Theory Security

Title: SIFUM-Type-Systems
Authors: Sylvia Grewe, Heiko Mantel, Daniel Schoepe
section ‹Definition of the SIFUM-Security Property›

theory Security
imports Main Preliminaries

context sifum_security begin

subsection ‹Evaluation of Concurrent Programs›

abbreviation eval_abv :: "('Com, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf  (_, _, _) LocalConf  bool"
  (infixl "" 70)
  "x  y  (x, y)  eval"

abbreviation conf_abv :: "'Com  'Var Mds  ('Var, 'Val) Mem  (_,_,_) LocalConf"
  ("_, _, _" [0, 0, 0] 1000)
  " c, mds, mem   ((c, mds), mem)"

(* Evaluation of global configurations: *)
inductive_set meval :: "(_,_,_) GlobalConf rel"
  and meval_abv :: "_  _  bool" (infixl "" 70)
  "conf  conf'  (conf, conf')  meval" |
  meval_intro [iff]: " (cms ! n, mem)  (cm', mem'); n < length cms  
  ((cms, mem), (cms [n := cm'], mem'))  meval"

inductive_cases meval_elim [elim!]: "((cms, mem), (cms', mem'))  meval"

(* Syntactic sugar for the reflexive-transitive closure of meval: *)
abbreviation meval_clos :: "_  _  bool" (infixl "*" 70)
  "conf * conf'  (conf, conf')  meval*"

fun lc_set_var :: "(_, _, _) LocalConf  'Var  'Val  (_, _, _) LocalConf"
  "lc_set_var (c, mem) x v = (c, mem (x := v))"

fun meval_k :: "nat  ('Com, 'Var, 'Val) GlobalConf  (_, _, _) GlobalConf  bool"
  "meval_k 0 c c' = (c = c')" |
  "meval_k (Suc n) c c' = ( c''. meval_k n c c''  c''  c')"

(* k steps of evaluation (for global configurations: *)
abbreviation meval_k_abv :: "nat  (_, _, _) GlobalConf  (_, _, _) GlobalConf  bool"
  ("_ ı _" [100, 100] 80)
  "gc kgc'  meval_k k gc gc'"

subsection ‹Low-equivalence and Strong Low Bisimulations›

(* Low-equality between memory states: *)
definition low_eq :: "('Var, 'Val) Mem  (_, _) Mem  bool" (infixl "=l" 80)
  "mem1 =l mem2  ( x. dma x = Low  mem1 x = mem2 x)"

(* Low-equality modulo a given mode state: *)
definition low_mds_eq :: "'Var Mds  ('Var, 'Val) Mem  (_, _) Mem  bool"
  ("_ =ıl _" [100, 100] 80)
  "(mem1 =mdsl mem2)  ( x. dma x = Low  x  mds AsmNoRead  mem1 x = mem2 x)"

(* Initial mode state: *)
definition "mdss" :: "'Var Mds" where
  "mdss x = {}"

lemma [simp]: "mem =l mem'  mem =mdsl mem'"
  by (simp add: low_mds_eq_def low_eq_def)

lemma [simp]: "( mds. mem =mdsl mem')  mem =l mem'"
  by (auto simp: low_mds_eq_def low_eq_def)

(* Closedness under globally consistent changes: *)
definition closed_glob_consistent :: "(('Com, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf) rel  bool"
  "closed_glob_consistent  =
  ( c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2. ( c1, mds, mem1 ,  c2, mds, mem2 )   
   ( x. ((dma x = High  x  mds AsmNoWrite) 
           ( v1 v2. ( c1, mds, mem1 (x := v1) ,  c2, mds, mem2 (x := v2) )  )) 
         ((dma x = Low  x  mds AsmNoWrite) 
           ( v. ( c1, mds, mem1 (x := v) ,  c2, mds, mem2 (x := v) )  ))))"

(* Strong low bisimulations modulo modes: *)
definition strong_low_bisim_mm :: "(('Com, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf) rel  bool"
  ( c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2. ( c1, mds, mem1 ,  c2, mds, mem2 )   
   (mem1 =mdsl mem2) 
   ( c1' mds' mem1'.  c1, mds, mem1    c1', mds', mem1'  
    ( c2' mem2'.  c2, mds, mem2    c2', mds', mem2'  
                  ( c1', mds', mem1' ,  c2', mds', mem2' )  )))"

inductive_set mm_equiv :: "(('Com, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf) rel"
  and mm_equiv_abv :: "('Com, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf  
  ('Com, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf  bool" (infix "" 60)
  "mm_equiv_abv x y  (x, y)  mm_equiv" |
  mm_equiv_intro [iff]: " strong_low_bisim_mm  ; (lc1, lc2)     (lc1, lc2)  mm_equiv"

inductive_cases mm_equiv_elim [elim]: " c1, mds, mem1    c2, mds, mem2 "

definition low_indistinguishable :: "'Var Mds  'Com  'Com  bool"
  ("_ ı _" [100, 100] 80)
  where "c1 mdsc2 = ( mem1 mem2. mem1 =mdsl mem2 
     c1, mds, mem1    c2, mds, mem2 )"

subsection ‹SIFUM-Security›

(* SIFUM-security for commands: *)
definition com_sifum_secure :: "'Com  bool"
  where "com_sifum_secure c = c mdssc"

definition add_initial_modes :: "'Com list  ('Com × 'Var Mds) list"
  where "add_initial_modes cmds = zip cmds (replicate (length cmds) mdss)"

definition no_assumptions_on_termination :: "'Com list  bool"
  where "no_assumptions_on_termination cmds =
  ( mem mem' cms'.
    (add_initial_modes cmds, mem) * (cms', mem') 
    list_all (λ c. c = stop) (map fst cms') 
      ( mds'  set (map snd cms'). mds' AsmNoRead = {}  mds' AsmNoWrite = {}))"

(* SIFUM-security for programs: *)
definition prog_sifum_secure :: "'Com list  bool"
  where "prog_sifum_secure cmds =
  (no_assumptions_on_termination cmds 
   ( mem1 mem2. mem1 =l mem2 
    ( k cms1' mem1'.
     (add_initial_modes cmds, mem1) k(cms1', mem1') 
      ( cms2' mem2'. (add_initial_modes cmds, mem2) k(cms2', mem2') 
                      map snd cms1' = map snd cms2' 
                      length cms2' = length cms1' 
                      ( x. dma x = Low  ( i < length cms1'.
                        x  snd (cms1' ! i) AsmNoRead)  mem1' x = mem2' x)))))"

subsection ‹Sound Mode Use›

definition doesnt_read :: "'Com  'Var  bool"
  "doesnt_read c x = ( mds mem c' mds' mem'.
   c, mds, mem    c', mds', mem'  
  (( v.  c, mds, mem (x := v)    c', mds', mem' (x := v) ) 
   ( v.  c, mds, mem (x := v)    c', mds', mem' )))"

definition doesnt_modify :: "'Com  'Var  bool"
  "doesnt_modify c x = ( mds mem c' mds' mem'. ( c, mds, mem    c', mds', mem' ) 
                        mem x = mem' x)"

(* Local reachability of local configurations: *)
inductive_set loc_reach :: "('Com, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf  ('Com, 'Var, 'Val) LocalConf set"
  for lc :: "(_, _, _) LocalConf"
  refl : "fst (fst lc), snd (fst lc), snd lc  loc_reach lc" |
  step : " c', mds', mem'  loc_reach lc;
            c', mds', mem'  c'', mds'', mem''  
          c'', mds'', mem''  loc_reach lc" |
  mem_diff : "  c', mds', mem'   loc_reach lc;
                ( x  mds' AsmNoWrite. mem' x = mem'' x)  
               c', mds', mem''   loc_reach lc"

definition locally_sound_mode_use :: "(_, _, _) LocalConf  bool"
  "locally_sound_mode_use lc =
  ( c' mds' mem'.  c', mds', mem'   loc_reach lc 
    ( x. (x  mds' GuarNoRead  doesnt_read c' x) 
          (x  mds' GuarNoWrite  doesnt_modify c' x)))"

definition compatible_modes :: "('Var Mds) list  bool"
  "compatible_modes mdss = ( (i :: nat) x. i < length mdss 
    (x  (mdss ! i) AsmNoRead 
     ( j < length mdss. j  i  x  (mdss ! j) GuarNoRead)) 
    (x  (mdss ! i) AsmNoWrite 
     ( j < length mdss. j  i  x  (mdss ! j) GuarNoWrite)))"

definition reachable_mode_states :: "('Com, 'Var, 'Val) GlobalConf  (('Var Mds) list) set"
  where "reachable_mode_states gc =
  {mdss. ( cms' mem'. gc * (cms', mem')  map snd cms' = mdss)}"

definition globally_sound_mode_use :: "('Com, 'Var, 'Val) GlobalConf  bool"
  where "globally_sound_mode_use gc =
  ( mdss. mdss  reachable_mode_states gc  compatible_modes mdss)"

primrec sound_mode_use :: "(_, _, _) GlobalConf  bool"
  "sound_mode_use (cms, mem) =
     (list_all (λ cm. locally_sound_mode_use (cm, mem)) cms 
      globally_sound_mode_use (cms, mem))"

(* We now show that mm_equiv itself forms a strong low bisimulation modulo modes: *)
lemma mm_equiv_sym:
  assumes equivalent: "c1, mds1, mem1  c2, mds2, mem2"
  shows "c2, mds2, mem2  c1, mds1, mem1"
proof -
  from equivalent obtain 
    where ℛ_bisim: "strong_low_bisim_mm   (c1, mds1, mem1, c2, mds2, mem2)  "
    by (metis mm_equiv.simps)
  hence "sym "
    by (auto simp: strong_low_bisim_mm_def)
  hence "(c2, mds2, mem2, c1, mds1, mem1)  "
    by (metis ℛ_bisim symE)
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis ℛ_bisim mm_equiv.intros)

lemma low_indistinguishable_sym: "lc mdslc'  lc' mdslc"
  by (auto simp: mm_equiv_sym low_indistinguishable_def low_mds_eq_def)

lemma mm_equiv_glob_consistent: "closed_glob_consistent mm_equiv"
  unfolding closed_glob_consistent_def
  apply clarify
  apply (erule mm_equiv_elim)
  by (auto simp: strong_low_bisim_mm_def closed_glob_consistent_def)

lemma mm_equiv_strong_low_bisim: "strong_low_bisim_mm mm_equiv"
  unfolding strong_low_bisim_mm_def
proof (auto)
  show "closed_glob_consistent mm_equiv" by (rule mm_equiv_glob_consistent)
  fix c1 mds mem1 c2 mem2 x
  assume " c1, mds, mem1    c2, mds, mem2 "
  then obtain  where
    "strong_low_bisim_mm   ( c1, mds, mem1 ,  c2, mds, mem2 )  "
    by blast
  thus "mem1 =mdsl mem2" by (auto simp: strong_low_bisim_mm_def)
  fix c1 :: 'Com
  fix mds mem1 c2 mem2 c1' mds' mem1'
  let ?lc1 = " c1, mds, mem1 " and
      ?lc1' = " c1', mds', mem1' " and
      ?lc2 = " c2, mds, mem2 "
  assume "?lc1  ?lc2"
  then obtain  where "strong_low_bisim_mm   (?lc1, ?lc2)  "
    by (rule mm_equiv_elim, blast)
  moreover assume "?lc1  ?lc1'"
  ultimately show " c2' mem2'. ?lc2   c2', mds', mem2'   ?lc1'   c2', mds', mem2' "
    by (simp add: strong_low_bisim_mm_def mm_equiv_sym, blast)
  show "sym mm_equiv"
    by (auto simp: sym_def mm_equiv_sym)

