Theory TypeSystem

Title: SIFUM-Type-Systems
Authors: Sylvia Grewe, Heiko Mantel, Daniel Schoepe
section ‹Type System for Ensuring SIFUM-Security of Commands›

theory TypeSystem
imports Main Preliminaries Security Language Compositionality

subsection ‹Typing Rules›

type_synonym Type = Sec

type_synonym 'Var TyEnv = "'Var  Type"

(* We introduce a locale that instantiates the SIFUM-security property
  for the language from SIFUM_Lang.thy *)
locale sifum_types =
  sifum_lang evA evB + sifum_security dma Stop evalw
  for evA :: "('Var, 'Val) Mem  'AExp  'Val"
  and evB :: "('Var, 'Val) Mem  'BExp  bool"

context sifum_types

(* Redefined since Isabelle does not seem to be able to reuse the abbreviation from the old locale *)
abbreviation mm_equiv_abv2 :: "(_, _, _) LocalConf  (_, _, _) LocalConf  bool"
(infix "" 60)
  where "mm_equiv_abv2 c c'  mm_equiv_abv c c'"

abbreviation eval_abv2 :: "(_, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf  (_, _, _) LocalConf  bool"
  (infixl "" 70)
  "x  y  (x, y)  evalw"

abbreviation low_indistinguishable_abv :: "'Var Mds  ('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt  (_, _, _) Stmt  bool"
  ("_ ı _" [100, 100] 80)
  "c mdsc'  low_indistinguishable mds c c'"

definition to_total :: "'Var TyEnv  'Var  Sec"
where "to_total Γ v  if v  dom Γ then the (Γ v) else dma v"

definition max_dom :: "Sec set  Sec"
  where "max_dom xs  if High  xs then High else Low"

inductive type_aexpr :: "'Var TyEnv  'AExp  Type  bool" ("_ a _  _" [120, 120, 120] 1000)
  type_aexpr [intro!]: "Γ a e  max_dom (image (λ x. to_total Γ x) (aexp_vars e))"

inductive_cases type_aexpr_elim [elim]: "Γ a e  t"

inductive type_bexpr :: "'Var TyEnv  'BExp  Type  bool" ("_ b _  _ " [120, 120, 120] 1000)
  type_bexpr [intro!]: "Γ b e  max_dom (image (λ x. to_total Γ x) (bexp_vars e))"

inductive_cases type_bexpr_elim [elim]: "Γ b e  t"

definition mds_consistent :: "'Var Mds  'Var TyEnv  bool"
  where "mds_consistent mds Γ 
    dom Γ = {(x :: 'Var). (dma x = Low  x  mds AsmNoRead) 
                          (dma x = High  x  mds AsmNoWrite)}"

fun add_anno_dom :: "'Var TyEnv  'Var ModeUpd  'Var set"
  "add_anno_dom Γ (Acq v AsmNoRead) = (if dma v = Low then dom Γ  {v} else dom Γ)" |
  "add_anno_dom Γ (Acq v AsmNoWrite) = (if dma v = High then dom Γ  {v} else dom Γ)" |
  "add_anno_dom Γ (Acq v _) = dom Γ" |
  "add_anno_dom Γ (Rel v AsmNoRead) = (if dma v = Low then dom Γ - {v} else dom Γ)" |
  "add_anno_dom Γ (Rel v AsmNoWrite) = (if dma v = High then dom Γ - {v} else dom Γ)" |
  "add_anno_dom Γ (Rel v _) = dom Γ"

definition add_anno :: "'Var TyEnv  'Var ModeUpd  'Var TyEnv" (infix "" 60)
  "Γ  upd = ((λx. Some (to_total Γ x)) |` add_anno_dom Γ upd)"

definition context_le :: "'Var TyEnv  'Var TyEnv  bool" (infixr "c" 100)
  "Γ c Γ'  (dom Γ = dom Γ')  ( x  dom Γ. the (Γ x)  the (Γ' x))"

inductive has_type :: "'Var TyEnv  ('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt  'Var TyEnv  bool"
  (" _ {_} _" [120, 120, 120] 1000)
  stop_type [intro]: " Γ {Stop} Γ" |
  skip_type [intro] : " Γ {Skip} Γ" |
  assign1 : " x  dom Γ ; Γ a e  t; t  dma x    Γ {x  e} Γ" |
  assign2 : " x  dom Γ ; Γ a e  t   has_type Γ (x  e) (Γ (x := Some t))" |
  if_type [intro]: " Γ b e  High  
    (( mds. mds_consistent mds Γ  (low_indistinguishable mds c1 c2)) 
     ( x  dom Γ'. Γ' x = Some High))
             ;  Γ { c1 } Γ'
             ;  Γ { c2 } Γ'  
              Γ { If e c1 c2 } Γ'" |
  while_type [intro]: " Γ b e  Low ;  Γ { c } Γ    Γ { While e c } Γ" |
  anno_type [intro]: " Γ' = Γ  upd ;  Γ' { c } Γ'' ; c  Stop ;
                  x. to_total Γ x  to_total Γ' x    Γ { c@[upd] } Γ''" |
  seq_type [intro]: "  Γ { c1 } Γ' ;  Γ' { c2 } Γ''    Γ { c1 ;; c2 } Γ''" |
  sub : "  Γ1 { c } Γ1' ; Γ2 c Γ1 ; Γ1' c Γ2'    Γ2 { c } Γ2'"

subsection ‹Typing Soundness›

text ‹The following predicate is needed to exclude some pathological
  cases, that abuse the @{term Stop} command which is not allowed to
  occur in actual programs.›

fun has_annotated_stop :: "('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt  bool"
  "has_annotated_stop (c@[_]) = (if c = Stop then True else has_annotated_stop c)" |
  "has_annotated_stop (Seq p q) = (has_annotated_stop p  has_annotated_stop q)" |
  "has_annotated_stop (If _ p q) = (has_annotated_stop p  has_annotated_stop q)" |
  "has_annotated_stop (While _ p) = has_annotated_stop p" |
  "has_annotated_stop _ = False"

inductive_cases has_type_elim: " Γ { c } Γ'"
inductive_cases has_type_stop_elim: " Γ { Stop } Γ'"

definition tyenv_eq :: "'Var TyEnv  ('Var, 'Val) Mem  ('Var, 'Val) Mem  bool"
  (infix "=ı" 60)
  where "mem1 =Γmem2   x. (to_total Γ x = Low  mem1 x = mem2 x)"

lemma tyenv_eq_sym: "mem1 =Γmem2  mem2 =Γmem1"
  by (auto simp: tyenv_eq_def)

(* Parametrized relations for type soundness proof *)
inductive_set 1 :: "'Var TyEnv  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf rel"
  and 1_abv :: "'Var TyEnv 
  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf 
  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf 
  bool" ("_ 1ı _" [120, 120] 1000)
  for Γ' :: "'Var TyEnv"
  "x 1Γy  (x, y)  1 Γ" |
  intro [intro!] : "  Γ { c } Γ' ; mds_consistent mds Γ ; mem1 =Γmem2   c, mds, mem1 1Γ'c, mds, mem2"

inductive_set 2 :: "'Var TyEnv  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf rel"
  and 2_abv :: "'Var TyEnv 
  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf 
  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf 
  bool" ("_ 2ı _" [120, 120] 1000)
  for Γ' :: "'Var TyEnv"
  "x 2Γy  (x, y)  2 Γ" |
  intro [intro!] : " c1, mds, mem1  c2, mds, mem2 ;
                        x  dom Γ'. Γ' x = Some High ;
                        Γ1 { c1 } Γ' ;  Γ2 { c2 } Γ' ;
                       mds_consistent mds Γ1 ; mds_consistent mds Γ2  
                     c1, mds, mem1 2Γ'c2, mds, mem2"

inductive 3_aux :: "'Var TyEnv  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf 
                 (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf 
                 bool" ("_ 3ı _" [120, 120] 1000)
  and 3 :: "'Var TyEnv  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf rel"
  "3 Γ'  {(lc1, lc2). 3_aux Γ' lc1 lc2}" |
  intro1 [intro] : " c1, mds, mem1 1Γc2, mds, mem2;  Γ { c } Γ'  
                      Seq c1 c, mds, mem1 3Γ'Seq c2 c, mds, mem2" |
  intro2 [intro] : " c1, mds, mem1 2Γc2, mds, mem2;  Γ { c } Γ'  
                      Seq c1 c, mds, mem1 3Γ'Seq c2 c, mds, mem2" |
  intro3 [intro] : " c1, mds, mem1 3Γc2, mds, mem2;  Γ { c } Γ'  
                      Seq c1 c, mds, mem1 3Γ'Seq c2 c, mds, mem2"

(* A weaker property than bisimulation to reason about the sub-relations of ℛ: *)
definition weak_bisim :: "(('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf rel 
                        (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf rel  bool"
  where "weak_bisim 𝒯1 𝒯   c1 c2 mds mem1 mem2 c1' mds' mem1'.
  ((c1, mds, mem1, c2, mds, mem2)  𝒯1 
   (c1, mds, mem1  c1', mds', mem1')) 
  ( c2' mem2'. c2, mds, mem2  c2', mds', mem2'  
                (c1', mds', mem1', c2', mds', mem2')  𝒯)"

inductive_set  :: "'Var TyEnv 
  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf rel"
  and ℛ_abv :: "'Var TyEnv 
  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf 
  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf 
  bool" ("_ uı _" [120, 120] 1000)
  for Γ :: "'Var TyEnv"
  "x uΓy  (x, y)   Γ" |
  intro1: "lc 1Γlc'  (lc, lc')   Γ" |
  intro2: "lc 2Γlc'  (lc, lc')   Γ" |
  intro3: "lc 3Γlc'  (lc, lc')   Γ"

(* Some eliminators for the above relations *)
inductive_cases 1_elim [elim]: "c1, mds, mem1 1Γc2, mds, mem2"
inductive_cases 2_elim [elim]: "c1, mds, mem1 2Γc2, mds, mem2"
inductive_cases 3_elim [elim]: "c1, mds, mem1 3Γc2, mds, mem2"

inductive_cases ℛ_elim [elim]: "(c1, mds, mem1, c2, mds, mem2)   Γ"
inductive_cases ℛ_elim': "(c1, mds, mem1, c2, mds2, mem2)   Γ"
inductive_cases 1_elim' : "c1, mds, mem1 1Γc2, mds2, mem2"
inductive_cases 2_elim' : "c1, mds, mem1 2Γc2, mds2, mem2"
inductive_cases 3_elim' : "c1, mds, mem1 3Γc2, mds2, mem2"

(* To prove that ℛ is a bisimulation, we first show symmetry *)

lemma 1_sym: "sym (1 Γ)"
  unfolding sym_def
  apply auto
  by (metis (no_types) 1.intro 1_elim' tyenv_eq_sym)

lemma 2_sym: "sym (2 Γ)"
  unfolding sym_def
  apply clarify
  by (metis (no_types) 2.intro 2_elim' mm_equiv_sym)

lemma 3_sym: "sym (3 Γ)"
  unfolding sym_def
proof (clarify)
  fix c1 mds mem1 c2 mds' mem2
  assume asm: "c1, mds, mem1 3Γc2, mds', mem2"
  hence [simp]: "mds' = mds"
    using 3_elim' by blast
  from asm show "c2, mds', mem2 3Γc1, mds, mem1"
    apply auto
    apply (induct rule: 3_aux.induct)
      apply (metis (lifting) 1_sym 3_aux.intro1 symD)
     apply (metis (lifting) 2_sym 3_aux.intro2 symD)
    by (metis (lifting) 3_aux.intro3)

lemma ℛ_mds [simp]: "c1, mds, mem1 uΓc2, mds', mem2  mds = mds'"
  apply (rule ℛ_elim')
     apply (auto)
    apply (metis 1_elim')
   apply (metis 2_elim')
  apply (insert 3_elim')
  by blast

lemma ℛ_sym: "sym ( Γ)"
  unfolding sym_def
proof (clarify)
  fix c1 mds mem1 c2 mds2 mem2
  assume asm: "(c1, mds, mem1, c2, mds2, mem2)   Γ"
  with ℛ_mds have [simp]: "mds2 = mds"
    by blast
  from asm show "(c2, mds2, mem2, c1, mds, mem1)   Γ"
    using ℛ.intro1 [of Γ] and ℛ.intro2 [of Γ] and ℛ.intro3 [of Γ]
    using 1_sym [of Γ] and 2_sym [of Γ] and 3_sym [of Γ]
    apply simp
    apply (erule ℛ_elim)
      by (auto simp: sym_def)

(* Next, we show that the relations are closed under globally consistent changes *)

lemma 1_closed_glob_consistent: "closed_glob_consistent (1 Γ')"
  unfolding closed_glob_consistent_def
proof (clarify)
  fix c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2 x Γ'
  assume R1: "c1, mds, mem1 1Γ'c2, mds, mem2"
  hence [simp]: "c2 = c1" by blast
  from R1 obtain Γ where Γ_props: " Γ { c1 } Γ'" "mem1 =Γmem2" "mds_consistent mds Γ"
    by blast
  hence " v. c1, mds, mem1 (x := v) 1Γ'c2, mds, mem2 (x := v)"
    by (auto simp: tyenv_eq_def mds_consistent_def)
  from Γ_props have " v1 v2.  dma x = High ; x  mds AsmNoWrite  
    c1, mds, mem1(x := v1) 1Γ'c2, mds, mem2(x := v2)"
    apply (auto simp: mds_consistent_def tyenv_eq_def)
    by (metis (lifting, full_types) Sec.simps(2) mem_Collect_eq to_total_def)
  ultimately show
    "(dma x = High  x  mds AsmNoWrite 
      (v1 v2. c1, mds, mem1(x := v1) 1Γ'c2, mds, mem2(x := v2)))
     (dma x = Low  x  mds AsmNoWrite 
      (v. c1, mds, mem1(x := v) 1Γ'c2, mds, mem2(x := v)))"
    using intro1
    by auto

lemma 2_closed_glob_consistent: "closed_glob_consistent (2 Γ')"
  unfolding closed_glob_consistent_def
proof (clarify)
  fix c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2 x Γ'
  assume R2: "c1, mds, mem1 2Γ'c2, mds, mem2"
  then obtain Γ1 Γ2 where Γ_prop: " Γ1 { c1 } Γ'" " Γ2 { c2 } Γ'"
    "mds_consistent mds Γ1" "mds_consistent mds Γ2"
    by blast
  from R2 have bisim: "c1, mds, mem1  c2, mds, mem2"
    by blast
  then obtain ℛ' where ℛ'_prop: "(c1, mds, mem1, c2, mds, mem2)  ℛ'  strong_low_bisim_mm ℛ'"
    apply (rule mm_equiv_elim)
    by (auto simp: strong_low_bisim_mm_def)
  from ℛ'_prop have ℛ'_cons: "closed_glob_consistent ℛ'"
    by (auto simp: strong_low_bisim_mm_def)
  from Γ_prop and ℛ'_prop
  have "mem1 mem2. (c1, mds, mem1, c2, mds, mem2)  ℛ'  c1, mds, mem1 2Γ'c2, mds, mem2"
    using 2.intro [where Γ' = Γ' and Γ1 = Γ1 and Γ2 = Γ2]
    using mm_equiv_intro and R2
    by blast
  ultimately show
    "(dma x = High  x  mds AsmNoWrite 
      (v1 v2. c1, mds, mem1(x := v1) 2Γ'c2, mds, mem2(x := v2)))
     (dma x = Low  x  mds AsmNoWrite 
      (v. c1, mds, mem1(x := v) 2Γ'c2, mds, mem2(x := v)))"
    using ℛ'_prop
    unfolding closed_glob_consistent_def
    by simp

(* A predicate like this seems to be necessary to make induct generate
    the correct goal in the following lemma. Without it, it somehow does
    not "unify" the local configuration components in the goal and the assumptions. *)
fun closed_glob_helper :: "'Var TyEnv  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf  bool"
  "closed_glob_helper Γ' c1, mds, mem1 c2, mds2, mem2 =
  ( x. ((dma x = High  x  mds AsmNoWrite) 
           ( v1 v2. ( c1, mds, mem1 (x := v1) ,  c2, mds, mem2 (x := v2) )  3 Γ')) 
         ((dma x = Low  x  mds AsmNoWrite) 
           ( v. ( c1, mds, mem1 (x := v) ,  c2, mds, mem2 (x := v) )  3 Γ')))"

lemma 3_closed_glob_consistent:
  assumes R3: "c1, mds, mem1 3Γ'c2, mds, mem2"
  shows " x.
    (dma x = High  x  mds AsmNoWrite 
        (v1 v2. (c1, mds, mem1(x := v1), c2, mds, mem2(x := v2))  3 Γ')) 
       (dma x = Low  x  mds AsmNoWrite  (v. (c1, mds, mem1(x := v), c2, mds, mem2(x := v))  3 Γ'))"
proof -
  from R3 have "closed_glob_helper Γ' c1, mds, mem1 c2, mds, mem2"
  proof (induct rule: 3_aux.induct)
    case (intro1 Γ c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2 c Γ')
    thus ?case
      using 1_closed_glob_consistent [of Γ] and 3_aux.intro1
      unfolding closed_glob_consistent_def
      by (simp, blast)
    case (intro2 Γ c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2 c Γ')
    thus ?case
      using 2_closed_glob_consistent [of Γ] and 3_aux.intro2
      unfolding closed_glob_consistent_def
      by (simp, blast)
    case intro3
    thus ?case
      using 3_aux.intro3
      by (simp, blast)
  thus ?thesis by simp

lemma ℛ_closed_glob_consistent: "closed_glob_consistent ( Γ')"
  unfolding closed_glob_consistent_def
proof (clarify, erule ℛ_elim, simp_all)
  fix c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2 x
  assume R1: "c1, mds, mem1 1Γ'c2, mds, mem2"
  with 1_closed_glob_consistent show
    "(dma x = High  x  mds AsmNoWrite 
        (v1 v2. (c1, mds, mem1(x := v1), c2, mds, mem2(x := v2))   Γ')) 
     (dma x = Low  x  mds AsmNoWrite 
        (v. (c1, mds, mem1(x := v), c2, mds, mem2(x := v))   Γ'))"
    unfolding closed_glob_consistent_def
    using intro1
    apply clarify
    by metis
  fix c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2 x
  assume R2: "c1, mds, mem1 2Γ'c2, mds, mem2"
  with 2_closed_glob_consistent show
    "(dma x = High  x  mds AsmNoWrite 
      (v1 v2. (c1, mds, mem1(x := v1), c2, mds, mem2(x := v2))   Γ'))
     (dma x = Low  x  mds AsmNoWrite 
      (v. (c1, mds, mem1(x := v), c2, mds, mem2(x := v))   Γ'))"
    unfolding closed_glob_consistent_def
    using intro2
    apply clarify
    by metis
  fix c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2 x Γ'
  assume R3: "c1, mds, mem1 3Γ'c2, mds, mem2"
    "(dma x = High  x  mds AsmNoWrite 
       (v1 v2. (c1, mds, mem1(x := v1), c2, mds, mem2(x := v2))   Γ'))
     (dma x = Low  x  mds AsmNoWrite 
       (v. (c1, mds, mem1(x := v), c2, mds, mem2(x := v))   Γ'))"
    using 3_closed_glob_consistent
    apply auto
     apply (metis ℛ.intro3)
    by (metis (lifting) ℛ.intro3)

(* It now remains to show that steps of the first of two related configurations
    can be matched by the second: *)

(* Some technical lemmas: *)
lemma type_low_vars_low:
  assumes typed: "Γ a e  Low"
  assumes mds_cons: "mds_consistent mds Γ"
  assumes x_in_vars: "x  aexp_vars e"
  shows "to_total Γ x = Low"
  using assms
  by (metis (full_types) Sec.exhaust imageI max_dom_def type_aexpr_elim)

lemma type_low_vars_low_b:
  assumes typed : "Γ b e  Low"
  assumes mds_cons: "mds_consistent mds Γ"
  assumes x_in_vars: "x  bexp_vars e"
  shows "to_total Γ x = Low"
  using assms
  by (metis (full_types) Sec.exhaust imageI max_dom_def type_bexpr.simps)

lemma mode_update_add_anno:
  "mds_consistent mds Γ  mds_consistent (update_modes upd mds) (Γ  upd)"
  apply (induct arbitrary: Γ rule: add_anno_dom.induct)
  by (auto simp: add_anno_def mds_consistent_def)

lemma context_le_trans: " Γ c Γ' ; Γ' c Γ''   Γ c Γ''"
  apply (auto simp: context_le_def)
  by (metis domI order_trans option.sel)

lemma context_le_refl [simp]: "Γ c Γ"
  by (metis context_le_def order_refl)

(* Strangely, using only ⊢ Γ { Stop } Γ' as assumption does not work *)
lemma stop_cxt :
  "  Γ { c } Γ' ; c = Stop   Γ c Γ'"
  apply (induct rule: has_type.induct)
          apply auto
  by (metis context_le_trans)

(* First we show that (roughly) typeability is preserved by evaluation steps *)
lemma preservation:
  assumes typed: " Γ { c } Γ'"
  assumes eval: "c, mds, mem  c', mds', mem'"
  shows " Γ''. ( Γ'' { c' } Γ')  (mds_consistent mds Γ  mds_consistent mds' Γ'')"
  using typed eval
proof (induct arbitrary: c' mds rule: has_type.induct)
  case (anno_type Γ'' Γ upd c1 Γ')
  hence "c1, update_modes upd mds, mem  c', mds', mem'"
    by (metis upd_elim)
  with anno_type(3) obtain Γ''' where
    " Γ''' { c' } Γ'  (mds_consistent (update_modes upd mds) Γ'' 
                          mds_consistent mds' Γ''')"
    by auto
  have "mds_consistent mds Γ  mds_consistent (update_modes upd mds) Γ''"
    using anno_type
    apply auto
    by (metis mode_update_add_anno)
  ultimately show ?case
    by blast
  case stop_type
  with stop_no_eval show ?case ..
  case skip_type
  hence "c' = Stop  mds' = mds"
    by (metis skip_elim)
  thus ?case
    by (metis stop_type)
  case (assign1 x Γ e t c' mds)
  hence "c' = Stop  mds' = mds"
    by (metis assign_elim)
  thus ?case
    by (metis stop_type)
  case (assign2 x Γ e t c' mds)
  hence "c' = Stop  mds' = mds"
    by (metis assign_elim)
  thus ?case
    apply (rule_tac x = "Γ (x  t)" in exI)
    apply (auto simp: mds_consistent_def)
         apply (metis Sec.exhaust)
        apply (metis (lifting, full_types) CollectD domI assign2(1))
       apply (metis (lifting, full_types) CollectD domI assign2(1))
      apply (metis (lifting) CollectE domI assign2(1))
     apply (metis (lifting, full_types) domD mem_Collect_eq)
    by (metis (lifting, full_types) domD mem_Collect_eq)
  case (if_type Γ e th el Γ' c' mds)
  thus ?case
    apply (rule_tac x = Γ in exI)
    by force
  case (while_type Γ e c c' mds)
  hence [simp]: "mds' = mds  c' = If e (c ;; While e c) Stop"
    by (metis while_elim)
  thus ?case
    apply (rule_tac x = Γ in exI)
    apply auto
    by (metis Sec.simps(2) has_type.while_type if_type while_type(1) while_type(2) seq_type stop_type type_bexpr_elim)
  case (seq_type Γ c1 Γ1 c2 Γ2 c' mds)
  thus ?case
  proof (cases "c1 = Stop")
    assume [simp]: "c1 = Stop"
    with seq_type have [simp]: "mds' = mds  c' = c2"
      by (metis seq_stop_elim)
    thus ?case
      apply auto
      by (metis (lifting) c1 = Stop context_le_refl seq_type(1) seq_type(3) stop_cxt sub)
    assume "c1  Stop"
    then obtain c1' where "c1, mds, mem  c1', mds', mem'  c' = (c1' ;; c2)"
      by (metis seq_elim seq_type.prems)
    then obtain Γ''' where " Γ''' {c1'} Γ1 
      (mds_consistent mds Γ  mds_consistent mds' Γ''')"
      using seq_type(2)
      by auto
    from seq_type have " Γ1 { c2 } Γ2" by auto
    ultimately show ?case
      apply (rule_tac x = Γ''' in exI)
      by (metis (lifting) c1, mds, mem  c1', mds', mem'  c' = c1' ;; c2 has_type.seq_type)
  case (sub Γ1 c Γ1' Γ2 Γ2' c' mds)
  then obtain Γ'' where " Γ'' { c' } Γ1' 
    (mds_consistent mds Γ1  mds_consistent mds' Γ'')"
    by auto
  thus ?case
    apply (rule_tac x = Γ'' in exI)
    apply (rule conjI)
     apply (metis (lifting) has_type.sub sub(4) stop_cxt stop_type)
    apply (simp add: mds_consistent_def)
    by (metis context_le_def sub.hyps(3))

lemma 1_mem_eq: "c1, mds, mem1 1Γ'c2, mds, mem2  mem1 =mdsl mem2"
  apply (rule 1_elim)
   apply (auto simp: tyenv_eq_def mds_consistent_def to_total_def)
  by (metis (lifting) Sec.simps(1) low_mds_eq_def)

lemma 2_mem_eq: "c1, mds, mem1 2Γ'c2, mds, mem2  mem1 =mdsl mem2"
  apply (rule 2_elim)
  by (auto simp: mm_equiv_elim strong_low_bisim_mm_def)

fun bisim_helper :: "(('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf 
  (('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf  bool"
  "bisim_helper c1, mds, mem1 c2, mds2, mem2 = mem1 =mdsl mem2"

lemma 3_mem_eq: "c1, mds, mem1 3Γ'c2, mds, mem2  mem1 =mdsl mem2"
  apply (subgoal_tac "bisim_helper c1, mds, mem1 c2, mds, mem2")
   apply simp
  apply (induct rule: 3_aux.induct)
  by (auto simp: 1_mem_eq 2_mem_eq)

(* ℛ2 is a full bisimulation so we can show the stronger step statement here: *)

lemma 2_bisim_step:
  assumes case2: "c1, mds, mem1 2Γ'c2, mds, mem2"
  assumes eval: "c1, mds, mem1  c1', mds', mem1'"
  shows " c2' mem2'. c2, mds, mem2  c2', mds', mem2'  c1', mds', mem1' 2Γ'c2', mds', mem2'"
proof -
  from case2 have aux: "c1, mds, mem1  c2, mds, mem2" " x  dom Γ'. Γ' x = Some High"
    by (rule 2_elim, auto)
  with eval obtain c2' mem2' where c2'_props:
    "c2, mds, mem2  c2', mds', mem2' 
     c1', mds', mem1'  c2', mds', mem2'"
    using mm_equiv_strong_low_bisim strong_low_bisim_mm_def
    by metis
  (* with aux(1) obtain ℛ' where ℛ'_props: "(⟨c1, mds, mem1⟩, ⟨c2, mds, mem2⟩) ∈ ℛ'" "strong_low_bisim_mm ℛ'" *)
    (* using mm_equiv_elim *)
    (* by auto *)
  from case2 obtain Γ1 Γ2 where " Γ1 { c1 } Γ'" " Γ2 { c2 } Γ'"
    "mds_consistent mds Γ1" "mds_consistent mds Γ2"
    by (metis 2_elim')
  with preservation and c2'_props obtain Γ1' Γ2' where
    " Γ1' {c1'} Γ'" "mds_consistent mds' Γ1'"
    " Γ2' {c2'} Γ'" "mds_consistent mds' Γ2'"
    using eval
    by metis
  with c2'_props show ?thesis
    using 2.intro aux(2) c2'_props
    by blast

(* To achieve more "symmetry" later, we prove a property analogous to the ones
    for ℛ1 and ℛ3 which are not, by themselves, bisimulations. *)

lemma 2_weak_bisim:
  "weak_bisim (2 Γ') ( Γ')"
  unfolding weak_bisim_def
  using ℛ.intro2
  apply auto
  by (metis 2_bisim_step)

(* Not actually needed, but an interesting "asymmetry" since
    ℛ1 and ℛ3 aren't bisimulations. *)
lemma 2_bisim: "strong_low_bisim_mm (2 Γ')"
  unfolding strong_low_bisim_mm_def
  by (auto simp: 2_sym 2_closed_glob_consistent 2_mem_eq 2_bisim_step)

lemma annotated_no_stop: " ¬ has_annotated_stop (c@[upd])   ¬ has_annotated_stop c"
  apply (cases c)
  by auto

lemma typed_no_annotated_stop:
  "  Γ { c } Γ'   ¬ has_annotated_stop c"
  by (induct rule: has_type.induct, auto)

lemma not_stop_eval:
  " c  Stop ; ¬ has_annotated_stop c  
   mds mem.  c' mds' mem'. c, mds, mem  c', mds', mem'"
proof (induct)
  case (Assign x exp)
  thus ?case
    by (metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw_simplep.assign evalwp.unannotated evalwp_evalw_eq)
  case Skip
  thus ?case
    by (metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw.unannotated evalw_simple.skip)
  case (ModeDecl c mu)
  hence "¬ has_annotated_stop c  c  Stop"
    by (metis has_annotated_stop.simps(1))
  with ModeDecl show ?case
    apply (clarify, rename_tac mds mem)
    apply simp
    apply (erule_tac x = "update_modes mu mds" in allE)
    apply (erule_tac x = mem in allE)
    apply (erule exE)+
    by (metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw.decl)
  case (Seq c1 c2)
  thus ?case
  proof (cases "c1 = Stop")
    assume "c1 = Stop"
    thus ?case
      by (metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw_simplep.seq_stop evalwp.unannotated evalwp_evalw_eq)
    assume "c1  Stop"
    with Seq show ?case
      by (metis evalw.seq has_annotated_stop.simps(2))
  case (If bexp c1 c2)
  thus ?case
    apply (clarify, rename_tac mds mem)
    apply (case_tac "evB mem bexp")
     apply (metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw.unannotated evalw_simple.if_true)
    by (metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw.unannotated evalw_simple.if_false)
  case (While bexp c)
  thus ?case
    by (metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw_simplep.while evalwp.unannotated evalwp_evalw_eq)
  case Stop
  thus ?case by blast

lemma stop_bisim:
  assumes bisim: "Stop, mds, mem1  c, mds, mem2"
  assumes typeable: " Γ { c } Γ'"
  shows "c = Stop"
proof (rule ccontr)
  let ?lc1 = "Stop, mds, mem1" and
      ?lc2 = "c, mds, mem2"
  assume "c  Stop"
  from typeable have "¬ has_annotated_stop c"
    by (metis typed_no_annotated_stop)
  with c  Stop obtain c' mds' mem2' where "?lc2  c', mds', mem2'"
    using not_stop_eval
    by blast
  from bisim have "?lc2  ?lc1"
    by (metis mm_equiv_sym)
  ultimately obtain c1' mds1' mem1'
    where "Stop, mds, mem1  c1', mds1', mem1'"
    using mm_equiv_strong_low_bisim
    unfolding strong_low_bisim_mm_def
    by blast
  thus False
    by (metis (lifting) stop_no_eval)

(* This is the main part of the proof and used in ℛ1_weak_bisim: *)

lemma ℛ_typed_step:
  "  Γ { c1 } Γ' ;
     mds_consistent mds Γ ;
     mem1 =Γmem2 ;
     c1, mds, mem1  c1', mds', mem1'  
   ( c2' mem2'. c1, mds, mem2  c2', mds', mem2' 
                 c1', mds', mem1' uΓ'c2', mds', mem2')"
proof (induct arbitrary: mds c1' rule: has_type.induct)
  case (seq_type Γ c1 Γ'' c2 Γ' mds)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "c1 = Stop")
    assume "c1 = Stop"
    hence [simp]: "c1' = c2" "mds' = mds" "mem1' = mem1"
      using seq_type
      by (auto simp: seq_stop_elim)
    from seq_type c1 = Stop have "Γ c Γ''"
      by (metis stop_cxt)
    hence " Γ { c2 } Γ'"
      by (metis context_le_refl seq_type(3) sub)
    have "c2, mds, mem1 1Γ'c2, mds, mem2"
      apply (rule 1.intro [of Γ])
      by (auto simp: seq_type  Γ { c2 } Γ')
    thus ?case
      using ℛ.intro1
      apply clarify
      apply (rule_tac x = c2 in exI)
      apply (rule_tac x = mem2 in exI)
      apply (auto simp: c1 = Stop)
      by (metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw_simplep.seq_stop evalwp.unannotated evalwp_evalw_eq)
    assume "c1  Stop"
    with c1 ;; c2, mds, mem1  c1', mds', mem1' obtain c1'' where c1''_props:
      "c1, mds, mem1  c1'', mds', mem1'  c1' = c1'' ;; c2"
      by (metis seq_elim)
    with seq_type(2) obtain c2'' mem2' where c2''_props:
      "c1, mds, mem2  c2'', mds', mem2'  c1'', mds', mem1' uΓ''c2'', mds', mem2'"
      by (metis seq_type(5) seq_type(6))
    hence "c1'' ;; c2, mds', mem1' uΓ'c2'' ;; c2, mds', mem2'"
      apply (rule conjE)
      apply (erule ℛ_elim, auto)
        apply (metis ℛ.intro3 3_aux.intro1 seq_type(3))
       apply (metis ℛ.intro3 3_aux.intro2 seq_type(3))
      by (metis ℛ.intro3 3_aux.intro3 seq_type(3))
    from c2''_props have "c1 ;; c2, mds, mem2  c2'' ;; c2, mds', mem2'"
      by (metis evalw.seq)
    ultimately show ?case
      by (metis c1''_props)
  case (anno_type Γ' Γ upd c Γ'' mds)
  have "mem1 =Γ'mem2"
    by (metis less_eq_Sec_def anno_type(5) anno_type(7) tyenv_eq_def)
  have "mds_consistent (update_modes upd mds) Γ'"
    by (metis (lifting) anno_type(1) anno_type(6) mode_update_add_anno)
  then obtain c2' mem2' where "(c, update_modes upd mds, mem2  c2', mds', mem2' 
    c1', mds', mem1' uΓ''c2', mds', mem2')"
    using anno_type
    apply auto
    by (metis mem1 =Γ'mem2 anno_type(1) upd_elim)
  thus ?case
    apply (rule_tac x = c2' in exI)
    apply (rule_tac x = mem2' in exI)
    apply auto
    by (metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw.decl)
  case stop_type
  with stop_no_eval show ?case by auto
  case (skip_type Γ mds)
  with skip_type have [simp]: "mds' = mds" "c1' = Stop" "mem1' = mem1"
    using skip_elim
    by (metis, metis, metis)
  with skip_type have "Stop, mds, mem1 1ΓStop, mds, mem2"
    by auto
  thus ?case
    using ℛ.intro1 and unannotated [where c = Skip and E = "[]"]
    apply auto
    by (metis evalw_simple.skip)
next (* assign1 *)
  case (assign1 x Γ e t mds)
  hence [simp]: "c1' = Stop" "mds' = mds" "mem1' = mem1 (x := evA mem1 e)"
    using assign_elim
    by (auto, metis)
  have "mem1 (x := evA mem1 e) =Γmem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
  proof (cases "to_total Γ x")
    assume "to_total Γ x = High"
    thus ?thesis
      using assign1 tyenv_eq_def
      by auto
    assume "to_total Γ x = Low"
    with assign1 have [simp]: "t = Low"
      by (metis less_eq_Sec_def to_total_def)
    hence "dma x = Low"
      using assign1 to_total Γ x = Low
      by (metis to_total_def)
    with assign1 have " v  aexp_vars e. to_total Γ v = Low"
      using type_low_vars_low
      by auto
    thus ?thesis
      using eval_vars_detA
      apply (auto simp: tyenv_eq_def)
       apply (metis (no_types) assign1(5) tyenv_eq_def)
      by (metis assign1(5) tyenv_eq_def)
  hence "x  e, mds, mem2  Stop, mds', mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
    "Stop, mds', mem1 (x := evA mem1 e) uΓStop, mds', mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
    apply auto
     apply (metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw.unannotated evalw_simple.assign)
    by (rule ℛ.intro1, auto simp: assign1)
  thus ?case
    using c1' = Stop and mem1' = mem1 (x := evA mem1 e)
    by blast
next (* assign2 *)
  case (assign2 x Γ e t mds)
  hence [simp]: "c1' = Stop" "mds' = mds" "mem1' = mem1 (x := evA mem1 e)"
    using assign_elim assign2
    by (auto, metis)
  let ?Γ' = "Γ (x  t)"
  have "x  e, mds, mem2  Stop, mds, mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
    using assign2
    by (metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw_simplep.assign evalwp.unannotated evalwp_evalw_eq)
  have "Stop, mds, mem1 (x := evA mem1 e) 1?Γ'Stop, mds, mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
  proof (auto)
    from assign2 show "mds_consistent mds ?Γ'"
      apply (simp add: mds_consistent_def)
      by (metis (lifting) insert_absorb assign2(1))
    show "mem1 (x := evA mem1 e) =?Γ'mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
      unfolding tyenv_eq_def
    proof (auto)
      assume "to_total (Γ(x  t)) x = Low"
      with Γ a e  t have " x. x  aexp_vars e  to_total Γ x = Low"
        by (metis assign2.prems(1) domI fun_upd_same option.sel to_total_def type_low_vars_low)
      thus "evA mem1 e = evA mem2 e"
        by (metis assign2.prems(2) eval_vars_detA tyenv_eq_def)
      fix y
      assume "y  x" and "to_total (Γ (x  t)) y = Low"
      thus "mem1 y = mem2 y"
        by (metis (full_types) assign2.prems(2) domD domI fun_upd_other to_total_def tyenv_eq_def)
  ultimately have "x  e, mds, mem2  Stop, mds', mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
    "Stop, mds', mem1 (x := evA mem1 e) uΓ(x  t)Stop, mds', mem2 (x := evA mem2 e)"
    using ℛ.intro1
    by auto
  thus ?case
    using mds' = mds c1' = Stop mem1' = mem1(x := evA mem1 e)
    by blast
next (* if *)
  case (if_type Γ e th el Γ')
  have "(c1', mds, mem1, c1', mds, mem2)   Γ'"
    apply (rule intro1)
    apply clarify
    apply (rule 1.intro [where Γ = Γ and Γ' = Γ'])
      apply (auto simp: if_type)
    by (metis (lifting) if_elim if_type(2) if_type(4) if_type(8))
  have eq_condition: "evB mem1 e = evB mem2 e  ?case"
  proof -
    assume "evB mem1 e = evB mem2 e"
    with if_type(8) have "(If e th el, mds, mem2  c1', mds, mem2)"
      apply (cases "evB mem1 e")
       apply (subgoal_tac "c1' = th")
        apply clarify
        apply (metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw_simplep.if_true evalwp.unannotated evalwp_evalw_eq if_type(8))
       apply (metis if_elim if_type(8))
      apply (subgoal_tac "c1' = el")
       apply (metis (opaque_lifting, mono_tags) cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw.unannotated evalw_simple.if_false if_type(8))
      by (metis if_elim if_type(8))
    thus ?thesis
      by (metis c1', mds, mem1 uΓ'c1', mds, mem2 if_elim if_type(8))
  have "mem1 =mdsl mem2"
    apply (auto simp: low_mds_eq_def mds_consistent_def)
    apply (subgoal_tac "x  dom Γ")
     apply (metis if_type(7) to_total_def tyenv_eq_def)
    by (metis (lifting, mono_tags) CollectD Sec.simps(2) if_type(6) mds_consistent_def)
  obtain t where "Γ b e  t"
    by (metis type_bexpr.intros)
  from if_type show ?case
  proof (cases t)
    assume "t = High"
    with if_type show ?thesis
    proof (cases "evB mem1 e = evB mem2 e")
      assume "evB mem1 e = evB mem2 e"
      with eq_condition show ?thesis by auto
      assume neq: "evB mem1 e  evB mem2 e"
      from if_type t = High have "th mdsel"
        by (metis Γ b e  t)
      from neq show ?thesis
      proof (cases "evB mem1 e")
        assume "evB mem1 e"
        hence "c1' = th"
          by (metis (lifting) if_elim if_type(8))
        hence "If e th el, mds, mem2  el, mds, mem2"
          by (metis evB mem1 e cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw.unannotated evalw_simple.if_false if_type(8) neq)
        with mem1 =mdsl mem2 have "th, mds, mem1  el, mds, mem2"
          by (metis low_indistinguishable_def th mdsel)
        have " x  dom Γ'. Γ' x = Some High"
          using if_type t = High
          by (metis Γ b e  t)
        have "th, mds, mem1 2Γ'el, mds, mem2"
          by (metis (lifting) 2.intro xdom Γ'. Γ' x = Some High th, mds, mem1  el, mds, mem2 if_type(2) if_type(4) if_type(6))
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using ℛ.intro2
          apply clarify
          by (metis c1' = th if_elim if_type(8))
        assume "¬ evB mem1 e"
        hence [simp]: "c1' = el"
          by (metis (lifting) if_type(8) if_elim)
        hence "If e th el, mds, mem2  th, mds, mem2"
          by (metis (opaque_lifting, mono_tags) ¬ evB mem1 e cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw.unannotated evalw_simple.if_true if_type(8) neq)
        from th mdsel have "el mdsth"
          by (metis low_indistinguishable_sym)
        with mem1 =mdsl mem2 have "el, mds, mem1  th, mds, mem2"
          by (metis low_indistinguishable_def)
        have " x  dom Γ'. Γ' x = Some High"
          using if_type t = High
          by (metis Γ b e  t)
        have "el, mds, mem1 2Γ'th, mds, mem2"
          apply (rule 2.intro [where Γ1 = Γ and Γ2 = Γ])
          by (auto simp: if_type el, mds, mem1  th, mds, mem2  x  dom Γ'. Γ' x = Some High)
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using ℛ.intro2
          apply clarify
          by (metis c1' = el if_elim if_type(8))
    assume "t = Low"
    with if_type have "evB mem1 e = evB mem2 e"
      using eval_vars_detB
      apply (simp add: tyenv_eq_def Γ b e  t type_low_vars_low_b)
      by (metis (lifting) Γ b e  t type_low_vars_low_b)
    with eq_condition show ?thesis by auto
next (* while *)
  case (while_type Γ e c)
  hence [simp]: "c1' = (If e (c ;; While e c) Stop)" and
    [simp]: "mds' = mds" and
    [simp]: "mem1' = mem1"
    by (auto simp: while_elim)
  with while_type have "While e c, mds, mem2  c1', mds, mem2"
    by (metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw_simplep.while evalwp.unannotated evalwp_evalw_eq)
  have "c1', mds, mem1 1Γc1', mds, mem2"
    apply (rule 1.intro [where Γ = Γ])
      apply (auto simp: while_type)
    apply (rule if_type)
      apply (metis (lifting) Sec.simps(1) while_type(1) type_bexpr_elim)
     apply (rule seq_type [where Γ' = Γ])
      by (auto simp: while_type)
  ultimately show ?case
    using ℛ.intro1 [of Γ]
    by (auto, blast)
  case (sub Γ1 c Γ1' Γ Γ' mds c1')
  hence "dom Γ1  dom Γ" "dom Γ'  dom Γ1'"
    apply (metis (lifting) context_le_def equalityE)
    by (metis context_le_def sub(4) order_refl)
  hence "mds_consistent mds Γ1"
    using sub
    apply (auto simp: mds_consistent_def)
     apply (metis (lifting, full_types) context_le_def domD mem_Collect_eq)
    by (metis (lifting, full_types) context_le_def domD mem_Collect_eq)
  moreover have "mem1 =Γ1mem2"
    unfolding tyenv_eq_def
    by (metis (lifting, no_types) context_le_def less_eq_Sec_def sub.hyps(3) sub.prems(2) to_total_def tyenv_eq_def)
  ultimately obtain c2' mem2' where c2'_props: "c, mds, mem2  c2', mds', mem2'"
    "c1', mds', mem1' uΓ1'c2', mds', mem2'"
    using sub
    by blast
  have " c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2. c1, mds, mem1 uΓ1'c2, mds, mem2 
    c1, mds, mem1 uΓ'c2, mds, mem2"
  proof -
    fix c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2
    let ?lc1 = "c1, mds, mem1" and ?lc2 = "c2, mds, mem2"
    assume asm: "?lc1 uΓ1'?lc2"
    have "?lc1 1Γ1'?lc2  ?lc1 1Γ'?lc2"
      apply (erule 1_elim)
      apply auto
      by (metis (lifting) has_type.sub sub(4) stop_cxt stop_type)
    have "?lc1 2Γ1'?lc2  ?lc1 2Γ'?lc2"
    proof -
      assume r2: "?lc1 2Γ1'?lc2"
      then obtain Λ1 Λ2 where " Λ1 { c1 }  Γ1'" " Λ2 { c2 } Γ1'" "mds_consistent mds Λ1"
        "mds_consistent mds Λ2"
        by (metis 2_elim)
      hence " Λ1 { c1 } Γ'"
        using sub(4)
        by (metis context_le_refl has_type.sub sub(4))
      have " Λ2 { c2 } Γ'"
        by (metis  Λ2 {c2} Γ1' context_le_refl has_type.sub sub(4))
      from r2 have " x  dom Γ1'. Γ1' x = Some High"
        apply (rule 2_elim)
        by auto
      hence " x  dom Γ'. Γ' x = Some High"
        by (metis Sec.simps(2) dom Γ'  dom Γ1' context_le_def domD less_eq_Sec_def sub(4) rev_subsetD option.sel)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by (metis (no_types) 2.intro 2_elim' mds_consistent mds Λ1 mds_consistent mds Λ2 r2)
    have "?lc1 3Γ1'?lc2  ?lc1 3Γ'?lc2"
      apply (erule 3_elim)
      proof -
        fix Γ c1'' c2''' c
        assume [simp]: "c1 = c1'' ;; c" "c2 = c2''' ;; c"
        assume case1: " Γ {c} Γ1'" "c1'', mds, mem1 1Γc2''', mds, mem2"
        hence " Γ {c} Γ'"
          using context_le_refl has_type.sub sub.hyps(4)
          by blast
        with case1 show "c1, mds, mem1 3Γ'c2, mds, mem2"
          using 3_aux.intro1 by simp
        fix Γ c1'' c2''' c''
        assume [simp]: "c1 = c1'' ;; c''" "c2 = c2''' ;; c''"
        assume "c1'', mds, mem1 2Γc2''', mds, mem2" " Γ {c''} Γ1'"
        thus "c1, mds, mem1 3Γ'c2, mds, mem2"
          using 3_aux.intro2
          apply simp
          apply (rule 3_aux.intro2 [where Γ = Γ])
           apply simp
          by (metis context_le_refl has_type.sub sub.hyps(4))
        fix Γ c1'' c2''' c''
        assume [simp]: "c1 = c1'' ;; c''" "c2 = c2''' ;; c''"
        assume "c1'', mds, mem1 3Γc2''', mds, mem2" " Γ {c''} Γ1'"
        thus "c1, mds, mem1 3Γ'c2, mds, mem2"
          using 3_aux.intro3
          apply auto
          by (metis (opaque_lifting, no_types) context_le_refl has_type.sub sub.hyps(4))
    ultimately show "?thesis c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2"
      by (auto simp: ℛ.intros)
  with c2'_props show ?case
    by blast

(* We can now show that ℛ1 and ℛ3 are weak bisimulations of ℛ,: *)
lemma 1_weak_bisim:
  "weak_bisim (1 Γ') ( Γ')"
  unfolding weak_bisim_def
  using 1_elim ℛ_typed_step
  by auto

lemma ℛ_to_ℛ3: " c1, mds, mem1 uΓc2, mds, mem2 ;  Γ { c } Γ'  
  c1 ;; c, mds, mem1 3Γ'c2 ;; c, mds, mem2"
  apply (erule ℛ_elim)
  by auto

lemma 2_implies_typeable: "c1, mds, mem1 2Γ'c2, mds, mem2   Γ1.  Γ1 { c2 } Γ'"
  apply (erule 2_elim)
  by auto

lemma 3_weak_bisim:
  "weak_bisim (3 Γ') ( Γ')"
proof -
    fix c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2 c1' mds' mem1'
    assume case3: "(c1, mds, mem1, c2, mds, mem2)  3 Γ'"
    assume eval: "c1, mds, mem1  c1', mds', mem1'"
    have " c2' mem2'. c2, mds, mem2  c2', mds', mem2'  c1', mds', mem1' uΓ'c2', mds', mem2'"
      using case3 eval
      apply simp
    proof (induct arbitrary: c1' rule: 3_aux.induct)
      case (intro1 Γ c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2 c Γ')
      hence [simp]: "c2 = c1"
        by (metis (lifting) 1_elim)
      thus ?case
      proof (cases "c1 = Stop")
        assume [simp]: "c1 = Stop"
        from intro1(1) show ?thesis
          apply (rule 1_elim)
          apply simp
          apply (rule_tac x = c in exI)
          apply (rule_tac x = mem2 in exI)
          apply (rule conjI)
           apply (metis c1 = Stop cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw_simplep.seq_stop evalwp.unannotated evalwp_evalw_eq intro1.prems seq_stop_elim)
          apply (rule ℛ.intro1, clarify)
          by (metis (no_types) 1.intro c1 = Stop context_le_refl intro1.prems intro1(2) seq_stop_elim stop_cxt sub)
        assume "c1  Stop"
        from intro1
        obtain c1'' where "c1, mds, mem1  c1'', mds', mem1'  c1' = (c1'' ;; c)"
          by (metis c1  Stop intro1.prems seq_elim)
        with intro1
        obtain c2'' mem2' where "c2, mds, mem2  c2'', mds', mem2'" "c1'', mds', mem1' uΓc2'', mds', mem2'"
          using 1_weak_bisim and weak_bisim_def
          by blast
        thus ?thesis
          using intro1(2) ℛ_to_ℛ3
          apply (rule_tac x = "c2'' ;; c" in exI)
          apply (rule_tac x = mem2' in exI)
          apply (rule conjI)
           apply (metis evalw.seq)
          apply auto
          apply (rule ℛ.intro3)
          by (metis (opaque_lifting, no_types) c1, mds, mem1  c1'', mds', mem1'  c1' = c1'' ;; c)
      case (intro2 Γ c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2 cn Γ')
      thus ?case
      proof (cases "c1 = Stop")
        assume [simp]: "c1 = Stop"
        hence [simp]: "c1' = cn" "mds' = mds" "mem1' = mem1"
          using eval intro2 seq_stop_elim 
          by auto
        from intro2 have bisim: "c1, mds, mem1  c2, mds, mem2"
          by (metis (lifting) 2_elim')
        from intro2 obtain Γ1 where " Γ1 { c2 } Γ"
          by (metis 2_implies_typeable)
        with bisim have [simp]: "c2 = Stop"
          apply auto
          apply (rule stop_bisim [of mds mem1 c2 mem2 Γ1 Γ])
          by simp_all
        have "c2 ;; cn, mds, mem2  cn, mds', mem2"
          apply (auto simp: intro2)
          by (metis cxt_to_stmt.simps(1) evalw_simplep.seq_stop evalwp.unannotated evalwp_evalw_eq)
        from intro2(1) have "mds_consistent mds Γ"
          apply auto
          apply (erule 2_elim)
          apply (simp add: mds_consistent_def)
          by (metis context_le_def stop_cxt)
        from bisim have "mem1 =mdsl mem2"
          by (auto simp: mm_equiv.simps strong_low_bisim_mm_def)
        have " x  dom Γ. Γ x = Some High"
          using intro2(1)
          by (metis 2_elim')
        hence "mem1 =Γmem2"
          using mds_consistent mds Γ mem1 =mdsl mem2
          apply (auto simp: tyenv_eq_def low_mds_eq_def mds_consistent_def)
          by (metis Sec.simps(1) xdom Γ. Γ x = Some High mds' = mds domI option.sel to_total_def)
        ultimately have "cn, mds, mem1 1Γ'cn, mds, mem2"
          by (metis (lifting) 1.intro intro2(2))
        thus "?thesis"
          using ℛ.intro1
          apply auto
          by (metis c2 ;; cn, mds, mem2  cn, mds', mem2 c2 = Stop mds' = mds)
        assume "c1  Stop"
        then obtain c1''' where "c1' = c1''' ;; cn" "c1, mds, mem1  c1''', mds', mem1'"
          by (metis (no_types) intro2.prems seq_elim)
        then obtain c2''' mem2' where c2'''_props:
          "c2, mds, mem2  c2''', mds', mem2' 
          c1''', mds', mem1' 2Γc2''', mds', mem2'"
          using 2_bisim_step intro2
          by blast
        let ?c2' = "c2''' ;; cn"
        from c2'''_props have "c2 ;; cn, mds, mem2  ?c2', mds', mem2'"
          by (metis (lifting) intro2 evalw.seq)
        have "(c1''' ;; cn, mds', mem1', ?c2', mds', mem2')  3 Γ'"
          by (metis (lifting) 3_aux.intro2 c2'''_props intro2(2) mem_Collect_eq case_prodI)
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using ℛ.intro3
          by (metis (lifting) 3_aux.intro2 c1' = c1''' ;; cn c2'''_props intro2(2))
      case (intro3 Γ c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2 c Γ')
      thus ?case
        apply (cases "c1 = Stop")
         apply blast
      proof -
        assume "c1  Stop"
        then obtain c1'' where "c1, mds, mem1  c1'', mds', mem1'" "c1' = (c1'' ;; c)"
          by (metis intro3.prems seq_elim)
        then obtain c2'' mem2' where "c2, mds, mem2  c2'', mds', mem2'" "c1'', mds', mem1' uΓc2'', mds', mem2'"
          using intro3(2) mem_Collect_eq case_prodI
          by metis
        thus ?thesis
          apply (rule_tac x = "c2'' ;; c" in exI)
          apply (rule_tac x = mem2' in exI)
          apply (rule conjI)
           apply (metis evalw.seq)
          apply (erule ℛ_elim)
            apply simp_all
            apply (metis ℛ.intro3 ℛ_to_ℛ3 c1'', mds', mem1' uΓc2'', mds', mem2' c1' = c1'' ;; c intro3(3))
           apply (metis (lifting) ℛ.intro3 ℛ_to_ℛ3 c1'', mds', mem1' uΓc2'', mds', mem2' c1' = c1'' ;; c intro3(3))
          by (metis (lifting) ℛ.intro3 3_aux.intro3 c1' = c1'' ;; c intro3(3))
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding weak_bisim_def
    by auto

(* Hence ℛ is a bisimulation: *)
lemma ℛ_bisim: "strong_low_bisim_mm ( Γ')"
  unfolding strong_low_bisim_mm_def
proof (auto)
  from ℛ_sym show "sym ( Γ')" .
  from ℛ_closed_glob_consistent show "closed_glob_consistent ( Γ')" .
  fix c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2
  assume "c1, mds, mem1 uΓ'c2, mds, mem2"
  thus "mem1 =mdsl mem2"
    apply (rule ℛ_elim)
    by (auto simp: 1_mem_eq 2_mem_eq 3_mem_eq)
  fix c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2 c1' mds' mem1'
  assume eval: "c1, mds, mem1  c1', mds', mem1'"
  assume R: "c1, mds, mem1 uΓ'c2, mds, mem2"
  from R show " c2' mem2'. c2, mds, mem2  c2', mds', mem2' 
                            c1', mds', mem1' uΓ'c2', mds', mem2'"
    apply (rule ℛ_elim)
      apply (insert 1_weak_bisim 2_weak_bisim 3_weak_bisim eval weak_bisim_def)
      apply (clarify, blast)+
    by (metis mem_Collect_eq case_prodI)

lemma Typed_in_ℛ:
  assumes typeable: " Γ { c } Γ'"
  assumes mds_cons: "mds_consistent mds Γ"
  assumes mem_eq: " x. to_total Γ x = Low  mem1 x = mem2 x"
  shows "c, mds, mem1 uΓ'c, mds, mem2"
  apply (rule ℛ.intro1 [of Γ'])
  apply clarify
  apply (rule 1.intro [of Γ])
  by (auto simp: assms tyenv_eq_def) 

(* We then prove the main soundness theorem using the fact that typeable
    configurations can be related using ℛ1 *)
theorem type_soundness:
  assumes well_typed: " Γ { c } Γ'"
  assumes mds_cons: "mds_consistent mds Γ"
  assumes mem_eq: " x. to_total Γ x = Low  mem1 x = mem2 x"
  shows "c, mds, mem1  c, mds, mem2"
  using ℛ_bisim Typed_in_ℛ
  by (metis mds_cons mem_eq mm_equiv.simps well_typed)

definition "Γ0" :: "'Var TyEnv"
  where "Γ0 x = None"

(* The typing relation for lists of commands ("thread pools"). *)
inductive type_global :: "('Var, 'AExp, 'BExp) Stmt list  bool"
  (" _" [120] 1000)
  " list_all (λ c.  Γ0 { c } Γ0) cs ;
      mem. sound_mode_use (add_initial_modes cs, mem)  
    type_global cs"

inductive_cases type_global_elim: " cs"

lemma mdss_consistent: "mds_consistent mdss Γ0"
  by (auto simp: mdss_def mds_consistent_def Γ0_def)

lemma typed_secure:
  "  Γ0 { c } Γ0   com_sifum_secure c"
  apply (auto simp: com_sifum_secure_def low_indistinguishable_def mds_consistent_def type_soundness)
  apply (auto simp: low_mds_eq_def)
  apply (rule type_soundness [of Γ0 c Γ0])
    apply (auto simp: mdss_consistent to_total_def Γ0_def)
  by (metis empty_iff mdss_def)

lemma " mds_consistent mds Γ0 ; dma x = Low   x  mds AsmNoRead"
  by (auto simp: mds_consistent_def Γ0_def)

lemma list_all_set: " x  set xs. P x  list_all P xs"
  by (metis (lifting) list_all_iff)

theorem type_soundness_global:
  assumes typeable: " cs"
  assumes no_assms_term: "no_assumptions_on_termination cs"
  shows "prog_sifum_secure cs"
  using typeable
  apply (rule type_global_elim)
  apply (subgoal_tac " c  set cs. com_sifum_secure c")
   apply (metis list_all_set no_assms_term sifum_compositionality sound_mode_use.simps)
  by (metis (lifting) list_all_iff typed_secure)
