_only_reads [OF a'_in_j [simplified suspendsj [symmetric]]]
	    obtain t v ys zs where
	      split_suspendsj: "suspendsj = ys @ Readsb False a' t v# zs" (is "suspendsj = ?suspends") and
	      a'_unacq: "a'  acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)"
	      by blast

	    from direct_memop_step.Ghost [where  θ=θsb and m="flush ?drop_sb m"]
	    have "(Ghost A L R W# issb', 
                       θsb, (), flush ?drop_sb m, 𝒟sb, 
                       acquired True sb 𝒪sb, release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb, share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  
                    (issb', θsb, (), flush ?drop_sb m, 𝒟sb, 
                      acquired True sb 𝒪sb  A - R, 
                      augment_rels (dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)) R (release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb),
                      share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)".

	    from direct_computation.concurrent_step.Memop [OF 
		 i_bound_ts' [simplified issb] ts'_i [simplified issb] this [simplified issb]] 
	    have store_step: "(?ts', flush ?drop_sb m, share ?drop_sb 𝒮) d 
                    (?ts'[i := (psb, issb', θsb, (),𝒟sb, acquired True sb 𝒪sb  A - R,augment_rels (dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)) R (release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb))], 
                         flush ?drop_sb m,share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
		  (is " _ d (?ts_A, ?m_A, ?share_A)")
	     by (simp add: issb)
	    from i_bound' have i_bound'': "i < length ?ts_A"
	      by simp

	    from valid_program_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] 
	    have "causal_program_history issbj sbj".
	    then have cph: "causal_program_history issbj ?suspends"
	      apply -
	      apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sbj"] )
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      apply (simp add: split_suspendsj)
	    from tsj neq_i_j j_bound 
	    have ts_A_j: "?ts_A!j = (hd_prog pj (ys @ Readsb False a' t v# zs), isj,
	      θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (ys @ Readsb False a' t v# zs)), (),𝒟j, 
	      acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,release ?take_sbj (dom 𝒮sb) j)"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj)

	    from j_bound''' i_bound' neq_i_j have j_bound'''': "j < length ?ts_A"
	      by simp
	    from valid_last_prog [OF j_bound'' tssb_j] have last_prog: "last_prog pj sbj = pj".
	    have lp: "last_prog pj ?suspends = pj"
	      apply -
	      apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sbj"])
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      apply simp
	    from valid_reads [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	    have reads_consis: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj".
	    from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb j_bound''
		 tssb_j reads_consis]
	    have reads_consis_m: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) m suspendsj"
	      by (simp add: m suspendsj)
	    from outstanding_non_write_non_vol_reads_drop_disj [OF i_bound j_bound'' neq_i_j tssb_i tssb_j]
	    have "outstanding_refs is_Writesb ?drop_sb  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb suspendsj = {}"
	      by (simp add: suspendsj)
	    from reads_consistent_flush_independent [OF this reads_consis_m]
	    have reads_consis_flush_m: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) 
	      ?m_A suspendsj".
	    hence reads_consis_m_A_ys: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  ?m_A ys"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj reads_consistent_append)

	    from valid_history [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	    have h_consis: 
	      "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj@suspendsj)) (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      apply simp
	    have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog pj sbj) ?take_sbj = (hd_prog pj suspendsj)"
	    proof -
	      from last_prog have "last_prog pj (?take_sbj@?drop_sbj) = pj"
		by simp
	      from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] this
	      have "last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj = hd_prog pj suspendsj"
		by (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	      have "last_prog (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj @ suspendsj)) ?take_sbj = 
		last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj"
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
	      ultimately show ?thesis
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	    from valid_write_sops [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	    have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sbj@?suspends). valid_sop sop"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	    then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sbj. valid_sop sop" and
		   valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops ys. valid_sop sop"
	      apply (simp only: write_sops_append )
	      apply auto
	    from read_tmps_distinct [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
	    have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	    then obtain 
		 read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sbj  read_tmps suspendsj = {}" and
	      distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps suspendsj"
	      apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	      apply (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)
	    from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop h_consis]	  
	    have hist_consis': "history_consistent θsbj (hd_prog pj suspendsj) suspendsj"
	      by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	    from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads  
	    [OF reads_consis] 
	    have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb ys = {}"
	      by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj [symmetric] 
		split_suspendsj )
	    from flush_store_buffer_append [
		 OF j_bound''''  isj [simplified split_suspendsj] cph [simplified suspendsj]
		 ts_A_j [simplified split_suspendsj] refl lp [simplified split_suspendsj] reads_consis_m_A_ys
		 hist_consis' [simplified split_suspendsj] valid_sops_drop distinct_read_tmps_drop [simplified split_suspendsj] 
		 no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], where
	    obtain isj' j' where
		 isj': "instrs (Readsb False a' t v # zs) @ issbj = 
	            isj' @ prog_instrs (Readsb False a' t v # zs)" and
		 steps_ys: "(?ts_A, ?m_A, ?share_A)  d* 
		(?ts_A[j:= (last_prog (hd_prog pj (Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs)) ys,
                           θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (Readsb False a' t v # zs)),(),
		           𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {}, acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j') ],
                  flush ys ?m_A,
                  share ys ?share_A)"
	      (is "(_,_,_) d* (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)")
	      by (auto)
	    note conflict_computation = rtranclp_trans [OF rtranclp_r_rtranclp [OF steps_flush_sb, OF store_step] steps_ys]

	    from cph
	    have "causal_program_history issbj ((ys @ [Readsb False a' t v]) @ zs)"
	      by simp
	    from causal_program_history_suffix [OF this]
	    have cph': "causal_program_history issbj zs".	      
	    interpret causalj: causal_program_history "issbj" "zs" by (rule cph')

	    from causalj.causal_program_history [of "[]", simplified, OF refl] isj'   
	    obtain isj''
	      where isj': "isj' = Read False a' t#isj''" and
	      isj'': "instrs zs @ issbj = isj'' @ prog_instrs zs"
	      by clarsimp

	    from j_bound'''
	    have j_bound_ys: "j < length ?ts_ys"
	      by auto

	    from j_bound_ys neq_i_j
	    have ts_ys_j: "?ts_ys!j=(last_prog (hd_prog pj (Readsb False a' t v# zs)) ys, isj',
                 θsbj |` (dom θsbj - read_tmps (Readsb False a' t v# zs)),(),
	         𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {},
                 acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j),j')"
	      by auto

	    from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach conflict_computation]
	    have "safe_delayed (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)".
	    from safe_delayedE [OF this j_bound_ys ts_ys_j, simplified isj']
	    have "a'  acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) 
                  a'  read_only (share ys (share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR  ⊖⇘AL))"
	      apply cases
	      apply (auto simp add: Let_def issb)
	    with a'_unacq
	    have a'_ro: "a'  read_only (share ys (share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL))"
	      by auto
	    from a'_in
	    have a'_not_ro: "a'  read_only (share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR  ⊖⇘AL)"
	      by (auto simp add:  in_read_only_convs)

	    have "a'  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
	    proof -
		assume a_notin: "a'  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
		from weak_sharing_consis [OF j_bound'' tssb_j]
		have "weak_sharing_consistent 𝒪j sbj".
		with weak_sharing_consistent_append [of 𝒪j ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
		have "weak_sharing_consistent (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) suspendsj"
		  by (auto simp add: suspendsj)
		with split_suspendsj
		have weak_consis: "weak_sharing_consistent (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ys"
		  by (simp add: weak_sharing_consistent_append)
		from all_acquired_append [of ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
		have "all_acquired ys  all_acquired sbj"
		  apply (clarsimp)
		  apply (clarsimp simp add: suspendsj [symmetric] split_suspendsj all_acquired_append)
		with a_notin acquired_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb [of sbj 𝒪j]
                  all_acquired_append [of ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
		have "a'  acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪j  all_acquired ys"
                  by auto
		from read_only_share_unowned [OF weak_consis this a'_ro] 
		have "a'  read_only (share ?drop_sb 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)" .
		with a'_not_ro have False
		  by auto
	      thus ?thesis by blast
	    from A_unaquired_by_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] tssb_j j_bound
	    have "A  all_acquired sbj = {}"
	      by (auto simp add: Let_def)
	    from A_unowned_by_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] tssb_j j_bound
	    have "A  𝒪j = {}"
	      by (auto simp add: Let_def dest: all_shared_acquired_in)
	    moreover note a'_in
	    show False
	      by auto
	thus ?thesis
	  by (auto simp add: Let_def)

      have valid_own': "valid_ownership 𝒮sb' tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)
	show "outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	proof -
	  from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	  have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪sb (sb @ [Ghostsb A L R W]) "
	    by (auto simp add: non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_append)
	  from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	  show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	show "outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others tssb'"
	proof (unfold_locales)
	  fix i1 j p1 "is1" 𝒪1 1 𝒟1 xs1 sb1 pj "isj" "𝒪j" j 𝒟j xsj sbj
	  assume i1_bound: "i1 < length tssb'"
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	  assume i1_j: "i1  j"
	  assume ts_i1: "tssb'!i1 = (p1,is1,xs1,sb1,𝒟1,𝒪1,1)"
	  assume ts_j: "tssb'!j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  show "(𝒪j  all_acquired sbj)  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb1 = {}"
	  proof (cases "i1=i")
	    case True
	    with i1_j have i_j: "ij" 
	      by simp
	    from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
	      by (simp add: tssb')
	    hence j_bound'': "j < length (map owned tssb)"
	      by simp
	    from ts_j i_j have ts_j': "tssb!j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	      by (simp add: tssb')

	    from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others 
	    [OF i_bound j_bound' i_j tssb_i ts_j']
	    have "(𝒪j  all_acquired sbj)  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb = {}".
	    with ts_i1 True i_bound show ?thesis
	      by (clarsimp simp add: tssb' sb' outstanding_refs_append 
	    case False
	    note i1_i = this
	    from i1_bound have i1_bound': "i1 < length tssb"
	      by (simp add: tssb')
	    from ts_i1 False have ts_i1': "tssb!i1 = (p1,is1,xs1,sb1,𝒟1,𝒪1,1)"
	      by (simp add: tssb')
	    show ?thesis
	    proof (cases "j=i")
	      case True

	      from i1_bound'
	      have i1_bound'': "i1 < length (map owned tssb)"
		by simp

	      from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others 
	      [OF i1_bound' i_bound i1_i ts_i1' tssb_i]
	      have "(𝒪sb  all_acquired sb)  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb1 = {}".
	      from A_unused_by_others [rule_format, OF _ False [symmetric]] False ts_i1 i1_bound
	      have "A  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb1 = {}"
		by (auto simp add: Let_def tssb')
	      show ?thesis
		using ts_j True tssb' 
		by (auto simp add: i_bound tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' all_acquired_append)
	      case False
	      from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
		by (simp add: tssb')
	      from ts_j False have ts_j': "tssb!j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
		by (simp add: tssb')
	      from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others 
              [OF i1_bound' j_bound' i1_j ts_i1' ts_j']
	      show "(𝒪j  all_acquired sbj)  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb1 = {}" .
	show "read_only_reads_unowned tssb'"
	  fix n m
	  fix pn "isn" 𝒪n n 𝒟n θn sbn pm "ism" 𝒪m m 𝒟m θm sbm
	  assume n_bound: "n < length tssb'"
	    and m_bound: "m < length tssb'"
	    and neq_n_m: "nm"
	    and nth: "tssb'!n = (pn, isn, θn, sbn, 𝒟n, 𝒪n,n)"
	    and mth: "tssb'!m =(pm, ism, θm, sbm, 𝒟m, 𝒪m,m)"
	  from n_bound have n_bound': "n < length tssb" by (simp add: tssb')
	  from m_bound have m_bound': "m < length tssb" by (simp add: tssb')
	  show "(𝒪m  all_acquired sbm) 
            read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn) 𝒪n)
            (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn) =
	  proof (cases "m=i")
	    case True
	    with neq_n_m have neq_n_i: "ni"
	      by auto
	    with n_bound nth i_bound have nth': "tssb!n =(pn, isn, θn, sbn, 𝒟n, 𝒪n,n)"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    note read_only_reads_unowned [OF n_bound' i_bound  neq_n_i nth' tssb_i]
	    from A_no_read_only_reads_by_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_n_i [symmetric]] n_bound' nth'
	    have "A  read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn) 𝒪n)
              (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn) =
	      by auto
	    show ?thesis
	      using True tssb_i nth' mth n_bound' m_bound'
	      by (auto simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' all_acquired_append)
	    case False
	    note neq_m_i = this
	    with m_bound mth i_bound have mth': "tssb!m = (pm, ism, θm, sbm, 𝒟m, 𝒪m,m)"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    show ?thesis
	    proof (cases "n=i")
	      case True
	      note read_only_reads_unowned [OF i_bound m_bound' neq_m_i [symmetric] tssb_i mth']
	      then show ?thesis
		using True neq_m_i tssb_i nth mth n_bound' m_bound'
		apply (case_tac "outstanding_refs (is_volatile_Writesb) sb = {}")
		apply (clarsimp simp add: outstanding_vol_write_take_drop_appends
		  acquired_append read_only_reads_append tssb' sb' 𝒪sb')+
	      case False
	      with n_bound nth i_bound have nth': "tssb!n =(pn, isn, θn, sbn, 𝒟n, 𝒪n,n)"
		by (auto simp add: tssb')
	      from read_only_reads_unowned [OF n_bound' m_bound' neq_n_m  nth' mth'] False neq_m_i
	      show ?thesis 
		by (clarsimp)
	show "ownership_distinct tssb'"
	proof -
	  have "j<length tssb. i  j 
	    (let (pj, isj,θj, sbj, 𝒟j, 𝒪j,j) = tssb ! j
	      in (𝒪sb  all_acquired sb')  (𝒪j  all_acquired sbj) = {})"
	  proof -
	      fix j pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj
	      assume neq_i_j: "i  j"
	      assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	      assume tssb_j: "tssb ! j = (pj, isj, θj, sbj, 𝒟j, 𝒪j,j)"
	      have "(𝒪sb  all_acquired sb')  (𝒪j  all_acquired sbj) = {}"
	      proof -
		  fix a'
		  assume a'_in_i: "a'  (𝒪sb  all_acquired sb')"
		  assume a'_in_j: "a'  (𝒪j  all_acquired sbj)"
		  have False
		  proof -
		    from a'_in_i have "a'  (𝒪sb  all_acquired sb)  a'  A"
		      by (simp add: sb' all_acquired_append)
		    then show False
		      assume "a'  (𝒪sb  all_acquired sb)"
		      with ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i tssb_j] a'_in_j
		      show ?thesis
			by auto
		      assume "a'  A"
		      have j_bound': "j < length (map owned tssb)"
			using j_bound by auto
		      from A_unowned_by_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] tssb_j j_bound
		      obtain "A  acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪j = {}" and
                             "A  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) = {}"
			by (auto simp add: Let_def)
		      from A_unaquired_by_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] tssb_j j_bound
		      have "A  all_acquired sbj = {}"
			by auto
		      show ?thesis
			using a'_in_j
			by (auto dest: all_shared_acquired_in)
		then show ?thesis by auto
	    then show ?thesis by (fastforce simp add: Let_def)
	  from ownership_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound tssb_i this]
	  show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' sb')

      have valid_hist': "valid_history program_step tssb'"
      proof -
	from valid_history [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "history_consistent θsb (hd_prog psb sb) sb".
	with valid_write_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	  valid_implies_valid_prog_hd [OF i_bound tssb_i valid]
	have "history_consistent θsb (hd_prog psb (sb@[Ghostsb A L R W])) 
	         (sb@ [Ghostsb A L R W])"
	  apply -
	  apply (rule history_consistent_appendI)
	  apply (auto simp add: hd_prog_append_Ghostsb)
	from valid_history_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' θsb')

      have valid_reads': "valid_reads msb tssb'"
      proof -
	from valid_reads [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "reads_consistent False 𝒪sb msb sb" .
	from reads_consistent_snoc_Ghostsb [OF this]
	have "reads_consistent False 𝒪sb msb (sb @ [Ghostsb A L R W])".
	from valid_reads_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒪sb') 

      have valid_sharing': "valid_sharing 𝒮sb' tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)	
	from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb (sb @ [Ghostsb A L R W])"
	  by (auto simp add: non_volatile_writes_unshared_append)
	from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒮sb')
	from sharing_consis [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have consis': "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪sb sb".
	from  A_shared_owned
	have "A  dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  acquired True sb 𝒪sb"
	  by (simp add:  sharing_consistent_append  acquired_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb)
	moreover have "dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)  dom 𝒮  dom (share sb 𝒮sb)"
	  fix a'
	  assume a'_in: "a'  dom (share ?drop_sb 𝒮)" 
	  from share_unshared_in [OF a'_in]
	  show "a'  dom 𝒮  dom (share sb 𝒮sb)"
	    assume "a'  dom (share ?drop_sb Map.empty)" 
	    from share_mono_in [OF this] share_append [of ?take_sb ?drop_sb]
	    have "a'  dom (share sb 𝒮sb)"
	      by auto
	    thus ?thesis
	      by simp
	    assume "a'  dom 𝒮  a'  all_unshared ?drop_sb"
	    thus ?thesis by auto
	have A_subset: "A  dom 𝒮  dom (share sb 𝒮sb)  acquired True sb 𝒪sb"
	  by auto
        have "A  dom (share sb 𝒮sb)  acquired True sb 𝒪sb"
        proof -
            fix x
            assume x_A: "x  A"
            have "x  dom (share sb 𝒮sb)  acquired True sb 𝒪sb"
            proof -
                assume "x  dom 𝒮"
                from share_all_until_volatile_write_share_acquired [OF sharing_consis 𝒮sb tssb 
                  i_bound tssb_i this [simplified 𝒮]]
                  A_unowned_by_others x_A
                have ?thesis
                by (fastforce simp add: Let_def)
             with A_subset show ?thesis using x_A by auto
         thus ?thesis by blast
	with consis' L_subset A_R R_acq
	have "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪sb (sb @ [Ghostsb A L R W])"
	  by (simp add:  sharing_consistent_append  acquired_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb)
	from sharing_consis_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "sharing_consis 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' 𝒮sb')

	from read_only_unowned_nth_update [OF i_bound read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i] ]
	show "read_only_unowned 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: 𝒮sb' tssb' 𝒪sb')
	from unowned_shared_nth_update [OF i_bound tssb_i subset_refl]
	show "unowned_shared 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	from no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "no_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb (sb @ [Ghostsb A L R W])"
	  by (simp add: no_write_to_read_only_memory_append)

	from no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: 𝒮sb' tssb' sb')

      have tmps_distinct': "tmps_distinct tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)
	from load_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "distinct_load_tmps issb'" by (simp add: "issb")
	from load_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "load_tmps_distinct tssb'" by (simp add: tssb')
	from read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "distinct_read_tmps (sb @ [Ghostsb A L R W])"
	  by (auto simp add: distinct_read_tmps_append)
	from read_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "read_tmps_distinct tssb'" by (simp add: tssb' sb')
	from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "load_tmps issb'  read_tmps (sb @ [Ghostsb A L R W]) ={}"
	  by (auto simp add: read_tmps_append "issb")
	from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct tssb'" by (simp add: tssb' sb')
      have valid_sops': "valid_sops tssb'"
      proof -
	from valid_store_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	  valid_store_sops': "sopstore_sops issb'. valid_sop sop"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb")
	from valid_write_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have valid_write_sops': "sopwrite_sops (sb@ [Ghostsb A L R W]). 
	  valid_sop sop"
	  by (auto simp add: write_sops_append)
	from valid_sops_nth_update [OF i_bound  valid_write_sops' valid_store_sops']
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb')

      have valid_dd': "valid_data_dependency tssb'"
      proof -
	from data_dependency_consistent_instrs [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	  dd_is: "data_dependency_consistent_instrs (dom θsb') issb'"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb" θsb')
	from load_tmps_write_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "load_tmps issb'  (fst ` write_sops (sb@ [Ghostsb A L R W])) ={}"
	  by (auto simp add: write_sops_append "issb")
	from valid_data_dependency_nth_update [OF i_bound dd_is this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' sb')

      have load_tmps_fresh': "load_tmps_fresh tssb'"
      proof -
	from load_tmps_fresh [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "load_tmps issb'  dom θsb = {}"
	  by (auto simp add: "issb")
	from load_tmps_fresh_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' θsb')

      have enough_flushs': "enough_flushs tssb'"
      proof -
	from clean_no_outstanding_volatile_Writesb [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "¬ 𝒟sb  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (sb@[Ghostsb A L R W])= {}"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append)
	from enough_flushs_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb' 𝒟sb')

      have valid_program_history': "valid_program_history tssb'"
      proof -	
	from valid_program_history [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "causal_program_history issb sb" .
	then have causal': "causal_program_history issb' (sb@[Ghostsb A L R W])"
	  by (auto simp: causal_program_history_Ghost  "issb")
	from valid_last_prog [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "last_prog psb sb = psb".
	hence "last_prog psb (sb @ [Ghostsb A L R W]) = psb"
	  by (simp add: last_prog_append_Ghostsb)
	from valid_program_history_nth_update [OF i_bound causal' this]
	show ?thesis
	  by (simp add: tssb' sb')

      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb = {}")
	case True

	from True have flush_all: "takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb = sb"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv)
	from True have suspend_nothing: "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb = []"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv)

	hence suspends_empty: "suspends = []"
	  by (simp add: suspends)

	from suspends_empty is_sim have "is": "is =Ghost A L R W# issb'"
	  by (simp add: "issb")

	with suspends_empty ts_i 
	have ts_i: "ts!i = (psb, Ghost A L R W# issb',
	  θsb,(), 𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb,release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"
	  by simp

	from direct_memop_step.Ghost 	
	have "(Ghost A L R W# issb', 
	  θsb, (),m, 𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb, 
               release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb, 𝒮)  
	  θsb, (), m, 𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb  A - R, 
           augment_rels (dom 𝒮) R (release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb),
           𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)".
	from direct_computation.concurrent_step.Memop [OF i_bound' ts_i this]
	have "(ts, m, 𝒮) d 
              (ts[i := (psb, issb', 
	          θsb, (),𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb  A - R,
                  augment_rels (dom 𝒮) R (release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb))], 
	       m,𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)".


	from suspend_nothing
	have suspend_nothing': "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') = []"
	  by (simp add: sb')

	have all_shared_A: "j p is 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb. j < length tssb  i  j 
	  tssb ! j = (p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪,) 
	  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)  A = {}"
	proof -
	    fix j pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj x
	    assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	    assume neq_i_j: "i  j"
	    assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,isj, θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	    assume x_shared: "x  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	    assume x_A: "x  A"
	    have False
	    proof -
	      from all_shared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF j_bound jth]]
	      have "all_shared sbj  all_acquired sbj  𝒪j".

	      moreover have "all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)  all_shared sbj"
		using all_shared_append [of "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" 
		  "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"]
		by auto

	      from A_unaquired_by_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] jth j_bound
	      have "A  all_acquired sbj = {}" by auto

	      from A_unowned_by_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] jth j_bound
	      have "A  𝒪j = {}"
		by (auto dest: all_shared_acquired_in)

	      show False
		using x_A x_shared
		by blast
	  thus ?thesis by blast

	hence all_shared_L: "j p is 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb. j < length tssb  i  j 
	  tssb ! j = (p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪,) 
	  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)  L = {}"
	  using L_subset by blast

        have all_shared_A: "j p is 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb. j < length tssb  i  j 
            tssb ! j = (p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪,) 
            all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)  A = {}"
        proof -
	    fix j pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj x
	    assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	    assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
            assume neq_i_j: "i  j" 
	    assume x_shared: "x  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	    assume x_A: "x  A"
	    have False
	    proof -
	      from all_shared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF j_bound jth]]
	      have "all_shared sbj  all_acquired sbj  𝒪j".

	      moreover have "all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)  all_shared sbj"
		using all_shared_append [of "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" 
		  "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"]
		by auto
	      from A_unaquired_by_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] jth j_bound
	      have "A  all_acquired sbj = {}" by auto

	      from A_unowned_by_others [rule_format, OF _ neq_i_j] jth j_bound
	      have "A  𝒪j = {}"
	        by (auto dest: all_shared_acquired_in)

	      show False
		using x_A x_shared 
		by blast
	  thus ?thesis by blast
        hence all_shared_L: "j p is 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb. j < length tssb  i  j 
            tssb ! j = (p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪,) 
            all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)  L = {}"
	  using L_subset by blast

        have all_unshared_R: "j p is 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb. j < length tssb  i  j 
            tssb ! j = (p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪,) 
            all_unshared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)  R = {}"
        proof -
	    fix j pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj x
	    assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
            assume neq_i_j: "i  j"
	    assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	    assume x_unshared: "x  all_unshared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	    assume x_R: "x  R"
	    have False
	    proof -
	      from unshared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF j_bound jth]]
	      have "all_unshared sbj  all_acquired sbj  𝒪j".

	      moreover have "all_unshared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)  all_unshared sbj"
		using all_unshared_append [of "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" 
		  "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"]
		by auto

	      note ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i jth]

	      show False
		using  R_acq x_R x_unshared acquired_all_acquired [of True sb 𝒪sb]
                by blast
	  thus ?thesis by blast

        have all_acquired_R: "j p is 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb. j < length tssb  i  j 
            tssb ! j = (p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪,) 
            all_acquired (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)  R = {}"
        proof -
	    fix j pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj x
	    assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	    assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
            assume neq_i_j: "i  j" 
	    assume x_acq: "x  all_acquired (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	    assume x_R: "x  R"
            have False
	    proof -

	      from x_acq have "x  all_acquired sbj"
		using all_acquired_append [of "takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj" 
		  "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj"]
		by auto
	      note ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i jth]
	      show False
		using  R_acq x_R acquired_all_acquired [of True sb 𝒪sb]
		by blast
	  thus ?thesis by blast

        have all_shared_R: "j p is 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb. j < length tssb  i  j  
            tssb ! j = (p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪,) 
            all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)  R = {}"
        proof -
	    fix j pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj x
	    assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	    assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
            assume neq_i_j: "i  j" 
	    assume x_shared: "x  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	    assume x_R: "x  R"
	    have False
	    proof -
	      from all_shared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF j_bound jth]]
	      have "all_shared sbj  all_acquired sbj  𝒪j".

	      moreover have "all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)  all_shared sbj"
		using all_shared_append [of "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" 
		  "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"]
		by auto
	      note ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i jth]
	      show False
		using R_acq x_R x_shared acquired_all_acquired [of True sb 𝒪sb]
		by blast
	  thus ?thesis by blast

	note share_commute = 
	  share_all_until_volatile_write_append_Ghostsb [OF True ownership_distinct tssb sharing_consis 𝒮sb tssb
	  i_bound tssb_i all_shared_L all_shared_A all_acquired_R all_unshared_R all_shared_R]
	from 𝒟
	have 𝒟': "𝒟sb = (𝒟  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (sb@[Ghostsb A L R W])   {})"
	  by (auto simp: outstanding_refs_append)

        have "a  R. (a  (dom (share sb 𝒮sb)) ) = (a  dom 𝒮)"
        proof -
            fix a
            assume a_R: "a  R"
            have "(a  (dom (share sb 𝒮sb)) ) = (a  dom 𝒮)"
            proof -
              from a_R R_acq acquired_all_acquired [of True sb 𝒪sb]
              have "a  𝒪sb  all_acquired sb"
                by auto
              from  share_all_until_volatile_write_thread_local' [OF ownership_distinct_tssb sharing_consis_tssb i_bound tssb_i this] suspend_nothing
              show ?thesis by (auto simp add: domIff 𝒮)
          then show ?thesis by auto
        from augment_rels_shared_exchange [OF this]
        have rel_commute:    
           "augment_rels (dom 𝒮) R (release sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb) =
           release (sb @ [Ghostsb A L R W]) (dom 𝒮sb') sb"
          by (clarsimp simp add: release_append 𝒮sb')

	have "(tssb',msb,𝒮sb')  
	   (ts[i := (psb,issb', 
	       θsb,(), 𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb  A - R,
                augment_rels (dom 𝒮) R (release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb))], 
                 m,𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
	  apply (rule sim_config.intros) 
	  apply    (simp add: m tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' θsb' flush_all_until_volatile_write_append_Ghost_commute [OF i_bound tssb_i])
	  apply   (clarsimp simp add: 𝒮 𝒮sb' tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' θsb' share_commute)
	  using  leq
	  apply  (simp add: tssb')
	  using i_bound i_bound' ts_sim ts_i True 𝒟'
	  apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def nth_list_update 
	    outstanding_refs_conv tssb' 𝒪sb' sb' 𝒮sb' θsb' sb'  𝒟sb' suspend_nothing' flush_all rel_commute
	    acquired_append split: if_split_asm)

	ultimately show ?thesis
	  using valid_own' valid_hist' valid_reads' valid_sharing' tmps_distinct' 
            valid_dd' load_tmps_fresh' enough_flushs' 
	    valid_program_history' valid' msb' 𝒮sb' sb'
	  by auto
	case False

	then obtain r where r_in: "r  set sb" and volatile_r: "is_volatile_Writesb r"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv)
	from takeWhile_dropWhile_real_prefix 
	[OF r_in, of  "(Not  is_volatile_Writesb)", simplified, OF volatile_r] 
	obtain a' v' sb'' A'' L'' R'' W'' sop' where
	  sb_split: "sb = takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb @ Writesb True a' sop' v' A'' L'' R'' W''# sb''" 
	  drop: "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb = Writesb True a' sop' v' A'' L'' R'' W''# sb''"
	  apply (auto)
    subgoal for y ys
	  apply (case_tac y)
	  apply auto
	from drop suspends have suspends: "suspends = Writesb True a' sop' v' A'' L'' R'' W''# sb''"
	  by simp

	have "(ts, m, 𝒮) d* (ts, m, 𝒮)" by auto

	have "Writesb True a' sop' v' A'' L'' R'' W'' set sb"
	  by (subst sb_split) auto
	note drop_app = dropWhile_append1 
	[OF this, of "(Not  is_volatile_Writesb)", simplified]

	from takeWhile_append1 [where P="Not  is_volatile_Writesb", OF r_in] volatile_r
	have takeWhile_app: 
	  "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) (sb @ [Ghostsb A L R W])) = (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)"
	  by simp

	note share_commute = share_all_until_volatile_write_append_Ghostsb' [OF False i_bound tssb_i]
	from 𝒟
	have 𝒟': "𝒟sb = (𝒟  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (sb@[Ghostsb A L R W])   {})"
	  by (auto simp: outstanding_refs_append)

	have "(tssb',msb,𝒮sb')  (ts,m,𝒮)"
	  apply (rule sim_config.intros) 
	  apply    (simp add: m flush_all_until_volatile_write_append_Ghost_commute [OF i_bound tssb_i] tssb' 𝒪sb' θsb' sb')
	  apply   (clarsimp simp add: 𝒮 𝒮sb' tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' θsb' share_commute)
	  using  leq
	  apply  (simp add: tssb')
	  using i_bound i_bound' ts_sim ts_i is_sim 𝒟'
	  apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def nth_list_update is_sim drop_app
	    read_tmps_append suspends 
	    prog_instrs_append_Ghostsb instrs_append_Ghostsb hd_prog_append_Ghostsb
	    drop "issb" tssb' sb' 𝒪sb' sb' 𝒮sb' θsb' 𝒟sb' takeWhile_app split: if_split_asm)
	ultimately show ?thesis
	  using valid_own' valid_hist' valid_reads' valid_sharing' tmps_distinct' valid_dd'
	    valid_sops' load_tmps_fresh' enough_flushs' 
	    valid_program_history' valid' msb' 𝒮sb' 
	  by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply )
    case (StoreBuffer i psb "issb" θsb sb 𝒟sb 𝒪sb  sb sb' 𝒪sb' sb')
    then obtain 
      tssb': "tssb' = tssb[i := (psb, issb, θsb, sb', 𝒟sb, 𝒪sb',sb')]" and
      i_bound: "i < length tssb" and
      tssb_i: "tssb ! i = (psb, issb, θsb,sb, 𝒟sb, 𝒪sb,sb)" and
      flush: "(msb,sb,𝒪sb,sb,𝒮sb) f 
      by auto

    from sim obtain 
      m: "m = flush_all_until_volatile_write tssb msb" and
      𝒮: "𝒮 = share_all_until_volatile_write tssb 𝒮sb" and
      leq: "length tssb = length ts" and
      ts_sim: "i<length tssb.
           let (p, issb, θ, sb,𝒟sb, 𝒪sb,) = tssb ! i;
               suspends = dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb
           in  is 𝒟. instrs suspends @ issb = is @ prog_instrs suspends  
                          𝒟sb = (𝒟  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb  {}) 
               ts ! i =
                   (hd_prog p suspends, 
                    θ |` (dom θ - read_tmps suspends), (),
                    acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) 𝒪sb,
                    release (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) (dom 𝒮sb) )"
      by cases blast

    from i_bound leq have i_bound': "i < length ts"
      by auto

    have split_sb: "sb = takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb @ dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb"
      (is "sb = ?take_sb@?drop_sb")
      by simp

    from ts_sim [rule_format, OF i_bound] tssb_i obtain suspends "is" 𝒟 where
      suspends: "suspends = dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb" and
      is_sim: "instrs suspends @ issb = is @ prog_instrs suspends" and
      𝒟: "𝒟sb = (𝒟  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb  {})" and
      ts_i: "ts ! i =
          (hd_prog psb suspends, is,
           θsb |` (dom θsb - read_tmps suspends), (),𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb,
           release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"
      by (auto simp add: Let_def)

    from flush_step_preserves_valid [OF i_bound tssb_i flush valid]
    have valid': "valid tssb'" 
      by (simp add: tssb')

    from flush obtain r where sb: "sb=r#sb'"
      by (cases) auto

    from valid_history [OF i_bound tssb_i]
    have "history_consistent θsb (hd_prog psb sb) sb".
    have hist_consis': "history_consistent θsb (hd_prog psb sb') sb'"
      by (auto simp add: sb intro: history_consistent_hd_prog 
	split: memref.splits option.splits)
    from valid_history_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
    have valid_hist': "valid_history program_step tssb'" by (simp add: tssb')

    from read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
    have dist_sb': "distinct_read_tmps sb'"
      by (simp add: sb split: memref.splits)

    have tmps_distinct': "tmps_distinct tssb'"
    proof (intro_locales)
      from load_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have "distinct_load_tmps issb".
      from load_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
      show "load_tmps_distinct tssb'"
	by (simp add: tssb')
      from read_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound dist_sb']
      show "read_tmps_distinct tssb'"
	by (simp add: tssb')
      from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have "load_tmps issb  read_tmps sb' = {}"
	by (auto simp add: sb split: memref.splits)
      from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
      show "load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct tssb'" by (simp add: tssb')

    from load_tmps_write_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
    have "load_tmps issb  (fst ` write_sops sb') = {}"
      by (auto simp add: sb split: memref.splits)
    from valid_data_dependency_nth_update 
     [OF i_bound data_dependency_consistent_instrs [OF i_bound tssb_i] this]
    have valid_dd': "valid_data_dependency tssb'"
      by (simp add: tssb')

    from valid_store_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i] valid_write_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
    valid_sops_nth_update [OF i_bound]
    have valid_sops': "valid_sops tssb'"
      by (cases r) (auto simp add: sb tssb')
    have load_tmps_fresh': "load_tmps_fresh tssb'"
    proof -
      from load_tmps_fresh [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
      have "load_tmps issb  dom θsb = {}".
      from load_tmps_fresh_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
      show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb')

    have enough_flushs': "enough_flushs tssb'"
    proof -
      from clean_no_outstanding_volatile_Writesb [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have "¬ 𝒟sb  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb' = {}"
	by (auto simp add: sb split: if_split_asm)
      from enough_flushs_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
      show ?thesis
	by (simp add: tssb' sb)

    show ?thesis
    proof (cases r)
      case (Writesb volatile a sop v A L R W)
      from flush this
      have msb': "msb' = (msb(a := v))"
	by cases (auto simp add: sb)

      have non_volatile_owned: "¬ volatile  a  𝒪sb"
      proof (cases volatile)
	case True thus ?thesis by simp
	case False
	with outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "a  𝒪sb"
	  by (simp add: sb Writesb)
	thus ?thesis by simp

      have a_unowned_by_others:
	"j < length tssb. i  j  (let (_,_,_,sbj,_,𝒪j,_) = tssb ! j in 
	a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj)"
      proof (unfold Let_def, clarify del: notI)
	fix j pj "isj" 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj
	assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	assume neq: "i  j"
	assume ts_j: "tssb ! j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	show "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
	proof (cases volatile)
	  case True
	  from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others [OF i_bound j_bound neq 
           tssb_i ts_j] 
	  show ?thesis 
	    by (simp add: sb Writesb True)
	  case False
	  with non_volatile_owned
	  have "a  𝒪sb"
	    by simp
	  with ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq tssb_i ts_j]
	  show ?thesis
	    by blast

      from valid_reads [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have reads_consis: "reads_consistent False 𝒪sb msb sb" .

	fix j 
	fix pj issbj 𝒪j j 𝒟sbj θj sbj
	assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	assume tssb_j: "tssb!j=(pj,issbj,θj,sbj,𝒟sbj,𝒪j,j)"
	assume neq_i_j: "ij"
	have "a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	  assume "a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	  hence "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
	    by (simp add: outstanding_refs_is_non_volatile_Writesb_takeWhile_conv)
	  hence "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb sbj"
	    using outstanding_refs_append [of _ "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" 
	      "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"]
	    by auto
	  with non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_outstanding_non_volatile_writes 
	  [OF outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound tssb_j]]
	  have "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
	    by auto
	  with a_unowned_by_others [rule_format, OF j_bound neq_i_j]  tssb_j
	  show False
	    by auto
      note a_notin_others = this

      from a_notin_others
      have a_notin_others': 
	"j < length tssb. i  j 
        (let (_,_,_,sbj,_,_,_) = tssb!j in a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj))"
	by (fastforce simp add: Let_def)

      obtain D f where sop: "sop=(D,f)" by (cases sop) auto
      from valid_history [OF i_bound tssb_i] sop sb Writesb
      obtain D_tmps: "D  dom θsb" and f_v: "f θsb = v" and
	 D_sb': "D  read_tmps sb' = {}"
	by auto
      let  = "(θsb |` (dom θsb - read_tmps sb'))"
      from D_tmps D_sb'
      have D_tmps': "D  dom "
	by auto
      from valid_write_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i, rule_format, of sop]
      have "valid_sop sop"
	by (auto simp add: sb Writesb)
      from this [simplified sop]
      interpret valid_sop "(D,f)" .
      from D_tmps D_sb' 
      have "((dom θsb - read_tmps sb')  D) = D"
	by blast
      with valid_sop [OF refl D_tmps] valid_sop [OF refl D_tmps']  f_v 
      have f_v': "f  = v"
	by auto

      have valid_program_history': "valid_program_history tssb'"
      proof -	
	from valid_program_history [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "causal_program_history issb sb" .
	then have causal': "causal_program_history issb sb'"
	  by (simp add: sb Writesb causal_program_history_def)

	from valid_last_prog [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "last_prog psb sb = psb".
	hence "last_prog psb sb' = psb"
	  by (simp add: sb Writesb)

	from valid_program_history_nth_update [OF i_bound causal' this]
	show ?thesis
	  by (simp add: tssb')

      show ?thesis
      proof (cases volatile)
	case True
	note volatile = this
	from flush Writesb volatile
	  𝒪sb': "𝒪sb'=𝒪sb  A - R" and
	  𝒮sb': "𝒮sb'= 𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL" and
          sb': "sb' = Map.empty"
	  by cases (auto  simp add: sb)

	from sharing_consis [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	  A_shared_owned: "A  dom 𝒮sb  𝒪sb" and
	  L_subset: "L  A" and
	  A_R: "A  R = {}" and
	  R_owned: "R  𝒪sb"
	  by (clarsimp simp add: sb Writesb volatile)

	from sb Writesb True have take_empty: "takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb = []"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv)
	from sb Writesb True have suspend_all: "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb = sb"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv)

	hence suspends_all: "suspends = sb"
	  by (simp add: suspends)

	from is_sim 
	have is_sim: "Write True a (D, f) A L R W# instrs sb' @ issb = is @ prog_instrs sb'"
	  by (simp add: True Writesb suspends_all sb sop)

	from valid_program_history [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	interpret causal_program_history "issb" sb .
	from valid_last_prog [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have last_prog: "last_prog psb sb = psb".

	from causal_program_history [of "[Writesb True a (D, f) v A L R W]" sb'] is_sim 
	obtain is' where 
	  "is": "is = Write True a (D, f) A L R W# is'" and
	  is'_sim: "instrs sb'@issb = is' @ prog_instrs sb'" 
	  by (auto simp add: sb Writesb volatile sop)
	from causal_program_history have
	  causal_program_history_sb': "causal_program_history issb sb'"
	  apply -
	  apply (rule causal_program_history.intro)
	  apply (auto simp add: sb Writesb)

	from ts_i have ts_i: "ts ! i =
          (hd_prog psb sb', Write True a (D, f) A L R W# is',  , (), 𝒟,acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb,
           release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"	
	  by (simp add: suspends_all sb Writesb "is")

	let ?ts' = "ts[i := (hd_prog psb sb', is', , (), True, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb  A - R,

	from i_bound' have ts'_i: "?ts'!i = (hd_prog psb sb', is', , (),True, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb  A - R,Map.empty)" 
	  by simp

	from no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have a_not_ro: "a  read_only 𝒮sb"
	  by (clarsimp simp add: sb Writesb volatile)

	  fix j 
	  fix pj issbj 𝒪j j 𝒟sbj θj sbj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	  assume tssb_j: "tssb!j=(pj,issbj,θj,sbj,𝒟sbj,𝒪j,j)"
	  assume neq_i_j: "ij"
	  have "a  unforwarded_non_volatile_reads (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) {}"
	    let ?take_sbj = "takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj"
	    let ?drop_sbj = "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj"
	    assume a_in: "a   unforwarded_non_volatile_reads ?drop_sbj {}"
	    from a_unowned_by_others [rule_format, OF j_bound neq_i_j] tssb_j 
	    obtain a_unowned: "a  𝒪j" and a_unacq: "a  all_acquired sbj"
	      by auto
	    with all_acquired_append [of ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj] acquired_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb [of sbj 𝒪j]
	    have a_unacq_take: "a  acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j"
	      by (auto simp add: )

	    note nvo_j = outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	    from non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_drop [OF nvo_j]
	    have nvo_drop_j: "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only True (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)
	      (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj" .

	    note consis_j = sharing_consis [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	    with sharing_consistent_append [of 𝒮sb 𝒪j ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
	    obtain consis_take_j: "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪j ?take_sbj" and
	      consis_drop_j: "sharing_consistent (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)
	      (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj"
	      by auto

	    from in_unforwarded_non_volatile_reads_non_volatile_Readsb [OF a_in]
	    have a_in': "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb ?drop_sbj".
	    note reads_consis_j = valid_reads [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	    from reads_consistent_drop [OF this]
	    have reads_consis_drop_j:
	      "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) (flush ?take_sbj msb) ?drop_sbj".

            from read_only_share_all_shared [of a ?take_sbj 𝒮sb] a_not_ro 
              all_shared_acquired_or_owned [OF consis_take_j]
              all_acquired_append [of ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj] a_unowned a_unacq
	    have a_not_ro_j: "a  read_only (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)"
              by auto
	    from ts_sim [rule_format, OF j_bound] tssb_j j_bound
	    obtain suspendsj "isj" 𝒟j j where
	      suspendsj: "suspendsj = ?drop_sbj" and
	      isj: "instrs suspendsj @ issbj = isj @ prog_instrs suspendsj" and
	      𝒟j: "𝒟sbj = (𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj  {})" and
	      tsj: "ts!j = (hd_prog pj suspendsj, isj, 
	      θj |` (dom θj - read_tmps suspendsj),(),   
	      𝒟j, acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j,j)"
	      by (auto simp: Let_def)

	    from valid_last_prog [OF j_bound tssb_j] have last_prog: "last_prog pj sbj = pj".

	    from j_bound i_bound' leq have j_bound_ts': "j < length ts"
	      by simp
	    from read_only_read_acquired_unforwarded_acquire_witness [OF nvo_drop_j consis_drop_j
	      a_not_ro_j a_unacq_take a_in]

	    have False
	      assume "sop a' v ys zs A L R W. 
		?drop_sbj = ys @ Writesb True a' sop v A L R W # zs  a  A  
		a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys  a'a"
	      with suspendsj 
	      obtain a' sop' v' ys zs' A' L' R' W' where
		split_suspendsj: "suspendsj = ys @ Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# zs'" (is "suspendsj=?suspends") and
		a_A': "a  A'" and
		no_write: "a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb (ys @ [Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'])"
		by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append)

	      from last_prog
	      have lp: "last_prog pj suspendsj = pj"
		apply -
		apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sbj"])
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		apply simp

	      from sharing_consis [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	      have sharing_consis_j: "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪j sbj".
	      then have A'_R': "A'  R' = {}" 
		by (simp add: sharing_consistent_append [of _ _ ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj, simplified] 
		  suspendsj [symmetric] split_suspendsj sharing_consistent_append)	  
	      from valid_program_history [OF j_bound tssb_j] 
	      have "causal_program_history issbj sbj".
	      then have cph: "causal_program_history issbj ?suspends"
		apply -
		apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sbj"] )
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		apply (simp add: split_suspendsj)
	      from valid_reads [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	      have reads_consis_j: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj".
	      from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb 
		j_bound tssb_j this]
	      have reads_consis_m_j: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) m suspendsj"
		by (simp add: m suspendsj)
	      hence reads_consis_ys: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  
		m (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'])"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj reads_consistent_append)

	      from valid_write_sops [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	      have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sbj@?suspends). valid_sop sop"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sbj. valid_sop sop" and
		valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']). valid_sop sop"
		apply (simp only: write_sops_append)
		apply auto
	      from read_tmps_distinct [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	      have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      then obtain 
		read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sbj  read_tmps suspendsj = {}" and
		distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps suspendsj"
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		apply (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)
	      from valid_history [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	      have h_consis: 
		"history_consistent θj (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj@suspendsj)) (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		apply simp
	      have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog pj sbj) ?take_sbj = (hd_prog pj suspendsj)"
	      proof -
		from last_prog have "last_prog pj (?take_sbj@?drop_sbj) = pj"
		  by simp
		from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] this
		have "last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj = hd_prog pj suspendsj"
		  by (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		have "last_prog (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj @ suspendsj)) ?take_sbj = 
		  last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj"
		  apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		  by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
		ultimately show ?thesis
		  by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 

	      from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop 
		h_consis] last_prog_hd_prog
	      have hist_consis': "history_consistent θj (hd_prog pj suspendsj) suspendsj"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads  
	      [OF reads_consis_j] 
	      have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb 
		(ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) = {}"
		by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj [symmetric] 
		split_suspendsj )
	      have acq_simp:
		"acquired True (ys @ [Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) 
		(acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) = 
		acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  A' - R'"
		by (simp add: acquired_append)

	      from flush_store_buffer_append [where sb="ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']" and sb'="zs'", simplified,
	      OF j_bound_ts' isj [simplified split_suspendsj] cph [simplified suspendsj]  tsj [simplified split_suspendsj]
	      refl lp [simplified split_suspendsj] reads_consis_ys 	      
	      hist_consis' [simplified split_suspendsj] valid_sops_drop 
	      distinct_read_tmps_drop [simplified split_suspendsj] 
	      no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], where
	      obtain isj' j' where
		isj': "instrs zs' @ issbj = isj' @ prog_instrs zs'" and
		steps_ys: "(ts, m, 𝒮)  d* 
                              (hd_prog pj (Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# zs')) (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']),
                             θj |` (dom θj - read_tmps zs'),
                              (), True, acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  A' - R',j')],
                    flush (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) m,
                    share (ys@[Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W']) 𝒮)"
		(is "(_,_,_) d* (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)")
		by (auto simp add: acquired_append outstanding_refs_append)

	      from i_bound' have i_bound_ys: "i < length ?ts_ys"
		by auto
	      from i_bound' neq_i_j  ts_i
	      have ts_ys_i: "?ts_ys!i = (hd_prog psb sb', Write True a (D, f) A L R W# is', , (), 𝒟, 
		acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb,release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"
		by simp
	      note conflict_computation = steps_ys
	      from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach conflict_computation]
	      have safe: "safe_delayed (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)".
	      with safe_delayedE [OF safe i_bound_ys ts_ys_i] 
	      have a_unowned: 
		"j < length ?ts_ys. ij  (let (𝒪j) = map owned ?ts_ys!j in a  𝒪j)"
		apply cases
		apply (auto simp add: Let_def sb)
	      from a_A' a_unowned [rule_format, of j] neq_i_j j_bound leq A'_R'
	      show False
		by (auto simp add: Let_def)
	      assume "A L R W ys zs. ?drop_sbj = ys @ Ghostsb A L R W# zs  a  A  a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb ys"
	      with suspendsj 
	      obtain ys zs' A' L' R' W' where
		split_suspendsj: "suspendsj = ys @ Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs'" (is "suspendsj=?suspends") and
		a_A': "a  A'" and
		no_write: "a  outstanding_refs is_Writesb (ys @ [Ghostsb A' L' R' W'])"
		by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append)

	      from last_prog
	      have lp: "last_prog pj suspendsj = pj"
		apply -
		apply (rule last_prog_same_append [where sb="?take_sbj"])
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		apply simp

	      from valid_program_history [OF j_bound tssb_j] 
	      have "causal_program_history issbj sbj".
	      then have cph: "causal_program_history issbj ?suspends"
		apply -
		apply (rule causal_program_history_suffix [where sb="?take_sbj"] )
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		apply (simp add: split_suspendsj)
	      from valid_reads [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	      have reads_consis_j: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj".
	      from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb 
		j_bound tssb_j this]
	      have reads_consis_m_j: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) m suspendsj"
		by (simp add: m suspendsj)
	      hence reads_consis_ys: "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  
		m (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W'])"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj reads_consistent_append)

	      from valid_write_sops [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	      have "sopwrite_sops (?take_sbj@?suspends). valid_sop sop"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      then obtain valid_sops_take: "sopwrite_sops ?take_sbj. valid_sop sop" and
		valid_sops_drop: "sopwrite_sops (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']). valid_sop sop"
		apply (simp only: write_sops_append)
		apply auto
	      from read_tmps_distinct [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	      have "distinct_read_tmps (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      then obtain 
		read_tmps_take_drop: "read_tmps ?take_sbj  read_tmps suspendsj = {}" and
		distinct_read_tmps_drop: "distinct_read_tmps suspendsj"
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		apply (simp only: distinct_read_tmps_append)
	      from valid_history [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	      have h_consis: 
		"history_consistent θj (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj@suspendsj)) (?take_sbj@suspendsj)"
		apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
		apply simp
	      from sharing_consis [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	      have sharing_consis_j: "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪j sbj".
	      then have A'_R': "A'  R' = {}" 
		by (simp add: sharing_consistent_append [of _ _ ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj, simplified] 
		  suspendsj [symmetric] split_suspendsj sharing_consistent_append)	  

	      have last_prog_hd_prog: "last_prog (hd_prog pj sbj) ?take_sbj = (hd_prog pj suspendsj)"
	      proof -
		from last_prog have "last_prog pj (?take_sbj@?drop_sbj) = pj"
		  by simp
		from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [OF h_consis] this
		have "last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj = hd_prog pj suspendsj"
		  by (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		have "last_prog (hd_prog pj (?take_sbj @ suspendsj)) ?take_sbj = 
		  last_prog (hd_prog pj suspendsj) ?take_sbj"
		  apply (simp only: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
		  by (rule last_prog_hd_prog_append)
		ultimately show ?thesis
		  by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj) 
	      from history_consistent_appendD [OF valid_sops_take read_tmps_take_drop 
		h_consis] last_prog_hd_prog
	      have hist_consis': "history_consistent θj (hd_prog pj suspendsj) suspendsj"
		by (simp add: split_suspendsj [symmetric] suspendsj)
	      from reads_consistent_drop_volatile_writes_no_volatile_reads  
	      [OF reads_consis_j] 
	      have no_vol_read: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb 
	      (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) = {}"
		by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append suspendsj [symmetric] 
		  split_suspendsj )
	      have acq_simp:
		"acquired True (ys @ [Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) 
		(acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) = 
		acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  A' - R'"
		by (simp add: acquired_append)
	      from flush_store_buffer_append [where sb="ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']" and sb'="zs'", simplified,
		OF j_bound_ts' isj [simplified split_suspendsj] cph [simplified suspendsj]
		tsj [simplified split_suspendsj] refl lp [simplified split_suspendsj] reads_consis_ys 
		hist_consis' [simplified split_suspendsj] valid_sops_drop 
		distinct_read_tmps_drop [simplified split_suspendsj] 
		no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_vol_read], where
	      obtain isj' j' where
		isj': "instrs zs' @ issbj = isj' @ prog_instrs zs'" and
		steps_ys: "(ts, m,𝒮)  d* 
                              (hd_prog pj (Ghostsb A' L' R' W'# zs')) (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']),
                             θj |` (dom θj - read_tmps zs'),
	                     𝒟j  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb ys  {}, acquired True ys (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j)  A' - R',j')],
                    flush (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) m,                    share (ys@[Ghostsb A' L' R' W']) 𝒮)"
		(is "(_,_,_) d* (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)")
		by (auto simp add: acquired_append outstanding_refs_append)

	      from i_bound' have i_bound_ys: "i < length ?ts_ys"
		by auto
	      from i_bound' neq_i_j  ts_i
	      have ts_ys_i: "?ts_ys!i = (hd_prog psb sb', Write True a (D, f) A L R W# is', , (), 𝒟, 
		acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb,release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"
		by simp

	      note conflict_computation = steps_ys
	      from safe_reach_safe_rtrancl [OF safe_reach conflict_computation]
	      have safe: "safe_delayed (?ts_ys,?m_ys,?shared_ys)".
	      with safe_delayedE [OF safe i_bound_ys ts_ys_i] 
	      have a_unowned: 
		"j < length ?ts_ys. ij  (let (𝒪j) = map owned ?ts_ys!j in a  𝒪j)"
		apply cases
		apply (auto simp add: Let_def sb)
	      from a_A' a_unowned [rule_format, of j] neq_i_j j_bound leq A'_R'
	      show False
		by (auto simp add: Let_def)
	    then show False
	      by simp
	note a_notin_unforwarded_non_volatile_reads_drop = this

	have valid_reads': "valid_reads msb' tssb'"
	proof (unfold_locales)
	  fix j pj "isj" 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	  assume ts_j: "tssb'!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  show "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb' sbj"
	  proof (cases "i=j")
	    case True
	    from reads_consis ts_j j_bound sb show ?thesis
	      by (clarsimp simp add: True  msb' Writesb tssb' 𝒪sb' volatile reads_consistent_pending_write_antimono)
	    case False
	    from j_bound have j_bound':  "j < length tssb"
	      by (simp add: tssb')
	    moreover from ts_j False have ts_j': "tssb ! j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	      using j_bound by (simp add: tssb')
	    ultimately have consis_m: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj"
	      by (rule valid_reads)
	    from a_unowned_by_others [rule_format, OF j_bound' False] ts_j'
	    have a_unowned:"a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
	      by simp

	    let ?take_sbj = "takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj"
	    let ?drop_sbj = "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj"

	    from a_unowned acquired_reads_all_acquired [of True ?take_sbj 𝒪j]
	    all_acquired_append [of ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
	    have a_not_acq_reads: "a  acquired_reads True ?take_sbj 𝒪j"
	      by auto
	    note a_unfw= a_notin_unforwarded_non_volatile_reads_drop [OF j_bound' ts_j' False]
	    show ?thesis
	      using reads_consistent_mem_eq_on_unforwarded_non_volatile_reads_drop [where W="{}" and 
		A="unforwarded_non_volatile_reads ?drop_sbj {}  acquired_reads True ?take_sbj 𝒪j" and
		m'= "(msb(a:=v))", OF _ _ _ consis_m]
	      by (fastforce simp add: msb')

	have valid_own': "valid_ownership 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	proof (intro_locales)
	  show "outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	    fix j isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj pj
	    assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	    assume tssb'_j: "tssb'!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	    show "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb' 𝒪j sbj"
	    proof (cases "j=i")
	      case True
	      from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	      have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 
	        (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) (𝒪sb  A - R) sb'"
		by (auto simp add: sb Writesb volatile non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_pending_write_antimono)
	      then show ?thesis
		using True i_bound tssb'_j
		by (auto simp add: tssb' 𝒮sb' sb 𝒪sb')
	      case False
	      from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
		by (auto simp add: tssb')
	      with tssb'_j False i_bound 
	      have tssb_j: "tssb!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
		by (auto simp add: tssb')
	      note nvo = outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound' tssb_j]

	      from read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i] R_owned
	      have "R  read_only 𝒮sb = {}"
		by auto
	      with read_only_reads_unowned [OF j_bound' i_bound False tssb_j tssb_i] L_subset
	      have "aread_only_reads
	      (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪j)
		(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj).
		a  read_only 𝒮sb  a  read_only (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
		by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs sb Writesb volatile)
	      from non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_read_only_reads_eq' [OF nvo this]
	      have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) 𝒪j sbj".
	      thus ?thesis by (simp add: 𝒮sb')
	  show "outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others tssb'"
	  proof (unfold_locales)
	    fix i1 j p1 "is1" 𝒪1 1 𝒟1 xs1 sb1 pj "isj" "𝒪j" j 𝒟j xsj sbj
	    assume i1_bound: "i1 < length tssb'"
	    assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	    assume i1_j: "i1  j"
	    assume ts_i1: "tssb'!i1 = (p1,is1,xs1,sb1,𝒟1,𝒪1,1)"
	    assume ts_j: "tssb'!j = (pj,isj, xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	    show "(𝒪j  all_acquired sbj)  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb1 = {}"
	    proof (cases "i1=i")
	      case True
	      from i1_j True have neq_i_j: "ij"
		by auto
	      from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
		by (simp add: tssb')
	      from ts_j neq_i_j have ts_j': "tssb!j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
		by (simp add: tssb')
	      from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others [OF i_bound j_bound' neq_i_j
		tssb_i ts_j'] ts_i1 i_bound tssb_i True show ?thesis
		by (clarsimp simp add: tssb' sb Writesb volatile)
	      case False
	      note i1_i = this
	      from i1_bound have i1_bound': "i1 < length tssb"
		by (simp add: tssb' sb)
	      hence i1_bound'': "i1 < length (map owned tssb)"
		by auto
	      from ts_i1 False have ts_i1': "tssb!i1 = (p1,is1,xs1,sb1,𝒟1,𝒪1,1)"
		by (simp add: tssb' sb)
	      show ?thesis
	      proof (cases "j=i")
		case True
		from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others [OF i1_bound' i_bound  i1_i  ts_i1' tssb_i ]
		have "(𝒪sb  all_acquired sb)  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb1 = {}".
		then show ?thesis
		  using True i1_i ts_j tssb_i i_bound
		  by (auto simp add: sb Writesb volatile tssb' 𝒪sb')
		case False
		from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
		  by (simp add: tssb')
		from ts_j False have ts_j': "tssb!j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
		  by (simp add: tssb')
		from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others 
		[OF i1_bound' j_bound' i1_j ts_i1' ts_j']
		show "(𝒪j  all_acquired sbj)  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb1 = {}" .
	  show "read_only_reads_unowned tssb'"
	    fix n m
	    fix pn "isn" 𝒪n n 𝒟n θn sbn pm "ism" 𝒪m m 𝒟m θm sbm
	    assume n_bound: "n < length tssb'"
	      and m_bound: "m < length tssb'"
	      and neq_n_m: "nm"
	      and nth: "tssb'!n = (pn, isn, θn, sbn, 𝒟n, 𝒪n,n)"
	      and mth: "tssb'!m =(pm, ism, θm, sbm, 𝒟m, 𝒪m,m)"
	    from n_bound have n_bound': "n < length tssb" by (simp add: tssb')
	    from m_bound have m_bound': "m < length tssb" by (simp add: tssb')
	    show "(𝒪m  all_acquired sbm) 
              read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn) 𝒪n)
              (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn) =
	    proof (cases "m=i")
	      case True
	      with neq_n_m have neq_n_i: "ni"
		by auto
	      with n_bound nth i_bound have nth': "tssb!n =(pn, isn, θn, sbn, 𝒟n, 𝒪n,n)"
		by (auto simp add: tssb')
	      note read_only_reads_unowned [OF n_bound' i_bound  neq_n_i nth' tssb_i]
	      show ?thesis
		using True tssb_i neq_n_i nth mth n_bound' m_bound' L_subset
		by (auto simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' sb Writesb volatile)
	      case False
	      note neq_m_i = this
	      with m_bound mth i_bound have mth': "tssb!m = (pm, ism, θm, sbm, 𝒟m, 𝒪m,m)"
		by (auto simp add: tssb')
	      show ?thesis
	      proof (cases "n=i")
		case True
		from read_only_reads_append [of "(𝒪sb  A - R)" "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn)"
		  "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn)"]
		have "read_only_reads
                  (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn) (𝒪sb  A - R))
                  (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn)  read_only_reads (𝒪sb  A - R) sbn"
		  by auto
		with tssb_i nth mth neq_m_i n_bound' True
		  read_only_reads_unowned [OF i_bound m_bound' False [symmetric] tssb_i mth']
		show ?thesis
		  by (auto simp add: tssb'  sb 𝒪sb' Writesb volatile)
		case False
		with n_bound nth i_bound have nth': "tssb!n =(pn, isn, θn, sbn, 𝒟n, 𝒪n,n)"
		  by (auto simp add: tssb')
		from read_only_reads_unowned [OF n_bound' m_bound' neq_n_m  nth' mth'] False neq_m_i
		show ?thesis 
		  by (clarsimp)
	  show "ownership_distinct tssb'"
	  proof (unfold_locales)
	    fix i1 j p1 "is1" 𝒪1 1 𝒟1 xs1 sb1 pj "isj" "𝒪j" j 𝒟j xsj sbj
	    assume i1_bound: "i1 < length tssb'"
	    assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	    assume i1_j: "i1  j"
	    assume ts_i1: "tssb'!i1 = (p1,is1,xs1,sb1,𝒟1,𝒪1,1)"
	    assume ts_j: "tssb'!j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	    show "(𝒪1  all_acquired sb1)  (𝒪j  all_acquired sbj)= {}"
	    proof (cases "i1=i")
	      case True
	      with i1_j have i_j: "ij" 
		by simp
	      from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
		by (simp add: tssb')
	      hence j_bound'': "j < length (map owned tssb)"
		by simp	    
	      from ts_j i_j have ts_j': "tssb!j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
		by (simp add: tssb')
	      from ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound' i_j tssb_i ts_j']
	      show ?thesis
		using tssb_i True ts_i1 i_bound 𝒪sb'
		by (auto simp add: tssb' sb Writesb volatile)
	      case False
	      note i1_i = this
	      from i1_bound have i1_bound': "i1 < length tssb"
		by (simp add: tssb')
	      hence i1_bound'': "i1 < length (map owned tssb)"
		by simp	    
	      from ts_i1 False have ts_i1': "tssb!i1 = (p1,is1,xs1,sb1,𝒟1,𝒪1,1)"
		by (simp add: tssb')
	      show ?thesis
	      proof (cases "j=i")
		case True
		from ownership_distinct [OF i1_bound' i_bound  i1_i ts_i1' tssb_i]
		show ?thesis
		  using tssb_i True ts_j i_bound 𝒪sb'
		  by (auto simp add: tssb' sb Writesb volatile)
		case False
		from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
		  by (simp add: tssb')
		from ts_j False have ts_j': "tssb!j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
		  by (simp add: tssb')
		from ownership_distinct [OF i1_bound' j_bound' i1_j ts_i1' ts_j']
		show ?thesis .

	have valid_sharing': "valid_sharing (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) tssb'"
	proof (intro_locales)	
	  show "outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) tssb'"
	  proof (unfold_locales)
	    fix j pj "isj" "𝒪j" j 𝒟j acqj xsj sbj
	    assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	    assume jth: "tssb' ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	    show "non_volatile_writes_unshared (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)  sbj"
	    proof (cases "i=j")
	      case True
	      with outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared [OF i_bound tssb_i]
		i_bound jth tssb_i show ?thesis
		by (clarsimp simp add: tssb' sb Writesb volatile)
	      case False
	      from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
		by (auto simp add: tssb')
	      from jth False have jth': "tssb ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
		by (auto simp add: tssb')
	      from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared [OF j_bound' jth']
	      have unshared: "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb sbj".
	      have "adom (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) - dom 𝒮sb. a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb sbj"
	      proof -
		  fix a 
		  assume a_in: "a  dom (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) - dom 𝒮sb"
		  hence a_R: "a  R"
		    by clarsimp
		  assume a_in_j: "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb sbj"
		  have False
		  proof -
		    from non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_outstanding_non_volatile_writes [OF
		      outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound' jth']]
		    have "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
		      by auto

		    with ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound' False tssb_i jth'] a_R R_owned
		    show False
		      by blast
		thus ?thesis by blast

	      from non_volatile_writes_unshared_no_outstanding_non_volatile_Writesb 
	      [OF unshared this]
	      show ?thesis .
	  show "sharing_consis (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) tssb'"
	  proof (unfold_locales)  
	    fix j pj "isj" "𝒪j" j 𝒟j xsj sbj
	    assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	    assume jth: "tssb' ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	    show "sharing_consistent (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) 𝒪j sbj"
	    proof (cases "i=j")
	      case True
	      with i_bound jth tssb_i sharing_consis [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	      show ?thesis
		by (clarsimp simp add: tssb' sb Writesb volatile 𝒪sb')
	      case False
	      from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
		by (auto simp add: tssb')
	      from jth False have jth': "tssb ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
		by (auto simp add: tssb')
	      from sharing_consis [OF j_bound' jth']
	      have consis: "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪j sbj".
	      have acq_cond: "all_acquired sbj  dom 𝒮sb - dom (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) = {}"
	      proof -
		  fix a
		  assume a_acq: "a  all_acquired sbj" 
		  assume "a  dom 𝒮sb" 
		  assume a_L: "a  L"
		  have False
		  proof -
		    from ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound' False tssb_i jth']
		    have "A  all_acquired sbj = {}"
		      by (auto simp add: sb Writesb volatile)
		    with a_acq a_L L_subset
		    show False
		      by blast
		thus ?thesis
		  by auto
	      have uns_cond: "all_unshared sbj  dom (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) - dom 𝒮sb = {}"
	      proof -
		  fix a
		  assume a_uns: "a  all_unshared sbj" 
		  assume "a  L" 
		  assume a_R:  "a  R"
		  have False
		  proof -
		    from unshared_acquired_or_owned [OF consis] a_uns
		    have "a  all_acquired sbj  𝒪j" by auto
		    with ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound' False tssb_i jth']  R_owned a_R
		    show False
		      by blast
		thus ?thesis
		  by auto
	      from sharing_consistent_preservation [OF consis acq_cond uns_cond]
	      show ?thesis
		by (simp add: tssb')
	  show "read_only_unowned (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) tssb'"
	    fix j pj "isj" "𝒪j" j  𝒟j xsj sbj
	    assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	    assume jth: "tssb' ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	    show "𝒪j  read_only (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) = {}"
	    proof (cases "i=j")
	      case True
	      from read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i] R_owned  A_R 
	      have "(𝒪sb  A - R)  read_only (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) = {}"
		by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs )
	      with jth tssb_i i_bound True
	      show ?thesis
		by (auto simp add: 𝒪sb' tssb')
	      case False
	      from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
		by (auto simp add: tssb')
	      with False jth have jth': "tssb ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
		by (auto simp add: tssb')
	      from read_only_unowned [OF j_bound' jth']
	      have "𝒪j  read_only 𝒮sb = {}".
	      from ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound' False tssb_i jth'] R_owned
	      have "(𝒪sb  A)  𝒪j = {}"
		by (auto simp add: sb Writesb volatile)
	      moreover note R_owned A_R
	      ultimately show ?thesis
		by (fastforce simp add: in_read_only_convs split: if_split_asm)
	  show "unowned_shared (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) tssb'"
	  proof (unfold_locales)
	    show "- ((λ(_,_, _, _,_, 𝒪,_). 𝒪) ` set tssb')  dom (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
	    proof -
	      have s: "((λ(_,_, _, _,_, 𝒪,_). 𝒪) ` set tssb') =
              ((λ(_,_, _, _,_, 𝒪,_). 𝒪) ` set tssb)  A - R"
		apply (unfold tssb' 𝒪sb') 
		apply (rule acquire_release_ownership_nth_update [OF R_owned i_bound tssb_i])
		apply (rule local.ownership_distinct_axioms)
	      note unowned_shared L_subset A_R
	      show ?thesis
		apply (simp only: s)
		apply auto
	  show "no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) tssb'"
	    fix j pj "isj" "𝒪j" j 𝒟j acqj xsj sbj
	    assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	    assume jth: "tssb' ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	    show "no_write_to_read_only_memory (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) sbj"
	    proof (cases "i=j")
	      case True
	      with jth tssb_i i_bound no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	      show ?thesis
		by (auto simp add: sb tssb' Writesb volatile)
	      case False
	      from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
		by (auto simp add: tssb')
	      with False jth have jth': "tssb ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
		by (auto simp add: tssb')
	      from no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory [OF j_bound' jth']
	      have nw: "no_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb sbj".
	      have "R  outstanding_refs is_Writesb sbj = {}"
	      proof -
		note dist = ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound' False tssb_i jth']
		from non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_outstanding_non_volatile_writes 
		[OF outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound' jth']]
		have "outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb sbj  𝒪sb = {}"
		  by auto
		from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others [OF j_bound'  i_bound 
		  False [symmetric] jth' tssb_i ]
		have "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj  𝒪sb = {}" 
		  by auto
		ultimately have "outstanding_refs is_Writesb sbj  𝒪sb = {}" 
		  by (auto simp add: misc_outstanding_refs_convs)
		with R_owned
		show ?thesis by blast
	      have "aoutstanding_refs is_Writesb sbj.
		a  read_only (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)  a  read_only 𝒮sb"
		by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs) 
	      from no_write_to_read_only_memory_read_only_reads_eq [OF nw this]
	      show ?thesis .
	from direct_memop_step.WriteVolatile [OF]
	have "(Write True a (D, f) A L R W# is',
	  , (), m,𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb, release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb,𝒮)  
          (is', , (), m (a := v),True, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb  A - R, Map.empty,𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
	  by (simp add: f_v' [symmetric])
	from direct_computation.Memop [OF i_bound' ts_i this]
	have store_step: 
	  "(ts, m, 𝒮) d (?ts', m(a := v),𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)".	

	have sb'_split: 
	  "sb' = takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb' @ 
                    dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb'"
	  by simp

	from reads_consis 
	have no_vol_reads: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb sb' = {}"
	  by (simp add: sb Writesb True)
	hence "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') 
	  = {}"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv dest: set_takeWhileD)
	have "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb 
           (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') = {}"
	proof -
	  have "r  set (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb'). ¬ (is_volatile_Writesb r)"
	    by (auto dest: set_takeWhileD)
	  thus ?thesis
	    by (simp add: outstanding_refs_conv)
	have no_volatile: 
	  "outstanding_refs is_volatile (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') = {}"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv is_volatile_split)


	from no_vol_reads have "r  set sb'. ¬ is_volatile_Readsb r"
	  by (fastforce simp add: outstanding_refs_conv is_volatile_Readsb_def 
	    split: memref.splits)
	hence "r  set sb'. (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) r = (Not  is_volatile) r"
	  by (auto simp add: is_volatile_split)

	hence takeWhile_eq: "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') =
              (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile) sb')" 
	  apply -
	  apply (rule takeWhile_cong)
	  apply auto

	from leq
	have leq': "length tssb = length ?ts'"
	  by simp
	hence i_bound_ts': "i < length ?ts'" using i_bound by simp

	from  is'_sim
	have is'_sim_split: 
                (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb' @ 
                 dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') @ issb = 
              is' @ prog_instrs (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb' @ 
                                 dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')"
	  by (simp add: sb'_split [symmetric])

	from reads_consistent_flush_all_until_volatile_write [OF valid_ownership_and_sharing 𝒮sb tssb
	i_bound tssb_i reads_consis]
	have "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb) m (Writesb True a (D,f) v A L R W#sb')"
	  by (simp add: m sb Writesb volatile)

	hence "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb  A - R) (m(a:=v)) sb'"
	  by simp
	from reads_consistent_takeWhile [OF this]
	have r_consis': "reads_consistent True (acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb  A - R) (m(a:=v)) 
	       (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')".

	from last_prog have last_prog_sb': "last_prog psb sb' = psb"
	  by (simp add: sb Writesb )

	from valid_write_sops  [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "sop  write_sops sb'. valid_sop sop"
	  by (auto simp add: sb Writesb)
	hence valid_sop': "sopwrite_sops (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb').
	        valid_sop sop"
	  by (fastforce dest: set_takeWhileD simp add: in_write_sops_conv)

	from no_volatile
	have no_volatile_Readsb:
	  "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Readsb (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') =
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv is_volatile_Readsb_def split: memref.splits)
	from flush_store_buffer_append [OF i_bound_ts' is'_sim_split, simplified, 
	OF causal_program_history_sb' ts'_i refl last_prog_sb' r_consis' hist_consis' 
	  valid_sop' dist_sb' no_volatile_Readsb_volatile_reads_consistent [OF no_volatile_Readsb], 
	  where 𝒮="(𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"]

	obtain is'' where
	  is''_sim: "instrs (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') @ issb =
                      is'' @ prog_instrs (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')" and

          steps: "(?ts', m(a := v), 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) d*
                   (ts[i := (last_prog (hd_prog psb (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb'))
                            (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb'),
                         θsb |` (dom θsb -
                                    read_tmps (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')),
                         (), True, acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')
                                (acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb  A - R),
                                release (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')
                                   (dom (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)) Map.empty)],
	           flush (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') (m(a := v)),
                   share (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL))"

	  by (auto)

	note sim_flush = r_rtranclp_rtranclp [OF store_step steps]

	note flush_commute =
	  flush_flush_all_until_volatile_write_Writesb_volatile_commute [OF i_bound tssb_i [simplified sb Writesb True] 
	outstanding_refs_is_Writesb_takeWhile_disj a_notin_others']

	from last_prog_hd_prog_append' [where sb="(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')"
          and sb'="(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')",
	  simplified sb'_split [symmetric], OF hist_consis' last_prog_sb']
	have last_prog_eq: 
	  "last_prog (hd_prog psb (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb'))
                 (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') =
              hd_prog psb (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')".

	have take_emtpy: "takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) (r#sb) = []"
	  by (simp add: Writesb True)

        have dist_sb': "i p is 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb.
          i < length tssb 
          tssb ! i = (p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪, ) 
          (all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) 
          all_unshared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) 
          all_acquired (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)) 
          (all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') 
          all_unshared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') 
          all_acquired (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')) =
        proof -
            fix j pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj x
	    assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	    assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,isj, θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	    assume x_shared: "x  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)  
                                 all_unshared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)  
                                 all_acquired (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
            assume x_sb': "x  (all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') 
                        all_unshared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') 
                        all_acquired (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb'))"
            have False
            proof (cases "i=j")
              case True with x_shared tssb_i jth show False by (simp add: sb volatile Writesb)
              case False
              from x_shared all_shared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF j_bound jth]]
                unshared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF j_bound jth]]
                all_shared_append [of "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" 
		"(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"]
                all_unshared_append [of "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" 
		"(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"]
                all_acquired_append [of "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" 
		"(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"]
              have "x  all_acquired sbj  𝒪j "
                by auto
              from x_sb' all_shared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF i_bound tssb_i]]
                unshared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF i_bound tssb_i]]
                all_shared_append [of "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')" 
		"(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')"]
                all_unshared_append [of "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')" 
		"(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')"]
                all_acquired_append [of "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')" 
		"(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')"]
              have "x  all_acquired sb  𝒪sb"
                by (auto simp add: sb Writesb volatile)
              note ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound False tssb_i jth]
              ultimately show False by blast
          thus ?thesis by blast

        have dist_R_L_A: "j p is 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb.
          j < length tssb  i j
          tssb ! j = (p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪, ) 
          (all_shared sb  all_unshared sb  all_acquired sb)  (R  L  A) = {}"
        proof -
            fix j pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj x
	    assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
            assume neq_i_j: "i  j"
	    assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,isj, θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	    assume x_shared: "x  all_shared sbj  
                                 all_unshared sbj  
                                 all_acquired  sbj"
            assume x_R_L_A: "x  R  L  A"
            have False
            proof -
              from x_shared all_shared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF j_bound jth]]
                unshared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF j_bound jth]]

              have "x  all_acquired sbj  𝒪j "
                by auto
              from x_R_L_A R_owned L_subset
              have "x  all_acquired sb  𝒪sb"
                by (auto simp add: sb Writesb volatile)
              note ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i jth]
              ultimately show False by blast
          thus ?thesis by blast
        from local.ownership_distinct_axioms have "ownership_distinct tssb" .
        from local.sharing_consis_axioms have "sharing_consis 𝒮sb tssb".
        note share_commute=
          share_all_until_volatile_write_flush_commute [OF take_empty ownership_distinct tssb sharing_consis 𝒮sb tssb i_bound tssb_i dist_sb' dist_R_L_A]
        have rel_commute_empty:
          "release (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') (dom 𝒮  R - L) Map.empty =
                 release (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') (dom 𝒮sb  R - L) Map.empty"
        proof -
            fix a
            assume a_in: "a  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')"
            have "(a  (dom 𝒮  R - L)) = (a  (dom 𝒮sb  R - L))"
            proof -
              from all_shared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF i_bound tssb_i]] a_in
                all_shared_append [of "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')" "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')"]
              have "a  𝒪sb  all_acquired sb  " 
                by (auto simp add: sb Writesb volatile)
              from share_all_until_volatile_write_thread_local [OF ownership_distinct tssb sharing_consis 𝒮sb tssb i_bound tssb_i this]
              have "𝒮 a = 𝒮sb a"
                by (auto simp add: sb Writesb volatile 𝒮)
              then show ?thesis
                by (auto simp add: domIff)
          then show ?thesis
            apply -
            apply (rule release_all_shared_exchange)
            apply auto
	  fix j pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj x
	  assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
          assume neq: "i  j" 
          have "release (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)
                            (dom 𝒮sb  R - L) j
              = release (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)
                            (dom 𝒮sb) j"
          proof -
              fix a
              assume a_in: "a  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
              have "(a  (dom 𝒮sb  R - L)) = (a  dom 𝒮sb)"
              proof -
                from ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq  tssb_i jth]
                have A_dist: "A  (𝒪j  all_acquired sbj) = {}"
                  by (auto simp add: sb Writesb volatile)
                from  all_shared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF j_bound jth]] a_in
                  all_shared_append [of "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" 
                  "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"]
                have a_in: "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
                  by auto
                with ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq  tssb_i jth]
                have "a  (𝒪sb  all_acquired sb)" by auto

                with A_dist R_owned A_R A_shared_owned L_subset a_in
                obtain "a  R" and "a  L"
                  by fastforce
                then show ?thesis by auto
            show ?thesis 
              apply -
              apply (rule release_all_shared_exchange)
              apply auto
        note release_commute = this
have "(tssb [i := (psb,issb, θsb, sb', 𝒟sb, 𝒪sb  A - R,Map.empty)],msb(a:=v),𝒮sb')  
	      (ts[i := (last_prog (hd_prog psb (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb'))
                            (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb'),
                         θsb |` (dom θsb -
                                    read_tmps (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')),
                         (),True, acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')
                                (acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb  A - R),
                             release (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')
                                   (dom (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)) Map.empty)],
               flush (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') (m(a := v)),
               share (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') (𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL))"
	  apply (rule sim_config.intros) 
	  apply    (simp add: flush_commute m)
	  apply   (clarsimp simp add: 𝒮sb' 𝒮 share_commute simp del: restrict_restrict)
	  using  leq
	  apply  simp
	  using i_bound i_bound' ts_sim 𝒟
	  apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def nth_list_update is''_sim last_prog_eq sb Writesb volatile  𝒮sb'
	     split: if_split_asm )
          apply (rule conjI)
          apply  blast
          apply clarsimp
          apply (frule (2) release_commute)
          apply clarsimp
          apply fastforce

	show ?thesis
	  using valid_own' valid_hist' valid_reads' valid_sharing' tmps_distinct' 
	   valid_dd' valid_sops' load_tmps_fresh' enough_flushs' 
	   valid_program_history' valid'
	    msb' 𝒮sb' tssb' 
	  by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply simp add: 𝒪sb' sb' )


	case False
	note non_vol = this
	from flush Writesb False
	  𝒪sb': "𝒪sb'=𝒪sb" and
	  𝒮sb': "𝒮sb'=𝒮sb" and
          sb': "sb' = sb"
	  by cases (auto  simp add: sb)

	from non_volatile_owned non_vol have a_owned: "a  𝒪sb"
	  by simp

	  fix j 
	  fix pj issbj 𝒪j 𝒟sbj θj j sbj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
	  assume tssb_j: "tssb!j=(pj,issbj,θj,sbj,𝒟sbj,𝒪j,j)"
	  assume neq_i_j: "ij"
	  have "a  unforwarded_non_volatile_reads (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) {}"
	    let ?take_sbj = "takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj"
	    let ?drop_sbj = "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj"
	    assume a_in: "a   unforwarded_non_volatile_reads ?drop_sbj {}"
	    from a_unowned_by_others [rule_format, OF j_bound neq_i_j] tssb_j 
	    obtain a_unowned: "a  𝒪j" and a_unacq: "a  all_acquired sbj"
	      by auto
	    with all_acquired_append [of ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj] acquired_takeWhile_non_volatile_Writesb [of sbj 𝒪j]
	    have a_unacq_take: "a  acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j"
	      by (auto )

	    note nvo_j = outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound tssb_j]
	    from non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_drop [OF nvo_j]
	    have nvo_drop_j: "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only True (share ?take_sbj 𝒮sb)
	      (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj" .
	    from in_unforwarded_non_volatile_reads_non_volatile_Readsb [OF a_in]
	    have a_in': "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Readsb ?drop_sbj".

	    from non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_outstanding_refs [OF nvo_drop_j] a_in'
	    have "a  acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j  all_acquired ?drop_sbj   
	      read_only_reads (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj"
	      by (auto simp add: misc_outstanding_refs_convs)
	    from acquired_append [of True ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj 𝒪j] acquired_all_acquired [of True ?take_sbj 𝒪j]
	      all_acquired_append [of ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
	    have "acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j  all_acquired ?drop_sbj  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
	      by auto
	    have "a  read_only_reads (acquired True ?take_sbj 𝒪j) ?drop_sbj"
	      using a_owned ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i tssb_j]
	      by auto
	    with read_only_reads_unowned [OF j_bound i_bound neq_i_j [symmetric] tssb_j tssb_i] a_owned
	    show False
	      by auto
	} note a_notin_unforwarded_non_volatile_reads_drop = this

	(* FIXME: the same proof as in volatile, case. depends on a_notin_unforwarded_non_volatile_reads_drop *)
	have valid_reads': "valid_reads msb' tssb'"
	proof (unfold_locales)
	  fix j pj "isj" 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	  assume ts_j: "tssb'!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  show "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb' sbj"
	  proof (cases "i=j")
	    case True
	    from reads_consis ts_j j_bound sb show ?thesis
	      by (clarsimp simp add: True  msb' Writesb tssb' 𝒪sb' False reads_consistent_pending_write_antimono)
	    case False
	    from j_bound have j_bound':  "j < length tssb"
	      by (simp add: tssb')
	    moreover from ts_j False have ts_j': "tssb ! j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	      using j_bound by (simp add: tssb')
	    ultimately have consis_m: "reads_consistent False 𝒪j msb sbj"
	      by (rule valid_reads)
	    from a_unowned_by_others [rule_format, OF j_bound' False] ts_j'
	    have a_unowned:"a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
	      by simp

	    let ?take_sbj = "takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj"
	    let ?drop_sbj = "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj"

	    from a_unowned acquired_reads_all_acquired [of True ?take_sbj 𝒪j]
	    all_acquired_append [of ?take_sbj ?drop_sbj]
	    have a_not_acq_reads: "a  acquired_reads True ?take_sbj 𝒪j"
	      by auto
	    note a_unfw= a_notin_unforwarded_non_volatile_reads_drop [OF j_bound' ts_j' False]
	    show ?thesis
	      using reads_consistent_mem_eq_on_unforwarded_non_volatile_reads_drop [where W="{}" and 
		A="unforwarded_non_volatile_reads ?drop_sbj {}  acquired_reads True ?take_sbj 𝒪j" and
		m'= "(msb(a:=v))", OF _ _ _ consis_m]
	      by (fastforce simp add: msb')

	have valid_own': "valid_ownership 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	proof (intro_locales)
	  show "outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  proof -
	    from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF i_bound tssb_i] sb
	    have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪sb sb'"
	      by (auto simp add: Writesb False)
	    from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	    show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' Writesb False 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	  show "outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others tssb'"
	  proof -
	    from sb 
	    have out: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb'  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb"
	      by (auto simp add: Writesb False)
	    have acq: "all_acquired sb'  all_acquired sb"
	      by (auto simp add: Writesb False sb)
	    from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others_store_buffer 
	    [OF i_bound tssb_i out acq]
	    show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' Writesb False 𝒪sb')
	  show "read_only_reads_unowned tssb'"
	  proof -
	    have ro: "read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') 𝒪sb)
	      (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')
	       read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) 𝒪sb)
	      (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)"
	      by (auto simp add: sb Writesb non_vol)
	    have "𝒪sb  all_acquired sb'  𝒪sb  all_acquired sb"
	      by (auto simp add: sb Writesb non_vol)
	    from read_only_reads_unowned_nth_update [OF i_bound tssb_i ro this] 
	    show ?thesis
	      by (simp add: tssb' sb 𝒪sb')
	  show "ownership_distinct tssb'"
	  proof -
	    have acq: "all_acquired sb'  all_acquired sb"
	      by (auto simp add: Writesb False sb)
	    with ownership_distinct_instructions_read_value_store_buffer_independent 
	    [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	    show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' Writesb False 𝒪sb')

	have valid_sharing': "valid_sharing 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	proof (intro_locales)	
	  from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	  have "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb sb'"
	    by (auto simp add: sb Writesb False)
	  from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	  show "outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	    by (simp add: tssb' 𝒮sb')
	  from sharing_consis [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	  have "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪sb sb'"
	    by (auto simp add: sb Writesb False)
	  from sharing_consis_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	  show "sharing_consis 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	    by (simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	  from read_only_unowned_nth_update [OF i_bound read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i] ]
	  show "read_only_unowned 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	    by (simp add: 𝒮sb' tssb' 𝒪sb')
	  from unowned_shared_nth_update [OF i_bound tssb_i subset_refl]
	  show "unowned_shared 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	    by (simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	  from no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	  have "no_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb sb'"
	    by (auto simp add: sb Writesb False)
	  from no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	  show "no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	    by (simp add: 𝒮sb' tssb' sb)

	from is_sim
	obtain is_sim: "instrs (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') @ issb =
                 is @ prog_instrs (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')"
	  by (simp add: suspends sb Writesb False)

	have "(ts,m,𝒮) d* (ts,m,𝒮)" by blast


	note flush_commute =
	  flush_all_until_volatile_write_Writesb_non_volatile_commute [OF i_bound tssb_i [simplified sb Writesb non_vol] 
	outstanding_refs_is_Writesb_takeWhile_disj a_notin_others']

	note share_commute = 
	  share_all_until_volatile_write_update_sb [of sb' sb, OF _ i_bound tssb_i, simplified sb Writesb False, simplified]
	have "(tssb [i := (psb,issb,θsb, sb', 𝒟sb, 𝒪sb,sb)], msb(a:=v),𝒮sb')  
	  apply (rule sim_config.intros) 
	  apply    (simp add: m flush_commute)
	  apply   (clarsimp simp add: 𝒮 𝒮sb' share_commute)
	  using  leq
	  apply  simp
	  using i_bound i_bound' is_sim ts_i ts_sim 𝒟 
	  apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def nth_list_update suspends sb Writesb False 𝒮sb'
	     split: if_split_asm )

	show ?thesis
	  using valid_own' valid_hist' valid_reads' valid_sharing' tmps_distinct' msb'
	   valid_dd' valid_sops' load_tmps_fresh' enough_flushs' valid_program_history' valid'
	    tssb' 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb' sb'
	  by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply)
      case (Readsb volatile a t v)
      from flush this obtain msb': "msb'=msb" and 
	𝒪sb': "𝒪sb'=𝒪sb" and 𝒮sb': "𝒮sb'=𝒮sb" and
        sb': "sb'=sb"
	by cases (auto simp add: sb)

      have valid_own': "valid_ownership 𝒮sb' tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)
	show "outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	proof -
	  from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF i_bound tssb_i] sb
	  have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪sb sb'"
	    by (auto simp add: Readsb)
	  from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	  show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' Readsb 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	show "outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others tssb'"
	proof -
	  from sb 
	  have out: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb'  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb"
	    by (auto simp add: Readsb)
	  have acq: "all_acquired sb'  all_acquired sb"
	    by (auto simp add: Readsb sb)
	  from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others_store_buffer 
	  [OF i_bound tssb_i out acq]
	  show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' Readsb 𝒪sb')
	show "read_only_reads_unowned tssb'"
	proof -
	  have ro: "read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') 𝒪sb)
	    (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')
	     read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) 𝒪sb)
	    (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)"
	    by (auto simp add: sb Readsb)
	  have "𝒪sb  all_acquired sb'  𝒪sb  all_acquired sb"
	    by (auto simp add: sb Readsb)
	  from read_only_reads_unowned_nth_update [OF i_bound tssb_i ro this] 
	  show ?thesis
	    by (simp add: tssb' sb 𝒪sb')
	show "ownership_distinct tssb'"
	proof -
	  have acq: "all_acquired sb'  all_acquired sb"
	    by (auto simp add: Readsb sb)
	  with ownership_distinct_instructions_read_value_store_buffer_independent 
	  [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	  show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' Readsb 𝒪sb')

      have valid_sharing': "valid_sharing 𝒮sb' tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)	
	from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb sb'"
	  by (auto simp add: sb Readsb)
	from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' 𝒮sb')
	from sharing_consis [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪sb sb'"
	  by (auto simp add: sb Readsb)
	from sharing_consis_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "sharing_consis 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	from read_only_unowned_nth_update [OF i_bound read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i] ]
	show "read_only_unowned 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: 𝒮sb' tssb' 𝒪sb')
	from unowned_shared_nth_update [OF i_bound tssb_i subset_refl]
	show "unowned_shared 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	from no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "no_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb sb'"
	  by (auto simp add: sb Readsb)
	from no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: 𝒮sb' tssb' sb)

      have valid_reads': "valid_reads msb' tssb'"
      proof -
	from valid_reads [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "reads_consistent False 𝒪sb msb sb'"
	  by (simp add: sb Readsb)
	from valid_reads_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: msb' tssb' 𝒪sb')

      have valid_program_history': "valid_program_history tssb'"
      proof -	
	from valid_program_history [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "causal_program_history issb sb" .
	then have causal': "causal_program_history issb sb'"
	  by (simp add: sb Readsb causal_program_history_def)

	from valid_last_prog [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "last_prog psb sb = psb".
	hence "last_prog psb sb' = psb"
	  by (simp add: sb Readsb)

	from valid_program_history_nth_update [OF i_bound causal' this]
	show ?thesis
	  by (simp add: tssb')

      from is_sim
      have is_sim: "instrs (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') @ issb =
	         is @ prog_instrs (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')"
	by (simp add: sb Readsb suspends)

      from valid_history [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have θsb_v: "θsb t = Some v"
	by (simp add: history_consistent_access_last_read sb Readsb split:option.splits)

      have "(ts,m,𝒮) d* (ts,m,𝒮)" by blast


      note flush_commute= flush_all_until_volatile_write_Readsb_commute [OF i_bound tssb_i [simplified sb Readsb]]
      note share_commute = 
	  share_all_until_volatile_write_update_sb [of sb' sb, OF _ i_bound tssb_i, simplified sb Readsb, simplified]
      have "(tssb [i := (psb,issb, θsb, sb',𝒟sb, 𝒪sb,sb')],msb,𝒮sb')  (ts,m,𝒮)"
	apply (rule sim_config.intros) 
	apply    (simp add: m flush_commute)
	apply   (clarsimp simp add: 𝒮 𝒮sb' share_commute)
	using  leq
	apply  simp
	using i_bound i_bound' ts_sim ts_i is_sim 𝒟
	apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def nth_list_update sb suspends Readsb 𝒮sb' sb'
	   split: if_split_asm)

      ultimately show ?thesis
	using valid_own' valid_hist' valid_reads' valid_sharing' tmps_distinct' msb'
	  valid_dd' valid_sops' load_tmps_fresh' enough_flushs' valid_sharing' 
	  valid_program_history' valid'
	  tssb' 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb' 
	by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply)
      case (Progsb p1 p2 mis)
      from flush this obtain msb': "msb'=msb" and 
	𝒪sb': "𝒪sb'=𝒪sb" and 𝒮sb': "𝒮sb'=𝒮sb" and
        sb': "sb'=sb"
	by cases (auto simp add: sb)

      have valid_own': "valid_ownership 𝒮sb' tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)
	show "outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	proof -
	  from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF i_bound tssb_i] sb
	  have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪sb sb'"
	    by (auto simp add: Progsb)
	  from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	  show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' Progsb 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	show "outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others tssb'"
	proof -
	  from sb 
	  have out: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb'  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb"
	    by (auto simp add: Progsb)
	  have acq: "all_acquired sb'  all_acquired sb"
	    by (auto simp add: Progsb sb)
	  from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others_store_buffer 
	  [OF i_bound tssb_i out acq]
	  show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' Progsb 𝒪sb')
	show "read_only_reads_unowned tssb'"
	proof -
	  have ro: "read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') 𝒪sb)
	    (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')
	       read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) 𝒪sb)
	    (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)"
	    by (auto simp add: sb Progsb)
	  have "𝒪sb  all_acquired sb'  𝒪sb  all_acquired sb"
	    by (auto simp add: sb Progsb)
	  from read_only_reads_unowned_nth_update [OF i_bound tssb_i ro this] 
	  show ?thesis
	    by (simp add: tssb' sb 𝒪sb')
	  show "ownership_distinct tssb'"
	  proof -
	  have acq: "all_acquired sb'  all_acquired sb"
	    by (auto simp add: Progsb sb)
	  with ownership_distinct_instructions_read_value_store_buffer_independent 
	  [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	  show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' Progsb 𝒪sb')

      have valid_sharing': "valid_sharing 𝒮sb' tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)	
	from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb sb'"
	  by (auto simp add: sb Progsb)
	from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' 𝒮sb')
	from sharing_consis [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪sb sb'"
	  by (auto simp add: sb Progsb)
	from sharing_consis_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "sharing_consis 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	from read_only_unowned_nth_update [OF i_bound read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i] ]
	show "read_only_unowned 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: 𝒮sb' tssb' 𝒪sb')
	from unowned_shared_nth_update [OF i_bound tssb_i subset_refl]
	show "unowned_shared 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' 𝒮sb')
	from no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "no_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb sb'"
	  by (auto simp add: sb Progsb)
	from no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show "no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  by (simp add: 𝒮sb' tssb' sb)
      have valid_reads': "valid_reads msb' tssb'"
      proof -
	from valid_reads [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "reads_consistent False 𝒪sb msb sb'"
	  by (simp add: sb Progsb)
	from valid_reads_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: msb' tssb' 𝒪sb')

      have valid_program_history': "valid_program_history tssb'"
      proof -	
	from valid_program_history [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "causal_program_history issb sb" .
	then have causal': "causal_program_history issb sb'"
	  by (simp add: sb Progsb causal_program_history_def)

	from valid_last_prog [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "last_prog psb sb = psb".
	hence "last_prog p2 sb' = psb"
	  by (simp add: sb Progsb)
	from last_prog_to_last_prog_same [OF this]
	have "last_prog psb sb' = psb".

	from valid_program_history_nth_update [OF i_bound causal' this]
	show ?thesis
	  by (simp add: tssb')

      from is_sim
      have is_sim: "instrs (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') @ issb =
	is @ prog_instrs (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')"
	by (simp add: suspends sb Progsb)

      have "(ts,m,𝒮) d* (ts,m,𝒮)" by blast


      note flush_commute = flush_all_until_volatile_write_Progsb_commute [OF i_bound 
	tssb_i [simplified sb Progsb]]

      note share_commute = 
	  share_all_until_volatile_write_update_sb [of sb' sb, OF _ i_bound tssb_i, simplified sb Progsb, simplified]

      have "(tssb [i := (psb,issb, θsb, sb',𝒟sb, 𝒪sb,sb)],msb,𝒮sb')  (ts,m,𝒮)"
	apply (rule sim_config.intros) 
	apply    (simp add: m flush_commute)
	apply   (clarsimp simp add: 𝒮 𝒮sb' share_commute)
	using  leq
	apply  simp
	using i_bound i_bound' ts_sim ts_i is_sim 𝒟
	apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def nth_list_update sb suspends Progsb sb' 𝒮sb'
	   split: if_split_asm)
      ultimately show ?thesis
	using valid_own' valid_hist' valid_reads' valid_sharing' tmps_distinct' msb'
	  valid_dd' valid_sops' load_tmps_fresh' enough_flushs' valid_sharing' 
	  valid_program_history' valid' 
	  tssb' 𝒮sb' 𝒪sb' sb' 𝒮sb'
	by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply)
      case (Ghostsb A L R W)
      from flush Ghostsb
	𝒪sb': "𝒪sb'=𝒪sb  A - R" and
	𝒮sb': "𝒮sb'=𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL" and
        sb': "sb'= augment_rels (dom 𝒮sb) R sb" and
	msb': "msb'=msb" 
	by cases (auto simp add: sb)

      from sharing_consis [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	A_shared_owned: "A  dom 𝒮sb  𝒪sb" and
	L_subset: "L  A" and
	A_R: "A  R = {}" and
	R_owned: "R  𝒪sb"
	by (clarsimp simp add: sb Ghostsb)

      have valid_own': "valid_ownership 𝒮sb' tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)
	show "outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	  fix j isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j acqj θj sbj pj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	  assume tssb'_j: "tssb'!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  show "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb' 𝒪j sbj"
	  proof (cases "j=i")
	    case True
	    from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	    have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) (𝒪sb  A - R) sb'"
	      by (auto simp add: sb Ghostsb non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_pending_write_antimono)
	    then show ?thesis
	      using True i_bound tssb'_j
	      by (auto simp add: tssb' 𝒮sb' sb 𝒪sb')
	    case False
	    from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    with tssb'_j False i_bound 
	    have tssb_j: "tssb!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    note nvo = outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound' tssb_j]

	    from read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i] R_owned
	    have "R  read_only 𝒮sb = {}"
	      by auto

	    with read_only_reads_unowned [OF j_bound' i_bound False tssb_j tssb_i] L_subset
	    have "aread_only_reads
	      (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj) 𝒪j)
		(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj).
		a  read_only 𝒮sb  a  read_only (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL )"
	      by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs sb Ghostsb)
	    from non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_read_only_reads_eq' [OF nvo this]
	    have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) 𝒪j sbj".
	    thus ?thesis by (simp add: 𝒮sb')
	show "outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others tssb'"
	proof (unfold_locales)
	  fix i1 j p1 "is1" 𝒪1 1 𝒟1 xs1 sb1 pj "isj" "𝒪j" j 𝒟j xsj sbj
	  assume i1_bound: "i1 < length tssb'"
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	  assume i1_j: "i1  j"
	  assume ts_i1: "tssb'!i1 = (p1,is1,xs1,sb1,𝒟1,𝒪1,1)"
	  assume ts_j: "tssb'!j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  show "(𝒪j  all_acquired sbj)  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb1 = {}"
	  proof (cases "i1=i")
	    case True
	    from i1_j True have neq_i_j: "ij"
	      by auto
	    from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
	      by (simp add: tssb')
	    from ts_j neq_i_j have ts_j': "tssb!j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	      by (simp add: tssb')
	    from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others [OF i_bound j_bound' neq_i_j
	      tssb_i ts_j'] ts_i1 i_bound tssb_i True show ?thesis
	      by (clarsimp simp add: tssb' sb Ghostsb)
	    case False
	    note i1_i = this
	    from i1_bound have i1_bound': "i1 < length tssb"
	      by (simp add: tssb' sb)
	    hence i1_bound'': "i1 < length (map owned tssb)"
	      by auto
	    from ts_i1 False have ts_i1': "tssb!i1 = (p1,is1,xs1,sb1,𝒟1,𝒪1,1)"
	      by (simp add: tssb' sb)
	    show ?thesis
	    proof (cases "j=i")
	      case True
	      from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others [OF i1_bound' i_bound  i1_i  ts_i1' tssb_i ]
	      have "(𝒪sb  all_acquired sb)  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb1 = {}".
	      then show ?thesis
		using True i1_i ts_j tssb_i i_bound
		by (auto simp add: sb Ghostsb tssb' 𝒪sb')
	      case False
	      from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
		by (simp add: tssb')
	      from ts_j False have ts_j': "tssb!j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
		by (simp add: tssb')
	      from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others 
	      [OF i1_bound' j_bound' i1_j ts_i1' ts_j']
	      show "(𝒪j  all_acquired sbj)  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb1 = {}" .
	show "read_only_reads_unowned tssb'"
	  fix n m
	  fix pn "isn" 𝒪n n 𝒟n θn sbn pm "ism" 𝒪m m 𝒟m θm sbm
	  assume n_bound: "n < length tssb'"
	    and m_bound: "m < length tssb'"
	    and neq_n_m: "nm"
	    and nth: "tssb'!n = (pn, isn, θn, sbn, 𝒟n, 𝒪n,n)"
	    and mth: "tssb'!m =(pm, ism, θm, sbm, 𝒟m, 𝒪m,m)"
	  from n_bound have n_bound': "n < length tssb" by (simp add: tssb')
	  from m_bound have m_bound': "m < length tssb" by (simp add: tssb')
	  show "(𝒪m  all_acquired sbm) 
            read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn) 𝒪n)
            (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn) =
	  proof (cases "m=i")
	    case True
	    with neq_n_m have neq_n_i: "ni"
	      by auto
	    with n_bound nth i_bound have nth': "tssb!n =(pn, isn, θn, sbn, 𝒟n, 𝒪n,n)"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    note read_only_reads_unowned [OF n_bound' i_bound  neq_n_i nth' tssb_i]
	    show ?thesis
	      using True tssb_i neq_n_i nth mth n_bound' m_bound' L_subset
	      by (auto simp add: tssb' 𝒪sb' sb Ghostsb)
	    case False
	    note neq_m_i = this
	    with m_bound mth i_bound have mth': "tssb!m = (pm, ism, θm, sbm, 𝒟m, 𝒪m,m)"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    show ?thesis
	    proof (cases "n=i")
	      case True
	      from read_only_reads_append [of "(𝒪sb  A - R)" "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn)"
		"(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn)"]
	      have "read_only_reads
                (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn) (𝒪sb  A - R))
                (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbn)  read_only_reads (𝒪sb  A - R) sbn"
		by auto
	      with tssb_i nth mth neq_m_i n_bound' True
		read_only_reads_unowned [OF i_bound m_bound' False [symmetric] tssb_i mth']
	      show ?thesis
		by (auto simp add: tssb'  sb 𝒪sb' Ghostsb)
	      case False
	      with n_bound nth i_bound have nth': "tssb!n =(pn, isn, θn, sbn, 𝒟n, 𝒪n,n)"
		by (auto simp add: tssb')
	      from read_only_reads_unowned [OF n_bound' m_bound' neq_n_m  nth' mth'] False neq_m_i
	      show ?thesis 
		by (clarsimp)
	show "ownership_distinct tssb'"
	proof (unfold_locales)
	  fix i1 j p1 "is1" 𝒪1 1 𝒟1 xs1 sb1 pj "isj" "𝒪j" j 𝒟j xsj sbj
	  assume i1_bound: "i1 < length tssb'"
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	  assume i1_j: "i1  j"
	  assume ts_i1: "tssb'!i1 = (p1,is1,xs1,sb1,𝒟1,𝒪1,1)"
	  assume ts_j: "tssb'!j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  show "(𝒪1  all_acquired sb1)  (𝒪j  all_acquired sbj)= {}"
	  proof (cases "i1=i")
	    case True
	    with i1_j have i_j: "ij" 
	      by simp
	    from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
	      by (simp add: tssb')
	    hence j_bound'': "j < length (map owned tssb)"
	      by simp	    
	    from ts_j i_j have ts_j': "tssb!j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	      by (simp add: tssb')
	    from ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound' i_j tssb_i ts_j']
	    show ?thesis
	      using tssb_i True ts_i1 i_bound 𝒪sb'
	      by (auto simp add: tssb' sb Ghostsb)
	    case False
	    note i1_i = this
	    from i1_bound have i1_bound': "i1 < length tssb"
	      by (simp add: tssb')
	    hence i1_bound'': "i1 < length (map owned tssb)"
	      by simp	    
	    from ts_i1 False have ts_i1': "tssb!i1 = (p1,is1,xs1,sb1,𝒟1,𝒪1,1)"
	      by (simp add: tssb')
	    show ?thesis
	    proof (cases "j=i")
	      case True
	      from ownership_distinct [OF i1_bound' i_bound  i1_i ts_i1' tssb_i]
	      show ?thesis
		using tssb_i True ts_j i_bound 𝒪sb'
		by (auto simp add: tssb' sb Ghostsb)
	      case False
	      from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
		by (simp add: tssb')
	      from ts_j False have ts_j': "tssb!j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
		by (simp add: tssb')
	      from ownership_distinct [OF i1_bound' j_bound' i1_j ts_i1' ts_j']
	      show ?thesis .

      have valid_sharing': "valid_sharing (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) tssb'"
      proof (intro_locales)
	show "outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) tssb'"
	proof (unfold_locales)
	  fix j pj "isj" "𝒪j" j 𝒟j acqj xsj sbj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	  assume jth: "tssb' ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  show "non_volatile_writes_unshared (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)  sbj"
	  proof (cases "i=j")
	    case True
	    with outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	      i_bound jth tssb_i show ?thesis
	      by (clarsimp simp add: tssb' sb Ghostsb)
	    case False
	    from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    from jth False have jth': "tssb ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    from j_bound jth i_bound False
	    have j: "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb sbj"
	      apply -
	      apply (rule outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared)
	      apply (auto simp add: tssb')
	    from jth False have jth': "tssb ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared [OF j_bound' jth']
	    have unshared: "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb sbj".
	    have "adom (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) - dom 𝒮sb. a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb sbj"
	    proof -
		fix a 
		assume a_in: "a  dom (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) - dom 𝒮sb"
		hence a_R: "a  R"
		  by clarsimp
		assume a_in_j: "a  outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb sbj"
		have False
	        proof -
		  from non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_outstanding_non_volatile_writes [OF
		      outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound' jth']]
		  have "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
		    by auto

		  with ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound' False tssb_i jth'] a_R R_owned
		  show False
		    by blast
	      thus ?thesis by blast

	    from non_volatile_writes_unshared_no_outstanding_non_volatile_Writesb 
	      [OF unshared this]
	    show ?thesis .
	show "sharing_consis (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) tssb'"
	proof (unfold_locales)  
	  fix j pj "isj" "𝒪j" j 𝒟j acqj xsj sbj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	  assume jth: "tssb' ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  show "sharing_consistent (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) 𝒪j sbj"
	  proof (cases "i=j")
	    case True
	    with i_bound jth tssb_i sharing_consis [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	    show ?thesis
	      by (clarsimp simp add: tssb' sb Ghostsb 𝒪sb')
	    case False
	    from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    from jth False have jth': "tssb ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    from sharing_consis [OF j_bound' jth']
	    have consis: "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪j sbj".
	    have acq_cond: "all_acquired sbj  dom 𝒮sb - dom (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) = {}"
	    proof -
		fix a
		assume a_acq: "a  all_acquired sbj" 
		assume "a  dom 𝒮sb" 
		assume a_L: "a  L"
		have False
		proof -
		  from ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound' False tssb_i jth']
		  have "A  all_acquired sbj = {}"
		    by (auto simp add: sb Ghostsb)
		  with a_acq a_L L_subset
		  show False
		    by blast
	      thus ?thesis
		by auto

	    have uns_cond: "all_unshared sbj  dom (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) - dom 𝒮sb = {}"
	    proof -
		fix a
		assume a_uns: "a  all_unshared sbj" 
		assume "a  L" 
		assume a_R:  "a  R"
		have False
	        proof -
		  from unshared_acquired_or_owned [OF consis] a_uns
		  have "a  all_acquired sbj  𝒪j" by auto
		  with ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound' False tssb_i jth']  R_owned a_R
		  show False
		    by blast
	      thus ?thesis
	        by auto
	    from sharing_consistent_preservation [OF consis acq_cond uns_cond]
	    show ?thesis
	      by (simp add: tssb')
	show "unowned_shared (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) tssb'"
	proof (unfold_locales)
	  show "- ((λ(_,_, _, _,_, 𝒪,_). 𝒪) ` set tssb')  dom (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
	  proof -
	    have s: "((λ(_,_, _, _,_, 𝒪,_). 𝒪) ` set tssb') =
              ((λ(_,_, _, _,_, 𝒪,_). 𝒪) ` set tssb)  A - R"
	      apply (unfold tssb' 𝒪sb') 
	      apply (rule acquire_release_ownership_nth_update [OF R_owned i_bound tssb_i])
	      apply (rule local.ownership_distinct_axioms)
	    note unowned_shared L_subset A_R
	    show ?thesis
	      apply (simp only: s)
	      apply auto
	show "read_only_unowned (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) tssb'"
	  fix j pj "isj" "𝒪j" j 𝒟j xsj sbj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	  assume jth: "tssb' ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  show "𝒪j  read_only (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) = {}"
	  proof (cases "i=j")
	    case True
	    from read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	    have "(𝒪sb  A - R )  read_only (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) = {}"
	      by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs )
	    with jth tssb_i i_bound True
	    show ?thesis
	      by (auto simp add: 𝒪sb' tssb')
	    case False
	    from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    with False jth have jth': "tssb ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    from read_only_unowned [OF j_bound' jth']
	    have "𝒪j  read_only 𝒮sb = {}".
	    from ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound' False tssb_i jth'] R_owned
	    have "(𝒪sb  A)  𝒪j = {}"
	      by (auto simp add: sb Ghostsb)
	    moreover note R_owned A_R
	    ultimately show ?thesis
	      by (fastforce simp add: in_read_only_convs split: if_split_asm)
	show "no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) tssb'"
	  fix j pj "isj" "𝒪j" j 𝒟j xsj sbj
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb'"
	  assume jth: "tssb' ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  show "no_write_to_read_only_memory (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL) sbj"
	  proof (cases "i=j")
	    case True
	    with jth tssb_i i_bound no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	    show ?thesis
	      by (auto simp add: sb tssb' Ghostsb)
	    case False
	    from j_bound have j_bound': "j < length tssb"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    with False jth have jth': "tssb ! j = (pj,isj,xsj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	      by (auto simp add: tssb')
	    from no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory [OF j_bound' jth']
	    have nw: "no_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb sbj".

	    have "R  outstanding_refs is_Writesb sbj = {}"
	    proof -
	      note dist = ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound' False tssb_i jth']
	      from non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_outstanding_non_volatile_writes 
	      [OF outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF j_bound' jth']]
	      have "outstanding_refs is_non_volatile_Writesb sbj  𝒪sb = {}"
	        by auto
	      from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others [OF j_bound'  i_bound 
		False [symmetric] jth' tssb_i ]
	      have "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sbj  𝒪sb = {}" 
	        by auto
	      ultimately have "outstanding_refs is_Writesb sbj  𝒪sb = {}" 
	        by (auto simp add: misc_outstanding_refs_convs)
	      with R_owned
	      show ?thesis by blast
	    have "aoutstanding_refs is_Writesb sbj.
	      a  read_only (𝒮sb ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)  a  read_only 𝒮sb"
	      by (auto simp add: in_read_only_convs) 
	    from no_write_to_read_only_memory_read_only_reads_eq [OF nw this]
	    show ?thesis .
      have valid_reads': "valid_reads msb' tssb'"
      proof -
	from valid_reads [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "reads_consistent False (𝒪sb  A - R) msb sb'"
	  by (simp add: sb Ghostsb)
	from valid_reads_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: msb' tssb' 𝒪sb')
      have valid_program_history': "valid_program_history tssb'"
      proof -	
	from valid_program_history [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "causal_program_history issb sb" .
	then have causal': "causal_program_history issb sb'"
	  by (simp add: sb Ghostsb causal_program_history_def)

	from valid_last_prog [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	have "last_prog psb sb = psb".
	hence "last_prog psb sb' = psb"
	  by (simp add: sb Ghostsb)

	from valid_program_history_nth_update [OF i_bound causal' this]
	show ?thesis
	  by (simp add: tssb')

      from is_sim
      have is_sim: "instrs (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb') @ issb =
	         is @ prog_instrs (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb')"
	by (simp add: sb Ghostsb suspends)

      have "(ts,m,𝒮) d* (ts,m,𝒮)" by blast

      note flush_commute =
	flush_all_until_volatile_write_Ghostsb_commute [OF i_bound tssb_i [simplified sb Ghostsb]]

      have dist_R_L_A: "j p is 𝒪  𝒟 θ sb.
        j < length tssb  i j
        tssb ! j = (p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪, ) 
        (all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)  
         all_unshared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)  
         all_acquired (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb))  (R  L  A) = {}"
      proof -
          fix j pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj x
	  assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
          assume neq_i_j: "i  j"
	  assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,isj, θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	  assume x_shared: "x  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)  
                                 all_unshared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)  
                                 all_acquired  (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
          assume x_R_L_A: "x  R  L  A"
          have False
          proof -
            from x_shared all_shared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF j_bound jth]]
              unshared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF j_bound jth]]
              all_shared_append [of "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"]
              all_unshared_append [of "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"]
              all_acquired_append [of "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"]
            have "x  all_acquired sbj  𝒪j "
              by auto
            from x_R_L_A R_owned L_subset
            have "x  all_acquired sb  𝒪sb"
              by (auto simp add: sb Ghostsb)
            note ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq_i_j tssb_i jth]
            ultimately show False by blast
        thus ?thesis by blast

	fix j pj isj 𝒪j j 𝒟j θj sbj x
	assume jth: "tssb!j = (pj,isj,θj,sbj,𝒟j,𝒪j,j)"
	assume j_bound: "j < length tssb"
        assume neq: "i  j" 
        have "release (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)
                            (dom 𝒮sb  R - L) j
              = release (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)
                            (dom 𝒮sb) j"
        proof -
            fix a
            assume a_in: "a  all_shared (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"
            have "(a  (dom 𝒮sb  R - L)) = (a  dom 𝒮sb)"
            proof -
              from ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq  tssb_i jth]
              have A_dist: "A  (𝒪j  all_acquired sbj) = {}"
                by (auto simp add: sb Ghostsb)
              from  all_shared_acquired_or_owned [OF sharing_consis [OF j_bound jth]] a_in
                all_shared_append [of "(takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)" 
                "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sbj)"]
              have a_in: "a  𝒪j  all_acquired sbj"
                by auto
              with ownership_distinct [OF i_bound j_bound neq  tssb_i jth]
              have "a  (𝒪sb  all_acquired sb)" by auto

              with A_dist R_owned A_R A_shared_owned L_subset a_in
              obtain "a  R" and "a  L"
                by fastforce
              then show ?thesis by auto
          show ?thesis 
            apply -
            apply (rule release_all_shared_exchange)
            apply auto
      note release_commute = this
	    from ownership_distinct_axioms have "ownership_distinct tssb".
      from sharing_consis_axioms have "sharing_consis 𝒮sb tssb".
      note share_commute = share_all_until_volatile_write_Ghostsb_commute [OF ownership_distinct tssb 
	sharing_consis 𝒮sb tssb i_bound tssb_i [simplified sb Ghostsb] dist_R_L_A]
      have "(tssb [i := (psb,issb, θsb, sb', 𝒟sb, 𝒪sb  A - R,augment_rels (dom 𝒮sb) R sb)],msb,𝒮sb')  (ts,m,𝒮)"
	apply (rule sim_config.intros) 
	apply    (simp add: m flush_commute)
	apply   (clarsimp simp add: 𝒮 𝒮sb' share_commute)
	using  leq
	apply  simp
	using i_bound i_bound' ts_sim ts_i is_sim 𝒟
	apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def nth_list_update sb suspends Ghostsb sb' 𝒮sb'
	   split: if_split_asm)
        apply (rule conjI)
        apply  fastforce
        apply clarsimp
        apply (frule (2) release_commute)
        apply clarsimp
        apply auto
      show ?thesis
	using valid_own' valid_hist' valid_reads' valid_sharing' tmps_distinct' 
	  valid_dd' valid_sops' load_tmps_fresh' enough_flushs' 
	  valid_program_history' valid'
	  msb' 𝒮sb' tssb' 
	by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply simp add: 𝒪sb' sb')
    case (Program i psb "issb" θsb sb 𝒟sb 𝒪sb sb psb' mis)
    then obtain
      tssb': "tssb' = tssb[i := (psb', issb@mis, θsb, sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis], 𝒟sb, 𝒪sb,sb)]" and
      i_bound: "i < length tssb" and
      tssb_i: "tssb ! i = (psb, issb,θsb,sb, 𝒟sb, 𝒪sb,sb)" and
      prog: "θsb psb p (psb',mis)" and
      𝒮sb': "𝒮sb'=𝒮sb" and
      msb': "msb'=msb"
      by auto

    from sim obtain 
      m: "m = flush_all_until_volatile_write tssb msb" and
      𝒮: "𝒮 = share_all_until_volatile_write tssb 𝒮sb" and
      leq: "length tssb = length ts" and
      ts_sim: "i<length tssb.
           let (p, issb, θ, sb, 𝒟sb, 𝒪sb,) = tssb ! i;
               suspends = dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb
           in  is 𝒟. instrs suspends @ issb = is @ prog_instrs suspends  
                          𝒟sb = (𝒟  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb  {}) 
               ts ! i =
                   (hd_prog p suspends, 
                    θ |` (dom θ - read_tmps suspends), (),
                    acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) 𝒪sb,
                    release (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) (dom 𝒮sb) )"
      by cases blast

    from i_bound leq have i_bound': "i < length ts"
      by auto

    have split_sb: "sb = takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb @ dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb"
      (is "sb = ?take_sb@?drop_sb")
      by simp

    from ts_sim [rule_format, OF i_bound] tssb_i obtain suspends "is" 𝒟 where
      suspends: "suspends = dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb" and
      is_sim: "instrs suspends @ issb = is @ prog_instrs suspends" and
      𝒟: "𝒟sb = (𝒟  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb  {})" and
      ts_i: "ts ! i =
          (hd_prog psb suspends, is,
           θsb |` (dom θsb - read_tmps suspends), (), 𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb,
           release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"
      by (auto simp add: Let_def)

    from prog_step_preserves_valid [OF i_bound tssb_i prog valid]
    have valid': "valid tssb'"
      by (simp add: tssb')

    have valid_own': "valid_ownership 𝒮sb' tssb'"
    proof (intro_locales)
      show "outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only 𝒮sb' tssb'"
      proof -
	from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
	have "non_volatile_owned_or_read_only False 𝒮sb 𝒪sb (sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis])"
	  by (auto simp add: non_volatile_owned_or_read_only_append)
	from outstanding_non_volatile_refs_owned_or_read_only_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' 𝒮sb')
      show "outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others tssb'"
      proof -
	have out: "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis])  
	      outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb"
	  by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv )
	from outstanding_volatile_writes_unowned_by_others_store_buffer 
	[OF i_bound tssb_i this]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' all_acquired_append)
      show "read_only_reads_unowned tssb'"
      proof -
	have ro: "read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) (sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis])) 𝒪sb)
	  (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) (sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis]))
	   read_only_reads (acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb) 𝒪sb)
	  (dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb)"
	  apply (case_tac "outstanding_refs (is_volatile_Writesb) sb = {}")
	  apply (simp_all add: outstanding_vol_write_take_drop_appends
	    acquired_append read_only_reads_append )
	have "𝒪sb  all_acquired (sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis])  𝒪sb  all_acquired sb"
	  by (auto simp add: all_acquired_append)
	from read_only_reads_unowned_nth_update [OF i_bound tssb_i ro this] 
	show ?thesis
	  by (simp add: tssb' )
      show "ownership_distinct tssb'"
      proof -
	from ownership_distinct_instructions_read_value_store_buffer_independent 
	[OF i_bound tssb_i, where sb'="(sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis])"]
	show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb' all_acquired_append)

    from valid_last_prog [OF i_bound tssb_i]
    have last_prog: "last_prog psb sb = psb".
    have valid_hist': "valid_history program_step tssb'"
    proof -
      from valid_history [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have "history_consistent θsb (hd_prog psb sb) sb".
      from history_consistent_append_Progsb [OF prog this last_prog]
      have hist_consis': "history_consistent θsb (hd_prog psb' (sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis])) 
        (sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis])".
      from valid_history_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
      show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb')

    have valid_reads': "valid_reads msb tssb'"
    proof -
      from valid_reads [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have "reads_consistent False 𝒪sb msb sb" .
      from reads_consistent_snoc_Progsb [OF this] 
      have "reads_consistent False 𝒪sb msb  (sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis])".
      from valid_reads_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
      show ?thesis by (simp add: tssb')

    have valid_sharing': "valid_sharing 𝒮sb' tssb'"
    proof (intro_locales)	
      from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
      have "non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb (sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis])"
	by (auto simp add: non_volatile_writes_unshared_append)
      from outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
      show "outstanding_non_volatile_writes_unshared 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	by (simp add: tssb' 𝒮sb')
      from sharing_consis [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have "sharing_consistent 𝒮sb 𝒪sb (sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis])"
	by (auto simp add: sharing_consistent_append)
      from sharing_consis_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
      show "sharing_consis 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	by (simp add: tssb' 𝒮sb')
      from read_only_unowned_nth_update [OF i_bound read_only_unowned [OF i_bound tssb_i] ]
      show "read_only_unowned 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	by (simp add: 𝒮sb' tssb')
      from unowned_shared_nth_update [OF i_bound tssb_i subset_refl]
      show "unowned_shared 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	by (simp add: tssb' 𝒮sb')
      from no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory [OF i_bound tssb_i] 

      have "no_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb (sb @ [Progsb psb psb' mis])"
	by (simp add: no_write_to_read_only_memory_append)
      from no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
      show "no_outstanding_write_to_read_only_memory 𝒮sb' tssb'"
	by (simp add: 𝒮sb' tssb')

    have tmps_distinct': "tmps_distinct tssb'"
    proof (intro_locales)
      from load_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have "distinct_load_tmps issb".
      with distinct_load_tmps_prog_step [OF i_bound tssb_i prog valid] 
      have "distinct_load_tmps (issb@mis)" 
	by (auto simp add: distinct_load_tmps_append)
      from load_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
      show "load_tmps_distinct tssb'"
	by (simp add: tssb')
      from read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have "distinct_read_tmps (sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis])"
	by (simp add: distinct_read_tmps_append)
      from read_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
      show "read_tmps_distinct tssb'"
	by (simp add: tssb')
      from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	distinct_load_tmps_prog_step [OF i_bound tssb_i prog valid] 
      have "load_tmps (issb@mis)  read_tmps (sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis]) = {}"
	by (auto simp add: read_tmps_append load_tmps_append)
      from load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
      show "load_tmps_read_tmps_distinct tssb'" by (simp add: tssb')

    have valid_dd': "valid_data_dependency tssb'"
    proof -
      from data_dependency_consistent_instrs [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have "data_dependency_consistent_instrs (dom θsb) issb".
      with valid_data_dependency_prog_step [OF i_bound tssb_i prog valid]  
	   load_tmps_write_tmps_distinct [OF i_bound tssb_i]
	"data_dependency_consistent_instrs (dom θsb) (issb@mis)"
	"load_tmps (issb@mis)  (fst ` write_sops (sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis]))  = {}"
	by (force simp add: load_tmps_append data_dependency_consistent_instrs_append
      from valid_data_dependency_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
      show ?thesis
	by (simp add: tssb')

    have load_tmps_fresh': "load_tmps_fresh tssb'"
    proof -
      from load_tmps_fresh [OF i_bound tssb_i] 
      load_tmps_fresh_prog_step [OF i_bound tssb_i prog valid]
      have "load_tmps (issb@mis)  dom θsb = {}"
	by (auto simp add: load_tmps_append)
      from load_tmps_fresh_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
      show ?thesis
	by (simp add:  tssb')

    have enough_flushs': "enough_flushs tssb'"
    proof -
      from clean_no_outstanding_volatile_Writesb [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have "¬ 𝒟sb  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis]) = {}"
	by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_append)

      from enough_flushs_nth_update [OF i_bound this]
      show ?thesis
	by (simp add: tssb')

    have valid_sops': "valid_sops tssb'"
    proof -
      from valid_store_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i] valid_sops_prog_step [OF prog] 
	valid_implies_valid_prog[OF i_bound tssb_i valid]
      have valid_store: "sopstore_sops (issb@mis). valid_sop sop"
	by (auto simp add: store_sops_append)

      from valid_write_sops [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have "sopwrite_sops (sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis]). valid_sop sop"
	by (auto simp add: write_sops_append)
      from     valid_sops_nth_update [OF i_bound this valid_store]
      show ?thesis
	by (simp add: tssb')

    have valid_program_history':"valid_program_history tssb'"
    proof -	
      from valid_program_history [OF i_bound tssb_i]
      have "causal_program_history issb sb" .
      from causal_program_history_Progsb [OF this]
      have causal': "causal_program_history (issb@mis) (sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis])".
      from last_prog_append_Progsb
      have "last_prog psb' (sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis]) = psb'".
      from valid_program_history_nth_update [OF i_bound causal' this]
      show ?thesis
	by (simp add: tssb')

    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb sb = {}")
      case True
      from True have flush_all: "takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb = sb"
	by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv)
      from True have suspend_nothing: "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb = []"
	by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv)

      hence suspends_empty: "suspends = []"
	by (simp add: suspends)

      from suspends_empty is_sim have "is": "is = issb"
	by (simp)

      from ts_i have ts_i: "ts ! i = (psb, issb, θsb, (), 
	𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb,release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)"
	by (simp add: suspends_empty "is")

      from direct_computation.Program [OF i_bound' ts_i prog]
      have "(ts,m,𝒮) d (ts[i := (psb', issb @ mis, θsb, (),
	𝒟, acquired True ?take_sb 𝒪sb,release ?take_sb (dom 𝒮sb) sb)], m, 𝒮)".

      note flush_commute = flush_all_until_volatile_write_append_Progsb_commute [OF i_bound tssb_i]

      from True
      have suspend_nothing':
	"(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) (sb @ [Progsb psb psb' mis])) = []"
	by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv)

      note share_commute =
	share_all_until_volatile_write_update_sb [OF share_append_Progsb i_bound tssb_i]

      from 𝒟
      have 𝒟': "𝒟sb = (𝒟  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis])   {})"
	by (auto simp: outstanding_refs_append)

      have "(tssb [i := (psb',issb@mis, θsb, sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis], 𝒟sb, 𝒪sb,sb)],
              (ts[i:=(psb', issb @ mis, θsb, (), 𝒟, 
                  acquired True (takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) 
                    (sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis])) 𝒪sb,
                   release (sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis])  (dom 𝒮sb) sb )],m,𝒮)"
	apply (rule sim_config.intros) 
	apply    (simp add: m flush_commute)
	apply   (clarsimp simp add: 𝒮 𝒮sb' share_commute)
	using  leq
	apply  simp
	using i_bound i_bound' ts_sim ts_i 𝒟'
	apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def nth_list_update  flush_all suspend_nothing' Progsb 𝒮sb' 
          release_append_Progsb release_append
	   split: if_split_asm)
      ultimately show ?thesis
	using valid_own' valid_hist' valid_reads' valid_sharing' tmps_distinct' msb'
	  valid_dd' valid_sops' load_tmps_fresh' enough_flushs' valid_sharing' 
	  valid_program_history' valid'  
	  𝒮sb' tssb'  
	by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply simp add: acquired_append_Progsb release_append_Progsb release_append flush_all) 
      case False

      then obtain r where r_in: "r  set sb" and volatile_r: "is_volatile_Writesb r"
	by (auto simp add: outstanding_refs_conv)
      from takeWhile_dropWhile_real_prefix 
      [OF r_in, of  "(Not  is_volatile_Writesb)", simplified, OF volatile_r] 
      obtain a' v' sb'' sop' A' L' R' W' where
	sb_split: "sb = takeWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb @ Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# sb''" 
	drop: "dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb = Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# sb''"
	apply (auto)
	subgoal for y
	apply (case_tac y)
	apply auto
      from drop suspends have suspends': "suspends = Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'# sb''"
	by simp

      have "(ts, m, 𝒮) d* (ts, m, 𝒮)" by auto

      note flush_commute= flush_all_until_volatile_write_append_Progsb_commute [OF i_bound tssb_i]

      have "Writesb True a' sop' v' A' L' R' W'  set sb"
	by (subst sb_split) auto

      from dropWhile_append1 [OF this, of "(Not  is_volatile_Writesb)"]
      have drop_app_comm:
	  "(dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) (sb @ [Progsb psb psb' mis])) =
                dropWhile (Not  is_volatile_Writesb) sb @ [Progsb psb psb' mis]"
	by simp

      note share_commute =
	share_all_until_volatile_write_update_sb [OF share_append_Progsb i_bound tssb_i]

      from 𝒟
      have 𝒟': "𝒟sb = (𝒟  outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis])   {})"
	by (auto simp: outstanding_refs_append)
      have "(tssb [i := (psb',issb@mis,θsb, sb@[Progsb psb psb' mis], 𝒟sb, 𝒪sb,sb)],
	apply (rule sim_config.intros) 
	apply    (simp add: m flush_commute)
	apply   (clarsimp  simp add: 𝒮 𝒮sb' share_commute)
	using  leq
	apply  simp
	using i_bound i_bound' ts_sim ts_i is_sim suspends  suspends' [simplified suspends] 𝒟'
	apply (clarsimp simp add: Let_def nth_list_update Progsb
	  drop_app_comm instrs_append prog_instrs_append  
	  read_tmps_append hd_prog_append_Progsb acquired_append_Progsb release_append_Progsb release_append 𝒮sb'
	   split: if_split_asm)

      ultimately show ?thesis
	using valid_own' valid_hist' valid_reads' valid_sharing' tmps_distinct' msb'
	  valid_dd' valid_sops' load_tmps_fresh' enough_flushs' valid_sharing' 
	  valid_program_history' valid'
	  𝒮sb' tssb' 
	by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply)

theorem (in xvalid_program) concurrent_direct_steps_simulates_store_buffer_history_steps:
  assumes step_sb: "(tssb,msb,𝒮sb) sbh* (tssb',msb',𝒮sb')"
  assumes valid_own: "valid_ownership 𝒮sb tssb"
  assumes valid_sb_reads: "valid_reads msb tssb"
  assumes valid_hist: "valid_history program_step tssb"
  assumes valid_sharing: "valid_sharing 𝒮sb tssb"
  assumes tmps_distinct: "tmps_distinct tssb"
  assumes valid_sops: "valid_sops tssb"
  assumes valid_dd: "valid_data_dependency tssb"
  assumes load_tmps_fresh: "load_tmps_fresh tssb"
  assumes enough_flushs: "enough_flushs tssb"
  assumes valid_program_history: "valid_program_history tssb"
  assumes valid: "valid tssb"
  shows "ts 𝒮 m. (tssb,msb,𝒮sb)  (ts,m,𝒮)  safe_reach_direct safe_delayed (ts,m,𝒮) 
         valid_ownership 𝒮sb' tssb'  valid_reads msb' tssb'  valid_history program_step tssb' 
         valid_sharing 𝒮sb' tssb'  tmps_distinct tssb'  valid_data_dependency tssb' 
         valid_sops tssb'  load_tmps_fresh tssb'  enough_flushs tssb' 
         valid_program_history tssb'  valid tssb' 
           (ts' m' 𝒮'. (ts,m,𝒮) d* (ts',m',𝒮')  (tssb',msb',𝒮sb')  (ts',m',𝒮'))"
using step_sb valid_own valid_sb_reads valid_hist valid_sharing tmps_distinct valid_sops 
  valid_dd load_tmps_fresh enough_flushs valid_program_history valid
proof (induct rule: converse_rtranclp_induct_sbh_steps)
  case refl thus ?case
    by auto
  case (step tssb  msb 𝒮sb tssb''  msb'' 𝒮sb'')
  note first = (tssb, msb, 𝒮sb) sbh (tssb'', msb'', 𝒮sb'')
  note sim = (tssb, msb, 𝒮sb)  (ts, m, 𝒮)
  note safe_reach = safe_reach_direct safe_delayed (ts, m, 𝒮)
  note valid_own = valid_ownership 𝒮sb tssb
  note valid_reads = valid_reads msb tssb
  note valid_hist = valid_history program_step tssb
  note valid_sharing = valid_sharing 𝒮sb tssb
  note tmps_distinct = tmps_distinct tssb
  note valid_sops = valid_sops tssb
  note valid_dd = valid_data_dependency tssb
  note load_tmps_fresh = load_tmps_fresh tssb
  note enough_flushs = enough_flushs tssb
  note valid_prog_hist = valid_program_history tssb
  note valid = valid tssb
  from concurrent_direct_steps_simulates_store_buffer_history_step [OF first
  valid_own valid_reads valid_hist valid_sharing tmps_distinct valid_sops valid_dd
  load_tmps_fresh enough_flushs valid_prog_hist valid sim safe_reach]
  obtain ts'' m'' 𝒮'' where
    valid_own'': "valid_ownership 𝒮sb'' tssb''" and
    valid_reads'': "valid_reads msb'' tssb''" and
    valid_hist'': "valid_history program_step tssb''" and
    valid_sharing'': "valid_sharing 𝒮sb'' tssb''" and
    tmps_dist'': "tmps_distinct tssb''" and
    valid_dd'': "valid_data_dependency tssb''" and
    valid_sops'': "valid_sops tssb''" and
    load_tmps_fresh'': "load_tmps_fresh tssb''" and
    enough_flushs'': "enough_flushs tssb''" and
    valid_prog_hist'': "valid_program_history tssb''"and
    valid'': "valid tssb''" and
    steps: "(ts, m, 𝒮) d* (ts'', m'', 𝒮'')" and
    sim: "(tssb'', msb'',𝒮sb'')  (ts'', m'',𝒮'')"
    by blast

  from step.hyps (3) [OF sim safe_reach_steps [OF safe_reach steps] valid_own'' valid_reads'' valid_hist'' valid_sharing''
  tmps_dist'' valid_sops'' valid_dd'' load_tmps_fresh'' enough_flushs'' valid_prog_hist'' valid'' ]

  obtain ts' m' 𝒮' where
    valid: "valid_ownership 𝒮sb' tssb'" "valid_reads msb' tssb'" "valid_history program_step tssb'"
    "valid_sharing 𝒮sb' tssb'" "tmps_distinct tssb'" "valid_data_dependency tssb'"
    "valid_sops tssb'" "load_tmps_fresh tssb'" "enough_flushs tssb'"
    "valid_program_history tssb'" "valid tssb'" and
    last: "(ts'', m'', 𝒮'') d* (ts', m', 𝒮')" and
    sim': "(tssb', msb',𝒮sb')  (ts', m',𝒮')"
    by blast

  note steps also note last
  finally show ?case
    using valid sim'
    by blast

(* FIXME: move up *)
sublocale initialsb  tmps_distinct ..
locale xvalid_program_progress = program_progress + xvalid_program

theorem (in xvalid_program_progress) concurrent_direct_execution_simulates_store_buffer_history_execution:
assumes exec_sb: "(tssb,msb,𝒮sb) sbh* (tssb',msb',𝒮sb')"
assumes init: "initialsb tssb 𝒮sb"
assumes valid: "valid tssb" (* FIXME: move into initial ?*)
assumes sim: "(tssb,msb,𝒮sb)  (ts,m,𝒮)"
assumes safe: "safe_reach_direct safe_free_flowing (ts,m,𝒮)"
shows "ts' m' 𝒮'. (ts,m,𝒮) d* (ts',m',𝒮')  
                (tssb',msb',𝒮sb')  (ts',m',𝒮')"
proof -
  from init interpret ini: initialsb tssb 𝒮sb .
  from safe_free_flowing_implies_safe_delayed' [OF init sim safe]
  have safe_delayed: "safe_reach_direct safe_delayed (ts, m, 𝒮)".
  from local.ini.valid_ownership_axioms have "valid_ownership 𝒮sb tssb" .
  from local.ini.valid_reads_axioms have "valid_reads msb tssb".
  from local.ini.valid_history_axioms have "valid_history program_step tssb".
  from local.ini.valid_sharing_axioms have "valid_sharing 𝒮sb tssb".
  from local.ini.tmps_distinct_axioms have "tmps_distinct tssb".
  from local.ini.valid_sops_axioms have "valid_sops tssb".
  from local.ini.valid_data_dependency_axioms have "valid_data_dependency tssb".  
  from local.ini.load_tmps_fresh_axioms have "load_tmps_fresh tssb".
  from local.ini.enough_flushs_axioms have "enough_flushs tssb".
  from local.ini.valid_program_history_axioms have "valid_program_history tssb".
  from concurrent_direct_steps_simulates_store_buffer_history_steps [OF exec_sb 
    valid_ownership 𝒮sb tssb
    valid_reads msb tssb valid_history program_step tssb
    valid_sharing 𝒮sb tssb tmps_distinct tssb valid_sops tssb
    valid_data_dependency tssb load_tmps_fresh tssb enough_flushs tssb
   valid_program_history tssb valid sim safe_delayed]
  show ?thesis by auto

lemma filter_is_Writesb_Cons_Writesb: "filter is_Writesb xs = Writesb volatile a sop v A L R W#ys
       rs rws. (r  set rs. is_Readsb r  is_Progsb r  is_Ghostsb r)  
              xs=rs@Writesb volatile a sop v A L R W#rws  ys=filter is_Writesb rws"
proof (induct xs)
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons x xs)
  note feq = filter is_Writesb (x#xs) = Writesb volatile a sop v A L R W# ys
  show ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Writesb volatile' a' sop' v' A' L' R' W')
    with feq obtain "volatile'=volatile" "a'=a" "v'=v" "sop'=sop" "A'=A" "L'=L" "R'=R" "W'=W"
      "ys = filter is_Writesb xs"
      by auto
    thus ?thesis
      apply -
      apply (rule_tac x="[]" in exI)
      apply (rule_tac x="xs" in exI)
      apply (simp add: Writesb)
    case (Readsb volatile' a' t' v')
    from feq have "filter is_Writesb xs = Writesb volatile a sop v A L R W#ys"
      by (simp add: Readsb)
    from Cons.hyps [OF this] obtain rs rws where
      "r  set rs. is_Readsb r  is_Progsb r  is_Ghostsb r" and
      "xs=rs @ Writesb volatile a sop v A L R W# rws" and
      "ys=filter is_Writesb rws"
      by clarsimp
    then show ?thesis
      apply -
      apply (rule_tac x="Readsb volatile' a' t' v'#rs" in exI)
      apply (rule_tac x="rws" in exI)
      apply (simp add: Readsb)
    case (Progsb p1 p2 mis)
    from feq have "filter is_Writesb xs = Writesb volatile a sop v A L R W#ys"
      by (simp add: Progsb)
    from Cons.hyps [OF this] obtain rs rws where
      "r  set rs. is_Readsb r  is_Progsb r  is_Ghostsb r" and
      "xs=rs @ Writesb volatile a sop v A L R W# rws" and
      "ys=filter is_Writesb rws"
      by clarsimp
    then show ?thesis
      apply -
      apply (rule_tac x="Progsb p1 p2 mis#rs" in exI)
      apply (rule_tac x="rws" in exI)
      apply (simp add: Progsb)
    case (Ghostsb A' L' R' W')
    from feq have "filter is_Writesb xs = Writesb volatile a sop v A L R W # ys"
      by (simp add: Ghostsb)
    from Cons.hyps [OF this] obtain rs rws where
      "r  set rs. is_Readsb r  is_Progsb r  is_Ghostsb r" and
      "xs=rs @ Writesb volatile a sop v A L R W# rws" and
      "ys=filter is_Writesb rws"
      by clarsimp
    then show ?thesis
      apply -
      apply (rule_tac x="Ghostsb A' L' R' W'#rs" in exI)
      apply (rule_tac x="rws" in exI)
      apply (simp add: Ghostsb)

lemma filter_is_Writesb_empty: "filter is_Writesb xs = []
       (r  set xs. is_Readsb r  is_Progsb r  is_Ghostsb r)"
proof (induct xs)
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons x xs)
  note feq = filter is_Writesb (x#xs) = []
  show ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Writesb volatile' a' v')
    with feq have False
      by simp
    thus ?thesis ..
    case (Readsb a' v')
    from feq have "filter is_Writesb xs = []"
      by (simp add: Readsb)
    from Cons.hyps [OF this] obtain 
      "r  set xs. is_Readsb r  is_Progsb r  is_Ghostsb r" 
      by clarsimp
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: Readsb)
    case (Progsb p2 p2 mis)
    from feq have "filter is_Writesb xs = []"
      by (simp add: Progsb)
    from Cons.hyps [OF this] obtain 
      "r  set xs. is_Readsb r  is_Progsb r  is_Ghostsb r" 
      by clarsimp
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: Progsb)
    case (Ghostsb A' L' R' W')
    from feq have "filter is_Writesb xs = []"
      by (simp add: Ghostsb)
    from Cons.hyps [OF this] obtain 
      "r  set xs. is_Readsb r  is_Progsb r  is_Ghostsb r" 
      by clarsimp
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: Ghostsb)

lemma flush_reads_program: "𝒪 𝒮  .
  r  set sb. is_Readsb r  is_Progsb r  is_Ghostsb r  
𝒪' ℛ' 𝒮'. (m,sb,𝒪,,𝒮) f* (m,[],𝒪',ℛ',𝒮')"      
proof (induct sb)
  case Nil thus ?case by auto
  case (Cons x sb)
  note rset (x # sb). is_Readsb r  is_Progsb r  is_Ghostsb r
  then obtain  x: "is_Readsb x  is_Progsb x  is_Ghostsb x" and sb: "rset sb. is_Readsb r  is_Progsb r  is_Ghostsb r"
    by (cases x) auto

    assume "is_Readsb x"
    then obtain volatile a t v where x: "x=Readsb volatile a t v"
      by (cases x) auto
    have "(m,Readsb volatile a t v#sb,𝒪,,𝒮) f (m,sb,𝒪,,𝒮)"
      by (rule Readsb)
    from Cons.hyps [OF sb] obtain 𝒪' 𝒮' acq' ℛ'
      where "(m, sb,𝒪,,𝒮) f* (m, [],𝒪',ℛ',𝒮')" by blast
    have ?case
      by (auto simp add: x)
    assume "is_Progsb x"
    then obtain p1 p2 mis  where x: "x=Progsb p1 p2 mis"
      by (cases x) auto
    have "(m,Progsb p1 p2 mis#sb,𝒪,,𝒮) f (m,sb,𝒪,,𝒮)"
      by (rule Progsb)
    from Cons.hyps [OF sb] obtain 𝒪' ℛ' 𝒮' acq' 
    where "(m, sb,𝒪,,𝒮) f* (m, [],𝒪',ℛ',𝒮')" by blast
    have ?case
      by (auto simp add: x)
    assume "is_Ghostsb x"
    then obtain A L R W where x: "x=Ghostsb A L R W"
      by (cases x) auto
    have "(m,Ghostsb A L R W#sb,𝒪,,𝒮) f (m,sb,𝒪  A - R,augment_rels (dom 𝒮) R ,𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
      by (rule Ghost)
    from Cons.hyps [OF sb] obtain 𝒪' 𝒮' ℛ' acq'
    where "(m, sb,𝒪  A - R ,augment_rels (dom 𝒮) R ,𝒮 ⊕⇘WR  ⊖⇘AL) f* (m, [],𝒪',ℛ',𝒮')" by blast
    have ?case
      by (auto simp add: x)
  ultimately show ?case
    using x by blast

lemma flush_progress: "m' 𝒪' 𝒮' ℛ'. (m,r#sb,𝒪,,𝒮) f (m',sb,𝒪',ℛ',𝒮')"
proof (cases r)
  case (Writesb volatile a sop v A L R W)
  from flush_step.Writesb  [OF refl refl refl, of m volatile a sop v A L R W sb 𝒪  𝒮]
  show ?thesis
    by (auto simp add: Writesb)
  case (Readsb volatile a t v)
  from flush_step.Readsb [of m volatile a t v sb 𝒪  𝒮]
  show ?thesis
    by (auto simp add: Readsb)
  case (Progsb p1 p2 mis)
  from flush_step.Progsb [of m p1 p2 mis sb 𝒪  𝒮]  
  show ?thesis
    by (auto simp add: Progsb)
  case (Ghostsb A L R W)
  from flush_step.Ghost [of m A L R W sb 𝒪  𝒮]
  show ?thesis
    by (auto simp add: Ghostsb)

lemma flush_empty: 
  assumes steps: "(m, sb,𝒪,, 𝒮) f* (m', sb',𝒪',ℛ',𝒮')"
  shows "sb=[]  m'=m  sb'=[]  𝒪'=𝒪  ℛ'=  𝒮'=𝒮 "
using steps
apply (induct rule:  converse_rtranclp_induct5)
apply (auto elim: flush_step.cases)

lemma flush_append: 
  assumes steps: "(m, sb,𝒪,,𝒮) f* (m', sb',𝒪',ℛ',𝒮')" 
  shows "xs. (m, sb@xs,𝒪,,𝒮) f* (m', sb'@xs,𝒪',ℛ',𝒮')"
using steps
proof (induct rule: converse_rtranclp_induct5)
  case refl thus ?case by auto
  case (step m sb 𝒪  𝒮 m'' sb'' 𝒪'' ℛ'' 𝒮'')
  note first=  (m,sb,𝒪,,𝒮) f (m'',sb'',𝒪'',ℛ'',𝒮'')
  note rest = (m'', sb'',𝒪'',ℛ'',𝒮'') f* (m', sb',𝒪',ℛ',𝒮')
  from step.hyps (3)  have append_rest: "(m'', sb''@xs,𝒪'',ℛ'',𝒮'') f* (m', sb'@xs,𝒪',ℛ',𝒮')".
  from first show ?case
  proof (cases)
    case (Writesb volatile A R W L a sop v)
    then obtain sb: "sb=Writesb volatile a sop v A L R W#sb''" and m'': "m''=m(a:=v)" and 
      𝒪'': "𝒪''=(if volatile then 𝒪  A - R else 𝒪)" and
      ℛ'': "ℛ''=(if volatile then Map.empty else )" and
      𝒮'': "𝒮''=(if volatile then 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL else 𝒮)"
      by auto
    have "(m,Writesb volatile a sop v A L R W#sb''@xs,𝒪,,𝒮) f 
      (m(a:=v),sb''@xs,if volatile then 𝒪  A - R else 𝒪,if volatile then Map.empty else ,
      if volatile then 𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL else 𝒮)"
      apply (rule flush_step.Writesb)
      apply auto
    hence "(m,sb@xs,𝒪,,𝒮) f (m'',sb''@xs,𝒪'',ℛ'',𝒮'')"
      by (simp add: sb m'' 𝒪'' ℛ'' 𝒮'')
    also note append_rest
    finally show ?thesis .
    case (Readsb volatile a t v)
    then obtain sb: "sb=Readsb volatile a t v #sb''" and m'': "m''=m" 
      and 𝒪'': "𝒪''=𝒪" and 𝒮'': "𝒮''=𝒮" and ℛ'': "ℛ''=" 
      by auto
    have "(m,Readsb volatile a t v#sb''@xs,𝒪,,𝒮) f (m,sb''@xs,𝒪,,𝒮)"
      by (rule flush_step.Readsb)
    hence "(m,sb@xs,𝒪,,𝒮) f (m'',sb''@xs,𝒪'',ℛ'',𝒮'')"
      by (simp add: sb m'' 𝒪'' ℛ'' 𝒮'' )
    also note append_rest
    finally show ?thesis .
    case (Progsb p1 p2 mis)
    then obtain sb: "sb=Progsb p1 p2 mis#sb''" and m'': "m''=m"
      and 𝒪'': "𝒪''=𝒪" and 𝒮'': "𝒮''=𝒮" and ℛ'': "ℛ''=" 
      by auto
    have "(m,Progsb p1 p2 mis#sb''@xs,𝒪,,𝒮) f (m,sb''@xs,𝒪,,𝒮)"
      by (rule flush_step.Progsb)
    hence "(m,sb@xs,𝒪,,𝒮) f (m'',sb''@xs,𝒪'',ℛ'',𝒮'')"
      by (simp add: sb m'' 𝒪'' ℛ'' 𝒮'' ) 
    also note append_rest
    finally show ?thesis .
    case (Ghost A L R W)
    then obtain sb: "sb=Ghostsb A L R W#sb''" and m'': "m''=m"
      and 𝒪'': "𝒪''=𝒪  A - R" and 𝒮'': "𝒮''=𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL" and 
      ℛ'': "ℛ''=augment_rels (dom 𝒮) R "
      by auto
    have "(m,Ghostsb A L R W#sb''@xs,𝒪,,𝒮) f (m,sb''@xs,𝒪  A - R,augment_rels (dom 𝒮) R ,𝒮 ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
      by (rule flush_step.Ghost)
    hence "(m,sb@xs,𝒪,,𝒮) f (m'',sb''@xs,𝒪'',ℛ'',𝒮'')"
      by (simp add: sb m'' 𝒪'' ℛ'' 𝒮'' )
    also note append_rest
    finally show ?thesis .
theorem flush_simulates_filter_writes:
  assumes step: "(m,sb,𝒪,ℛ,𝒮) →f (m',sb',𝒪',ℛ',𝒮')"
  shows "⋀sbh 𝒪hh 𝒮h. sb=filter is_Writesb sbh 
          ∃sbh' 𝒪h' ℛh' 𝒮h'. (m,sbh,𝒪h,ℛh,𝒮h) →f* (m',sbh',𝒪h',ℛh',𝒮h') ∧ 
  sb'=filter is_Writesb sbh'"
using step
proof (induct rule: flush_step_induct)
  case (Writesb 𝒪' volatile 𝒪 A R 𝒮' 𝒮 W L ℛ' ℛ  m a D f v sb)
  note filter_Writesb = `Writesb volatile a (D,f) v A L R W# sb = filter is_Writesb sbh`
  note 𝒪' = `𝒪' = (if volatile then 𝒪 ∪ A - R else 𝒪)`
  note ℛ' = `ℛ'= (if volatile then empty else ℛ)`
  note 𝒮' = `𝒮' = (if volatile then 𝒮 ⊕W R ⊖A L else 𝒮)`
  from filter_is_Writesb_Cons_Writesb [OF filter_Writesb [symmetric]]
  obtain rs rws where
    rs_reads: "∀r∈set rs. is_Readsb r ∨ is_Progsb r ∨ is_Ghostsb r" and
    sbh: "sbh = rs @ Writesb volatile a (D,f) v A L R W# rws" and 
    sb: "sb = filter is_Writesb rws"
    by blast

  from flush_reads_program [OF rs_reads] obtain 𝒪h' ℛh' 𝒮h' acqh'
  where "(m, rs,𝒪h,ℛh,𝒮h) →f* (m, [],𝒪h',ℛh',𝒮h')" by blast
  from flush_append [OF this]
  have "(m, rs@Writesb volatile a (D,f) v A L R W# rws,𝒪h,ℛh,𝒮h) →f* 
       (m, Writesb volatile a (D,f) v A L R W# rws,𝒪h',ℛh',𝒮h')"
    by simp
  from flush_step.Writesb [OF refl refl refl, of m volatile a "(D,f)" v A L R W rws 𝒪h' ℛh' 𝒮h']
  obtain 𝒪h'' ℛh'' 𝒮h'' 
  where  "(m, Writesb volatile a (D,f) v A L R W# rws,𝒪h',ℛh',𝒮h') →f (m(a:=v), rws, 𝒪h'',ℛh'',𝒮h'')"
    by auto
  finally have "(m, sbh,𝒪h,ℛh,𝒮h) →f* (m(a:=v), rws,𝒪h'',ℛh'',𝒮h'')"
    by (simp add: sbh sb)
  with sb show ?case
    by blast
  case (Readsb m volatile a t v sb) 
  note `Readsb volatile a t v # sb = filter is_Writesb sbh`
  from this [symmetric]
  have r_in: "Readsb volatile a t v ∈ set (filter is_Writesb sbh)"
    by auto
  have "∀r ∈ set (filter is_Writesb sbh). is_Writesb r"
    by auto
  from this [rule_format, OF r_in]
  have False by simp
  thus ?case ..
  case (Progsb m p1 p2 mis sb)
  note `Progsb p1 p2 mis # sb = filter is_Writesb sbh`
  from this [symmetric]
  have r_in: "Progsb p1 p2 mis ∈ set (filter is_Writesb sbh)"
    by auto
  have "∀r ∈ set (filter is_Writesb sbh). is_Writesb r"
    by auto
  from this [rule_format, OF r_in]
  have False by simp
  thus ?case ..
  case (Ghost m A L R W sb)
  note `Ghostsb A L R W# sb = filter is_Writesb sbh`
  from this [symmetric]
  have r_in: "Ghostsb A L R W∈ set (filter is_Writesb sbh)"
    by auto
  have "∀r ∈ set (filter is_Writesb sbh). is_Writesb r"
    by auto
  from this [rule_format, OF r_in]
  have False by simp
  thus ?case ..
(* FIXME: move up *)
lemmas store_buffer_step_induct =  
  store_buffer_step.induct [split_format (complete),
  consumes 1, case_names SBWritesb]
theorem flush_simulates_filter_writes:
  assumes step: "(m,sb,𝒪,,𝒮) w (m',sb',𝒪',ℛ',𝒮')"
  shows "sbh 𝒪h h 𝒮h. sb=filter is_Writesb sbh 
          sbh' 𝒪h' h' 𝒮h'. (m,sbh,𝒪h,h,𝒮h) f* (m',sbh',𝒪h',h',𝒮h')  
  sb'=filter is_Writesb sbh'  (sb'=[]  sbh'=[])"
using step
proof (induct rule: store_buffer_step_induct)
  case (SBWritesb m volatile a D f v A L R W sb 𝒪  𝒮)
  note filter_Writesb = Writesb volatile a (D,f) v A L R W# sb = filter is_Writesb sbh
  from filter_is_Writesb_Cons_Writesb [OF filter_Writesb [symmetric]]
  obtain rs rws where
    rs_reads: "rset rs. is_Readsb r  is_Progsb r  is_Ghostsb r" and
    sbh: "sbh = rs @ Writesb volatile a (D,f) v A L R W# rws" and 
    sb: "sb = filter is_Writesb rws"
    by blast

  from flush_reads_program [OF rs_reads] obtain 𝒪h' h' 𝒮h' acqh'
  where "(m, rs,𝒪h,h,𝒮h) f* (m, [],𝒪h',h',𝒮h')" by blast
  from flush_append [OF this]
  have "(m, rs@Writesb volatile a (D,f) v A L R W# rws,𝒪h,h,𝒮h) f* 
       (m, Writesb volatile a (D,f) v A L R W# rws,𝒪h',h',𝒮h')"
    by simp
  from flush_step.Writesb [OF refl refl refl, of m volatile a "(D,f)" v A L R W rws 𝒪h' h' 𝒮h']
  obtain 𝒪h'' h'' 𝒮h'' 
  where  "(m, Writesb volatile a (D,f) v A L R W# rws,𝒪h',h',𝒮h') f (m(a:=v), rws, 𝒪h'',h'',𝒮h'')"
    by auto
  finally have steps: "(m, sbh,𝒪h,h,𝒮h) f* (m(a:=v), rws,𝒪h'',h'',𝒮h'')"
    by (simp add: sbh sb)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "sb")
    case Cons
    with steps sb show ?thesis 
      by fastforce
    case Nil
    from filter_is_Writesb_empty [OF sb [simplified Nil, symmetric]]
    have "rset rws. is_Readsb r  is_Progsb r  is_Ghostsb r".
    from flush_reads_program [OF this] obtain 𝒪h''' h''' 𝒮h''' acqh'''
      where "(m(a:=v), rws,𝒪h'',h'',𝒮h'') f* (m(a:=v), [],𝒪h''',h''',𝒮h''')" by blast
    with steps 
    have "(m, sbh,𝒪h,h,𝒮h) f* (m(a:=v), [],𝒪h''',h''',𝒮h''')" by force
    with sb Nil show ?thesis by fastforce

lemma bufferd_val_filter_is_Writesb_eq_ext:
  "buffered_val (filter is_Writesb sb) a = buffered_val sb a" 
  by (induct sb) (auto split: memref.splits)

lemma bufferd_val_filter_is_Writesb_eq:
  "buffered_val (filter is_Writesb sb) = buffered_val sb"
  by (rule ext) (rule bufferd_val_filter_is_Writesb_eq_ext)

lemma outstanding_refs_is_volatile_Writesb_filter_writes: 
  "outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb (filter is_Writesb xs) = 
   outstanding_refs is_volatile_Writesb xs"
  by (induct xs) (auto simp add: is_volatile_Writesb_def split: memref.splits)

subsection ‹Simulation of Store Buffer Machine without History by Store Buffer Machine with History›

theorem (in valid_program) concurrent_history_steps_simulates_store_buffer_step:
  assumes step_sb: "(ts,m,𝒮) sb (ts',m',𝒮')"
  assumes sim: "ts h tsh"
  shows "tsh' 𝒮h'. (tsh,m,𝒮h) sbh* (tsh',m',𝒮h')  ts' h tsh'"
proof -
  interpret sbh_computation: 
    computation sbh_memop_step flush_step program_step 
       "λp p' is sb. sb @ [Progsb p p' is]" .
  from step_sb
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases rule: concurrent_step_cases)
    case (Memop i _ p "is" θ sb 𝒟 𝒪   _ _ is' θ' sb' _ 𝒟' 𝒪' ℛ')
    then obtain
      ts': "ts' = ts[i := (p, is', θ', sb', 𝒟', 𝒪',ℛ')]" and
      i_bound: "i < length ts" and
      ts_i: "ts ! i = (p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪,)" and
      step_sb: "(is, θ, sb, m, 𝒟, 𝒪, ,𝒮) sb 
                                (is', θ', sb', m', 𝒟', 𝒪', ℛ',𝒮')"
      by auto
    from sim obtain 
      lts_eq: "length ts = length tsh" and
      sim_loc: "i < length ts. (𝒪' 𝒟' ℛ'.
            let (p,is, θ, sb,𝒟, 𝒪,) = tsh!i in 
             ts!i=(p,is, θ, filter is_Writesb sb,𝒟',𝒪',ℛ') 
             (filter is_Writesb sb = []  sb=[]))"
      by cases (auto)

    from lts_eq i_bound have i_bound': "i < length tsh"
      by simp

    from step_sb
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases)
      case (SBReadBuffered a v volatile t)
      then obtain
	"is": "is = Read volatile a t#is'" and
	𝒪': "𝒪'=𝒪" and
	𝒮': "𝒮'=𝒮" and
        ℛ': "ℛ'=" and
	𝒟': "𝒟'=𝒟" and
	m': "m'=m" and
	θ': "θ'=θ(tv)" and
	sb': "sb' = sb" and
	buf_val: "buffered_val sb a = Some v"
	by auto
      from sim_loc [rule_format, OF i_bound] ts_i "is" 
      obtain sbh 𝒪h h 𝒟h where 
	tsh_i: "tsh!i = (p,Read volatile a t#is',θ,sbh,𝒟h,𝒪h,h)" and
	sb: "sb = filter is_Writesb sbh" and
        sb_empty: "filter is_Writesb sbh = []  sbh=[]"
	by (auto simp add: Let_def)

      from buf_val
      have buf_val': "buffered_val sbh a = Some v"
	by (simp add: bufferd_val_filter_is_Writesb_eq sb)

      let ?tsh_i' = "(p, is', θ(t  v), sbh @ [Readsb volatile a t v], 𝒟h, 𝒪h,h)"
      let ?tsh' = "tsh[i := ?tsh_i']" 
      from sbh_memop_step.SBHReadBuffered [OF buf_val'] 
      have "(Read volatile a t # is', θ, sbh, m,𝒟h, 𝒪h, h,𝒮h) sbh 
            (is', θ(t  v), sbh@ [Readsb volatile a t v], m, 𝒟h, 𝒪h, h, 𝒮h)".
      from sbh_computation.Memop [OF i_bound' tsh_i this] 
      have step: "(tsh, m, 𝒮h) sbh (?tsh', m, 𝒮h)".

      from sb have sb: "sb = filter is_Writesb (sbh @ [Readsb volatile a t v])"
	by simp

      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "filter is_Writesb sbh = []")
        case False

        have "ts [i := (p,is',θ(t  v),sb,𝒟,𝒪,)] h ?tsh'"
          apply (rule sim_history_config.intros)
	  using lts_eq
	  apply  simp
	  using sim_loc i_bound i_bound' sb sb_empty False
	  apply (auto simp add: Let_def nth_list_update)

        with step show ?thesis
	  by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply simp add: 𝒮' m' ts' 𝒪' θ' 𝒟' sb' ℛ')
        case True
        with sb_empty have empty: "sbh=[]" by simp
        from i_bound' have "?tsh'!i = ?tsh_i'"
          by auto

        from sbh_computation.StoreBuffer [OF _ this, simplified empty, simplified, OF _ flush_step.Readsb, of m 𝒮h] i_bound'
        have "(?tsh', m, 𝒮h)
              sbh  (tsh[i := (p, is', θ(t  v), [], 𝒟h, 𝒪h,h)], m, 𝒮h)"
          by (simp add: empty list_update_overwrite)
        with step have "(tsh, m, 𝒮h) sbh*
              (tsh[i := (p, is', θ(t  v), [], 𝒟h, 𝒪h,h)], m,𝒮h)"
          by force
        have "ts [i := (p,is',θ(t  v),sb,𝒟,𝒪,)] h tsh[i := (p, is', θ(t  v), [], 𝒟h, 𝒪h,h)]"
          apply (rule sim_history_config.intros)
	  using lts_eq
	  apply  simp
	  using sim_loc i_bound i_bound' sb empty 
	  apply (auto simp add: Let_def nth_list_update)
        ultimately show ?thesis
	  by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply simp add: 𝒮' m' ts' 𝒪' θ' 𝒟' sb' ℛ')
      case (SBReadUnbuffered a volatile t)
      then obtain
	"is": "is = Read volatile a t#is'" and
	𝒪': "𝒪'=𝒪" and
        ℛ': "ℛ'=" and
	𝒮': "𝒮'=𝒮" and
	𝒟': "𝒟'=𝒟" and
	m': "m'=m" and
	θ': "θ'=θ(tm a)" and
	sb': "sb' = sb" and
	buf: "buffered_val sb a = None"
	by auto
      from sim_loc [rule_format, OF i_bound] ts_i "is"
      obtain sbh 𝒪h h 𝒟h where 
	tsh_i: "tsh!i = (p,Read volatile a t#is',θ,sbh,𝒟h,𝒪h,h)" and
	sb: "sb = filter is_Writesb sbh" and
        sb_empty: "filter is_Writesb sbh = []  sbh=[]"
	by (auto simp add: Let_def)

      from buf
      have buf': "buffered_val sbh a = None"
	by (simp add: bufferd_val_filter_is_Writesb_eq sb)

      let ?tsh_i' = "(p, is', θ(t  m a), sbh @ [Readsb volatile a t (m a)], 𝒟h, 𝒪h,h)"
      let ?tsh' = "tsh[i := ?tsh_i']" 

      from sbh_memop_step.SBHReadUnbuffered [OF buf']
      have "(Read volatile a t # is',θ, sbh, m, 𝒟h, 𝒪h, h,𝒮h) sbh 
            (is', θ(t  (m a)), sbh@ [Readsb volatile a t (m a)], m,𝒟h, 𝒪h, h,𝒮h)".
      from sbh_computation.Memop [OF i_bound' tsh_i this] 
      have step: "(tsh, m, 𝒮h) sbh 
            (?tsh', m, 𝒮h)".
      from sb have sb: "sb = filter is_Writesb (sbh @ [Readsb volatile a t (m a)])"
	by simp
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "filter is_Writesb sbh = []")
        case False
        have "ts [i := (p,is',θ (tm a),sb,𝒟,𝒪,)] h ?tsh'"
	  apply (rule sim_history_config.intros)
	  using lts_eq
	  apply  simp
	  using sim_loc i_bound i_bound' sb sb_empty False
	  apply (auto simp add: Let_def nth_list_update)
        with step show ?thesis
	  by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply simp add: 𝒮' m' ts' 𝒪' ℛ' 𝒟' θ' sb')
        case True
        with sb_empty have empty: "sbh=[]" by simp
        from i_bound' have "?tsh'!i = ?tsh_i'"
          by auto

        from sbh_computation.StoreBuffer [OF _ this, simplified empty, simplified, OF _ flush_step.Readsb, of m 𝒮h] i_bound'
        have "(?tsh', m, 𝒮h)
              sbh  (tsh[i := (p, is', θ(t  (m a)), [], 𝒟h, 𝒪h,h)], m, 𝒮h)"
          by (simp add: empty)
        with step have "(tsh, m, 𝒮h) sbh*
              (tsh[i := (p, is', θ(t  m a), [], 𝒟h, 𝒪h,h)], m, 𝒮h)"
          by force
        have "ts [i := (p,is',θ(t  m a),sb,𝒟,𝒪,)] h tsh[i := (p, is', θ(t  m a), [], 𝒟h, 𝒪h,h)]"
          apply (rule sim_history_config.intros)
	  using lts_eq
	  apply  simp
	  using sim_loc i_bound i_bound' sb empty 
	  apply (auto simp add: Let_def nth_list_update)
        ultimately show ?thesis
	  by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply simp add: 𝒮' m' ts' 𝒪' θ' 𝒟' sb' ℛ')
      case (SBWriteNonVolatile a D f A L R W)
      then obtain
	"is": "is = Write False a (D, f) A L R W#is'" and
	𝒪': "𝒪'=𝒪" and
        ℛ': "ℛ'=" and
	𝒮': "𝒮'=𝒮" and
	𝒟': "𝒟'=𝒟" and
	m': "m'=m" and
	θ': "θ'=θ" and
	sb': "sb' = sb@[Writesb False a (D, f) (f θ) A L R W]" 
	by auto

      from sim_loc [rule_format, OF i_bound] ts_i
      obtain sbh 𝒪h h 𝒟h where 
	tsh_i: "tsh!i = (p,Write False a (D,f) A L R W#is',θ,sbh,𝒟h,𝒪h,h)" and
	sb: "sb = filter is_Writesb sbh" 
	by (auto simp add: Let_def "is") 

      from sbh_memop_step.SBHWriteNonVolatile 
      have "(Write False a (D, f) A L R W# is',θ, sbh, m, 𝒟h, 𝒪h, h,𝒮h) sbh 
               (is', θ, sbh @ [Writesb False a (D, f) (f θ) A L R W], m,𝒟h, 𝒪h, h,𝒮h)".
      from sbh_computation.Memop [OF i_bound' tsh_i this] 
      have "(tsh, m, 𝒮h) sbh 
            (tsh[i := (p, is',θ, sbh @ [Writesb False a (D, f) (f θ) A L R W], 𝒟h, 𝒪h,h)],
             m, 𝒮h)".
      have "ts [i := (p,is',θ,sb @ [Writesb False a (D,f) (f θ) A L R W],𝒟,𝒪,)] h 
            tsh[i := (p,is',θ, sbh @ [Writesb False a (D,f) (f θ) A L R W],𝒟h, 𝒪h,h)]"
	apply (rule sim_history_config.intros)
	using lts_eq
	apply  simp
	using sim_loc i_bound i_bound' sb 
	apply (auto simp add: Let_def nth_list_update)

      ultimately show ?thesis
	by (auto simp add: 𝒮' m' θ' 𝒪' ℛ' 𝒟' ts' sb')
      case (SBWriteVolatile a D f A L R W)
      then obtain
	"is": "is = Write True a (D, f) A L R W#is'" and
	𝒪': "𝒪'=𝒪" and
        ℛ': "ℛ'=" and
	𝒮': "𝒮'=𝒮" and
	𝒟': "𝒟'=𝒟" and
	m': "m'=m" and
	θ': "θ'=θ" and
	sb': "sb' = sb@[Writesb True a (D, f) (f θ) A L R W]" 
	by auto

      from sim_loc [rule_format, OF i_bound] ts_i "is"
      obtain sbh 𝒪h h 𝒟h where 
	tsh_i: "tsh!i = (p,Write True a (D,f) A L R W#is',θ,sbh,𝒟h,𝒪h,h)" and
	sb: "sb = filter is_Writesb sbh"
	by (auto simp add: Let_def)

      from sbh_computation.Memop [OF i_bound' tsh_i SBHWriteVolatile 
      have "(tsh, m, 𝒮h) sbh 
            (tsh[i := (p, is',θ, sbh @ [Writesb True a (D, f) (f θ) A L R W], True, 𝒪h,h)],
                m, 𝒮h)".

      have "ts [i := (p,is',θ,sb @ [Writesb True a (D,f) (f θ) A L R W],𝒟,𝒪,)] h 
            tsh[i := (p,is', θ, sbh @ [Writesb True a (D,f) (f θ) A L R W],True, 𝒪h,h)]"
	apply (rule sim_history_config.intros)
	using lts_eq
	apply  simp
	using sim_loc i_bound i_bound' sb 
	apply (auto simp add: Let_def nth_list_update)

      ultimately show ?thesis
	by (auto simp add: ts' 𝒪' θ' m' sb' 𝒟' ℛ' 𝒮')
      case SBFence
      then obtain
	"is": "is = Fence #is'" and
	𝒪': "𝒪'=𝒪" and
        ℛ': "ℛ'=" and
	𝒮': "𝒮'=𝒮" and
	𝒟': "𝒟'=𝒟" and
	m': "m'=m" and
	θ': "θ'=θ" and
	sb: "sb = []" and
	sb': "sb' = []" 
	by auto
      from sim_loc [rule_format, OF i_bound] ts_i sb "is"
      obtain sbh 𝒪h h 𝒟h where 
	tsh_i: "tsh!i = (p,Fence # is',θ,sbh,𝒟h,𝒪h,h)" and
	sb: "[] = filter is_Writesb sbh"
	by (auto simp add: Let_def)

      from filter_is_Writesb_empty [OF sb [symmetric]]
      have "r  set sbh. is_Readsb r  is_Progsb r  is_Ghostsb r".

      from flush_reads_program [OF this] obtain 𝒪h' 𝒮h'  h'
      where flsh: "(m, sbh,𝒪h,h,𝒮h) f* (m, [],𝒪h',h',𝒮h')" by blast

      let ?tsh' = "tsh[i := (p,Fence # is', θ, [], 𝒟h, 𝒪h',h')]"
      from sbh_computation.store_buffer_steps [OF flsh i_bound' tsh_i]
      have "(tsh, m, 𝒮h) sbh* (?tsh', m, 𝒮h')".


      from i_bound' have i_bound'': "i < length ?tsh'"
	by auto

      from i_bound' have tsh'_i: "?tsh'!i = (p,Fence#is',θ,[],𝒟h,𝒪h',h')"
	by simp
      from sbh_computation.Memop [OF i_bound'' tsh'_i SBHFence] i_bound'
      have "(?tsh', m, 𝒮h') sbh (tsh[i := (p, is',θ, [], False, 𝒪h',Map.empty)], m,𝒮h')"
	by (simp)
      have "(tsh, m, 𝒮h) sbh* (tsh[i := (p, is', θ, [],False, 𝒪h',Map.empty)],m, 𝒮h')".

      have "ts [i := (p,is',θ,[],𝒟,𝒪,)] h tsh[i := (p,is', θ, [],False, 𝒪h',Map.empty)]"
	apply (rule sim_history_config.intros)
	using lts_eq
	apply  simp
	using sim_loc i_bound i_bound' sb 
	apply (auto simp add: Let_def nth_list_update)

      ultimately show ?thesis
	by (auto simp add: ts' 𝒪' θ' m' sb' 𝒟' 𝒮' ℛ')

      case (SBRMWReadOnly cond t a D f ret A L R W)
      then obtain
	"is": "is = RMW a t (D, f) cond ret A L R W#is'" and
	𝒪': "𝒪'=𝒪" and
        ℛ': "ℛ'=" and
	𝒮': "𝒮'=𝒮" and
	𝒟': "𝒟'=𝒟" and
	m': "m'=m" and
	θ': "θ'=θ(t  m a)" and
	sb: "sb=[]" and
	sb': "sb' = []" and
	cond: "¬ cond (θ(t  m a))"
	by auto      

      from sim_loc [rule_format, OF i_bound] ts_i sb "is"
      obtain sbh 𝒪h h 𝒟h where 
	tsh_i: "tsh!i = (p,RMW a t (D, f) cond ret A L R W# is',θ,sbh,𝒟h,𝒪h,h)" and
	sb: "[] = filter is_Writesb sbh"
	by (auto simp add: Let_def)

      from filter_is_Writesb_empty [OF sb [symmetric]]
      have "r  set sbh. is_Readsb r  is_Progsb r  is_Ghostsb r".

      from flush_reads_program [OF this] obtain 𝒪h' 𝒮h' h'
      where flsh: "(m, sbh,𝒪h,h,𝒮h) f* (m, [],𝒪h',h',𝒮h')" by blast

      let ?tsh' = "tsh[i := (p,RMW a t (D, f) cond ret A L R W# is',θ, [], 𝒟h, 𝒪h',h')]"
      from sbh_computation.store_buffer_steps [OF flsh i_bound' tsh_i]
      have "(tsh, m, 𝒮h) sbh* (?tsh', m, 𝒮h')".


      from i_bound' have i_bound'': "i < length ?tsh'"
	by auto

      from i_bound' have tsh'_i: "?tsh'!i = (p,RMW a t (D, f) cond ret A L R W#is',θ,[],𝒟h,𝒪h',h')"
	by simp

      note step= SBHRMWReadOnly [where cond=cond and θ=θ and m=m, OF cond ] 
      from sbh_computation.Memop [OF i_bound'' tsh'_i step ] i_bound' 
      have "(?tsh', m, 𝒮h') sbh (tsh[i := (p, is',θ(tm a), [], False, 𝒪h',Map.empty)],m, 𝒮h')"
	by (simp)
      have "(tsh, m, 𝒮h) sbh* (tsh[i := (p, is',θ(tm a), [], False, 𝒪h',Map.empty)],m, 𝒮h')".

      have "ts [i := (p,is',θ(tm a),[],𝒟,𝒪,)] h tsh[i := (p,is', θ(tm a), [], False, 𝒪h',Map.empty)]"
	apply (rule sim_history_config.intros)
	using lts_eq
	apply  simp
	using sim_loc i_bound i_bound' sb 
	apply (auto simp add: Let_def nth_list_update)

      ultimately show ?thesis
	by (auto simp add: ts' 𝒪' θ' m' sb' 𝒟' 𝒮' ℛ')
      case (SBRMWWrite cond t a D f ret A L R W)
      then obtain
	"is": "is = RMW a t (D, f) cond ret A L R W#is'" and
	𝒪': "𝒪'=𝒪" and
        ℛ': "ℛ'=" and
	𝒮': "𝒮'=𝒮" and
	𝒟': "𝒟'=𝒟" and
	m': "m'=m(a := f (θ(t  (m a))))" and
	θ': "θ'=θ(t  ret (m a) (f (θ(t  (m a)))))" and
	sb: "sb=[]" and
	sb': "sb' = []" and
	cond: "cond (θ(t  m a))" 
	by auto

      from sim_loc [rule_format, OF i_bound] ts_i sb "is"
      obtain sbh 𝒪h h 𝒟h acqh where 
	tsh_i: "tsh!i = (p,RMW a t (D, f) cond ret A L R W# is',θ,sbh,𝒟h,𝒪h,h)" and
	sb: "[] = filter is_Writesb sbh"
	by (auto simp add: Let_def)

      from filter_is_Writesb_empty [OF sb [symmetric]]
      have "r  set sbh. is_Readsb r  is_Progsb r  is_Ghostsb r".

      from flush_reads_program [OF this] obtain 𝒪h' 𝒮h' h'
      where flsh: "(m, sbh,𝒪h,h,𝒮h) f* (m, [],𝒪h',h',𝒮h')" by blast

      let ?tsh' = "tsh[i := (p,RMW a t (D, f) cond ret A L R W# is',θ, [], 𝒟h, 𝒪h',h')]"

      from sbh_computation.store_buffer_steps [OF flsh i_bound' tsh_i]
      have "(tsh, m, 𝒮h) sbh* (?tsh', m, 𝒮h')".


      from i_bound' have i_bound'': "i < length ?tsh'"
	by auto

      from i_bound' have tsh'_i: "?tsh'!i = (p,RMW a t (D, f) cond ret A L R W#is',θ,[],𝒟h,𝒪h',h')"
	by simp

      note step= SBHRMWWrite [where cond=cond and θ=θ and m=m, OF cond] 
      from sbh_computation.Memop [OF i_bound'' tsh'_i step ] i_bound' 
      have "(?tsh', m, 𝒮h') sbh (tsh[i := (p, is',
	     θ(t  ret (m a) (f (θ(t  (m a))))), [], False, 𝒪h'  A - R,Map.empty)],
	     m(a := f (θ(t  (m a)))),𝒮h' ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
	by (simp)
      have "(tsh, m, 𝒮h) sbh* (tsh[i := (p, is',
	     θ(t  ret (m a) (f (θ(t  (m a))))), [], False, 𝒪h'  A - R,Map.empty)],
            m(a := f (θ(t  (m a)))),𝒮h' ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)".

      have "ts [i := (p,is',θ(t  ret (m a) (f (θ(t  (m a))))),[],𝒟,𝒪,)] h 
            tsh[i := (p,is',θ(t  ret (m a) (f (θ(t  (m a))))), [],False, 𝒪h'  A - R,Map.empty)]"
	apply (rule sim_history_config.intros)
	using lts_eq
	apply  simp
	using sim_loc i_bound i_bound' sb 
	apply (auto simp add: Let_def nth_list_update)

      ultimately show ?thesis
	by (auto simp add: ts' 𝒪' θ' m' sb' 𝒟' 𝒮' ℛ')
      case (SBGhost A L R W)
      then obtain
	"is": "is = Ghost A L R W#is'" and
	𝒪': "𝒪'=𝒪" and
        ℛ': "ℛ'=" and
	𝒮': "𝒮'=𝒮" and
	𝒟': "𝒟'=𝒟" and
	m': "m'=m" and
	θ': "θ'=θ" and
	sb': "sb' = sb" 
	by auto

      from sim_loc [rule_format, OF i_bound] ts_i  "is"
      obtain sbh 𝒪h h 𝒟h where 
	tsh_i: "tsh!i = (p,Ghost A L R W# is',θ,sbh,𝒟h,𝒪h,h)" and
	sb: "sb = filter is_Writesb sbh" and
        sb_empty: "filter is_Writesb sbh = []  sbh=[]"
	by (auto simp add: Let_def)

      let ?tsh_i' = "(p, is', θ, sbh@[Ghostsb A L R W],𝒟h, 𝒪h,h)"
      let ?tsh' = "tsh[i := ?tsh_i']" 
      note step= SBHGhost  
      from sbh_computation.Memop [OF i_bound' tsh_i step ] i_bound' 
      have step: "(tsh, m, 𝒮h) sbh (?tsh',m, 𝒮h)"
	by (simp)

      from sb have sb: "sb = filter is_Writesb (sbh @ [Ghostsb A L R W])"
	by simp

      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "filter is_Writesb sbh = []")
        case False

        have "ts [i := (p,is',θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)] h ?tsh'"
	  apply (rule sim_history_config.intros)
	  using lts_eq
	  apply  simp
	  using sim_loc i_bound i_bound' sb sb_empty False
	  apply (auto simp add: Let_def nth_list_update)

        with step show ?thesis
	  by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply simp add: 𝒮' m' ts' 𝒪' 𝒟' θ' sb' ℛ')
        case True
        with sb_empty have empty: "sbh=[]" by simp
        from i_bound' have "?tsh'!i = ?tsh_i'"
          by auto
        from sbh_computation.StoreBuffer [OF _ this, simplified empty, simplified, OF _ flush_step.Ghost, of m 𝒮h] i_bound'
        have "(?tsh', m, 𝒮h)
              sbh  (tsh[i := (p, is', θ, [], 𝒟h, 𝒪h  A - R,augment_rels (dom 𝒮h) R h)], m, 𝒮h ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
          by (simp add: empty)
        with step have "(tsh, m, 𝒮h) sbh*
              (tsh[i := (p, is', θ, [], 𝒟h, 𝒪h  A - R,augment_rels (dom 𝒮h) R h)], m, 𝒮h ⊕⇘WR ⊖⇘AL)"
          by force
        have "ts [i := (p,is',θ,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)] h 
                 tsh[i := (p, is', θ, [], 𝒟h, 𝒪h  A - R,augment_rels (dom 𝒮h) R h)]"
          apply (rule sim_history_config.intros)
	  using lts_eq
	  apply  simp
	  using sim_loc i_bound i_bound' sb empty 
	  apply (auto simp add: Let_def nth_list_update)
        ultimately show ?thesis
	  by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply simp add: 𝒮' m' ts' 𝒪' θ' 𝒟' sb' ℛ')
    case (Program i _ p "is" θ sb 𝒟 𝒪  p' "is'")
    then obtain 
      ts': "ts' = ts[i := (p', is@is',θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪,)]" and
      i_bound: "i < length ts" and
      ts_i: "ts ! i = (p, is, θ,sb,𝒟, 𝒪,)" and
      prog_step: "θ p p (p', is')" and
      𝒮': "𝒮'=𝒮" and
      m': "m'=m"
      by auto

    from sim obtain 
      lts_eq: "length ts = length tsh" and
      sim_loc: "i < length ts. (𝒪' 𝒟' ℛ'. 
            let (p,is,θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪,) = tsh!i in ts!i=(p,is, θ, filter is_Writesb sb,𝒟',𝒪',ℛ') 
                (filter is_Writesb sb = []  sb = []))"
      by cases auto

    from sim_loc [rule_format, OF i_bound] ts_i 
      obtain sbh 𝒪h h 𝒟h acqh where 
	tsh_i: "tsh!i = (p,is,θ,sbh,𝒟h,𝒪h,h)" and
	sb: "sb = filter is_Writesb sbh" and
        sb_empty: "filter is_Writesb sbh = []  sbh=[]"
	by (auto simp add: Let_def)

    from lts_eq i_bound have i_bound': "i < length tsh"
      by simp
    let ?tsh_i' = "(p', is @ is',θ, sbh @ [Progsb p p' is'], 𝒟h, 𝒪h,h)"
      let ?tsh' = "tsh[i := ?tsh_i']" 
    from sbh_computation.Program [OF i_bound' tsh_i prog_step]
    have step: "(tsh, m, 𝒮h) sbh (?tsh',m, 𝒮h)".
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "filter is_Writesb sbh = []")
      case False
      have "ts[i := (p', is@is', θ, sb,𝒟, 𝒪,)] h ?tsh'"
        apply (rule sim_history_config.intros)
        using lts_eq
        apply  simp
        using sim_loc i_bound i_bound' sb False sb_empty
        apply (auto simp add: Let_def nth_list_update)
      with step show ?thesis
        by (auto simp add: ts' 𝒮' m')
      case True
      with sb_empty have empty: "sbh=[]" by simp
      from i_bound' have "?tsh'!i = ?tsh_i'"
        by auto
      from sbh_computation.StoreBuffer [OF _ this, simplified empty, simplified, OF _ flush_step.Progsb, of m 𝒮h] i_bound'
      have "(?tsh', m, 𝒮h)
              sbh  (tsh[i := (p', is@is', θ, [], 𝒟h, 𝒪h,h)], m, 𝒮h)"
        by (simp add: empty)
      with step have "(tsh, m, 𝒮h) sbh*
           (tsh[i := (p', is@is', θ, [], 𝒟h, 𝒪h,h)], m, 𝒮h) "
        by force
      have "ts[i := (p', is@is', θ, sb,𝒟, 𝒪,)] h tsh[i := (p', is@is', θ, [], 𝒟h, 𝒪h,h)]"
        apply (rule sim_history_config.intros)
	using lts_eq
	apply  simp
	using sim_loc i_bound i_bound' sb empty 
	apply (auto simp add: Let_def nth_list_update)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by (auto simp del: fun_upd_apply simp add: 𝒮' m' ts')
    case (StoreBuffer i _ p "is" θ sb 𝒟 𝒪   _ _ _ sb' 𝒪' ℛ')
    then obtain 
      ts': "ts' = ts[i := (p, is,θ, sb', 𝒟, 𝒪',ℛ')]" and
      i_bound: "i < length ts" and
      ts_i: "ts ! i = (p, is,θ,sb, 𝒟, 𝒪,)" and
      sb_step: "(m,sb,𝒪,,𝒮) w (m', sb',𝒪',ℛ',𝒮')" 
      by auto

    from sim obtain
      lts_eq: "length ts = length tsh" and
      sim_loc: "i < length ts. (𝒪' 𝒟' ℛ'. 
            let (p,is, θ, sb,𝒟, 𝒪,) = tsh!i in ts!i=(p,is, θ, filter is_Writesb sb,𝒟',𝒪',ℛ') 
                (filter is_Writesb sb = []  sb=[]))"
      by cases auto

    from sim_loc [rule_format, OF i_bound] ts_i 
      obtain sbh 𝒪h h 𝒟h acqh where 
	tsh_i: "tsh!i = (p,is,θ,sbh,𝒟h,𝒪h,h)" and
	sb: "sb = filter is_Writesb sbh" and        
        sb_empty: "filter is_Writesb sbh = []  sbh=[]"
	by (auto simp add: Let_def)

    from lts_eq i_bound have i_bound': "i < length tsh"
      by simp

    from flush_simulates_filter_writes [OF sb_step sb, of 𝒪h h 𝒮h] 
    obtain sbh' 𝒪h' h' 𝒮h' 
      where flush': "(m, sbh,𝒪h,h,𝒮h) f* (m', sbh',𝒪h',h',𝒮h')" and 
      sb': "sb' = filter is_Writesb sbh'" and
      sb'_empty: "filter is_Writesb sbh' = []  sbh'=[]"
      by auto

    from sb_step obtain volatile a sop v A L R W where "sb=Writesb volatile a sop v A L R W#sb'"
      by cases force
    from sbh_computation.store_buffer_steps [OF flush' i_bound' tsh_i]
    have "(tsh, m, 𝒮h) sbh* (tsh[i := (p, is, θ, sbh',𝒟h, 𝒪h',h')], m', 𝒮h')".
    have "ts[i := (p, is, θ, sb',𝒟, 𝒪',ℛ')] h 
          tsh[i := (p, is, θ, sbh',𝒟h, 𝒪h',h')]"
      apply (rule sim_history_config.intros)
      using lts_eq
      apply  simp
      using sim_loc i_bound i_bound' sb sb' sb'_empty
      apply (auto simp add: Let_def nth_list_update)

    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (auto simp add: ts' )

theorem (in valid_program) concurrent_history_steps_simulates_store_buffer_steps:
  assumes step_sb: "(ts,m,𝒮) sb*  (ts',m',𝒮')"
  shows "tsh 𝒮h. ts h tsh  tsh' 𝒮h'. (tsh,m,𝒮h) sbh* (tsh',m',𝒮h')  ts' h tsh'"
using step_sb
proof (induct rule: converse_rtranclp_induct_sbh_steps) 
  case refl thus ?case by auto
  case (step ts m 𝒮  ts'' m'' 𝒮'' )
  have first: "(ts,m,𝒮) sb  (ts'',m'',𝒮'')" by fact
  have sim: "ts h tsh" by fact
  from concurrent_history_steps_simulates_store_buffer_step [OF first sim, of 𝒮h]
  obtain tsh'' 𝒮h'' where
    exec: "(tsh,m,𝒮h) sbh* (tsh'',m'',𝒮h'')" and  sim: "ts'' h tsh''"
    by auto
  from step.hyps (3) [OF sim, of 𝒮h'']
  obtain tsh' 𝒮h' where exec_rest: "(tsh'',m'',𝒮h'')  sbh* (tsh',m',𝒮h')" and sim': "ts' h tsh'"
    by auto
  note exec also note exec_rest
  finally show ?case
  using sim' by blast

theorem (in xvalid_program_progress) concurrent_direct_execution_simulates_store_buffer_execution:
assumes exec_sb: "(tssb,msb,x) sb* (tssb',msb',x')"
assumes init: "initialsb tssb 𝒮sb"
assumes valid: "valid tssb" (* FIXME: move into initial ?*)
assumes sim: "(tssb,msb,𝒮sb)  (ts,m,𝒮)"
assumes safe: "safe_reach_direct safe_free_flowing (ts,m,𝒮)"
shows "tsh' 𝒮h' ts' m' 𝒮'. 
          (tssb,msb,𝒮sb) sbh* (tsh',msb',𝒮h') 
               tssb' h tsh' 
          (ts,m,𝒮) d* (ts',m',𝒮')  
                (tsh',msb',𝒮h')  (ts',m',𝒮')"
proof -
  from init interpret ini: initialsb tssb 𝒮sb .
  from concurrent_history_steps_simulates_store_buffer_steps [OF exec_sb ini.history_refl, of 𝒮sb]
  obtain tsh' 𝒮h' where
    sbh: "(tssb,msb,𝒮sb) sbh* (tsh',msb',𝒮h')" and
    sim_sbh: "tssb' h tsh'"
    by auto
  from concurrent_direct_execution_simulates_store_buffer_history_execution [OF sbh init valid sim safe]
  obtain ts' m' 𝒮' where
    d: "(ts,m,𝒮) d* (ts',m',𝒮')" and
    d_sim: "(tsh',msb',𝒮h')  (ts',m',𝒮')"
    by auto
  with sbh sim_sbh show ?thesis by blast


inductive sim_direct_config:: 
 "('p,'p store_buffer,'dirty,'owns,'rels) thread_config list  ('p,unit,bool,'owns','rels') thread_config list  bool" 
  ("_ d _ " [60,60] 100)
  "length ts = length tsd; 
    i < length ts. 
         (𝒪' 𝒟' ℛ'.
           let (p,is, θ,sb,𝒟, 𝒪,) = tsd!i in 
                ts!i=(p,is, θ, [] ,𝒟',𝒪',ℛ'))
     ts d tsd"

lemma empty_sb_sims: 
assumes empty:
  "i p is xs sb 𝒟 𝒪 . i < length tssb  tssb!i=(p,is,xs,sb,𝒟,𝒪,) sb=[]"
assumes sim_h: "tssb h tsh"
assumes sim_d: "(tsh,mh,𝒮h)  (ts,m,𝒮)"
shows "tssb d ts  mh=m  length tssb = length ts"
  from sim_h empty
  have empty':
  "i p is xs sb 𝒟 𝒪 . i < length tsh  tsh!i=(p,is,xs,sb,𝒟,𝒪,) sb=[]"
    apply (cases)
    apply clarsimp
    subgoal for i
    apply (drule_tac x=i in spec)
    apply (auto simp add: Let_def)
  from sim_h sim_config_emptyE [OF empty' sim_d]
  show ?thesis
    apply cases
    apply clarsimp
    apply (rule sim_direct_config.intros)
    apply  clarsimp
    apply clarsimp
    using empty'
    subgoal for i
    apply (drule_tac x=i in spec)
    apply (drule_tac x=i in spec)
    apply (drule_tac x=i in spec)
    apply (auto simp add: Let_def)

lemma empty_d_sims:
assumes sim: "tssb d ts"
shows "tsh. tssb h tsh  (tsh,m,𝒮)  (ts,m,𝒮)"
proof -
  from sim obtain
    leq: "length tssb = length ts" and
    sim: "i < length tssb. 
         (𝒪' 𝒟' ℛ'.
           let (p,is, θ,sb,𝒟, 𝒪,) = ts!i in 
                tssb!i=(p,is, θ, [] ,𝒟',𝒪',ℛ'))"
    by cases auto
  define tsh where "tsh  map (λ(p,is, θ,sb,𝒟, 𝒪,). (p,is, θ,[]::'a memref list,𝒟, 𝒪,)) ts" 
  have "tssb h tsh"
    apply (rule sim_history_config.intros)
    using leq sim
    apply (auto simp add: tsh_def Let_def leq)
  have empty:
  "i p is xs sb 𝒟 𝒪 . i < length tsh  tsh!i=(p,is,xs,sb,𝒟,𝒪,) sb=[]"
    apply (clarsimp simp add: tsh_def Let_def)
    subgoal for i
    apply (case_tac "ts!i")
    apply auto
  have "(tsh,m,𝒮)  (ts,m,𝒮)"
    apply (rule sim_config_emptyI [OF empty])
    apply  (clarsimp simp add: tsh_def)
    apply (clarsimp simp add: tsh_def Let_def)
    subgoal for i
    apply (case_tac "ts!i")
    apply auto
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast

theorem (in xvalid_program_progress) concurrent_direct_execution_simulates_store_buffer_execution_empty:
assumes exec_sb: "(tssb,msb,x) sb* (tssb',msb',x')"
assumes init: "initialsb tssb 𝒮sb"
assumes valid: "valid tssb" (* FIXME: move into initial ?*)
assumes empty: 
  "i p is xs sb 𝒟 𝒪 . i < length tssb'  tssb'!i=(p,is,xs,sb,𝒟,𝒪,) sb=[]"
assumes sim: "(tssb,msb,𝒮sb)  (ts,m,𝒮)"
assumes safe: "safe_reach_direct safe_free_flowing (ts,m,𝒮)"
shows "ts' 𝒮'. 
          (ts,m,𝒮) d* (ts',msb',𝒮')  tssb' d ts'"
proof -
  from concurrent_direct_execution_simulates_store_buffer_execution [OF exec_sb init valid sim safe]
  obtain tsh' 𝒮h' ts' m' 𝒮' where
    "(tssb,msb,𝒮sb) sbh* (tsh',msb',𝒮h')" and
    sim_h: "tssb' h tsh'" and
    exec: "(ts,m,𝒮) d* (ts',m',𝒮')" and
    sim: "(tsh',msb',𝒮h')  (ts',m',𝒮')"
    by auto
  from empty_sb_sims [OF empty sim_h sim]
  obtain "tssb' d ts'" "msb' = m'" "length tssb' = length ts'"
    by auto
  thus ?thesis
    using exec
    by blast

locale initiald = simple_ownership_distinct + read_only_unowned + unowned_shared +
fixes valid
assumes empty_is: "i < length ts; ts!i=(p,is,xs,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)  is=[]"
assumes empty_rels: "i < length ts; ts!i=(p,is,xs,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)  =Map.empty"
assumes valid_init: "valid (map (λ(p,is, θ,sb,𝒟, 𝒪,). (p,is, θ,[],𝒟, 𝒪,)) ts)"

locale empty_store_buffers =
fixes ts::"('p,'p store_buffer,bool,owns,rels) thread_config list"
assumes empty_sb: "i < length ts; ts!i=(p,is,xs,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)  sb=[]"

lemma initial_d_sb:
  assumes init: "initiald ts 𝒮 valid"
  shows "initialsb (map (λ(p,is, θ,sb,𝒟, 𝒪,). (p,is, θ,[],𝒟, 𝒪,)) ts) 𝒮" 
         (is "initialsb ?map 𝒮")
proof -
  from init interpret ini: initiald ts 𝒮 .
  show ?thesis
  proof (intro_locales)
    show "simple_ownership_distinct ?map"
    apply (clarsimp simp add: simple_ownership_distinct_def)
    subgoal for i j
    apply (case_tac "ts!i")
    apply (case_tac "ts!j")
    apply (cut_tac i=i and j=j in ini.simple_ownership_distinct)
    apply      clarsimp
    apply     clarsimp
    apply    clarsimp
    apply   assumption
    apply  assumption
    apply auto
    show "read_only_unowned 𝒮 ?map"
    apply (clarsimp simp add: read_only_unowned_def)
    subgoal for i
    apply (case_tac "ts!i")
    apply (cut_tac i=i in ini.read_only_unowned)
    apply   clarsimp
    apply  assumption
    apply auto
    show "unowned_shared 𝒮 ?map"
    apply (clarsimp simp add: unowned_shared_def')
    apply (rule ini.unowned_shared')
    apply clarsimp
    subgoal for a i
    apply (case_tac "ts!i")
    apply auto
    show "initialsb_axioms ?map"
    apply (unfold_locales)
            subgoal for i
            apply (case_tac "ts!i")
            apply simp
           subgoal for i
           apply  (case_tac "ts!i")
           apply  clarsimp
           apply  (rule_tac i=i in ini.empty_is)
           apply   clarsimp
           apply  fastforce
    subgoal for i
    apply (case_tac "ts!i")
    apply clarsimp
    apply (rule_tac i=i in ini.empty_rels)
    apply  clarsimp
    apply fastforce

theorem (in xvalid_program_progress) store_buffer_execution_result_sequential_consistent:
assumes exec_sb: "(tssb,m,x) sb* (tssb',m',x')"
assumes empty': "empty_store_buffers tssb'"
assumes sim: "tssb d ts"
assumes init: "initiald ts 𝒮 valid"
assumes safe: "safe_reach_direct safe_free_flowing (ts,m,𝒮)"
shows "ts' 𝒮'. 
          (ts,m,𝒮) d* (ts',m',𝒮')  tssb' d ts'"
proof -
  from empty'
  have empty': 
  "i p is xs sb 𝒟 𝒪 . i < length tssb'  tssb'!i=(p,is,xs,sb,𝒟,𝒪,) sb=[]"
    by (auto simp add: empty_store_buffers_def)

  define tsh where "tsh  map (λ(p,is, θ,sb,𝒟, 𝒪,). (p,is, θ,[]::'a memref list,𝒟, 𝒪,)) ts" 
  from initial_d_sb [OF init]
  have init_h:"initialsb tsh 𝒮"
    by (simp add: tsh_def)
  from initiald.valid_init [OF init]
  have valid_h: "valid tsh"
    by (simp add: tsh_def)
  from sim obtain
    leq: "length tssb = length ts" and
    sim: "i < length tssb. 
         (𝒪' 𝒟' ℛ'.
           let (p,is, θ,sb,𝒟, 𝒪,) = ts!i in 
                tssb!i=(p,is, θ, [] ,𝒟',𝒪',ℛ'))"
    by cases auto
  have sim_h: "tssb h tsh"
    apply (rule sim_history_config.intros)
    using leq sim
    apply (auto simp add: tsh_def Let_def leq)

  from concurrent_history_steps_simulates_store_buffer_steps [OF exec_sb sim_h, of 𝒮]
  obtain tsh' 𝒮h' where steps_h: "(tsh,m,𝒮) sbh* (tsh',m',𝒮h')" and
     sim_h': "tssb' h tsh'"
    by auto

  have empty:
  "i p is xs sb 𝒟 𝒪 . i < length tsh  tsh!i=(p,is,xs,sb,𝒟,𝒪,) sb=[]"
    apply (clarsimp simp add: tsh_def Let_def)
    subgoal for i
    apply (case_tac "ts!i")
    apply auto
  have sim': "(tsh,m,𝒮)  (ts,m,𝒮)"
    apply (rule sim_config_emptyI [OF empty])
    apply  (clarsimp simp add: tsh_def)
    apply (clarsimp simp add: tsh_def Let_def)
    subgoal for i
    apply (case_tac "ts!i")
    apply auto

  from concurrent_direct_execution_simulates_store_buffer_history_execution [OF steps_h init_h valid_h sim' safe]
  obtain ts' m'' 𝒮'' where steps: "(ts, m, 𝒮) d* (ts', m'', 𝒮'')" 
    and sim': "(tsh', m', 𝒮h')  (ts', m'', 𝒮'')"
    by blast
  from empty_sb_sims [OF empty' sim_h' sim'] steps
  show ?thesis
    by auto

locale initialv = simple_ownership_distinct + read_only_unowned + unowned_shared +
fixes valid
assumes empty_is: "i < length ts; ts!i=(p,is,xs,sb,𝒟,𝒪,)  is=[]"
assumes valid_init: "valid (map (λ(p,is, θ,sb,𝒟, 𝒪,). (p,is, θ,[],𝒟, 𝒪,Map.empty)) ts)"

term "initialv"
context xvalid_program_progress
term "safe_reach safe_free_flowing (ts,m,𝒮)"
theorem (in xvalid_program_progress) store_buffer_execution_result_sequential_consistent':
assumes exec_sb: "(tssb,m,x) ⇒sb* (tssb',m',x')"
assumes sim: "tssbd ts"

assumes safe: " safe_reach safe_free_flowing (ts,m,𝒮)"
shows "∃ts' 𝒮'. 
          (ts,m,𝒮) ⇒v* (ts',m',𝒮') "

theorem (in xvalid_program_progress) store_buffer_execution_result_sequential_consistent':
assumes exec_sb: "(tssb,m,x) sb* (tssb',m',x')"
assumes empty': "empty_store_buffers tssb'"
assumes sim: "tssb d ts"
assumes init: "initialv ts 𝒮 valid"
assumes safe: "safe_reach_virtual safe_free_flowing (ts,m,𝒮)"
shows "ts' 𝒮'. 
          (ts,m,𝒮) v* (ts',m',𝒮')  tssb' d ts'"
proof -
  define tsd where "tsd == (map (λ(p,is, θ,sb,𝒟, 𝒪,ℛ'). (p,is, θ,sb,𝒟, 𝒪,Map.empty::rels)) ts)"
  have rem_ts: "remove_rels tsd = ts"
    apply (rule nth_equalityI)
    apply  (simp add: tsd_def remove_rels_def)
    apply (clarsimp simp add: tsd_def remove_rels_def)
    subgoal for i
    apply (case_tac "ts!i")
    apply clarsimp
  from sim
  have sim': "tssb d tsd"
    apply cases
    apply (rule sim_direct_config.intros)
    apply (auto simp add: tsd_def)
  have init': "initiald tsd 𝒮 valid"
  proof (intro_locales)
    from init have "simple_ownership_distinct ts"
      by (simp add: initialv_def)
    show "simple_ownership_distinct tsd"
      apply (clarsimp simp add: tsd_def simple_ownership_distinct_def)
      subgoal for i j
      apply (case_tac "ts!i")
      apply (case_tac "ts!j")
      apply force
    from init have "read_only_unowned 𝒮 ts"
      by (simp add: initialv_def)
    then show "read_only_unowned 𝒮 tsd"
      apply (clarsimp simp add: tsd_def read_only_unowned_def)
      subgoal for i
      apply (case_tac "ts!i")
      apply force
    from init have "unowned_shared 𝒮 ts"
      by (simp add: initialv_def)
    show "unowned_shared 𝒮 tsd"
      apply (clarsimp simp add: tsd_def unowned_shared_def)
      apply force
    have eq: "((λ(p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪, ). (p, is, θ, [], 𝒟, 𝒪, )) 
              (λ(p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪, ℛ'). (p, is, θ, (), 𝒟, 𝒪, Map.empty))) 
     = (λ(p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪, ℛ'). (p, is, θ, [], 𝒟, 𝒪, Map.empty))"
      apply (rule ext)
      subgoal for x
      apply (case_tac x)
      apply auto
    from init have "initialv_axioms ts valid"
      by (simp add: initialv_def)
    show "initiald_axioms tsd valid"
      apply (clarsimp simp add: tsd_def initialv_axioms_def initiald_axioms_def eq)
      apply (rule conjI)
      apply  clarsimp
             subgoal for i
             apply (case_tac "ts!i")
             apply force
      apply clarsimp
      subgoal for i
      apply (case_tac "ts!i")
      apply force

    fix tsd' m' 𝒮'
    assume exec: "(tsd, m, 𝒮) d* (tsd', m', 𝒮')"
    have "safe_free_flowing (tsd', m', 𝒮')"
    proof -
      from virtual_simulates_direct_steps [OF exec]
      have exec_v: "(ts, m, 𝒮) v* (remove_rels tsd', m', 𝒮')"
        by (simp add: rem_ts)
      have eq: "map (owned 
                    (λ(p, is, θ, sb, 𝒟, 𝒪, ). (p, is, θ, (), 𝒟, 𝒪, ())))
                tsd' = map owned tsd'"
        by auto
      from exec_v safe
      have "safe_free_flowing (remove_rels tsd', m', 𝒮')"
        by (auto simp add: safe_reach_def)
      then show ?thesis
        by (auto simp add: safe_free_flowing_def remove_rels_def owned_def eq)
  hence safe': "safe_reach_direct safe_free_flowing (tsd, m, 𝒮)"
    by (simp add: safe_reach_def)
  from store_buffer_execution_result_sequential_consistent [OF exec_sb empty' sim' init' safe'] 
  obtain tsd' 𝒮' where
     exec_d: "(tsd, m, 𝒮) d* (tsd', m', 𝒮')"  and sim_d: "tssb' d tsd'"
    by blast

  from virtual_simulates_direct_steps [OF exec_d]
  have "(ts, m, 𝒮) v* (remove_rels tsd', m', 𝒮')"
    by (simp add: rem_ts)
  from sim_d
  have "tssb' d remove_rels tsd'"
    apply (cases)
    apply (rule sim_direct_config.intros)
    apply (auto simp add: remove_rels_def)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by auto

subsection ‹Plug Together the Two Simulations›

corollary (in xvalid_program) concurrent_direct_steps_simulates_store_buffer_step:
  assumes step_sb: "(tssb,msb,𝒮sb) sb (tssb',msb',𝒮sb')"
  assumes sim_h: "tssb h tssbh"
  assumes sim: "(tssbh,msb,𝒮sbh)  (ts,m,𝒮) "
  assumes valid_own: "valid_ownership 𝒮sbh tssbh"
  assumes valid_sb_reads: "valid_reads msb tssbh"
  assumes valid_hist: "valid_history program_step tssbh"
  assumes valid_sharing: "valid_sharing 𝒮sbh tssbh"
  assumes tmps_distinct: "tmps_distinct tssbh"
  assumes valid_sops: "valid_sops tssbh"
  assumes valid_dd: "valid_data_dependency tssbh"
  assumes load_tmps_fresh: "load_tmps_fresh tssbh"
  assumes enough_flushs: "enough_flushs tssbh"
  assumes valid_program_history: "valid_program_history tssbh"
  assumes valid: "valid tssbh"
  assumes safe_reach: "safe_reach_direct safe_delayed (ts,m,𝒮)"
  shows "tssbh' 𝒮sbh'. 
         (tssbh,msb,𝒮sbh) sbh* (tssbh',msb',𝒮sbh')  tssb' h tssbh' 
         valid_ownership 𝒮sbh' tssbh'  valid_reads msb' tssbh'  
         valid_history program_step tssbh' 
         valid_sharing 𝒮sbh' tssbh'  tmps_distinct tssbh'  valid_data_dependency tssbh' 
         valid_sops tssbh'  load_tmps_fresh tssbh'  enough_flushs tssbh' 
         valid_program_history tssbh'  valid tssbh' 
           (ts' 𝒮' m'. (ts,m,𝒮) d* (ts',m',𝒮')  
            (tssbh',msb',𝒮sbh')  (ts',m',𝒮'))"
proof -
  from concurrent_history_steps_simulates_store_buffer_step [OF step_sb sim_h]
  obtain tssbh' 𝒮sbh' where
    steps_h: "(tssbh,msb,𝒮sbh) sbh* (tssbh',msb',𝒮sbh')" and
    sim_h': "tssb' h tssbh'"
    by blast
  from concurrent_direct_steps_simulates_store_buffer_history_steps [OF steps_h
  valid_own valid_sb_reads valid_hist valid_sharing tmps_distinct valid_sops valid_dd
  load_tmps_fresh enough_flushs valid_program_history valid sim safe_reach]
  obtain m' ts' 𝒮' where
    "(ts,m,𝒮) d* (ts',m',𝒮')" "(tssbh', msb',𝒮sbh')  (ts', m', 𝒮')"
    "valid_ownership 𝒮sbh' tssbh'" "valid_reads msb' tssbh'" "valid_history program_step tssbh'"
    "valid_sharing 𝒮sbh' tssbh'" "tmps_distinct tssbh'" "valid_data_dependency tssbh'"
    "valid_sops tssbh'" "load_tmps_fresh tssbh'" "enough_flushs tssbh'"
    "valid_program_history tssbh'" "valid tssbh'"
    by blast
  show ?thesis
    by blast

(* ******************* Some tuned version for presentations ********************************** *)

lemma conj_commI: "P  Q  Q  P"
  by simp
lemma def_to_eq: "P = Q  P  Q"
  by simp

context xvalid_program

"invariant ts 𝒮 m  
  valid_ownership 𝒮 ts  valid_reads m ts  valid_history program_step ts  
  valid_sharing 𝒮 ts  tmps_distinct ts  valid_data_dependency ts  
  valid_sops ts   load_tmps_fresh ts  enough_flushs ts  valid_program_history ts  
  valid ts"

definition "ownership_inv  valid_ownership" 
definition "sharing_inv   valid_sharing"
definition "temporaries_inv ts  tmps_distinct ts  load_tmps_fresh ts"
definition "history_inv ts m  valid_history program_step ts  valid_program_history ts  valid_reads m ts"
definition "data_dependency_inv ts  valid_data_dependency ts  load_tmps_fresh ts  valid_sops ts"
definition "barrier_inv  enough_flushs" 

lemma invariant_grouped_def: "invariant ts 𝒮 m 
 ownership_inv 𝒮 ts  sharing_inv 𝒮 ts  temporaries_inv ts  data_dependency_inv ts  history_inv ts m  barrier_inv ts  valid ts"
  apply (rule def_to_eq)
  apply (auto simp add: ownership_inv_def sharing_inv_def barrier_inv_def temporaries_inv_def history_inv_def data_dependency_inv_def invariant_def)

theorem (in xvalid_program) simulation':
  assumes step_sb: "(tssb,msb,𝒮sb) sbh (tssb',msb',𝒮sb')"
  assumes sim: "(tssb,msb,𝒮sb)  (ts,m,𝒮)"
  assumes inv: "invariant tssb 𝒮sb msb"
  assumes safe_reach: "safe_reach_direct safe_delayed (ts,m,𝒮)"
  shows "invariant tssb' 𝒮sb' msb' 
           (ts' 𝒮' m'. (ts,m,𝒮) d* (ts',m',𝒮')  (tssb',msb',𝒮sb')  (ts',m',𝒮'))"
  using inv sim safe_reach
  apply (unfold invariant_def)
  apply (simp only: conj_assoc)
  apply (rule "concurrent_direct_steps_simulates_store_buffer_history_step" [OF step_sb])
  apply simp_all

lemmas (in xvalid_program) simulation = conj_commI [OF simulation']
