Theory Ground_Ordered_Resolution
theory Ground_Ordered_Resolution
hide_type Inference_System.inference
primrec mset_lit :: "'a literal ⇒ 'a multiset" where
"mset_lit (Pos A) = {#A#}" |
"mset_lit (Neg A) = {#A, A#}"
type_synonym 't atom = "'t"
section ‹Ground Resolution Calculus›
locale ground_ordered_resolution_calculus =
less_trm :: "'f gterm ⇒ 'f gterm ⇒ bool" (infix "≺⇩t" 50) and
select :: "'f gterm atom clause ⇒ 'f gterm atom clause"
transp_less_trm[simp]: "transp (≺⇩t)" and
asymp_less_trm[intro]: "asymp (≺⇩t)" and
wfP_less_trm[intro]: "wfP (≺⇩t)" and
totalp_less_trm[intro]: "totalp (≺⇩t)" and
less_trm_compatible_with_gctxt[simp]: "⋀ctxt t t'. t ≺⇩t t' ⟹ ctxt⟨t⟩⇩G ≺⇩t ctxt⟨t'⟩⇩G" and
less_trm_if_subterm[simp]: "⋀t ctxt. ctxt ≠ □⇩G ⟹ t ≺⇩t ctxt⟨t⟩⇩G" and
select_subset: "⋀C. select C ⊆# C" and
select_negative_lits: "⋀C L. L ∈# select C ⟹ is_neg L"
lemma irreflp_on_less_trm[simp]: "irreflp_on A (≺⇩t)"
by (metis asympD asymp_less_trm irreflp_onI)
abbreviation lesseq_trm (infix "≼⇩t" 50) where
"lesseq_trm ≡ (≺⇩t)⇧=⇧="
lemma lesseq_trm_if_subtermeq: "t ≼⇩t ctxt⟨t⟩⇩G"
using less_trm_if_subterm
by (metis gctxt_ident_iff_eq_GHole reflclp_iff)
definition less_lit ::
"'f gterm atom literal ⇒ 'f gterm atom literal ⇒ bool" (infix "≺⇩l" 50) where
"less_lit L1 L2 ≡ multp (≺⇩t) (mset_lit L1) (mset_lit L2)"
abbreviation lesseq_lit (infix "≼⇩l" 50) where
"lesseq_lit ≡ (≺⇩l)⇧=⇧="
abbreviation less_cls ::
"'f gterm atom clause ⇒ 'f gterm atom clause ⇒ bool" (infix "≺⇩c" 50) where
"less_cls ≡ multp (≺⇩l)"
abbreviation lesseq_cls (infix "≼⇩c" 50) where
"lesseq_cls ≡ (≺⇩c)⇧=⇧="
lemma transp_on_less_lit[simp]: "transp_on A (≺⇩l)"
by (smt (verit, best) less_lit_def transpE transp_less_trm transp_multp transp_onI)
corollary transp_less_lit: "transp (≺⇩l)"
by simp
lemma transp_less_cls[simp]: "transp (≺⇩c)"
by (simp add: transp_multp)
lemma asymp_on_less_lit[simp]: "asymp_on A (≺⇩l)"
by (metis asympD asymp_less_trm asymp_multp⇩H⇩O asymp_onI less_lit_def multp_eq_multp⇩H⇩O
corollary asymp_less_lit[simp]: "asymp (≺⇩l)"
by simp
lemma asymp_less_cls[simp]: "asymp (≺⇩c)"
by (simp add: asymp_multp⇩H⇩O multp_eq_multp⇩H⇩O)
lemma irreflp_on_less_lit[simp]: "irreflp_on A (≺⇩l)"
by (simp only: asymp_on_less_lit irreflp_on_if_asymp_on)
lemma wfP_less_lit[simp]: "wfP (≺⇩l)"
unfolding less_lit_def
using wfP_less_trm wfp_multp wfp_if_convertible_to_wfp by meson
lemma wfP_less_cls[simp]: "wfP (≺⇩c)"
using wfP_less_lit wfp_multp by blast
lemma totalp_on_less_lit[simp]: "totalp_on A (≺⇩l)"
proof (rule totalp_onI)
fix L1 L2 :: "'f gterm atom literal"
assume "L1 ≠ L2"
show "L1 ≺⇩l L2 ∨ L2 ≺⇩l L1"
unfolding less_lit_def
proof (rule totalp_multp[THEN totalpD])
show "totalp (≺⇩t)"
using totalp_less_trm .
show "transp (≺⇩t)"
using transp_less_trm .
show "mset_lit L1 ≠ mset_lit L2"
using ‹L1 ≠ L2›
by (cases L1; cases L2) (auto simp add: add_eq_conv_ex)
corollary totalp_less_lit: "totalp (≺⇩l)"
by simp
lemma totalp_less_cls[simp]: "totalp (≺⇩c)"
proof (rule totalp_multp)
show "totalp (≺⇩l)"
by simp
show "transp (≺⇩l)"
by simp
interpretation term_order: linorder lesseq_trm less_trm
proof unfold_locales
show "⋀x y. (x ≺⇩t y) = (x ≼⇩t y ∧ ¬ y ≼⇩t x)"
by (metis asympD asymp_less_trm reflclp_iff)
show "⋀x. x ≼⇩t x"
by simp
show "⋀x y z. x ≼⇩t y ⟹ y ≼⇩t z ⟹ x ≼⇩t z"
by (meson transpE transp_less_trm transp_on_reflclp)
show "⋀x y. x ≼⇩t y ⟹ y ≼⇩t x ⟹ x = y"
by (metis asympD asymp_less_trm reflclp_iff)
show "⋀x y. x ≼⇩t y ∨ y ≼⇩t x"
by (metis reflclp_iff totalpD totalp_less_trm)
interpretation literal_order: linorder lesseq_lit less_lit
proof unfold_locales
show "⋀x y. (x ≺⇩l y) = (x ≼⇩l y ∧ ¬ y ≼⇩l x)"
by (metis asympD asymp_less_lit reflclp_iff)
show "⋀x. x ≼⇩l x"
by simp
show "⋀x y z. x ≼⇩l y ⟹ y ≼⇩l z ⟹ x ≼⇩l z"
by (meson transpE transp_less_lit transp_on_reflclp)
show "⋀x y. x ≼⇩l y ⟹ y ≼⇩l x ⟹ x = y"
by (metis asympD asymp_less_lit reflclp_iff)
show "⋀x y. x ≼⇩l y ∨ y ≼⇩l x"
by (metis reflclp_iff totalpD totalp_less_lit)
interpretation clause_order: linorder lesseq_cls less_cls
proof unfold_locales
show "⋀x y. (x ≺⇩c y) = (x ≼⇩c y ∧ ¬ y ≼⇩c x)"
by (metis asympD asymp_less_cls reflclp_iff)
show "⋀x. x ≼⇩c x"
by simp
show "⋀x y z. x ≼⇩c y ⟹ y ≼⇩c z ⟹ x ≼⇩c z"
by (meson transpE transp_less_cls transp_on_reflclp)
show "⋀x y. x ≼⇩c y ⟹ y ≼⇩c x ⟹ x = y"
by (metis asympD asymp_less_cls reflclp_iff)
show "⋀x y. x ≼⇩c y ∨ y ≼⇩c x"
by (metis reflclp_iff totalpD totalp_less_cls)
lemma less_lit_simps[simp]:
"Pos A⇩1 ≺⇩l Pos A⇩2 ⟷ A⇩1 ≺⇩t A⇩2"
"Pos A⇩1 ≺⇩l Neg A⇩2 ⟷ A⇩1 ≼⇩t A⇩2"
"Neg A⇩1 ≺⇩l Neg A⇩2 ⟷ A⇩1 ≺⇩t A⇩2"
"Neg A⇩1 ≺⇩l Pos A⇩2 ⟷ A⇩1 ≺⇩t A⇩2"
by (auto simp add: less_lit_def)
subsection ‹Ground Rules›
abbreviation is_maximal_lit :: "'f gterm literal ⇒ 'f gterm clause ⇒ bool" where
"is_maximal_lit L M ≡ is_maximal_in_mset_wrt (≺⇩l) M L"
abbreviation is_strictly_maximal_lit :: "'f gterm literal ⇒ 'f gterm clause ⇒ bool" where
"is_strictly_maximal_lit L M ≡ is_greatest_in_mset_wrt (≺⇩l) M L"
inductive ground_resolution ::
"'f gterm atom clause ⇒ 'f gterm atom clause ⇒ 'f gterm atom clause ⇒ bool"
ground_resolutionI: "
P⇩1 = add_mset (Neg t) P⇩1' ⟹
P⇩2 = add_mset (Pos t) P⇩2' ⟹
P⇩2 ≺⇩c P⇩1 ⟹
select P⇩1 = {#} ∧ is_maximal_lit (Neg t) P⇩1 ∨ Neg t ∈# select P⇩1 ⟹
select P⇩2 = {#} ⟹
is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos t) P⇩2 ⟹
C = P⇩1' + P⇩2' ⟹
ground_resolution P⇩1 P⇩2 C"
inductive ground_factoring :: "'f gterm atom clause ⇒ 'f gterm atom clause ⇒ bool" where
ground_factoringI: "
P = add_mset (Pos t) (add_mset (Pos t) P') ⟹
select P = {#} ⟹
is_maximal_lit (Pos t) P ⟹
C = add_mset (Pos t) P' ⟹
ground_factoring P C"
subsection ‹Ground Layer›
definition G_Inf :: "'f gterm atom clause inference set" where
"G_Inf =
{Infer [P⇩2, P⇩1] C | P⇩2 P⇩1 C. ground_resolution P⇩1 P⇩2 C} ∪
{Infer [P] C | P C. ground_factoring P C}"
abbreviation G_Bot :: "'f gterm atom clause set" where
"G_Bot ≡ {{#}}"
definition G_entails :: "'f gterm atom clause set ⇒ 'f gterm atom clause set ⇒ bool" where
"G_entails N⇩1 N⇩2 ⟷ (∀(I :: 'f gterm set). I ⊫s N⇩1 ⟶ I ⊫s N⇩2)"
subsection ‹Correctness›
lemma soundness_ground_resolution:
step: "ground_resolution P1 P2 C"
shows "G_entails {P1, P2} {C}"
using step
proof (cases P1 P2 C rule: ground_resolution.cases)
case (ground_resolutionI t P⇩1' P⇩2')
show ?thesis
unfolding G_entails_def true_clss_singleton
unfolding true_clss_insert
proof (intro allI impI, elim conjE)
fix I :: "'f gterm set"
assume "I ⊫ P1" and "I ⊫ P2"
then obtain K1 K2 :: "'f gterm atom literal" where
"K1 ∈# P1" and "I ⊫l K1" and "K2 ∈# P2" and "I ⊫l K2"
by (auto simp: true_cls_def)
show "I ⊫ C"
proof (cases "K1 = Neg t")
case K1_def: True
hence "I ⊫l Neg t"
using ‹I ⊫l K1› by simp
show ?thesis
proof (cases "K2 = Pos t")
case K2_def: True
hence "I ⊫l Pos t"
using ‹I ⊫l K2› by simp
hence False
using ‹I ⊫l Neg t› by simp
thus ?thesis ..
case False
hence "K2 ∈# P⇩2'"
using ‹K2 ∈# P2›
unfolding ground_resolutionI by simp
hence "I ⊫ P⇩2'"
using ‹I ⊫l K2› by blast
thus ?thesis
unfolding ground_resolutionI by simp
case False
hence "K1 ∈# P⇩1'"
using ‹K1 ∈# P1›
unfolding ground_resolutionI by simp
hence "I ⊫ P⇩1'"
using ‹I ⊫l K1› by blast
thus ?thesis
unfolding ground_resolutionI by simp
lemma soundness_ground_factoring:
assumes step: "ground_factoring P C"
shows "G_entails {P} {C}"
using step
proof (cases P C rule: ground_factoring.cases)
case (ground_factoringI t P')
show ?thesis
unfolding G_entails_def true_clss_singleton
proof (intro allI impI)
fix I :: "'f gterm set"
assume "I ⊫ P"
then obtain K :: "'f gterm atom literal" where
"K ∈# P" and "I ⊫l K"
by (auto simp: true_cls_def)
show "I ⊫ C"
proof (cases "K = Pos t")
case True
hence "I ⊫l Pos t"
using ‹I ⊫l K› by metis
thus ?thesis
unfolding ground_factoringI
by (metis true_cls_add_mset)
case False
hence "K ∈# P'"
using ‹K ∈# P›
unfolding ground_factoringI
by auto
hence "K ∈# C"
unfolding ground_factoringI
by simp
thus ?thesis
using ‹I ⊫l K› by blast
interpretation G: sound_inference_system G_Inf G_Bot G_entails
proof unfold_locales
show "G_Bot ≠ {}"
by simp
show "⋀B N. B ∈ G_Bot ⟹ G_entails {B} N"
by (simp add: G_entails_def)
show "⋀N2 N1. N2 ⊆ N1 ⟹ G_entails N1 N2"
by (auto simp: G_entails_def elim!: true_clss_mono[rotated])
fix N1 N2 assume ball_G_entails: "∀C ∈ N2. G_entails N1 {C}"
show "G_entails N1 N2"
unfolding G_entails_def
proof (intro allI impI)
fix I :: "'f gterm set"
assume "I ⊫s N1"
hence "∀C ∈ N2. I ⊫s {C}"
using ball_G_entails by (simp add: G_entails_def)
then show "I ⊫s N2"
by (simp add: true_clss_def)
show "⋀N1 N2 N3. G_entails N1 N2 ⟹ G_entails N2 N3 ⟹ G_entails N1 N3"
using G_entails_def by simp
show "⋀ι. ι ∈ G_Inf ⟹ G_entails (set (prems_of ι)) {concl_of ι}"
unfolding G_Inf_def
using soundness_ground_resolution
using soundness_ground_factoring
by (auto simp: G_entails_def)
subsection ‹Redundancy Criterion›
lemma ground_resolution_smaller_conclusion:
step: "ground_resolution P1 P2 C"
shows "C ≺⇩c P1"
using step
proof (cases P1 P2 C rule: ground_resolution.cases)
case (ground_resolutionI t P⇩1' P⇩2')
have "∀k∈#P⇩2'. k ≺⇩l Pos t"
using ‹is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos t) P2› ‹P2 = add_mset (Pos t) P⇩2'›
by (simp add: literal_order.is_greatest_in_mset_iff)
moreover have "⋀A. Pos A ≺⇩l Neg A"
by (simp add: less_lit_def)
ultimately have "∀k∈#P⇩2'. k ≺⇩l Neg t"
by (metis transp_def transp_less_lit)
hence "P⇩2' ≺⇩c {#Neg t#}"
using one_step_implies_multp[of "{#Neg t#}" P⇩2' "(≺⇩l)" "{#}"] by simp
hence "P⇩2' + P⇩1' ≺⇩c add_mset (Neg t) P⇩1'"
using multp_cancel[of "(≺⇩l)" P⇩1' P⇩2' "{#Neg t#}"] by simp
thus ?thesis
unfolding ground_resolutionI
by (simp only: add.commute)
lemma ground_factoring_smaller_conclusion:
assumes step: "ground_factoring P C"
shows "C ≺⇩c P"
using step
proof (cases P C rule: ground_factoring.cases)
case (ground_factoringI t P')
then show ?thesis
by (metis add_mset_add_single mset_subset_eq_exists_conv multi_self_add_other_not_self
multp_subset_supersetI totalpD totalp_less_cls transp_less_lit)
interpretation G: calculus_with_finitary_standard_redundancy G_Inf G_Bot G_entails "(≺⇩c)"
proof unfold_locales
show "transp (≺⇩c)"
using transp_less_cls .
show "wfP (≺⇩c)"
using wfP_less_cls .
show "⋀ι. ι ∈ G_Inf ⟹ prems_of ι ≠ []"
by (auto simp: G_Inf_def)
fix ι
have "concl_of ι ≺⇩c main_prem_of ι"
if ι_def: "ι = Infer [P⇩2, P⇩1] C" and
infer: "ground_resolution P⇩1 P⇩2 C"
for P⇩2 P⇩1 C
unfolding ι_def
using infer
using ground_resolution_smaller_conclusion
by simp
moreover have "concl_of ι ≺⇩c main_prem_of ι"
if ι_def: "ι = Infer [P] C" and
infer: "ground_factoring P C"
for P C
unfolding ι_def
using infer
using ground_factoring_smaller_conclusion
by simp
ultimately show "ι ∈ G_Inf ⟹ concl_of ι ≺⇩c main_prem_of ι"
unfolding G_Inf_def
by fast
subsection ‹Refutational Completeness›
fixes N :: "'f gterm atom clause set"
function production :: "'f gterm atom clause ⇒ 'f gterm set" where
"production C = {A | A C'.
C ∈ N ∧
C = add_mset (Pos A) C' ∧
select C = {#} ∧
is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) C ∧
¬ (⋃D ∈ {D ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C}. production D) ⊫ C}"
by simp_all
termination production
proof (relation "{(x, y). x ≺⇩c y}")
show "wf {(x, y). x ≺⇩c y}"
using wfP_less_cls
by (simp add: wfp_def)
show "⋀C D. D ∈ {D ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C} ⟹ (D, C) ∈ {(x, y). x ≺⇩c y}"
by simp
declare production.simps[simp del]
lemma Uniq_striclty_maximal_lit_in_ground_cls:
"∃⇩≤⇩1L. is_strictly_maximal_lit L C"
proof (rule Uniq_is_greatest_in_mset_wrt)
show "transp_on (set_mset C) (≺⇩l)"
by (auto intro: transp_on_subset transp_less_lit)
show "asymp_on (set_mset C) (≺⇩l)"
by (auto intro: asymp_on_subset asymp_less_lit)
show "totalp_on (set_mset C) (≺⇩l)"
by (auto intro: totalp_on_subset totalp_less_lit)
lemma production_eq_empty_or_singleton:
"production N C = {} ∨ (∃A. production N C = {A})"
proof -
have "∃⇩≤⇩1A. is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) C"
using Uniq_striclty_maximal_lit_in_ground_cls
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Uniq_def literal.inject(1))
hence "∃⇩≤⇩1A. ∃C'. C = add_mset (Pos A) C' ∧ is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) C"
by (simp add: Uniq_def)
hence Uniq_production: "∃⇩≤⇩1A. ∃C'.
C ∈ N ∧
C = add_mset (Pos A) C' ∧
select C = {#} ∧
is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) C ∧
¬ (⋃D ∈ {D ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C}. production N D) ⊫ C"
using Uniq_antimono'
by (smt (verit) Uniq_def Uniq_prodI case_prod_conv)
show ?thesis
unfolding production.simps[of N C]
using Collect_eq_if_Uniq[OF Uniq_production]
by (smt (verit, best) Collect_cong Collect_empty_eq Uniq_def Uniq_production case_prod_conv
insertCI mem_Collect_eq)
lemma production_eq_singleton_if_atom_in_production:
assumes "A ∈ production N C"
shows "production N C = {A}"
using assms production_eq_empty_or_singleton
by force
definition interp where
"interp N C ≡ (⋃D ∈ {D ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C}. production N D)"
lemma interp_mempty[simp]: "interp N {#} = {}"
proof -
have "∄C. C ≺⇩c {#}"
by (metis clause_order.order.asym subset_implies_multp subset_mset.gr_zeroI)
hence "{D ∈ N. D ≺⇩c {#}} = {}"
by simp
thus ?thesis
unfolding interp_def by auto
lemma production_unfold: "production N C = {A | A C'.
C ∈ N ∧
C = add_mset (Pos A) C' ∧
select C = {#} ∧
is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) C ∧
¬ interp N C ⊫ C}"
by (simp add: production.simps[of N C] interp_def)
lemma production_unfold': "production N C = {A | A.
C ∈ N ∧
select C = {#} ∧
is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) C ∧
¬ interp N C ⊫ C}"
unfolding production_unfold
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) literal_order.explode_greatest_in_mset)
lemma mem_productionE:
assumes C_prod: "A ∈ production N C"
obtains C' where
"C ∈ N" and
"C = add_mset (Pos A) C'" and
"select C = {#}" and
"is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) C" and
"¬ interp N C ⊫ C"
using C_prod
unfolding production.simps[of N C] mem_Collect_eq Let_def interp_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting))
lemma production_subset_if_less_cls: "C ≺⇩c D ⟹ production N C ⊆ interp N D"
unfolding interp_def
using production_unfold by blast
lemma Uniq_production_eq_singleton: "∃⇩≤⇩1 C. production N C = {A}"
proof (rule Uniq_I)
fix C D
assume "production N C = {A}"
hence "A ∈ production N C"
by simp
then obtain C' where
"C ∈ N"
"C = add_mset (Pos A) C'"
"is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) C"
"¬ interp N C ⊫ C"
by (auto elim!: mem_productionE)
assume "production N D = {A}"
hence "A ∈ production N D"
by simp
then obtain D' where
"D ∈ N"
"D = add_mset (Pos A) D'"
"is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) D"
"¬ interp N D ⊫ D"
by (auto elim!: mem_productionE)
have "¬ (C ≺⇩c D)"
proof (rule notI)
assume "C ≺⇩c D"
hence "production N C ⊆ interp N D"
using production_subset_if_less_cls by metis
hence "A ∈ interp N D"
unfolding ‹production N C = {A}› by simp
hence "interp N D ⊫ D"
unfolding ‹D = add_mset (Pos A) D'› by simp
with ‹¬ interp N D ⊫ D› show False
by metis
moreover have "¬ (D ≺⇩c C)"
proof (rule notI)
assume "D ≺⇩c C"
hence "production N D ⊆ interp N C"
using production_subset_if_less_cls by metis
hence "A ∈ interp N C"
unfolding ‹production N D = {A}› by simp
hence "interp N C ⊫ C"
unfolding ‹C = add_mset (Pos A) C'› by simp
with ‹¬ interp N C ⊫ C› show False
by metis
ultimately show "C = D"
by order
lemma singleton_eq_CollectD: "{x} = {y. P y} ⟹ P x"
by blast
lemma subset_Union_mem_CollectI: "P x ⟹ f x ⊆ (⋃y ∈ {z. P z}. f y)"
by blast
lemma interp_subset_if_less_cls: "C ≺⇩c D ⟹ interp N C ⊆ interp N D"
by (smt (verit, best) UN_iff mem_Collect_eq interp_def subsetI transpD transp_less_cls)
lemma interp_subset_if_less_cls': "C ≺⇩c D ⟹ interp N C ⊆ interp N D ∪ production N D"
using interp_subset_if_less_cls by blast
lemma split_Union_production:
assumes D_in: "D ∈ N"
shows "(⋃C ∈ N. production N C) =
interp N D ∪ production N D ∪ (⋃C ∈ {C ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C}. production N C)"
proof -
have "N = {C ∈ N. C ≺⇩c D} ∪ {D} ∪ {C ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C}"
proof (rule partition_set_around_element)
show "totalp_on N (≺⇩c)"
using totalp_less_cls totalp_on_subset by blast
show "D ∈ N"
using D_in by simp
hence "(⋃C ∈ N. production N C) =
(⋃C ∈ {C ∈ N. C ≺⇩c D}. production N C) ∪ production N D ∪ (⋃C ∈ {C ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C}. production N C)"
by auto
thus "(⋃C ∈ N. production N C) =
interp N D ∪ production N D ∪ (⋃C ∈ {C ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C}. production N C)"
by (simp add: interp_def)
lemma split_Union_production':
assumes D_in: "D ∈ N"
shows "(⋃C ∈ N. production N C) = interp N D ∪ (⋃C ∈ {C ∈ N. D ≼⇩c C}. production N C)"
using split_Union_production[OF D_in] D_in by auto
lemma split_interp:
assumes "C ∈ N" and D_in: "D ∈ N" and "D ≺⇩c C"
shows "interp N C = interp N D ∪ (⋃C' ∈ {C' ∈ N. D ≼⇩c C' ∧ C' ≺⇩c C}. production N C')"
proof -
have "{D ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C} =
{y ∈ {D ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C}. y ≺⇩c D} ∪ {D} ∪ {y ∈ {D ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C}. D ≺⇩c y}"
proof (rule partition_set_around_element)
show "totalp_on {D ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C} (≺⇩c)"
using totalp_less_cls totalp_on_subset by blast
from D_in ‹D ≺⇩c C› show "D ∈ {D ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C}"
by simp
also have "… = {x ∈ N. x ≺⇩c C ∧ x ≺⇩c D} ∪ {D} ∪ {x ∈ N. D ≺⇩c x ∧ x ≺⇩c C}"
by auto
also have "… = {x ∈ N. x ≺⇩c D} ∪ {D} ∪ {x ∈ N. D ≺⇩c x ∧ x ≺⇩c C}"
using ‹D ≺⇩c C› transp_less_cls
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) transpD)
finally have Collect_N_lt_C: "{x ∈ N. x ≺⇩c C} = {x ∈ N. x ≺⇩c D} ∪ {x ∈ N. D ≼⇩c x ∧ x ≺⇩c C}"
by auto
have "interp N C = (⋃C' ∈ {D ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C}. production N C')"
by (simp add: interp_def)
also have "… = (⋃C' ∈ {x ∈ N. x ≺⇩c D}. production N C') ∪ (⋃C' ∈ {x ∈ N. D ≼⇩c x ∧ x ≺⇩c C}. production N C')"
unfolding Collect_N_lt_C by simp
finally show "interp N C = interp N D ∪ ⋃ (production N ` {C' ∈ N. D ≼⇩c C' ∧ C' ≺⇩c C})"
unfolding interp_def by simp
lemma less_imp_Interp_subseteq_interp: "C ≺⇩c D ⟹ interp N C ∪ production N C ⊆ interp N D"
using interp_subset_if_less_cls production_subset_if_less_cls
by (simp add: interp_def)
lemma not_interp_to_Interp_imp_le: "A ∉ interp N C ⟹ A ∈ interp N D ∪ production N D ⟹ C ≼⇩c D"
using less_imp_Interp_subseteq_interp
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) subsetD sup2CI totalpD totalp_less_cls)
lemma produces_imp_in_interp:
assumes "Neg A ∈# C" and D_prod: "A ∈ production N D"
shows "A ∈ interp N C"
proof -
from D_prod have "Pos A ∈# D" and "is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) D"
by (auto elim: mem_productionE)
have "D ≺⇩c C"
proof (rule multp_if_maximal_of_lhs_is_less)
show "Pos A ∈# D"
using ‹Pos A ∈# D› .
show "Neg A ∈# C"
using ‹Neg A ∈# C› .
show "Pos A ≺⇩l Neg A"
by (simp add: less_lit_def subset_implies_multp)
show "is_maximal_lit (Pos A) D"
using ‹is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) D› by auto
qed simp_all
hence "¬ (≺⇩c)⇧=⇧= C D"
by (metis asympD asymp_less_cls reflclp_iff)
thus ?thesis
proof (rule contrapos_np)
from D_prod show "A ∉ interp N C ⟹ (≺⇩c)⇧=⇧= C D"
using not_interp_to_Interp_imp_le by simp
lemma neg_notin_Interp_not_produce:
"Neg A ∈# C ⟹ A ∉ interp N D ∪ production N D ⟹ C ≼⇩c D ⟹ A ∉ production N D''"
using interp_subset_if_less_cls'
by (metis Un_iff produces_imp_in_interp reflclp_iff sup.orderE)
lemma lift_interp_entails:
D_in: "D ∈ N" and
D_entailed: "interp N D ⊫ D" and
C_in: "C ∈ N" and
D_lt_C: "D ≺⇩c C"
shows "interp N C ⊫ D"
proof -
from D_entailed obtain L A where
L_in: "L ∈# D" and
L_eq_disj_L_eq: "L = Pos A ∧ A ∈ interp N D ∨ L = Neg A ∧ A ∉ interp N D"
unfolding true_cls_def true_lit_iff by metis
have "interp N D ⊆ interp N C"
using interp_subset_if_less_cls[OF D_lt_C] .
from L_eq_disj_L_eq show "interp N C ⊫ D"
proof (elim disjE conjE)
assume "L = Pos A" and "A ∈ interp N D"
thus "interp N C ⊫ D"
using L_in ‹interp N D ⊆ interp N C› by auto
assume "L = Neg A" and "A ∉ interp N D"
hence "A ∉ interp N C"
using neg_notin_Interp_not_produce
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) L_in UN_E interp_def produces_imp_in_interp)
thus "interp N C ⊫ D"
using L_in ‹L = Neg A› by blast
lemma lift_interp_entails_to_interp_production_entails:
C_in: "C ∈ N" and
D_in: "D ∈ N" and
C_lt_D: "D ≺⇩c C" and
D_entailed: "interp N C ⊫ D"
shows "interp N C ∪ production N C ⊫ D"
proof -
from D_entailed obtain L A where
L_in: "L ∈# D" and
L_eq_disj_L_eq: "L = Pos A ∧ A ∈ interp N C ∨ L = Neg A ∧ A ∉ interp N C"
unfolding true_cls_def true_lit_iff by metis
from L_eq_disj_L_eq show "interp N C ∪ production N C ⊫ D"
proof (elim disjE conjE)
assume "L = Pos A" and "A ∈ interp N C"
thus "interp N C ∪ production N C ⊫ D"
using L_in by blast
assume "L = Neg A" and "A ∉ interp N C"
hence "A ∉ interp N C ∪ production N C"
using neg_notin_Interp_not_produce
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) C_lt_D L_in Un_iff interp_subset_if_less_cls
produces_imp_in_interp subsetD)
thus "interp N C ∪ production N C ⊫ D"
using L_in ‹L = Neg A› by blast
lemma lift_entailment_to_Union:
fixes N D
D_in: "D ∈ N" and
R⇩D_entails_D: "interp N D ⊫ D"
"(⋃C ∈ N. production N C) ⊫ D"
using lift_interp_entails
by (smt (verit, best) D_in R⇩D_entails_D UN_iff produces_imp_in_interp split_Union_production'
subsetD sup_ge1 true_cls_def true_lit_iff)
"D ≼⇩c C" and
C_prod: "A ∈ production N C" and
L_in: "L ∈# D"
lesseq_trm_if_pos: "is_pos L ⟹ atm_of L ≼⇩t A" and
less_trm_if_neg: "is_neg L ⟹ atm_of L ≺⇩t A"
proof -
from C_prod obtain C' where
C_def: "C = add_mset (Pos A) C'" and
C_max_lit: "is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) C"
by (auto elim: mem_productionE)
have "Pos A ≺⇩l L" if "is_pos L" and "¬ atm_of L ≼⇩t A"
proof -
from that(2) have "A ≺⇩t atm_of L"
using totalp_less_trm[THEN totalpD] by auto
hence "multp (≺⇩t) {#A#} {#atm_of L#}"
by (smt (verit, del_insts) add.right_neutral empty_iff insert_iff one_step_implies_multp
set_mset_add_mset_insert set_mset_empty transpD transp_less_trm union_mset_add_mset_right)
with that(1) show "Pos A ≺⇩l L"
by (cases L) (simp_all add: less_lit_def)
moreover have "Pos A ≺⇩l L" if "is_neg L" and "¬ atm_of L ≺⇩t A"
proof -
from that(2) have "A ≼⇩t atm_of L"
using totalp_less_trm[THEN totalpD] by auto
hence "multp (≺⇩t) {#A#} {#atm_of L, atm_of L#}"
by (smt (z3) add_mset_add_single add_mset_remove_trivial add_mset_remove_trivial_iff
empty_not_add_mset insert_DiffM insert_noteq_member one_step_implies_multp reflclp_iff
transp_def transp_less_trm union_mset_add_mset_left union_mset_add_mset_right)
with that(1) show "Pos A ≺⇩l L"
by (cases L) (simp_all add: less_lit_def)
moreover have False if "Pos A ≺⇩l L"
proof -
have "C ≺⇩c D"
proof (rule multp_if_maximal_of_lhs_is_less)
show "Pos A ∈# C"
by (simp add: C_def)
show "L ∈# D"
using L_in by simp
show "is_maximal_lit (Pos A) C"
using C_max_lit by auto
show "Pos A ≺⇩l L"
using that by simp
qed simp_all
with ‹D ≼⇩c C› show False
by (metis asympD reflclp_iff wfp_imp_asymp wfP_less_cls)
ultimately show "is_pos L ⟹ atm_of L ≼⇩t A" and "is_neg L ⟹ atm_of L ≺⇩t A"
by metis+
lemma less_trm_iff_less_cls_if_mem_production:
assumes C_prod: "A⇩C ∈ production N C" and D_prod: "A⇩D ∈ production N D"
shows "A⇩C ≺⇩t A⇩D ⟷ C ≺⇩c D"
proof -
from C_prod obtain C' where
"C ∈ N" and
C_def: "C = add_mset (Pos A⇩C) C'" and
"is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A⇩C) C"
by (elim mem_productionE) simp
hence "∀L ∈# C'. L ≺⇩l Pos A⇩C"
by (simp add: literal_order.is_greatest_in_mset_iff)
from D_prod obtain D' where
"D ∈ N" and
D_def: "D = add_mset (Pos A⇩D) D'" and
"is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A⇩D) D"
by (elim mem_productionE) simp
hence "∀L ∈# D'. L ≺⇩l Pos A⇩D"
by (simp add: literal_order.is_greatest_in_mset_iff)
show ?thesis
proof (rule iffI)
assume "A⇩C ≺⇩t A⇩D"
hence "Pos A⇩C ≺⇩l Pos A⇩D"
by (simp add: less_lit_def)
moreover hence "∀L ∈# C'. L ≺⇩l Pos A⇩D"
using ‹∀L ∈# C'. L ≺⇩l Pos A⇩C›
by (meson transp_less_lit transpD)
ultimately show "C ≺⇩c D"
using one_step_implies_multp[of D C _ "{#}"]
by (simp add: D_def C_def)
assume "C ≺⇩c D"
hence "production N C ⊆ (⋃ (production N ` {x ∈ N. x ≺⇩c D}))"
using ‹C ∈ N› by auto
hence "A⇩C ∈ (⋃ (production N ` {x ∈ N. x ≺⇩c D}))"
using C_prod by auto
hence "A⇩C ≠ A⇩D"
by (metis D_prod interp_def mem_productionE true_cls_add_mset true_lit_iff)
moreover have "¬ (A⇩D ≺⇩t A⇩C)"
by (metis C_def D_prod ‹C ≺⇩c D› asympD asymp_less_trm lesseq_trm_if_pos literal.disc(1)
literal.sel(1) reflclp_iff union_single_eq_member)
ultimately show "A⇩C ≺⇩t A⇩D"
using totalp_less_trm[THEN totalpD]
using C_def D_def by auto
lemma false_cls_if_productive_production:
assumes C_prod: "A ∈ production N C" and "D ∈ N" and "C ≺⇩c D"
shows "¬ interp N D ⊫ C - {#Pos A#}"
proof -
from C_prod obtain C' where
C_in: "C ∈ N" and
C_def: "C = add_mset (Pos A) C'" and
"select C = {#}" and
Pox_A_max: "is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) C" and
"¬ interp N C ⊫ C"
by (rule mem_productionE) blast
from ‹D ∈ N› ‹C ≺⇩c D› have "A ∈ interp N D"
using C_prod production_subset_if_less_cls by auto
from ‹D ∈ N› have "interp N D ⊆ (⋃D ∈ N. production N D)"
by (auto simp: interp_def)
have "¬ interp N D ⊫ C'"
unfolding true_cls_def Set.bex_simps
proof (intro ballI)
fix L assume L_in: "L ∈# C'"
hence "L ∈# C"
by (simp add: C_def)
have "C' ≺⇩c C"
by (simp add: C_def subset_implies_multp)
hence "C' ≼⇩c C"
by order
show "¬ interp N D ⊫l L"
proof (cases L)
case (Pos A⇩L)
moreover have "A⇩L ∉ interp N D"
proof -
have "∀y∈#C'. y ≺⇩l Pos A"
using Pox_A_max
by (simp add: C_def literal_order.is_greatest_in_mset_iff)
with Pos have "A⇩L ∉ insert A (interp N C)"
using L_in ‹¬ interp N C ⊫ C› C_def
by blast
moreover have "A⇩L ∉ (⋃D' ∈ {D' ∈ N. C ≺⇩c D' ∧ D' ≺⇩c D}. production N D')"
proof -
have "A⇩L ≼⇩t A"
using Pos lesseq_trm_if_pos[OF ‹C' ≼⇩c C› C_prod ‹L ∈# C'›]
by simp
thus ?thesis
using less_trm_iff_less_cls_if_mem_production
using C_prod calculation interp_def by fastforce
moreover have "interp N D =
insert A (interp N C) ∪ (⋃D' ∈ {D' ∈ N. C ≺⇩c D' ∧ D' ≺⇩c D}. production N D')"
proof -
have "interp N D = (⋃D' ∈ {D' ∈ N. D' ≺⇩c D}. production N D')"
by (simp only: interp_def)
also have "… = (⋃D' ∈ {D' ∈ {y ∈ N. y ≺⇩c C} ∪ {C} ∪ {y ∈ N. C ≺⇩c y}. D' ≺⇩c D}. production N D')"
using partition_set_around_element[of N "(≺⇩c)", OF _ ‹C ∈ N›]
totalp_on_subset[OF totalp_less_cls, simplified]
by simp
also have "… = (⋃D' ∈ {y ∈ N. y ≺⇩c C ∧ y ≺⇩c D} ∪ {C} ∪ {y ∈ N. C ≺⇩c y ∧ y ≺⇩c D}. production N D')"
using ‹C ≺⇩c D› by auto
also have "… = (⋃D' ∈ {y ∈ N. y ≺⇩c C} ∪ {C} ∪ {y ∈ N. C ≺⇩c y ∧ y ≺⇩c D}. production N D')"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) assms(3) transpD transp_less_cls)
also have "… = interp N C ∪ production N C ∪ (⋃D' ∈ {y ∈ N. C ≺⇩c y ∧ y ≺⇩c D}. production N D')"
by (auto simp: interp_def)
finally show ?thesis
using C_prod
by (metis (no_types, lifting) empty_iff insertE insert_is_Un
production_eq_empty_or_singleton sup_commute)
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
case (Neg A⇩L)
moreover have "A⇩L ∈ interp N D"
using Neg ‹L ∈# C› ‹C ≺⇩c D› ‹¬ interp N C ⊫ C› interp_subset_if_less_cls
by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
thus "¬ interp N D ⊫ C - {#Pos A#}"
by (simp add: C_def)
lemma production_subset_Union_production:
"⋀C N. C ∈ N ⟹ production N C ⊆ (⋃D ∈ N. production N D)"
by auto
lemma interp_subset_Union_production:
"⋀C N. C ∈ N ⟹ interp N C ⊆ (⋃D ∈ N. production N D)"
by (simp add: split_Union_production')
lemma model_construction:
N :: "'f gterm atom clause set" and
C :: "'f gterm atom clause"
assumes "G.saturated N" and "{#} ∉ N" and C_in: "C ∈ N"
"production N C = {} ⟷ interp N C ⊫ C"
"(⋃D ∈ N. production N D) ⊫ C"
"D ∈ N ⟹ C ≺⇩c D ⟹ interp N D ⊫ C"
unfolding atomize_conj atomize_imp
using wfP_less_cls C_in
proof (induction C arbitrary: D rule: wfp_induct_rule)
case (less C)
note IH = less.IH
from ‹{#} ∉ N› ‹C ∈ N› have "C ≠ {#}"
by metis
define I :: "'f gterm set" where
"I = interp N C"
have i: "interp N C ⊫ C ⟷ (production N C = {})"
proof (rule iffI)
show "interp N C ⊫ C ⟹ production N C = {}"
by (smt (z3) Collect_empty_eq interp_def production.elims)
assume "production N C = {}"
show "interp N C ⊫ C"
proof (cases "∃A. Neg A ∈# C ∧ (Neg A ∈# select C ∨ select C = {#} ∧ is_maximal_lit (Neg A) C)")
case ex_neg_lit_sel_or_max: True
then obtain A where
"Neg A ∈# C" and
sel_or_max: "Neg A ∈# select C ∨ select C = {#} ∧ is_maximal_lit (Neg A) C"
by metis
then obtain C' where
C_def: "C = add_mset (Neg A) C'"
by (metis mset_add)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "A ∈ interp N C")
case True
then obtain D where
"A ∈ production N D" and "D ∈ N" and "D ≺⇩c C"
unfolding interp_def by auto
then obtain D' where
D_def: "D = add_mset (Pos A) D'" and
sel_D: "select D = {#}" and
max_t_t': "is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) D" and
"¬ interp N D ⊫ D"
by (elim mem_productionE) fast
have reso: "ground_resolution C D (C' + D')"
proof (rule ground_resolutionI)
show "C = add_mset (Neg A) C'"
by (simp add: C_def)
show "D = add_mset (Pos A) D'"
by (simp add: D_def)
show "D ≺⇩c C"
using ‹D ≺⇩c C› .
show "select C = {#} ∧ is_maximal_lit (Neg A) C ∨ Neg A ∈# select C"
using sel_or_max by auto
show "select D = {#}"
using sel_D by blast
show "is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) D"
using max_t_t' .
qed simp_all
define ι :: "'f gterm clause inference" where
"ι = Infer [D, C] (C' + D')"
have "ι ∈ G_Inf"
using reso
by (auto simp only: ι_def G_Inf_def)
moreover have "⋀t. t ∈ set (prems_of ι) ⟹ t ∈ N"
using ‹C ∈ N› ‹D ∈ N›
by (auto simp add: ι_def)
ultimately have "ι ∈ G.Inf_from N"
by (auto simp: G.Inf_from_def)
hence "ι ∈ G.Red_I N"
using ‹G.saturated N›
by (auto simp: G.saturated_def)
then obtain DD where
DD_subset: "DD ⊆ N" and
"finite DD" and
DD_entails_CD: "G_entails (insert D DD) {C' + D'}" and
ball_DD_lt_C: "∀D∈DD. D ≺⇩c C"
unfolding G.Red_I_def G.redundant_infer_def mem_Collect_eq
by (auto simp: ι_def)
moreover have "∀D∈ insert D DD. interp N C ⊫ D"
using IH[THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct2, rule_format, of _ C]
using ‹C ∈ N› ‹D ∈ N› ‹D ≺⇩c C› DD_subset ball_DD_lt_C
by (metis in_mono insert_iff)
ultimately have "interp N C ⊫ C' + D'"
using DD_entails_CD
unfolding G_entails_def
by (simp add: I_def true_clss_def)
moreover have "¬ interp N D ⊫ D'"
using ‹¬ interp N D ⊫ D›
using D_def by force
moreover have "D' ≺⇩c D"
unfolding D_def
by (simp add: subset_implies_multp)
moreover have "¬ interp N C ⊫ D'"
using false_cls_if_productive_production[OF _ ‹C ∈ N› ‹D ≺⇩c C›]
by (metis D_def ‹A ∈ production N D› remove1_mset_add_mset_If)
ultimately show "interp N C ⊫ C"
unfolding C_def by fast
case False
thus ?thesis
using ‹Neg A ∈# C›
by (auto simp add: true_cls_def)
case False
hence "select C = {#}"
using select_subset select_negative_lits
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Neg_atm_of_iff mset_subset_eqD multiset_nonemptyE)
from False obtain A where Pos_A_in: "Pos A ∈# C" and max_Pos_A: "is_maximal_lit (Pos A) C"
using ex_maximal_in_mset_wrt[OF transp_on_less_lit asymp_on_less_lit ‹C ≠ {#}›]
using is_maximal_in_mset_wrt_iff[OF transp_on_less_lit asymp_on_less_lit]
by (metis Neg_atm_of_iff ‹select C = {#}› is_pos_def)
then obtain C' where C_def: "C = add_mset (Pos A) C'"
by (meson mset_add)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "interp N C ⊫ C'")
case True
then show ?thesis
using C_def by force
case False
show ?thesis
proof (cases "is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) C")
case strictly_maximal: True
then show ?thesis
using ‹production N C = {}› ‹select C = {#}› less.prems
unfolding production_unfold[of N C] Collect_empty_eq
using C_def by blast
case False
hence "count C (Pos A) ≥ 2"
using max_Pos_A
by (simp add: literal_order.count_ge_2_if_maximal_in_mset_and_not_greatest_in_mset)
then obtain C' where C_def: "C = add_mset (Pos A) (add_mset (Pos A) C')"
by (metis two_le_countE)
define ι :: "'f gterm clause inference" where
"ι = Infer [C] (add_mset (Pos A) C')"
have eq_fact: "ground_factoring C (add_mset (Pos A) C')"
proof (rule ground_factoringI)
show "C = add_mset (Pos A) (add_mset (Pos A) C')"
by (simp add: C_def)
show "select C = {#}"
using ‹select C = {#}› .
show "is_maximal_lit (Pos A) C"
using max_Pos_A .
qed simp_all
hence "ι ∈ G_Inf"
by (auto simp: ι_def G_Inf_def)
moreover have "⋀t. t ∈ set (prems_of ι) ⟹ t ∈ N"
using ‹C ∈ N›
by (auto simp add: ι_def)
ultimately have "ι ∈ G.Inf_from N"
by (auto simp: G.Inf_from_def)
hence "ι ∈ G.Red_I N"
using ‹G.saturated N›
by (auto simp: G.saturated_def)
then obtain DD where
DD_subset: "DD ⊆ N" and
"finite DD" and
DD_entails_concl: "G_entails DD {add_mset (Pos A) C'}" and
ball_DD_lt_C: "∀D∈DD. D ≺⇩c C"
unfolding G.Red_I_def G.redundant_infer_def mem_Collect_eq
by (auto simp: ι_def)
moreover have "∀D∈DD. interp N C ⊫ D"
using IH[THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct2, rule_format, of _ C]
using ‹C ∈ N› DD_subset ball_DD_lt_C
by blast
ultimately have "interp N C ⊫ add_mset (Pos A) C'"
using DD_entails_concl
unfolding G_entails_def
by (simp add: I_def true_clss_def)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: C_def joinI_right pair_imageI)
moreover have iia: "(⋃ (production N ` N)) ⊫ C"
using production_eq_empty_or_singleton[of N C]
proof (elim disjE exE)
assume "production N C = {}"
hence "interp N C ⊫ C"
by (simp only: i)
thus ?thesis
using lift_entailment_to_Union[OF ‹C ∈ N›] by argo
fix A
assume "production N C = {A}"
hence prod: "A ∈ production N C"
by simp
from prod have "Pos A ∈# C"
unfolding production.simps[of N C] mem_Collect_eq
by force
moreover from prod have "A ∈ ⋃ (production N ` N)"
using ‹C ∈ N› production_subset_Union_production
by fast
ultimately show ?thesis
by blast
moreover have iib: "interp N D ⊫ C" if "D ∈ N" and "C ≺⇩c D"
using production_eq_empty_or_singleton[of N C, folded ]
proof (elim disjE exE)
assume "production N C = {}"
hence "interp N C ⊫ C"
unfolding i by simp
thus ?thesis
using lift_interp_entails[OF ‹C ∈ N› _ that] by argo
fix A assume "production N C = {A}"
thus ?thesis
by (metis Un_insert_right insertCI insert_subset less_imp_Interp_subseteq_interp
mem_productionE pos_literal_in_imp_true_cls that(2) union_single_eq_member)
ultimately show ?case
by argo
assumes "clause_order.is_least_in_fset N C" and "A ∈ production (fset N) C"
shows "⋀A'. A' ≺⇩t A ⟹ A' ∉ (⋃D ∈ fset N. production (fset N) D)"
using assms less_trm_iff_less_cls_if_mem_production clause_order.is_least_in_fset_iff by auto
lemma lesser_atoms_not_in_previous_interp_are_not_in_final_interp_if_productive:
assumes "A ∈ production (fset N) C"
shows "⋀A'. A' ≺⇩t A ⟹ A' ∉ interp (fset N) C ⟹ A' ∉ (⋃D ∈ fset N. production (fset N) D)"
using assms production_subset_if_less_cls less_trm_iff_less_cls_if_mem_production by fastforce
lemma lesser_atoms_not_in_previous_interp_are_not_in_final_interp_if_not_productive:
assumes "literal_order.is_maximal_in_mset C L" and "production (fset N) C = {}"
shows "⋀A'. A' ≺⇩t atm_of L ⟹ A' ∉ interp (fset N) C ⟹ A' ∉ (⋃D ∈ fset N. production (fset N) D)"
using assms
by (metis (no_types, lifting) UN_E UnCI less_trm_if_neg lesseq_trm_if_pos
literal_order.is_maximal_in_mset_iff term_order.less_imp_not_less term_order.not_le
lemma lesser_atoms_not_in_previous_interp_are_not_in_final_interp:
fixes A
L_max: "literal_order.is_maximal_in_mset C L" and
A_less: "A ≺⇩t atm_of L" and
A_no_in: "A ∉ interp (fset N) C"
shows "A ∉ (⋃D ∈ fset N. production (fset N) D)"
proof (cases "production (fset N) C = {}")
case True
thus ?thesis
using L_max A_less A_no_in
using lesser_atoms_not_in_previous_interp_are_not_in_final_interp_if_not_productive
by metis
case False
then obtain A' where C_produces_A': "A' ∈ production (fset N) C"
by auto
hence "is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A') C"
unfolding production_unfold mem_Collect_eq by metis
hence "literal_order.is_maximal_in_mset C (Pos A')"
using literal_order.is_maximal_in_mset_if_is_greatest_in_mset by metis
hence "L = Pos A'"
using L_max
by (metis Uniq_D literal_order.Uniq_is_maximal_in_mset)
hence "atm_of L ∈ production (fset N) C"
using C_produces_A' by simp
thus ?thesis
using L_max A_less A_no_in
using lesser_atoms_not_in_previous_interp_are_not_in_final_interp_if_productive
by metis
lemma lesser_atoms_in_previous_interp_are_in_final_interp:
fixes A
L_max: "literal_order.is_maximal_in_mset C L" and
A_less: "A ≺⇩t atm_of L" and
A_in: "A ∈ interp N C"
shows "A ∈ (⋃D ∈ N. production N D)"
using A_in interp_def by fastforce
lemma interp_fixed_for_smaller_literals:
fixes A
L_max: "literal_order.is_maximal_in_mset C L" and
A_less: "A ≺⇩t atm_of L" and
"C ≺⇩c D"
shows "A ∈ interp N C ⟷ A ∈ interp N D"
proof (rule iffI)
show "A ∈ interp N C ⟹ A ∈ interp N D"
using assms(3) interp_subset_if_less_cls by auto
assume "A ∈ interp N D"
then obtain E where "A ∈ production N E" and "E ∈ N" and "E ≺⇩c D"
unfolding interp_def by auto
hence "literal_order.is_greatest_in_mset E (Pos A)"
by (auto elim: mem_productionE)
moreover have "Pos A ≺⇩l L"
by (metis A_less Neg_atm_of_iff less_lit_simps(1) less_lit_simps(2)
literal_order.dual_order.strict_trans term_order.order_eq_iff literal.collapse(1))
ultimately have "E ≺⇩c C"
using L_max
using literal_order.multp⇩H⇩O_if_maximal_less_that_maximal multp⇩D⇩M_imp_multp multp⇩H⇩O_imp_multp⇩D⇩M
by blast
hence "production N E ⊆ interp N C"
by (simp add: production_subset_if_less_cls)
thus "A ∈ interp N C"
using ‹A ∈ production N E› by auto
lemma neg_lits_not_in_model_stay_out_of_model:
L_in: "L ∈# C" and
L_neg: "is_neg L" and
atm_L_not_in: "atm_of L ∉ interp N C"
shows "atm_of L ∉ (⋃D ∈ N. production N D)"
using assms produces_imp_in_interp by force
lemma neg_lits_already_in_model_stay_in_model:
L_in: "L ∈# C" and
L_neg: "is_neg L" and
atm_L_not_in: "atm_of L ∈ interp N C"
shows "atm_of L ∈ (⋃D ∈ N. production N D)"
using atm_L_not_in interp_def by auto
lemma image_eq_imageI:
assumes "⋀x. x ∈ X ⟹ f x = g x"
shows "f ` X = g ` X"
using assms by auto
lemma production_swap_clause_set:
agree: "{D ∈ N1. D ≼⇩c C} = {D ∈ N2. D ≼⇩c C}"
shows "production N1 C = production N2 C"
using agree
proof (induction C rule: wfp_induct_rule[OF wfP_less_cls])
case hyps: (1 C)
from hyps have AAA: "C ∈ N1 ⟷ C ∈ N2"
by auto
from hyps have "{D ∈ N1. D ≺⇩c C} = {D ∈ N2. D ≺⇩c C}"
by blast
have "production N1 ` {D ∈ N2. D ≺⇩c C} = production N2 ` {D ∈ N2. D ≺⇩c C}"
proof (rule image_eq_imageI)
fix x assume "x ∈ {D ∈ N2. D ≺⇩c C}"
hence "x ∈ N2" and "x ≺⇩c C"
by simp_all
moreover have "{D ∈ N1. (≺⇩c)⇧=⇧= D x} = {D ∈ N2. (≺⇩c)⇧=⇧= D x}"
using hyps.prems ‹x ≺⇩c C› clause_order.order.strict_trans1 by blast
ultimately show "production N1 x = production N2 x"
using hyps.IH[rule_format, of x] by metis
hence BBB: "interp N1 C = interp N2 C"
unfolding interp_def ‹{D ∈ N1. D ≺⇩c C} = {D ∈ N2. D ≺⇩c C}›
by argo
show ?case
unfolding production_unfold
unfolding AAA BBB
by simp
lemma interp_swap_clause_set:
assumes agree: "{D ∈ N1. D ≺⇩c C} = {D ∈ N2. D ≺⇩c C}"
shows "interp N1 C = interp N2 C"
proof -
have BBB: "production N1 ` {D ∈ N2. D ≺⇩c C} = production N2 ` {D ∈ N2. D ≺⇩c C}"
proof (intro image_eq_imageI production_swap_clause_set)
fix x
assume "x ∈ {D ∈ N2. D ≺⇩c C}"
thus "{D ∈ N1. (≺⇩c)⇧=⇧= D x} = {D ∈ N2. (≺⇩c)⇧=⇧= D x}"
using agree clause_order.le_less_trans by blast
show ?thesis
unfolding interp_def
unfolding agree BBB
by argo
definition interp' where
"interp' N ≡ (⋃C ∈ N. production N C)"
lemma interp_eq_interp': "interp N D = interp' {C ∈ N. C ≺⇩c D}"
proof -
have "interp N D = interp {C ∈ N. C ≺⇩c D} D"
proof (rule interp_swap_clause_set)
show "{Da ∈ N. Da ≺⇩c D} = {Da ∈ {C ∈ N. C ≺⇩c D}. Da ≺⇩c D}"
by blast
also have "… = interp' {C ∈ N. C ≺⇩c D}"
unfolding interp_def interp'_def by blast
finally show ?thesis .
lemma production_unfold'': "production N C = {A | A.
C ∈ N ∧ select C = {#} ∧
is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) C ∧
¬ interp' {B ∈ N. B ≺⇩c C} ⊫ C}"
unfolding production_unfold interp_eq_interp'
using literal_order.explode_greatest_in_mset
by metis
lemma Interp_swap_clause_set:
assumes agree: "{D ∈ N1. D ≼⇩c C} = {D ∈ N2. D ≼⇩c C}"
shows "interp N1 C ∪ production N1 C = interp N2 C ∪ production N2 C"
using production_swap_clause_set[OF agree]
using interp_swap_clause_set
using agree
by blast
lemma production_insert_greater_clause:
assumes "C ≺⇩c D"
shows "production (insert D N) C = production N C"
proof (rule production_swap_clause_set)
show "{Da ∈ insert D N. (≺⇩c)⇧=⇧= Da C} = {D ∈ N. (≺⇩c)⇧=⇧= D C}"
using ‹C ≺⇩c D› by auto
lemma interp_insert_greater_clause_strong:
assumes "C ≼⇩c D"
shows "interp (insert D N) C = interp N C"
proof (rule interp_swap_clause_set)
show "{x ∈ insert D N. x ≺⇩c C} = {x ∈ N. x ≺⇩c C}"
using ‹C ≼⇩c D› by auto
lemma interp_insert_greater_clause:
assumes "C ≺⇩c D"
shows "interp (insert D N) C = interp N C"
proof (rule interp_swap_clause_set)
show "{x ∈ insert D N. x ≺⇩c C} = {x ∈ N. x ≺⇩c C}"
using ‹C ≺⇩c D› by auto
lemma Interp_insert_greater_clause:
assumes "C ≺⇩c D"
shows "interp (insert D N) C ∪ production (insert D N) C = interp N C ∪ production N C"
proof (rule Interp_swap_clause_set)
show "{Da ∈ insert D N. (≺⇩c)⇧=⇧= Da C} = {D ∈ N. (≺⇩c)⇧=⇧= D C}"
using ‹C ≺⇩c D› by auto
lemma production_add_irrelevant_clause_to_set0:
fin: "finite N" and
D_irrelevant: "E ∈ N" "E ⊂# D" "set_mset D = set_mset E" and
no_select: "select E = {#}"
shows "production (insert D N) D = {}"
proof -
from D_irrelevant have "E ≺⇩c D"
using subset_implies_multp by metis
hence prod_E_subset: "production (insert D N) E ⊆ interp (insert D N) D"
using production_subset_if_less_cls by metis
show ?thesis
proof (cases "production (insert D N) E = {}")
case True
hence "(∄A. is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) E) ∨ interp (insert D N) E ⊫ E"
unfolding production_unfold
using no_select
by (smt (verit, del_insts) Collect_empty_eq ‹E ∈ N› diff_single_eq_union insertI2
hence "(∄A. is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) D) ∨ interp (insert D N) D ⊫ D"
proof (elim disjE)
assume "∄A. is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) E"
hence "∄A. is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) D"
proof (rule contrapos_nn)
show "∃A. is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) D ⟹ ∃A. is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) E"
using ‹E ⊂# D› ‹set_mset D = set_mset E›
unfolding literal_order.is_greatest_in_mset_iff
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) add_mset_remove_trivial_eq
thus ?thesis ..
assume "interp (insert D N) E ⊫ E"
hence "interp (insert D N) D ⊫ D"
using lift_interp_entails ‹E ∈ N› ‹E ≺⇩c D›
by (metis ‹set_mset D = set_mset E› insert_iff true_cls_def)
thus ?thesis ..
thus ?thesis
unfolding production_unfold by auto
case False
hence "interp (insert D N) D ⊫ D"
using prod_E_subset
by (metis ‹set_mset D = set_mset E› mem_productionE production_eq_empty_or_singleton
insertCI insert_subset literal_order.is_greatest_in_mset_iff
thus ?thesis
unfolding production_unfold by simp
lemma production_add_irrelevant_clause_to_set:
fin: "finite N" and
C_in: "C ∈ N" and
D_irrelevant: "∃E ∈ N. E ⊂# D ∧ set_mset D = set_mset E" and
no_select: "⋀C. select C = {#}"
shows "production (insert D N) C = production N C"
using wfP_less_cls C_in
proof (induction C rule: wfp_induct_rule)
case (less C)
hence C_in_iff: "C ∈ insert D N ⟷ C ∈ N"
by simp
have interp_insert_eq: "interp (insert D N) C = interp N C"
proof (cases "D ≺⇩c C")
case True
hence "{x ∈ insert D N. x ≺⇩c C} = insert D {x ∈ N. x ≺⇩c C}"
by auto
hence "⋃ (production (insert D N) ` {x ∈ insert D N. x ≺⇩c C}) =
production (insert D N) D ∪ ⋃ (production (insert D N) ` {D ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C})"
by simp
also have "… = ⋃ (production (insert D N) ` {D ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C})"
using production_add_irrelevant_clause_to_set0
using D_irrelevant fin no_select by force
also have "… = ⋃ (production N ` {D ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C})"
using less.IH by simp
finally show ?thesis
unfolding interp_def .
case False
then show ?thesis
unfolding interp_def
by (smt (verit, best) Collect_cong image_eq_imageI insert_iff less.IH mem_Collect_eq)
show ?case
unfolding production_unfold C_in_iff interp_insert_eq by argo
lemma production_add_irrelevant_clauses_to_set0:
fin: "finite N" "finite N'" and
D_in: "D ∈ N'" and
irrelevant: "∀D ∈ N'. ∃E ∈ N. E ⊂# D ∧ set_mset D = set_mset E" and
no_select: "⋀C. select C = {#}"
shows "production (N ∪ N') D = {}"
using ‹finite N'› D_in irrelevant
proof (induction N' rule: finite_induct)
case empty
hence False
by simp
thus ?case ..
case (insert x F)
then show ?case
using production_add_irrelevant_clause_to_set0
by (metis UnCI fin(1) finite_Un finite_insert production_add_irrelevant_clause_to_set no_select)
lemma production_add_irrelevant_clauses_to_set:
fin: "finite N" "finite N'" and
C_in: "C ∈ N" and
irrelevant: "∀D ∈ N'. ∃E ∈ N. E ⊂# D ∧ set_mset D = set_mset E" and
no_select: "⋀C. select C = {#}"
shows "production (N ∪ N') C = production N C"
using ‹finite N'› irrelevant
proof (induction N' rule: finite_induct)
case empty
show ?case
by simp
case (insert x F)
then show ?case
using production_add_irrelevant_clause_to_set
by (metis C_in UnI1 Un_insert_right fin(1) finite_Un insertCI no_select)
lemma interp_add_irrelevant_clauses_to_set:
fin: "finite N" "finite N'" and
C_in: "C ∈ N" and
irrelevant: "∀D ∈ N'. ∃E ∈ N. E ⊂# D ∧ set_mset D = set_mset E" and
no_select: "⋀C. select C = {#}"
shows "interp (N ∪ N') C = interp N C"
proof -
have "interp (N ∪ N') C = ⋃ (production (N ∪ N') ` {D ∈ N ∪ N'. D ≺⇩c C})"
unfolding interp_def ..
also have "… = ⋃ (production (N ∪ N') ` {D ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C} ∪
production (N ∪ N') ` {D ∈ N'. D ≺⇩c C})"
by auto
also have "… = ⋃ (production (N ∪ N') ` {D ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C})"
using production_add_irrelevant_clauses_to_set0[OF fin _ irrelevant no_select] by simp
also have "… = ⋃ (production N ` {D ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C})"
using production_add_irrelevant_clauses_to_set[OF fin _ _ no_select] irrelevant
using subset_mset.less_le by fastforce
also have "… = interp N C"
unfolding interp_def ..
finally show ?thesis .
lemma interp_add_irrelevant_clauses_to_set':
fin: "finite N" "finite N'" and
C_in: "C ∈ N" and
irrelevant: "∀D ∈ N'. ∃E ∈ N. E ⊆# D ∧ set_mset D = set_mset E" and
no_select: "⋀C. select C = {#}"
shows "interp (N ∪ N') C = interp N C"
proof -
define N'' where
"N'' = N' - N"
from fin(2) have "finite N''"
unfolding N''_def by simp
moreover from irrelevant have "∀D ∈ N''. ∃E ∈ N. E ⊂# D ∧ set_mset E = set_mset D"
unfolding N''_def
by (metis Diff_iff subset_mset.le_less)
moreover have "N ∪ N' = N ∪ N''"
unfolding N''_def by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
using assms interp_add_irrelevant_clauses_to_set by metis
lemma lesser_entailed_clause_stays_entailed':
assumes "C ≼⇩c D" and D_lt: "D ≺⇩c E" and C_entailed: "interp N D ∪ production N D ⊫ C"
shows "interp N E ⊫ C"
proof -
from C_entailed obtain L where "L ∈# C" and "interp N D ∪ production N D ⊫l L"
by (auto simp: true_cls_def)
show ?thesis
proof (cases L)
case (Pos A)
hence "A ∈ interp N D ∪ production N D"
using ‹interp N D ∪ production N D ⊫l L› by simp
moreover from D_lt have "interp N D ∪ production N D ⊆ interp N E"
using less_imp_Interp_subseteq_interp by blast
ultimately have "A ∈ interp N E"
by auto
thus ?thesis
using Pos ‹L ∈# C› by auto
case (Neg A)
then show ?thesis
using neg_lits_not_in_model_stay_out_of_model
by (smt (verit, best) UN_E Un_iff ‹L ∈# C› ‹interp N D ∪ production N D ⊫l L› assms(1)
interp_def clause_order.antisym_conv neg_literal_notin_imp_true_cls
not_interp_to_Interp_imp_le produces_imp_in_interp true_lit_simps(2))
lemma lesser_entailed_clause_stays_entailed:
assumes C_le: "C ≼⇩c D" and D_lt: "D ≺⇩c E" and C_entailed: "interp N D ∪ production N D ⊫ C"
shows "interp N E ∪ production N E ⊫ C"
proof -
from C_entailed obtain L where "L ∈# C" and "interp N D ∪ production N D ⊫l L"
by (auto simp: true_cls_def)
show ?thesis
proof (cases L)
case (Pos A)
hence "A ∈ interp N D ∪ production N D"
using ‹interp N D ∪ production N D ⊫l L› by simp
moreover from D_lt have "interp N D ∪ production N D ⊆ interp N E ∪ production N E"
using less_imp_Interp_subseteq_interp by blast
ultimately have "A ∈ interp N E ∪ production N E"
by auto
thus ?thesis
using Pos ‹L ∈# C› by auto
case (Neg A)
then show ?thesis
using neg_lits_not_in_model_stay_out_of_model
by (smt (verit, best) UN_E Un_iff ‹L ∈# C› ‹interp N D ∪ production N D ⊫l L› assms(1)
interp_def clause_order.antisym_conv neg_literal_notin_imp_true_cls
not_interp_to_Interp_imp_le produces_imp_in_interp true_lit_simps(2))
lemma entailed_clause_stays_entailed':
assumes C_lt: "C ≺⇩c D" and C_entailed: "interp N C ∪ production N C ⊫ C"
shows "interp N D ⊫ C"
using lesser_entailed_clause_stays_entailed'[OF clause_order.order_refl assms] .
lemma entailed_clause_stays_entailed:
assumes C_lt: "C ≺⇩c D" and C_entailed: "interp N C ∪ production N C ⊫ C"
shows "interp N D ∪ production N D ⊫ C"
using lesser_entailed_clause_stays_entailed[OF clause_order.order_refl assms] .
lemma multp_if_all_left_smaller: "M2 ≠ {#} ⟹ ∀k∈#M1. ∃j∈#M2. R k j ⟹ multp R M1 M2"
using one_step_implies_multp
by (metis add_0)
P1 :: "'f gterm" and
C1 :: "'f gterm clause" and
N :: "'f gterm clause set"
"C1 ≡ {#Neg P1#}" and
"N ≡ {C1}"
no_select: "⋀C. select C = {#}"
proof -
have "interp N C1 = {}"
unfolding interp_def N_def by simp
have "production N C1 = {}"
unfolding production_unfold ‹interp N C1 = {}› C1_def by simp
hence "interp N C1 ∪ production N C1 ⊫ C1"
unfolding ‹interp N C1 = {}› ‹production N C1 = {}›
by (simp add: C1_def)
P1 P2 :: "'f gterm" and
C1 :: "'f gterm clause" and
N :: "'f gterm clause set"
"C1 ≡ {#Pos P1, Neg P2#}" and
"N ≡ {C1}"
term_order: "P1 ≺⇩t P2" and
no_select: "⋀C. select C = {#}"
shows False
proof -
have lit_order: "Pos P1 ≺⇩l Neg P1" "Neg P1 ≺⇩l Pos P2" "Pos P2 ≺⇩l Neg P2"
using term_order by simp_all
have "interp N C1 = {}"
unfolding interp_def N_def by simp
have "production N C1 = {}"
unfolding production_unfold
using C1_def ‹interp N C1 = {}› by simp
hence "interp N C1 ∪ production N C1 ⊫ C1"
unfolding ‹interp N C1 = {}› ‹production N C1 = {}›
by (simp add: C1_def)
P1 P2 P3 P4 :: "'f gterm" and
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 :: "'f gterm clause" and
N :: "'f gterm clause set"
"C1 ≡ {#Neg P1, Neg P2#}" and
"C2 ≡ {#Pos P2, Neg P3#}" and
"C3 ≡ {#Pos P1, Pos P2, Pos P4#}" and
"C4 ≡ {#Pos P2, Pos P3, Pos P4#}" and
"C5 ≡ {#Pos P2, Neg P4#}" and
"N ≡ {C1, C2, C3, C4, C5}"
term_order: "P1 ≺⇩t P2" "P2 ≺⇩t P3" "P3 ≺⇩t P4" and
no_select: "⋀C. select C = {#}"
"C1 ≺⇩c C2" "C2 ≺⇩c C3" "C3 ≺⇩c C4" "C4 ≺⇩c C5"
proof -
have lit_order: "Pos P1 ≺⇩l Neg P1" "Neg P1 ≺⇩l Pos P2" "Pos P2 ≺⇩l Neg P2" "Neg P2 ≺⇩l Pos P3"
"Pos P3 ≺⇩l Neg P3" "Neg P3 ≺⇩l Pos P4" "Pos P4 ≺⇩l Neg P4"
using term_order by simp_all
show "C1 ≺⇩c C2"
unfolding C1_def C2_def
proof (rule multp_if_all_left_smaller)
show "{#Pos P2, Neg P3#} ≠ {#}"
by simp
show "∀k∈#{#Neg P1, Neg P2#}. ∃j∈#{#Pos P2, Neg P3#}. k ≺⇩l j"
using lit_order by simp
moreover show "C2 ≺⇩c C3"
unfolding C2_def C3_def
proof (rule multp_if_all_left_smaller)
show "{#Pos P1, Pos P2, Pos P4#} ≠ {#}"
by simp
show "∀k∈#{#Pos P2, Neg P3#}. ∃j∈#{#Pos P1, Pos P2, Pos P4#}. k ≺⇩l j"
using lit_order by auto
moreover show "C3 ≺⇩c C4"
proof -
have "{#Pos P1, Pos P2#} ≺⇩c {#Pos P2, Pos P3#}"
proof (rule multp_if_all_left_smaller)
show "{#Pos P2, Pos P3#} ≠ {#}"
by simp
show "∀k∈#{#Pos P1, Pos P2#}. ∃j∈#{#Pos P2, Pos P3#}. k ≺⇩l j"
using lit_order by simp
thus ?thesis
unfolding C3_def C4_def
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) add_mset_commute irreflp_on_less_lit multp_cancel_add_mset
moreover show "C4 ≺⇩c C5"
unfolding C4_def C5_def
proof (rule multp_if_all_left_smaller)
show "{#Pos P2, Neg P4#} ≠ {#}"
by simp
show "∀k∈#{#Pos P2, Pos P3, Pos P4#}. ∃j∈#{#Pos P2, Neg P4#}. k ≺⇩l j"
using lit_order by auto
note cls_order = calculation this
have "interp N C1 = {}"
unfolding interp_def N_def
using cls_order
by (smt (verit, best) Collect_empty_eq bot_fset.rep_eq ccSUP_empty finsertCI fset_simps(2)
clause_order.dual_order.strict_implies_not_eq clause_order.is_minimal_in_fset_finsertI
clause_order.is_minimal_in_fset_iff singletonD)
hence "production N C1 = {}"
unfolding production_unfold C1_def by simp
hence "interp N C1 ∪ production N C1 ⊫ C1"
unfolding ‹interp N C1 = {}› ‹production N C1 = {}›
unfolding C1_def
unfolding true_cls_def true_lit_def
by (simp add: C1_def)
have "{D ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C2} = {C1}"
unfolding N_def
using cls_order by auto
hence "interp N C2 = interp N C1 ∪ production N C1"
unfolding ‹interp N C1 = {}›
unfolding interp_def
by simp
hence "interp N C2 = {}"
unfolding ‹interp N C1 = {}› ‹production N C1 = {}› by simp
hence "production N C2 = {}"
unfolding production_unfold
by (simp add: C2_def)
hence "interp N C2 ∪ production N C2 ⊫ C2"
using ‹interp N C2 = {}›
by (simp add: C2_def)
have "{D ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C3} = {C1, C2}"
unfolding N_def
using cls_order by auto
hence "interp N C3 = interp N C2 ∪ production N C2"
unfolding ‹interp N C2 = {}›
unfolding interp_def
by (simp add: ‹production N C1 = {}›)
hence "interp N C3 = {}"
unfolding ‹interp N C2 = {}› ‹production N C2 = {}› by simp
have "production N C3 = {P4}"
proof -
have "C3 ∈ N"
by (simp add: N_def)
moreover have "∃C3'. C3 = add_mset (Pos P4) C3'"
by (auto simp: C3_def)
moreover have "is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos P4) C3"
unfolding C3_def literal_order.is_greatest_in_mset_iff
using lit_order by auto
moreover have "¬ interp N C3 ⊫ C3"
unfolding ‹interp N C3 = {}›
unfolding C3_def
by simp
ultimately have "P4 ∈ production N C3"
unfolding production_unfold
using no_select
by simp
thus ?thesis
using production_eq_empty_or_singleton by fastforce
hence "interp N C3 ∪ production N C3 ⊫ C3"
using ‹interp N C3 = {}›
by (simp add: C3_def)
have "{D ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C4} = {C1, C2, C3}"
unfolding N_def
using cls_order by auto
hence "interp N C4 = interp N C3 ∪ production N C3"
unfolding ‹interp N C3 = interp N C2 ∪ production N C2›
unfolding ‹interp N C2 = interp N C1 ∪ production N C1›
unfolding ‹interp N C1 = {}›
unfolding interp_def
by auto
hence "interp N C4 = {P4}"
using ‹interp N C3 = {}› ‹production N C3 = {P4}› by simp
hence "interp N C4 ⊫ C4"
using C4_def by simp
hence "production N C4 = {}"
unfolding production_unfold by simp
hence "interp N C4 ∪ production N C4 ⊫ C4"
using ‹interp N C4 = {P4}›
by (simp add: C4_def)
have "{D ∈ N. D ≺⇩c C5} = {C1, C2, C3, C4}"
unfolding N_def
using cls_order by auto
hence "interp N C5 = interp N C4 ∪ production N C4"
unfolding ‹interp N C4 = interp N C3 ∪ production N C3›
unfolding ‹interp N C3 = interp N C2 ∪ production N C2›
unfolding ‹interp N C2 = interp N C1 ∪ production N C1›
unfolding ‹interp N C1 = {}›
unfolding interp_def
by auto
hence "interp N C5 = {P4}"
using ‹interp N C4 = {P4}› ‹production N C4 = {}› by simp
have "production N C5 = {}"
proof -
have "is_strictly_maximal_lit (Neg P4) C5"
unfolding C5_def literal_order.is_greatest_in_mset_iff
using lit_order by auto
hence "⋀A. ¬ is_strictly_maximal_lit (Pos A) C5"
by (meson Uniq_D literal_order.Uniq_is_greatest_in_mset literal.distinct(1))
thus ?thesis
unfolding production_unfold by simp
hence "¬ interp N C5 ∪ production N C5 ⊫ C5"
unfolding ‹interp N C5 = {P4}› ‹production N C5 = {}›
unfolding C5_def
using term_order
by simp
interpretation G: statically_complete_calculus G_Bot G_Inf G_entails G.Red_I G.Red_F
proof unfold_locales
fix B :: "'f gterm atom clause" and N :: "'f gterm atom clause set"
assume "B ∈ G_Bot" and "G.saturated N"
hence "B = {#}"
by simp
assume "G_entails N {B}"
hence "{#} ∈ N"
unfolding ‹B = {#}›
proof (rule contrapos_pp)
assume "{#} ∉ N"
define I :: "'f gterm set" where
"I = (⋃D ∈ N. production N D)"
show "¬ G_entails N G_Bot"
unfolding G_entails_def not_all not_imp
proof (intro exI conjI)
show "I ⊫s N"
unfolding I_def
using model_construction(2)[OF ‹G.saturated N› ‹{#} ∉ N›]
by (simp add: true_clss_def)
show "¬ I ⊫s G_Bot"
by simp
thus "∃B'∈G_Bot. B' ∈ N"
by auto