Theory Paths

(* Title:      Relational Characterisation of Paths
   Author:     Walter Guttmann, Peter Hoefner
   Maintainer: Walter Guttmann <walter.guttmann at>
               Peter Hoefner <peter at>

section ‹Relational Characterisation of Paths›

text ‹
This theory provides the relation-algebraic characterisations of paths, as defined in Sections 3--5 of cite"BerghammerFurusawaGuttmannHoefner2020".

theory Paths

imports More_Relation_Algebra


context relation_algebra_tarski

lemma path_concat_aux_0:
  assumes "is_vector v"
      and "v  0"
      and "w;vT  x"
      and "v;z  y"
    shows "w;1;z  x;y"
proof -
  from tarski assms(1,2) have "1 = 1;vT;v;1"
    by (metis conv_contrav conv_one eq_refl inf_absorb1 inf_top_left is_vector_def ra_2)
  hence "w;1;z = w;1;vT;v;1;z"
    by (simp add: mult_isor mult_isol mult_assoc)
  also from assms(1) have "... = w;vT;v;z"
    by (metis is_vector_def comp_assoc conv_contrav conv_one)
  also from assms(3) have "...  x;v;z"
    by (simp add: mult_isor)
  also from assms(4) have "...  x;y"
    by (simp add: mult_isol mult_assoc)
  finally show ?thesis .

end (* context relation_algebra_tarski *)

subsection ‹Consequences without the Tarski rule›

context relation_algebra_rtc

text ‹Definitions for path classifications›

abbreviation connected
  where "connected x  x;1;x  x + xT"

abbreviation many_strongly_connected
  where "many_strongly_connected x  x = xT"

abbreviation one_strongly_connected
  where "one_strongly_connected x  xT;1;xT  x"

definition path
  where "path x  connected x  is_p_fun x  is_inj x"

abbreviation cycle
  where "cycle x  path x  many_strongly_connected x"

abbreviation start_points
  where "start_points x  x;1  -(xT;1)"

abbreviation end_points
  where "end_points x  xT;1  -(x;1)"

abbreviation no_start_points
  where "no_start_points x  x;1  xT;1"

abbreviation no_end_points
  where "no_end_points x  xT;1  x;1"

abbreviation no_start_end_points
  where "no_start_end_points x  x;1 = xT;1"

abbreviation has_start_points
  where "has_start_points x  1 = -(1;x);x;1"

abbreviation has_end_points
  where "has_end_points x  1 = 1;x;-(x;1)"

abbreviation has_start_end_points
  where "has_start_end_points x  1 = -(1;x);x;1  1;x;-(x;1)"

abbreviation backward_terminating
  where "backward_terminating x  x  -(1;x);x;1"

abbreviation forward_terminating
  where "forward_terminating x  x  1;x;-(x;1)"

abbreviation terminating
  where "terminating x  x  -(1;x);x;1  1;x;-(x;1)"

abbreviation backward_finite
  where "backward_finite x  x  xT + -(1;x);x;1"

abbreviation forward_finite
  where "forward_finite x  x  xT + 1;x;-(x;1)"

abbreviation finite
  where "finite x  x  xT + (-(1;x);x;1  1;x;-(x;1))"

abbreviation no_start_points_path
  where "no_start_points_path x  path x  no_start_points x"

abbreviation no_end_points_path
  where "no_end_points_path x  path x  no_end_points x"

abbreviation no_start_end_points_path
  where "no_start_end_points_path x  path x  no_start_end_points x"

abbreviation has_start_points_path
  where "has_start_points_path x  path x  has_start_points x"

abbreviation has_end_points_path
  where "has_end_points_path x  path x  has_end_points x"

abbreviation has_start_end_points_path
  where "has_start_end_points_path x  path x  has_start_end_points x"

abbreviation backward_terminating_path
  where "backward_terminating_path x  path x  backward_terminating x"

abbreviation forward_terminating_path
  where "forward_terminating_path x  path x  forward_terminating x"

abbreviation terminating_path
  where "terminating_path x  path x  terminating x"

abbreviation backward_finite_path
  where "backward_finite_path x  path x  backward_finite x"

abbreviation forward_finite_path
  where "forward_finite_path x  path x  forward_finite x"

abbreviation finite_path
  where "finite_path x  path x  finite x"

text ‹General properties›

lemma reachability_from_z_in_y:
  assumes "x  y;z"
      and "x  z = 0"
    shows "x  y+;z"
by (metis assms conway.dagger_unfoldl_distr galois_1 galois_aux inf.orderE)

lemma reachable_imp:
  assumes "point p"
      and "point q"
      and "p;q  pT;p"
    shows "p  p;q"
by (metis assms conway.dagger_unfoldr_distr le_supE point_swap star_conv)

text ‹Basic equivalences›

lemma no_start_end_points_iff:
  "no_start_end_points x  no_start_points x  no_end_points x"
by fastforce

lemma has_start_end_points_iff:
  "has_start_end_points x  has_start_points x  has_end_points x"
by (metis inf_eq_top_iff)

lemma terminating_iff:
  "terminating x  backward_terminating x  forward_terminating x"
by simp

lemma finite_iff:
  "finite x  backward_finite x  forward_finite x"
by (simp add: sup_inf_distrib1 inf.boundedI)

lemma no_start_end_points_path_iff:
  "no_start_end_points_path x  no_start_points_path x  no_end_points_path x"
by fastforce

lemma has_start_end_points_path_iff:
  "has_start_end_points_path x  has_start_points_path x  has_end_points_path x"
using has_start_end_points_iff by blast

lemma terminating_path_iff:
  "terminating_path x  backward_terminating_path x  forward_terminating_path x"
by fastforce

lemma finite_path_iff:
  "finite_path x  backward_finite_path x  forward_finite_path x"
using finite_iff by fastforce

text ‹Closure under converse›

lemma connected_conv:
  "connected x  connected (xT)"
by (metis comp_assoc conv_add conv_contrav conv_iso conv_one star_conv)

lemma conv_many_strongly_connected:
  "many_strongly_connected x  many_strongly_connected (xT)"
by fastforce

lemma conv_one_strongly_connected:
  "one_strongly_connected x  one_strongly_connected (xT)"
by (metis comp_assoc conv_contrav conv_iso conv_one star_conv)

lemma conv_path:
  "path x  path (xT)"
using connected_conv inj_p_fun path_def by fastforce

lemma conv_cycle:
  "cycle x  cycle (xT)"
using conv_path by fastforce

lemma conv_no_start_points:
  "no_start_points x  no_end_points (xT)"
by simp

lemma conv_no_start_end_points:
  "no_start_end_points x  no_start_end_points (xT)"
by fastforce

lemma conv_has_start_points:
  "has_start_points x  has_end_points (xT)"
by (metis comp_assoc conv_compl conv_contrav conv_invol conv_one)

lemma conv_has_start_end_points:
  "has_start_end_points x  has_start_end_points (xT)"
by (metis comp_assoc conv_compl conv_contrav conv_invol conv_one inf_eq_top_iff)

lemma conv_backward_terminating:
  "backward_terminating x  forward_terminating (xT)"
by (metis comp_assoc conv_compl conv_contrav conv_iso conv_one)

lemma conv_terminating:
  "terminating x  terminating (xT)"
  apply (rule iffI)
 apply (metis conv_compl conv_contrav conv_one conv_times inf.commute le_iff_inf mult_assoc)
by (metis conv_compl conv_contrav conv_invol conv_one conv_times inf.commute le_iff_inf mult_assoc)

lemma conv_backward_finite:
  "backward_finite x  forward_finite (xT)"
by (metis comp_assoc conv_add conv_compl conv_contrav conv_iso conv_one star_conv)

lemma conv_finite:
  "finite x  finite (xT)"
by (metis finite_iff conv_backward_finite conv_invol)

lemma conv_no_start_points_path:
  "no_start_points_path x  no_end_points_path (xT)"
using conv_path by fastforce

lemma conv_no_start_end_points_path:
  "no_start_end_points_path x  no_start_end_points_path (xT)"
using conv_path by fastforce

lemma conv_has_start_points_path:
  "has_start_points_path x  has_end_points_path (xT)"
using conv_has_start_points conv_path by fastforce

lemma conv_has_start_end_points_path:
  "has_start_end_points_path x  has_start_end_points_path (xT)"
using conv_has_start_end_points conv_path by fastforce

lemma conv_backward_terminating_path:
  "backward_terminating_path x  forward_terminating_path (xT)"
using conv_backward_terminating conv_path by fastforce

lemma conv_terminating_path:
  "terminating_path x  terminating_path (xT)"
using conv_path conv_terminating by fastforce

lemma conv_backward_finite_path:
  "backward_finite_path x  forward_finite_path (xT)"
using conv_backward_finite conv_path by fastforce

lemma conv_finite_path:
  "finite_path x  finite_path (xT)"
using conv_finite conv_path by blast

text ‹Equivalences for connected›

lemma connected_iff2:
  assumes "is_inj x"
      and "is_p_fun x"
    shows "connected x  x;1;xT  x + xT"
  assume 1: "connected x"
  have "x;1;xT  x;1;x;xT"
    by (metis conv_invol modular_var_3 vector_meet_comp_x')
  also have "...  (x+ + xT);xT"
    using 1 mult_isor star_star_plus by fastforce
  also have "...  x;x;xT + xT"
    using join_isol star_slide_var by simp
  also from assms(1) have "...  x + xT"
    by (metis is_inj_def comp_assoc join_iso mult_1_right mult_isol)
  finally show "x;1;xT  x + xT" .
  assume 2: "x;1;xT  x + xT"
  have "x;1;x  x;1;xT;x"
    by (simp add: modular_var_3 vector_meet_comp_x)
  also have "...  (x + xT+);x"
    using 2 by (metis mult_isor star_star_plus sup_commute)
  also have "...  x + xT;xT;x"
    using join_iso star_slide_var by simp
  also from assms(2) have "...  x + xT"
    by (metis comp_assoc is_p_fun_def join_isol mult_1_right mult_isol)
  finally show "connected x" .

lemma connected_iff3:
  assumes "is_inj x"
      and "is_p_fun x"
    shows "connected x  xT;1;x  x + xT"
by (metis assms connected_conv connected_iff2 inj_p_fun p_fun_inj conv_invol add_commute)

lemma connected_iff4:
  "connected x  xT;1;xT  x + xT"
by (metis connected_conv conv_invol add_commute)

lemma connected_iff5:
  "connected x  x+;1;x+  x + xT"
using comp_assoc plus_top top_plus by fastforce

lemma connected_iff6:
  assumes "is_inj x"
      and "is_p_fun x"
    shows "connected x  x+;1;(x+)T  x + xT"
using assms connected_iff2 comp_assoc plus_conv plus_top top_plus by fastforce

lemma connected_iff7:
  assumes "is_inj x"
      and "is_p_fun x"
    shows "connected x  (x+)T;1;x+  x + xT"
by (metis assms connected_iff3 conv_contrav conv_invol conv_one top_plus vector_meet_comp_x)

lemma connected_iff8:
  "connected x  (x+)T;1;(x+)T  x + xT"
by (metis connected_iff4 comp_assoc conv_contrav conv_invol conv_one plus_conv star_conv top_plus)

text ‹Equivalences and implications for many_strongly_connected›

lemma many_strongly_connected_iff_1:
  "many_strongly_connected x  xT  x"
 apply (rule iffI,simp)
by (metis conv_invol conv_iso order.eq_iff star_conv star_invol star_iso)

lemma many_strongly_connected_iff_2:
  "many_strongly_connected x  xT  x+"
  assume as: "many_strongly_connected x"
  hence "xT  x  (-(1') + x)"
    by (metis many_strongly_connected_iff_1 loop_backward_forward inf_greatest)
  also have "...  (x  -(1')) + (x  x)"
    by (simp add: inf_sup_distrib1)
  also have "...  x+"
    by (metis as order.eq_iff mult_1_right mult_isol star_ref sup.absorb1 conv_invol eq_refl galois_1
              inf.absorb_iff1 inf.commute star_unfoldl_eq sup_mono many_strongly_connected_iff_1)
  finally show "xT  x+" .
  show "xT  x+  many_strongly_connected x"
    using order_trans star_1l many_strongly_connected_iff_1 by blast

lemma many_strongly_connected_iff_3:
  "many_strongly_connected x  x  xT"
by (metis conv_invol many_strongly_connected_iff_1)

lemma many_strongly_connected_iff_4:
  "many_strongly_connected x  x  xT+"
by (metis conv_invol many_strongly_connected_iff_2)

lemma many_strongly_connected_iff_5:
  "many_strongly_connected x  x;xT  x+"
by (metis comp_assoc conv_contrav conway.dagger_unfoldr_distr star_conv star_denest_var_2
          star_invol star_trans_eq star_unfoldl_eq sup.boundedE many_strongly_connected_iff_2)

lemma many_strongly_connected_iff_6:
  "many_strongly_connected x  xT;x  x+"
by (metis dual_order.trans star_1l star_conv star_inductl_star star_invol star_slide_var
          many_strongly_connected_iff_1 many_strongly_connected_iff_5)

lemma many_strongly_connected_iff_7:
  "many_strongly_connected x  xT+ = x+"
by (metis order.antisym conv_invol star_slide_var star_unfoldl_eq many_strongly_connected_iff_5)

lemma many_strongly_connected_iff_5_eq:
  "many_strongly_connected x  x;xT = x+"
by (metis order.refl star_slide_var many_strongly_connected_iff_5 many_strongly_connected_iff_7)

lemma many_strongly_connected_iff_6_eq:
  "many_strongly_connected x  xT;x = x+"
using many_strongly_connected_iff_6 many_strongly_connected_iff_7 by force

lemma many_strongly_connected_implies_no_start_end_points:
  assumes "many_strongly_connected x"
    shows "no_start_end_points x"
by (metis assms conway.dagger_unfoldl_distr mult_assoc sup_top_left conv_invol

lemma many_strongly_connected_implies_8:
  assumes "many_strongly_connected x"
    shows "x;xT  x+"
by (simp add: assms mult_isol)

lemma many_strongly_connected_implies_9:
  assumes "many_strongly_connected x"
    shows "xT;x  x+"
by (metis assms eq_refl phl_cons1 star_ext star_slide_var)

lemma many_strongly_connected_implies_10:
  assumes "many_strongly_connected x"
    shows "x;xT;x  x+"
by (simp add: assms comp_assoc mult_isol)

lemma many_strongly_connected_implies_10_eq:
  assumes "many_strongly_connected x"
    shows "x;xT;x = x+"
proof (rule order.antisym)
  show "x;xT;x  x+"
    by (simp add: assms comp_assoc mult_isol)
  have "x+  x;xT;x;x"
    using mult_isor x_leq_triple_x by blast
  thus "x+  x;xT;x"
    by (simp add: comp_assoc mult_isol order_trans)

lemma many_strongly_connected_implies_11:
  assumes "many_strongly_connected x"
    shows "x;xT;x  x+"
by (metis assms conv_contrav conv_iso mult_isol star_1l star_slide_var)

lemma many_strongly_connected_implies_11_eq:
  assumes "many_strongly_connected x"
    shows "x;xT;x = x+"
by (metis assms comp_assoc conv_invol many_strongly_connected_iff_5_eq

lemma many_strongly_connected_implies_12:
  assumes "many_strongly_connected x"
    shows "x;x;xT  x+"
by (metis assms comp_assoc mult_isol star_1l star_slide_var)

lemma many_strongly_connected_implies_12_eq:
  assumes "many_strongly_connected x"
    shows "x;x;xT = x+"
by (metis assms comp_assoc star_slide_var many_strongly_connected_implies_10_eq)

lemma many_strongly_connected_implies_13:
  assumes "many_strongly_connected x"
    shows "xT;x;x  x+"
by (metis assms star_slide_var many_strongly_connected_implies_11 mult.assoc)

lemma many_strongly_connected_implies_13_eq:
  assumes "many_strongly_connected x"
    shows "xT;x;x = x+"
by (metis assms conv_invol many_strongly_connected_iff_7 many_strongly_connected_implies_10_eq)

lemma many_strongly_connected_iff_8:
  assumes "is_p_fun x"
    shows "many_strongly_connected x  x;xT  x+"
 apply (rule iffI)
  apply (simp add: mult_isol)
 apply (simp add: many_strongly_connected_iff_1)
by (metis comp_assoc conv_invol dual_order.trans mult_isol x_leq_triple_x assms comp_assoc
          dual_order.trans is_p_fun_def order.refl prod_star_closure star_ref)

lemma many_strongly_connected_iff_9:
  assumes "is_inj x"
    shows "many_strongly_connected x  xT;x  x+"
by (metis assms conv_contrav conv_iso inj_p_fun star_conv star_slide_var
          many_strongly_connected_iff_1 many_strongly_connected_iff_8)

lemma many_strongly_connected_iff_10:
  assumes "is_p_fun x"
    shows "many_strongly_connected x  x;xT;x  x+"
 apply (rule iffI)
 apply (simp add: comp_assoc mult_isol)
by (metis assms mult_isol mult_oner order_trans star_ref many_strongly_connected_iff_8)

lemma many_strongly_connected_iff_10_eq:
  assumes "is_p_fun x"
    shows "many_strongly_connected x  x;xT;x = x+"
using assms many_strongly_connected_iff_10 many_strongly_connected_implies_10_eq by fastforce

lemma many_strongly_connected_iff_11:
  assumes "is_inj x"
    shows "many_strongly_connected x  x;xT;x  x+"
by (metis assms comp_assoc conv_contrav conv_iso inj_p_fun plus_conv star_conv
          many_strongly_connected_iff_10 many_strongly_connected_iff_2)

lemma many_strongly_connected_iff_11_eq:
  assumes "is_inj x"
    shows "many_strongly_connected x  x;xT;x = x+"
using assms many_strongly_connected_iff_11 many_strongly_connected_implies_11_eq by fastforce

lemma many_strongly_connected_iff_12:
  assumes "is_p_fun x"
    shows "many_strongly_connected x  x;x;xT  x+"
by (metis assms dual_order.trans mult_double_iso mult_oner star_ref star_slide_var
          many_strongly_connected_iff_8 many_strongly_connected_implies_12)

lemma many_strongly_connected_iff_12_eq:
  assumes "is_p_fun x"
    shows "many_strongly_connected x  x;x;xT = x+"
using assms many_strongly_connected_iff_12 many_strongly_connected_implies_12_eq by fastforce

lemma many_strongly_connected_iff_13:
  assumes "is_inj x"
    shows "many_strongly_connected x  xT;x;x  x+"
by (metis assms comp_assoc conv_contrav conv_iso inj_p_fun star_conv star_slide_var
          many_strongly_connected_iff_1 many_strongly_connected_iff_12)

lemma many_strongly_connected_iff_13_eq:
  assumes "is_inj x"
    shows "many_strongly_connected x  xT;x;x = x+"
using assms many_strongly_connected_iff_13 many_strongly_connected_implies_13_eq by fastforce

text ‹Equivalences and implications for one_strongly_connected›

lemma one_strongly_connected_iff:
  "one_strongly_connected x  connected x  many_strongly_connected x"
  apply (rule iffI)
 apply (metis top_greatest x_leq_triple_x mult_double_iso top_greatest dual_order.trans
              many_strongly_connected_iff_1 comp_assoc conv_contrav conv_invol conv_iso le_supI2
by (metis comp_assoc conv_contrav conv_iso conv_one conway.dagger_denest star_conv star_invol
          star_sum_unfold star_trans_eq)

lemma one_strongly_connected_iff_1:
  "one_strongly_connected x  xT;1;xT  x+"
  assume 1: "one_strongly_connected x"
  have "xT;1;xT  xT;x;xT;1;xT"
    by (metis conv_invol mult_isor x_leq_triple_x)
  also from 1 have "...  xT;x;x"
    by (metis distrib_left mult_assoc sup.absorb_iff1)
  also from 1 have "...  x+"
    using many_strongly_connected_implies_13 one_strongly_connected_iff by blast
  finally show "xT;1;xT  x+"
  assume "xT;1;xT  x+"
  thus "one_strongly_connected x"
    using dual_order.trans star_1l by blast

lemma one_strongly_connected_iff_1_eq:
  "one_strongly_connected x  xT;1;xT = x+"
  apply (rule iffI, simp_all)
by (metis comp_assoc conv_contrav conv_invol mult_double_iso plus_conv star_slide_var top_greatest
          top_plus many_strongly_connected_implies_10_eq one_strongly_connected_iff order.eq_iff

lemma one_strongly_connected_iff_2:
  "one_strongly_connected x  x;1;x  xT"
by (metis conv_invol eq_refl less_eq_def one_strongly_connected_iff)

lemma one_strongly_connected_iff_3:
  "one_strongly_connected x  x;1;x  xT+"
by (metis comp_assoc conv_contrav conv_invol conv_iso conv_one star_conv

lemma one_strongly_connected_iff_3_eq:
  "one_strongly_connected x  x;1;x = xT+"
by (metis conv_invol one_strongly_connected_iff_1_eq one_strongly_connected_iff_2)

lemma one_strongly_connected_iff_4_eq:
  "one_strongly_connected x  xT;1;x = x+"
  apply (rule iffI)
 apply (metis comp_assoc top_plus many_strongly_connected_iff_7 one_strongly_connected_iff
by (metis comp_assoc conv_contrav conv_invol conv_one plus_conv top_plus

lemma one_strongly_connected_iff_5_eq:
  "one_strongly_connected x  x;1;xT = x+"
using comp_assoc conv_contrav conv_invol conv_one plus_conv top_plus many_strongly_connected_iff_7
      one_strongly_connected_iff one_strongly_connected_iff_3_eq by metis

lemma one_strongly_connected_iff_6_aux:
  "x;x+  x;1;x"
by (metis comp_assoc maddux_21 mult_isol top_plus)

lemma one_strongly_connected_implies_6_eq:
  assumes "one_strongly_connected x"
    shows "x;1;x = x;x+"
by (metis assms comp_assoc many_strongly_connected_iff_7 many_strongly_connected_implies_10_eq
          one_strongly_connected_iff one_strongly_connected_iff_3_eq)

lemma one_strongly_connected_iff_7_aux:
  "x+  x;1;x"
by (metis le_infI maddux_20 maddux_21 plus_top top_plus vector_meet_comp_x')

lemma one_strongly_connected_implies_7_eq:
  assumes "one_strongly_connected x"
    shows "x;1;x = x+"
using assms many_strongly_connected_iff_7 one_strongly_connected_iff one_strongly_connected_iff_3_eq
by force

lemma one_strongly_connected_implies_8:
  assumes "one_strongly_connected x"
    shows "x;1;x  x"
using assms one_strongly_connected_iff by fastforce

lemma one_strongly_connected_iff_4:
  assumes "is_inj x"
    shows "one_strongly_connected x  xT;1;x  x+"
  assume "one_strongly_connected x"
  thus "xT;1;x  x+"
    by (simp add: one_strongly_connected_iff_4_eq)
  assume 1: "xT;1;x  x+"
  hence "xT;1;xT  x;x;xT"
    by (metis mult_isor star_slide_var comp_assoc conv_invol modular_var_3 vector_meet_comp_x
  also from assms have "...  x"
    using comp_assoc is_inj_def mult_isol mult_oner by fastforce
  finally show "one_strongly_connected x"
    using dual_order.trans star_1l by fastforce

lemma one_strongly_connected_iff_5:
  assumes "is_p_fun x"
    shows "one_strongly_connected x  x;1;xT  x+"
  apply (rule iffI)
 using one_strongly_connected_iff_5_eq apply simp
by (metis assms comp_assoc mult_double_iso order.trans star_slide_var top_greatest top_plus
          many_strongly_connected_iff_12 many_strongly_connected_iff_7 one_strongly_connected_iff_3)

lemma one_strongly_connected_iff_6:
  assumes "is_p_fun x"
      and "is_inj x"
    shows "one_strongly_connected x  x;1;x  x;x+"
  assume "one_strongly_connected x"
  thus "x;1;x  x;x+"
   by (simp add: one_strongly_connected_implies_6_eq)
  assume 1: "x;1;x  x;x+"
  have "xT;1;x  xT;x;xT;1;x"
    by (metis conv_invol mult_isor x_leq_triple_x)
  also have "...  xT;x;1;x"
    by (metis comp_assoc mult_double_iso top_greatest)
  also from 1 have "...  xT;x;x+"
    by (simp add: comp_assoc mult_isol)
  also from assms(1) have "...  x+"
    by (metis comp_assoc is_p_fun_def mult_isor mult_onel)
  finally show "one_strongly_connected x"
    using assms(2) one_strongly_connected_iff_4 by blast

lemma one_strongly_connected_iff_6_eq:
  assumes "is_p_fun x"
      and "is_inj x"
    shows "one_strongly_connected x  x;1;x = x;x+"
  apply (rule iffI)
 using one_strongly_connected_implies_6_eq apply blast
by (simp add: assms one_strongly_connected_iff_6)

text ‹Start points and end points›

lemma start_end_implies_terminating:
  assumes "has_start_points x"
      and "has_end_points x"
    shows "terminating x"
using assms by simp

lemma start_points_end_points_conv:
  "start_points x = end_points (xT)"
by simp

lemma start_point_at_most_one:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "is_inj (start_points x)"
proof -
  have isvec: "is_vector (x;1  -(xT;1))"
    by (simp add: comp_assoc is_vector_def one_compl vector_1)

  have "x;1  1;xT  x;1;x;xT"
    by (metis comp_assoc conv_contrav conv_one inf.cobounded2 mult_1_right mult_isol one_conv ra_2)
  also have "...  (x + xT);xT"
    using path x by (metis path_def mult_isor)
  also have "... = xT + x+;xT + xT+"
    by (simp add: star_slide_var)
  also have "...  xT+ + x+;xT + xT+"
    by (metis add_iso mult_1_right star_unfoldl_eq subdistl)
  also have "...  x;x;xT + xT+"
    by (simp add: star_slide_var add_comm)
  also have "...  x;1' + xT+"
    using path x by (metis path_def is_inj_def comp_assoc distrib_left join_iso less_eq_def)
  also have "... = 1' + x;x + xT;xT"
    by simp
  also have "...  1' + 1;x + xT;1"
    by (metis join_isol mult_isol mult_isor sup.mono top_greatest)
  finally have aux: "x;1  1;xT  1' + 1;x + xT;1" .

  from aux have "x;1  1;xT  -(xT;1)  -(1;x)  1'"
    by (simp add: galois_1 sup_commute)
  hence "(x;1  -(xT;1))  (x;1  -(xT;1))T  1'"
    by (simp add: conv_compl inf.assoc inf.left_commute)
  with isvec have "(x;1  -(xT;1)) ; (x;1  -(xT;1))T  1'"
    by (metis vector_meet_comp')
  thus "is_inj (start_points x)"
    by (simp add: conv_compl is_inj_def)

lemma start_point_zero_point:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "start_points x = 0  is_point (start_points x)"
using assms start_point_at_most_one comp_assoc is_point_def is_vector_def vector_compl vector_mult
by simp

lemma start_point_iff1:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "is_point (start_points x)  ¬(no_start_points x)"
using assms start_point_zero_point galois_aux2 is_point_def by blast

lemma end_point_at_most_one:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "is_inj (end_points x)"
by (metis assms conv_path compl_bot_eq conv_invol inj_def_var1 is_point_def top_greatest

lemma end_point_zero_point:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "end_points x = 0  is_point (end_points x)"
using assms conv_path start_point_zero_point by fastforce

lemma end_point_iff1:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "is_point (end_points x)  ¬(no_end_points x)"
using assms end_point_zero_point galois_aux2 is_point_def by blast

lemma predecessor_point':
  assumes "path x"
      and "point s"
      and "point e"
      and "e;sT  x"
    shows "x;s = e"
proof (rule order.antisym)
  show 1: "e  x ; s"
    using assms(2,4) point_def ss423bij by blast
  show "x ; s  e"
  proof -
    have "eT ; (x ; s) = 1"
      using 1 by (metis assms(3) order.eq_iff is_vector_def point_def ss423conv top_greatest)
    thus ?thesis
      by (metis assms(1-3) comp_assoc conv_contrav conv_invol order.eq_iff inj_compose is_vector_def
                mult_isol path_def point_def ss423conv sur_def_var1 top_greatest)

lemma predecessor_point:
  assumes "path x"
      and "point s"
      and "point e"
      and "e;sT  x"
    shows "point(x;s)"
using predecessor_point' assms by blast

lemma points_of_path_iff:
  shows "(x + xT);1 = xT;1 + start_points(x)"
    and "(x + xT);1 = x;1 + end_points(x)"
using aux9 inf.commute sup.commute by auto

text ‹Path concatenation preliminaries›

lemma path_concat_aux_1:
  assumes "x;1  y;1  yT;1 = 0"
      and "end_points x = start_points y"
    shows "x;1  y;1 = 0"
proof -
  have "x;1  y;1 = (x;1  y;1  yT;1) + (x;1  y;1  -(yT;1))"
    by simp
  also from assms(1) have "... = x;1  y;1  -(yT;1)"
    by (metis aux6_var de_morgan_3 inf.left_commute inf_compl_bot inf_sup_absorb)
  also from assms(2) have "... = x;1  xT;1  -(x;1)"
    by (simp add: inf.assoc)
  also have "... = 0"
    by (simp add: inf.commute inf.assoc)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma path_concat_aux_2:
  assumes "x;1  xT;1  yT;1 = 0"
      and "end_points x = start_points y"
    shows "xT;1  yT;1 = 0"
proof -
  have "yT;1  xT;1  (xT)T;1 = 0"
    using assms(1) inf.assoc inf.commute by force
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis assms(2) conv_invol inf.commute path_concat_aux_1)

lemma path_concat_aux3_1:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "x;1;xT  x + xT"
proof -
  have "x;1;xT  x;1;xT;x;xT"
    by (metis comp_assoc conv_invol mult_isol x_leq_triple_x)
  also have "...  x;1;x;xT"
    by (metis mult_isol mult_isor mult_assoc top_greatest)
  also from assms have "...  (x + xT);xT"
    using path_def comp_assoc mult_isor by blast
  also have "... = x;x;xT + xT;xT"
    by (simp add: star_slide_var star_star_plus)
  also have "...  x;1' + xT;xT"
    by (metis assms path_def is_inj_def join_iso mult_isol mult_assoc)
  also have "...  x + xT"
    using join_isol by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma path_concat_aux3_2:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "xT;1;x  x + xT"
proof -
  have "xT;1;x  xT;x;xT;1;x"
    by (metis comp_assoc conv_invol mult_isor x_leq_triple_x)
  also have "...  xT;x;1;x"
    by (metis mult_isol mult_isor mult_assoc top_greatest)
  also from assms have "...  xT;(x + xT)"
    by (simp add: comp_assoc mult_isol path_def)
  also have "... = xT;x;x + xT;xT"
    by (simp add: comp_assoc distrib_left star_star_plus)
  also have "...  1';x + xT;xT"
    by (metis assms path_def is_p_fun_def join_iso mult_isor mult_assoc)
  also have "...  x + xT"
    using join_isol by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma path_concat_aux3_3:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "xT;1;xT  x + xT"
proof -
  have "xT;1;xT  xT;x;xT;1;xT"
    by (metis comp_assoc conv_invol mult_isor x_leq_triple_x)
  also have "...  xT;x;1;xT"
    by (metis mult_isol mult_isor mult_assoc top_greatest)
  also from assms have "...  xT;(x + xT)"
    using path_concat_aux3_1 by (simp add: mult_assoc mult_isol)
  also have "... = xT;x;x + xT;xT"
    by (simp add: comp_assoc distrib_left star_star_plus)
  also have "...  1';x + xT;xT"
    by (metis assms path_def is_p_fun_def join_iso mult_isor mult_assoc)
  also have "...  x + xT"
    using join_isol by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma path_concat_aux_3:
  assumes "path x"
      and "y  x+ + xT+"
      and "z  x+ + xT+"
    shows "y;1;z  x + xT"
proof -
  from assms(2,3) have "y;1;z  (x+ + xT+);1;(x+ + xT+)"
    using mult_isol_var mult_isor by blast
  also have "... = x+;1;x+ + x+;1;xT+ + xT+;1;x+ + xT+;1;xT+"
    by (simp add: distrib_left sup_commute sup_left_commute)
  also have "... = x;x;1;x;x + x;x;1;xT;xT + xT;xT;1;x;x + xT;xT;1;xT;xT"
    by (simp add: comp_assoc star_slide_var)
  also have "...  x;1;x + x;x;1;xT;xT + xT;xT;1;x;x + xT;xT;1;xT;xT"
    by (metis comp_assoc mult_double_iso top_greatest join_iso)
  also have "...  x;1;x + x;1;xT + xT;xT;1;x;x + xT;xT;1;xT;xT"
    by (metis comp_assoc mult_double_iso top_greatest join_iso join_isol)
  also have "...  x;1;x + x;1;xT + xT;1;x + xT;xT;1;xT;xT"
    by (metis comp_assoc mult_double_iso top_greatest join_iso join_isol)
  also have "...  x;1;x + x;1;xT + xT;1;x + xT;1;xT"
    by (metis comp_assoc mult_double_iso top_greatest join_isol)
  also have "...  x + xT"
    using assms(1) path_def path_concat_aux3_1 path_concat_aux3_2 path_concat_aux3_3 join_iso join_isol
    by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma path_concat_aux_4:
  "x + xT  x + xT;1"
by (metis star_star_plus add_comm join_isol mult_isol top_greatest)

lemma path_concat_aux_5:
  assumes "path x"
      and "y  start_points x"
      and "z  x + xT"
    shows "y;1;z  x"
proof -
  from assms(1) have "x;1;x  x + xT;1"
    using path_def path_concat_aux_4 dual_order.trans by blast
  hence aux1: "x;1;x  -(xT;1)  x"
    by (simp add: galois_1 sup_commute)

  from assms(1) have "x;1;xT  x + xT;1"
    using dual_order.trans path_concat_aux3_1 path_concat_aux_4 by blast
  hence aux2: "x;1;xT  -(xT;1)  x"
    by (simp add: galois_1 sup_commute)

  from assms(2,3) have "y;1;z  (x;1  -(xT;1));1;(x + xT)"
    by (simp add: mult_isol_var mult_isor)
  also have "... = (x;1  -(xT;1));1;x + (x;1  -(xT;1));1;xT"
    using distrib_left by blast
  also have "... = (x;1  -(xT;1)  1;x) + (x;1  -(xT;1));1;xT"
    by (metis comp_assoc inf_top_right is_vector_def one_idem_mult vector_1 vector_compl)
  also have "... = (x;1  -(xT;1)  1;x) + (x;1  -(xT;1)  1;xT)"
    by (metis comp_assoc inf_top_right is_vector_def one_idem_mult vector_1 vector_compl)
  also have "... = (x;1;x  -(xT;1)) + (x;1;xT -(xT;1))"
    using vector_meet_comp_x vector_meet_comp_x' diff_eq inf.assoc inf.commute by simp
  also from aux1 aux2 have "...  x"
    by (simp add: diff_eq join_iso)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma path_conditions_disjoint_points_iff:
  "x;1  (xT;1 + y;1)  yT;1 = 0  start_points x  end_points y = 0  x;1  yT;1 = 0"
  assume 1: "x ; 1  yT ; 1 = 0"
  hence g1: "x ; 1  (xT ; 1 + y ; 1)  yT ; 1 = 0"
    by (metis inf.left_commute inf_bot_right inf_commute)
  have g2: "start_points x  end_points y = 0"
    using 1 by (metis compl_inf_bot inf.assoc inf.commute inf.left_idem)
  show "x;1  (xT;1 + y;1)  yT;1 = 0  start_points x  end_points y = 0"
    using g1 and g2 by simp
  assume a: "x;1  (xT;1 + y;1)  yT;1 = 0  start_points x  end_points y = 0"
  from a have a1: "x;1  xT;1  yT;1 = 0"
    by (simp add: inf.commute inf_sup_distrib1)
  from a have a2: "x;1  y;1  yT;1 = 0"
    by (simp add: inf.commute inf_sup_distrib1)
  from a have a3: "start_points x  end_points y = 0"
    by blast

  have "x;1  yT;1 = x;1  xT;1  yT;1 + x;1  -(xT;1)  yT;1"
    by (metis aux4 inf_sup_distrib2)
  also from a1 have "... = x;1  -(xT;1)  yT;1"
    using sup_bot_left by blast
  also have "... = x;1  -(xT;1)  y;1  yT;1 + x;1  -(xT;1)  -(y;1)  yT;1"
    by (metis aux4 inf_sup_distrib2)
  also have "...  x;1  y;1  yT;1 + x;1  -(xT;1)  -(y;1)  yT;1"
    using join_iso meet_iso by simp
  also from a2 have "... = start_points x  end_points y"
    using sup_bot_left inf.commute inf.left_commute by simp
  also from a3 have "... = 0"
    by blast
  finally show "x;1  yT;1 = 0"
    using le_bot by blast

end (* end relation_algebra_rtc *)

subsection ‹Consequences with the Tarski rule›

context relation_algebra_rtc_tarski

text ‹General theorems›

lemma reachable_implies_predecessor:
  assumes "p  q"
      and "point p"
      and "point q"
      and "x;q  xT;p"
    shows "x;q  0"
  assume contra: "x;q=0"
  with assms(4) have "q  xT;p"
    by (simp add: independence1)
  hence "p  x;q"
    by (metis assms(2,3) point_swap star_conv)
  with contra assms(2,3) have "p=q"
    by (simp add: independence1 is_point_def point_singleton point_is_point)
  with assms(1) show False
    by simp

lemma acyclic_imp_one_step_different_points:
  assumes "is_acyclic x"
      and "point p"
      and "point q"
      and "p  x;q"
    shows "p  -q" and "p  q"
using acyclic_reachable_points assms point_is_point point_not_equal(1) by auto

text ‹Start points and end points›

lemma start_point_iff2:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "is_point (start_points x)  has_start_points x"
proof -
  have "has_start_points x  1  -(1;x);x;1"
    by (simp add: order.eq_iff)
  also have "...  1  1;xT;-(xT;1)"
    by (metis comp_assoc conv_compl conv_contrav conv_iso conv_one)
  also have "...  1  1;(x;1  -(xT;1))"
    by (metis (no_types) conv_contrav conv_one inf.commute is_vector_def one_idem_mult ra_2 vector_1
  also have "...  1 = 1;(x;1  -(xT;1))"
    by (simp add: order.eq_iff)
  also have "...  x;1  -(xT;1)  0"
    by (metis tarski comp_assoc one_compl ra_1 ss_p18)
  also have "...  is_point (start_points x)"
    using assms is_point_def start_point_zero_point by blast
  finally show ?thesis ..

lemma end_point_iff2:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "is_point (end_points x)  has_end_points x"
by (metis assms conv_invol conv_has_start_points conv_path start_point_iff2)

lemma edge_is_path:
  assumes "is_point p"
      and "is_point q"
    shows "path (p;qT)"
  apply (unfold path_def; intro conjI)
    apply (metis assms comp_assoc is_point_def le_supI1 star_ext vector_rectangle point_equations(3))
   apply (metis is_p_fun_def assms comp_assoc conv_contrav conv_invol is_inj_def is_point_def
                vector_2_var vector_meet_comp_x' point_equations)
  by (metis is_inj_def assms conv_invol conv_times is_point_def p_fun_mult_var vector_meet_comp)

lemma edge_start:
  assumes "is_point p"
      and "is_point q"
      and "p  q"
    shows "start_points (p;qT) = p"
using assms by (simp add: comp_assoc point_equations(1,3) point_not_equal inf.absorb1)

lemma edge_end:
  assumes "is_point p"
      and "is_point q"
      and "p  q"
    shows "end_points (p;qT) = q"
using assms edge_start by simp

lemma loop_no_start:
  assumes "is_point p"
    shows "start_points (p;pT) = 0"
by simp

lemma loop_no_end:
  assumes "is_point p"
    shows "end_points (p;pT) = 0"
by simp

lemma start_point_no_predecessor:
  "x;start_points(x) = 0"
by (metis inf_top.right_neutral modular_1_aux')

lemma end_point_no_successor:
  "xT;end_points(x) = 0"
by (metis conv_invol start_point_no_predecessor)

lemma start_to_end:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "start_points(x);end_points(x)T  x"
proof (cases "end_points(x) = 0")
  assume "end_points(x) = 0"
  thus ?thesis
    by simp
  assume ass: "end_points(x)  0"
  hence nz: "x;end_points(x)  0"
    by (metis comp_res_aux compl_bot_eq inf.left_idem)
  have a: "x;end_points(x);end_points(x)T  x + xT"
    by (metis end_point_at_most_one assms(1) is_inj_def comp_assoc mult_isol mult_oner le_supI1)

  have "start_points(x);end_points(x)T = start_points(x);1;end_points(x)T"
    using ass by (simp add: comp_assoc is_vector_def one_compl vector_1)
  also have "... = start_points(x);1;x;end_points(x);1;end_points(x)T"
    using nz tarski by (simp add: comp_assoc)
  also have "... = start_points(x);1;x;end_points(x);end_points(x)T"
    using ass by (simp add: comp_assoc is_vector_def one_compl vector_1)
  also with a assms(1) have "...  x"
    using path_concat_aux_5 comp_assoc eq_refl by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma path_acyclic:
  assumes "has_start_points_path x"
    shows "is_acyclic x"
proof -
  let ?r = "start_points(x)"
  have pt: "point(?r)"
    using assms point_is_point start_point_iff2 by blast
  have "x+1' = (x+)Tx+1'"
    by (metis conv_e conv_times inf.assoc inf.left_idem inf_le2 many_strongly_connected_iff_7
              mult_oner star_subid)
  also have "...  xT;1x+1'"
    by (metis conv_contrav inf.commute maddux_20 meet_double_iso plus_top star_conv star_slide_var)
  finally have "?r;(x+1')  ?r;(xT;1x+1')"
    using mult_isol by blast
  also have "... = (?r1;x);(x+1')"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) comp_assoc conv_contrav conv_invol conv_one inf.assoc
              is_vector_def one_idem_mult vector_2)
  also have "... = ?r;x;(x+1')"
    by (metis comp_assoc inf_top.right_neutral is_vector_def one_compl one_idem_mult vector_1)
  also have "...  (x + xT);(x+1')"
    using assms(1) mult_isor
    by (meson connected_iff4 dual_order.trans mult_subdistr path_concat_aux3_3)
  also have "... = x;(x+1') + xT+;(x+1')"
    by (metis distrib_right star_star_plus sup.commute)
  also have "...  x;(x+1') + xT;1"
    by (metis join_isol mult_isol plus_top top_greatest)
  finally have "?r;(x+1');1  x;(x+1');1 + xT;1"
    by (metis distrib_right inf_absorb2 mult_assoc mult_subdistr one_idem_mult)
  hence 1: "?r;(x+1');1  xT;1"
    using assms(1) path_def inj_implies_step_forwards_backwards sup_absorb2 by simp
  have "x+1'  (x+1');1"
    by (simp add: maddux_20)
  also have "...  ?rT;?r;(x+1');1"
    using pt comp_assoc point_def ss423conv by fastforce
  also have "...  ?rT;xT;1"
    using 1 by (simp add: comp_assoc mult_isol)
  also have "... = 0"
    by (metis start_point_no_predecessor annil conv_contrav conv_zero)
  finally show ?thesis
    using galois_aux le_bot by blast

text ‹Equivalences for terminating›

lemma backward_terminating_iff1:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "backward_terminating x  has_start_points x  x = 0"
  assume "backward_terminating x"
  hence "1;x;1  1;-(1;x);x;1;1"
    by (metis mult_isor mult_isol comp_assoc)
  also have "... = -(1;x);x;1"
    by (metis conv_compl conv_contrav conv_invol conv_one mult_assoc one_compl one_idem_mult)
  finally have "1;x;1  -(1;x);x;1" .

  with tarski show "has_start_points x  x = 0"
    by (metis top_le)
  show "has_start_points x  x = 0  backward_terminating x"
    by fastforce

lemma backward_terminating_iff2_aux:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "x;1  1;xT  -(1;x)  xT"
proof -
  have "x;1  1;xT  x;1;x;xT"
    by (metis conv_invol modular_var_3 vector_meet_comp_x vector_meet_comp_x')
  also from assms have "...  (x + xT);xT"
    using path_def mult_isor by blast
  also have "...  x;x;xT + xT;xT"
    by (simp add: star_star_plus star_slide_var add_comm)
  also from assms have "...  x;1' + xT;xT"
    by (metis path_def is_inj_def join_iso mult_assoc mult_isol)
  also have "... = x+ + xT"
    by (metis mult_1_right star_slide_var star_star_plus sup.commute)
  also have "...  xT + 1;x"
    by (metis join_iso mult_isor star_slide_var top_greatest add_comm)
  finally have "x;1  1;xT  xT + 1;x" .
  thus ?thesis
    by (simp add: galois_1 sup.commute)

lemma backward_terminating_iff2:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "backward_terminating x  x  xT;-(xT;1)"
  assume "backward_terminating x"
  with assms have "has_start_points x  x = 0"
    by (simp add: backward_terminating_iff1)
  thus "x  xT;-(xT;1)"
    assume "x = 0"
    thus ?thesis
      by simp
    assume "has_start_points x"
    hence aux1: "1 = 1;xT;-(xT;1)"
      by (metis comp_assoc conv_compl conv_contrav conv_one)
    have "x = x  1"
      by simp
    also have "...  (x;-(1;x)  1;xT);-(xT;1)"
      by (metis inf.commute aux1 conv_compl conv_contrav conv_invol conv_one modular_2_var)
    also have "... = (x;1  -(1;x)  1;xT);-(xT;1)"
      by (metis comp_assoc conv_compl conv_contrav conv_invol conv_one inf.commute inf_top_left
                one_compl ra_1)
    also from assms have "...  xT;-(xT;1)"
      using backward_terminating_iff2_aux inf.commute inf.assoc mult_isor by fastforce
    finally show "x  xT;-(xT;1)" .
  assume "x  xT;-(xT;1)"
  hence"x  xT;-(xT;1)  x"
    by simp
  also have "... = (xT  -(1;x));1  x"
    by (metis one_compl conv_compl conv_contrav conv_invol conv_one inf_top_left ra_2)
  also have "...  (xT  -(1;x)) ; (1  (x  -(1;x)T);x)"
    by (metis (mono_tags) conv_compl conv_invol conv_times modular_1_var star_conv)
  also have "...  -(1;x);x;x"
    by (simp add: mult_assoc mult_isol_var)
  also have "...  -(1;x);x;1"
    by (simp add: mult_assoc mult_isol star_slide_var)
  finally show "backward_terminating x" .

lemma backward_terminating_iff3_aux:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "xT;1  1;xT  -(1;x)  xT"
proof -
  have "xT;1  1;xT  xT;1;x;xT"
    by (metis conv_invol modular_var_3 vector_meet_comp_x vector_meet_comp_x')
  also from assms have "...  (x + xT);xT"
    using mult_isor path_concat_aux3_2 by blast
  also have "...  x;x;xT + xT;xT"
    by (simp add: star_star_plus star_slide_var add_comm)
  also from assms have "...  x;1' + xT;xT"
    by (metis path_def is_inj_def join_iso mult_assoc mult_isol)
  also have "... = x+ + xT"
    by (metis mult_1_right star_slide_var star_star_plus sup.commute)
  also have "...  xT + 1;x"
    by (metis join_iso mult_isor star_slide_var top_greatest add_comm)
  finally have "xT;1  1;xT  xT + 1;x" .
  thus ?thesis
    by (simp add: galois_1 sup.commute)

lemma backward_terminating_iff3:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "backward_terminating x  xT  xT;-(xT;1)"
  assume "backward_terminating x"
  with assms have "has_start_points x  x = 0"
    by (simp add: backward_terminating_iff1)
  thus "xT  xT;-(xT;1)"
    assume "x = 0"
    thus ?thesis
      by simp
    assume "has_start_points x"
    hence aux1: "1 = 1;xT;-(xT;1)"
      by (metis comp_assoc conv_compl conv_contrav conv_one)
    have "xT = xT  1"
      by simp
    also have "...  (xT;-(1;x)  1;xT);-(xT;1)"
      by (metis inf.commute aux1 conv_compl conv_contrav conv_invol conv_one modular_2_var)
    also have "... = (xT;1  -(1;x)  1;xT);-(xT;1)"
      by (metis comp_assoc conv_compl conv_contrav conv_invol conv_one inf.commute inf_top_left one_compl ra_1)
    also from assms have "...  xT;-(xT;1)"
      using backward_terminating_iff3_aux inf.commute inf.assoc mult_isor by fastforce
    finally show "xT  xT;-(xT;1)" .
  have 1: "-(1;x)  x = 0"
    by (simp add: galois_aux2 inf.commute maddux_21)
  assume "xT  xT;-(xT;1)"
  hence "x = -(1;x);x  x"
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) conv_compl conv_contrav conv_iso conv_one inf.absorb2 star_conv)
  also have "... = (-(1;x);x+ + -(1;x);1')  x"
    by (metis distrib_left star_unfoldl_eq sup_commute)
  also have "... = -(1;x);x+  x + -(1;x)  x"
    by (simp add: inf_sup_distrib2)
  also have "...  -(1;x);x+"
    using 1 by simp
  also have "...  -(1;x);x;1"
    by (simp add: mult_assoc mult_isol star_slide_var)
  finally show "backward_terminating x" .

lemma backward_terminating_iff4:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "backward_terminating x  x  -(1;x);x"
 apply (subst backward_terminating_iff3)
  apply (rule assms)
 by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) conv_compl conv_iso star_conv conv_contrav conv_one)

lemma forward_terminating_iff1:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "forward_terminating x  has_end_points x  x = 0"
by (metis comp_assoc eq_refl le_bot one_compl tarski top_greatest)

lemma forward_terminating_iff2:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "forward_terminating x  xT  x;-(x;1)"
by (metis assms backward_terminating_iff1 backward_terminating_iff2 end_point_iff2
          forward_terminating_iff1 compl_bot_eq conv_compl conv_invol conv_one conv_path
          double_compl start_point_iff2)

lemma forward_terminating_iff3:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "forward_terminating x  x  x;-(x;1)"
by (metis assms backward_terminating_iff1 backward_terminating_iff3 end_point_iff2
          forward_terminating_iff1 compl_bot_eq conv_compl conv_invol conv_one conv_path
          double_compl start_point_iff2)

lemma forward_terminating_iff4:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "forward_terminating x  x  -(1;xT);xT"
using forward_terminating_iff2 conv_contrav conv_iso star_conv assms conv_compl by force

lemma terminating_iff1:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "terminating x  has_start_end_points x  x = 0"
using assms backward_terminating_iff1 forward_terminating_iff1 by fastforce

lemma terminating_iff2:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "terminating x  x  xT;-(xT;1)  -(1;xT);xT"
using assms backward_terminating_iff2 forward_terminating_iff2 conv_compl conv_iso star_conv
by force

lemma terminating_iff3:
  assumes "path x"
    shows "terminating x  x  x;-(x;1)  -(1;x);x"
using assms backward_terminating_iff4 forward_terminating_iff3 by fastforce

lemma backward_terminating_path_irreflexive:
  assumes "backward_terminating_path x"
    shows "x  -1'"
proof -
  have 1: "x;xT  1'"
    using assms is_inj_def path_def by blast
  have "x;(xT  1')  x;xT  x"
    by (metis inf.bounded_iff inf.commute mult_1_right mult_subdistl)
  also have "...  1'  x"
    using 1 meet_iso by blast
  also have "... = 1'  xT"
    by (metis conv_e conv_times inf.cobounded1 is_test_def test_eq_conv)
  finally have 2: "xT;-(xT  1')  -(xT  1')"
    by (metis compl_le_swap1 conv_galois_1 inf.commute)
  have "xT  1'  xT;1"
    by (simp add: le_infI1 maddux_20)
  hence "-(xT;1)  -(xT  1')"
    using compl_mono by blast
  hence "xT;-(xT  1') + -(xT;1)  -(xT  1')"
    using 2 by (simp add: le_supI)
  hence "xT;-(xT;1)  -(xT  1')"
    by (simp add: rtc_inductl)
  hence "xT  1'  xT;-(xT;1) = 0"
    by (simp add: compl_le_swap1 galois_aux)
  hence "xT  1' = 0"
    using assms backward_terminating_iff3 inf.order_iff le_infI1 by blast
  hence "x  1' = 0"
    by (simp add: conv_self_conjugate)
  thus ?thesis
    by (simp add: galois_aux)

lemma forward_terminating_path_end_points_1:
  assumes "forward_terminating_path x"
    shows "x  x+;end_points x"
proof -
  have 1: "-(x;1)  x = 0"
    by (simp add: galois_aux maddux_20)
  have "x = x;-(x;1)  x"
    using assms forward_terminating_iff3 inf.absorb2 by fastforce
  also have "... = (x+;-(x;1) + 1';-(x;1))  x"
    by (simp add: sup.commute)
  also have "... = x+;-(x;1)  x + -(x;1)  x"
    using inf_sup_distrib2 by fastforce
  also have "... = x+;-(x;1)  x"
    using 1 by simp
  also have "...  x+;(-(x;1)  (x+)T;x)"
    using modular_1_var by blast
  also have "... = x+;(-(x;1)  xT+;x)"
    using plus_conv by fastforce
  also have "...  x+;end_points x"
    by (metis inf_commute inf_top_right modular_1' mult_subdistl plus_conv plus_top)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma forward_terminating_path_end_points_2:
  assumes "forward_terminating_path x"
    shows "xT  x;end_points x"
proof -
  have "xT  xT;x;xT"
    by (metis conv_invol x_leq_triple_x)
  also have "...  xT;x;1"
    using mult_isol top_greatest by blast
  also have "...  xT;x+;end_points x;1"
    by (metis assms forward_terminating_path_end_points_1 comp_assoc mult_isol mult_isor)
  also have "... = xT;x+;end_points x"
    by (metis inf_commute mult_assoc one_compl ra_1)
  also have "...  x;end_points x"
    by (metis assms comp_assoc compl_le_swap1 conv_galois_1 conv_invol p_fun_compl path_def)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma forward_terminating_path_end_points_3:
  assumes "forward_terminating_path x"
  shows "start_points x  x+;end_points x"
proof -
  have "start_points x  x+;end_points x;1"
    using assms forward_terminating_path_end_points_1 comp_assoc mult_isor inf.coboundedI1
    by blast
  also have "... = x+;end_points x"
    by (metis inf_commute mult_assoc one_compl ra_1 )
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma backward_terminating_path_start_points_1:
  assumes "backward_terminating_path x"
    shows "xT  xT+;start_points x"
using assms forward_terminating_path_end_points_1 conv_backward_terminating_path by fastforce

lemma backward_terminating_path_start_points_2:
  assumes "backward_terminating_path x"
    shows "x  xT;start_points x"
using assms forward_terminating_path_end_points_2 conv_backward_terminating_path by fastforce

lemma backward_terminating_path_start_points_3:
  assumes "backward_terminating_path x"
    shows "end_points x  xT+;start_points x"
using assms forward_terminating_path_end_points_3 conv_backward_terminating_path by fastforce

(* lemma not shown in the paper; not necessary for other theorems *)
lemma path_aux1a:
 assumes "forward_terminating_path x"
   shows "x  0  end_points x  0"
using assms end_point_iff2 forward_terminating_iff1 end_point_iff1 galois_aux2 by force

(* lemma not shown in the paper; not necessary for other theorems *)
lemma path_aux1b:
  assumes "backward_terminating_path y"
    shows "y  0  start_points y  0"
using assms start_point_iff2 backward_terminating_iff1 start_point_iff1 galois_aux2 by force

(* lemma not shown in the paper; not necessary for other theorems *)
lemma path_aux1:
  assumes "forward_terminating_path x"
      and "backward_terminating_path y"
    shows "x  0  y  0  end_points x  0  start_points y  0"
using assms path_aux1a path_aux1b by blast

text ‹Equivalences for finite›

lemma backward_finite_iff_msc:
  "backward_finite x  many_strongly_connected x  backward_terminating x"
  assume 1: "backward_finite x"
  thus "many_strongly_connected x  backward_terminating x"
  proof (cases "-(1;x);x;1 = 0")
    assume "-(1;x);x;1 = 0"
    thus "many_strongly_connected x  backward_terminating x"
      using 1 by (metis conv_invol many_strongly_connected_iff_1 sup_bot_right)
    assume "-(1;x);x;1  0"
    hence "1;-(1;x);x;1 = 1"
      by (simp add: comp_assoc tarski)
    hence "-(1;x);x;1 = 1"
      by (metis comp_assoc conv_compl conv_contrav conv_invol conv_one one_compl)
    thus "many_strongly_connected x  backward_terminating x"
      using 1 by simp
  assume "many_strongly_connected x  backward_terminating x"
  thus "backward_finite x"
    by (metis star_ext sup.coboundedI1 sup.coboundedI2)

lemma forward_finite_iff_msc:
  "forward_finite x  many_strongly_connected x  forward_terminating x"
by (metis backward_finite_iff_msc conv_backward_finite conv_backward_terminating conv_invol)

lemma finite_iff_msc:
  "finite x  many_strongly_connected x  terminating x"
using backward_finite_iff_msc forward_finite_iff_msc finite_iff by fastforce

text ‹Path concatenation›

lemma path_concatenation:
  assumes "forward_terminating_path x"
      and "backward_terminating_path y"
      and "end_points x = start_points y"
      and "x;1  (xT;1 + y;1)  yT;1 = 0"
    shows "path (x+y)"
proof (cases "y = 0")
  assume "y = 0"
  thus ?thesis
    using assms(1) by fastforce
  assume as: "y  0"
  show ?thesis
  proof (unfold path_def; intro conjI)
    from assms(4) have a: "x;1  xT;1  yT;1 + x;1  y;1  yT;1= 0"
      by (simp add: inf_sup_distrib1 inf_sup_distrib2)
    hence aux1: "x;1  xT;1  yT;1 = 0"
      using sup_eq_bot_iff by blast
    from a have aux2: "x;1  y;1  yT;1= 0"
      using sup_eq_bot_iff by blast

    show "is_inj (x + y)"
    proof (unfold is_inj_def; auto simp add: distrib_left)
      show "x;xT  1'"
        using assms(1) path_def is_inj_def by blast
      show "y;yT  1'"
        using assms(2) path_def is_inj_def by blast
      have "y;xT = 0"
        by (metis assms(3) aux1 annir comp_assoc conv_one le_bot modular_var_2 one_idem_mult
                  path_concat_aux_2 schroeder_2)
      thus "y;xT  1'"
        using bot_least le_bot by blast
      thus "x;yT  1'"
        using conv_iso by force

    show "is_p_fun (x + y)"
    proof (unfold is_p_fun_def; auto simp add: distrib_left)
      show "xT;x  1'"
        using assms(1) path_def is_p_fun_def by blast
      show "yT;y  1'"
        using assms(2) path_def is_p_fun_def by blast
      have "yT;x  yT;(y;1  x;1)"
        by (metis conjugation_prop2 inf.commute inf_top.left_neutral maddux_20 mult_isol order_trans
      also have "... = 0"
        using assms(3) aux2 annir inf_commute path_concat_aux_1 by fastforce
      finally show "yT;x  1'"
        using bot_least le_bot by blast
      thus "xT;y  1'"
        using conv_iso by force

    show "connected (x + y)"
    proof (auto simp add: distrib_left)
      have "x;1;x  x + xT"
        using assms(1) path_def by simp
      also have "...  (x;y) + (xT;yT)"
        using join_iso join_isol star_subdist by simp
      finally show "x;1;x  (x;y) + (xT;yT)" .
      have "y;1;y  y + yT"
        using assms(2) path_def by simp
      also have "...  (x;y) + (xT;yT)"
        by (metis star_denest star_subdist sup.mono sup_commute)
      finally show "y;1;y  (x;y) + (xT;yT)" .

      show "y;1;x  (x;y) + (xT;yT)"
      proof -
        have "(y;1);1;(1;x)  yT;xT"
        proof (rule_tac v="start_points y" in path_concat_aux_0)
          show "is_vector (start_points y)"
            by (metis is_vector_def comp_assoc one_compl one_idem_mult ra_1)
          show "start_points y  0"
            using as
            by (metis assms(2) conv_compl conv_contrav conv_one inf.orderE inf_bot_right
                      inf_top.right_neutral maddux_141)
          have "(start_points y);1;yT  y"
            by (rule path_concat_aux_5) (simp_all add: assms(2))
          thus "y;1;(start_points y)T  yT"
            by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) conv_iso comp_assoc conv_contrav conv_invol conv_one
          have "end_points x;1;x  xT"
            apply (rule path_concat_aux_5)
            using assms(1) conv_path by simp_all
          thus "start_points y;(1;x)  xT"
            by (metis assms(3) mult_assoc)
        thus ?thesis
          by (metis comp_assoc le_supI2 less_eq_def one_idem_mult star_denest star_subdist_var_1

      show "x;1;y  (x;y) + (xT;yT)"
      proof -
        have "(x;1);1;(1;y)  x;y"
        proof (rule_tac v="start_points y" in path_concat_aux_0)
          show "is_vector (start_points y)"
            by (simp add: comp_assoc is_vector_def one_compl vector_1_comm)
          show "start_points y  0"
            using as assms(2,4) backward_terminating_iff1 galois_aux2 start_point_iff1 start_point_iff2
            by blast
          have "end_points x;1;xT  xT"
            apply (rule path_concat_aux_5)
            using assms(1) conv_path by simp_all
          hence "(end_points x;1;xT)T  (xT)T"
            using conv_iso by blast
          thus "x;1;(start_points y)T  x"
            by (simp add: assms(3) comp_assoc star_conv)
          have "start_points y;1;y  y"
            by (rule path_concat_aux_5) (simp_all add: assms(2))
          thus "start_points y;(1;y)  y"
            by (simp add: mult_assoc)
        thus ?thesis
          by (metis comp_assoc dual_order.trans le_supI1 one_idem_mult star_ext)

lemma path_concatenation_with_edge:
   assumes "x0"
      and "forward_terminating_path x"
      and "is_point q"
      and "q  -(1;x)"
    shows "path (x+(end_points x);qT)"
proof (rule path_concatenation)
  from assms(1,2) have 1: "is_point(end_points x)"
    using end_point_zero_point path_aux1a by blast
  show 2: "backward_terminating_path ((end_points x);qT)"
    apply (intro conjI)
    apply (metis edge_is_path 1 assms(3))
    by (metis assms(2-4) 1 bot_least comp_assoc compl_le_swap1 conv_galois_2 double_compl
              end_point_iff1 le_supE point_equations(1) tarski top_le)
  thus "end_points x = start_points ((end_points x);qT)"
    by (metis assms(3) 1 edge_start comp_assoc compl_top_eq double_compl inf.absorb_iff2 inf.commute
              inf_top_right modular_2_aux' point_equations(2))
  show "x;1  (xT;1 + ((end_points x);qT);1)  ((end_points x);qT)T;1 = 0"
    using 2 by (metis assms(3,4) annir compl_le_swap1 compl_top_eq conv_galois_2 double_compl
                      inf.absorb_iff2 inf.commute modular_1' modular_2_aux' point_equations(2))
  show "forward_terminating_path x"
    by (simp add: assms(2))

lemma path_concatenation_cycle_free:
  assumes "forward_terminating_path x"
      and "backward_terminating_path y"
      and "end_points x = start_points y"
      and "x;1  yT;1 = 0"
    shows "path (x+y)"
apply (rule path_concatenation,simp_all add: assms)
by (metis assms(4) inf.left_commute inf_bot_right inf_commute)

lemma path_concatenation_start_points_approx:
  assumes "end_points x = start_points y"
    shows "start_points (x+y)  start_points x"
proof -
  have "start_points (x+y) = x;1  -(xT;1)  -(yT;1) + y;1  -(xT;1)  -(yT;1)"
    by (simp add: inf.assoc inf_sup_distrib2)
  also with assms(1) have "... = x;1  -(xT;1)  -(yT;1) + xT;1  -(xT;1)  -(x;1)"
    by (metis inf.assoc inf.left_commute)
  also have "... = x;1  -(xT;1)  -(yT;1)"
    by simp
  also have "...  start_points x"
    using inf_le1 by blast
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma path_concatenation_end_points_approx:
  assumes "end_points x = start_points y"
     shows "end_points (x+y)  end_points y"
proof -
  have "end_points (x+y) = xT;1  -(x;1)  -(y;1) + yT;1  -(x;1)  -(y;1)"
    by (simp add: inf.assoc inf_sup_distrib2)
  also from assms(1) have "... = y;1  -(yT;1)  -(y;1) + yT;1  -(x;1)  -(y;1)"
    by simp
  also have "... = yT;1  -(x;1)  -(y;1)"
    by (simp add: inf.commute)
  also have "...  end_points y"
    using inf_le1 meet_iso by blast
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma path_concatenation_start_points:
  assumes "end_points x = start_points y"
      and "x;1  yT;1 = 0"
    shows "start_points (x+y) = start_points x"
proof -
  from assms(2) have aux: "x;1  -(yT;1) = x;1"
    by (simp add: galois_aux inf.absorb1)

  have "start_points (x+y) = (x;1  -(xT;1)  -(yT;1)) + (y;1  -(xT;1)  -(yT;1))"
    by (simp add: inf_sup_distrib2 inf.assoc)
  also from assms(1) have "... = (x;1  -(xT;1)  -(yT;1)) + (xT;1  -(x;1)  -(xT;1))"
    using inf.assoc inf.commute by simp
  also have "... = (x;1  -(xT;1)  -(yT;1))"
    by (simp add: inf.assoc)
  also from aux have "... = x;1  -(xT;1)"
    by (metis inf.assoc inf.commute)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma path_concatenation_end_points:
  assumes "end_points x = start_points y"
      and "x;1  yT;1 = 0"
    shows "end_points (x+y) = end_points y"
proof -
  from assms(2) have aux: "yT;1  -(x;1) = yT;1"
    using galois_aux inf.absorb1 inf_commute by blast

  have "end_points (x+y) = (xT;1 + yT;1)  -(x;1)  -(y;1)"
    using inf.assoc by simp
  also from assms(1) have "... = (y;1  -(yT;1)  -(y;1)) + (yT;1  -(x;1)  -(y;1))"
    by (simp add: inf_sup_distrib2)
  also have "... = yT;1  -(x;1)  -(y;1)"
    by (simp add: inf.assoc)
  also from aux have "... = yT;1  -(y;1)"
    by (metis inf.assoc inf.commute)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma path_concatenation_cycle_free_complete:
  assumes "forward_terminating_path x"
      and "backward_terminating_path y"
      and "end_points x = start_points y"
      and "x;1  yT;1 = 0"
    shows "path (x+y)  start_points (x+y) = start_points x  end_points (x+y) = end_points y"
using assms path_concatenation_cycle_free path_concatenation_end_points path_concatenation_start_points
by blast

text ‹Path restriction (path from a given point)›

lemma reachable_points_iff:
  assumes "point p"
    shows "(xT;p  x) = (xT;p  1');x"
proof (rule order.antisym)
  show "(xT;p  1');x  xT;p  x"
  proof (rule le_infI)
    show "(xT;p  1');x  xT;p"
    proof -
      have "(xT;p  1');x  xT;p;1"
        by (simp add: mult_isol_var)
      also have "...  xT;p"
        using assms by (simp add: comp_assoc order.eq_iff point_equations(1) point_is_point)
      finally show ?thesis .
    show "(xT;p  1');x  x"
      by (metis inf_le2 mult_isor mult_onel)
  show "xT;p  x  (xT;p  1');x"
  proof -
    have "(xT;p);xT  xT;p + -1'"
      by (metis assms comp_assoc is_vector_def mult_isol point_def sup.coboundedI1 top_greatest)
    hence aux: "(-(xT;p)  1');x  -(xT;p)"
      using compl_mono conv_galois_2 by fastforce
    have "x = (xT;p  1');x + (-(xT;p)  1');x"
      by (metis aux4 distrib_right inf_commute mult_1_left)
    also with aux have "...  (xT;p  1');x + -(xT;p)"
      using join_isol by blast
    finally have "x  (xT;p  1');x + -(xT;p)" .
    thus ?thesis
      using galois_2 inf.commute by fastforce

lemma path_from_given_point:
  assumes "path x"
      and "point p"
    shows "path(xT;p  x)"
      and "start_points(xT;p  x)  p"
      and "end_points(xT;p  x)  end_points(x)"
proof (unfold path_def; intro conjI)
  show uni: "is_p_fun (xT;p  x)"
    by (metis assms(1) inf_commute is_p_fun_def p_fun_mult_var path_def)
  show inj: "is_inj (xT;p  x)"
    by (metis abel_semigroup.commute assms(1) conv_times inf.abel_semigroup_axioms inj_p_fun
              is_p_fun_def p_fun_mult_var path_def)
  show "connected (xT;p  x)"
  proof -
    let ?t="xT;p  1'"
    let ?u="-(xT;p)  1'"
    (* some aux statements about ?t and ?u *)
    have t_plus_u: "?t + ?u = 1'"
      by (simp add: inf.commute)
    have t_times_u: "?t ; ?u  0"
      by (simp add: inf.left_commute is_test_def test_comp_eq_mult)
    have t_conv: "?tT=?t"
      using inf.cobounded2 is_test_def test_eq_conv by blast
    have txu_zero: "?t;x;?u  0"
    proof -
      have "xT;?t;1  -?u"
      proof -
        have "xT;?t;1  xT;xT;p"
          using assms(2)
          by (simp add: is_vector_def mult.semigroup_axioms mult_isol_var mult_subdistr order.refl
                        point_def semigroup.assoc)
        also have "...  -?u"
          by (simp add: le_supI1 mult_isor)
        finally show ?thesis .
      thus ?thesis
        by (metis compl_bot_eq compl_le_swap1 conv_contrav conv_galois_1 t_conv)
    hence txux_zero: "?t;x;?u;x  0"
      using annil le_bot by fastforce
    (* end some aux statements about ?t and ?u *)

    have tx_leq: "?t;x  (?t;x)"
    proof -
      have "?t;x = ?t;(?t;x + ?u;x)"
        using t_plus_u by (metis distrib_right' mult_onel)
      also have "... = ?t;(?u;x;(?u;x);(?t;x)+(?t;x))"
        using txux_zero star_denest_10 by (simp add: comp_assoc le_bot)
      also have "... = ?t;?u;x;(?u;x);(?t;x)+?t;(?t;x)"
        by (simp add: comp_assoc distrib_left)
      also have "...  0;x;(?u;x);(?t;x)+?t;(?t;x)"
        using le_bot t_times_u by blast
      also have "... (?t;x)"
        by (metis annil inf.commute inf_bot_right le_supI mult_onel mult_subdistr)
      finally show ?thesis .

    hence aux: "?t;x;?t  (?t;x)"
      using inf.cobounded2 order.trans prod_star_closure star_ref by blast
    with t_conv have aux_trans: "?t;xT;?t  (?t;x)T"
      by (metis comp_assoc conv_contrav conv_self_conjugate_var g_iso star_conv)

    from aux aux_trans have "?t;(x+xT);?t  (?t;x) + (?t;x)T"
      by (metis sup_mono distrib_right' distrib_left)
    with assms(1) path_concat_aux3_1 have "?t;(x;1;xT);?t  (?t;x) + (?t;x)T"
      using dual_order.trans mult_double_iso by blast
    with t_conv have "(?t;x);1;(?t;x)T  (?t;x) + (?t;x)T"
      using comp_assoc conv_contrav by fastforce
    with connected_iff2 show ?thesis
      using assms(2) inj reachable_points_iff uni by fastforce
  show "start_points (xT;p  x)  p"
  proof -
    have 1: "is_vector (xT;p)"
      using assms(2) by (simp add: is_vector_def mult_assoc point_def)
    hence "(xT;p  x);1  xT;p"
      by (simp add: inf.commute vector_1_comm)
    also have "... = xT+;p + p"
      by (simp add: sup.commute)
    finally have 2: "(xT;p  x);1  -(xT+;p)  p"
      using galois_1 by blast
    have "(xT;p  x)T;1 = (xT  (xT;p)T);1"
      by (simp add: inf.commute)
    also have "... = xT;(xT;p  1)"
      using 1 vector_2 by blast
    also have "... = xT+;p"
      by (simp add: comp_assoc)
    finally show "start_points (xT;p  x)  p"
      using 2 by simp
  show "end_points(xT;p  x)  end_points(x)"
  proof -
    have 1: "is_vector (xT;p)"
      using assms(2) by (simp add: is_vector_def mult_assoc point_def)
    have "(xT;p  x)T;1 = ((xT;p)T  xT);1"
      by (simp add: star_conv)
    also have "... = xT;(xT;p  1)"
      using 1 vector_2 inf.commute by fastforce
    also have "...  xT;p"
      using comp_assoc mult_isor by fastforce
    finally have 2: "(xT;p  x)T;1  -(xT;p) = 0"
      using galois_aux2 by blast
    have "(xT;p  x)T;1  -((xT;p  x);1) = (xT;p  x)T;1  (-(xT;p) + -(x;1))"
      using 1 vector_1 by fastforce
    also have "... = (xT;p  x)T;1  -(xT;p) + (xT;p  x)T;1  -(x;1)"
      using inf_sup_distrib1 by blast
    also have "... = (xT;p  x)T;1  -(x;1)"
      using 2 by simp
    also have "...  xT;1  -(x;1)"
      using meet_iso mult_subdistr_var by fastforce
    finally show ?thesis .

lemma path_from_given_point':
  assumes "has_start_points_path x"
      and "point p"
      and "p  x;1" (* p has a successor hence path not empty *)
    shows "path(xT;p  x)"
      and "start_points(xT;p  x) = p"
      and "end_points(xT;p  x) = end_points(x)"
proof -
  show "path(xT;p  x)"
    using assms path_from_given_point(1) by blast
  show "start_points(xT;p  x) = p"
  proof (simp only: order.eq_iff; rule conjI)
    show "start_points(xT;p  x)  p"
      using assms path_from_given_point(2) by blast
    show "p  start_points(xT;p  x)"
    proof -
      have 1: "is_vector(xT;p)"
        using assms(2) comp_assoc is_vector_def point_equations(1) point_is_point by fastforce
      hence a: "p  (xT;p  x);1"
        by (metis vector_1 assms(3) conway.dagger_unfoldl_distr inf.orderI inf_greatest

      have "xT+;p  p  (xT+  1'); p"
        using assms(2) inj_distr point_def by fastforce
      also have "...  (-1'T  1'); p"
        using assms(1) path_acyclic
        by (metis conv_contrav conv_e meet_iso mult_isor star_conv star_slide_var test_converse)
      also have "...  0"
        by simp
      finally have 2: "xT+;p  p  0" .

      have b: "p  -((xT;p  x)T;1)"
      proof -
        have "(xT;p  x)T;1 = ((xT;p)T  xT);1"
          by (simp add: star_conv)
        also have "... = xT;(xT;p  1)"
          using 1 vector_2 inf.commute by fastforce
        also have "... = xT;xT;p"
          by (simp add: comp_assoc)
        also have "...  -p"
          using 2 galois_aux le_bot by blast
        finally show ?thesis
          using compl_le_swap1 by blast
      with a show ?thesis
        by simp
  show "end_points(xT;p  x) = end_points(x)"
  proof (simp only: order.eq_iff; rule conjI)
    show "end_points(xT;p  x)  end_points(x)"
      using assms path_from_given_point(3) by blast
    show "end_points(x)  end_points(xT;p  x)"
    proof -
      have 1: "is_vector(xT;p)"
        using assms(2) comp_assoc is_vector_def point_equations(1) point_is_point by fastforce
      have 2: "is_vector(end_points(x))"
        by (simp add: comp_assoc is_vector_def one_compl vector_1_comm)
      have a: "end_points(x)  (xT;p  x)T;1"
      proof -
        have "xT;1  1;xT = xT;1;xT"
          by (simp add: vector_meet_comp_x')
        also have "...  xT + x"
          using assms(1) path_concat_aux3_3 sup.commute by fastforce
        also have "... = xT + x+"
          by (simp add: star_star_plus sup.commute)
        also have "...  xT + x;1"
          using join_isol mult_isol by fastforce
        finally have "end_points(x)  1;xT  xT"
          by (metis galois_1 inf.assoc inf.commute sup_commute)
        hence "end_points(x)  pT  xT"
          using assms(3)
          by (metis conv_contrav conv_iso conv_one dual_order.trans inf.cobounded1 inf.right_idem
        hence "end_points(x) ; pT  xT"
          using assms(2) 2 by (simp add: point_def vector_meet_comp)
        hence "end_points(x)  xT;p"
          using assms(2) point_def ss423bij by blast
        hence "xT;1  xT;p + x;1"
          by (simp add: galois_1 sup_commute)
        hence "xT;1  xT+;p + p + x;1"
          by (metis conway.dagger_unfoldl_distr sup_commute)
        hence "xT;1  xT+;p + x;1"
          by (simp add: assms(3) sup.absorb2 sup.assoc)
        hence "end_points(x)  xT+;p"
          by (simp add: galois_1 sup_commute)
        also have "... = (xT;p  x)T;1"
          using 1 inf_commute mult_assoc vector_2 by fastforce
        finally show ?thesis .
      have "xT;1  (xT;p  x);1  x;1"
        by (simp add: le_infI2 mult_isor)
      hence b: "end_points(x)  -((xT;p  x);1)"
        using galois_1 galois_2 by blast
      with a show ?thesis
        by simp

text ‹Cycles›

lemma selfloop_is_cycle:
  assumes "is_point x"
  shows "cycle (x;xT)"
  by (simp add: assms edge_is_path)

lemma start_point_no_cycle:
  assumes "has_start_points_path x"
    shows "¬ cycle x"
using assms many_strongly_connected_implies_no_start_end_points no_start_end_points_iff
      start_point_iff1 start_point_iff2 by blast

lemma end_point_no_cycle:
  assumes "has_end_points_path x"
    shows "¬ cycle x"
using assms end_point_iff2 end_point_iff1 many_strongly_connected_implies_no_start_end_points
      no_start_end_points_iff by blast

lemma cycle_no_points:
  assumes "cycle x"
    shows "start_points x = 0"
      and "end_points x = 0"
  by (metis assms inf_compl_bot many_strongly_connected_implies_no_start_end_points)+

text ‹Path concatenation to cycle›

lemma path_path_equals_cycle_aux:
  assumes "has_start_end_points_path x"
      and "has_start_end_points_path y"
      and "start_points x = end_points y"
      and "end_points x = start_points y"
shows "x  (x+y)T"
  let ?e = "end_points(x)"
  let ?s = "start_points(x)"
  have sp: "is_point(?s)"
    using assms(1) start_point_iff2 has_start_end_points_path_iff by blast
  have ep: "is_point(?e)"
    using assms(1) end_point_iff2 has_start_end_points_path_iff by blast

  have "x  xT;?s;1  1;?eT;xT"
      by (metis assms(1) backward_terminating_path_start_points_2 end_point_iff2 ep
                forward_terminating_iff1 forward_terminating_path_end_points_2 comp_assoc
                conv_contrav conv_invol conv_iso inf.boundedI point_equations(1) point_equations(4)
                star_conv sp start_point_iff2)
    also have "... = xT;?s;1;?eT;xT"
      by (metis inf_commute inf_top_right ra_1)
    also have "... = xT;?s;?eT;xT"
      by (metis ep comp_assoc point_equations(4))
    also have "...  xT;yT;xT"
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms(2-4) start_to_end comp_assoc conv_contrav conv_invol
                conv_iso mult_double_iso star_conv)
    also have "... = (x;y;x)T"
      by (simp add: comp_assoc star_conv)
    also have "...  ((x+y);(x+y);(x+y))T"
      by (metis conv_invol conv_iso prod_star_closure star_conv star_denest star_ext star_iso
                star_trans_eq sup_ge1)
    also have "... = (x+y)T"
       by (metis star_conv star_trans_eq)
    finally show x: "x  (x+y)T" .

lemma path_path_equals_cycle:
  assumes "has_start_end_points_path x"
      and "has_start_end_points_path y"
      and "start_points x = end_points y"
      and "end_points x = start_points y"
      and "x;1  (xT;1 + y;1)  yT;1 = 0"
    shows "cycle(x + y)"
proof (intro conjI)
  show "path (x + y)"
    apply (rule path_concatenation)
    using assms by(simp_all add:has_start_end_points_iff)
  show "many_strongly_connected (x + y)"
    by (metis path_path_equals_cycle_aux assms(1-4) sup.commute le_supI many_strongly_connected_iff_3)

lemma path_edge_equals_cycle:
  assumes "has_start_end_points_path x"
    shows "cycle(x + end_points(x);(start_points x)T)"
proof (rule path_path_equals_cycle)
  let ?s = "start_points x"
  let ?e = "end_points x"
  let ?y = "(?e;?sT)"

  have sp: "is_point(?s)"
    using start_point_iff2 assms has_start_end_points_path_iff by blast
  have ep: "is_point(?e)"
    using end_point_iff2 assms has_start_end_points_path_iff by blast

  show "has_start_end_points_path x"
    using assms by blast
  show "has_start_end_points_path ?y"
    using edge_is_path
    by (metis assms edge_end edge_start end_point_iff2 end_point_iff1 galois_aux2
              has_start_end_points_iff inf.left_idem inf_compl_bot_right start_point_iff2)
  show "?s = end_points ?y"
    by (metis sp ep edge_end annil conv_zero inf.left_idem inf_compl_bot_right)
  thus "?e = start_points ?y"
    by (metis edge_start ep conv_contrav conv_invol sp)
  show "x;1  (xT;1 + ?e;?sT;1)  (?e;?sT)T;1 = 0"
  proof -
    have "x;1  (xT;1 + ?e;?sT;1)  (?e;?sT)T;1 = x;1  (xT;1 + ?e;1;?sT;1)  (?s;?eT);1"
      using sp comp_assoc point_equations(3) by fastforce
    also have "... = x;1  (xT;1 + ?e;1)  ?s;1"
      by (metis sp ep comp_assoc point_equations(1,3))
    also have "...  0"
      by (simp add: sp ep inf.assoc point_equations(1))
    finally show ?thesis
      using bot_unique by blast

text ‹Break cycles›

lemma cycle_remove_edge:
  assumes "cycle x"
      and "point s"
      and "point e"
      and "e;sT  x"
    shows "path(x  -(e;sT))"
      and "start_points (x  -(e;sT))  s"
      and "end_points (x  -(e;sT))  e"
proof -
  show "path(x  -(e;sT))"
  proof (unfold path_def; intro conjI)
    show 1: "is_p_fun(x  -(e;sT))"
      using assms(1) path_def is_p_fun_def p_fun_mult_var by blast
    show 2: "is_inj(x  -(e;sT))"
      using assms(1) path_def inf.cobounded1 injective_down_closed by blast
    show "connected (x  -(e;sT))"
    proof -
      have "x = ((x  -(e;sT)) + e;sT)"
        by (metis assms(4) aux4_comm inf.absorb2)
      also have "... = (x  -(e;sT)) ; (e;sT ; (x  -(e;sT)))"
        by simp
      also have "... = (x  -(e;sT)) ; (1' + e;sT ; (x  -(e;sT));(e;sT ; (x  -(e;sT))))"
        by fastforce
      also have "... = (x  -(e;sT)) + (x  -(e;sT)) ; e;sT ; (x  -(e;sT));(e;sT ; (x  -(e;sT)))"
        by (simp add: distrib_left mult_assoc)
      also have "... = (x  -(e;sT)) + (x  -(e;sT)) ; e;(sT ; (x  -(e;sT));e);sT ; (x  -(e;sT))"
        by (simp add: comp_assoc star_slide)
      also have "...  (x  -(e;sT)) + (x  -(e;sT)) ; e;1;sT ; (x  -(e;sT))"
        using top_greatest join_isol mult_double_iso by (metis mult_assoc)
      also have "... = (x  -(e;sT)) + (x  -(e;sT)) ; e;sT ; (x  -(e;sT))"
        using assms(3) by (simp add: comp_assoc is_vector_def point_def)
      finally have 3: "x  (x  -(e;sT)) + (x  -(e;sT)) ; e;sT ; (x  -(e;sT))" .

      from assms(4) have "e;sT  e;eT;x"
        using assms(3) comp_assoc mult_isol point_def ss423conv by fastforce
      also have "...  e;eT;(x)T"
        using assms(1) many_strongly_connected_iff_3 mult_isol star_conv by fastforce
      also have "...  e;eT;((x  -(e;sT)) + (x  -(e;sT)) ; e;sT ; (x  -(e;sT)))T"
        using 3 conv_iso mult_isol by blast
      also have "...  e;eT;((x  -(e;sT))T + (x  -(e;sT))T ; s;eT ; (x  -(e;sT))T)"
        by (simp add: star_conv comp_assoc)
      also have "...  e;eT;(x  -(e;sT))T + e;eT;(x  -(e;sT))T ; s;eT ; (x  -(e;sT))T"
        by (simp add: comp_assoc distrib_left)
      also have "...  e;eT;(x  -(e;sT))T + e;1;eT ; (x  -(e;sT))T"
        by (metis comp_assoc join_isol mult_isol mult_isor top_greatest)
      also have "...  e;eT;(x  -(e;sT))T + e;eT;(x  -(e;sT))T"
        using assms(3) by (simp add: point_equations(1) point_is_point)
      also have "... = e;eT;(x  -(e;sT))T"
        by simp
      also have "...  1';(x  -(e;sT))T"
        using assms(3) is_inj_def point_def join_iso mult_isor by blast
      finally have 4: "e;sT (x  -(e;sT))T"
        by simp

      have "(x  -(e;sT));1;(x  -(e;sT))  x;1;x"
        by (simp add: mult_isol_var)
      also have "... x"
        using assms(1) connected_iff4 one_strongly_connected_iff one_strongly_connected_implies_8
              path_concat_aux3_3 by blast
      also have "...  (x  -(e;sT)) + (x  -(e;sT)) ; e;sT ; (x  -(e;sT))"
        by (rule 3)
      also have "...  (x  -(e;sT)) + (x  -(e;sT)) ; (x  -(e;sT))T ; (x  -(e;sT))"
        using 4 by (metis comp_assoc join_isol mult_isol mult_isor)
      also have "...  (x  -(e;sT)) + (x  -(e;sT))T"
        using 1 2 triple_star by force
      finally show ?thesis .
  show "start_points (x  -(e;sT))  s"
  proof -
    have 1: "is_vector(-s)"
      using assms(2) by (simp add: point_def vector_compl)
    have "(x  -(e;sT));1  -s  x;1  -s"
      using meet_iso mult_subdistr by blast
    also have "...  xT;1  -s"
      using assms(1) many_strongly_connected_implies_no_start_end_points meet_iso
            no_start_end_points_path_iff by blast
    also have "...  (xT  -s);1"
      using 1 by (simp add: vector_1_comm)
    also have "...  (xT  -(s;eT));1"
      by (metis 1 galois_aux inf.boundedI inf.cobounded1 inf.commute mult_isor schroeder_2
    also have "... = (x  -(e;sT))T;1"
      by (simp add: conv_compl)
    finally show ?thesis
      by (simp add: galois_1 sup_commute)
  show "end_points (x  -(e;sT))  e"
  proof -
    have 1: "is_vector(-e)"
      using assms(3) by (simp add: point_def vector_compl)
    have "(x  -(e;sT))T;1  -e  xT;1  -e"
      using meet_iso mult_subdistr by simp
    also have "...  x;1  -e"
      using assms(1) many_strongly_connected_implies_no_start_end_points meet_iso
            no_start_end_points_path_iff by blast
    also have "...  (x  -e);1"
      using 1 by (simp add: vector_1_comm)
    also have "...  (x  -(e;sT));1"
      by (metis 1 galois_aux inf.boundedI inf.cobounded1 inf.commute mult_isor schroeder_2
    finally show ?thesis
      by (simp add: galois_1 sup_commute)

lemma cycle_remove_edge':
  assumes "cycle x"
      and "point s"
      and "point e"
      and "se"
      and "e;sT  x"
    shows "path(x  -(e;sT))"
      and "s = start_points (x  -(e;sT))"
      and "e = end_points (x  -(e;sT))"
proof -
  show "path (x  - (e ; sT))"
    using assms(1,2,3,5) cycle_remove_edge(1) by blast
  show "s = start_points (x  - (e ; sT))"
  proof (simp only: order.eq_iff; rule conjI)
    show "s  start_points (x  - (e ; sT))"
    proof -
      have a: "s  (x  - (e ; sT));1"
      proof -
        have 1: "is_vector(-e)"
          using assms(3) point_def vector_compl by blast
        from assms(2-4) have "s = s  -e"
          using comp_assoc edge_end point_equations(1) point_equations(3) point_is_point by fastforce
        also have "...  xT;e  -e"
          using assms(3,5) conv_iso meet_iso point_def ss423conv by fastforce
        also have "...  x;1  -e"
          by (metis assms(1) many_strongly_connected_implies_no_start_end_points meet_iso mult_isol
        also have "...  (x  -e);1"
          using 1 by (simp add: vector_1_comm)
        also have "...  (x  - (e ; sT));1"
          by (metis assms(3) comp_anti is_vector_def meet_isor mult_isol mult_isor point_def
        finally show ?thesis .
      have b: "s  -((x  - (e ; sT))T;1)"
      proof -
        have 1: "x;s =e"
          using assms predecessor_point' by blast
        have "s  xT = s;(eT+-(eT))  xT"
          using assms(2) point_equations(1) point_is_point by fastforce
        also have "... = s;eT  xT"
          by (metis 1 conv_contrav inf.commute inf_sup_absorb modular_1')
        also have "...  eT"
          by (metis assms(3) inf.coboundedI1 mult_isor point_equations(4) point_is_point
        finally have "s  xT  s  eT"
          by simp
        also have "...  s ; eT"
          using assms(2,3) by (simp add: point_def vector_meet_comp)
        finally have 2: "s  xT  -(s ; eT) = 0"
          using galois_aux2 by blast
        thus ?thesis
        proof -
          have "s ; eT = eT  s"
            using assms(2,3) inf_commute point_def vector_meet_comp by force
          thus ?thesis
            using 2
            by (metis assms(2,3) conv_compl conv_invol conv_one conv_times galois_aux
                      inf.assoc point_def point_equations(1) point_is_point schroeder_2
      with a show ?thesis
        by simp
    show "start_points (x  - (e ; sT))  s"
      using assms(1,2,3,5) cycle_remove_edge(2) by blast
  show "e = end_points (x  - (e ; sT))"
  proof (simp only: order.eq_iff; rule conjI)
    show "e  end_points (x  - (e ; sT))"
      (* just copied and adapted the proof of the previous case (start_point) *)
    proof -
      have a: "e  (x  - (e ; sT))T;1"
      proof -
        have 1: "is_vector(-s)"
          using assms(2) point_def vector_compl by blast
        from assms(2-4) have "e = e  -s"
          using comp_assoc edge_end point_equations(1) point_equations(3) point_is_point by fastforce
        also have "...  x;s  -s"
          using assms(2,5) meet_iso point_def ss423bij by fastforce
        also have "...  xT;1  -s"
          by (metis assms(1) many_strongly_connected_implies_no_start_end_points meet_iso mult_isol
        also have "...  (xT  -s);1"
          using 1 by (simp add: vector_1_comm)
        also have "...  (xT  - (s ; eT));1"
          by (metis assms(2) comp_anti is_vector_def meet_isor mult_isol mult_isor point_def
        finally show ?thesis
          by (simp add: conv_compl)
      have b: "e  -((x  - (e ; sT));1)"
      proof -
        have 1: "xT;e =s"
          using assms predecessor_point' by (metis conv_contrav conv_invol conv_iso conv_path)
        have "e  x = e;(sT+-(sT))  x"
          using assms(3) point_equations(1) point_is_point by fastforce
        also have "... = e;sT  x"
          by (metis 1 conv_contrav conv_invol inf.commute inf_sup_absorb modular_1')
        also have "...  sT"
          by (metis assms(2) inf.coboundedI1 mult_isor point_equations(4) point_is_point top_greatest)
        finally have "e  x  e  sT"
          by simp
        also have "...  e ; sT"
          using assms(2,3) by (simp add: point_def vector_meet_comp)
        finally have 2: "e  x  -(e ; sT) = 0"
          using galois_aux2 by blast
        thus ?thesis
        proof -
          have "e ; sT = sT  e"
            using assms(2,3) inf_commute point_def vector_meet_comp by force
          thus ?thesis
            using 2
            by (metis assms(2,3) conv_one galois_aux inf.assoc point_def point_equations(1)
                      point_is_point schroeder_2 vector_meet_comp)
      with a show ?thesis
        by simp
    show "end_points (x  - (e ; sT))  e"
      using assms(1,2,3,5) cycle_remove_edge(3) by blast

end (* context relation_algebra_rtc_tarski *)
