Theory Strands_and_Constraints

(*  Title:      Strands_and_Constraints.thy
    Author:     Andreas Viktor Hess, DTU
    SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

section ‹Strands and Symbolic Intruder Constraints›
theory Strands_and_Constraints
imports Messages More_Unification Intruder_Deduction

subsection ‹Constraints, Strands and Related Definitions›
datatype poscheckvariant = Assign (assign) | Check (check)

text ‹
  A strand (or constraint) step is either a message transmission (either a message being sent Send›
  or being received Receive›) or a check on messages (a positive check Equality›---which can be
  either an "assignment" or just a check---or a negative check Inequality›)
datatype (funsstp: 'a, varsstp: 'b) strand_step =
  Send       "('a,'b) term list" (send⟨_st 80)
| Receive    "('a,'b) term list" (receive⟨_st 80)
| Equality   poscheckvariant "('a,'b) term" "('a,'b) term" (_: _  _st [80,80])
| Inequality (bvarsstp: "'b list") "(('a,'b) term × ('a,'b) term) list" (_⟨∨≠: _st [80,80])
  "bvarsstp (Send _) = []"
| "bvarsstp (Receive _) = []"
| "bvarsstp (Equality _ _ _) = []"

abbreviation "Send1 t  Send [t]"
abbreviation "Receive1 t  Receive [t]"

text ‹
  A strand is a finite sequence of strand steps (constraints and strands share the same datatype)
type_synonym ('a,'b) strand = "('a,'b) strand_step list"

type_synonym ('a,'b) strands = "('a,'b) strand set"

abbreviation "trmspairs F  (t,t')  set F. {t,t'}"

fun trmsstp::"('a,'b) strand_step  ('a,'b) terms" where
  "trmsstp (Send ts) = set ts"
| "trmsstp (Receive ts) = set ts"
| "trmsstp (Equality _ t t') = {t,t'}"
| "trmsstp (Inequality _ F) = trmspairs F"

lemma varsstp_unfold[simp]: "varsstp x = fvset (trmsstp x)  set (bvarsstp x)"
by (cases x) auto

text ‹The set of terms occurring in a strand›
definition trmsst where "trmsst S  (trmsstp ` set S)"

fun trms_liststp::"('a,'b) strand_step  ('a,'b) term list" where
  "trms_liststp (Send ts) = ts"
| "trms_liststp (Receive ts) = ts"
| "trms_liststp (Equality _ t t') = [t,t']"
| "trms_liststp (Inequality _ F) = concat (map (λ(t,t'). [t,t']) F)"

text ‹The set of terms occurring in a strand (list variant)›
definition trms_listst where "trms_listst S  remdups (concat (map trms_liststp S))"

text ‹The set of variables occurring in a sent message›
definition fvsnd::"('a,'b) strand_step  'b set" where
  "fvsnd x  case x of Send t  fvset (set t) | _  {}"

text ‹The set of variables occurring in a received message›
definition fvrcv::"('a,'b) strand_step  'b set" where
  "fvrcv x  case x of Receive t  fvset (set t) | _  {}"

text ‹The set of variables occurring in an equality constraint›
definition fveq::"poscheckvariant  ('a,'b) strand_step  'b set" where
  "fveq ac x  case x of Equality ac' s t  if ac = ac' then fv s  fv t else {} | _  {}"

text ‹The set of variables occurring at the left-hand side of an equality constraint›
definition fv_leq::"poscheckvariant  ('a,'b) strand_step  'b set" where
  "fv_leq ac x  case x of Equality ac' s t  if ac = ac' then fv s else {} | _  {}"

text ‹The set of variables occurring at the right-hand side of an equality constraint›
definition fv_req::"poscheckvariant  ('a,'b) strand_step  'b set" where
  "fv_req ac x  case x of Equality ac' s t  if ac = ac' then fv t else {} | _  {}"

text ‹The free variables of inequality constraints›
definition fvineq::"('a,'b) strand_step  'b set" where
  "fvineq x  case x of Inequality X F  fvpairs F - set X | _  {}"

fun fvstp::"('a,'b) strand_step  'b set" where
  "fvstp (Send t) = fvset (set t)"
| "fvstp (Receive t) = fvset (set t)"
| "fvstp (Equality _ t t') = fv t  fv t'"
| "fvstp (Inequality X F) = ((t,t')  set F. fv t  fv t') - set X"

text ‹The set of free variables of a strand›
definition fvst::"('a,'b) strand  'b set" where
  "fvst S  (set (map fvstp S))"

text ‹The set of bound variables of a strand›
definition bvarsst::"('a,'b) strand  'b set" where
  "bvarsst S  (set (map (set  bvarsstp) S))"

text ‹The set of all variables occurring in a strand›
definition varsst::"('a,'b) strand  'b set" where
  "varsst S  (set (map varsstp S))"

abbreviation wfrestrictedvarsstp::"('a,'b) strand_step  'b set" where
  "wfrestrictedvarsstp x 
    case x of Inequality _ _  {} | Equality Check _ _  {} | _  varsstp x"

text ‹The variables of a strand whose occurrences might be restricted by well-formedness constraints›
definition wfrestrictedvarsst::"('a,'b) strand  'b set" where
  "wfrestrictedvarsst S  (set (map wfrestrictedvarsstp S))"

abbreviation wfvarsoccsstp where
  "wfvarsoccsstp x  case x of Send t  fvset (set t) | Equality Assign s t  fv s | _  {}"

text ‹The variables of a strand that occur in sent messages or in assignments›
definition wfvarsoccsst where
  "wfvarsoccsst S  (set (map wfvarsoccsstp S))"

text ‹The variables occurring at the right-hand side of assignment steps›
fun assignment_rhsst where
  "assignment_rhsst [] = {}"
| "assignment_rhsst (Equality Assign t t'#S) = insert t' (assignment_rhsst S)"
| "assignment_rhsst (x#S) = assignment_rhsst S"

text ‹The set of function symbols occurring in a strand›
definition funsst::"('a,'b) strand  'a set" where
  "funsst S  (set (map funsstp S))"

fun subst_apply_strand_step::"('a,'b) strand_step  ('a,'b) subst  ('a,'b) strand_step"
  (infix stp 51) where
  "Send t stp θ = Send (t list θ)"
| "Receive t stp θ = Receive (t list θ)"
| "Equality a t t' stp θ = Equality a (t  θ) (t'  θ)"
| "Inequality X F stp θ = Inequality X (F pairs rm_vars (set X) θ)"

text ‹Substitution application for strands›
definition subst_apply_strand::"('a,'b) strand  ('a,'b) subst  ('a,'b) strand"
  (infix st 51) where
  "S st θ  map (λx. x stp θ) S"

text ‹The semantics of inequality constraints›
  "ineq_model (::('a,'b) subst) X F 
      (δ. subst_domain δ = set X  ground (subst_range δ)  
              ((t,t')  set F. t  δ s   t'  δ s ))"

fun simplestp where
  "simplestp (Receive t) = True"
| "simplestp (Send [Var v]) = True"
| "simplestp (Inequality X F) = (. ineq_model  X F)"
| "simplestp _ = False"

text ‹Simple constraints›
definition simple where "simple S  list_all simplestp S"

text ‹The intruder knowledge of a constraint›
fun ikst::"('a,'b) strand  ('a,'b) terms" where
  "ikst [] = {}"
| "ikst (Receive t#S) = set t  (ikst S)"
| "ikst (_#S) = ikst S"

text ‹Strand well-formedness›
fun wfst::"'b set  ('a,'b) strand  bool" where
  "wfst V [] = True"
| "wfst V (Receive ts#S) = (fvset (set ts)  V  wfst V S)"
| "wfst V (Send ts#S) = wfst (V  fvset (set ts)) S"
| "wfst V (Equality Assign s t#S) = (fv t  V  wfst (V  fv s) S)"
| "wfst V (Equality Check s t#S) = wfst V S"
| "wfst V (Inequality _ _#S) = wfst V S"

text ‹Well-formedness of constraint states›
definition wfconstr::"('a,'b) strand  ('a,'b) subst  bool" where
  "wfconstr S θ  (wfsubst θ  wfst {} S  subst_domain θ  varsst S = {} 
                  range_vars θ  bvarsst S = {}  fvst S  bvarsst S = {})"

declare trmsst_def[simp]
declare fvsnd_def[simp]
declare fvrcv_def[simp]
declare fveq_def[simp]
declare fv_leq_def[simp]
declare fv_req_def[simp]
declare fvineq_def[simp]
declare fvst_def[simp]
declare varsst_def[simp]
declare bvarsst_def[simp]
declare wfrestrictedvarsst_def[simp]
declare wfvarsoccsst_def[simp]

lemmas wfst_induct = wfst.induct[case_names Nil ConsRcv ConsSnd ConsEq ConsEq2 ConsIneq]
lemmas ikst_induct = ikst.induct[case_names Nil ConsRcv ConsSnd ConsEq ConsIneq]
lemmas assignment_rhsst_induct = assignment_rhsst.induct[case_names Nil ConsEq2 ConsSnd ConsRcv ConsEq ConsIneq]

subsubsection ‹Lexicographical measure on strands›
definition sizest::"('a,'b) strand  nat" where
  "sizest S  size_list (λx. Max (insert 0 (size ` trmsstp x))) S"

definition measurest::"((('a, 'b) strand × ('a,'b) subst) × ('a, 'b) strand × ('a,'b) subst) set"
  "measurest  measures [λ(S,θ). card (fvst S), λ(S,θ). sizest S]"

lemma measurest_alt_def:
  "((s,x),(t,y))  measurest =
      (card (fvst s) < card (fvst t)  (card (fvst s) = card (fvst t)  sizest s < sizest t))"
by (simp add: measurest_def sizest_def)

lemma measurest_trans: "trans measurest"
by (simp add: trans_def measurest_def sizest_def)

subsubsection ‹Some lemmata›
lemma trms_listst_is_trmsst: "trmsst S = set (trms_listst S)"
unfolding trmsst_def trms_listst_def
proof (induction S)
  case (Cons x S) thus ?case by (cases x) auto
qed simp

lemma subst_apply_strand_step_def:
  "s stp θ = (case s of
    Send t  Send (t list θ)
  | Receive t  Receive (t list θ)
  | Equality a t t'  Equality a (t  θ) (t'  θ)
  | Inequality X F  Inequality X (F pairs rm_vars (set X) θ))"
by (cases s) simp_all

lemma subst_apply_strand_nil[simp]: "[] st δ = []"
unfolding subst_apply_strand_def by simp

lemma finite_funsstp[simp]: "finite (funsstp x)" by (cases x) auto
lemma finite_funsst[simp]: "finite (funsst S)" unfolding funsst_def by simp
lemma finite_trmspairs[simp]: "finite (trmspairs x)" by (induct x) auto
lemma finite_trmsstp[simp]: "finite (trmsstp x)" by (cases x) auto
lemma finite_varsstp[simp]: "finite (varsstp x)" by auto
lemma finite_bvarsstp[simp]: "finite (set (bvarsstp x))" by rule
lemma finite_fvsnd[simp]: "finite (fvsnd x)" by (cases x) auto
lemma finite_fvrcv[simp]: "finite (fvrcv x)" by (cases x) auto
lemma finite_fvstp[simp]: "finite (fvstp x)" by (cases x) auto
lemma finite_varsst[simp]: "finite (varsst S)" by simp
lemma finite_bvarsst[simp]: "finite (bvarsst S)" by simp
lemma finite_fvst[simp]: "finite (fvst S)" by simp

lemma finite_wfrestrictedvarsstp[simp]: "finite (wfrestrictedvarsstp x)"
by (cases x) (auto split: poscheckvariant.splits)

lemma finite_wfrestrictedvarsst[simp]: "finite (wfrestrictedvarsst S)"
using finite_wfrestrictedvarsstp by auto

lemma finite_wfvarsoccsstp[simp]: "finite (wfvarsoccsstp x)"
by (cases x) (auto split: poscheckvariant.splits)

lemma finite_wfvarsoccsst[simp]: "finite (wfvarsoccsst S)"
using finite_wfvarsoccsstp by auto

lemma finite_ikst[simp]: "finite (ikst S)"
by (induct S rule: ikst.induct) simp_all

lemma finite_assignment_rhsst[simp]: "finite (assignment_rhsst S)"
by (induct S rule: assignment_rhsst.induct) simp_all

lemma ikst_is_rcv_set: "ikst A = {t | ts t. Receive ts  set A  t  set ts}"
by (induct A rule: ikst.induct) auto

lemma ikst_snoc_no_receive_eq:
  assumes "ts. a = receive⟨tsst"
  shows "ikst (A@[a]) set  = ikst A set "
using assms unfolding ikst_is_rcv_set
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Un_iff append_Nil2 set_ConsD set_append)

lemma ikstD[dest]: "t  ikst S  ts. t  set ts  Receive ts  set S"
by (induct S rule: ikst.induct) auto

lemma ikstD'[dest]: "t  ikst S  t  trmsst S"
by (induct S rule: ikst.induct) auto

lemma ikstD''[dest]: "t  subtermsset (ikst S)  t  subtermsset (trmsst S)"
by (induct S rule: ikst.induct) auto

lemma ikst_subterm_exD:
  assumes "t  ikst S"
  shows "x  set S. t  subtermsset (trmsstp x)"
using assms ikstD by force

lemma assignment_rhsstD[dest]: "t  assignment_rhsst S  t'. Equality Assign t' t  set S"
by (induct S rule: assignment_rhsst.induct) auto

lemma assignment_rhsstD'[dest]: "t  subtermsset (assignment_rhsst S)  t  subtermsset (trmsst S)"
by (induct S rule: assignment_rhsst.induct) auto

lemma bvarsst_split: "bvarsst (S@S') = bvarsst S  bvarsst S'"
unfolding bvarsst_def by auto

lemma bvarsst_singleton: "bvarsst [x] = set (bvarsstp x)"
unfolding bvarsst_def by auto

lemma strand_fv_bvars_disjointD:
  assumes "fvst S  bvarsst S = {}" "Inequality X F  set S"
  shows "set X  bvarsst S" "fvpairs F - set X  fvst S"
using assms by (induct S) fastforce+

lemma strand_fv_bvars_disjoint_unfold:
  assumes "fvst S  bvarsst S = {}" "Inequality X F  set S" "Inequality Y G  set S"
  shows "set Y  (fvpairs F - set X) = {}"
proof -
  have "set X  bvarsst S" "set Y  bvarsst S"
       "fvpairs F - set X  fvst S" "fvpairs G - set Y  fvst S"
    using strand_fv_bvars_disjointD[OF assms(1)] assms(2,3) by auto
  thus ?thesis using assms(1) by fastforce

lemma strand_subst_hom[iff]:
  "(S@S') st θ = (S st θ)@(S' st θ)" "(x#S) st θ = (x stp θ)#(S st θ)"
unfolding subst_apply_strand_def by auto

lemma strand_subst_comp: "range_vars δ  bvarsst S = {}  S st δ s θ = ((S st δ) st θ)"
proof (induction S)
  case (Cons x S)
  have *: "range_vars δ  bvarsst S = {}" "range_vars δ  (set (bvarsstp x)) = {}"
    using Cons bvarsst_split[of "[x]" S] append_Cons inf_sup_absorb
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_iff Un_commute disjoint_iff_not_equal self_append_conv2,
        metis append_self_conv2 bvarsst_singleton inf_bot_right inf_left_commute) 
  hence IH: "S st δ s θ = (S st δ) st θ" using Cons.IH by auto
  have "(x#S st δ s θ) = (x stp δ s θ)#(S st δ s θ)" by (metis strand_subst_hom(2))
  hence "... = (x stp δ s θ)#((S st δ) st θ)" by (metis IH)
  hence "... = ((x stp δ) stp θ)#((S st δ) st θ)" using rm_vars_comp[OF *(2)]
  proof (induction x)
    case (Inequality X F) thus ?case
      by (induct F) (auto simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def subst_apply_strand_step_def)
  qed (simp_all add: subst_apply_strand_step_def)
  thus ?case using IH by auto
qed (simp add: subst_apply_strand_def)

lemma strand_substI[intro]:
  "subst_domain θ  fvst S = {}  S st θ = S"
  "subst_domain θ  varsst S = {}  S st θ = S"
proof -
  show "subst_domain θ  varsst S = {}  S st θ = S"
  proof (induction S)
    case (Cons x S)
    hence "S st θ = S" by auto
    moreover have "varsstp x  subst_domain θ = {}" using Cons.prems by auto
    hence "x stp θ = x"
    proof (induction x)
      case (Send ts) thus ?case by (induct ts) auto
      case (Receive ts) thus ?case by (induct ts) auto
      case (Inequality X F) thus ?case
        by (induct F) (force simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def)+
    qed auto
    ultimately show ?case by simp
  qed (simp add: subst_apply_strand_def)

  show "subst_domain θ  fvst S = {}  S st θ = S"
  proof (induction S)
    case (Cons x S)
    hence "S st θ = S" by auto
    moreover have "fvstp x  subst_domain θ = {}"
      using Cons.prems by auto
    hence "x stp θ = x"
    proof (induction x)
      case (Send ts) thus ?case by (induct ts) auto
      case (Receive ts) thus ?case by (induct ts) auto
      case (Inequality X F) thus ?case
        by (induct F) (force simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def)+
    qed auto
    ultimately show ?case by simp
  qed (simp add: subst_apply_strand_def)

lemma strand_substI':
  "fvst S = {}  S st θ = S"
  "varsst S = {}  S st θ = S"
by (metis inf_bot_right strand_substI(1),
    metis inf_bot_right strand_substI(2))

lemma strand_subst_set: "(set (S st θ)) = ((λx. x stp θ) ` (set S))"
by (auto simp add: subst_apply_strand_def)

lemma strand_map_inv_set_snd_rcv_subst:
  assumes "finite (M::('a,'b) terms)"
  shows "set ((map Send1 (inv set M)) st θ) = Send1 ` (M set θ)" (is ?A)
        "set ((map Receive1 (inv set M)) st θ) = Receive1 ` (M set θ)" (is ?B)
proof -
  { fix f::"('a,'b) term  ('a,'b) strand_step"
    assume f: "f = Send1  f = Receive1"
    from assms have "set ((map f (inv set M)) st θ) = f ` (M set θ)"
    proof (induction rule: finite_induct)
      case empty thus ?case unfolding inv_def by auto
      case (insert m M)
      have "set (map f (inv set (insert m M)) st θ) =
            insert (f m stp θ) (set (map f (inv set M) st θ))"
        by (simp add: insert.hyps(1) inv_set_fset subst_apply_strand_def)
      thus ?case using f insert.IH by auto
  thus "?A" "?B" by auto

lemma strand_ground_subst_vars_subset:
  assumes "ground (subst_range θ)" shows "varsst (S st θ)  varsst S"
proof (induction S)
  case (Cons x S)
  have "varsstp (x stp θ)  varsstp x" using ground_subst_fv_subset[OF assms] 
  proof (cases x)
    case (Inequality X F)
    let  = "rm_vars (set X) θ"
    have "fvpairs (F pairs )  fvpairs F"
    proof (induction F)
      case (Cons f F)
      obtain t t' where f: "f = (t,t')" by (metis surj_pair)
      hence "fvpairs (f#F pairs ) = fv (t  )  fv (t'  )  fvpairs (F pairs )"
            "fvpairs (f#F) = fv t  fv t'  fvpairs F"
        by (auto simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def)
      thus ?case
        using ground_subst_fv_subset[OF ground_subset[OF rm_vars_img_subset assms, of "set X"]]
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) Un_mono)
    qed (simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def)
    moreover have
        "varsstp (x stp θ) = fvpairs (F pairs rm_vars (set X) θ)  set X"
        "varsstp x = fvpairs F  set X"
      using Inequality
      by (auto simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def)
    ultimately show ?thesis by auto
  qed auto
  thus ?case using Cons.IH by auto
qed (simp add: subst_apply_strand_def)

lemma ik_union_subset: "(P ` ikst S)  (x  (set S). (P ` trmsstp x))"
by (induct S rule: ikst.induct) auto

lemma ik_snd_empty[simp]: "ikst (map Send X) = {}"
by (induct "map Send X" arbitrary: X rule: ikst.induct) auto

lemma ik_snd_empty'[simp]: "ikst [Send t] = {}" by simp

lemma ik_append[iff]: "ikst (S@S') = ikst S  ikst S'" by (induct S rule: ikst.induct) auto

lemma ik_cons: "ikst (x#S) = ikst [x]  ikst S" using ik_append[of "[x]" S] by simp

lemma assignment_rhs_append[iff]: "assignment_rhsst (S@S') = assignment_rhsst S  assignment_rhsst S'"
by (induct S rule: assignment_rhsst.induct) auto

lemma eqs_rcv_map_empty: "assignment_rhsst (map Receive M) = {}"
by auto

lemma ik_rcv_map: assumes "ts  set L" shows "set ts  ikst (map Receive L)"
proof -
  { fix L L' 
    have "set ts  ikst [Receive ts]" by auto
    hence "set ts  ikst (map Receive L@Receive ts#map Receive L')" using ik_append by auto
    hence "set ts  ikst (map Receive (L@ts#L'))" by auto
  thus ?thesis using assms split_list_last by force 

lemma ik_subst: "ikst (S st δ) = ikst S set δ"
by (induct rule: ikst_induct) auto

lemma ik_rcv_map': assumes "t  ikst (map Receive L)" shows "ts  set L. t  set ts"
using assms by force

lemma ik_append_subset[simp]: "ikst S  ikst (S@S')" "ikst S'  ikst (S@S')"
by (induct S rule: ikst.induct) auto

lemma assignment_rhs_append_subset[simp]:
  "assignment_rhsst S  assignment_rhsst (S@S')"
  "assignment_rhsst S'  assignment_rhsst (S@S')"
by (induct S rule: assignment_rhsst.induct) auto

lemma trmsst_cons: "trmsst (x#S) = trmsstp x  trmsst S" by simp

lemma trm_strand_subst_cong:
  "t  trmsst S  t  δ  trmsst (S st δ)
     (X F. Inequality X F  set S  t  rm_vars (set X) δ  trmsst (S st δ))"
    (is "t  trmsst S  ?P t δ S")
  "t  trmsst (S st δ)  (t'. t = t'  δ  t'  trmsst S)
     (X F. Inequality X F  set S  (t'  trmspairs F. t = t'  rm_vars (set X) δ))"
    (is "t  trmsst (S st δ)  ?Q t δ S")
proof -
  show "t  trmsst S  ?P t δ S"
  proof (induction S)
    case (Cons x S) show ?case
    proof (cases "t  trmsst S")
      case True
      hence "?P t δ S" using Cons by simp
      thus ?thesis
        by (cases x)
           (metis (no_types, lifting) Un_iff list.set_intros(2) strand_subst_hom(2) trmsst_cons)+
      case False
      hence "t  trmsstp x" using Cons.prems by auto
      thus ?thesis
      proof (induction x)
        case (Inequality X F)
        hence "t  rm_vars (set X) δ  trmsstp (Inequality X F stp δ)"
          by (induct F) (auto simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def subst_apply_strand_step_def)
        thus ?case by fastforce
      qed (auto simp add: subst_apply_strand_step_def)
  qed simp

  show "t  trmsst (S st δ)  ?Q t δ S"
  proof (induction S)
    case (Cons x S) show ?case
    proof (cases "t  trmsst (S st δ)")
      case True
      hence "?Q t δ S" using Cons by simp
      thus ?thesis by (cases x) force+
      case False
      hence "t  trmsstp (x stp δ)" using Cons.prems by auto
      thus ?thesis
      proof (induction x)
        case (Inequality X F)
        hence "t  trmsstp (Inequality X F) set rm_vars (set X) δ"
          by (induct F) (force simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def)+
        thus ?case by fastforce
      qed (auto simp add: subst_apply_strand_step_def)
  qed simp

subsection ‹Lemmata: Free Variables of Strands›
lemma fv_trm_snd_rcv[simp]:
  "fvset (trmsstp (Send ts)) = fvset (set ts)" "fvset (trmsstp (Receive ts)) = fvset (set ts)"
by simp_all

lemma in_strand_fv_subset: "x  set S  varsstp x  varsst S"
by fastforce

lemma in_strand_fv_subset_snd: "Send ts  set S  fvset (set ts)  (set (map fvsnd S))"
by fastforce

lemma in_strand_fv_subset_rcv: "Receive ts  set S  fvset (set ts)  (set (map fvrcv S))"
by fastforce

lemma fvsndE:
  assumes "v  (set (map fvsnd S))"
  obtains ts where "send⟨tsst  set S" "v  fvset (set ts)"
proof -
  have "ts. send⟨tsst  set S  v  fvset (set ts)"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms UN_E empty_iff set_map strand_step.case_eq_if
              fvsnd_def strand_step.collapse(1))
  thus ?thesis by (metis that)

lemma fvrcvE:
  assumes "v  (set (map fvrcv S))"
  obtains ts where "receive⟨tsst  set S" "v  fvset (set ts)"
proof -
  have "ts. receive⟨tsst  set S  v  fvset (set ts)"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms UN_E empty_iff set_map strand_step.case_eq_if
              fvrcv_def strand_step.collapse(2))
  thus ?thesis by (metis that)

lemma varsstpI[intro]: "x  fvstp s  x  varsstp s"
by (induct s rule: fvstp.induct) auto

lemma varsstI[intro]: "x  fvst S  x  varsst S" using varsstpI by fastforce

lemma fvst_subset_varsst[simp]: "fvst S  varsst S" using varsstI by force

lemma varsst_is_fvst_bvarsst: "varsst S = fvst S  bvarsst S"
proof (induction S)
  case (Cons x S) thus ?case
  proof (induction x)
    case (Inequality X F) thus ?case by (induct F) auto
  qed auto
qed simp

lemma fvstp_is_subterm_trmsstp: "x  fvstp a  Var x  subtermsset (trmsstp a)" 
using var_is_subterm by (cases a) force+

lemma fvst_is_subterm_trmsst: "x  fvst A  Var x  subtermsset (trmsst A)"
proof (induction A)
  case (Cons a A) thus ?case using fvstp_is_subterm_trmsstp by (cases "x  fvst A") auto
qed simp

lemma vars_st_snd_map: "varsst (map Send tss) = fvset (Fun f ` set tss)" by auto

lemma vars_st_rcv_map: "varsst (map Receive tss) = fvset (Fun f ` set tss)" by auto

lemma vars_snd_rcv_union:
  "varsstp x = fvsnd x  fvrcv x  fveq assign x  fveq check x  fvineq x  set (bvarsstp x)"
proof (cases x)
  case (Equality ac t t') thus ?thesis by (cases ac) auto
qed auto

lemma fv_snd_rcv_union:
  "fvstp x = fvsnd x  fvrcv x  fveq assign x  fveq check x  fvineq x"
proof (cases x)
  case (Equality ac t t') thus ?thesis by (cases ac) auto
qed auto

lemma fv_snd_rcv_empty[simp]: "fvsnd x = {}  fvrcv x = {}" by (cases x) simp_all

lemma vars_snd_rcv_strand[iff]:
  "varsst (S::('a,'b) strand) =
    ((set (map fvsnd S)))  ((set (map fvrcv S)))  ((set (map (fveq assign) S)))
     ((set (map (fveq check) S)))  ((set (map fvineq S)))  bvarsst S"
unfolding bvarsst_def
proof (induction S)
  case (Cons x S)
  have "s V. varsstp (s::('a,'b) strand_step)  V = 
                fvsnd s  fvrcv s  fveq assign s  fveq check s  fvineq s  set (bvarsstp s)  V"
    by (metis vars_snd_rcv_union)
  thus ?case using Cons.IH by (auto simp add: sup_assoc sup_left_commute)
qed simp

lemma fv_snd_rcv_strand[iff]:
  "fvst (S::('a,'b) strand) =
    ((set (map fvsnd S)))  ((set (map fvrcv S)))  ((set (map (fveq assign) S)))
     ((set (map (fveq check) S)))  ((set (map fvineq S)))"
unfolding bvarsst_def
proof (induction S)
  case (Cons x S)
  have "s V. fvstp (s::('a,'b) strand_step)  V = 
                fvsnd s  fvrcv s  fveq assign s  fveq check s  fvineq s  V"
    by (metis fv_snd_rcv_union)
  thus ?case using Cons.IH by (auto simp add: sup_assoc sup_left_commute)
qed simp

lemma vars_snd_rcv_strand2[iff]:
  "wfrestrictedvarsst (S::('a,'b) strand) =
    ((set (map fvsnd S)))  ((set (map fvrcv S)))  ((set (map (fveq assign) S)))"
by (induct S) (auto simp add: split: strand_step.split poscheckvariant.split)

lemma fv_snd_rcv_strand_subset[simp]:
  "(set (map fvsnd S))  fvst S" "(set (map fvrcv S))  fvst S"
  "(set (map (fveq ac) S))  fvst S" "(set (map fvineq S))  fvst S"
  "wfvarsoccsst S  fvst S"
proof -
  show "(set (map fvsnd S))  fvst S" "(set (map fvrcv S))  fvst S" "(set (map fvineq S))  fvst S"
    using fv_snd_rcv_strand[of S] by auto
  show "(set (map (fveq ac) S))  fvst S"
    by (induct S) (auto split: strand_step.split poscheckvariant.split)

  show "wfvarsoccsst S  fvst S"
    by (induct S) (auto split: strand_step.split poscheckvariant.split)

lemma vars_snd_rcv_strand_subset2[simp]:
  "(set (map fvsnd S))  wfrestrictedvarsst S" "(set (map fvrcv S))  wfrestrictedvarsst S"
  "(set (map (fveq assign) S))  wfrestrictedvarsst S" "wfvarsoccsst S  wfrestrictedvarsst S"
by (induction S) (auto split: strand_step.split poscheckvariant.split)

lemma wfrestrictedvarsst_subset_varsst: "wfrestrictedvarsst S  varsst S"
by (induction S) (auto split: strand_step.split poscheckvariant.split)

lemma subst_sends_strand_step_fv_to_img: "fvstp (x stp δ)  fvstp x  range_vars δ" 
using subst_sends_fv_to_img[of _ δ]
proof (cases x)
  case (Inequality X F)
  let  = "rm_vars (set X) δ"
  have "fvpairs (F pairs )  fvpairs F  range_vars "
  proof (induction F)
    case (Cons f F) thus ?case
      using subst_sends_fv_to_img[of _ ]
      by (auto simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def)
  qed (auto simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def)
  hence "fvpairs (F pairs )  fvpairs F  range_vars δ"
    using rm_vars_img_subset[of "set X" δ] fv_set_mono
    unfolding range_vars_alt_def by blast+
  thus ?thesis using Inequality by (auto simp add: subst_apply_strand_step_def)
qed (auto simp add: subst_apply_strand_step_def)

lemma subst_sends_strand_fv_to_img: "fvst (S st δ)  fvst S  range_vars δ" 
proof (induction S)
  case (Cons x S)
  have *: "fvst (x#S st δ) = fvstp (x stp δ)  fvst (S st δ)"
          "fvst (x#S)  range_vars δ = fvstp x  fvst S  range_vars δ"
    by auto
  thus ?case using Cons.IH subst_sends_strand_step_fv_to_img[of x δ] by auto
qed simp

lemma ineq_apply_subst:
  assumes "subst_domain δ  set X = {}"
  shows "(Inequality X F) stp δ = Inequality X (F pairs δ)"
using rm_vars_apply'[OF assms] by (simp add: subst_apply_strand_step_def)

lemma fv_strand_step_subst:
  assumes "P = fvstp  P = fvrcv  P = fvsnd  P = fveq ac  P = fvineq"
  and "set (bvarsstp x)  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
  shows "fvset (δ ` (P x)) = P (x stp δ)"
proof (cases x)
  case (Send ts)
  hence "varsstp x = fvset (set ts)" "fvsnd x = fvset (set ts)" by auto
  thus ?thesis using assms Send subst_apply_fv_unfold[of _ δ] by fastforce
  case (Receive ts)
  hence "varsstp x = fvset (set ts)" "fvrcv x = fvset (set ts)" by auto
  thus ?thesis using assms Receive subst_apply_fv_unfold[of _ δ] by fastforce
  case (Equality ac' t t') show ?thesis
  proof (cases "ac = ac'")
    case True
    hence "varsstp x = fv t  fv t'" "fveq ac x = fv t  fv t'"
      using Equality
      by auto
    thus ?thesis
      using assms Equality subst_apply_fv_unfold[of _ δ] True
      by auto
    case False
    hence "varsstp x = fv t  fv t'" "fveq ac x = {}"
      using Equality
      by auto
    thus ?thesis
      using assms Equality subst_apply_fv_unfold[of _ δ] False
      by auto
  case (Inequality X F)
  hence 1: "set X  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
           "x stp δ = Inequality X (F pairs δ)"
           "rm_vars (set X) δ = δ"
    using assms ineq_apply_subst[of δ X F] rm_vars_apply'[of δ "set X"]
    unfolding range_vars_alt_def by force+

  have 2: "fvineq x = fvpairs F - set X" using Inequality by auto
  hence "fvset (δ ` fvineq x) = fvset (δ ` fvpairs F) - set X"
    using fvset_subst_img_eq[OF 1(1), of "fvpairs F"] by simp
  hence 3: "fvset (δ ` fvineq x) = fvpairs (F pairs δ) - set X" by (metis fvpairs_step_subst)
  have 4: "fvineq (x stp δ) = fvpairs (F pairs δ) - set X" using 1(2) by auto

  show ?thesis
    using assms(1) Inequality subst_apply_fv_unfold[of _ δ] 1(2) 2 3 4
    unfolding fveq_def fvrcv_def fvsnd_def
    by (metis (no_types) Sup_empty image_empty fvpairs.simps fvset.simps
              fvstp.simps(4) strand_step.simps(20))

lemma fv_strand_subst:
  assumes "P = fvstp  P = fvrcv  P = fvsnd  P = fveq ac  P = fvineq"
  and "bvarsst S  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
  shows "fvset (δ ` ((set (map P S)))) = (set (map P (S st δ)))"
using assms(2)
proof (induction S)
  case (Cons x S)
  hence *: "bvarsst S  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
           "set (bvarsstp x)  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
    unfolding bvarsst_def by force+
  hence **: "fvset (δ ` P x) = P (x stp δ)" using fv_strand_step_subst[OF assms(1), of x δ] by auto
  have "fvset (δ ` ((set (map P (x#S))))) = fvset (δ ` P x)  ((set (map P ((S st δ)))))"
    using Cons unfolding range_vars_alt_def bvarsst_def by force
  hence "fvset (δ ` ((set (map P (x#S))))) = P (x stp δ)  fvset (δ ` ((set (map P S))))"
    using ** by simp
  thus ?case using Cons.IH[OF *(1)] unfolding bvarsst_def by simp
qed simp

lemma fv_strand_subst2:
  assumes "bvarsst S  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
  shows "fvset (δ ` (wfrestrictedvarsst S)) = wfrestrictedvarsst (S st δ)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms fvset.simps vars_snd_rcv_strand2 fv_strand_subst UN_Un image_Un)

lemma fv_strand_subst':
  assumes "bvarsst S  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
  shows "fvset (δ ` (fvst S)) = fvst (S st δ)"
by (metis assms fv_strand_subst fvst_def)

lemma fv_trmspairs_is_fvpairs:
  "fvset (trmspairs F) = fvpairs F"
by auto

lemma fvpairs_in_fv_trmspairs: "x  fvpairs F  x  fvset (trmspairs F)"
using fv_trmspairs_is_fvpairs[of F] by blast

lemma trmsst_append: "trmsst (A@B) = trmsst A  trmsst B"
by auto

lemma trmspairs_subst: "trmspairs (a pairs θ) = trmspairs a set θ"
by (auto simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def)

lemma trmspairs_fv_subst_subset:
  "t  trmspairs F  fv (t  θ)  fvpairs (F pairs θ)"
by (force simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def)

lemma trmspairs_fv_subst_subset':
  fixes t::"('a,'b) term" and θ::"('a,'b) subst"
  assumes "t  subtermsset (trmspairs F)"
  shows "fv (t  θ)  fvpairs (F pairs θ)"
proof -
  { fix x assume "x  fv t"
    hence "x  fvpairs F"
      using fv_subset[OF assms] fv_subterms_set[of "trmspairs F"] fv_trmspairs_is_fvpairs[of F]
      by blast
    hence "fv (θ x)  fvpairs (F pairs θ)" using fvpairs_subst_fv_subset by fast
  } thus ?thesis by (meson fv_subst_obtain_var subset_iff) 

lemma trmspairs_funs_term_cases:
  assumes "t  trmspairs (F pairs θ)" "f  funs_term t"
  shows "(u  trmspairs F. f  funs_term u)  (x  fvpairs F. f  funs_term (θ x))"
using assms(1)
proof (induction F)
  case (Cons g F)
  obtain s u where g: "g = (s,u)" by (metis surj_pair)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "t  trmspairs (F pairs θ)")
    case False
    thus ?thesis
      using assms(2) Cons.prems g funs_term_subst[of _ θ]
      by (auto simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def)
  qed (use Cons.IH in fastforce)
qed simp

lemma trmstp_subst: 
  assumes "subst_domain θ  set (bvarsstp a) = {}"
  shows "trmsstp (a stp θ) = trmsstp a set θ"
proof -
  have "rm_vars (set (bvarsstp a)) θ = θ" using assms by force
  thus ?thesis
    using assms
    by (auto simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def subst_apply_strand_step_def
             split: strand_step.splits)

lemma trmsst_subst:
  assumes "subst_domain θ  bvarsst A = {}"
  shows "trmsst (A st θ) = trmsst A set θ"
using assms
proof (induction A)
  case (Cons a A)
  have 1: "subst_domain θ  bvarsst A = {}" "subst_domain θ  set (bvarsstp a) = {}"
    using Cons.prems by auto
  hence IH: "trmsst A set θ = trmsst (A st θ)" using Cons.IH by simp
  have "trmsst (a#A) = trmsstp a  trmsst A" by auto
  hence 2: "trmsst (a#A) set θ = (trmsstp a set θ)  (trmsst A set θ)" by (metis image_Un)

  have "trmsst (a#A st θ) = (trmsstp (a stp θ))  trmsst (A st θ)"
    by (auto simp add: subst_apply_strand_def)
  hence 3: "trmsst (a#A st θ) = (trmsstp a set θ)  trmsst (A st θ)"
    using trmstp_subst[OF 1(2)] by auto
  show ?case using IH 2 3 by metis
qed (simp add: subst_apply_strand_def)

lemma strand_map_set_subst:
  assumes δ: "bvarsst S  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
  shows "(set (map trmsstp (S st δ))) = ((set (map trmsstp S))) set δ"
using assms
proof (induction S)
  case (Cons x S)
  hence "bvarsst [x]  subst_domain δ = {}" "bvarsst S  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
    unfolding bvarsst_def by force+
  hence *: "subst_domain δ  set (bvarsstp x) = {}"
           "(set (map trmsstp (S st δ))) = (set (map trmsstp S)) set δ"
    using Cons.IH(1) bvarsst_singleton[of x] by auto
  hence "trmsstp (x stp δ) = (trmsstp x) set δ"
  proof (cases x)
    case (Inequality X F)
    thus ?thesis
      using rm_vars_apply'[of δ "set X"] * 
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) image_cong trmstp_subst)
  qed simp_all
  thus ?case using * subst_all_insert by auto
qed simp

lemma subst_apply_fv_subset_strand_trm:
  assumes P: "P = fvstp  P = fvrcv  P = fvsnd  P = fveq ac  P = fvineq"
  and fv_sub: "fv t  (set (map P S))  V"
  and δ: "bvarsst S  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
  shows "fv (t  δ)  (set (map P (S st δ)))  fvset (δ ` V)"
using fv_strand_subst[OF P δ] subst_apply_fv_subset[OF fv_sub, of δ] by force

lemma subst_apply_fv_subset_strand_trm2:
  assumes fv_sub: "fv t  wfrestrictedvarsst S  V"
  and δ: "bvarsst S  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
  shows "fv (t  δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst (S st δ)  fvset (δ ` V)"
using fv_strand_subst2[OF δ] subst_apply_fv_subset[OF fv_sub, of δ] by force

lemma subst_apply_fv_subset_strand:
  assumes P: "P = fvstp  P = fvrcv  P = fvsnd  P = fveq ac  P = fvineq"
  and P_subset: "P x  (set (map P S))  V"
  and δ: "bvarsst S  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
         "set (bvarsstp x)  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
  shows "P (x stp δ)  (set (map P (S st δ)))  fvset (δ ` V)"
proof (cases x)
  case (Send ts)
  hence *: "fvstp x = fvset (set ts)" "fvstp (x stp δ) = fvset (set ts set δ)"
           "fvrcv x = {}" "fvrcv (x stp δ) = {}"
           "fvsnd x = fvset (set ts)" "fvsnd (x stp δ) = fvset (set ts set δ)"
           "fveq ac x = {}" "fveq ac (x stp δ) = {}"
           "fvineq x = {}" "fvineq (x stp δ) = {}"
    by auto
  hence **: "(P x = fvset (set ts)  P (x stp δ) = fvset (set ts set δ)) 
             (P x = {}  P (x stp δ) = {})"
    by (metis P)
  { assume "P x = {}" "P (x stp δ) = {}" hence ?thesis by simp }
  { assume "P x = fvset (set ts)" "P (x stp δ) = fvset (set ts set δ)"
    hence "fvset (set ts)  (set (map P S))  V" using P_subset by auto
    hence "fvset (set ts set δ)  (set (map P (S st δ)))  fvset (δ ` V)"
      using subst_apply_fv_subset_strand_trm[OF P _ assms(3), of _ V] by fastforce
    hence ?thesis using P (x stp δ) = fvset (set ts set δ) by force
  ultimately show ?thesis by metis
  case (Receive ts)
  hence *: "fvstp x = fvset (set ts)" "fvstp (x stp δ) = fvset (set ts set δ)"
           "fvrcv x = fvset (set ts)" "fvrcv (x stp δ) = fvset (set ts set δ)"
           "fvsnd x = {}" "fvsnd (x stp δ) = {}"
           "fveq ac x = {}" "fveq ac (x stp δ) = {}"
           "fvineq x = {}" "fvineq (x stp δ) = {}"
    by auto
  hence **: "(P x = fvset (set ts)  P (x stp δ) = fvset (set ts set δ)) 
             (P x = {}  P (x stp δ) = {})"
    by (metis P)
  { assume "P x = {}" "P (x stp δ) = {}" hence ?thesis by simp }
  { assume "P x = fvset (set ts)" "P (x stp δ) = fvset (set ts set δ)"
    hence "fvset (set ts)  (set (map P S))  V" using P_subset by auto
    hence "fvset (set ts set δ)  (set (map P (S st δ)))  fvset (δ ` V)"
      using subst_apply_fv_subset_strand_trm[OF P _ assms(3), of _ V] by fastforce
    hence ?thesis using P (x stp δ) = fvset (set ts set δ) by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis by metis
  case (Equality ac' t t') show ?thesis
  proof (cases "ac' = ac")
    case True
    hence *: "fvstp x = fv t  fv t'" "fvstp (x stp δ) = fv (t  δ)  fv (t'  δ)"
             "fvrcv x = {}" "fvrcv (x stp δ) = {}"
             "fvsnd x = {}" "fvsnd (x stp δ) = {}"
             "fveq ac x = fv t  fv t'" "fveq ac (x stp δ) = fv (t  δ)  fv (t'  δ)"
             "fvineq x = {}" "fvineq (x stp δ) = {}"
      using Equality by auto
    hence **: "(P x = fv t  fv t'  P (x stp δ) = fv (t  δ)  fv (t'  δ))
               (P x = {}  P (x stp δ) = {})"
      by (metis P)
    { assume "P x = {}" "P (x stp δ) = {}" hence ?thesis by simp }
    { assume "P x = fv t  fv t'" "P (x stp δ) = fv (t  δ)  fv (t'  δ)"
      hence "fv t  (set (map P S))  V" "fv t'  (set (map P S))  V" using P_subset by auto
      hence "fv (t  δ)  (set (map P (S st δ)))  fvset (δ ` V)"
            "fv (t'  δ)  (set (map P (S st δ)))  fvset (δ ` V)"
        using P subst_apply_fv_subset_strand_trm assms by metis+
      hence ?thesis using P (x stp δ) = fv (t  δ)  fv (t'  δ) by blast
    ultimately show ?thesis by metis
    case False
    hence *: "fvstp x = fv t  fv t'" "fvstp (x stp δ) = fv (t  δ)  fv (t'  δ)"
             "fvrcv x = {}" "fvrcv (x stp δ) = {}"
             "fvsnd x = {}" "fvsnd (x stp δ) = {}"
             "fveq ac x = {}" "fveq ac (x stp δ) = {}"
             "fvineq x = {}" "fvineq (x stp δ) = {}"
      using Equality by auto
    hence **: "(P x = fv t  fv t'  P (x stp δ) = fv (t  δ)  fv (t'  δ))
               (P x = {}  P (x stp δ) = {})"
      by (metis P)
    { assume "P x = {}" "P (x stp δ) = {}" hence ?thesis by simp }
    { assume "P x = fv t  fv t'" "P (x stp δ) = fv (t  δ)  fv (t'  δ)"
      hence "fv t  (set (map P S))  V" "fv t'  (set (map P S))  V" using P_subset by auto
      hence "fv (t  δ)  (set (map P (S st δ)))  fvset (δ ` V)"
            "fv (t'  δ)  (set (map P (S st δ)))  fvset (δ ` V)"
        using P subst_apply_fv_subset_strand_trm assms by metis+
      hence ?thesis using P (x stp δ) = fv (t  δ)  fv (t'  δ) by blast
    ultimately show ?thesis by metis
  case (Inequality X F)
  hence *: "fvstp x = fvpairs F - set X" "fvstp (x stp δ) = fvpairs (F pairs δ) - set X"
           "fvrcv x = {}" "fvrcv (x stp δ) = {}"
           "fvsnd x = {}" "fvsnd (x stp δ) = {}"
           "fveq ac x = {}" "fveq ac (x stp δ) = {}"
           "fvineq x = fvpairs F - set X"
           "fvineq (x stp δ) = fvpairs (F pairs δ) - set X"
    using δ(2) ineq_apply_subst[of δ X F] by force+
  hence **: "(P x = fvpairs F - set X  P (x stp δ) = fvpairs (F pairs δ) - set X)
             (P x = {}  P (x stp δ) = {})"
    by (metis P)
  { assume "P x = {}" "P (x stp δ) = {}" hence ?thesis by simp }
  { assume "P x = fvpairs F - set X" "P (x stp δ) = fvpairs (F pairs δ) - set X"
    hence "fvpairs F - set X  (set (map P S))  V"
      using P_subset by auto
    hence "fvpairs (F pairs δ)  (set (map P (S st δ)))  fvset (δ ` (V  set X))"
    proof (induction F)
      case (Cons f G)
      hence IH: "fvpairs (G pairs δ)  (set (map P (S st δ)))  fvset (δ ` (V  set X))"
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) Diff_subset_conv UN_insert le_sup_iff
                  list.simps(15) fvpairs.simps)
      obtain t t' where f: "f = (t,t')" by (metis surj_pair)
      hence "fv t  (set (map P S))  (V  set X)" "fv t'  (set (map P S))  (V  set X)"
        using Cons.prems by auto
      hence "fv (t  δ)  (set (map P (S st δ)))  fvset (δ ` (V  set X))"
            "fv (t'  δ)  (set (map P (S st δ)))  fvset (δ ` (V  set X))"
        using subst_apply_fv_subset_strand_trm[OF P _ assms(3)]
        by blast+
      thus ?case using f IH by (auto simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def)
    qed (simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def)
    moreover have "fvset (δ ` set X) = set X" using assms(4) Inequality by force
    ultimately have "fvpairs (F pairs δ) - set X  (set (map P (S st δ)))  fvset (δ ` V)"
      by auto
    hence ?thesis using P (x stp δ) = fvpairs (F pairs δ) - set X by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis by metis

lemma subst_apply_fv_subset_strand2:
  assumes P: "P = fvstp  P = fvrcv  P = fvsnd  P = fveq ac  P = fvineq  P = fv_req ac"
  and P_subset: "P x  wfrestrictedvarsst S  V"
  and δ: "bvarsst S  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
         "set (bvarsstp x)  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
  shows "P (x stp δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst (S st δ)  fvset (δ ` V)"
proof (cases x)
  case (Send ts)
  hence *: "fvstp x = fvset (set ts)" "fvstp (x stp δ) = fvset (set ts set δ)"
           "fvrcv x = {}" "fvrcv (x stp δ) = {}"
           "fvsnd x = fvset (set ts)" "fvsnd (x stp δ) = fvset (set ts set δ)"
           "fveq ac x = {}" "fveq ac (x stp δ) = {}"
           "fvineq x = {}" "fvineq (x stp δ) = {}"
           "fv_req ac x = {}" "fv_req ac (x stp δ) = {}"
    by auto
  hence **: "(P x = fvset (set ts)  P (x stp δ) = fvset (set ts set δ))  (P x = {}  P (x stp δ) = {})" by (metis P)
  { assume "P x = {}" "P (x stp δ) = {}" hence ?thesis by simp }
  { assume "P x = fvset (set ts)" "P (x stp δ) = fvset (set ts set δ)"
    hence "fvset (set ts)  wfrestrictedvarsst S  V" using P_subset by auto
    hence "fvset (set ts set δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst (S st δ)  fvset (δ ` V)"
      using subst_apply_fv_subset_strand_trm2[OF _ assms(3), of _ V] by fastforce
    hence ?thesis using P (x stp δ) = fvset (set ts set δ) by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis by metis
  case (Receive ts)
  hence *: "fvstp x = fvset (set ts)" "fvstp (x stp δ) = fvset (set ts set δ)"
           "fvrcv x = fvset (set ts)" "fvrcv (x stp δ) = fvset (set ts set δ)"
           "fvsnd x = {}" "fvsnd (x stp δ) = {}"
           "fveq ac x = {}" "fveq ac (x stp δ) = {}"
           "fvineq x = {}" "fvineq (x stp δ) = {}"
           "fv_req ac x = {}" "fv_req ac (x stp δ) = {}"
    by auto
  hence **: "(P x = fvset (set ts)  P (x stp δ) = fvset (set ts set δ)) 
             (P x = {}  P (x stp δ) = {})"
    by (metis P)
  { assume "P x = {}" "P (x stp δ) = {}" hence ?thesis by simp }
  { assume "P x = fvset (set ts)" "P (x stp δ) = fvset (set ts set δ)"
    hence "fvset (set ts)  wfrestrictedvarsst S  V" using P_subset by auto
    hence "fvset (set ts set δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst (S st δ)  fvset (δ ` V)"
      using subst_apply_fv_subset_strand_trm2[OF _ assms(3), of _ V] by fastforce
    hence ?thesis using P (x stp δ) = fvset (set ts set δ) by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis by metis
  case (Equality ac' t t') show ?thesis
  proof (cases "ac' = ac")
    case True
    hence *: "fvstp x = fv t  fv t'" "fvstp (x stp δ) = fv (t  δ)  fv (t'  δ)"
             "fvrcv x = {}" "fvrcv (x stp δ) = {}"
             "fvsnd x = {}" "fvsnd (x stp δ) = {}"
             "fveq ac x = fv t  fv t'" "fveq ac (x stp δ) = fv (t  δ)  fv (t'  δ)"
             "fvineq x = {}" "fvineq (x stp δ) = {}"
             "fv_req ac x = fv t'" "fv_req ac (x stp δ) = fv (t'  δ)"
      using Equality by auto
    hence **: "(P x = fv t  fv t'  P (x stp δ) = fv (t  δ)  fv (t'  δ))
               (P x = {}  P (x stp δ) = {})
               (P x = fv t'  P (x stp δ) = fv (t'  δ))"
      by (metis P)
    { assume "P x = {}" "P (x stp δ) = {}" hence ?thesis by simp }
    { assume "P x = fv t  fv t'" "P (x stp δ) = fv (t  δ)  fv (t'  δ)"
      hence "fv t  wfrestrictedvarsst S  V" "fv t'  wfrestrictedvarsst S  V" using P_subset by auto
      hence "fv (t  δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst (S st δ)  fvset (δ ` V)"
            "fv (t'  δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst (S st δ)  fvset (δ ` V)"
        using P subst_apply_fv_subset_strand_trm2 assms by blast+
      hence ?thesis using P (x stp δ) = fv (t  δ)  fv (t'  δ) by blast
    { assume "P x = fv t'" "P (x stp δ) = fv (t'  δ)"
      hence "fv t'  wfrestrictedvarsst S  V" using P_subset by auto
      hence "fv (t'  δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst (S st δ)  fvset (δ ` V)"
        using P subst_apply_fv_subset_strand_trm2 assms by blast+
      hence ?thesis using P (x stp δ) = fv (t'  δ) by blast
    ultimately show ?thesis by metis
    case False
    hence *: "fvstp x = fv t  fv t'" "fvstp (x stp δ) = fv (t  δ)  fv (t'  δ)"
             "fvrcv x = {}" "fvrcv (x stp δ) = {}"
             "fvsnd x = {}" "fvsnd (x stp δ) = {}"
             "fveq ac x = {}" "fveq ac (x stp δ) = {}"
             "fvineq x = {}" "fvineq (x stp δ) = {}"
             "fv_req ac x = {}" "fv_req ac (x stp δ) = {}"
      using Equality by auto
    hence **: "(P x = fv t  fv t'  P (x stp δ) = fv (t  δ)  fv (t'  δ))
               (P x = {}  P (x stp δ) = {})
               (P x = fv t'  P (x stp δ) = fv (t'  δ))"
      by (metis P)
    { assume "P x = {}" "P (x stp δ) = {}" hence ?thesis by simp }
    { assume "P x = fv t  fv t'" "P (x stp δ) = fv (t  δ)  fv (t'  δ)"
      hence "fv t  wfrestrictedvarsst S  V" "fv t'  wfrestrictedvarsst S  V"
        using P_subset by auto
      hence "fv (t  δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst (S st δ)  fvset (δ ` V)"
            "fv (t'  δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst (S st δ)  fvset (δ ` V)"
        using P subst_apply_fv_subset_strand_trm2 assms by blast+
      hence ?thesis using P (x stp δ) = fv (t  δ)  fv (t'  δ) by blast
    { assume "P x = fv t'" "P (x stp δ) = fv (t'  δ)"
      hence "fv t'  wfrestrictedvarsst S  V" using P_subset by auto
      hence "fv (t'  δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst (S st δ)  fvset (δ ` V)"
        using P subst_apply_fv_subset_strand_trm2 assms by blast+
      hence ?thesis using P (x stp δ) = fv (t'  δ) by blast
    ultimately show ?thesis by metis
  case (Inequality X F)
  hence *: "fvstp x = fvpairs F - set X" "fvstp (x stp δ) = fvpairs (F pairs δ) - set X"
           "fvrcv x = {}" "fvrcv (x stp δ) = {}"
           "fvsnd x = {}" "fvsnd (x stp δ) = {}"
           "fveq ac x = {}" "fveq ac (x stp δ) = {}"
           "fvineq x = fvpairs F - set X" "fvineq (x stp δ) = fvpairs (F pairs δ) - set X"
           "fv_req ac x = {}" "fv_req ac (x stp δ) = {}"
    using δ(2) ineq_apply_subst[of δ X F] by force+
  hence **: "(P x = fvpairs F - set X  P (x stp δ) = fvpairs (F pairs δ) - set X)
             (P x = {}  P (x stp δ) = {})"
    by (metis P)
  { assume "P x = {}" "P (x stp δ) = {}" hence ?thesis by simp }
  { assume "P x = fvpairs F - set X" "P (x stp δ) = fvpairs (F pairs δ) - set X"
    hence "fvpairs F - set X  wfrestrictedvarsst S  V" using P_subset by auto
    hence "fvpairs (F pairs δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst (S st δ)  fvset (δ ` (V  set X))"
    proof (induction F)
      case (Cons f G)
      hence IH: "fvpairs (G pairs δ) wfrestrictedvarsst (S st δ)  fvset (δ ` (V  set X))"
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) Diff_subset_conv UN_insert le_sup_iff
                  list.simps(15) fvpairs.simps)
      obtain t t' where f: "f = (t,t')" by (metis surj_pair)
      hence "fv t  wfrestrictedvarsst S  (V  set X)" "fv t'  wfrestrictedvarsst S  (V  set X)"
        using Cons.prems by auto
      hence "fv (t  δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst (S st δ)  fvset (δ ` (V  set X))"
            "fv (t'  δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst (S st δ)  fvset (δ ` (V  set X))"
        using subst_apply_fv_subset_strand_trm2[OF _ assms(3)] P
        by blast+
      thus ?case using f IH by (auto simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def)
    qed (simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def)
    moreover have "fvset (δ ` set X) = set X" using assms(4) Inequality by force
    ultimately have "fvpairs (F pairs δ) - set X  wfrestrictedvarsst (S st δ)  fvset (δ ` V)"
      by fastforce
    hence ?thesis using P (x stp δ) = fvpairs (F pairs δ) - set X by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis by metis

lemma strand_subst_fv_bounded_if_img_bounded:
  assumes "range_vars δ  fvst S"
  shows "fvst (S st δ)  fvst S"
using subst_sends_strand_fv_to_img[of S δ] assms by blast

lemma strand_fv_subst_subset_if_subst_elim:
  assumes "subst_elim δ v" and "v  fvst S  bvarsst S  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
  shows "v  fvst (S st δ)"
proof (cases "v  fvst S")
  case True thus ?thesis
  proof (induction S)
    case (Cons x S)
    have *: "v  fvstp (x stp δ)"
    using assms(1)
    proof (cases x)
      case (Inequality X F)
      hence "subst_elim (rm_vars (set X) δ) v  v  set X" using assms(1) by blast
      moreover have "fvstp (Inequality X F stp δ) = fvpairs (F pairs rm_vars (set X) δ) - set X"
        using Inequality by auto
      ultimately have "v  fvstp (Inequality X F stp δ)"
        by (induct F) (auto simp add: subst_elim_def subst_apply_pairs_def)
      thus ?thesis using Inequality by simp
    qed (simp_all add: subst_elim_def)
    moreover have "v  fvst (S st δ)" using Cons.IH
    proof (cases "v  fvst S")
      case False
      moreover have "v  range_vars δ"
        by (simp add: subst_elimD''[OF assms(1)] range_vars_alt_def) 
      ultimately show ?thesis by (meson UnE subsetCE subst_sends_strand_fv_to_img)
    qed simp
    ultimately show ?case by auto
  qed simp
  case False
  thus ?thesis
    using assms fv_strand_subst'
    unfolding subst_elim_def
    by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) fvset.simps imageE mem_simps(8) eval_term.simps(1))

lemma strand_fv_subst_subset_if_subst_elim':
  assumes "subst_elim δ v" "v  fvst S" "range_vars δ  fvst S"
  shows "fvst (S st δ)  fvst S"
using strand_fv_subst_subset_if_subst_elim[OF assms(1)] assms(2)
      strand_subst_fv_bounded_if_img_bounded[OF assms(3)]
by blast

lemma fv_ik_is_fv_rcv: "fvset (ikst S) = (set (map fvrcv S))"
by (induct S rule: ikst.induct) auto

lemma fv_ik_subset_fv_st[simp]: "fvset (ikst S)  wfrestrictedvarsst S"
by (induct S rule: ikst.induct) auto

lemma fv_assignment_rhs_subset_fv_st[simp]: "fvset (assignment_rhsst S)  wfrestrictedvarsst S"
by (induct S rule: assignment_rhsst.induct) force+

lemma fv_ik_subset_fv_st'[simp]: "fvset (ikst S)  fvst S"
by (induct S rule: ikst.induct) auto

lemma ikst_var_is_fv: "Var x  subtermsset (ikst A)  x  fvst A"
by (meson fv_ik_subset_fv_st'[of A] fv_subset_subterms subsetCE term.set_intros(3))

lemma fv_assignment_rhs_subset_fv_st'[simp]: "fvset (assignment_rhsst S)  fvst S"
by (induct S rule: assignment_rhsst.induct) auto

lemma ikst_assignment_rhsst_wfrestrictedvars_subset:
  "fvset (ikst A  assignment_rhsst A)  wfrestrictedvarsst A"
using fv_ik_subset_fv_st[of A] fv_assignment_rhs_subset_fv_st[of A]
by simp+

lemma strand_step_id_subst[iff]: "x stp Var = x" by (cases x) auto

lemma strand_id_subst[iff]: "S st Var = S" using strand_step_id_subst by (induct S) auto

lemma strand_subst_vars_union_bound[simp]: "varsst (S st δ)  varsst S  range_vars δ"
proof (induction S)
  case (Cons x S)
  moreover have "varsstp (x stp δ)  varsstp x  range_vars δ" using subst_sends_fv_to_img[of _ δ]
  proof (cases x)
    case (Inequality X F)
    define δ' where "δ'  rm_vars (set X) δ"
    have 0: "range_vars δ'  range_vars δ"
      using rm_vars_img[of "set X" δ]
      by (auto simp add: δ'_def subst_domain_def range_vars_alt_def)

    have "varsstp (x stp δ) = fvpairs (F pairs δ')  set X" "varsstp x = fvpairs F  set X"
      using Inequality by (auto simp add: δ'_def)
    moreover have "fvpairs (F pairs δ')  fvpairs F  range_vars δ"
    proof (induction F)
      case (Cons f G)
      obtain t t' where f: "f = (t,t')" by atomize_elim auto
      hence "fvpairs (f#G pairs δ') = fv (t  δ')  fv (t'  δ')  fvpairs (G pairs δ')"
            "fvpairs (f#G) = fv t  fv t'  fvpairs G"
        by (auto simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def)
      thus ?case
        using 0 Cons.IH subst_sends_fv_to_img[of t δ'] subst_sends_fv_to_img[of t' δ']
        unfolding f by auto
    qed (simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def)
    ultimately show ?thesis by auto
  qed auto
  ultimately show ?case by auto
qed simp

lemma strand_vars_split:
  "varsst (S@S') = varsst S  varsst S'"
  "wfrestrictedvarsst (S@S') = wfrestrictedvarsst S  wfrestrictedvarsst S'"
  "fvst (S@S') = fvst S  fvst S'"
by auto

lemma bvars_subst_ident: "bvarsst S = bvarsst (S st δ)"
unfolding bvarsst_def
by (induct S) (simp_all add: subst_apply_strand_step_def split: strand_step.splits)

lemma strand_subst_subst_idem:
  assumes "subst_idem δ" "subst_domain δ  range_vars δ  fvst S" "subst_domain θ  fvst S = {}"
          "range_vars δ  bvarsst S = {}" "range_vars θ  bvarsst S = {}"
  shows "(S st δ) st θ = (S st δ)"
  and   "(S st δ) st (θ s δ) = (S st δ)"
proof -
  from assms(2,3) have "fvst (S st δ)  subst_domain θ = {}"
    using subst_sends_strand_fv_to_img[of S δ] by blast
  thus "(S st δ) st θ = (S st δ)" by blast
  thus "(S st δ) st (θ s δ) = (S st δ)"
    by (metis assms(1,4,5) bvars_subst_ident strand_subst_comp subst_idem_def)

lemma strand_subst_img_bound:
  assumes "subst_domain δ  range_vars δ  fvst S"
    and "(subst_domain δ  range_vars δ)  bvarsst S = {}"
  shows "range_vars δ  fvst (S st δ)"
proof -
  have "subst_domain δ  (set (map fvstp S))" by (metis (no_types) fvst_def Un_subset_iff assms(1))
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding range_vars_alt_def fvst_def
    by (metis subst_range.simps fv_set_mono fv_strand_subst Int_commute assms(2) image_Un

lemma strand_subst_img_bound':
  assumes "subst_domain δ  range_vars δ  varsst S"
    and "(subst_domain δ  range_vars δ)  bvarsst S = {}"
  shows "range_vars δ  varsst (S st δ)"
proof -
  have "(subst_domain δ  fvset (δ ` subst_domain δ))  varsst S =
        subst_domain δ  fvset (δ ` subst_domain δ)"
    using assms(1) by (metis inf.absorb_iff1 range_vars_alt_def subst_range.simps)
  hence "range_vars δ  fvst (S st δ)"
    using vars_snd_rcv_strand fv_snd_rcv_strand assms(2) strand_subst_img_bound
    unfolding range_vars_alt_def
    by (metis (no_types) inf_le2 inf_sup_distrib1 subst_range.simps sup_bot.right_neutral)
  thus "range_vars δ  varsst (S st δ)"
    by (metis fv_snd_rcv_strand le_supI1 vars_snd_rcv_strand)

lemma strand_subst_all_fv_subset:
  assumes "fv t  fvst S" "(subst_domain δ  range_vars δ)  bvarsst S = {}"
  shows "fv (t  δ)  fvst (S st δ)"
using assms by (metis fv_strand_subst' Int_commute subst_apply_fv_subset)

lemma strand_subst_not_dom_fixed:
  assumes "v  fvst S" and "v  subst_domain δ"
  shows "v  fvst (S st δ)"
using assms
proof (induction S)
  case (Cons x S')
  have 1: "X. v  subst_domain (rm_vars (set X) δ)"
    using Cons.prems(2) rm_vars_dom_subset by force
  show ?case
  proof (cases "v  fvst S'")
    case True thus ?thesis using Cons.IH[OF _ Cons.prems(2)] by auto
    case False
    hence 2: "v  fvstp x" using Cons.prems(1) by simp
    hence "v  fvstp (x stp δ)" using Cons.prems(2) subst_not_dom_fixed
    proof (cases x)
      case (Inequality X F)
      hence "v  fvpairs F - set X" using 2 by simp
      hence "v  fvpairs (F pairs rm_vars (set X) δ)"
        using subst_not_dom_fixed[OF _ 1]
        by (induct F) (auto simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def)
      thus ?thesis using Inequality 2 by auto
    qed (force simp add: subst_domain_def)+
    thus ?thesis by auto
qed simp

lemma strand_vars_unfold: "v  varsst S  S' x S''. S = S'@x#S''  v  varsstp x"
proof (induction S)
  case (Cons x S) thus ?case
  proof (cases "v  varsstp x")
    case True thus ?thesis by blast
    case False
    hence "v  varsst S" using Cons.prems by auto
    thus ?thesis using Cons.IH by (metis append_Cons)
qed simp

lemma strand_fv_unfold: "v  fvst S  S' x S''. S = S'@x#S''  v  fvstp x"
proof (induction S)
  case (Cons x S) thus ?case
  proof (cases "v  fvstp x")
    case True thus ?thesis by blast
    case False
    hence "v  fvst S" using Cons.prems by auto
    thus ?thesis using Cons.IH by (metis append_Cons)
qed simp

lemma subterm_if_in_strand_ik:
  "t  ikst S  ts. Receive ts  set S  t set set ts"
by (induct S rule: ikst_induct) auto

lemma fv_subset_if_in_strand_ik:
  "t  ikst S  fv t  (set (map fvrcv S))"
proof -
  assume "t  ikst S"
  then obtain ts where "Receive ts  set S" "t set set ts" by (metis subterm_if_in_strand_ik)
  hence "fv t  fvset (set ts)" using subtermeq_vars_subset by auto
  thus ?thesis using in_strand_fv_subset_rcv[OF Receive ts  set S] by auto

lemma fv_subset_if_in_strand_ik':
  "t  ikst S  fv t  fvst S"
using fv_subset_if_in_strand_ik[of t S] fv_snd_rcv_strand_subset(2)[of S] by blast

lemma vars_subset_if_in_strand_ik2:
  "t  ikst S  fv t  wfrestrictedvarsst S"
using fv_subset_if_in_strand_ik[of t S] vars_snd_rcv_strand_subset2(2)[of S] by blast

subsection ‹Lemmata: Simple Strands›
lemma simple_Cons[dest]: "simple (s#S)  simple S"
unfolding simple_def by auto

lemma simple_split[dest]:
  assumes "simple (S@S')"
  shows "simple S" "simple S'"
using assms unfolding simple_def by auto

lemma simple_append[intro]: "simple S; simple S'  simple (S@S')"
unfolding simple_def by auto

lemma simple_append_sym[sym]: "simple (S@S')  simple (S'@S)" by auto

lemma not_simple_if_snd_fun: "Fun f T  set ts  S = S'@Send ts#S''  ¬simple S"
by (metis simple_def list.set_cases list_all_append list_all_simps(1) simplestp.simps(5,6))

lemma not_list_all_elim: "¬list_all P A  B x C. A = B@x#C  ¬P x  list_all P B"
proof (induction A rule: List.rev_induct)
  case (snoc a A)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "list_all P A")
    case True
    thus ?thesis using snoc.prems by auto
    case False
    then obtain B x C where "A = B@x#C" "¬P x" "list_all P B" using snoc.IH[OF False] by auto
    thus ?thesis by auto
qed simp

lemma not_simplestp_elim:
  assumes "¬simplestp x"
  shows "(ts. x = Send ts  (y. ts = [Var y])) 
         (a t t'. x = Equality a t t') 
         (X F. x = Inequality X F  (. ineq_model  X F))"
using assms by (cases x) (fastforce elim: simplestp.elims)+

lemma not_simple_elim:
  assumes "¬simple S"
  shows "(A B ts. S = A@Send ts#B  (x. ts = [Var x])  simple A)  
         (A B a t t'. S = A@Equality a t t'#B  simple A) 
         (A B X F. S = A@Inequality X F#B  (. ineq_model  X F)  simple A)"
by (metis assms not_list_all_elim not_simplestp_elim simple_def)

lemma simple_snd_is_var: "Send ts  set S; simple S  v. ts = [Var v]"
unfolding simple_def
by (metis list_all_append list_all_simps(1) simplestp.elims(2) split_list_first
          strand_step.distinct(1) strand_step.distinct(5) strand_step.inject(1)) 

subsection ‹Lemmata: Strand Measure›
lemma measurest_wellfounded: "wf measurest" unfolding measurest_def by simp

lemma strand_size_append[iff]: "sizest (S@S') = sizest S + sizest S'"
by (induct S) (auto simp add: sizest_def)

lemma strand_size_map_fun_lt[simp]:
  "sizest (map Send1 X) < size (Fun f X)"
  "sizest (map Send1 X) < sizest [Send [Fun f X]]"
  "sizest (map Receive1 X) < sizest [Receive [Fun f X]]"
  "sizest [Send X] < sizest [Send [Fun f X]]"
  "sizest [Receive X] < sizest [Receive [Fun f X]]"
by (induct X) (auto simp add: sizest_def)

lemma strand_size_rm_fun_lt[simp]:
  "sizest (S@S') < sizest (S@Send ts#S')"
  "sizest (S@S') < sizest (S@Receive ts#S')"
by (induct S) (auto simp add: sizest_def)

lemma strand_fv_card_map_fun_eq:
  "card (fvst (S@Send [Fun f X]#S')) = card (fvst (S@(map Send1 X)@S'))"
proof -
  have "fvst (S@Send [Fun f X]#S') = fvst (S@(map Send1 X)@S')" by auto
  thus ?thesis by simp

lemma strand_fv_card_rm_fun_le[simp]: "card (fvst (S@S'))  card (fvst (S@Send [Fun f X]#S'))"
by (force intro: card_mono)

lemma strand_fv_card_rm_eq_le[simp]: "card (fvst (S@S'))  card (fvst (S@Equality a t t'#S'))"
by (force intro: card_mono)

subsection ‹Lemmata: Well-formed Strands›
lemma wf_prefix[dest]: "wfst V (S@S')  wfst V S"
by (induct S rule: wfst.induct) auto

lemma wf_vars_mono[simp]: "wfst V S  wfst (V  W) S"
proof (induction S arbitrary: V)
  case (Cons x S) thus ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Send ts)
    hence "wfst (V  fvset (set ts)  W) S" using Cons.prems(1) Cons.IH by simp
    thus ?thesis by (metis Send sup_assoc sup_commute wfst.simps(3))
    case (Equality a t t')
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases a)
      case Assign
      hence "wfst (V  fv t  W) S" "fv t'  V  W" using Equality Cons.prems(1) Cons.IH by auto
      thus ?thesis using Equality Assign by (simp add: sup_commute sup_left_commute)
      case Check thus ?thesis using Equality Cons by auto
  qed auto
qed simp

lemma wfstI[intro]: "wfrestrictedvarsst S  V  wfst V S"
proof (induction S)
  case (Cons x S) thus ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Send ts)
    hence "wfst V S" "V  fvset (set ts) = V" using Cons by auto
    thus ?thesis using Send by simp
    case (Equality a t t')
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases a)
      case Assign
      hence "wfst V S" "fv t'  V" using Equality Cons by auto
      thus ?thesis using wf_vars_mono Equality Assign by simp
      case Check thus ?thesis using Equality Cons by auto
  qed simp_all
qed simp

lemma wfstI'[intro]: "(fvrcv ` set S)  (fv_req assign ` set S)  V  wfst V S"
proof (induction S)
  case (Cons x S) thus ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Equality a t t') thus ?thesis using Cons by (cases a) auto
  qed simp_all
qed simp

lemma wf_append_exec: "wfst V (S@S')  wfst (V  wfvarsoccsst S) S'"
proof (induction S arbitrary: V)
  case (Cons x S V) thus ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Send ts)
    hence "wfst (V  fvset (set ts)  wfvarsoccsst S) S'" using Cons.prems Cons.IH by simp
    thus ?thesis using Send by (auto simp add: sup_assoc)
    case (Equality a t t') show ?thesis
    proof (cases a)
      case Assign
      hence "wfst (V  fv t  wfvarsoccsst S) S'" using Equality Cons.prems Cons.IH by auto
      thus ?thesis using Equality Assign by (auto simp add: sup_assoc)
      case Check
      hence "wfst (V  wfvarsoccsst S) S'" using Equality Cons.prems Cons.IH by auto
      thus ?thesis using Equality Check by (auto simp add: sup_assoc)
  qed auto
qed simp

lemma wf_append_suffix:
  "wfst V S  wfrestrictedvarsst S'  wfrestrictedvarsst S  V  wfst V (S@S')"
proof (induction V S rule: wfst_induct)
  case (ConsSnd V ts S)
  hence *: "wfst (V  fvset (set ts)) S" by simp_all
  hence "wfrestrictedvarsst S'  wfrestrictedvarsst S  (V  fvset (set ts))"
    using ConsSnd.prems(2) by fastforce
  thus ?case using ConsSnd.IH * by simp
  case (ConsRcv V ts S)
  hence *: "fvset (set ts)  V" "wfst V S" by simp_all
  hence "wfrestrictedvarsst S'  wfrestrictedvarsst S  V"
    using ConsRcv.prems(2) by fastforce
  thus ?case using ConsRcv.IH * by simp
  case (ConsEq V t t' S)
  hence *: "fv t'  V" "wfst (V  fv t) S" by simp_all
  moreover have "varsstp (Equality Assign t t') = fv t  fv t'"
    by simp
  moreover have "wfrestrictedvarsst (Equality Assign t t'#S) = fv t  fv t'  wfrestrictedvarsst S"
    by auto
  ultimately have "wfrestrictedvarsst S'  wfrestrictedvarsst S  (V  fv t)"
    using ConsEq.prems(2) by blast
  thus ?case using ConsEq.IH * by simp
qed (simp_all add: wfstI)

lemma wf_append_suffix':
  assumes "wfst V S"
    and "(fvrcv ` set S')  (fv_req assign ` set S')  wfvarsoccsst S  V"
  shows "wfst V (S@S')"
using assms
proof (induction V S rule: wfst_induct)
  case (ConsSnd V ts S)
  hence *: "wfst (V  fvset (set ts)) S" by simp_all
  have "wfvarsoccsst (send⟨tsst#S) = fvset (set ts)  wfvarsoccsst S"
    unfolding wfvarsoccsst_def by simp
  hence "(aset S'. fvrcv a)  (aset S'. fv_req assign a)  wfvarsoccsst S  (V  fvset (set ts))"
    using ConsSnd.prems(2) unfolding wfvarsoccsst_def by auto
  thus ?case using ConsSnd.IH[OF *] by auto
  case (ConsEq V t t' S)
  hence *: "fv t'  V" "wfst (V  fv t) S" by simp_all
  have "wfvarsoccsst (assign: t  t'st#S) = fv t  wfvarsoccsst S"
    unfolding wfvarsoccsst_def by simp
  hence "(aset S'. fvrcv a)  (aset S'. fv_req assign a)  wfvarsoccsst S  (V  fv t)"
    using ConsEq.prems(2) unfolding wfvarsoccsst_def by auto
  thus ?case using ConsEq.IH[OF *(2)] *(1) by auto
qed (auto simp add: wfstI')

lemma wf_send_compose: "wfst V (S@(map Send1 X)@S') = wfst V (S@Send1 (Fun f X)#S')"
proof (induction S arbitrary: V)
  case Nil thus ?case 
  proof (induction X arbitrary: V)
    case (Cons y Y) thus ?case by (simp add: sup_assoc)
  qed simp
  case (Cons s S) thus ?case
  proof (cases s)
    case (Equality ac t t') thus ?thesis using Cons by (cases ac) auto
  qed auto

lemma wf_snd_append[iff]: "wfst V (S@[Send t]) = wfst V S"
by (induct S rule: wfst.induct) simp_all

lemma wf_snd_append': "wfst V S  wfst V (Send t#S)"
by simp

lemma wf_rcv_append[dest]: "wfst V (S@Receive t#S')  wfst V (S@S')"
by (induct S rule: wfst.induct) simp_all

lemma wf_rcv_append'[intro]:
  "wfst V (S@S'); fvset (set ts)  wfrestrictedvarsst S  V  wfst V (S@Receive ts#S')"
proof (induction S rule: wfst_induct)
  case (ConsRcv V t' S)
  hence "wfst V (S@S')" "fvset (set ts)  wfrestrictedvarsst S  V" by (simp, fastforce)
  thus ?case using ConsRcv by auto
  case (ConsEq V t' t'' S)
  hence "fv t''  V" by simp
  moreover have
      "wfrestrictedvarsst (Equality Assign t' t''#S) = fv t'  fv t''  wfrestrictedvarsst S"
    by auto
  ultimately have "fvset (set ts)  wfrestrictedvarsst S  (V  fv t')"
    using ConsEq.prems(2) by blast
  thus ?case using ConsEq by auto
qed auto

lemma wf_rcv_append''[intro]:
  "wfst V S; fvset (set ts)  (set (map fvsnd S))  wfst V (S@[Receive ts])"
by (induct S)
   (simp, metis vars_snd_rcv_strand_subset2(1) append_Nil2 le_supI1 order_trans wf_rcv_append')

lemma wf_rcv_append'''[intro]:
  "wfst V S; fvset (set ts)  wfrestrictedvarsst S  V  wfst V (S@[Receive ts])"
by (simp add: wf_rcv_append'[of _ _ "[]"])

lemma wf_eq_append[dest]:
  "wfst V (S@Equality a t t'#S')  fv t  wfrestrictedvarsst S  V  wfst V (S@S')"
proof (induction S rule: wfst_induct)
  case (Nil V)
  hence "wfst (V  fv t) S'" by (cases a) auto
  moreover have "V  fv t = V" using Nil by auto
  ultimately show ?case by simp
  case (ConsRcv V us S)
  hence "wfst V (S @ Equality a t t' # S')" "fv t  wfrestrictedvarsst S  V" "fvset (set us)  V"
    by fastforce+
  hence "wfst V (S@S')" using ConsRcv.IH by auto
  thus ?case using fvset (set us)  V by simp
  case (ConsEq V u u' S)
  hence "wfst (V  fv u) (S@Equality a t t'#S')" "fv t  wfrestrictedvarsst S  (V  fv u)" "fv u'  V"
    by auto
  hence "wfst (V  fv u) (S@S')" using ConsEq.IH by auto
  thus ?case using fv u'  V by simp
qed auto

lemma wf_eq_append'[intro]:
  "wfst V (S@S'); fv t'  wfrestrictedvarsst S  V  wfst V (S@Equality a t t'#S')"
proof (induction S rule: wfst_induct)
  case Nil thus ?case by (cases a) auto
  case (ConsEq V u u' S)
  hence "wfst (V  fv u) (S@S')" "fv t'  wfrestrictedvarsst S  V  fv u"
    by fastforce+
  thus ?case using ConsEq by auto
  case (ConsEq2 V u u' S)
  hence "wfst V (S@S')" by auto
  thus ?case using ConsEq2 by auto
  case (ConsRcv V u S)
  hence "wfst V (S@S')" "fv t'  wfrestrictedvarsst S  V"
    by fastforce+
  thus ?case using ConsRcv by auto
  case (ConsSnd V us S)
  hence "wfst (V  fvset (set us)) (S@S')" "fv t'  wfrestrictedvarsst S  (V  fvset (set us))"
    by fastforce+
  thus ?case using ConsSnd by auto
qed auto

lemma wf_eq_append''[intro]:
  "wfst V (S@S'); fv t'  wfvarsoccsst S  V  wfst V (S@[Equality a t t']@S')"
proof (induction S rule: wfst_induct)
  case Nil thus ?case by (cases a) auto
  case (ConsEq V u u' S)
  hence "wfst (V  fv u) (S@S')" "fv t'  wfvarsoccsst S  V  fv u" by fastforce+
  thus ?case using ConsEq by auto
  case (ConsEq2 V u u' S)
  hence "wfst (V  fv u) (S@S')" "fv t'  wfvarsoccsst S  V  fv u" by fastforce+
  thus ?case using ConsEq2 by auto
  case (ConsRcv V u S)
  hence "wfst V (S@S')" "fv t'  wfvarsoccsst S  V" by fastforce+
  thus ?case using ConsRcv by auto
  case (ConsSnd V us S)
  hence "wfst (V  fvset (set us)) (S@S')" "fv t'  wfvarsoccsst S  (V  fvset (set us))" by auto
  thus ?case using ConsSnd by auto
qed auto

lemma wf_eq_append'''[intro]:
  "wfst V S; fv t'  wfrestrictedvarsst S  V  wfst V (S@[Equality a t t'])"
by (simp add: wf_eq_append'[of _ _ "[]"])

lemma wf_eq_check_append[dest]: "wfst V (S@Equality Check t t'#S')  wfst V (S@S')"
by (induct S rule: wfst.induct) simp_all

lemma wf_eq_check_append'[intro]: "wfst V (S@S')  wfst V (S@Equality Check t t'#S')"
by (induct S rule: wfst.induct) auto

lemma wf_eq_check_append''[intro]: "wfst V S  wfst V (S@[Equality Check t t'])"
by (induct S rule: wfst.induct) auto

lemma wf_ineq_append[dest]: "wfst V (S@Inequality X F#S')  wfst V (S@S')"
by (induct S rule: wfst.induct) simp_all

lemma wf_ineq_append'[intro]: "wfst V (S@S')  wfst V (S@Inequality X F#S')"
by (induct S rule: wfst.induct) auto

lemma wf_ineq_append''[intro]: "wfst V S  wfst V (S@[Inequality X F])"
by (induct S rule: wfst.induct) auto

lemma wf_Receive1_prefix:
  assumes "wfst X S"
    and "fvset (set ts)  X"
  shows "wfst X (map Receive1 ts@S)"
using assms by (induct ts) simp_all

lemma wf_Send1_prefix:
  assumes "wfst (X  fvset (set ts)) S"
  shows "wfst X (map Send1 ts@S)"
using assms by (induct ts arbitrary: X) (simp, force simp add: Un_assoc)

lemma wf_rcv_fv_single[elim]: "wfst V (Receive ts#S')  fvset (set ts)  V"
by simp

lemma wf_rcv_fv: "wfst V (S@Receive ts#S')  fvset (set ts)  wfvarsoccsst S  V"
proof (induction S arbitrary: V)
  case (Cons a S) thus ?case by (cases a) (auto split!: poscheckvariant.split)
qed simp

lemma wf_eq_fv: "wfst V (S@Equality Assign t t'#S')  fv t'  wfvarsoccsst S  V"
proof (induction S arbitrary: V)
  case (Cons a S) thus ?case by (cases a) (auto split!: poscheckvariant.split)
qed simp

lemma wf_simple_fv_occurrence:
  assumes "wfst {} S" "simple S" "v  wfrestrictedvarsst S"
  shows "Spre Ssuf. S = Spre@Send [Var v]#Ssuf  v  wfrestrictedvarsst Spre"
using assms
proof (induction S rule: List.rev_induct)
  case (snoc x S)
  from wfst {} (S@[x]) have "wfst {} S" "wfst (wfrestrictedvarsst S) [x]"
    using wf_append_exec[THEN wf_vars_mono, of "{}" S "[x]" "wfrestrictedvarsst S - wfvarsoccsst S"]
          vars_snd_rcv_strand_subset2(4)[of S]
          Diff_partition[of "wfvarsoccsst S" "wfrestrictedvarsst S"]
    by auto
  from simple (S@[x]) have "simple S" "simplestp x" unfolding simple_def by auto

  show ?case
  proof (cases "v  wfrestrictedvarsst S")
    case False
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases x)
      case (Receive ts)
      hence "fvset (set ts)  wfrestrictedvarsst S" using wfst (wfrestrictedvarsst S) [x] by simp
      hence "v  wfrestrictedvarsst S"
        using v  wfrestrictedvarsst (S@[x]) x = Receive ts
        by auto
      thus ?thesis using x = Receive ts snoc.IH[OF wfst {} S simple S] by fastforce
      case (Send ts)
      hence "v  varsstp x" using v  wfrestrictedvarsst (S@[x]) False by auto
      from Send obtain w where "ts = [Var w]" using simplestp x
        by (cases ts) (simp, metis in_set_conv_decomp simple_snd_is_var snoc.prems(2))
      hence "v = w" using x = Send ts v  varsstp x by simp
      thus ?thesis using x = Send ts v  wfrestrictedvarsst S ts = [Var w] by auto
      case (Equality ac t t') thus ?thesis using snoc.prems(2) unfolding simple_def by auto
      case (Inequality t t') thus ?thesis using False snoc.prems(3) by auto
  qed (use snoc.IH[OF wfst {} S simple S] in fastforce)
qed simp

lemma Unifier_strand_fv_subset:
  assumes g_in_ik: "t  ikst S"
  and δ: "Unifier δ (Fun f X) t"
  and disj: "bvarsst S  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
  shows "fv (Fun f X  δ)  (set (map fvrcv (S st δ)))"
by (metis (no_types) fv_subset_if_in_strand_ik[OF g_in_ik]
          disj δ fv_strand_subst subst_apply_fv_subset)

lemma wfst_induct'[consumes 1, case_names Nil ConsSnd ConsRcv ConsEq ConsEq2 ConsIneq]:
  fixes S::"('a,'b) strand"
  assumes "wfst V S"
          "P []"
          "ts S. wfst V S; P S  P (S@[Send ts])"
          "ts S. wfst V S; P S; fvset (set ts)  V  wfvarsoccsst S  P (S@[Receive ts])"
          "t t' S. wfst V S; P S; fv t'  V  wfvarsoccsst S  P (S@[Equality Assign t t'])"
          "t t' S. wfst V S; P S  P (S@[Equality Check t t'])"
          "X F S. wfst V S; P S  P (S@[Inequality X F])"
  shows "P S"
using assms
proof (induction S rule: List.rev_induct)
  case (snoc x S)
  hence *: "wfst V S" "wfst (V  wfvarsoccsst S) [x]" by (metis wf_prefix, metis wf_append_exec)
  have IH: "P S" using snoc.IH[OF *(1)] snoc.prems by auto
  note ** = snoc.prems(3,4,5,6,7)[OF *(1) IH] *(2)
  show ?case using **(1,2,4,5,6)
  proof (cases x)
    case (Equality ac t t')
    then show ?thesis using **(3,4,6) by (cases ac) auto
  qed auto
qed simp

lemma wf_subst_apply:
  "wfst V S  wfst (fvset (δ ` V)) (S st δ)"
proof (induction S arbitrary: V rule: wfst_induct)
  case (ConsRcv V ts S)
  hence "wfst V S" "fvset (set ts)  V" by simp_all
  hence "wfst (fvset (δ ` V)) (S st δ)" "fvset (set ts set δ)  fvset (δ ` V)"
    using ConsRcv.IH subst_apply_fv_subset by (simp, force)
  thus ?case by simp
  case (ConsSnd V ts S)
  hence "wfst (V  fvset (set ts)) S" by simp
  hence "wfst (fvset (δ ` (V  fvset (set ts)))) (S st δ)" using ConsSnd.IH by metis
  hence "wfst (fvset (δ ` V)  fvset (δ ` fvset (set ts))) (S st δ)" by simp
  hence "wfst (fvset (δ ` V)  fvset (set ts set δ)) (S st δ)" by (metis subst_apply_fv_unfold_set)
  thus ?case by simp
  case (ConsEq V t t' S)
  hence "wfst (V  fv t) S" "fv t'  V" by auto
  hence "wfst (fvset (δ ` (V  fv t))) (S st δ)" and *: "fv (t'  δ)  fvset (δ ` V)"
    using ConsEq.IH subst_apply_fv_subset by force+
  hence "wfst (fvset (δ ` V)  fv (t  δ)) (S st δ)" using subst_apply_fv_union by metis
  thus ?case using * by simp
qed simp_all

lemma wf_unify:
  assumes wf: "wfst V (S@Send [Fun f X]#S')"
  and g_in_ik: "t  ikst S"
  and δ: "Unifier δ (Fun f X) t"
  and disj: "bvarsst (S@Send [Fun f X]#S')  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
  shows "wfst (fvset (δ ` V)) ((S@S') st δ)"
using assms
proof (induction S' arbitrary: V rule: List.rev_induct)
  case (snoc x S' V)
  have fun_fv_bound: "fv (Fun f X  δ)  (set (map fvrcv (S st δ)))"
    using snoc.prems(4) bvarsst_split Unifier_strand_fv_subset[OF g_in_ik δ] by auto
  hence "fv (Fun f X  δ)  fvset (ikst (S st δ))" using fv_ik_is_fv_rcv by metis
  hence "fv (Fun f X  δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst (S st δ)" using fv_ik_subset_fv_st[of "S st δ"] by blast
  hence *: "fv ((Fun f X)  δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst ((S@S') st δ)" by fastforce

  from snoc.prems(1) have "wfst V (S@Send [Fun f X]#S')"
    using wf_prefix[of V "S@Send [Fun f X]#S'" "[x]"] by simp
  hence **: "wfst (fvset (δ ` V)) ((S@S') st δ)"
    using snoc.IH[OF _ snoc.prems(2,3)] snoc.prems(4) by auto

  from snoc.prems(1) have ***: "wfst (V  wfvarsoccsst (S@Send [Fun f X]#S')) [x]"
    using wf_append_exec[of V "(S@Send [Fun f X]#S')" "[x]"] by simp

  from snoc.prems(4) have disj':
      "bvarsst (S@S')  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
      "set (bvarsstp x)  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
    by auto

  show ?case
  proof (cases x)
    case (Send t)
    thus ?thesis using wf_snd_append[of "fvset (δ ` V)" "(S@S') st δ"] ** by auto
    case (Receive t)
    hence "fvstp x  V  wfvarsoccsst (S@Send [Fun f X]#S')" using *** by auto
    hence "fvstp x  V  wfrestrictedvarsst (S@Send [Fun f X]#S')"
      using vars_snd_rcv_strand_subset2(4)[of "S@Send [Fun f X]#S'"] by blast
    hence "fvstp x  V  fv (Fun f X)  wfrestrictedvarsst (S@S')" by auto
    hence "fvstp (x stp δ)  fvset (δ ` V)  fv ((Fun f X)  δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst ((S@S') st δ)"
      by (metis (no_types) inf_sup_aci(5) subst_apply_fv_subset_strand2 subst_apply_fv_union disj')
    hence "fvstp (x stp δ)  fvset (δ ` V)  wfrestrictedvarsst ((S@S') st δ)" using * by blast
    hence "fvset (set t set δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst ((S@S') st δ)  fvset (δ ` V) "
      using x = Receive t by auto
    hence "wfst (fvset (δ ` V)) (((S@S') st δ)@[Receive (t list δ)])"
      using wf_rcv_append'''[OF **, of "t list δ"] by simp
    thus ?thesis using x = Receive t by auto
    case (Equality ac s s') show ?thesis
    proof (cases ac)
      case Assign
      hence "fv s'  V  wfvarsoccsst (S@Send [Fun f X]#S')" using Equality *** by auto
      hence "fv s'  V  wfrestrictedvarsst (S@Send [Fun f X]#S')"
        using vars_snd_rcv_strand_subset2(4)[of "S@Send [Fun f X]#S'"] by blast
      hence "fv s'  V  fv (Fun f X)  wfrestrictedvarsst (S@S')" by auto
      moreover have "fv s' = fv_req ac x" "fv (s'  δ) = fv_req ac (x stp δ)"
        using Equality by simp_all
      ultimately have "fv (s'  δ)  fvset (δ ` V)  fv (Fun f X  δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst ((S@S') st δ)"
        using subst_apply_fv_subset_strand2[of "fveq ac" ac x]
        by (metis disj'(1) subst_apply_fv_subset_strand_trm2 subst_apply_fv_union sup_commute)
      hence "fv (s'  δ)  fvset (δ ` V)  wfrestrictedvarsst ((S@S') st δ)" using * by blast
      hence "fv (s'  δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst ((S@S') st δ)  fvset (δ ` V)"
        using x = Equality ac s s' by auto
      hence "wfst (fvset (δ ` V)) (((S@S') st δ)@[Equality ac (s  δ) (s'  δ)])"
        using wf_eq_append'''[OF **] by metis
      thus ?thesis using x = Equality ac s s' by auto
      case Check thus ?thesis using wf_eq_check_append''[OF **] Equality by simp
    case (Inequality t t') thus ?thesis using wf_ineq_append''[OF **] by simp
qed (auto dest: wf_subst_apply)

lemma wf_equality:
  assumes wf: "wfst V (S@Equality ac t t'#S')"
  and δ: "mgu t t' = Some δ"
  and disj: "bvarsst (S@Equality ac t t'#S')  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
  shows "wfst (fvset (δ ` V)) ((S@S') st δ)"
using assms
proof (induction S' arbitrary: V rule: List.rev_induct)
  case Nil thus ?case using wf_prefix[of V S "[Equality ac t t']"] wf_subst_apply[of V S δ] by auto
  case (snoc x S' V) show ?case
  proof (cases ac)
    case Assign
    hence "fv t'  V  wfvarsoccsst S"
      using wf_eq_fv[of V, of S t t' "S'@[x]"] snoc by auto
    hence "fv t'  V  wfrestrictedvarsst S"
      using vars_snd_rcv_strand_subset2(4)[of S] by blast
    hence "fv t'  V  wfrestrictedvarsst (S@S')" by force
    moreover have disj':
        "bvarsst (S@S')  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
        "set (bvarsstp x)  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
        "bvarsst (S@Equality ac t t'#S')  (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ) = {}"
      using snoc.prems(3) by auto
    ultimately have
        "fv (t'  δ)  fvset (δ ` V)  wfrestrictedvarsst ((S@S') st δ)"
      by (metis inf_sup_aci(5) subst_apply_fv_subset_strand_trm2)
    moreover have "fv (t  δ) = fv (t'  δ)"
      by (metis MGU_is_Unifier[OF mgu_gives_MGU[OF δ]])
    ultimately have *:
        "fv (t  δ)  fv (t'  δ)  fvset (δ ` V)  wfrestrictedvarsst ((S@S') st δ)"
      by simp
    from snoc.prems(1) have "wfst V (S@Equality ac t t'#S')"
      using wf_prefix[of V "S@Equality ac t t'#S'"] by simp
    hence **: "wfst (fvset (δ ` V)) ((S@S') st δ)" by (metis snoc.IH δ disj'(3))
    from snoc.prems(1) have ***: "wfst (V  wfvarsoccsst (S@Equality ac t t'#S')) [x]"
      using wf_append_exec[of V "(S@Equality ac t t'#S')" "[x]"] by simp
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases x)
      case (Send t)
      thus ?thesis using wf_snd_append[of "fvset (δ ` V)" "(S@S') st δ"] ** by auto
      case (Receive s)
      hence "fvstp x  V  wfvarsoccsst (S@Equality ac t t'#S')" using *** by auto
      hence "fvstp x  V  wfrestrictedvarsst (S@Equality ac t t'#S')"
        using vars_snd_rcv_strand_subset2(4)[of "S@Equality ac t t'#S'"] by blast
      hence "fvstp x  V  fv t  fv t'  wfrestrictedvarsst (S@S')"
        by (cases ac) auto
      hence "fvstp (x stp δ)  fvset (δ ` V)  fv (t  δ)  fv (t'  δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst ((S@S') st δ)"
        using subst_apply_fv_subset_strand2[of fvstp]
        by (metis (no_types) inf_sup_aci(5) subst_apply_fv_union disj'(1,2))
      hence "fvstp (x stp δ)  fvset (δ ` V)  wfrestrictedvarsst ((S@S') st δ)"
        when "ac = Assign"
        using * that by blast
      hence "fvset (set s set δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst ((S@S') st δ)  (fvset (δ ` V))"
        when "ac = Assign"
        using x = Receive s that by auto
      hence "wfst (fvset (δ ` V)) (((S@S') st δ)@[Receive (s list δ)])"
        when "ac = Assign"
        using wf_rcv_append'''[OF **, of "s list δ"] that by simp
      thus ?thesis using x = Receive s Assign by auto
      case (Equality ac' s s') show ?thesis
      proof (cases ac')
        case Assign
        hence "fv s'  V  wfvarsoccsst (S@Equality ac t t'#S')" using *** Equality by auto
        hence "fv s'  V  wfrestrictedvarsst (S@Equality ac t t'#S')"
          using vars_snd_rcv_strand_subset2(4)[of "S@Equality ac t t'#S'"] by blast
        hence "fv s'  V  fv t  fv t'  wfrestrictedvarsst (S@S')"
          by (cases ac) auto
        moreover have "fv s' = fv_req ac' x" "fv (s'  δ) = fv_req ac' (x stp δ)"
          using Equality by simp_all
        ultimately have
            "fv (s'  δ)  fvset (δ ` V)  fv (t  δ)  fv (t'  δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst ((S@S') st δ)"
          using subst_apply_fv_subset_strand2[of "fv_req ac'" ac' x]
          by (metis disj'(1) subst_apply_fv_subset_strand_trm2 subst_apply_fv_union sup_commute)
        hence "fv (s'  δ)  fvset (δ ` V)  wfrestrictedvarsst ((S@S') st δ)"
          using * ac = Assign by blast
        hence ****:
            "fv (s'  δ)  wfrestrictedvarsst ((S@S') st δ)  fvset (δ ` V)"
          using x = Equality ac' s s' ac = Assign by auto
        thus ?thesis
          using x = Equality ac' s s' ** **** wf_eq_append' ac = Assign
          by (metis (no_types, lifting) append.assoc append_Nil2
                strand_subst_hom subst_apply_strand_step_def)
        case Check thus ?thesis using wf_eq_check_append''[OF **] Equality by simp
      case (Inequality s s') thus ?thesis using wf_ineq_append''[OF **] by simp
  qed (metis snoc.prems(1) wf_eq_check_append wf_subst_apply)

lemma wf_rcv_prefix_ground:
  "wfst {} ((map Receive M)@S)  varsst (map Receive M) = {}"
by (induct M) auto

lemma simple_wfvarsoccsst_is_fvsnd:
  assumes "simple S"
  shows "wfvarsoccsst S = (set (map fvsnd S))"
using assms unfolding simple_def
proof (induction S)
  case (Cons x S) thus ?case by (cases x) auto
qed simp

lemma wfst_simple_induct[consumes 2, case_names Nil ConsSnd ConsRcv ConsIneq]:
  fixes S::"('a,'b) strand"
  assumes "wfst V S" "simple S"
          "P []"
          "v S. wfst V S; simple S; P S  P (S@[Send [Var v]])"
          "ts S. wfst V S; simple S; P S; fvset (set ts)  V  (set (map fvsnd S))  P (S@[Receive ts])"
          "X F S. wfst V S; simple S; P S  P (S@[Inequality X F])"
  shows "P S"
using assms
proof (induction S rule: wfst_induct')
  case (ConsSnd t S)
  hence "P S" by auto
  obtain v where "t = [Var v]" using simple_snd_is_var[OF _ simple (S@[Send t])] by auto
  thus ?case using ConsSnd.prems(3)[OF wfst V S _ P S] simple (S@[Send t]) by auto
  case (ConsRcv t S) thus ?case using simple_wfvarsoccsst_is_fvsnd[of "S@[Receive t]"] by auto
qed (auto simp add: simple_def)

lemma wf_trm_stp_dom_fv_disjoint:
  "wfconstr S θ; t  trmsst S  subst_domain θ  fv t = {}"
unfolding wfconstr_def by force

lemma wf_constr_bvars_disj: "wfconstr S θ  (subst_domain θ  range_vars θ)  bvarsst S = {}"
unfolding range_vars_alt_def wfconstr_def by fastforce

lemma wf_constr_bvars_disj':
  assumes "wfconstr S θ" "subst_domain δ  range_vars δ  fvst S"
  shows "(subst_domain δ  range_vars δ)  bvarsst S = {}" (is ?A)
  and "(subst_domain θ  range_vars θ)  bvarsst (S st δ) = {}" (is ?B)
proof -
  have "(subst_domain θ  range_vars θ)  bvarsst S = {}" "fvst S  bvarsst S = {}"
    using assms(1) unfolding range_vars_alt_def wfconstr_def by fastforce+
  thus ?A and ?B using assms(2) bvars_subst_ident[of S δ] by blast+

lemma (in intruder_model) wf_simple_strand_first_Send_var_split:
  assumes "wfst {} S" "simple S" "v  wfrestrictedvarsst S. t   =  v"
  shows "v Spre Ssuf. S = Spre@Send [Var v]#Ssuf  t   =  v
                       ¬(w  wfrestrictedvarsst Spre. t   =  w)"
    (is "?P S")
using assms
proof (induction S rule: wfst_simple_induct)
  case (ConsSnd v S) show ?case
  proof (cases "w  wfrestrictedvarsst S. t   =  w")
    case True thus ?thesis using ConsSnd.IH by fastforce
    case False thus ?thesis using ConsSnd.prems by auto
  case (ConsRcv t' S)
  have "fvset (set t')  wfrestrictedvarsst S"
    using ConsRcv.hyps(3) vars_snd_rcv_strand_subset2(1) by force
  hence "v  wfrestrictedvarsst S. t   =  v"
    using ConsRcv.prems(1) by fastforce
  hence "?P S" by (metis ConsRcv.IH)
  thus ?case by fastforce 
  case (ConsIneq X F S)
  moreover have "wfrestrictedvarsst (S @ [Inequality X F]) = wfrestrictedvarsst S" by auto
  ultimately have "?P S" by blast
  thus ?case by fastforce
qed simp

lemma (in intruder_model) wf_strand_first_Send_var_split:
  assumes "wfst {} S" "v  wfrestrictedvarsst S. t     v"
  shows "Spre Ssuf. ¬(w  wfrestrictedvarsst Spre. t     w)
             ((t'. S = Spre@Send t'#Ssuf  t   set set t' set )
                (t' t''. S = Spre@Equality Assign t' t''#Ssuf  t    t'  ))"
    (is "Spre Ssuf. ?P Spre  ?Q S Spre Ssuf")
using assms
proof (induction S rule: wfst_induct')
  case (ConsSnd ts' S) show ?case
  proof (cases "w  wfrestrictedvarsst S. t     w")
    case True
    then obtain Spre Ssuf where "?P Spre" "?Q S Spre Ssuf"
      using ConsSnd.IH by atomize_elim auto
    thus ?thesis by fastforce
    case False
    then obtain v where v: "v  fvset (set ts')" "t     v"
      using ConsSnd.prems by auto
    then obtain t' where t': "t'  set ts'" "v  fv t'" by auto
    have "t    t'  "
      using v(2) t'(2) subst_mono[of "Var v" t' ] vars_iff_subtermeq[of v] term.order_trans
      by auto
    hence "t   set set ts' set " using v(1) t'(1) by blast
    thus ?thesis using False v by auto
  case (ConsRcv t' S)
  have "fvset (set t')  wfrestrictedvarsst S"
    using ConsRcv.hyps vars_snd_rcv_strand_subset2(4)[of S] by blast
  hence "v  wfrestrictedvarsst S. t     v"
    using ConsRcv.prems by fastforce
  then obtain Spre Ssuf where "?P Spre" "?Q S Spre Ssuf"
    using ConsRcv.IH by atomize_elim auto
  thus ?case by fastforce
  case (ConsEq s s' S)
  have *: "fv s'  wfrestrictedvarsst S"
    using ConsEq.hyps vars_snd_rcv_strand_subset2(4)[of S]
    by blast
  show ?case
  proof (cases "v  wfrestrictedvarsst S. t     v")
    case True
    then obtain Spre Ssuf where "?P Spre" "?Q S Spre Ssuf"
      using ConsEq.IH by atomize_elim auto
    thus ?thesis by fastforce
    case False
    then obtain v where "v  fv s" "t     v" using ConsEq.prems * by auto
    hence "t    s  "
      using vars_iff_subtermeq[of v s] subst_mono[of "Var v" s ] term.order_trans
      by auto
    thus ?thesis using False by fastforce
  case (ConsEq2 s s' S)
  have "wfrestrictedvarsst (S@[Equality Check s s']) = wfrestrictedvarsst S" by auto
  hence "v  wfrestrictedvarsst S. t     v" using ConsEq2.prems by metis
  then obtain Spre Ssuf where "?P Spre" "?Q S Spre Ssuf"
    using ConsEq2.IH by atomize_elim auto
  thus ?case by fastforce
  case (ConsIneq X F S)
  hence "v  wfrestrictedvarsst S. t     v" by fastforce
  then obtain Spre Ssuf where "?P Spre" "?Q S Spre Ssuf"
    using ConsIneq.IH by atomize_elim auto
  thus ?case by fastforce
qed simp

subsection ‹Constraint Semantics›
context intruder_model

subsubsection ‹Definitions›
text ‹The constraint semantics in which the intruder is limited to composition only›
fun strand_sem_c::"('fun,'var) terms  ('fun,'var) strand  ('fun,'var) subst  bool" (_; _c)
  "M; []c = (λ. True)"
| "M; Send ts#Sc = (λ. (t  set ts. M c t  )  M; Sc )"
| "M; Receive ts#Sc = (λ. (set ts set )  M; Sc )"
| "M; Equality _ t t'#Sc = (λ. t   = t'    M; Sc )"
| "M; Inequality X F#Sc = (λ. ineq_model  X F  M; Sc )"

definition constr_sem_c (‹_ c _,_) where " c S,θ  (θ supports   {}; Sc )"
abbreviation constr_sem_c' (‹_ c _ 90) where " c S   c S,Var"

text ‹The full constraint semantics›
fun strand_sem_d::"('fun,'var) terms  ('fun,'var) strand  ('fun,'var) subst  bool" (_; _d)
  "M; []d = (λ. True)"
| "M; Send ts#Sd = (λ. (t  set ts. M  t  )  M; Sd )"
| "M; Receive ts#Sd = (λ. (set ts set )  M; Sd )"
| "M; Equality _ t t'#Sd = (λ. t   = t'    M; Sd )"
| "M; Inequality X F#Sd = (λ. ineq_model  X F  M; Sd )"

definition constr_sem_d (‹_  _,_) where "  S,θ  (θ supports   {}; Sd )"
abbreviation constr_sem_d' (‹_  _ 90) where "  S    S,Var"

lemmas strand_sem_induct = strand_sem_c.induct[case_names Nil ConsSnd ConsRcv ConsEq ConsIneq]

subsubsection ‹Lemmata›
lemma strand_sem_d_if_c: " c S,θ    S,θ"
proof -
  assume *: " c S,θ"
  { fix M have "M; Sc   M; Sd "
    proof (induction S rule: strand_sem_induct)
      case (ConsSnd M ts S)
      hence "t  set ts. M c t  " "M; Sd " by auto
      thus ?case using strand_sem_d.simps(2)[of M _ S] by auto
    qed (auto simp add: ineq_model_def)
  thus ?thesis using * by (simp add: constr_sem_c_def constr_sem_d_def)

lemma strand_sem_mono_ik:
  "M  M'; M; Sc θ  M'; Sc θ" (is "?A'; ?A''  ?A")
  "M  M'; M; Sd θ  M'; Sd θ" (is "?B'; ?B''  ?B")
proof -
  show "?A'; ?A''  ?A"
  proof (induction M S arbitrary: M M' rule: strand_sem_induct)
    case (ConsRcv M ts S)
    thus ?case using ConsRcv.IH[of "(set ts set θ)  M" "(set ts set θ)  M'"] by auto
    case (ConsSnd M ts S)
    hence "t  set ts. M c t  θ" "M'; Sc θ" by auto
    hence "t  set ts. M' c t  θ" using ideduct_synth_mono M  M' by metis
    thus ?case using M'; Sc θ by simp
  qed auto

  show "?B'; ?B''  ?B"
  proof (induction M S arbitrary: M M' rule: strand_sem_induct)
    case (ConsRcv M ts S)
    thus ?case using ConsRcv.IH[of "(set ts set θ)  M" "(set ts set θ)  M'"] by auto
    case (ConsSnd M ts S)
    hence "t  set ts. M  t  θ" "M'; Sd θ" by auto
    hence "t  set ts. M'  t  θ" using ideduct_mono M  M' by metis
    thus ?case using M'; Sd θ by simp
  qed auto

private lemma strand_sem_split_left:
  "M; S@S'c θ  M; Sc θ"
  "M; S@S'd θ  M; Sd θ"
proof (induct S arbitrary: M)
  case (Cons x S)
  { case 1 thus ?case using Cons by (cases x) simp_all }
  { case 2 thus ?case using Cons by (cases x) simp_all }
qed simp_all

private lemma strand_sem_split_right:
  "M; S@S'c θ  M  (ikst S set θ); S'c θ"
  "M; S@S'd θ  M  (ikst S set θ); S'd θ"
proof (induction S arbitrary: M rule: ikst_induct)
  case (ConsRcv ts S)
  { case 1 thus ?case
      using ConsRcv.IH(1)[of "(set ts set θ)  M"]
      by (simp add: Un_commute Un_left_commute image_Un)
  { case 2 thus ?case
      using ConsRcv.IH(2)[of "(set ts set θ)  M"]
      by (simp add: Un_commute Un_left_commute image_Un)
qed simp_all

lemmas strand_sem_split[dest] =
  strand_sem_split_left(1) strand_sem_split_right(1)
  strand_sem_split_left(2) strand_sem_split_right(2)

lemma strand_sem_Send_split[dest]:
  "M; map Send Tc θ; ts  set T  M; [Send ts]c θ" (is "?A'; ?A''  ?A")
  "M; map Send Td θ; ts  set T  M; [Send ts]d θ" (is "?B'; ?B''  ?B")
  "M; map Send T@Sc θ; ts  set T  M; Send ts#Sc θ" (is "?C'; ?C''  ?C")
  "M; map Send T@Sd θ; ts  set T  M; Send ts#Sd θ" (is "?D'; ?D''  ?D")
  "M; map Send1 T'c θ; t  set T'  M; [Send1 t]c θ" (is "?E'; ?E''  ?E")
  "M; map Send1 T'd θ; t  set T'  M; [Send1 t]d θ" (is "?F'; ?F''  ?F")
  "M; map Send1 T'@Sc θ; t  set T'  M; Send1 t#Sc θ" (is "?G'; ?G''  ?G")
  "M; map Send1 T'@Sd θ; t  set T'  M; Send1 t#Sd θ" (is "?H'; ?H''  ?H")
proof -
  show A: "?A'; ?A''  ?A" by (induct "map Send T" arbitrary: T rule: strand_sem_c.induct) auto
  show B: "?B'; ?B''  ?B" by (induct "map Send T" arbitrary: T rule: strand_sem_d.induct) auto
  show "?C'; ?C''  ?C" "?D'; ?D''  ?D"
    using list.set_map list.simps(8) set_empty ik_snd_empty sup_bot.right_neutral
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) A strand_sem_split(1,2) strand_sem_c.simps(2),
        metis (no_types, lifting) B strand_sem_split(3,4) strand_sem_d.simps(2))

  show "?E'; ?E''  ?E"
    by (induct "map Send1 T'" arbitrary: T' rule: strand_sem_c.induct) auto

  show "?F'; ?F''  ?F"
    by (induct "map Send1 T'" arbitrary: T' rule: strand_sem_c.induct) auto

  show "?G'; ?G''  ?G"
  proof (induction "map Send1 T'" arbitrary: T' rule: strand_sem_c.induct)
    case (2 M ts S')
    obtain t' T'' where ts: "ts = [t']" "T' = t'#T''" "S' = map Send1 T''"
      using "2.hyps"(2) by blast
    thus ?case using "2.prems" "2.hyps"(1)
    proof (cases "t = t'")
      case True
      have "ikst (map Send1 T') set θ = {}" by force
      hence "M; [Send1 t]c θ" "M; Sc θ" using "2.prems"(1) unfolding ts(2) True by auto
      thus ?thesis by simp
    qed auto
  qed auto

  show "?H'; ?H''  ?H"
  proof (induction "map Send1 T'" arbitrary: T' rule: strand_sem_c.induct)
    case (2 M ts S')
    obtain t' T'' where ts: "ts = [t']" "T' = t'#T''" "S' = map Send1 T''"
      using "2.hyps"(2) by blast
    thus ?case using "2.prems" "2.hyps"(1)
    proof (cases "t = t'")
      case True
      have "ikst (map Send1 T') set θ = {}" by force
      hence "M; [Send1 t]d θ" "M; Sd θ" using "2.prems"(1) unfolding ts(2) True by auto
      thus ?thesis by simp
    qed auto
  qed auto

lemma strand_sem_Send_map:
  "(ts. ts  set T  M; [Send ts]c )  M; map Send Tc "
  "(ts. ts  set T  M; [Send ts]d )  M; map Send Td "
  "(t. t  set T'  M; [Send1 t]c )  M; map Send1 T'c "
  "(t. t  set T'  M; [Send1 t]d )  M; map Send1 T'd "
  "M; map Send1 T'c   M; [Send T']c "
  "M; map Send1 T'd   M; [Send T']d "
proof -
  show "(ts. ts  set T  M; [Send ts]c )  M; map Send Tc "
       "(ts. ts  set T  M; [Send ts]d )  M; map Send Td "
    by (induct T) auto

  show "(t. t  set T'  M; [Send1 t]c )  M; map Send1 T'c "
       "(t. t  set T'  M; [Send1 t]d )  M; map Send1 T'd "
    by (induct T') auto

  show "M; map Send1 T'c   M; [Send T']c "
       "M; map Send1 T'd   M; [Send T']d "
    by (induct T') auto

lemma strand_sem_Receive_map:
  "M; map Receive Tc " "M; map Receive Td "
  "M; map Receive1 T'c " "M; map Receive1 T'd "
  "M; [Receive T']c " "M; [Receive T']d "
proof -
  show "M; map Receive Tc " "M; map Receive Td " by (induct T arbitrary: M) auto
  show "M; map Receive1 T'c " "M; map Receive1 T'd " by (induct T' arbitrary: M) auto
  show "M; [Receive T']c " "M; [Receive T']d " by (induct T' arbitrary: M) auto

lemma strand_sem_append[intro]:
  "M; Sc θ; M  (ikst S set θ); S'c θ  M; S@S'c θ"
  "M; Sd θ; M  (ikst S set θ); S'd θ  M; S@S'd θ"
proof (induction S arbitrary: M)
  case (Cons x S) 
  { case 1 thus ?case using Cons
    proof (cases x)
      case (Receive ts) thus ?thesis
        using 1 Cons.IH(1)[of "(set ts set θ)  M"]
              strand_sem_c.simps(3)[of M ts] image_Un[of "λt. t  θ" "set ts" "ikst S"]
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) ikst.simps(2) Un_assoc Un_commute append_Cons)
    qed auto
  { case 2 thus ?case using Cons
    proof (cases x)
      case (Receive ts) thus ?thesis
        using 2 Cons.IH(2)[of "(set ts set θ)  M"]
              strand_sem_d.simps(3)[of M ts] image_Un[of "λt. t  θ" "set ts" "ikst S"]
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) ikst.simps(2) Un_assoc Un_commute append_Cons)
    qed auto
qed simp_all

lemma ineq_model_subst:
  fixes F::"(('a,'b) term × ('a,'b) term) list"
  assumes "(subst_domain δ  range_vars δ)  set X = {}"
    and "ineq_model (δ s θ) X F"
  shows "ineq_model θ X (F pairs δ)"
proof -
  { fix σ::"('a,'b) subst" and t t'
    assume σ: "subst_domain σ = set X" "ground (subst_range σ)"
        and *: "(s,t)  set F. s  (σ s (δ s θ))  t  (σ s (δ s θ))"
    obtain f where f: "f  set F" "fst f  σ s (δ s θ)  snd f  σ s (δ s θ)"
      using * by (induct F) force+
    have "σ s (δ s θ) = δ s (σ s θ)"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) σ subst_compose_assoc assms(1) inf_sup_aci(1)
              subst_comp_eq_if_disjoint_vars sup_inf_absorb range_vars_alt_def) 
    hence "(fst f  δ)  σ s θ  (snd f  δ)  σ s θ" using f by auto
    moreover have "(fst f  δ, snd f  δ)  set (F pairs δ)"
      using f(1) by (auto simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def)
    ultimately have "(s,t)  set (F pairs δ). s  (σ s θ)  t  (σ s θ)"
      using f(1) Bex_set by fastforce
  thus ?thesis using assms unfolding ineq_model_def by simp

lemma ineq_model_subst':
  fixes F::"(('a,'b) term × ('a,'b) term) list"
  assumes "(subst_domain δ  range_vars δ)  set X = {}"
    and "ineq_model θ X (F pairs δ)"
  shows "ineq_model (δ s θ) X F"
proof -
  { fix σ::"('a,'b) subst" and t t'
    assume σ: "subst_domain σ = set X" "ground (subst_range σ)"
        and *: "(s,t)  set (F pairs δ). s  (σ s θ)  t  (σ s θ)"
    obtain f where f: "f  set (F pairs δ)" "fst f  σ s θ  snd f  σ s θ"
      using * by (induct F) auto
    then obtain g where g: "g  set F" "f = g p δ" by (auto simp add: subst_apply_pairs_def)
    have "σ s (δ s θ) = δ s (σ s θ)"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) σ subst_compose_assoc assms(1) inf_sup_aci(1)
              subst_comp_eq_if_disjoint_vars sup_inf_absorb range_vars_alt_def) 
    hence "fst g  σ s (δ s θ)  snd g  σ s (δ s θ)"
      using f(2) g by (simp add: prod.case_eq_if)
    hence "(s,t)  set F. s  (σ s (δ s θ))  t  (σ s (δ s θ))"
      using g Bex_set by fastforce
  thus ?thesis using assms unfolding ineq_model_def by simp

lemma ineq_model_ground_subst:
  fixes F::"(('a,'b) term × ('a,'b) term) list"
  assumes "fvpairs F - set X  subst_domain δ"
    and "ground (subst_range δ)"
    and "ineq_model δ X F"
  shows "ineq_model (δ s θ) X F"
proof -
  { fix σ::"('a,'b) subst" and t t'
    assume σ: "subst_domain σ = set X" "ground (subst_range σ)"
        and *: "(s,t)  set F. s  (σ s δ)  t  (σ s δ )"
    obtain f where f: "f  set F" "fst f  σ s δ  snd f  σ s δ"
      using * by (induct F) force+
    hence "fv (fst f)  fvpairs F" "fv (snd f)  fvpairs F" by auto
    hence "fv (fst f) - set X  subst_domain δ" "fv (snd f) - set X  subst_domain δ"
      using assms(1) by auto
    hence "fv (fst f  σ)  subst_domain δ" "fv (snd f  σ)  subst_domain δ"
      using σ by (simp_all add: range_vars_alt_def subst_fv_unfold_ground_img)
    hence "fv (fst f  σ s δ) = {}" "fv (snd f  σ s δ) = {}"
      using assms(2) by (simp_all add: subst_fv_dom_ground_if_ground_img)
    hence "fst f  σ s (δ s θ)  snd f  σ s (δ s θ)" using f(2) subst_ground_ident by fastforce 
    hence "(s,t)  set F. s  (σ s (δ s θ))  t  (σ s (δ s θ))"
      using f(1) Bex_set by fastforce
  thus ?thesis using assms unfolding ineq_model_def by simp

private lemma strand_sem_subst_c:
  assumes "(subst_domain δ  range_vars δ)  bvarsst S = {}"
  shows "M; Sc (δ s θ)  M; S st δc θ"
using assms
proof (induction S arbitrary: δ M rule: strand_sem_induct)
  case (ConsSnd M ts S)
  hence "M; S st δc θ" "t  set ts. M c t  (δ s θ)" by auto
  hence "t  set ts. M c (t  δ)  θ"
    using subst_comp_all[of δ θ M] subst_subst_compose[of _ δ θ] by simp
  hence "t  set (ts list δ). M c t  θ" by fastforce
  thus ?case
    using M; S st δc θ
    unfolding subst_apply_strand_def 
    by simp
  case (ConsRcv M ts S)
  have *: "(set ts set δ s θ)  M; Sc (δ s θ)" using ConsRcv.prems(1) by simp
  have "bvarsst (Receive ts#S) = bvarsst S" by auto
  hence **: "(subst_domain δ  range_vars δ)  bvarsst S = {}" using ConsRcv.prems(2) by blast
  have "M; Receive (ts list δ)#(S st δ)c θ"
    using ConsRcv.IH[OF * **] by (metis (no_types) image_set strand_sem_c.simps(3) subst_comp_all)
  thus ?case by simp
  case (ConsIneq M X F S)
  hence *: "M; S st δc θ" and
        ***: "(subst_domain δ  range_vars δ)  set X = {}" 
    unfolding bvarsst_def ineq_model_def by auto
  have **: "ineq_model (δ s θ) X F"
    using ConsIneq by (auto simp add: subst_compose_assoc ineq_model_def)
  have "γ. subst_domain γ = set X  ground (subst_range γ)
           (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ)  (subst_domain γ  range_vars γ) = {}"
    using * ** *** unfolding range_vars_alt_def by auto
  hence "γ. subst_domain γ = set X  ground (subst_range γ)  γ s δ = δ s γ"
    by (metis subst_comp_eq_if_disjoint_vars)
  hence "ineq_model θ X (F pairs δ)"
    using ineq_model_subst[OF *** **]
    by blast
  moreover have "rm_vars (set X) δ = δ" using ConsIneq.prems(2) by force
  ultimately show ?case using * by auto
qed simp_all

private lemma strand_sem_subst_c':
  assumes "(subst_domain δ  range_vars δ)  bvarsst S = {}"
  shows "M; S st δc θ  M; Sc (δ s θ)"
using assms
proof (induction S arbitrary: δ M rule: strand_sem_induct)
  case (ConsSnd M ts S)
  hence "M; [Send ts] st δc θ" "M; S st δc θ" by auto
  hence "M; Sc (δ s θ)" using ConsSnd.IH[OF _] ConsSnd.prems(2) by auto
  moreover have "M; [Send ts]c (δ s θ)"
  proof -
    have "M; [send⟨ts list δst]c θ" using M; [Send ts] st δc θ by simp
    hence "t  set (ts list δ). M c t  θ" by simp
    hence "t  set ts. M c t  δ  θ" by auto
    hence "t  set ts. M c t  (δ s θ)" using subst_subst_compose by metis
    thus "M; [Send ts]c (δ s θ)" by auto
  ultimately show ?case by auto
  case (ConsRcv M ts S)
  hence "((set ts set δ set θ)  M); S st δc θ" by (simp add: subst_all_insert)
  hence "((set ts set δ s θ)  M); S st δc θ" by (metis subst_comp_all)
  thus ?case using ConsRcv.IH ConsRcv.prems(2)  by auto
  case (ConsIneq M X F S)
  have δ: "rm_vars (set X) δ = δ" using ConsIneq.prems(2) by force
  hence *: "M; Sc (δ s θ)"
    and ***: "(subst_domain δ  range_vars δ)  set X = {}"
    using ConsIneq unfolding bvarsst_def ineq_model_def by auto
  have **: "ineq_model θ X (F pairs δ)"
    using ConsIneq.prems(1) δ by (auto simp add: subst_compose_assoc ineq_model_def)
  have "γ. subst_domain γ = set X  ground (subst_range γ)
           (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ)  (subst_domain γ  range_vars γ) = {}"
    using * ** *** unfolding range_vars_alt_def by auto
  hence "γ. subst_domain γ = set X  ground (subst_range γ)  γ s δ = δ s γ"
    by (metis subst_comp_eq_if_disjoint_vars)
  hence "ineq_model (δ s θ) X F"
    using ineq_model_subst'[OF *** **]
    by blast
  thus ?case using * by auto
  case ConsEq thus ?case unfolding bvarsst_def by auto
qed simp_all

private lemma strand_sem_subst_d:
  assumes "(subst_domain δ  range_vars δ)  bvarsst S = {}"
  shows "M; Sd (δ s θ)  M; S st δd θ"
using assms
proof (induction S arbitrary: δ M rule: strand_sem_induct)
  case (ConsSnd M ts S)
  hence "M; S st δd θ" "t  set ts. M  t  (δ s θ)" by auto
  hence "t  set ts. M  (t  δ)  θ"
    using subst_comp_all[of δ θ M] subst_subst_compose[of _ δ θ] by simp
  hence "t  set (ts list δ). M  t  θ" by simp
  thus ?case using M; S st δd θ by simp
  case (ConsRcv M ts S) 
  have "(set ts set δ s θ)  M; Sd (δ s θ)" using ConsRcv.prems(1) by simp
  hence *: "(set ts set δ set θ)  M; Sd (δ s θ)" by (metis subst_comp_all)
  have "bvarsst (Receive ts#S) = bvarsst S" by auto
  hence **: "(subst_domain δ  range_vars δ)  bvarsst S = {}" using ConsRcv.prems(2) by blast
  have "M; Receive (ts list δ)#(S st δ)d θ" using ConsRcv.IH[OF * **] by simp
  thus ?case by simp
  case (ConsIneq M X F S)
  hence *: "M; S st δd θ" and
        ***: "(subst_domain δ  range_vars δ)  set X = {}" 
    unfolding bvarsst_def ineq_model_def by auto
  have **: "ineq_model (δ s θ) X F"
    using ConsIneq by (auto simp add: subst_compose_assoc ineq_model_def)
  have "γ. subst_domain γ = set X  ground (subst_range γ)
           (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ)  (subst_domain γ  range_vars γ) = {}"
    using * ** *** unfolding range_vars_alt_def by auto
  hence "γ. subst_domain γ = set X  ground (subst_range γ)  γ s δ = δ s γ"
    by (metis subst_comp_eq_if_disjoint_vars)
  hence "ineq_model θ X (F pairs δ)"
    using ineq_model_subst[OF *** **]
    by blast
  moreover have "rm_vars (set X) δ = δ" using ConsIneq.prems(2) by force
  ultimately show ?case using * by auto
  case ConsEq thus ?case unfolding bvarsst_def by auto
qed simp_all

private lemma strand_sem_subst_d':
  assumes "(subst_domain δ  range_vars δ)  bvarsst S = {}"
  shows "M; S st δd θ  M; Sd (δ s θ)"
using assms
proof (induction S arbitrary: δ M rule: strand_sem_induct)
  case (ConsSnd M ts S)
  hence "M; [Send ts] st δd θ" "M; S st δd θ" by auto
  hence "M; Sd (δ s θ)" using ConsSnd.IH[OF _] ConsSnd.prems(2) by auto
  moreover have "M; [Send ts]d (δ s θ)"
  proof -
    have "M; [send⟨ts list δst]d θ" using M; [Send ts] st δd θ by simp
    hence "t  set (ts list δ). M  t  θ" by simp
    hence "t  set ts. M  t  δ  θ" by auto
    hence "t  set ts. M  t  (δ s θ)" using subst_subst_compose by metis
    thus "M; [Send ts]d (δ s θ)" by auto
  ultimately show ?case by auto
  case (ConsRcv M ts S)
  hence "((set ts set δ set θ)  M); S st δd θ" by (simp add: subst_all_insert)
  hence "((set ts set δ s θ)  M); S st δd θ" by (metis subst_comp_all)
  thus ?case using ConsRcv.IH ConsRcv.prems(2) by auto
  case (ConsIneq M X F S)
  have δ: "rm_vars (set X) δ = δ" using ConsIneq.prems(2) by force
  hence *: "M; Sd (δ s θ)"
    and ***: "(subst_domain δ  range_vars δ)  set X = {}"
    using ConsIneq unfolding bvarsst_def ineq_model_def by auto
  have **: "ineq_model θ X (F pairs δ)"
    using ConsIneq.prems(1) δ by (auto simp add: subst_compose_assoc ineq_model_def)
  have "γ. subst_domain γ = set X  ground (subst_range γ)
           (subst_domain δ  range_vars δ)  (subst_domain γ  range_vars γ) = {}"
    using * ** *** unfolding range_vars_alt_def by auto
  hence "γ. subst_domain γ = set X  ground (subst_range γ)  γ s δ = δ s γ"
    by (metis subst_comp_eq_if_disjoint_vars)
  hence "ineq_model (δ s θ) X F"
    using ineq_model_subst'[OF *** **]
    by blast
  thus ?case using * by auto
  case ConsEq thus ?case unfolding bvarsst_def by auto
qed simp_all

lemmas strand_sem_subst =
  strand_sem_subst_c strand_sem_subst_c' strand_sem_subst_d strand_sem_subst_d'

lemma strand_sem_subst_subst_idem:
  assumes δ: "(subst_domain δ  range_vars δ)  bvarsst S = {}"
  shows "M; S st δc (δ s θ); subst_idem δ  M; Sc (δ s θ)"
using strand_sem_subst(2)[OF assms, of M "δ s θ"] subst_compose_assoc[of δ δ θ]
unfolding subst_idem_def by argo

lemma strand_sem_subst_comp:
  assumes "(subst_domain θ  range_vars θ)  bvarsst S = {}"
    and "M; Sc δ" "subst_domain θ  (varsst S  fvset M) = {}"
  shows "M; Sc (θ s δ)"
proof -
  from assms(3) have "subst_domain θ  varsst S = {}" "subst_domain θ  fvset M = {}" by auto
  hence "S st θ = S" "M set θ = M" using strand_substI set_subst_ident[of M θ] by (blast, blast)
  thus ?thesis using assms(2) by (auto simp add: strand_sem_subst(2)[OF assms(1)])

lemma strand_sem_c_imp_ineqs_neq:
  assumes "M; Sc " "Inequality X [(t,t')]  set S"
  shows "t  t'  (δ. subst_domain δ = set X  ground (subst_range δ)
                         t  δ  t'  δ  t  δ    t'  δ  )"
using assms
proof (induction rule: strand_sem_induct)
  case (ConsIneq M Y F S) thus ?case
  proof (cases "Inequality X [(t,t')]  set S")
    case False
    hence "X = Y" "F = [(t,t')]" using ConsIneq by auto
    hence *: "θ. subst_domain θ = set X  ground (subst_range θ)  t  θ    t'  θ  "
      using ConsIneq by (auto simp add: ineq_model_def)
    then obtain θ where θ: "subst_domain θ = set X" "ground (subst_range θ)" "t  θ    t'  θ  "
      using interpretation_subst_exists'[of "set X"] by atomize_elim auto
    hence "t  t'" by auto
    moreover have " θ. t  θ    t'  θ    t  θ  t'  θ" by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis using * by auto
  qed simp
qed simp_all

lemma strand_sem_c_imp_ineq_model:
  assumes "M; Sc " "Inequality X F  set S"
  shows "ineq_model  X F"
using assms by (induct S rule: strand_sem_induct) force+

lemma strand_sem_wf_simple_fv_sat:
  assumes "wfst {} S" "simple S" "{}; Sc "
  shows "v. v  wfrestrictedvarsst S  ikst S set  c  v"
using assms
proof (induction S rule: wfst_simple_induct)
  case (ConsRcv t S)
  have "v  wfrestrictedvarsst S"
    using ConsRcv.hyps(3) ConsRcv.prems(1) vars_snd_rcv_strand2
    by fastforce
  moreover have "{}; Sc " using {}; S@[Receive t]c  by blast
  moreover have "ikst S set   ikst (S@[Receive t]) set " by auto
  ultimately show ?case using ConsRcv.IH ideduct_synth_mono by meson
  case (ConsIneq X F S)
  hence "v  wfrestrictedvarsst S" by fastforce
  moreover have "{}; Sc " using {}; S@[Inequality X F]c  by blast
  moreover have "ikst S set   ikst (S@[Inequality X F]) set " by auto
  ultimately show ?case using ConsIneq.IH ideduct_synth_mono by meson
  case (ConsSnd w S)
  hence *: "{}; Sc " "ikst S set  c  w" by auto
  have **: "ikst S set   ikst (S@[Send [Var w]]) set " by simp
  show ?case
  proof (cases "v = w")
    case True thus ?thesis using *(2) ideduct_synth_mono[OF _ **] by meson
    case False
    hence "v  wfrestrictedvarsst S" using ConsSnd.prems(1) by auto
    thus ?thesis using ConsSnd.IH[OF _ *(1)] ideduct_synth_mono[OF _ **] by metis
qed simp

lemma strand_sem_wf_ik_or_assignment_rhs_fun_subterm:
  assumes "wfst {} A" "{}; Ac " "Var x  ikst A" " x = Fun f T"
          "ti  set T" "¬ikst A set  c ti" "interpretationsubst "
  obtains S where
    "Fun f S  subtermsset (ikst A)  Fun f S  subtermsset (assignment_rhsst A)"
    "Fun f T = Fun f S  "
proof -
  have "x  wfrestrictedvarsst A"
    by (metis (no_types) assms(3) set_rev_mp term.set_intros(3) vars_subset_if_in_strand_ik2)
  moreover have "Fun f T   = Fun f T"
    by (metis subst_ground_ident interpretation_grounds_all assms(4,7))
  ultimately obtain Apre Asuf where *:
      "¬(w  wfrestrictedvarsst Apre. Fun f T   w)"
      "(t. A = Apre@Send t#Asuf  Fun f T set set t set ) 
       (t t'. A = Apre@Equality Assign t t'#Asuf  Fun f T  t  )"
    using wf_strand_first_Send_var_split[OF assms(1)] assms(4) subtermeqI' by metis
  { fix ts assume **: "A = Apre@Send ts#Asuf" "Fun f T set set ts set "
    hence ***: "t  set ts. ikst Apre set  c t  " "¬ikst Apre set  c ti"
      using assms(2,6) by (auto intro: ideduct_synth_mono)
    then obtain t where t: "t  set ts" "Fun f T  t  " "ikst Apre set  c t  "
      using **(2) by blast
    obtain s where s: "s  ikst Apre" "Fun f T  s  "
      using t(3,2) ***(2) assms(5) by (induct rule: intruder_synth_induct) auto
    then obtain g S where gS: "Fun g S  s" "Fun f T = Fun g S  "
      using subterm_subst_not_img_subterm[OF s(2)] *(1) by force
    hence ?thesis using that **(1) s(1) by force
  { fix t t' assume **: "A = Apre@Equality Assign t t'#Asuf" "Fun f T  t  "
    with assms(2) have "t   = t'  " by auto
    hence "Fun f T  t'  " using **(2) by auto
    from assms(1) **(1) have "fv t'  wfrestrictedvarsst Apre"
      using wf_eq_fv[of "{}" Apre t t' Asuf] vars_snd_rcv_strand_subset2(4)[of Apre]
      by blast
    then obtain g S where gS: "Fun g S  t'" "Fun f T = Fun g S  "
      using subterm_subst_not_img_subterm[OF Fun f T  t'  ] *(1) by fastforce
    hence ?thesis using that **(1) by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto

lemma ineq_model_not_unif_is_sat_ineq:
  assumes "θ. Unifier θ t t'"
  shows "ineq_model  X [(t, t')]"
using assms list.set_intros(1)[of "(t,t')" "[]"]
unfolding ineq_model_def by blast

lemma strand_sem_not_unif_is_sat_ineq:
  assumes "θ. Unifier θ t t'"
  shows "M; [Inequality X [(t,t')]]c " "M; [Inequality X [(t,t')]]d "
using ineq_model_not_unif_is_sat_ineq[OF assms]
      strand_sem_c.simps(1,5)[of M] strand_sem_d.simps(1,5)[of M]
by presburger+

lemma ineq_model_singleI[intro]:
  assumes "δ. subst_domain δ = set X  ground (subst_range δ)  t  δ    t'  δ  "
  shows "ineq_model  X [(t,t')]"
using assms unfolding ineq_model_def by auto

lemma ineq_model_singleE:
  assumes "ineq_model  X [(t,t')]"
  shows "δ. subst_domain δ = set X  ground (subst_range δ)  t  δ    t'  δ  "
using assms unfolding ineq_model_def by auto

lemma ineq_model_single_iff:
  fixes F::"(('a,'b) term × ('a,'b) term) list"
  shows "ineq_model  X F 
         ineq_model  X [(Fun f (Fun c []#map fst F),Fun f (Fun c []#map snd F))]"
    (is "?A  ?B")
proof -
  let ?P = "λδ f. fst f  (δ s )  snd f  (δ s )"
  let ?Q = "λδ t t'. t  (δ s )  t'  (δ s )"
  let ?T = "λg. Fun c []#map g F"
  let ?S = "λδ g. map (λx. x  (δ s )) (Fun c []#map g F)"
  let ?t = "Fun f (?T fst)"
  let ?t' = "Fun f (?T snd)"

  have len: "g h. length (?T g) = length (?T h)"
            "g h δ. length (?S δ g) = length (?T h)"
            "g h δ. length (?S δ g) = length (?T h)"
            "g h δ σ. length (?S δ g) = length (?S σ h)"
    by simp_all

  { fix δ::"('a,'b) subst"
    assume δ: "subst_domain δ = set X" "ground (subst_range δ)"
    have "list_ex (?P δ) F  ?Q δ ?t ?t'"
      assume "list_ex (?P δ) F"
      then obtain a where a: "a  set F" "?P δ a" by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Bex_set)
      thus "?Q δ ?t ?t'" by auto
    qed (fastforce simp add: Bex_set)
  } thus ?thesis unfolding ineq_model_def case_prod_unfold by auto

subsection ‹Constraint Semantics (Alternative, Equivalent Version)›
text ‹These are the constraint semantics used in the CSF 2017 paper›
fun strand_sem_c'::"('fun,'var) terms  ('fun,'var) strand  ('fun,'var) subst  bool"  (_; _c'') 
  "M; []c' = (λ. True)"
| "M; Send ts#Sc' = (λ. (t  set ts. M set  c t  )  M; Sc' )"
| "M; Receive ts#Sc' = set ts  M; Sc'"
| "M; Equality _ t t'#Sc' = (λ. t   = t'    M; Sc' )"
| "M; Inequality X F#Sc' = (λ. ineq_model  X F  M; Sc' )"

fun strand_sem_d'::"('fun,'var) terms  ('fun,'var) strand  ('fun,'var) subst  bool" (_; _d'')
  "M; []d' = (λ. True)"
| "M; Send ts#Sd' = (λ. (t  set ts. M set   t  )  M; Sd' )"
| "M; Receive ts#Sd' = set ts  M; Sd'"
| "M; Equality _ t t'#Sd' = (λ. t   = t'    M; Sd' )"
| "M; Inequality X F#Sd' = (λ. ineq_model  X F  M; Sd' )"

lemma strand_sem_eq_defs:
  "M; 𝒜c'  = M set ; 𝒜c "
  "M; 𝒜d'  = M set ; 𝒜d "
proof -
  have 1: "M; 𝒜c'   M set ; 𝒜c "
  proof (induction 𝒜 arbitrary: M rule: strand_sem_induct)
    case (ConsRcv M ts S) thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: image_Un[of "λt. t  "])
  qed simp_all

  have 2: "M set ; 𝒜c   M; 𝒜c' "
  proof (induction 𝒜 arbitrary: M rule: strand_sem_c'.induct)
    case (3 M ts S) thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: image_Un[of "λt. t  "])
  qed simp_all

  have 3: "M; 𝒜d'   M set ; 𝒜d "
  proof (induction 𝒜 arbitrary: M rule: strand_sem_induct)
    case (ConsRcv M ts S) thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: image_Un[of "λt. t  "])
  qed simp_all

  have 4: "M set ; 𝒜d   M; 𝒜d' "
  proof (induction 𝒜 arbitrary: M rule: strand_sem_d'.induct)
    case (3 M ts S) thus ?case by (fastforce simp add: image_Un[of "λt. t  "])
  qed simp_all

  show "M; 𝒜c'  = M set ; 𝒜c " "M; 𝒜d'  = M set ; 𝒜d "
    by (metis 1 2, metis 3 4)

lemma strand_sem_split'[dest]:
  "M; S@S'c' θ  M; Sc' θ" 
  "M; S@S'c' θ  M  ikst S; S'c' θ"
  "M; S@S'd' θ  M; Sd' θ"
  "M; S@S'd' θ  M  ikst S; S'd' θ"
using strand_sem_eq_defs[of M "S@S'" θ]
      strand_sem_eq_defs[of M S θ]
      strand_sem_eq_defs[of "M  ikst S" S' θ]
by (auto simp add: image_Un)

lemma strand_sem_append'[intro]:
  "M; Sc' θ  M  ikst S; S'c' θ  M; S@S'c' θ"
  "M; Sd' θ  M  ikst S; S'd' θ  M; S@S'd' θ"
using strand_sem_eq_defs[of M "S@S'" θ]
      strand_sem_eq_defs[of M S θ]
      strand_sem_eq_defs[of "M  ikst S" S' θ]
by (auto simp add: image_Un)


subsection ‹Dual Strands›
fun dualst::"('a,'b) strand  ('a,'b) strand" where
  "dualst [] = []"
| "dualst (Receive t#S) = Send t#(dualst S)"
| "dualst (Send t#S) = Receive t#(dualst S)"
| "dualst (x#S) = x#(dualst S)"

lemma dualst_append: "dualst (A@B) = (dualst A)@(dualst B)"
by (induct A rule: dualst.induct) auto

lemma dualst_self_inverse: "dualst (dualst S) = S"
proof (induction S)
  case (Cons x S) thus ?case by (cases x) auto
qed simp

lemma dualst_trms_eq: "trmsst (dualst S) = trmsst S"
proof (induction S)
  case (Cons x S) thus ?case by (cases x) auto
qed simp

lemma dualst_fv: "fvst (dualst A) = fvst A"
by (induct A rule: dualst.induct) auto

lemma dualst_bvars: "bvarsst (dualst A) = bvarsst A"
by (induct A rule: dualst.induct) fastforce+
