Theory pEquivalence_Checking

section ‹Deciding Regular Expression Equivalence (2)›

theory pEquivalence_Checking
imports Equivalence_Checking Derivatives

text‹\noindent Similar to theory @{theory "Regular-Sets.Equivalence_Checking"}, but
with partial derivatives instead of derivatives.›

text‹Lifting many notions to sets:›

definition "Lang R == UN r:R. lang r"
definition "Nullable R == EX r:R. nullable r"
definition "Pderiv a R == UN r:R. pderiv a r"
definition "Atoms R == UN r:R. atoms r"

(* FIXME: rename pderiv_set in Derivatives to Pderiv and drop the one above *)

lemma Atoms_pderiv: "Atoms(pderiv a r)  atoms r"
apply (induct r)
apply (auto simp: Atoms_def UN_subset_iff)
apply (fastforce)+

lemma Atoms_Pderiv: "Atoms(Pderiv a R)  Atoms R"
using Atoms_pderiv by (fastforce simp: Atoms_def Pderiv_def)

lemma pderiv_no_occurrence: 
  "x  atoms r  pderiv x r = {}"
by (induct r) auto

lemma Pderiv_no_occurrence: 
  "x  Atoms R  Pderiv x R = {}"
by(auto simp:pderiv_no_occurrence Atoms_def Pderiv_def)

lemma Deriv_Lang: "Deriv c (Lang R) = Lang (Pderiv c R)"
by(auto simp: Deriv_pderiv Pderiv_def Lang_def)

lemma Nullable_pderiv[simp]: "Nullable(pderivs w r) = (w : lang r)"
apply(induction w arbitrary: r)
apply (simp add: Nullable_def nullable_iff singleton_iff)
using eqset_imp_iff[OF Deriv_pderiv[where 'a = 'a]]
apply (simp add: Nullable_def Deriv_def)

type_synonym 'a Rexp_pair = "'a rexp set * 'a rexp set"
type_synonym 'a Rexp_pairs = "'a Rexp_pair list"

definition is_Bisimulation :: "'a list  'a Rexp_pairs  bool"
"is_Bisimulation as ps =
  ((R,S) set ps. Atoms R  Atoms S  set as 
    (Nullable R  Nullable S) 
    (aset as. (Pderiv a R, Pderiv a S)  set ps))"

lemma Bisim_Lang_eq:
assumes Bisim: "is_Bisimulation as ps"
assumes "(R, S)  set ps"
shows "Lang R = Lang S"
proof -
  define ps' where "ps' = ({}, {}) # ps"
  from Bisim have Bisim': "is_Bisimulation as ps'"
    by (fastforce simp: ps'_def is_Bisimulation_def UN_subset_iff Pderiv_def Atoms_def)
  let ?R = "λK L. ((R,S)set ps'. K = Lang R  L = Lang S)"
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule language_coinduct[where R="?R"])
    from (R,S)  set ps
    have "(R,S)  set ps'" by (auto simp: ps'_def)
    thus "?R (Lang R) (Lang S)" by auto
    fix K L assume "?R K L"
    then obtain R S where rs: "(R, S)  set ps'"
      and KL: "K = Lang R" "L = Lang S" by auto
    with Bisim' have "Nullable R  Nullable S"
      by (auto simp: is_Bisimulation_def)
    thus "[]  K  []  L"
      by (auto simp: nullable_iff KL Nullable_def Lang_def)
    fix a
    show "?R (Deriv a K) (Deriv a L)"
    proof cases
      assume "a  set as"
      with rs Bisim'
      have "(Pderiv a R, Pderiv a S)  set ps'"
        by (auto simp: is_Bisimulation_def)
      thus ?thesis by (fastforce simp: KL Deriv_Lang)
      assume "a  set as"
      with Bisim' rs
      have "a  Atoms R  Atoms S"
        by (fastforce simp: is_Bisimulation_def UN_subset_iff)
      then have "Pderiv a R = {}" "Pderiv a S = {}"
        by (metis Pderiv_no_occurrence Un_iff)+
      then have "Deriv a K = Lang {}" "Deriv a L = Lang {}" 
        unfolding KL Deriv_Lang by auto
      thus ?thesis by (auto simp: ps'_def)

subsection ‹Closure computation›

fun test :: "'a Rexp_pairs * 'a Rexp_pairs  bool" where
"test (ws, ps) = (case ws of []   False | (R,S)#_  Nullable R = Nullable S)"

fun step :: "'a list 
  'a Rexp_pairs * 'a Rexp_pairs  'a Rexp_pairs * 'a Rexp_pairs"
where "step as (ws,ps) =
      (R,S) = hd ws;
      ps' = (R,S) # ps;
      succs = map (λa. (Pderiv a R, Pderiv a S)) as;
      new = filter (λp. p  set ps  set ws) succs
    in (remdups new @ tl ws, ps'))"

definition closure ::
  "'a list  'a Rexp_pairs * 'a Rexp_pairs
    ('a Rexp_pairs * 'a Rexp_pairs) option" where
"closure as = while_option test (step as)"

definition pre_Bisim :: "'a list  'a rexp set  'a rexp set 
 'a Rexp_pairs * 'a Rexp_pairs  bool"
"pre_Bisim as R S = (λ(ws,ps).
 ((R,S)  set ws  set ps) 
 ((R,S) set ws  set ps. Atoms R  Atoms S  set as) 
 ((R,S) set ps. (Nullable R  Nullable S) 
   (aset as. (Pderiv a R, Pderiv a S)  set ps  set ws)))"

lemma step_set_eq: " test (ws,ps); step as (ws,ps) = (ws',ps') 
   set ws'  set ps' =
     set ws  set ps
      (aset as. {(Pderiv a (fst(hd ws)), Pderiv a (snd(hd ws)))})"
by(auto split: list.splits)

theorem closure_sound:
assumes result: "closure as ([(R,S)],[]) = Some([],ps)"
and atoms: "Atoms R  Atoms S  set as"
shows "Lang R = Lang S"
  { fix st
    have "pre_Bisim as R S st  test st  pre_Bisim as R S (step as st)"
    unfolding pre_Bisim_def
    proof(split prod.splits, elim case_prodE conjE, intro allI impI conjI, goal_cases)
      case 1 thus ?case by(auto split: list.splits)
      case prems: (2 ws ps ws' ps')
      note prems(2)[simp]
      from test st obtain wstl R S where [simp]: "ws = (R,S)#wstl"
        by (auto split: list.splits)
      from step as st = (ws',ps') obtain P where [simp]: "ps' = (R,S) # ps"
        and [simp]: "ws' = remdups(filter P (map (λa. (Pderiv a R, Pderiv a S)) as)) @ wstl"
        by auto
      have "(R',S')set wstl  set ps'. Atoms R'  Atoms S'  set as"
        using prems(4) by auto
      have "aset as. Atoms(Pderiv a R)  Atoms(Pderiv a S)  set as"
        using prems(4) by simp (metis (lifting) Atoms_Pderiv order_trans)
      ultimately show ?case by simp blast
      case 3 thus ?case
        apply (clarsimp simp: image_iff split: prod.splits list.splits)
        by hypsubst_thin metis
  from atoms
  have "pre_Bisim as R S ([(R,S)],[])" by (simp add: pre_Bisim_def)
  ultimately have pre_Bisim_ps: "pre_Bisim as R S ([],ps)"
    by (rule while_option_rule[OF _ result[unfolded closure_def]])
  then have "is_Bisimulation as ps" "(R,S)  set ps"
    by (auto simp: pre_Bisim_def is_Bisimulation_def)
  thus "Lang R = Lang S" by (rule Bisim_Lang_eq)

subsection ‹The overall procedure›

definition check_eqv :: "'a rexp  'a rexp  bool"
"check_eqv r s =
  (case closure (add_atoms r (add_atoms s [])) ([({r}, {s})], []) of
     Some([],_)  True | _  False)"

lemma soundness: assumes "check_eqv r s" shows "lang r = lang s"
proof -
  let ?as = "add_atoms r (add_atoms s [])"
  obtain ps where 1: "closure ?as ([({r},{s})],[]) = Some([],ps)"
    using assms by (auto simp: check_eqv_def split:option.splits list.splits)
  then have "lang r = lang s"
    by(rule closure_sound[of _ "{r}" "{s}", simplified Lang_def, simplified])
      (auto simp: set_add_atoms Atoms_def)
  thus "lang r = lang s" by simp

lemma "check_eqv
  (Plus One (Times (Atom 0) (Star(Atom 0))))
by eval

subsection "Termination and Completeness"

definition PDERIVS :: "'a rexp set => 'a rexp set" where
"PDERIVS R = (UN r:R. pderivs_lang UNIV r)"

lemma PDERIVS_incr[simp]: "R  PDERIVS R"
apply(auto simp add: PDERIVS_def pderivs_lang_def)
by (metis pderivs.simps(1) insertI1)

lemma Pderiv_PDERIVS: assumes "R'  PDERIVS R" shows "Pderiv a R'  PDERIVS R"
  fix r assume "r : Pderiv a R'"
  then obtain r' where "r' : R'" "r : pderiv a r'" by(auto simp: Pderiv_def)
  from r' : R' R'  PDERIVS R obtain s w where "s : R" "r' : pderivs w s"
    by(auto simp: PDERIVS_def pderivs_lang_def)
  hence "r  pderivs (w @ [a]) s" using r : pderiv a r' by(auto simp add:pderivs_snoc)
  thus "r : PDERIVS R" using s : R by(auto simp: PDERIVS_def pderivs_lang_def)

lemma finite_PDERIVS: "finite R  finite(PDERIVS R)"
by(simp add: PDERIVS_def finite_pderivs_lang_UNIV)

lemma closure_Some: assumes "finite R0" "finite S0" shows "p. closure as ([(R0,S0)],[]) = Some p"
proof(unfold closure_def)
  let ?Inv = "%(ws,bs).  distinct ws  (ALL (R,S) : set ws. R  PDERIVS R0  S  PDERIVS S0  (R,S)  set bs)"
  let ?m1 = "%bs. Pow(PDERIVS R0) × Pow(PDERIVS S0) - set bs"
  let ?m2 = "%(ws,bs). card(?m1 bs)"
  have Inv0: "?Inv ([(R0, S0)], [])" by simp
  { fix s assume "test s" "?Inv s"
    obtain ws bs where [simp]: "s = (ws,bs)" by fastforce
    from test s obtain R S ws' where [simp]: "ws = (R,S)#ws'"
      by(auto split: prod.splits list.splits)
    let ?bs' = "(R,S) # bs"
    let ?succs = "map (λa. (Pderiv a R, Pderiv a S)) as"
    let ?new = "filter (λp. p  set bs  set ws) ?succs"
    let ?ws' = "remdups ?new @ ws'"
    have *: "?Inv (step as s)"
    proof -
      from ?Inv s have "distinct ?ws'" by auto
      have "ALL (R,S) : set ?ws'. R  PDERIVS R0  S  PDERIVS S0  (R,S)  set ?bs'" using ?Inv s
        by(simp add: Ball_def image_iff) (metis Pderiv_PDERIVS)
      with distinct ?ws' show ?thesis by(simp)
    have "?m2(step as s) < ?m2 s"
    proof -
      have fin: "finite(?m1 bs)"
        by(metis assms finite_Diff finite_PDERIVS finite_cartesian_product finite_Pow_iff)
      have "?m2(step as s) < ?m2 s" using ?Inv s psubset_card_mono[OF finite(?m1 bs)]
        apply (simp split: prod.split_asm)
        by (metis Diff_iff Pow_iff SigmaI fin card_gt_0_iff diff_Suc_less emptyE)
      then show ?thesis using ?Inv s by simp
    note * and this
  } note step = this
  show "p. while_option test (step as) ([(R0, S0)], []) = Some p" 
    by(rule measure_while_option_Some [where P = ?Inv and f = ?m2, OF _ Inv0])(simp add: step)

theorem closure_Some_Inv: assumes "closure as ([({r},{s})],[]) = Some p"
shows "(R,S)set(fst p). w. R = pderivs w r  S = pderivs w s" (is "?Inv p")
  from assms have 1: "while_option test (step as) ([({r},{s})],[]) = Some p"
    by(simp add: closure_def)
  have Inv0: "?Inv ([({r},{s})],[])" by simp (metis pderivs.simps(1))
  { fix p assume "?Inv p" "test p"
    obtain ws bs where [simp]: "p = (ws,bs)" by fastforce
    from test p obtain R S ws' where [simp]: "ws = (R,S)#ws'"
      by(auto split: prod.splits list.splits)
    let ?succs = "map (λa. (Pderiv a R, Pderiv a S)) as"
    let ?new = "filter (λp. p  set bs  set ws) ?succs"
    let ?ws' = "remdups ?new @ ws'"
    from ?Inv p obtain w where [simp]: "R = pderivs w r" "S = pderivs w s"
      by auto
    { fix x assume "x : set as"
      have "EX w. Pderiv x R = pderivs w r  Pderiv x S = pderivs w s"
        by(rule_tac x="w@[x]" in exI)(simp add: pderivs_append Pderiv_def)
    with ?Inv p have "?Inv (step as p)" by auto
  } note Inv_step = this
  show ?thesis
    apply(rule while_option_rule[OF _ 1])
    apply(erule (1) Inv_step)
    apply(rule Inv0)

lemma closure_complete: assumes "lang r = lang s"
 shows "EX bs. closure as ([({r},{s})],[]) = Some([],bs)" (is ?C)
proof(rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ ?C"
  then obtain R S ws bs
    where cl: "closure as ([({r},{s})],[]) = Some((R,S)#ws,bs)"
    using closure_Some[of "{r}" "{s}", simplified]
    by (metis (opaque_lifting, no_types) list.exhaust prod.exhaust)
  from assms closure_Some_Inv[OF this]
    while_option_stop[OF cl[unfolded closure_def]]
  show "False" by auto

corollary completeness: "lang r = lang s  check_eqv r s"
by(auto simp add: check_eqv_def dest!: closure_complete
      split: option.split list.split)
