Theory Terms_Positions
section ‹Preliminaries›
theory Terms_Positions
imports Regular_Tree_Relations.Ground_Terms
subsection ‹Additional operations on terms and positions›
subsubsection ‹Linearity›
fun linear_term :: "('f, 'v) term ⇒ bool" where
"linear_term (Var _) = True" |
"linear_term (Fun _ ts) = (is_partition (map vars_term ts) ∧ (∀t∈set ts. linear_term t))"
abbreviation "linear_sys ℛ ≡ ∀ (l, r) ∈ ℛ. linear_term l ∧ linear_term r"
subsubsection ‹Positions induced by contexts, by variables and by given subterms›
definition "possc C = {p | p t. p ∈ poss C⟨t⟩}"
definition "varposs s = {p | p. p ∈ poss s ∧ is_Var (s |_ p)}"
definition "poss_of_term u t = {p. p ∈ poss t ∧ t |_ p = u}"
subsubsection ‹Replacing functions symbols that aren't specified in the signature by variables›
definition "funas_rel ℛ = (⋃ (l, r) ∈ ℛ. funas_term l ∪ funas_term r)"
fun term_to_sig where
"term_to_sig ℱ v (Var x) = Var x"
| "term_to_sig ℱ v (Fun f ts) =
(if (f, length ts) ∈ ℱ then Fun f (map (term_to_sig ℱ v) ts) else Var v)"
fun ctxt_well_def_hole_path where
"ctxt_well_def_hole_path ℱ Hole ⟷ True"
| "ctxt_well_def_hole_path ℱ (More f ss C ts) ⟷ (f, Suc (length ss + length ts)) ∈ ℱ ∧ ctxt_well_def_hole_path ℱ C"
fun inv_const_ctxt where
"inv_const_ctxt ℱ v Hole = Hole"
| "inv_const_ctxt ℱ v ((More f ss C ts))
= (More f (map (term_to_sig ℱ v) ss) (inv_const_ctxt ℱ v C) (map (term_to_sig ℱ v) ts))"
fun inv_const_ctxt' where
"inv_const_ctxt' ℱ v Hole = Var v"
| "inv_const_ctxt' ℱ v ((More f ss C ts))
= (if (f, Suc (length ss + length ts)) ∈ ℱ then Fun f (map (term_to_sig ℱ v) ss @ inv_const_ctxt' ℱ v C # map (term_to_sig ℱ v) ts) else Var v)"
subsubsection ‹Replace term at a given position in contexts›
fun replace_term_context_at :: "('f, 'v) ctxt ⇒ pos ⇒ ('f, 'v) term ⇒ ('f, 'v) ctxt"
("_[_ ← _]⇩C" [1000, 0] 1000) where
"replace_term_context_at □ p u = □"
| "replace_term_context_at (More f ss C ts) (i # ps) u =
(if i < length ss then More f (ss[i := (ss ! i)[ps ← u]]) C ts
else if i = length ss then More f ss (replace_term_context_at C ps u) ts
else More f ss C (ts[(i - Suc (length ss)) := (ts ! (i - Suc (length ss)))[ps ← u]]))"
abbreviation "constT c ≡ Fun c []"
subsubsection ‹Multihole context closure of a term relation as inductive set›
definition all_ctxt_closed where
"all_ctxt_closed F r ⟷ (∀f ts ss. (f, length ss) ∈ F ⟶ length ts = length ss ⟶
(∀i. i < length ts ⟶ (ts ! i, ss ! i) ∈ r) ⟶
(∀ i. i < length ts ⟶ funas_term (ts ! i) ∪ funas_term (ss ! i) ⊆ F) ⟶ (Fun f ts, Fun f ss) ∈ r) ∧
(∀ x. (Var x, Var x) ∈ r)"
subsection ‹Destruction and introduction of @{const all_ctxt_closed}›
lemma all_ctxt_closedD: "all_ctxt_closed F r ⟹ (f,length ss) ∈ F ⟹ length ts = length ss
⟹ ⟦⋀ i. i < length ts ⟹ (ts ! i, ss ! i) ∈ r ⟧
⟹ ⟦⋀ i. i < length ts ⟹ funas_term (ts ! i) ⊆ F ⟧
⟹ ⟦⋀ i. i < length ts ⟹ funas_term (ss ! i) ⊆ F ⟧
⟹ (Fun f ts, Fun f ss) ∈ r"
unfolding all_ctxt_closed_def by auto
lemma trans_ctxt_sig_imp_all_ctxt_closed: assumes tran: "trans r"
and refl: "⋀ t. funas_term t ⊆ F ⟹ (t,t) ∈ r"
and ctxt: "⋀ C s t. funas_ctxt C ⊆ F ⟹ funas_term s ⊆ F ⟹ funas_term t ⊆ F ⟹ (s,t) ∈ r ⟹ (C ⟨ s ⟩, C ⟨ t ⟩) ∈ r"
shows "all_ctxt_closed F r" unfolding all_ctxt_closed_def
proof (rule, intro allI impI)
fix f ts ss
assume f: "(f,length ss) ∈ F" and
l: "length ts = length ss" and
steps: "∀ i < length ts. (ts ! i, ss ! i) ∈ r" and
sig: "∀ i < length ts. funas_term (ts ! i) ∪ funas_term (ss ! i) ⊆ F"
from sig have sig_ts: "⋀ t. t ∈ set ts ⟹ funas_term t ⊆ F" unfolding set_conv_nth by auto
let ?p = "λ ss. (Fun f ts, Fun f ss) ∈ r ∧ funas_term (Fun f ss) ⊆ F"
let ?r = "λ xsi ysi. (xsi, ysi) ∈ r ∧ funas_term ysi ⊆ F"
have init: "?p ts" by (rule conjI[OF refl], insert f sig_ts l, auto)
have "?p ss"
proof (rule parallel_list_update[where p = ?p and r = ?r, OF _ HOL.refl init l[symmetric]])
fix xs i y
assume len: "length xs = length ts"
and i: "i < length ts"
and r: "?r (xs ! i) y"
and p: "?p xs"
let ?C = "More f (take i xs) Hole (drop (Suc i) xs)"
have id1: "Fun f xs = ?C ⟨ xs ! i⟩" using id_take_nth_drop[OF i[folded len]] by simp
have id2: "Fun f (xs[i := y]) = ?C ⟨ y ⟩" using upd_conv_take_nth_drop[OF i[folded len]] by simp
from p[unfolded id1] have C: "funas_ctxt ?C ⊆ F" and xi: "funas_term (xs ! i) ⊆ F" by auto
from r have "funas_term y ⊆ F" "(xs ! i, y) ∈ r" by auto
with ctxt[OF C xi this] C have r: "(Fun f xs, Fun f (xs[i := y])) ∈ r"
and f: "funas_term (Fun f (xs[i := y])) ⊆ F" unfolding id1 id2 by auto
from p r tran have "(Fun f ts, Fun f (xs[i := y])) ∈ r" unfolding trans_def by auto
with f
show "?p (xs[i := y])" by auto
qed (insert sig steps, auto)
then show "(Fun f ts, Fun f ss) ∈ r" ..
qed (insert refl, auto)
subsection ‹Lemmas for @{const poss} and ordering of positions›
lemma subst_poss_mono: "poss s ⊆ poss (s ⋅ σ)"
by (induct s) force+
lemma par_pos_prefix [simp]:
"(i # p) ⊥ (i # q) ⟹ p ⊥ q"
by (simp add: par_Cons_iff)
lemma pos_diff_itself [simp]: "p -⇩p p = []"
by (simp add: pos_diff_def)
lemma pos_les_eq_append_diff [simp]:
"p ≤⇩p q ⟹ p @ (q -⇩p p) = q"
by (metis option.sel pos_diff_def position_less_eq_def remove_prefix_append)
lemma pos_diff_append_itself [simp]: "(p @ q) -⇩p p = q"
by (simp add: pos_diff_def remove_prefix_append)
lemma poss_pos_diffI:
"p ≤⇩p q ⟹ q ∈ poss s ⟹ q -⇩p p ∈ poss (s |_ p)"
using poss_append_poss by fastforce
lemma less_eq_poss_append_itself [simp]: "p ≤⇩p (p @ q)"
using position_less_eq_def by blast
lemma poss_ctxt_apply [simp]:
"hole_pos C @ p ∈ poss C⟨s⟩ ⟷ p ∈ poss s"
by (induct C) auto
lemma pos_replace_at_pres:
"p ∈ poss s ⟹ p ∈ poss s[p ← t]"
proof (induct p arbitrary: s)
case (Cons i p)
show ?case using Cons(1)[of "args s ! i"] Cons(2-)
by (cases s) auto
qed auto
lemma par_pos_replace_pres:
"p ∈ poss s ⟹ p ⊥ q ⟹ p ∈ poss s[q ← t]"
proof (induct p arbitrary: s q)
case (Cons i p)
show ?case using Cons(1)[of "args s ! i" "tl q"] Cons(2-)
by (cases s; cases q) (auto simp add: nth_list_update par_Cons_iff)
qed auto
lemma poss_of_termE [elim]:
assumes "p ∈ poss_of_term u s"
and "p ∈ poss s ⟹ s |_ p = u ⟹ P"
shows "P" using assms unfolding poss_of_term_def
by blast
lemma poss_of_term_Cons:
"i # p ∈ poss_of_term u (Fun f ts) ⟹ p ∈ poss_of_term u (ts ! i)"
unfolding poss_of_term_def by auto
lemma poss_of_term_const_ctxt_apply:
assumes "p ∈ poss_of_term (constT c) C⟨s⟩"
shows "p ⊥ (hole_pos C) ∨ (hole_pos C) ≤⇩p p" using assms
proof (induct p arbitrary: C)
case Nil then show ?case
by (cases C) auto
case (Cons i p) then show ?case
by (cases C) (fastforce simp add: par_Cons_iff dest!: poss_of_term_Cons)+
subsection ‹Lemmas for @{const subt_at} and @{const replace_term_at}›
lemma subt_at_append_dist:
"p @ q ∈ poss s ⟹ s |_ (p @ q) = (s |_ p) |_ q"
proof (induct p arbitrary: s)
case (Cons i p) then show ?case
by (cases s) auto
qed auto
lemma ctxt_apply_term_subt_at_hole_pos [simp]:
"C⟨s⟩ |_ (hole_pos C @ q) = s |_ q"
by (induct C) auto
lemma subst_subt_at_dist:
"p ∈ poss s ⟹ s ⋅ σ |_ p = s |_ p ⋅ σ"
proof (induct p arbitrary: s)
case (Cons i p) then show ?case
by (cases s) auto
qed auto
lemma replace_term_at_subt_at_id [simp]: "s[p ← (s |_ p)] = s"
proof (induct p arbitrary: s)
case (Cons i p) then show ?case
by (cases s) auto
qed auto
lemma replace_term_at_same_pos [simp]:
"s[p ← u][p ← t] = s[p ← t]"
using position_less_refl replace_term_at_above by blast
lemma subt_at_vars_term:
"p ∈ poss s ⟹ s |_ p = Var x ⟹ x ∈ vars_term s"
by (metis UnCI ctxt_at_pos_subt_at_id term.set_intros(3) vars_term_ctxt_apply)
lemma linear_term_varposs_subst_replace_term:
"linear_term s ⟹ p ∈ varposs s ⟹ p ≤⇩p q ⟹
(s ⋅ σ)[q ← u] = s ⋅ (λ x. if Var x = s |_ p then (σ x)[q -⇩p p ← u] else (σ x))"
proof (induct q arbitrary: s p)
case (Cons i q)
show ?case using Cons(1)[of "args s ! i" "tl p"] Cons(2-)
by (cases s) (auto simp: varposs_def nth_list_update term_subst_eq_conv
is_partition_alt is_partition_alt_def disjoint_iff subt_at_vars_term intro!: nth_equalityI)
qed (auto simp: varposs_def)
lemma par_hole_pos_replace_term_context_at:
"p ⊥ hole_pos C ⟹ C⟨s⟩[p ← u] = (C[p ← u]⇩C)⟨s⟩"
proof (induct p arbitrary: C)
case (Cons i p)
from Cons(2) obtain f ss D ts where [simp]: "C = More f ss D ts" by (cases C) auto
show ?case using Cons(1)[of D] Cons(2)
by (auto simp: list_update_append nth_append_Cons minus_nat.simps(2) split: nat.splits)
qed auto
lemma par_pos_replace_term_at:
"p ∈ poss s ⟹ p ⊥ q ⟹ s[q ← t] |_ p = s |_ p"
proof (induct p arbitrary: s q)
case (Cons i p)
show ?case using Cons(1)[of "args s ! i" "tl q"] Cons(2-)
by (cases s; cases q) (auto, metis nth_list_update par_Cons_iff)
qed auto
lemma less_eq_subt_at_replace:
"p ∈ poss s ⟹ p ≤⇩p q ⟹ s[q ← t] |_ p = (s |_ p)[q -⇩p p ← t]"
proof (induct p arbitrary: s q)
case (Cons i p)
show ?case using Cons(1)[of "args s ! i" "tl q"] Cons(2-)
by (cases s; cases q) auto
qed auto
lemma greater_eq_subt_at_replace:
"p ∈ poss s ⟹ q ≤⇩p p ⟹ s[q ← t] |_ p = t |_ (p -⇩p q)"
proof (induct p arbitrary: s q)
case (Cons i p)
show ?case using Cons(1)[of "args s ! i" "tl q"] Cons(2-)
by (cases s; cases q) auto
qed auto
lemma replace_subterm_at_itself [simp]:
"s[p ← (s |_ p)[q ← t]] = s[p @ q ← t]"
proof (induct p arbitrary: s)
case (Cons i p)
show ?case using Cons(1)[of "args s ! i"]
by (cases s) auto
qed auto
lemma hole_pos_replace_term_at [simp]:
"hole_pos C ≤⇩p p ⟹ C⟨s⟩[p ← u] = C⟨s[p -⇩p hole_pos C ← u]⟩"
proof (induct C arbitrary: p)
case (More f ss C ts) then show ?case
by (cases p) auto
qed auto
lemma ctxt_of_pos_term_apply_replace_at_ident:
assumes "p ∈ poss s"
shows "(ctxt_at_pos s p)⟨t⟩ = s[p ← t]"
using assms
proof (induct p arbitrary: s)
case (Cons i p)
show ?case using Cons(1)[of "args s ! i"] Cons(2-)
by (cases s) (auto simp: nth_append_Cons intro!: nth_equalityI)
qed auto
lemma ctxt_apply_term_replace_term_hole_pos [simp]:
"C⟨s⟩[hole_pos C @ q ← u] = C⟨s[q ← u]⟩"
by (simp add: pos_diff_def position_less_eq_def remove_prefix_append)
lemma ctxt_apply_subt_at_hole_pos [simp]: "C⟨s⟩ |_ hole_pos C = s"
by (induct C) auto
lemma subt_at_imp_supteq':
assumes "p ∈ poss s" and "s|_p = t" shows "s ⊵ t" using assms
proof (induct p arbitrary: s)
case (Cons i p)
from Cons(2-) show ?case using Cons(1)[of "args s ! i"]
by (cases s) force+
qed auto
lemma subt_at_imp_supteq:
assumes "p ∈ poss s" shows "s ⊵ s|_p"
proof -
have "s|_p = s|_p" by auto
with assms show ?thesis by (rule subt_at_imp_supteq')
subsection ‹@{const term_to_sig} invariants and distributions›
lemma fuans_term_term_to_sig [simp]: "funas_term (term_to_sig ℱ v t) ⊆ ℱ"
by (induct t) auto
lemma term_to_sig_id [simp]:
"funas_term t ⊆ ℱ ⟹ term_to_sig ℱ v t = t"
by (induct t) (auto simp add: UN_subset_iff map_idI)
lemma term_to_sig_subst_sig [simp]:
"funas_term t ⊆ ℱ ⟹ term_to_sig ℱ v (t ⋅ σ) = t ⋅ (λ x. term_to_sig ℱ v (σ x))"
by (induct t) auto
lemma funas_ctxt_ctxt_inv_const_ctxt_ind [simp]:
"funas_ctxt C ⊆ ℱ ⟹ inv_const_ctxt ℱ v C = C"
by (induct C) (auto simp add: UN_subset_iff intro!: nth_equalityI)
lemma term_to_sig_ctxt_apply [simp]:
"ctxt_well_def_hole_path ℱ C ⟹ term_to_sig ℱ v C⟨s⟩ = (inv_const_ctxt ℱ v C)⟨term_to_sig ℱ v s⟩"
by (induct C) auto
lemma term_to_sig_ctxt_apply' [simp]:
"¬ ctxt_well_def_hole_path ℱ C ⟹ term_to_sig ℱ v C⟨s⟩ = inv_const_ctxt' ℱ v C"
by (induct C) auto
lemma funas_ctxt_ctxt_well_def_hole_path:
"funas_ctxt C ⊆ ℱ ⟹ ctxt_well_def_hole_path ℱ C"
by (induct C) auto
subsection ‹Misc›
lemma funas_term_subt_at:
"(f, n) ∈ funas_term t ⟹ (∃ p ts. p ∈ poss t ∧ t |_ p = Fun f ts ∧ length ts = n)"
proof (induct t)
case (Fun g ts) note IH = this
show ?case
proof (cases "g = f ∧ length ts = n")
case False
then obtain i where i: "i < length ts" "(f, n) ∈ funas_term (ts ! i)" using IH(2)
using in_set_idx by force
from IH(1)[OF nth_mem[OF this(1)] this(2)] show ?thesis using i(1)
by (metis poss_Cons_poss subt_at.simps(2) term.sel(4))
qed auto
qed simp
lemma finite_poss: "finite (poss s)"
proof (induct s)
case (Fun f ts)
have "poss (Fun f ts) = insert [] (⋃ (set (map2 (λ i p. ((#) i) ` p) [0..< length ts] (map poss ts))))"
by (auto simp: image_iff set_zip split: prod.splits)
then show ?case using Fun
by (auto simp del: poss.simps dest!: set_zip_rightD)
qed simp
lemma finite_varposs: "finite (varposs s)"
by (intro finite_subset[of "varposs s" "poss s"]) (auto simp: varposs_def finite_poss)
lemma gound_linear [simp]: "ground t ⟹ linear_term t"
by (induct t) (auto simp: is_partition_alt is_partition_alt_def)
declare ground_substI[intro, simp]
lemma ground_ctxt_substI:
"(⋀ x. x ∈ vars_ctxt C ⟹ ground (σ x)) ⟹ ground_ctxt (C ⋅⇩c σ)"
by (induct C) auto
lemma funas_ctxt_subst_apply_ctxt:
"funas_ctxt (C ⋅⇩c σ) = funas_ctxt C ∪ (⋃ (funas_term ` σ ` vars_ctxt C))"
proof (induct C)
case (More f ss C ts)
then show ?case
by (fastforce simp add: funas_term_subst)
qed simp
lemma varposs_Var[simp]:
"varposs (Var x) = {[]}"
by (auto simp: varposs_def)
lemma varposs_Fun[simp]:
"varposs (Fun f ts) = { i # p| i p. i < length ts ∧ p ∈ varposs (ts ! i)}"
by (auto simp: varposs_def)
lemma vars_term_varposs_iff:
"x ∈ vars_term s ⟷ (∃ p ∈ varposs s. s |_ p = Var x)"
proof (induct s)
case (Fun f ts)
show ?case using Fun[OF nth_mem]
by (force simp: in_set_conv_nth Bex_def)
qed auto
lemma vars_term_empty_ground:
"vars_term s = {} ⟹ ground s"
by (metis equals0D ground_substI subst_ident)
lemma ground_subst_apply: "ground t ⟹ t ⋅ σ = t"
by (induct t) (auto intro: nth_equalityI)
lemma varposs_imp_poss:
"p ∈ varposs s ⟹ p ∈ poss s" by (auto simp: varposs_def)
lemma varposs_empty_gound:
"varposs s = {} ⟷ ground s"
by (induct s) (fastforce simp: in_set_conv_nth)+
lemma funas_term_subterm_atI [intro]:
"p ∈ poss s ⟹ funas_term s ⊆ ℱ ⟹ funas_term (s |_ p) ⊆ ℱ"
by (metis ctxt_at_pos_subt_at_id funas_ctxt_apply le_sup_iff)
lemma varposs_ground_replace_at:
"p ∈ varposs s ⟹ ground u ⟹ varposs s[p ← u] = varposs s - {p}"
proof (induct p arbitrary: s)
case Nil then show ?case
by (cases s) (auto simp: varposs_empty_gound)
case (Cons i p)
from Cons(2) obtain f ts where [simp]: "s = Fun f ts" by (cases s) auto
from Cons(2) have var: "p ∈ varposs (ts ! i)" by auto
from Cons(1)[OF var Cons(3)] have "j < length ts ⟹ {j # q| q. q ∈ varposs (ts[i := (ts ! i)[p ← u]] ! j)} =
{j # q |q. q ∈ varposs (ts ! j)} - {i # p}" for j
by (cases "j = i") (auto simp add: nth_list_update)
then show ?case by auto blast
lemma funas_term_replace_at_upper:
"funas_term s[p ← t] ⊆ funas_term s ∪ funas_term t"
proof (induct p arbitrary: s)
case (Cons i p)
show ?case using Cons(1)[of "args s ! i"]
by (cases s) (fastforce simp: in_set_conv_nth nth_list_update split!: if_splits)+
qed simp
lemma funas_term_replace_at_lower:
"p ∈ poss s ⟹ funas_term t ⊆ funas_term (s[p ← t])"
proof (induct p arbitrary: s)
case (Cons i p)
show ?case using Cons(1)[of "args s ! i"] Cons(2-)
by (cases s) (fastforce simp: in_set_conv_nth nth_list_update split!: if_splits)+
qed simp
lemma poss_of_term_possI [intro!]:
"p ∈ poss s ⟹ s |_ p = u ⟹ p ∈ poss_of_term u s"
unfolding poss_of_term_def by blast
lemma poss_of_term_replace_term_at:
"p ∈ poss s ⟹ p ∈ poss_of_term u s[p ← u]"
proof (induct p arbitrary: s)
case (Cons i p) then show ?case
by (cases s) (auto simp: poss_of_term_def)
qed auto
lemma constT_nfunas_term_poss_of_term_empty:
"(c, 0) ∉ funas_term t ⟷ poss_of_term (constT c) t = {}"
unfolding poss_of_term_def
using funas_term_subt_at[of c 0 t]
using funas_term_subterm_atI[where ?ℱ ="funas_term t" and ?s = t, THEN subsetD]
by auto
lemma poss_of_term_poss_emptyD:
assumes "poss_of_term u s = {}"
shows "p ∈ poss s ⟹ s |_ p ≠ u" using assms
unfolding poss_of_term_def by blast
lemma possc_subt_at_ctxt_apply:
"p ∈ possc C ⟹ p ⊥ hole_pos C ⟹ C⟨s⟩ |_ p = C⟨t⟩ |_ p"
proof (induct p arbitrary: C)
case (Cons i p)
have [dest]: "length ss # p ∈ possc (More f ss D ts) ⟹ p ∈ possc D" for f ss D ts
by (auto simp: possc_def)
show ?case using Cons
by (cases C) (auto simp: nth_append_Cons)
qed simp