Theory Stateful_Compositionality
section ‹Stateful Protocol Compositionality›
theory Stateful_Compositionality
imports Stateful_Typing Parallel_Compositionality Labeled_Stateful_Strands
subsection ‹Small Lemmata›
lemma (in typed_model) wt_subst_sstp_vars_type_subset:
fixes a::"('fun,'var) stateful_strand_step"
assumes "wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t δ"
and "∀t ∈ subst_range δ. fv t = {} ∨ (∃x. t = Var x)"
shows "Γ ` Var ` fv⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (a ⋅⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ) ⊆ Γ ` Var ` fv⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p a" (is ?A)
and "Γ ` Var ` set (bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (a ⋅⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ)) = Γ ` Var ` set (bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p a)" (is ?B)
and "Γ ` Var ` vars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (a ⋅⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ) ⊆ Γ ` Var ` vars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p a" (is ?C)
proof -
show ?A
fix τ assume τ: "τ ∈ Γ ` Var ` fv⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (a ⋅⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ)"
then obtain x where x: "x ∈ fv⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (a ⋅⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ)" "Γ (Var x) = τ" by atomize_elim auto
show "τ ∈ Γ ` Var ` fv⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p a"
proof (cases "x ∈ fv⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p a")
case False
hence "∃y ∈ fv⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p a. δ y = Var x"
proof (cases a)
case (NegChecks X F G)
hence *: "x ∈ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (F ⋅⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s rm_vars (set X) δ) ∪ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (G ⋅⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s rm_vars (set X) δ)"
"x ∉ set X"
using fv⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p_NegCheck(1)[of X "F ⋅⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s rm_vars (set X) δ" "G ⋅⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s rm_vars (set X) δ"]
fv⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p_NegCheck(1)[of X F G] False x(1)
by fastforce+
obtain y where y: "y ∈ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F ∪ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s G" "x ∈ fv (rm_vars (set X) δ y)"
using fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s_subst_obtain_var[of _ _ "rm_vars (set X) δ"]
fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s_subst_obtain_var[of _ _ "rm_vars (set X) δ"]
by blast
have "fv (rm_vars (set X) δ z) = {} ∨ (∃u. rm_vars (set X) δ z = Var u)" for z
using assms(2) rm_vars_img_subset[of "set X" δ] by blast
hence "rm_vars (set X) δ y = Var x" using y(2) by fastforce
hence "∃y ∈ fv⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p a. rm_vars (set X) δ y = Var x"
using y fv⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p_NegCheck(1)[of X F G] NegChecks *(2) by fastforce
thus ?thesis by (metis (full_types) *(2) term.inject(1))
qed (use assms(2) x(1) subst_apply_img_var'[of x _ δ] in fastforce)+
then obtain y where y: "y ∈ fv⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p a" "δ y = Var x" by atomize_elim auto
hence "Γ (Var y) = τ" using x(2) assms(1) by (simp add: wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t_def)
thus ?thesis using y(1) by auto
qed (use x in auto)
show ?B by (metis bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p_subst)
show ?C
fix τ assume τ: "τ ∈ Γ ` Var ` vars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (a ⋅⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ)"
then obtain x where x: "x ∈ vars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (a ⋅⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ)" "Γ (Var x) = τ" by atomize_elim auto
show "τ ∈ Γ ` Var ` vars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p a"
proof (cases "x ∈ vars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p a")
case False
hence "∃y ∈ vars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p a. δ y = Var x"
proof (cases a)
case (NegChecks X F G)
hence *: "x ∈ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (F ⋅⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s rm_vars (set X) δ) ∪ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (G ⋅⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s rm_vars (set X) δ)"
"x ∉ set X"
using vars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p_NegCheck[of X "F ⋅⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s rm_vars (set X) δ" "G ⋅⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s rm_vars (set X) δ"]
vars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p_NegCheck[of X F G] False x(1)
by (fastforce, blast)
obtain y where y: "y ∈ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F ∪ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s G" "x ∈ fv (rm_vars (set X) δ y)"
using fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s_subst_obtain_var[of _ _ "rm_vars (set X) δ"]
fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s_subst_obtain_var[of _ _ "rm_vars (set X) δ"]
by blast
have "fv (rm_vars (set X) δ z) = {} ∨ (∃u. rm_vars (set X) δ z = Var u)" for z
using assms(2) rm_vars_img_subset[of "set X" δ] by blast
hence "rm_vars (set X) δ y = Var x" using y(2) by fastforce
hence "∃y ∈ vars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p a. rm_vars (set X) δ y = Var x"
using y vars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p_NegCheck[of X F G] NegChecks by blast
thus ?thesis by (metis (full_types) *(2) term.inject(1))
qed (use assms(2) x(1) subst_apply_img_var'[of x _ δ] in fastforce)+
then obtain y where y: "y ∈ vars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p a" "δ y = Var x" by atomize_elim auto
hence "Γ (Var y) = τ" using x(2) assms(1) by (simp add: wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t_def)
thus ?thesis using y(1) by auto
qed (use x in auto)
lemma (in typed_model) wt_subst_lsst_vars_type_subset:
fixes A::"('fun,'var,'a) labeled_stateful_strand"
assumes "wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t δ"
and "∀t ∈ subst_range δ. fv t = {} ∨ (∃x. t = Var x)"
shows "Γ ` Var ` fv⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ) ⊆ Γ ` Var ` fv⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A" (is ?A)
and "Γ ` Var ` bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ) = Γ ` Var ` bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A" (is ?B)
and "Γ ` Var ` vars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ) ⊆ Γ ` Var ` vars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A" (is ?C)
proof -
have "vars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (a#A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ) = vars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (b ⋅⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ) ∪ vars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ)"
"vars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (a#A) = vars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p b ∪ vars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A"
"fv⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (a#A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ) = fv⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (b ⋅⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ) ∪ fv⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ)"
"fv⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (a#A) = fv⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p b ∪ fv⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A"
"bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (a#A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ) = set (bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (b ⋅⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ)) ∪ bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ)"
"bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (a#A) = set (bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p b) ∪ bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A"
when "a = (l,b)" for a l b and A::"('fun,'var,'a) labeled_stateful_strand"
using that unlabel_Cons(1)[of l b A] unlabel_subst[of "a#A" δ]
subst_lsst_cons[of a A δ] subst_sst_cons[of b "unlabel A" δ]
subst_apply_labeled_stateful_strand_step.simps(1)[of l b δ]
vars⇩s⇩s⇩t_unlabel_Cons[of l b A] vars⇩s⇩s⇩t_unlabel_Cons[of l "b ⋅⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ" "A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ"]
fv⇩s⇩s⇩t_unlabel_Cons[of l b A] fv⇩s⇩s⇩t_unlabel_Cons[of l "b ⋅⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ" "A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ"]
bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t_unlabel_Cons[of l b A] bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t_unlabel_Cons[of l "b ⋅⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ" "A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ"]
by simp_all
hence *: "Γ ` Var ` vars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (a#A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ) =
Γ ` Var ` vars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (b ⋅⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ) ∪ Γ ` Var ` vars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ)"
"Γ ` Var ` vars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (a#A) = Γ ` Var ` vars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p b ∪ Γ ` Var ` vars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A"
"Γ ` Var ` fv⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (a#A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ) =
Γ ` Var ` fv⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (b ⋅⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ) ∪ Γ ` Var ` fv⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ)"
"Γ ` Var ` fv⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (a#A) = Γ ` Var ` fv⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p b ∪ Γ ` Var ` fv⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A"
"Γ ` Var ` bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (a#A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ) =
Γ ` Var ` set (bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (b ⋅⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ)) ∪ Γ ` Var ` bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ)"
"Γ ` Var ` bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (a#A) = Γ ` Var ` set (bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p b) ∪ Γ ` Var ` bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A"
when "a = (l,b)" for a l b and A::"('fun,'var,'a) labeled_stateful_strand"
using that by fast+
have "?A ∧ ?B ∧ ?C"
proof (induction A)
case (Cons a A)
obtain l b where a: "a = (l,b)" by (metis surj_pair)
show ?case
using Cons.IH wt_subst_sstp_vars_type_subset[OF assms, of b] *[OF a, of A]
by (metis Un_mono)
qed simp
thus ?A ?B ?C by metis+
lemma (in stateful_typed_model) fv_pair_fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s_subset:
assumes "d ∈ set D"
shows "fv (pair (snd d)) ⊆ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D)"
using assms unfolding pair_def by (induct D) (auto simp add: unlabel_def)
lemma (in stateful_typed_model) labeled_sat_ineq_lift:
assumes "⟦M; map (λd. ∀X⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t) [d←dbproj i D. d ∉ set Di]⟧⇩d ℐ"
(is "?R1 D")
and "∀(j,p) ∈ {(i,t,s)} ∪ set D ∪ set Di. ∀(k,q) ∈ {(i,t,s)} ∪ set D ∪ set Di.
(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟶ j = k" (is "?R2 D")
shows "⟦M; map (λd. ∀X⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t) [d←D. d ∉ set Di]⟧⇩d ℐ"
using assms
proof (induction D)
case (Cons dl D)
obtain d l where dl: "dl = (l,d)" by (metis surj_pair)
have 1: "?R1 D"
proof (cases "i = l")
case True thus ?thesis
using Cons.prems(1) dl by (cases "dl ∈ set Di") (auto simp add: dbproj_def)
case False thus ?thesis using Cons.prems(1) dl by (auto simp add: dbproj_def)
have "set D ⊆ set (dl#D)" by auto
hence 2: "?R2 D" using Cons.prems(2) by blast
have "i ≠ l ∨ dl ∈ set Di ∨ ⟦M; [∀X⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd dl))]⟩⇩s⇩t]⟧⇩d ℐ"
using Cons.prems(1) dl by (auto simp add: ineq_model_def dbproj_def)
moreover have "∃δ. Unifier δ (pair (t,s)) (pair d) ⟹ i = l"
using Cons.prems(2) dl by force
ultimately have 3: "dl ∈ set Di ∨ ⟦M; [∀X⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd dl))]⟩⇩s⇩t]⟧⇩d ℐ"
using strand_sem_not_unif_is_sat_ineq[of "pair (t,s)" "pair d"] dl by fastforce
show ?case using Cons.IH[OF 1 2] 3 dl by auto
qed simp
lemma (in stateful_typed_model) labeled_sat_ineq_dbproj:
assumes "⟦M; map (λd. ∀X⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t) [d←D. d ∉ set Di]⟧⇩d ℐ"
(is "?P D")
shows "⟦M; map (λd. ∀X⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t) [d←dbproj i D. d ∉ set Di]⟧⇩d ℐ"
(is "?Q D")
using assms
proof (induction D)
case (Cons di D)
obtain d j where di: "di = (j,d)" by (metis surj_pair)
have "?P D" using Cons.prems by (cases "di ∈ set Di") auto
hence IH: "?Q D" by (metis Cons.IH)
show ?case using di IH
proof (cases "i = j ∧ di ∉ set Di")
case True
have 1: "⟦M; [∀X⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd di))]⟩⇩s⇩t]⟧⇩d ℐ"
using Cons.prems True by auto
have 2: "dbproj i (di#D) = di#dbproj i D" using True dbproj_Cons(1) di by auto
show ?thesis using 1 2 IH by auto
qed (auto simp add: dbproj_def)
qed (simp add: dbproj_def)
lemma (in stateful_typed_model) labeled_sat_ineq_dbproj_sem_equiv:
assumes "∀(j,p) ∈ ((λ(t, s). (i, t, s)) ` set F') ∪ set D.
∀(k,q) ∈ ((λ(t, s). (i, t, s)) ` set F') ∪ set D.
(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟶ j = k"
and "fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (map snd D) ∩ set X = {}"
shows "⟦M; map (λG. ∀X⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t) (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (map snd D))⟧⇩d ℐ ⟷
⟦M; map (λG. ∀X⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t) (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (map snd (dbproj i D)))⟧⇩d ℐ"
proof -
let ?A = "set (map snd D) ⋅⇩p⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ"
let ?B = "set (map snd (dbproj i D)) ⋅⇩p⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ"
let ?C = "set (map snd D) - set (map snd (dbproj i D))"
let ?F = "(λ(t, s). (i, t, s)) ` set F'"
let ?P = "λδ. subst_domain δ = set X ∧ ground (subst_range δ)"
have 1: "∀(t, t') ∈ set (map snd D). (fv t ∪ fv t') ∩ set X = {}"
"∀(t, t') ∈ set (map snd (dbproj i D)). (fv t ∪ fv t') ∩ set X = {}"
using assms(2) dbproj_subset[of i D] unfolding unlabel_def by force+
have 2: "?B ⊆ ?A" unfolding dbproj_def by auto
have 3: "¬Unifier δ (pair f) (pair d)"
when f: "f ∈ set F'" and d: "d ∈ set (map snd D) - set (map snd (dbproj i D))"
for f d and δ::"('fun,'var) subst"
proof -
obtain k where k: "(k,d) ∈ set D - set (dbproj i D)"
using d by force
have "(i,f) ∈ ((λ(t, s). (i, t, s)) ` set F') ∪ set D"
"(k,d) ∈ ((λ(t, s). (i, t, s)) ` set F') ∪ set D"
using f k by auto
hence "i = k" when "Unifier δ (pair f) (pair d)" for δ
using assms(1) that by blast
moreover have "k ≠ i" using k d unfolding dbproj_def by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by metis
have "f ⋅⇩p δ ≠ d ⋅⇩p δ"
when "f ∈ set F'" "d ∈ ?C" for f d and δ::"('fun,'var) subst"
by (metis fun_pair_eq_subst 3[OF that])
hence "f ⋅⇩p (δ ∘⇩s ℐ) ∉ ?C ⋅⇩p⇩s⇩e⇩t (δ ∘⇩s ℐ)"
when "f ∈ set F'" for f and δ::"('fun,'var) subst"
using that by blast
moreover have "?C ⋅⇩p⇩s⇩e⇩t δ ⋅⇩p⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ = ?C ⋅⇩p⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ"
when "?P δ" for δ
using assms(2) that pairs_substI[of δ "(set (map snd D) - set (map snd (dbproj i D)))"]
by blast
ultimately have 4: "f ⋅⇩p (δ ∘⇩s ℐ) ∉ ?C ⋅⇩p⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ"
when "f ∈ set F'" "?P δ" for f and δ::"('fun,'var) subst"
by (metis that subst_pairs_compose)
{ fix f and δ::"('fun,'var) subst"
assume "f ∈ set F'" "?P δ"
hence "f ⋅⇩p (δ ∘⇩s ℐ) ∉ ?C ⋅⇩p⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ" by (metis 4)
hence "f ⋅⇩p (δ ∘⇩s ℐ) ∉ ?A - ?B" by force
} hence 5: "∀f∈set F'. ∀δ. ?P δ ⟶ f ⋅⇩p (δ ∘⇩s ℐ) ∉ ?A - ?B" by metis
show ?thesis
using negchecks_model_db_subset[OF 2]
negchecks_model_db_supset[OF 2 5]
tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s_sem_equiv[OF 1(1)]
tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s_sem_equiv[OF 1(2)]
by (metis (no_types, lifting))
lemma (in stateful_typed_model) labeled_sat_eqs_list_all:
assumes "∀(j, p) ∈ {(i,t,s)} ∪ set D. ∀(k,q) ∈ {(i,t,s)} ∪ set D.
(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟶ j = k" (is "?P D")
and "⟦M; map (λd. ⟨ac: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t) D⟧⇩d ℐ" (is "?Q D")
shows "list_all (λd. fst d = i) D"
using assms
proof (induction D rule: List.rev_induct)
case (snoc di D)
obtain d j where di: "di = (j,d)" by (metis surj_pair)
have "pair (t,s) ⋅ ℐ = pair d ⋅ ℐ" using di snoc.prems(2) by auto
hence "∃δ. Unifier δ (pair (t,s)) (pair d)" by auto
hence 1: "i = j" using snoc.prems(1) di by fastforce
have "set D ⊆ set (D@[di])" by auto
hence 2: "?P D" using snoc.prems(1) by blast
have 3: "?Q D" using snoc.prems(2) by auto
show ?case using di 1 snoc.IH[OF 2 3] by simp
qed simp
lemma (in stateful_typed_model) labeled_sat_eqs_subseqs:
assumes "Di ∈ set (subseqs D)"
and "∀(j, p) ∈ {(i,t,s)} ∪ set D. ∀(k, q) ∈ {(i,t,s)} ∪ set D.
(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟶ j = k" (is "?P D")
and "⟦M; map (λd. ⟨ac: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t) Di⟧⇩d ℐ"
shows "Di ∈ set (subseqs (dbproj i D))"
proof -
have "set Di ⊆ set D" by (rule subseqs_subset[OF assms(1)])
hence "?P Di" using assms(2) by blast
thus ?thesis using labeled_sat_eqs_list_all[OF _ assms(3)] subseqs_mem_dbproj[OF assms(1)] by simp
lemma (in stateful_typing_result) dual⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p:
assumes "list_all tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel S)"
shows "list_all tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel (dual⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S))"
using assms
proof (induction S)
case (Cons a S)
have prems: "tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (snd a)" "list_all tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel S)"
using Cons.prems unlabel_Cons(2)[of a S] by simp_all
hence IH: "list_all tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel (dual⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S))" by (metis Cons.IH)
obtain l b where a: "a = (l,b)" by (metis surj_pair)
with Cons show ?case
proof (cases b)
case (Equality c t t')
hence "dual⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (a#S) = a#dual⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S" by (metis dual⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_Cons(3) a)
thus ?thesis using a IH prems by fastforce
case (NegChecks X F G)
hence "dual⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (a#S) = a#dual⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S" by (metis dual⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_Cons(7) a)
thus ?thesis using a IH prems by fastforce
qed auto
qed simp
lemma (in stateful_typed_model) setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_unlabel_dual⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_eq:
"setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel (dual⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A)) = setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A)"
proof (induction A)
case (Cons a A)
obtain l b where a: "a = (l,b)" by (metis surj_pair)
thus ?case using Cons.IH by (cases b) (simp_all add: setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
qed simp
subsection ‹Locale Setup and Definitions›
locale labeled_stateful_typed_model =
stateful_typed_model arity public Ana Γ Pair
+ labeled_typed_model arity public Ana Γ label_witness1 label_witness2
for arity::"'fun ⇒ nat"
and public::"'fun ⇒ bool"
and Ana::"('fun,'var) term ⇒ (('fun,'var) term list × ('fun,'var) term list)"
and Γ::"('fun,'var) term ⇒ ('fun,'atom::finite) term_type"
and Pair::"'fun"
and label_witness1::"'lbl"
and label_witness2::"'lbl"
definition lpair where
"lpair lp ≡ case lp of (i,p) ⇒ (i,pair p)"
lemma setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p_pair_image[simp]:
"lpair ` (setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (i,send⟨ts⟩)) = {}"
"lpair ` (setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (i,receive⟨ts⟩)) = {}"
"lpair ` (setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (i,⟨ac: t ≐ t'⟩)) = {}"
"lpair ` (setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (i,insert⟨t,s⟩)) = {(i, pair (t,s))}"
"lpair ` (setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (i,delete⟨t,s⟩)) = {(i, pair (t,s))}"
"lpair ` (setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (i,⟨ac: t ∈ s⟩)) = {(i, pair (t,s))}"
"lpair ` (setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (i,∀X⟨∨≠: F ∨∉: F'⟩)) = ((λ(t,s). (i, pair (t,s))) ` set F')"
unfolding lpair_def by force+
definition par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t where
"par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (𝒜::('fun,'var,'lbl) labeled_stateful_strand) (Secrets::('fun,'var) terms) ≡
(∀l1 l2. l1 ≠ l2 ⟶
GSMP_disjoint (trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l1 𝒜) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l1 𝒜))
(trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l2 𝒜) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l2 𝒜)) Secrets) ∧
(∀s ∈ Secrets. ¬{} ⊢⇩c s) ∧ ground Secrets ∧
(∀(i,p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜. ∀(j,q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜.
(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟶ i = j)"
definition declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t where
"declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜 ℐ ≡ {s. ⋃{set ts | ts. ⟨⋆, receive⟨ts⟩⟩ ∈ set (𝒜 ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ℐ)} ⊢ s}"
definition strand_leaks⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ("_ leaks _ under _") where
"(𝒜::('fun,'var,'lbl) labeled_stateful_strand) leaks Secrets under ℐ ≡
(∃t ∈ Secrets - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜 ℐ. ∃n. ℐ ⊨⇩s (proj_unl n 𝒜@[send⟨[t]⟩]))"
type_synonym ('a,'b,'c) labeleddbstate = "('c strand_label × (('a,'b) term × ('a,'b) term)) set"
type_synonym ('a,'b,'c) labeleddbstatelist = "('c strand_label × (('a,'b) term × ('a,'b) term)) list"
definition typing_cond⇩s⇩s⇩t where
"typing_cond⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜 ≡ wf⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜 ∧ wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (trms⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜) ∧ tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜"
text ‹
For proving the compositionality theorem for stateful constraints the idea is to first define a
variant of the reduction technique that was used to establish the stateful typing result. This
variant performs database-state projections, and it allows us to reduce the compositionality
problem for stateful constraints to ordinary constraints.
fun tr⇩p⇩c::
"('fun,'var,'lbl) labeled_stateful_strand ⇒ ('fun,'var,'lbl) labeleddbstatelist
⇒ ('fun,'var,'lbl) labeled_strand list"
"tr⇩p⇩c [] D = [[]]"
| "tr⇩p⇩c ((i,send⟨ts⟩)#A) D = map ((#) (i,send⟨ts⟩⇩s⇩t)) (tr⇩p⇩c A D)"
| "tr⇩p⇩c ((i,receive⟨ts⟩)#A) D = map ((#) (i,receive⟨ts⟩⇩s⇩t)) (tr⇩p⇩c A D)"
| "tr⇩p⇩c ((i,⟨ac: t ≐ t'⟩)#A) D = map ((#) (i,⟨ac: t ≐ t'⟩⇩s⇩t)) (tr⇩p⇩c A D)"
| "tr⇩p⇩c ((i,insert⟨t,s⟩)#A) D = tr⇩p⇩c A (List.insert (i,(t,s)) D)"
| "tr⇩p⇩c ((i,delete⟨t,s⟩)#A) D = (
concat (map (λDi. map (λB. (map (λd. (i,⟨check: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)) Di)@
(map (λd. (i,∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t))
[d←dbproj i D. d ∉ set Di])@B)
(tr⇩p⇩c A [d←D. d ∉ set Di]))
(subseqs (dbproj i D))))"
| "tr⇩p⇩c ((i,⟨ac: t ∈ s⟩)#A) D =
concat (map (λB. map (λd. (i,⟨ac: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)#B) (dbproj i D)) (tr⇩p⇩c A D))"
| "tr⇩p⇩c ((i,∀X⟨∨≠: F ∨∉: F' ⟩)#A) D =
map ((@) (map (λG. (i,∀X⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t)) (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (map snd (dbproj i D))))) (tr⇩p⇩c A D)"
locale labeled_stateful_typing =
labeled_stateful_typed_model arity public Ana Γ Pair label_witness1 label_witness2
+ stateful_typing_result arity public Ana Γ Pair
for arity::"'fun ⇒ nat"
and public::"'fun ⇒ bool"
and Ana::"('fun,'var) term ⇒ (('fun,'var) term list × ('fun,'var) term list)"
and Γ::"('fun,'var) term ⇒ ('fun,'atom::finite) term_type"
and Pair::"'fun"
and label_witness1::"'lbl"
and label_witness2::"'lbl"
sublocale labeled_typing
by unfold_locales
subsection ‹Small Lemmata›
context labeled_stateful_typed_model
lemma declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_alt_def:
"declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜 ℐ = {s. ⋃{set ts | ts. ⟨⋆, receive⟨ts⟩⟩ ∈ set 𝒜} ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ ⊢ s}"
proof -
have 0: "(l, receive⟨ts⟩) ∈ set (𝒜 ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ℐ) = (∃ts'. (l, receive⟨ts'⟩) ∈ set 𝒜 ∧ ts = ts' ⋅⇩l⇩i⇩s⇩t ℐ)"
(is "?A 𝒜 = ?B 𝒜")
for ts l
show "?A 𝒜 ⟹ ?B 𝒜"
proof (induction 𝒜)
case (Cons a 𝒜)
obtain k b where a: "a = (k,b)" by (metis surj_pair)
show ?case
proof (cases "?A 𝒜")
case False
hence "(l,receive⟨ts⟩) = a ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p ℐ" using Cons.prems subst_lsst_cons[of a 𝒜 ℐ] by auto
thus ?thesis unfolding a by (cases b) auto
qed (use Cons.IH in auto)
qed simp
show "?B 𝒜 ⟹ ?A 𝒜"
proof (induction 𝒜)
case (Cons a 𝒜)
obtain k b where a: "a = (k,b)" by (metis surj_pair)
show ?case
proof (cases "?B 𝒜")
case False
hence "∃ts'. a = (l, receive⟨ts'⟩) ∧ ts = ts' ⋅⇩l⇩i⇩s⇩t ℐ" using Cons.prems by auto
thus ?thesis using subst_lsst_cons[of a 𝒜 ℐ] unfolding a by (cases b) auto
qed (use Cons.IH subst_lsst_cons[of a 𝒜 ℐ] in auto)
qed simp
let ?M = "λA. ⋃{set ts |ts. ⟨⋆, receive⟨ts⟩⟩ ∈ set A}"
have 1: "?M (𝒜 ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ℐ) = ?M 𝒜 ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ" (is "?A = ?B")
show "?A ⊆ ?B"
fix t assume t: "t ∈ ?A"
then obtain ts where ts: "t ∈ set ts" "⟨⋆, receive⟨ts⟩⟩ ∈ set (𝒜 ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ℐ)" by blast
thus "t ∈ ?B" using 0[of ⋆ ts] by fastforce
show "?B ⊆ ?A"
fix t assume t: "t ∈ ?B"
then obtain ts where ts: "t ∈ set ts ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ" "⟨⋆, receive⟨ts⟩⟩ ∈ set 𝒜" by blast
hence "⟨⋆, receive⟨ts ⋅⇩l⇩i⇩s⇩t ℐ⟩⟩ ∈ set (𝒜 ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ℐ)" using 0[of ⋆ "ts ⋅⇩l⇩i⇩s⇩t ℐ"] by blast
thus "t ∈ ?A" using ts(1) by force
show ?thesis using 1 unfolding declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by argo
lemma declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_prefix_subset:
assumes AB: "prefix A B"
shows "declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A I ⊆ declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t B I"
fix t assume t: "t ∈ declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A I"
obtain C where C: "B = A@C" using prefixE[OF AB] by metis
show "t ∈ declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t B I"
using t ideduct_mono[of
"⋃{set ts |ts. (⋆, receive⟨ts⟩) ∈ set A} ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t I" t
"⋃{set ts |ts. (⋆, receive⟨ts⟩) ∈ set B} ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t I"]
unfolding C declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_alt_def by auto
lemma declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_star_receive_supset:
"{t | t ts. ⟨⋆, receive⟨ts⟩⟩ ∈ set 𝒜 ∧ t ∈ set ts} ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ ⊆ declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜 ℐ"
unfolding declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_alt_def by (fastforce intro: intruder_deduct.Axiom)
lemma declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_proj_eq:
"declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A I = declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj n A) I"
using proj_mem_iff(2)[of _ A] unfolding declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_alt_def by simp
lemma par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_nil:
assumes "ground Sec" "∀s ∈ Sec. ∀s'∈subterms s. {} ⊢⇩c s' ∨ s' ∈ Sec" "∀s ∈ Sec. ¬{} ⊢⇩c s"
shows "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t [] Sec"
using assms unfolding par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by simp
lemma par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_subset:
assumes A: "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A Sec"
and BA: "set B ⊆ set A"
shows "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t B Sec"
proof -
let ?L = "λn A. trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n A) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n A)"
have "?L n B ⊆ ?L n A" for n
using trms⇩s⇩s⇩t_mono[OF proj_set_mono(2)[OF BA]] setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_mono[OF proj_set_mono(2)[OF BA]]
by blast
hence "GSMP_disjoint (?L m B) (?L n B) Sec" when nm: "m ≠ n" for n m::'lbl
using GSMP_disjoint_subset[of "?L m A" "?L n A" Sec "?L m B" "?L n B"] A nm
unfolding par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by simp
thus "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t B Sec"
using A setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_mono[OF BA]
unfolding par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by blast
lemma par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_split:
assumes "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (A@B) Sec"
shows "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A Sec" "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t B Sec"
using par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_subset[OF assms] by simp_all
lemma par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_proj:
assumes "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A Sec"
shows "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj n A) Sec"
using par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_subset[OF assms] by simp
lemma par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_dual⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t:
assumes A: "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A S"
shows "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (dual⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A) S"
proof (unfold par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def case_prod_unfold; intro conjI)
show "ground S" "∀s ∈ S. ¬{} ⊢⇩c s"
using A unfolding par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by fast+
let ?M = "λl B. (trms⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj l B) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l B))"
let ?P = "λB. ∀l1 l2. l1 ≠ l2 ⟶ GSMP_disjoint (?M l1 B) (?M l2 B) S"
let ?Q = "λB. ∀p ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t B. ∀q ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t B.
(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair (snd p)) (pair (snd q))) ⟶ fst p = fst q"
have "?P A" "?Q A" using A unfolding par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def case_prod_unfold by blast+
thus "?P (dual⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A)" "?Q (dual⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A)"
by (metis setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_unlabel_dual⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_eq trms⇩s⇩s⇩t_unlabel_dual⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_eq proj_dual⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t,
metis setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_dual⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_eq)
lemma par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_subst:
assumes A: "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A S"
and δ: "wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t δ" "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range δ)" "subst_domain δ ∩ bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A = {}"
shows "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ) S"
proof (unfold par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def case_prod_unfold; intro conjI)
show "ground S" "∀s ∈ S. ¬{} ⊢⇩c s"
using A unfolding par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by fast+
let ?N = "λl B. trms⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj l B) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l B)"
define M where "M ≡ λl (B::('fun,'var,'lbl) labeled_stateful_strand). ?N l B"
let ?P = "λp q. ∃δ. Unifier δ (pair (snd p)) (pair (snd q))"
let ?Q = "λB. ∀p ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t B. ∀q ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t B. ?P p q ⟶ fst p = fst q"
let ?R = "λB. ∀l1 l2. l1 ≠ l2 ⟶ GSMP_disjoint (?N l1 B) (?N l2 B) S"
have d: "bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj l A) ∩ subst_domain δ = {}" for l
using δ(3) unfolding proj_def bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t_def unlabel_def by auto
have "GSMP_disjoint (M l1 A) (M l2 A) S" when l: "l1 ≠ l2" for l1 l2
using l A unfolding par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def M_def by presburger
moreover have "M l (A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ) = (M l A) ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t δ" for l
using fun_pair_subst_set[of δ "setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l A)", symmetric]
trms⇩s⇩s⇩t_subst[OF d[of l]] setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_subst[OF d[of l]] proj_subst[of l A δ]
unfolding M_def unlabel_subst by auto
ultimately have "GSMP_disjoint (M l1 (A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ)) (M l2 (A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ)) S" when l: "l1 ≠ l2" for l1 l2
using l GSMP_wt_subst_subset[OF _ δ(1,2), of _ "M l1 A"]
GSMP_wt_subst_subset[OF _ δ(1,2), of _ "M l2 A"]
unfolding GSMP_disjoint_def by fastforce
thus "?R (A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ)" unfolding M_def by blast
have "?Q A" using A unfolding par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by force
thus "?Q (A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ)" using δ(3)
proof (induction A)
case (Cons a A)
obtain l b where a: "a = (l,b)" by (metis surj_pair)
have 0: "bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (a#A) = set (bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (snd a)) ∪ bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A"
unfolding bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t_def unlabel_def by simp
have "?Q A" "subst_domain δ ∩ bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A = {}"
using Cons.prems 0 unfolding setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by auto
hence IH: "?Q (A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ)" using Cons.IH unfolding setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by blast
have 1: "fst p = fst q"
when p: "p ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (a ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ)"
and q: "q ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (a ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ)"
and pq: "?P p q"
for p q
using a p q pq by (cases b) auto
have 2: "fst p = fst q"
when p: "p ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ)"
and q: "q ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (a ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ)"
and pq: "?P p q"
for p q
proof -
obtain p' X where p':
"p' ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A" "fst p = fst p'"
"X ⊆ bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (a#A)" "snd p = snd p' ⋅⇩p rm_vars X δ"
using setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_in_subst[OF p] 0 by blast
obtain q' Y where q':
"q' ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p a" "fst q = fst q'"
"Y ⊆ bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (a#A)" "snd q = snd q' ⋅⇩p rm_vars Y δ"
using setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p_in_subst[OF q] 0 by blast
have "pair (snd p) = pair (snd p') ⋅ δ"
"pair (snd q) = pair (snd q') ⋅ δ"
using fun_pair_subst[of "snd p'" "rm_vars X δ"] fun_pair_subst[of "snd q'" "rm_vars Y δ"]
p'(3,4) q'(3,4) Cons.prems(2) rm_vars_apply'[of δ X] rm_vars_apply'[of δ Y]
by fastforce+
hence "∃δ. Unifier δ (pair (snd p')) (pair (snd q'))"
using pq Unifier_comp' by metis
thus ?thesis using Cons.prems p'(1,2) q'(1,2) by simp
show ?case by (metis 1 2 IH Un_iff setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_cons subst_lsst_cons)
qed simp
lemma wf_pair_negchecks_map':
assumes "wf⇩s⇩t X (unlabel A)"
shows "wf⇩s⇩t X (unlabel (map (λG. (i,∀Y⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t)) M@A))"
using assms by (induct M) auto
lemma wf_pair_eqs_ineqs_map':
fixes A::"('fun,'var,'lbl) labeled_strand"
assumes "wf⇩s⇩t X (unlabel A)"
"Di ∈ set (subseqs (dbproj i D))"
"fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D) ⊆ X"
shows "wf⇩s⇩t X (unlabel (
(map (λd. (i,⟨check: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)) Di)@
(map (λd. (i,∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t)) [d←dbproj i D. d ∉ set Di])@A))"
proof -
let ?f = "[d←dbproj i D. d ∉ set Di]"
define c1 where c1: "c1 = map (λd. (i,⟨check: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)) Di"
define c2 where c2: "c2 = map (λd. (i,∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t)) ?f"
define c3 where c3: "c3 = map (λd. ⟨check: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair d)⟩⇩s⇩t) (unlabel Di)"
define c4 where c4: "c4 = map (λd. ∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair d)]⟩⇩s⇩t) (unlabel ?f)"
have ci_eqs: "c3 = unlabel c1" "c4 = unlabel c2" unfolding c1 c2 c3 c4 unlabel_def by auto
have 1: "wf⇩s⇩t X (unlabel (c2@A))"
using wf_fun_pair_ineqs_map[OF assms(1)] ci_eqs(2) unlabel_append[of c2 A] c4
by metis
have 2: "fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel Di) ⊆ X"
using assms(3) subseqs_set_subset(1)[OF assms(2)]
unfolding unlabel_def dbproj_def
by fastforce
{ fix B::"('fun,'var) strand" assume "wf⇩s⇩t X B"
hence "wf⇩s⇩t X (unlabel c1@B)" using 2 unfolding c1 unlabel_def by (induct Di) auto
} thus ?thesis using 1 unfolding c1 c2 unlabel_def by simp
lemma trms⇩s⇩s⇩t_setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_wt_instance_ex:
defines "M ≡ λA. trms⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A)"
assumes B: "∀b ∈ set B. ∃a ∈ set A. ∃δ. b = a ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ ∧ wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t δ ∧ wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range δ)"
shows "∀t ∈ M B. ∃s ∈ M A. ∃δ. t = s ⋅ δ ∧ wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t δ ∧ wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range δ)"
let ?P = "λδ. wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t δ ∧ wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range δ)"
fix t assume "t ∈ M B"
then obtain b where b: "b ∈ set B" "t ∈ trms⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (snd b) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (snd b)"
unfolding M_def unfolding unlabel_def trms⇩s⇩s⇩t_def setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by auto
then obtain a δ where a: "a ∈ set A" "b = a ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ" and δ: "wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t δ" "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range δ)"
using B by meson
note δ' = wt_subst_rm_vars[OF δ(1)] wf_trms_subst_rm_vars'[OF δ(2)]
have "t ∈ M (A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ)"
using b(2) a
unfolding M_def subst_apply_labeled_stateful_strand_def unlabel_def trms⇩s⇩s⇩t_def setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_def
by auto
moreover have "∃s ∈ M A. ∃δ. t = s ⋅ δ ∧ ?P δ" when "t ∈ trms⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ)"
using trms⇩s⇩s⇩t_unlabel_subst'[OF that] δ' unfolding M_def by blast
moreover have "∃s ∈ M A. ∃δ. t = s ⋅ δ ∧ ?P δ" when t: "t ∈ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A ⋅⇩s⇩s⇩t δ)"
proof -
obtain p where p: "p ∈ setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A ⋅⇩s⇩s⇩t δ)" "t = pair p" using t by blast
then obtain q X where q: "q ∈ setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A)" "p = q ⋅⇩p rm_vars (set X) δ"
using setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_subst'[OF p(1)] by blast
hence "t = pair q ⋅ rm_vars (set X) δ"
using fun_pair_subst[of q "rm_vars (set X) δ"] p(2) by presburger
thus ?thesis using δ'[of "set X"] q(1) unfolding M_def by blast
ultimately show "∃s ∈ M A. ∃δ. t = s ⋅ δ ∧ ?P δ" unfolding M_def unlabel_subst by fast
lemma setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_wt_instance_ex:
assumes B: "∀b ∈ set B. ∃a ∈ set A. ∃δ. b = a ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ ∧ wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t δ ∧ wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range δ)"
shows "∀p ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t B. ∃q ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A. ∃δ.
fst p = fst q ∧ snd p = snd q ⋅⇩p δ ∧ wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t δ ∧ wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range δ)"
let ?P = "λδ. wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t δ ∧ wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range δ)"
fix p assume "p ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t B"
then obtain b where b: "b ∈ set B" "p ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p b" unfolding setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by blast
then obtain a δ where a: "a ∈ set A" "b = a ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ" and δ: "wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t δ" "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range δ)"
using B by meson
hence p: "p ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (A ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t δ)"
using b(2) unfolding setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def subst_apply_labeled_stateful_strand_def by auto
obtain X q where q:
"q ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A" "fst p = fst q" "snd p = snd q ⋅⇩p rm_vars X δ"
using setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_in_subst[OF p] by blast
show "∃q ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A. ∃δ. fst p = fst q ∧ snd p = snd q ⋅⇩p δ ∧ ?P δ"
using q wt_subst_rm_vars[OF δ(1)] wf_trms_subst_rm_vars'[OF δ(2)] by blast
lemma deduct_proj_priv_term_prefix_ex_stateful:
assumes A: "ik⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l A) ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t I ⊢ t"
and t: "¬{} ⊢⇩c t"
shows "∃B k s. (k = ⋆ ∨ k = ln l) ∧ prefix (B@[(k,receive⟨s⟩)]) A ∧
declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((B@[(k,receive⟨s⟩)])) I = declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A I ∧
ik⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l (B@[(k,receive⟨s⟩)])) = ik⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l A)"
using A
proof (induction A rule: List.rev_induct)
case Nil
have "ik⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l []) ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t I = {}" by auto
thus ?case using Nil t deducts_eq_if_empty_ik[of t] by argo
case (snoc a A)
obtain k b where a: "a = (k,b)" by (metis surj_pair)
let ?P = "k = ⋆ ∨ k = (ln l)"
let ?Q = "∃s. b = receive⟨s⟩"
have 0: "ik⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l (A@[a])) = ik⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l A)" when "?P ⟹ ¬?Q"
using that ik⇩s⇩s⇩t_snoc_no_receive_eq[OF that, of I "proj_unl l A"]
unfolding ik⇩s⇩s⇩t_def a by (cases "k = ⋆ ∨ k = (ln l)") auto
have 1: "declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (A@[a]) I = declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A I" when "?P ⟹ ¬?Q"
using that snoc.prems unfolding declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_alt_def a
by (metis (no_types, lifting) UnCI UnE empty_iff insert_iff list.set prod.inject set_append)
note 2 = snoc.prems snoc.IH 0 1
show ?case
proof (cases ?P)
case True
note T = this
thus ?thesis
proof (cases ?Q)
case True thus ?thesis using T unfolding a by blast
qed (use 2 in auto)
qed (use 2 in auto)
lemma constr_sem_stateful_proj_priv_term_prefix_obtain:
assumes 𝒜': "prefix 𝒜' 𝒜" "constr_sem_stateful ℐ⇩τ (proj_unl n 𝒜'@[send⟨[t]⟩])"
and t: "t ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜' ℐ⇩τ" "¬{} ⊢⇩c t" "t ⋅ ℐ⇩τ = t"
obtains B k' s where
"k' = ⋆ ∨ k' = ln n" "prefix B 𝒜'" "suffix [(k', receive⟨s⟩)] B"
"declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t B ℐ⇩τ = declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜' ℐ⇩τ"
"ik⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj n B) = ik⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj n 𝒜')"
"constr_sem_stateful ℐ⇩τ (proj_unl n B@[send⟨[t]⟩])"
"prefix (proj n B) (proj n 𝒜)" "suffix [(k', receive⟨s⟩)] (proj n B)"
"t ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj n B) ℐ⇩τ"
proof -
have "ik⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj n 𝒜') ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ⇩τ ⊢ t"
using 𝒜'(2) t(3) strand_sem_append_stateful[of "{}" "{}" "proj_unl n 𝒜'" "[send⟨[t]⟩]" ℐ⇩τ]
by simp
then obtain B k' s where B:
"k' = ⋆ ∨ k' = ln n" "prefix B 𝒜'" "suffix [(k', receive⟨s⟩)] B"
"declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t B ℐ⇩τ = declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜' ℐ⇩τ"
"ik⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj n B) = ik⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj n 𝒜')"
using deduct_proj_priv_term_prefix_ex_stateful[OF _ t(2), of ℐ⇩τ n 𝒜']
unfolding suffix_def by blast
have B': "constr_sem_stateful ℐ⇩τ (proj_unl n B@[send⟨[t]⟩])"
using B(5) 𝒜'(2) strand_sem_append_stateful[of "{}" "{}" "proj_unl n 𝒜'" "[send⟨[t]⟩]" ℐ⇩τ]
strand_sem_append_stateful[of "{}" "{}" "proj_unl n B" _ ℐ⇩τ]
prefix_proj(2)[OF B(2), of n]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) append_Nil2 prefix_def strand_sem_stateful.simps(2))
have B'': "prefix (proj n B) (proj n 𝒜)" "suffix [(k', receive⟨s⟩)] (proj n B)"
"t ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj n B) ℐ⇩τ"
using 𝒜' t B(1-4) declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_proj_eq[of B ℐ⇩τ n]
unfolding suffix_def prefix_def proj_def by auto
show ?thesis by (rule that[OF B B' B''])
lemma constr_sem_stateful_star_proj_no_leakage:
fixes Sec P lbls k
defines "no_leakage ≡ λ𝒜. ∄ℐ⇩τ ℬ s.
prefix ℬ 𝒜 ∧ s ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ℬ ℐ⇩τ ∧ ℐ⇩τ ⊨⇩s (unlabel ℬ@[send⟨[s]⟩])"
assumes Sec: "ground Sec"
and 𝒜: "∀(l,a) ∈ set 𝒜. l = ⋆"
shows "no_leakage 𝒜"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬no_leakage 𝒜"
then obtain I B s where B:
"prefix B 𝒜" "s ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t B I" "I ⊨⇩s (unlabel B@[send⟨[s]⟩])"
unfolding no_leakage_def by blast
have 1: "¬(⋃{set ts | ts. ⟨⋆, receive⟨ts⟩⟩ ∈ set (B ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t I)} ⊢ s)"
using B(2) unfolding declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by fast
have 2: "ik⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (B ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t I) ⊢ s"
using B(2,3) Sec strand_sem_append_stateful[of "{}" "{}" "unlabel B" "[send⟨[s]⟩]" I]
subst_apply_term_ident[of s I] unlabel_subst[of B] ik⇩s⇩s⇩t_subst[of "unlabel B"]
by force
have "l = ⋆" when "(l,c) ∈ set B" for l c
using that 𝒜 B(1) set_mono_prefix by blast
hence "l = ⋆" when "(l,c) ∈ set (B ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t I)" for l c
using that unfolding subst_apply_labeled_stateful_strand_def by auto
hence 3: "ik⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (B ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t I) = (⋃{set ts | ts. ⟨⋆, receive⟨ts⟩⟩ ∈ set (B ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t I)})"
using in_ik⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_iff[of _ "B ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t I"] unfolding ik⇩s⇩s⇩t_def unlabel_def by auto
show False using 1 2 3 by force
subsection ‹Lemmata: Properties of the Constraint Translation Function›
context labeled_stateful_typed_model
lemma tr_par_labeled_rcv_iff:
"B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D) ⟹ (i, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t) ∈ set B ⟷ (i, receive⟨t⟩) ∈ set A"
by (induct A D arbitrary: B rule: tr⇩p⇩c.induct) auto
lemma tr_par_declassified_eq:
"B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D) ⟹ declassified⇩l⇩s⇩t B I = declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A I"
using tr_par_labeled_rcv_iff unfolding declassified⇩l⇩s⇩t_alt_def declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_alt_def by simp
lemma tr_par_ik_eq:
assumes "B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)"
shows "ik⇩s⇩t (unlabel B) = ik⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A)"
proof -
have "{t. ∃i. (i, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t) ∈ set B} = {t. ∃i. (i, receive⟨t⟩) ∈ set A}"
using tr_par_labeled_rcv_iff[OF assms] by simp
moreover have
"⋀C. {t. ∃i. (i, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t) ∈ set C} = {t. receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t ∈ set (unlabel C)}"
"⋀C. {t. ∃i. (i, receive⟨t⟩) ∈ set C} = {t. receive⟨t⟩ ∈ set (unlabel C)}"
unfolding unlabel_def by force+
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding ik⇩s⇩s⇩t_def ik⇩s⇩t_is_rcv_set by fast
lemma tr_par_deduct_iff:
assumes "B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)"
shows "ik⇩s⇩t (unlabel B) ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t I ⊢ t ⟷ ik⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t I ⊢ t"
using tr_par_ik_eq[OF assms] by metis
lemma tr_par_vars_subset:
assumes "A' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)"
shows "fv⇩l⇩s⇩t A' ⊆ fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D)" (is ?P)
and "bvars⇩l⇩s⇩t A' ⊆ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A)" (is ?Q)
proof -
show ?P using assms
proof (induction "unlabel A" arbitrary: A A' D rule: strand_sem_stateful_induct)
case (ConsIn A' D ac t s AA A A')
then obtain i B where iB: "A = (i,⟨ac: t ∈ s⟩)#B" "AA = unlabel B"
unfolding unlabel_def by atomize_elim auto
then obtain A'' d where *:
"d ∈ set (dbproj i D)"
"A' = (i,⟨ac: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)#A''"
"A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c B D)"
using ConsIn.prems(1) by atomize_elim force
hence "fv⇩l⇩s⇩t A'' ⊆ fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel B) ∪ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D)"
"fv (pair (snd d)) ⊆ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D)"
apply (metis ConsIn.hyps(1)[OF iB(2)])
using fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s_mono[OF dbproj_subset[of i D]]
fv_pair_fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s_subset[OF *(1)]
by blast
thus ?case using * iB unfolding pair_def by auto
case (ConsDel A' D t s AA A A')
then obtain i B where iB: "A = (i,delete⟨t,s⟩)#B" "AA = unlabel B"
unfolding unlabel_def by atomize_elim auto
define fltD1 where "fltD1 = (λDi. filter (λd. d ∉ set Di) D)"
define fltD2 where "fltD2 = (λDi. filter (λd. d ∉ set Di) (dbproj i D))"
define constr where "constr =
(λDi. (map (λd. (i, ⟨check: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)) Di)@
(map (λd. (i, ∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t)) (fltD2 Di)))"
from iB obtain A'' Di where *:
"Di ∈ set (subseqs (dbproj i D))" "A' = (constr Di)@A''" "A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c B (fltD1 Di))"
using ConsDel.prems(1) unfolding constr_def fltD1_def fltD2_def by atomize_elim auto
hence "fv⇩l⇩s⇩t A'' ⊆ fv⇩s⇩s⇩t AA ∪ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel (fltD1 Di))"
unfolding constr_def fltD1_def by (metis ConsDel.hyps(1) iB(2))
hence 1: "fv⇩l⇩s⇩t A'' ⊆ fv⇩s⇩s⇩t AA ∪ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D)"
using fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s_mono[of "unlabel (fltD1 Di)" "unlabel D"]
unfolding unlabel_def fltD1_def by force
have 2: "fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel Di) ∪ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel (fltD1 Di)) ⊆ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D)"
using subseqs_set_subset(1)[OF *(1)]
unfolding fltD1_def unlabel_def dbproj_def
by auto
have 5: "fv⇩l⇩s⇩t A' = fv⇩l⇩s⇩t (constr Di) ∪ fv⇩l⇩s⇩t A''" using * unfolding unlabel_def by force
have "fv⇩l⇩s⇩t (constr Di) ⊆ fv t ∪ fv s ∪ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel Di) ∪ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel (fltD1 Di))"
unfolding unlabel_def constr_def fltD1_def fltD2_def pair_def dbproj_def by auto
hence 3: "fv⇩l⇩s⇩t (constr Di) ⊆ fv t ∪ fv s ∪ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D)" using 2 by blast
have 4: "fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) = fv t ∪ fv s ∪ fv⇩s⇩s⇩t AA" using iB by auto
have "fv⇩s⇩t (unlabel A') ⊆ fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D)" using 1 3 4 5 by blast
thus ?case by metis
case (ConsNegChecks A' D X F F' AA A A')
then obtain i B where iB: "A = (i,NegChecks X F F')#B" "AA = unlabel B"
unfolding unlabel_def by atomize_elim auto
define D' where "D' ≡ ⋃(fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s ` set (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (unlabel (dbproj i D))))"
define constr where "constr = map (λG. (i,∀X⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t)) (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (map snd (dbproj i D)))"
from iB obtain A'' where *: "A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c B D)" "A' = constr@A''"
using ConsNegChecks.prems(1) unfolding constr_def by atomize_elim auto
hence "fv⇩l⇩s⇩t A'' ⊆ fv⇩s⇩s⇩t AA ∪ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D)"
by (metis ConsNegChecks.hyps(1) iB(2))
hence **: "fv⇩l⇩s⇩t A'' ⊆ fv⇩s⇩s⇩t AA ∪ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D)" by auto
have 1: "fv⇩l⇩s⇩t constr ⊆ (D' ∪ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F) - set X"
unfolding D'_def constr_def unlabel_def by auto
have "set (unlabel (dbproj i D)) ⊆ set (unlabel D)" unfolding unlabel_def dbproj_def by auto
hence 2: "D' ⊆ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' ∪ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D)"
using tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s_vars_subset'[of F' "unlabel (dbproj i D)"] fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s_mono
unfolding D'_def by blast
have 3: "fv⇩l⇩s⇩t A' ⊆ ((fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' ∪ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F) - set X) ∪ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D) ∪ fv⇩l⇩s⇩t A''"
using 1 2 *(2) unfolding unlabel_def by fastforce
have 4: "fv⇩s⇩s⇩t AA ⊆ fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A)" by (metis ConsNegChecks.hyps(2) fv⇩s⇩s⇩t_cons_subset)
have 5: "fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' ∪ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F - set X ⊆ fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A)"
using ConsNegChecks.hyps(2) unfolding unlabel_def by force
show ?case using ** 3 4 5 by blast
qed (fastforce simp add: unlabel_def)+
show ?Q using assms
apply (induct "unlabel A" arbitrary: A A' D rule: strand_sem_stateful_induct)
by (fastforce simp add: unlabel_def)+
lemma tr_par_vars_disj:
assumes "A' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)" "fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) = {}"
and "fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) = {}"
shows "fv⇩l⇩s⇩t A' ∩ bvars⇩l⇩s⇩t A' = {}"
using assms tr_par_vars_subset by fast
lemma tr_par_trms_subset:
assumes "A' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)"
shows "trms⇩l⇩s⇩t A' ⊆ trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair ` snd ` set D"
using assms
proof (induction A D arbitrary: A' rule: tr⇩p⇩c.induct)
case 1 thus ?case by simp
case (2 i t A D)
then obtain A'' where A'': "A' = (i,send⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)#A''" "A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)" by atomize_elim auto
hence "trms⇩l⇩s⇩t A'' ⊆ trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair ` snd ` set D"
by (metis "2.IH")
thus ?case using A'' by (auto simp add: setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
case (3 i t A D)
then obtain A'' where A'': "A' = (i,receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)#A''" "A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)"
by atomize_elim auto
hence "trms⇩l⇩s⇩t A'' ⊆ trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair ` snd ` set D"
by (metis "3.IH")
thus ?case using A'' by (auto simp add: setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
case (4 i ac t t' A D)
then obtain A'' where A'': "A' = (i,⟨ac: t ≐ t'⟩⇩s⇩t)#A''" "A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)"
by atomize_elim auto
hence "trms⇩l⇩s⇩t A'' ⊆ trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair ` snd ` set D"
by (metis "4.IH")
thus ?case using A'' by (auto simp add: setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
case (5 i t s A D)
hence "A' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A (List.insert (i,t,s) D))" by simp
hence "trms⇩l⇩s⇩t A' ⊆ trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪
pair ` snd ` set (List.insert (i,t,s) D)"
by (metis "5.IH")
thus ?case by (auto simp add: setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
case (6 i t s A D)
from 6 obtain Di A'' B C where A'':
"Di ∈ set (subseqs (dbproj i D))" "A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A [d←D. d ∉ set Di])" "A' = (B@C)@A''"
"B = map (λd. (i,⟨check: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)) Di"
"C = map (λd. (i,∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t)) [d←dbproj i D. d ∉ set Di]"
by atomize_elim auto
hence "trms⇩l⇩s⇩t A'' ⊆ trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪
pair ` snd ` set [d←D. d ∉ set Di]"
by (metis "6.IH")
moreover have "set [d←D. d ∉ set Di] ⊆ set D" using set_filter by auto
ultimately have
"trms⇩l⇩s⇩t A'' ⊆ trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair ` snd ` set D"
by blast
hence "trms⇩l⇩s⇩t A'' ⊆ trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel ((i,delete⟨t,s⟩)#A)) ∪
pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel ((i,delete⟨t,s⟩)#A)) ∪
pair ` snd ` set D"
using setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_cons_subset trms⇩s⇩s⇩t_cons
by (auto simp add: setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
moreover have "set Di ⊆ set D" "set [d←dbproj i D . d ∉ set Di] ⊆ set D"
using subseqs_set_subset[OF A''(1)] unfolding dbproj_def by auto
hence "trms⇩s⇩t (unlabel B) ⊆ insert (pair (t, s)) (pair ` snd ` set D)"
"trms⇩s⇩t (unlabel C) ⊆ insert (pair (t, s)) (pair ` snd ` set D)"
using A''(4,5) unfolding unlabel_def by auto
hence "trms⇩s⇩t (unlabel (B@C)) ⊆ insert (pair (t,s)) (pair ` snd ` set D)"
using unlabel_append[of B C] by auto
moreover have "pair (t,s) ∈ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (delete⟨t,s⟩#unlabel A)" by (simp add: setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
ultimately show ?case
using A''(3) trms⇩s⇩t_append[of "unlabel (B@C)" "unlabel A'"] unlabel_append[of "B@C" A'']
by (auto simp add: setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
case (7 i ac t s A D)
from 7 obtain d A'' where A'':
"d ∈ set (dbproj i D)" "A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)"
"A' = (i,⟨ac: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)#A''"
by atomize_elim force
hence "trms⇩l⇩s⇩t A'' ⊆ trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪
pair ` snd ` set D"
by (metis "7.IH")
moreover have "trms⇩s⇩t (unlabel A') = {pair (t,s), pair (snd d)} ∪ trms⇩s⇩t (unlabel A'')"
using A''(1,3) by auto
ultimately show ?case using A''(1) unfolding dbproj_def by (auto simp add: setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
case (8 i X F F' A D)
define constr where "constr = map (λG. (i,∀X⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t)) (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (map snd (dbproj i D)))"
define B where "B ≡ ⋃(trms⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s ` set (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (map snd (dbproj i D))))"
from 8 obtain A'' where A'':
"A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)" "A' = constr@A''"
unfolding constr_def by atomize_elim auto
have "trms⇩s⇩t (unlabel A'') ⊆ trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair`snd`set D"
by (metis A''(1) "8.IH")
moreover have "trms⇩s⇩t (unlabel constr) ⊆ B ∪ trms⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F ∪ pair ` snd ` set D"
unfolding unlabel_def constr_def B_def by auto
ultimately have "trms⇩s⇩t (unlabel A') ⊆ B ∪ trms⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F ∪ trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪
pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair ` snd ` set D"
using A'' unlabel_append[of constr A''] by auto
moreover have "set (dbproj i D) ⊆ set D" unfolding dbproj_def by auto
hence "B ⊆ pair ` set F' ∪ pair ` snd ` set D"
using tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s_trms_subset'[of F' "map snd (dbproj i D)"]
unfolding B_def by force
moreover have
"pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel ((i, ∀X⟨∨≠: F ∨∉: F'⟩)#A)) =
pair ` set F' ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A)"
by auto
ultimately show ?case by (auto simp add: setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
lemma tr_par_wf_trms:
assumes "A' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A [])" "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A))"
shows "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (trms⇩l⇩s⇩t A')"
using tr_par_trms_subset[OF assms(1)] setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s(2)[OF assms(2)]
by auto
lemma tr_par_wf':
assumes "fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) = {}"
and "fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D) ⊆ X"
and "wf'⇩s⇩s⇩t X (unlabel A)" "fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) = {}"
and "A' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)"
shows "wf⇩l⇩s⇩t X A'"
proof -
define P where
"P = (λ(D::('fun,'var,'lbl) labeleddbstatelist) (A::('fun,'var,'lbl) labeled_stateful_strand).
(fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) = {}) ∧
fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) = {})"
have "P D A" using assms(1,4) by (simp add: P_def)
with assms(5,3,2) show ?thesis
proof (induction A arbitrary: X A' D)
case Nil thus ?case by simp
case (Cons a A)
obtain i s where i: "a = (i,s)" by (metis surj_pair)
note prems = Cons.prems
note IH = Cons.IH
show ?case
proof (cases s)
case (Receive ts)
note si = Receive i
then obtain A'' where A'':
"A' = (i,receive⟨ts⟩⇩s⇩t)#A''" "A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)" "fv⇩s⇩e⇩t (set ts) ⊆ X"
using prems unlabel_Cons(1)[of i s A] by atomize_elim auto
have *: "wf'⇩s⇩s⇩t X (unlabel A)"
"fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D) ⊆ X"
"P D A"
using prems si apply (force, force)
using prems(4) si unfolding P_def by fastforce
show ?thesis using IH[OF A''(2) *] A''(1,3) by simp
case (Send ts)
note si = Send i
then obtain A'' where A'': "A' = (i,send⟨ts⟩⇩s⇩t)#A''" "A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)"
using prems by atomize_elim auto
have *: "wf'⇩s⇩s⇩t (X ∪ fv⇩s⇩e⇩t (set ts)) (unlabel A)"
"fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D) ⊆ X ∪ fv⇩s⇩e⇩t (set ts)"
"P D A"
using prems si apply (force, force)
using prems(4) si unfolding P_def by fastforce
show ?thesis using IH[OF A''(2) *] A''(1) by simp
case (Equality ac t t')
note si = Equality i
then obtain A'' where A'':
"A' = (i,⟨ac: t ≐ t'⟩⇩s⇩t)#A''" "A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)"
"ac = Assign ⟹ fv t' ⊆ X"
using prems unlabel_Cons(1)[of i s] by atomize_elim force
have *: "ac = Assign ⟹ wf'⇩s⇩s⇩t (X ∪ fv t) (unlabel A)"
"ac = Check ⟹ wf'⇩s⇩s⇩t X (unlabel A)"
"ac = Assign ⟹ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D) ⊆ X ∪ fv t"
"ac = Check ⟹ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D) ⊆ X"
"P D A"
using prems si apply (force, force, force, force)
using prems(4) si unfolding P_def by fastforce
show ?thesis
using IH[OF A''(2) *(1,3,5)] IH[OF A''(2) *(2,4,5)] A''(1,3)
by (cases ac) simp_all
case (Insert t t')
note si = Insert i
hence A': "A' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A (List.insert (i,t,t') D))" "fv t ⊆ X" "fv t' ⊆ X"
using prems by auto
have *: "wf'⇩s⇩s⇩t X (unlabel A)" "fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel (List.insert (i,t,t') D)) ⊆ X"
using prems si by (auto simp add: unlabel_def)
have **: "P (List.insert (i,t,t') D) A"
using prems(4) si
unfolding P_def unlabel_def
by fastforce
show ?thesis using IH[OF A'(1) * **] A'(2,3) by simp
case (Delete t t')
note si = Delete i
define constr where "constr = (λDi.
(map (λd. (i,⟨check: (pair (t,t')) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)) Di)@
(map (λd. (i,∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,t'), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t)) [d←dbproj i D. d ∉ set Di]))"
from prems si obtain Di A'' where A'':
"A' = constr Di@A''" "A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A [d←D. d ∉ set Di])"
"Di ∈ set (subseqs (dbproj i D))"
unfolding constr_def by auto
have *: "wf'⇩s⇩s⇩t X (unlabel A)"
"fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel (filter (λd. d ∉ set Di) D)) ⊆ X"
using prems si apply simp
using prems si by (fastforce simp add: unlabel_def)
have "fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel (filter (λd. d ∉ set Di) D)) ⊆ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D)"
by (auto simp add: unlabel_def)
hence **: "P [d←D. d ∉ set Di] A"
using prems si unfolding P_def
by fastforce
have ***: "fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D) ⊆ X" using prems si by auto
show ?thesis
using IH[OF A''(2) * **] A''(1) wf_pair_eqs_ineqs_map'[OF _ A''(3) ***]
unfolding constr_def by simp
case (InSet ac t t')
note si = InSet i
then obtain d A'' where A'':
"A' = (i,⟨ac: (pair (t,t')) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)#A''"
"A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)"
"d ∈ set D"
using prems by (auto simp add: dbproj_def)
have *:
"ac = Assign ⟹ wf'⇩s⇩s⇩t (X ∪ fv t ∪ fv t') (unlabel A)"
"ac = Check ⟹ wf'⇩s⇩s⇩t X (unlabel A)"
"ac = Assign ⟹ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D) ⊆ X ∪ fv t ∪ fv t'"
"ac = Check ⟹ fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D) ⊆ X"
"P D A"
using prems si apply (force, force, force, force)
using prems(4) si unfolding P_def by fastforce
have **: "fv (pair (snd d)) ⊆ X"
using A''(3) prems(3) fv_pair_fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s_subset
by fast
have ***: "fv (pair (t,t')) = fv t ∪ fv t'" unfolding pair_def by auto
show ?thesis
using IH[OF A''(2) *(1,3,5)] IH[OF A''(2) *(2,4,5)] A''(1) ** ***
by (cases ac) (simp_all add: Un_assoc)
case (NegChecks Y F F')
note si = NegChecks i
then obtain A'' where A'':
"A' = (map (λG. (i,∀Y⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t)) (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (map snd (dbproj i D))))@A''"
"A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)"
using prems by atomize_elim auto
have *: "wf'⇩s⇩s⇩t X (unlabel A)" "fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D) ⊆ X" using prems si by auto
have "bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ⊆ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel ((i,∀Y⟨∨≠: F ∨∉: F'⟩)#A))"
"fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ⊆ fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel ((i,∀Y⟨∨≠: F ∨∉: F'⟩)#A))"
by auto
hence **: "P D A" using prems si unfolding P_def by blast
show ?thesis using IH[OF A''(2) * **] A''(1) wf_pair_negchecks_map' by simp
lemma tr_par_wf:
assumes "A' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A [])"
and "wf⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A)"
and "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (trms⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A)"
shows "wf⇩l⇩s⇩t {} A'"
and "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (trms⇩l⇩s⇩t A')"
and "fv⇩l⇩s⇩t A' ∩ bvars⇩l⇩s⇩t A' = {}"
using tr_par_wf'[OF _ _ _ _ assms(1)]
tr_par_wf_trms[OF assms(1,3)]
tr_par_vars_disj[OF assms(1)]
by fastforce+
lemma tr_par_proj:
assumes "B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)"
shows "proj n B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c (proj n A) (proj n D))"
using assms
proof (induction A D arbitrary: B rule: tr⇩p⇩c.induct)
case (5 i t s S D)
note prems = "5.prems"
note IH = "5.IH"
have IH': "proj n B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c (proj n S) (proj n (List.insert (i,t,s) D)))"
using prems IH by auto
show ?case
proof (cases "(i = ln n) ∨ (i = ⋆)")
case True thus ?thesis
using IH' proj_list_insert(1,2)[of n "(t,s)" D] proj_list_Cons(1,2)[of n _ S]
by auto
case False
then obtain m where "i = ln m" "n ≠ m" by (cases i) simp_all
thus ?thesis
using IH' proj_list_insert(3)[of n _ "(t,s)" D] proj_list_Cons(3)[of n _ "insert⟨t,s⟩" S]
by auto
case (6 i t s S D)
note prems = "6.prems"
note IH = "6.IH"
define constr where "constr = (λDi D.
(map (λd. (i,⟨check: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)) Di)@
(map (λd. (i,∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t)) [d←dbproj i D. d ∉ set Di]))"
obtain Di B' where B':
"B = constr Di D@B'"
"Di ∈ set (subseqs (dbproj i D))"
"B' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S [d←D. d ∉ set Di])"
using prems constr_def by fastforce
hence "proj n B' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c (proj n S) (proj n [d←D. d ∉ set Di]))" using IH by simp
hence IH': "proj n B' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c (proj n S) [d←proj n D. d ∉ set Di])" by (metis proj_filter)
show ?case
proof (cases "(i = ln n) ∨ (i = ⋆)")
case True
hence "proj n B = constr Di D@proj n B'" "Di ∈ set (subseqs (dbproj i (proj n D)))"
using B'(1,2) proj_dbproj(1,2)[of n D] unfolding proj_def constr_def by auto
moreover have "constr Di (proj n D) = constr Di D"
using True proj_dbproj(1,2)[of n D] unfolding constr_def by presburger
ultimately have "proj n B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c ((i, delete⟨t,s⟩)#proj n S) (proj n D))"
using IH' unfolding constr_def by force
thus ?thesis by (metis proj_list_Cons(1,2) True)
case False
then obtain m where m: "i = ln m" "n ≠ m" by (cases i) simp_all
hence *: "(ln n) ≠ i" by simp
have "proj n B = proj n B'" using B'(1) False unfolding constr_def proj_def by auto
moreover have "[d←proj n D. d ∉ set Di] = proj n D"
using proj_subseq[OF _ m(2)[symmetric]] m(1) B'(2) by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using m(1) IH' proj_list_Cons(3)[OF m(2), of _ S] by auto
case (7 i ac t s S D)
note prems = "7.prems"
note IH = "7.IH"
define constr where "constr = (
λd::'lbl strand_label × ('fun,'var) term × ('fun,'var) term.
(i,⟨ac: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t))"
obtain d B' where B':
"B = constr d#B'"
"d ∈ set (dbproj i D)"
"B' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S D)"
using prems constr_def by fastforce
hence IH': "proj n B' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c (proj n S) (proj n D))" using IH by auto
show ?case
proof (cases "(i = ln n) ∨ (i = ⋆)")
case True
hence "proj n B = constr d#proj n B'" "d ∈ set (dbproj i (proj n D))"
using B' proj_list_Cons(1,2)[of n _ B']
unfolding constr_def
by (force, metis proj_dbproj(1,2))
hence "proj n B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c ((i, InSet ac t s)#proj n S) (proj n D))"
using IH' unfolding constr_def by auto
thus ?thesis using proj_list_Cons(1,2)[of n _ S] True by metis
case False
then obtain m where m: "i = ln m" "n ≠ m" by (cases i) simp_all
hence "proj n B = proj n B'" using B'(1) proj_list_Cons(3) unfolding constr_def by auto
thus ?thesis
using IH' m proj_list_Cons(3)[OF m(2), of "InSet ac t s" S]
unfolding constr_def
by auto
case (8 i X F F' S D)
note prems = "8.prems"
note IH = "8.IH"
define constr where
"constr = (λD. map (λG. (i,∀X⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t)) (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (map snd (dbproj i D))))"
obtain B' where B':
"B = constr D@B'"
"B' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S D)"
using prems constr_def by fastforce
hence IH': "proj n B' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c (proj n S) (proj n D))" using IH by auto
show ?case
proof (cases "(i = ln n) ∨ (i = ⋆)")
case True
hence "proj n B = constr (proj n D)@proj n B'"
using B'(1,2) proj_dbproj(1,2)[of n D] unfolding proj_def constr_def by auto
hence "proj n B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c ((i, NegChecks X F F')#proj n S) (proj n D))"
using IH' unfolding constr_def by auto
thus ?thesis using proj_list_Cons(1,2)[of n _ S] True by metis
case False
then obtain m where m: "i = ln m" "n ≠ m" by (cases i) simp_all
hence "proj n B = proj n B'" using B'(1) unfolding constr_def proj_def by auto
thus ?thesis
using IH' m proj_list_Cons(3)[OF m(2), of "NegChecks X F F'" S]
unfolding constr_def
by auto
qed (force simp add: proj_def)+
lemma tr_par_preserves_par_comp:
assumes "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A Sec" "A' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A [])"
shows "par_comp A' Sec"
proof -
let ?M = "λl. trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l A) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l A)"
let ?N = "λl. trms_proj⇩l⇩s⇩t l A'"
have 0: "∀l1 l2. l1 ≠ l2 ⟶ GSMP_disjoint (?M l1) (?M l2) Sec"
using assms(1) unfolding par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by simp_all
{ fix l1 l2::'lbl assume *: "l1 ≠ l2"
hence "GSMP_disjoint (?M l1) (?M l2) Sec" using 0(1) by metis
moreover have "pair ` snd ` set (proj n []) = {}" for n::'lbl unfolding proj_def by simp
hence "?N l1 ⊆ ?M l1" "?N l2 ⊆ ?M l2"
using tr_par_trms_subset[OF tr_par_proj[OF assms(2)]] by (metis Un_empty_right)+
ultimately have "GSMP_disjoint (?N l1) (?N l2) Sec"
using GSMP_disjoint_subset by presburger
} hence 1: "∀l1 l2. l1 ≠ l2 ⟶ GSMP_disjoint (trms_proj⇩l⇩s⇩t l1 A') (trms_proj⇩l⇩s⇩t l2 A') Sec"
using 0(1) by metis
have 2: "ground Sec" "∀s ∈ Sec. ¬{} ⊢⇩c s"
using assms(1) unfolding par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by metis+
show ?thesis using 1 2 unfolding par_comp_def by metis
lemma tr_preserves_receives:
assumes "E ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c F D)" "(l, receive⟨t⟩) ∈ set F"
shows "(l, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t) ∈ set E"
using assms by (induct F D arbitrary: E rule: tr⇩p⇩c.induct) auto
lemma tr_preserves_last_receive:
assumes "E ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c F D)" "suffix [(l, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)] E"
shows "∃G. suffix ((l, receive⟨t⟩)#G) F ∧ list_all (Not ∘ is_Receive ∘ snd) G"
(is "∃G. ?P G F ∧ ?Q G")
using assms
proof (induction F D arbitrary: E rule: tr⇩p⇩c.induct)
case (1 D) thus ?case by simp
case (2 i t' S D)
note prems = "2.prems"
note IH = "2.IH"
obtain E' where E': "E = (i,send⟨t'⟩⇩s⇩t)#E'" "E' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S D)"
using prems(1) by auto
obtain G where G: "?P G S" "?Q G"
using suffix_Cons'[OF prems(2)[unfolded E'(1)]] IH[OF E'(2)] by blast
show ?case by (metis suffix_Cons G)
case (3 i t' S D)
note prems = "3.prems"
note IH = "3.IH"
obtain E' where E': "E = (i,receive⟨t'⟩⇩s⇩t)#E'" "E' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S D)"
using prems(1) by auto
show ?case using suffix_Cons'[OF prems(2)[unfolded E'(1)]]
assume "suffix [(l, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)] E'"
then obtain G where G: "?P G S" "?Q G"
using IH[OF E'(2)] by blast
show ?thesis by (metis suffix_Cons G)
assume "(i, receive⟨t'⟩⇩s⇩t) = (l, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t) ∧ E' = []"
hence *: "i = l" "t' = t" "E' = []" by simp_all
show ?thesis
using tr_preserves_receives[OF E'(2)]
unfolding * list_all_iff is_Receive_def by fastforce
case (4 i ac t' t'' S D)
note prems = "4.prems"
note IH = "4.IH"
obtain E' where E': "E = (i,⟨ac: t' ≐ t''⟩⇩s⇩t)#E'" "E' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S D)"
using prems(1) by auto
obtain G where G: "?P G S" "?Q G"
using suffix_Cons'[OF prems(2)[unfolded E'(1)]] IH[OF E'(2)] by blast
show ?case by (metis suffix_Cons G)
case (5 i t' s S D)
note prems = "5.prems"
note IH = "5.IH"
have "E ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S (List.insert (i,t',s) D))" using prems(1) by auto
thus ?case by (metis IH[OF _ prems(2)] suffix_Cons)
case (6 i t' s S D)
note prems = "6.prems"
note IH = "6.IH"
define constr where "constr = (λDi.
(map (λd. (i,⟨check: (pair (t',s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)) Di)@
(map (λd. (i,∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t',s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t))
(filter (λd. d ∉ set Di) (dbproj i D))))"
obtain E' Di where E':
"E = constr Di@E'" "E' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S (filter (λd. d ∉ set Di) D))"
"Di ∈ set (subseqs (dbproj i D))"
using prems(1) unfolding constr_def by auto
have "receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t ∉ snd ` set (constr Di)" unfolding constr_def by force
hence "¬suffix [(l, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)] (constr Di)" unfolding suffix_def by auto
hence "1 ≤ length E'" using prems(2) E'(1) by (cases E') auto
hence "suffix [(l, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)] E'"
using suffix_length_suffix[OF prems(2) suffixI[OF E'(1)]] by simp
thus ?case by (metis IH[OF E'(3,2)] suffix_Cons)
case (7 i ac t' s S D)
note prems = "7.prems"
note IH = "7.IH"
define constr where "constr = (
λd::(('lbl strand_label × ('fun,'var) term × ('fun,'var) term)).
(i,⟨ac: (pair (t',s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t))"
obtain E' d where E': "E = constr d#E'" "E' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S D)" "d ∈ set (dbproj i D)"
using prems(1) unfolding constr_def by auto
have "receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t ≠ snd (constr d)" unfolding constr_def by force
hence "suffix [(l, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)] E'" using prems(2) E'(1) suffix_Cons' by fastforce
thus ?case by (metis IH[OF E'(2)] suffix_Cons)
case (8 i X G G' S D)
note prems = "8.prems"
note IH = "8.IH"
define constr where
"constr = map (λH. (i,∀X⟨∨≠: (G@H)⟩⇩s⇩t)) (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s G' (map snd (dbproj i D)))"
obtain E' where E': "E = constr@E'" "E' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S D)"
using prems(1) constr_def by auto
have "receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t ∉ snd ` set constr" unfolding constr_def by force
hence "¬suffix [(l, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)] constr" unfolding suffix_def by auto
hence "1 ≤ length E'" using prems(2) E'(1) by (cases E') auto
hence "suffix [(l, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)] E'"
using suffix_length_suffix[OF prems(2) suffixI[OF E'(1)]] by simp
thus ?case by (metis IH[OF E'(2)] suffix_Cons)
lemma tr_leaking_prefix_exists:
assumes "A' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A [])" "prefix B A'" "ik⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n B) ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ ⊢ t"
shows "∃C D. prefix C B ∧ prefix D A ∧ C ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c D []) ∧ (ik⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n C) ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ ⊢ t) ∧
(¬{} ⊢⇩c t ⟶ (∃l s G. suffix ((l, receive⟨s⟩)#G) D ∧ list_all (Not ∘ is_Receive ∘ snd) G))"
proof -
let ?P = "λB C C'. B = C@C' ∧ (∀n t. (n, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t) ∉ set C') ∧
(C = [] ∨ (∃n t. suffix [(n,receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)] C))"
have "∃C C'. ?P B C C'"
proof (induction B)
case (Cons b B)
then obtain C C' n s where *: "?P B C C'" "b = (n,s)" by atomize_elim auto
show ?case
proof (cases "C = []")
case True
note T = True
show ?thesis
proof (cases "∃t. s = receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t")
case True
hence "?P (b#B) [b] C'" using * T by auto
thus ?thesis by metis
case False
hence "?P (b#B) [] (b#C')" using * T by auto
thus ?thesis by metis
case False
hence "?P (b#B) (b#C) C'" using * unfolding suffix_def by auto
thus ?thesis by metis
qed simp
then obtain C C' where C:
"B = C@C'" "∀n t. (n, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t) ∉ set C'"
"C = [] ∨ (∃n t. suffix [(n,receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)] C)"
by atomize_elim auto
hence 1: "prefix C B" by simp
hence 2: "prefix C A'" using assms(2) by simp
have "⋀m t. (m,receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t) ∈ set B ⟹ (m,receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t) ∈ set C" using C by auto
hence "⋀t. receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t ∈ set (proj_unl n B) ⟹ receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t ∈ set (proj_unl n C)"
unfolding unlabel_def proj_def by force
hence "ik⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n B) ⊆ ik⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n C)" using ik⇩s⇩t_is_rcv_set by blast
hence 3: "ik⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n C) ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ ⊢ t" by (metis ideduct_mono[OF assms(3)] subst_all_mono)
have "∃F. prefix F A ∧ E ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c F D)"
when "suffix [(m, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)] E" "prefix E A'" "A' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)" for D E m t
using that
proof (induction A D arbitrary: A' E rule: tr⇩p⇩c.induct)
case (1 D) thus ?case by simp
case (2 i t' S D)
note prems = "2.prems"
note IH = "2.IH"
obtain A'' where *: "A' = (i,send⟨t'⟩⇩s⇩t)#A''" "A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S D)"
using prems(3) by auto
have "E ≠ []" using prems(1) by auto
then obtain E' where **: "E = (i,send⟨t'⟩⇩s⇩t)#E'"
using *(1) prems(2) by (cases E) auto
hence "suffix [(m, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)] E'" "prefix E' A''"
using *(1) prems(1,2) suffix_Cons[of _ _ E'] by auto
then obtain F where "prefix F S" "E' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c F D)"
using *(2) ** IH by metis
hence "prefix ((i,Send t')#F) ((i,Send t')#S)" "E ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c ((i,Send t')#F) D)"
using ** by auto
thus ?case by metis
case (3 i t' S D)
note prems = "3.prems"
note IH = "3.IH"
obtain A'' where *: "A' = (i,receive⟨t'⟩⇩s⇩t)#A''" "A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S D)"
using prems(3) by auto
have "E ≠ []" using prems(1) by auto
then obtain E' where **: "E = (i,receive⟨t'⟩⇩s⇩t)#E'"
using *(1) prems(2) by (cases E) auto
show ?case
proof (cases "(m, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t) = (i, receive⟨t'⟩⇩s⇩t)")
case True
note T = True
show ?thesis
proof (cases "suffix [(m, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)] E'")
case True
hence "suffix [(m, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)] E'" "prefix E' A''"
using ** *(1) prems(1,2) by auto
then obtain F where "prefix F S" "E' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c F D)"
using *(2) ** IH by metis
hence "prefix ((i,receive⟨t'⟩)#F) ((i,receive⟨t'⟩)#S)"
"E ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c ((i,receive⟨t'⟩)#F) D)"
using ** by auto
thus ?thesis by metis
case False
hence "E' = []"
using **(1) T prems(1)
suffix_Cons[of "[(m, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)]" "(m, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)" E']
by auto
hence "prefix [(i,receive⟨t'⟩)] ((i,receive⟨t'⟩) # S) ∧ E ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c [(i,receive⟨t'⟩)] D)"
using * ** prems by auto
thus ?thesis by metis
case False
hence "suffix [(m, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)] E'" "prefix E' A''"
using ** *(1) prems(1,2) suffix_Cons[of _ _ E'] by auto
then obtain F where "prefix F S" "E' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c F D)" using *(2) ** IH by metis
hence "prefix ((i,receive⟨t'⟩)#F) ((i,receive⟨t'⟩)#S)" "E ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c ((i,receive⟨t'⟩)#F) D)"
using ** by auto
thus ?thesis by metis
case (4 i ac t' t'' S D)
note prems = "4.prems"
note IH = "4.IH"
obtain A'' where *: "A' = (i,⟨ac: t' ≐ t''⟩⇩s⇩t)#A''" "A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S D)"
using prems(3) by auto
have "E ≠ []" using prems(1) by auto
then obtain E' where **: "E = (i,⟨ac: t' ≐ t''⟩⇩s⇩t)#E'"
using *(1) prems(2) by (cases E) auto
hence "suffix [(m, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)] E'" "prefix E' A''"
using *(1) prems(1,2) suffix_Cons[of _ _ E'] by auto
then obtain F where "prefix F S" "E' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c F D)"
using *(2) ** IH by metis
hence "prefix ((i,Equality ac t' t'')#F) ((i,Equality ac t' t'')#S)"
"E ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c ((i,Equality ac t' t'')#F) D)"
using ** by auto
thus ?case by metis
case (5 i t' s S D)
note prems = "5.prems"
note IH = "5.IH"
have *: "A' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S (List.insert (i,t',s) D))" using prems(3) by auto
have "E ≠ []" using prems(1) by auto
hence "suffix [(m, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)] E" "prefix E A'"
using *(1) prems(1,2) suffix_Cons[of _ _ E] by auto
then obtain F where "prefix F S" "E ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c F (List.insert (i,t',s) D))"
using * IH by metis
hence "prefix ((i,insert⟨t',s⟩)#F) ((i,insert⟨t',s⟩)#S)"
"E ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c ((i,insert⟨t',s⟩)#F) D)"
by auto
thus ?case by metis
case (6 i t' s S D)
note prems = "6.prems"
note IH = "6.IH"
define constr where "constr = (λDi.
(map (λd. (i,⟨check: (pair (t',s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)) Di)@
(map (λd. (i,∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t',s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t))
(filter (λd. d ∉ set Di) (dbproj i D))))"
obtain A'' Di where *:
"A' = constr Di@A''" "A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S (filter (λd. d ∉ set Di) D))"
"Di ∈ set (subseqs (dbproj i D))"
using prems(3) constr_def by auto
have ***: "(m, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t) ∉ set (constr Di)" using constr_def by auto
have "E ≠ []" using prems(1) by auto
then obtain E' where **: "E = constr Di@E'"
using *(1) prems(1,2) ***
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Un_iff list.set_intros(1) prefixI prefix_def
prefix_same_cases set_append suffix_def)
hence "suffix [(m, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)] E'" "prefix E' A''"
using *(1) prems(1,2) suffix_append[of "[(m,receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)]" "constr Di" E'] ***
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Nil_suffix append_Nil2 in_set_conv_decomp rev_exhaust
snoc_suffix_snoc suffix_appendD,
then obtain F where "prefix F S" "E' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c F (filter (λd. d ∉ set Di) D))"
using *(2,3) ** IH by metis
hence "prefix ((i,delete⟨t',s⟩)#F) ((i,delete⟨t',s⟩)#S)"
"E ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c ((i,delete⟨t',s⟩)#F) D)"
using *(3) ** constr_def by auto
thus ?case by metis
case (7 i ac t' s S D)
note prems = "7.prems"
note IH = "7.IH"
define constr where "constr = (
λd::(('lbl strand_label × ('fun,'var) term × ('fun,'var) term)).
(i,⟨ac: (pair (t',s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t))"
obtain A'' d where *: "A' = constr d#A''" "A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S D)" "d ∈ set (dbproj i D)"
using prems(3) constr_def by auto
have "E ≠ []" using prems(1) by auto
then obtain E' where **: "E = constr d#E'" using *(1) prems(2) by (cases E) auto
hence "suffix [(m, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)] E'" "prefix E' A''"
using *(1) prems(1,2) suffix_Cons[of _ _ E'] using constr_def by auto
then obtain F where "prefix F S" "E' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c F D)" using *(2) ** IH by metis
hence "prefix ((i,InSet ac t' s)#F) ((i,InSet ac t' s)#S)"
"E ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c ((i,InSet ac t' s)#F) D)"
using *(3) ** unfolding constr_def by auto
thus ?case by metis
case (8 i X G G' S D)
note prems = "8.prems"
note IH = "8.IH"
define constr where
"constr = map (λH. (i,∀X⟨∨≠: (G@H)⟩⇩s⇩t)) (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s G' (map snd (dbproj i D)))"
obtain A'' where *: "A' = constr@A''" "A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S D)"
using prems(3) constr_def by auto
have ***: "(m, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t) ∉ set constr" using constr_def by auto
have "E ≠ []" using prems(1) by auto
then obtain E' where **: "E = constr@E'"
using *(1) prems(1,2) ***
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Un_iff list.set_intros(1) prefixI prefix_def
prefix_same_cases set_append suffix_def)
hence "suffix [(m, receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)] E'" "prefix E' A''"
using *(1) prems(1,2) suffix_append[of "[(m,receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)]" constr E'] ***
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Nil_suffix append_Nil2 in_set_conv_decomp rev_exhaust
snoc_suffix_snoc suffix_appendD,
then obtain F where "prefix F S" "E' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c F D)" using *(2) ** IH by metis
hence "prefix ((i,NegChecks X G G')#F) ((i,NegChecks X G G')#S)"
"E ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c ((i,NegChecks X G G')#F) D)"
using ** constr_def by auto
thus ?case by metis
moreover have "prefix [] A" "[] ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c [] [])" by auto
moreover have "{} ⊢⇩c t" when "C = []" using 3 by (simp add: deducts_eq_if_empty_ik that)
ultimately have 4:
"∃D. prefix D A ∧ C ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c D []) ∧
(¬{} ⊢⇩c t ⟶ (∃l s G. suffix ((l, receive⟨s⟩)#G) D ∧
list_all (Not ∘ is_Receive ∘ snd) G))"
using C(3) assms(1) 2 by (meson tr_preserves_last_receive)
show ?thesis by (metis 1 3 4)
context labeled_stateful_typing
lemma tr_par_tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p:
assumes "A' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)" "list_all tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel A)"
and "fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) = {}" (is "?P0 A D")
and "fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel D) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) = {}" (is "?P1 A D")
and "∀t ∈ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair ` snd ` set D.
∀t' ∈ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair ` snd ` set D.
(∃δ. Unifier δ t t') ⟶ Γ t = Γ t'" (is "?P3 A D")
shows "list_all tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel A')"
proof -
have sublmm: "list_all tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel A)" "?P0 A D" "?P1 A D" "?P3 A D"
when p: "list_all tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel (a#A))" "?P0 (a#A) D" "?P1 (a#A) D" "?P3 (a#A) D"
for a A D
proof -
show "list_all tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel A)" using p(1) by (simp add: unlabel_def tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
show "?P0 A D" using p(2) fv⇩s⇩s⇩t_cons_subset unfolding unlabel_def by fastforce
show "?P1 A D" using p(3) bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t_cons_subset unfolding unlabel_def by fastforce
have "setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ⊆ setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel (a#A))"
using setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_cons_subset unfolding unlabel_def by auto
thus "?P3 A D" using p(4) by blast
show ?thesis using assms
proof (induction A D arbitrary: A' rule: tr⇩p⇩c.induct)
case 1 thus ?case by simp
case (2 i t A D)
note prems = "2.prems"
note IH = "2.IH"
from prems(1) obtain A'' where A'': "A' = (i,send⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)#A''" "A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)" by atomize_elim auto
have "list_all tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel A'')"
using IH[OF A''(2)] prems(5) sublmm[OF prems(2,3,4,5)]
by meson
thus ?case using A''(1) by simp
case (3 i t A D)
note prems = "3.prems"
note IH = "3.IH"
from prems(1) obtain A'' where A'': "A' = (i,receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t)#A''" "A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)" by atomize_elim auto
have "list_all tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel A'')"
using IH[OF A''(2)] prems(5) sublmm[OF prems(2,3,4,5)]
by meson
thus ?case using A''(1) by simp
case (4 i ac t t' A D)
note prems = "4.prems"
note IH = "4.IH"
from prems(1) obtain A'' where A'': "A' = (i,⟨ac: t ≐ t'⟩⇩s⇩t)#A''" "A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)" by atomize_elim auto
have "list_all tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel A'')"
using IH[OF A''(2)] prems(5) sublmm[OF prems(2,3,4,5)]
by meson
thus ?case using A''(1) prems(2) by simp
case (5 i t s A D)
note prems = "5.prems"
note IH = "5.IH"
from prems(1) have A': "A' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A (List.insert (i,t,s) D))" by simp
have 1: "list_all tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel A)" using sublmm[OF prems(2,3,4,5)] by simp
have "pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel ((i,insert⟨t,s⟩)#A)) ∪ pair`snd`set D =
pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair`snd`set (List.insert (i,t,s) D)"
by (auto simp add: setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
hence 3: "?P3 A (List.insert (i,t,s) D)" using prems(5) by metis
moreover have "?P1 A (List.insert (i,t,s) D)"
using prems(3,4) bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t_cons_subset[of "unlabel A" "insert⟨t,s⟩"]
unfolding unlabel_def
by fastforce
ultimately have "list_all tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel A')"
using IH[OF A' sublmm(1,2)[OF prems(2,3,4,5)] _ 3] by metis
thus ?case using A'(1) by auto
case (6 i t s A D)
note prems = "6.prems"
note IH = "6.IH"
define constr where constr: "constr ≡ (λDi.
(map (λd. (i,⟨check: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)) Di)@
(map (λd. (i,∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t)) (filter (λd. d ∉ set Di) (dbproj i D))))"
from prems(1) obtain Di A'' where A'':
"A' = constr Di@A''" "A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A (filter (λd. d ∉ set Di) D))"
"Di ∈ set (subseqs (dbproj i D))"
unfolding constr by fastforce
define Q1 where "Q1 ≡ (λ(F::(('fun,'var) term × ('fun,'var) term) list) X.
∀x ∈ (fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F) - set X. ∃a. Γ (Var x) = TAtom a)"
define Q2 where "Q2 ≡ (λ(F::(('fun,'var) term × ('fun,'var) term) list) X.
∀f T. Fun f T ∈ subterms⇩s⇩e⇩t (trms⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F) ⟶ T = [] ∨ (∃s ∈ set T. s ∉ Var ` set X))"
have "pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair`snd`set [d←D. d ∉ set Di]
⊆ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel ((i,delete⟨t,s⟩)#A)) ∪ pair`snd`set D"
using subseqs_set_subset[OF A''(3)] by (force simp add: setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
moreover have "∀a∈M. ∀b∈M. P a b"
when "M ⊆ N" "∀a∈N. ∀b∈N. P a b"
for M N::"('fun, 'var) terms" and P
using that by blast
ultimately have *: "?P3 A (filter (λd. d ∉ set Di) D)"
using prems(5) by presburger
have **: "?P1 A (filter (λd. d ∉ set Di) D)"
using prems(4) bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t_cons_subset[of "unlabel A" "delete⟨t,s⟩"]
unfolding unlabel_def by fastforce
have 1: "list_all tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel A'')"
using IH[OF A''(3,2) sublmm(1,2)[OF prems(2,3,4,5)] ** *]
by metis
have 2: "⟨ac: u ≐ u'⟩⇩s⇩t ∈ set (unlabel A'') ∨
(∃d ∈ set Di. u = pair (t,s) ∧ u' = pair (snd d))"
when "⟨ac: u ≐ u'⟩⇩s⇩t ∈ set (unlabel A')" for ac u u'
using that A''(1) unfolding constr unlabel_def by force
have 3:
"∀X⟨∨≠: u⟩⇩s⇩t ∈ set (unlabel A'') ∨
(∃d ∈ set (filter (λd. d ∉ set Di) D). u = [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))] ∧ Q2 u X)"
when "∀X⟨∨≠: u⟩⇩s⇩t ∈ set (unlabel A')" for X u
using that A''(1) unfolding Q2_def constr unlabel_def dbproj_def by force
have 4: "∀d∈set D. (∃δ. Unifier δ (pair (t,s)) (pair (snd d)))
⟶ Γ (pair (t,s)) = Γ (pair (snd d))"
using prems(5) by (simp add: setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
{ fix ac u u'
assume a: "⟨ac: u ≐ u'⟩⇩s⇩t ∈ set (unlabel A')" "∃δ. Unifier δ u u'"
hence "⟨ac: u ≐ u'⟩⇩s⇩t ∈ set (unlabel A'') ∨ (∃d ∈ set Di. u = pair (t,s) ∧ u' = pair (snd d))"
using 2 by metis
moreover {
assume "⟨ac: u ≐ u'⟩⇩s⇩t ∈ set (unlabel A'')"
hence "tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p (⟨ac: u ≐ u'⟩⇩s⇩t)"
using 1 Ball_set_list_all[of "unlabel A''" tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p]
by fast
} moreover {
fix d assume "d ∈ set Di" "u = pair (t,s)" "u' = pair (snd d)"
hence "∃δ. Unifier δ u u' ⟹ Γ u = Γ u'"
using 4 dbproj_subseq_subset A''(3)
by fast
hence "tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p (⟨ac: u ≐ u'⟩⇩s⇩t)"
using Ball_set_list_all[of "unlabel A''" tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p]
by simp
hence "Γ u = Γ u'" using tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p_list_all_alt_def[of "unlabel A''"]
using a(2) unfolding unlabel_def by auto
} ultimately have "Γ u = Γ u'"
using tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p_list_all_alt_def[of "unlabel A''"] a(2)
unfolding unlabel_def by auto
} moreover {
fix u U
assume "∀U⟨∨≠: u⟩⇩s⇩t ∈ set (unlabel A')"
hence "∀U⟨∨≠: u⟩⇩s⇩t ∈ set (unlabel A'') ∨
(∃d ∈ set (filter (λd. d ∉ set Di) D). u = [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))] ∧ Q2 u U)"
using 3 by metis
hence "Q1 u U ∨ Q2 u U"
using 1 4 subseqs_set_subset[OF A''(3)] tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p_list_all_alt_def[of "unlabel A''"]
unfolding Q1_def Q2_def
by blast
} ultimately show ?case
using tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p_list_all_alt_def[of "unlabel A'"] unfolding Q1_def Q2_def unlabel_def by blast
case (7 i ac t s A D)
note prems = "7.prems"
note IH = "7.IH"
from prems(1) obtain d A'' where A'':
"A' = (i,⟨ac: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)#A''"
"A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)"
"d ∈ set (dbproj i D)"
by atomize_elim force
have 1: "list_all tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel A'')"
using IH[OF A''(2) sublmm(1,2,3)[OF prems(2,3,4,5)] sublmm(4)[OF prems(2,3,4,5)]]
by metis
have 2: "Γ (pair (t,s)) = Γ (pair (snd d))"
when "∃δ. Unifier δ (pair (t,s)) (pair (snd d))"
using that prems(2,5) A''(3) unfolding tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by (simp add: setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_def dbproj_def)
show ?case using A''(1) 1 2 by fastforce
case (8 i X F F' A D)
note prems = "8.prems"
note IH = "8.IH"
define constr where
"constr = map (λG. (i,∀X⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t)) (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (map snd (dbproj i D)))"
define Q1 where "Q1 ≡ (λ(F::(('fun,'var) term × ('fun,'var) term) list) X.
∀x ∈ (fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F) - set X. ∃a. Γ (Var x) = TAtom a)"
define Q2 where "Q2 ≡ (λ(M::('fun,'var) terms) X.
∀f T. Fun f T ∈ subterms⇩s⇩e⇩t M ⟶ T = [] ∨ (∃s ∈ set T. s ∉ Var ` set X))"
have Q2_subset: "Q2 M' X" when "M' ⊆ M" "Q2 M X" for X M M'
using that unfolding Q2_def by auto
have Q2_supset: "Q2 (M ∪ M') X" when "Q2 M X" "Q2 M' X" for X M M'
using that unfolding Q2_def by auto
from prems obtain A'' where A'': "A' = constr@A''" "A'' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)"
using constr_def by atomize_elim auto
have 0: "constr = [(i,∀X⟨∨≠: F⟩⇩s⇩t)]" when "F' = []" using that unfolding constr_def by simp
have 1: "list_all tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel A'')"
using IH[OF A''(2) sublmm(1,2,3)[OF prems(2,3,4,5)] sublmm(4)[OF prems(2,3,4,5)]]
by metis
have 2: "(F' = [] ∧ Q1 F X) ∨ Q2 (trms⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F ∪ pair ` set F') X"
using prems(2) unfolding Q1_def Q2_def by simp
have 3: "F' = [] ⟹ Q1 F X ⟹ list_all tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel constr)"
using 0 2 tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p_list_all_alt_def[of "unlabel constr"] unfolding Q1_def by auto
{ fix c assume "c ∈ set (unlabel constr)"
hence "∃G ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (map snd (dbproj i D))). c = ∀X⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t"
unfolding constr_def unlabel_def by force
} moreover {
fix G
assume G: "G ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (map snd (dbproj i D)))"
and c: "∀X⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t ∈ set (unlabel constr)"
and e: "Q2 (trms⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F ∪ pair ` set F') X"
have d_Q2: "Q2 (pair ` set (map snd D)) X" unfolding Q2_def
proof (intro allI impI)
fix f T assume "Fun f T ∈ subterms⇩s⇩e⇩t (pair ` set (map snd D))"
then obtain d where d: "d ∈ set (map snd D)" "Fun f T ∈ subterms (pair d)" by force
hence "fv (pair d) ∩ set X = {}"
using prems(4) unfolding pair_def by (force simp add: unlabel_def)
thus "T = [] ∨ (∃s ∈ set T. s ∉ Var ` set X)"
by (metis fv_disj_Fun_subterm_param_cases d(2))
have "trms⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (F@G) ⊆ trms⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F ∪ pair ` set F' ∪ pair ` set (map snd D)"
using tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s_trms_subset[OF G] unfolding dbproj_def by force
hence "Q2 (trms⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (F@G)) X" using Q2_subset[OF _ Q2_supset[OF e d_Q2]] by metis
hence "tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p (∀X⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t)" by (metis Q2_def tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p.simps(2))
} ultimately have 4:
"Q2 (trms⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F ∪ pair ` set F') X ⟹ list_all tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel constr)"
using Ball_set by blast
have 5: "list_all tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel constr)" using 2 3 4 by metis
show ?case using 1 5 A''(1) by (simp add: unlabel_def)
lemma tr_par_tfr:
assumes "A' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A [])" and "tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A)"
and "fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) = {}"
shows "tfr⇩s⇩t (unlabel A')"
proof -
have *: "trms⇩l⇩s⇩t A' ⊆ trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A)"
using tr_par_trms_subset[OF assms(1)] by simp
hence "SMP (trms⇩l⇩s⇩t A') ⊆ SMP (trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A))"
using SMP_mono by simp
moreover have "tfr⇩s⇩e⇩t (trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A))"
using assms(2) unfolding tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by fast
ultimately have 1: "tfr⇩s⇩e⇩t (trms⇩l⇩s⇩t A')" by (metis tfr_subset(2)[OF _ *])
have **: "list_all tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel A)" using assms(2) unfolding tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by fast
have "pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ⊆
SMP (trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A)) - Var`𝒱"
using setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_are_pairs unfolding pair_def by auto
hence "Γ t = Γ t'"
when "∃δ. Unifier δ t t'" "t ∈ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A)" "t' ∈ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A)"
for t t'
using that assms(2) unfolding tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t_def tfr⇩s⇩e⇩t_def by blast
moreover have "fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (unlabel []) = {}" "pair ` snd ` set [] = {}" by auto
ultimately have 2: "list_all tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel A')"
using tr_par_tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p[OF assms(1) ** assms(3)] by simp
show ?thesis by (metis 1 2 tfr⇩s⇩t_def)
lemma tr_par_preserves_typing_cond:
assumes "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A Sec" "typing_cond⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A)" "A' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A [])"
shows "typing_cond (unlabel A')"
proof -
have "wf'⇩s⇩s⇩t {} (unlabel A)"
"fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) = {}"
"wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A))"
using assms(2) unfolding typing_cond⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by simp_all
hence 1: "wf⇩s⇩t {} (unlabel A')"
"fv⇩s⇩t (unlabel A') ∩ bvars⇩s⇩t (unlabel A') = {}"
"wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (trms⇩s⇩t (unlabel A'))"
"Ana_invar_subst (ik⇩s⇩t (unlabel A') ∪ assignment_rhs⇩s⇩t (unlabel A'))"
using tr_par_wf[OF assms(3)] Ana_invar_subst' by metis+
have 2: "tfr⇩s⇩t (unlabel A')" by (metis tr_par_tfr assms(2,3) typing_cond⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
show ?thesis by (metis 1 2 typing_cond_def)
subsection ‹Theorem: Semantic Equivalence of Translation›
context labeled_stateful_typed_model
text ‹
An alternative version of the translation that does not perform database-state projections.
It is used as an intermediate step in the proof of semantic equivalence/correctness.
private fun tr'⇩p⇩c::
"('fun,'var,'lbl) labeled_stateful_strand ⇒ ('fun,'var,'lbl) labeleddbstatelist
⇒ ('fun,'var,'lbl) labeled_strand list"
"tr'⇩p⇩c [] D = [[]]"
| "tr'⇩p⇩c ((i,send⟨ts⟩)#A) D = map ((#) (i,send⟨ts⟩⇩s⇩t)) (tr'⇩p⇩c A D)"
| "tr'⇩p⇩c ((i,receive⟨ts⟩)#A) D = map ((#) (i,receive⟨ts⟩⇩s⇩t)) (tr'⇩p⇩c A D)"
| "tr'⇩p⇩c ((i,⟨ac: t ≐ t'⟩)#A) D = map ((#) (i,⟨ac: t ≐ t'⟩⇩s⇩t)) (tr'⇩p⇩c A D)"
| "tr'⇩p⇩c ((i,insert⟨t,s⟩)#A) D = tr'⇩p⇩c A (List.insert (i,(t,s)) D)"
| "tr'⇩p⇩c ((i,delete⟨t,s⟩)#A) D = (
concat (map (λDi. map (λB. (map (λd. (i,⟨check: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)) Di)@
(map (λd. (i,∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t))
[d←D. d ∉ set Di])@B)
(tr'⇩p⇩c A [d←D. d ∉ set Di]))
(subseqs D)))"
| "tr'⇩p⇩c ((i,⟨ac: t ∈ s⟩)#A) D =
concat (map (λB. map (λd. (i,⟨ac: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)#B) D) (tr'⇩p⇩c A D))"
| "tr'⇩p⇩c ((i,∀X⟨∨≠: F ∨∉: F'⟩)#A) D =
map ((@) (map (λG. (i,∀X⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t)) (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (map snd D)))) (tr'⇩p⇩c A D)"
subsubsection ‹Part 1›
private lemma tr'_par_iff_unlabel_tr:
assumes "∀(i,p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A ∪ set D.
∀(j,q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A ∪ set D.
p = q ⟶ i = j"
shows "(∃C ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c A D). B = unlabel C) ⟷ B ∈ set (tr (unlabel A) (unlabel D))"
(is "?A ⟷ ?B")
{ fix C have "C ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c A D) ⟹ unlabel C ∈ set (tr (unlabel A) (unlabel D))" using assms
proof (induction A D arbitrary: C rule: tr'⇩p⇩c.induct)
case (5 i t s S D)
hence "unlabel C ∈ set (tr (unlabel S) (unlabel (List.insert (i, t, s) D)))"
by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
moreover have
"insert (i,t,s) (set D) ⊆ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i,insert⟨t,s⟩)#S) ∪ set D"
by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
hence "∀(j,p) ∈ insert (i,t,s) (set D). ∀(k,q) ∈ insert (i,t,s) (set D). p = q ⟶ j = k"
using "5.prems"(2) by blast
hence "unlabel (List.insert (i, t, s) D) = (List.insert (t, s) (unlabel D))"
using map_snd_list_insert_distrib[of "(i,t,s)" D] unfolding unlabel_def by simp
ultimately show ?case by auto
case (6 i t s S D)
let ?f1 = "λd. ⟨check: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair d)⟩⇩s⇩t"
let ?g1 = "λd. ∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair d)]⟩⇩s⇩t"
let ?f2 = "λd. (i, ?f1 (snd d))"
let ?g2 = "λd. (i, ?g1 (snd d))"
define constr1 where "constr1 = (λDi. (map ?f1 Di)@(map ?g1 [d←unlabel D. d ∉ set Di]))"
define constr2 where "constr2 = (λDi. (map ?f2 Di)@(map ?g2 [d←D. d ∉ set Di]))"
obtain C' Di where C':
"Di ∈ set (subseqs D)"
"C = constr2 Di@C'"
"C' ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c S [d←D. d ∉ set Di])"
using "6.prems"(1) unfolding constr2_def by atomize_elim auto
have 0: "set [d←D. d ∉ set Di] ⊆ set D"
"setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S ⊆ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i, delete⟨t,s⟩)#S)"
by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
hence 1:
"∀(j, p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S ∪ set [d←D. d ∉ set Di].
∀(k, q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S ∪ set [d←D. d ∉ set Di].
p = q ⟶ j = k"
using "6.prems"(2) by blast
have "∀(i,p) ∈ set D ∪ set Di. ∀(j,q) ∈ set D ∪ set Di. p = q ⟶ i = j"
using "6.prems"(2) subseqs_set_subset(1)[OF C'(1)] by blast
hence 2: "unlabel [d←D. d ∉ set Di] = [d←unlabel D. d ∉ set (unlabel Di)]"
using unlabel_filter_eq[of D "set Di"] unfolding unlabel_def by simp
have 3:
"⋀f g::('a × 'a ⇒ 'c). ⋀A B::(('b × 'a × 'a) list).
map snd ((map (λd. (i, f (snd d))) A)@(map (λd. (i, g (snd d))) B)) =
map f (map snd A)@map g (map snd B)"
by simp
have "unlabel (constr2 Di) = constr1 (unlabel Di)"
using 2 3[of ?f1 Di ?g1 "[d←D. d ∉ set Di]"]
by (simp add: constr1_def constr2_def unlabel_def)
hence 4: "unlabel C = constr1 (unlabel Di)@unlabel C'"
using C'(2) unlabel_append by metis
have "unlabel Di ∈ set (map unlabel (subseqs D))"
using C'(1) unfolding unlabel_def by simp
hence 5: "unlabel Di ∈ set (subseqs (unlabel D))"
using map_subseqs[of snd D] unfolding unlabel_def by simp
show ?case using "6.IH"[OF C'(1,3) 1] 2 4 5 unfolding constr1_def by auto
case (7 i ac t s S D)
obtain C' d where C':
"C = (i,⟨ac: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)#C'"
"C' ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c S D)" "d ∈ set D"
using "7.prems"(1) by atomize_elim force
have "setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S ∪ set D ⊆ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i,InSet ac t s)#S) ∪ set D"
by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
hence "∀(j, p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S ∪ set D.
∀(k, q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S ∪ set D.
p = q ⟶ j = k"
using "7.prems"(2) by blast
hence "unlabel C' ∈ set (tr (unlabel S) (unlabel D))" using "7.IH"[OF C'(2)] by auto
thus ?case using C' unfolding unlabel_def by force
case (8 i X F F' S D)
obtain C' where C':
"C = map (λG. (i,∀X⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t)) (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (map snd D))@C'"
"C' ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c S D)"
using "8.prems"(1) by atomize_elim auto
have "setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S ∪ set D ⊆ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i,NegChecks X F F')#S) ∪ set D"
by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
hence "∀(j, p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S ∪ set D.
∀(k, q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S ∪ set D.
p = q ⟶ j = k"
using "8.prems"(2) by blast
hence "unlabel C' ∈ set (tr (unlabel S) (unlabel D))" using "8.IH"[OF C'(2)] by auto
thus ?case using C' unfolding unlabel_def by auto
qed (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
} thus "?A ⟹ ?B" by blast
show "?B ⟹ ?A" using assms
proof (induction A arbitrary: B D)
case (Cons a A)
obtain ia sa where a: "a = (ia,sa)" by atomize_elim auto
have "setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A ⊆ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (a#A)" using a by (cases sa) (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
hence 1: "∀(j, p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A ∪ set D.
∀(k, q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A ∪ set D.
p = q ⟶ j = k"
using Cons.prems(2) by blast
show ?case
proof (cases sa)
case (Send t)
then obtain B' where B':
"B = send⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t#B'"
"B' ∈ set (tr (unlabel A) (unlabel D))"
using Cons.prems(1) a by auto
thus ?thesis using Cons.IH[OF B'(2) 1] a B'(1) Send by auto
case (Receive t)
then obtain B' where B':
"B = receive⟨t⟩⇩s⇩t#B'"
"B' ∈ set (tr (unlabel A) (unlabel D))"
using Cons.prems(1) a by auto
thus ?thesis using Cons.IH[OF B'(2) 1] a B'(1) Receive by auto
case (Equality ac t t')
then obtain B' where B':
"B = ⟨ac: t ≐ t'⟩⇩s⇩t#B'"
"B' ∈ set (tr (unlabel A) (unlabel D))"
using Cons.prems(1) a by auto
thus ?thesis using Cons.IH[OF B'(2) 1] a B'(1) Equality by auto
case (Insert t s)
hence B: "B ∈ set (tr (unlabel A) (List.insert (t,s) (unlabel D)))"
using Cons.prems(1) a by auto
let ?P = "λi. List.insert (t,s) (unlabel D) = unlabel (List.insert (i,t,s) D)"
{ obtain j where j: "?P j" "j = ia ∨ (j,t,s) ∈ set D"
using labeled_list_insert_eq_ex_cases[of "(t,s)" D ia] by atomize_elim auto
hence "j = ia" using Cons.prems(2) a Insert by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
hence "?P ia" using j(1) by metis
} hence j: "?P ia" by metis
have 2: "∀(k1, p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A ∪ set (List.insert (ia,t,s) D).
∀(k2, q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A ∪ set (List.insert (ia,t,s) D).
p = q ⟶ k1 = k2"
using Cons.prems(2) a Insert by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
show ?thesis using Cons.IH[OF _ 2] j(1) B Insert a by auto
case (Delete t s)
define c where "c ≡ (λ(i::'lbl strand_label) Di.
map (λd. (i,⟨check: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)) Di@
map (λd. (i,∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t)) [d←D. d ∉ set Di])"
define d where "d ≡ (λDi.
map (λd. ⟨check: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair d)⟩⇩s⇩t) Di@
map (λd. ∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair d)]⟩⇩s⇩t) [d←unlabel D. d ∉ set Di])"
obtain B' Di where B':
"B = d Di@B'" "Di ∈ set (subseqs (unlabel D))"
"B' ∈ set (tr (unlabel A) [d←unlabel D. d ∉ set Di])"
using Cons.prems(1) a Delete unfolding d_def by auto
obtain Di' where Di': "Di' ∈ set (subseqs D)" "unlabel Di' = Di"
using unlabel_subseqsD[OF B'(2)] by atomize_elim auto
have 2: "∀(j, p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A ∪ set [d←D. d ∉ set Di'].
∀(k, q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A ∪ set [d←D. d ∉ set Di'].
p = q ⟶ j = k"
using 1 subseqs_subset[OF Di'(1)]
filter_is_subset[of "λd. d ∉ set Di'"]
by blast
have "set Di' ⊆ set D" by (rule subseqs_subset[OF Di'(1)])
hence "∀(j, p)∈set D ∪ set Di'. ∀(k, q)∈set D ∪ set Di'. p = q ⟶ j = k"
using Cons.prems(2) by blast
hence 3: "[d←unlabel D. d ∉ set Di] = unlabel [d←D. d ∉ set Di']"
using Di'(2) unlabel_filter_eq[of D "set Di'"] unfolding unlabel_def by auto
obtain C where C: "C ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c A [d←D. d ∉ set Di'])" "B' = unlabel C"
using 3 Cons.IH[OF _ 2] B'(3) by auto
hence 4: "c ia Di'@C ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c (a#A) D)" using Di'(1) a Delete unfolding c_def by auto
have "unlabel (c ia Di') = d Di" using Di' 3 unfolding c_def d_def unlabel_def by auto
hence 5: "B = unlabel (c ia Di'@C)" using B'(1) C(2) unlabel_append[of "c ia Di'" C] by simp
show ?thesis using 4 5 by blast
case (InSet ac t s)
then obtain B' d where B':
"B = ⟨ac: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair d)⟩⇩s⇩t#B'"
"B' ∈ set (tr (unlabel A) (unlabel D))"
"d ∈ set (unlabel D)"
using Cons.prems(1) a by auto
thus ?thesis using Cons.IH[OF _ 1] a InSet unfolding unlabel_def by auto
case (NegChecks X F F')
then obtain B' where B':
"B = map (λG. ∀X⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t) (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (unlabel D))@B'"
"B' ∈ set (tr (unlabel A) (unlabel D))"
using Cons.prems(1) a by auto
thus ?thesis using Cons.IH[OF _ 1] a NegChecks unfolding unlabel_def by auto
qed simp
subsubsection ‹Part 2›
private lemma tr_par_iff_tr'_par:
assumes "∀(i,p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A ∪ set D. ∀(j,q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A ∪ set D.
(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟶ i = j"
(is "?R3 A D")
and "∀(l,t,s) ∈ set D. (fv t ∪ fv s) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) = {}" (is "?R4 A D")
and "fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) = {}" (is "?R5 A D")
shows "(∃B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D). ⟦M; unlabel B⟧⇩d ℐ) ⟷ (∃C ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c A D). ⟦M; unlabel C⟧⇩d ℐ)"
(is "?P ⟷ ?Q")
{ fix B assume "B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D)" "⟦M; unlabel B⟧⇩d ℐ"
hence ?Q using assms
proof (induction A D arbitrary: B M rule: tr⇩p⇩c.induct)
case (1 D) thus ?case by simp
case (2 i ts S D)
note prems = "2.prems"
note IH = "2.IH"
obtain B' where B': "B = (i,send⟨ts⟩⇩s⇩t)#B'" "B' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S D)"
using prems(1) by atomize_elim auto
have 1: "⟦M; unlabel B'⟧⇩d ℐ" using prems(2) B'(1) by simp
have 4: "?R3 S D" using prems(3) by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
have 5: "?R4 S D" using prems(4) by force
have 6: "?R5 S D" using prems(5) by force
have 7: "∀t ∈ set ts. M ⊢ t ⋅ ℐ" using prems(2) B'(1) by simp
obtain C where C: "C ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c S D)" "⟦M; unlabel C⟧⇩d ℐ"
using IH[OF B'(2) 1 4 5 6] by atomize_elim auto
hence "((i,send⟨ts⟩⇩s⇩t)#C) ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c ((i,Send ts)#S) D)" "⟦M; unlabel ((i,send⟨ts⟩⇩s⇩t)#C)⟧⇩d ℐ"
using 7 by auto
thus ?case by metis
case (3 i ts S D)
note prems = "3.prems"
note IH = "3.IH"
obtain B' where B': "B = (i,receive⟨ts⟩⇩s⇩t)#B'" "B' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S D)" using prems(1) by atomize_elim auto
have 1: "⟦(set ts ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ) ∪ M; unlabel B'⟧⇩d ℐ " using prems(2) B'(1) by simp
have 4: "?R3 S D" using prems(3) by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
have 5: "?R4 S D" using prems(4) by force
have 6: "?R5 S D" using prems(5) by force
obtain C where C: "C ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c S D)" "⟦(set ts ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ) ∪ M; unlabel C⟧⇩d ℐ"
using IH[OF B'(2) 1 4 5 6] by atomize_elim auto
hence "((i,receive⟨ts⟩⇩s⇩t)#C) ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c ((i,receive⟨ts⟩)#S) D)"
"⟦(set ts ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ) ∪ M; unlabel ((i,receive⟨ts⟩⇩s⇩t)#C)⟧⇩d ℐ"
by auto
thus ?case by auto
case (4 i ac t t' S D)
note prems = "4.prems"
note IH = "4.IH"
obtain B' where B': "B = (i,⟨ac: t ≐ t'⟩⇩s⇩t)#B'" "B' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S D)"
using prems(1) by atomize_elim auto
have 1: "⟦M; unlabel B'⟧⇩d ℐ " using prems(2) B'(1) by simp
have 4: "?R3 S D" using prems(3) by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
have 5: "?R4 S D" using prems(4) by force
have 6: "?R5 S D" using prems(5) by force
have 7: "t ⋅ ℐ = t' ⋅ ℐ" using prems(2) B'(1) by simp
obtain C where C: "C ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c S D)" "⟦M; unlabel C⟧⇩d ℐ"
using IH[OF B'(2) 1 4 5 6] by atomize_elim auto
hence "((i,⟨ac: t ≐ t'⟩⇩s⇩t)#C) ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c ((i,Equality ac t t')#S) D)"
"⟦M; unlabel ((i,⟨ac: t ≐ t'⟩⇩s⇩t)#C)⟧⇩d ℐ"
using 7 by auto
thus ?case by metis
case (5 i t s S D)
note prems = "5.prems"
note IH = "5.IH"
have B: "B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S (List.insert (i,t,s) D))" using prems(1) by simp
have 1: "⟦M; unlabel B⟧⇩d ℐ " using prems(2) B(1) by simp
have 4: "?R3 S (List.insert (i,t,s) D)" using prems(3) by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
have 5: "?R4 S (List.insert (i,t,s) D)" using prems(4,5) by force
have 6: "?R5 S D" using prems(5) by force
show ?case using IH[OF B(1) 1 4 5 6] by simp
case (6 i t s S D)
note prems = "6.prems"
note IH = "6.IH"
let ?cl1 = "λDi. map (λd. (i,⟨check: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)) Di"
let ?cu1 = "λDi. map (λd. ⟨check: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t) Di"
let ?cl2 = "λDi. map (λd. (i,∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t)) [d←dbproj i D. d∉set Di]"
let ?cu2 = "λDi. map (λd. ∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t) [d←dbproj i D. d∉set Di]"
let ?dl1 = "λDi. map (λd. (i,⟨check: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)) Di"
let ?du1 = "λDi. map (λd. ⟨check: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t) Di"
let ?dl2 = "λDi. map (λd. (i,∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t)) [d←D. d∉set Di]"
let ?du2 = "λDi. map (λd. ∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t) [d←D. d∉set Di]"
define c where c: "c = (λDi. ?cl1 Di@?cl2 Di)"
define d where d: "d = (λDi. ?dl1 Di@?dl2 Di)"
obtain B' Di where B':
"Di ∈ set (subseqs (dbproj i D))" "B = c Di@B'" "B' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S [d←D. d ∉ set Di])"
using prems(1) c by atomize_elim auto
have 0: "ik⇩s⇩t (unlabel (c Di)) = {}" "ik⇩s⇩t (unlabel (d Di)) = {}"
"unlabel (?cl1 Di) = ?cu1 Di" "unlabel (?cl2 Di) = ?cu2 Di"
"unlabel (?dl1 Di) = ?du1 Di" "unlabel (?dl2 Di) = ?du2 Di"
unfolding c d unlabel_def by force+
have 1: "⟦M; unlabel B'⟧⇩d ℐ " using prems(2) B'(2) 0(1) unfolding unlabel_def by auto
{ fix j p k q
assume "(j, p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S ∪ set [d←D. d ∉ set Di]"
"(k, q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S ∪ set [d←D. d ∉ set Di]"
hence "(j, p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i, delete⟨t,s⟩)#S) ∪ set D"
"(k, q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i, delete⟨t,s⟩)#S) ∪ set D"
using dbproj_subseq_subset[OF B'(1)] by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
hence "(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟹ j = k" using prems(3) by blast
} hence 4: "?R3 S [d←D. d ∉ set Di]" by blast
have 5: "?R4 S (filter (λd. d ∉ set Di) D)" using prems(4) by force
have 6: "?R5 S D" using prems(5) by force
obtain C where C: "C ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c S [d←D . d ∉ set Di])" "⟦M; unlabel C⟧⇩d ℐ"
using IH[OF B'(1,3) 1 4 5 6] by atomize_elim auto
have 7: "⟦M; unlabel (c Di)⟧⇩d ℐ" "⟦M; unlabel B'⟧⇩d ℐ"
using prems(2) B'(2) 0(1) strand_sem_split(3,4)[of M "unlabel (c Di)" "unlabel B'"]
unfolding c unlabel_def by auto
have "⟦M; unlabel (?cl2 Di)⟧⇩d ℐ" using 7(1) 0(1) unfolding c unlabel_def by auto
hence "⟦M; ?cu2 Di⟧⇩d ℐ" by (metis 0(4))
moreover {
fix j p k q
assume "(j, p) ∈ {(i, t, s)} ∪ set D ∪ set Di"
"(k, q) ∈ {(i, t, s)} ∪ set D ∪ set Di"
hence "(j, p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i, delete⟨t,s⟩)#S) ∪ set D"
"(k, q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i, delete⟨t,s⟩)#S) ∪ set D"
using dbproj_subseq_subset[OF B'(1)] by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
hence "(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟹ j = k" using prems(3) by blast
} hence "∀(j, p) ∈ {(i, t, s)} ∪ set D ∪ set Di.
∀(k, q) ∈ {(i, t, s)} ∪ set D ∪ set Di.
(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟶ j = k"
by blast
ultimately have "⟦M; ?du2 Di⟧⇩d ℐ" using labeled_sat_ineq_lift by simp
hence "⟦M; unlabel (?dl2 Di)⟧⇩d ℐ" by (metis 0(6))
moreover have "⟦M; unlabel (?cl1 Di)⟧⇩d ℐ" using 7(1) unfolding c unlabel_def by auto
hence "⟦M; unlabel (?dl1 Di)⟧⇩d ℐ" by (metis 0(3,5))
ultimately have "⟦M; unlabel (d Di)⟧⇩d ℐ" using 0(2) unfolding c d unlabel_def by force
hence 8: "⟦M; unlabel (d Di@C)⟧⇩d ℐ" using 0(2) C(2) unfolding unlabel_def by auto
have 9: "d Di@C ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c ((i,delete⟨t,s⟩)#S) D)"
using C(1) dbproj_subseq_in_subseqs[OF B'(1)]
unfolding d unlabel_def by auto
show ?case by (metis 8 9)
case (7 i ac t s S D)
note prems = "7.prems"
note IH = "7.IH"
obtain B' d where B':
"B = (i,⟨ac: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)#B'"
"B' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S D)" "d ∈ set (dbproj i D)"
using prems(1) by atomize_elim force
have 1: "⟦M; unlabel B'⟧⇩d ℐ " using prems(2) B'(1) by simp
{ fix j p k q
assume "(j,p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S ∪ set D"
"(k,q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S ∪ set D"
hence "(j,p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i, InSet ac t s)#S) ∪ set D"
"(k,q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i, InSet ac t s)#S) ∪ set D"
by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
hence "(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟹ j = k" using prems(3) by blast
} hence 4: "?R3 S D" by blast
have 5: "?R4 S D" using prems(4) by force
have 6: "?R5 S D" using prems(5) by force
have 7: "pair (t,s) ⋅ ℐ = pair (snd d) ⋅ ℐ" using prems(2) B'(1) by simp
obtain C where C: "C ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c S D)" "⟦M; unlabel C⟧⇩d ℐ"
using IH[OF B'(2) 1 4 5 6] by atomize_elim auto
hence "((i,⟨ac: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)#C) ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c ((i,InSet ac t s)#S) D)"
"⟦M; unlabel ((i,⟨ac: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)#C)⟧⇩d ℐ"
using 7 B'(3) unfolding dbproj_def by auto
thus ?case by metis
case (8 i X F F' S D)
note prems = "8.prems"
note IH = "8.IH"
let ?cl = "map (λG. (i,∀X⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t)) (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (map snd (dbproj i D)))"
let ?cu = "map (λG. ∀X⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t) (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (map snd (dbproj i D)))"
let ?dl = "map (λG. (i,∀X⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t)) (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (map snd D))"
let ?du = "map (λG. ∀X⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t) (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (map snd D))"
define c where c: "c = ?cl"
define d where d: "d = ?dl"
obtain B' where B': "B = c@B'" "B' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S D)" using prems(1) c by atomize_elim auto
have 0: "ik⇩s⇩t (unlabel c) = {}" "ik⇩s⇩t (unlabel d) = {}"
"unlabel ?cl = ?cu" "unlabel ?dl = ?du"
unfolding c d unlabel_def by force+
have "ik⇩s⇩t (unlabel c) = {}" unfolding c unlabel_def by force
hence 1: "⟦M; unlabel B'⟧⇩d ℐ " using prems(2) B'(1) unfolding unlabel_def by auto
have "setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S ⊆ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i, NegChecks X F F')#S)" by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
hence 4: "?R3 S D" using prems(3) by blast
have 5: "?R4 S D" using prems(4) by force
have 6: "?R5 S D" using prems(5) by force
obtain C where C: "C ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c S D)" "⟦M; unlabel C⟧⇩d ℐ"
using IH[OF B'(2) 1 4 5 6] by atomize_elim auto
have 7: "⟦M; unlabel c⟧⇩d ℐ" "⟦M; unlabel B'⟧⇩d ℐ"
using prems(2) B'(1) 0(1) strand_sem_split(3,4)[of M "unlabel c" "unlabel B'"]
unfolding c unlabel_def by auto
have 8: "d@C ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c ((i,NegChecks X F F')#S) D)"
using C(1) unfolding d unlabel_def by auto
have "⟦M; unlabel ?cl⟧⇩d ℐ" using 7(1) unfolding c unlabel_def by auto
hence "⟦M; ?cu⟧⇩d ℐ" by (metis 0(3))
moreover {
fix j p k q
assume "(j, p) ∈ ((λ(t,s). (i,t,s)) ` set F') ∪ set D"
"(k, q) ∈ ((λ(t,s). (i,t,s)) ` set F') ∪ set D"
hence "(j, p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i, NegChecks X F F')#S) ∪ set D"
"(k, q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i, NegChecks X F F')#S) ∪ set D"
by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
hence "(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟹ j = k" using prems(3) by blast
} hence "∀(j, p) ∈ ((λ(t,s). (i,t,s)) ` set F') ∪ set D.
∀(k, q) ∈ ((λ(t,s). (i,t,s)) ` set F') ∪ set D.
(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟶ j = k"
by blast
moreover have "fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (map snd D) ∩ set X = {}"
using prems(4) by fastforce
ultimately have "⟦M; ?du⟧⇩d ℐ" using labeled_sat_ineq_dbproj_sem_equiv[of i] by simp
hence "⟦M; unlabel ?dl⟧⇩d ℐ" by (metis 0(4))
hence "⟦M; unlabel d⟧⇩d ℐ" using 0(2) unfolding c d unlabel_def by force
hence 9: "⟦M; unlabel (d@C)⟧⇩d ℐ" using 0(2) C(2) unfolding unlabel_def by auto
show ?case by (metis 8 9)
} thus "?P ⟹ ?Q" by metis
{ fix C assume "C ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c A D)" "⟦M; unlabel C⟧⇩d ℐ"
hence ?P using assms
proof (induction A D arbitrary: C M rule: tr'⇩p⇩c.induct)
case (1 D) thus ?case by simp
case (2 i ts S D)
note prems = "2.prems"
note IH = "2.IH"
obtain C' where C': "C = (i,send⟨ts⟩⇩s⇩t)#C'" "C' ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c S D)"
using prems(1) by atomize_elim auto
have 1: "⟦M; unlabel C'⟧⇩d ℐ " using prems(2) C'(1) by simp
have 4: "?R3 S D" using prems(3) by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
have 5: "?R4 S D" using prems(4) by force
have 6: "?R5 S D" using prems(5) by force
have 7: "∀t ∈ set ts. M ⊢ t ⋅ ℐ" using prems(2) C'(1) by simp
obtain B where B: "B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S D)" "⟦M; unlabel B⟧⇩d ℐ"
using IH[OF C'(2) 1 4 5 6] by atomize_elim auto
hence "((i,send⟨ts⟩⇩s⇩t)#B) ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c ((i,Send ts)#S) D)"
"⟦M; unlabel ((i,send⟨ts⟩⇩s⇩t)#B)⟧⇩d ℐ"
using 7 by auto
thus ?case by metis
case (3 i ts S D)
note prems = "3.prems"
note IH = "3.IH"
obtain C' where C': "C = (i,receive⟨ts⟩⇩s⇩t)#C'" "C' ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c S D)"
using prems(1) by atomize_elim auto
have 1: "⟦(set ts ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ) ∪ M; unlabel C'⟧⇩d ℐ " using prems(2) C'(1) by simp
have 4: "?R3 S D" using prems(3) by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
have 5: "?R4 S D" using prems(4) by force
have 6: "?R5 S D" using prems(5) by force
obtain B where B: "B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S D)" "⟦(set ts ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ) ∪ M; unlabel B⟧⇩d ℐ"
using IH[OF C'(2) 1 4 5 6] by atomize_elim auto
hence "((i,receive⟨ts⟩⇩s⇩t)#B) ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c ((i,receive⟨ts⟩)#S) D)"
"⟦(set ts ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ) ∪ M; unlabel ((i,receive⟨ts⟩⇩s⇩t)#B)⟧⇩d ℐ"
by auto
thus ?case by auto
case (4 i ac t t' S D)
note prems = "4.prems"
note IH = "4.IH"
obtain C' where C': "C = (i,⟨ac: t ≐ t'⟩⇩s⇩t)#C'" "C' ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c S D)"
using prems(1) by atomize_elim auto
have 1: "⟦M; unlabel C'⟧⇩d ℐ " using prems(2) C'(1) by simp
have 4: "?R3 S D" using prems(3) by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
have 5: "?R4 S D" using prems(4) by force
have 6: "?R5 S D" using prems(5) by force
have 7: "t ⋅ ℐ = t' ⋅ ℐ" using prems(2) C'(1) by simp
obtain B where B: "B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S D)" "⟦M; unlabel B⟧⇩d ℐ"
using IH[OF C'(2) 1 4 5 6] by atomize_elim auto
hence "((i,⟨ac: t ≐ t'⟩⇩s⇩t)#B) ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c ((i,Equality ac t t')#S) D)"
"⟦M; unlabel ((i,⟨ac: t ≐ t'⟩⇩s⇩t)#B)⟧⇩d ℐ"
using 7 by auto
thus ?case by metis
case (5 i t s S D)
note prems = "5.prems"
note IH = "5.IH"
have C: "C ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c S (List.insert (i,t,s) D))" using prems(1) by simp
have 1: "⟦M; unlabel C⟧⇩d ℐ " using prems(2) C(1) by simp
have 4: "?R3 S (List.insert (i,t,s) D)" using prems(3) by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
have 5: "?R4 S (List.insert (i,t,s) D)" using prems(4,5) by force
have 6: "?R5 S (List.insert (i,t,s) D)" using prems(5) by force
show ?case using IH[OF C(1) 1 4 5 6] by simp
case (6 i t s S D)
note prems = "6.prems"
note IH = "6.IH"
let ?dl1 = "λDi. map (λd. (i,⟨check: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)) Di"
let ?du1 = "λDi. map (λd. ⟨check: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t) Di"
let ?dl2 = "λDi. map (λd. (i,∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t)) [d←dbproj i D. d∉set Di]"
let ?du2 = "λDi. map (λd. ∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t) [d←dbproj i D. d∉set Di]"
let ?cl1 = "λDi. map (λd. (i,⟨check: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)) Di"
let ?cu1 = "λDi. map (λd. ⟨check: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t) Di"
let ?cl2 = "λDi. map (λd. (i,∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t)) [d←D. d∉set Di]"
let ?cu2 = "λDi. map (λd. ∀[]⟨∨≠: [(pair (t,s), pair (snd d))]⟩⇩s⇩t) [d←D. d∉set Di]"
define c where c: "c = (λDi. ?cl1 Di@?cl2 Di)"
define d where d: "d = (λDi. ?dl1 Di@?dl2 Di)"
obtain C' Di where C':
"Di ∈ set (subseqs D)" "C = c Di@C'" "C' ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c S [d←D. d ∉ set Di])"
using prems(1) c by atomize_elim auto
have 0: "ik⇩s⇩t (unlabel (c Di)) = {}" "ik⇩s⇩t (unlabel (d Di)) = {}"
"unlabel (?cl1 Di) = ?cu1 Di" "unlabel (?cl2 Di) = ?cu2 Di"
"unlabel (?dl1 Di) = ?du1 Di" "unlabel (?dl2 Di) = ?du2 Di"
unfolding c d unlabel_def by force+
have 1: "⟦M; unlabel C'⟧⇩d ℐ " using prems(2) C'(2) 0(1) unfolding unlabel_def by auto
{ fix j p k q
assume "(j, p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S ∪ set [d←D. d ∉ set Di]"
"(k, q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S ∪ set [d←D. d ∉ set Di]"
hence "(j, p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i, delete⟨t,s⟩)#S) ∪ set D"
"(k, q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i, delete⟨t,s⟩)#S) ∪ set D"
by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
hence "(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟹ j = k" using prems(3) by blast
} hence 4: "?R3 S [d←D. d ∉ set Di]" by blast
have 5: "?R4 S (filter (λd. d ∉ set Di) D)" using prems(4) by force
have 6: "?R5 S D" using prems(5) by force
obtain B where B: "B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S [d←D. d ∉ set Di])" "⟦M; unlabel B⟧⇩d ℐ"
using IH[OF C'(1,3) 1 4 5 6] by atomize_elim auto
have 7: "⟦M; unlabel (c Di)⟧⇩d ℐ" "⟦M; unlabel C'⟧⇩d ℐ"
using prems(2) C'(2) 0(1) strand_sem_split(3,4)[of M "unlabel (c Di)" "unlabel C'"]
unfolding c unlabel_def by auto
{ fix j p k q
assume "(j, p) ∈ {(i, t, s)} ∪ set D"
"(k, q) ∈ {(i, t, s)} ∪ set D"
hence "(j, p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i, delete⟨t,s⟩)#S) ∪ set D"
"(k, q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i, delete⟨t,s⟩)#S) ∪ set D"
by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
hence "(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟹ j = k" using prems(3) by blast
} hence "∀(j, p) ∈ {(i, t, s)} ∪ set D.
∀(k, q) ∈ {(i, t, s)} ∪ set D.
(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟶ j = k"
by blast
moreover have "⟦M; unlabel (?cl1 Di)⟧⇩d ℐ" using 7(1) unfolding c unlabel_append by auto
hence "⟦M; ?cu1 Di⟧⇩d ℐ" by (metis 0(3))
ultimately have *: "Di ∈ set (subseqs (dbproj i D))"
using labeled_sat_eqs_subseqs[OF C'(1)] by simp
hence 8: "d Di@B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c ((i,delete⟨t,s⟩)#S) D)"
using B(1) unfolding d unlabel_def by auto
have "⟦M; unlabel (?cl2 Di)⟧⇩d ℐ" using 7(1) 0(1) unfolding c unlabel_def by auto
hence "⟦M; ?cu2 Di⟧⇩d ℐ" by (metis 0(4))
hence "⟦M; ?du2 Di⟧⇩d ℐ" by (metis labeled_sat_ineq_dbproj)
hence "⟦M; unlabel (?dl2 Di)⟧⇩d ℐ" by (metis 0(6))
moreover have "⟦M; unlabel (?cl1 Di)⟧⇩d ℐ" using 7(1) unfolding c unlabel_def by auto
hence "⟦M; unlabel (?dl1 Di)⟧⇩d ℐ" by (metis 0(3,5))
ultimately have "⟦M; unlabel (d Di)⟧⇩d ℐ" using 0(2) unfolding c d unlabel_def by force
hence 9: "⟦M; unlabel (d Di@B)⟧⇩d ℐ" using 0(2) B(2) unfolding unlabel_def by auto
show ?case by (metis 8 9)
case (7 i ac t s S D)
note prems = "7.prems"
note IH = "7.IH"
obtain C' d where C':
"C = (i,⟨ac: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)#C'"
"C' ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c S D)" "d ∈ set D"
using prems(1) by atomize_elim force
have 1: "⟦M; unlabel C'⟧⇩d ℐ " using prems(2) C'(1) by simp
{ fix j p k q
assume "(j,p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S ∪ set D"
"(k,q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S ∪ set D"
hence "(j,p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i, InSet ac t s)#S) ∪ set D"
"(k,q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i, InSet ac t s)#S) ∪ set D"
by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
hence "(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟹ j = k" using prems(3) by blast
} hence 4: "?R3 S D" by blast
have 5: "?R4 S D" using prems(4) by force
have 6: "?R5 S D" using prems(5) by force
obtain B where B: "B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S D)" "⟦M; unlabel B⟧⇩d ℐ"
using IH[OF C'(2) 1 4 5 6] by atomize_elim auto
have 7: "pair (t,s) ⋅ ℐ = pair (snd d) ⋅ ℐ" using prems(2) C'(1) by simp
have "(i,t,s) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i, InSet ac t s)#S) ∪ set D"
"(fst d, snd d) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i, InSet ac t s)#S) ∪ set D"
using C'(3) by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
hence "∃δ. Unifier δ (pair (t,s)) (pair (snd d)) ⟹ i = fst d"
using prems(3) by blast
hence "fst d = i" using 7 by auto
hence 8: "d ∈ set (dbproj i D)" using C'(3) unfolding dbproj_def by auto
have 9: "((i,⟨ac: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)#B) ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c ((i,InSet ac t s)#S) D)"
using B 8 by auto
have 10: "⟦M; unlabel ((i,⟨ac: (pair (t,s)) ≐ (pair (snd d))⟩⇩s⇩t)#B)⟧⇩d ℐ"
using B 7 8 by auto
show ?case by (metis 9 10)
case (8 i X F F' S D)
note prems = "8.prems"
note IH = "8.IH"
let ?dl = "map (λG. (i,∀X⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t)) (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (map snd (dbproj i D)))"
let ?du = "map (λG. ∀X⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t) (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (map snd (dbproj i D)))"
let ?cl = "map (λG. (i,∀X⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t)) (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (map snd D))"
let ?cu = "map (λG. ∀X⟨∨≠: (F@G)⟩⇩s⇩t) (tr⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s F' (map snd D))"
define c where c: "c = ?cl"
define d where d: "d = ?dl"
obtain C' where C': "C = c@C'" "C' ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c S D)" using prems(1) c by atomize_elim auto
have 0: "ik⇩s⇩t (unlabel c) = {}" "ik⇩s⇩t (unlabel d) = {}"
"unlabel ?cl = ?cu" "unlabel ?dl = ?du"
unfolding c d unlabel_def by force+
have "ik⇩s⇩t (unlabel c) = {}" unfolding c unlabel_def by force
hence 1: "⟦M; unlabel C'⟧⇩d ℐ " using prems(2) C'(1) unfolding unlabel_def by auto
have "setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t S ⊆ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i, NegChecks X F F')#S)" by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
hence 4: "?R3 S D" using prems(3) by blast
have 5: "?R4 S D" using prems(4) by force
have 6: "?R5 S D" using prems(5) by force
obtain B where B: "B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c S D)" "⟦M; unlabel B⟧⇩d ℐ"
using IH[OF C'(2) 1 4 5 6] by atomize_elim auto
have 7: "⟦M; unlabel c⟧⇩d ℐ" "⟦M; unlabel C'⟧⇩d ℐ"
using prems(2) C'(1) 0(1) strand_sem_split(3,4)[of M "unlabel c" "unlabel C'"]
unfolding c unlabel_def by auto
have 8: "d@B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c ((i,NegChecks X F F')#S) D)"
using B(1) unfolding d unlabel_def by auto
have "⟦M; unlabel ?cl⟧⇩d ℐ" using 7(1) unfolding c unlabel_def by auto
hence "⟦M; ?cu⟧⇩d ℐ" by (metis 0(3))
moreover {
fix j p k q
assume "(j, p) ∈ ((λ(t,s). (i,t,s)) ` set F') ∪ set D"
"(k, q) ∈ ((λ(t,s). (i,t,s)) ` set F') ∪ set D"
hence "(j, p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i, NegChecks X F F')#S) ∪ set D"
"(k, q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ((i, NegChecks X F F')#S) ∪ set D"
by (auto simp add: setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def)
hence "(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟹ j = k" using prems(3) by blast
} hence "∀(j, p) ∈ ((λ(t,s). (i,t,s)) ` set F') ∪ set D.
∀(k, q) ∈ ((λ(t,s). (i,t,s)) ` set F') ∪ set D.
(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟶ j = k"
by blast
moreover have "fv⇩p⇩a⇩i⇩r⇩s (map snd D) ∩ set X = {}"
using prems(4) by fastforce
ultimately have "⟦M; ?du⟧⇩d ℐ" using labeled_sat_ineq_dbproj_sem_equiv[of i] by simp
hence "⟦M; unlabel ?dl⟧⇩d ℐ" by (metis 0(4))
hence "⟦M; unlabel d⟧⇩d ℐ" using 0(2) unfolding c d unlabel_def by force
hence 9: "⟦M; unlabel (d@B)⟧⇩d ℐ" using 0(2) B(2) unfolding unlabel_def by auto
show ?case by (metis 8 9)
} thus "?Q ⟹ ?P" by metis
subsubsection ‹Part 3›
private lemma tr'_par_sem_equiv:
assumes "∀(l,t,s) ∈ set D. (fv t ∪ fv s) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) = {}"
and "fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) = {}" "ground M"
and "∀(i,p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A ∪ set D. ∀(j,q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A ∪ set D.
(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟶ i = j" (is "?R A D")
and ℐ: "interpretation⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ"
shows "⟦M; set (unlabel D) ⋅⇩p⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ; unlabel A⟧⇩s ℐ ⟷ (∃B ∈ set (tr'⇩p⇩c A D). ⟦M; unlabel B⟧⇩d ℐ)"
(is "?P ⟷ ?Q")
proof -
have 1: "∀(t,s) ∈ set (unlabel D). (fv t ∪ fv s) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) = {}"
using assms(1) unfolding unlabel_def by force
have 2: "∀(i,p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A ∪ set D. ∀(j,q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A ∪ set D. p = q ⟶ i = j"
using assms(4) subst_apply_term_empty by blast
show ?thesis by (metis tr_sem_equiv'[OF 1 assms(2,3) ℐ] tr'_par_iff_unlabel_tr[OF 2])
subsubsection ‹Part 4›
lemma tr_par_sem_equiv:
assumes "∀(l,t,s) ∈ set D. (fv t ∪ fv s) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) = {}"
and "fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A) = {}" "ground M"
and "∀(i,p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A ∪ set D. ∀(j,q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A ∪ set D.
(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟶ i = j"
and ℐ: "interpretation⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ"
shows "⟦M; set (unlabel D) ⋅⇩p⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ; unlabel A⟧⇩s ℐ ⟷ (∃B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c A D). ⟦M; unlabel B⟧⇩d ℐ)"
(is "?P ⟷ ?Q")
using tr_par_iff_tr'_par[OF assms(4,1,2), of M ℐ] tr'_par_sem_equiv[OF assms] by metis
subsection ‹Theorem: The Stateful Compositionality Result, on the Constraint Level›
theorem (in labeled_stateful_typed_model) par_comp_constr_stateful_typed:
assumes 𝒜: "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜 Sec" "fv⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜 ∩ bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜 = {}"
and ℐ: "ℐ ⊨⇩s unlabel 𝒜" "interpretation⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ" "wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ" "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range ℐ)"
shows "(∀n. ℐ ⊨⇩s proj_unl n 𝒜) ∨
(∃𝒜' l' ts. prefix 𝒜' 𝒜 ∧ suffix [(l', receive⟨ts⟩)] 𝒜' ∧ (𝒜' leaks Sec under ℐ))"
proof -
let ?P = "λn A D.
∀(i, p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj n A) ∪ set D.
∀(j, q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj n A) ∪ set D.
(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟶ i = j"
have 1: "∀(l, t, t')∈set []. (fv t ∪ fv t') ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜) = {}"
"fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜) = {}" "ground {}"
using 𝒜(2) by simp_all
have 2: "⋀n. ∀(l, t, t')∈set []. (fv t ∪ fv t') ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n 𝒜) = {}"
"⋀n. fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n 𝒜) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n 𝒜) = {}"
using 1 sst_vars_proj_subset[of _ 𝒜] by fast+
note 3 = par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_proj[OF 𝒜(1)]
have 4:
"⟦{}; set (unlabel []) ⋅⇩p⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ'; unlabel 𝒜⟧⇩s ℐ' ⟷
(∃B∈set (tr⇩p⇩c 𝒜 []). ⟦{}; unlabel B⟧⇩d ℐ')"
when ℐ': "interpretation⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ'" for ℐ'
using tr_par_sem_equiv[OF 1 _ ℐ'] 𝒜(1)
unfolding par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def constr_sem_d_def by auto
obtain 𝒜' where 𝒜': "𝒜' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c 𝒜 [])" "ℐ ⊨ ⟨unlabel 𝒜'⟩"
using 4[OF ℐ(2)] ℐ(1) unfolding constr_sem_d_def by atomize_elim auto
have ℐ':
"(∀n. (ℐ ⊨ ⟨proj_unl n 𝒜'⟩)) ∨
(∃𝒜'' l' ts. prefix 𝒜'' 𝒜' ∧ suffix [(l', receive⟨ts⟩⇩s⇩t)] 𝒜'' ∧
(strand_leaks⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜'' Sec ℐ))"
using par_comp_constr_typed[OF tr_par_preserves_par_comp[OF 𝒜(1) 𝒜'(1)] 𝒜'(2) ℐ(2-)] by blast
show ?thesis
proof (cases "∀n. (ℐ ⊨ ⟨proj_unl n 𝒜'⟩)")
case True
{ fix n assume "ℐ ⊨ ⟨proj_unl n 𝒜'⟩"
hence "⟦{}; {}; unlabel (proj n 𝒜)⟧⇩s ℐ"
using tr_par_proj[OF 𝒜'(1), of n]
tr_par_sem_equiv[OF 2(1,2) 1(3) _ ℐ(2), of n] 3(1)
unfolding par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def proj_def constr_sem_d_def by force
} thus ?thesis using True ℐ(1,2,3) ℐ(1) by metis
case False
then obtain 𝒜''::"('fun,'var,'lbl) labeled_strand" where 𝒜'':
"prefix 𝒜'' 𝒜'" "strand_leaks⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜'' Sec ℐ"
using ℐ' by blast
have "∃t ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜'' ℐ. ∃l.
(ℐ ⊨ ⟨unlabel (proj l 𝒜'')⟩) ∧ ik⇩s⇩t (unlabel (proj l 𝒜'')) ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ ⊢ t ⋅ ℐ"
proof -
obtain s m where sm:
"s ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜'' ℐ" "⟦{}; proj_unl m 𝒜''@[send⟨[s]⟩⇩s⇩t]⟧⇩d ℐ"
using 𝒜'' unfolding strand_leaks⇩l⇩s⇩t_def constr_sem_d_def by blast
show ?thesis using strand_sem_split(3,4)[OF sm(2)] sm(1) unfolding constr_sem_d_def by auto
then obtain s m where sm:
"s ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜'' ℐ"
"ℐ ⊨ ⟨unlabel (proj m 𝒜'')⟩"
"ik⇩s⇩t (unlabel (proj m 𝒜'')) ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ ⊢ s ⋅ ℐ"
by atomize_elim auto
hence s': "¬{} ⊢⇩c s ⋅ ℐ" "s ⋅ ℐ = s"
using 𝒜(1) subst_ground_ident[of s ℐ] unfolding par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by auto
obtain B::"('fun,'var,'lbl) labeled_strand"
and C G::"('fun,'var,'lbl) labeled_stateful_strand"
where BC:
"prefix B 𝒜'" "prefix C 𝒜" "B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c C [])"
"ik⇩s⇩t (unlabel (proj m B)) ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ ⊢ s ⋅ ℐ"
"prefix B 𝒜''" "∃l t. suffix ((l, receive⟨t⟩)#G) C"
and G: "list_all (Not ∘ is_Receive ∘ snd) G"
using tr_leaking_prefix_exists[OF 𝒜'(1) 𝒜''(1) sm(3)]
prefix_order.order_trans[OF _ 𝒜''(1)] s'
by blast
obtain C' where C': "C = C'@G" "∃l t. suffix [(l, receive⟨t⟩)] C'"
using BC(6) unfolding suffix_def by (metis append_Cons append_assoc append_self_conv2)
have "⟦{}; unlabel (proj m B)⟧⇩d ℐ"
using sm(2) BC(5) unfolding prefix_def unlabel_def proj_def constr_sem_d_def by auto
hence BC': "ℐ ⊨ ⟨proj_unl m B@[send⟨[s]⟩⇩s⇩t]⟩"
using BC(4) unfolding constr_sem_d_def by auto
have BC'': "s ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩t B ℐ"
using BC(5) sm(1) declassified_prefix_subset by auto
have "∃n. ℐ ⊨⇩s (proj_unl n C'@[Send [s]])"
proof -
have 5: "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj n C) Sec" for n
using 𝒜(1) BC(2) par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_split(1)[THEN par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_proj]
unfolding prefix_def by auto
have "fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜) = {}"
"fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel C) ⊆ fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜)"
"bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel C) ⊆ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜)"
using 𝒜(2) BC(2) sst_vars_append_subset(1,2)[of "unlabel C"]
unfolding prefix_def unlabel_def by auto
hence "fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n C) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n C) = {}" for n
using sst_vars_proj_subset[of _ C] sst_vars_proj_subset[of _ 𝒜]
by blast
hence 6:
"∀(l, t, t')∈set []. (fv t ∪ fv t') ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n C) = {}"
"fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n C) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n C) = {}"
"ground {}"
for n
using 2 by auto
have 7: "?P n C []" for n using 5 unfolding par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by simp
obtain n where n: "ℐ ⊨⇩s proj_unl n C" "ik⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n C) ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ ⊢ s ⋅ ℐ"
using s'(2) tr_par_proj[OF BC(3), of m] BC'(1)
tr_par_sem_equiv[OF 6 7 ℐ(2), of m]
tr_par_deduct_iff[OF tr_par_proj(1)[OF BC(3)], of ℐ m s]
unfolding proj_def constr_sem_d_def by auto
have "ik⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n C) = ik⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n C')"
using C'(1) G unfolding ik⇩s⇩s⇩t_def unlabel_def proj_def list_all_iff by fastforce
hence 8: "ik⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n C') ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ ⊢ s ⋅ ℐ" using n(2) by simp
have 9: "ℐ ⊨⇩s proj_unl n C'"
using n(1) C'(1) strand_sem_append_stateful by simp
show ?thesis using 8 9 strand_sem_append_stateful by auto
moreover have "s ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t C ℐ" by (metis tr_par_declassified_eq BC(3) BC'')
hence "s ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t C' ℐ"
using ideduct_mono[of
"⋃{set ts |ts. ⟨⋆, receive⟨ts⟩⟩ ∈ set C'} ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ" _
"⋃{set ts |ts. ⟨⋆, receive⟨ts⟩⟩ ∈ set (C'@G)} ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ"]
unfolding declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_alt_def C'(1) by auto
moreover have "prefix C' 𝒜" using BC(2) C' unfolding prefix_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using C'(2) unfolding strand_leaks⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by meson
theorem (in labeled_stateful_typing) par_comp_constr_stateful:
assumes 𝒜: "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜 Sec" "typing_cond⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜)"
and ℐ: "ℐ ⊨⇩s unlabel 𝒜" "interpretation⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ"
shows "∃ℐ⇩τ. interpretation⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ ∧ wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ ∧ wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range ℐ⇩τ) ∧ (ℐ⇩τ ⊨⇩s unlabel 𝒜) ∧
((∀n. ℐ⇩τ ⊨⇩s proj_unl n 𝒜) ∨
(∃𝒜' l' ts. prefix 𝒜' 𝒜 ∧ suffix [(l', receive⟨ts⟩)] 𝒜' ∧ (𝒜' leaks Sec under ℐ⇩τ)))"
proof -
let ?P = "λn A D.
∀(i, p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj n A) ∪ set D.
∀(j, q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj n A) ∪ set D.
(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟶ i = j"
have 1: "∀(l, t, t')∈set []. (fv t ∪ fv t') ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜) = {}"
"fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜) = {}" "ground {}"
using 𝒜(2) unfolding typing_cond⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by simp_all
have 2: "⋀n. ∀(l, t, t')∈set []. (fv t ∪ fv t') ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n 𝒜) = {}"
"⋀n. fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n 𝒜) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n 𝒜) = {}"
using 1(1,2) sst_vars_proj_subset[of _ 𝒜] by fast+
have 3: "⋀n. par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj n 𝒜) Sec"
using par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_proj[OF 𝒜(1)] by metis
have 4:
"⟦{}; set (unlabel []) ⋅⇩p⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ'; unlabel 𝒜⟧⇩s ℐ' ⟷
(∃B∈set (tr⇩p⇩c 𝒜 []). ⟦{}; unlabel B⟧⇩d ℐ')"
when ℐ': "interpretation⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ'" for ℐ'
using tr_par_sem_equiv[OF 1 _ ℐ'] 𝒜(1)
unfolding par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def constr_sem_d_def by auto
obtain 𝒜' where 𝒜': "𝒜' ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c 𝒜 [])" "ℐ ⊨ ⟨unlabel 𝒜'⟩"
using 4[OF ℐ(2)] ℐ(1) unfolding constr_sem_d_def by atomize_elim auto
obtain ℐ⇩τ where ℐ⇩τ:
"interpretation⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ" "wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ" "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range ℐ⇩τ)" "ℐ⇩τ ⊨ ⟨unlabel 𝒜'⟩"
"(∀n. (ℐ⇩τ ⊨ ⟨proj_unl n 𝒜'⟩)) ∨
(∃𝒜'' l' ts. prefix 𝒜'' 𝒜' ∧ suffix [(l', receive⟨ts⟩⇩s⇩t)] 𝒜'' ∧
(strand_leaks⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜'' Sec ℐ⇩τ))"
using par_comp_constr[OF tr_par_preserves_par_comp[OF 𝒜(1) 𝒜'(1)]
tr_par_preserves_typing_cond[OF 𝒜 𝒜'(1)]
𝒜'(2) ℐ(2)]
by atomize_elim auto
have ℐ⇩τ': "ℐ⇩τ ⊨⇩s unlabel 𝒜" using 4[OF ℐ⇩τ(1)] 𝒜'(1) ℐ⇩τ(4) unfolding constr_sem_d_def by auto
show ?thesis
proof (cases "∀n. (ℐ⇩τ ⊨ ⟨proj_unl n 𝒜'⟩)")
case True
{ fix n assume "ℐ⇩τ ⊨ ⟨proj_unl n 𝒜'⟩"
hence "⟦{}; {}; unlabel (proj n 𝒜)⟧⇩s ℐ⇩τ"
using tr_par_proj[OF 𝒜'(1), of n]
tr_par_sem_equiv[OF 2(1,2) 1(3) _ ℐ⇩τ(1), of n] 3(1)
unfolding par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def proj_def constr_sem_d_def by force
} thus ?thesis using True ℐ⇩τ(1,2,3) ℐ⇩τ' by metis
case False
then obtain 𝒜''::"('fun,'var,'lbl) labeled_strand" where 𝒜'':
"prefix 𝒜'' 𝒜'" "strand_leaks⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜'' Sec ℐ⇩τ"
using ℐ⇩τ by blast
moreover {
fix ts l assume *: "⟦{}; unlabel (proj l 𝒜'')@[send⟨ts⟩⇩s⇩t]⟧⇩d ℐ⇩τ"
have "ℐ⇩τ ⊨ ⟨unlabel (proj l 𝒜'')⟩"
"∀t ∈ set ts. ik⇩s⇩t (unlabel (proj l 𝒜'')) ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ⇩τ ⊢ t ⋅ ℐ⇩τ"
using strand_sem_split(3,4)[OF *] unfolding constr_sem_d_def by auto
} ultimately have "∃t ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜'' ℐ⇩τ. ∃l.
(ℐ⇩τ ⊨ ⟨unlabel (proj l 𝒜'')⟩) ∧ ik⇩s⇩t (unlabel (proj l 𝒜'')) ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ⇩τ ⊢ t ⋅ ℐ⇩τ"
unfolding strand_leaks⇩l⇩s⇩t_def constr_sem_d_def by force
then obtain s m where sm:
"s ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜'' ℐ⇩τ"
"ℐ⇩τ ⊨ ⟨unlabel (proj m 𝒜'')⟩"
"ik⇩s⇩t (unlabel (proj m 𝒜'')) ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ⇩τ ⊢ s ⋅ ℐ⇩τ"
by atomize_elim auto
hence s': "¬{} ⊢⇩c s ⋅ ℐ⇩τ" "s ⋅ ℐ⇩τ = s"
using 𝒜(1) subst_ground_ident[of s ℐ⇩τ] unfolding par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by auto
obtain B::"('fun,'var,'lbl) labeled_strand"
and C G::"('fun,'var,'lbl) labeled_stateful_strand"
where BC:
"prefix B 𝒜'" "prefix C 𝒜" "B ∈ set (tr⇩p⇩c C [])"
"ik⇩s⇩t (unlabel (proj m B)) ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ⇩τ ⊢ s ⋅ ℐ⇩τ"
"prefix B 𝒜''" "∃l t. suffix ((l, receive⟨t⟩)#G) C"
and G: "list_all (Not ∘ is_Receive ∘ snd) G"
using tr_leaking_prefix_exists[OF 𝒜'(1) 𝒜''(1) sm(3)]
prefix_order.order_trans[OF _ 𝒜''(1)] s'
by blast
obtain C' where C': "C = C'@G" "∃l t. suffix [(l, receive⟨t⟩)] C'"
using BC(6) unfolding suffix_def by (metis append_Cons append_assoc append_self_conv2)
have "⟦{}; unlabel (proj m B)⟧⇩d ℐ⇩τ"
using sm(2) BC(5) unfolding prefix_def unlabel_def proj_def constr_sem_d_def by auto
hence BC': "ℐ⇩τ ⊨ ⟨proj_unl m B@[send⟨[s]⟩⇩s⇩t]⟩"
using BC(4) unfolding constr_sem_d_def by auto
have BC'': "s ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩t B ℐ⇩τ"
using BC(5) sm(1) declassified_prefix_subset by auto
have "∃n. ℐ⇩τ ⊨⇩s (proj_unl n C'@[Send [s]])"
proof -
have 5: "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj n C) Sec" for n
using 𝒜(1) BC(2) par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_split(1)[THEN par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_proj]
unfolding prefix_def by auto
have "fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜) = {}"
"fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel C) ⊆ fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜)"
"bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel C) ⊆ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜)"
using 𝒜(2) BC(2) sst_vars_append_subset(1,2)[of "unlabel C"]
unfolding typing_cond⇩s⇩s⇩t_def prefix_def unlabel_def by auto
hence "fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n C) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n C) = {}" for n
using sst_vars_proj_subset[of _ C] sst_vars_proj_subset[of _ 𝒜]
by blast
hence 6:
"∀(l, t, t')∈set []. (fv t ∪ fv t') ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n C) = {}"
"fv⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n C) ∩ bvars⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n C) = {}"
"ground {}"
for n
using 2 by auto
have 7: "?P n C []" for n using 5 unfolding par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by simp
obtain n where n: "ℐ⇩τ ⊨⇩s proj_unl n C" "ik⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n C) ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ⇩τ ⊢ s ⋅ ℐ⇩τ"
using s'(2) tr_par_proj[OF BC(3), of m] BC'(1)
tr_par_sem_equiv[OF 6 7 ℐ⇩τ(1), of m]
tr_par_deduct_iff[OF tr_par_proj(1)[OF BC(3)], of ℐ⇩τ m s]
unfolding proj_def constr_sem_d_def by auto
have "ik⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n C) = ik⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n C')"
using C'(1) G unfolding ik⇩s⇩s⇩t_def unlabel_def proj_def list_all_iff by fastforce
hence 8: "ik⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl n C') ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ⇩τ ⊢ s ⋅ ℐ⇩τ" using n(2) by simp
have 9: "ℐ⇩τ ⊨⇩s proj_unl n C'"
using n(1) C'(1) strand_sem_append_stateful by simp
show ?thesis using 8 9 strand_sem_append_stateful by auto
moreover have "s ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t C ℐ⇩τ" by (metis tr_par_declassified_eq BC(3) BC'')
hence "s ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t C' ℐ⇩τ"
using ideduct_mono[of
"⋃{set ts |ts. ⟨⋆, receive⟨ts⟩⟩ ∈ set C'} ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ⇩τ" _
"⋃{set ts |ts. ⟨⋆, receive⟨ts⟩⟩ ∈ set (C'@G)} ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t ℐ⇩τ"]
unfolding declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_alt_def C'(1) by auto
moreover have "prefix C' 𝒜" using BC(2) C' unfolding prefix_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using ℐ⇩τ(1,2,3) ℐ⇩τ' C'(2) unfolding strand_leaks⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by meson
subsection ‹Theorem: The Stateful Compositionality Result, on the Protocol Level›
context labeled_stateful_typing
subsubsection ‹Definitions: Labeled Protocols›
text ‹
We state our result on the level of protocol traces (i.e., the constraints reachable in a
symbolic execution of the actual protocol). Hence, we do not need to convert protocol strands
to intruder constraints in the following well-formedness definitions.
private definition wf⇩l⇩s⇩t⇩s::"('fun,'var,'lbl) labeled_strand set ⇒ bool" where
"wf⇩l⇩s⇩t⇩s 𝒮 ≡ (∀𝒜 ∈ 𝒮. wf⇩l⇩s⇩t {} 𝒜) ∧ (∀𝒜 ∈ 𝒮. ∀𝒜' ∈ 𝒮. fv⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜 ∩ bvars⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜' = {})"
private definition wf⇩l⇩s⇩t⇩s'::
"('fun,'var,'lbl) labeled_strand set ⇒ ('fun,'var,'lbl) labeled_strand ⇒ bool"
"wf⇩l⇩s⇩t⇩s' 𝒮 𝒜 ≡ (∀𝒜' ∈ 𝒮. wf⇩s⇩t (wfrestrictedvars⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜) (unlabel 𝒜')) ∧
(∀𝒜' ∈ 𝒮. ∀𝒜'' ∈ 𝒮. fv⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜' ∩ bvars⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜'' = {}) ∧
(∀𝒜' ∈ 𝒮. fv⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜' ∩ bvars⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜 = {}) ∧
(∀𝒜' ∈ 𝒮. fv⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜 ∩ bvars⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜' = {})"
private definition typing_cond_prot where
"typing_cond_prot 𝒫 ≡
wf⇩l⇩s⇩t⇩s 𝒫 ∧
tfr⇩s⇩e⇩t (⋃(trms⇩l⇩s⇩t ` 𝒫)) ∧
wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (⋃(trms⇩l⇩s⇩t ` 𝒫)) ∧
(∀𝒜 ∈ 𝒫. list_all tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel 𝒜)) ∧
Ana_invar_subst (⋃(ik⇩s⇩t ` unlabel ` 𝒫) ∪ ⋃(assignment_rhs⇩s⇩t ` unlabel ` 𝒫))"
private definition par_comp_prot where
"par_comp_prot 𝒫 Sec ≡
(∀l1 l2. l1 ≠ l2 ⟶
GSMP_disjoint (⋃𝒜 ∈ 𝒫. trms_proj⇩l⇩s⇩t l1 𝒜) (⋃𝒜 ∈ 𝒫. trms_proj⇩l⇩s⇩t l2 𝒜) Sec) ∧
ground Sec ∧ (∀s ∈ Sec. ¬{} ⊢⇩c s) ∧
typing_cond_prot 𝒫"
subsubsection ‹Lemmata: Labeled Protocols›
private lemma wf⇩l⇩s⇩t⇩s_eqs_wf⇩l⇩s⇩t⇩s': "wf⇩l⇩s⇩t⇩s S = wf⇩l⇩s⇩t⇩s' S []"
unfolding wf⇩l⇩s⇩t⇩s_def wf⇩l⇩s⇩t⇩s'_def unlabel_def by auto
private lemma par_comp_prot_impl_par_comp:
assumes "par_comp_prot 𝒫 Sec" "𝒜 ∈ 𝒫"
shows "par_comp 𝒜 Sec"
proof -
have *: "∀l1 l2. l1 ≠ l2 ⟶
GSMP_disjoint (⋃𝒜 ∈ 𝒫. trms_proj⇩l⇩s⇩t l1 𝒜) (⋃𝒜 ∈ 𝒫. trms_proj⇩l⇩s⇩t l2 𝒜) Sec"
using assms(1) unfolding par_comp_prot_def by metis
{ fix l1 l2::'lbl assume **: "l1 ≠ l2"
hence ***: "GSMP_disjoint (⋃𝒜 ∈ 𝒫. trms_proj⇩l⇩s⇩t l1 𝒜) (⋃𝒜 ∈ 𝒫. trms_proj⇩l⇩s⇩t l2 𝒜) Sec"
using * by auto
have "GSMP_disjoint (trms_proj⇩l⇩s⇩t l1 𝒜) (trms_proj⇩l⇩s⇩t l2 𝒜) Sec"
using GSMP_disjoint_subset[OF ***] assms(2) by auto
} hence "∀l1 l2. l1 ≠ l2 ⟶ GSMP_disjoint (trms_proj⇩l⇩s⇩t l1 𝒜) (trms_proj⇩l⇩s⇩t l2 𝒜) Sec" by metis
thus ?thesis using assms unfolding par_comp_prot_def par_comp_def by metis
private lemma typing_cond_prot_impl_typing_cond:
assumes "typing_cond_prot 𝒫" "𝒜 ∈ 𝒫"
shows "typing_cond (unlabel 𝒜)"
proof -
have 1: "wf⇩s⇩t {} (unlabel 𝒜)" "fv⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜 ∩ bvars⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜 = {}"
using assms unfolding typing_cond_prot_def wf⇩l⇩s⇩t⇩s_def by auto
have "tfr⇩s⇩e⇩t (⋃(trms⇩l⇩s⇩t ` 𝒫))"
"wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (⋃(trms⇩l⇩s⇩t ` 𝒫))"
"trms⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜 ⊆ ⋃(trms⇩l⇩s⇩t ` 𝒫)"
"SMP (trms⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜) - Var`𝒱 ⊆ SMP (⋃(trms⇩l⇩s⇩t ` 𝒫)) - Var`𝒱"
using assms SMP_mono[of "trms⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜" "⋃(trms⇩l⇩s⇩t ` 𝒫)"]
unfolding typing_cond_prot_def
by (metis, metis, auto)
hence 2: "tfr⇩s⇩e⇩t (trms⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜)" and 3: "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (trms⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜)"
unfolding tfr⇩s⇩e⇩t_def by (meson subsetD)+
have 4: "list_all tfr⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel 𝒜)" using assms unfolding typing_cond_prot_def by auto
have "subterms⇩s⇩e⇩t (ik⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜) ∪ assignment_rhs⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜)) ⊆
subterms⇩s⇩e⇩t (⋃(ik⇩s⇩t ` unlabel ` 𝒫) ∪ ⋃(assignment_rhs⇩s⇩t ` unlabel ` 𝒫))"
using assms(2) by auto
hence 5: "Ana_invar_subst (ik⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜) ∪ assignment_rhs⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜))"
using assms SMP_mono unfolding typing_cond_prot_def Ana_invar_subst_def by (meson subsetD)
show ?thesis using 1 2 3 4 5 unfolding typing_cond_def tfr⇩s⇩t_def by blast
subsubsection ‹Theorem: Parallel Compositionality for Labeled Protocols›
private definition component_prot where
"component_prot n P ≡ (∀l ∈ P. ∀s ∈ set l. has_LabelN n s ∨ has_LabelS s)"
private definition composed_prot where
"composed_prot 𝒫⇩i ≡ {𝒜. ∀n. proj n 𝒜 ∈ 𝒫⇩i n}"
private definition component_secure_prot where
"component_secure_prot n P Sec attack ≡ (∀𝒜 ∈ P. suffix [(ln n, Send1 (Fun attack []))] 𝒜 ⟶
(∀ℐ⇩τ. (interpretation⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ ∧ wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ ∧ wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range ℐ⇩τ)) ⟶
¬(ℐ⇩τ ⊨ ⟨proj_unl n 𝒜⟩) ∧
(∀𝒜'. prefix 𝒜' 𝒜 ⟶
(∀t ∈ Sec-declassified⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜' ℐ⇩τ. ¬(ℐ⇩τ ⊨ ⟨proj_unl n 𝒜'@[Send1 t]⟩)))))"
private definition component_leaks where
"component_leaks n 𝒜 Sec ≡ (∃𝒜' ℐ⇩τ. interpretation⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ ∧ wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ ∧ wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range ℐ⇩τ) ∧
prefix 𝒜' 𝒜 ∧ (∃t ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜' ℐ⇩τ. (ℐ⇩τ ⊨ ⟨proj_unl n 𝒜'@[Send1 t]⟩)))"
private definition unsat where
"unsat 𝒜 ≡ (∀ℐ. interpretation⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ ⟶ ¬(ℐ ⊨ ⟨unlabel 𝒜⟩))"
private theorem par_comp_constr_prot:
assumes P: "P = composed_prot Pi" "par_comp_prot P Sec" "∀n. component_prot n (Pi n)"
and left_secure: "component_secure_prot n (Pi n) Sec attack"
shows "∀𝒜 ∈ P. suffix [(ln n, Send1 (Fun attack []))] 𝒜 ⟶
unsat 𝒜 ∨ (∃m. n ≠ m ∧ component_leaks m 𝒜 Sec)"
proof -
{ fix 𝒜 𝒜' assume 𝒜: "𝒜 = 𝒜'@[(ln n, Send1 (Fun attack []))]" "𝒜 ∈ P"
let ?P = "∃𝒜' ℐ⇩τ. interpretation⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ ∧ wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ ∧ wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range ℐ⇩τ) ∧ prefix 𝒜' 𝒜 ∧
(∃t ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜' ℐ⇩τ. ∃m. n ≠ m ∧ (ℐ⇩τ ⊨ ⟨proj_unl m 𝒜'@[Send1 t]⟩))"
have tcp: "typing_cond_prot P" using P(2) unfolding par_comp_prot_def by simp
have par_comp: "par_comp 𝒜 Sec" "typing_cond (unlabel 𝒜)"
using par_comp_prot_impl_par_comp[OF P(2) 𝒜(2)]
typing_cond_prot_impl_typing_cond[OF tcp 𝒜(2)]
by metis+
have "unlabel (proj n 𝒜) = proj_unl n 𝒜" "proj_unl n 𝒜 = proj_unl n (proj n 𝒜)"
"⋀A. A ∈ Pi n ⟹ proj n A = A"
"proj n 𝒜 = (proj n 𝒜')@[(ln n, Send1 (Fun attack []))]"
using P(1,3) 𝒜 by (auto simp add: proj_def unlabel_def component_prot_def composed_prot_def)
moreover have "proj n 𝒜 ∈ Pi n"
using P(1) 𝒜 unfolding composed_prot_def by blast
moreover {
fix A assume "prefix A 𝒜"
hence *: "prefix (proj n A) (proj n 𝒜)" unfolding proj_def prefix_def by force
hence "proj_unl n A = proj_unl n (proj n A)"
"∀I. declassified⇩l⇩s⇩t A I = declassified⇩l⇩s⇩t (proj n A) I"
unfolding proj_def declassified⇩l⇩s⇩t_alt_def by auto
hence "∃B. prefix B (proj n 𝒜) ∧ proj_unl n A = proj_unl n B ∧
(∀I. declassified⇩l⇩s⇩t A I = declassified⇩l⇩s⇩t B I)"
using * by metis
ultimately have *:
"∀ℐ⇩τ. interpretation⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ ∧ wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ ∧ wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range ℐ⇩τ) ⟶
¬(ℐ⇩τ ⊨ ⟨proj_unl n 𝒜⟩) ∧ (∀𝒜'. prefix 𝒜' 𝒜 ⟶
(∀t ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜' ℐ⇩τ. ¬(ℐ⇩τ ⊨ ⟨proj_unl n 𝒜'@[Send1 t]⟩)))"
using left_secure unfolding component_secure_prot_def composed_prot_def suffix_def by metis
{ fix ℐ assume ℐ: "interpretation⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ" "ℐ ⊨ ⟨unlabel 𝒜⟩"
obtain ℐ⇩τ where ℐ⇩τ:
"interpretation⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ" "wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ" "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range ℐ⇩τ)"
"∃𝒜'. prefix 𝒜' 𝒜 ∧ (strand_leaks⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜' Sec ℐ⇩τ)"
using par_comp_constr[OF par_comp ℐ(2,1)] * by atomize_elim auto
hence "∃𝒜'. prefix 𝒜' 𝒜 ∧ (∃t ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩t 𝒜' ℐ⇩τ. ∃m.
n ≠ m ∧ (ℐ⇩τ ⊨ ⟨proj_unl m 𝒜'@[Send1 t]⟩))"
using ℐ⇩τ(4) * unfolding strand_leaks⇩l⇩s⇩t_def by metis
hence ?P using ℐ⇩τ(1,2,3) by auto
} hence "unsat 𝒜 ∨ (∃m. n ≠ m ∧ component_leaks m 𝒜 Sec)"
by (metis unsat_def component_leaks_def)
} thus ?thesis unfolding suffix_def by metis
subsubsection ‹Theorem: Parallel Compositionality for Stateful Protocols›
private abbreviation wf⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t where
"wf⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t V 𝒜 ≡ wf'⇩s⇩s⇩t V (unlabel 𝒜)"
text ‹
We state our result on the level of protocol traces (i.e., the constraints reachable in a
symbolic execution of the actual protocol). Hence, we do not need to convert protocol strands
to intruder constraints in the following well-formedness definitions.
private definition wf⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩s::"('fun,'var,'lbl) labeled_stateful_strand set ⇒ bool" where
"wf⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩s 𝒮 ≡ (∀𝒜 ∈ 𝒮. wf⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t {} 𝒜) ∧ (∀𝒜 ∈ 𝒮. ∀𝒜' ∈ 𝒮. fv⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜 ∩ bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜' = {})"
private definition wf⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩s'::
"('fun,'var,'lbl) labeled_stateful_strand set ⇒ ('fun,'var,'lbl) labeled_stateful_strand ⇒ bool"
"wf⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩s' 𝒮 𝒜 ≡ (∀𝒜' ∈ 𝒮. wf'⇩s⇩s⇩t (wfrestrictedvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜) (unlabel 𝒜')) ∧
(∀𝒜' ∈ 𝒮. ∀𝒜'' ∈ 𝒮. fv⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜' ∩ bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜'' = {}) ∧
(∀𝒜' ∈ 𝒮. fv⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜' ∩ bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜 = {}) ∧
(∀𝒜' ∈ 𝒮. fv⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜 ∩ bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜' = {})"
private definition typing_cond_prot_stateful where
"typing_cond_prot_stateful 𝒫 ≡
wf⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩s 𝒫 ∧
tfr⇩s⇩e⇩t (⋃(trms⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ` 𝒫) ∪ pair ` ⋃(setops⇩s⇩s⇩t ` unlabel ` 𝒫)) ∧
wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (⋃(trms⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ` 𝒫)) ∧
(∀S ∈ 𝒫. list_all tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel S))"
private definition par_comp_prot_stateful where
"par_comp_prot_stateful 𝒫 Sec ≡
(∀l1 l2. l1 ≠ l2 ⟶
GSMP_disjoint (⋃𝒜 ∈ 𝒫. trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l1 𝒜) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l1 𝒜))
(⋃𝒜 ∈ 𝒫. trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l2 𝒜) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l2 𝒜)) Sec) ∧
ground Sec ∧ (∀s ∈ Sec. ¬{} ⊢⇩c s) ∧
(∀(i,p) ∈ ⋃𝒜 ∈ 𝒫. setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜. ∀(j,q) ∈ ⋃𝒜 ∈ 𝒫. setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜.
(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟶ i = j) ∧
typing_cond_prot_stateful 𝒫"
private definition component_secure_prot_stateful where
"component_secure_prot_stateful n P Sec attack ≡
(∀𝒜 ∈ P. suffix [(ln n, Send [Fun attack []])] 𝒜 ⟶
(∀ℐ⇩τ. (interpretation⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ ∧ wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ ∧ wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range ℐ⇩τ)) ⟶
¬(ℐ⇩τ ⊨⇩s (proj_unl n 𝒜)) ∧
(∀𝒜'. prefix 𝒜' 𝒜 ⟶
(∀t ∈ Sec-declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜' ℐ⇩τ. ¬(ℐ⇩τ ⊨⇩s (proj_unl n 𝒜'@[Send [t]]))))))"
private definition component_leaks_stateful where
"component_leaks_stateful n 𝒜 Sec ≡
(∃𝒜' ℐ⇩τ. interpretation⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ ∧ wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ ∧ wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range ℐ⇩τ) ∧ prefix 𝒜' 𝒜 ∧
(∃t ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜' ℐ⇩τ. (ℐ⇩τ ⊨⇩s (proj_unl n 𝒜'@[Send [t]]))))"
private definition unsat_stateful where
"unsat_stateful 𝒜 ≡ (∀ℐ. interpretation⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ ⟶ ¬(ℐ ⊨⇩s unlabel 𝒜))"
private lemma wf⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩s_eqs_wf⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩s': "wf⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩s S = wf⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩s' S []"
unfolding wf⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩s_def wf⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩s'_def unlabel_def wfrestrictedvars⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by simp
private lemma par_comp_prot_impl_par_comp_stateful:
assumes "par_comp_prot_stateful 𝒫 Sec" "𝒜 ∈ 𝒫"
shows "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜 Sec"
proof -
have *:
"∀l1 l2. l1 ≠ l2 ⟶
GSMP_disjoint (⋃𝒜 ∈ 𝒫. trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l1 𝒜) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l1 𝒜))
(⋃𝒜 ∈ 𝒫. trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l2 𝒜) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l2 𝒜)) Sec"
using assms(1) unfolding par_comp_prot_stateful_def by argo
{ fix l1 l2::'lbl assume **: "l1 ≠ l2"
hence ***:
"GSMP_disjoint (⋃𝒜 ∈ 𝒫. trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l1 𝒜) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l1 𝒜))
(⋃𝒜 ∈ 𝒫. trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l2 𝒜) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l2 𝒜)) Sec"
using * by auto
have "GSMP_disjoint (trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l1 𝒜) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l1 𝒜))
(trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l2 𝒜) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l2 𝒜)) Sec"
using GSMP_disjoint_subset[OF ***] assms(2) by auto
} hence "∀l1 l2. l1 ≠ l2 ⟶
GSMP_disjoint (trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l1 𝒜) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l1 𝒜))
(trms⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l2 𝒜) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l2 𝒜)) Sec"
by metis
moreover have "∀(i,p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜. ∀(j,q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜.
(∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟶ i = j"
using assms(1,2) unfolding par_comp_prot_stateful_def by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
using assms
unfolding par_comp_prot_stateful_def par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def
by fast
private lemma typing_cond_prot_impl_typing_cond_stateful:
assumes "typing_cond_prot_stateful 𝒫" "𝒜 ∈ 𝒫"
shows "typing_cond⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜)"
proof -
have 1: "wf'⇩s⇩s⇩t {} (unlabel 𝒜)" "fv⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜 ∩ bvars⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜 = {}"
using assms unfolding typing_cond_prot_stateful_def wf⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩s_def by auto
have "tfr⇩s⇩e⇩t (⋃(trms⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ` 𝒫) ∪ pair ` ⋃(setops⇩s⇩s⇩t ` unlabel ` 𝒫))"
"wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (⋃(trms⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ` 𝒫))"
"trms⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜 ⊆ ⋃(trms⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ` 𝒫)"
"SMP (trms⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜 ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜)) - Var`𝒱 ⊆
SMP (⋃(trms⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ` 𝒫) ∪ pair ` ⋃(setops⇩s⇩s⇩t ` unlabel ` 𝒫)) - Var`𝒱"
using assms SMP_mono[of "trms⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜 ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜)"
"⋃(trms⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t ` 𝒫) ∪ pair ` ⋃(setops⇩s⇩s⇩t ` unlabel ` 𝒫)"]
unfolding typing_cond_prot_stateful_def
by (metis, metis, auto)
hence 2: "tfr⇩s⇩e⇩t (trms⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜 ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜))" and 3: "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (trms⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜)"
unfolding tfr⇩s⇩e⇩t_def by (meson subsetD)+
have 4: "list_all tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p (unlabel 𝒜)" using assms unfolding typing_cond_prot_stateful_def by auto
show ?thesis using 1 2 3 4 unfolding typing_cond⇩s⇩s⇩t_def tfr⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by blast
private theorem par_comp_constr_prot_stateful:
assumes P: "P = composed_prot Pi" "par_comp_prot_stateful P Sec" "∀n. component_prot n (Pi n)"
and left_secure: "component_secure_prot_stateful n (Pi n) Sec attack"
shows "∀𝒜 ∈ P. suffix [(ln n, Send [Fun attack []])] 𝒜 ⟶
unsat_stateful 𝒜 ∨ (∃m. n ≠ m ∧ component_leaks_stateful m 𝒜 Sec)"
proof -
{ fix 𝒜 𝒜' assume 𝒜: "𝒜 = 𝒜'@[(ln n, Send [Fun attack []])]" "𝒜 ∈ P"
let ?P = "∃𝒜' ℐ⇩τ. interpretation⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ ∧ wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ ∧ wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range ℐ⇩τ) ∧ prefix 𝒜' 𝒜 ∧
(∃t ∈ Sec-declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜' ℐ⇩τ. ∃m. n ≠ m ∧ (ℐ⇩τ ⊨⇩s (proj_unl m 𝒜'@[Send [t]])))"
have tcp: "typing_cond_prot_stateful P" using P(2) unfolding par_comp_prot_stateful_def by simp
have par_comp: "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜 Sec" "typing_cond⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel 𝒜)"
using par_comp_prot_impl_par_comp_stateful[OF P(2) 𝒜(2)]
typing_cond_prot_impl_typing_cond_stateful[OF tcp 𝒜(2)]
by metis+
have "unlabel (proj n 𝒜) = proj_unl n 𝒜" "proj_unl n 𝒜 = proj_unl n (proj n 𝒜)"
"⋀A. A ∈ Pi n ⟹ proj n A = A"
"proj n 𝒜 = (proj n 𝒜')@[(ln n, Send [Fun attack []])]"
using P(1,3) 𝒜 by (auto simp add: proj_def unlabel_def component_prot_def composed_prot_def)
moreover have "proj n 𝒜 ∈ Pi n"
using P(1) 𝒜 unfolding composed_prot_def by blast
moreover {
fix A assume "prefix A 𝒜"
hence *: "prefix (proj n A) (proj n 𝒜)" unfolding proj_def prefix_def by force
hence "proj_unl n A = proj_unl n (proj n A)"
"∀I. declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A I = declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj n A) I"
by (simp, metis declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_proj_eq)
hence "∃B. prefix B (proj n 𝒜) ∧ proj_unl n A = proj_unl n B ∧
(∀I. declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A I = declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t B I)"
using * by metis
ultimately have *:
"∀ℐ⇩τ. interpretation⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ ∧ wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ ∧ wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range ℐ⇩τ) ⟶
¬(ℐ⇩τ ⊨⇩s (proj_unl n 𝒜)) ∧ (∀𝒜'. prefix 𝒜' 𝒜 ⟶
(∀t ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜' ℐ⇩τ. ¬(ℐ⇩τ ⊨⇩s (proj_unl n 𝒜'@[Send [t]]))))"
using left_secure
unfolding component_secure_prot_stateful_def composed_prot_def suffix_def
by metis
{ fix ℐ assume ℐ: "interpretation⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ" "ℐ ⊨⇩s unlabel 𝒜"
obtain ℐ⇩τ where ℐ⇩τ:
"interpretation⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ" "wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t ℐ⇩τ" "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range ℐ⇩τ)"
"∃𝒜'. prefix 𝒜' 𝒜 ∧ (𝒜' leaks Sec under ℐ⇩τ)"
using par_comp_constr_stateful[OF par_comp ℐ(2,1)] * by atomize_elim auto
hence "∃𝒜'. prefix 𝒜' 𝒜 ∧ (∃t ∈ Sec - declassified⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t 𝒜' ℐ⇩τ. ∃m.
n ≠ m ∧ (ℐ⇩τ ⊨⇩s (proj_unl m 𝒜'@[Send [t]])))"
using ℐ⇩τ(4) * unfolding strand_leaks⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by metis
hence ?P using ℐ⇩τ(1,2,3) by auto
} hence "unsat_stateful 𝒜 ∨ (∃m. n ≠ m ∧ component_leaks_stateful m 𝒜 Sec)"
by (metis unsat_stateful_def component_leaks_stateful_def)
} thus ?thesis unfolding suffix_def by metis
subsection ‹Automated Compositionality Conditions›
definition comp_GSMP_disjoint where
"comp_GSMP_disjoint public arity Ana Γ A' B' A B C ≡
let Bδ = B ⋅⇩s⇩e⇩t var_rename (max_var_set (fv⇩s⇩e⇩t A))
in has_all_wt_instances_of Γ A' A ∧
has_all_wt_instances_of Γ B' Bδ ∧
finite_SMP_representation arity Ana Γ A ∧
finite_SMP_representation arity Ana Γ Bδ ∧
(∀t ∈ A. ∀s ∈ Bδ. Γ t = Γ s ∧ mgu t s ≠ None ⟶
(intruder_synth' public arity {} t) ∨ (∃u ∈ C. is_wt_instance_of_cond Γ t u))"
definition comp_par_comp'⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t where
"comp_par_comp'⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t public arity Ana Γ pair_fun A M C ≡
wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s' arity C ∧
(∀(i,p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A. ∀(j,q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A. if i = j then True else
(let s = pair' pair_fun p; t = pair' pair_fun q
in mgu s (t ⋅ var_rename (max_var s)) = None))"
definition comp_par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t where
"comp_par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t public arity Ana Γ pair_fun A M C ≡
let L = remdups (map (the_LabelN ∘ fst) (filter (Not ∘ has_LabelS) A));
MP0 = λB. trms⇩s⇩s⇩t B ∪ (pair' pair_fun) ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t B;
pr = λl. MP0 (proj_unl l A)
in length L > 1 ∧
comp_par_comp'⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t public arity Ana Γ pair_fun A M C ∧
wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s' arity (MP0 (unlabel A)) ∧
(∀i ∈ set L. ∀j ∈ set L. if i = j then True else
comp_GSMP_disjoint public arity Ana Γ (pr i) (pr j) (M i) (M j) C)"
lemma comp_par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩tI:
fixes pair_fun A MP0 pr
defines "MP0 ≡ λB. trms⇩s⇩s⇩t B ∪ (pair' pair_fun) ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t B"
and "pr ≡ λl. MP0 (proj_unl l A)"
assumes L_def: "L = remdups (map (the_LabelN ∘ fst) (filter (Not ∘ has_LabelS) A))"
and L_gt: "length L > 1"
and cpc': "comp_par_comp'⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t public arity Ana Γ pair_fun A M C"
and MP0_wf: "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s' arity (MP0 (unlabel A))"
and GSMP_disj: "∀i ∈ set L. ∀j ∈ set L. if i = j then True else
comp_GSMP_disjoint public arity Ana Γ (pr i) (pr j) (M i) (M j) C"
shows "comp_par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t public arity Ana Γ pair_fun A M C"
using assms unfolding comp_par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def by presburger
lemma comp_par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩tI':
fixes pair_fun A MP0 pr Ms
defines "MP0 ≡ λB. trms⇩s⇩s⇩t B ∪ (pair' pair_fun) ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t B"
and "pr ≡ λl. MP0 (proj_unl l A)"
and "M ≡ λl. case find ((=) l ∘ fst) Ms of Some M ⇒ set (snd M) | None ⇒ {}"
assumes L_def: "map fst Ms = remdups (map (the_LabelN ∘ fst) (filter (Not ∘ has_LabelS) A))"
and L_gt: "length (map fst Ms) > 1"
and cpc': "comp_par_comp'⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t public arity Ana Γ pair_fun A M C"
and MP0_wf: "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s' arity (MP0 (unlabel A))"
and GSMP_disj: "∀i ∈ set (map fst Ms). ∀j ∈ set (map fst Ms). if i = j then True else
comp_GSMP_disjoint public arity Ana Γ (pr i) (pr j) (M i) (M j) C"
shows "comp_par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t public arity Ana Γ pair_fun A M C"
by (rule comp_par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩tI[OF L_def L_gt cpc' MP0_wf[unfolded MP0_def]
GSMP_disj[unfolded pr_def MP0_def]])
locale labeled_stateful_typed_model' =
labeled_typed_model' arity public Ana Γ label_witness1 label_witness2
+ stateful_typed_model' arity public Ana Γ Pair
for arity::"'fun ⇒ nat"
and public::"'fun ⇒ bool"
and Ana::"('fun,(('fun,'atom::finite) term_type × nat)) term
⇒ (('fun,(('fun,'atom) term_type × nat)) term list
× ('fun,(('fun,'atom) term_type × nat)) term list)"
and Γ::"('fun,(('fun,'atom) term_type × nat)) term ⇒ ('fun,'atom) term_type"
and Pair::"'fun"
and label_witness1::"'lbl"
and label_witness2::"'lbl"
sublocale labeled_stateful_typed_model
by unfold_locales
lemma GSMP_disjoint_if_comp_GSMP_disjoint:
defines "f ≡ λM. {t ⋅ δ | t δ. t ∈ M ∧ wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t δ ∧ wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range δ) ∧ fv (t ⋅ δ) = {}}"
assumes AB'_wf: "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s' arity A'" "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s' arity B'"
and C_wf: "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s' arity C"
and AB'_disj: "comp_GSMP_disjoint public arity Ana Γ A' B' A B C"
shows "GSMP_disjoint A' B' (f C - {m. {} ⊢⇩c m})"
using GSMP_disjointI[of A' B' A B] AB'_wf AB'_disj C_wf
unfolding wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s'_def comp_GSMP_disjoint_def f_def wf⇩t⇩r⇩m_code list_all_iff Let_def by blast
lemma par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_if_comp_par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t:
defines "f ≡ λM. {t ⋅ δ | t δ. t ∈ M ∧ wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t δ ∧ wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range δ) ∧ fv (t ⋅ δ) = {}}"
assumes A: "comp_par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t public arity Ana Γ Pair A M C"
shows "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A (f C - {m. {} ⊢⇩c m})"
proof (unfold par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def; intro conjI)
let ?Sec = "f C - {m. {} ⊢⇩c m}"
let ?L = "remdups (map (the_LabelN ∘ fst) (filter (Not ∘ has_LabelS) A))"
let ?N1 = "λB. trms⇩s⇩s⇩t B ∪ (pair' Pair) ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t B"
let ?N2 = "λB. trms⇩s⇩s⇩t B ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t B"
let ?pr = "λl. ?N1 (proj_unl l A)"
let ?α = "λp. var_rename (max_var (pair p))"
note defs = pair_code wf⇩t⇩r⇩m_code wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s'_def list_all_iff
trms_list⇩s⇩s⇩t_is_trms⇩s⇩s⇩t setops_list⇩s⇩s⇩t_is_setops⇩s⇩s⇩t
have 0:
"length ?L > 1"
"wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s' arity (?N1 (unlabel A))"
"wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s' arity C"
"∀i ∈ set ?L. ∀j ∈ set ?L. i ≠ j ⟶
comp_GSMP_disjoint public arity Ana Γ (?pr i) (?pr j) (M i) (M j) C"
"∀(i,p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A. ∀(j,q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A. i ≠ j ⟶ mgu (pair p) (pair q ⋅ ?α p) = None"
using A unfolding comp_par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def comp_par_comp'⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def pair_code
by meson+
have L_in_iff: "l ∈ set ?L ⟷ (∃a ∈ set A. has_LabelN l a)" for l by force
have A_wf_trms: "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (trms⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (unlabel A))"
using 0(2) unfolding defs by auto
hence A_proj_wf_trms: "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (trms⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj l A) ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t (proj_unl l A))" for l
using trms⇩s⇩s⇩t_proj_subset(1)[of l A] setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_proj_subset(1)[of l A] by blast
hence A_proj_wf_trms': "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s' arity (?N1 (proj_unl l A))" for l
unfolding defs by auto
note C_wf_trms = 0(3)[unfolded list_all_iff wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s'_def wf⇩t⇩r⇩m_code[symmetric]]
have 2: "GSMP (?N2 (proj_unl l A)) ⊆ GSMP (?N2 (proj_unl l' A))" when "l ∉ set ?L" for l l'
using that L_in_iff GSMP_mono[of "?N2 (proj_unl l A)" "?N2 (proj_unl l' A)"]
trms⇩s⇩s⇩t_unlabel_subset_if_no_label[of l A]
setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_unlabel_subset_if_no_label[of l A]
unfolding list_ex_iff by fast
have 3: "GSMP_disjoint (?N2 (proj_unl l1 A)) (?N2 (proj_unl l2 A)) ?Sec"
when "l1 ∈ set ?L" "l2 ∈ set ?L" "l1 ≠ l2" for l1 l2
proof -
have "GSMP_disjoint (?N1 (proj_unl l1 A)) (?N1 (proj_unl l2 A)) ?Sec"
using 0(4) that
OF A_proj_wf_trms'[of l1] A_proj_wf_trms'[of l2] 0(3),
of "M l1" "M l2"]
unfolding f_def by blast
thus ?thesis
unfolding pair_code trms_list⇩s⇩s⇩t_is_trms⇩s⇩s⇩t setops_list⇩s⇩s⇩t_is_setops⇩s⇩s⇩t
by simp
obtain a1 a2 where a: "a1 ∈ set ?L" "a2 ∈ set ?L" "a1 ≠ a2"
using remdups_ex2[OF 0(1)] by atomize_elim auto
show "ground ?Sec" unfolding f_def by fastforce
{ fix i p j q
assume p: "(i,p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A" and q: "(j,q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A"
and pq: "∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)"
have "∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q ⋅ ?α p)"
using pq vars_term_disjoint_imp_unifier[OF var_rename_fv_disjoint[of "pair p"], of _ "pair q"]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) subst_subst_compose var_rename_inv_comp)
hence "i = j" using 0(5) mgu_None_is_subst_neq[of "pair p" "pair q ⋅ ?α p"] p q by fast
} thus "∀(i,p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A. ∀(j,q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A. (∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟶ i = j"
by blast
show "∀l1 l2. l1 ≠ l2 ⟶ GSMP_disjoint (?N2 (proj_unl l1 A)) (?N2 (proj_unl l2 A)) ?Sec"
using 2 3 3[OF a] unfolding GSMP_disjoint_def by blast
show "∀s ∈ ?Sec. ¬{} ⊢⇩c s" by simp
locale labeled_stateful_typing' =
labeled_stateful_typed_model' arity public Ana Γ Pair label_witness1 label_witness2
+ stateful_typing_result' arity public Ana Γ Pair
for arity::"'fun ⇒ nat"
and public::"'fun ⇒ bool"
and Ana::"('fun,(('fun,'atom::finite) term_type × nat)) term
⇒ (('fun,(('fun,'atom) term_type × nat)) term list
× ('fun,(('fun,'atom) term_type × nat)) term list)"
and Γ::"('fun,(('fun,'atom) term_type × nat)) term ⇒ ('fun,'atom) term_type"
and Pair::"'fun"
and label_witness1::"'lbl"
and label_witness2::"'lbl"
sublocale labeled_stateful_typing
by unfold_locales
lemma par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_if_comp_par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t':
defines "f ≡ λM. {t ⋅ δ | t δ. t ∈ M ∧ wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t δ ∧ wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range δ) ∧ fv (t ⋅ δ) = {}}"
assumes a: "comp_par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t public arity Ana Γ Pair A M C"
and B: "∀b ∈ set B. ∃a ∈ set A. ∃δ. b = a ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ ∧ wt⇩s⇩u⇩b⇩s⇩t δ ∧ wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (subst_range δ)"
(is "∀b ∈ set B. ∃a ∈ set A. ∃δ. b = a ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ ∧ ?D δ")
shows "par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t B (f C - {m. {} ⊢⇩c m})"
proof (unfold par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def; intro conjI)
define N1 where "N1 ≡ λB::('fun, ('fun,'atom) term_type × nat) stateful_strand.
trms⇩s⇩s⇩t B ∪ (pair' Pair) ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t B"
define N2 where "N2 ≡ λB::('fun, ('fun,'atom) term_type × nat) stateful_strand.
trms⇩s⇩s⇩t B ∪ pair ` setops⇩s⇩s⇩t B"
define L where "L ≡ λA::('fun, ('fun,'atom) term_type × nat, 'lbl) labeled_stateful_strand.
remdups (map (the_LabelN ∘ fst) (filter (Not ∘ has_LabelS) A))"
define α where "α ≡ λp. var_rename (max_var (pair p::('fun, ('fun,'atom) term_type × nat) term))
::('fun, ('fun,'atom) term_type × nat) subst"
let ?Sec = "f C - {m. {} ⊢⇩c m}"
have 0:
"length (L A) > 1"
"wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s' arity (N1 (unlabel A))"
"wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s' arity C"
"∀i ∈ set (L A). ∀j ∈ set (L A). i ≠ j ⟶
comp_GSMP_disjoint public arity Ana Γ (N1 (proj_unl i A)) (N1 (proj_unl j A)) (M i) (M j) C"
"∀(i,p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A. ∀(j,q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A. i ≠ j ⟶ mgu (pair p) (pair q ⋅ α p) = None"
using a unfolding comp_par_comp⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def comp_par_comp'⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_def pair_code L_def N1_def α_def
by meson+
note 1 = trms⇩s⇩s⇩t_proj_subset(1) setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_proj_subset(1)
have N1_iff_N2: "N1 A = N2 A" for A
unfolding pair_code trms_list⇩s⇩s⇩t_is_trms⇩s⇩s⇩t setops_list⇩s⇩s⇩t_is_setops⇩s⇩s⇩t N1_def N2_def by simp
have N2_proj_subset: "N2 (proj_unl l A) ⊆ N2 (unlabel A)"
for l::'lbl and A::"('fun, ('fun,'atom) term_type × nat, 'lbl) labeled_stateful_strand"
using 1(1)[of l A] image_mono[OF 1(2)[of l A], of pair] unfolding N2_def by blast
have L_in_iff: "l ∈ set (L A) ⟷ (∃a ∈ set A. has_LabelN l a)" for l A
unfolding L_def by force
have L_B_subset_A: "l ∈ set (L A)" when l: "l ∈ set (L B)" for l
using L_in_iff[of l B] L_in_iff[of l A] B l by fastforce
note B_setops = setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t_wt_instance_ex[OF B]
have B_proj: "∀b ∈ set (proj l B). ∃a ∈ set (proj l A). ∃δ. b = a ⋅⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t⇩p δ ∧ ?D δ" for l
using proj_instance_ex[OF B] by fast
have B': "∀t ∈ N2 (unlabel B). ∃s ∈ N2 (unlabel A). ∃δ. t = s ⋅ δ ∧ ?D δ"
using trms⇩s⇩s⇩t_setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_wt_instance_ex[OF B] unfolding N2_def by blast
have B'_proj: "∀t ∈ N2 (proj_unl l B). ∃s ∈ N2 (proj_unl l A). ∃δ. t = s ⋅ δ ∧ ?D δ" for l
using trms⇩s⇩s⇩t_setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_wt_instance_ex[OF B_proj] unfolding N2_def by presburger
have A_wf_trms: "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (N2 (unlabel A))"
using N1_iff_N2[of "unlabel A"] 0(2) unfolding wf⇩t⇩r⇩m_code wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s'_def list_all_iff by auto
hence A_proj_wf_trms: "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s (N2 (proj_unl l A))" for l
using 1[of l] unfolding N2_def by blast
hence A_proj_wf_trms': "wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s' arity (N1 (proj_unl l A))" for l
using N1_iff_N2[of "proj_unl l A"] unfolding wf⇩t⇩r⇩m_code wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s'_def list_all_iff by presburger
note C_wf_trms = 0(3)[unfolded list_all_iff wf⇩t⇩r⇩m⇩s'_def wf⇩t⇩r⇩m_code[symmetric]]
have 2: "GSMP (N2 (proj_unl l A)) ⊆ GSMP (N2 (proj_unl l' A))"
when "l ∉ set (L A)" for l l'
and A::"('fun, ('fun,'atom) term_type × nat, 'lbl) labeled_stateful_strand"
using that L_in_iff[of _ A] GSMP_mono[of "N2 (proj_unl l A)" "N2 (proj_unl l' A)"]
trms⇩s⇩s⇩t_unlabel_subset_if_no_label[of l A]
setops⇩s⇩s⇩t_unlabel_subset_if_no_label[of l A]
unfolding list_ex_iff N2_def by fast
have 3: "GSMP (N2 (proj_unl l B)) ⊆ GSMP (N2 (proj_unl l A))" (is "?X ⊆ ?Y") for l
fix t assume "t ∈ ?X"
hence t: "t ∈ SMP (N2 (proj_unl l B))" "fv t = {}" unfolding GSMP_def by simp_all
have "t ∈ SMP (N2 (proj_unl l A))"
using t(1) B'_proj[of l] SMP_wt_instances_subset[of "N2 (proj_unl l B)" "N2 (proj_unl l A)"]
by metis
thus "t ∈ ?Y" using t(2) unfolding GSMP_def by fast
have "GSMP_disjoint (N2 (proj_unl l1 A)) (N2 (proj_unl l2 A)) ?Sec"
when "l1 ∈ set (L A)" "l2 ∈ set (L A)" "l1 ≠ l2" for l1 l2
proof -
have "GSMP_disjoint (N1 (proj_unl l1 A)) (N1 (proj_unl l2 A)) ?Sec"
using 0(4) that
OF A_proj_wf_trms'[of l1] A_proj_wf_trms'[of l2] 0(3),
of "M l1" "M l2"]
unfolding f_def by blast
thus ?thesis using N1_iff_N2 by simp
hence 4: "GSMP_disjoint (N2 (proj_unl l1 B)) (N2 (proj_unl l2 B)) ?Sec"
when "l1 ∈ set (L A)" "l2 ∈ set (L A)" "l1 ≠ l2" for l1 l2
using that 3 unfolding GSMP_disjoint_def by blast
{ fix i p j q
assume p: "(i,p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t B" and q: "(j,q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t B"
and pq: "∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)"
obtain p' δp where p': "(i,p') ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A" "p = p' ⋅⇩p δp" "pair p = pair p' ⋅ δp"
using p B_setops unfolding pair_def by auto
obtain q' δq where q': "(j,q') ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t A" "q = q' ⋅⇩p δq" "pair q = pair q' ⋅ δq"
using q B_setops unfolding pair_def by auto
obtain θ where "Unifier θ (pair p) (pair q)" using pq by blast
hence "∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p') (pair q' ⋅ α p')"
using p'(3) q'(3) var_rename_inv_comp[of "pair q'"] subst_subst_compose
OF var_rename_fv_disjoint[of "pair p'"],
of "δp ∘⇩s θ" "pair q'" "var_rename_inv (max_var_set (fv (pair p'))) ∘⇩s δq ∘⇩s θ"]
unfolding α_def by fastforce
hence "i = j"
using mgu_None_is_subst_neq[of "pair p'" "pair q' ⋅ α p'"] p'(1) q'(1) 0(5)
unfolding α_def by fast
} thus "∀(i,p) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t B. ∀(j,q) ∈ setops⇩l⇩s⇩s⇩t B. (∃δ. Unifier δ (pair p) (pair q)) ⟶ i = j"
by blast
obtain a1 a2 where a: "a1 ∈ set (L A)" "a2 ∈ set (L A)" "a1 ≠ a2"
using remdups_ex2[OF 0(1)[unfolded L_def]] unfolding L_def by atomize_elim auto
show "∀l1 l2. l1 ≠ l2 ⟶ GSMP_disjoint (N2 (proj_unl l1 B)) (N2 (proj_unl l2 B)) ?Sec"
using 2[of _ B] 4 4[OF a] L_B_subset_A unfolding GSMP_disjoint_def by blast
show "ground ?Sec" unfolding f_def by fastforce
show "∀s ∈ ?Sec. ¬{} ⊢⇩c s" by simp