Theory Rooted_Paths
section ‹Relational Characterisation of Rooted Paths›
text ‹
We characterise paths together with a designated root.
This is important as often algorithms start with a single vertex, and then build up a path, a tree or another structure.
An example is Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm.
theory Rooted_Paths
imports Paths
context relation_algebra
text ‹General theorems›
lemma step_has_target:
assumes "x;r ≠ 0"
shows "x⇧T;1 ≠ 0"
using assms inf.commute inf_bot_right schroeder_1 by fastforce
lemma end_point_char:
"x⇧T;p = 0 ⟷ p ≤ -(x;1)"
using order.antisym bot_least compl_bot_eq conv_galois_1 by fastforce
context relation_algebra_tarski
text ‹General theorems concerning points›
lemma successor_point:
assumes "is_inj x"
and "point r"
and "x;r ≠ 0"
shows "point (x;r)"
using assms
by (simp add: inj_compose is_point_def is_vector_def mult_assoc point_is_point)
lemma no_end_point_char:
assumes "point p"
shows "x⇧T;p ≠ 0 ⟷ p ≤ x;1"
by (simp add: assms comp_assoc end_point_char is_vector_def point_in_vector_or_complement_iff)
lemma no_end_point_char_converse:
assumes "point p"
shows "x;p ≠ 0 ⟷ p ≤ x⇧T;1"
using assms no_end_point_char by force
subsection ‹Consequences without the Tarski rule›
context relation_algebra_rtc
text ‹Definitions for path classifications›
definition path_root
where "path_root r x ≡ r;x ≤ x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆ ∧ is_inj x ∧ is_p_fun x ∧ point r"
abbreviation connected_root
where "connected_root r x ≡ r;x ≤ x⇧+"
definition backward_finite_path_root
where "backward_finite_path_root r x ≡ connected_root r x ∧ is_inj x ∧ is_p_fun x ∧ point r"
abbreviation backward_terminating_path_root
where "backward_terminating_path_root r x ≡ backward_finite_path_root r x ∧ x;r = 0"
abbreviation cycle_root
where "cycle_root r x ≡ r;x ≤ x⇧+ ⋅ x⇧T;1 ∧ is_inj x ∧ is_p_fun x ∧ point r"
abbreviation non_empty_cycle_root
where "non_empty_cycle_root r x ≡ backward_finite_path_root r x ∧ r ≤ x⇧T;1"
abbreviation finite_path_root_end
where "finite_path_root_end r x e ≡ backward_finite_path_root r x ∧ point e ∧ r ≤ x⇧⋆;e"
abbreviation terminating_path_root_end
where "terminating_path_root_end r x e ≡ finite_path_root_end r x e ∧ x⇧T;e = 0"
text ‹Equivalent formulations of ‹connected_root››
lemma connected_root_iff1:
assumes "point r"
shows "connected_root r x ⟷ 1;x ≤ r⇧T;x⇧+"
by (metis assms comp_assoc is_vector_def point_def ss423conv)
lemma connected_root_iff2:
assumes "point r"
shows "connected_root r x ⟷ x⇧T;1 ≤ x⇧T⇧+;r"
by (metis assms conv_contrav conv_invol conv_iso conv_one star_conv star_slide_var
lemma connected_root_aux:
"x⇧T⇧+;r ≤ x⇧T;1"
by (simp add: comp_assoc mult_isol)
lemma connected_root_iff3:
assumes "point r"
shows "connected_root r x ⟷ x⇧T;1 = x⇧T⇧+;r"
using assms order.antisym connected_root_aux connected_root_iff2 by fastforce
lemma connected_root_iff4:
assumes "point r"
shows "connected_root r x ⟷ 1;x = r⇧T;x⇧+"
by (metis assms conv_contrav conv_invol conv_one star_conv star_slide_var connected_root_iff3)
text ‹Consequences of ‹connected_root››
lemma has_root_contra:
assumes "connected_root r x"
and "point r"
and "x⇧T;r = 0"
shows "x = 0"
using assms comp_assoc independence1 conv_zero ss_p18 connected_root_iff3
by force
lemma has_root:
assumes "connected_root r x"
and "point r"
and "x ≠ 0"
shows "x⇧T;r ≠ 0"
using has_root_contra assms by blast
lemma connected_root_move_root:
assumes "connected_root r x"
and "q ≤ x⇧⋆;r"
shows "connected_root q x"
by (metis assms comp_assoc mult_isol phl_cons1 star_slide_var star_trans_eq)
lemma root_cycle_converse:
assumes "connected_root r x"
and "point r"
and "x;r ≠ 0"
shows "x⇧T;r ≠ 0"
using assms conv_zero has_root by fastforce
text ‹Rooted paths›
lemma path_iff_aux_1:
assumes "bijective r"
shows "r;x ≤ x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆ ⟷ x ≤ r⇧T;(x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆)"
by (simp add: assms ss423conv)
lemma path_iff_aux_2:
assumes "bijective r"
shows "r;x ≤ x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆ ⟷ x⇧T ≤ (x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆);r"
proof -
have "((x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆);r)⇧T = r⇧T;(x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆)"
by (metis conv_add conv_contrav conv_invol star_conv sup.commute)
thus ?thesis
by (metis assms conv_invol conv_iso path_iff_aux_1)
lemma path_iff_backward:
assumes "is_inj x"
and "is_p_fun x"
and "point r"
and "r;x ≤ x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆"
shows "connected x"
proof -
have "x⇧T;1;x⇧T ≤ (x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆);r;1;x⇧T"
using assms(3,4) path_iff_aux_2 mult_isor point_def by blast
also have "... = (x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆);r;1;x⇧T;x;x⇧T"
using assms(1) comp_assoc inj_p_fun p_fun_triple by fastforce
also have "... ≤ (x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆);r;x;x⇧T"
by (metis assms(3) mult_double_iso top_greatest point_def is_vector_def comp_assoc)
also have "... ≤ (x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆);(x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆);x⇧T"
by (metis assms(4) comp_assoc mult_double_iso)
also have "... ≤ (x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆);(x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆);(x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆)"
using le_supI2 mult_isol star_ext by blast
also have "... = x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆"
using assms(1,2) cancel_separate_converse_idempotent by fastforce
finally show ?thesis
by (metis conv_add conv_contrav conv_invol conv_one mult_assoc star_conv sup.orderE sup.orderI
lemma empty_path_root_end:
assumes "terminating_path_root_end r x e"
shows "e = r ⟷ x = 0"
using assms has_root backward_finite_path_root_def apply blast
by (metis assms order.antisym conv_e conv_zero independence1 is_inj_def mult_oner point_swap
backward_finite_path_root_def ss423conv sur_def_var1 x_leq_triple_x)
lemma path_root_acyclic:
assumes "path_root r x"
and "x;r = 0"
shows "is_acyclic x"
proof -
have "x⇧+⋅1' = (x⇧+)⇧T⋅x⇧+⋅1'"
by (metis conv_e conv_times inf.assoc inf.left_idem inf_le2 many_strongly_connected_iff_7 mult_oner star_subid)
also have "... ≤ x⇧T;1⋅x⇧+⋅1'"
by (metis conv_contrav inf.commute maddux_20 meet_double_iso plus_top star_conv star_slide_var)
finally have "r;(x⇧+⋅1') ≤ r;(x⇧T;1⋅x⇧+⋅1')"
using mult_isol by blast
also have "... = (r⋅1;x);(x⇧+⋅1')"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) comp_assoc conv_contrav conv_invol conv_one inf.assoc is_vector_def one_idem_mult vector_2)
also have "... = r;x;(x⇧+⋅1')"
by (metis assms(1) path_root_def point_def inf_top_right vector_1)
also have "... ≤ (x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆);(x⇧+⋅1')"
using assms(1) mult_isor path_root_def by blast
also have "... = x⇧⋆;(x⇧+⋅1') + x⇧T⇧+;(x⇧+⋅1')"
by (metis distrib_right star_star_plus sup.commute)
also have "... ≤ x⇧⋆;(x⇧+⋅1') + x⇧T;1"
by (metis join_isol mult_isol plus_top top_greatest)
finally have "r;(x⇧+⋅1');1 ≤ x⇧⋆;(x⇧+⋅1');1 + x⇧T;1"
by (metis distrib_right inf_absorb2 mult_assoc mult_subdistr one_idem_mult)
hence 1: "r;(x⇧+⋅1');1 ≤ x⇧T;1"
by (metis assms(1) inj_implies_step_forwards_backwards sup_absorb2 path_root_def)
have "x⇧+⋅1' ≤ (x⇧+⋅1');1"
by (simp add: maddux_20)
also have "... ≤ r⇧T;r;(x⇧+⋅1');1"
by (metis assms(1) comp_assoc order.refl point_def ss423conv path_root_def)
also have "... ≤ r⇧T;x⇧T;1"
using 1 by (simp add: comp_assoc mult_isol)
also have "... = 0"
using assms(2) annil conv_contrav conv_zero by force
finally show ?thesis
using galois_aux le_bot by blast
text ‹Start points and end points›
lemma start_points_in_root_aux:
assumes "backward_finite_path_root r x"
shows "x;1 ≤ x⇧T⇧⋆;r"
proof -
have "x;1 ≤ x;x⇧T⇧+;r"
by (metis assms inf_top.left_neutral modular_var_2 mult_assoc connected_root_iff3
also have "... ≤ 1';x⇧T⇧⋆;r"
by (metis assms is_inj_def mult_assoc mult_isor backward_finite_path_root_def)
finally show ?thesis
by simp
lemma start_points_in_root:
assumes "backward_finite_path_root r x"
shows "start_points x ≤ r"
using assms galois_1 sup_commute connected_root_iff3 backward_finite_path_root_def
start_points_in_root_aux by fastforce
lemma start_points_not_zero_contra:
assumes "connected_root r x"
and "point r"
and "start_points x = 0"
and "x;r = 0"
shows "x = 0"
proof -
have "x;1 ≤ x⇧T;1"
using assms(3) galois_aux by force
also have "... ≤ -r"
using assms(4) comp_res compl_bot_eq by blast
finally show ?thesis
using assms(1,2) has_root_contra galois_aux schroeder_1 by force
lemma start_points_not_zero:
assumes "connected_root r x"
and "point r"
and "x ≠ 0"
and "x;r = 0"
shows "start_points x ≠ 0"
using assms start_points_not_zero_contra by blast
text ‹Backwards terminating and backwards finite›
lemma backward_terminating_path_root_aux:
assumes "backward_terminating_path_root r x"
shows "x ≤ x⇧T⇧⋆;-(x⇧T;1)"
proof -
have "x⇧T⇧⋆;r ≤ x⇧T⇧⋆;-(x⇧T;1)"
using assms comp_res compl_bot_eq compl_le_swap1 mult_isol by blast
thus ?thesis
using assms dual_order.trans maddux_20 start_points_in_root_aux by blast
lemma backward_finite_path_connected_aux:
assumes "backward_finite_path_root r x"
shows "x⇧T;r;x⇧T ≤ x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆"
proof -
have "x⇧T;r;x⇧T ⋅ r⇧T = x⇧T;r;(x⇧T ⋅ r⇧T)"
by (metis conv_invol conv_times vector_1_comm comp_assoc conv_contrav assms
backward_finite_path_root_def point_def)
also have "... ≤ x⇧T;r;r⇧T"
by (simp add: mult_isol)
also have 1: "... ≤ x⇧T"
by (metis assms comp_assoc is_inj_def mult_1_right mult_isol point_def
also have "... ≤ x⇧T⇧⋆"
by simp
finally have 2: "x⇧T;r;x⇧T ⋅ r⇧T ≤ x⇧T⇧⋆" .
let ?v = "x;1 ⋅ -r"
have "?v ≤ x⇧T⇧+;r"
by (simp add: assms galois_1 start_points_in_root_aux)
hence "r⇧T;x ⋅ ?v ≤ r⇧T;x ⋅ x⇧T⇧+;r"
using meet_isor by blast
also have 3: "... = x⇧T⇧+;r ⋅ 1;r⇧T;x"
by (metis assms conv_contrav conv_one inf_commute is_vector_def point_def
also have "... = (x⇧T⇧+;r ⋅ 1);r⇧T;x"
using 3 by (metis comp_assoc inf_commute is_vector_def star_conv vector_1 assms
backward_finite_path_root_def point_def)
also have "... = x⇧T⇧+;r;r⇧T;x"
by simp
also have "... ≤ x⇧T⇧+;x"
using 1 by (metis mult_assoc mult_isol mult_isor star_slide_var)
also have "... = x⇧T⇧⋆;x⇧T;x"
by (simp add: star_slide_var)
also have "... ≤ x⇧T⇧⋆"
by (metis assms backward_finite_path_root_def is_p_fun_def mult_1_right mult_assoc mult_isol_var
star_1l star_inductl_star)
finally have 4: "x⇧T;r ⋅ ?v⇧T ≤ x⇧⋆"
using conv_iso star_conv by force
have "x⇧T;r;x⇧T ⋅ -r⇧T = (x⇧T;r ⋅ 1);x⇧T ⋅ -r⇧T"
by simp
also have "... = x⇧T;r ⋅ 1;x⇧T ⋅ -r⇧T"
by (metis inf.commute is_vector_def comp_assoc vector_1 assms backward_finite_path_root_def
also have "... ≤ x⇧⋆"
using 4 by (simp add: conv_compl inf.assoc)
finally have "(x⇧T;r;x⇧T ⋅ -r⇧T) + (x⇧T;r;x⇧T ⋅ r⇧T) ≤ x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆"
using 2 sup.mono by blast
thus ?thesis
by fastforce
lemma backward_finite_path_connected:
assumes "backward_finite_path_root r x"
shows "connected x"
proof -
from assms obtain r where 1: "backward_finite_path_root r x" ..
have "x⇧T;(x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆) = x⇧T;(1' + x⇧+) + x⇧T⇧+"
by (simp add: distrib_left)
also have "... = x⇧T;x⇧+ + x⇧T⇧+"
using calculation distrib_left star_star_plus by fastforce
also have "... ≤ 1';x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧+"
using 1 by (metis add_iso comp_assoc is_p_fun_def mult_isor backward_finite_path_root_def)
also have "... ≤ x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆"
using join_isol by fastforce
finally have "x⇧T;r;x⇧T + x⇧T;(x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆) ≤ x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆"
using 1 backward_finite_path_connected_aux by simp
hence "x⇧T⇧⋆;x⇧T;r;x⇧T ≤ x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆"
using star_inductl comp_assoc by simp
hence "x⇧T;1;x⇧T ≤ x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆"
using 1 backward_finite_path_root_def connected_root_iff3 star_slide_var by fastforce
thus ?thesis
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) sup.commute comp_assoc conv_add conv_contrav conv_invol conv_iso
conv_one star_conv)
lemma backward_finite_path_root_path:
assumes "backward_finite_path_root r x"
shows "path x"
using assms path_def backward_finite_path_connected backward_finite_path_root_def by blast
lemma backward_finite_path_root_path_root:
assumes "backward_finite_path_root r x"
shows "path_root r x"
using assms backward_finite_path_root_def le_supI1 star_star_plus path_root_def by fastforce
lemma zero_backward_terminating_path_root:
assumes "point r"
shows "backward_terminating_path_root r 0"
by (simp add: assms is_inj_def is_p_fun_def backward_finite_path_root_def)
lemma backward_finite_path_root_move_root:
assumes "backward_finite_path_root r x"
and "point q"
and "q ≤ x⇧⋆;r"
shows "backward_finite_path_root q x"
using assms connected_root_move_root backward_finite_path_root_def by blast
text ‹Cycle›
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_var_axioms_1:
"non_empty_cycle_root r x ⟷ x⇧T;1 ≤ x⇧T⇧+;r ∧ is_inj x ∧ is_p_fun x ∧ point r ∧ r ≤ x⇧T;1"
using connected_root_iff2 backward_finite_path_root_def by blast
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_loop:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
shows "r ≤ x⇧T⇧+;r"
using assms connected_root_iff3 backward_finite_path_root_def by fastforce
lemma cycle_root_end_empty:
assumes "terminating_path_root_end r x e"
and "many_strongly_connected x"
shows "x = 0"
by (metis assms has_root_contra point_swap backward_finite_path_root_def
backward_finite_path_root_move_root star_conv)
lemma cycle_root_end_empty_var:
assumes "terminating_path_root_end r x e"
and "x ≠ 0"
shows "¬ many_strongly_connected x"
using assms cycle_root_end_empty by blast
text ‹Terminating path›
lemma terminating_path_root_end_connected:
assumes "terminating_path_root_end r x e"
shows "x;1 ≤ x⇧+;e"
proof -
have "x;1 ≤ x;x⇧T;1"
by (metis comp_assoc inf_top.left_neutral modular_var_2)
also have "... = x;x⇧T⇧+;r"
using assms backward_finite_path_root_def connected_root_iff3 comp_assoc by fastforce
also have "... ≤ x;x⇧T⇧+;x⇧⋆;e"
by (simp add: assms comp_assoc mult_isol)
also have "... = x;x⇧T;(x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆);e"
using assms cancel_separate_p_fun_converse comp_assoc backward_finite_path_root_def by fastforce
also have "... = x;x⇧T;(x⇧+ + x⇧T⇧⋆);e"
by (simp add: star_star_plus)
also have "... = x;x⇧T;x⇧+;e + x;x⇧T⇧+;e"
by (simp add: comp_assoc distrib_left)
also have "... = x;x⇧T;x⇧+;e"
by (simp add: assms comp_assoc independence1)
also have "... ≤ x⇧+;e"
by (metis assms annil independence1 is_inj_def mult_isor mult_oner backward_finite_path_root_def)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma terminating_path_root_end_forward_finite:
assumes "terminating_path_root_end r x e"
shows "backward_finite_path_root e (x⇧T)"
using assms terminating_path_root_end_connected inj_p_fun connected_root_iff2
backward_finite_path_root_def by force
subsection ‹Consequences with the Tarski rule›
context relation_algebra_rtc_tarski
text ‹Some (more) results about points›
lemma point_reachable_converse:
assumes "is_vector v"
and "v ≠ 0"
and "point r"
and "v ≤ x⇧T⇧+;r"
shows "r ≤ x⇧+;v"
proof -
have "v⇧T;v ≠ 0"
by (metis assms(2) inf.idem inf_bot_right mult_1_right schroeder_1)
hence "1;v⇧T;v = 1"
using assms(1) is_vector_def mult_assoc tarski by force
hence 1: "r = r;v⇧T;v"
by (metis assms(3) is_vector_def mult_assoc point_def)
have "v;r⇧T ≤ x⇧T⇧+"
using assms(3,4) point_def ss423bij by simp
hence "r;v⇧T ≤ x⇧+"
by (metis conv_contrav conv_invol conv_iso star_conv star_slide_var)
thus ?thesis
using 1 by (metis mult_isor)
text ‹Roots›
lemma root_in_start_points:
assumes "connected_root r x"
and "is_vector r"
and "x ≠ 0"
and "x;r = 0"
shows "r ≤ start_points x"
proof -
have "r = r;x;1"
by (metis assms(2,3) comp_assoc is_vector_def tarski)
also have "... ≤ x;1"
by (metis assms(1) comp_assoc one_idem_mult phl_seq top_greatest)
finally show ?thesis
using assms(4) comp_res compl_bot_eq compl_le_swap1 inf.boundedI by blast
lemma root_equals_start_points:
assumes "backward_terminating_path_root r x"
and "x ≠ 0"
shows "r = start_points x"
using assms order.antisym point_def backward_finite_path_root_def start_points_in_root root_in_start_points
by fastforce
lemma root_equals_end_points:
assumes "backward_terminating_path_root r (x⇧T)"
and "x ≠ 0"
shows "r = end_points x"
by (metis assms conv_invol step_has_target ss_p18 root_equals_start_points)
lemma root_in_edge_sources:
assumes "connected_root r x"
and "x ≠ 0"
and "is_vector r"
shows "r ≤ x;1"
proof -
have "r;1;x;1 ≤ x⇧+;1"
using assms(1,3) is_vector_def mult_isor by fastforce
thus ?thesis
by (metis assms(2) comp_assoc conway.dagger_unfoldl_distr dual_order.trans maddux_20 sup.commute
sup_absorb2 tarski top_greatest)
text ‹Rooted Paths›
lemma non_empty_path_root_iff_aux:
assumes "path_root r x"
and "x ≠ 0"
shows "r ≤ (x + x⇧T);1"
proof -
have "(r;x ⋅ 1');1 = (x⇧T;r⇧T ⋅ 1');1"
by (metis conv_contrav conv_e conv_times inf.cobounded2 is_test_def test_eq_conv)
also have "... ≤ x⇧T;r⇧T;1"
using mult_subdistr by blast
also have "... ≤ x⇧T;1"
by (metis mult_assoc mult_double_iso one_idem_mult top_greatest)
finally have 1: "(r;x ⋅ 1');1 ≤ x⇧T;1" .
have "r ≤ r;1;x;1"
using assms(2) comp_assoc maddux_20 tarski by fastforce
also have "... = r;x;1"
using assms(1) path_root_def point_def is_vector_def by simp
also have "... = (r;x ⋅ (x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆));1"
using assms(1) path_root_def by (simp add: inf.absorb_iff1)
also have "... = (r;x ⋅ (x⇧+ + x⇧T⇧+ + 1'));1"
by (metis star_star_plus star_unfoldl_eq sup_commute sup_left_commute)
also have "... ≤ (x⇧+ + x⇧T⇧+ + (r;x ⋅ 1'));1"
by (metis inf_le2 inf_sup_distrib1 mult_isor order_refl sup_mono)
also have "... ≤ x;1 + x⇧T;1 + (r;x ⋅ 1');1"
by (simp add: plus_top)
also have "... = x;1 + x⇧T;1"
using 1 sup.coboundedI2 sup.order_iff by fastforce
finally show ?thesis
by simp
text ‹Backwards terminating and backwards finite›
lemma backward_terminating_path_root_2:
assumes "backward_terminating_path_root r x"
shows "backward_terminating x"
using assms backward_terminating_iff2 path_def backward_terminating_path_root_aux
backward_finite_path_connected backward_finite_path_root_def by blast
lemma backward_terminating_path_root:
assumes "backward_terminating_path_root r x"
shows "backward_terminating_path x"
using assms backward_finite_path_root_path backward_terminating_path_root_2 by fastforce
text ‹(Non-empty) Cycle›
lemma cycle_iff:
assumes "point r"
shows "x;r ≠ 0 ⟷ r ≤ x⇧T;1"
by (simp add: assms no_end_point_char_converse)
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_iff:
assumes "connected_root r x"
and "point r"
shows "x;r ≠ 0 ⟷ r ≤ x⇧T⇧+;r"
using assms connected_root_iff3 cycle_iff by simp
lemma backward_finite_path_root_terminating_or_cycle:
"backward_finite_path_root r x ⟷ backward_terminating_path_root r x ∨ non_empty_cycle_root r x"
using cycle_iff backward_finite_path_root_def by blast
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_msc:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
shows "many_strongly_connected x"
proof -
let ?p = "x⇧T;r"
have 1: "is_point ?p"
unfolding is_point_def
using conjI assms is_vector_def mult_assoc point_def inj_compose p_fun_inj
cycle_iff backward_finite_path_root_def root_cycle_converse by fastforce
have "?p ≤ x⇧T⇧+;?p"
by (metis assms comp_assoc mult_isol star_slide_var non_empty_cycle_root_loop)
hence "?p ≤ x⇧+;?p"
using 1 bot_least point_def point_is_point point_reachable_converse by blast
also have "... = x⇧⋆;(x;x⇧T);r"
by (metis comp_assoc star_slide_var)
also have "... ≤ x⇧⋆;1';r"
using assms is_inj_def mult_double_iso backward_finite_path_root_def by blast
finally have 2: "?p ≤ x⇧⋆;r"
by simp
have "x⇧T;x⇧⋆;r = ?p + x⇧T;x⇧+;r"
by (metis conway.dagger_unfoldl_distr distrib_left mult_assoc)
also have "... ≤ ?p + 1';x⇧⋆;r"
by (metis assms is_p_fun_def join_isol mult_assoc mult_isor backward_finite_path_root_def)
also have "... = x⇧⋆;r"
using 2 by (simp add: sup_absorb2)
finally have 3: "x⇧T⇧⋆;r ≤ x⇧⋆;r"
by (metis star_inductl comp_assoc conway.dagger_unfoldl_distr le_supI order_prop)
have "x⇧T ≤ x⇧T⇧+;r"
by (metis assms maddux_20 connected_root_iff3 backward_finite_path_root_def)
also have "... ≤ x⇧⋆;r"
using 3 by (metis assms conway.dagger_unfoldl_distr sup_absorb2 non_empty_cycle_root_loop)
finally have 4: "x⇧T ≤ x⇧⋆;r" .
have "x⇧T ≤ x⇧T;x;x⇧T"
by (metis conv_invol x_leq_triple_x)
also have "... ≤ 1;x;x⇧T"
by (simp add: mult_isor)
also have "... = r⇧T;x⇧+;x⇧T"
using assms connected_root_iff4 backward_finite_path_root_def by fastforce
also have "... ≤ r⇧T;x⇧⋆"
by (metis assms is_inj_def mult_1_right mult_assoc mult_isol backward_finite_path_root_def
finally have "x⇧T ≤ x⇧⋆;r ⋅ r⇧T;x⇧⋆"
using 4 by simp
also have "... = x⇧⋆;r ⋅ 1;r⇧T;x⇧⋆"
by (metis assms conv_contrav conv_one is_vector_def point_def backward_finite_path_root_def)
also have "... = (x⇧⋆;r ⋅ 1);r⇧T;x⇧⋆"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms is_vector_def mult_assoc point_def
backward_finite_path_root_def vector_1)
also have "... = x⇧⋆;r;r⇧T;x⇧⋆"
by simp
also have "... ≤ x⇧⋆;x⇧⋆"
by (metis assms is_inj_def mult_1_right mult_assoc mult_isol mult_isor point_def
also have "... ≤ x⇧⋆"
by simp
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: many_strongly_connected_iff_1)
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_msc_cycle:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
shows "cycle x"
using assms backward_finite_path_root_path non_empty_cycle_root_msc by fastforce
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_non_empty:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
shows "x ≠ 0"
using assms cycle_iff annil backward_finite_path_root_def by blast
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_rtc_symmetric:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
shows "x⇧⋆;r = x⇧T⇧⋆;r"
using assms non_empty_cycle_root_msc by fastforce
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_point_exchange:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
and "point p"
shows "r ≤ x⇧⋆;p ⟷ p ≤ x⇧⋆;r"
by (metis assms(1,2) inj_sur_semi_swap point_def non_empty_cycle_root_msc
backward_finite_path_root_def star_conv)
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_rtc_tc:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
shows "x⇧⋆;r = x⇧+;r"
proof (rule order.antisym)
have "r ≤ x⇧+;r"
using assms many_strongly_connected_iff_7 non_empty_cycle_root_loop non_empty_cycle_root_msc
by simp
thus "x⇧⋆;r ≤ x⇧+;r"
using sup_absorb2 by fastforce
show "x⇧+;r ≤ x⇧⋆;r"
by (simp add: mult_isor)
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_no_start_end_points:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
shows "x;1 = x⇧T;1"
using assms many_strongly_connected_implies_no_start_end_points non_empty_cycle_root_msc by blast
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_move_root:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
and "point q"
and "q ≤ x⇧⋆;r"
shows "non_empty_cycle_root q x"
by (metis assms cycle_iff dual_order.trans backward_finite_path_root_move_root start_points_in_root
root_equals_start_points non_empty_cycle_root_non_empty)
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_loop_converse:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
shows "r ≤ x⇧+;r"
using assms less_eq_def non_empty_cycle_root_rtc_tc by fastforce
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_move_root_same_reachable:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
and "point q"
and "q ≤ x⇧⋆;r"
shows "x⇧⋆;r = x⇧⋆;q"
by (metis assms many_strongly_connected_iff_7 connected_root_iff3 connected_root_move_root
backward_finite_path_root_def non_empty_cycle_root_msc non_empty_cycle_root_rtc_tc)
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_move_root_same_reachable_2:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
and "point q"
and "q ≤ x⇧⋆;r"
shows "x⇧⋆;r = x⇧T⇧⋆;q"
using assms non_empty_cycle_root_move_root_same_reachable non_empty_cycle_root_msc by simp
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_move_root_msc:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
shows "x⇧T⇧⋆;q = x⇧⋆;q"
using assms non_empty_cycle_root_msc by simp
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_move_root_rtc_tc:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
and "point q"
and "q ≤ x⇧⋆;r"
shows "x⇧⋆;q = x⇧+;q"
using assms non_empty_cycle_root_move_root non_empty_cycle_root_rtc_tc by blast
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_move_root_loop_converse:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
and "point q"
and "q ≤ x⇧⋆;r"
shows "q ≤ x⇧T⇧+;q"
using assms non_empty_cycle_root_loop non_empty_cycle_root_move_root by blast
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_move_root_loop:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
and "point q"
and "q ≤ x⇧⋆;r"
shows "q ≤ x⇧+;q"
using assms non_empty_cycle_root_loop_converse non_empty_cycle_root_move_root by blast
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_msc_plus:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
shows "x⇧+;r = x⇧T⇧+;r"
using assms many_strongly_connected_iff_7 non_empty_cycle_root_msc by fastforce
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_tc_start_points:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
shows "x⇧+;r = x;1"
by (metis assms connected_root_iff3 backward_finite_path_root_def non_empty_cycle_root_msc_plus
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_rtc_start_points:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
shows "x⇧⋆;r = x;1"
by (simp add: assms non_empty_cycle_root_rtc_tc non_empty_cycle_root_tc_start_points)
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_converse_start_end_points:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
shows "x⇧T ≤ x;1;x"
by (metis assms conv_contrav conv_invol conv_one inf.boundedI maddux_20 maddux_21 vector_meet_comp_x
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_start_end_points_plus:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
shows "x;1;x ≤ x⇧+"
using assms order.eq_iff one_strongly_connected_iff one_strongly_connected_implies_7_eq
backward_finite_path_connected non_empty_cycle_root_msc by blast
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_converse_plus:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
shows "x⇧T ≤ x⇧+"
using assms many_strongly_connected_iff_2 non_empty_cycle_root_msc by blast
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_plus_converse:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
shows "x⇧+ = x⇧T⇧+"
using assms many_strongly_connected_iff_7 non_empty_cycle_root_msc by fastforce
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_converse:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
shows "non_empty_cycle_root r (x⇧T)"
by (metis assms conv_invol inj_p_fun connected_root_iff3 backward_finite_path_root_def
non_empty_cycle_root_msc_plus non_empty_cycle_root_tc_start_points)
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_move_root_forward:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
and "point q"
and "r ≤ x⇧⋆;q"
shows "non_empty_cycle_root q x"
by (metis assms backward_finite_path_root_move_root non_empty_cycle_root_no_start_end_points
non_empty_cycle_root_point_exchange non_empty_cycle_root_rtc_start_points)
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_move_root_forward_cycle:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
and "point q"
and "r ≤ x⇧⋆;q"
shows "x;q ≠ 0 ∧ x⇧T;q ≠ 0"
by (metis assms comp_assoc independence1 ss_p18 non_empty_cycle_root_move_root_forward
non_empty_cycle_root_msc_plus non_empty_cycle_root_non_empty
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_equivalences:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
and "point q"
shows "(r ≤ x⇧⋆;q ⟷ q ≤ x⇧⋆;r)"
and "(r ≤ x⇧⋆;q ⟷ x;q ≠ 0)"
and "(r ≤ x⇧⋆;q ⟷ x⇧T;q ≠ 0)"
and "(r ≤ x⇧⋆;q ⟷ q ≤ x;1)"
and "(r ≤ x⇧⋆;q ⟷ q ≤ x⇧T;1)"
using assms cycle_iff no_end_point_char non_empty_cycle_root_no_start_end_points
non_empty_cycle_root_point_exchange non_empty_cycle_root_rtc_start_points
by metis+
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_chord:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
and "point p"
and "point q"
and "r ≤ x⇧⋆;p"
and "r ≤ x⇧⋆;q"
shows "p ≤ x⇧⋆;q"
using assms non_empty_cycle_root_move_root_same_reachable non_empty_cycle_root_point_exchange
by fastforce
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_var_axioms_2:
"non_empty_cycle_root r x ⟷ x;1 ≤ x⇧+;r ∧ is_inj x ∧ is_p_fun x ∧ point r ∧ r ≤ x;1"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (metis order.eq_iff backward_finite_path_root_def non_empty_cycle_root_no_start_end_points
by (metis conv_invol p_fun_inj connected_root_iff2 connected_root_iff3
non_empty_cycle_root_var_axioms_1 non_empty_cycle_root_msc_plus
non_empty_cycle_root_rtc_start_points non_empty_cycle_root_rtc_tc)
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_var_axioms_3:
"non_empty_cycle_root r x ⟷ x;1 ≤ x⇧+;r ∧ is_inj x ∧ is_p_fun x ∧ point r ∧ r ≤ x⇧+;x;1"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (metis comp_assoc eq_refl backward_finite_path_root_def star_inductl_var_eq2
non_empty_cycle_root_no_start_end_points non_empty_cycle_root_rtc_start_points
by (metis annir comp_assoc conv_contrav no_end_point_char non_empty_cycle_root_var_axioms_2)
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_subset_equals:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
and "non_empty_cycle_root r y"
and "x ≤ y"
shows "x = y"
proof -
have "y;x⇧T⇧⋆;r = y;x⇧T⇧+;r"
using assms(1) comp_assoc non_empty_cycle_root_msc non_empty_cycle_root_msc_plus
non_empty_cycle_root_rtc_tc by fastforce
also have "... ≤ y;y⇧T;x⇧T⇧⋆;r"
using assms(3) comp_assoc conv_iso mult_double_iso by fastforce
also have "... ≤ x⇧T⇧⋆;r"
using assms(2) backward_finite_path_root_def is_inj_def
by (meson dual_order.trans mult_isor order.refl prod_star_closure star_ref)
finally have "r + y;x⇧T⇧⋆;r ≤ x⇧T⇧⋆;r"
by (metis conway.dagger_unfoldl_distr le_supI sup.cobounded1)
hence "y⇧⋆;r ≤ x⇧T⇧⋆;r"
by (simp add: comp_assoc rtc_inductl)
hence "y;1 ≤ x;1"
using assms(1,2) non_empty_cycle_root_msc non_empty_cycle_root_rtc_start_points by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using assms(2,3) backward_finite_path_root_def ss422iv by blast
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_subset_equals_change_root:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
and "non_empty_cycle_root q y"
and "x ≤ y"
shows "x = y"
proof -
have "r ≤ y;1"
by (metis assms(1,3) dual_order.trans mult_isor non_empty_cycle_root_no_start_end_points)
hence "non_empty_cycle_root r y"
by (metis assms(1,2) connected_root_move_root backward_finite_path_root_def
non_empty_cycle_root_no_start_end_points non_empty_cycle_root_rtc_start_points)
thus ?thesis
using assms(1,3) non_empty_cycle_root_subset_equals by blast
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_equivalences_2:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
shows "(v ≤ x⇧⋆;r ⟷ v ≤ x⇧T;1)"
and "(v ≤ x⇧⋆;r ⟷ v ≤ x;1)"
using assms non_empty_cycle_root_no_start_end_points non_empty_cycle_root_rtc_start_points
by metis+
lemma cycle_root_non_empty:
assumes "x ≠ 0"
shows "cycle_root r x ⟷ non_empty_cycle_root r x"
assume 1: "cycle_root r x"
have "r ≤ r;1;x;1"
using assms comp_assoc maddux_20 tarski by fastforce
also have "... ≤ (x⇧+ ⋅ x⇧T;1);1"
using 1 by (simp add: is_vector_def mult_isor point_def)
also have "... ≤ x⇧T;1"
by (simp add: ra_1)
finally show "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
using 1 backward_finite_path_root_def inf.boundedE by blast
assume "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
thus "cycle_root r x"
by (metis backward_finite_path_root_def inf.orderE maddux_20 non_empty_cycle_root_plus_converse
text ‹Start points and end points›
lemma start_points_path_aux:
assumes "backward_finite_path_root r x"
and "start_points x ≠ 0"
shows "x;r = 0"
by (metis assms compl_inf_bot inf.commute non_empty_cycle_root_no_start_end_points
lemma start_points_path:
assumes "backward_finite_path_root r x"
and "start_points x ≠ 0"
shows "backward_terminating_path_root r x"
by (simp add: assms start_points_path_aux)
lemma root_in_start_points_2:
assumes "backward_finite_path_root r x"
and "start_points x ≠ 0"
shows "r ≤ start_points x"
by (metis assms conv_zero eq_refl galois_aux2 root_equals_start_points start_points_path_aux)
lemma root_equals_start_points_2:
assumes "backward_finite_path_root r x"
and "start_points x ≠ 0"
shows "r = start_points x"
by (metis assms inf_bot_left ss_p18 root_equals_start_points start_points_path)
lemma start_points_injective:
assumes "backward_finite_path_root r x"
shows "is_inj (start_points x)"
by (metis assms compl_bot_eq inj_def_var1 point_def backward_finite_path_root_def top_greatest
lemma backward_terminating_path_root_aux_2:
assumes "backward_finite_path_root r x"
and "start_points x ≠ 0 ∨ x = 0"
shows "x ≤ x⇧T⇧⋆;-(x⇧T;1)"
using assms bot_least backward_terminating_path_root_aux start_points_path by blast
lemma start_points_not_zero_iff:
assumes "backward_finite_path_root r x"
shows "x;r = 0 ∧ x ≠ 0 ⟷ start_points x ≠ 0"
by (metis assms conv_zero inf_compl_bot backward_finite_path_root_def start_points_not_zero_contra
text ‹Backwards terminating and backwards finite: Part II›
lemma backward_finite_path_root_acyclic_terminating_aux:
assumes "backward_finite_path_root r x"
and "is_acyclic x"
shows "x;r = 0"
proof (cases "x = 0")
assume "x = 0"
thus ?thesis
by simp
assume "x ≠ 0"
hence 1: "r ≤ x;1"
using assms(1) has_root_contra no_end_point_char backward_finite_path_root_def by blast
have "r⋅(x⇧T;1) = r⋅(x⇧T⇧+;r)"
using assms(1) connected_root_iff3 backward_finite_path_root_def by fastforce
also have "... ≤ r⋅(-1';r)"
by (metis assms(2) conv_compl conv_contrav conv_e conv_iso meet_isor mult_isor star_conv
also have "... = 0"
by (metis (no_types) assms(1) inj_distr annil inf_compl_bot mult_1_left point_def
finally have "r ≤ start_points x"
using 1 galois_aux inf.boundedI le_bot by blast
thus ?thesis
using assms(1) annir le_bot start_points_path by blast
lemma backward_finite_path_root_acyclic_terminating_iff:
assumes "backward_finite_path_root r x"
shows "is_acyclic x ⟷ x;r = 0"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (simp add: assms backward_finite_path_root_acyclic_terminating_aux)
using assms backward_finite_path_root_path_root path_root_acyclic by blast
lemma backward_finite_path_root_acyclic_terminating:
assumes "backward_finite_path_root r x"
and "is_acyclic x"
shows "backward_terminating_path_root r x"
by (simp add: assms backward_finite_path_root_acyclic_terminating_aux)
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_one_strongly_connected:
assumes "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
shows "one_strongly_connected x"
by (metis assms one_strongly_connected_iff order_trans star_1l star_star_plus sup.absorb2
non_empty_cycle_root_msc non_empty_cycle_root_start_end_points_plus)
lemma backward_finite_path_root_nodes_reachable:
assumes "backward_finite_path_root r x"
and "v ≤ x;1 + x⇧T;1"
and "is_sur v"
shows "r ≤ x⇧⋆;v"
proof -
have "v ≤ x;1 + x⇧T⇧+;r"
using assms connected_root_iff3 backward_finite_path_root_def by fastforce
also have "... ≤ x⇧T⇧⋆;r + x⇧T⇧+;r"
using assms(1) join_iso start_points_in_root_aux by blast
also have "... = x⇧T⇧⋆;r"
using mult_isor sup.absorb1 by fastforce
finally show ?thesis
using assms(1,3)
by (simp add: inj_sur_semi_swap point_def backward_finite_path_root_def star_conv
lemma terminating_path_root_end_backward_terminating:
assumes "terminating_path_root_end r x e"
shows "backward_terminating_path_root r x"
using assms non_empty_cycle_root_move_root_forward_cycle
backward_finite_path_root_terminating_or_cycle by blast
lemma terminating_path_root_end_converse:
assumes "terminating_path_root_end r x e"
shows "terminating_path_root_end e (x⇧T) r"
by (metis assms terminating_path_root_end_backward_terminating backward_finite_path_root_def
conv_invol terminating_path_root_end_forward_finite point_swap star_conv)
lemma terminating_path_root_end_forward_terminating:
assumes "terminating_path_root_end r x e"
shows "backward_terminating_path_root e (x⇧T)"
using assms terminating_path_root_end_converse by blast
subsection ‹Consequences with the Tarski rule and the point axiom›
context relation_algebra_rtc_tarski_point
text ‹Rooted paths›
lemma path_root_iff:
"(∃r . path_root r x) ⟷ path x"
assume "∃r . path_root r x"
thus "path x"
using path_def path_iff_backward point_def path_root_def by blast
assume 1: "path x"
show "∃r . path_root r x"
proof (cases "x = 0")
assume "x = 0"
thus ?thesis
by (simp add: is_inj_def is_p_fun_def point_exists path_root_def)
assume "¬(x = 0)"
hence "x;1 ≠ 0"
by (simp add: ss_p18)
from this obtain r where 2: "point r ∧ r ≤ x;1"
using comp_assoc is_vector_def one_idem_mult point_below_vector by fastforce
hence "r;x ≤ x;1;x"
by (simp add: mult_isor)
also have "... ≤ x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆"
using 1 path_def by blast
finally show ?thesis
using 1 2 path_def path_root_def by blast
lemma non_empty_path_root_iff:
"(∃r . path_root r x ∧ r ≤ (x + x⇧T);1) ⟷ path x ∧ x ≠ 0"
apply (rule iffI)
using non_empty_cycle_root_non_empty path_root_def zero_backward_terminating_path_root path_root_iff
apply fastforce
using path_root_iff non_empty_path_root_iff_aux by blast
text ‹(Non-empty) Cycle›
lemma non_empty_cycle_root_iff:
"(∃r . non_empty_cycle_root r x) ⟷ cycle x ∧ x ≠ 0"
assume "∃r . non_empty_cycle_root r x"
thus "cycle x ∧ x ≠ 0"
using non_empty_cycle_root_msc_cycle non_empty_cycle_root_non_empty by fastforce
assume 1: "cycle x ∧ x ≠ 0"
hence "x⇧T;1 ≠ 0"
using many_strongly_connected_implies_no_start_end_points ss_p18 by blast
from this obtain r where 2: "point r ∧ r ≤ x⇧T;1"
using comp_assoc is_vector_def one_idem_mult point_below_vector by fastforce
have 3: "x⇧T;1;x⇧T ≤ x⇧⋆"
using 1 one_strongly_connected_iff path_def by blast
have "r;x ≤ x⇧T;1;x"
using 2 by (simp add: is_vector_def mult_isor point_def)
also have "... ≤ x⇧T;1;x;x⇧T;x"
using comp_assoc mult_isol x_leq_triple_x by fastforce
also have "... ≤ x⇧T;1;x⇧T;x"
by (metis mult_assoc mult_double_iso top_greatest)
also have "... ≤ x⇧⋆;x"
using 3 mult_isor by blast
finally have "connected_root r x"
by (simp add: star_slide_var)
hence "non_empty_cycle_root r x"
using 1 2 path_def backward_finite_path_root_def by fastforce
thus "∃r . non_empty_cycle_root r x" ..
lemma non_empty_cycle_subset_equals:
assumes "cycle x"
and "cycle y"
and "x ≤ y"
and "x ≠ 0"
shows "x = y"
by (metis assms le_bot non_empty_cycle_root_subset_equals_change_root non_empty_cycle_root_iff)
lemma cycle_root_iff:
"(∃r . cycle_root r x) ⟷ cycle x"
proof (cases "x = 0")
assume "x = 0"
thus ?thesis
using path_def point_exists by fastforce
assume "x ≠ 0"
thus ?thesis
using cycle_root_non_empty non_empty_cycle_root_iff by simp
text ‹Backwards terminating and backwards finite›
lemma backward_terminating_path_root_iff:
"(∃r . backward_terminating_path_root r x) ⟷ backward_terminating_path x"
assume "∃r . backward_terminating_path_root r x"
thus "backward_terminating_path x"
using backward_terminating_path_root by fastforce
assume 1: "backward_terminating_path x"
show "∃r . backward_terminating_path_root r x"
proof (cases "x = 0")
assume "x = 0"
thus ?thesis
using point_exists zero_backward_terminating_path_root by blast
let ?r = "start_points x"
assume "x ≠ 0"
hence 2: "is_point ?r"
using 1 start_point_iff2 backward_terminating_iff1 by fastforce
have 3: "x;?r = 0"
by (metis inf_top.right_neutral modular_1_aux')
have "x;1;x ≤ x;1;x;x⇧T;x"
using comp_assoc mult_isol x_leq_triple_x by fastforce
also have "... ≤ (x⇧⋆ + x⇧T⇧⋆);x⇧T;x"
using 1 mult_isor path_def by blast
also have "... = (1' + x⇧+ + x⇧T⇧+);x⇧T;x"
by (metis star_star_plus star_unfoldl_eq sup.commute)
also have "... = x⇧T;x + x⇧+;x⇧T;x + x⇧T⇧+;x⇧T;x"
by (metis distrib_right' mult_onel)
also have "... = x⇧T;(x + x⇧T⇧⋆;x⇧T;x) + x⇧+;x⇧T;x"
using comp_assoc distrib_left sup.commute sup.assoc by simp
also have "... ≤ x⇧T;1 + x⇧+;x⇧T;x"
using join_iso mult_isol by fastforce
also have "... ≤ x⇧T;1 + x⇧+;1'"
using 1 by (metis comp_assoc join_isol mult_isol path_def is_p_fun_def)
finally have "-(x⇧T;1) ⋅ x;1;x ≤ x⇧+"
by (simp add: galois_1 inf.commute)
hence "?r;x ≤ x⇧+"
by (metis inf_commute one_compl ra_1)
hence "backward_terminating_path_root ?r x"
using 1 2 3 by (simp add: point_is_point backward_finite_path_root_def path_def)
thus ?thesis ..
lemma non_empty_backward_terminating_path_root_iff:
"backward_terminating_path_root (start_points x) x ⟷ backward_terminating_path x ∧ x ≠ 0"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (metis backward_finite_path_root_path backward_terminating_path_root_2 conv_zero
inf.cobounded1 non_empty_cycle_root_non_empty)
using backward_terminating_path_root_iff root_equals_start_points by blast
lemma non_empty_backward_terminating_path_root_iff':
"backward_finite_path_root (start_points x) x ⟷ backward_terminating_path x ∧ x ≠ 0"
using start_point_no_predecessor non_empty_backward_terminating_path_root_iff by simp
lemma backward_finite_path_root_iff:
"(∃r . backward_finite_path_root r x) ⟷ backward_finite_path x"
assume "∃r . backward_finite_path_root r x"
thus "backward_finite_path x"
by (meson backward_finite_iff_msc non_empty_cycle_root_msc backward_finite_path_root_path
backward_finite_path_root_terminating_or_cycle backward_terminating_path_root)
assume "backward_finite_path x"
thus "∃r . backward_finite_path_root r x"
by (metis backward_finite_iff_msc point_exists non_empty_cycle_root_iff
zero_backward_terminating_path_root backward_terminating_path_root_iff)
lemma non_empty_backward_finite_path_root_iff:
"(∃r . backward_finite_path_root r x ∧ r ≤ x;1) ⟷ backward_finite_path x ∧ x ≠ 0"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (metis backward_finite_path_root_iff annir backward_finite_path_root_def le_bot
no_end_point_char ss_p18)
using backward_finite_path_root_iff backward_finite_path_root_def point_def root_in_edge_sources by blast
text ‹Terminating›
lemma terminating_path_root_end_aux:
assumes "terminating_path x"
shows "∃r e . terminating_path_root_end r x e"
proof (cases "x = 0")
assume "x = 0"
thus ?thesis
using point_exists zero_backward_terminating_path_root by fastforce
assume 1: "¬(x = 0)"
have 2: "backward_terminating_path x"
using assms by simp
from this obtain r where 3: "backward_terminating_path_root r x"
using backward_terminating_path_root_iff by blast
have "backward_terminating_path (x⇧T)"
using 2 by (metis assms backward_terminating_iff1 conv_backward_terminating_path conv_invol
conv_zero inf_top.left_neutral)
from this obtain e where 4: "backward_terminating_path_root e (x⇧T)"
using backward_terminating_path_root_iff by blast
have "r ≤ x;1"
using 1 3 root_in_edge_sources backward_finite_path_root_def point_def by fastforce
also have "... = x⇧+;e"
using 4 connected_root_iff3 backward_finite_path_root_def by fastforce
also have "... ≤ x⇧⋆;e"
by (simp add: mult_isor)
finally show ?thesis
using 3 4 backward_finite_path_root_def by blast
lemma terminating_path_root_end_iff:
"(∃r e . terminating_path_root_end r x e) ⟷ terminating_path x"
assume 1: "∃r e . terminating_path_root_end r x e"
show "terminating_path x"
proof (cases "x = 0")
assume "x = 0"
thus ?thesis
by (simp add: is_inj_def is_p_fun_def path_def)
assume "¬(x = 0)"
hence 2: "¬ many_strongly_connected x"
using 1 cycle_root_end_empty by blast
hence 3: "backward_terminating_path x"
using 1 backward_terminating_path_root terminating_path_root_end_backward_terminating by blast
have "∃e . backward_finite_path_root e (x⇧T)"
using 1 terminating_path_root_end_converse by blast
hence "backward_terminating_path (x⇧T)"
using 1 backward_terminating_path_root terminating_path_root_end_converse by blast
hence "forward_terminating_path x"
by (simp add: conv_backward_terminating_path)
thus ?thesis
using 3 by (simp add: inf.boundedI)
assume "terminating_path x"
thus "∃r e . terminating_path_root_end r x e"
using terminating_path_root_end_aux by blast
lemma non_empty_terminating_path_root_end_iff:
"terminating_path_root_end (start_points x) x (end_points x) ⟷ terminating_path x ∧ x ≠ 0"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (metis conv_zero non_empty_backward_terminating_path_root_iff terminating_path_root_end_iff)
using terminating_path_root_end_iff terminating_path_root_end_forward_terminating
root_equals_end_points terminating_path_root_end_backward_terminating root_equals_start_points
by blast
lemma non_empty_finite_path_root_end_iff:
"finite_path_root_end (start_points x) x (end_points x) ⟷ terminating_path x ∧ x ≠ 0"
using non_empty_terminating_path_root_end_iff end_point_no_successor by simp