Theory ORD_RES_1
theory ORD_RES_1
imports ORD_RES
section ‹ORD-RES-1 (deterministic)›
context simulation_SCLFOL_ground_ordered_resolution begin
inductive ord_res_1 where
factoring: "
is_least_false_clause N C ⟹
linorder_lit.is_maximal_in_mset C L ⟹
is_pos L ⟹
ord_res.ground_factoring C C' ⟹
N' = finsert C' N ⟹
ord_res_1 N N'" |
resolution: "
is_least_false_clause N C ⟹
linorder_lit.is_maximal_in_mset C L ⟹
is_neg L ⟹
D |∈| N ⟹
D ≺⇩c C ⟹
ord_res.production (fset N) D = {atm_of L} ⟹
ord_res.ground_resolution C D CD ⟹
N' = finsert CD N ⟹
ord_res_1 N N'"
assumes "ord_res.ground_resolution C D CD"
shows "D ≺⇩c C"
using assms
by (auto simp add: ord_res.ground_resolution.simps)
lemma right_unique_ord_res_1: "right_unique ord_res_1"
proof (rule right_uniqueI)
fix N N' N'' :: "'f gterm clause fset"
assume step1: "ord_res_1 N N'" and step2: "ord_res_1 N N''"
from step1 show "N' = N''"
proof (cases N N' rule: ord_res_1.cases)
case hyps1: (factoring C1 L1 C1')
from step2 show ?thesis
proof (cases N N'' rule: ord_res_1.cases)
case hyps2: (factoring C2 L2 C2')
from hyps1 hyps2 have "C1 = C2"
by (meson Uniq_D Uniq_is_least_false_clause)
with hyps1 hyps2 have "C1' = C2'"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Uniq_D ord_res.unique_ground_factoring)
with hyps1 hyps2 show ?thesis
by argo
case hyps2: (resolution C2 L2 D2 CD2)
from hyps1 hyps2 have "C1 = C2"
by (meson Uniq_D Uniq_is_least_false_clause)
with hyps1 hyps2 have "L1 = L2"
by (meson Uniq_D linorder_lit.Uniq_is_maximal_in_mset)
with hyps1 hyps2 have False
by metis
thus ?thesis ..
case hyps1: (resolution C1 L1 D1 CD1)
from step2 show ?thesis
proof (cases N N'' rule: ord_res_1.cases)
case hyps2: (factoring C2 L2 C2')
from hyps1 hyps2 have "C1 = C2"
by (meson Uniq_D Uniq_is_least_false_clause)
with hyps1 hyps2 have "L1 = L2"
by (meson Uniq_D linorder_lit.Uniq_is_maximal_in_mset)
with hyps1 hyps2 have False
by metis
thus ?thesis ..
case hyps2: (resolution C2 L2 D2 CD2)
from hyps1 hyps2 have "C1 = C2"
by (meson Uniq_D Uniq_is_least_false_clause)
with hyps1 hyps2 have "L1 = L2"
by (meson Uniq_D linorder_lit.Uniq_is_maximal_in_mset)
with hyps1 hyps2 have "D1 = D2"
by (metis (mono_tags) Uniq_D ord_res.Uniq_production_eq_singleton)
with hyps1 hyps2 have "CD1 = CD2"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Uniq_D ‹C1 = C2› ord_res.unique_ground_resolution)
with hyps1 hyps2 show ?thesis
by argo
definition ord_res_1_final where
"ord_res_1_final N ⟷ ord_res_final N"
inductive ord_res_1_load where
"N ≠ {||} ⟹ ord_res_1_load N N"
sublocale ord_res_1_semantics: semantics where
step = ord_res_1 and
final = ord_res_1_final
proof unfold_locales
fix N :: "'f gterm clause fset"
assume "ord_res_1_final N"
thus "finished ord_res_1 N"
unfolding ord_res_1_final_def ord_res_final_def
proof (elim disjE)
assume "{#} |∈| N"
have False if "ord_res_1 N N'" for N'
using that
proof (cases N N' rule: ord_res_1.cases)
case hyps: (factoring C L C')
from hyps ‹{#} |∈| N› have "C = {#}"
unfolding is_least_false_clause_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) emptyE ffmember_filter linorder_cls.dual_order.strict_trans
linorder_cls.is_least_in_fset_iff linorder_cls.less_irrefl
ord_res.multp_if_all_left_smaller set_mset_empty true_cls_empty)
moreover from hyps have "L ∈# C"
using linorder_lit.is_maximal_in_mset_iff by blast
ultimately show False
by simp
case hyps: (resolution C L D CD)
from hyps ‹{#} |∈| N› have "C = {#}"
unfolding is_least_false_clause_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) emptyE ffmember_filter linorder_cls.dual_order.strict_trans
linorder_cls.is_least_in_fset_iff linorder_cls.less_irrefl
ord_res.multp_if_all_left_smaller set_mset_empty true_cls_empty)
moreover from hyps have "L ∈# C"
using linorder_lit.is_maximal_in_mset_iff by blast
ultimately show False
by simp
thus "finished ord_res_1 N"
unfolding finished_def by metis
assume "¬ ex_false_clause (fset N)"
have False if "ord_res_1 N N'" for N'
using that
proof (cases N N' rule: ord_res_1.cases)
case (factoring C L C')
with ‹¬ ex_false_clause (fset N)› show False
unfolding ex_false_clause_def is_least_false_clause_def
using linorder_cls.is_least_in_fset_iff by force
case (resolution C L D CD)
with ‹¬ ex_false_clause (fset N)› show False
unfolding ex_false_clause_def is_least_false_clause_def
using linorder_cls.is_least_in_fset_iff by force
thus "finished ord_res_1 N"
unfolding finished_def by metis
sublocale ord_res_1_language: language where
step = ord_res_1 and
final = ord_res_1_final and
load = ord_res_1_load
by unfold_locales
lemma ex_ord_res_1_if_not_final:
assumes "¬ ord_res_1_final N"
shows "∃N'. ord_res_1 N N'"
proof -
from assms have "{#} |∉| N" and "ex_false_clause (fset N)"
unfolding ord_res_1_final_def ord_res_final_def by argo+
obtain C where C_least_false: "is_least_false_clause N C"
using ‹ex_false_clause (fset N)› obtains_least_false_clause_if_ex_false_clause by metis
hence "C ≠ {#}"
using ‹{#} |∉| N›
unfolding is_least_false_clause_def linorder_cls.is_least_in_ffilter_iff
by metis
then obtain L where C_max: "linorder_lit.is_maximal_in_mset C L"
using linorder_lit.ex_maximal_in_mset by metis
show ?thesis
proof (cases L)
case (Pos A)
hence "¬ linorder_lit.is_greatest_in_mset C L"
using pos_lit_not_greatest_if_maximal_in_least_false_clause
using C_least_false is_least_false_clause_def by blast
then obtain C' where "ord_res.ground_factoring C C'"
using ex_ground_factoringI C_max Pos by metis
thus ?thesis
using ord_res_1.factoring
by (metis ‹is_least_false_clause N C› is_pos_def ord_res.ground_factoring.cases)
case (Neg A)
then obtain D where
"D |∈| N" and
"D ≺⇩c C" and
"ord_res.is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) D" and
"ord_res.production (fset N) D = {A}"
using bex_smaller_productive_clause_if_least_false_clause_has_negative_max_lit
using C_least_false C_max by metis
moreover then obtain CD where
"ord_res.ground_resolution C D CD"
using ex_ground_resolutionI C_max Neg by metis
ultimately show ?thesis
using ord_res_1.resolution[of N C L D CD "finsert CD N"]
using C_least_false C_max Neg by auto
corollary ord_res_1_safe: "ord_res_1_final N ∨ (∃N'. ord_res_1 N N')"
using ex_ord_res_1_if_not_final by metis