Theory Replace_Constant

theory Replace_Constant
  imports Rewriting

subsection ‹Removing/Replacing constants in a rewrite sequence that do not appear in the rewrite system›
lemma funas_term_const_subst_conv:
  "(c, 0)  funas_term l  ¬ (l  constT c)"
proof (induct l)
  case (Fun f ts) then show ?case
    by auto (metis Fun_supt supteq_supt_conv term.inject(2))+
qed (auto simp add: supteq_var_imp_eq)

lemma fresh_const_single_step_replace:
  assumes lin: "linear_sys " and fresh: "(c, 0)  funas_rel "
    and occ: "p  poss_of_term (constT c) s" and step: "(s, t)  rstep "
  shows "(s[p  u], t)  rstep  
    ( q. q  poss_of_term (constT c) t  (s[p  u], t[q  u])  rstep )"
proof -
  from occ have const: "p  poss s  s |_ p = constT c" by auto
  from step obtain C l r σ where t [simp]: "s = Cl  σ" "t = Cr  σ"
    and rule: "(l, r)  " by blast
  from rule lin have lin: "linear_term l" "linear_term r" by fastforce+
  from fresh rule have nt_lhs: "(c, 0)  funas_term l" by (auto simp: funas_rel_def)
  consider (par) "p  (hole_pos C)" | (below) "hole_pos C p p" using occ
    by (auto dest: poss_of_term_const_ctxt_apply)
  then show ?thesis
  proof cases
    case par
    then have possc: "p  possc C" using const t possc_def by blast 
    then have "p  poss_of_term (constT c) t" "(s[p  u], t[p  u])  rstep "
      using const par_hole_pos_replace_term_context_at[OF par]
      using possc_subt_at_ctxt_apply[OF possc par, of "r  σ" "l  σ"] rule
      by auto (metis par par_pos_replace_pres replace_at_hole_pos) 
    then show ?thesis by blast
    case below
    then obtain q where [simp]:"p = hole_pos C @ q" and poss: "q  poss (l  σ)"
      using const position_less_eq_def
      by (metis (full_types) ctxt_at_pos_hole_pos ctxt_at_pos_subt_at_pos poss_append_poss t(1))
    have const: "l  σ |_ q = constT c" using const by auto
    from nt_lhs have " r. r  varposs l  r p q" using const poss
    proof (induct l arbitrary: q)
      case (Var x)
      then show ?case by auto
      case (Fun f ts)
      from Fun(1)[OF nth_mem, of "hd q" "tl q"] Fun(2-) obtain r where
        "r  varposs (ts ! hd q)  r p tl q"
        by (cases q) auto
      then show ?case using Fun(2- 4)
        by (intro exI[of _ "hd q # r"]) auto
    then obtain x v where varposs: "v  varposs l" "v p q" "l |_ v = Var x"
      unfolding varposs_def by blast
    let  = "λx. if Var x = l |_ v then (σ x)[q -p v  u] else σ x"
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "x  vars_term r")
      case True
      then obtain q' where varposs_r: "q'  varposs r" "r |_ q' = Var x"
        by (metis vars_term_varposs_iff)
      have "(s[p  u], t[(hole_pos C) @ q' @ (q -p v)  u])  rstep "
        using lin varposs rule varposs_r
        by (auto simp: linear_term_varposs_subst_replace_term intro!: rstep_ctxtI)
          (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) pos_diff_append_itself rrstep.intros rrstep_rstep_mono subset_eq term_subst_eq)
      moreover have "(hole_pos C) @ q' @ q -p v  poss_of_term (constT c) t"
        using varposs_r varposs poss const poss_pos_diffI[OF varposs(2) poss]
        using subt_at_append_dist[of q' "q -p v" "r  σ"]
        by (auto simp: poss_append_poss varposs_imp_poss[THEN subst_subt_at_dist] varposs_imp_poss[THEN subsetD[OF subst_poss_mono]])
          (metis pos_les_eq_append_diff eval_term.simps(1) subst_subt_at_dist subt_at_append_dist varposs_imp_poss)
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
      case False
      then have [simp]: "r  σ = r  " using varposs
        by (auto simp add: term_subst_eq_conv)
      have "(s[p  u], t)  rstep " using rule varposs lin
        by (auto simp: linear_term_varposs_subst_replace_term)
      then show ?thesis by auto

lemma fresh_const_steps_replace:
  assumes lin: "linear_sys " and fresh: "(c, 0)  funas_rel "
    and occ: "p  poss_of_term (constT c) s" and steps: "(s, t)  (rstep )+"
  shows "(s[p  u], t)  (rstep )+ 
    ( q. q  poss_of_term (constT c) t  (s[p  u], t[q  u])  (rstep )+)"
  using steps occ
proof (induct arbitrary: p rule: converse_trancl_induct)
  case (base s)
  from fresh_const_single_step_replace[OF lin fresh base(2, 1)] show ?case
    by (meson r_into_trancl')
  case (step s t)
  from fresh_const_single_step_replace[OF lin fresh step(4, 1)]
  consider (a) "(s[p  u], t)  rstep " | (b) "q. q  poss_of_term (constT c) t  (s[p  u], t[q  u])  rstep " by blast
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case a then show ?thesis using step(2)
      by auto
    case b
    then obtain q where "q  poss_of_term (constT c) t" "(s[p  u], t[q  u])  rstep " by blast
    from step(3)[OF this(1)] this(2) show ?thesis
      by (metis trancl_into_trancl2)

lemma remove_const_lhs_steps:
  assumes lin: "linear_sys " and fresh: "(c, 0)  funas_rel "
    and const: "(c, 0)  funas_term t"
    and pos: "p  poss_of_term (constT c) s" 
    and steps: "(s, t)  (rstep )+"
  shows "(s[p  u], t)  (rstep )+" using steps pos const fresh_const_steps_replace
  by (metis fresh funas_term_const_subst_conv lin poss_of_termE subt_at_imp_supteq)

text ‹Now we can show that we may remove a constant substitution›

definition const_replace_closed where
  "const_replace_closed c U = ( s t u p.
    p  poss_of_term (constT c) s  (s, t)  U 
    ( q. q  poss_of_term (constT c) t  (s[p  u], t[q  u])  U)  (s[p  u], t)  U)"

lemma const_replace_closedD:
  assumes "const_replace_closed c U" "p  poss_of_term (constT c) s" "(s, t)  U"
  shows "(s[p  u], t)  U  ( q. q  poss_of_term (constT c) t  (s[p  u], t[q  u])  U)" using assms
  unfolding const_replace_closed_def by blast

lemma const_replace_closedI:
  assumes " s t u p. p  poss_of_term (constT c) s  (s, t)  U 
       ( q. q  poss_of_term (constT c) t  (s[p  u], t[q  u])  U)  (s[p  u], t)  U"
  shows "const_replace_closed c U" using assms
  unfolding const_replace_closed_def
  by auto

abbreviation const_subst :: "'f  'v  ('f, 'v) Term.term" where
  "const_subst c  (λ x. Fun c [])"

lemma lin_fresh_rstep_const_replace_closed:
  "linear_sys   (c, 0)  funas_rel   const_replace_closed c (rstep )"
  using fresh_const_single_step_replace[of  c]
  by (intro const_replace_closedI) (auto simp: constT_nfunas_term_poss_of_term_empty, blast)

lemma const_replace_closed_symcl:
  "const_replace_closed c U  const_replace_closed c (U=)"
  unfolding const_replace_closed_def
  by (metis Un_iff pair_in_Id_conv)

lemma const_replace_closed_trancl:
  "const_replace_closed c U  const_replace_closed c (U+)"
proof (intro const_replace_closedI)
  fix s t u p
  assume const: "const_replace_closed c U" and wit: "p  poss_of_term (constT c) s"
    and steps :"(s, t)  U+"
  show "(q. q  poss_of_term (constT c) t  (s[p  u], t[q  u])  U+)  (s[p  u], t)  U+" using steps wit
  proof (induct arbitrary: p rule: converse_trancl_induct)
    case (base s)
    show ?case using const_replace_closedD[OF const base(2, 1)]
      by blast
    case (step s v)
    from const_replace_closedD[OF const step(4, 1)]
    consider (a) "(s[p  u], v)  U" | (b) " q. q  poss_of_term (constT c) v  (s[p  u], v[q  u])  U" by auto
    then show ?case
    proof cases
      case a then show ?thesis using step(2)
        by (meson trancl_into_trancl2)
      case b
      then show ?thesis using step(3, 4) by (meson trancl_into_trancl2) 

lemma const_replace_closed_rtrancl:
  "const_replace_closed c U  const_replace_closed c (U*)"
proof (intro const_replace_closedI)
  fix s t u p
  assume const: "const_replace_closed c U" and wit: "p  poss_of_term (constT c) s"
    and steps :"(s, t)  U*"
  show "(q. q  poss_of_term (constT c) t  (s[p  u], t[q  u])  U*)  (s[p  u], t)  U*"
    using const_replace_closed_trancl[OF const] wit steps
    by (metis const_replace_closedD rtrancl_eq_or_trancl)

lemma const_replace_closed_relcomp:
  "const_replace_closed c U  const_replace_closed c V  const_replace_closed c (U O V)"
proof (intro const_replace_closedI)
  fix s t u p
  assume const: "const_replace_closed c U" "const_replace_closed c V"
   and wit: "p  poss_of_term (constT c) s" and step: "(s, t)  U O V"
  from step obtain w where w: "(s, w)  U" "(w, t)  V" by auto
  from const_replace_closedD[OF const(1) wit this(1)]
  consider (a) "(s[p  u], w)  U" | (b) "(q. q  poss_of_term (constT c) w  (s[p  u], w[q  u])  U)"
    by auto  
  then show "(q. q  poss_of_term (constT c) t  (s[p  u], t[q  u])  U O V)  (s[p  u], t)  U O V"
  proof cases
    case a
    then show ?thesis using w(2) by auto
    case b
    then show ?thesis using const_replace_closedD[OF const(2) _ w(2)]
      by (meson relcomp.simps)

text @{const const_replace_closed} allow the removal of a fresh constant substitution›
lemma const_replace_closed_remove_subst_lhs:
  assumes repcl: "const_replace_closed c U"
    and const: "(c, 0)  funas_term t"
    and steps: "(s  const_subst c, t)  U"
  shows "(s, t)  U" using steps
proof (induct "card (varposs s)" arbitrary: s)
  case (Suc n)
  obtain p ps where vl: "varposs s = insert p ps" "p  ps" using Suc(2)
    by (metis card_le_Suc_iff dual_order.refl)
  let ?s = "s[p  Fun c []]" have vp: "p  varposs s" using vl by auto
  then have [simp]: "?s  const_subst c = s  const_subst c"
    by (induct s arbitrary: p) (auto simp: nth_list_update map_update intro!: nth_equalityI)
  have "varposs ?s = ps" using vl varposs_ground_replace_at[of p s "constT c"]
    by auto
  then have "n = card (varposs ?s)" using vl Suc(2) by (auto simp: card_insert_if finite_varposs)
  from Suc(1)[OF this] have IH: "(s[p  constT c], t)  U" "p  poss_of_term (constT c) s[p  constT c]"
    using Suc(2, 3) vl poss_of_term_replace_term_at varposs_imp_poss vp
    using s[p  constT c]  const_subst c = s  const_subst c
    by fastforce+
  show ?case using const_replace_closedD[OF repcl] const IH(2, 1)
    by (metis constT_nfunas_term_poss_of_term_empty empty_iff replace_term_at_same_pos replace_term_at_subt_at_id)
qed (auto simp: ground_subst_apply card_eq_0_iff finite_varposs varposs_empty_gound)

subsubsection ‹Removal lemma applied to various rewrite relations›

lemma remove_const_subst_step_lhs:
  assumes lin: "linear_sys " and fresh: "(c, 0)  funas_rel "
    and const: "(c, 0)  funas_term t"
    and step: "(s  const_subst c, t)  (rstep )"
  shows "(s, t)  (rstep )"
  using lin_fresh_rstep_const_replace_closed[OF lin fresh, THEN const_replace_closed_remove_subst_lhs] const step
  by blast

lemma remove_const_subst_steps_lhs:
  assumes lin: "linear_sys " and fresh: "(c, 0)  funas_rel "
    and const: "(c, 0)  funas_term t"
    and steps: "(s  const_subst c, t)  (rstep )+"
  shows "(s, t)  (rstep )+"
  using lin_fresh_rstep_const_replace_closed[THEN const_replace_closed_trancl,
    OF lin fresh, THEN const_replace_closed_remove_subst_lhs]
  using const steps
  by blast

lemma remove_const_subst_steps_eq_lhs:
  assumes lin: "linear_sys " and fresh: "(c, 0)  funas_rel "
    and const: "(c, 0)  funas_term t"
    and steps: "(s  const_subst c, t)  (rstep )*"
  shows "(s, t)  (rstep )*" using steps const 
  by (cases "s = t") (auto simp: rtrancl_eq_or_trancl funas_term_subst ground_subst_apply vars_term_empty_ground
      dest: remove_const_subst_steps_lhs[OF lin fresh const] split: if_splits)

lemma remove_const_subst_steps_rhs:
  assumes lin: "linear_sys " and fresh: "(c, 0)  funas_rel "
    and const: "(c, 0)  funas_term s"
    and steps: "(s, t  const_subst c)  (rstep )+"
  shows "(s, t)  (rstep )+"
proof -
  from steps have revs: "(t  const_subst c, s)  (rstep (¯))+"
    unfolding rew_converse_outwards by auto
  have "(t, s)  (rstep (¯))+" using assms
    by (intro remove_const_subst_steps_lhs[OF _ _ _ revs]) (auto simp: funas_rel_def)
  then show ?thesis unfolding rew_converse_outwards by auto

lemma remove_const_subst_steps_eq_rhs:
  assumes lin: "linear_sys " and fresh: "(c, 0)  funas_rel "
    and const: "(c, 0)  funas_term s"
    and steps: "(s, t  const_subst c)  (rstep )*"
  shows "(s, t)  (rstep )*"
  using steps const
  by (cases "s = t") (auto simp: rtrancl_eq_or_trancl funas_term_subst ground_subst_apply vars_term_empty_ground
      dest!: remove_const_subst_steps_rhs[OF lin fresh const] split: if_splits)

text ‹Main lemmas›
lemma const_subst_eq_ground_eq:
  assumes "s  const_subst c = t  const_subst d" "c  d"
    and "(c, 0)  funas_term t" "(d, 0)  funas_term s"
  shows "s = t" using assms
proof (induct s arbitrary: t)
  case (Var x) then show ?case by (cases t) auto
  case (Fun f ts)
  from Fun(2-) obtain g us where [simp]: "t = Fun g us" by (cases t) auto
  have [simp]: "g = f" and l: "length ts = length us" using Fun(2)
    by (auto intro: map_eq_imp_length_eq)
  have "i < length ts  ts ! i = us ! i" for i
    using Fun(1)[OF nth_mem, of i "us ! i" for i] Fun(2-) l
    by (auto simp: map_eq_conv')
  then show ?case using l
    by (auto intro: nth_equalityI)

lemma remove_const_subst_steps:
  assumes "linear_sys " and  "(c, 0)  funas_rel " and "(d, 0)  funas_rel "
    and "c  d" "(c, 0)  funas_term t" "(d, 0)  funas_term s"
    and "(s  const_subst c, t  const_subst d)  (rstep )*"
  shows "(s, t)  (rstep )*"
proof (cases "s  const_subst c = t  const_subst d")
  case True
  from const_subst_eq_ground_eq[OF this] assms(4 - 6) show ?thesis by auto
  case False
  then have step: "(s  const_subst c, t  const_subst d)  (rstep )+" using assms(7)
    by (auto simp: rtrancl_eq_or_trancl)
  then have "(s, t  const_subst d)  (rstep )+" using assms
    by (intro remove_const_subst_steps_lhs[OF _ _ _ step]) (auto simp: funas_term_subst)
  from remove_const_subst_steps_rhs[OF _ _ _ this] show ?thesis using assms
    by auto

lemma remove_const_subst_relcomp_lhs:
  assumes sys: "linear_sys " "linear_sys 𝒮"
    and fr: "(c, 0)  funas_rel " and fs:"(c, 0)  funas_rel 𝒮"
    and funas: "(c, 0)  funas_term t"
    and seq: "(s  const_subst c, t)  (rstep )* O (rstep 𝒮)*"
  shows "(s, t)  (rstep )* O (rstep 𝒮)*" using seq
  using lin_fresh_rstep_const_replace_closed[OF sys(1) fr, THEN const_replace_closed_rtrancl]
  using lin_fresh_rstep_const_replace_closed[OF sys(2) fs, THEN const_replace_closed_rtrancl]
  using const_replace_closed_relcomp
  by (intro const_replace_closed_remove_subst_lhs[OF _ funas seq]) force

lemma remove_const_subst_relcomp_rhs:
  assumes sys: "linear_sys " "linear_sys 𝒮"
    and fr: "(c, 0)  funas_rel " and fs:"(c, 0)  funas_rel 𝒮"
    and funas: "(c, 0)  funas_term s"
    and seq: "(s, t  const_subst c)  (rstep )* O (rstep 𝒮)*"
  shows "(s, t)  (rstep )* O (rstep 𝒮)*"
proof -
  from seq have "(t  const_subst c,s)  ((rstep )* O (rstep 𝒮)*)¯"
    by auto
  then have "(t  const_subst c,s)  ((rstep 𝒮)*)¯ O ((rstep )*)¯"
    using converse_relcomp by blast
  note seq = this[unfolded rtrancl_converse[symmetric] rew_converse_inwards]
  from sys fr fs have "linear_sys (𝒮¯)" "linear_sys (¯)" "(c, 0)  funas_rel (𝒮¯)" "(c, 0)  funas_rel (¯)"
    by (auto simp: funas_rel_def)
  from remove_const_subst_relcomp_lhs[OF this funas seq]
  have "(t, s)  (rstep (𝒮¯))* O (rstep (¯))*" by simp
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding rew_converse_outwards converse_relcomp[symmetric]
    by simp

lemma remove_const_subst_relcomp:
  assumes sys: "linear_sys " "linear_sys 𝒮"
    and fr: "(c, 0)  funas_rel " "(d, 0)  funas_rel "
    and fs:"(c, 0)  funas_rel 𝒮" "(d, 0)  funas_rel 𝒮"
    and diff: "c  d" and funas: "(c, 0)  funas_term t" "(d, 0)  funas_term s"
    and seq: "(s  const_subst c, t  const_subst d)  (rstep )* O (rstep 𝒮)*"
  shows "(s, t)  (rstep )* O (rstep 𝒮)*"
proof -
  from diff funas(1) have *: "(c, 0)  funas_term (t  const_subst d)"
    by (auto simp: funas_term_subst)
  show ?thesis using remove_const_subst_relcomp_rhs[OF sys fr(2) fs(2) funas(2)
        remove_const_subst_relcomp_lhs[OF sys fr(1) fs(1) * seq]]
    by blast
