Theory Background

theory Background

lemma "I ⊫l L  (is_pos L  atm_of L  I)"
  by (cases L) simp_all

section ‹Move to theoryHOL-Library.Multiset

lemmas strict_subset_implies_multp = subset_implies_multp
hide_fact subset_implies_multp

lemma subset_implies_reflclp_multp: "A ⊆# B  (multp R)== A B"
  by (metis reflclp_iff strict_subset_implies_multp subset_mset.le_imp_less_or_eq)

lemma member_mset_repeat_msetD: "L ∈# repeat_mset n M  L ∈# M"
  by (induction n) auto

lemma member_mset_repeat_mset_Suc[simp]: "L ∈# repeat_mset (Suc n) M  L ∈# M"
  by (metis member_mset_repeat_msetD repeat_mset_Suc union_iff)

lemma image_msetI: "x ∈# M  f x ∈# image_mset f M"
  by (metis imageI in_image_mset)

lemma inj_image_mset_mem_iff: "inj f  f x ∈# image_mset f M  x ∈# M"
  by (simp add: inj_image_mem_iff)

section ‹Move to theoryHOL-Library.FSet

declare wfP_pfsubset[intro]

  "_FFilter" :: "pttrn  'a fset  bool  'a fset" ("(1{|_ |∈| _./ _|})")

  "{|x |∈| X. P|}" == "CONST ffilter (λx. P) X"

lemma fimage_ffUnion: "f |`| ffUnion SS = ffUnion ((|`|) f |`| SS)"
proof (intro fsubset_antisym fsubsetI)
  fix x assume "x |∈| f |`| ffUnion SS"
  then obtain y where "y |∈| ffUnion SS" and "x = f y"
    by auto
  thus "x |∈| ffUnion ((|`|) f |`| SS)"
    unfolding fmember_ffUnion_iff
    by (metis UN_E ffUnion.rep_eq fimage_eqI)
  fix x assume "x |∈| ffUnion ((|`|) f |`| SS)"
  then obtain S where "S |∈| SS" and "x |∈| f |`| S"
    unfolding fmember_ffUnion_iff by auto
  then show "x |∈| f |`| ffUnion SS"
    by (metis ffUnion_fsubset_iff fimage_mono fin_mono fsubsetI)

lemma ffilter_eq_ffilter_minus_singleton:
  assumes "¬ P y"
  shows "{|x |∈| X. P x|} = {|x |∈| X - {|y|}. P x|}"
  using assms by (induction X) auto

lemma fun_upd_fimage: "f(x := y) |`| A = (if x |∈| A then finsert y (f |`| (A - {|x|})) else f |`| A)"
  using fun_upd_image
  by (smt (verit) bot_fset.rep_eq finsert.rep_eq fset.set_map fset_cong minus_fset.rep_eq)

lemma ffilter_fempty[simp]: "ffilter P {||} = {||}"
  by (metis ex_fin_conv ffmember_filter)

lemma fstrict_subset_iff_fset_strict_subset_fset:
  fixes 𝒳 𝒴 :: "_ fset"
  shows "𝒳 |⊂| 𝒴  fset 𝒳  fset 𝒴"
    by blast

lemma (in linorder) ex1_sorted_list_for_fset:
  "∃!xs. sorted_wrt (<) xs  fset_of_list xs = X"
  using ex1_sorted_list_for_set_if_finite
  by (metis finite_fset fset_cong fset_of_list.rep_eq)

lemma (in linorder) is_least_in_fset_ffilterD:
  assumes "is_least_in_fset_wrt (<) (ffilter P X) x"
  shows "x |∈| X" "P x"
  using assms
  by (simp_all add: is_least_in_fset_wrt_iff)

section ‹Move to theoryVeriComp.Simulation

locale forward_simulation_with_measuring_function =
  L1: semantics step1 final1 +
  L2: semantics step2 final2
    step1 :: "'state1  'state1  bool" and
    step2 :: "'state2  'state2  bool" and
    final1 :: "'state1  bool" and
    final2 :: "'state2  bool" +
    match :: "'state1  'state2  bool" and
    measure :: "'state1  'index" and
    order :: "'index  'index  bool" (infix "" 70)
      "wfp (⊏)" and
      "match s1 s2  final1 s1  final2 s2" and
      "match s1 s2  step1 s1 s1' 
        (s2'. step2++ s2 s2'  match s1' s2')  (match s1' s2  measure s1'  measure s1)"

sublocale forward_simulation where
  step1 = step1 and step2 = step2 and final1 = final1 and final2 = final2 and order = order and
  match = "λi x y. i = measure x  match x y"
proof unfold_locales
  show "i s1 s2. i = measure s1  match s1 s2  final1 s1  final2 s2"
    using match_final by metis
  show "i s1 s2 s1'. i = measure s1  match s1 s2  step1 s1 s1' 
    (i' s2'. step2++ s2 s2'  i' = measure s1'  match s1' s2') 
    (i'. (i' = measure s1'  match s1' s2)  i'  i)"
    using simulation by metis
  show "wfp (⊏)"
    using wfp_order .


locale backward_simulation_with_measuring_function =
  L1: semantics step1 final1 +
  L2: semantics step2 final2
    step1 :: "'state1  'state1  bool" and
    step2 :: "'state2  'state2  bool" and
    final1 :: "'state1  bool" and
    final2 :: "'state2  bool" +
    match :: "'state1  'state2  bool" and
    measure :: "'state2  'index" and
    order :: "'index  'index  bool" (infix "" 70)
      "wfp (⊏)" and
      "match s1 s2  final2 s2  final1 s1" and
      "match s1 s2  step2 s2 s2' 
        (s1'. step1++ s1 s1'  match s1' s2')  (match s1 s2'  measure s2'  measure s2)"

sublocale backward_simulation where
  step1 = step1 and step2 = step2 and final1 = final1 and final2 = final2 and order = order and
  match = "λi x y. i = measure y  match x y"
proof unfold_locales
  show "i s1 s2. i = measure s2  match s1 s2  final2 s2  final1 s1"
    using match_final by metis
  show "i1 s1 s2 s2'. i1 = measure s2  match s1 s2  step2 s2 s2' 
    (i2 s1'. step1++ s1 s1'  i2 = measure s2'  match s1' s2') 
    (i2. (i2 = measure s2'  match s1 s2')  i2  i1)"
    using simulation by metis
  show "wfp (⊏)"
    using wfp_order .


section ‹Move to theorySimple_Clause_Learning.SCL_FOL

definition trail_true_lit :: "(_ literal × _ option) list  _ literal  bool" where
  "trail_true_lit Γ L  L  fst ` set Γ"

definition trail_false_lit :: "(_ literal × _ option) list  _ literal  bool" where
  "trail_false_lit Γ L  - L  fst ` set Γ"

definition trail_true_cls :: "(_ literal × _ option) list  _ clause  bool" where
  "trail_true_cls Γ C  (L ∈# C. trail_true_lit Γ L)"

definition trail_false_cls :: "(_ literal × _ option) list  _ clause  bool" where
  "trail_false_cls Γ C  (L ∈# C. trail_false_lit Γ L)"

lemma trail_false_cls_mempty[simp]: "trail_false_cls Γ {#}"
  by (simp add: trail_false_cls_def)

definition trail_defined_lit :: "(_ literal × _ option) list  _ literal  bool" where
  "trail_defined_lit Γ L  (L  fst ` set Γ  - L  fst ` set Γ)"

lemma trail_defined_lit_iff: "trail_defined_lit Γ L  atm_of L  atm_of ` fst ` set Γ"
  by (simp add: atm_of_in_atm_of_set_iff_in_set_or_uminus_in_set trail_defined_lit_def)

definition trail_defined_cls :: "(_ literal × _ option) list  _ clause  bool" where
  "trail_defined_cls Γ C  (L ∈# C. trail_defined_lit Γ L)"

lemma trail_defined_lit_iff_true_or_false:
  "trail_defined_lit Γ L  trail_true_lit Γ L  trail_false_lit Γ L"
  unfolding trail_defined_lit_def trail_false_lit_def trail_true_lit_def by (rule refl)

lemma trail_true_or_false_cls_if_defined:
  "trail_defined_cls Γ C  trail_true_cls Γ C  trail_false_cls Γ C"
  unfolding trail_defined_cls_def trail_false_cls_def trail_true_cls_def
  unfolding trail_defined_lit_iff_true_or_false
  by blast

lemma subtrail_falseI:
  assumes tr_false: "trail_false_cls ((L, Cl) # Γ) C" and L_not_in: "-L ∉# C"
  shows "trail_false_cls Γ C"
  unfolding trail_false_cls_def
proof (rule ballI)
  fix M
  assume M_in: "M ∈# C"

  from M_in L_not_in have M_neq_L: "M  -L" by auto

  from M_in tr_false have tr_false_lit_M: "trail_false_lit ((L, Cl) # Γ) M"
    unfolding trail_false_cls_def by simp
  thus "trail_false_lit Γ M"
    unfolding trail_false_lit_def
    using M_neq_L
    by (cases L; cases M) (simp_all add: trail_interp_def trail_false_lit_def)

inductive trail_consistent :: "('a literal × 'b option) list  bool" where
  Nil[simp]: "trail_consistent []" |
  Cons: "¬ trail_defined_lit Γ L  trail_consistent Γ  trail_consistent ((L, u) # Γ)"

lemma distinct_lits_if_trail_consistent:
  "trail_consistent Γ  distinct (map fst Γ)"
  by (induction Γ rule: trail_consistent.induct)
    (simp_all add: image_comp trail_defined_lit_def)

lemma trail_true_lit_if_trail_true_suffix:
  "suffix Γ' Γ  trail_true_lit Γ' K  trail_true_lit Γ K"
  by (meson image_mono set_mono_suffix subsetD trail_true_lit_def)

lemma trail_true_cls_if_trail_true_suffix:
  "suffix Γ' Γ  trail_true_cls Γ' C  trail_true_cls Γ C"
  using trail_true_cls_def trail_true_lit_if_trail_true_suffix by metis

lemma trail_false_lit_if_trail_false_suffix:
  "suffix Γ' Γ  trail_false_lit Γ' K  trail_false_lit Γ K"
  by (meson image_mono set_mono_suffix subsetD trail_false_lit_def)

lemma trail_false_cls_if_trail_false_suffix:
  "suffix Γ' Γ  trail_false_cls Γ' C  trail_false_cls Γ C"
  using trail_false_cls_def trail_false_lit_if_trail_false_suffix by metis

lemma trail_defined_lit_if_trail_defined_suffix:
  "suffix Γ' Γ  trail_defined_lit Γ' K  trail_defined_lit Γ K"
  unfolding trail_defined_lit_def
  by (metis (no_types) Un_iff image_Un set_append suffix_def)

lemma trail_defined_cls_if_trail_defined_suffix:
  "suffix Γ' Γ  trail_defined_cls Γ' C  trail_defined_cls Γ C"
  unfolding trail_defined_cls_def by (metis trail_defined_lit_if_trail_defined_suffix)

lemma not_trail_true_lit_and_trail_false_lit:
  fixes Γ :: "('a literal × 'b option) list" and L :: "'a literal"
  shows "trail_consistent Γ  ¬ (trail_true_lit Γ L  trail_false_lit Γ L)"
proof (induction Γ rule: trail_consistent.induct)
  case Nil
  show ?case
    by (simp add: trail_true_cls_def trail_false_cls_def trail_true_lit_def trail_false_lit_def)
  case (Cons Γ K annot)
  then show ?case
    unfolding trail_defined_lit_def trail_false_lit_def trail_true_lit_def
    by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) fst_conv image_insert insertE list.simps(15) uminus_not_id'

lemma not_trail_true_cls_and_trail_false_cls:
  fixes Γ :: "('a literal × 'b option) list" and C :: "'a clause"
  shows "trail_consistent Γ  ¬ (trail_true_cls Γ C  trail_false_cls Γ C)"
proof (induction Γ rule: trail_consistent.induct)
  case Nil
  show ?case
    by (simp add: trail_true_cls_def trail_false_cls_def trail_true_lit_def trail_false_lit_def)
  case (Cons Γ L u)
  thus ?case
    using not_trail_true_lit_and_trail_false_lit
    by (metis trail_consistent.Cons trail_false_cls_def trail_true_cls_def)

lemma not_lit_and_comp_lit_false_if_trail_consistent:
 assumes "trail_consistent Γ"
  shows "¬ (trail_false_lit Γ L  trail_false_lit Γ (- L))"
  using assms
proof (induction Γ)
  case Nil
  show ?case
    by (simp add: trail_false_lit_def)
 case (Cons Γ K u)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "K = L  K = - L")
    case True
    thus ?thesis
      unfolding trail_false_lit_def uminus_of_uminus_id
      unfolding de_Morgan_conj list.set image_insert prod.sel
      by (metis Cons.hyps(1) insertE trail_defined_lit_def uminus_not_id' uminus_of_uminus_id)
    case False
    thus ?thesis
      unfolding trail_false_lit_def uminus_of_uminus_id
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) Cons.IH fst_conv image_iff set_ConsD trail_false_lit_def

lemma not_both_lit_and_comp_lit_in_false_clause_if_trail_consistent:
  assumes Γ_consistent: "trail_consistent Γ" and C_false: "trail_false_cls Γ C"
  shows "¬ (L ∈# C  - L ∈# C)"
proof (rule notI)
  assume "L ∈# C  - L ∈# C"

  hence "trail_false_lit Γ L  trail_false_lit Γ (- L)"
    using C_false unfolding trail_false_cls_def by metis

  thus False
    using Γ_consistent not_lit_and_comp_lit_false_if_trail_consistent by metis

section ‹Move to ground ordered resolution›

lemma (in ground_ordered_resolution_calculus) unique_ground_resolution:
  shows "1C. ground_resolution P1 P2 C"
proof (intro Uniq_I)
  fix C C'
  assume "ground_resolution P1 P2 C" and "ground_resolution P1 P2 C'"
  thus "C = C'"
    unfolding ground_resolution.simps
    apply (elim exE conjE)
    apply simp
    by (metis asymp_on_less_lit is_maximal_in_mset_wrt_if_is_greatest_in_mset_wrt
        is_maximal_in_mset_wrt_iff literal.inject(1) totalpD totalp_on_less_lit transp_on_less_lit

lemma (in ground_ordered_resolution_calculus) unique_ground_factoring:
  shows "1C. ground_factoring P C"
proof (intro Uniq_I)
  fix P C C'
  assume "ground_factoring P C" and "ground_factoring P C'"
  thus "C = C'"
    unfolding ground_factoring.simps
    by (metis asymp_on_less_lit is_maximal_in_mset_wrt_iff totalpD totalp_less_lit
        transp_on_less_lit union_single_eq_diff)

lemma (in ground_ordered_resolution_calculus) termination_ground_factoring:
  shows "wfP ground_factoring¯¯"
proof (rule wfp_if_convertible_to_wfp)
  show "x y. ground_factoring¯¯ x y  x c y"
    using ground_factoring_smaller_conclusion by simp
  show "wfP (≺c)"
    by simp

lemma (in ground_ordered_resolution_calculus) atms_of_concl_subset_if_ground_resolution:
  assumes "ground_resolution P1 P2 C"
  shows "atms_of C  atms_of P1  atms_of P2"
  using assms by (cases P1 P2 C rule: ground_resolution.cases) (auto simp add: atms_of_def)

lemma (in ground_ordered_resolution_calculus) strict_subset_mset_if_ground_factoring:
  assumes "ground_factoring P C"
  shows "C ⊂# P"
  using assms by (cases P C rule: ground_factoring.cases) simp

lemma (in ground_ordered_resolution_calculus) set_mset_eq_set_mset_if_ground_factoring:
  assumes "ground_factoring P C"
  shows "set_mset P = set_mset C"
  using assms by (cases P C rule: ground_factoring.cases) simp

lemma (in ground_ordered_resolution_calculus) atms_of_concl_eq_if_ground_factoring:
  assumes "ground_factoring P C"
  shows "atms_of C = atms_of P"
  using assms by (cases P C rule: ground_factoring.cases) simp

lemma (in ground_ordered_resolution_calculus) ground_factoring_preserves_maximal_literal:
  assumes "ground_factoring P C"
  shows "is_maximal_lit L P = is_maximal_lit L C"
  using assms by (cases P C rule: ground_factoring.cases) (simp add: is_maximal_in_mset_wrt_iff)

lemma (in ground_ordered_resolution_calculus) ground_factorings_preserves_maximal_literal:
  assumes "ground_factoring** P C"
  shows "is_maximal_lit L P = is_maximal_lit L C"
  using assms
  by (induction P rule: converse_rtranclp_induct)
    (simp_all add: ground_factoring_preserves_maximal_literal)

lemma (in ground_ordered_resolution_calculus) ground_factoring_reduces_maximal_pos_lit:
  assumes "ground_factoring P C" and "is_pos L" and
    "is_maximal_lit L P" and "count P L = Suc (Suc n)"
  shows "is_maximal_lit L C" and "count C L = Suc n"
  unfolding atomize_conj
  using ground_factoring P C
proof (cases P C rule: ground_factoring.cases)
  case (ground_factoringI t P')
  then show "is_maximal_lit L C  count C L = Suc n"
    by (metis assms(1) assms(3) assms(4) asymp_on_less_lit count_add_mset
        ground_factoring_preserves_maximal_literal is_maximal_in_mset_wrt_iff nat.inject totalpD
        totalp_less_lit transp_on_less_lit)

lemma (in ground_ordered_resolution_calculus) ground_factorings_reduces_maximal_pos_lit:
  assumes "(ground_factoring ^^ m) P C" and "m  Suc n" and "is_pos L" and
    "is_maximal_lit L P" and "count P L = Suc (Suc n)"
  shows "is_maximal_lit L C" and "count C L = Suc (Suc n - m)"
  unfolding atomize_conj
  using (ground_factoring ^^ m) P C m  Suc n
proof (induction m arbitrary: C)
  case 0
  hence "P = C"
    by simp
  then show ?case
    using assms(4,5) by simp
  case (Suc m')
  then show ?case
    by (metis Suc_diff_le Suc_leD assms(3) diff_Suc_Suc ground_factoring_reduces_maximal_pos_lit(2)
        ground_factorings_preserves_maximal_literal relpowp_Suc_E relpowp_imp_rtranclp)

lemma (in ground_ordered_resolution_calculus) full_ground_factorings_reduces_maximal_pos_lit:
  assumes steps: "(ground_factoring ^^ Suc n) P C" and L_pos: "is_pos L" and
    L_max: "is_maximal_lit L P" and L_count: "count P L = Suc (Suc n)"
  shows "is_maximal_lit L C" and "count C L = Suc 0"
  unfolding atomize_conj
  using steps L_max L_count
proof (induction n arbitrary: P)
  case 0
  then show ?case
    using L_pos ground_factorings_reduces_maximal_pos_lit[of "Suc 0" P C 0] by simp
  case (Suc n)
  from Suc.prems obtain P' where
    "ground_factoring P P'" and "(ground_factoring ^^ Suc n) P' C"
    by (metis relpowp_Suc_D2)

  from Suc.prems have "is_maximal_lit L P'" and "count P' L = Suc (Suc n)"
    using ground_factoring_reduces_maximal_pos_lit[OF ground_factoring P P' L_pos] by simp_all

  thus ?case
    using Suc.IH[OF (ground_factoring ^^ Suc n) P' C] by metis

section ‹Move somewhere?›

lemma true_cls_imp_neq_mempty: "  C  C  {#}"
  by blast

lemma lift_tranclp_to_pairs_with_constant_fst:
  "(R x)++ y z  (λ(x, y) (x', z). x = x'  R x y z)++ (x, y) (x, z)"
  by (induction z arbitrary: rule: tranclp_induct) (auto simp: tranclp.trancl_into_trancl)

abbreviation (in preorder) is_lower_fset where
  "is_lower_fset X Y  is_lower_set_wrt (<) (fset X) (fset Y)"

lemma lower_set_wrt_prefixI:
    trans: "transp_on (set zs) R" and
    asym: "asymp_on (set zs) R" and
    sorted: "sorted_wrt R zs" and
    prefix: "prefix xs zs"
  shows "is_lower_set_wrt R (set xs) (set zs)"
proof -
  obtain ys where "zs = xs @ ys"
    using prefix by (auto elim: prefixE)

  show ?thesis
    using trans asym sorted
    unfolding zs = xs @ ys
    by (metis lower_set_wrt_appendI)

lemmas (in preorder) lower_set_prefixI =
  lower_set_wrt_prefixI[OF transp_on_less asymp_on_less]

lemma lower_set_wrt_suffixI:
    trans: "transp_on (set zs) R" and
    asym: "asymp_on (set zs) R" and
    sorted: "sorted_wrt R¯¯ zs" and
    suffix: "suffix ys zs"
  shows "is_lower_set_wrt R (set ys) (set zs)"
proof -
  obtain xs where "zs = xs @ ys"
    using suffix by (auto elim: suffixE)

  show ?thesis
    using trans asym sorted
    unfolding zs = xs @ ys
    by (smt (verit, del_insts) Un_iff zs = xs @ ys asymp_onD asymp_on_conversep conversepI
        is_lower_set_wrt_def set_append set_mono_suffix sorted_wrt_append suffix)

lemmas (in preorder) lower_set_suffixI =
  lower_set_wrt_suffixI[OF transp_on_less asymp_on_less]

lemma true_cls_repeat_mset_Suc[simp]: "I  repeat_mset (Suc n) C  I  C"
  by (induction n) simp_all

lemma (in backward_simulation)
  assumes "match i S1 S2" and "¬ L1.inf_step S1"
  shows "¬ L2.inf_step S2"
  using assms match_inf by metis

lemma (in scl_fol_calculus) grounding_of_clss_ground:
  assumes "is_ground_clss N"
  shows "grounding_of_clss N = N"
proof -
  have "grounding_of_clss N = ( C  N. grounding_of_cls C)"
    unfolding grounding_of_clss_def by simp
  also have " = ( C  N. {C})"
    using is_ground_clss N
    by (simp add: is_ground_clss_def grounding_of_cls_ground)
  also have " = N"
    by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma (in scl_fol_calculus) propagateI':
  "C |∈| N |∪| U  C = add_mset L C'  is_ground_cls (C  γ) 
    K ∈# C  γ. atm_of K B β 
    C0 = {#K ∈# C'. K ⋅l γ  L ⋅l γ#}  C1 = {#K ∈# C'. K ⋅l γ = L ⋅l γ#} 
    SCL_FOL.trail_false_cls Γ (C0  γ)  ¬ SCL_FOL.trail_defined_lit Γ (L ⋅l γ) 
    is_imgu μ {atm_of ` set_mset (add_mset L C1)} 
    Γ' = trail_propagate Γ (L ⋅l μ) (C0  μ) γ 
    propagate N β (Γ, U, None) (Γ', U, None)"
  using propagateI by metis

lemma (in scl_fol_calculus) decideI':
  "is_ground_lit (L ⋅l γ)  ¬ SCL_FOL.trail_defined_lit Γ (L ⋅l γ)  atm_of L ⋅a γ B β 
    Γ' = trail_decide Γ (L ⋅l γ) 
    decide N β (Γ, U, None) (Γ', U, None)"
  by (auto intro!: decideI)

lemma ground_iff_vars_term_empty: "ground t  vars_term t = {}"
proof (rule iffI)
  show "ground t  vars_term t = {}"
    by (rule ground_vars_term_empty)
  show "vars_term t = {}  ground t"
    by (induction t) simp_all

lemma is_ground_atm_eq_ground[iff]: "is_ground_atm = ground"
proof (rule ext)
  fix t :: "('v, 'f) Term.term"
  show "is_ground_atm t = ground t"
    by (simp only: is_ground_atm_iff_vars_empty ground_iff_vars_term_empty)

definition lit_of_glit :: "'f gterm literal  ('f, 'v) term literal" where
  "lit_of_glit = map_literal term_of_gterm"

definition glit_of_lit where
  "glit_of_lit = map_literal gterm_of_term"

definition cls_of_gcls where
  "cls_of_gcls = image_mset lit_of_glit"

definition gcls_of_cls where
  "gcls_of_cls = image_mset glit_of_lit"

lemma inj_lit_of_glit: "inj lit_of_glit"
proof (rule injI)
  fix L K
  show "lit_of_glit L = lit_of_glit K  L = K"
    by (metis lit_of_glit_def literal.expand literal.map_disc_iff literal.map_sel term_of_gterm_inv)

lemma atm_of_lit_of_glit_conv: "atm_of (lit_of_glit L) = term_of_gterm (atm_of L)"
  by (cases L) (simp_all add: lit_of_glit_def)

lemma ground_atm_of_lit_of_glit[simp]: "Term_Context.ground (atm_of (lit_of_glit L))"
  by (simp add: atm_of_lit_of_glit_conv)

lemma is_ground_lit_lit_of_glit[simp]: "is_ground_lit (lit_of_glit L)"
  by (simp add: is_ground_lit_def atm_of_lit_of_glit_conv)

lemma is_ground_cls_cls_of_gcls[simp]: "is_ground_cls (cls_of_gcls C)"
  by (auto simp add: is_ground_cls_def cls_of_gcls_def)

lemma glit_of_lit_lit_of_glit[simp]: "glit_of_lit (lit_of_glit L) = L"
  by (simp add: glit_of_lit_def lit_of_glit_def literal.map_comp comp_def literal.map_ident)

lemma gcls_of_cls_cls_of_gcls[simp]: "gcls_of_cls (cls_of_gcls L) = L"
  by (simp add: gcls_of_cls_def cls_of_gcls_def multiset.map_comp comp_def multiset.map_ident)

lemma lit_of_glit_glit_of_lit_ident[simp]: "is_ground_lit L  lit_of_glit (glit_of_lit L) = L"
  by (simp add: is_ground_lit_def lit_of_glit_def glit_of_lit_def literal.map_comp literal.expand

lemma cls_of_gcls_gcls_of_cls_ident[simp]: "is_ground_cls D  cls_of_gcls (gcls_of_cls D) = D"
  by (simp add: is_ground_cls_def cls_of_gcls_def gcls_of_cls_def)

lemma vars_lit_lit_of_glit[simp]: "vars_lit (lit_of_glit L) = {}"
  by simp

lemma vars_cls_cls_of_gcls[simp]: "vars_cls (cls_of_gcls C) = {}"
  by (metis is_ground_cls_cls_of_gcls is_ground_cls_iff_vars_empty)

definition atms_of_cls :: "'a clause  'a fset" where
  "atms_of_cls C = atm_of |`| fset_mset C"

definition atms_of_clss :: "'a clause fset  'a fset" where
  "atms_of_clss N = ffUnion (atms_of_cls |`| N)"

lemma atms_of_clss_fempty[simp]: "atms_of_clss {||} = {||}"
  unfolding atms_of_clss_def by simp

lemma atms_of_clss_finsert[simp]:
  "atms_of_clss (finsert C N) = atms_of_cls C |∪| atms_of_clss N"
  unfolding atms_of_clss_def by simp

definition lits_of_clss :: "'a clause fset  'a literal fset" where
  "lits_of_clss N = ffUnion (fset_mset |`| N)"

definition lit_occures_in_clss where
  "lit_occures_in_clss L N  fBex N (λC. L ∈# C)"

inductive constant_context for R where
  "R 𝒞 𝒟 𝒟'  constant_context R (𝒞, 𝒟) (𝒞, 𝒟')"

lemma rtranclp_constant_context: "(R 𝒞)** 𝒟 𝒟'  (constant_context R)** (𝒞, 𝒟) (𝒞, 𝒟')"
  by (induction 𝒟' rule: rtranclp_induct) (auto intro: constant_context.intros rtranclp.intros)

lemma tranclp_constant_context: "(R 𝒞)++ 𝒟 𝒟'  (constant_context R)++ (𝒞, 𝒟) (𝒞, 𝒟')"
  by (induction 𝒟' rule: tranclp_induct) (auto intro: constant_context.intros tranclp.intros)

lemma right_unique_constant_context:
  assumes R_ru: "𝒞. right_unique (R 𝒞)"
  shows "right_unique (constant_context R)"
proof (rule right_uniqueI)
  fix x y z
  show "constant_context R x y  constant_context R x z  y = z"
    using R_ru[THEN right_uniqueD]
    by (elim constant_context.cases) (metis prod.inject)

lemma safe_state_constant_context_if_invars:
  fixes N s
      "N s s'.  N s s'   N s   N s'" and
      "N s. ¬  (N, s)   N s  s'.  N s s'"
  assumes invars: " N s"
  shows "safe_state (constant_context )  (N, s)"
proof -
    fix S'
    assume "(constant_context )** (N, s) S'" and "stuck_state (constant_context ) S'"
    then obtain s' where "S' = (N, s')" and "( N)** s s'" and " N s'"
      using invars
    proof (induction "(N, s)" arbitrary: N s rule: converse_rtranclp_induct)
      case base
      thus ?case by simp
      case (step z)
      thus ?case
        by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Pair_inject ℛ_preserves_ℐ constant_context.cases
    hence "¬  (N, s')  s''.  N s' s''"
      using ex_ℛ_if_not_final[of N s'] by argo
    hence "¬  S'  S''. constant_context  S' S''"
      unfolding S' = (N, s') using constant_context.intros by metis
    hence " S'"
      by (metis stuck_state (constant_context ) S' stuck_state_def)
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis (no_types) safe_state_def stuck_state_def)

primrec trail_atms :: "(_ literal × _) list  _ fset" where
  "trail_atms [] = {||}" |
  "trail_atms (Ln # Γ) = finsert (atm_of (fst Ln)) (trail_atms Γ)"

lemma fset_trail_atms: "fset (trail_atms Γ) = atm_of ` fst ` set Γ"
  by (induction Γ) simp_all

lemma trail_defined_lit_iff_trail_defined_atm:
  "trail_defined_lit Γ L  atm_of L |∈| trail_atms Γ"
proof (induction Γ)
  case Nil
  show ?case
    by (simp add: trail_defined_lit_def)
  case (Cons Ln Γ)

  have "trail_defined_lit (Ln # Γ) L  L = fst Ln  - L = fst Ln  trail_defined_lit Γ L"
    unfolding trail_defined_lit_def by auto

  also have "  atm_of L = atm_of (fst Ln)  trail_defined_lit Γ L"
    by (cases L; cases "fst Ln") simp_all

  also have "  atm_of L = atm_of (fst Ln)  atm_of L |∈| trail_atms Γ"
    unfolding Cons.IH ..

  also have "  atm_of L |∈| trail_atms (Ln # Γ)"
    by simp

  finally show ?case .

lemma trail_atms_subset_if_suffix:
  assumes "suffix Γ' Γ"
  shows "trail_atms Γ' |⊆| trail_atms Γ"
proof -
  obtain Γ0 where "Γ = Γ0 @ Γ'"
    using assms unfolding suffix_def by metis

  show ?thesis
    unfolding Γ = Γ0 @ Γ'
    by (induction Γ0) auto

lemma dom_model_eq_trail_interp:
    "A C.  A = Some C  map_of Γ (Pos A) = Some (Some C)" and
    "Ln  set Γ. L. Ln = (L, None)  is_neg L"
  shows "dom  = trail_interp Γ"
proof -
  have "dom  = {A. C.  A = Some C}"
    unfolding dom_def by simp
  also have " = {A. C. map_of Γ (Pos A) = Some (Some C)}"
    using assms(1) by metis
  also have " = {A. opt. map_of Γ (Pos A) = Some opt}"
  proof (rule Collect_cong)
    show "A. (C. map_of Γ (Pos A) = Some (Some C))  (opt. map_of Γ (Pos A) = Some opt)"
      using assms(2)
      by (metis literal.disc(1) map_of_SomeD option.exhaust)
  also have " = trail_interp Γ"
  proof (induction Γ)
    case Nil
    thus ?case
      by (simp add: trail_interp_def)
    case (Cons Ln Γ)

    have "{A. opt. map_of (Ln # Γ) (Pos A) = Some opt} =
      {A. opt. map_of [Ln] (Pos A) = Some opt}  {A. opt. map_of Γ (Pos A) = Some opt}"
      by auto

    also have " = {A. Pos A = fst Ln}  trail_interp Γ"
      unfolding Cons.IH by simp

    also have " = trail_interp [Ln]  trail_interp Γ"
      by (cases "fst Ln") (simp_all add: trail_interp_def)

    also have " = trail_interp (Ln # Γ)"
      unfolding trail_interp_Cons[of Ln Γ] ..

    finally show ?case .
  finally show ?thesis .

type_synonym 'f gliteral = "'f gterm literal"
type_synonym 'f gclause = "'f gterm clause"

locale simulation_SCLFOL_ground_ordered_resolution =
  renaming_apart renaming_vars
  for renaming_vars :: "'v set  'v  'v" +
    less_trm :: "'f gterm  'f gterm  bool" (infix "t" 50)
    transp_less_trm[simp]: "transp (≺t)" and
    asymp_less_trm[intro]: "asymp (≺t)" and
    wfP_less_trm[intro]: "wfP (≺t)" and
    totalp_less_trm[intro]: "totalp (≺t)" and
    finite_less_trm: "β. finite {x. x t β}" and
    less_trm_compatible_with_gctxt[simp]: "ctxt t t'. t t t'  ctxttG t ctxtt'G" and
    less_trm_if_subterm[simp]: "t ctxt. ctxt  G  t t ctxttG"

section ‹Ground ordered resolution for ground terms›

context simulation_SCLFOL_ground_ordered_resolution begin

sublocale ord_res: ground_ordered_resolution_calculus "(≺t)" "λ_. {#}"
  by unfold_locales auto

sublocale linorder_trm: linorder "(≼t)" "(≺t)"
proof unfold_locales
  show "x y. (x t y) = (x t y  ¬ y t x)"
    by (metis asympD asymp_less_trm reflclp_iff)
  show "x. x t x"
    by simp
  show "x y z. x t y  y t z  x t z"
    by (meson transpE transp_less_trm transp_on_reflclp)
  show "x y. x t y  y t x  x = y"
    by (metis asympD asymp_less_trm reflclp_iff)
  show "x y. x t y  y t x"
    by (metis reflclp_iff totalpD totalp_less_trm)

sublocale linorder_lit: linorder "(≼l)" "(≺l)"
proof unfold_locales
  show "x y. (x l y) = (x l y  ¬ y l x)"
    by (metis asympD ord_res.asymp_less_lit reflclp_iff)
  show "x. x l x"
    by simp
  show "x y z. x l y  y l z  x l z"
    by (meson transpE ord_res.transp_less_lit transp_on_reflclp)
  show "x y. x l y  y l x  x = y"
    by (metis asympD ord_res.asymp_less_lit reflclp_iff)
  show "x y. x l y  y l x"
    by (metis reflclp_iff totalpD ord_res.totalp_less_lit)

sublocale linorder_cls: linorder "(≼c)" "(≺c)"
proof unfold_locales
  show "x y. (x c y) = (x c y  ¬ y c x)"
    by (metis asympD ord_res.asymp_less_cls reflclp_iff)
  show "x. x c x"
    by simp
  show "x y z. x c y  y c z  x c z"
    by (meson transpE ord_res.transp_less_cls transp_on_reflclp)
  show "x y. x c y  y c x  x = y"
    by (metis asympD ord_res.asymp_less_cls reflclp_iff)
  show "x y. x c y  y c x"
    by (metis reflclp_iff totalpD ord_res.totalp_less_cls)

declare linorder_trm.is_least_in_fset_ffilterD[no_atp]
declare linorder_lit.is_least_in_fset_ffilterD[no_atp]
declare linorder_cls.is_least_in_fset_ffilterD[no_atp]


section ‹Common definitions and lemmas›

context simulation_SCLFOL_ground_ordered_resolution begin

abbreviation ord_res_Interp where
  "ord_res_Interp N C  ord_res.interp N C  ord_res.production N C"

definition is_least_false_clause where
  "is_least_false_clause N C 
    linorder_cls.is_least_in_fset {|C |∈| N. ¬ ord_res_Interp (fset N) C  C|} C"

lemma is_least_false_clause_finsert_smaller_false_clause:
    D_least: "is_least_false_clause N D" and
    "C c D" and
    C_false: "¬ ord_res_Interp (fset (finsert C N)) C  C"
  shows "is_least_false_clause (finsert C N) C"
  unfolding is_least_false_clause_def linorder_cls.is_least_in_ffilter_iff
proof (intro conjI ballI impI)
  show "C |∈| finsert C N"
    by simp
  show "¬ ord_res_Interp (fset (finsert C N)) C  C"
    using assms by metis
  fix y
  assume "y |∈| finsert C N" and "y  C" and y_false: "¬ ord_res_Interp (fset (finsert C N)) y  y"
  hence "y |∈| N"
    by simp

  have "¬ (y c C)"
  proof (rule notI)
    assume "y c C"
    hence "ord_res_Interp (fset (finsert C N)) y = ord_res_Interp (fset N) y"
      using ord_res.Interp_insert_greater_clause by simp

    hence "¬ ord_res_Interp (fset N) y  y"
      using y_false by argo

    moreover have "y c D"
      using y c C C c D by order

    ultimately show False
      using D_least
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) y |∈| N linorder_cls.is_least_in_ffilter_iff
          linorder_cls.less_asym' is_least_false_clause_def)
  thus "C c y"
    using y  C by order

lemma is_least_false_clause_swap_swap_compatible_fsets:
  assumes "{|x |∈| N1. x c C|} = {|x |∈| N2. x c C|}"
  shows "is_least_false_clause N1 C  is_least_false_clause N2 C"
proof -
  have "is_least_false_clause N2 C" if
    subsets_agree: "{|x |∈| N1. x c C|} = {|x |∈| N2. x c C|}" and
    C_least: "is_least_false_clause N1 C" for N1 N2 C
    unfolding is_least_false_clause_def linorder_cls.is_least_in_ffilter_iff
  proof (intro conjI ballI impI)
    have "C |∈| N1"
      using C_least
      unfolding is_least_false_clause_def linorder_cls.is_least_in_ffilter_iff
      by argo
    thus "C |∈| N2"
      using subsets_agree by auto
    have "¬ ord_res_Interp (fset N1) C  C"
      using C_least
      unfolding is_least_false_clause_def linorder_cls.is_least_in_ffilter_iff
      by argo
    moreover have "ord_res_Interp (fset N1) C = ord_res_Interp (fset N2) C"
      using subsets_agree by (auto intro!: ord_res.Interp_swap_clause_set) 
    ultimately show "¬ ord_res_Interp (fset N2) C  C"
      by argo
    fix y assume "y |∈| N2" and "y  C"
    show "¬ ord_res_Interp (fset N2) y  y  C c y"
    proof (erule contrapos_np)
      assume "¬ C c y"
      hence "y c C"
        by order
      hence "y |∈| N1"
        using y |∈| N2 using subsets_agree by auto
      hence "¬ ord_res_Interp (fset N1) y  y  C c y"
        using is_least_false_clause N1 C y  C
        unfolding is_least_false_clause_def linorder_cls.is_least_in_ffilter_iff
        by metis
      moreover have "ord_res_Interp (fset N1) y = ord_res_Interp (fset N2) y"
      proof (rule ord_res.Interp_swap_clause_set)
        show "{D. D |∈| N1  (≺c)== D y} = {D. D |∈| N2  (≺c)== D y}"
          using subsets_agree y c C by fastforce
      ultimately show "ord_res_Interp (fset N2) y  y"
        using y c C by auto
  thus ?thesis
    using assms by metis

lemma Uniq_is_least_false_clause: "1 C. is_least_false_clause N C"
proof (rule Uniq_I)
  show "x y z. is_least_false_clause x y  is_least_false_clause x z  y = z"
    unfolding is_least_false_clause_def
    by (meson Uniq_D linorder_cls.Uniq_is_least_in_fset)

lemma mempty_lesseq_cls[simp]: "{#} c C" for C
  by (cases C) (simp_all add: strict_subset_implies_multp)

lemma is_least_false_clause_mempty: "{#} |∈| N  is_least_false_clause N {#}"
  using is_least_false_clause_def linorder_cls.is_least_in_ffilter_iff mempty_lesseq_cls
  by fastforce

lemma production_union_unproductive_strong:
    fin: "finite N1" "finite N2" and
    N2_unproductive: "x  N2 - N1. ord_res.production (N1  N2) x = {}" and
    C_in: "C  N1"
  shows "ord_res.production (N1  N2) C = ord_res.production N1 C"
  using ord_res.wfP_less_cls C_in
proof (induction C rule: wfp_induct_rule)
  case (less C)
  hence C_in_iff: "C  N1  N2  C  N1"
    by simp

  have interp_eq: "ord_res.interp (N1  N2) C = ord_res.interp N1 C"
  proof -
    have "ord_res.interp (N1  N2) C =  (ord_res.production (N1  N2) ` {D  N1  N2. D c C})"
      unfolding ord_res.interp_def ..
    also have " =  (ord_res.production (N1  N2) ` {D  N1. D c C} 
    ord_res.production (N1  N2) ` {D  N2 - N1. D c C})"
      by auto
    also have " =  (ord_res.production (N1  N2) ` {D  N1. D c C})"
      using N2_unproductive by simp
    also have " =  (ord_res.production N1 ` {D  N1. D c C})"
      using less.IH by simp
    also have " = ord_res.interp N1 C"
      unfolding ord_res.interp_def ..
    finally show "ord_res.interp (N1  N2) C = ord_res.interp N1 C" .

  show ?case
    unfolding ord_res.production_unfold C_in_iff interp_eq by argo

lemma production_union_unproductive:
    fin: "finite N1" "finite N2" and
    N2_unproductive: "x  N2. ord_res.production (N1  N2) x = {}" and
    C_in: "C  N1"
  shows "ord_res.production (N1  N2) C = ord_res.production N1 C"
  using production_union_unproductive_strong assms by simp

lemma interp_union_unproductive:
    fin: "finite N1" "finite N2" and
    N2_unproductive: "x  N2. ord_res.production (N1  N2) x = {}"
  shows "ord_res.interp (N1  N2) = ord_res.interp N1"
proof (rule ext)
  fix C
  have "ord_res.interp (N1  N2) C =  (ord_res.production (N1  N2) ` {D  N1  N2. D c C})"
    unfolding ord_res.interp_def ..
  also have " =  (ord_res.production (N1  N2) ` {D  N1. D c C} 
    ord_res.production (N1  N2) ` {D  N2. D c C})"
    by auto
  also have " =  (ord_res.production (N1  N2) ` {D  N1. D c C})"
    using N2_unproductive by simp
  also have " =  (ord_res.production N1 ` {D  N1. D c C})"
    using production_union_unproductive[OF fin N2_unproductive] by simp
  also have " = ord_res.interp N1 C"
    unfolding ord_res.interp_def ..
  finally show "ord_res.interp (N1  N2) C = ord_res.interp N1 C" .

lemma Interp_union_unproductive:
    fin: "finite N1" "finite N2" and
    N2_unproductive: "x  N2. ord_res.production (N1  N2) x = {}"
  shows "ord_res_Interp (N1  N2) C = ord_res_Interp N1 C"
  unfolding interp_union_unproductive[OF assms]
  using production_union_unproductive[OF assms]
  using N2_unproductive[rule_format]
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) Un_iff empty_Collect_eq ord_res.production_unfold)

lemma Interp_insert_unproductive:
    fin: "finite N1" and
    x_unproductive: "ord_res.production (insert x N1) x = {}"
  shows "ord_res_Interp (insert x N1) C = ord_res_Interp N1 C"
  using assms Interp_union_unproductive
  by (metis Un_commute finite.emptyI finite.insertI insert_is_Un singletonD)

lemma extended_partial_model_entails_iff_partial_model_entails:
    fin: "finite N" "finite N'" and
    irrelevant: "D  N'. E  N. E ⊂# D  set_mset D = set_mset E" and
    C_in: "C  N"
  shows "ord_res_Interp (N  N') C  C  ord_res_Interp N C  C"
  using ord_res.interp_add_irrelevant_clauses_to_set[OF fin C_in irrelevant]
  using ord_res.production_add_irrelevant_clauses_to_set[OF fin C_in irrelevant]
  by metis

lemma nex_strictly_maximal_pos_lit_if_factorizable:
  assumes "ord_res.ground_factoring C C'"
  shows "L. is_pos L  ord_res.is_strictly_maximal_lit L C"
  by (metis Uniq_D add_mset_remove_trivial assms linorder_lit.Uniq_is_maximal_in_mset
      linorder_lit.dual_order.order_iff_strict linorder_lit.is_greatest_in_mset_iff
      linorder_lit.is_maximal_in_mset_if_is_greatest_in_mset linorder_lit.not_less
      ord_res.ground_factoring.cases union_single_eq_member)

lemma unproductive_if_nex_strictly_maximal_pos_lit:
  assumes "L. is_pos L  ord_res.is_strictly_maximal_lit L C"
  shows "ord_res.production N C = {}"
  using assms by (simp add: ord_res.production_unfold)

lemma ball_unproductive_if_nex_strictly_maximal_pos_lit:
  assumes "C  N'. L. is_pos L  ord_res.is_strictly_maximal_lit L C"
  shows "C  N'. ord_res.production (N  N') C = {}"
  using assms unproductive_if_nex_strictly_maximal_pos_lit by metis

lemma is_least_false_clause_finsert_cancel:
    C_unproductive: "ord_res.production (fset (finsert C N)) C = {}" and
    C_entailed_by_smaller: "D |∈| N. D c C  {D} ⊫e {C}"
  shows "is_least_false_clause (finsert C N) = is_least_false_clause N"
proof (intro ext iffI)
  fix E
  assume E_least: "is_least_false_clause (finsert C N) E"
    E_in: "E |∈| finsert C N" and
    E_false: "¬ ord_res_Interp (fset (finsert C N)) E  E" and
    E_least: "(y |∈| finsert C N. y  E  ¬ ord_res_Interp (fset (finsert C N)) y  y  E c y)"
    unfolding atomize_conj is_least_false_clause_def linorder_cls.is_least_in_ffilter_iff
    by metis

  obtain D where
    "D |∈| N" and "D c C" and "{D} ⊫e {C}"
    using C_entailed_by_smaller by metis

  show "is_least_false_clause N E"
  proof (cases "C = E")
    case True

    have "E c D"
    proof (rule E_least[rule_format])
      show "D |∈| finsert C N"
        using D |∈| N by simp
      show "D  E"
        using D c C C = E by order
      show "¬ ord_res_Interp (fset (finsert C N)) D  D"
        using E_false
      proof (rule contrapos_nn)
        assume "ord_res_Interp (fset (finsert C N)) D  D"
        thus "ord_res_Interp (fset (finsert C N)) E  E"
          using D c C C = E {D} ⊫e {C} ord_res.entailed_clause_stays_entailed by auto
    hence False
      using D c C C = E by order
    thus ?thesis ..
    case False
    show ?thesis
      unfolding is_least_false_clause_def linorder_cls.is_least_in_ffilter_iff
    proof (intro conjI ballI impI)
      show "E |∈| N"
        using E_in C  E by simp
      have "ord_res_Interp (fset (finsert C N)) E = ord_res_Interp (fset N) E"
        using C_unproductive Interp_insert_unproductive by simp
      thus "¬ ord_res_Interp (fset N) E  E"
        using E_false by argo
      show "y. y |∈| N  y  E  ¬ ord_res_Interp (fset N) y  y  E c y"
        using E_least C_unproductive Interp_insert_unproductive by auto
  fix E
  assume "is_least_false_clause N E"
    E_in: "E |∈| N" and
    E_false: "¬ ord_res_Interp (fset N) E  E" and
    E_least: "(y |∈| N. y  E  ¬ ord_res_Interp (fset N) y  y  E c y)"
    unfolding atomize_conj is_least_false_clause_def linorder_cls.is_least_in_ffilter_iff
    by metis

  show "is_least_false_clause (finsert C N) E"
    unfolding is_least_false_clause_def linorder_cls.is_least_in_ffilter_iff
  proof (intro conjI ballI impI)
    show "E |∈| finsert C N"
      using E_in by simp
    show "¬ ord_res_Interp (fset (finsert C N)) E  E"
      using E_least E_false C_unproductive Interp_insert_unproductive by simp
    fix y
    assume "y |∈| finsert C N" and "y  E" and "¬ ord_res_Interp (fset (finsert C N)) y  y"
    show "E c y"
    proof (cases "y = C")
      case True
      thus ?thesis
      using E_least ¬ ord_res_Interp (fset (finsert C N)) y  y
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) C_entailed_by_smaller C_unproductive Interp_insert_unproductive
          finite_fset fset_simps(2) linorder_cls.dual_order.strict_trans
          ord_res.entailed_clause_stays_entailed true_clss_singleton)
      case False
      thus ?thesis
        using E_least y |∈| finsert C N y  E ¬ ord_res_Interp (fset (finsert C N)) y  y
        using C_unproductive Interp_insert_unproductive by auto

lemma is_least_false_clause_funion_cancel_right_strong:
    "C |∈| N2 - N1. U. ord_res.production U C = {}" and
    "C |∈| N2 - N1. D |∈| N1. D c C  {D} ⊫e {C}"
  shows "is_least_false_clause (N1 |∪| N2) = is_least_false_clause N1"
  using assms
proof (induction N2)
  case empty
  thus ?case
    by simp
  case (insert C N2)

  have IH: "is_least_false_clause (N1 |∪| N2) = is_least_false_clause N1"
  proof (rule insert.IH)
    show "C|∈|N2 |-| N1. U. ord_res.production U C = {}"
      using insert.prems(1) by auto
    show "C|∈|N2 |-| N1. D|∈|N1. D c C  {D} ⊫e {C}"
      using insert.prems(2) by auto

  show ?case
  proof (cases "C |∈| N1")
    case True
    hence "is_least_false_clause (N1 |∪| finsert C N2) = is_least_false_clause (N1 |∪| N2)"
      by (simp add: finsert_absorb)
    also have " = is_least_false_clause N1"
      using IH .
    finally show ?thesis .
    case False
    then show ?thesis
      using is_least_false_clause_finsert_cancel IH
      by (metis finsertCI fminusI funionI1 funion_finsert_right insert.prems(1) insert.prems(2))

lemma is_least_false_clause_funion_cancel_right:
    "C |∈| N2. U. ord_res.production U C = {}" and
    "C |∈| N2. D |∈| N1. D c C  {D} ⊫e {C}"
  shows "is_least_false_clause (N1 |∪| N2) = is_least_false_clause N1"
  using assms is_least_false_clause_funion_cancel_right_strong by simp

definition ex_false_clause where
  "ex_false_clause N = (C  N. ¬ ord_res.interp N C  ord_res.production N C  C)"

lemma obtains_least_false_clause_if_ex_false_clause:
  assumes "ex_false_clause (fset N)"
  obtains C where "is_least_false_clause N C"
  using assms
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) bot_fset.rep_eq emptyE ex_false_clause_def ffmember_filter
      linorder_cls.ex_least_in_fset is_least_false_clause_def)

lemma ex_false_clause_if_least_false_clause:
  assumes "is_least_false_clause N C"
  shows "ex_false_clause (fset N)"
  using assms
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) ex_false_clause_def is_least_false_clause_def
      linorder_cls.is_least_in_fset_ffilterD(1) linorder_cls.is_least_in_fset_ffilterD(2))

lemma ex_false_clause_iff: "ex_false_clause (fset N)  (C. is_least_false_clause N C)"
  using obtains_least_false_clause_if_ex_false_clause ex_false_clause_if_least_false_clause by metis

definition ord_res_model where
  "ord_res_model N = (D  N. ord_res.production N D)"

lemma ord_res_model_eq_interp_union_production_of_greatest_clause:
  assumes C_greatest: "linorder_cls.is_greatest_in_set N C"
  shows "ord_res_model N = ord_res.interp N C  ord_res.production N C"
proof -
  have "ord_res_model N = (D  N. ord_res.production N D)"
    unfolding ord_res_model_def ..
  also have " = (D  {D  N. D c C}. ord_res.production N D)"
    using C_greatest linorder_cls.is_greatest_in_set_iff by auto
  also have " = (D  {D  N. D c C}  {C}. ord_res.production N D)"
    using C_greatest linorder_cls.is_greatest_in_set_iff by auto
  also have " = (D  {D  N. D c C}. ord_res.production N D)  ord_res.production N C"
    by auto
  also have " = ord_res.interp N C  ord_res.production N C"
    unfolding ord_res.interp_def ..
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma ord_res_model_entails_clauses_if_nex_false_clause:
  assumes "finite N" and "N  {}" and "¬ ex_false_clause N"
  shows "ord_res_model N ⊫s N"
  unfolding true_clss_def
proof (intro ballI)
  from ¬ ex_false_clause N have ball_true:
    "C  N. ord_res.interp N C  ord_res.production N C  C"
    by (simp add: ex_false_clause_def)

  from finite N N  {} obtain D where
    D_greatest: "linorder_cls.is_greatest_in_set N D"
    using linorder_cls.ex_greatest_in_set by metis

  fix C assume "C  N"
  hence "ord_res.interp N C  ord_res.production N C  C"
    using ball_true by metis

  moreover have "C c D"
    using C  N D_greatest[unfolded linorder_cls.is_greatest_in_set_iff] by auto

  ultimately have "ord_res.interp N D  ord_res.production N D  C"
    using ord_res.entailed_clause_stays_entailed by auto

  thus "ord_res_model N  C"
    using ord_res_model_eq_interp_union_production_of_greatest_clause[OF D_greatest] by argo

lemma pos_lit_not_greatest_if_maximal_in_least_false_clause:
    C_least: "linorder_cls.is_least_in_fset {|C |∈| N. ¬ ord_res_Interp (fset N) C  C|} C" and
    C_max_lit: "ord_res.is_maximal_lit (Pos A) C"
  shows "¬ ord_res.is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) C"
proof -
  from C_max_lit obtain C' where C_def: "C = add_mset (Pos A) C'"
    by (meson linorder_lit.is_maximal_in_mset_iff mset_add)

  from C_least have
    C_in: "C |∈| N" and
    C_false: "¬ ord_res_Interp (fset N) C  C" and
    C_lt: "y |∈| N. y  C  ¬ ord_res_Interp (fset N) y  y  C c y"
    unfolding linorder_cls.is_least_in_ffilter_iff by auto

  have "A. A  ord_res.production (fset N) C"
  proof (rule notI, elim exE)
    fix A assume A_in: "A  ord_res.production (fset N) C"
    have "Pos A ∈# C"
      using A_in by (auto elim: ord_res.mem_productionE)
    moreover have "A  ord_res_Interp (fset N) C"
      using A_in C_in by blast
    ultimately show False
      using C_false by auto
  hence C_unproductive: "ord_res.production (fset N) C = {}"
    using ord_res.production_eq_empty_or_singleton[of "fset N" C] by simp

  have "{D  fset N. D c C} = {D  fset N. D c C}  {D  fset N. D = C}"
    by fastforce
  with C_unproductive have
    "ord_res_Interp (fset N) C = ord_res.interp (fset N) C"
    by simp
  with C_false have C_false': "¬ ord_res.interp (fset N) C  C"
    by simp

  from C_unproductive have "A  ord_res.production (fset N) C"
    by simp
  thus ?thesis
  proof (rule contrapos_nn)
    assume "ord_res.is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) C"
    then show "A  ord_res.production (fset N) C"
      unfolding ord_res.production_unfold[of "fset N" C] mem_Collect_eq
      using C_in C_def C_false'
      by metis

lemma ex_ground_factoringI:
    C_max_lit: "ord_res.is_maximal_lit (Pos A) C" and
    C_not_max_lit: "¬ ord_res.is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) C"
  shows "C'. ord_res.ground_factoring C C'"
proof -
  from C_max_lit C_not_max_lit have "count C (Pos A)  2"
    using linorder_lit.count_ge_2_if_maximal_in_mset_and_not_greatest_in_mset by metis
  then obtain C' where C_def: "C = add_mset (Pos A) (add_mset (Pos A) C')"
    by (metis two_le_countE)

  show ?thesis
  proof (rule exI)
    show "ord_res.ground_factoring C (add_mset (Pos A) C')"
      using ord_res.ground_factoringI[of C A C']
      using C_def C_max_lit by metis

lemma true_cls_if_true_lit_in: "L ∈# C  I ⊫l L  I  C"
  by auto

lemma bex_smaller_productive_clause_if_least_false_clause_has_negative_max_lit:
    C_least_false: "is_least_false_clause N C" and
    Neg_A_max: "ord_res.is_maximal_lit (Neg A) C"
  shows "fBex N (λD. D c C  ord_res.is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) D 
    ord_res.production (fset N) D = {A})"
proof -
  from C_least_false have
    C_in: "C |∈| N" and
    C_false: "¬ ord_res_Interp (fset N) C  C" and
    C_min: "y |∈| N. y  C  ¬ ord_res_Interp (fset N) y  y  C c y"
    unfolding atomize_conj is_least_false_clause_def
    unfolding linorder_cls.is_least_in_ffilter_iff
    by argo

  have "A. A  ord_res.production (fset N) C"
  proof (rule notI, elim exE)
    fix A assume A_in: "A  ord_res.production (fset N) C"
    have "Pos A ∈# C"
      using A_in by (auto elim: ord_res.mem_productionE)
    moreover have "A  ord_res_Interp (fset N) C"
      using A_in C_in by blast
    ultimately show False
      using C_false by auto
  hence C_unproductive: "ord_res.production (fset N) C = {}"
    using ord_res.production_eq_empty_or_singleton[of "fset N" C] by simp

  from Neg_A_max have "Neg A ∈# C"
    by (simp add: linorder_lit.is_maximal_in_mset_iff)

  from C_false have "¬ ord_res_Interp (fset N) C ⊫l Neg A"
    using true_cls_if_true_lit_in[OF Neg A ∈# C]
    by meson
  hence "A  ord_res_Interp (fset N) C"
    by simp
  with C_unproductive have "A  ord_res.interp (fset N) C"
    by blast
  then obtain D where
    D_in: "D |∈| N" and D_lt_C: "D c C" and D_productive: "A  ord_res.production (fset N) D"
    unfolding ord_res.interp_def by auto

  from D_productive have "ord_res.is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) D"
    using ord_res.mem_productionE by metis

  moreover have "ord_res.production (fset N) D = {A}"
    using D_productive ord_res.production_eq_empty_or_singleton by fastforce

  ultimately show ?thesis
    using D_in D_lt_C by metis

lemma bex_smaller_productive_clause_if_least_false_clause_has_negative_max_lit':
    C_least_false: "is_least_false_clause N C" and
    L_max: "ord_res.is_maximal_lit L C" and
    L_neg: "is_neg L"
  shows "fBex N (λD. D c C  ord_res.is_strictly_maximal_lit (- L) D 
    ord_res.production (fset N) D = {atm_of L})"
  using bex_smaller_productive_clause_if_least_false_clause_has_negative_max_lit[OF C_least_false]
  by (simp add: L_max L_neg uminus_literal_def)

lemma ex_ground_resolutionI:
    C_max_lit: "ord_res.is_maximal_lit (Neg A) C" and
    D_lt: "D c C" and
    D_max_lit: "ord_res.is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) D"
  shows "CD. ord_res.ground_resolution C D CD"
proof -
  from C_max_lit obtain C' where C_def: "C = add_mset (Neg A) C'"
    by (meson linorder_lit.is_maximal_in_mset_iff mset_add)

  from D_max_lit obtain D' where D_def: "D = add_mset (Pos A) D'"
    by (meson linorder_lit.is_greatest_in_mset_iff mset_add)

  show ?thesis
  proof (rule exI)
    show "ord_res.ground_resolution C D (C' + D')"
      using ord_res.ground_resolutionI[of C A C' D D']
      using C_def D_def D_lt C_max_lit D_max_lit by metis

  fixes N N'
    fin: "finite N" "finite N'" and
    irrelevant: "D  N'. E  N. E ⊂# D  set_mset D = set_mset E" and
    C_in: "C  N" and
    C_not_entailed: "¬ ord_res.interp N C  ord_res.production N C  C"
  shows "¬ ord_res.interp (N  N') C  ord_res.production (N  N') C  C"
  using C_not_entailed
proof (rule contrapos_nn)
  assume "ord_res.interp (N  N') C  ord_res.production (N  N') C  C"
  then show "ord_res.interp N C  ord_res.production N C  C"
    using ord_res.interp_add_irrelevant_clauses_to_set[OF fin C_in irrelevant]
    using ord_res.production_add_irrelevant_clauses_to_set[OF fin C_in irrelevant]
    by metis

lemma trail_consistent_if_sorted_wrt_atoms:
  assumes "sorted_wrt (λx y. atm_of (fst y) t atm_of (fst x)) Γ"
  shows "trail_consistent Γ"
  using assms
proof (induction Γ)
  case Nil
  show ?case
    by simp
  case (Cons Ln Γ)

  obtain L opt where
    "Ln = (L, opt)"
    by fastforce

  show ?case
    unfolding Ln = (L, opt)
  proof (rule trail_consistent.Cons)
    have "xset Γ. atm_of (fst x) t atm_of (fst Ln)"
      using Cons.prems by simp

    hence "xset Γ. atm_of (fst x)  atm_of L"
      unfolding Ln = (L, opt) by fastforce

    thus "¬ trail_defined_lit Γ L"
      unfolding trail_defined_lit_def by fastforce
    show "trail_consistent Γ"
      using Cons by simp

lemma mono_atms_lt: "monotone_on (set Γ) (λx y. atm_of (fst y) t atm_of (fst x)) (λx y. y  x)
  (λx. atm_of K t atm_of (fst x))" for K
proof (intro monotone_onI, unfold le_bool_def, intro impI)
  fix x y
  assume "atm_of (fst y) t atm_of (fst x)" and "atm_of K t atm_of (fst y)"
  thus "atm_of K t atm_of (fst x)"
    by order

lemma in_trail_atms_dropWhileI:
    "sorted_wrt R Γ" and
    "monotone_on (set Γ) R (≥) (λx. P (atm_of (fst x)))" and
    "¬ P A" and
    "A |∈| trail_atms Γ"
  shows "A |∈| trail_atms (dropWhile (λLn. P (atm_of (fst Ln))) Γ)"
  using assms(1,2,4)
proof (induction Γ)
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    by simp
  case (Cons Ln Γ)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "P (atm_of (fst Ln))")
    case True

    have "A |∈| trail_atms (dropWhile (λLn. P (atm_of (fst Ln))) Γ)"
    proof (rule Cons.IH)
      show "sorted_wrt R Γ"
        using Cons.prems(1) by simp
      show "monotone_on (set Γ) R (λx y. y  x) (λx. P (atm_of (fst x)))"
        using Cons.prems(2) by (meson monotone_on_subset set_subset_Cons)
      have "¬ P A"
        using assms by metis
      hence "A  atm_of (fst Ln)"
        using True by metis
      moreover have "A |∈| trail_atms (Ln # Γ)"
        using Cons.prems(3) by metis
      ultimately show "A |∈| trail_atms Γ"
        by (simp add: trail_defined_lit_def)

    thus ?thesis
      using True by simp
    case False
    thus ?thesis
      using Cons.prems(3) by simp

lemma trail_defined_lit_dropWhileI:
    "sorted_wrt R Γ" and
    "monotone_on (set Γ) R (≥) (λx. P (fst x))" and
    "¬ P L  ¬ P (- L)" and
    "trail_defined_lit Γ L"
  shows "trail_defined_lit (dropWhile (λLn. P (fst Ln)) Γ) L"
  using assms in_trail_atms_dropWhileI
  by (smt (verit) imageE image_eqI mem_set_dropWhile_conv_if_list_sorted_and_pred_monotone
      trail_defined_lit_def trail_defined_lit_iff_trail_defined_atm)

lemma trail_defined_cls_dropWhileI:
    "sorted_wrt R Γ" and
    "monotone_on (set Γ) R (≥) (λx. P (fst x))" and
    "L ∈# C. ¬ P L  ¬ P (- L)" and
    "trail_defined_cls Γ C"
  shows "trail_defined_cls (dropWhile (λLn. P (fst Ln)) Γ) C"
  using assms trail_defined_lit_dropWhileI
  by (metis trail_defined_cls_def)

lemma nbex_less_than_least_in_fset: "¬ (w |∈| X. w c x)"
  if "linorder_cls.is_least_in_fset X x" for X x
  using that unfolding linorder_cls.is_least_in_fset_iff by auto

lemma clause_le_if_lt_least_greater:
  fixes N Uer  C D
    "𝒞  The_optional (linorder_cls.is_least_in_fset (ffilter ((≺c) D) N))"
    C_lt: "E. 𝒞 = Some E  C c E" and
    C_in: "C |∈| N"
  shows "C c D"
proof (cases 𝒞)
  case None

  hence "¬ (E. linorder_cls.is_least_in_fset (ffilter ((≺c) D) N) E)"
    using 𝒞_def
    by (metis None_eq_The_optionalD Uniq_D linorder_cls.Uniq_is_least_in_fset)

  hence "¬ (E |∈| N. D c E)"
    by (metis femptyE ffmember_filter linorder_cls.ex1_least_in_fset)

  thus ?thesis
    using C_in linorder_cls.less_linear by blast
  case (Some E)

  hence "linorder_cls.is_least_in_fset (ffilter ((≺c) D) N) E"
    using 𝒞_def by (metis Some_eq_The_optionalD)

  hence "C c D  C = D"
    by (metis C_in C_lt Some ffmember_filter linorder_cls.neqE nbex_less_than_least_in_fset)

  thus ?thesis
    by simp


section ‹Lemmas about going between ground and first-order terms›

context simulation_SCLFOL_ground_ordered_resolution begin

lemma ex1_gterm_of_term:
  fixes t :: "'f gterm"
  shows "∃!(t' :: ('f, 'v) term). ground t'  t = gterm_of_term t'"
proof (rule ex1I)
  show "ground (term_of_gterm t)  t = gterm_of_term (term_of_gterm t)"
    by simp
  fix t' :: "('f, 'v) term"
  show "ground t'  t = gterm_of_term t'  t' = term_of_gterm t"
    by (induction t') (simp_all add: map_idI)

lemma binj_betw_gterm_of_term: "bij_betw gterm_of_term {t. ground t} UNIV"
  unfolding bij_betw_def
proof (rule conjI)
  show "inj_on gterm_of_term {t. ground t}"
    by (metis gterm_of_term_inj mem_Collect_eq)
  show "gterm_of_term ` {t. ground t} = UNIV"
  proof (rule Set.subset_antisym)
    show "gterm_of_term ` {t. Term_Context.ground t}  UNIV"
      by simp
    show "UNIV  gterm_of_term ` {t. Term_Context.ground t}"
      by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) ground_term_of_gterm image_iff mem_Collect_eq subsetI


section ‹SCL(FOL) for first-order terms›

context simulation_SCLFOL_ground_ordered_resolution begin

definition less_B where
  "less_B x y  ground x  ground y  gterm_of_term x t gterm_of_term y"

sublocale order_less_B: order "less_B==" less_B
  by unfold_locales (auto simp add: less_B_def)

sublocale scl_fol: scl_fol_calculus renaming_vars less_B
proof unfold_locales
  fix β :: "('f, 'v) term"

  have Collect_gterms_eq: "P. {y. P y} = gterm_of_term ` {t. ground t  P (gterm_of_term t)}"
    using Collect_eq_image_filter_Collect_if_bij_betw[OF binj_betw_gterm_of_term subset_UNIV]
    by auto

  have "{tG. tG t gterm_of_term β} = gterm_of_term ` {x. ground x  gterm_of_term x t gterm_of_term β}"
    using Collect_gterms_eq[of "λtG. tG t gterm_of_term β"] .
  hence "finite (gterm_of_term ` {x. ground x  gterm_of_term x t gterm_of_term β})"
    using finite_less_trm[of "gterm_of_term β"] by metis
  moreover have "inj_on gterm_of_term {x. ground x  gterm_of_term x t gterm_of_term β}"
    by (rule gterm_of_term_inj) simp
  ultimately have "finite {x. ground x  gterm_of_term x t gterm_of_term β}"
    using finite_imageD by blast
  thus "finite {x. less_B x β}"
    unfolding less_B_def
    using not_finite_existsD by force


lemma trail_atms_eq_trail_atms_if_same_lits:
  assumes "list_all2 (λx y. fst x = fst y) Γ9 Γ10"
  shows "trail_atms Γ9 = trail_atms Γ10"
  using assms
proof (induction Γ9 Γ10 rule: list.rel_induct)
  case Nil
  show ?case
    by (simp add: trail_atms_def)
  case (Cons Ln9 Γ9' Ln10 Γ10')
  thus ?case
    by (simp add: trail_atms_def)

lemma trail_false_lit_eq_trail_false_lit_if_same_lits:
  assumes "list_all2 (λx y. fst x = fst y) Γ9 Γ10"
  shows "trail_false_lit Γ9 = trail_false_lit Γ10"
  using assms
proof (induction Γ9 Γ10 rule: list.rel_induct)
  case Nil
  show ?case
    by (simp add: trail_false_lit_def)
  case (Cons Ln9 Γ9' Ln10 Γ10')
  thus ?case
    unfolding trail_false_lit_def
    unfolding list.set image_insert
    by (metis insert_iff)

lemma trail_false_cls_eq_trail_false_cls_if_same_lits:
  assumes "list_all2 (λx y. fst x = fst y) Γ9 Γ10"
  shows "trail_false_cls Γ9 = trail_false_cls Γ10"
  unfolding trail_false_cls_def 
  unfolding trail_false_lit_eq_trail_false_lit_if_same_lits[OF assms] ..

lemma trail_defined_lit_eq_trail_defined_lit_if_same_lits:
  assumes "list_all2 (λx y. fst x = fst y) Γ9 Γ10"
  shows "trail_defined_lit Γ9 = trail_defined_lit Γ10"
  using assms
proof (induction Γ9 Γ10 rule: list.rel_induct)
  case Nil
  show ?case
    by (simp add: trail_defined_lit_def)
  case (Cons Ln9 Γ9' Ln10 Γ10')
  thus ?case
    unfolding trail_defined_lit_def
    unfolding list.set image_insert
    by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) insert_iff)

lemma trail_defined_cls_eq_trail_defined_cls_if_same_lits:
  assumes "list_all2 (λx y. fst x = fst y) Γ9 Γ10"
  shows "trail_defined_cls Γ9 = trail_defined_cls Γ10"
  unfolding trail_defined_cls_def
  unfolding trail_defined_lit_eq_trail_defined_lit_if_same_lits[OF assms] ..
