Theory SNF_Algorithm_Euclidean_Domain
section ‹Executable Smith normal form algorithm over Euclidean domains›
theory SNF_Algorithm_Euclidean_Domain
text ‹This provides an executable implementation of the verified general algorithm, provinding
executable operations over a Euclidean domain.›
lemma zero_less_one_type2: "(0::2) < 1"
proof -
have "Mod_Type.from_nat 0 = (0::2)" by (simp add: from_nat_0)
moreover have "Mod_Type.from_nat 1 = (1::2)" using from_nat_1 by blast
moreover have "(Mod_Type.from_nat 0::2) < Mod_Type.from_nat 1" by (rule from_nat_mono, auto)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
subsection ‹Previous code equations›
definition "to_hma⇩m_row A i
= (vec_lambda (λj. A $$ (Mod_Type.to_nat i, Mod_Type.to_nat j)))"
lemma bezout_matrix_row_code [code abstract]:
"vec_nth (to_hma⇩m_row A i) =
(λj. A $$ (Mod_Type.to_nat i, Mod_Type.to_nat j))"
unfolding to_hma⇩m_row_def by auto
lemma [code abstract]: "vec_nth (Mod_Type_Connect.to_hma⇩m A) = to_hma⇩m_row A"
unfolding Mod_Type_Connect.to_hma⇩m_def unfolding to_hma⇩m_row_def[abs_def]
by auto
subsection ‹An executable algorithm to transform $2 \times 2$ matrices into its Smith normal form
in HOL Analysis›
subclass (in euclidean_ring_gcd) bezout_ring_div
proof qed
fixes bezout::"('a::euclidean_ring_gcd ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('a×'a×'a×'a×'a))"
assumes ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout"
lemma normalize_bezout_gcd:
assumes b: "(p,q,u,v,d) = bezout a b"
shows "normalize d = gcd a b"
proof -
let ?gcd = "(λa b. case bezout a b of (x, xa,u,v, gcd') ⇒ gcd')"
have is_gcd: "is_gcd ?gcd" by (simp add: ib is_gcd_is_bezout_ext)
have "(?gcd a b) = d" using b by (metis case_prod_conv)
moreover have "normalize (?gcd a b) = normalize (gcd a b)"
proof (rule associatedI)
show "(?gcd a b) dvd (gcd a b)" using is_gcd is_gcd_def by fastforce
show "(gcd a b) dvd (?gcd a b)" by (metis (no_types) gcd_dvd1 gcd_dvd2 is_gcd is_gcd_def)
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma bezout_matrix_works_transpose1:
assumes ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout"
and a_not_b: "a ≠ b"
shows "(A**transpose (bezout_matrix (transpose A) a b i bezout)) $ i $ a
= snd (snd (snd (snd (bezout (A $ i $ a) (A $ i $ b)))))"
proof -
have "(A**transpose (bezout_matrix (transpose A) a b i bezout)) $h i $h a
= transpose (A**transpose (bezout_matrix (transpose A) a b i bezout)) $h a $h i"
by (simp add: transpose_code transpose_row_code)
also have "... = ((bezout_matrix (transpose A) a b i bezout) ** (transpose A)) $h a $h i"
by (simp add: matrix_transpose_mul)
also have "... = snd (snd (snd (snd (bezout ((transpose A) $ a $ i) ((transpose A) $ b $ i)))))"
by (rule bezout_matrix_works1[OF ib a_not_b])
also have "... = snd (snd (snd (snd (bezout (A $ i $ a) (A $ i $ b)))))"
by (simp add: transpose_code transpose_row_code)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma invertible_bezout_matrix_transpose:
fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring_div}^'cols::{finite,wellorder}^'rows"
assumes ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout"
and a_less_b: "a < b"
and aj: "A $h i $h a ≠ 0"
shows "invertible (transpose (bezout_matrix (transpose A) a b i bezout))"
proof -
have "Determinants.det (bezout_matrix (transpose A) a b i bezout) = 1"
by (rule det_bezout_matrix[OF ib a_less_b], insert aj, auto simp add: transpose_def)
hence "Determinants.det (transpose (bezout_matrix (transpose A) a b i bezout)) = 1" by simp
thus ?thesis by (simp add: invertible_iff_is_unit)
function diagonalize_2x2_aux :: "(('a::euclidean_ring_gcd^2^2) × ('a^2^2)×('a^2^2)) ⇒
(('a^2^2) ×('a^2^2)×('a^2^2))"
where "diagonalize_2x2_aux (P,A,Q) =
a = A $h 0 $h 0;
b = A $h 0 $h 1;
c = A $h 1 $h 0;
d = A $h 1 $h 1 in
if a≠ 0 ∧ ¬ a dvd b then let bezout_mat = transpose (bezout_matrix (transpose A) 0 1 0 euclid_ext2) in
diagonalize_2x2_aux (P, A**bezout_mat,Q**bezout_mat) else
if a ≠ 0 ∧ ¬ a dvd c then let bezout_mat = bezout_matrix A 0 1 0 euclid_ext2
in diagonalize_2x2_aux (bezout_mat**P,bezout_mat**A,Q) else
let Q' = column_add (Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1) 1 0 (- (b div a));
P' = row_add (Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1) 1 0 (- (c div a)) in
)" by auto
have ib: "is_bezout_ext euclid_ext2" by (simp add: is_bezout_ext_euclid_ext2)
have "euclidean_size ((bezout_matrix A 0 1 0 euclid_ext2 ** A) $h 0 $h 0) < euclidean_size (A $h 0 $h 0)"
if a_not_dvd_c: "¬ A $h 0 $h 0 dvd A $h 1 $h 0" and a_not0: "A $h 0 $h 0 ≠ 0" for A::"'a^2^2"
let ?a = "(A $h 0 $h 0)" let ?c = "(A $h 1 $h 0)"
obtain p q u v d where pquvd: "(p,q,u,v,d) = euclid_ext2 ?a ?c" by (metis prod_cases5)
have "(bezout_matrix A 0 1 0 euclid_ext2 ** A) $h 0 $h 0 = d"
by (metis bezout_matrix_works1 ib one_neq_zero pquvd prod.sel(2))
hence "normalize ((bezout_matrix A 0 1 0 euclid_ext2 ** A) $h 0 $h 0) = normalize d" by auto
also have "... = gcd ?a ?c" by (rule normalize_bezout_gcd[OF ib pquvd])
finally have "euclidean_size ((bezout_matrix A 0 1 0 euclid_ext2 ** A) $h 0 $h 0)
= euclidean_size (gcd ?a ?c)" by (metis euclidean_size_normalize)
also have "... < euclidean_size ?a" by (rule euclidean_size_gcd_less1[OF a_not0 a_not_dvd_c])
finally show ?thesis .
moreover have "euclidean_size ((A ** transpose (bezout_matrix (transpose A) 0 1 0 euclid_ext2)) $h 0 $h 0)
< euclidean_size (A $h 0 $h 0)"
if a_not_dvd_b: "¬ A $h 0 $h 0 dvd A $h 0 $h 1" and a_not0: "A $h 0 $h 0 ≠ 0" for A::"'a^2^2"
let ?a = "(A $h 0 $h 0)" let ?b = "(A $h 0 $h 1)"
obtain p q u v d where pquvd: "(p,q,u,v,d) = euclid_ext2 ?a ?b" by (metis prod_cases5)
have "(A ** transpose (bezout_matrix (transpose A) 0 1 0 euclid_ext2)) $h 0 $h 0 = d"
by (metis bezout_matrix_works_transpose1 ib pquvd prod.sel(2) zero_neq_one)
hence "normalize ((A ** transpose (bezout_matrix (transpose A) 0 1 0 euclid_ext2)) $h 0 $h 0) = normalize d" by auto
also have "... = gcd ?a ?b" by (rule normalize_bezout_gcd[OF ib pquvd])
finally have "euclidean_size ((A ** transpose (bezout_matrix (transpose A) 0 1 0 euclid_ext2)) $h 0 $h 0)
= euclidean_size (gcd ?a ?b)" by (metis euclidean_size_normalize)
also have "... < euclidean_size ?a" by (rule euclidean_size_gcd_less1[OF a_not0 a_not_dvd_b])
finally show ?thesis .
ultimately show ?thesis
by (relation "Wellfounded.measure (λ(P,A,Q). euclidean_size (A $h 0 $h 0))", auto)
lemma diagonalize_2x2_aux_works:
assumes "A = P ** A_input ** Q"
and "invertible P" and "invertible Q"
and "(P',D,Q') = diagonalize_2x2_aux (P,A,Q)"
and "A $h 0 $h 0 ≠ 0"
shows "D = P' ** A_input ** Q' ∧ invertible P' ∧ invertible Q' ∧ isDiagonal D"
using assms
proof (induct "(P,A,Q)" arbitrary: P A Q rule: diagonalize_2x2_aux.induct)
case (1 P A Q)
let ?a = "A $h 0 $h 0"
let ?b = "A $h 0 $h 1"
let ?c = "A $h 1 $h 0"
let ?d = "A $h 1 $h 1"
have a_not_0: "?a ≠ 0" using "1.prems" by blast
have ib: "is_bezout_ext euclid_ext2" by (simp add: is_bezout_ext_euclid_ext2)
have one_not_zero: "1 ≠ (0::2)" by auto
show ?case
proof (cases "¬ ?a dvd ?b")
case True
let ?bezout_mat_right = "transpose (bezout_matrix (transpose A) 0 1 0 euclid_ext2)"
have "(P', D, Q') = diagonalize_2x2_aux (P, A, Q)" using "1.prems" by blast
also have "... = diagonalize_2x2_aux (P, A** ?bezout_mat_right, Q ** ?bezout_mat_right)"
using True a_not_0 by (auto simp add: Let_def)
finally have eq: "(P',D,Q') = ..." .
show ?thesis
proof (rule "1.hyps"(1)[OF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ eq])
have "invertible ?bezout_mat_right"
by (rule invertible_bezout_matrix_transpose[OF ib zero_less_one_type2 a_not_0])
thus "invertible (Q ** ?bezout_mat_right)"
using "1.prems" invertible_mult by blast
show "A ** ?bezout_mat_right = P ** A_input ** (Q ** ?bezout_mat_right)"
by (simp add: "1.prems" matrix_mul_assoc)
show "(A ** ?bezout_mat_right) $h 0 $h 0 ≠ 0"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) a_not_0 bezout_matrix_works_transpose1 bezout_matrix_not_zero
bezout_matrix_works1 is_bezout_ext_euclid_ext2 one_neq_zero transpose_code transpose_row_code)
qed (insert True a_not_0 "1.prems", blast+)
case False note a_dvd_b = False
show ?thesis
proof (cases "¬ ?a dvd ?c")
case True
let ?bezout_mat = "(bezout_matrix A 0 1 0 euclid_ext2)"
have "(P', D, Q') = diagonalize_2x2_aux (P, A, Q)" using "1.prems" by blast
also have "... = diagonalize_2x2_aux (?bezout_mat**P, ?bezout_mat ** A, Q)"
using True a_dvd_b a_not_0 by (auto simp add: Let_def)
finally have eq: "(P',D,Q') = ..." .
show ?thesis
proof (rule "1.hyps"(2)[OF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ eq])
have "invertible ?bezout_mat"
by (rule invertible_bezout_matrix[OF ib zero_less_one_type2 a_not_0])
thus "invertible (?bezout_mat ** P)"
using "1.prems" invertible_mult by blast
show "?bezout_mat ** A = (?bezout_mat ** P) ** A_input ** Q"
by (simp add: "1.prems" matrix_mul_assoc)
show "(?bezout_mat ** A) $h 0 $h 0 ≠ 0"
by (simp add: a_not_0 bezout_matrix_not_zero is_bezout_ext_euclid_ext2)
qed (insert True a_not_0 a_dvd_b "1.prems", blast+)
case False
hence a_dvd_c: "?a dvd ?c" by simp
let ?Q' = "column_add (Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1) 1 0 (- (?b div ?a))::'a^2^2"
let ?P' = "(row_add (Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1) 1 0 (- (?c div ?a)))::'a^2^2"
have eq: "(P', D, Q') = (?P'**P,?P'**A**?Q',Q**?Q')"
using "1.prems" a_dvd_b a_dvd_c a_not_0 by (auto simp add: Let_def)
have d: "isDiagonal (?P'**A**?Q')"
proof -
fix a b::2 assume a_not_b: "a ≠ b"
have "(?P' ** A ** ?Q') $h a $h b = 0"
proof (cases "(a,b) = (0,1)")
case True
hence a0: "a = 0" and b1: "b = 1" by auto
have "(?P' ** A ** ?Q') $h a $h b = (?P' ** (A ** ?Q')) $h a $h b"
by (simp add: matrix_mul_assoc)
also have "... = (A**?Q') $h a $h b"
by (simp add: row_add_mat_1 a0 row_add_code row_add_code_nth)
also have "... = 0" unfolding column_add_mat_1 a0 b1
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) a_dvd_b column_add_code column_add_code_nth
dvd_mult_div_cancel more_arith_simps(4) more_arith_simps(8))
finally show ?thesis .
case False
hence a1: "a = 1" and b0: "b = 0"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) False a_not_b exhaust_2 zero_neq_one)+
have "(?P' ** A ** ?Q') $h a $h b = (?P' ** A) $h a $h b"
unfolding a1 b0 column_add_mat_1
by (simp add: column_add_code_nth column_add_row_def)
also have "... = 0" unfolding row_add_mat_1 a1 b0
by (simp add: a_dvd_c row_add_def)
finally show ?thesis .
thus ?thesis unfolding isDiagonal_def by auto
have inv_P': "invertible ?P'" by (rule invertible_row_add[OF one_not_zero])
have inv_Q': "invertible ?Q'" by (rule invertible_column_add[OF one_not_zero])
have "invertible (?P'**P)" using "1.prems"(2) inv_P' invertible_mult by blast
moreover have "invertible (Q**?Q')" using "1.prems"(3) inv_Q' invertible_mult by blast
moreover have "D = P' ** A_input ** Q'"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) "1.prems"(1) Pair_inject eq matrix_mul_assoc)
ultimately show ?thesis using eq d by auto
definition "diagonalize_2x2 A =
(if A $h 0 $h 0 = 0 then
if A $h 0 $h 1 ≠ 0 then
let A' = interchange_columns A 0 1;
Q' = interchange_columns (Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1) 0 1 in
diagonalize_2x2_aux (Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1, A', Q')
if A $h 1 $h 0 ≠ 0 then
let A' = interchange_rows A 0 1;
P' = interchange_rows (Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1) 0 1 in
diagonalize_2x2_aux (P', A', Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1)
else (Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1,A,Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1)
else diagonalize_2x2_aux (Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1,A,Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1)
lemma diagonalize_2x2_works:
assumes PDQ: "(P,D,Q) = diagonalize_2x2 A"
shows "D = P ** A ** Q ∧ invertible P ∧ invertible Q ∧ isDiagonal D"
proof -
let ?a = "A $h 0 $h 0"
let ?b = "A $h 0 $h 1"
let ?c = "A $h 1 $h 0"
let ?d = "A $h 1 $h 1"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "?a = 0")
case False
hence eq: "(P,D,Q) = diagonalize_2x2_aux (Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1,A,Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1)"
using PDQ unfolding diagonalize_2x2_def by auto
show ?thesis
by (rule diagonalize_2x2_aux_works[OF _ _ _ eq False], auto simp add: invertible_mat_1)
case True note a0 = True
show ?thesis
proof (cases "?b ≠ 0")
case True
let ?A' = "interchange_columns A 0 1"
let ?Q' = "(interchange_columns (Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1) 0 1)::'a^2^2"
have eq: "(P,D,Q) = diagonalize_2x2_aux (Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1, ?A', ?Q')"
using PDQ a0 True unfolding diagonalize_2x2_def by (auto simp add: Let_def)
show ?thesis
proof (rule diagonalize_2x2_aux_works[OF _ _ _ eq _])
show "?A' $h 0 $h 0 ≠ 0"
by (simp add: True interchange_columns_code interchange_columns_code_nth)
show "invertible ?Q'" by (simp add: invertible_interchange_columns)
show "?A' = Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1 ** A ** ?Q'"
by (simp add: interchange_columns_mat_1)
qed (auto simp add: invertible_mat_1)
case False note b0 = False
show ?thesis
proof (cases "?c ≠ 0")
case True
let ?A' = "interchange_rows A 0 1"
let ?P' = "(interchange_rows (Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1) 0 1)::'a^2^2"
have eq: "(P,D,Q) = diagonalize_2x2_aux (?P', ?A',Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1)"
using PDQ a0 b0 True unfolding diagonalize_2x2_def by (auto simp add: Let_def)
show ?thesis
proof (rule diagonalize_2x2_aux_works[OF _ _ _ eq _])
show "?A' $h 0 $h 0 ≠ 0"
by (simp add: True interchange_columns_code interchange_columns_code_nth)
show "invertible ?P'" by (simp add: invertible_interchange_rows)
show "?A' = ?P' ** A ** Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1"
by (simp add: interchange_rows_mat_1)
qed (auto simp add: invertible_mat_1)
case False
have eq: "(P,D,Q) = (Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1, A,Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1)"
using PDQ a0 b0 True False unfolding diagonalize_2x2_def by (auto simp add: Let_def)
have "isDiagonal A" unfolding isDiagonal_def using a0 b0 True False
by (metis (full_types) exhaust_2 one_neq_zero)
thus ?thesis using invertible_mat_1 eq by auto
definition "diagonalize_2x2_JNF (A::'a::euclidean_ring_gcd mat)
= (let (P,D,Q) = diagonalize_2x2 (Mod_Type_Connect.to_hma⇩m A::'a^2^2) in
(Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩m P,Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩m D,Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩m Q))"
lemma diagonalize_2x2_JNF_works:
assumes A: "A ∈ carrier_mat 2 2"
and PDQ: "(P,D,Q) = diagonalize_2x2_JNF A"
shows "D = P * A * Q ∧ invertible_mat P ∧ invertible_mat Q ∧ isDiagonal_mat D ∧ P∈carrier_mat 2 2
∧ Q ∈ carrier_mat 2 2 ∧ D ∈ carrier_mat 2 2"
proof -
let ?A = "(Mod_Type_Connect.to_hma⇩m A::'a^2^2)"
have A[transfer_rule]: "Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_M A ?A"
using A unfolding Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_M_def by auto
obtain P_HMA D_HMA Q_HMA where PDQ_HMA: "(P_HMA,D_HMA,Q_HMA) = diagonalize_2x2 ?A"
by (metis prod_cases3)
have P: "P = Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩m P_HMA" and Q: "Q = Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩m Q_HMA"
and D: "D = Mod_Type_Connect.from_hma⇩m D_HMA"
using PDQ_HMA PDQ unfolding diagonalize_2x2_JNF_def
by (metis prod.simps(1) split_conv)+
have [transfer_rule]: "Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_M P P_HMA"
unfolding Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_M_def using P by auto
have [transfer_rule]: "Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_M Q Q_HMA"
unfolding Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_M_def using Q by auto
have [transfer_rule]: "Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_M D D_HMA"
unfolding Mod_Type_Connect.HMA_M_def using D by auto
have r: "D_HMA = P_HMA ** ?A ** Q_HMA ∧ invertible P_HMA ∧ invertible Q_HMA ∧ isDiagonal D_HMA"
by (rule diagonalize_2x2_works[OF PDQ_HMA])
have "D = P * A * Q ∧ invertible_mat P ∧ invertible_mat Q ∧ isDiagonal_mat D"
using r by (transfer, rule)
thus ?thesis using P Q D by auto
definition "Smith_2x2_eucl A = (
let (P,D,Q) = diagonalize_2x2 A;
(P',S,Q') = diagonal_to_Smith_PQ D euclid_ext2
in (P' ** P, S, Q ** Q'))"
lemma Smith_2x2_eucl_works:
assumes PBQ: "(P,S,Q) = Smith_2x2_eucl A"
shows "S = P ** A ** Q ∧ invertible P ∧ invertible Q ∧ Smith_normal_form S"
proof -
have ib: "is_bezout_ext euclid_ext2" by (simp add: is_bezout_ext_euclid_ext2)
obtain P1 D Q1 where P1DQ1: "(P1,D,Q1) = diagonalize_2x2 A" by (metis prod_cases3)
obtain P2 S' Q2 where P2SQ2:"(P2,S',Q2) = diagonal_to_Smith_PQ D euclid_ext2"
by (metis prod_cases3)
have P: "P = P2 ** P1" and S: "S = S'" and Q: "Q = Q1 ** Q2"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) PBQ Pair_inject Smith_2x2_eucl_def P1DQ1 P2SQ2
have 1: "D = P1 ** A ** Q1 ∧ invertible P1 ∧ invertible Q1 ∧ isDiagonal D"
by (rule diagonalize_2x2_works[OF P1DQ1])
have 2: "S' = P2 ** D ** Q2 ∧ invertible P2 ∧ invertible Q2 ∧ Smith_normal_form S'"
by (rule diagonal_to_Smith_PQ'[OF _ ib P2SQ2], insert 1, auto)
show ?thesis using 1 2 P S Q by (simp add: 2 invertible_mult matrix_mul_assoc)
subsection ‹An executable algorithm to transform $2 \times 2$ matrices into its Smith normal form
in JNF›
definition "Smith_2x2_JNF_eucl A = (
let (P,D,Q) = diagonalize_2x2_JNF A;
(P',S,Q') = diagonal_to_Smith_PQ_JNF D euclid_ext2
in (P' * P, S, Q * Q'))"
lemma Smith_2x2_JNF_eucl_works:
assumes A: "A ∈ carrier_mat 2 2"
and PBQ: "(P,S,Q) = Smith_2x2_JNF_eucl A"
shows "is_SNF A (P,S,Q)"
proof -
have ib: "is_bezout_ext euclid_ext2" by (simp add: is_bezout_ext_euclid_ext2)
obtain P1 D Q1 where P1DQ1: "(P1,D,Q1) = diagonalize_2x2_JNF A" by (metis prod_cases3)
obtain P2 S' Q2 where P2SQ2: "(P2,S',Q2) = diagonal_to_Smith_PQ_JNF D euclid_ext2"
by (metis prod_cases3)
have P: "P = P2 * P1" and S: "S = S'" and Q: "Q = Q1 * Q2"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) PBQ Pair_inject Smith_2x2_JNF_eucl_def P1DQ1 P2SQ2
have 1: "D = P1 * A * Q1 ∧ invertible_mat P1 ∧ invertible_mat Q1 ∧ isDiagonal_mat D
∧ P1 ∈ carrier_mat 2 2 ∧ Q1 ∈ carrier_mat 2 2 ∧ D ∈ carrier_mat 2 2"
by (rule diagonalize_2x2_JNF_works[OF A P1DQ1])
have 2: "S' = P2 * D * Q2 ∧ invertible_mat P2 ∧ invertible_mat Q2 ∧ Smith_normal_form_mat S'
∧ P2 ∈ carrier_mat 2 2 ∧ S' ∈ carrier_mat 2 2 ∧ Q2 ∈ carrier_mat 2 2"
by (rule diagonal_to_Smith_PQ_JNF[OF _ ib _ P2SQ2], insert 1, auto)
show ?thesis
proof (rule is_SNF_intro)
have dim_Q: "Q ∈ carrier_mat 2 2" using Q 1 2 by auto
have P1AQ1: "(P1*A*Q1) ∈ carrier_mat 2 2" using 1 2 A by auto
have rw1: "(P1 * A * Q1) * Q2 = (P1 * A * (Q1 * Q2))"
by (meson "1" "2" A assoc_mult_mat mult_carrier_mat)
have rw2: "(P1 * A * Q) = P1 * (A * Q)" by (rule assoc_mult_mat[OF _ A dim_Q], insert 1, auto)
show "invertible_mat Q" using 1 2 Q invertible_mult_JNF by blast
show "invertible_mat P" using 1 2 P invertible_mult_JNF by blast
have "P2 * D * Q2 = P2 * (P1 * A * Q1) * Q2" using 1 2 by auto
also have "... = P2 * ((P1 * A * Q1) * Q2)" using 1 2 by auto
also have "... = P2 * (P1 * A * (Q1 * Q2))" unfolding rw1 by simp
also have "... = P2 * (P1 * A * Q)" using Q by auto
also have "... = P2 * (P1 * (A * Q))" unfolding rw2 by simp
also have "... = P2 * P1 * (A * Q)" by (rule assoc_mult_mat[symmetric], insert 1 2 A Q, auto)
also have "... = P*(A*Q)" unfolding P by simp
also have "... = P*A*Q"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) "1" "2" A P assoc_mult_mat dim_Q mult_carrier_mat)
finally show "S = P * A * Q" using 1 2 S by auto
qed (insert 1 2 P Q A S, auto)
subsection ‹An executable algorithm to transform $1 \times 2$ matrices into its Smith normal form›
definition "Smith_1x2_eucl (A::'a::euclidean_ring_gcd^2^1) = (
if A $h 0 $h 0 = 0 ∧ A $h 0 $h 1 ≠ 0 then
let Q = interchange_columns (Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1) 0 1;
A' = interchange_columns A 0 1 in (A',Q)
if A $h 0 $h 0 ≠ 0 ∧ A $h 0 $h 1 ≠ 0 then
let bezout_matrix_right = transpose (bezout_matrix (transpose A) 0 1 0 euclid_ext2)
in (A ** bezout_matrix_right, bezout_matrix_right)
else (A, Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1)
lemma Smith_1x2_eucl_works:
assumes SQ: "(S,Q) = Smith_1x2_eucl A"
shows "S = A ** Q ∧ invertible Q ∧ S $h 0 $h 1 = 0"
proof (cases "A $h 0 $h 0 = 0 ∧ A $h 0 $h 1 ≠ 0")
case True
have Q: "Q = interchange_columns (Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1) 0 1"
and S: "S = interchange_columns A 0 1"
using SQ True unfolding Smith_1x2_eucl_def by (auto simp add: Let_def)
have "S $h 0 $h 1 = 0" by (simp add: S True interchange_columns_code interchange_columns_code_nth)
moreover have "invertible Q" using Q invertible_interchange_columns by blast
moreover have "S = A ** Q" by (simp add: Q S interchange_columns_mat_1)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
case False note A00_A01 = False
show ?thesis
proof (cases "A $h 0 $h 0 ≠ 0 ∧ A $h 0 $h 1 ≠ 0")
case True
have ib: "is_bezout_ext euclid_ext2" by (simp add: is_bezout_ext_euclid_ext2)
let ?bezout_matrix_right = "transpose (bezout_matrix (transpose A) 0 1 0 euclid_ext2)"
have Q: "Q = ?bezout_matrix_right" and S: "S = A**?bezout_matrix_right"
using SQ True A00_A01 unfolding Smith_1x2_eucl_def by (auto simp add: Let_def)
have "invertible Q" unfolding Q
by (rule invertible_bezout_matrix_transpose[OF ib zero_less_one_type2], insert True, auto)
moreover have "S $h 0 $h 1 = 0"
by (smt (verit) Finite_Cartesian_Product.transpose_transpose S True bezout_matrix_works2 ib
matrix_transpose_mul rel_simps(92) transpose_code transpose_row_code)
moreover have "S = A**Q" unfolding S Q by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
case False
have Q: "Q = (Finite_Cartesian_Product.mat 1)" and S: "S = A"
using SQ False A00_A01 unfolding Smith_1x2_eucl_def by (auto simp add: Let_def)
show ?thesis using False A00_A01 S Q invertible_mat_1 by auto
definition bezout_matrix_JNF :: "'a::comm_ring_1 mat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat
⇒ ('a ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('a × 'a × 'a × 'a × 'a)) ⇒ 'a mat"
"bezout_matrix_JNF A a b j bezout = Matrix.mat (dim_row A) (dim_row A) (λ(x,y).
(p, q, u, v, d) = bezout (A $$ (a, j)) (A $$ (b, j))
if x = a ∧ y = a then p else
if x = a ∧ y = b then q else
if x = b ∧ y = a then u else
if x = b ∧ y = b then v else
if x = y then 1 else 0))"
definition "Smith_1x2_eucl_JNF (A::'a::euclidean_ring_gcd mat) = (
if A $$ (0, 0) = 0 ∧ A $$ (0, 1) ≠ 0 then
let Q = swaprows_mat 2 0 1;
A' = swapcols 0 1 A
in (A',Q)
if A $$ (0, 0) ≠ 0 ∧ A $$ (0, 1) ≠ 0 then
let bezout_matrix_right = transpose_mat (bezout_matrix_JNF (transpose_mat A) 0 1 0 euclid_ext2)
in (A * bezout_matrix_right, bezout_matrix_right)
else (A, 1⇩m 2)
lemma Smith_1x2_eucl_JNF_works:
assumes A: "A ∈ carrier_mat 1 2"
and SQ: "(S,Q) = Smith_1x2_eucl_JNF A"
shows "is_SNF A (1⇩m 1, (Smith_1x2_eucl_JNF A))"
proof -
have i: "0<dim_row A" and j: "1<dim_col A" using A by auto
have ib: "is_bezout_ext euclid_ext2" by (simp add: is_bezout_ext_euclid_ext2)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "A $$ (0, 0) = 0 ∧ A $$ (0, 1) ≠ 0")
case True
have Q: "Q = swaprows_mat 2 0 1"
and S: "S = swapcols 0 1 A"
using SQ True unfolding Smith_1x2_eucl_JNF_def by (auto simp add: Let_def)
have S01: "S $$ (0,1) = 0" unfolding S using index_mat_swapcols j i True by simp
have dim_S: "S ∈ carrier_mat 1 2" using S A by auto
moreover have dim_Q: "Q ∈ carrier_mat 2 2" using S Q by auto
moreover have "invertible_mat Q"
proof -
have "Determinant.det (swaprows_mat 2 0 1) = -1" by (rule det_swaprows_mat, auto)
also have "... dvd 1" by simp
finally show ?thesis using Q dim_Q invertible_iff_is_unit_JNF by blast
moreover have "S = A * Q" unfolding S Q using A by (simp add: swapcols_mat)
moreover have "Smith_normal_form_mat S" unfolding Smith_normal_form_mat_def isDiagonal_mat_def
using S01 dim_S less_2_cases by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis using SQ S Q A unfolding is_SNF_def by auto
case False note A00_A01 = False
show ?thesis
proof (cases "A $$ (0,0) ≠ 0 ∧ A $$ (0,1) ≠ 0")
case True
have ib: "is_bezout_ext euclid_ext2" by (simp add: is_bezout_ext_euclid_ext2)
let ?BM = "(bezout_matrix_JNF A⇧T 0 1 0 euclid_ext2)⇧T"
have Q: "Q = ?BM" and S: "S = A*?BM"
using SQ True A00_A01 unfolding Smith_1x2_eucl_JNF_def by (auto simp add: Let_def)
let ?a = "A $$ (0, 0)" let ?b = "A $$ (0, Suc 0)"
obtain p q u v d where pquvd: "(p,q,u,v,d) = euclid_ext2 ?a ?b" by (metis prod_cases5)
have d: "p*?a + q*?b = d" and u: "u = - ?b div d" and v: "v = ?a div d"
using pquvd unfolding euclid_ext2_def using bezout_coefficients_fst_snd by blast+
have da: "d dvd ?a" and db: "d dvd ?b" and gcd_ab: "d = gcd ?a ?b"
by (metis euclid_ext2_def gcd_dvd1 gcd_dvd2 pquvd prod.sel(2))+
have dim_S: "S ∈ carrier_mat 1 2" using S A by (simp add: bezout_matrix_JNF_def)
moreover have dim_Q: "Q ∈ carrier_mat 2 2" using A Q by (simp add: bezout_matrix_JNF_def)
have "invertible_mat Q"
proof -
have "Determinant.det ?BM = ?BM $$ (0, 0) * ?BM $$ (1, 1) - ?BM $$ (0, 1) * ?BM $$ (1, 0)"
by (rule det_2, insert A, auto simp add: bezout_matrix_JNF_def)
also have "... = p * v - u*q"
by (insert i j pquvd, auto simp add: bezout_matrix_JNF_def, metis split_conv)
also have "... = (p * ?a) div d - (q * (-?b)) div d" unfolding v u
by (simp add: da db div_mult_swap mult.commute)
also have "... = (p * ?a + q * ?b) div d"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) da db diff_minus_eq_add div_diff dvd_minus_iff dvd_trans
dvd_triv_right more_arith_simps(8))
also have "... = 1 " unfolding d using True da by fastforce
finally show ?thesis unfolding Q
by (metis (full_types) Determinant.det_def Q carrier_matI invertible_iff_is_unit_JNF
not_is_unit_0 one_dvd)
moreover have S_AQ: "S = A*Q" unfolding S Q by simp
moreover have S01: "S $$ (0,1) = 0"
proof -
have Q01: "Q $$ (0, 1) = u"
proof -
have "?BM $$ (0,1) = (bezout_matrix_JNF A⇧T 0 1 0 euclid_ext2) $$ (1, 0)"
using Q dim_Q by auto
also have "... = (λ(x::nat, y::nat).
let (p, q, u, v, d) = euclid_ext2 (A⇧T $$ (0, 0)) (A⇧T $$ (1, 0)) in if x = 0 ∧ y = 0 then p
else if x = 0 ∧ y = 1 then q else if x = 1 ∧ y = 0 then u else if x = 1 ∧ y = 1 then v
else if x = y then 1 else 0) (1, 0)"
unfolding bezout_matrix_JNF_def by (rule index_mat(1), insert A, auto)
also have "... = u" using pquvd unfolding split_beta Let_def
by (auto, metis A One_nat_def carrier_matD(2) fst_conv i index_transpose_mat(1)
j rel_simps(51) snd_conv)
finally show ?thesis unfolding Q by auto
have Q11: "Q $$ (1, 1) = v"
proof -
have "?BM $$ (1,1) = (bezout_matrix_JNF A⇧T 0 1 0 euclid_ext2) $$ (1, 1)"
using Q dim_Q by auto
also have "... = (λ(x::nat, y::nat).
let (p, q, u, v, d) = euclid_ext2 (A⇧T $$ (0, 0)) (A⇧T $$ (1, 0)) in if x = 0 ∧ y = 0 then p
else if x = 0 ∧ y = 1 then q else if x = 1 ∧ y = 0 then u else if x = 1 ∧ y = 1 then v
else if x = y then 1 else 0) (1, 1)"
unfolding bezout_matrix_JNF_def by (rule index_mat(1), insert A, auto)
also have "... = v" using pquvd unfolding split_beta Let_def
by (auto, metis A One_nat_def carrier_matD(2) fst_conv i index_transpose_mat(1)
j rel_simps(51) snd_conv)
finally show ?thesis unfolding Q by auto
have "S $$ (0,1) = Matrix.row A 0 ∙ col Q 1" using index_mult_mat Q S dim_S i by auto
also have "... = (∑i = 0..<2. Matrix.row A 0 $v i * Q $$ (i, 1))"
unfolding scalar_prod_def using dim_S dim_Q by auto
also have "... = (∑i ∈ {0,1}. Matrix.row A 0 $v i * Q $$ (i, 1))" by (rule sum.cong, auto)
also have "... = Matrix.row A 0 $v 0 * Q $$ (0, 1) + Matrix.row A 0 $v 1 * Q $$ (1, 1)"
using sum_two_elements by auto
also have "... = ?a*u + ?b * v" unfolding Q01 Q11 using i index_row(1) j A by auto
also have "... = 0" unfolding u v
by (smt (verit) Groups.mult_ac(2) Groups.mult_ac(3) add.right_inverse add_uminus_conv_diff da db
diff_minus_eq_add dvd_div_mult_self dvd_neg_div minus_mult_left)
finally show ?thesis .
moreover have "Smith_normal_form_mat S"
using less_2_cases S01 dim_S unfolding Smith_normal_form_mat_def isDiagonal_mat_def
by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis using S Q A SQ unfolding is_SNF_def bezout_matrix_JNF_def by force
case False
have Q: "Q = 1⇩m 2" and S: "S = A"
using SQ False A00_A01 unfolding Smith_1x2_eucl_JNF_def by (auto simp add: Let_def)
have "is_SNF A (1⇩m 1, A, 1⇩m 2)"
by (rule is_SNF_intro, insert A False A00_A01 S Q A less_2_cases,
unfold Smith_normal_form_mat_def isDiagonal_mat_def, fastforce+)
thus ?thesis using SQ S Q by auto
subsection ‹The final executable algorithm to transform any matrix into its Smith normal form›
global_interpretation Smith_ED: Smith_Impl Smith_1x2_eucl_JNF Smith_2x2_JNF_eucl "(div)"
defines Smith_ED_1xn_aux = Smith_ED.Smith_1xn_aux
and Smith_ED_nx1 = Smith_ED.Smith_nx1
and Smith_ED_1xn = Smith_ED.Smith_1xn
and Smith_ED_2xn = Smith_ED.Smith_2xn
and Smith_ED_nx2 = Smith_ED.Smith_nx2
and Smith_ED_mxn = Smith_ED.Smith_mxn
show "∀(A::'a mat)∈carrier_mat 1 2. is_SNF A (1⇩m 1, Smith_1x2_eucl_JNF A)"
using Smith_1x2_eucl_JNF_works prod.collapse by blast
show "∀A∈carrier_mat 2 2. is_SNF A (Smith_2x2_JNF_eucl A)"
by (simp add: Smith_2x2_JNF_eucl_def Smith_2x2_JNF_eucl_works split_beta)
show "is_div_op ((div)::'a⇒'a⇒'a::euclidean_ring_gcd)"
by (unfold is_div_op_def, simp)