Theory Examples_Echelon_Form_Abstract

    Title:      Examples_Echelon_Form_Abstract.thy
    Author:     Jose Divasón <jose.divasonm at>
    Author:     Jesús Aransay <jesus-maria.aransay at>

section‹Examples of execution over matrices represented as functions›

theory Examples_Echelon_Form_Abstract

text‹The definitions introduced in this file will be also used in 
  the computations presented in file @{file ‹Examples_Echelon_Form_IArrays.thy›}. 
  Some of these definitions are not even used in this file since they are quite 
  time consuming.›

definition test_real_6x4 :: "real^6^4"
  where "test_real_6x4 = list_of_list_to_matrix
value "matrix_to_list_of_list (minorM test_real_6x4 0 0)"

value "cofactor (mat 1::rat^3^3) 0 0"

value "vec_to_list (cofactorM_row  (mat 1::int^3^3) 1)"

value "matrix_to_list_of_list (cofactorM  (mat 1::int^3^3))"

definition test_rat_3x3 :: "rat^3^3"
  where "test_rat_3x3 = list_of_list_to_matrix [[3,5,1],[2,1,3],[1,2,1]]"

value "matrix_to_list_of_list (matpow test_rat_3x3 5)" 

definition test_int_3x3 :: "int^3^3"
  where "test_int_3x3 = list_of_list_to_matrix [[3,2,8], [0,3,9], [8,7,9]]"

value "det test_int_3x3"

definition test_real_3x3 :: "real^3^3"
  where "test_real_3x3 = list_of_list_to_matrix [[3,5,1],[2,1,3],[1,2,1]]"

value "charpoly test_real_3x3"

text‹We check that the Cayley-Hamilton theorem holds for this particular case:›

value "matrix_to_list_of_list (evalmat (charpoly test_real_3x3) test_real_3x3)"

definition test_int_3x3_02 :: "int^3^3"
  where "test_int_3x3_02 = list_of_list_to_matrix [[3,5,1],[2,1,3],[1,2,1]]"

value "matrix_to_list_of_list (adjugate test_int_3x3_02)"

text‹The following integer matrix is not invertible, so the result is None›

value "inverse_matrix test_int_3x3_02"

definition test_int_3x3_03 :: "int^3^3"
  where "test_int_3x3_03 = list_of_list_to_matrix [[1,-2,4],[1,-1,1],[0,1,-2]]"

value "matrix_to_list_of_list (the (inverse_matrix test_int_3x3_03))"

text‹We check that the previous inverse has been correctly computed:›

value "test_int_3x3_03 ** (the (inverse_matrix test_int_3x3_03)) = (mat 1::int^3^3)"

definition test_int_8x8 :: "int^8^8"
  where "test_int_8x8 = list_of_list_to_matrix 
       [[ 3, 2, 3, 6, 2, 8, 5, 6],
        [ 0, 5, 5, 2, 3, 9, 4, 7],
        [ 8, 7, 9, 1, 4,-2, 2, 0],
        [ 0, 1, 5, 6, 5, 1, 1, 4],
        [ 0, 3, 4, 5, 2,-4, 2, 1],
        [ 6, 8, 6, 2, 2,-3, 3, 5],
        [-2, 4,-2, 6, 7, 8, 0, 3],
        [ 7, 1, 3, 0,-9,-3, 4,-5]]"

text‹SLOW; several minutes.›

(*value "det test_int_8x8"

value "matrix_to_list_of_list (echelon_form_of test_int_8x8 euclid_ext2)"*)

text‹The following definitions will be used in 
  file @{file ‹Examples_Echelon_Form_IArrays.thy›}.
  Using the abstract version of matrices would produce lengthy computations.›

definition test_int_6x6 :: "int^6^6"
  where "test_int_6x6 = list_of_list_to_matrix 
    [[ 3, 2, 3, 6, 2, 8],
     [ 0, 5, 5, 2, 3, 9],
     [ 8, 7, 9, 1, 4,-2],
     [ 0, 1, 5, 6, 5, 1],
     [ 0, 3, 4, 5, 2,-4],
     [ 6, 8, 6, 2, 2,-3]]"

definition test_real_6x6 :: "real^6^6"
  where "test_real_6x6 = list_of_list_to_matrix 
    [[ 3, 2, 3, 6, 2, 8],
     [ 0, 5, 5, 2, 3, 9],
     [ 8, 7, 9, 1, 4,-2],
     [ 0, 1, 5, 6, 5, 1],
     [ 0, 3, 4, 5, 2,-4],
     [ 6, 8, 6, 2, 2,-3]]"

definition test_int_20x20 :: "int^20^20"
  where "test_int_20x20 =  list_of_list_to_matrix 

definition test_int_20x20_2 :: "int^20^20"
where "test_int_20x20_2 = list_of_list_to_matrix